Amalie Ch. 02 free porn video

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This story should be read in conjunction with ‘Amalie’. C.

The story so far: Peter is allowed to ‘seduce’ the sexually voracious Amalie. Just as he searches for the words to tell her that he doesn’t think that he can keep up with her sexually, he reads her letter telling him that what they had that night could not last, that she would not allow herself to fall in love, and that she could not stay true to one man.

My head is spinning from so many emotions competing for centre stage. I know that I cannot possibly keep up with her sexual appetite, but there must be something I can do about that. I was in awe of her sensuality, she was by far the sexiest woman I have ever met, her face, her body, the way that she walked, it was pure sex. I was hurt that she left without saying goodbye. I was hurt that she said there was no hope for me, for us. I was consoled that she actually thought, briefly that she could change because of me. I was consoled that she considered me to be her best lover.

I sat, staring at her letter, a mixture of hope and despair. Could my hope surpass my despair as the dominant emotion? If so, what could I do? She has said that I would be wasting my time looking for her because she has gone. I don’t know where to start because I don’t even know her last name. I don’t know the name of the person who owns the apartment, or his friend who allowed her to use it. Think dammit! You have a brain, use it.

My first decision is, do I want to find her? Do I take the chance of finding something more than lust with her, or do I risk the disappointment in not being able to keep up with her lifestyle?

On my third cup of breakfast I had reached a decision. I would find her!

I sent an Email to my boss informing that I was availing myself of 4 weeks of accrued leave and to transfer my salary into my bank account. I then rang cab companies until I found the one that had picked her up from our building. As luck would have it her driver had just finished his shift and returned to base. With a sob story about her leaving important possessions behind, he agreed to speak to me.

‘I am trying to find where she lives so that I can forward her belongings to her.’

‘You mean to say that you know this woman but don’t know where she lives?’

‘I have only known her for a short time, we didn’t quite get around to discussing our long term future before she had to return to Paris. You must have seen a luggage tag, what was on in?’

‘Just the name ‘A. Baptiste and Montparnasse’

It wasn’t much, but it was a start. I booked on the first available flight to Paris and checked into a pension close to Montparnasse. I would decide how to go about finding her when I get there.

I began by looking in the telephone directory for all Baptistes who lived in Montparnasse. There were five of them but none with the first name initial ‘A’. Could it be that she was married? Could she be unmarried and living with her parents? Worse still she could be married but the luggage label was still in her single name? There was only one way to find out and that was to call all of them and ask for her by name, hoping that she answered the telephone and not her husband. There was one major stumbling block to this plan, I spoke absolutely no French.

Armed with a phrase book, I picked up the phone and dialled the first number on my list. A man answered. ‘Allo?’

‘Allo. Pardonez moi M’sieur. Je suis chercher une femme, Amalie Baptiste?’

‘You may speak English M’sieur.’

‘Merci beaucoup. I am looking for a woman named Amalie Baptiste. All the I know of her is that she either lives in Montparnasse or used to live here.’

‘You are in luck M’sieur, (I couldn’t believe it, jackpot on my first call) but then you may not be in luck. She is my step-daughter, but I regret to inform you that she is married. Her husband, is I believe, working overseas and she has recently returned from there. Why do you seek her?’

‘I met her briefly not long ago and she said that if I ever found myself in Paris I should call on her. (What a fucking lie!) Unfortunately for me I misplaced her address and telephone number.’

‘I see. Allow me to speak with her and if she wishes to meet you she will call you, where can you be reached?’

I gave him the address and phone number of the Pension. There was nothing left but to wait, wait in the hope that she will see me after telling me not to look for her.

For the next two days I ventured out to sightsee my way around Paris, having told the proprietor of the Pension, Madam Foucault, to take a message if anyone called. I saw the Louvre, the Notre Dame, I took a boat ride down the Seine, I walked in the Bois de Boulogne, I drank coffee in Montmartre, I even managed to get a cancellation and dine at Maxim’s.

When I returned from that particular pleasure I was met by Madame Foucault who told me that I had a visitor. ‘How long ago?’ I asked her.

‘She waits for you still, she has been here for nearly two hours. She insisted on waiting so I let her into your room.’

I opened my door to be greeted by, nothing. The was no sign of her until I entered my bedroom, and there she was, asleep in my bed. Even in sleep she was the most sensual person I’ve ever met. I crossed to the bed and lowered myself to lie beside her.

‘Pierre, Cheri is it you?’

‘Oui.’ I kissed her and immediately she was wide awake and had flung her arms around my neck and was raining kisses all over my face. I took her face in my hands and pulled mine away from hers. ‘Amalie, before we get too carried away, we need to talk. I read your letter and from I got the impression that you are afraid.’

‘Afraid of what?’

‘Afraid of commitment, afraid of allowing the needs of your heart over-ride the needs of your body, afraid of falling in love. I’m not saying that you don’t have feelings for your husband, but you said that, while you knew that it was impossible between us, you had wondered if it could be.’

‘I didn’t want to ‘urt you Pierre, I didn’t want you to believe in somesing that ‘ad no future. I admit that I was thinking if it could be, but my ‘ead would not allow it. We must be practical.’

‘But tonight your actions deny those thoughts.’

‘It is true. When I came ‘ere, it was to tell you to go ‘ome and forget all about me, but when you kiss me, all I wanted was to love you. It is something that I cannot explain.’

‘When you left I was sad because I loved everything about you, you are the sexiest, most beautiful woman that I have ever met, and I must admit that I did begin to fall in love with you, and yes, I realised that there are some hurdles that we will have to climb over if this is to lead to anything. My reason for coming here is to see you again and to find out for myself how high the hurdles are and if I want to climb them, if you are interested in climbing them.’

‘But Cheri, what about my ‘usband?’

‘Your husband is away working. You said yourself that you can’t be true to one man. What I would like is for you to come with me, I want to travel to the Auvergne, Carcassonne and Beziers, I have read of the history of those places and want to see it for myself. I want to see more of France than Paris, in fact if it were not for the hope of seeing you I would have left Paris days ago. Come with me please, Amalie.’

‘I will come wis you, but I do not want you to believe sat everysing will be pairfect.’

‘I’ve wanted to do this. Amalie, voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?’

‘Oui m’sieur. But Pierre, that is so formal, if you and I were lovers, you would ask, ‘tu coucher avec moi ce soir?’ Je répondre, oui aussi.’

She threw back the covers revealing that gorgeous, sensuous body that I loved so well not long, but too long, ago. I hastily took off my clothes and climbed in beside her. Even before I had fully settled in bed she was in my arms and hungrily kissing my l
ips, my face, my neck. I took her face in my hands and drew it to mine, I kissed her gently, but not without passion, and she realised that I wanted to take my time and luxuriate in her presence, that I was more interested in her as a person I could love, rather than as the recipient of my sperm. She said one word that said it all, ‘D’accord.’

I kissed her again, easing my tongue into her mouth and caressing hers, my hands were stroking her face, her hair, her neck, my fingers barely touched her but her reaction was more intense than the last time. She held me close, her hands not straying from my neck, the noise that I could hardly hear was not the frantic aah, aah, or huh, huh, as before but a contented ‘Mmmmm,’

My fingers began their slow journey down her body, still barely touching her, little shudders of pleasure followed their touch, her nipples were erect and hard by the time I reached them, and she pushed herself against my fingers. I rolled a nipple between my thumb and forefinger, ‘Ahh.’

Her body pressed against mine, I could feel her heat, but she didn’t perform those movements that aroused me so much. She was content to let me make the pace this time. She was enjoying letting me make the pace.

My fingers moved down her spine to her arse crack. I idly drew small circles on her coccyx that sent shivers throughout her body. I cupped her cheeks and pulled her hips in to me, my cock was hard and pointing towards my waist and my balls fitted nicely into the hollow where her body disappeared between her legs. This time it was a shudder that ran through her body. ‘Mon Dieu, I have nevair felt anysing like zis before, you have not touched my pussy, you cock is not between my legs and yet I ‘ave ze orgasm, How can zis be?’

‘That my sweet, is the difference between having sex and making love. I could have fucked you but you would never be sure that I loved you as opposed to using your body, to lust. I find it much more enjoyable, and there is more to come, much more. I do not know yet if I am in love with you, but I do love making you feel loved.’ I reached my hand between her legs and my finger pushed gently between her pussy lips without penetrating inside. I moved it slowly back and forth, stopping short of her clit.

Amalie’s fingers followed the actions of mine and traced their way down my body and when she eventually arrived at my cock, it was all that I could do to prevent myself from cumming immediately. She sensed this and decreased her pressure on my shaft until I could hardly feel it. I could hardly feel it but my cock was very much aware of the presence of her gentle fingers. I had won the first round, she had now realised that there was a difference between the sexual pleasure and fulfilment to be gained with someone who you truly cared for and the purely selfish gratification of carnal needs.

I fondled her pussy, still without penetrating her, and her reaction was more than I had anticipated. She whimpered, she sobbed, she let go of my cock and pulled me to her, ‘Je t’aime, Cherie, I ‘ave nevair felt zis way before. I tell you zat I ‘ave ‘ad many, many lovairs but you are ze first who ‘as made me feel like zis.’

I kissed her gently, ‘Amalie, my sweet,’ I whispered to her mouth, ‘I believe that I love you also. I am going to ask for one thing, and that is for you to hold me as you are, to hold me as if the pain of letting me go will be too great for you to bear, and we will go to sleep, without me fucking you, without you fucking me and tomorrow, before we leave for our holiday together, we will consummate our love for each other properly, with tender love and true affection. Would you do that for me, for the me whose body is telling his heart to forget all this love bullshit and just get on with fucking the sexiest, most sensual body I have ever held.’

‘Pierre, Cheri,’ I could feel the tears running down her cheeks, ‘Zat is the most wonderful zing zat any man has asked me to do, and I know it will be ‘ard for my body to remain still for this night, but I also know zat zis is what my ‘art desires.’ Her arms tightened around me and her lips met mine, but without the urgency of lust.

Several times during that night I woke to find Amalie’s relaxed arms still around me and each time, when I moved, she tightened her grip on me and her lips would find mine, but she didn’t wake beyond a ‘Mmmmmm,’ of contentment.

I woke in heaven and I was being caressed by an angel, her lips, her fingers, were moving slowly across my body, down my legs, without touching my painfully erect cock. I flinched when fingertips circled my balls a couple of times before moving back up my body to my face. ‘Ah, I see you are awake Cheri. Be still Môn amour, it is my turn to give the pleasures of ze ‘art.’ With that she returned to her caressing, only this time she included my cock. She was between my legs and I could see her face as she crept up on him, her expression was one that took my breath away with its pure sensuality. She lavished so much sensual pleasure on it that I was in danger of cumming all over the place and it was only then that she positioned herself over it and lowered herself until she had it fully enclosed.

But there was none of the hip tilting movements of before, she used her muscles to caress him, to love him, to fondle him, and all the while she was herself moving closer to her own climax, and when it came it wasn’t the world shattering experience that she had expected, it was a much more powerful experience for her, made even more powerful by my unleashing of wave after wave of warm, sticky cum deep inside her body. For the first time since we had met again, her kiss was one of unbridled passion, not the passion of lust, of carnal pleasure, but of an understanding of love.

She turned her head from me. Curious as to why she did this, I took her head in my hands and turned it back. Her eyes were awash with tears. ‘I’m so sorry Cheri,’ she sobbed. ‘So sorry for ze way zat I treated you. I sink zat to please a man you ‘ave only to fuck ‘im. But now, because of you I know zat zere is more zan zat. To make ze man ‘appy you must love from wizin.’

‘Not all men are like me. Many of the men that you have fucked would be satisfied with what you gave them, they would also be satisfied with masturbation, watching porn movies, reading porn magazines. For them sex is an end to itself, but to me, sex, or making love, is part of a much greater experience and one that, once experienced you will never forget.’

‘When will you leave?’

‘As soon as we make love again, and then we will go to your house while you pack some clothes and then we leave.’

It took longer for us to make love than it took for Amalie to pack her things but it was still early afternoon when we boarded a train for Toulouse where we would pick up a car for the rest of out trip.

I had rented a small villa in Bezier that we would use as our base for exploring the region. It was supplied with most of the essentials for our stay, we only needed to pick up fresh produce for our meals.

Amalie revelled in her role as my wife, she was a brilliant cook and an entertaining companion during our tours around the district, she seemed to have an extensive knowledge of not only the places to go and things to see, but about the history, in particular the Cathar peoples who were so cruelly treated by Simon de Montfort. This was the reason that I chose to come here and to have someone so conversant in their history, someone as beautiful as Amalie, was for me a bonus.

We ate the regional foods, drank the regional wines and in the evening we lay in bed discussing what we had seen and done during the day, and after that, well. ‘I ‘ave nevair been zis content.’ She purred, her arms around my neck and her naked body stretched alongside mine, touching for its entire length.

I kissed her in the manner that she had come to love. I caressed her in the manner that she had come to love. I loved her in the manner that she ha
d come to love. I traced her body with my fingertips, I kissed her body in the wake of my fingers, and when I reached her pussy I licked her with a tenderness that had her quivering with anticipation, and when I eventually slid my cock into her anxiously waiting pussy it started a chain reaction of orgasms that lasted for as long as I was inside her.

When we were alone in our house we walked naked, unashamed of our nudity, in fact we were so comfortable with our bodies that we would willingly respond to our needs, pausing in the middle of doing some chore to caress each other, which inevitably led to our making love.

Amalie began to express her love for me in a much more open and unguarded manner and I did the same for her, we were so comfortable in our oneness that it was inevitable that I should eventually express my desire to take our relationship to the next level. We were in bed, at the end of a day of touring, and I was caressing her nipple while kissing her neck. ‘Amalie, will you marry me?’

‘Cheri, I would do it in a minuit, but for one leetle zing, alas I am already married. I will come to you and live wiz you as ‘usband and wife, but I cannot marry you.’

‘I’m not asking you to marry me this instant, I want you to file for divorce from your husband and when it is final, then we can marry. If you want to live with me until then, I would love that.’

From that moment we became, for all intents and purposes, man and wife, and the next day, while we were shopping for food, I bought her a ring which she happily placed on her finger to replace her wedding band that she had taken off the night before. Amalie was mine.

After two weeks soaking up the weather, the sights and the foods of that part of France, we reluctantly had to return to Paris. It, sadly, was time for me to leave, it was also time for Amalie to apply for a resident Visa. Because this would take some time I reluctantly had to leave her behind.

It was during my last night in Paris that I learned about Amalie’s life. The man that I had spoken to, her step-father, was her mother’s third husband. She was not married to Amalie’s biological father, who it turned out, was a government official, and who would come in useful in processing her Visa application. Amalie’s mother, in her early years, up until age and the ravages of a hard life intervened, was what is known in France as a ‘demimondaine’, a lady of dubious reputation. Her discreet liaisons were always with important and influential men. She it was who taught Amalie that to get ahead in this world a woman had to be freely able to give pleasure to a man. Love, commitment, long term relationships were words that we never spoken in that world. Her marriages were marriages of convenience, when money was in short supply one sought out a wealthy lover and if he desired to marry, then so be it. The marriage was always on the condition that he overlook her indiscretions and, when and if she tired of her husband which she invariably did, they would divorce amicably and go their separate ways, she substantially richer.

This is how it was with Amalie, she was studying to be a chef and was finding it difficult to make ends meet on a student’s allowance. Her mother was between husbands so was unable to supplement Amalie’s meagre allowance so it was suggested that a suitable husband be found. Jean-Claude Fachineaux was a Mining Engineer who worked on projects around the world. His job took him away from his home and wife for long periods of time which slotted nicely into Amalie’s plans. She completed her studies, but because her husband earned a large salary, there was no need for her to work, so she didn’t.

His absences also meant that she was often bored, and took many lovers as a cure for that boredom, which was how she came to meet the lover who invited her to move into my apartment block. If I could find him I would thank him.

The inevitable outcome of this lifestyle was the fear of commitment, the fear of losing control over the situation. Amalie was taught that the woman, if she provided the desired service at a satisfactory level, was always in control. What I had introduced into the equation by taking from her some of the control over the lovemaking, was a sharing of control. Sharing was a new experience for her, for while she had, up to a point, shared a life with her husband, that point was very small indeed. Her decision to share her entire life with me was such a radical departure from the usual that I was overwhelmed by its magnitude.

Same as Amalie Ch. 02 Videos

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SUE-ELLEN CARTER CONTINUING THE STORY OF MY LIFE IN ATLANTA BY BETTY NOONE Dear readers: Thank you for your many nice reviews on my story, "Sue- Ellen Carter, A Southern lady." I want you all to know that I read them all and am pleased that you liked this story. The following is a continuation of Sue-Ellen's life in Atlanta. I hope that you will find this interesting as well. For those of you who haven't read the previous story this one won't make much sense unless you...

1 year ago
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Basic Woman part 8

Basic Woman part 8 By Yoni I turned over and smiled at her as she lay there sleeping. After a moment she opened her eyes and smiled back. She bent forward and kissed my eyes and I shivered at the intense emotion that flowed through me. I returned her kiss and then nibbled a little on her jaw. I reached down between us and fondled her cock, but after several minutes it still wasn't hard. She pushed my hand away gently, then turned over and sat up...

3 years ago
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Office Play

He hated these meetings. He had to force himself to stay awake most of the time as someone rambled on and on. Usually the audience was irritated and wanted to vent about what was wrong with the process. He'd sit and listen and nod his head. Sometimes he'd make a comment.And the worse thing about the whole thing? Usually there was not a single pretty face in the whole group!This time was looking to be the same situation. It was a smaller group, only three women. So far, only two had arrived; one...

Quickie Sex
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 5 Elvish Heat

Acolyte Sophia – Blath Forest, The Kingdom of Secare Angela kissed me. My heart stopped. Her lips were hot and soft. Her large, naked breasts pressed against my traveling robes. My nipples hardened and a flush of heat washed through me. I closed my eyes and let the strong woman hold me, her tongue claiming my mouth. My head spun. The fear and excitement of the fight against the monster morphed into pure lust. I moaned into her kiss. I had forgotten about everything. The tentacle,...

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The Education Of Richard 03

The Auditions were going poorly. I had cast my Knights. I had cast my Lords. I had cast my Clergy. I had cast my King Edward and my Prince of Wales. But I could NOT find a good match for Richard himself. I needed an actor with confidence. An actor with a force of personality, with Gravitas, an actor who could not merely play Richard on a stage, but one who could BECOME Richard. Okay, really I mostly just needed ONE male actor who could tear his eyes from my K-cup breasts for long enough to read...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Sidra Sage Anal And Orgasmic Squirt

Sexy starlet Sidra Sage’s athletic body glistens with oil through a decadent tease segment. The horny hottie sports a shaved head, perky tits and long legs. Eager for intense fucking, Sidra masturbates to a powerful, squirting orgasm. She soon greets star stud Ramon Nomar with a drooling blowjob. Slobbering oral worship leads to hard cunt fucking that makes Sidra whimper. She spreads open her rectum for a crude anal reaming. Raunchy sodomy includes ass-to-mouth fellatio and lewd rectal...

2 years ago
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My Ebony Dream

I had to rewrite my story and fix some grammar errors. So just a little background first. My name is Scott. It's March 2015 in Phoenix, AZ. I'm 28 years old and single. It's just another Friday night and I'm ready to hit the clubs and search for my dream woman. Growing up in the 2000's in America sucks when you would like to meet a naturally hairy woman that doesn't shave. I sometimes wish I grew up in the 60's and 70's but without all the racism. Anyway, I'm old school, I been...

1 year ago
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That First Night

- with the deepest respect to Nigella - I giggled as I squirmed out from underneath his arms and tumbled out of bed. He caught me around my waist just as I was standing up and pulled me back into bed with him. I pressed the full length of my body against him , luxuriating in his warmth and against his once-again hardening cock. I sighed and contemplated not going anywhere, but rather cuddle up, nibble his ear and whisper about all the naughty, filthy things I want to do to him that night. But...

Straight Sex
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Wedding BetChapter 16 Retribution

The chimes went off in the ranch’s foyer. Whenever somebody had driven more than a hundred feet inside the main gate they went off. The nice thing about that is that it gave those at the house about a five-minute warning before someone would come through the front door from the nicely bricked turnaround in front of the house. There were no cars showing that night; I’d put my large Mercedes in the garage when I arrived in mid-afternoon with Blake, Kim, and Connie. Mindy surreptitiously sent...

3 years ago
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Katie Alex Part 1

Bournemouth this May was cold and damp. Dark clouds littered the sky, and it had rained without pause for the entire drive down from Guildford. At first it started as a light drizze, but intensified the closer they got to the town, becoming a deluge that monotonically drummed the roof of the car. The radio presenter glumly reported that this was going to be the wettest weekend on record, as she attempted to uplift moods across the country by playing uplifting tunes. Once Katie finally pulled...

2 years ago
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Officer Friendly

Officer Friendly It had been a very long week. Nicole, a 42 year old successful lawyer and her 16-year-old daughter Beth had been looking forward to a month vacation at the lake. Nicole worked very hard as a lawyer. She and Beth had the best that money could buy: cars, clothes and of course their vacation home on the lake. The two were packed and ready to hit the road. They figured it would take around six hours to arrive. It was great to finally get out of the city for a month. Beth asked her...

3 years ago
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Highway Rest area

I was driving home from college (this was in the early 70s) and stopped in a highway rest area – the kind with full bathrooms in a heated building. There were three stalls, each had a glory hole in it. I took the one furthest from the door. As I was reading the wall messages, a man came into the stall next door who I assumed was a trucker. He lowered his pants, but didn’t sit. He had the biggest cock I think I ever saw, and he just started jacking it to the point that it started to get hard. I...

4 years ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 5

Filled with wonder, her jaw hanging laxly, Katherine Heigel gasped at the gleaming red penis that had emerged from its long furry cocoon beneath the dog's furry belly, thick and wet, it's tapered end swaying tantalizingly as it left the protective shield in an ever expanding length of canine hardness.It was bigger than any mans she had ever seen, even in porno videos! Katherine panted wordlessly, her eyes glazed over as she confronted this marvelously formed canine cock sliding with such...

1 year ago
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Early Morning Run Turns Into MidMorning Fun

I walk my dogs every morning, usually between 6:30 and 7:30.  The road is remote and in most cases, the only people and cars on the road are neighbors and the occasional contractor.  The walks are a great way to start the day.  Between morning thickness, the warm sun, and gentle breeze, more times than not I am extremely horny when I get home.  Cumming while taking a shower and watching various styles of porn is a great way to start any day. At least a couple of times a week I see Paula walking...

4 years ago
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Conquest of Elysium Chapter 05

- - A warning to readers. - - This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 15

Frank and Tanya pulled up to the end of the road. The sky was already light. The sun would rise late over the mountain. “That’s Jake’s pickup!” Frank exclaimed, getting out of his car. “What the hell’s he doing here? I told him to wait ‘til this morning and we’d come and look for her.” “It looks pretty busy up here today,” Tanya said, looking around. Béla’s little red Viper was parked half hidden in the brush off to one side, partially covered with a thin sheen of frost. Jake had parked...

3 years ago
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The Promotion She Deserves Part Two

The conference was held at the corporate headquarters in Richmond. Rebecca had been there only once before. During her original interview, they had flown her out to meet with the execs. She had impressed them so thoroughly with her experience and how she handled herself during the interview that they hired her on the spot for the Northwest Regional Manager. Rebecca planned to impress upon Mr. Marten that her experience and skills were much more valuable than the laughable two percent raise she...

Office Sex
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My Brothers Bestfriend 8

I thought it was bad enough that my boyfriend lloyd is my brothers best friend. But one night Lloyd's brother Phil, seduced me as I got out of the shower. I had always been attracted to Phil but I choose to ignore it since i was with Lloyd. But when Phil revealed his humongous cock to me, I fell into a trance I couldn't get out of. There was something about Phil that just took me over the edge. My love for Lloyd was strong, but my lust for Phil was stronger. remember to pick up some...

2 years ago
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So Now I Love a SuccubusChapter 4

We were now back at the restaurant, where sure enough, there were several rather attractive folks present. That was especially true of the hostess, in my view. Lauren Mancuso was half-Irish, half-Portuguese, and a rather stunning mixture of olive skin and strawberry-blonde hair. I didn’t even know such a combo was possible, but apparently, it was at least for her. Her eyes were heterochromic, too, one being blue, the other green. Her wedding band was noticeably absent for the first time in...

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The NeighborChapter 3

After that episode, for no apparent reason, the sexual activity between my wife and I was boosted for a while, then, little by little, returned to normal, that is to say very flat and infrequent. It was then that the neighbor invited me to come and see him at his place. Semi excited, semi worried, I rang at his door when my wife was away. He opened the door, dressed poorly as usual, dubious boxer shorts and frankly dirty pants. He invited me to come into his living room and said: - Come see...

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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 5

We nearly got caught. Mom came up to wake Bethany and me for breakfast. When she knocked on the door, I woke up fast and told her we were coming right down so she wouldn’t open the door. Bethany and I scrambled for our nightshirts and left the door open to air out my bedroom while we giggled our way down the stairs. It wasn’t until I sat on the cold wooden chair that I realized I’d forgotten to put on my panties. I was worried the scent of sex would give us away, but Mom didn’t seem to...

4 years ago
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Fun With Fred PART 1

My friend, Fred, was coming to sleep over at my place on his parents’ request – they were doing goodness-knows-what, so he arrived at about 13:00. We were just two normal dudes in grade 5 at the time; we played handball (we were legends in our own right at that game – BOOYA!), a bit of (really bad) tennis in the driveway and played some two-player PC games that are by now extremely old and outdated, but anyway… I remember it was a pretty warm night and Fred and I were going to sleep in...

1 year ago
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HotMILFsFuck Lilith Moaningstar 07122021

Lilith loves cum. She really loves cum, and are we all listening? It’s kind of her fetish she states in her submission video. But Steve, are we to believe that all there is to say or know about this hot MILF is her love of cum? Ok she also states that besides her love of cum everywhere all over her, she’s a bi-sexual and has a small mouth that help make every guys cock look bigger. Well that won’t be a problem today I assure you Lilith and I hope your small mouth is big enough today. But...

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Its Saturday NightMistress Dawn Is In Charg

Saturday nights can be very interesting around here. You see, we take turns deciding how we fuck each other. We’re both very open minded and we don’t mind if things get a bit rough as long as no one is physically hurt. Tonight, it was Dawn’s turn to choose and as I am sitting on the bed listening to what she had in mind, I realized that I was in for a long night.“Please, let me do this, please.”“Yes, Mistress Dawn, I agree.”“Strip you worthless piece of shit!”She turns and walks into the other...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess10e02 Hiruni Jayasinghe 41 from West Bromwich

We’re back on our Stage 1 at our studio ‘complex’. The room is dark, but in the middle of the floor there’s a single steel-framed bed in a pool of light from a couple of spotlights. The bed is as basic as it gets – a steel frame, old bedstead. It looks vaguely rusty and pretty dirty (as it should – two weeks ago it was on a scrapheap in Rochdale). An old mattress sits on of the frame, the mattress looks soft and lumpy, and its cover is bordering on threadbare. We move around the bed, looking...

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Missing Hannah

I had forgotten how tight Hannah’s pussy was.So, when I slipped inside her from behind, and looked down at the pale, white skin of her back, leading up to the long, curly, red hair flowing over her left shoulder, I felt a nearly overwhelming urge to cum inside her. “It’s been so long,” she said, looking back at me. “I missed you, Mickey.” I missed her too, but probably only for the fact that she was 22 and I was 40 and she gave amazing blowjobs. She wasn’t k**ding, though. It had been awhile....

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After Dinner

We were having a nice, low-key meal at my master's house. The conversation around the table was firing away on all cylinders, riding its meandering road with typical, relentless enthusiasm. While not exactly an extrovert, my keeper was usually one of the dominant voices at these gatherings. Tonight, however, he had drawn relatively passive. He leaned back in his chair, away from what was once a full plate of food. He had his fingers laced together across his mid-section as he watched our few,...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Abella Danger Mindi Mink Wake Up Mommy

All-natural brunette, Abella Danger cannot wait to have hot lesbian sex with a stacked stepmom, Mindi Mink. The promiscuous teen sneaks into Mindi’s bedroom, ready to seduce. Without wasting any time, Abella begins kissing Mindi’s luscious curves, soon they are making. It quickly turns into hot pussy eating action. Abella dives deep into Mindi’s nether regions, causing Mindi to orgasm profusely. Mindi quickly returns the favor tasting the taboo, causing Abella to cum hard....

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Helen introduces Lyn to us

I must have fallen asleep because some time later I was startled by Helen arriving home with, in tow, another young woman who I did not know. “Ah! There you are, Fred. I'd like you to meet Lyn. Lyn, this is Fred.” Helen said as she lent down and kissed me full on the lips. I decided that it was too late to be embarrassed about my nudity, so I stood up to welcome the two young women. Lyn did not seem embarrassed by my nudity either, as she walked over to me and shook my hand. “I'm...

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The Flight of the naked Goddess 4

I'm up early in the morning. All my bones are hurting and my muscles ache, but I must be on my way! The queen's cobra has left already, and as I leave the sepulchre the sun-god Ra just drives his golden chariot over the distant eastern horizon into the sky. So I turn south and fall in a steady pace. The desert is as dry and flat as the hard bread made with the sandy grain from the royal granaries, baked in clay ovens by the priests of Osiris - it didn't see rain for a hundred years! Astonishing...

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Every Dog Has its Day

The following story is COPYRIGHTED. The author, Kaja_m, reserves all rights tothis work. It may be freely distributed online, posted and archived electronically,only in its entirety, including all header material. It may not be changed oraltered without the authors permission. It may not be sold in whole or in anypart, or as part of an electronic document, printed material, voice recordingor any other manner without proper copyright clearances being obtained from theauthor.

3 years ago
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Wife finds Out about my BoiPussy

I'm in my early 30s now and have spent years exploring myself, especially my boipussy. Now it's even more exciting and pleasurable for me to fuck my ass than it is to masturbate with my cock. But that's not really something you can tell anyone, so I'd buy sex toys when I went out of town for work, had wonderful fun in the hotel room by myself, then hide or throw away my stuff when I got home so my wife wouldn't find out. A few years ago I'd also gotten into sissy porn too cause the idea of...

1 year ago
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boys from the other side of the tracks

Introduction: this is my first story im only 19 so this fantasy was hard or me to write this is one fantasy i think about alot and i hope you enjoy please dont read this if you will have a problem with rape ….. Gina is a 16 yr old girl from the rich side of town she isnt one of those anorexic girls who think a size six is normal she is a size 12 with a nice round ass and tits on the large side of the scale for her age. Gina was always curious about the guys from the poorer side of town they...

1 year ago
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From Chatting To Fucking

Hi friends and I am Amman and I am 24 years old, I have nice 9 inch dick and recently completed my graduation from a medical college. During my college days and I used to visit a friend chat site and soon made a good friend there. Her name was Khushi. She was a girl from western India with a huge body. I first time saw her in the photos that she sent me during our chat. if any girl or aunt need me just email me at and please comment and give me a response on it and there’s more She had the...

2 years ago
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My Large Cock Friend Gay

He is naked before me. His gym toned body is tan and beautiful. I love to see his muscles work. They writhe like ropes under his warm and smooth skin. His green eyes meet mine. He cannot contain his smile. I love turning him on. I am in a black thong. He loves the way is accents my ass and hips. I am dancing for him to Pink's "Get this party started." The beat is intoxicating. He comes to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and we kiss. His penis is hot and hard against my body. Our tongues are...

3 years ago
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In the Bedroom An At The Window Sequel

Little sister was a snoop.  Little sister had seen big sister in her room with her laptop.  Had she been chatting?  With whom?  Why had she touched herself?  Little sister was a very inexperienced sophomore who had just turned sixteen.  She had been puzzled as she watched her big sister. She knew big sister had been on a sex site.  She was curious.  After watching her, big sister left the room.  Without giving it much thought, she approached the laptop left behind.  She looked.   What was a...

First Time
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More Than Friendship Material Pt 07

Todd scooted his butt out of Liz’s room, so that she could get ready for their first official date. Now, he wished he had actually planned a little further ahead. Where were they going to go? Things had gone pretty well so far with Liz, even if they were both moving into uncharted waters. But, there was some unfinished business Todd wasn’t looking forward to. He still needed to talk to Hollie. Todd had figured to go out with the cute cheerleader a couple of times just for fun and be done with...

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