Determination free porn video

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Our relationship had begun just before the end of the fall semester, so this would be our first Valentine’s Day together despite having been friends for our entire college careers. With just one more semester of studying and testing and applying to grad schools nationwide, we knew that we needed to make the most of our time together in case Jenni and I were to be separated by multiple states – or even multiple time zones – come September.

That thus formed the backdrop of our Valentine’s Day. As seniors, we both had single dorm rooms, so we did not need to wonder how to enjoy some intimacy without scandalizing any roommates. Neither of us had any night classes for this final semester, and our earliest Wednesday class was at 11:00AM, so we could spend the entire night truly enjoying ourselves romantically if we so chose.

We so chose.

As we had agreed, I made my way across the snow-covered campus night to her dorm. As I approached her building, I happened to run into a mutual friend, Cherry, who winked at me and simply said with a wicked grin, ‘Don’t stay up all night!’

I actually wondered if we would, as Jenni and I had yet to make love. She had confided in me about a year earlier that her one and only sexual experience had been very dissatisfying. On the night before her high school graduation, she had gone out with a number of friends for one final celebration together, and everyone had paired off. Although she had long been interested in Don, she had tried to simply fool around with him, but he had somehow talked her out of her clothes, then forced himself inside her, taking her precious virginity and climaxing so quickly that she had barely felt anything good from the experience. What had made the experience worse was that several of her friends had witnessed the entire situation.

I intended to give her a very memorable experience to override those unpleasant memories. I would not be able to give her another first time, but I wanted to at least help her to banish that terrible event from her mind.

As I slid my student identification card through the reader to open the door to the building, I pictured Jenni nude, kneeling in the near-darkness upon a furry rug close to a glowing fireplace, her smile betraying her nervousness as she looked toward me. To make love before a burning fire was a fantasy she had admitted to me a few weeks earlier, which – perhaps unbeknownst to her – gave me the knowledge of how to make this an even more enjoyable time for her.

I mounted the steps, meeting Josephine and Chuck on the second-floor landing. They held hands as the three of us chatted briefly, then they headed out to see a film together. I stood there for a moment, watching them descend the stairs, proud of them for having a relationship that had survived the trials and tribulations of both high school and college, especially as an interracial couple in a very unsympathetic town in terms of race relations.

I finally stood before the door I desperately wanted to enter. Unlike the other students on this floor, Jenni had never decorated her door, so it simply bore the room number: ‘304.’ So non-descript, which in ways was a good reflection of her personality. Jenni was not someone a stranger would pass on the sidewalk and remember three seconds later. She could be standing in the middle of a boxing ring, well before the fight began, yet no one would take notice of her. She had a quiet voice, sweet and melodic. Dressing casually yet conservatively, not many people would look at her twice. And she had relatively few friends on campus, because after her experience with Don, she found it very hard to trust anyone, especially guys.

And that was why it was a true honor to be the one knocking upon the plain-looking door, especially on this particular night.

‘It’s open.’ I barely heard her voice permeate the wood. With a deep breath to quell my slight nervousness, I opened the door, stepping into the near-darkness within.

In the small dorm room, only a single candle upon her desk provided any light. Across the small space from her desk was the single bed, upon which Jenni and I had often cuddled. This time, Jenni sat upon the bed wearing a beautiful white dress with a lacy neckline and similar hem just above the knees. A wide black belt made her hips a little more pronounced. Her legs were clad in white, whether from pantyhose or stockings I could not tell. She finished the outfit with white low heels, her usual tiny hoop earrings, and her straight brown hair flowing over her shoulders and brushing the tops of her breasts. If she wore any make-up, it was very light and difficult to see in the candlelight.

‘Happy Valentine’s Day,’ she said softly with a smile as I closed and locked the door. When I turned around, she stood before me, her arms spread wide. Even though I still wore my backpack, we embraced, sharing a long hug interrupted only by an occasional kiss.

At last, I stepped back, holding her at arm’s length by the shoulders. In the dim candlelight, I gazed deep into her eyes. ‘I just want you to know… I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do, okay?’

‘I know,’ Jenni replied, her voice even softer than usual, her eyes never wavering. ‘I trust you, immensely, more than I’ve trusted anyone outside my immediate family.’

I released my girlfriend and removed the backpack, setting it on the floor in front of her closet door. ‘Why did you bring that?’ she asked.

‘You’ll see,’ I replied, slipping out of my coat and hanging it on a hook embedded in the wall.

‘Do you want to exchange presents first or cuddle first?’ she asked, her tone making me think she was hinting at something which was not included in the vocalized options.

‘Your choice,’ I replied. ‘As far as I am concerned, this night is all about you.’

Jenni took my hand and towed me to her bed. She sat again, motioning for me to sit beside her. I did, and then, as if we were sharing the same mind, we reached for each other, our lips joining as our hands held each other’s head in place. Somehow, I was able to remain the gentleman, my hands remaining upon the socially-acceptable places of her body instead of gravitating toward her chest or attempting to reach up underneath her dress. Her tongue danced with mine, first in my mouth, then in hers, as she slowly melted, leaning against me, her breasts pressing against me and drawing the focus of my mind away from her lips and her tongue and her exploring hands.

In the hallway, I heard a pair of girls pass by, chatting loudly. Outside, an impatient driver in the parking lot below blared a car horn several times. But the best sound was Jenni’s quiet breath as she pulled away, our lips finally parting so she could rest her head upon my shoulder for a moment.

The car horn silenced and the noisy student conversation having faded away, my girlfriend extricated herself from my hold and stood beside the bed, looking down upon me with a smile and a twinkle in her eye. She turned and went to the small portable CD player with the portable plug-in speakers, and moments later, the opening notes of a violin solo reached my ears.

‘Dance with me?’ she asked quietly, her arms outstretched toward me. I certainly could not refuse, even though I am admittedly a lousy dancer, and when the violin solo ended perhaps ten minutes later, I had proudly succeeded in not stepping on her toes. The dance ended with a kiss which lasted well into the next piece, a violin-piano duet.

‘I think the presents are in order now,’ Jenni whispered, resting her head against my chest, ‘although I really don’t want to tear my ear away from your heartbeat.’

‘Then don’t,’ I replied, cradling her head to my chest. ‘I definitely don’t mind standing here like this…or would you prefer I pull your head into my chest so your ear is pressed directly against my heart?’

She giggled, a melodic sound that I definitely enjoyed he

‘Then again, I wouldn’t mind having my head pressed against your chest, either.’

She laughed outright, giving my arm a playful punch as she pulled away from me. Jenni motioned for me to sit on the bed and was still laughing as I obeyed with a smile on my face. She opened a drawer of her desk and retrieved what appeared to be a framed photo. When she handed it to me, I saw that it was not just any framed photo: It was a picture of us sitting by a small campfire, and my mind instantly was transported back to that weekend…

It was a weekend of camping and canoeing, a much-needed break near the end of the spring semester, before the ‘cramming season’ began in earnest. Wearing just shorts and sandals, I sat on a large rock, using a long, thick stick to maneuver a burning log, while, wearing a swimsuit with a higher-than-usual neckline, Jenni had fallen asleep on my shoulder and looked as peaceful and as beautiful as a newborn babe. While certainly unplanned when our friend Alison had taken the picture, an eight-point buck meandered through the background of the shot.

‘That was the weekend that I knew you were special,’ Jenni said softly, sitting beside me with an arm around my shoulders. ‘Our second semester was about to end, and I just simply ‘knew’ that eventually, you and I would become much closer. I wish it had happened sooner, but I’m glad it finally did.’

‘That makes three of us,’ I replied quietly, kissing her lips as she giggled at my honest joke. ‘Thank you.’

Images of Jenni from that weekend flashed through my mind: Jenni swimming in the river, Jenni’s frightened expression during one of Brad’s ghost stories, Jenni concentrating heavily as she scrutinized her hand during a Euchre game, Jenni’s silhouette against the canvas of her tent as she changed clothes one night…

‘I suppose that it’s only fair that I give you your present,’ I said, to which she nodded her agreement. I went to the backpack to put away the framed photo and retrieve her gift, hiding it behind my back when I returned to her to increase the anticipation.

‘You’ve talked about this before,’ I said, ‘and I was actually able to find it.’

As soon as I presented the jar of Nutella, Jenni’s eyes grew big in disbelief, then she jumped up to hug me tightly, the jar pressed between us. ‘Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!’

‘Now I’m really glad I could find Nutella for you!’

The kiss was intense, providing a nice counterpoint to the quiet, shy, reserved college girl most people on campus knew. Of course, I was not about to complain.

As Jenni stepped away to put the Nutella atop her dresser, however, she seemed to slip back into the quiet, shy, reserved college girl persona. I thought it was time, and returned to the backpack, withdrawing a CD sleeve and pulling out the disc within.

‘What is that?’

‘You’ll see.’

I turned on her small TV, which was fortunately already set to AV, then turned on the tiny DVD player. A few moments later, the disc began to play… and a roaring fireplace was displayed on the screen.

‘Where did you get this?’ Jenni asked, the smile evident in her voice.

I returned to my girlfriend, taking her into my arms again. ‘Someone posted online a thirty-minute file of a camera pointed at a fireplace. It was fortunately in a format that I could turn into a VideoCD, so I did. I remembered that you had always wanted to have a fireplace, so I brought it with me. It’s not much, but at least it’s a start for your dream.’

We stood there for a long time, the music finally ending. The silence was quite comfortable: just two lovers holding each other in the light of a fireplace.

The silence was broken again, although not by loud students in the hallway or a blaring car horn. From one of the nearby dorm rooms, a sudden feminine screech of carnal desire assaulted our ears. That sound was followed by several others, shorter in duration and not quite as loud, until that lucky coed’s sounds faded away as she recovered from her bliss. And I could tell from her hold upon me that Jenni was nervous once more.

‘As I said,’ I reassured her, stroking her hair, ‘we won’t do anything you don’t want to do. I’m not expecting anything tonight other than simply enjoying some quiet time with you.’

She stepped away, took my hand, and led me to the bed. As she stretched out on the bed, I sat beside her and removed my shoes, then stretched out alongside her, taking her in my arms and simply holding her, comforting her as I could still sense her nervousness.

Amazingly, and a bit to my embarrassment, I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes again, the candle had been extinguished, the only light coming from the false fireplace. Jenni was upon me, planting gentle kisses all over my face, and even before I was fully awake, I could feel a telltale stirring within my slacks.

‘I could get used to waking up like this,’ I murmured, my arms enveloping my girlfriend. She simply continued to pepper my face with kisses, her hands holding my head in place. Her breath was warm upon my face, her lips seemingly as soft as a feather.

At last, I guided Jenni’s lips toward mine. Our kiss was languid, heartfelt. The light and the sounds of the false fireplace seemed to be the perfect backdrop to create the romantic atmosphere dedicated to this night, to this young woman upon me. And when her lips finally separated from mine, she kissed her way toward my ear before whispering breathily:

‘I want to make love to you.’

That one sentence, full of desire and devotion, brought me to full hard throbbing erection. Jenni could feel it, for she rocked gently along my length. ‘I want you inside me,’ she whispered, the tone of her voice starting to change, signaling her heightening arousal.

I let her slip from my grasp as she slowly slid off me, stepping onto the floor. I rose to sit on the bed and my hands grasped her by the waist, pulling her to me, my lips kissing each breast in turn as I reached toward her belt. I looked up into the eyes I had admired since we had first met, and saw a determination I had rarely seen from Jenni previously.

That was when I realized that by giving herself to me, she was driving away her bad memories of Don.

The wide black belt removed, I held it for a moment, checking her eyes to ensure she truly wanted to go forward with this, and her determination only grew. Setting the belt on the bed, I stood before her, taking my girlfriend in my arms and kissing her with an intensity which surprised even me. I definitely loved her, but now her determination had also become my own.

Reaching upward, I located the zipper. We continued to kiss as the zipper was lowered, opening her to the act ahead. Jenni whimpered into my mouth, pressing herself against the bulge in my slacks, reaching for my belt. We separated long enough for her to remove the belt and set it beside hers upon the bed, then she kissed me again with even greater need, greater determination.

In my mind’s eye, I pictured Jenni naked save for a black leather collar, kneeling submissively before me, her eyes looking intently up at me with love, her lips stretched obscenely as I filled her mouth and knocked at her throat. But I quickly banished that image, reminding myself that this night was entirely about her.

Breathless, Jenni stepped back and turned around. Reaching for her chest, I used her breasts as leverage to pull her back against me. As I fondled her chest, she slithered slowly, sensuously against me, revealing a side of Jenni I had long suspected was deep within her but had never seen. But when I nudged her away, she did not complain, especially when my hands slid to her shoulders and began to remove the garment which protected the majority of her skin from my admiring gaze.

Seemingly in slow motion, the beautiful white dress descended toward the floor, revealing the body I would soon enter
for the very first time. She wore a white bra and panty with white stockings attached to a garter belt, and she still wore her white low heels. Still she slithered against me, her fingers interlaced behind my neck, as if offering her body to my exploring hands.

By instinct, my hands went to her back to unclasp her bra, but I was met with a surprise: Jenni was wearing a front-hook bra. I smiled at that, at her foresight, at her thoughtfulness, then reached around her to reach her breasts from their confinement.

Reaching up, I removed her hands from behind my neck, and sat again. Turning her around, I looked into my girlfriend’s eyes, noting the sparkles as I finally slipped the bra straps from her shoulders, allowing the garment to flutter to the floor. As if reading my mind, she reached for my head, cradling me as my mouth began to work at her right breast, gently sucking and nibbling and licking.

I slipped a hand between Jenni’s thighs, and noted a delightful change. I had fingered her a few times before, but I could tell that, for the first time, she was clean-shaven between her legs. I smiled around her nipple as I tugged it with my teeth, eliciting a soft hiss from above as my hands lowered the now-cut panty to provide myself with a clear, unobstructed path to the weeping womanhood.

Jenni rocked against my hand as I gently stroked her, bringing forth more of her liquid love and applying it lovingly to her lower lips. My mouth meandered to the opposite breast, renewing its work as soft sounds of delight and desire spilled forth from her upper lips. When I at last penetrated her body with a single finger, her breath caught audibly, and she stiffened for just a heartbeat before moving against my cupped hand once again.

She squealed as I bit down on her nipple, crushing it between my teeth. I quickly released the hardened nub, soothing it with my lips and my tongue as she moved a little more insistently against my hand, the penetrating finger exploring every millimeter of her wet passage. For just a moment, I removed the finger, then quickly thrust a pair up inside her, my ears savoring Jenni’s loud gasp as she clutched my head to her breast.

Ruthlessly, I assaulted the very willing woman before me. My free hand flat against her lower spine to hold her somewhat in place, I masturbated her furiously. Tearing my mouth from her chest, I looked up at her beautiful face, watching raptly as hard, heavy, loud breaths passed between her wide-parted lips, her eyes clamped shut. And when her climax finally claimed her, she ceased breathing for several long, mesmerizing seconds, her eyes suddenly wide open yet clearly unable to see anything but stars. I bit a nipple again, and she cried out like a siren, her body trembling, her legs wobbling against mine, then she at last sagged against me, clutching me as if I was attempting to save her from drowning in a turbulent sea.

Leaning backward, I pulled Jenni down upon me, then rolled us both so I was atop her. She was still breathing rather heavily, her eyes half-open as I lifted myself up, gently stroking a breast as I stood. I removed her panty, leaving her in garter belt, stockings, and heels.

‘Please,’ Jenni whispered, ‘now.’

In the light of the false fireplace, I disrobed before her for the first time, our eyes locked the entire time. And when I was fully nude at last, I stepped up between her legs and pressed the tip of my manhood against her sex.

‘I love you, Jenni,’ I said softly, ‘and I always will.’

She reached for my hips, and slowly pulled me into her hot, willing body. Her not-so-quiet moan was lengthy and seductive, her facial expression a mixture of pleasure and slight discomfort as her wet passage was being pried apart for the first time in a long time. She clasped around me several times, providing me with additional delight as I slowly filled her, impaled her, until I was at last fully sheathed inside her.

With my hands on her hips, I began to slowly move within her. ‘Yes,’ she whispered, ‘this is so right.’

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I was sitting at my computer entering in yet another boring goods receivable when Meg pushed her chair up against mine. "Come and check this out," she said, "This is bloody amazing." I pushed over and after she checked over her shoulder to make sure our supervisor wasn't looking she brought up Google earth. "Check this out, you can go down to street level." I bent over and looked at the image of the outside of the factory where we worked. Some of the guys were having morning tea in...

2 years ago
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Seven OaksChapter 8 Justice

Sheriff David Chamese returned to the cell where I had willingly waited while the EMT's removed the deputies and said," Open holding one!" The lock popped and he pulled the heavy door open. He motioned for me to follow him as he turned and walked away. If he was afraid of me it didn't show. He led me to his office and pointed to a chair in front of his desk. He entered a large closet and returned carrying a plaster cast of a footprint and some Polaroids. He dropped the cast and the...

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Cat girl Charity Transitions part 2

Second, centered around two members of the Academy leadership – Chancellor Storm Dragon and Headmistress Charity; revenge has been sworn, with the murder of many school Masters and Journeymen, death and destruction of businesses who deal with either of these two, and much more are placed at their feet. For Charity, one who is constantly swept up into such chaotic messes, this is ‘business as...

2 years ago
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I sucked my friend off part 1

We were in the changing rooms at our local pool,just having showered my friend and I walked to the cubicals with towels around us chatting about our night out plans.We walked in to separate cubicals which were just partions bolted to the wall and no doors, still talking to my friend I pulled my towel off and started to dry myself.As I was drying myself and chatting to Mark I popped my head around the partion to ask him a question. He was drying himself with his back to me one leg up on the...

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William Redman CarterChapter 6

Representative Sidney Smith walked to his office pleased that he had an entire afternoon without a single appointment. Between public speeches, committee meetings, time spent on the floor of the House of Representatives, and smooching with businessmen for funding, he felt that he never had time to think through the issues. It was his standing order that no appointments were to be scheduled Friday afternoons. That was his time to catch up on the issues of the day. Entering his office, Sidney...

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Sweetening Convention

Nomax shifted his weight, Tabby sitting before him, though she was only drinking a soft drink, something fizzy and sweet. He knew what it was as she’d let him try a bit and some part of the canine anthro had wondered just how it would have tasted if coming from her lips. But that thought had made him feel all hot and bothered under his fur, when he was not sure that he should have been thinking about the woman before him in that way.“You okay, Nomax?”She smiled and his heart turned over again....

1 year ago
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A Home Away From The Home I Knew

Introduction: A journey into space leads a lone voyager to a world of immeasurable happiness. All 18+ characters Walking amongst them I immediately felt a little less than human. Everyone I could see was smiling and laughing at unheard comedic anecdotes, or watching their children play grinning like idiots. This was not sensible but nonetheless shot down my self esteem. I didn’t know anyone there nor did they acknowledge me. I relented and sat off to the side atop a cliffside kicking the...

3 years ago
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Stella slave training academy

I am 18 years old, beautiful with irresistible luminous dark blue eyes, honey blond hair and mmmm a virgin. One fine night I wanted to get drunk badly so I left to the local pub. I was sitting all alone with a beer and suddenly a lady flashed a brilliant smile on my face. We introduced each other and she ordered two shots of tequila for each of us. The chat continued until I had a shot of tequila then I remember nothing. 2. New to the Stella slave training academy When I woke up, I was...

4 years ago
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Gigiyude Mulakal

Alla vayanakkarkkum swagatham nerunnu. ethu oru masam munne nadanna ante anubhavam aanu. Athinde thrill vayanakkaraya malayaikale ottum thanne choodarathe ariyikkan anikku aagraham undu. Exactly ethu nadannathu may 29th friday aanu. (njangalude perukal real alla for privacy). athinu munne njangal parijayapetta thu anghineyennu parayam. njan oru business man aanu. Anikku whole sale garments nde agency aanu. Ernakulam gillayil aanu njan stapanam nadathunnathu. Ante friend mukhenayanu gigiyude...

2 years ago
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Boss Man Bubby

Since its Valentines Day I just wanna share a little about us to let you get to know us better...My bubby is definitely the romantic one of the relationship... the early section of the week went perfectly, time permitted and we were going to start our celebration of love a day before the actual Valentine holiday,,, our love and passion is too large for one day, 24 hours,,,, not gonna work, too much to fit in, was going to take more like 48 hours... after all, you guys can't forget, I am...

3 years ago
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Our New TenantsChapter 2

As I pulled on my pants I started to wonder where Lori was. Her closet was open and so were most of her dresser drawers. I figured she went downstairs to get Sara's opinion on what to wear. While I was checking myself out in the full-length mirror I heard some muffled sounds coming from downstairs so I dropped down and put my ear to the floor. What I heard was definitely the sounds of two women moaning and sighing. I couldn't believe what I thought was going on in the room below me so I got...

2 years ago
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Growing TogetherChapter 20

Kwame all but tipped the chair over as he got up to leave. Shantel was a little slower to rise, but Tanisha could see a faint smile on her face, as well as a tear rolling down her cheek as she shook her head. She'd said not a word through the whole affair, as if she'd have a good reason to fear what would have happened if she did. Kwame threw a stony glance at her, and she hurried to catch up with him. As soon as they saw Kwame's back leave the room, Jon said softly, "Well, I guess...

2 years ago
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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 6 The Camping Holiday Continues

It came time for the kids to go to bed on the first night of their camping holiday and Dennis sent the kids to the toilet block to do whatever. He told the girls to put some clothes on first and he saw that Lucy and Jennifer interpreted that to mean their bikinis, the ones that band aids covered more. Thankfully, they all returned without incident, although both Jane and Ruth came back naked and carrying their skirts and tops. Thankfully, they told Dennis that only a couple of boys from the...

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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 22

Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a special treatment. She was given Diksha and named Maya after Diksha. In Part 21 you Read Master-ji and Ramlal both exclaimed with positive reactions at her hip movement and she had to tell them that she used to take dance lessons. Maya turned her head for a second and saw Ramlal was in close...

3 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 2

Did I really want to start over as a young man? What about my beloved wife, do I want to postpone being with her again for this thing, which I must admit sounded interesting. I had always wanted adventure, I had lived through several already in my life. Did I want to really go adventuring again? I guess I needed to think about it some more. Then I had a thought and tried hard to think ‘Barbara, I have a question’ and instantly she appeared again. “Yes Bob, what was your question?” “What...

3 years ago
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My sweet wife tied in a dungeon

Ana and I had been invited to a swinger party with some friends.But it was Tuesday and I should finish some heavy paperwork at my office; so then I could just be there after midnight…The solution seemed simple in that I would meet my hot Ana there. But my sexy wife surprised me by being reluctant to go alone; as she said that she was feeling very aroused that night and she would feel vulnerable and tempted to stray. But I reassured Ana that I trusted her choices and I very much enjoyed her...

2 years ago
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my hot wife was the boss

THIS STORY IS FICTION ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO AFFEND ANY PERSON SO PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASY AFFENDED THANKS.Hi my name is Tim Carter and my wife is Cathy Part of my job entails entertaining clients and potential new clients and sometimes their wives, husbands or girlfriends come along too. On such occasions Cathy my wife of five years will often come with me. She is excellent company and very good with the clients and their partners and just happens to look great too. Cathy loves...

1 year ago
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Young boy and the bbw

Here I was at 26. Bored, broke and worst of all single. I lived alone in a one bed room apartment downtown, the one thing I did have going for me and spent my nights working a dreadful factory gig manufacturing pickled foods. Pigs feet, pig lips, pigs ears, eggs, sausages, you name it. If it could be soaked in salt and vinegar I was stuck there mass producing it. The checks were cool but the hours and the smell were a real nuisance. My time spent away from work was typically devoted to...

1 year ago
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The Conversation

“I’m going to fuck your wife.”“Really, how’d you work that out?”“It’s obvious that she needs a real man. One that can show her what it feels like to have six-and-a-half inches of prime meat in her.”“Oh, is that right?”“Yep, I’m glad she brought you today. I’m glad I can explain it to you, face to face, mano-a-mano.”“Mano-a-mano implies I’m a man and therefore if she’s had me then she won’t need you.”“It’s just a saying, you know what I mean. There’s no point trying to outwit me, cleverer men...

Wife Lovers
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Neighbour Aunt Gave Extreme Pleasure

This is Sinan from Kerala. Am a B. Tech 1st-year student. Just 19 years old. Am very horny for you girls and aunties. Inbox me at [email protected]. This is my real sex story. I Am sharing my fantasy with my Neighbor Aunt. Her name is Zareena. She has 2 children, a boy, and a girl. She has a big ass as well as big boobs. Her husband is in the gulf. But he never cares about her as he is mentally disturbed. I frequently used to visit her home as her small son like to play with me. But I...

1 year ago
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Black movers at home

My right arm stretched out to Victor's side of the bed in search of a little early morning fun; but my hand found an empty space.So my wetness and my morning arousal would have to wait.My loving hubby was already at the kitchen, ready for leaving to his office. He greeted me as I sat down in front of a smoking cup of coffee. As I sipped that delicious coffee, he reminded me it would be moving day today…After we had breakfast, the door bell rang. Victor woke up, saying it would be the movers and...

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As he plowed away, and as I shivered and began spewing little shots of cum with each thrust, I began reflecting on what got this girl where she is today, and reviewing the details that made me who I am and defined what gets me off. I had an affinity for satin as a little boy. As I matured I discovered my sisters satin bras, panties, and slips, and began using them for masturbation tools. At first I could be satisfied by just rubbing them on my cock and around my legs, and the smooth,...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 07

‘I hate the bastards!’ growled Mimosa the following day, employing the worst insult available in the Knights’ language. Illegitimacy was the ultimate stigma in a society that attached so much importance to child-bearing. Glade paused from shaving her fellow slave’s crotch. She was aware of the vehemence of Mimosa’s remark. ‘I hate them too,’ she said, although by now she’d got so accustomed to being a slave in their society that she’d almost forgotten what life had been like before. ‘They...

3 years ago
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Mutual Agreement

Mutual Agreement By Iris Morrison She had stumbled onto his covert activities purely by accident. She had looked in the Yellow Pages for an electrician to install an additional socket outlet in her bedroom for her new sun bed, and after trying three different numbers she had decided that his price -- and the fact that he could do the job the next day -- made him the favourite. When he turned up the next afternoon, she had just received a phone booking (she was a mobile...

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The Stranger Reposted

Comments are welcome but be nice if they were constructive!!!! Samantha is 21, a University student. 5' 6", slim build, brunette, C cup breasts. She had met this guy online...they?d chatted a lot, seemed to get on, had similar interests and tastes...and seemed to be mutually compatible when it came to sex....but they?d never actually met. Then, one day he said that he wanted to meet take her to a party. He said that he was going to send her something she would...

4 years ago
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Caught By Locals While Romancing In Bushes

This is my first story.Sorry for any mistakes.Im sanju from kurnool.21 yrs btech chaduvuthuna I think 8 inches cock.White complexion and slim.Natho secret relationship kavalanukuna evarina contact me telikunda njoy chedham..Vayasu no matter,body type no matter. Thana peru harika.5 feet 4 inches vubtundhi..Thellaga slim ga vubtandhi.Ekkada em vundalo akada vuntay..Topper kuda.Na kanna 2 years pedhaga..Idharam oke college.1st year lo thana venakala thiriganu,6 months close ga vunam.Nenu love...

4 years ago
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Legendary Shy

Legendary Shy Chapter 1 “Good Morning KEN!!!!” *bam* “dad when are you going to learn?” I looked down at my dad lying upside down on my bed with his back against the wall. “Son its time to get up” I look at him for a moment then yelled, “WHAT THE HELL DAD, if u want to get me up you didn’t have to attack me.” With that I slammed...

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Mene Or Meri Gasti Behan Shelly

Hello, mere dosto kaise hain ap sab log main apka apna raj jo punjab se hu aj fir apke liye ek nayi story le kar aaya hu jise pad kar apke lund esse khade ho jayenge ki muth marne ke baad bhi nahi bethenge or chutain bina lund liye nahi rah payengi per sabse pehle main ap sab logo ko thanks karta hu jo ap meri stories ped kar muje main kar rahe hain or mera or meri pyari gasti behan shelly ka hosla bada rahe hain aj main apke liye ek nayi sachai le kar aaya hu jismain mene or shelly ne mil kar...

2 years ago
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A Married Marilyn

A MARRIED MARILYN - By Brett Lynn ?Class is dismissed. Don?t forget the project due?? ?Huh, what?? Marilyn woke up disoriented from her nap. When she finally came to, she vaguely remembered some project for Intro to Computer Science, gathered her legs from the chairs in front of her, dusted off her baggy jeans and began the walk out the lecture hall, backpack in tow. She walked out of the building, looking at the leaves of autumn turn around her, setting the overcast sky...

3 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 28

Dent's attempts to clarify the Clarise situation with Sosho were met with what could only be described as total failure. He would explain to her that he neither desired nor was interested in another woman and that her actions in this regard were not appreciated. Mostly Sosho would sit still, listening intently and then completely ignore what he said. Nesho was no help. It wasn't as if she actively encouraged her daughter's actions, but she certainly didn't do anything to discourage them...

4 years ago
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Liam to Lina II The Summer

Liam to Lina II, The Summer It was the second last day of school before the summer break. Liam said hello to his sister Emily as he arrived home. Today it was her turn to cook. He knew their mother would not be home for about another hour so he went into his room and closed the door. Just a week before, 15 year old Liam had competed at his school's womanless pageant and finished a very close runner up. Liam and the winner, Kurt, had wowed the crowd and the judges with convincingly...

2 years ago
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Last King of Tago

You could see the castle slowly burning to the ground, the home of your family for the last 1000 years. Your father the king must be dead by now, punished by his greed. You barely escaped the onslaught together with your two of your sisters. If it hadn't been for your mother the queen you would have perished too. All your brothers fought in the battle, while you the youngest had to stay back protecting the women. Everyone knew that you had no chance, but still you had wanted to fight. Your...

4 years ago
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Bangkok aller simple

Bangkok, aller simple. J'attendais ce voyage avec impatience. Nous sommes dans l'avion pour la Tha?lande, avec ma petite amie Chlo?, sa tante St?phanie et sa m?re Sandrine. Je tiens la main de ma copine. Elle est moite. Je sais que Chlo? est morte de peur, m?me si elle ne le montre pas. Oh, elle n'a pas peur de l'avion, enfin, je ne crois pas. En r?alit? c'est le but de notre voyage qui l'angoisse. Chlo? va subir une op?ration de changement de sexe. Elle va devenir une v?ritable jeune femme. En effet, m...

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FateChapter 5 Plans

Peggy smiled up at me as I crawled over the foot of the bed. She spread her long sexy legs and hunched her cum filled pussy up at me and said, "Eat me honey, eat my daddy's cum out of my well used pussy please my darling husband?" I looked into her eyes for a second and they were filled with lust. I was as turned on as she was and I smiled and lowered my mouth to her messy cunt. She moaned with pleasure and I had to hold on tight to keep my mouth attached. I swallowed a lot of his cum...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Charlie Red Take Notice

Charlie Red is taking notes as her boss Michael Fly dictates to her, but this secretary is more interested in what her boss can do for her than in what she can do for her job. A small touch of her foot to Michael’s thigh is all it takes to distract him from work and catapult them both into pure pleasure. Within moments Michael has relieved both of them of their shirts and has slid his hand into Charlie’s pants. Standing up so she can slip out of her shorts leaving just her high...


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