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Rebecca watched the last of the trick-or-treaters head down the street and checked the clock. With the official hours over, she turned out the porch light and put down the bowl, resisting the urge to indulge with one of the few remaining pieces of candy.

She took off her witch hat and shook out a wealth of dark hair, trying not to think about the few strands of gray that she refused to dye - yet. No doubt she'd come around in time, but she was still confident enough in her appearance to let a few of her thirty-eight years show for the time being. She dropped the hat on a table near the hall, knowing she would need it back shortly. Next to it, she deposited the black shawl she'd artfully draped over her shoulders.

The costume was the only one she owned, and it wasn't exactly appropriate for greeting children at the door without a few modifications. In addition to the shawl which covered up a low neckline and bared cleavage, she'd also put on a longer skirt. It didn't exactly match the rest of the costume, but the original fell several inches above her knee, revealing long expanses of leg clad in black stockings.

Now, it was time to indulge in a little guilty pleasure.

She knew her son had left several hours before, but she still went to the basement door and listened carefully. When no sound greeted her, she headed downstairs and flipped on the lights, scanning the basement her ex-husband had finished as a man-cave, but which now also served as David's private domain.

Even though she was a little worried about what sort of trouble her eighteen-year-old son was getting into, she couldn't help feeling excited that he was out. The odds were that he wouldn't come back until the wee hours of the morning - if he returned at all. That meant that she had the house to herself.

Even though her face warmed and turned red as she thought about what she had planned, she couldn't resist. She flipped off the lights, and then headed back upstairs to her bedroom, where the computer awaited. A quick grab snatched up her hat, and she closed the bedroom door behind her.

Once again, it was time to modify her costume before logging in to her favorite website.

The visits to the forum had started as simply something to pass the time, and she had made quite a few friends amongst the other members. The flirting had started out innocently enough as well, though she'd grown a bit naughtier as time passed by. Careful to safeguard her real identity and never show her face, she felt that having a little fun wasn't hurting anybody, and it made her feel good. Between work and home, she hadn't had much time to date - and even less luck when she did. The back and forth of flirting with guys online kept her feeling desired and sexy, which was about the only thing that kept her from giving up dating altogether.

Over the last couple of months, she'd grown closer to a few of those online friends - and bolder. Tonight, she was going to push the boundaries a little farther.

Her hat landed on the bed, ready to put back on when she was finished. The skirt that went with the costume was already on the bed, so she pulled off the longer one to change. As the thick black cloth pooled on the floor next to the bed, she couldn't help a little grin. Her legs had always been her best feature, and there was no denying how good they looked in black stockings.

A glance in the mirror and a little turn forced her to admit that the rest of her wasn't holding up so bad either. Her butt looked pretty good in the black panties she was wearing, and the bare skin between the top of her stockings and the lacy cloth contrasted sharply with all the black. A quick lift of the blouse above revealed a tummy that wasn't as flat as it had been years ago, but rigorous workouts had kept her from developing love handles.

Blushing as the self-evaluation made her think about what she was about to do, she pulled on the other skirt, which barely covered the top of her stockings. If she didn't hurry up and go through with this, she knew that she might never do it. She popped open the clasp of her bra, and with wriggles practiced over many years, removed it without taking off her blouse.

The cloth was somewhat sheer, and had exactly the effect she remembered from when she'd last dared to go braless in the costume. Her large nipples poked at the cloth, while she could see a silhouette of the globes beneath. In the plunging neckline, the sides of both of her breasts were visible. They weren't quite as high in the neckline as in her youth, though they were a bit larger, as they had been since having David.

This was it. If she was going to take the plunge, it was now or never. She'd teased a couple of the men she flirted with online about showing off this costume, never really intending to do it. As Halloween approached, dares had encouraged her to follow up on the flirting.

Trying several ways had revealed that the best way to get a picture was to run her video camera attached to the computer, strike poses, hold them, and then pick stills from the video. Everything else had simply proven too difficult to do by herself. The camera was already set up, so she put on her hat, and stood in front of the bed. A click of the remote turned the camera on.

After ten minutes of posing and squinting at the image in the monitor, she was blushing furiously. Her nerve was beginning to erode, so she shut off the recording and went to work on picking shots.

The first pose made her smile. It just hinted at sexuality, standing with her hips cocked to the side. She found a good frame and saved it. The next several poses made her crinkle her nose. She felt that she looked silly, and kept scanning. The pose reclining on the bed looked good, and revealed just a bit more of her left breast where the cloth drooped. In the next one, she'd bent her right knee and rested her hand on her leg. Her skirt had ridden up to the top of her stockings, revealing the barest hints of the bare skin above the lacy band.

Though beginning to hesitate, she saved both of the reclining poses, and then moved on in the video. When she settled into her next pose on the screen, she gasped and covered her mouth.

On a whim, she'd leaned back on her hands with her legs dangling over the edge of the bed. What she hadn't been able to see from across the room at the time was that her legs were parted just a little farther than she'd thought. Looking at the frozen video up close, she could just see the triangle of her panties and the bare skin surrounding them in the shadows beneath her skirt. The pose had also thrust her breasts out, pulling the cloth back until her nipples were barely covered. Zooming in, she saw a sliver of darker skin on her right breast - the outer edge of her areola.

Rebecca bit her lower lip, and toyed with a lock of dark hair in a nervous habit she thought she'd broken herself of decades ago. In a burst of courage, she saved the frame.

A few minutes later, she was staring at the image again. She'd blurred out her face and the background in the previous three shots, and felt just brave enough to send the third. The last was the most risque - and far more than she'd actually intended. After a few moments of contemplation, she went ahead and brought the image editing tools to bear. Doing that wasn't committing to posting it, after all.

Before she lost her nerve, she posted the first two on the costume thread on the forum. By the time she refreshed the thread - less than a minute later - there were already three replies saying how stunning she looked, and they just kept coming. Naturally, several were asking for more, even though a couple of pictures had already been deleted by the moderators for going a bit too far.

Riding on the wave of praise, she posted the third image, hoping it would survive the scrutiny of the moderators. The replies popped up even faster, going several forum pages in less than a half an hour. Finally, the person she really wanted to see it reacted - but not on the open forum.

Grinning from ear to ear, Rebecca opened the PM from 'bob_newhart'. It had been his username and references to the show that had drawn her into conversations with him. She was surprised to learn that he was only eighteen, and had come to love the show from watching tapes of it with his parents. He was her primary flirtation target, and he didn't disappoint.

The message read, "There is NO way you are pushing forty. HOT! If only that top had dipped just a little lower in the third one..."

"What if there's more?" She replied, adding a winking emoticon.


Rebecca laughed at the one word reply, feeling incredibly sexy. "You just want me for my body."

"Way more than that, but I sure do want your body."

"Flatterer. You'll just drool over the picture and forget all about me once you get what you want."

"No way. You'd have to beat me off with a stick."

"Beat you off?"

"still looking at pics Now you're really teasing."

Her nipples growing stiff as she thought about the young man on the other end of the conversation admiring her, her thoughts and posts grew naughtier by the moment. "Am I?"

"I'd die and go straight to heaven. You'd be there too by the time I got done with you."

"Mmm! Now who's teasing?"

"Am I?" he echoed, followed by, "Are there really more pics?"


"Give! C'mon! Don't be cruel!"

"What do I get out of it?"

There was a slightly longer pause this time, and she had to refresh the forum page twice before his reply popped up. When she clicked on it, her mouth dropped wide open in stunned, aroused surprise.

Like her, Bob protected his identity, and he had gone so far as to never post even an edited photo of himself. That had just changed.

Rebecca's thighs clamped together as her sex tingled and her nipples stiffened to turgid points. The picture stopped at his neck, but didn't hide much else. He had no shirt on, revealing a lean, muscular torso. A sparse triangle of hair decorated his chest, while a thin trail on his belly pointed lower.

It was where that arrow pointed that had sent her into a dizzying spiral of arousal. Though he was wearing a pair of boxer shorts, they were artfully pulled down just enough to reveal the creases where his legs framed his hidden manhood, and a few curly hairs.

After staring for what felt like an eternity, the tingle of wetness flooding her sex causing her to shiver, she snapped out of it. As though anticipating a question of whether it was really him, he was holding up a piece of paper that said, For Roni, referencing the nickname for her screen name, Veronica.

Regaining a little control over her surging arousal, she hit the reply button, but saw a notification that he'd sent another message. She clicked it instead.

"Didn't scare you off, did I? Really hope not. Sorry if that was too far."

"No. Oh wow. You're gorgeous."

"Fair trade for that last pic?"

Now knowing the truth of the godly young man she'd been flirting with all this time, she could barely believe it. He could surely see far more of any woman he wanted, any time he wanted. Yet here he was, asking to see more of her. It was enough to push her over the edge, and she attached the final image to her next message, which otherwise consisted only of a blushing emoticon.

"In-fucking-credible! Surprised that pic didn't melt my computer down as hot as it is. Wishing the computer wasn't between us."

"Oh, stop. You're exaggerating."

"Not even close. I can prove it, if you want to see? Camera's still out."

Oh my lord, Rebecca thought, guessing what he was hinting at. She knew that she should stop right now, but she couldn't help herself. "Just how do you expect to prove it?"

She actually refreshed the page too many times, too quickly, and got a warning page from the website. By the time she waited the torturous sixty seconds before she could refresh again, his message had come through.

"Like this," the message said, and she could see the top of a picture just below.

Rebecca scrolled down, and couldn't hold back the moan that escaped her. His shorts were gone this time, revealing the most incredible cock she'd ever beheld in her life. Though only about average length, it was thick, with a bulbous head, and smooth - not covered with an off-putting roadmap of angry veins. Everything except for a patch of hair above the root was shaved bare, and the sight made her mouth water. He'd modified his note slightly, adding an arrow that pointed at the hard organ.

A hand slipped between her legs of its own volition, pressing her panties into her aching sex. With one hand, she typed the only reply she could think of.

"Wish the computer wasn't in the way."

"Got to get off here for a bit. Talk to you later?"

More than a little upset that he'd just turned her on and was leaving her, she typed, "Okay."

When he didn't reply after a few minutes, she shut down the computer. Even though she was let down, it hadn't affected her arousal. Slowly but surely, the heat burning inside her melted through her irritation. Her eyes darted toward the nightstand next to the bed - and more specifically, the drawer where she kept her vibrator.

The image of Bob's wonderful body coalesced in her mind, as clear as if she was looking at it again on the screen. She was beyond the point of no return. Out came her vibrator, up went her skirt, and off came her panties.

The first touch of the humming plastic cock caused her to moan, long and deep. In her mind's eye, it wasn't the toy, but Bob. She slipped the tip between her nether lips, and buried it to the hilt in her canal.

Caught up in her need, she plunged the vibrator in and out of her saturated sex at a rapid pace. Though she did her best to keep them subdued, moans and whimpers of pleasure bubbled from her lips as Bob's cock pounded her in her fantasy. The chilly itch of an approaching climax swelled within her, growing more intense by the moment.

On the verge of orgasm, she froze in place as she heard a door open and voices coming from downstairs.

"No, damn it," she whispered, nearly in tears from having her orgasm denied by her son and some of his friends coming in the back door to the basement. She turned off the vibrator, quickly tossed it in the drawer, and then worked on composing herself before pulling on her panties again.

From the sound of the loud voices downstairs, her son and his friends were drunk. Listening for a few minutes let her know that a fight had broken out at the party they had gone to. Apparently, the boys had decided to leave before it got any more out of hand and someone called the police.

Already irritated, she walked to the basement door, yanked it open, and yelled down, "David!"

"What, Mom?"

"Do you think you could keep it down?"

She could hear him shushing everyone, and then a reply of, "Okay."

After a growl that she made sure was loud enough for him to hear, she slammed the door for good measure.

Much subdued conversation continued downstairs as she stomped into the living room and sat down heavily on the couch. The dull ache of need remained, as did the memory of Bob's picture, torturing her even as she tried to push them both away.

After a few minutes, she heard the back door open again. A look out the window confirmed that David was leading his friends down the street. They were all dressed in costumes, and thankfully not staggering. Her son more or less kept his head on straight when he drank, which was the only reason she tolerated it. She hoped that tonight wouldn't be the time that proved her trust unfounded.

Before they even passed out of sight, the possibility of picking up where she left off fanned the coals of passion within her. She took a couple of steps toward the bedroom, but the sound of someone knocking on the door startled her. Sighing in exasperation, she walked over and answered the door.

"Trick or treat," Terry said when the door opened, though he winced when he saw the look on her face. He was wearing a skeleton costume with the mask tucked into the waistband of the pants.

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The Loyalty GeneChapter 2

“Mom, can Stephanie stay for supper?” “I don’t see why not. Does she like meatloaf?” Busy at the counter, Mom hadn’t noticed Stephanie following behind Jason. “I like almost everything, Mrs. Thomas. Can I help you?” “Thank you, Stephanie, but no. You and Jason can go play Xbox or something.” “Thanks, Mom.” He half-turned away. “C’mon Steph. I’ll show you our family room. The family room sat a half-floor lower than the living room and a half-floor above Dad’s office. On their way,...

3 years ago
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The SparkChapter 26

The rest of October turned out to be quite pleasant with the government leaving me alone for the most part. Dr. Atwater did try to make contact with me through Steve, he was polite in asking me to work with him, but with Peter's memories still floating around in my head, I refused both requests to work with him to improve my talents. After I declined a second time, I noticed that the extra officers on campus had been replaced with two others that did not 'feel' that they belonged on a...

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Man That Was Some Rabbit HoleChapter 6

The next morning, true to his word, the war chief sent out flankers to the sides and to the rear to look for trouble. They were instructed not to fight if they could avoid it. Their job was to warn the column of any potential danger. Some of the men were disgusted with this waste of time and wanted to know whose hair-brained scheme this was. I admitted that it was my idea, but that did nothing to cut the grousing. Nothing happened that day or the next, and it appeared that my idea was about...

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Charam Sima Ki Talash

Mene pahele 2 sal pahele huvi bat ke bare me bataya tha. Ye jarur padhiye “Dever aur usake Dosto se sath”. Par ye bat ko fir se 2 sal bad yad karake likhene ki vajah bhi thi. Kuch din pahele ki hi bat hai,me aur mere pati ek social function me pahunche the, aur vanha mene manit ko dekha. Saf tha ki me usase nahi milane wali thi. Par vo khud hamare samane aaye, usane apane aap ko Anuj (mere dever) ke friend ke tor pe introduce kiya. Iss bich mere to pasine chut rahe the, jab ko vo behad relax...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 66

I woke before she did even though it was mid-morning. She was lying partially on me. Her head was on my shoulder, her arm across my chest and my arm around her back. She was soft and warm. I watched her sleep and wonder how things would be between us, when she opened her eyes. Sleep and time had a way of changing feelings. She must have sensed that I was awake; maybe it was the change in my breathing. Her leg moved, her arm stretched, and then her eyes were wide open looking at me. I smiled,...

4 years ago
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Are you sure

The days had been really humid and the k**s had taken the xmas break but the weekend was over so most people had to return to their jobs, only some of us lucky ones had work from home, at this time of year I'm not that busy so I can take a leisurely couple of hours to get into the day, A swim in the pool then a nice coffee and on we go. The k**s next door would be using their pool and as they are all under 16, Dave their dad asked me to keep an ear out when they did for safety, Darth was the...

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How it Happened Chapter 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! CHAPTER 2 The next morning I woke up and fixed my father breakfast and told him I was going to run some errands. We barely looked at each other and hardly spoke and I just wanted to get away and avoid being near him for a while. Everything felt so weird and so complicated. I wondered how he felt about what happened. I wondered if he was mad at me or himself. I knew we would never talk about it, and I would never find out what he was thinking. So I just...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Luna Rival Sex Addicts Anonymous

Luna is finally ready to open up and share her struggle with wanting to suck every cock in a ten mile vicinity. Her male counterparts at the sex addict meeting understand what it is like to have a problem, but that does not stop them from getting rock hard as they listen to Luna speak out about her inner slut. To make sure Luna knows she is not alone, our studs pull out their meat cleavers for Luna to fulfill her oral fixations with. She takes one in each hand and alternates blowing them! Then...

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Educating Sam Married to Terry

I was only eighteen when I got married the first time. We were high school sweethearts and all seemed right with the world until one night when a semi ran a red light and killed him on his way home from work. Suddenly while still in my late teens, I was widowed. I moved in with my mother and kept to myself for the first year after the accident, just trying to figure out what was next. I finally started going out with friends to some of the local bars just to socialize. Back then if you were...

1 year ago
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Family Reunion BluesChapter 2

Things became a haze after a while, due to the booze, the pot, the food, and our general fatigue. We all ended up crashing and sleeping wherever we were at the moment. I had weird dreams, of course, but I couldn’t recall most of them when I awoke. It didn’t matter, anyway, as they were just a few dreams, right? I didn’t quite know what time it was, or for that matter, who was present. I didn’t even know what room I was in at first. I had to look down to realize that I wore my favorite boxers,...

3 years ago
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UniversityChapter 70

Things seemed to calm down. Dad phoned on Sunday. He'd found a local dealer with a new VW Polo (a demo) with under 2000k for a good price. And on Friday, Sarah and Weena had rented a place on Paget Street in Richmond, a mere 20-minute walk from the WSI. Sarah was going to measure rooms (and windows) after class on Monday so that a fortune might be spent on furnishings, including drapes or curtains. Rachel had "discovered" another Scandinavian artist, Asger Jorn, and a movement called...

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A World Apart

***I wrote this a few years ago. It’s taken me time to get the courage to post it here. This is my first attempt at an erotic romance. All feedback would be greatly appreciated.*** Fayrlyn McCray has never known true passion. Her life boring and filled with work she has decided to take a journey. A journey to a castle in the land of the Scots. After much planning and preparation she gets on a plane, leaving behind her monotonous life and looking forward to adventure. Hailing a taxi, she...

3 years ago
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The Perfect O

The Perfect "O" By Arecee The man entered the nightclub amid dancing bodies glistening with sweat from the great exertion of the dance. As he did women's heads turned to get a glimpse of the extremely handsome man, ignoring their dates in away that could only be construed as rude. One could see the lust in the women's eyes as he walked to the bar with a look of confidence and masculinity gained from his good looks and well conditioned body. Brett Steele looked around the club as he...

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Round Two

(This is written in homage to a very good writer here. It is through his inspiration that I wrote this. Thank you again.)Round TwoWhen I awoke it was like was just reliving the past day. My mouth tasted like shit and I was alone in the bed, my wife was no longer at my side. I tried to think what was going on and remembered Jake giving me the Xanax last night and it knocked my ass out. I wondered if everything that had happened last night was just a dream but when I licked my dry lips I could...

1 year ago
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Reciprocal NeedsChapter 4

She noticed Darrin was still working when she pushed up the overhead door to move the car inside the studio. Their neighborhood wasn't the best, and Darrin thought it prudent to pull the car inside each night. He waved at her and told her he would lower the door after she drove the vehicle inside. "Hi, sis, how are you?" he asked as she stepped out of the car. "My feet hurt, but it was a good-tip night." "Are you going right to bed?" Damn, he wants to talk. "Soon. I'm pretty...

3 years ago
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Family Reunion

John and I were on our way to a family reunion for his family. It was going to be the first time for me to meet anyone from his family. He is black and I am white and we have twin boys which we are taking to meet his family too. John is also 15 years younger than I am. I can tell he is nervous about this. His father will be there and they really haven’t gotten along for a number of years. We arrived at the house which is in a nice neighborhood. He opened my door for me. I am wearing a long...

1 year ago
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Madam Zira the Henderson Affair

Cincinnati, Ohio was just slightly above Mobile, Alabama on the list of profitable arts and craft fair locations for a dealer. Even Cleveland had moved up in the ranks. Yet there I sat, pissed off yet reluctantly resolved to make the best of the situation. It was always good to have at least one ‘psychic’ present at these trailer trash shopping mall events. And that was I, Madam Zira – seer and fortuneteller for the lonely, the desperate, the ignorant thrillseeker with too much money and the...

2 years ago
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Group Sex At Our House

She thought it would be a fun idea to have an orgy of our own at our house and invite some of the men we had connected with over the months and invited 5 of them to come over to our house for a day/evening of fun, partying and hot sex! We set things up carefully, arranging a nice light meal for everyone to get to know each other and had some liquor, beer and some recreational drugs – pot and some coke. We asked those of them coming if they were able to get their hands on whatever drug...

4 years ago
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Home for the Holidays

It began like that cheesy Christmas movie, where the guy was in a race against time to make it home for the holidays. Except instead of racing, I was taking my time. Why, you ask? Have you seen the movie "Christmas Vacation"? Well my family is actually like that. It's stressful, embarrassing, and a ton of other things that aren't fun. After a 5 and a half hour drive, I finally arrived in my home town. Like it always is in the winter, my town was really snowy, and really cold. You couldn't take...

Straight Sex
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SamChapter 12

Mellos shook her head to clear it when she awoke a few minutes later. Flexing her hands she could feel her slightly increased power. It was starting to feel damn good. Rubbing her face where he’d backhanded her, she smiled. Not as hard as she had wanted though anything was better than she’d had before. Not paying attention she hadn’t noticed that she had started to float off the ground. When she did she had stopped about forty feet above the trees. Looking around she smiled again. Ok, this...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 687

These are compliments of John A Dear Airlines, Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in the first place. Replace all the female flight attendants with YOUNG, good-looking strippers! What the hell!! They don’t even serve food any more, so what’s the loss? The strippers would at least triple the alcohol sales and get a “party atmosphere” going in the cabin. And, of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women. Because of the...

2 years ago
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Sluty Bitchy Sister

Hello people this is jack…This is my first story , hope you like and revert me with good responses NY unsatisfied girls n bhabhi specially from Mumbai can cum 2 me 4 a top secret relationship….revert on I came home one Friday night and there I came home one Friday night and there lying on her back on the couch was my lying on her back on the couch was my older sister. Angela had passed out. The older sister. Angela had passed out. The light from the hall had her nicely light from the hall had...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 259 It Just Looks Like a Bribe

The Downtown house was really my haven from the world. Once inside I could stand outside life and look in on it. It's what I did that morning. I stood on the second floor and watched the traffic going up and down the small main street. I rather enjoyed it. I probably could have stayed in that position for hours, but I had things that needed doing. So I moved away from the window and began my day. I found Trugate's office phone number and dialed it. I got his secretary of course. "Yes this...

3 years ago
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Sex in a Chat

tom_max_crush: elow tom_max_crush: wazz up…? tina22india2003: ya tom_max_crush: sexy tina22india2003: ya tom_max_crush: like to do? tina22india2003: wht tom_max_crush: intercourse tina22india2003: why not sure tom_max_crush: how do u like it? tina22india2003: as ur wish BUZZ!!! tom_max_crush: do u wanna be licked in pussy? tina22india2003: ya] tom_max_crush: how is ur possy? tom_max_crush: is it hairy or shaved? tina22india2003: shaved tina22india2003: n urs tom_max_crush: great tom_max_crush:...

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Wait Until We Are Married Chapter 2

Introduction: Girlfriends mother has words for Adam. (I REALLY liked the plot of w1dmgs Adam series, and just felt it need a little something more. So the characters and some lines are directly used buy the authors permission.) ***************************************************** Youre not going to believe the horrible thing that happened!, Megan cried as she walked into my dorm room at college. Megan and I had been dating all year now. We were both nineteen and nearing the end of our...

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Being Naughty At Nude Resort 8211 Part 5

I woke up from my sleep around 6 ish feeling a sensation on my pussy. As I looked down, I saw Sam licking my pussy. I wanted to tell him about the cocks I sucked yesterday. I knew that it would make him hornier. But I didn’t know how he would react if I tell him that he is licking Jacob’s cum out of me. Sam: Good morning. Sleepyhead, had fun yesterday? Me: (moaning) Ya, baby. Sam: You are unusually wet today My heart sunk because of the fear of getting caught, but somehow I managed not to...

4 years ago
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My First Time Was The Best

My First Time Was The Best By Wonder_DadHi there everyone. I'm Ben and very new to this all. My daughter is on here all the time, and she suggested I try my hand at it. At least I would have access to porn and could chat with people. She told me that she writes stories on here. I've read a few of them, not sure exactly what to think of it, but oh well, she is her own woman. After I read a few, I told her that I was going to try my hand at writing as well. I'm an old timer, and I have many wild...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Seliene 07282016

College break = porn time! At least for 18 year old Salvadorian spinner (5 foot 2 inches) Seliene. Our girl loves the beach, riding ATVs, and apparently riding cock. This somewhat shy Latina amateur has had a grand total of 2 men (boys) in her life. Never tried anal. Today marks numero tres , and her first anal. Whoa what? That’s right, innocent coed Seliene here takes it in the ass for the first time, she just doesn’t know it yet. She doesn’t protest when TC starts probing...


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