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Rebecca watched the last of the trick-or-treaters head down the street and checked the clock. With the official hours over, she turned out the porch light and put down the bowl, resisting the urge to indulge with one of the few remaining pieces of candy.

She took off her witch hat and shook out a wealth of dark hair, trying not to think about the few strands of gray that she refused to dye – yet. No doubt she’d come around in time, but she was still confident enough in her appearance to let a few of her thirty-eight years show for the time being. She dropped the hat on a table near the hall, knowing she would need it back shortly. Next to it, she deposited the black shawl she’d artfully draped over her shoulders.

The costume was the only one she owned, and it wasn’t exactly appropriate for greeting children at the door without a few modifications. In addition to the shawl which covered up a low neckline and bared cleavage, she’d also put on a longer skirt. It didn’t exactly match the rest of the costume, but the original fell several inches above her knee, revealing long expanses of leg clad in black stockings.

Now, it was time to indulge in a little guilty pleasure.

She knew her son had left several hours before, but she still went to the basement door and listened carefully. When no sound greeted her, she headed downstairs and flipped on the lights, scanning the basement her ex-husband had finished as a man-cave, but which now also served as David’s private domain.

Even though she was a little worried about what sort of trouble her eighteen-year-old son was getting into, she couldn’t help feeling excited that he was out. The odds were that he wouldn’t come back until the wee hours of the morning – if he returned at all. That meant that she had the house to herself.

Even though her face warmed and turned red as she thought about what she had planned, she couldn’t resist. She flipped off the lights, and then headed back upstairs to her bedroom, where the computer awaited. A quick grab snatched up her hat, and she closed the bedroom door behind her.

Once again, it was time to modify her costume before logging in to her favorite website.

The visits to the forum had started as simply something to pass the time, and she had made quite a few friends amongst the other members. The flirting had started out innocently enough as well, though she’d grown a bit naughtier as time passed by. Careful to safeguard her real identity and never show her face, she felt that having a little fun wasn’t hurting anybody, and it made her feel good. Between work and home, she hadn’t had much time to date – and even less luck when she did. The back and forth of flirting with guys online kept her feeling desired and sexy, which was about the only thing that kept her from giving up dating altogether.

Over the last couple of months, she’d grown closer to a few of those online friends – and bolder. Tonight, she was going to push the boundaries a little farther.

Her hat landed on the bed, ready to put back on when she was finished. The skirt that went with the costume was already on the bed, so she pulled off the longer one to change. As the thick black cloth pooled on the floor next to the bed, she couldn’t help a little grin. Her legs had always been her best feature, and there was no denying how good they looked in black stockings.

A glance in the mirror and a little turn forced her to admit that the rest of her wasn’t holding up so bad either. Her butt looked pretty good in the black panties she was wearing, and the bare skin between the top of her stockings and the lacy cloth contrasted sharply with all the black. A quick lift of the blouse above revealed a tummy that wasn’t as flat as it had been years ago, but rigorous workouts had kept her from developing love handles.

Blushing as the self-evaluation made her think about what she was about to do, she pulled on the other skirt, which barely covered the top of her stockings. If she didn’t hurry up and go through with this, she knew that she might never do it. She popped open the clasp of her bra, and with wriggles practiced over many years, removed it without taking off her blouse.

The cloth was somewhat sheer, and had exactly the effect she remembered from when she’d last dared to go braless in the costume. Her large nipples poked at the cloth, while she could see a silhouette of the globes beneath. In the plunging neckline, the sides of both of her breasts were visible. They weren’t quite as high in the neckline as in her youth, though they were a bit larger, as they had been since having David.

This was it. If she was going to take the plunge, it was now or never. She’d teased a couple of the men she flirted with online about showing off this costume, never really intending to do it. As Halloween approached, dares had encouraged her to follow up on the flirting.

Trying several ways had revealed that the best way to get a picture was to run her video camera attached to the computer, strike poses, hold them, and then pick stills from the video. Everything else had simply proven too difficult to do by herself. The camera was already set up, so she put on her hat, and stood in front of the bed. A click of the remote turned the camera on.

After ten minutes of posing and squinting at the image in the monitor, she was blushing furiously. Her nerve was beginning to erode, so she shut off the recording and went to work on picking shots.

The first pose made her smile. It just hinted at sexuality, standing with her hips cocked to the side. She found a good frame and saved it. The next several poses made her crinkle her nose. She felt that she looked silly, and kept scanning. The pose reclining on the bed looked good, and revealed just a bit more of her left breast where the cloth drooped. In the next one, she’d bent her right knee and rested her hand on her leg. Her skirt had ridden up to the top of her stockings, revealing the barest hints of the bare skin above the lacy band.

Though beginning to hesitate, she saved both of the reclining poses, and then moved on in the video. When she settled into her next pose on the screen, she gasped and covered her mouth.

On a whim, she’d leaned back on her hands with her legs dangling over the edge of the bed. What she hadn’t been able to see from across the room at the time was that her legs were parted just a little farther than she’d thought. Looking at the frozen video up close, she could just see the triangle of her panties and the bare skin surrounding them in the shadows beneath her skirt. The pose had also thrust her breasts out, pulling the cloth back until her nipples were barely covered. Zooming in, she saw a sliver of darker skin on her right breast – the outer edge of her areola.

Rebecca bit her lower lip, and toyed with a lock of dark hair in a nervous habit she thought she’d broken herself of decades ago. In a burst of courage, she saved the frame.

A few minutes later, she was staring at the image again. She’d blurred out her face and the background in the previous three shots, and felt just brave enough to send the third. The last was the most risque – and far more than she’d actually intended. After a few moments of contemplation, she went ahead and brought the image editing tools to bear. Doing that wasn’t committing to posting it, after all.

Before she lost her nerve, she posted the first two on the costume thread on the forum. By the time she refreshed the thread – less than a minute later – there were already three replies saying how stunning she looked, and they just kept coming. Naturally, several were asking for more, even though a couple of pictures had already been deleted by the moderators for going a bit too far.

Riding on the wave of praise, she posted the third image, hoping it would survive the scrutiny of the moderators. The replies popped up even faster, going several forum pages in less than a half an hour. Finally, the person she really wanted to see it reacted – but not on the open forum.

Grinning from ear to ear, Rebecca opened the PM from ‘bob_newhart’. It had been his username and references to the show that had drawn her into conversations with him. She was surprised to learn that he was only eighteen, and had come to love the show from watching tapes of it with his parents. He was her primary flirtation target, and he didn’t disappoint.

The message read, “There is NO way you are pushing forty. HOT! If only that top had dipped just a little lower in the third one…”

“What if there’s more?” She replied, adding a winking emoticon.


Rebecca laughed at the one word reply, feeling incredibly sexy. “You just want me for my body.”

“Way more than that, but I sure do want your body.”

“Flatterer. You’ll just drool over the picture and forget all about me once you get what you want.”

“No way. You’d have to beat me off with a stick.”

“Beat you off?”

“*still looking at pics* Now you’re really teasing.”

Her nipples growing stiff as she thought about the young man on the other end of the conversation admiring her, her thoughts and posts grew naughtier by the moment. “Am I?”

“I’d die and go straight to heaven. You’d be there too by the time I got done with you.”

“Mmm! Now who’s teasing?”

“Am I?” he echoed, followed by, “Are there really more pics?”


“Give! C’mon! Don’t be cruel!”

“What do I get out of it?”

There was a slightly longer pause this time, and she had to refresh the forum page twice before his reply popped up. When she clicked on it, her mouth dropped wide open in stunned, aroused surprise.

Like her, Bob protected his identity, and he had gone so far as to never post even an edited photo of himself. That had just changed.

Rebecca’s thighs clamped together as her sex tingled and her nipples stiffened to turgid points. The picture stopped at his neck, but didn’t hide much else. He had no shirt on, revealing a lean, muscular torso. A sparse triangle of hair decorated his chest, while a thin trail on his belly pointed lower.

It was where that arrow pointed that had sent her into a dizzying spiral of arousal. Though he was wearing a pair of boxer shorts, they were artfully pulled down just enough to reveal the creases where his legs framed his hidden manhood, and a few curly hairs.

After staring for what felt like an eternity, the tingle of wetness flooding her sex causing her to shiver, she snapped out of it. As though anticipating a question of whether it was really him, he was holding up a piece of paper that said, For Roni, referencing the nickname for her screen name, Veronica.

Regaining a little control over her surging arousal, she hit the reply button, but saw a notification that he’d sent another message. She clicked it instead.

“Didn’t scare you off, did I? Really hope not. Sorry if that was too far.”

“No. Oh wow. You’re gorgeous.”

“Fair trade for that last pic?”

Now knowing the truth of the godly young man she’d been flirting with all this time, she could barely believe it. He could surely see far more of any woman he wanted, any time he wanted. Yet here he was, asking to see more of her. It was enough to push her over the edge, and she attached the final image to her next message, which otherwise consisted only of a blushing emoticon.

“In-fucking-credible! Surprised that pic didn’t melt my computer down as hot as it is. Wishing the computer wasn’t between us.”

“Oh, stop. You’re exaggerating.”

“Not even close. I can prove it, if you want to see? Camera’s still out.”

Oh my lord, Rebecca thought, guessing what he was hinting at. She knew that she should stop right now, but she couldn’t help herself. “Just how do you expect to prove it?”

She actually refreshed the page too many times, too quickly, and got a warning page from the website. By the time she waited the torturous sixty seconds before she could refresh again, his message had come through.

“Like this,” the message said, and she could see the top of a picture just below.

Rebecca scrolled down, and couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped her. His shorts were gone this time, revealing the most incredible cock she’d ever beheld in her life. Though only about average length, it was thick, with a bulbous head, and smooth – not covered with an off-putting roadmap of angry veins. Everything except for a patch of hair above the root was shaved bare, and the sight made her mouth water. He’d modified his note slightly, adding an arrow that pointed at the hard organ.

A hand slipped between her legs of its own volition, pressing her panties into her aching sex. With one hand, she typed the only reply she could think of.

“Wish the computer wasn’t in the way.”

“Got to get off here for a bit. Talk to you later?”

More than a little upset that he’d just turned her on and was leaving her, she typed, “Okay.”

When he didn’t reply after a few minutes, she shut down the computer. Even though she was let down, it hadn’t affected her arousal. Slowly but surely, the heat burning inside her melted through her irritation. Her eyes darted toward the nightstand next to the bed – and more specifically, the drawer where she kept her vibrator.

The image of Bob’s wonderful body coalesced in her mind, as clear as if she was looking at it again on the screen. She was beyond the point of no return. Out came her vibrator, up went her skirt, and off came her panties.

The first touch of the humming plastic cock caused her to moan, long and deep. In her mind’s eye, it wasn’t the toy, but Bob. She slipped the tip between her nether lips, and buried it to the hilt in her canal.

Caught up in her need, she plunged the vibrator in and out of her saturated sex at a rapid pace. Though she did her best to keep them subdued, moans and whimpers of pleasure bubbled from her lips as Bob’s cock pounded her in her fantasy. The chilly itch of an approaching climax swelled within her, growing more intense by the moment.

On the verge of orgasm, she froze in place as she heard a door open and voices coming from downstairs.

“No, damn it,” she whispered, nearly in tears from having her orgasm denied by her son and some of his friends coming in the back door to the basement. She turned off the vibrator, quickly tossed it in the drawer, and then worked on composing herself before pulling on her panties again.

From the sound of the loud voices downstairs, her son and his friends were drunk. Listening for a few minutes let her know that a fight had broken out at the party they had gone to. Apparently, the boys had decided to leave before it got any more out of hand and someone called the police.

Already irritated, she walked to the basement door, yanked it open, and yelled down, “David!”

“What, Mom?”

“Do you think you could keep it down?”

She could hear him shushing everyone, and then a reply of, “Okay.”

After a growl that she made sure was loud enough for him to hear, she slammed the door for good measure.

Much subdued conversation continued downstairs as she stomped into the living room and sat down heavily on the couch. The dull ache of need remained, as did the memory of Bob’s picture, torturing her even as she tried to push them both away.

After a few minutes, she heard the back door open again. A look out the window confirmed that David was leading his friends down the street. They were all dressed in costumes, and thankfully not staggering. Her son more or less kept his head on straight when he drank, which was the only reason she tolerated it. She hoped that tonight wouldn’t be the time that proved her trust unfounded.

Before they even passed out of sight, the possibility of picking up where she left off fanned the coals of passion within her. She took a couple of steps toward the bedroom, but the sound of someone knocking on the door startled her. Sighing in exasperation, she walked over and answered the door.

“Trick or treat,” Terry said when the door opened, though he winced when he saw the look on her face. He was wearing a skeleton costume with the mask tucked into the waistband of the pants.

“Uhm… Is David here?”

“They just left,” she answered, gesturing toward the back of the house.

“Ah, okay. I heard that party that we went to got busted, and I wanted to make sure he wasn’t there.” He looked behind him and quickly turned back to add, “Can I come in for a minute?”

Rebecca looked down the street and saw a police car. She rolled her eyes and waved him inside, guessing that he’d been drinking.

“Thanks,” he said, and darted past her into the house.

“Been drinking?”

“Only three. I left the party hours ago. I could tell that it was going to go bad. Frank and Jason never got along. Tried to warn Dave, but he wouldn’t listen. Can I hang out for a bit?”

She shrugged and sighed again. “I suppose.”

Terry walked in and stood next to the couch while she closed the door. When she turned around, it struck her out of the blue that the costume he was wearing was very tight. She could see the outline of muscles that she’d never really noticed before, and a tightness in the pants that threatened to hold her eyes like a magnet.

Fortunately, she fought down the spike of arousal and surprise, but at the same moment, noticed him looking at her with a wide smile on his face. She remembered then that she was still braless, and wearing a scandalously short skirt.

“Great costume, Ms. L.”

“Yours is nice too,” she covered, walking past the kitchen and trying to hide her burning cheeks. “Do you want something to drink? A Coke, I mean.”

“Yeah, sounds good. A little nectar of the gods.”

Rebecca froze as she crossed the threshold into the kitchen. “What did you say?”

His smile grew even wider. “A little nectar of the gods.”

It was something that Bob said all the time on the forum, and hardly something that one heard every day. She turned away, wondering at the coincidence, and walked to the fridge. As she opened it and bent over to retrieve a can of Coke, she heard something else. She turned around, and her breath caught in her chest.

Terry was standing in the doorway, openly admiring her butt, and whistling the Newhart theme.

She quickly stood up and closed the door, backing into it, only to realize that her costume was giving him more of a show from the front than the back. “Terry, what are you doing?”

He shrugged. “Sorry, couldn’t help it. Told you that costume looked incredible on you.”

Her mind reeling, she opened her mouth, but not a sound came out. It can’t be. He can’t be. Oh my god!

He walked into the kitchen toward her, and the realization that had dawned on her caused her to notice his muscles working beneath the black, bone-emblazoned costume again.

“I was serious, Roni,” he said when he was only a step away, removing all doubt.

She shook her head. “This… No, Terry.”

“I’ve always thought you were hot.” He moved even closer, barely inches away from her. “There’s no computer between us now.”

She snapped out her hand, pushing against his chest. She had every intention of telling him to leave, but she could feel the hardness of his muscles beneath her palm, and it stole her voice.

He didn’t back away, but he didn’t move closer either. He reached up and stroked a fingertip along the underside of her arm, causing her to shiver. When it reached her wrist, his fingers curled around it.

Time stopped as he moved her hand lower. She felt helpless, like a puppet on a string, unable to summon up the strength to stop him, even though he barely had a grip on her wrist. He turned her hand over as it moved lower, and then pressed it between his legs.

Rebecca gasped as she felt the hard cock that had driven her to such heights of arousal earlier. He groaned, pressing her hand tighter against him, and she could feel the organ throbbing with desire. Before she knew what she was doing, her fingers squeezed around it.

“Ah yeah,” he said in a voice husky with desire. “I’ve been hard as a rock ever since I saw those pics.”

“Terry, please,” she breathed, though try as she might, she couldn’t order her fingers to release him.

She would never know whether he mistook her last, desperate attempt to stop what was happening for something else, or whether he was just too ensnared by his own desire to care. The next thing she knew, he was kissing her, and she was kissing back.

Rebecca moaned into the kiss as their tongues slipped over each other. His hand found her breast, easily slipping beneath the cloth to the bare skin. He squeezed and flicked her nipple with his finger, causing her back to arch. She gasped as the motion pulled her away from the kiss and bumped her head into the fridge. Without missing a beat, he parted the cloth of her top wider, freeing both of her breasts, and locked his lips around her right nipple.

“Oh god, yes,” she whimpered, any hint of reservation now burned away in a bonfire of arousal he’d awakened. Her fingers twined into his hair, holding him against her. She squealed when his hand slipped beneath her skirt and straight into the V of her legs.

She pushed her hips forward, pressing his fingers harder into her needy sex, but it didn’t last long. He cupped her buttocks in his hands, and only released her nipple from his lips when he lifted her up from the floor with seemingly no effort whatsoever. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he turned. A single step brought them to the island counter, where he sat her down.

He leaned over her, finding her lips with his again. After a brief, hungry kiss, he said, “I want some of that nectar you’ve been teasing me with all this time.”

She trembled, a fresh surge of wetness flooding her already tingling sex. “Oh yes.”

Terry grabbed the hem of her skirt, and she lay back on the counter, lifting her bottom so he could tug up the pleated cloth. “You look so fucking hot in stockings,” he said as he tugged her panties down.

For a moment, a flash of worry caused her to stiffen. She didn’t shave, and thought he might be turned off by the dark hair surrounding her nether lips. That concern vanished as quickly as it had arisen when he parted her legs and slipped his face between her thighs almost before her panties hit the floor.

“Oh! Oh my god!” She couldn’t help crying out as his tongue delved a furrow in the curls between her legs and wriggled between her folds. Her breath came in pants and gasps as he devoured her. There was no other word to describe the incredible sensations of his lips and tongue as he pleasured her.

The eagerness of youth combined with obviously practiced skill to drive her crazy. She writhed on the counter, discovering that she was actually turned on even more by the taboo and danger of one of her son’s friends tonguing her on her own kitchen counter.

“Yes, Terry,” she begged as she reached down to put one hand on the back of his head and gather up the fabric of his costume with the other.

He lifted his head from her quivering pussy just long enough to pull off his shirt, revealing the image that had made her so wet when she first saw it. She traced the lines of his muscular back as he dived back in, the sound of his lapping and sucking echoing back from the walls.

It hit her without warning, and with the force of a lightning bolt. One moment, she was squirming on the counter, staring in amazement at the hot young man between her legs, and the next, she was screaming in orgasm. Her thighs clamped tight around him. Her fingers on his back turned into claws. Her womb contracted. Her back arched up from the counter. All the while, she screamed to the ceiling above.

When the shockwave finally released her, she went limp, grunting as her head dropped to the counter. Terry sat up and took a deep breath, finally free from the trap of her tightly clenched thighs. Though she still couldn’t open her eyes, she could certainly hear him.

“Ah, hell yeah. Fuck, you come hard.”

“Uh huh,” she whimpered as she fought for breath.

With no small amount of effort, she forced her eyes open to see Terry standing above her, his face glistening with her juices. He pushed down on the waistband of his pants, and his cock sprang free.

Rebecca squeaked, “Oh god,” as an aftershock ripped through her, causing her eyes to snap closed again for a moment. When she opened them, he had his cock in hand, stroking it while simultaneously caressing her thigh and looking into her eyes.

“Drink. Please.”

He grinned, and walked over to the fridge, finding a bottle of water. She held out her hand as he walked back, opening the bottle along the way. The first sip caused her to break out in a coughing fit. After catching her breath again, she drank, sighing deeply as it soothed her hoarse throat.

He watched her, his cock twitching and eyes full of desire. She suddenly felt a void in her depths – one only he could fill.

“You’re gorgeous. I want you,” she whispered, and then moaned when he moved in closer.

As soon as he was next to the counter, she could tell it wasn’t going to work. She was too high up for him to penetrate her without some daring acrobatics.

She shook her head and sat up. His brow furrowed, but his grin quickly returned when she pushed him back and slipped down off the counter. Kneeling in front of him, she cupped his balls and flicked her tongue over the swollen helmet of his cock.

“Ah yeah, Ms. L,” he growled.

Again, the deliciously naughty feeling descended on her, making her even more excited. She lapped his shaft, shivering with every grunt and growl her ministrations drew from him. Once he was well wetted and a hand settled on the back of her head, she parted her lips and took him in.

“Holy fuck,” he exclaimed as she took him deep, nearly to the root.

Her lips slid back to the tip, and she tickled it with her tongue before taking him in again. She sucked him deep with every stroke, just short of triggering her gag reflex, her cheeks concave and her tongue undulating. He breathed heavily, his fingers fisting into her hair and his wonderful organ throbbing powerfully. When his hips bucked forward at the bottom of one suck, she croaked and pulled away.

Between pants, he said, “Damn, you can suck dick.”

As much as she wanted to feel him explode in her mouth, her pussy was demanding attention. She stood up after a kiss on his cockhead.

“I need you inside me.”

Without waiting for a response, she pulled out a stool beneath the counter and bent over to place her hands on it. He flipped her skirt back up to her waist as she looked over her shoulder, and then moved into position.

She felt the head press against her folds for a moment, and then begin to glide up and down the parting of her lips. “Mmm hmm. Mmm hmm. Please.”

“Oh yeah,” Terry said, and then rocked his hips forward.

The head popped into her canal, and she instinctively clenched at the intrusion, letting out a loud whimper. “Oh my. Easy.”

“Fuck, your pussy’s tight.”

“So good. More.”

He growled, pushing harder, and overcame her resistance. Inch after inch of rock hard young cock stretched her, sliding into her depths, until his balls finally settled against her. He pulled back almost immediately, setting off a squeal as his now slippery shaft slid through her nether lips and brushed her clit.

A little clap sounded as he penetrated her again, his balls slapping against her. Then again – and again. Her body jolted with every thrust, her breasts swinging and jiggling. His fingers dug into her hips, and he pulled back as he thrust, causing the next slap of their bodies colliding to sound even louder.

“Fuck yeah. I love that hairy MILF pussy,” he said as he fucked her, and then slapped her ass.

Rebecca cried out from the unexpected slap, but felt her excitement surge. “Uh huh. Again.”

He grunted, spanking her again as his cock sank into her depths.

“Oh, your cock feels so good. Faster.”

“Yeah, you like it?”

Surprised at her own words, she replied, “Yes. I love your cock. Fuck me.”

His next thrust was much harder than any previous, jolting her forward. Usually, she had a difficult time reaching a peak in this position, but for some reason, his cock was relentlessly stroking her g-spot, and tickling her clit just often enough to drive her crazy.

Over and over, their bodies collided. He took her hard and fast, forever surprising her with smacks on the ass that made her scream in delight. His grunts grew louder with every stroke as his hard young cock drove her toward climax.

The itch in her clit and behind her mound grew stronger, turning into an electric current that flowed all through her pussy. “Oh! Oh! Oh my god!”

“Fuck yeah. You gonna come?”

“Uh huh. Give it me. Oh, please. So close. Please.”

He must have subtly changed his position on the next thrust, because it stroked her clit with hot friction, causing her to squeal. Somehow, he took her even faster, and her eyes snapped shut.

“Oh! Gonna come! Come so hard!”

“Yeah. Do it,” he growled, his voice loud and deep.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” She screamed with every powerful thrust, and then she felt numb for a fraction of a second before her body exploded into orgasm.

“Oh yesss!”

Her cries of ecstasy warbled as he continued to pound into her, overcoming the grip of her clenched intimate muscles as she came. Every stroke caused another spike in the beautiful agony, and bright flashes of light danced behind her closed eyelids.

“Gonna come,” he growled.

“In-s-s-s-side meee!”

Her cry hadn’t even faded before his fingers dug into her hips and he slammed his cock into her depths a final time. A growling scream accompanied the pulsing of his cock inside her, pumping her full of cum.

“Oh, I feel it.”

“Fuck. Still coming.”

“G-give it to me. Give it all to me!” Another wave of ecstasy caused her to scream.

She could feel the wobbling of his knees through the hard flesh connecting them as he leaned over her. Sweat dripped from his forehead, falling in chilly drops on her back. Rebecca spiraled down from the heights of her climax, settling into the most wonderful feeling of fullness and satisfaction she’d ever experienced in her life.

After a minute or two, he couldn’t handle the squeeze of her velvety walls on his sensitive organ any longer. She moaned in disappointment as he jerked free, but then chuckled at the comical sound he made as his slowly softening organ emerged into the cool air. Almost instantly, she felt their mingled juices dripping from her gaped canal to the floor below.

Terry leaned heavily against the counter, gasping for breath, and wincing from the continued throbbing of his cock. Rebecca stood up and felt a surge of wonder at the sight of such a gorgeous young man trembling from filling her full. She reached between her legs, gathering up the cum dripping from her, and with a moan, brought her sticky fingers to her lips.

“Shit,” he exclaimed as he watched, his muscles tightening. “You are too fucking hot.”

“Mmm. You too.”

A little prudence finally intruded, and she turned around to pull a couple of towels from a drawer. The first she tucked between her legs to stem the surprising amount of cum still seeping from her. Then she cleaned up the evidence of their tryst before it had time to dry. It would be far from perfect, but she had plans that didn’t involve housework.

After gathering up their discarded clothing, she crooked her finger at her lover and headed toward the kitchen door. He followed – a little unsteadily at first – but with increasing strength and speed as she lifted her skirt, letting her bare bottom sway for his eyes.

He was young and virile, and she knew she could coax him hard again. She fully intended to be in the bed where she could watch every moment this time.

With a couple of hours left before midnight, she had little doubt that her young skeleton’s bone would be simmering in her cauldron well before the witching hour.

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I like It

Love is what I thought I had. I had a great husband of 5 years. I was still young, but I never thought I would be this foolish and let something like this happen. I’m 25, brunette, slender but curvy, and have an amazing ass. I got a new job recently. I am just an intern, but have hopes of going far.  My boss….his name is Joseph. He is tan, tall, handsome, and muscular. I always get a little wet just thinking about him. About a week ago, I saw his eyes fixed on my ass. Although most women would...

1 year ago
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Janet and John

It’s Friday, I always look forward to Fridays, well not so much Fridays but Friday nights. Friday nights are camera night. Janet normally poses for me in different dresses and sometimes, if I’m lucky she may show some leg above her knee. Once I caught a glimpse of stocking top but I wasn’t quick enough to catch it on camera. On several occasions I have captured the view down on her cleavage when she has bent over but this is the closest I have ever come to taking a picture of her body apart...

1 year ago
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Only Yours

Auther’s Note: This is my first attempt at writing a story and it turned out to be a very long one. Please be advised that this is a love story with a little erotica, not the other way around. I really hope that you will like the story. The feedback on this story has been amazing, I really appreciate all the positive comments. As suggested, I have fixed some of the errors, though I know that I don’t have the skill to write such a long story without making a few mistakes. I haven’t used an...

4 years ago
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Ty and Charlie

Introduction: This is a true story and Im writing it mostly to wrap my head around all the thoughts going through my head. A.N. All the events are a first for me and this story is unfolding right now so if you like it, rate it up, and I will post more about what happens. Just a heads up there isnt any sex in this one For a few months now, I have realized that I am more attracted towards guys than I thought possible. I have had occasional girlfriends in the past but it never really did much for...

4 years ago
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Jailhouse Spades

It was a quiet Friday evening at the Prescott County Jail. The inmates had already been fed dinner and were in the rec area watching TV, playing cards or dominoes, conversing, or just relaxing. At one table a group of Blacks was playing spades. The game was close and this final hand would determine the winning team of this round – even though they’d probably rematch right after this. All of them arrived due to various Class-A misdemeanor offenses. On one team was Errol, known as ‘E’, and...

4 years ago
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Phoenix Love Chapter 1

Being a firefighter is a tough, demanding job. It is tough and demanding on the firefighter himself, but it is also tough and demanding on the firefighter’s marriage. I should know, I am the product of a marriage that did not make it.My name is Tina, and I am sixteen years old at the time of my writing this story. My mom and dad got divorced two years ago, after fifteen years together. I live with my father because the court told me I could choose who I wanted to live with.It wasn’t always...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Putting him to the test pt1

The TestAs he got out of the Uber, Joshua was nervous but yet excited. Several weeks after answering a private message on his favorite porn site, the day was finally here. It had started simply enough with posting a few anonymous pictures of himself cross dressing and a video of him riding his favorite dildo. Joshua's profile said he was looking to be a first time gay bottom and possibly a sub. He had posted the message to his profile while he was really horny and had forgotten about it after...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Reagan Foxx Stepmother Helps Son Relieve Stress To Pass His Class8230

A good mother not only can tell when her son is stressed, but also knows exactly how to help him “relieve” his stress… I have been super stressed out lately! My teachers have been piling on the homework, I have football practice every night of the week….and my “girl” situation has been less than ideal lately. (This is code for… I haven’t gotten any pussy in a while, and all I have been doing is work, work, work….so my brain is fried.) How my...

2 years ago
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Happy Humpday

My girlfriend and I have been letting a friend of hers do laundry at our house for a little over a month now. I usually dont see much of her because I work second shift and shes usually just leaving when i get home. However, 2 days ago I had the day off and my girlfriend was at school. I was suddenly awoken by a loud pounding at the door. I put my glasses on and ran to open the door. It was Elizabeth, my girfriends friend. "Hello?" I questioned, as it was nine in the morning. "Hey,...

3 years ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 12

I sat down, not sure whether the bench would really hold me. It did and I relaxed. “Have a drink,” Tanner said. “I didn’t know what you liked.” I grabbed an orange soda. Sunkist was my favorite. Tanner took another swig of his Dr. Pepper and looked at me. “I don’t know where to begin, so I’ll ask how much you know about our history?” I shrugged. “Nothing.” He shook his head. “Okay, let’s just say that we’ve been walking this earth for many, many centuries. To my knowledge, we were around...

2 years ago
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SM Diary

So I'm not a writer but after a summer of amazing sex I thought I'd share it with others. I'm a male, 35, fit, attractive, bisexual, married and this is all true and begins back in June when I had become bored with porn. I was looking to jerk off and nothing was doing it for me. In the past cuckolding, cream-pie eating, CEI, latex, gangbang, and bukake fetishes were always my go to when I needed a release. But they just weren't doing it for me anymore. I had recently stumbled upon...

1 year ago
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HardtimesChapter 5

Burl stood next to the fountain watching the young woman play her guitar. So far no one had complained about her, but it was just a matter of time. There was always somebody who would find something wrong with anything. Jesus could walk through the mall and there would be some folks who would say he looked too old and others would complain that he looked too young. They would all complain that he was too scruffy – beard and robe and all that. In this case, someone would find a song...

1 year ago
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A Walk In The Park Part 2

“Do you like what you see boys?” I asked huskily. They both nodded eagerly. I glanced at our surroundings, to make sure we were safe. This was perfect. We were at the edge of the park. The main pathway and seating area was about fifteen yards in front of me, hidden by the thick shrubbery and to the left I could make out houses that formed the border of the park. To the right I could see flashes of colour as strollers past by less than ten yards away, oblivious to our intentions.  “Okay, boys,...

1 year ago
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College experience

I was starting my second year in college. The first year has been hard for me in terms of commuting every day. Long boring hours on the trains drove me mad. I'm a girl who can't stay in one place for too long, so the long journeys were a killer. Luckily this year, my sister's colleague offered me a room in her house for one semester. Her name was Ciara, she was 31, short red hair, quite good looking but not to most men. She was married to Charlie. The first time I saw Charlie was the first day...

2 years ago
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Intimacy With Friends Ch 07

Around midmorning one day, Joan told Eric she was taking the car to go shopping for the day. She went to the mall to look around. When Joan left, Eric walked over to Clara’s house in the snow covered yard. He knocked on the front door. When she opened it, he asked, ‘Pretty lady, do you need your yard mowed today?.’ She laughed and invited him in. Joan had gone to the mall, but she was getting bored and decided she would like to go see the older man she used to have an affair with. She drove...

4 years ago
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In the Garden

Moira lived in the top floor, North end flat in a six flat block near the University. Being so close to the school, many girls in the block were in classes. The only man living in the building lived in the lower South corner. None of the girls knew his name, only that he worked overnights and slept all day. They did their collective best to not bother him and he gave them all the same respect.Moira didn't attend any classes. Instead, she worked days at a local shop, usually home in time for...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Kira Queen Busty Body Painted Babe Kira Queen Takes A Pounding From BBC Boxing Trainer

Busty babe Kira Queen gets body painted into a boxing outfit and can’t wait to show personal trainer Darrel Deeps. They start training but this horny minx can’t keep her eyes off Darrel and puts on a show as she slides a glass dildo into her juicy pussy. He soon joins Kira and she bends over to slurp on his BBC while he sits on the weights bench. Kira bends over and gets her pussy stretched to the max with Darrel’s big shaft and they fuck in all sorts of positions all around...

1 year ago
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Heaven Or Living Hell

Heaven Or Living Hell By Anime Dude It was a bright Sunny day that I was spending at the Library. I was rummaging through some of the books the library was selling at the time that I found that accursed book. If I had been more intelligent I would have never have bought that book on sorcery made easy. I bought it as a joke to myself thinking it'd be funny to read. When I had gotten home I started reading the book I was amazed that someone wrote a book so detailed about magic. I...

4 years ago
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Watching Carrie Climax

In the three months prior to their marriage, Craig had discovered what a particularly hot potato he had on his hands in Carrie Winslow, a successful fashion model. Given the wild eroticism of his hours with Carrie, her uninhibited and imaginative sexuality, her joy in carnal experimentation, he just knew he had to be married to her. He ignored the idea that such rampant craving might be difficult to contain.During eighteen months of marriage, Carrie had begged to be indulged in many erotic...

Wife Lovers
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My Freshman Year

It was my freshman year in college, and the first time I'd been away from my girlfriend for this long. We'd been dating since we were sophomores in high school, and now we were at difference colleges. She was accepted at a small liberal arts college on the west coast. I, on the other hand, could only afford to go to my Colossus State U. So that's how we found ourselves, for the first time, dealing with a long distance relationship. We swore to each other we'd be true, and would never cheat. We...

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Cheerleaders Never CryChapter 2

Sue was pleased that her Uncle Donald had taken her virgin ass on a test drive the previous night when her parents were not at home. She kept his stuff inside her the entire night hoping it would not leak out and stain the sheets with incriminating evidence. There was no doubt in her mind that the older man regretted his impetuous humping of her rear door and she was smiling in his direction more than usual just to reassure him that she would keep her mouth shut and was grateful for his...

3 years ago
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Endless Beach

Clara’s life was something I enjoyed a lot. She was a journalist at the New York Times, married to a very rich investment banker, sometimes she modeled and - to make her even more joyful - she had an affair with a player of the Yankees. I occupied her now for three weeks and that day, I just returned from the Yankees players place and drove back home. His sperm was still in my pussy from the short and rough encounter we had. My husband would not mind. He would either work and not realize or he...

Mind Control
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Justice At Last Chapter 3

Amy hadn't been so concerned about being put into detention by Miss Thompson. She was literally on her way out of school to meet Georgina when she had the exchange of words with her teacher which led to the immediate attendance at the detention class. She turned up and saw that there were about a dozen other girls in detention class. It was run by a trainee teacher, Miss Game.All the girls were still in school uniform. A green and white check gingham short-sleeved dress. It was summer so they...

3 years ago
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Day Off pt 3

Nacho lay on top of Rocco, as the two men breathed heavily and savored the lingering thrill of Rocco's climax. Rocco moved his hands up from Nacho's firm ass, past his narrow waist, over his strong back and shoulders until he reached his jawline and planted another sloppy tongue kiss on the oversexed Spaniard. Nacho returned the kiss, still a bit unsure how he had so quickly embraced sex with a man, but too horny and happy to question it any further.Still hard as a rock, Nacho suddenly broke...

4 years ago
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A Girls Fantasy Before Bed

I run my hand through my boy cut short black hair. It's always unkempt and has a faded bleach streak in front. I pull my hood up over my head and suck in another drag. I hold it in, close my eyes and imagine you standing there looking at the stars with me on the top of a nearby mountain, on a hike we had been on together recently. I exhale, smoke and hot air comes billowing out, wispy and white. It’s December and it’s about 40 degrees out. I spend a lot of time out here in my backyard thinking...

Straight Sex
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Spring Green

Spring Green Things are never what they seem Let a star be just a star And a woman — just a dream. Dreams Are Best | Robert Service Oh yes, life is change…because as Yeats’ said — ‘things fall apart,’ and the fall can be brutal and direct — or — such change may arrive softly, with the coming of a breeze. Sometimes change arrives on vast columns of marching men playing dark anthems, yet too, there are those few times when change comes as gently as the night, in the form of a woman, perhaps,...

4 years ago
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Double Dog Dare

Here is the genesis of this story: I sent a letter to DeeDee18 first thing in the morning on the 4th about me being too tired and sore from a masturbation marathon she and I were having. Here is an exerpt from my letter to her: "Well darlin - I am done for the 4th. No way I am even trying to touch myself today! I have a couple of parties I have been asked to attend... I will let you know how they were. Lots of sexy people, wearing very little on a hot day like today! I am gonna wear...

1 year ago
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Getting Back on the Horse

The divorce was tough. For some reason, I remember thinking that finally freeing myself from asshole ex-husband would feel like ridding myself of a burden. I thought it would feel like an immediate, brand new start for myself, where I could focus on my own happiness. It sounded good in theory, but it was far from the case.I started our by doing all the typical ‘new divorce’ stuff. I joined a gym and worked out every day with the sole reason of making my ex jealous. And it totally worked. I will...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Brother

Summer vacation had finally arrived and I was glad to visit my best friend Melanie. We grew up only two blocks away, so when we visit our parents when we get home from college, we mainly hang out with each other.One day over break Melanie invited me over to hang out with her and her older brother, Jake, who was also home from college. Him being only two years older, we would hang out with him a lot."Who wants to go in the pool?" Melanie asked."I do!" I squealed in excitement since they had the...

Straight Sex
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Train Me Super Sexy Lady Ko Choda

Mera naam anil hai age 24y. maine kuch kahaniya aaplogo ko post ki unme se sirf ek hi fake hai lekin aaj jo mai aap logo ko story batauga wo real hai or 3 din pahle hi mere sath hui mai aap logo ko bata du mujhe young ladki virgin ladki slim ladkiyo ka jara bhi sauk nai hai mujhe married bhabhi aunty pasand hai mujhe yaha tak ki ye achcha lagega ki meri jis ladki se saadi ho wo sex kar chuki ho I don’t like virgin. Well mai story me aata hu mujhe bilaspur jana tha to mai bus se satna pahucha or...

3 years ago
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Dads Friend Opens Up Her Heart Her Home and Her Legs

I remember meeting Shelly for the first time. My dad and I sat in Shelly's kitchen at the table enjoying a cigarette. I heard a door open and out came Shelly. She had just come out of the shower and was wearing a towel, her hair still wet and her skin glistening. I remember she had a great pair of legs. She walked past us and said hi to me with a great smile. She reached out to take my hand. "Hi, I'm Shelly," she said. I reached out and daintily took her hand. "Hi, I'm Zach." She smiled and...

2 years ago
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Introduction: My first story I have posted on here, please be gentle and ignore any dogey grammar ! -Part One – Laying in bed on her side Ellie shivered slightly and pulled the sheet tighter around herself but didnt stir. The window swung open slowly and soft light bathed the room as the curtains parted. The swell of Ellies ample chest and large dark nipples strained against the fabric of the sheet as the chill encircled her more. A slight figure, long limbed with angular eyes slid into the...

1 year ago
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oral while the friends watch

i’m Amelia, 5” 7, long tousled red head, 34 c breasts and atight little ass, I was just the average girl, I’d always been the innocent girl, the kind that played with her hair and looked all big eyed and clueless. I Well I was like that until I met my boyfriend, I was 18 at the time and he was 21. After a few months of dating I realised how sex driven he was, he liked fucking a lot. He wanted to fuck me at least twice a day and I wanted him to. He called me his little cum slut and I loved it.

4 years ago
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hubby loves to be sodomized

First I'm 5'5" and i weigh 108lbs, Nice tits and a lovely bubble butt , I have long dark brown hair and hazel eyes, I dress very feminine and wear high heels. He's 5'9" 200lbs chestnut hair and hazel eyes. I enjoy fucking my man's ass! Each time we have sex, i fuck his ass! He's a real anal whore! I started this 2 years ago because he was always asking to fuck MY ass! So i turned the table around... I bought a normal sized strapon and i surprised him. time passed by and now he's totally...

2 years ago
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Father Michael

Synopsis: Based around the true story of the Colt Family, a totally inbred family of 48 who were discovered by authorities in 2012 living in a commune in the Australian outback. Everyone was fucking everyone and none of the kids knew who their paternal fathers were - there were so many possibilities! (Google it) Father Michael It was a sunny and hot Tuesday afternoon. Father Michael parked his car at the end of the track, behind the barn as instructed. There were a few other vehicles there,...

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It was back in the days when hooking up thru Craigslist was a thing. It was a Saturday morning. I had the dildo working the whole for 2 hours, even though my 2 regular guys pound me good the night before and again this morning, dumping a few loads in me. I was still horny. I can’t help that I have always been a whore and cum pig slut. So, the next logical step was to put an add on Craigslists. My add had all my favorite title: “Power Bottom into Groups, Dildos, 420 and Poppers- BAREBACK ONLY”....

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VERONIKA part 2 A Real Life Experiences continued from part 1. Story Tags: Nudist beach outdoor sex Mutual Masturbation foursome cunnilingus girl/girl boy/boy sex. More adventures in Tallinn [1], the capital of Estonia, lies on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, only 70 km (43 mi) south of Helsinki. At the historical and medieval heart of the city is the hill of Toompea, covered in cobbled streets and filled with medieval houses and alleyways. The lower town spreads out from the foot of...

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Pretty sure that i licked until my tongue was numb

For some reason i have always had a fantasy of being pleased by or just pleasing a pregnant woman every since i can remember.(i am at moradabad now my id any one need some secreat realations then mail me) this remained a fantasy of mine until my senior year in high school when i was working in a bookstore. I took this job in hopes of receiving discounts on textbooks as i was planning on attending college upon graduation and never in my wildest dreams did i ever think that anything more would...

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Love with Tina

There should be a law about people sending you work on a Friday afternoon, but there isn’t. I checked the time, about 6 pm, I lifted the receiver of my phone and dialed home and spoke to my wife Liz. “Are you still working?” Liz asked. “Yes still working,” I knew that tone in Liz’s voice. “When are you coming home?’ “Well, I thought I’d leave in about 40 minutes.” “Oh! Could you get some painkillers? I’ve got migraine, and you get what ever you want for dinner, I ate with the kids and I...

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Where Villains Come From

My name is Stephen McCain, formerly Alex Shay, and I’m a tall and lean young black man living in the city of Plymouth, Massachusetts. These days, I’m a student-athlete at Saint Meredith College, a small private school located in the heart of Plymouth. These days, I’m finally doing alright. I’ve escaped from the clutches of my evil family. Black American families in general are a model of dysfunction but mine was absolutely the worst. You think you’ve got it, wait till you meet my relatives....

2 years ago
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Reluctant Rendesvous Part 2

Reluctant Rendezvous Part 2 I knocked on the hotel door. I hear a voice tell me to enter. He sat in a chair in the corner and directed me to the bathroom. My name is Dave and I did something really stupid a few months ago. I stole some money from work. Now, one of my co-workers is blackmailing me into something I could never have imagined. If I don't follow through, I know I will go to jail. I entered the bathroom. I put my makeup bag down on the counter. I took note of...

4 years ago
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Dark DaysChapter 1

The youth walked along the ridge, stopping to wipe his brow. It was mid-day, but already the golden rings of the gas giant around which his world revolved were beginning to rise in the east. He scanned the ridge looking for distinctive flame-red leaves. With his walking stick he probed one of the shrubs, parted the stems and retrieved an oblong, orange fruit. "What art thou doing?" a voice called to him. "Don't startle me," he replied. "This is dangerous work." He turned to see a...

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GayChapter 40

My head was pounding like a drum and I could feel something large and moist stuck to my burning forehead. I’d had a similar dizzy spell before - the day at the mall when the witch cast her ‘gay’ spell on me - and I couldn’t believe the latest one was just a coincidence. I reluctantly forced my eyes open and found myself lying on the Calhouns’ sofa. Jay Calhoun was sitting on the chair I had head-butted, eating the chocolates I had given him, and looking at me with concern rather than hatred....

3 years ago
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I took a long, slow deep breath and pushed the button. The five or six seconds that I waited for a response felt like two or three million years. "Yes?" "Hi, is Jackie there?" I said through the speaker. "Um, who is this?" "My name is Chase." "Ok, Chase is it? Who are you and what do you want with Jackie at this hour?" "Well, um ... could I... ," my voice cracked, "talk with her face to face, it's kind of private." "Listen Chase, I'm not in the habit of letting men I...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 46 Grace Sandy

As we mounted the steps to the Lodge, Catherine asked, "Michael, would you mind getting me one of those chairs from the great room? They are so much more comfortable than the small wooden one in my room." I did and she showed me where to place it in her room, then settling into it she said, "Why don't the two of you sit there on the bed? That way I can see you as we speak." I remained silent, hesitant to scan either of them. I knew there was something she wanted to say, and felt it...

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Snigdha 8211 Sister For A Sister

“The marriage will take place on 24 of dec” declared the pundit and everybody shouted in happiness other than me and my to be wife Reeta. Suddenly I felt some tingling of matrimony as it was only 6 weeks that I had to prepare for my marriage to reeta and after that I could not enjoy my bachelorhood anymore. Though age wise I was in mid thirties but what the hell age is just a number the vigor to life and great sex determines the main factor. Reeta too was 33 and decently built for her age. A...

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Jayde and Jim My painful voyeuristic pleasure

Names and places and more have been changed herein to protect identities!When I first arrived in England and started living with Mandy, my aunt, a few years back, Mandy had a carer coming in the daytime, to help with various things, as my aunt is elderly and disabled. Her carer, Jayde, was GORGEOUS- the best looking woman I personally think is possible; a petite little rock chick with long, luxurious dark hair, and eyes like dark pools, and the prettiest, most attractive face and figure you...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 01Chapter 23

[Tennessee] I said, "It's late. Let's get to our rooms and get an early start tomorrow. I think we need to go out to the farm so Missy and Mark can pack and get ready to leave. Bethany slept in our room on one side of Jane while I slept on the other. I was going to have to talk to Jane about these sleeping arrangements. We hadn't been married long enough and our "niece" was much too attractive to be sleeping with us. I woke up in the morning with Jane draped over my body and my...

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Story number 1First seduction of a woman to be my sex toy.This is my first attempt at writing some of my past experiences down so please forgive me if I’m a bit amateurish in my writing.A little about myself I’m a retired Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal Officer. I’m 6ft and 200lbs with a 46in chest and a 34in waist though since I retired it’s been slowly creeping up towards 36inches as has my weight increased by some 10lbs as well. At the time of this story I weighed 190lbs and had about 7%...

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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 35 Enraged Father

Andrea continued to try to protest against me going in alone. Even with my abilities and the anticipation that my family would probably try to hurt me while I was trying to help them, she only saw worst-case scenarios. "I'm not going in expecting any of this to be easy. I'm not really fighting Randal. I'll be working against their deepest, darkest impulses amplified to the point of insanity. I'm not going to try to reason with them, this will be completely by force." "Do you really...

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A Moroccan Adventure

[ As globalization has effected the worlds economy in all sorts of ways, so too, has certain non-economic, ancillary, effects and opportunities arisen. As the world shrinks due to the effects of globalization, along with the Inter-net, all sorts of new possibilities are available, and to sectors of the world's population that could never have been into such close connection with one another before. This story, 'A Moroccan Adventure', is one example of these new, and ever-emerging opportunities...

1 year ago
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How I Got My Cherry Popped

I had decided that when I turned 16 I was going to have sex for the first time. Ray, my boyfriend of 6 months, was going to be the instrument of my deflowering. I know he had a very nice, hard cock because he got to fuck my mouth a few times. And I found that I loved to swallow his cum. He, of course loved when I sucked him off and since I swallowed his cum there was no mess. But like most males, he wanted and needed to slide his cock into my pussy and cum there. I needed him to do it too. His...

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Worshipping a Goddess ndash a pervrsquos steps to ecstasy

I’d never have dreamed it when I was younger, but I’ve managed to personally worship 4 Goddesses – and on two occasions my Goddess was accompanied by another Goddess. First of all, you need to know what a Goddess is, or rather who She is. Without that you’re never going to manage it. Second, read my ‘Perv’s Guide to Girl-Worship’ – failing to follow those steps is likely to mean your worship will be cut short. How do you find a Goddess? That depends I guess on exactly what it is you’re looking...

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How I got into group sexgangbang Part two

His stiff cock penetrates my mouth, I willingly close my lips around the big thick cock. Two hard dicks one in each hand masturbating in my closed hands.It only takes a few seconds before I feel hands on my body, my tits and my pussy being the target of the hands.My nipples are hard and pointy, the guys have seen it. One nipple is pulled and squeezed between fingers, while the other nipple is sucked violently and intensely.I notice a slap on my pussy, It's not violent, but it's like getting...

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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 14 Les Belles Filles

Dave, Ann, and Jennifer took a long relaxing shower highlighted by continued kissing and petting. The three lovers came out of the shower squeaky clean and then enjoyed carefully drying each other. Dave got dressed and kissed his girlfriends goodbye. Julie was waiting for Dave when he entered their trailer; she smiled at him and said, "Sounds like you had a good time." Dave looked at her quizzically and she continued, "I could hear Ann screaming from over here. You weren't lying when you...

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