Beech Mountain and Naples Florida Ch 9 14
- 3 years ago
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Introduction: In Knoxville Again 50 Shades of Beech Mountain Chap 18
The twins woke me with smells of hot coffee and something cooking in my kitchen. I woke with my usual morning wood and used the bathroom to take care of that and grab a quick shower.
It was only 6:30am and the sun had yet to peek over the mountaintops.
Jan stuck her head inside the shower. I had just soaped up my cock and balls.
Sir–your breakfast is waiting for you. OMG its soo pretty!
I think I blushed a bit but I threw my washcloth at her just barely missing as she giggled and left.
I dressed casual in my jogging pants and tank top. I had no kitchen table to speak of–just a bar with a few stools and I would never eat there. I sat on my big couch and Jan brought me the steaming cup of coffee.
Ill be eating right here I said.
The rather long knee high coffee table that was in front of the couch was the perfect breakfast area as it would allow enough space for all to eat together.
Within minutes a large platter appeared with a half dozen eggs over medium – a dozen bacon strips that had been cooked rather crispy — biscuits that looked delicious and a bowl of dark brown gravy.
I had not eaten a home breakfast like this in a couple years, only at Waffle House or Dennys.
A good southern home breakfast. Mmmm.
There was a jar of apple butter and some of the soft type butter spread also for a dessert.
This is really a surprise ladies, I had no clue you were such good cooks.
I was eating like a king, and they both seemed very pleased that they had made me happy.
Our Mom taught us both how to cook Sir. We can do a killer fried chicken and also potato salad. Josie said as she blushes and bit at her lower lip.. Soo sexy.
I made the gravy from the bacon drippings Dano. It isnt too dark is it? Jan smiled.
Jan was ever curious to what I thought. Its how I could tell them apart.
They ate like birds compared to me however. I cleaned my plate and had another.
This plate was about gravy and biscuits, with a couple strips of bacon crumbled over it.
An old southern meal thats very filling.
Jan split a biscuit and lathered its center with butter and apple butter and lay it to the side of my coffee. I was in heaven! I might just keep them here to cook for me.
I felt some praise was deserving of them.
I dont think Ive ever had a finer breakfast! Thank you both for starting my day off so well.
They both smiled widely and said Thank you Sir in unison again.
Josie spoke again saying And we thank you Sir for the wonderful time we had last night.
We cant wait to learn more about the craft.
I refilled my coffee and headed down to my office as the twins cleaned up their kitchen mess.
I told them to see that the place was spotless each day before work.
Donna unlocked the front doors for our members about ten minutes early as I reached the door of my office. I could hear them but not see down the hall where I was.
I booted my computer and checked about my wire transfer..Yes it was waiting for me as soon as I could get there. Thats my first problem of the day solved. I was just about to call Sandra when a tap came at my door.
Sandra stuck her cute face inside and then entered.
Talk about karma–I was just dialing your cell.
She stepped to my side of the desk and leaned down and frenched me like a teenager.
Whats that for? I asked smiling.
You are a kinky ass man..Donna almost put me in the hospital I cum so much last night.
Took a half hour to peel all the wax off me. She said you told her to do it!
I laughed loudly as she grinned and sat down.
How long till we leave for Knoxville? I asked.
I filed our flight plan on the way up here. We can leave as soon as you are ready.
Good–Lets get there ASAP –I have to chase down Connie and most likely your manager Cathy will want the massage I canceled on last time there. I can be ready in fifteen minutes or less.
OK–Ill get the paperwork and some cash and we can leave.
Ill need you to run me by the Western Union to pick up some cash as well.
Dano–You make me so mad! Why dont you tell me when you are low on cash? I keep over twenty thousand dollars in my safe at home, and theres probably eight to ten thousand here in wall safes.
When you need fucking money–just ask!! Youve saved me thousands in just the last few days because of your ideas. I can always advance you a few months pay if you want it.
I dropped my eye contact with her a moment while I chose my words.
Sandra please dont take this the wrong way, but Ive been on my own now for several years.
Im accustomed to a certain style of handling my expenses and Ive had no one financially to look after but myself.
I have a few plans and can handle my end of this. Its just taking a bit more money that I had set aside for unexpected cash flow problems.
I appreciate your offer and Ill certainly ask if I get in over my head.
How much did you take out of your savings Dano? Please dont mess up any CDs or whatever you do with your money. Let me help when I can.
I cashed out a five thousand dollar CD that was already matured and just sitting there drawing interest. I have several more so dont sweat it.
Thank you for your kind offer. I wont cash out any more…Ill come to you.
Great, now lets get in the air in thirty minutes. Go get your Jethro bag and your Black Label and meet me up front. I have a couple of calls to make.
I smiled and took off upstairs to grab my gear. I was happy to get her calmed down.
I hurried back down and put my bag in her Hummer. I went back in to the juice bar and sat to wait on Sandra as Jan worked the bar. She came to me and leaned over the bar to peck me on the cheek with a soft kiss.
Thank you again Sir for the incredible sex last night. I had five orgasms riding your cock. Thats the most I ever had at one time. The hot wax on my breasts and pussy felt sooo good Sir.
We are yours and beg to be taught more about the craft.
I smiled and gave her one of my cards.
You call me if anything comes up while Sandra and I are gone.
Donna has her hands full with the business end of this place.
We are expanding and building the guys a separate workout gym beside this place.
Memberships will likely double so talk your pretty asses off and make some bonuses signing up new members.
Jan gave a little squeal as Sandra came up the hall to leave.
Sir–theres something I wish to say to you if I may have permission to speak freely.
I gave her a nod yes. This was something new for me.
Neither twin had ever came out so bold before.
Josie and I have the same feelings. We love you and want to take care of you.
Live with you if youll have us. We will be your servants.
You would want for nothing Sir.
All we ask is that you teach us all you know about the craft.
I was speechless for a moment. Sandra had almost made it to the door when a member stopped her and began talking. It gave me the time to form an answer.
Jan I appreciate that kind offer. Let me think on it awhile. Im used to living alone.
Yes Sir. She smiled– turned and began taking an order at the juice bar.
Sandra finally got away from the guy talking and we made our way the few miles to the airport.
Within 10 minutes she had the planes engines warmed and we took off a couple of hours ahead of what we had planned.
Our take off elevation was about thirty seven hundred feet and we climbed quickly to sixty eight hundred feet and leveled out.
Sandra put the auto pilot on and reached behind us and pulled a huge thermos from a bag. She had brewed us a large amount of rich Columbian coffee.
I did the honors and grabbed the two cups she had packed also. We sat back to enjoy the view and drink our coffee.
So my very skilled and kinky business consultant, when were you gonna tell me about all this BDSM thing and fetishes and being a Master at it? She gave a sly grin as she spoke.
I could tell she was very interested in my answer. I sipped my steaming coffee slowly and spoke slowly so she would not miss a word.
It really never came up till I met Connie.
I havent been active in the craft in several years now.
Connie is a young Dominatrix, an Alpha female — Donna has a touch of it also.
I let that sink in as I sipped more coffee.
Shes not even aware of what she is. When we were together, she changed and was a completely different lady than the one you met at the gym.
We can use this to our advantage and make some serious money with her talents once I train her how to use them.
Sandra seemed speechless at that statement, but I continued.
This is why I need the cash. I want to make some changes to the unused bedroom in your condo I use at Beech. It will resemble a playroom or dungeon where all the kinky stuff will take place.
I need your permission I suppose because the changes I make will mostly be permanent.
Sandra smiled and leaned over and kissed me softly, using both hands to hold my face and prolong the kiss. We parted she appeared that she might tear up and cry. She had a hanky in her leather jacket and wiped her eyes. What had I said to make her want to cry?
Sandra composed herself and turned sideways in her seat to face me.
Tell me about this idea Dano because I have a little surprise for you.
I got a little nervous on that statement so I used my male influence to drag her surprise out first.
Theres a lot of ifs and maybes in what I would choose to do with this room.
It would all be legal–barely. It will help me decide if I knew your surprise first.
Sandra smiled and began. Ive given the girls and Donna–Debra excellent bonuses for their loyalty and hard work. Even I can see none of this would have happened if you and I had not met.
You have more common sense than five guys together.
You think out of the box and can come up with ideas that just make too much damn sense!
I could not help myself, and broke into a laugh. I refilled our coffee cups as she continued.
I was going to wait till we could all get together to do this, but your plans have changed my plans. I own the place at Beech free and clear.
Donna will continue for a week or so till she starts working with you.
I guess Ill give the twins a shared managers position along with a healthy raise.
I have the utmost confidence they can do you a fine job there Sandra.
That would take care of the problem of wanting to live with me I remembered.
A lot of the plans would change if what I had planned worked.
I have the paperwork in my desk at home.
When we return, you and I have will sign those papers giving you ownership of the condo–free and clear.
It can be your home away from home the way you move around so much.
I sat there feeling as if Id been bitch slapped with a bagful of thousand dollar bills. :>,)
Our twins can keep it clean when you are not there.
You can change the locks and do anything you please with the condo.
Its my gift to you for all the money you have made and saved me with your ideas.
Its worth sixty seven thousand dollars by the county tax accessors. Its on your dime to pay those taxes.Your water and power are free because its all on one bill.
The bottom half is separate because its a business and worth three times that. If in time I do franchise these places, it wont affect you living there. If you decide to move on and want to sell it, tell me and Ill buy it back at the fair market price.
Sandra settled back into her seat and put her headset back on. She motioned for me to put mine on. I heard her say very low and sexy–
I love you Dano and this is just one way I show it. It would be easy to fall in love with you, but it would kill your independent spirit.
You could never be faithful to one woman and I know this.
Just accept my thanks and love and enjoy your gift..You earned it.
No one had ever been this nice to me, ever.It really touched my heart.
We were dropping down into Knoxville and we both became alert. Her landing was flawless and our ride to the gym was short. I called Connie on my cell and told her to meet us at the gym and bring a change of workout clothes.
We arrived and Cathy was very busy at that hour. About sixty to seventy five members were in there. We exchanged hellos and I took off to my office where the table was and immediately turned on the hot stone heater. Someone had put a fresh sheet on the table for me also.
I was changing into my gym attire when Connie and Cathy walked into the room unannounced. I had just pulled my wife beater t shirt on and had my camo shorts ready to step into them and pull them up.
They both stopped dead, seeing me standing there half naked. It didnt bother me in the least.
Ive been around naked people all my adult life. I assume it was my thick cock that had their attention. Both looked at me hard and then each other and smiled. I smiled back and slowly slid my camo shorts up and walked over to them.
By then I had grown a respectable bulge in the thin shorts and no underwear on.
Ladies, this is my office–so my rules. The number one rule is to respect others privacy.
In the coming days, what if I had a member in here naked giving a massage and you just walked in the way you did a moment ago? I could see both blushing slightly as Cathy quickly apologized.
So sorry Dano–we were not thinking, as we were talking about Connies working hours here when this gets going. It wont happen again.
Ill see that a sign is put on the door if a massage is in session and DO NOT ENTER .
Sandra and one of my assistant managers has the place covered for now.
Thank you Cathy. That will be a relief to know. I would not wish to put a lock on the door.
I had the girls sit at the desk while I grabbed one of my forms for Cathy to fill out. She wrote quickly as Connie winked at me sexily. .
How about you girls changing for this massage?
Connie will observe and assist today Cathy as she will be working here when Im not around. To be fair-the ladies doing this at Beech are making $450 a week plus tips , so Connie begins there as a salary.
Fine Dano.
Connie stood– pulled up her tote bag and went to my large restroom to change.
She was gone less than five minutes and came back in very short and baggy gym shorts and a very tight tank top.
It set off her Amazon type figure well. She was five foot nine on her bare feet and weighed close to 145pounds. She wasnt fat anywhere, just a large woman. A true Alpha Female.
Cathy finished my form and I took the proper time and used my pin to point out to Connie the areas to check closely. Cathy was in very good shape with an hourglass figure.
Her form said she was five foot five inches and one hundred and twenty two pounds.
She has had no serious back–neck or leg injuries. Never had a broken bone. Never been hospitalized except for one childbirth eight years ago.
She was divorced and had shared custody she had put in the form.
Cathy its time for your freebie.. You may get ready in the restroom. Heres beach towels or sheets. I need your bra off but you may keep your panties on if you are shy.
You wrap which ever you choose so the opening centers in the front.
I want you tummy down first
Cathy smiled and grabbed a beach towel to drape with body with and went to change.
I spoke seriously to Connie as she prepared. Connie looked so damn sexy I wanted to jump her bones right there. But playtime would come soon.
Connie you watch every move I make. You stand on the opposite side and repeat my moves exactly. Careful with how much pressure you use too.
If this massage goes Erotic just follow my lead.
She grinned real big and licked her sensuous lips. God she was sexy!
Cathy came back and lay tummy down on the table. I put coconut oil on my hands and squirted Connies palm full also.
Connie moved to the opposite side and watched as I bent Cathys knee at about forty five degrees and massaged the oil onto and in between the toes. Connie repeated the moves perfectly.
Working her calves-I nodded to her to watch me divide the muscle. She did likewise very well. We moved to Cindys thighs and re-oiled. Dividing the larger muscle brought moans of pleasure from Cindy, whose upper thighs had spread enough to see she lacked panties. She kept a shaved labia.
Her labia was opening, but not fully yet. As we oiled and massaged her inner thighs her legs spread even more, leaving no room for the imagination. Her labia lips blossomed visibly open with a wet trickle of fluid rolling down across her clit.
I worked my fingers into her inner thigh as she moaned her approval. Connies fingers were a mirror of mine. Cindys thighs trembled slightly from the double treatment she felt.
I toweled off my oily hands and handed it to Connie as I got out several stones and lay on Connies side of the table.
I removed a handful for me to use also. Connie caught my drift quickly and followed on the opposite side. Cathys moaning increased. I began at her calve with the smaller stones , increasing in size as I made my way to the top of her thighs.
We overlooked her ass cheeks for the moment and re-oiled our hands. I began at her spinal column and walked my fingers down the right side of her spine as Connie did the left. I could find no calcium deposits as this was a very active and fit manager it would seem. We worked all the way to the L-5 before stopping.
Toweling the excess oil from our hands again, I placed the stones down the center of the spine as Connie observed. I saved the larger stones for her ass cheeks. I had Connie remove the stones from her legs back to the heater. I directed Connie to repeat the leg massage again without the oil.
She did a very nice job on her own this time. I was only now beginning to see Connies ability to pick up on this type of work. She put her own moves into what I had shown her, and with positive moans from Cathy, I was certain Connie would be a great asset for the gym.
As I massaged my open palms into Cindys ass cheek–Connie moved quickly to repeat my moves. Cindys purrs and grunts let us know she approved of the attention her ass was receiving.
I let my oiled two middle fingers slip into her crease at the top and Cindys ass came off the table slightly rolling . I used the largest of my stones to massage each ass cheek a bright pink.
Connie was more bold, and used her two fingers from her labia all the way to her pink anus. It winked its appreciation as Connie massaged the muscle in circles. I pushed lightly to get Cindy prone again or risk losing the stones on her back.
I removed the stones from Cindys back and rolled her to face up. I mixed a double Jack and had Connie work the front alone–to see how she would do without instruction. I sat facing them and enjoyed the looks I got from Connies sexy eyes. She did a fine job as well as I could tell judging from Cindys smiles and moans.
I finished my drink and stood beside them again and oiled my hands. I gave her the facial treatment around the eyes and forehead-then her neck and clavicle area(collarbone). My hands continued down between her breasts. I folded the towel neatly to a point at her pubic bone exposing her breasts and tummy. The neatly folded towel covered only her vagina now.
I had Connie re-oil and together we massaged Cindys arms and fingers quickly. Her sides and tummy followed. I did a circular kneading of her tummy and had Connie to repeat the move.
I slowly slid my open palm under the swell of Cindys breast, almost cupping it. Connie wasted no time in repeating the move. I then went all the way around the orb and gently began to knead the pliant tissue.
Cindy was in heaven, arching her breasts into our hands. My first two fingers split as I looked at Connie–then let them trap the hard nipple between them and squeeze the entire breast. I let my right hand slide down to her tummy and make circles again as Cindy groaned in approval.
Dano- You two are making me so horny with those hands!
Oh–Well we have an Erotic Massage also if you wish it — Its a little more personal than a regular one.
I smiled at her like it happened daily, which it usually did. I leaned down and circled her nipple with my long tongue–then sucked it to feed a moment.
Connie leaned down and kissed my cheek first–then sucked Cindys breast like she was starving. Poor Cindy could not handle the double pleasure and her hands came around our heads to hold us in place. Her thighs splayed open, and the towel slid off exposing her slick pubic mound.
My free hand slipped down and my two middle fingers found her wet clit and rolled it in circles as her ass left the table. Connie did not wait for instructions or invitation– She kissed Cindy deeply with tongue as she moaned and wiggled under our assault.
Things began to heat up quickly as my fingers dipped inside Cindys tight folds. I used my two middle fingers to probe her tightness and decided a hot stone would do the trick. I had one that was the size of a silver dollar-but thick and had a rounded point on one end.
I placed the point on Cathys clit and drew circles with it. I heard her moaning as Connie was giving her nipples a workout. I was getting alot of juices flowing freely now so I returned the stone to the heater and concentrated on Cathys swelled clit with my stiff tongue.
Im C-Cu-Cummmingg!!! Cathy suddenly screamed as her ass rolled around in my face. She tried to squirt, but just leaked a copious amount of fluids onto the sheet.
I sucked all I could as her body convulsed and shook from the intensity of her climax.
I hooked my two middle fingers inside behind her clit and pressed–she squirted very hard then spraying cum all over my face and neck.
I rolled her as she moaned and kicked. Pulling her down the table –my stone hard cock inches away. I grabbed her hips and turned her into a doggy position. Her labia flowered open in an invitation to visit the deep pink interior of her soaked pussy, still convulsing in orgasms.
My cock has a mind of its own. It felt like it was a magnet being pulled toward those open thighs. I slapped the wide head of my cock on her open lips and erect clit as she begged me to fuck her.
Pl–Please Dano–I cant stop cummingg!! Fuck Meeee! pleaseee!!
Id never heard a woman beg for it in such a passionate way. I lodged my cock inside her outer lips while standing behind her, inch fucking my thick shaft a little at a time as Connie kept her mouth on Cathys lips–breasts , neck just anywhere she could find.
A true Dominatrix will go either way in search of a sexual meal. Connie had proven to be just that. I was sort of proud that I brought her into bloom.
My cock slowly filled Cathys tight pussy to the top, and she backed up on me trying to get the last couple of inches in. I spanked both ass cheeks pretty hard to regain control of this bucking orgasmic wonder. Grabbing a handful of hair I pulled her up so her ear was near my face.
You wanted this so stop fighting me and relax–Heres what you want!
I pushed very hard with my cock, and all seven and a half inches disappeared and my balls were slapping her clit on every stroke.
Cindy screamed as I bumped her cervix a few times. She was cumming in waves, one mixing with the next. I had her arms folded back and holding them to keep her in position.
I could feel her strength leaving with each orgasm. I felt the tingle behind my prostrate signaling my orgasm was imminent. I looked up to see Connie had climbed the table and spread her thighs wide.
Cathy was licking her clit and labia as Connie held her head in her hands.
Connie stared straight at me as our orgasms peaked.
I saw she was smiling that devilish look–like the cat who just swallowed the canary.
My cock swelled and I nodded and said
Here it comes! Cum with me please!
I came up on tip toes as this orgasm raced along the length of my cock and shot deeply into Cathys hot pussy.
My whole pelvic area felt this and fluttered with extreme pleasure.
Connie screamed she was cumming also, Cathy sucked and swallowed much of the cum that squirted from Connies pussy.
It was a free for all on who cum the hardest–the most or the longest.
Poor Cathy collapsed flat–falling forward off my cock, a long string of cum between us.
I smiled at Connie and patted Cathy on the ass…. but she didnt respond.
She was out cold for the moment.
Connie got off the table with trembling thighs and made her way to me.
I was barely standing and in need of something to drink.
Connie saw my deflating cock and went to her knees, catching the head in her mouth and sucking it very hard.
After three or four good strokes with hollowed cheeks she came back up to stand with a smile.
Damn thats good Mister. Never waste cum I always say!
I pulled her close and hugged her, knowing I had made a friend for life.
I sent her to the fridge for bottled waters as I rolled Cathy to her back.
I used a towel to mop the sweat from her brow and face.
Her eyes opened and she had a smile on her face.
God Dano–That was the best sex I ever experienced! I lost count of my orgasms. I normally cum only once.
Well Cathy you can put this one in the abnormal column. Has the Sybian been delivered yet?
Yes—I think so. Some guy from UPS brought a box in yesterday. I had him put it over there.
Sure enough it was in the corner where no one would stumble on it. I would unpack it and set it up later.
Connie dressed after a bit and helped Cindy also. A bond formed between those two also.
I sat at my desk and wrote out a massage plan for Connie just in case she needed refreshing on the order of the massage. This would be where she worked when I wasnt here.
It was about ten minutes and Connie came back. She seemed to melt into the chair near mine.
That was pretty smooth the way you moved Cindy into the Erotic mode Dano.
I just gave the client what she asked for Connie.
The sex was a private matter between consenting adults.
ALWAYS remember that sentence just in case some undercover someone comes in.
I get that–Its really stepping between the raindrops huh?
I see nothing wrong with it myself. They are actually paying for the massage–not the sex. Please–go to the corner there and open my box up and unpack our new friend.
Connie made her way over and had the box open in minutes. The twenty two pound saddle was a handful even for her. When she saw the different attachments she got the idea.
Wow! Ive heard of these things. Bet it was expensive.
Her hands were a blur unwrapping a seven inch life like dildo.
Put the white stem in the bottom of the dildo and leave about an inch sticking out..then the whole thing plugs into that hole in top of the saddle.
Connie did as told and plugged it in. This wasnt rocket science.
She picked up the dual control box and hit the on switches.
Turning first the rotation knob to twelve oclock the dildo oscillated in tight circles. She looked at me with a big grin. Next came the vibration knob to the same position. It hummed away as Connies eyes rolled toward me.
When do I get a ride Dano? I felt generous and was wanting to impress her anyway.
Well you can ride it anytime you like Connie–that one is yours as a sign on bonus.
Ill have Sandra order another for here.
Connies jaw dropped and I thought I was in trouble.
She nearly ran into me and slid down to her knees and hugged me tightly.
She was kissing me passionately with plenty of tongue. She forced my knees apart so as to get closer and increase the pressure of the hug.
Since weve met all sorts of nice things have happened to mee.
I pushed her back into her chair easily and was ready to lay out my plan for us.
It wasnt fate that got us together Connie. I firmly believe things happen for a reason.
Im in the process of starting something new and youll be a big part of it.
You are an Alpha Female who is used to being in control.
Your job as night manager at the motel shows you are a leader–not a follower.
The night we spent together showed me something even more important.
I got silent and waited–let her beg for the answer.
Well are you going to tell mee or do I have to guess you to death?
You are a Dominatrix Connie. I said laughing.
Whats that?
I slipped off my shoes and put my feet in her lap.
Massage my feet for mee and Ill explain it to you.
She began massaging with her strong hands and done a terrific job at it.
During our last session you let it be known in no uncertain ways what you wanted out of a sexual encounter.
I wasnt shocked at all if youll remember, in fact I believe I encouraged you.
A Dominatrix is a women who takes the lead in any sexual scenario–whether it be male or female.
A true Dom will go either way to satisfy her sexual appetite.
Youve proven that to me today. I have plans to use your talents.
How so Dano?
Well-besides offering the customers a good massage youll do just as I did today.
You wait till they are all hot and bothered and ask if they want an Erotic Massage.
This is where your biggest tips will come from.
We are already charging one hundred twenty five dollars for an hour of regular massage.
If it goes Erotic- you do not charge extra. That could get you busted for solicitation.
If the client wants to tip you however-you get to keep all of the tip.
Its a win–win situation for you. But this is not all I have in mind for you.
If this jobs gonna pay that well-Ill quit my night managers job.
My ladies at Beech are averaging six hundred plus a week.
My managers job only pays three fifty a week, so Ill give them notice.
Be smart Connie, give them notice after youve used up all your sick days, personal days and vacation.
Gosh–that would take three weeks!
Then take them with me–at Beech Mountain. It will give you a break from here.
Youll get to train with the others ladies and get to know them very well.
All I have to do is make a phone call to get the time off.
Now to the next idea. Have you heard of BDSM?
Ive heard the term, but know nothing of it,why?
Heres a brief run down of the craft as its called.
Humans are the only species on earth that have sex for the pure enjoyment of it.
They have sex in a variety of ways and positions.
Each individual has inside them a trigger that gets their sex drive going–gets them rock hard if male and warm and wet if female. Gets them horny.
MMmmmmm–I Know.
The shrinks gave it a name. Its called a fetish. Its what turns us on sexually.
Some may have only one, while others may have several or many.
What I propose is to capitalize on others fetishes and have play rooms called dungeons.
We will make them clubs where monthly dues are collected plus a fee for their use, according to their fetish. You wont be able to walk in off the street is my point. A referral from another member is the only way in.
They will be equipped to help you and other like minded girls make a customers fetish(s) an enjoyable experience.
These play rooms will be a bit expensive to furnish, but between Sandra and I it will certainly get done.
You will explore their fetish with them and seek to expand it to its limits and sometimes beyond. There are hundreds of fetishes.
There will be a list of the ones we will not do, but that list is short.
You girls will be training for the fetishes almost constantly. Some can be covered with a note to you explaining it.
Others will need a hands on approach to fine tune the fetish.
Im giving you all this information to pass on down to those at Beech Mountain. You are to be my second –the one who gets to have all the fun training our other girls.
You answer only to me–is that a problem?
No it isnt Dano. Do the others know this yet?
No-but they will soon enough. Ive spoken about you to the others but your role in the business so far has been to train in massage. the rest will at least double our intake of money in each place we begin this.
Connie wrapped her arms around me and gave me the slowest most sensual kiss Id experienced in a long while. She was panting as the kiss broke.
When are you gonna fuck mee again Dano?
I grinned and pulled an old joke from my mind.
Now Connie–You know you dont want sloppy seconds after our session with Cathy.
Im calling Sandra now. I want to leave for Beech Mountain immediately.
You run home and pack a suitcase for at least a weeks stay.. If you need anything more–Ill buy it.
I promise you all the sex you can handle from me and our girls once were there and settled in.
Connie got another warm hug in and a wet kiss before leaving my office.
I walked to the front where Sandra was going over some paperwork.
Well Dano–How long will we be staying this time? The guy is on his ways to discuss the blueprints and already has some contractors in mind who will do the job right.
I would say if we get him squared away on what we want, we can fly out before dark. Connie is coming to stay with us at least a week. She has vacation time to use.
Thats great! Hell be here any time now, so stay close.
I mingled a bit looking at the unused areas and making notes on a clipboard. By the time the guy showed to make our plans it was pretty well drawn out on paper for him.
Sandra and he worked out a time line and ways to keep the gym open and work around the members activities as much as possible.
We could forsee maybe closing one week end to lay the carpets, but that would come last.
By the time Connie got back about ninety minutes later we were ready to depart for the airport. We took Connies SUV and she put it into long term parking there. By five thirty pm we were in the air headed back to North Carolina.
Things would start coming together quickly as the next few weeks passed–but thats the next chapter!
Introduction: Getting the Dungeon ready For Business Chapter 19 We landed at Banner Elk just at dusk. Sandra had called ahead and Donna drove the Hummer to pick us up. Hugs and squeals were passed between Donna and Connie, as if they were long lost sisters. Im soo happy to finally get to meet you all. Dano has spoken highly of all of you and the plans he has — I can hardly wait to begin! Connie was very tall and had a half head of height advantage over Donna, who was just an inch or so...
My problem was that she had one of her legs thrown across mine , her warm thigh covering my morning piss hard-on.. Her arm was across my chest. There was no way I could move without waking her.. She had to be up and downstairs to work her first day by 8am.. I reluctantly rolled towards her, and her arm and leg slid off as she rolled her back to me, curled in the fetal position. I spooned up against her warm body, hoping that she would drift back off to sleep. We lay that way several...
I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer, they moved back north to stay cool and be near food and water. I would be like the caribou-- 'migrate' to where some real money was this time of year-- to the nearby ski resorts in our snow covered mountains. I called my brother who lived at Elk Park ,N C ; only a driver and 4 iron from Beech Mountain ,...
Introduction: My last day at the condo I woke about 5:30am to find Debra tucked nicely into the hollow of my arm and chest. Her head lay on my left breast and she was sleeping peacefully. Id always woke around this time for years, my internal clock telling me to get up and urinate. My problem was that she had one of her legs thrown across mine , her warm thigh covering my morning piss hard-on.. Her arm was across my chest. There was no way I could move without waking her.. She had to be up and...
Introduction: From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist Chapter 4 It was mid-winter here in Western N.C. — and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places- same faces – had given me the itch to travel.. My income also suffered now because of the Christmas season. People would rather buy presents than have a massage. I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer,...
You won't find guys like me in the phone book. I work off referrals from the women who have been on my table. I'm in the underground world of Erotic Massage. It is a taboo subject among most professional therapists. I was taught many years ago to give my client what ever she desired, within reason. From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist:It was mid-winter here in western North Carolina and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places same faces had given me the 'itch' to travel. My...
HardcoreAs I have stated earlier--BDSM is not for everyone. You may want to skip these “Shades of Beech Mountain" chapters entirely or may choose to read just out of curiosity. You will certainly pick up on what tips and tricks you may want to add to your own lifestyle. At times these chapters delve into the craft of BDSM and the associated fetishes and lifestyle they encompass. If I tend to dwell on a certain fetish or character(s), it’s because of a need to explain a particular effect it has...
I left at 4pm and showered ,changed and headed for Sandra's place. As soon as I got inside Donna motioned for me at the juice bar.. I seen her page Sandra.. “Sorry, but she told me to let her know the minute you arrived.. Can I get you a drink?” “I'd love a double shot of Black Label Jack Daniels, if you have it.” “ Duh! We don't serve liquor in a fitness center! “ She handed me a glass of something I couldn't even see through... I smelled it and handed it back. “...
Introduction: Donna The day passed quickly as I stayed busy working on three more guests.. They were older ladies, who had spent as much time on their butts as on the skis.. They were bruised and sore so I done my best to help them.. My Hot Stones gave some relief , and I used my TENS unit to temporarily numb a few nerve endings.. I left at 4pm and showered ,changed and headed for Sandras place. As soon as I got inside Donna motioned for me at the juice bar.. I seen her page Sandra.. Sorry,...
Introduction: Donna The Cherokee The day passed quickly as I stayed busy working on three more guests.. They were older ladies, who had spent as much time on their butts as on the ski's.. They were bruised and sore so I done my best to help them.. My Hot Stones gave some relief , and I used my TENS unit to temporarily numb a few nerve endings..I left at 4pm and showered ,changed and headed for Sandra's place. As soon as I got inside Donna motioned for me at the juice bar.. I seen her page...
Introduction: Getting started in the BDSM Craft 50 Shades Of Beech Mountain As this story progresses , I will delve into the craft of BDSM. Ill say its not for everyone, but there are too many possibilities out there to ignore this extremely sexual lifestyle. I will include the link below–and Im by no means advertising for the books. It is the best examples of what you may seek in your life. This forty-five minute video simply can explain why so many are moved not only by curiosity, but...
NegotiatingI travel light,and packing was done in minutes. I left by the rear exit, to avoid Stanley. I wasn't afraid of him. I just didn't want the hassle of arguing or causing a scene.I was down the mountain and at Sandra's in less than an hour. I made my way inside, and at that hour- 10:45am , the place was pretty full. Donna waved from the juice bar as I carried my things to my new home. I just threw everything on the bed and went back down to the bar.“ Well Dano, I didn't count on seeing...
I was down the mountain and at Sandra's in less than an hour. I made my way inside, and at that hour- 10:45am , the place was pretty full. Donna waved from the juice bar as I carried my things to my new home. I just threw everything on the bed and went back down to the bar. “ Well Dano, I didn't count on seeing you again for a few days. What's up?” I laid out my story to her, including my new friend Debra. “ Just my luck, I was daydreamin of the things I was gonna do to...
We returned to our room after breakfast to find a note from Sheila pinned to our door. She was reminding us to join her on the front deck for an introductory tour of the Colony and surrounding area. The instructions also suggested that we dress for the weather.Our walk-in closets looked like walk-in dumpsters. Everything we had brought with us in the Rav4 had been piled in the storage spaces like an unorganized jigsaw puzzle. I busied myself picking out an appropriate wardrobe for our tour.I...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“ You ladies need some help with that?” I asked. “ No thanks Dano, just mingle with the members and let them know you're on the staff now-- especially the young ladies.” Sandra was in a very nice mood.. Too bad she was side-tracked by the shipment and didn't make it upstairs earlier. I would make it up to her later. “And please call Debra , and tell her I'd like to see her today, in an hour if possible.” I stepped outside with my cell and found her number.....
"I"m Debra -- Wha'cha having ?" " " A double please, Black Jack over ice. I remember you.. I'm Dano.. We met at the buffet, right?” “ Yeah! You're the guy that pissed Stanley off for tipping me..” “You work the bar here and the buffet line?” “It's the only way Stanley would hire me.. He tries to make everyone here do two jobs.” She turned to make my drink and her long red ponytail hung to her ample buttocks. She had a heavy "Goth" look in her...
Introduction: Be careful what you wish for Having settled in my place here at the gym , I wandered downstairs to see if I could help out with Donna or Sandra. There were shipments of energy drinks, protein drinks, cases and cases of various juices to stock as the guy with hand trucks kept stacking them behind the juice bar. As he finished, I watched Sandra pay him in cash, over a grand from what I could see. You ladies need some help with that? I asked. No thanks Dano, just mingle with the...
Introduction: Debra I left Donna in the sauna to soak away the exhaustion .. I planned to stay at the resort till the weekend…. I arrived and had a shower, and dressed for a late dinner. With an unaccustomed amount of cash in my wallet, I felt I deserved a steak dinner, which I had. I tipped heavily, and made my way to the bar in the next room. The young lady I had met earlier took my order.. Im Debra — Whacha having ? A double please, Black Jack over ice. I remember you.. Im Dano.. We met at...
Introduction: Debra -the red head I left Donna in the sauna to soak away the exhaustion .. I planned to stay at the resort till the weekend.... I arrived and had a shower, and dressed for a late dinner. With an unaccustomed amount of cash in my wallet, I felt I deserved a steak dinner, which I had. I tipped heavily, and made my way to the bar in the next room. The young lady I had met earlier took my order.."I"m Debra -- Wha'cha having ?" " A double please, Black Jack over ice. I remember you.....
I caught up to Eric out on the floor and made what I thought was a good suggestion. “Eric, you know most everyone here don’t you?” “Yes Dano I do. I brought many of my friends here in fact. Most of us were going clear over to Boone to a gym there for workouts..” “Please gather four to six members in a group to discuss the party this evening, and close the discussion by suggesting they leave now, instead of waiting till the last minute. We need this place empty within an hour.” “Sounds...
You won’t find guys like me in the phone book. I work off referrals from the women who have been on my table. I’m in the underground world of Erotic Massage. It is a taboo subject among most professional therapists. I was taught many years ago to give my client what ever she desired, within reason. From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist: It was mid-winter here in western North Carolina and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places same faces had given me the ‘itch’ to travel. My...
Hello friends mera naam raj hai,meri age 22 hai,main jaipur m rehta hu.Meri hight 5’6 hai.Mere lund ki size 5’2 inch hai.Dosto yeh story nhi mere or meri cousin ke beech hue love & sex ki haqikat hai.Main apko apni cousin ke baare m batata hu.Uska naam priya hai.Priya ki age 18 hai.Priya bahut smart & sexy hai.Priya ka figue 32-26-36.Priya ke boobs bahut chote hai lekin gaand bahut achhi hai.Main priya ki gaand ka bahut bada deewana hu.Priya ki gaand dekh kr budhhe ka bhi lund khada ho...
Els looked up and then up some more, "This isn't a country! It's a mountain range cleverly disguised as a forest." The little dwarf guiding their horses turned his head slightly--the gesture politely acknowledged Els's words. The dwarf did not speak, which made learning his body language pivotal to their conversations. "I did not expect to be sent to Mai as my first service to the Goddess." In her bed at Gallis, Els held on to the hope of a punitive expedition into Hokubu for the...
Now, about twelve miles out of town there was a little village called Carters Mountain, although to tell you the truth, it really wasn’t a mountain at all. It was really just a little village, nestled in the coastal foothills of the Great Dividing Range, but over the years, Carters Mountain people had developed a certain reputation. You see, twelve miles doesn’t sound like much today, but back in the days when people walked everywhere or rode a horse, those twelve miles were just enough to...
Since XNXX decided to put water sports and pissing together in one category please don’t be misled. This story contains pissing. Mountain Climbing I am an avid mountain climber and have been for many years. I take my vacations just so that I can climb mountains throughout the United States. I cannot ever imaging climbing Mount Everest at 8,848 meters in height K2 at 8,611 meters in height but someday I do hope to climb Mount McKinley at 6,194 meters or 20,320 feet in the Alaska...
This was our third day in this star system called Auriga Xi. Somehow I pictured the start of our pirate career a little different. Right after our call to the Admiral, we landed on the first planet of the system. A hot, unfriendly world with temperatures hovering around 800 degrees, with puddles of liquid lead and molten sulfur, between cracked rocks and fine dust. Circuit, his engineers and Narth were outside fixing the Janus System. Shea and a team were also outside happy as can be...
Tuesday, July 20, 1971 How hard could it really be to find a mountain on an island? I made it out of the Residence and through the seldom-used North Gate without being discovered. From there, I walked out to the only road and headed due north. After only a few minutes, I had left the city behind so I dropped my shield. Now, I was just another teenaged tourist walking on the side of the road at dawn, wearing blue jeans and a sword. My luck was running true to form this morning as it wasn’t...
Mountain Maid. By Trish. For a long time I felt like I was floating in a dizzy, pain filled semi-consciousness. I must have been pretty befuddled because other than being vaguely aware that I was warm and comfortable all I seemed to be able to focus on was the sound of a fire crackling in the background, before I drifted off again. Some time later I came round again failing miserably when I tried to sit up right. As soon as I moved my lower back exploded in pain and as I groaned I...
She is wearing a black string bikini. It appears, from the back, that her bum is bare; but, the string is hiding in heaven. Her scent hits me. Charlize is beautiful in her own right, like all the girls; each is distinct and so appealing. She stops and her skirt settles on her hips. She looks into my eyes and flicks her finger for me to follow her to Jayden's bedroom. Following her is a visual delight. Her skirt sways with her hips, at the bed she turns, facing me; she makes a production out...
"I'm really glad you're feeling better Dolor—Dolly," Ana said, "but I also understand what you mean about not knowing if you'll find true love again." She looked on the screen as Amy knelt between Dolly's legs sucking her pussy while Dolly sat on Patty's lap who was pumping her strap-on dildo non-stop into Dolly's ass. "During the first three weeks after I first met Patty, I was feeling pretty much the same way, especially when all my efforts to find her again were proving...
which I had in my possession, using them for my main hobby: taking photos. This was a hot (well, hot by Norwegian standards, 25 deg C or 80 deg F) summers day and I had decided to venture up to my favorite mountain spot, some 500 feet above where I lived. Down in the valley, the air was still and uncomfortable, but I knew there would be a small breeze up on the mountain. I filled my backpack with some necessities like lots of water, some sandwiches, my camera, some sunscreen and a...
Another tale in the Random Victories universe where two intrepid agents investigate some paranormal events in a small isolated town. Maybe they could make a TV series... Random Victories: The Mid Mountain File Chapter 1: Be afraid, be very afraid... Johnnie was petrified. It was going to happen to him, too, just like those other boys. Mom and Dad and his sister were no help. He shivered in his pajamas and looked around his room His basketball gear, his model cars, even...
The Girl on the Mountain.Alex was lost. It was not the place or the time to be lost as he knew all too well. Being lost might, in other circumstances, be merely an annoyance; a frustrating delay perhaps but essentially trivial. There were other circumstances however when being lost was a much graver condition; a circumstance in which it was a serious danger and one that placed you in mortal danger of your life. This was one such an occasion.Alex bit his lip in anxiety and glanced around; the...
Day 1 Ever since I first met her, my wife Danielle has been extremely daring sexually. The first time I ever saw her was on Spring Break of my last year in college, when she (having drank a little too much) was up on the bar of a club, putting on a one woman strip show. Danielle is quite beautiful, with 30c-24-26 measurements and I didn't notice her on stage putting on her little performance until her halter top was flung across the club floor, landing at my feet as I sat talking to my...
Wolf Mountain, Found Gurl By: Melody Anne Layla Pearson hadn't seen home in years, not since that summer day at thirteen when she was taken away to the private school. Or rather when Lyle had been banished because he wasn't what his father expected of his son. They called it a private school, in reality it was a mental hospital where rich parents sent their children when they didn't want to deal with their problems. The Wilder Institute had...
Jefferson McElroy silently stole down the path to his favorite fishing hole. He had cut school to engage in his number one hobby. If his dad or mom caught him skipping school, it would probable cost him a little hide, but it was a nice spring day and he didn’t really care. Like most fourteen year old boys he wasn’t interested in the future. Today is what he lived for. He rounded the bend around a thick brush patch two hundred yards from his spot. A faint mewling sound like a wounded cat...
All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...
Yeah. I think I can handle humbling some jerks. Our drive to Cheyenne Mountain took us just over fourteen hours. We only stopped to stretch our legs, some bathroom breaks, food, and then our custom-made t-shirts. Molly planned to adjust our appearances in the room where we were staying in the base. Molly specifically searched and found me a shirt from the 80’s “War Games” movie. Others she found were unquestionably obnoxious, even for teenagers. Her shirts weren’t as in your face and needed...
You and I are at a mountain lake, its fall, the leaves are changing color, and the air is cool and crisp but not too cold. The leaves are brilliant colors of yellow, orange and red… The lake is calm and like a mirror reflecting all the colors. We decide to hike to the top of a mountain at the lake shore to get bird’s eye view of the surrounding area and the beauty of the season.The hike is not difficult but not easy either. It takes a good hour or so of hiking. You are in jeans, t-shirt, and...
Straight Sex“Come one! Come all! See the world’s most intelligent orc and other exotic wonders, gathered from the farthest reaches of Arcanum to be viewed by you! Yes, you!” I paused in the sidewalk, then turned to face the twelve year old who had just thrust his cane at me. The street urchin had been set upon an empty crate of Proudfoot Stout and was waving a cane in the air while wearing ratty old clothing that might have once been fashionable. The effect was rather like someone dressing up to...
It was the early morning of Oct 25, 2020, a perfect day for a birthday hike. I, Actaeon, started to walk along the trail through the sunlit mist. The brush was profuse, yet I frequently saw deer and fox roving through the forest. As I passed deeper into the thickets, I saw an abundant amount of rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons as well.After several hours, the path narrowed and I was funneled along into a clearing. A toll gate stood in the center of the trail and created as much of a hurdle as a...
SupernaturalI’ve done a lot of stupid things in my eighteen years, from the day I was born almost. I won’t go into a lot of detail, but lets just say I gave my folks more gray hair then any parents deserve. My name is Benji, and no I ain’t some cute little puppy with big eyes and a lot of scraggly fur all over my body. I have no idea why they named me that, they never would tell me, but like that little mutt from movie fame, I do have a way of getting myself into some moments, and this is one of them. ...
Rose Mountain Adventure Park Mom has a friend named Rose, she is a year or two younger than my mother is, and she is the most sex woman that I know. At thirty-three she is in her sexual peak, as she keeps telling my mother. I’m fourteen and apparently I’m fast approaching my sexual peak. They often get together to sun bathe in our backyard. I get to watch from my bedroom window or from the backyard if I wish to join them. Lately Rose has gotten more and more sexual around me. I see...
There are times in our lives when we need to think outside the box and the same goes for our sex lives and our livelihood. Rashad and I have been dating for sometime now and our sex life started to feel a little mundane. He only wants to do it the bedroom where he feels safe, not wanting to worry about anyone seeing us, mostly see him. I was ok with it but I could only take some much of this shit before I start to lash out. I kept asking him if he would let me suck his dick while parked in the...
And yes, the lyrics are correct. This song, as recorded by Frankie Laine, Elvis and others, actually has slightly different lyrics. However, the song was written and first recorded by Marty Robbins and the lyrics used herein are the lyrics he wrote, although he never released it as a single, he did include it in several albums. When Frankie Laine recorded the song he asked his good friend Robbins to slightly change the lyrics. In the version Laine released as a single, and the version most...
June 20, 2029 “Hello ... hello Brother Matthew. It’s me, Clark.” It was almost seven in the evening when Clark arrived at the monastery. He had come down the mountain the previous morning to spend two days working in the garden and the field. The work wasn’t as difficult as in previous years, but it still took a lot of time and effort. It had rained the day before he left the cabin for the farm. The vegetables were growing nicely, but the weeds were thriving too. The corn was nearly five...
Wolf Mountain, Home Improvements It had been six days since the welcome party and people kept dropping by from time to time. Always bringing some gift or something to welcome her to the Clan. As a result she now had her own start of an herb garden, many of the little plants she was told actually helped the effects of a hangover. Some were cold remedies, others had healing properties. She asked Jake about the four rows of corn that he was growing in the little clearing beside...
The Forest Service contract required me to be up in the Sierra for six months straight. I suppose I could have driven four hours up and four hours back every day, but the thought of that drive for six months had me looking for any other option. Unfortunately, where I was going, there weren't handy hotels. So, I got on the Internet and started praying. My prayers were answered by a Bed and Breakfast ad in a little town just twenty miles from where our base was going to be set up. I called...
"Don, I am going to need some funds, the cleaners are nearly done. Need a hundred and thirty thousand cash." I nod and get up off my butt; shit, I ache all over! "Don, I also need another twenty thousand for the metal haulers. They are policing the mountain face for brass and ordnances of any kind. They will remove all of the crap Riggs's men left behind; but, they are not happy about the foam." There are four men, in coveralls, wearing what appear to be gasmasks, walking the face of...
April 10, 2027 It took a few more weeks for spring to nudge away winter. The days were slowly getting longer, and much of their past melted away with the snow. Even the small waterfall at the bathing pool began flowing again making gurgling sounds, and on sunny mornings, Canadian geese were seen flying northward in cunning wedges that split the air, announcing with their trumpeting honks that spring was not far behind and the world was awakening into itself again. However, the effects of...
When we left Safety Bay for Mountain Isle, we were down to forty-some-odd ships. We’d sent two warships back with the convoy, but we’d turned Eagle 2 into a warship so we still had seven plus our six escorts. Of course, since Flying Arrow was serving as the King’s flagship and Eaglet was used as a message courier, it was really only six and five. We still had thirty transports, plus one fat pig of a cargo ship we were using as a supply ship. We called it the “Larder”. With the men spread out...
Meri biwi ka naam Harshada hai. Kyunki hume abhi shaadi karake 2-3 saal hi hua hai, meri biwi jawan hone ke karan badi khubsoorat dikhati hai. Lekin shaadi ke ek saal bad hi mera meri biwi ki or ka attraction khatam ho chuka tha. Isliye main meri biwi ke saath bahotbar apni fantasy sharing karata tha. Hum meri kaam ki wajah se apna ghar chhod ke dusare shehar mein aaye hai. Aur luckily mera ek dost bhi udhar mere najdik hi rehta hai. Uska naam Kaustubh hai. Uske bare mein itna hi kahoonga ki...
Dosto ye kahani kuch saal purani hai. Humare naye office ke construction ka kaam chal raha tha aur humne nayi naukri join ke thi. Greater noida main mera office tha. Waise to meri gf thi par nauri ki wajah se wo mere se kafi door ho gayi thi. Ab hum phone par hi batain karte the aur kabhi kabhi phone sex karte the. Kuch mahine aise hi beet gaye aur humara lund maharaj phunkaar marne laga. Use to choot chaiye thi. Office bhi aisi jagah tha ke koi ladki ya aurat bhi nahi dikhti thi aur saara time...
I hope You still enjoy the narrative! The story took place on my home island a beautiful spring day some years ago. The sky was blue and the sun would come out later for a quick visit. It was still a bit nippy, the morning temperature at 12 deg C (54 deg F) and the day temperature not exceeding 16 deg C (61 deg F). I would not let such an appealing day go amiss and had planned my trip to the mountain the previous evening. I had prepared a small backpack suitable for a day's walk on...
✧ ✧ ✧ Special thanks to Jim7 for his expertise in editing and proofing. No Bunnies were harmed during this edit!! ✧ ✧ ✧ It had been a long hellish week. Thankfully, today was Friday. Even so, I was three hours late leaving the job site. A stupid boring machine decided to seize, thus making it a very shitty ending for a totally fucked up week. Murphy’s Law had found a seat on my shoulder all week, as breakdown after breakdown challenged my ability and sanity. ✧ ✧ ✧ My name is Ron Wreckler,...
The obviously nervous young eighteen year old girl sat on the upside down bucket glancing now and then over her shoulder to make certain none of the playful brats of Mother Grace were sneaking up on her to embarrass her in front of the probing eyes of full-grown men. In some ways, Selena still thought with the mind of a child as well, but now she was of an age when most girls were wedded and expecting the arrival of their first young one, there was no doubt in her mind that she was expected...
It was three days, three nights, First day; mountain climbing, Second day ; abseiling, Third day; canoeing, I am addicted to my wife's cunt, well I am addicted to her body, lips, arse, looks, personality, and every fucking part of her in between, I especially love that she knows I prefer her no knickers, bald cunt, and a nice short skirt, But while doing Outdoor pursuits? I didn't fancy my chances, but when I dared her and she instantly agreed, I got an instant...
Alice and I took our seats on each side of Sheila as the last stragglers filed into the amphitheater and returned to their places."Before we resume, I want to thank our kitchen crew for a fantastic, as usual, flash-banquet. Well done, thank you," Sheila said as she held her gavel in the ready position.With plumbing and dietary needs satisfied, a soothing and comfortable afterglow had fallen over the proceedings. It wouldn't last long, but at least we were starting with an advantage....
Fantasy & Sci-Fi