Beech Mountain 6--7--8 Connie free porn video

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I travel light,and packing was done in minutes. I left by the rear exit, to avoid Stanley. I wasn't afraid of him. I just didn't want the hassle of arguing or causing a scene.
I was down the mountain and at Sandra's in less than an hour. I made my way inside, and at that hour- 10:45am , the place was pretty full. Donna waved from the juice bar as I carried my things to my new home. I just threw everything on the bed and went back down to the bar.

“ Well Dano, I didn't count on seeing you again for a few days. What's up?”
I laid out my story to her, including my new friend Debra.

“ Just my luck, I was daydreamin of the things I was gonna do to you, now I'm done in by a young redhead.” she pouted, pushing her lower lip out sexily..
“ It's like I told Deb.., we're not joined at the hip. I just feel responsible for getting her in trouble with Stanley. Wait till you meet her. I'll probably have to drag your face out of her crotch just to get laid.”
“You will NEVER have a problem getting laid.. Is she Bi-- ?”

“I don't know, but hanging with you and Sandra is going to tell if she is,sooner or later. Do you think Sandra might give her a job here with you?”
“ I sure could use the help, I signed up 3 new members today-- and when Sandra's gone-- like now, it's all I can do to run this place. In fact she is due back in from Knoxville around 2pm, so you can ask her yourself..”

“ We all need an understanding here; I said... I'm not going to say this to you in a mean way, so don't take it as such.. I can make time for all of you, individually or together, as long as there's no jealousy between you. Don't make me choose, cause it would be real difficult to have to. Sandra didn't have a problem sharing you with me , did she? Same thing applies to Debra .”

“ I have no problem with it Dano, but seems like you'll be stretched pretty thin..”
“ I have a pretty strong libido, so don't even go there!” I smiled—and added....
“Besides, if I start falling behind, I have a “friend” that takes up my slack.”
“And who might that be?” Donna smiled.

“Ever heard of a “Sybian”?-- It's a vibrator...” Her eyes rolled as if she had heard it all before.
“ I've got two vibes, thank you, and Sandra has also.”
“Do they weigh 22 lbs and plug into the wall outlet?”
Her jaw dropped as I moved to the door, waving bye.

With time now in my favor, I drove over to Boone, N.C. to shop. I found a WalMart and spent an hour shopping for groceries, wine, massage oils, and a few clothes. On the way back my cell phone beeped and it was Debra..
“Hi – Got a cell phone.. you want the number?”
“ I got caller I.D. --so it's already in my phone..”

“Stanley has looked everywhere for you. He even asked me.... I played dumb and said I hadn't seen you since breakfast.”
“He didn't give you any trouble did he?”
“ No – In fact, he acts like I'm poison since you told him about us. He did say he was gonna stomp your ass for quitting on him. Made him look bad having to cancel those four massages.”

“ I think you will be working here very soon.. I haven't talked with the boss lady yet, but Donna is on our side, and needs some help.. What is Stanley paying you,so I'll have an idea of what to ask Sandra for?”
“About $350 a week, and that includes half of my bar tips – but that was to do breakfast and run the bar. I put in about 12 hours a day..”
“ I'll talk to her the first chance I get-- I'll try to get you at least that , and maybe more. ..” I said..

”Can I come down and see you tonight?” Her voice sounded so sexy over the phone.
“ I'll get back to you on that. Things are wild right now with me moving in upstairs. I'll call you later when I know some more.”
“ O. K. I have to get back to work, see you soon . Bye”

I was at the fitness center again, and saw a back way up to my place on the far side. I lugged my bags up to the door, and realized I had no key for it. I walked all the way back to the front entrance and through the weight room to the stairs inside..

I put my things away and Donna came up long enough to bring a cordless phone .. Sandra was calling in, and wanted to speak with me.
“ I'm about 20 minutes from the airport-- could you please come and pick me up? Donna said the place was packed, and my Hummer's at my place..”
“ Sure thing- I'm on my way..” I said.
“Thanks sweetie, I would have had to wait for a cab ,and I hate to wait.”
“ No problem” ......I could use the brownie points and talk to her about Debra.

“She knows about Debra--- I've done put in my two-cents worth for her” Donna said, “ and she seemed to like the idea.”
I pulled into the airport just as her plane touched down.. At her hangar, she spoke to a couple of guys and they began rolling her plane inside.
She had no bags, just a briefcase and slid it behind the seat of my Miata..
As she got inside she kissed me on the cheek and remarked that she loved my little car.

“ From what Donna told me , you've been burning the candle at both ends.
Let me hear your side of the story.”
I told her everything that had went down since last night when she left. The part about Stanley wanting to 'stomp my ass' made her laugh.

“ I wouldn't worry about him Dano, he's a wuss! His uncle is the local sheriff and he thinks he can do as he pleases. Before I hired Donna, he came in my place and offered to manage it for me-- for a 25% cut of the profits. I laughed in his face, and he hasn't spoken to me since. That's been about a year ago.”

I shook my head at the arrogance of this guy. I thought back to what Debra had said about him making everyone work two jobs.
The resort gave him ' X ' amount of dollars to run the place. By doubling up on everyone's workload, he was pocketing the difference, and getting half of all tips. He must think of himself as the ' mountain mafia' or some shit..

“Tell Debra to come in and we'll talk. If she can hold down two jobs up there, working with us would be a piece of cake!”

Sandra seemed to be cheerful, so I pressed my luck..

” You think you could see your way to pay her $450 a week? Even with Stanley ripping her off, and double duties, she managed to clear that.. It wouldn't be right for her to take a cut in pay to change jobs,and if Stanley got wind of it, he would be so pissed at you for hiring her....”

“Well , I pay Donna that now, and it wouldn't be fair to her .”
“So—Give Donna a raise also, and I promise you, over time this idea you've come up with will make us all some serious money. “

Sandra leaned back in the bucket seat , her short pleated skirt riding high , showing a lot of upper thigh.
“You think I could get some table time later?”
My right hand reached over and my open palm slid slowly up the inside of her left thigh, and brushed her mound with my fingertips.

“I was hoping you would say that.” I said.... She moaned loudly.
I massaged her large clit through the thin fabric , and her hips jerked as she moaned. Sliding her panties to one side , my fingers found the erect nub and rolled it in slow circles, making her ass raise off the seat.

”Ahh—Y-yess ! Do it Dano..! See how quick you can make me cum for you!”
The road was full of curves,and my right hand was no longer available for shifting gears. I used my driving hand to shift to third as I made the steep climb up the mountain.

I dipped my fingers inside as she rolled her ass in the seat. I was doing nearly seventy up the winding grade, and the rpm's were at the peak of the torque curve. I put her huge clit between my fingers as I punched the gas, causing the car to pin us back in the seats. I squeezed her clit as we heard the engine hit 7000 rpm's -near it's redline .........the engine screamed with her...

”Ahhhhhhhhhhh—God !! “ She spurted thickly onto my fingers , holding my hand with both hers, to grind out her orgasm..
“Ohhh S-Shit! “ Her cum drowned my two fingers, and though I didn't see it, I was sure my seat was soaked..
Sandra's breathing was coming in short gasps as her thighs jerked in spasms, and I quickly pulled my soaked fingers out, and licked them clean.. pulling the shifter to fourth, the engine was purring softly again.

“ Th-That's the first time I've ever cum in a car.. the sound of the motor helped me get off! Can you believe that?”
“ Kinky-- I've never gotten a lady off in my car—so you got my cherry too!”
My cock had turned to stone , and she saw it...........

We pulled in and parked. Once inside I covered my pants with my coat and went to the stairs as Sandra spoke to Donna ..
I saw Donna's head nod and look my way,smiling...
I went upstairs and quickly put my clothes in the closet, clearing the bed for a well deserved power nap!!

Chapter 7 -- Be careful what you wish for

Having settled in my place here at the 'gym' , I wandered downstairs to see if I could help out with Donna or Sandra. There were shipments of energy drinks, protein drinks, cases and cases of various juices to stock as the guy with hand trucks kept stacking them behind the juice bar. As he finished, I watched Sandra pay him in cash, over a grand from what I could see.

“ You ladies need some help with that?” I asked.
“ No thanks Dano, just mingle with the members and let them know you're on the staff now-- especially the young ladies.”

Sandra was in a very nice mood.. Too bad she was side-tracked by the shipment and didn't make it upstairs earlier. I would make it up to her later.
“And please call Debra , and tell her I'd like to see her today, in an hour if possible.”

I stepped outside with my cell and found her number.. She answered , and was very excited that things were moving so quickly for us. She said give her about 20 minutes to get there.
“ What about the bar, won't Stanley expect you there soon?”
“ I got a friend to cover for me. I told him I had to see my Doctor today.” We both laughed and she hung up..

I returned and introduced myself to at least 25-30 members , male and female.. A couple of the guys wanted to know if I done men also.. I said not as a rule, unless it's a sports injury.. Most men aren't that comfortable with another guy's hands on their bodies.
My brain clicked and I told them I planned to train a female assistant to offer the members a choice..

I was an instant friend to them then, and I asked them to help spread the word to their friends to join up while it's cold. That way they could exercise and be in great shape for the following spring..

I made my way back to Sandra and asked to speak with her in the office. Once inside, I pitched my 'idea' of training the girls to massage the male members—and females if they preferred them.
“ I think it's an excellent idea Dano! See - I just knew we would do great things together..”
“Debra would be perfect for the job, I think. I'd just work with her a couple of hours a day, so it wouldn't interfere with Donna training her to run the juice bar.”

“We need to cover our ass on this.. I meant to ask you –Have you ever been busted for having sex with clients?”
“ No Sandra, it's all perfectly legal in my book-- if the client requests my “ Erotic massage” while on the table.
That's why I've always worked off referrals from my repeat ladies.
Word gets around, and a satisfied client is my best advertisement. I don't “solicit' sex for money.”

“ As long as there's a service provided for the rate charged-- the massage is what they pay for-- any sex that might happen is a personal thing between two consenting adults.”

“ Sounds like you've been to law school..” Sandra was impressed.

“I'm not worried .. It's in the “ethics” of massage therapy not to get sexual with clients.

The masseur than trained me 30 years ago said that times were changing, and if you didn't adapt, you would be left behind.
He instilled in me the philosophy to give the client whatever they asked for—within reason.”

There was a tap at the door, and Donna came in with Debra.. She was in her 'goth' outfit and looked good enough to eat.
“ I'm Debra-- and Dano said you wanted to interview me.. I'm sorry about the outfit, I was getting ready to tend bar when I got the call ..”
“ It makes me want one” pouted Donna..”I think you turned every man's head in the gym when you walked through... I'm getting wet just looking at you..”

Sandra and I laughed as Debra's face blushed..
“Don't pay us no mind – We're all one big happy family here, and Dano and I have a plan to get us all stinking rich..”
Sandra had Donna to go tend the bar while we talked. We sat her down and went over our plan to cross train her as Donna's assistant and when needed, she would train as my apprentice in the fine art of massage.

“So , I'm still gonna be working two jobs ... That's nothing new to me. I just want out of that place up there. At least you won't be taking half my pay..---Which will be what?”
Sandra spoke up and said --

“ I'm going to be fair as possible and start you out at $450 a week..and you get to keep any tips you may get. Donna averages $100--$150 in a week in tips.
This is a salary, so it stays at that even if you pass 40 hours in a week.. If you're out sick, you still get it.. if you need a personal day, you still get it..If you lay out on me and I find it out, I'll drop you like a bad habit. We open at 8am and close at 7pm six days.. Sundays are 1pm till 7pm..”

“ Both you and Donna will be here during peak hours, but Donna will work out the details for time off..
You will be her responsibility till you are trained..Dano and I will be in and out a lot covering other places I have.. You do me a good job and you could very well be one of my managers in the future.”
“When do you want me to start?”
“ Do you plan on giving Stanley a notice..?” I asked..
“Yes Dano -- I think I'll give him the same one you did...”

I thought Sandra was going to roll out of her chair with laughter, and I couldn't help but pull Debra up and hug her tightly..
“You go back later when Stanley's off duty, pack your bags and my table , then give him your notice by phone after you're loaded. I have an extra bedroom you can use till we find you a place.”
She thanked Sandra and giving me a quick kiss she left.

“That is one hot little lady, Dano..You sure you're not gonna keep that all to yourself?”
“ I'll admit she is an '11' on my 1 –10 scale , but I would be cutting my own throat to tie down with her, or anyone else for the present. I ran this by Donna, so we all understand.”.

“ There should be no jealousy between any of us-- if we can remember that, we will get along great together.” I said.

“ I would love to watch you two sometime – or you with Donna – or a three/four-way with all us girls and you.. I don't know what you've done to me, but my sex drive has gone into overdrive since we've met.”
“Sandra, I love all of you dearly, but I'm not –in love-- with anyone..can you accept that?”

“Of course , no one has said anything about love.. This is just the best sex I've ever had ,and it pisses me off that it took so long to find out what my body is capable of.
I was never 'multi-orgasmic' before you came into my life, and you're gonna be a hard act to follow.”

“ I think we should all get together tonight and experiment. Donna told me about you and her, and I'm just curious to see Debra's reaction when she learns you two are Bi..
It would really open up some possibilities for her if she were. She could get the males, and females business on the table.”
“ Don't push her into it, Dano.. I can tell she's got it bad for you right now.. She needs you to lean on until she spreads her wings on her own, whichever way it may be.”

“ I'm going to chill out up in my new place.. Got a lot to put up and get me a power nap in.. I got a feeling I'll need my strength later.” She smiled as I headed out.
I went out to my car and opened the trunk, getting my large duffel bag out. It held the Sybian and all it's attachments..Yep, I had a real surprise in store for my new ladies tonight. I stuck it in my bedroom and lay across the bed..

At 7:45pm I woke to feel very refreshed. I took a quick shower and went to the kitchen in search of a snack. I settled for some roast beef and cheese on wheat and a bottle of water..
I sat at my front picture window watching the tiny headlights moving up and down the mountain as I ate.
The gym had closed at 7 , so I wondered why Donna or Sandra hadn't come up.. I dialed Deb's number and she answered on the second ring.

“How's the packing going?”
“Oh- Just fine. I'm in the car now and will be there in a few minutes. Stanley came in and saw me loading up. Wished me good luck , if you can believe it.

He said since I wasn't giving notice, he would have to withhold a $100 penalty..I told him fine, I could live with that.”

He still says he's gonna stomp your ass if he sees you..I'm pretty sure it's not for quitting, but for fucking me last night when he was so sure I was his.”
“ I'm shaking with fear..I don't see how that cocksucker sleeps at night., the way he treats his people.” I said.
“O.K.-- I'm parking out front... You wanna come and help me? “

I was out the door and unloading her car very quickly.. Still no sign of the others. Maybe they went to or each other... With Deb's stuff in the spare room, I fixed her a sandwich also.. We sat watching the lights while she ate.. Now was as good a time as any to pick her brain.

“ There's something you should know Deb.. Sandra and Donna are Bi .How you feel about that?”

She smiled, and said- “ I knew it the minute she made the remark about my outfit. It's crossed my mind on occasion, but I've never had close girlfriends or the opportunity..”
“ I was an only c***d, and home schooled till high school. Those two guys I referred to about sex were total idiots compared to you.”

“So—you're saying you would be open to the idea?
It could really make you some serious money in the massage business if you went both ways.”
She looked at the cars a few seconds more and smiled at me..
“I'll try anything once.. is it gonna be with 'them'?”
“I'm saying they'll probably show later, so just play it by ear, and follow my lead... I know they are both hot for you.”

We sat cuddled on the sofa for about 30 minutes talking.. I heard the door to the gym open and close downstairs , and the two ladies giggling. We kept our place to see what they were up to.

“Danoo-- You awake ?” Donna said.. They made it up and cut the corner arm in arm. Both of them were decked out in “Gothic” attire..
Sandra was in a 'wet- look' black patent leather mini skirt with matching over the calve black boots. A black mesh nylon pull over something was cut just above her navel..She raised her mini high enough in the back to reveal a white thong to accent her great ass and tanned legs.

Donna was dressed as a 'Gothic squaw' Indian .. A short black leather skirt with leather strips down the sides, a black leather halter top, and black leather moccasin -style boots with the same leather strips that came nearly to her knees. Raising her skirt, she showed off a pair of red lace crotchless panties..Both sported a black leather choker with the little silver spikes ..

“It would seem you've made quiet a first impression on them, Deb..” I drooled..
“ They are definitely Hot!! “ she replied..

“ Debra –or can I just call you Deb? Let's go down to the bar and I'll fill you in on how to blend the different beverages we serve.” Donna said.
“Sure thing – I want to hit the ground runnin in the morning..”
Donna came over and pulled me to my feet, wrapping her arms low around my hips.. kissing me deeply.. “What's that all about “ I asked.

“Just wanted to show my appreciation for helping me get a promotion..
You're looking at the new manager here , and I got a great raise , with a commission on sales.
The new outfits were Sandra's idea, to celebrate.”

“ I don't suppose Deb's attire had an influence on the dress code?”
I used a finger to adjust her swelled breast that threatened to expose her nipple. She spun and hooked Deb's arm in hers and they made their way downstairs , giggling like a couple of schoolgirls..

”You really like it? “ Sandra done a slow turn, with her arms outstretched ..
“It makes me feel so decadent –and sexy!!” I couldn't agree more.

“ I feel as if I've died and went to “ Goth Heaven “ ... You ladies are all gonna get my best work tonight, and I'm not talking massages .. I also have a friend who's going to help me.”
“ Friend ?”
“We'll discuss it later.. I've talked to Deb and she's very open minded to the Bi thing – said she'd try anything once.. so don't disappoint her..Let's go see what they're up to.”

Once downstairs, we glanced to the bar to see them looking at the overhead drink menu, Donna pointing and Deb nodding. I took Sandra by the waist and moved to her office.
“We need to move this massage table to a more permanent location..” Sandra said. I broke it down and she had me follow her to the sauna room entrance.

“ There's an office for you to work out of just across the hall here..” she pointed. Inside was an area as big as her office, same type desk, file cabinet , furniture , etc. Had it's own shower in the private restroom.
“It was Donna's but she will be using mine now.”

I set up the table, and went back to get my oils and stones. Sandra dressed down to the thongs, leaving the sexy choker and top on. She went to check again on our 'help'.. finding them sharing a large juice with two straws. They saw her and came around to meet her .

“Dano says we're all in deep trouble.. said something about having a friend that was gonna help him out.”
“Yeah --Well I gotta see it before I believe it!”- Donna cut in , saying I'd told her about a 22 lb vibrator. Both their jaws dropped in disbelief.

“ Deb – would you mind bringing my duffel bag down to my new office?” I asked.
“ On the way “ she replied. We walked back to the office and clued Donna in about Deb..
“ Oh- she's so fucking hot ! Can I have her first ? I'll suck her damn guts out!” Donna's eyes went wide in anticipation..
“ Be cool sweetie , and let things just happen. We don't know what this guy has in mind yet.”
Sandra seemed very confident I would have some kind of plan..

Three hot ladies and only one cock required serious thought, which is the reason I'd bought the $1,200 vibrator. This was no toy..It was a “saddle”.. Every woman I've ever let ride it either fell off passed out, or had to be helped off it...

Deb came in with the bag slung on her shoulder, bitchin about it being so heavy.
“What in the hell have you got in here? Damn bag weighs a ton! “
I took the bag with one hand, and set it gently down..

“ O. K. - My office- my rules..” I said, looking them up and down sexily as I could.
“ First , all three of you get those things off and hit the sauna , and don't come out till I come after you. Second, you each must strip as the others watch—beginning with you Deb..”

I leaned my ass on the edge of the massage table while Donna and Sandra chose the couch.
Deb took the hint and done an imaginary 'Bump & Grind” , letting the short mini skirt slide down over each side of her ass,one cheek at a time.
Turning, she bent to step out of it,showing her red thong and great ass. I thought Donna was gonna come off the couch and tackle her, as she had me ..

Sandra restrained her, holding her down as Deb turned and removed the vest and black tee.. She wore no bra, and both ladies drooled at the sight of her puffy pink nipples , the tips rock hard.. Donna licked her lips as she came up to strip, stopping to look at Deb's trimmed mound...
“ You are so beautiful..” Donna said. She imitated the dance, and finished by showing her fine ass as well ..Sandra was in heat, visibly sweating , a fine line across her brow. She practically tore hers off, but still tried to do it in a sexy manner.

My cock had swelled also, leaving a respectable bulge down one side of my camo shorts. They all seen it , but Deb made it over to place one hand on it while kissing me deeply, with tongue. She gripped the thick shaft, then let her fingers scratch playfully down the length to the head.
Donna and Sandra were now at my side, kissing my neck and trying to get at my stiff cock also. I had to push my way clear to breath.

“We're gonna hurt you Mister” Deb said sexily..
“ Yeah, right..” I smiled at her confidence..
“Hit the sauna, and keep your hands to yourselves.. no quickies!”

Soon as they were gone, I pulled the saddle from the bag. I located a few large towels and spread them over each other to form a pad for the saddle to sit on, and provide the ladies relief from carpet burns on their knees. I set it in the middle, and plugged it into the wall outlet.

The business end of it was in the center of the saddle on top. Two motors, one for vibration, the other for rotation, were concealed inside the cavity. It was covered in brown vinyl, to make cleanup easy.
It came with several attachments, one being a life- like 7” penis that I placed in the holder. I d****d another towel over it and sat a large tube of Astroglide gel close by.

I was as prepared as I could be for this,but I still hoped they would ease Deb into it carefully. I would try to control them as long as possible. I stuck my head inside the door of the sauna and told them that it was time....... Soon as they entered , I had Sandra to hit the table on her tummy.Oiling my hands, I had the girls watch me as I talked them through my basic moves.

“ Always begin with the feet , and work towards the heart..Work up to the calves ,then the upper the place where legs meets buttocks.”
Donna was standing behind the slightly shorter Debra, with her heads side by side. Deb copied my moves on Sandra's other side as I continued.

“ Repeat the moves at least twice. At this point, we move to the front of the table, facing the client. Begin with a light touch with the pads of the fingers, massaging the scalp and crown. We'll cover the finer points of this later.”

“Then move down to the neck, being very careful with the amount of pressure used. The shoulders, back and spinal column are complex, so for now just watch..”
I moved quickly, to show the order I used ..
“This is a crash course,and I don't expect you to soak it all up at once.”
I was talking as slow as I dared , trying to be as professional as possible.

“ The spinal column is arranged in the following order.. There are 7 Cervical vertebrae , 12 Thoracic vertebrae, 5 Lumbar vertebrae, 5 Fused Sacrum vertebrae, and 3 Coccyx – or tail bone.
“Arriving at the L-5 region, we next come to the buttocks.
Always work each one separately. When using the stones, take care to hold them a second or so in your hand to transfer some of the heat.

Place it in your palm and rub it in wide circles to dissipate the heat evenly on each cheek. A properly heated buttock will be a light rose in color. Our next massage will involve using the stones, so keep that in mind.”

Deb's open palm ran across Sandra's cheek and round in circles like mine. Sandra moaned loudly. Deb's eyes were on mine ,as if searching for a clue of what to do next.
“Deb, I want you to go over her again, in the order I described ..but at a more relaxed pace. You should never rush a massage.”

“ Oil your hands and begin while I introduce Donna to my friend.”
She smiled and began ... The towel was just a few feet to the side of the massage table. Donna came around to my side and looked at the towel covering my ' friend '.

I reached down and removed the towel as Donna gasped..
“ I'll be damned ! I thought you were jerking my chain!”
I picked up the control pad and explained it so all could hear. Sandra had her head out of the face cradle and turned to the side watching me. Deb's voice sounded a little shaky as she commented--
“Y-You mean that''s what I carried down from your room?”

“ The pad has two on/off buttons”.. I clicked them both on and a red and green light appeared.
“ The two dials control speed and rotation, starting from the left on each-- you turn it clockwise to the right—if you dare.”

I turned one and the cock began to vibrate,increasing as I turned it. I done likewise on the rotation ,and the cock began to oscillate in tight circles ... I brought the vibrating-- gyrating cock to a stop..You could have heard a pin drop as they looked at first at me, then each other.

I handed Donna the tube of Astroglide and told her to lube up the 7” cock sticking up from the saddle. She went to her knees and slid her hand up and down the silicone replica , commenting how real it felt.
“Now slowly lower your sweet little Indian pussy onto my friend.... I'll drive for the moment.”
She squatted onto it, as the others watched, mesmerized as the highly erotic scene unfolded.
“Get on your knees please, cause you're gonna be there a while.”

Using the vibration mode only, I cranked it clockwise to the 12 o clock setting.
“Whew!!-- Th-That feels soo good!” Donna exclaimed as she sat squarely on the base of the saddle..
I increased the vibes, doubling the intensity.. Her long black hair was pulled into a tight ponytail with a wide rubber band in the crown of her lovely head.

I watched her lean back on the saddle, to direct the intense vibes onto her G spot..That produced sounds from her throat that were more of a growl , coming from deep inside.. I added the rotation slowly, more as a precaution cause I was sure she had never experienced this double stimulation before..Less than two minutes passed before it hit her.

“Aaiieee!!-- followed by her native chants served to let the others know what my ' friend ' was doing to her. I vowed to myself to learn some of the Cherokee language...Her young body shook in spasms as she squeezed both breasts, pinching the erect nipples.
“C-ccumminnngg!” Donna managed to say as I put the Sybian into another gear, but nowhere near it's limit..

Checking the table , I saw Sandra and Deb transfixed to the scene, Deb's fingers had disappeared into the oiled cheeks , and Sandra was loving it, backing her ass up on her hand..
Debra smiled at me and winked.She pulled her hand up and licked Sandra's juices from her soaked fingers, only to put them back inside.. I knew from that moment on she would be fine with this.

Donna's eyes were clinched shut, writhing in orgasms, her breaths ragged and loud, still chanting.. I stepped to face her, and letting my shorts drop, my cock stood out and touched her cheek.

Seeing my cock made her grin as she took hold of it and began to pump it. Her other hand went to her clit,rubbing it furiously.. She licked at the wide head,catching the clear drops that she was milking from me.
Catching the wide head in her mouth, she engulfed it and about half my shaft, keeping her hand around the thick base..
“Mmnnnnn” – she moaned , putting a death grip around the base, making the head swell even more.

Donna sucked cock well, considering her condition.. her orgasms were coming at closer intervals, and it wasn't long before she had me ready to cum. I had to push her head and mouth away to keep from losing my load..

I motioned for Debra to come over.. She stepped into my position as I passed her the control, and Donna's hands quickly went Deb's asscheeks, pulling her glistening cunt to her lips.

“ Ahhhggg-Yes !! “ Deb screamed as Donna's tongue found her swelled clitoris.
She sucked at the nub noisely, with her fingernails dug into Deb's ass cheeks. Debra held the Cherokee's head with her hand , moaning loudly as her spread thighs jerked from the intense tongue action.
Deb watched my hand as I turned the rotation to the 2 o clock setting.. Her fingers dug in deep as she screamed her ass off, pulling Deb almost on top of her face.

I moved to the foot of the table and flipped Sandra over , who was watching the spectacle while masturbating her large clit. She smiled and said-
”It's about time I got some too ! “
I placed her spread thighs wide and let my dripping cock sink into her slick cunt..taking her breath.

Moaning loudly, it was beginning to sound like a whore convention.

All three were moaning and screaming at different levels , I couldn't keep count of the orgasms the women were having. I was driving my cock deeply into Sandra's gripping snatch, getting a pussy fart here and there.

I saw Donna's legs convulsing on each side of the Sybian and knew her time was running out.
She had the control now and had cranked the rotation wide open.. cumming continuously now, but still eating the redheads pussy ..

Deb's hands clutched handfuls of Donna's hair as she screamed that she was cumming again..grinding her pussy onto the tongue that had buried deep inside. Her spread thighs were convulsing also, making it difficult to keep her balance.
Donna spun Deb around and began to run her tongue up into her ass cheeks .. Spreading her cheeks wide , she rimmed the redhead , then tongue fucked the tight pink muscle..

“Hey –Donna – Quit hoggin the saddle and let Deb ride some..” I said.
She slowly tried to stand, but couldn't on her own. Debra helped steady her as they switched.. All the while I had kept my slow fuck with Sandra, who was still playing with herself..
She had already had several orgasms, but watching those two in the floor had to be the height of the evening..

I felt my balls tighten as I fired several thick jets of cum up Sandra's spasming pussy.. Just as Debra screamed to high heaven , Donna shoved her cunt onto her lips and ground out her release again..Her juices ran down the sides of Deb's mouth..It was Erotic as hell to witness.

It was absolutely one of the wildest nights of sex I had experienced to date.. I had created three nymphomaniacs , without even trying. I was rather proud of myself.....
I would always love each of them, but I hoped I would never have to choose one over the other..

It was 2 am before we all called it a wrap and went to bed. Donna took Sandra home and probably slept there with her. Debra and I went to my place, had a long shower together, and slept together in my huge bed..

I woke about 5:30am to find Debra tucked nicely into the hollow of my arm and chest. Her head lay on my left breast and she was sleeping peacefully. I'd always woke around this time for years, my internal clock telling me to get up and urinate.

My problem was that she had one of her legs thrown across mine , her warm thigh covering my morning piss hard-on.. Her arm was across my chest. There was no way I could move without waking her.. She had to be up and downstairs to work her first day by 8am..

I reluctantly rolled towards her, and her arm and leg slid off as she rolled her back to me, curled in the fetal position. I spooned up against her warm body, hoping that she would drift back off to sleep.
We lay that way several minutes till my urgency made me finally slip out of bed and walk to the bathroom.

I relieved myself, and checking the mirror while I washed my face and hands, I saw her reflection smiling at me.. I turned to face her and she immediately came forward to wrap her warm naked body into mine.
“ Mornin' – she said in her sleepy voice..
“I'm sorry to have woke you, but the call of nature--”
“I know-me too..” she cut me off.. “I'm used to getting up at this hour.. Up at the ski resort, I had to be in the kitchen by 6:30am to help cook breakfast..”

She sat on the stool and began to do her thing,while she yawned and stretched her arms up and back, her firm breasts swaying slightly.
“This is getting to me Dano, I've never actually slept all night with anyone in my life,but you.. I sorta like it.. two nights in a row..”
“Yeah-- It's nice to have someone to cuddle and wake up with..”
I had stood there and brushed my teeth, combed my auburn hair in place, and felt reasonably awake.She finished and stood , flushing the push button toilet. Debra came up behind me and circled my waist with her arms.

“ How bout I make you some coffee , and stir up some breakfast for us?”
“ I have coffee, but not breakfast food.. We'll have to eat out if you are hungry.”
In one move, she turned me around and slipped to her knees to hold my cock to her face.

“I'm hungry all right—ever since I saw Donna do this last night, I wanted to do it also.. I've never sucked a cock in my life.”
Given her sheltered and home schooled life-- I still found that hard to accept.

She gave me little choice in the matter. Gripping the base, she gave my shaft and head a few exploratory licks, then parted her soft lips and took the head inside, rolling her tongue around the rapidly swelling glans.
Pumping in an inch at a time, her mouth filled quickly, with a lot of cock left to play with. I watched as her pretty face looked up at me, with those big blue bedroom eyes... her hand stroking what wouldn't fit inside.

She began to go down further, choking herself once, then settled into it again and managed to get about five of my seven inches into her warm mouth.Deb reached around and pulled me by my ass cheeks into her, gagging as her nose brushed my pubic bone.
Her suction was very intense, the cheeks hollowing as she pulled back, leaving only the tip inside. She would take a few long slurps, then pause at the tip to run her tongue around the head..

I couldn't take this any longer. I stood her up, picking her in up my arms and carried her to the bed...I lay on my back and let her on top, but made her reverse into a 69 position.
Her mouth and hands found me again and she resumed her efforts, while I prepared my morning meal..
I started half way up her inner thighs, and planted wet kisses up one side till I reached her dripping pussy. I didn't touch it, instead I went to the other thigh and repeated.. My hands had wrapped around her ass cheeks , pulling them wide to allow me maximum room.

Licking and sucking my way toward her sweet smelling lips, I let my fingers explore the warm recesses of her ass.. Deb was moaning on my cock, and grinding her hips trying to steer me to my reward..
My long tongue dipped deeply into her depths, and I added a little suction of my own , causing her to come up off my cock long enough to scream—her vaginal muscles gripped my tongue like a warm,wet glove and began to pulsate..

Her walls contracted around my stiff tongue as the spasms rocked her, shooting my mouth full. She fell forward onto my thick cock and sucked it like she was starving.
I swallowed two mouthfuls of her fluids and pulled her down to rim her ass well with my tongue, setting off another strong orgasm in her..
“Y-Yess!! That feels so go-good!! Ah-h—hhhh”

I tongue – fucked the redhead's tight ass as one orgasm blended with another..
Without much warning-my cock swelled and my fat balls bunched up close to pour out their fresh cum into her sucking mouth and throat.. She swallowed most of it, letting very little escape.

I was still tongue – fucking her spasming anus as she swallowed her first ever cum shot, and doing a splendid job !! I wanted to—no---- I HAD to have some of this sweet ass..

Removing my tongue, I replaced it with my two middle fingers., pushing them in to the second knuckle, and making Deb scream in delight. My tongue danced on her exposed clit...then sucked it inside my lips, rolling my tongue round and round the bud..

.”Oh—Yeah! You kinky bastard!! You-you're making mee cum a-againn ! -----Ahhhhgg!!”

I stroked them down till I bottomed out two –then three times while she squirted cum all over my nose and cheeks .. . I suddenly rolled her over and spun her like a rag doll, hooking her knees on my shoulders..

Placing my half-hard cock at her spasming asshole, I pushed slowly as the head slid past her muscle, sliding in deep and hearing her wail ...

“Oh God ---Yess!!! Fuck My Ass !!” I was glad the place wasn't open for business yet..her screams echoing thru the gym downstairs.
I "inch fucked" her gripping ass muscles all the way down to my balls and held it there to let her get used to the feeling.
Her ass rolled and her muscles gripped the thick shaft as my cock began to get hard again. It swelled to it's full length and girth, taking her breath..

I slid back out and turned her over doggy style.. She held her cheeks wide as my cock slid back in.The tightness was making me rock hard, and she dilated , pushing back on it ..

“N—Noo! Easy-- You're gonna split me open!!” I eased back on my entry to let her adjust,and moments passed before I felt the muscles give and I bottomed out, with my balls resting on her clit..
“God—It hurts so good!!” she said as her tight ass muscles spasmed around my shaft. I remained still, while she rolled her ass in tight circles..
My free hand went around to find her clit and trap it between the pads of my fingers.Deb screamed bloody murder as an anal orgasm rocked her like a bomb going off.

“Oh-n-no-no-no.....I can't stand this!! I-I'm c-cumminnngg again!!!”
Her hips did all the work , pushing back , impaling her asshole on my cock over and over. My balls tightened again , spurting thick,hot jets of cum up her bowels in a mind-blowing orgasm that she felt ..

”Ahhhhhhh—It's so hot!! Give it to me Mister, all you have!”
I joined in her ass assault , pounding her cheeks with so much force, her knees buckled and she went spread-eagled onto her tummy, still wringing the last few spurts from my cock. We lay motionless at last, both our bodies jerking uncontrollably in the aftershocks of our orgasms.

I hadn't realized I had my weight on her till I felt her squirm under me, trying to roll out.. She had tears in her eyes and running down her cheeks as she clung to my neck,sobbing. I felt bad , thinking I had hurt her. She was trying to talk, but weak as she was-- could only whisper..

” I-I love you, let me stay here with you..”

Oh Shit---I thought.. Now look what I've done.. We lay silently wrapped in each others arms as our breathing and heart rates stabilized.. I was just dozing when Debra looked at the clock..

“Damn—I'm running late!” It was only 6:30 am ..
But women need more time to prepare than men. She jumped in the shower as I lay , still dozing ..
She dressed quickly in her own room, and left before I got up.

She's just downstairs—I told myself, and went to turn on the coffeemaker. She had already done it, bless her sweet ass..I sat watching the sunrise over the mountains and planned my next moves.
It was 7:30 before I felt the urge to hit the bathroom again. After stepping from the shower, I could make out noises coming from downstairs.. Sounded like Donna and Debra were laughing , climbing my stairs..
I was toweling down the excess drips that all men get between their ass and balls. I lay my towel on the bed and sat down to pull on my socks and sports briefs.

“Dano-- you decent yet? Here we come, ready or not.”
They walked into the bedroom, looking like something out of a dream. They had on matching yellow tank tops with a weight lifter centered just under their boobs.--- he was power-lifting a black rod over his head, connecting the twin breasts.. The guys would love it.

For bottoms they wore matching white jogging pants that were so tight they appeared to be painted on ....Incredible.. I stood and Donna came round and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. She smiled as she ran her finger across my briefs, outlining my shaft..

“ I heard he's already been fed, so how about you? I brought us all some sausage biscuits from Hardee's , and we get to drink all the free juice we want. It's downstairs, if you would grace us with your presence.” Deb turned and poised as she said-

”You like our outfits Dano?” Her pants accented each cheek, and it was very apparent they were both wearing matching pink thongs..
“ The guys won't get a lot done with you two looking like that. Please tell me that Sandra's not gonna be dressed like that.”

“No—She won't. I know something you don't “ said Donna.” You and her will be flying outta here today for parts unknown.”

Playtimes over , I thought to myself.. Time to earn my keep.
We all walked to the bar and had our biscuits, the girls drinking O J and I brought coffee.

It was 7:45 am and about 18-20 degrees outside, and there was already a line of cars sitting in the parking area, their motors running , waiting for Donna to open up.
“Let's give em a break,” Deb said, unlocking the door and waving to them... The place filled quickly with mostly men, who liked to get in an hour before work, I suppose.

I stood beside the bar and made a sign-up time sheet to hang up at the bulletin board.. I listed my available times vertically down the left beginning at 10 am – 12 noon and 1 pm-- 6 pm ...beginning next week,I hope.
I would let the members pencil in their names beside the time they wanted.. Seemed the fair way to do it. I went to my ' office' to check what I needed in the way of supplies.

Anticipating a heavy workload, I quickly seen that I would need to purchase two dozen large towels, two dozen sheets, two dozen wash cloths , liquid hand soap, scented candles and oils , some softer lighting and music .. X six = $ 3,000 to outfit all the places Sandra had. Not too bad .

That would knock a dent in my first months "salary", but it was an investment , not a bill...

I went back up front with my figures and ran a copy for Sandra and Donna. Deb was busy mixing a pitcher of something , and Donna watched.. I handed Donna her copy and explained.

“ I'll need this by the time I return. Taking my wallet out, I pulled $600 out and handed it to her.
This should more than cover it. There's an extra $200 I'll be kicking in per month for laundry expenses.”
I led her to the side and said,
“ Debra will be staying at my place while I'm gone. Will that be a problem for you?”
“Not at all—I'll most likely stay with her, if you don't mind.”

“ And Dano-- You Will leave your ' friend ' for us to play with ,won't you?”
"Only if you promise to teach me some Cherokee words I've heard you say."

Her smile could melt butter.......

Sandra walked through the door , a smile on her face... “Good morning all !”
She grabbed a glass of O J and jerked her head towards her former office and said --
“ Let's go talk, Dano.”
Entering, she sat behind the desk, all business-like , and pointed at the nearby chair for me..

“ I was very impressed with your 'friend ' last night. Even though I didn't get to ride it, it was amazing to watch it in action with those two.
Where do I buy one?”
I smiled broadly and laughed , saying that wouldn't be a problem.. I stepped to the computer and pulled up the website. She scrolled through the pages quickly and said --
“$1,200 isn't a bad investment for one.. it says here they're built for life, and should one ever quit, they'll repair or replace it.”
Leaning back in the chair, she continued..
“ I'll most likely put one in each of my places, to keep the women happy when you're not around.”

“Let's get something cleared up”, I said..keeping the smile ..
“ I didn't take this job to be put out to 'stud'.. I'll help get you the members, I promise.. Keeping them will be up to you.” I continued..
“ I can't have sex with ALL the ladies I massage-- even I have a limit to how much I can 'perform '.. Variety is what's keeps me going-- along with some hormone therapy I had to take several years ago.”
“Please , explain .. I want to know all about you Dano , so we'll know where we stand with each other.”

“It was 1990 when I learned I had an enlarged prostate. I had two choices , an operation that could have a negative affect on my sex life, or an alternative they were experimenting with at the time.”
“ I bought the Sybian to keep my wife [ then ] happy while I was in therapy.. She lost it in the divorce a couple of years later..and I've not looked back since.”

“ I can't pronounce the medical term used, but it was basically 'aggressive hormone therapy'... 60 days on it, a 60 rest then 60 more on it, back and forth.. That lasted a couple years , and it cured me...sort of.. well, it had some side effects-- I had to shave twice a day, I had hair in places I didn't want, and I stay horny..”

Sandra pouted sarcastically......”Poor Ba-Bee..”

“It's given me the sex drive of a teenager..” I pouted back , giving her my best ' humble ' look.

“ You know -- there are men out there that would kill to have what you have.. not to mention the knowledge... That was an impressive little show you put on with the massage on me also... Donna remarked that she had no idea you were so well informed on anatomy..”
“ I didn't even scratch the surface .. I know all the bones, tendons ,ligaments, nerves , meridians and their pathways....” She cut me short..
“ O. K. I'm getting the idea, so do you have any suggestions on where we should begin?”

“ Well , if they were my gyms , I would look to the ones that could stand to benefit from growing larger.”
“ You said you have 115 members right here. .. If we got them all inside here at one time, they would be packed like sardines. You need more inside room here and more equipment first, then get members.”
“You have at least three acres of parking outside, and I would expand to accommodate 200 members before I'd take on any more.. If it starts getting very crowded, you will lose members..”

“How about I just stay here and let you fly around and manage them? You are a very intelligent man.”
“ No thank you , what I'm getting at is-- which gym is the largest , with the least membership, and what's the lowest male/ female ratio you have?”
“ Pack a bag – we leave in 30 minutes. I'll call the airport and have the plane warmed for us.. I also need to file a flight plan--- to Knoxville Tennessee.”

I stood and left, while she started the wheels of her mind turning. I had given her a fresh perspective and I could tell she liked a challenge. I sprinted upstairs and packed my Jethro bag with what I thought I'd need for 3 days. If I needed something else, I'd buy it. Debra came up, she said to use the bathroom. Soon as she saw me , she ran and jumped into my arms. “ I'm gonna miss you Dano, how long will you be gone?”
“ I have no clue, but Donna and my 'friend ' will not let you get lonely.”
“She's nice and also your friend , but I'd much rather wake up with you.”

“ Well, a big part of my duties are to help Sandra increase memberships at her other places. I can't do that if I'm here between your thighs..” She laughed, saying it was alright and that Donna had already asked to stay with her. Sandra's voice interrupted us as she called up the stairs.
“ Dano--- come on” Deb kissed me with plenty of tongue and bade me goodbye..
Going past the bar, Donna added a wet kiss also.

We took Sandra's Hummer... Donna and Deb would pick it up later.
I stowed my bag inside and sat in the co-pilot's seat at the right while she went inside.. Coming back, she had a couple of coffee's for us and entered ...
We taxied to the proper runway, and took off. She banked the plane over to our heading and hit the autopilot.

“ See- wasn't that easy? I bet I could have you flying this plane inside an hour.”
“What's our flight time?” I asked.
“ About 35 minutes , longer if the jets are landing, they have priority.”

I sat quiet a few minutes, enjoying the view and sipping my coffee.
Sandra broke the silence ..
“Dano—what did you mean by male/female ratio's ?”

“ Looking at the numbers will help determine if you should expand, or convert.
You sell a service, and should never have a waiting list to join.”
“ If the numbers are lopsided , as they are at 'Donna's ' , it might pay you to convert it to an all female gym..What you lose in male members , you would gain back in females.”

“You could take out most of the weight room.. Build the guys a nice weight room beside it and the males memberships out of it, since that's about all they want.”
“ I would have never thought of that, but it seems to make sense.”

Sandra flipped off the auto-pilot and made our approach into the airport. Talking to the tower, she dropped quickly to a runway that the smaller planes used.
We got out and she found us a cab quickly.

The ride wasn't long and I was getting antsy about seeing this gym. We stepped out in front of it, and it looked pretty big from the outside.
Once inside, she introduced me to Cathy,her manager. She was eager to meet me. Tall as me, with short brown hair and a cute face , and had one hot figure..

“ I've already heard from Sandra by phone that you're her newest acquisition. They delivered your table and stones yesterday.. I set them up for you in a nice room with a dressing area and bathroom this way.”
Sandra stayed at the front, looking at the books, I suppose.. I followed Cathy back to the room, and set my bag down..It was a large room, with little in the way of furnishings..
“ How long do you plan to stay,Dano?”
“She had me pack enough for a few days, so I don't really know.”

“ I'd sure like to try out that table and stones.. I won't repeat what Sandra told me about you , but it was good..”
“I'd like a tour first, so I won't get lost.” She laughed and since we were near the back, we worked our way forward, looking at the spacious areas..
“This used to be a warehouse , then it was a car dealership, and finally a gym.”
“How many members do you have?”
“Last count was 183.. but we are buying some airtime from the local radio stations and I hoping to improve those numbers soon..”

This place was large enough to add at least another 50-75 members.

With her in the lead going down a hallway, I watched her ass cheeks as they fought each other for control of the tight jogging shorts she wore.
First impressions are important, and I took no chances here, being polite , not interrupting , and listening to her ..

We arrived back at the front where Sandra was talking with a female member.
“ Oh—there he is—lets ask.”. Sandra said as she made the introductions. “ This is Connie, Dano and she asked if you were available today. I knew better than to speak for you.”

“I was going to ask how long we'd be here myself. Cathy wants on the table too.” I said..
“Paying members have priority over management ..” Sandra said, smiling.
” We'll be here till you're ready to move on to the next one , figure at least staying overnight.”

Sandra gave Cathy my list for supplies and sent her shopping, saying she would hold down the bar till she returned. I put $600 in her hand and wished her luck.
“Give me about 15 minutes for my stones to heat up, while I get the new table adjusted.”
I went back to my 'office' and began setting the table for my height as the stones heated up.
I was running low on my forms I have the ladies fill out ,so I ran one back up front and had Sandra make me some copies. I handed one to Connie and asked that she complete it.

Back in my office, I changed into a pair of cargo shorts and wife- beater tee. It was very warm inside this building, and I saw no thermostat anywhere. Connie entered and gave me the form. I explained my routine.

“ There's a dressing area in the next room, and a restroom. I will need the bra off, but you can keep you're panties on if you're shy.. Wrap with the sheet under your arms like this [ I did an imaginary d**** with my hands] and come lay tummy down on the table..”

I noticed something in her walk, not a limp but she seemed to be favoring one side.. Checking her form, I saw she was recently in a car accident.. no broken bones, just bruises. She was 22, 5'5” 120 lbs. with no history of neck or back injuries. Did I mention she was very pretty?

Connie came back out an lay on the table, tummy down. I folded the sheet up to the tops of her thighs,and oiled my hands to begin.
“ Sandra spoke well of your abilities Dano. How long have you done massage.?”
“ I started eight years before you were born.” My hands were on her feet, working the oil between the toes.
“I wasn't trying to be a smart ass , I notice a ladies age when I read their form. Tell me about you accident.”

“ I got hit in the right side of my car. It spun me around and put me in the passenger seat.. rattled me some, but no broken bones.” I was on her legs, working the calve muscles. As I moved to her right thigh, she jerked slightly.
“Sorry,she said—I'm a little ticklish on my upper thighs.” I continued to divide the muscles on both, then lay a row of Hot Stones up each leg.
“Mmmnn---now that's nice! So warm...”

I moved to her head , massaging her temples , neck and behind the ear lobes, making her moan...
Her shoulders were full of calcium deposits, crunching under the pads of my thumbs. I asked about her diet, and found that she loved grilled cheese sandwiches, and milk..

“ You should slack up on them some, or this will continue to be a problem.. Later in life, it could contribute to arthritis.” Moving down her spine, I found the deposits less numerous.. I removed the stones, and covered her thighs and calves with the sheet to help hold the penetrating heat .
Getting two of my larger stones, I slid them under the sheet and onto each firm buttock, making Connie moan again.

“ Oh—Yeah!! ....Dano, you can remove the sheet now , please. I'm very warm..” Her buttocks were a little red from the stones, so I held them in my palm one at a time and cut slow circles with it on each cheek, turning them rosy pink as the heat spread more evenly.
Connie's thighs had spread , and her shaved labia had unfolded , a glistening dew gathered at the entrance. I helped roll her to her back as she spoke of my plans to stay.

“ If you plan on staying awhile, I work at the Red Roof Inn just down the road a few blocks. I can get you a special ' business rate' on a nice room there.”

“I don't know what Sandra's plans are, but it sounds good to me.”
“Great! Maybe we could get together later for a drink—or something..”
I oiled my hands with Egyptian Musk and used my thumbs and fingertips to trace around her forehead, under her eyes, cheeks, chin and neck.
“God—That smells so – sexy! “

I was deep in thought, contemplating the phrase she had let drop--' or something.'
I had been as professional as possible , was she was coming on to me?

I moved to my stones, placing a line beginning just above her pert breasts , down between them on a line ending at her bare pubic mound. She sucked in her breath as my last stone touched her mound.. Connie's dark green eyes looked straight into mine as she smiled.
“This is getting better by the minute.”
I decided to explore the 'or something ' idea and see what she had in mind.. While the stones heat penetrated, I asked my question..

“ Connie, what are your expectations of this massage.?”

“ I just thought I'd try one. Sandra said you charged $125 an hour, but since I was a member, it would only be $95... Can't pass up a deal like that ..”
“ A deal is only a deal if you need it, and you are young and in excellent health.”
“ Were you coming on to me earlier with the ' or something ' phrase..? I'm 50 years old.” I said.
“ A very attractive 50 , I think.. I would never have guessed you beyond 35-40..You carry it well.”

I began to pick up my stones and return them to the heater.
“ Don't assume, Connie, that just because I work on naked ladies all day that I'm 'easy', because I'm not..”
Picking up the last stone on her mound, I turned it on edge and slid it slowly down between her labia and over her stiff clit--making her shudder and moan...

I leaned in close to look into her green eyes and said....”But—to certain ones-- I can be had !”

Connie's hands came up and held my face, pulling me down to her lips and kissed me deeply, meaning plenty of tongue.. I cupped her labia with the warm stone firmly seated and pulled it up slightly to her clitoris.
Her whole body trembled as an orgasm surprised me, and her.. Her tongue withdrew and she bit lightly on my lower lip as her hips rolled , crossing her legs and trapping my hand.

“Mmnnn-G-Good.-- Aahhgg--C-cumminn” she said as the quick , intense explosions shook her loins. As I leaned to her--- her hand found my stiff shaft hanging inside my shorts..
” Oh shit—Th-That's a thick one,” she smiled as she tried to get her hand around it.

“We can't continue this here-- I said.. Find me later after I check into the Inn.”
Connie sat up and slid to her feet, walking away with the cutest twist to her ass..
She came back out after dressing and gave me a hug.. “ Who do I pay?”

“No one, you take care of my bill at the Inn, and no one must know about this. Be very discreet..”
“ You'll find a room reserved in your name on the top floor. Pick up the key at the front desk.” she said..
“Why the top floor?” I asked.
“Less Guests—More Privacy –and the rooms are bigger!”
“ Give me your cell number, and I'll call you before we meet.” she said.. We exchanged cell numbers..

I waited a few minutes before going back to the front. Sandra was on the phone. Looking around in the cooler, I found a drink I hadn't had in years-- Dr. Pepper.. I sat sipping away as I made out a similar sign-up sheet that I had made at Donna's gym. I set the first available date two weeks from today. I showed it to Sandra , still talking on the phone. She nodded in approval as she hung up..
It was well past lunch and I was more than hungry.

“ There's a steak house about four blocks up the road , on the right—can't miss it.”
“You not hungry?” I asked.
“ I've made my plans for dinner and 'entertainment' tonight. Remember the 'catch' in our deal-- ?”
“You're own your own when we travel. sleeping , eating, entertainment is all on your dime.. I have a girlfriend or two I want to see, and I'm keeping them for myself , lest you corrupt them like Donna.”

I laughed and gave her a hug.. “ I have my ass covered also.”
“ Connie works at an Inn within walking distance of here , and she's arranging for a room for me.. I have her number-- you want me to have

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Beech Mountain 4 Donna

Introduction: Donna The Cherokee The day passed quickly as I stayed busy working on three more guests.. They were older ladies, who had spent as much time on their butts as on the ski's.. They were bruised and sore so I done my best to help them.. My Hot Stones gave some relief , and I used my TENS unit to temporarily numb a few nerve endings..I left at 4pm and showered ,changed and headed for Sandra's place. As soon as I got inside Donna motioned for me at the juice bar.. I seen her page...

2 years ago
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It all started at Rachel’s funeral — or, after, actually, when everybody in the family was crowded into our house — the one I no longer shared with Rachel, but still had Lisa and Suzanne to take care of in. It was just hitting me again that Rachel wasn’t going to be there, again, ever ... Connie, Rachel’s mother, was at the sink, washing dishes. We really didn’t have enough glassware to be supporting the drinking habits of thirty or forty people. “John, where do these go?” she asked. I stepped...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Connie

All I was doing was giving my wife a gift. Giving her something that she would truly enjoy and remember for the rest of her life. But what I did was cause her to become a slut and in the process I most probably destroyed our twenty-five year marriage. Connie and I married right out of college and she has kept me the happiest man in the world for almost twenty-five years. She has been loving, caring, supportive, a fantastic lover and my best friend and I wanted to do something for her to show...

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Convincing Connie

Chapter 1 The second time I saw her, there had been some big changes. I'd returned to the cinema precisely because it was so small and infrequently populated. Being able to read minds is mostly a gift, but when I want to really concentrate on a film, it's can definitely be a curse. Any time my interest wanes at all, I'll dive into the thoughts of whoever is closest, and though I've heard them all before, it's hard to go back to a flat screen when you've got the depth of a human's...

2 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 27 Wednesday March 16 A Shock For Dad And Connie

"Just what do you mean Friday night's orgy is cancelled? You know very well that Connie looks forward to it, in fact it's almost the highlight of her week." "Just what I said pop, Saturday is the culmination of almost two months preparation and we need an early start because Anne and Meredith have to meet this Bristoll at six-o-clock. Then when they go we follow two hours later." "What do you mean we? Connie and I aren't going to follow, I mean we've had nothing to do with this...

3 years ago
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I came in Connie

I met Murray the very first day of fifth grade. My parents had moved across town during the summer forcing me to leave my friends behind and start life at a new school. I found my desk.. sat down and wondered what would happen next. Murray sat down to my left and we have been great friends ever since. During the years of my first marriage Murray was a sympathetic ear when things weren't going well. In fact Murray and his wife Connie let me stay in their basement when I had finally had...

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Bill Karen George and Connie

Bill, Karen, George and Connie By Ashley Bill and Karen met at George and Connie's wedding. It was one of those weird coincidences - Bill and George, growing up together in Chicago, lived but a few blocks away from Karen and Connie, who were also best friends from early childhood. Even so, none of the four had ever met until arriving to the ripe age of their early twenties. When George discovered Connie at a local dance club, they soon fell in love, and well, the resulting...

4 years ago
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Connie is twelve years younger than me and has an athletic body with a great ass, firm erect breasts and long legs that seem to go on forever. We have worked together for about ten years and I have seen her through two divorces. There have been many fantasies over these years but one summer, the best of these came true. I had been promoted to the head of a department and managed to get Connie transferred to work for me. After about six months, I arranged a trip to California to visit a plant...

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When I met Connie

By that time, her mom and I were close, and I did many things for Connie that a dad would do, like attending parent/teacher conferences, helping with homework, giving advice about things, playing video games and the like, so she was very comfortable with me. Given that, everyone was very happy with my idea, especially when I offered to pay her 20 bucks per day for basically two hours' work and told her to make herself at home when she was done, till I was awake and up and around. I...

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Happy birthday Connie

I know now how she must have felt, her 13 year old Daughter going to her brothers farm for a two week vacation all alone, frightening!. I was very excited going over a hundred miles all by myself but I was almost 14, I'm not a kid any more. The bus ride for me was an adventure in it's self and when we pulled into the termial, there was Aunt Lelie with Lynda my cousin who was almost 15. I was shaking when iI left the bus but calmed down with warm greetings from them with Lynda telling me all...

3 years ago
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Beech Mountain 5 Debra

Introduction: Debra -the red head I left Donna in the sauna to soak away the exhaustion .. I planned to stay at the resort till the weekend.... I arrived and had a shower, and dressed for a late dinner. With an unaccustomed amount of cash in my wallet, I felt I deserved a steak dinner, which I had. I tipped heavily, and made my way to the bar in the next room. The young lady I had met earlier took my order.."I"m Debra -- Wha'cha having ?" " A double please, Black Jack over ice. I remember you.....

4 years ago
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Along with the bright, rational sunlight of a new day dawning on the city came yet another decision of what to wear. Well, not what to wear, exactly, but what to wear under what I wear. The clothes that I must show to the world are predefined by my career choices and my desire to succeed as a corporate attorney. Severely cut, unflattering business suits are basically the required uniform for the day. However, no one at my firm can control what I wear underneath those horrid clothes, and so...

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Beech MountainChapters 2425

I caught up to Eric out on the floor and made what I thought was a good suggestion. “Eric, you know most everyone here don’t you?” “Yes Dano I do. I brought many of my friends here in fact. Most of us were going clear over to Boone to a gym there for workouts..” “Please gather four to six members in a group to discuss the party this evening, and close the discussion by suggesting they leave now, instead of waiting till the last minute. We need this place empty within an hour.” “Sounds...

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This Saturday was no different as we discussed the wonderful weather we were having and how good it would be to go on a picnic later on in the day. She was telling me it had been years since she had gone on a picnic and asked me if I wanted to do that when she got off at noon. I told her that would be great and I would get what ever she wanted for sandwiches and drinks and would pick her up at noon. My friend Bill had a small farm about ten miles north of the city limits, with a couple of...

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Gram Connie

Every time I thought about my Aunt Pat for the next couple of day's my Dick wouldget hard instantly. I wanted to call and ask her if I could meet her somewhere, but Iwas afraid. Perhaps she would come into the store this weekend.My maternal Grandmother Connie owns a small specialty supermarket opened byher immigrant father in 1927. My grandmother was born in 1938 and married mygrandfather in 1954 at the age of 16. My grandfather also worked in the store and in1960 the store was passed on to...

2 years ago
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Gram Connie

I would suggest you read the story "Aunt Pat" prior to reading this one.* * * * *Every time I thought about my Aunt Pat for the next couple of day's my Dick would get hard instantly. I wanted to call and ask her if I could meet her somewhere, but I was afraid. Perhaps she would come into the store this weekend.My maternal Grandmother Connie owns a small specialty supermarket opened by her immigrant father in 1927. My grandmother was born in 1938 and married my grandfather in 1954 at the age of...

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The Legend Of Sword And Mountain

Els looked up and then up some more, "This isn't a country! It's a mountain range cleverly disguised as a forest." The little dwarf guiding their horses turned his head slightly--the gesture politely acknowledged Els's words. The dwarf did not speak, which made learning his body language pivotal to their conversations. "I did not expect to be sent to Mai as my first service to the Goddess." In her bed at Gallis, Els held on to the hope of a punitive expedition into Hokubu for the...

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Mountain Man

Now, about twelve miles out of town there was a little village called Carters Mountain, although to tell you the truth, it really wasn’t a mountain at all. It was really just a little village, nestled in the coastal foothills of the Great Dividing Range, but over the years, Carters Mountain people had developed a certain reputation. You see, twelve miles doesn’t sound like much today, but back in the days when people walked everywhere or rode a horse, those twelve miles were just enough to...

5 years ago
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Mountain Climbing

Since XNXX decided to put water sports and pissing together in one category please don’t be misled. This story contains pissing. Mountain Climbing I am an avid mountain climber and have been for many years. I take my vacations just so that I can climb mountains throughout the United States. I cannot ever imaging climbing Mount Everest at 8,848 meters in height K2 at 8,611 meters in height but someday I do hope to climb Mount McKinley at 6,194 meters or 20,320 feet in the Alaska...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 18 Blue Mountain

This was our third day in this star system called Auriga Xi. Somehow I pictured the start of our pirate career a little different. Right after our call to the Admiral, we landed on the first planet of the system. A hot, unfriendly world with temperatures hovering around 800 degrees, with puddles of liquid lead and molten sulfur, between cracked rocks and fine dust. Circuit, his engineers and Narth were outside fixing the Janus System. Shea and a team were also outside happy as can be...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 11 The Mountain

Tuesday, July 20, 1971 How hard could it really be to find a mountain on an island? I made it out of the Residence and through the seldom-used North Gate without being discovered. From there, I walked out to the only road and headed due north. After only a few minutes, I had left the city behind so I dropped my shield. Now, I was just another teenaged tourist walking on the side of the road at dawn, wearing blue jeans and a sword. My luck was running true to form this morning as it wasn’t...

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Mountain Maid

Mountain Maid. By Trish. For a long time I felt like I was floating in a dizzy, pain filled semi-consciousness. I must have been pretty befuddled because other than being vaguely aware that I was warm and comfortable all I seemed to be able to focus on was the sound of a fire crackling in the background, before I drifted off again. Some time later I came round again failing miserably when I tried to sit up right. As soon as I moved my lower back exploded in pain and as I groaned I...

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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 6

She is wearing a black string bikini. It appears, from the back, that her bum is bare; but, the string is hiding in heaven. Her scent hits me. Charlize is beautiful in her own right, like all the girls; each is distinct and so appealing. She stops and her skirt settles on her hips. She looks into my eyes and flicks her finger for me to follow her to Jayden's bedroom. Following her is a visual delight. Her skirt sways with her hips, at the bed she turns, facing me; she makes a production out...

3 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 16 Cumming Around the Mountain

"I'm really glad you're feeling better Dolor—Dolly," Ana said, "but I also understand what you mean about not knowing if you'll find true love again." She looked on the screen as Amy knelt between Dolly's legs sucking her pussy while Dolly sat on Patty's lap who was pumping her strap-on dildo non-stop into Dolly's ass. "During the first three weeks after I first met Patty, I was feeling pretty much the same way, especially when all my efforts to find her again were proving...

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Mountain Angel

which I had in my possession, using them for my main hobby: taking photos. This was a hot (well, hot by Norwegian standards, 25 deg C or 80 deg F) summers day and I had decided to venture up to my favorite mountain spot, some 500 feet above where I lived. Down in the valley, the air was still and uncomfortable, but I knew there would be a small breeze up on the mountain. I filled my backpack with some necessities like lots of water, some sandwiches, my camera, some sunscreen and a...

4 years ago
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Random Victories The Mid Mountain File

Another tale in the Random Victories universe where two intrepid agents investigate some paranormal events in a small isolated town. Maybe they could make a TV series... Random Victories: The Mid Mountain File Chapter 1: Be afraid, be very afraid... Johnnie was petrified. It was going to happen to him, too, just like those other boys. Mom and Dad and his sister were no help. He shivered in his pajamas and looked around his room His basketball gear, his model cars, even...

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The Girl on the Mountain

The Girl on the Mountain.Alex was lost. It was not the place or the time to be lost as he knew all too well. Being lost might, in other circumstances, be merely an annoyance; a frustrating delay perhaps but essentially trivial. There were other circumstances however when being lost was a much graver condition; a circumstance in which it was a serious danger and one that placed you in mortal danger of your life. This was one such an occasion.Alex bit his lip in anxiety and glanced around; the...

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Mountain Air

Day 1 Ever since I first met her, my wife Danielle has been extremely daring sexually. The first time I ever saw her was on Spring Break of my last year in college, when she (having drank a little too much) was up on the bar of a club, putting on a one woman strip show. Danielle is quite beautiful, with 30c-24-26 measurements and I didn't notice her on stage putting on her little performance until her halter top was flung across the club floor, landing at my feet as I sat talking to my...

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Wolf Mountain Found Gurl

Wolf Mountain, Found Gurl By: Melody Anne Layla Pearson hadn't seen home in years, not since that summer day at thirteen when she was taken away to the private school. Or rather when Lyle had been banished because he wasn't what his father expected of his son. They called it a private school, in reality it was a mental hospital where rich parents sent their children when they didn't want to deal with their problems. The Wilder Institute had...

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Mountain Man

Jefferson McElroy silently stole down the path to his favorite fishing hole. He had cut school to engage in his number one hobby. If his dad or mom caught him skipping school, it would probable cost him a little hide, but it was a nice spring day and he didn’t really care. Like most fourteen year old boys he wasn’t interested in the future. Today is what he lived for. He rounded the bend around a thick brush patch two hundred yards from his spot. A faint mewling sound like a wounded cat...

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Witch Mountain A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 165 Inside the Mountain

Yeah. I think I can handle humbling some jerks. Our drive to Cheyenne Mountain took us just over fourteen hours. We only stopped to stretch our legs, some bathroom breaks, food, and then our custom-made t-shirts. Molly planned to adjust our appearances in the room where we were staying in the base. Molly specifically searched and found me a shirt from the 80’s “War Games” movie. Others she found were unquestionably obnoxious, even for teenagers. Her shirts weren’t as in your face and needed...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter9

We returned to our room after breakfast to find a note from Sheila pinned to our door. She was reminding us to join her on the front deck for an introductory tour of the Colony and surrounding area. The instructions also suggested that we dress for the weather.Our walk-in closets looked like walk-in dumpsters. Everything we had brought with us in the Rav4 had been piled in the storage spaces like an unorganized jigsaw puzzle. I busied myself picking out an appropriate wardrobe for our tour.I...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Mountain Top

You and I are at a mountain lake, its fall, the leaves are changing color, and the air is cool and crisp but not too cold. The leaves are brilliant colors of yellow, orange and red… The lake is calm and like a mirror reflecting all the colors. We decide to hike to the top of a mountain at the lake shore to get bird’s eye view of the surrounding area and the beauty of the season.The hike is not difficult but not easy either. It takes a good hour or so of hiking. You are in jeans, t-shirt, and...

Straight Sex
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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Delves into the Black Mountain Mines Virginia Reveals a Secret

“Come one! Come all! See the world’s most intelligent orc and other exotic wonders, gathered from the farthest reaches of Arcanum to be viewed by you! Yes, you!” I paused in the sidewalk, then turned to face the twelve year old who had just thrust his cane at me. The street urchin had been set upon an empty crate of Proudfoot Stout and was waving a cane in the air while wearing ratty old clothing that might have once been fashionable. The effect was rather like someone dressing up to...

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The Cave On The Other Side Of The Mountain

It was the early morning of Oct 25, 2020, a perfect day for a birthday hike. I, Actaeon, started to walk along the trail through the sunlit mist. The brush was profuse, yet I frequently saw deer and fox roving through the forest. As I passed deeper into the thickets, I saw an abundant amount of rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons as well.After several hours, the path narrowed and I was funneled along into a clearing. A toll gate stood in the center of the trail and created as much of a hurdle as a...

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Smokey Mountain Man

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my eighteen years, from the day I was born almost. I won’t go into a lot of detail, but lets just say I gave my folks more gray hair then any parents deserve. My name is Benji, and no I ain’t some cute little puppy with big eyes and a lot of scraggly fur all over my body. I have no idea why they named me that, they never would tell me, but like that little mutt from movie fame, I do have a way of getting myself into some moments, and this is one of them. ...

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Rose Mountain Adventure Park

Rose Mountain Adventure Park Mom has a friend named Rose, she is a year or two younger than my mother is, and she is the most sex woman that I know. At thirty-three she is in her sexual peak, as she keeps telling my mother. I’m fourteen and apparently I’m fast approaching my sexual peak. They often get together to sun bathe in our backyard. I get to watch from my bedroom window or from the backyard if I wish to join them. Lately Rose has gotten more and more sexual around me. I see...

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Mountain Time

There are times in our lives when we need to think outside the box and the same goes for our sex lives and our livelihood. Rashad and I have been dating for sometime now and our sex life started to feel a little mundane. He only wants to do it the bedroom where he feels safe, not wanting to worry about anyone seeing us, mostly see him. I was ok with it but I could only take some much of this shit before I start to lash out. I kept asking him if he would let me suck his dick while parked in the...

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You Gave Me a Mountain

And yes, the lyrics are correct. This song, as recorded by Frankie Laine, Elvis and others, actually has slightly different lyrics. However, the song was written and first recorded by Marty Robbins and the lyrics used herein are the lyrics he wrote, although he never released it as a single, he did include it in several albums. When Frankie Laine recorded the song he asked his good friend Robbins to slightly change the lyrics. In the version Laine released as a single, and the version most...

2 years ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 14 Last Farewell

June 20, 2029 “Hello ... hello Brother Matthew. It’s me, Clark.” It was almost seven in the evening when Clark arrived at the monastery. He had come down the mountain the previous morning to spend two days working in the garden and the field. The work wasn’t as difficult as in previous years, but it still took a lot of time and effort. It had rained the day before he left the cabin for the farm. The vegetables were growing nicely, but the weeds were thriving too. The corn was nearly five...

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Wolf Mountain Home Improvements

Wolf Mountain, Home Improvements It had been six days since the welcome party and people kept dropping by from time to time. Always bringing some gift or something to welcome her to the Clan. As a result she now had her own start of an herb garden, many of the little plants she was told actually helped the effects of a hangover. Some were cold remedies, others had healing properties. She asked Jake about the four rows of corn that he was growing in the little clearing beside...

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Claires Mountain

The Forest Service contract required me to be up in the Sierra for six months straight. I suppose I could have driven four hours up and four hours back every day, but the thought of that drive for six months had me looking for any other option. Unfortunately, where I was going, there weren't handy hotels. So, I got on the Internet and started praying. My prayers were answered by a Bed and Breakfast ad in a little town just twenty miles from where our base was going to be set up. I called...

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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 7

"Don, I am going to need some funds, the cleaners are nearly done. Need a hundred and thirty thousand cash." I nod and get up off my butt; shit, I ache all over! "Don, I also need another twenty thousand for the metal haulers. They are policing the mountain face for brass and ordnances of any kind. They will remove all of the crap Riggs's men left behind; but, they are not happy about the foam." There are four men, in coveralls, wearing what appear to be gasmasks, walking the face of...

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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 6 Beyond the Mountain

April 10, 2027 It took a few more weeks for spring to nudge away winter. The days were slowly getting longer, and much of their past melted away with the snow. Even the small waterfall at the bathing pool began flowing again making gurgling sounds, and on sunny mornings, Canadian geese were seen flying northward in cunning wedges that split the air, announcing with their trumpeting honks that spring was not far behind and the world was awakening into itself again. However, the effects of...

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Jasons TaleChapter 26 Mountain Isle

When we left Safety Bay for Mountain Isle, we were down to forty-some-odd ships. We’d sent two warships back with the convoy, but we’d turned Eagle 2 into a warship so we still had seven plus our six escorts. Of course, since Flying Arrow was serving as the King’s flagship and Eaglet was used as a message courier, it was really only six and five. We still had thirty transports, plus one fat pig of a cargo ship we were using as a supply ship. We called it the “Larder”. With the men spread out...

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Mountain trip Interrupted

I hope You still enjoy the narrative! The story took place on my home island a beautiful spring day some years ago. The sky was blue and the sun would come out later for a quick visit. It was still a bit nippy, the morning temperature at 12 deg C (54 deg F) and the day temperature not exceeding 16 deg C (61 deg F). I would not let such an appealing day go amiss and had planned my trip to the mountain the previous evening. I had prepared a small backpack suitable for a day's walk on...

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Youve Got to Be Kidding More Action From Everett Mountain

✧ ✧ ✧ Special thanks to Jim7 for his expertise in editing and proofing. No Bunnies were harmed during this edit!! ✧ ✧ ✧ It had been a long hellish week. Thankfully, today was Friday. Even so, I was three hours late leaving the job site. A stupid boring machine decided to seize, thus making it a very shitty ending for a totally fucked up week. Murphy’s Law had found a seat on my shoulder all week, as breakdown after breakdown challenged my ability and sanity. ✧ ✧ ✧ My name is Ron Wreckler,...

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Mountain Girl

The obviously nervous young eighteen year old girl sat on the upside down bucket glancing now and then over her shoulder to make certain none of the playful brats of Mother Grace were sneaking up on her to embarrass her in front of the probing eyes of full-grown men. In some ways, Selena still thought with the mind of a child as well, but now she was of an age when most girls were wedded and expecting the arrival of their first young one, there was no doubt in her mind that she was expected...

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Climbing my instructors mountain

It was three days, three nights,   First day;       mountain climbing, Second day ;        abseiling,  Third day;        canoeing, I am addicted to my wife's cunt,  well I am addicted to her body, lips, arse, looks, personality, and every fucking part of her in between, I especially love that she knows I prefer her no knickers, bald cunt, and a nice short skirt, But while doing Outdoor pursuits?  I didn't fancy my chances, but when I dared her and she instantly agreed, I got an instant...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 27

Alice and I took our seats on each side of Sheila as the last stragglers filed into the amphitheater and returned to their places."Before we resume, I want to thank our kitchen crew for a fantastic, as usual, flash-banquet. Well done, thank you," Sheila said as she held her gavel in the ready position.With plumbing and dietary needs satisfied, a soothing and comfortable afterglow had fallen over the proceedings. It wouldn't last long, but at least we were starting with an advantage....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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I Dream of Demie 20 Molehill from Mountain

--- I Dream of Demie 20 - Molehill from Mountain (MF, anal, cons, oral, rom) by Krosis of the Collective --- Detective Dianna Shepherd found a chair in "the bullpen", the main briefing room of the police station. She had been working in her office when she got the email. What was this about? The department captain walked in from the side door. "Hello, everyone, please have a seat. I'm sorry to say that Detective Aaron Bilson, who had been on medical leave, has passed away." There...

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You caress your pussy at the mountain lake

Relax and lean back with pleasure.Maybe you will watch a heated video of me beforehand ;-)Make yourself comfortable and cozy and take plenty of time to read.I wish you a lot of joy with it.You caress your wonderful pussy close to a beautiful mountain lake!The clouds moved like sheep in the sky.You were on your way.To the small crystal clear mountain lake not far from the mountain hut.Up here at over 1500 meters you rarely met hikers and you enjoy thiswonderful warm day. The sun shines...

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The Secret of Bitchback Mountain

It was unusual cold that winter. The winter of 97 is the one of which I speak. No, I am speaking not of 1997 but of 1897 when the west was still being won. In all honesty most of the winning was over and done with, but there were a few pockets here and there that were throwbacks to the earlier time of strife and danger. Bitchback Mountain was one of those still dangerous places. Most people think it is located in Northern California but according to my maps it was north of the California...

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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 2

With far too much time on my hands, my mind starts to wander, thinking of crazy things I could be doing or problems to solve. One of the easiest times for my mind to ramble is after breakfast while I enjoy a good cup of coffee; one of my vises, and I am referring to good coffee. However, the real problem is, after I come up with some stupid, lame brain idea; later at night in bed, my mind has a heyday trying to enhance the stupid idea. This is how it began. After the 'Shootout on Everett...

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