Beech Mountain And Naples,Florida Ch 9--14 free porn video

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Taking Care Of Business

I came in the gym at 10:45am .. Sandra was already there.

“ Well Dano-- how was your evening ? You don't look like you've had much sleep.
Smiling , I pulled up a stool and accepted the coffee she had brought me from Hardee's.
“ I slept some – [I lied]-- but not as much as I would have liked.”

The truth was Connie had worn me down, screwed me in every known position imaginable , some that you needed a knowledge of yoga to perform. I don't know yoga. She had given me little choice in the matter.
We began around 9pm last night,except for the occasional bathroom break, stopping long enough to devour the rest of the pizza, have a double jack , Connie was like a little girl that had been given a brand new Barbie doll----just couldn't put it down.

We watched the sun come up together from the balcony, denied ourselves breakfast and even done the wild thang standing in the balcony doorway. With only an hour before the maids came around, I was showering when she snuck in and sucked my cock empty. I had it coming too-- all that shit she laid down about her 'fantasy ' ... But I look back on it now as a learning experience...

Be careful what you wish for..
Sandra asked were we staying or leaving.
Her voice dropped as she said above a whisper--
“ Is she any good ?” Sandra's eyebrows rose and fell a few times—her eyes wide.
“ Sandra-- she's good as Donna and Debra , but is somewhat of a 'control freak' if you get my drift. She turned me every way but loose last night.”

“There's a cold front coming in , and we need to get into the air if you hadn't anything else planned here . I have to swing back to Beech to pick up some paperwork I'll need in Naples, Florida ...our next biggest place. We can stay and go south tomorrow morning. Maybe you can get some decent sleep in your bed tonight.”

“ I suppose to put Cathy on the table this morning.. If you can get me outta that, I'm ready to leave now.”
“I've spoke at length with Connie about training her to work the table here. “May I tell Connie she can keep her night job at the Inn?” Sandra gave a devilish grin.
“I'll get her started on our next trip in two weeks--with your approval. I didn't talk money with her--that's on your plate. ”

“ I'll take care of Cathy” she said.. Sandra walked out of the bar area and found Cathy, telling her we had to leave now, or bad weather would mess up our plans.
She bought that line, saying she could wait, and would start spreading the word about me. We took a cab to the airport and was in the air at 12:30pm.

“ I'm going to the gyms in reverse order, from the largest, to the smallest. After thinking about what you said, I have gyms that probably couldn't grow much without expanding..I don't own the Knoxville place.. I have a five year lease with an option to buy.. Whatcha think?”
“Well, I don't know how you're affording what you already have. It's none of my business.”

“My husband backed me with the cash , and I bought the place at Beech and the one in Naples, Fla. They are paid for and the rest are leased with options to buy. All are good money makers.. On paper I'm worth about 2.5 million. When my divorce is final, that number will double ..he's already agreed to it.”

Damn, I thought.. I've been screwing a multi-millionaire!!

“With the Knoxville gym, it's plenty large enough and if I were you, I'd buy it if the price is acceptable. You have room there for all the little extras you have at Beech without expanding, and it's a large enough city to have co-ed memberships.”

“ I'm listing you on my taxes as a 'consultant' – Sandra said , so the cash I pay you appears on paper in my 'deductible' column. That's about all I can pay for in cash without raising any flags with the IRS..
I can only can estimate what you'll clear after we get this off the ground, but I'm thinking it will approach about $100 K the first year, and climb steadily thereafter.. How bout calling ahead and have one of the girls meet us with the Hummer at the airport.. we're ten minutes till touchdown..”

Donna picked up and was surprised we were coming back so soon. She said Sandra would come in about once a month, stay a couple of days, and take off again..she had no idea how big this ladies plate was..

Sandra came down through thick fog, trusting her instruments to put us on the proper approach... it was scary as hell to me, but she laughed it off saying the plane had GPS and some other
' thingee ' that insured we would pop out under the fog three miles from the runway.

I finally saw the runway lights through the fog as we came in at 100mph.. Shit!! Sandra touched the wheels down, backed off the engines , taxied to her hangar and shut everything down.. telling the guys there to top off the tanks and prep the plane for an early flight out tomorrow.

Donna had the Hummer nearby and we loaded up.. Sandra wanted to go to her place, so she dropped us off at the gym and returned to town. I barely made it through the door and Debra was all over me, hugging and smothering me with kisses.

“I'm so glad you're back !” she squealed.
“Don't get all happy yet-- we leave for Florida in the morning.”
I carried my Jethro bag upstairs and looked at my bed , wishing I could grab a few Z's on it. I unpacked a few items , then repacked more and set it near the steps..I put on my trunks and grabbed a towel, heading to the sauna. That would help me work those kinks out that Connie had put in with the yoga sex. I sat awhile then lay back on a bench and made a pillow with my towel.

Donna came in a few minutes later, to check on members--she said. Seeing me alone in there, she straddled my waist and rubbed her camel toe on the bulge in my trunks. I could feel the heat and dampness of her pussy through her jogging shorts and my trunks.
“Don't think I don't appreciate the gesture Donna , but I'm bushed from all this traveling.. how bout a rain check ?
“ I just wanted you to know Debra and I have kept your bed warm for you. We put on fresh sheets this morning..”
“You think you could keep her busy today and let me grab a few hours sleep?” She assured me Deb had plenty to do.

“Stanley called down here yesterday and left a message for her, said she had one more check there to pick up. I cut her loose to go get it.. Today is one of our slow days...We'll be doing some moving around downstairs. I hope you won't be disturbed.”
“ Thanks-- I'll remember the favor.” I stood and kissed her , touched her damp 'camel toe' with my fingers, and reminded her to change her shorts.. The horny Cherokee couldn't help herself.. We made our way to her office and she entered to change . I took the direct route to the stairs and my bed.

Closing all the d****s , I made the place as dark as possible and fell out on top of the bed, not even taking time to get between the sheets. I don't remember even dreaming, just blacked out , waking at 5:30pm feeling like a new man. There was activity downstairs, and it now made sense why Sandra had a place in town..

I shaved and had a quick shower before feeling 100% , and dressed in casual attire. I didn't anticipate doing any massage work there till the following week. I made coffee , and took a large cup downstairs with me to the juice bar. Checking my clipboard I saw that all the times had been penciled in. I spoke with a few members before making my way back to my massage room / office..

A pair of 22yr old twins--- Josey and Jan came up in their sexy identical bikini's . Hooking my arms on each side we walked arm in arm towards my office-- and the pool—where they were headed.. I absolutely could not tell them apart, but they were beautiful..

“Dano , did you see our names on your clipboard ?” Jan asked--or was it Josey.....
“No—I didn't pay attention to the names, only that my first week is booked solid.”
“ Can we get ours together ?” Josey said as she smiled .
“ I'm sorry ladies but my table can take only one at a time.” Jan spoke next--
“That's O K – You can do me first while Josey watches.”
I shook my head-- the image forming in my mind's eye. My cock gave a twitch..
“ Getting a massage is a private and personal experience that's best when it's done one on one..”
“But we always do everything together! Please ?” they said this almost together..
“I'll think on it and let you know girls.” I begged off, before my cock started thinking for me..

They each gave me pecks on the cheeks and turned to the pool area, waving bye—their two asses swinging in time with each other.. I went inside and sat down, my stupid cock already swelling.....

I booted my computer and downloaded my info on the clients I'd done so far.. I made little red hearts beside the Erotic ones, for future reference. I had an extensive database of information I'd kept in journals over the years. I had given up paper in favor of the 500 gig Hewlett Packard at my home.

Transferring my files to this one in the mountains was like taking money from one pocket and placing it in the other. I had just finished when Donna called back looking for me.
“ You're not with anyone are you?”
“You'll see , sit tight....”

It wasn't a minute till Donna stuck her head inside the door, checking for herself that I was alone.. She stepped in and Debra followed , wearing sunglasses. Walking up to the desk, she pulled them off to show me a welt under and to the side of her left eye. Red and puffy, it would be a nice shiner in a couple of hours.. I stood and went around to her as she started to cry..

“ Stanley done it ! He hit me Dano-- he got me up there just so he could have the last laugh! There wasn't another check waiting for me. He had me follow him to the back of the kitchen, saying he left it with the cook. He back-handed me so hard it knocked me down and if the cook hadn't been there , he'd probably have ****d me also.”
I looked and saw prints of a shoe high on her left hip also..

“ Yeah – he kicked or stomped me too-- I couldn't tell which cause I couldn't see for a moment.I know it's sore there.. I raised her top to see a large bruise.. The cook pulled him off and I ran out the back and got away before he could catch me. He says he's gonna ' fuck you up too' if you come up there.”
I had to sit back down. I was so mad I got a hard on...My legs trembled –my heart was racing.

“ I warned him to leave you alone didn't I ? All he had to do was bug someone else-- or grow the fuck up.. Now it looks like I'm going to jail cause there's no damn way I gonna let this slide !!”
“No Dano---It's O K – He's expecting you and will have people watching for you—maybe even his uncle, the sheriff.”

Debra was at my side , trying to get me calm. I fixed a double and knocked it back, then another.. I had to get my temper down and not go up there without a plan..
Donna was another problem. She owned a .38 two shot derringer that she could hide in her crotch..

“I'll blow his cock off-- then pick it up and shove it down his throat!”
“No Donna-- It's my fault for 'taking' her away from him, and I'll handle this in my own way.
I won't kill him-- but his health is going to slide downhill very suddenly. I only need you to get him outside for me.”

“ Debra I need you to call Sandra to come pick you up and take you to the hospital to fix that up. Make sure they make a report of it. Tell em you won't be pressing charges just yet. Stay the night with her.. Donna and I will take care of Stanley.”
I was already forming a plan that Stanley would fall for. Sandra arrived and saw Deb's eye..

“ It don't surprise me one bit. He knew we flew out of here yesterday cause I fly right over the top of the resort on my way to Knoxville.. Where he's stupid is when we flew back in-- I took a wide approach to the runway , avoiding Beech Mountain and the fog hid the plane well.
He doesn't know we're back.”

“Take Deb with you. I don't want her in any more danger should my plan fail.. Like I said, Donna and I will take care of this asshole tomorrow.”
Debra hugged me and Donna and they left. Donna locked up behind them and done her thing with the days receipts. She took it to the night deposit at the bank and brought us a few hot dogs to munch on. I was drawing out a makeshift floor plan of the resort , for Donna ...

As we ate, I laid out my plan, putting little x marks on the paper to show her how she could steer Stanley out the back door. She would have to remain calm to pull off her end of this. He had never seen Donna, so we planned for her to enter the resort as a magazine reporter, wanting a tour of the place.

“Avoid the upper floors and get him to show you the bar, dining room, etc..Flirt with him.. Eventually ask to see the kitchen.. We'll time this for the afternoon, when it's nearly empty. I need you to 'come on to him' , and offer to screw him in your van outside. With his ego—and your body---there's no way he'll refuse.”
“ When he comes out, and gets to the van, I'm gonna tune him up.”

“I won't kill him, but I will put his ass in the hospital ! With my knowledge of anatomy, I plan to break a few bones. He can't say later I didn't warn him. Half the guests in the dining room heard me threaten him the other day.”

“What about the law-- you know Stanley's uncle will come looking for you.”
“ Sandra will have Deb with her at the airport. You will drive me there from the resort , drop me off,we'll take off and you go back to the gym. Get a couple of members-- the twins will be perfect cause their always in there. Tell Jan and Josey I'll do what they want when I get back.”
“Huh?” I smiled and explained the twins request.. Donna laughed ..

“ I can call them now, cause they've helped me out before when I needed someone to clean up the sauna or pool area. My perfect alibi – right?” Donna said.
“That's the plan sweetheart, and I can't see a flaw in it at all. Call Sandra and tell her to take a few pics of Debra's face after her eye turns darker. If Stanley presses charges on me, she can use the pics and have his ass arrested for assault on a female. She also has a witness—the cook..”

While Donna made the call, I changed to my trunks and went to the sauna to relax some . I stripped and lay naked on a bench right over a vent of steam. I stayed about 15 minutes before she found me. Donna came into the sauna wearing a terrycloth white robe.

“ I just knew you would be here. I have all the wheels in motion, the twins agreed to help. Sandra has Deb at her home now, and told me to watch your back till this is over.”

Opening her robe and straddling me as she had earlier, her bare cunt rubbed my crotch as my cock awoke quickly. She leaned forward and kissed me softly, letting her lips and tongue caress mine. Her labia was wet in anticipation, sliding along the thickening shaft on the underside.
Using her hand she placed the head of my cock inside her , sliding down onto me as she moaned lustily into my lips.

“ Mmmm—Yess! I've missed that cock..Unnghh!”
Donna pumped and squirmed around until she was firmly impaled , squeezing my shaft with her tight cunt. I lay motionless, having learned a lesson from Connie. It made Donna shift around to find the right angle that worked for her. I flexed my prostate , making the shaft and head expand inside her.

“ Ohh – You thick dicked bastard! That cock feels so fucking good !!”
She pulled her robe off , casting it aside as she sat upright to get maximum penetration, my cock buried in her to my balls. Her hands were in my chest hair, her nails scratching at my nipples. Donna rode my shaft hard, taking long strokes as her ass cut little circles on the up and down strokes. I rode this one out, figuring she needed a good orgasm to take the edge off.

She began to chant again in her native tongue as she came hard, grinding her pubic bone into mine.

“ AiIEEeeee” she screamed as she fell forward , her cunt muscles in spasms as the thick fluids bathed my cock and balls. Kissing me deeply with tongue, her hips and ass cheeks jerked from the intense aftershocks as they coursed through her body.

Finally she grew quiet, a small jerk here and there as she milked my still hard cock. We were both soaked in sweat and other bodily fluids so I suggested a swim in the heated pool.. Donna stood shakily from me, her cunt dripping a few more strings of cum onto my groin.

Going through a couple of doors, we stepped into the shallow end and walked out till the warm water was at her breasts, the nipples rock hard.. I pulled her to me -she wrapped her thighs around my waist as I held her ass cheeks, guiding my cock home again. The water and her cum made entry easy, sliding to bump her pubic mound into my groin. I walked slightly deeper, till it was up to our chins.

“Don't you dare go deeper cause I'm loving this too much to swim.” Donna said while stroking, the water making her thrusts seem like slow motion.
“Hold your breath as we kiss” I said .. Our lips met and I pulled her close, letting my body fall back..
We fucked our way downward and I began to kick and backstroke us to the surface, swimming for both of us. Breaking the surface—and our kiss I whispered -- “ Don't pump me , just squeeze my cock over and over till you cum.”
I hoped I could half-- tread water / backstroke to keep us afloat..... If not , we'd just drown—I wasn't backing off now.

We floated just enough to keep our heads above the surface, and while Donna gripped and worked her hot pussy on my shaft, I flexed my prostate muscles to expand my entire cock inside her. Slipping my middle finger up her ass, she was impaled firmly in both holes. Her chants started again as her cunt gushed thick fluids around my cock, setting off a massive orgasm in me..

“AiIi-eeiiee aw a en!!” She sat up to grind her cunt deeper on my spurting cock, which drove me underwater.. I let her wring our orgasms out, holding my breath while she pulled the hot ropes of cum from my balls with her spasming cunt muscles. My head bumped the corner of the pool and I placed my arms along both edges to support us. She pinched my finger with her gripping anal muscle and continued to cum – her long black hair wet and tangled all in our faces.

Donna finally lay her head into my neck and said--
“Fuck-I've never done it like that before.. so fuckin hot!!”
I said nothing , but stood and let my numb dick slip out of her. I was weak in my knees also, as we pulled ourselves up to rest along the side of the pool on our backs.

“What were you saying the moment you cum?” I asked.. Donna's hands encircled mine..
“ The Cherokee language doesn't have words for ' fuck-cum-cock and other slang words your people use. A rough translation is ' I am yours forever, and will always love you-- our spirits are one.”

I pulled her to me, kissing her deeply. No woman had ever put it quite that way, and it touched my heart. Knowing the kind of life I lived-- she asked nothing of me, wasn't jealous or demanding of my time, and had chanted that every time we had come together.

We made our way back upstairs to the huge bed. After the last couple of hours, we were both ready for some sleep. Donna curled into my side, with her head on my chest and was asleep in minutes.

My next thoughts came at 6:30 am when Donna woke. She bounced out of bed and into the shower. Her beautiful voice was singing something in her native tongue.. I rolled over to her side to smell her scent...Hmmm.. After dressing, she fixed my coffeemaker and went down to the gym. I finally dragged myself to the shower. As I dressed Donna came back up to start my coffeemaker..

“ How you doing this fine morning,” she asked . I hugged her tightly and replied,
“Considering all the 'fringe benefits' you've done lately I feel damn good!”
She had already called on Josey and Jan to help out in the gym today. I spoke about them helping on a permanent basis..

“ I'll more than likely keep Debra with me for the present, so make the twins this offer..Tell em they get free memberships plus they will split Deb's salary between them, plus tips.. You get them trained to do her job and we'll see how it turns out. You'll get two for the price of one.”
“Whatcha gonna do with Debra” Donna asked.

“ Well – I'm probably put her in at another fitness center, far away from Stanley. You’ve already shown her enough to run one, and the way Sandra moves around, she needs some managers she can trust and count on in her absence. This lady is big time Donna, and worth a lot more than you can imagine.”
Our day progressed smoothly until about 3pm.. Sandra called and Donna had me do the talking. “I was waiting for you to call and say you was ready. Stay by your phone..”

Donna and I drove up to the resort. She went inside while I stayed in the van, but in the back so I could use the element of surprise. It wasn't ten minutes till I saw them headed for the van. I could barely make out a little bulge in Stanley's trousers..stupid cocksucker.
Donna slid the door sideways and he stepped inside—sort of..

As soon as his shoulders were past the door, I pulled him hard while Donna pushed his narrow ass inside and slid the door closed...It took all of five seconds.
She walked around and got into the drivers seat. I hit him exactly were he had hit Debra, but with considerable more force. Then I hit him square in the nose. I felt it crunch as it broke. Stanley swung at my nose, making it bleed, but it wasn't broken..

“Owww --Wh—What the fuck! You b-broke my nose!” was all he had to say at the moment. I was standing, although hunched over in the cramped confines...
I let my next blow hit him between the shoulder socket and collarbone, separating the two and crunching. My next blow caught him between the armpit and his right nipple, breaking the two thin ribs there . He howled in agony..
“Pl-Please don't hit me again Dano—I-I'm sorry for what I did to Deb.”

“You should be , cocksucker.. You outweigh her a hundred pounds.. If she takes out a warrant on you, even your Uncle can't cover this up.”
I pulled my money out and stuffed $500 in his shirt pocket..

“That's to help your sorry ass with the doctor bills... It's gonna be a pleasure knowing you will hurt every breath you take for the next six weeks. I better never hear of you bothering her again . Next time I'll do worse, trust me..”
I slid the door back and actually helped him out, in case someone were watching.. I called Sandra and we all met at the airport. Donna kissed me long and sensuous, with plenty of tongue.
We taxied out to the runway and lifted off, waving bye to her.

Naples , Florida

Sandra and Debra were full of questions as she banked the plane south.. I told them of the plan Donna and I set up and how well it turned out. They were really impressed that I took on Stanley and had broken his nose, his collarbone, and a few ribs. Debra hugged and kissed me several times in gratitude.. I think she wanted to do more , but Sandra cooled her down some..

“We need to discuss what will become of you now that you can't return to Beech Mountain any time soon. I guess I have little choice but to put you in Naples, Florida—our next place on the list.
“Things will work out just fine Sandra, I'm sure she can earn her keep there.” I said. Debra sat in the little jump seat behind the pilots and co-pilots seats. She flashed her blue eyes at me , concerned at the tone of Sandra's voice.

“I don't want to be any trouble to anyone.. I've never had trouble finding work since I graduated bartenders school..”
Sandra's eyes were moving over the instruments, and I seen her hit the autopilot and began to unplug herself from the headset and seat.
“You guys make yourself comfortable back there.. We'll be there in a couple of hours.”

The passenger area had been customized for Sandra, complete with a very
large sectional couch down one side , and four reclining seats on the other
We chose the couch, and Sandra produced a couple of bottles of water from a mini-fridge in the tail section.. She opened hers and passed one to Debra.

“ I know better than to offer you water, Dano.” She was right.. I reached into my Jethro bag and came up with a fifth of Jack Daniels..
“ Do you have a glass back there?” I asked. She went back again , returning with a plastic beverage cup with two ice cubes.
“ That's the limits of this planes amenities I'm afraid.. I equipped it to fly not entertain.” I asked Sandra about the place in Naples.

“ At last count, we had 145 members, and the 'ratio' is about even. It's a large place with a seasonal surge to around 200 in the fall and winter months. I like your idea of separating the members into two buildings. I have the room there to expand and build the men a nice weight room and
sauna.. That alone would give me an excuse to increase monthly dues.”

“ I have to get back in the pilots seat. You two have fun..”

I finished my double and leaned back to talk to Debra.. I would have to educate her quickly..
“ This talk is important, so listen well.. Ask if you don't understand something I say.”

“When you first meet a client, look for any unusual moves or any limps, etc. Always check the form they fill out for injuries or places to avoid. You have to learn to “read” people .. Some will be easy, some hard, but all will give off subtle signals as to what they want or expect from you.”

I pulled Debra into laying her head in my lap, with her on her back facing up. I used my fingertips to trace out a pattern I used on the scalp and temple areas.
“Watch for facial expressions as you work. They can indicate discomfort or pleasure, depending on what you're doing. By paying attention to their breathing, it can indicate arousal or the approach of an orgasm, if you're doing an Erotic massage.”

“This is as much pressure as you ever want to use on the head and neck areas.”
My fingertips pressed into her temples, the most sensitive spot on the head. She nodded that she understood. I had her swap positions and I lay my head in her lap.
“Now repeat the moves I done to you.” Debra worked slowly but with confidence, and gave me a very nice scalp and temple massage.

“ Some will be quiet, some won't stop talking..You just go with the flow. I've had some spill their guts while on the table, telling me their life's story, a divorce , a ongoing affair or breakup.. If they get any sexual idea's , be sure you offer them an 'Erotic massage' before you continue..They must request it-- never you---then any sex that happens will be legal. “
Debra's hands stopped and she finally spoke.

“ What if I don't want to get sexual with them.. you know—they could be butt-ugly or I'm just not attracted to them..” I rolled to my stomach and let her work my shoulders and back.
“ It's entirely up to you.. You can end a massage at any time you like if it gets uncomfortable for you. I don't anticipate that happening , but it never hurts to have a plan.”

Her fingers were feeling great, and I let my breathing reflect my relaxed state while she worked. I dozed as she worked , and the next time I opened my eyes was when Sandra called back for us to get in the seats and buckle up for landing. There was a taxi waiting and took us to her home.. This home was within 300 yards of the beach.. a spacious four bedroom affair with an outside patio/ pool / bar for entertaining.

“Put your things in any of the bedrooms to the right. The big one on the left is mine..” Sandra slipped into her room as we chose the end rooms.. I took a quick shave and shower, and dressed casually in camo shorts and white polo shirt. Debra appeared in white jogging shorts with her yellow tank top.
We made our way to the patio and she made my favorite drink, and 'Jungle Juice' for Sandra and her. It was a homemade concoction that contained an ounce each of orange, lime,and pink g****fruit juice, plus an ounce of 100 proof vodka.. Sandra swore by them. She joined us and we sat at the pool to discuss our plans.

“ We will be here no longer than a few days Dano, so look the place over well.. Talk to my manager Vicki , and keep Debra with you for now. When we leave, I want Debra to stay at the gym to help out and do whatever massage/bodywork that may come her way.
Word gets around fast in these places, and I'm confident she will be in high demand soon. The gym is up the beach about a quarter mile.. You two walk it if you like. I need to make a few calls, and will take my car and meet you there later.”

We made the walk there in less than thirty minutes, and was met at the entrance by Vicki.
“Hi-- Sandra called and said to be looking for you two. I'm Vicki , and I've already been told a lot about you. Please come in and I'll show you around.”

As we moved to the juice bar , I saw a bulletin board. In heavy print a paper stated :
“We will offer our members massage & bodywork very soon. Ask Vicki for details.”
Vicki was showing off the juice bar to Debra.. It was nearly identical to the others, so she would feel right at home here.
“May I see where we'll be working?” I asked.
“Sure thing – this way please.”

We followed her to the rear and a long line of doors, stopping at the last one.
“These are offices, but Sandra had me set you up in the largest one, which has a full restroom and shower.”
Inside we saw a nice , new massage table and hot stones / heater.. There were ample room for my towels, oils, and even had a file cabinet to hide my Jack Daniels.
“ Sandra has spoken highly of your talents, Dano... and Debra's..”

“I'll be working with Debra closely till I leave.” I continued..
“ She can help out in the gym if she's not doing a massage. THAT is her primary job – massage--are we clear on that point?”
“Sure- I have already had plenty of members asking .. plan on starting tomorrow?”
“We need some supplies … is there a Wal-Mart close by?”
I got directions and borrowed Vicki's car, while she and Debra got acquainted.. I was gone about an hour and a half.. I returned to find the doors locked.

“Duh” I said loudly, looking at my watch. The place had closed twenty minutes ago. Sandra's car was there, a pretty black/ grey BMW … I knocked loudly on the glass, and Debra appeared and unlocked the door. We had the supplies unloaded and put away in minutes. Sandra and Vicki came into my 'office' , all smiles..

“O K-- what gives?” I said.. They were both in bikini's and had just left the pool, still toweling their hair.
“Just girl talk Dano..” Vicki smiled.. She had a models body.. Short black hair with green eyes, 32 a cups, a very narrow waist and well defined firm buttocks. I put her between 26-30 years old. I never ask a lady her age...

“I can't help myself Dano..” Sandra said.. “ I was telling her of our little orgy at Beech , and the Sybian.” I could still see that in my mind's eye.
“What's a girl have to do to get on one of those?” Vicki asked.
“Well, there should be a Sybian coming here by UPS any day now. I ordered one for each of the fitness centers.” Sandra said, sitting at the desk.

“Debra, how bout giving Vicki a little look-see on what you can do with those Hot Stones. Dano can join in if he wishes.” Vicki was not the least bit shy, removing the scant bikini and moving onto the table. Debra had filled the heater with warm water and turned it on earlier.
“ I think we've been set-up Dano.” she smiled. I began to put up my oils, and placed some near the heater to use.

“Since she didn't fill out a form, you know what to ask her. “ I reminded. Debra was oiling her hands as she spoke.
“Vicki, do you have any back or neck problems I need to be aware of?”
“Are you ticklish anywhere?”
“Everywhere” she said .
“Then you are gonna love this!”

She worked each foot, slipping between each toe with her oiled fingers and making Vicki squeal and jerk. Moving to her calves, she divided the toned muscles well, and moved to her upper thighs.
Vicki was moaning at every move Debra made near her firm buttocks, her fingers lightly scratching the soft inner thighs. Her thighs began to spread, and her shaved labia blossomed open, the small lips coated with fluids. Moving to her head , she done the scalp next, while I grabbed eight stones of various size..

I placed them four each from the back of each knee to her firm buttocks. I held the two largest stones in my open palms, transferring the 140 degree heat to them. I placed them back to re-heat and put my open hands on each firm cheek. Vicki moaned loudly, and rolled the orbs against my hands..

“Ooohh!!-- T-That feels soo good!!”
I gripped them together, using my thumbs to massage all around her tanned crease, but not so deep as to divide the orbs. I would let Debra handle that. I spoke softly to Vicki as we continued to melt her into the table.

“ Vicki, most all massages begin this way. As it progresses we look for calcium deposits along the shoulder blades, neck and spinal column..We use the stones to relax you. They promote increased blood flow and are a great stress reliever..the heat penetrates to the bone, and will usually relieve any soreness or pain.”

I gathered the stones from her thighs and returned them to re-heat. I used my thumbs over thumbs to divide each thigh muscle, making her grunt in approval. Debra was working her shoulders and neck. I motioned for her to exchange places with me. I lightly oiled my hands and began at the base of her neck, rolling my fingers along each side of her spine. We could hear the little pops and cracks as calcium deposits were found. More were found in her shoulder blades.

Debra's hands were at her firm buttocks, rolling each in opposing circles to expose the star shaped anus. It winked uncontrollably as her thumbs brushed near it.
“ Ahh—Damn that feels good!” Vicki's cheeks jerked as the hands moved deep into the crease, and massaged her tail bone. By now my hands were down to the L- 4 position. The pleasure she felt must have had an effect on her tone as she said--
“ Pl-Please --- you two are gonna make me climax if you keep it up!”

I backed away to let Debra have control, and see what she had learned. She kept it just this side of professional, making the manager squirm and moan loudly as her hands brought her to new heights. At the last moment , Debra would stop and work another area. She finally asked the question, and was very tactful with the words.

“ Vicki-- We have a special massage for ladies like you... It's called an “Erotic Massage”.. It's a lot more personal than what's been done so far, BUT you have to request it for me to continue..It will not increase the hourly rate either. “

“Who's gonna do it—You or Dano?” I nodded to Debra that it was hers. She rolled Vicki onto her back and said-- “ME”
“You'll be my first massage in Florida.. Dano says I need the practice.” I had poured myself a double and sat near Sandra, who was eating this up, and obviously getting aroused herself.

“Well-- Debra, can I please have an Erotic Massage ?” Debra smiled as she placed a line of warm stones from the collarbone to her pubic mound,on a line between her pert breasts.
“Y-Yess!”-- Debra held a small, flat stone on her clitoral hood, and immediately the erect nub pushed through, glistening with clear fluids .

She slowly spread her thighs as the stone slid down.
Debra turned the stone on edge, splitting the outer labia to explore her tightness. Vicki's thighs shook as if she might climax, but Debra was watching her movements and breathing, pulling the stone away at the last moment. She removed the line of stones and put them away as we watched. Vicki's fluids ran down across her anus to pool on the sheet below.

Debra moved to her breasts, lightly pinching both nipples as the brunette pushed her chest up towards her hands. Grabbing a couple of the large stones, she let the heat transfer into her palms, then put them back into the heater. The sexy redhead massaged each mound with her warm, wet palms, making Vicki moan in delight.

“O-Oh shit!!” I looked to see Sandra, slid low into her seat, moaning also. She had slid the crotch of her bikini to one side and was stroking her large clit , letting her middle digit slide into her depths for lubrication, then attacking the nub again.. Damn -- I wish I had brought my camcorder..

I inched my chair quietly as to not disturb the women, and got side by side with Sandra's. I slid onto my knees between her thighs, my hand taking over her job. She sighed and spread her thighs even more, closing her eyes as my two middle fingers slid inside to hook her G-spot and thumb her large clit.

Debra took turns sucking each hard nipple, rolling her tongue over the entire mound... Vicki was loving the attention, and held her in place with her hands. Debra's hand slid down into the folds of her labia, and used her two fingers to reach deeply inside. It caused Vicki to scream--

“Aaaahhhgg!” An explosive orgasm rocked her loins as she began to shake all over..
“ C-Cuummminngg!!”

Debra didn't back off either, and sucked and licked her way to Vicki's jerking thighs. Just as her lips found her clitoris, Vicki screamed--
“ I'm Cummin again!!” , which set Sandra off..
“O-Oh my God Dano—I'm Cummingg!!”

My hand was flooded with her thick fluids, spurting as her walls spasmed around my fingers. I removed my fingers and locked my lips onto her clit, sucking it an inch or so inside, and began to trace my ABC's all around it. My middle finger played around her spasming anus, and her hips shifted down, impaling herself onto it.

“Ahhh—no-noooooo!! Cumminngg!!!” My chin and neck received a generous spurt as a stronger orgasm rocked her world..”No—Not another one! I -I can't stand it!!”
It hit her so hard she fainted dead away, leaving me to hold her to keep her from sliding onto the floor. I eased her into a sitting position and laying her forward, putting her head on the desk..

My cock was so hard I could feel my heartbeat in it, jerking inside my shorts. I had promised myself I would not interfere with Deb's first massage after I got her going. They seemed to be doing just fine own their own.

I slid my shorts down and sat back into the seat , scratching my throbbing erection..not masturbating—just giving it a little attention.. It was a sight to behold, watching the two ladies at the table. I was no more than ten feet away.. Sandra hadn't stirred as Vicki had her third or fourth orgasm—I had lost count..

“No—I- noo-!!!” She was trying to push Debra's head away. She was evidently not accustomed to multiple orgasms, and it was scaring her. The redhead was trying to suck her guts out, or so it seemed.
“AHHGG!” Vicki came one last time and went limp also. Deb raised up, wiping her mouth like she had just drank a mug of beer. I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of the situation.

I was very proud of my little apprentice.. I motioned for her to come around the desk. She hadn't saw the 'surprise ' I had for her. Seeing my erection her eyes went wide, she slipped her jogging shorts and thong off and went to her knees in front of me. She slipped her hand under my heavy balls, hefting them as she licked the wide head of my cock.

Deb suddenly deep-throated me, getting her nose all the way down to my pubic bone. It surprised me as she slurped back to the head, and dove down again..Coming back up, she let it pop from her mouth and said--
” I've been practicing Dano !! While you were away, Donna and I practiced on the Sybian attachment..”

I stood her up and spun her around.. She got the idea and spread enough to get her thighs outside mine, and lowered her sweet cunt onto my slick cock. She moaned at every inch that spread her –
“ G-God --That cock is so wide!! It almost hurts—but it's a good hurt.”

She kept cutting little circles to open the inner lips. Once the wide glans passed them, the rest was easier.. I spread Debra's ass cheeks to watch as her anus puckered.. my cock finally seated deeply inside her hot vagina. She leaned back to rest her head on my collarbone..

We kissed deeply as I flexed my cock, the wide head and shaft expanding to take her breath. She came off my lap and started a furious pace, rising and falling on my cock, gripping it like a wet, warm vise. We fought each others strokes for control , but in the end, she won out. It was less than five minutes till she froze.. screaming her ass off.

“NOW – I'm cumming now!!-- Cum with me Dano –Please..!”
No problem for me.. I could have cum as I watched her eat Vicki's cunt, but I hadn't wanted to waste a good load on the floor. My heavy nuts had drawn up as she ground out her orgasm on my crotch, and we timed it perfectly .. I was spurting lines of thick cum as her cunt spasmed, pulling the juice deeply into her..

Her cervix must have dilated, cause I felt the head of my cock being sucked, just like a blow job—but more intense. It felt as if I was cumming right into her womb. Debra's legs jerked and shook as her own release mixed with mine. Feeling my cock that deep sent her into oblivion, and she cried my name, which made Vicki and Sandra stir to life..

Vicki sat up on the side of the table just as Debra went limp in my arms, nearly passing out.. Sandra sat straight up, surprised that she had fell out so quickly. I leaned back and let Debra wring out the last spasms of her pleasure.. Vicki stood , looking at the redhead sliding up and down my thick cock , licking her chapped lips.. Everyone was dehydrated..

Sandra stood and headed for the bar for drinks, while Vicki said she was going to hit the pool .. She thanked both of us for the massage, and for her first bi-sexual experience... I hadn't known that. I assumed that Sandra had uh--...Well, that was none of my business. Sandra returned with a handful of bottled waters and we made our way to the pool, to round off a great evening in Florida.

Next morning we were at the fitness center by 10 am. I ran off plenty of forms for Debra , and Sandra discussed her pay with Vicki.
"I had her at $450 a week plus tips..You give her a raise if she continues to improve."

"She's damn good, and I'd like to keep her for myself." Vicki said.
I filled out a sign up sheet and pegged it to the bulletin board..By 4 pm it had quickly filled. I realized I'd thrown Debra into this quickly, but she seemed to thrive on the attention and the tips she was getting. I did a couple of the older members, and left the younger ones to her.

Surprisingly few men wanted one, but the ladies got the word around and the little redhead was an instant success.. On the third day there , I told Sandra I felt we could leave, knowing Deb would have a nice future here. I promised to check in on her, and Sandra and I flew out about 2pm to our next destination..

We were in the air only a few minutes when she spoke up and said--
" I want to stop in at Beech again and see what the word is on Stanley.. I can come in the way we did before and raise very few eyebrows.."
"It's fine with me.. I need to talk to you about this membership drive you're having. I wasn't anticipating the sheer volume of people I'm dealing with..I need to get to a bank also, and get some cash...I've nearly spent my first month's salary."
"I keep $15-$20 thousand in a safe at my condo if you need some more." she said.

"No-- That wasn't our deal. I'll get my supplies out of my pocket. It's costing a bit more than I figured is all. I can cover it.
My next problem is -- I need some help if I'm gonna be any good to you. I was happy you put Debra where you did, but I want someone who will stay by my side in this, so I don't get burnt out. I also have regulars near my home I have to see at least once a month.."
" Who have you got in mind--Connie?"
" I'd say yes but she'll be needed at Knoxville... I want Donna.."
“ I need her at Beech Mountain!” Sandra was shocked.

“I'd be willing to bet she has the twins doing just fine by now. They're not but a couple of years younger than Donna. I told Donna to split the $450 a week you were paying Deb between tips.. You would be getting the place run for half what it's costing you now.”

“Why do you have to be so damn smart all the time?” She continued--
“Let me handle Donna. I'll tell her you want to talk to her later. You fire her, giving her two weeks notice to make sure the twins can handle the gym, and then hire her back to work for you. Her pay will be your responsibility..”
I thought about that a minute or so and told her it was a deal..

“Donna has a very short fuse-- don't piss her off..” Sandra was serious.

I walked back to the couch and stretched out on it, planning my next move.
I dozed awhile before feeling the planes altitude drop, my ears popping.
“Dano, we're about 5 minutes from touchdown..Call Donna to come pick us up and sit up here with me.” I snapped the seats harness in place and put the headphones on to hear her over the twin engines.
“ I've done this before , so don't wet yourself.” Sandra said.

I saw the landing strip just as we popped up over a mountain-- entirely too low for my comfort.
I could have spit into the treetops as she continued to lose altitude. She backed off the throttles, slowing the plane even more on the extremely shallow approach.
I don't know anything about stall speed, but we were doing about 100 mph, and dropping fast. The runway was a half mile away and she had the plane less than 100 feet off the ground..

Sandra done something to the flaps to have a more delicate touch with the final approach.
I could barely hear the engines as the wheels touched down so softly, I couldn't tell we were on the runway. We idled over towards her hangar,and the ground crew cutting the engines.

“ I could have you doing that inside two weeks if you'd let me.”
“ I'm just fine with the passenger part, so forget it.” I didn't dislike the idea, I just thought she would get me killed in the process.

Donna met us and we loaded into Sandra's Hummer.. Sandra drove us back to the gym, then took off to her condo. As I exchanged my soiled clothes for clean ones, I asked Donna had she heard any word on Stanley.. She was smug as she replied--

“ You know, I've not heard a single soul around town mention it. He apparently wants to keep a lid on it.. It was embarrassing to him-- A 50 year old man fucking his ass up.. As far as I can tell, we got away with it.”
I was glad he chose not to involve his uncle-the local sheriff.

“So how long you guys gonna stay this time?”
“I have no idea. I think this is probably her base of operations. She keeps her records in a safe at her condo. This makes twice we've had to come by here before visiting the next one on her list.” One of the twins came up the stairs with the phone..
”Sandra needs to talk to you Donna..” She took the phone and moved to the window, looking at the view as she spoke.

“Thanks, Dano for helping us out.”
“Huh?” Which one what she?
“Yeah-- the jobs here, you know. Josie and I love our jobs, and it's saving us $200 a month in dues..” So, I was talking to Jan...
“Is there no way to tell you two apart?” She smiled, saying--
” Only when we're naked , Dano.. You'll have to check us out “IF” we ever get our massages you promised.” A pout formed on her lip..

“ I don't know yet how long I'll be here but I'll speak with Sandra and see if we can stay awhile. If that works out, I''ll take care of you two tonight after you close up.” Donna hung up saying Sandra wanted to see her later..
“She sounds a little pissed. Wonder whats up?”
“I haven't a clue” I lied. “ I think all this jumping around has her nerves on edge.” She handed Jan the phone and she went back downstairs.

It was nearly 7pm and I went down to the sauna to relax.. Air miles can wear you down as easily as driven miles can. Donna drifted in soon afterward and said she was headed for Sandra's with the last few days income from the gym.
“ I promised the twins their massage, so I'll be busy a while also.”
“Think you can handle both of them, Dano?”
“I've been in far worse situations..” I smiled and added--
“I can always ask my 'friend' to assist me.”
“Don't suppose you'd consider waiting for me to get back..”

“Hey—I promised these young ladies a nice massage. Hell, they think I can do them together, and there's no way.. I don't have but two hands.”
“ Plus some educated fingers and very thick cock.” she said.
“We'll most likely be started by the time you return. Just pick up on the flow of things and help me out.”
Donna kissed me deeply, and after giving my cock a playful squeeze, was gone. I made my way up to the front and caught one of them at the juice bar.

“Have you twins ever had a massage before?” I asked.
“No , Dano-- This will be our first.”
“ Are you the one that was upstairs earlier?”
“ Must have been Jan---I've been right here since your arrival.”
“How can I tell you two apart?” I had to know..
“I have a small mole just under my nipple.” She pointed under her right breast.
“With your clothes on, is there a way...Help me out here Josey..”
“Not that I'm aware of.” she said.

“By the time I return, I want you two to get a choker to wear with your name on it. Or name tags that identifies you.. Fuck.. It's rude of you two .. making people guess all the time.”
“Hey—that's a great idea! I'll get over to Boone and have a couple made. I know just the place that would have them..”
“Send your s*s back to my office to fill out my paperwork, and I'll begin with her. You help Donna close up and come on back when the place is secure and the lights are out.”

I walked back to my office and plugged up my stones. It wasn't two minutes till Jan walked in..
“Hi again-- what do you want me to fill out?”
“Sit and fill this form out for my records please.” I stepped to my restroom and washed my hands.. I was already dressed down to jogging shorts and a wife-beater tee.. I lit my oil burner that had Egyptian Musk in it. I lay a large beach towel to d**** with across the table and waited..

Jan finished quickly , handing me the form.
“O.K. Here's how this works. Undress in the restroom. There’s hangars on back of the door. I need the bra off, but you may leave your panties on if you're shy.. Also remove any jewelry.. I picked the beach towel and demonstrated how to d**** herself. Off she went, smiling.. I checked the heater and found the stones were almost ready..

I moved to my file cabinet and brought out my Jack Daniels, pouring myself a double, knocked it back, then poured another to sip on. I read her form, noting no areas of injury or places to avoid.. She stated she was very ticklish.. I put a large “ X—2 “ on it.. It would cover Josey also, since they were twins.. Jan came out and to the table..

“Tummy down , please..” I oiled my hands.
She slipped onto the sheet, as she commented on the smell in the room. “That smells so sexy!” Just then the door opened and Josey sprints in, out of breath.
“Got here as soon as I could.” Her ample rack was heaving.
“Just in time , go undress in the rest room, and remove your bra and any jewelry. You may leave your panties on if you’re shy. There's a beach towel to wrap with..”

I began at Jan's feet, working the oil slowly between each toe.. I was stalling, waiting on Josey to return, so I wouldn't be repeating myself so much. She came from the restroom and right up to the table..
“As you two can see-- there's no way to put both of you on the table at once. Josey-- oil up your hands and repeat my moves on the other side of Jan. “
“Oh yeah!--I've always wanted to do this..” she exclaimed.

“Always begin with the feet, and work towards the heart. Give each toe a little 'push' below here, and see if it pops. All four smaller toes popped.. Josey did likewise. Her big toes refused to pop. Moving to her calves, I explained how to divide the muscle to a point just under the back of the knee. As we moved to Jan's thighs, her legs spread slightly, showing off her shaved labia...

I showed her how to divide the large thigh muscle all the way to her buttocks. Jan grunted her approval as we neared them.
“You two need to remember this-- and practice on each other every chance you get after hours. When I leave, I plan to take Donna with me. You can make some serious money giving the members massages.” Jan's head came clear of the table--
“ You mean we're gonna be running this place?”
“If Sandra approves it... I've put in a good word for you two so don't let me down.”

I pulled four large stones from the heater and placed them from the back of Jan's knee up to where thigh meets buttocks. She moaned as Josey repeated my moves.. I walked around to her head and lightly oiled my hands. Josey followed my lead. I worked her neck and shoulders while explaining to Josey how to do a scalp and temple massage. I worked her spinal column all the way to her tail bone.

Her grunts and moans were getting louder by the minute as I had Josey remove the stones to re heat. I returned to her thighs and told Josey to go over them again, working the heat into the deep muscle tissues. I fixed myself another drink as I watched the twins. Jan was really getting into the whole thing, while her s*s did all the work. That would change soon enough.

I moved to the heater and put a row of stones down each side of her spine. Jan's hand came down and around my leg, and ran her fingers up the back of my thigh.
“Those feel so wonderful Dano.”

I backed away from her hand just as Donna walked into the office.
“ I want to know what the hell is going on around here!” She was in my face as she spoke.
I told Josey to get the stones off Jan and turn her over to repeat the moves on the front-- I would return shortly. I walked Donna out to the pool , my arm hooked in hers..

“ I get to Sandra's and she has an attitude.. wants to know if you have talked with me.. She takes the money and tells me to come back here.. Doesn't say why she wanted to talk.. so what the fuck's up?”
I tried to not jerk her chain, so I turned and held her close, kissing her softly.

“ Our plans have changed , and Sandra told me to fire you.” She tensed and tried to wiggle free of my grip, but I held her a little tighter.
“ What the fuck for? I've been doing her a good job and the twins--”
I cut her off before she completely lost her cool.
“ I have to fire you ,but not for a couple of weeks yet, so I can hire you to come work and travel with me. Sandra said she couldn't do it.” Her eyes bore into mine as she spoke..

“You're not jerking me around are you?”
“No-- I wasn't expecting the volume of clients I'd be dealing with. I need you with me..and I won't drop you at another place unless you want to stay..You'll have to take charge sometimes when I have to be home with my regulars. I'll start you at $500 a week plus 5% of our gross each month as a bonus.”

I let her go , to slap me silly or whatever. Donna seemed to be in thought as we walked back to my office.. She looked at the twins having their fun..
“I'm giving them a crash course in the next couple of days .. They can run the place and do any massage work when we are not around. Eventually, when all the places are set up, we'll be coming back here.. I like my place here, and the climate. We wouldn't have to give up the apartment either. Think of it as a long vacation.”

“I'd miss Sandra-- we've been an lovers for nearly a year. You sure it's O K with her?”
“She's the one who couldn't fire you, remember? And we'll be flying with her to these places. It's not like you'll never get to be with her-in fact, you’ll be seeing more of her than before”

We watched the twins swap places, and it was Jan's turn to massage her sister. I moved close enough to her to observe and be of help should she need me.. Jan had listened well, repeating my moves flawlessly.. Josey moaned and wiggled, and seemed to be ticklish everywhere. Donna's hand circled my waist she steered me to my desk.

“Dano-- I feel I'm getting left behind in this thing Sandra and you have started. I was out of the loop on most of the discussions you had. Promise me you're not gonna drop me like you did Debra.”
I sat her in my lap, and gave her my best bear hug.

“ You and I will be together except when I visit my regulars.. That's when I will need you to take over in my place while I'm away. After we get everyone we need in place and running smooth, we'll come back here and run it from the phones and computers.”
“You make it sound so easy, but it will be hard at first, right?”

“I plan to be compensated from each place.. about 25% of the massage business will come back home to me each month, for training each lady and stocking each gym. You help me out and I'll share that with you. You won't be “dropped” anywhere..unless you see one of the other gym's you would like to settle down in.”

She put her arms around my neck and kissed me , whispering those Cherokee words into my lips.. that we were of one spirit..
”OH Shit!!!-- Josey screamed. Jan was thumbing her anal muscle with slow, circling pressure. Josey's ass was off the table, backing up on the digit.

“Hey—You two.. Have you ever had a vibrator used on you?” I asked. They both said “YES” in unison-- I pushed Donna up and stood, telling her to introduce them to my 'friend'... I had a phone call to make. Stepping back over to the pool area, I called Sandra on my cell phone.
“ How did she take the news Dano?”

“I held her arms behind her while I fired her, but she understands why now.. She will be my assistant from now on. I'm gonna need a couple of days to get the twins up to speed, but I've saved you a ton of money. I've taken Donna off your payroll, and both the twins are working for what you were paying Debra.”

“You've been a great help to me. I wish I'd met you five years ago..We could have retired by now. Your common sense approach and looking at problems 'out of the box' are two assets that most people lack. You would make a hell of a politician.” We laughed and hung up.

I stepped back into my office to see Donna explaining the controls of the Sybian to the twins.. There would be a fuss over who rode it first. One twin quickly lubed the shaft and impaled herself as the other turned the vibration knob up a notch. Donna and I left them to experience the Sybian for themselves.

We walked back to my place as we spoke of my plans for her in the near future. The whole evening had been a shock to her, but as we talked, I felt she was beginning to see the unique opportunities that had opened for her by working with me. I showered and shaved while she done some book work for the twins.
It was decided we would check back on them in an hour..

I arrived first, slipping into my own office to watch in awe as they pleasured each other. It was like looking into a mirror that wrapped around them.
They were so in tune with each others feelings, one would anticipate what the other wanted..both were on the saddle with Josey's hands cupping Jan's ample breasts from behind.

The control lay in the floor, with both knobs near their peak settings. Jan's head lay back into her twins shoulder, either passed out or in such pleasure she couldn't move or speak. I picked up the control and cut it off. Both girls suddenly snapped out of their trance.
“Help your sister off that and hit the showers. You both have a big day tomorrow.”
“Yes Sir”

Same as Beech Mountain and Naples,Florida Ch 9--14 Videos

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Big Rock Candy Mountain Ch 02

The fates aligned with me, the next three trains I hopped all took me south and west heading closer to Texas. The fourth train, mostly loaded with empty petrochemical containers, took me nearly all of the way there deep into Southeast Texas and almost to the coast. I felt I was somewhere close, but not quite there yet, and it had been a very long time since I had been anywhere near this far south before. There was harvesting in the Rio Grande Valley, but there was an amply supply of Mexicans...

4 years ago
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Big Rock Candy Mountain Revised

Thanks to my Editors: BlackKnight, DuffieDawg, FuzzyWuzzy & Gandalf4217 The kid was green, so obviously new at being on the rails that everything was still exciting and an adventure to him. Poor sod, he'd get over that soon enough, but I still remembered the thrill of my first ride back in the 1960's, and so I let him enjoy his 'moment'. There would be damned few other ones worthy of remembering later. "Kid, I don't know what the hell you're doing here, but this ain't the glory...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter9

We returned to our room after breakfast to find a note from Sheila pinned to our door. She was reminding us to join her on the front deck for an introductory tour of the Colony and surrounding area. The instructions also suggested that we dress for the weather.Our walk-in closets looked like walk-in dumpsters. Everything we had brought with us in the Rav4 had been piled in the storage spaces like an unorganized jigsaw puzzle. I busied myself picking out an appropriate wardrobe for our tour.I...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 44

"Okay, my turn," I chuckled as I picked up the fat cigar-sized joint of the Sisterhood's weed. Possession of the Canibus talking stick authorized the owner to speak without interruption.I took a heavy hit and passed the blunt to Sheila and took my place in our naked Truth or Dare fireside chat."Please be honest. What do you believe?" The commander's theology drifted all over the map from Pagan to Puritan, seasoned with native lore and eastern thought. Pinning her down was like trying to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 27

Alice and I took our seats on each side of Sheila as the last stragglers filed into the amphitheater and returned to their places."Before we resume, I want to thank our kitchen crew for a fantastic, as usual, flash-banquet. Well done, thank you," Sheila said as she held her gavel in the ready position.With plumbing and dietary needs satisfied, a soothing and comfortable afterglow had fallen over the proceedings. It wouldn't last long, but at least we were starting with an advantage....

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 30

The Society of Sisters and their compound at Liberty Mountain were the pride and joy of Sheila's existence. She devoted almost every waking hour toward her mission of building an organization that could withstand anything the apocalyptic whims of fate might send our way. The Colony's boss was an innovator who served both as a leader and also as a follower.Like the Caesars of old, she had the authority to issue any order necessary to secure the safety of the group. Unlike the dictators of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Legend Of Sword And Mountain

Els looked up and then up some more, "This isn't a country! It's a mountain range cleverly disguised as a forest." The little dwarf guiding their horses turned his head slightly--the gesture politely acknowledged Els's words. The dwarf did not speak, which made learning his body language pivotal to their conversations. "I did not expect to be sent to Mai as my first service to the Goddess." In her bed at Gallis, Els held on to the hope of a punitive expedition into Hokubu for the...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 31

The days melted into weeks and the weeks flowed into months as winter searched for spring. For the first couple dozen wake-ups, I started each morning with the unreal feeling that I was at the bottom of a rabbit hole. By the end of the second month, the sense of strangeness decreased, and I was able to open my eyes without breaking into a cold sweat. I was still on the wrong side of the looking glass, but Wonderland had become my home.I didn't make a journey to Liberty Mountain to search out a...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 1819

Alice and I hurried toward the source of illumination like moths to a flame. A glimmering halo of white light surrounded the hole Alice cut through the snow drift at the tunnel's entrance. I crawled into the air shaft that she’d excavated and punched through a thin cap of frost at the end and was instantly dazzled by blinding sunshine."Alice, Come here and take a look, you aren't going to believe this," I shouted over my shoulder as I emerged into the open air. The blizzard had passed us by,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Mountain Man

Now, about twelve miles out of town there was a little village called Carters Mountain, although to tell you the truth, it really wasn’t a mountain at all. It was really just a little village, nestled in the coastal foothills of the Great Dividing Range, but over the years, Carters Mountain people had developed a certain reputation. You see, twelve miles doesn’t sound like much today, but back in the days when people walked everywhere or rode a horse, those twelve miles were just enough to...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 40

"Super glue? Really?" I chuckled as I focused my field glasses on the bonded band of mutually masturbating men crab-walking westward."Your punishment is diabolical," I shook my head in puzzled amazement. "Intruders were killed in the past for less, so why the sudden mercy?" "Not compassion. Karma. What goes around, comes around." Sheila trained her spyglass on the retreating men."They might make town by sundown. If they're lucky." "Karma?" I inquired. "Yeah, Karma. We can run, but...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 45

"I'm getting too old for this shit," I moaned and plopped into one of the Situation Room's ergonomically designed conference chairs. I massaged the sore spot on my shoulder and shifted and squirmed and as I searched for a less uncomfortable position. Nothing worked. I hurt in places I didn't even know I had.The steaming mug of fresh brewed Colombian laced with the Sisterhood's brandy warmed my hands and took the edge away from the pain in my ass. Java and joy-juice will cure...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Mountain Climbing

Since XNXX decided to put water sports and pissing together in one category please don’t be misled. This story contains pissing. Mountain Climbing I am an avid mountain climber and have been for many years. I take my vacations just so that I can climb mountains throughout the United States. I cannot ever imaging climbing Mount Everest at 8,848 meters in height K2 at 8,611 meters in height but someday I do hope to climb Mount McKinley at 6,194 meters or 20,320 feet in the Alaska...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 12

"These mountains are as dangerous as they are beautiful. They might appear to be lovely and majestic but don't let 'em fool you. The beauty hides the heart of a killer," Brenda explained as she dug through her inventory, looking for a pair of gloves in my size."Got 'em!" she yelled as she held the object of her search aloft, a pair of insulated gloves joined the rest of my new wardrobe.A slim and attractive woman in her mid-thirties, Brenda served as the colony's quartermaster. Medium sized,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 18 Blue Mountain

This was our third day in this star system called Auriga Xi. Somehow I pictured the start of our pirate career a little different. Right after our call to the Admiral, we landed on the first planet of the system. A hot, unfriendly world with temperatures hovering around 800 degrees, with puddles of liquid lead and molten sulfur, between cracked rocks and fine dust. Circuit, his engineers and Narth were outside fixing the Janus System. Shea and a team were also outside happy as can be...

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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 11 The Mountain

Tuesday, July 20, 1971 How hard could it really be to find a mountain on an island? I made it out of the Residence and through the seldom-used North Gate without being discovered. From there, I walked out to the only road and headed due north. After only a few minutes, I had left the city behind so I dropped my shield. Now, I was just another teenaged tourist walking on the side of the road at dawn, wearing blue jeans and a sword. My luck was running true to form this morning as it wasn’t...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 7

Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...

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Mountain Maid

Mountain Maid. By Trish. For a long time I felt like I was floating in a dizzy, pain filled semi-consciousness. I must have been pretty befuddled because other than being vaguely aware that I was warm and comfortable all I seemed to be able to focus on was the sound of a fire crackling in the background, before I drifted off again. Some time later I came round again failing miserably when I tried to sit up right. As soon as I moved my lower back exploded in pain and as I groaned I...

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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 6

She is wearing a black string bikini. It appears, from the back, that her bum is bare; but, the string is hiding in heaven. Her scent hits me. Charlize is beautiful in her own right, like all the girls; each is distinct and so appealing. She stops and her skirt settles on her hips. She looks into my eyes and flicks her finger for me to follow her to Jayden's bedroom. Following her is a visual delight. Her skirt sways with her hips, at the bed she turns, facing me; she makes a production out...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 22

Rattlesnake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is the culinary equivalent of cruel and unusual punishment. I had about had it with rattlesnake by the end of the third meal on the first day. I skipped the midday meal and picked at supper the second day. I hated snakes as much as Seraina did by the evening of the next day.Mood affects perception. The blue funk of disappointment settling over us transformed our dark and cozy shelter into a dank and dismal prison. We slept like babies and fucked like...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 16 Cumming Around the Mountain

"I'm really glad you're feeling better Dolor—Dolly," Ana said, "but I also understand what you mean about not knowing if you'll find true love again." She looked on the screen as Amy knelt between Dolly's legs sucking her pussy while Dolly sat on Patty's lap who was pumping her strap-on dildo non-stop into Dolly's ass. "During the first three weeks after I first met Patty, I was feeling pretty much the same way, especially when all my efforts to find her again were proving...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land

Chapter 1I stuffed my last cardboard box of personal belongings into the cargo hold of my girlfriend's Toyota Rav4, jumped into the passenger seat, and waited while she fussed over a map with directions to our new home. Darlene was like that - a stickler for details.She flipped her shoulder-length hair out of her eyes for the umpteenth time and squinted to read the tiny letters. Mapmakers tended to hide the most critical information in the smallest print known to man.Finally finished, she...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Mountain Angel

which I had in my possession, using them for my main hobby: taking photos. This was a hot (well, hot by Norwegian standards, 25 deg C or 80 deg F) summers day and I had decided to venture up to my favorite mountain spot, some 500 feet above where I lived. Down in the valley, the air was still and uncomfortable, but I knew there would be a small breeze up on the mountain. I filled my backpack with some necessities like lots of water, some sandwiches, my camera, some sunscreen and a...

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Handyman Candys Cabana

This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...

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The Girl on the Mountain

The Girl on the Mountain.Alex was lost. It was not the place or the time to be lost as he knew all too well. Being lost might, in other circumstances, be merely an annoyance; a frustrating delay perhaps but essentially trivial. There were other circumstances however when being lost was a much graver condition; a circumstance in which it was a serious danger and one that placed you in mortal danger of your life. This was one such an occasion.Alex bit his lip in anxiety and glanced around; the...

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Nandhini Chechi Breastfed And Got Fucked

Dear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...

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Mountain Air

Day 1 Ever since I first met her, my wife Danielle has been extremely daring sexually. The first time I ever saw her was on Spring Break of my last year in college, when she (having drank a little too much) was up on the bar of a club, putting on a one woman strip show. Danielle is quite beautiful, with 30c-24-26 measurements and I didn't notice her on stage putting on her little performance until her halter top was flung across the club floor, landing at my feet as I sat talking to my...

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Wolf Mountain Found Gurl

Wolf Mountain, Found Gurl By: Melody Anne Layla Pearson hadn't seen home in years, not since that summer day at thirteen when she was taken away to the private school. Or rather when Lyle had been banished because he wasn't what his father expected of his son. They called it a private school, in reality it was a mental hospital where rich parents sent their children when they didn't want to deal with their problems. The Wilder Institute had...

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Mountain Man

Jefferson McElroy silently stole down the path to his favorite fishing hole. He had cut school to engage in his number one hobby. If his dad or mom caught him skipping school, it would probable cost him a little hide, but it was a nice spring day and he didn’t really care. Like most fourteen year old boys he wasn’t interested in the future. Today is what he lived for. He rounded the bend around a thick brush patch two hundred yards from his spot. A faint mewling sound like a wounded cat...

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Witch Mountain A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 165 Inside the Mountain

Yeah. I think I can handle humbling some jerks. Our drive to Cheyenne Mountain took us just over fourteen hours. We only stopped to stretch our legs, some bathroom breaks, food, and then our custom-made t-shirts. Molly planned to adjust our appearances in the room where we were staying in the base. Molly specifically searched and found me a shirt from the 80’s “War Games” movie. Others she found were unquestionably obnoxious, even for teenagers. Her shirts weren’t as in your face and needed...

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Andrea Andy and Me

(MMF, wife sharing) At the time I write this story Andrea, (My wife) is 36 years old, and quite a knockout. She's always been into bodybuilding and has been a runner since she was a k**. With all of the attention that she has given herself, it really shows. At her age she still has a hard body, and a deep rich "California Girl" tan. Her chestnut hair is beautiful. And her dark brown eyes seem to see right through me sometimes. My Andrea is a beautiful "self made" woman that any man would be...

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Gorgeous Indian Chechi Nandhini fed me her excess

Nandhini Chechi fed me her excess breast milk and surrendered her pussy to my 8” cock.Dear friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on [email protected] The incident happened when I was 18...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 14

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...

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Andee Plays a New Version of Around the World

Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Plays a New Version of Around the World

Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers

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