Amiee Is EEEE-Z free porn video

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Introduction: Sex with the ex. Revenge sex with the ex! When youre married to someone for seven years you know their habits well. Leopards did not change their spots. Robert was sure this was true and he knew that Amiee was a creature of habit. He knew she had not changed after seven years of marriage, and this made him pretty certain that she had not changed after seven years of divorce either. Once Steve had passed out on the couch and everyone else at the Cinco de Mayo party had taken off Robert had waited, then made his move.

As he stood in the door frame of the master bedroom and looked to his ex-wife he didnt feel any guilt. After all, Steve was owed. You didnt steal your best friends wife without expecting some kind of payback. He had played nice for seven long years. He had been the good and understanding guy, and they had all remained friends, even after his best friend and former wife had finally decided to get married two years ago. Hell, he was even such a good sport that he had walked her down the aisle in the place of his deceased former father-in-law.

But in the back of his mind he had been planning it all along, knowing that Steve, as well as Amiee, was a creature of habit. He couldnt hold his liquor and never had been able to. Planting the suggestion for the party had all been part of the plan. Robert had almost from day one planned for everything to turn out exactly as it was going. It was Cinco de Mayo again, seven years to the day that he had caught them in bed together. Seven years, the approximate same length of time that his marriage to Amiee had lasted.

Robert looked to her as she lay under the covers. He could see the rise and fall of her breathing. She was sleeping on her right side, facing the wall and away from the door, just as she always had. He stepped inside and eased the door closed behind him. Then he stripped where he stood, aware that his cock was rock hard and throbbing.

He was not too quiet as he raised the sheet and slipped between it and the mattress. Amiee would not stir, he knew, at least not from that. He moved himself up against her, her body was nice and warm, still the creature of habit she slept in the nude. Robert pressed himself against her back, his hard cock rested against the valley of her ample ass. Then he put an arm around her and lightly rubbed her left tit until he could feel her nipple growing erect. He noted to himself that her body did not feel very different after a seven year absence in his life. In the time they had been divorced he had watched her put on some weight, maybe 25 or 30 pounds, which would bring her to somewhere in the neighborhood of 257 to 262 pounds now.

He put his face close to her head, her long brown hair slightly tickling his nose. That was something else that had not changed. He could smell the slight hint of lavender, a sign she was still using the same cheap shampoo and conditioner she had favored as long as he had known her.

Robert removed his hand from her breast and moved it down, along her soft and lumpy belly, until he reached her meaty thighs. They sat against one another, closed tightly, but a slight pressure from his fingers made her shift. Amiee let out a slight moan and opened her thighs just enough. She was the creature of habit he had expected all the way. Making another slight moan she opened her thighs wider and drew her knees up.

When Robert ran his hand over her stubbly pubic mound she made a pleased little sound in her throat. He used the tips of his fingers to probe down just beneath her clitoral hood. Amiee sighed as he used the tip of his index finger to rub the erect little bit of flesh.

Mmmm, yeah, she finally whispered. Amiee rolled toward Robert, opening her legs a little more. Mmmm, finger me, babe.

How many times had the scenario played out? Robert was unsure, but it was plain that it had continued on without him. Amiee couldnt help herself though, this much he knew. She had cheated on him twice before they were married, and each time she said she was pressured, and when those other guys started messing with her she just couldnt stop from going all the way. It was the same excuse she had used to defend what he had walked in on between her and Steve until she decided she would actually rather be with him. It was believable though, because from experience, no matter how she was feeling, if she was mad at him, if she had been sick as a dog, as soon as he started playing with her the slightest bit it always had ended with them fucking.

He tickled her clit a little longer before changing his hand position to accommodate her request. Amiee threw the sheets back blindly and raised her right leg as high as she could to allow him access. Robert plunged two fingers deeply into her pussy. She was already wet, her juices flowing freely.

Mmm-nnnh, she purred. Thats so good.

Robert decided that then was the time to make himself known. You still like that, muffin?, he questioned. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness enough so that he could see her eyes open. The simple expression of sexual enjoyment did not change one bit though as she looked to him as he continued to finger her.


He didnt say anything else at first. He just plunged his fingers in a little deeper to make her sigh before positioning his hand so that he could use his thumb to rub her clit again.

Amiee shivered and let out a gasp. Ffft-ffft, Robert? She sighed, her eyes closing slightly. What are you doing here?

You know, he responded.

She didnt struggle or try to push him away, or even move away from him. Instead she ground herself onto his fingers and let out a gasping pant. What about Steve? He could walk in?

Passed out, he informed her, giving his fingers a deep and hard drive into her that made his hand hurt slightly. Amiee, he knew, was stone sober. There was no need to ever use alcohol to get her into bed. There never had been any. A creature of habit she had turned in just after nine, only having two Coronas the entire day.

After another moan she shifted forward slightly, bringing her face to his. Her lips brushed his. Once. Twice. She pushed a hot breath through her nose and across his mouth, then she let out another gasp. When Steve gets up hes gonna want to mess around.

Robert didnt say anything back to that. He just gave her a couple of slightly harder jabs with his fingers as he circled her clit with the tip of his thumb.

She leaned in and kissed him on the lips again. Then she moved slightly down and kissed his neck. What if he walks in? Her face felt burning hot against his neck.

So what? Robert did not care less. If he walked in, he walked in. If he came in and got it on with Amiee after he was gone and realized he was getting sloppy seconds then it was what he deserved, and it would be up to her to explain it, which is what she deserved.

Amiee kissed him on the neck again. Then she raised her head and kissed his chin. Okay. But kissing and a little messing around is all we can do.

Robert closed his eyes and moaned slightly as he felt her reach between them and wrap her fat fingers around his cock. Bullshit, he whispered as she started to slowly stroke him. You know were going all the way.

She kissed him on the mouth to quiet him. She gave him several quick pecks, over and over. Just this, okay?, it sounded like an unsure question. Her voice had become huskier though. She tightened her grip on his cock and stroked harder.

Robert kissed her back on her next peck, leaning into her face and pressing his mouth to hers. He forced his tongue into her mouth and was rewarded as she opened hers wide as she sighed to accept it. He raised himself up to one side as he continued to work his fingers into her wet pussy. Then he placed a shoulder against a meaty thigh and pushed. It was not hard to get her onto her back, because once she had felt him nudge her she had rolled onto her back of her own accord. That had been just as he knew she would.

Robert, I cant, she protested. It was weak. Her body motions were telling a different story.

Does your pussy still taste sweet, muffin?, he questioned. Does Steve eat it as good as I do?

Amiee said nothing. But her knees went up, feet on the mattress, thighs opened.

Without a word he took his fingers out of her and moved down. He could feel Amiee moving, and with a glance he could make out the positioning of her hands and arms in the darkened bedroom. With her left hand she was pulling the slight overhang of her belly up, and with the fingers of her right hand she pushed the folds of her pouty labia open. Again it was just as he had expected.

Robert lowered himself between her upraised and spread knees. Putting his face below her belly he could feel the steamy heat rising from inside her. He stuck his tongue out and gently licked the tip of it over her lower lips. Then he licked up to the clit and lashed at it with his tongue, making her squirm and gasp slightly. After that he lowered his face back down, letting his tongue slide down until it reached the spot where her pussy hole was nestled within her valley of flesh. He stiffened it and plunged his face into her folds to drive his tongue deep. Then he worked himself into a rhythm, pounding his face against her outer labia as he fucked her pussy with his tongue.

Apparently Amiee still loved it. She twisted and moaned, removing her hands so that her belly rested against the top of his head as he pushed his tongue deeper. She squeezed him with her legs. Then she put a hand on his head and rubbed her fingers through his hair as she brought her other hand back down to her pussy. She hissed and let out a moan as he felt, what he knew, was her finger frigging her clit.

Robert was taking deep breaths and holding them several seconds at a time as he nuzzled her pussy closer. He drove his nose between her wet lips and pushed it up to push her fingers out of the way so he could rub her clit with it. Then he would move back down to pound his face against her and plunge his tongue in as she put her fingers back on her erect little nub. And then he would do the same thing all over again. It only took a few minutes of this before Amiee was sighing, whimpering and crying out as she came.

As she calmed down Robert slowly and torturously began to lick the open slit of her pussy up and down. Then he gave several quick and darting licks to the inside, lapping up as much of her honey as he could.

Amiee was still gasping and panting slightly as he took his face away from her pussy and began to raise himself up. With a couple of knees steps his body was against hers. He watched as she panted out, her head slightly rolling back and forth on the pillows of the bed she shared with her husband and his, probably soon to be former, best friend. He reached down and took his cock in hand. Then he pressed against the swell of her Mons Venus.

No, we cant, she suddenly whispered.

Come on, he said to his ex-wife. You know you want to.

But, I just cant.

Robert guided it over her mound and ran the head over her moist valley. Just let them touch. You know you want to feel it touching you.

Mmmm, yes, she moaned, closing her eyes as he gently rubbed the head up and down in her slick slit. Just that okay.

Robert let out a calculated breath. You know you want more.

Nnnnmm, no, she moaned. I cant, Robert.

He slid the head of his cock to the middle of her labial lips. Then, knowing he was in exactly the right spot, he pushed himself forward. Amiee gasped, cooed and sputtered beneath him. Her hand went down her belly and she felt around with a finger for her clit to give it a rub. She only gave it a couple of rounds before taking it back away. Robert ground his body against Amiee and she raised herself up a little to meet him. Yeah, you know you love that, muffin.

Amiee let out a choked sound that seemed to be a cross between a sob and a moan of pleasure. We have to stop, she sighed.

Were not going to stop, he told her. He reached out and felt her up from her chunky waist and along the plump curves of her abdomen until her found her little, mud flap, tits. Robert grabbed onto them as he rocked his hips back to thrust into her, gently pinching her silver dollar sized nipples as he did.

Nnnn-No, dont stop, she gasped. Then she let out a little cry.

Mmmm, yeah, muffin, he sighed.

She was pushing up to meet him each time he ground into her. One of her hands trailed up and down his arm. Indeed nothing had changed in seven years. Her pussy was good and tight. Her body, as he had expected, reacted to each thing he did to her just as it always had.

Do you have a rubber?, she suddenly asked. There was the slight sound of panic in her voice.

Yeah, he told her.

Amiee gasped as he ground his crotch a little harder against hers. You need to put it on.

Im not wearing a rubber with you, he said, pulling at her pendulous little tits.

She sighed and moaned again, rolling her own crotch against his. I havent had any pills for a year, she sighed, panting. There was no mistaking she had another orgasm building up inside. Were trying to have a baby.

So? Robert drew his cock out to nearly the head and plunged it into her, making her gasp and moan a little harder. He was just registering what she was saying, and in the thinking part of his mind he just didnt care. What if he did get her pregnant? It would make it that much sweeter.

Robert, Aimees voice was pleading, but it didnt sound as if she were pleading for him to stop. Instead it sounded more like she were pleading for him to fuck her harder and faster.

He gave another hard plunge into her wet pussy hole. Then he shifted his hips and rose up to put himself into a better position to give her more hard thrust. You dont want me to wear a fuckin rubber.

Aimee cooed, letting out a gasp of pure pleasure. Nah-No, she gasped. Nuumm, I dont want you to wear a God damn rubber, Robbie. Her voice was hotter now, full of husky lust. She thrust her own hips up harder to meet him. I want you to cum in me. I want your cum.

To Robert it was music to his ears. It was the first thing that seemed a little more spontaneous. Mmmm. Im gonna give it to you.

Ah, fuck yeah!

Im gonna fill you all up like the slut you are!

Aimee cooed and moaned. Hold my wrists down, Robbie.

Huuum-ah, he panted.

Hold me down so it looks like youre making me if Steve comes in.

Robert was a little surprised at the request, but it was not enough to distract him from the task at hand. He continued to pound her pussy, but let go of her tits. He found her wrists and pressed them over her head until he was holding them down as he fucked her. Being that she was such that creature of habit made him feel that this was not something that she had just come up with. Had she told it to the two guys he knew she cheated with? Had she said it to Steve whenever they had messed around and she feared he might catch them? If it looked as if she were really being raped then she would have an excuse to plead her innocence as a victim instead of just being made to admit that she was too God damned easy.

He felt a smile go across his lips. If it made her feel better. Steve wasnt going to get up and catch them. He wasnt likely to get up until the next afternoon. Robert realized that his long and slow plan had worked perfectly, and that further fueled his excitement.

Im gonna cum, he panted.

Oh, yeah!, Aimee cried. Cum in me, Robbie!

He tightened his grip on her wrists, squeezing them and pressing them harder. He pounded himself in. Hard. Harder. Their bodies slapped together with a clapping sound each time his stomach touched her sweaty belly. She gasped and twisted in his grip, moaning as her own cum built.

Here it comes, he hissed. He could feel that tingle that made his ass tighten as if a squeezing started there and then went down and through his cock.

Yeah, come on, Amiee whined.

Robert let out a loud and sharp growl as he came, sweat immediately breaking out on his forehead. Under him his ex-wife moaned and whimpered. Then, just after he felt the first spurt of his ejaculation, she twisted, pushing her pussy up as it grew wetter on the inside. She let out several choked noises from her throat as she joined him. It was a mutual climax, just as it always had been.

Letting go of her wrists Robert reached down and took the base of his cock shaft in hand. He took it out of her and stroked it to milk out a couple of more spurts in and around her belly button as Amiee moaned and writhed with her just subsiding orgasm. When he was done he slid back to the foot of the bed and sat to watch her as she rolled over onto her right side in a panting heap.

He smiled to himself as he watched her. Indeed still the creature of habit it was no more than five minutes before her breathing had slowed and she began to snore. Amiee always fell right back to sleep after wake up sex.

Robert watched her from the foot of the bed for about ten minutes. Then he got up and put his clothes on. He gave his ex-wife one last look, then reached down and pulled the sheet over her soundly sleeping form. With a gentle peck on the cheek he brushed her hair, then left the bedroom.

He had his car keys in hand as he walked down the hall, throwing them up and catching them. In the living room Steve was still sprawled, passed out, and half hanging off the couch.

Stupid, wife stealing, mother fucker, Robert said to him before getting ready to step out the front door.


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FLAT MATES Part 3 - Chapter 11 - Summer in Manchester It was summer and the end of my first year at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. All through my last year at school I had looked forward to getting away from home for the first time and going to University. Don't misunderstand me, there was nothing wrong with my family life; Mum, Dad, my two sisters - Madeleine and Fiona - and I enjoyed a close, loving relationship at our home in Scarborough. It...

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Welcome to paradise

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mike opened the bathroom door watched his stepdaughter take a shower."Get out of here you pervert!" screamed Lula."Make me" he laughed.Lula wrapped herself in a towel and chased him out of the bathroom. When he tripped over the coffee table she jumped on him. He tore the towel off and kissed the struggling girl. Then Mike pinned her to the floor and stuck his finger in her pussy. She let him finger fuck her hole until she climaxed."You better stop or I...

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Out of control

It was driving her out of her mind this condtion of constantly being sexually aroused, but the only thing Alaina could do to relieve the tension was to slip off to the restroom and masturbate furiously until achieving the necessary orgasm to calm her nerves!!! Here it was only ten o'clock in the morning and already her vagina was becoming a burning cauldron of sexual desire, so on somewhat shaky legs she slipped out the side door and down a long corridor to the women's restroom on the twenty...

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The Balcony Fuck

I had just moved into my new Condo when I was siting on my balcony onthe 20th floor over looking lake Michigan. I could hear the vacuumcleaner noise coming from the condo to my right. They had left thesliding glass door open.I leaned back in my chair and took a peek into the living room of myneighbors. They had some box's on the floor and a few articles ofclothing laying around on some chairs near the window. I heard thevacuum cleaner get closer when I spotted the women who was making somuch...

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Whose Fantasy is it

Kathy Olsen has been at the club dancing when she realized there was some paper work that has to be on her boss's desk before Monday morning. She has been working as a temp for this office manager for a week now and she can’t afford to lose her first real job out of high school. When she gets to the building she use her pass key to get inside and she notices the front desk is unattended, there is normally a security officer there all the time. She gets on the elevator and goes up to the...

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A Schoolboys Secrets Day Eight Back Seat Boys

God that hurt... Not just my last encounter, but a dull as hell lecture with Professor Somebody from Some University. Three endless hours on the benefits of private schooling and how it affects university life blah blah blah... I’d rather have sat through Chinese... And now we’ve got a fucking trip about it too! As if we hadn’t got enough information from the professor, we’ve got to visit where he came from as well! Although no lessons are one thing, trailing around some university is...

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The Girl from JuarezChapter 6

In the ensuing weeks, Margarita took two lengthy runs with me in the rig, one to Boise, Idaho and the other to Los Angeles. On each trip, our English/Spanish lessons made the time speed by, and I found myself more relaxed on those long-distance runs than I had felt in many years. Margarita proved to have a razor-sharp mind and quickly began to pick up the language. After a few days of the basics, we adopted a system of informal story-telling, wherein I would relate a lengthy "story" in...

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Adventure Time1

It had been six months since we started dating, and he said he was going to take me out somewhere nice for dinner. I fumbled around on my bed, trying to uncover my phone that had been buried in the sheets when he had gotten up this morning. I pulled my contacts list up and clicked his name, calling him “Yes?” a voice answered. “Where are you?” I asked as I pulled my panties up. There was silence for a few seconds “Still there?” I asked impatiently “Yeah I am, sorry. Someone was saying...

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HandsOnHardcore Cory Chase Young Home Maintenance Stud Drills Horny Housewife Cory Chase

It’s the middle of the week and housewife Cory chase is horny because her husband hasn’t fucked her for a while. To remedy the situation, she takes to the internet to find some young, stiff cock. Unfortunately, however, after searching around Tinder for a while, she doesn’t find anything so she decides to search elsewhere. While she’s looking out of her window fantasizing about getting fucked silly, she sees a young maintenance guy checking out the water meter in her front yard. Without...

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Play It Again SamChapter 3 Where are they now

I awoke feeling distraught remembering the dreams that had come to me during the night. There were visions of my little redhead telling me what a bad little girl she was in that cute little Shirley Temple voice of hers, and Maria's shy and demure smile, and Kim with her striking big blue eyes, Dana and Candy, their bodies filling their dressed to kill FBI business suits, Jen and the way she placed her hands on her hips when she wanted to get some point across, and the look on Pat's face...

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Sex With Sis In Law

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net This is an incident which happened a couple of days back in Kerala. It was with my sis in law (SIL). My SIL is also married and doesn’t have kids. It’s been a couple of years since she was married. As a result, she doesn’t have much interest in her hubby. She was very young when I married her sister. And because of that, we were like friends. We used to talk everything in open. Even her marriage first night as well. So I got to...

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Cat Fight 15 Battle

specton -   2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches maclon  - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill's dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan,...

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My Secret is Discovered

It’s amazing how hard it is to think logically when you’re horny. I had the house to myself for the entire morning, a rarity nowadays, and I was finally able to spend plenty of time in front of the computer searching my favourite porn sites. On a day like this, when I knew my wife would be gone for hours and there was no chance of being disturbed, I liked to take my time with things. I grabbed my lube, stripped down and watched video after video, browsed through stories, looked at pictures, and...

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Dont Change Book 1 HopeChapter 11

The president of the United States sits behind his desk signing off and reading documents, with his secretary of state, secretary of defense, and secretary of homeland security, sitting in chairs in front of his desk. It has been a long morning with much debate among the four of them on how to handle the situation with the Alien attacks. Without being able to find the base, it is unlikely a military strike can occur, and the Secretary of Homeland Security is urging the president to call back...

4 years ago
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Old times

For some strange reason this was what I thought I should be doing as a young girl. Well, after coming home from a date – spent most of the time kissing my boyfriend and him feeling me up – I was hot and bothered. When I got to my room my roommate was already in bed sleeping – she didn’t have a boyfriend at the time, but she was much more worldly than I was. So I got into the room and changed into a t-shirt and my panties. I went to lay down and get some rest, but kept thinking about what...

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Floral Rita

Note : This story is completely fictional! When my father married mother, Rita, the age gap was wide since he was 20 years older than her. At present, daddy (who still works in the Secret Service) is 62 years old while mom is a technician in the biology department of a certain Yorkshire (England) university. I joined this university last year in a scientific field which involved some biology courses with practical periods in the laboratory under the combined supervision of an instructor & a...

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Dialing for Dick

I am a bisexual married white male in my late fifties, and this event happened when I was forty-five years old and had not yet had my first cock sucking experience.   Up to that point I was mainly curious about other men, and really enjoyed looking at the many Yahoo sites with pictures of cocks and balls of all shapes, sizes, and colors.   I also enjoyed a wide variety of stories, including those about cuckolds, creampies and bisexual encounters. I was a financial analyst working for a large...

Gay Male
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I Was a Teenaged PirateChapter 3

By the time they got home, John had an idea. His health class had discussed the movie "Jackass" and some of the things the guys did there. When the term "homoerotic" was explained, Jim and John had a hard time not looking at each other - although it had far more specific meaning to John. But the movie discussion suggested that boys could enjoy sticking thing up their butts just like girls liked sticking things in their pussies and John had an idea what. Jack knew John was planing...

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3 true dark secret stories

You have been pressing me to tell you about my ex-wife, what happened, what caused her to leave me. It’s a subject I don't like to dwell on because it was totally my fault. But here goes... I belonged to a rugby team. It was our custom, to play hard then party hard. Our wives or girlfriends would join us at the tavern. My wife made sure she made the scene, drank and danced late into the night. It all started going downhill the night my wife complained that she was chilly and my...

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Turning to Darkness p19

Part 19( loving your vampire lord )Rachel wrapped herself in the big fluffy bathrobe, because it was the only thing in her room she had to wear. Then she followed the shadow prince down the hall to the elevators. “This place is like a hotel.” She commented. “It is a hotel, although this wing is for staff and special guests only.” He explained.This man was the Violet’s daddy. He had been fucking the small golden haired vampire girl for over a hundred years. How old was he? Did he fuck many...

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Vickys Education

My wife was very pleased with how I had performed as Vicky. My cross-dressing had progressed from a sexual role play with my wife to her setting me up for my first sexual experience with a man. At the same time, she had picked up her own guy and had taken him back to our bedroom. She cuckolded me and had me clean up her pussy after I got home.  From that time on, the only time I was not dressed up as Vicky was when I went to work or we had a family function. This was at my wife’s insistence. A...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 19 The Nurses Naughty Office

Chapter Nineteen: The Nurse's Naughty Office By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Linda Davies My excitement at being the school nurse at Rainier Christian College was quickly wearing off. It was great that I was here, and I was eager for the changes my husband made to enjoy those nubile, coed girls. I wanted to just do such naughty things to them. Playing with my daughters, especially Sam, had given me a taste for young, female flesh. And...

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Fantasy Fling

He’s sitting in a local coffee shop. Back in the corner where he could see the entire dining room. It’s about 3:30 in the afternoon. He left the office early for some peace and quiet so he could finish some work. There were too many distractions there. This time of the day the coffee shop is rather quiet, with only a few customers. He sees the door open and a woman walking into the shop. She’s dressed neatly in a white short-sleeved cotton blouse and a dark navy pencil skirt. She has a large...

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Vickers and Tarts wifes office party part 2

IThis story was written by cuckoldtony on another sight. Someone had posted part one but not part so to complete the story I posted this.I was shaken awake by Mary Lenson. I felt awful, my mouth tasted like a pub carpet and it took me a good while to unglue my stinging eyes. But when I did, I was horrified to see that my cock was hanging out of my spunk stained pants and I was still holding my wife's crusty knickers. I scrabbled for my zip as she laughed 'Bit late for that dear, come with me....

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Meri Sex Kahani 8211 Part 2

Main Vinod hu, apni sex kahani ka dusra part lekar. Meri padosan, 60 saal ki aurat mujhse chudwa kar bohut khush hui. Chudai ke baad usne bhi wohi doubt kiya jo mujhe apni gharwali ke liye ho raha tha. Aunty ne pure biswas se kaha ki peechhli shaam meri gharwali kisi se khub chudwa kar ayi thi. Maine bohut khushamad kiya aur Aunty ne promise kiya ki woh naa to Anu se naa hi kisi aur se iss baare mein baat karegi. Saath hi usne yah bhi kaha, “Beta, tumhara lund itna badhia hai, chudai bhi...

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What have I gotten into now

Introduction: A night of want Oh god what has she gotten herself into now!!!!! she thought. Going to the bar was not unusual for her, she always met old friends there and they danced, flirted and occasionally shed go home with someone and just have a friendly fuck. Nothing serious since she had split from her husband some months ago, of course reconciliation was going to happen but now she was having fun. She had met up with some old school chums, guys and gals and they all drank pretty...

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Pune Ki Unsatisfied ISS Reader Ko Satisfy Kiya

Hello everyone, I am back with new story in this story ek iss reader ne muj se contact krke hamne sex kiya. Usne meri last story padh kr ke muje mail kiya. Wo bhi pune ki thi married lady n aap to janate ho me bhi pune me hun . So ek sham jab me mail chek kr raha tha tab aise manasi name ka muje mail aaya usme aisa likha tha I m wanna make friendship with u . Then aise hamari chat chali to usne bataya ki uski shadi ho gyi he n ek choti ladaki bhi he pr husband kuch krta nhi sala bas din raat...

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A Roman lesson

Cato knew what it was about. He’d been having sex with one of the slaves. Artemis. Beautiful, friendly, honest. Yet, his father had forbidden having sex with family property. His friends did it, but not Quintus, the consul of Rome. He had his own rules. Cato sucked in spring air as he made his way to the outhouse. He wondered what his father would say. How angry would he be? Cato loved Artemis. He knew it, deep down in his very soul. She was a slave. He could never marry her. As the third...

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Jayne the Virgin Chapter 6

This is chapter 6 of the Jayne the Virgin series. I apologize for the long delay and gap between chapters 5 and six. Here is the link to chapter 5: Barb and I got to the room Big John and Suzy were already on the bed and starting to have sex. Barb immediately sat on the edge of the bed we used and took my whole cock down her throat. I looked over at John who gave me an approving nod. Barb and I had never had sex in front of him...

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The Sorority HouseChapter 5 Beach Party

What have I done? Friday morning and I awoke to a strange room. The walls and ceiling were all painted a matte black, with hundreds of little plastic glow-in-the-dark stars and moons hanging everywhere. The only light came in from a solitary window where the shade had been pulled up. Sitting on a loveseat with her feet pulled up and under her, Quyen was bathed in the glow of the morning light. Her long, dark hair hung loosely over her shoulder and cascaded down her back as her deep eyes...

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Sissy Bimbo Dream Part 2

I looked over my shoulder at my new Mistress with adoring eyes; I knew I would do anything for her. She caught my adoring look and pointed between my legs. I looked down to see a very large puddle of sissy juice on the bed between my legs. My mouth watered at the thought of licking it up and I shivered in anticipation of the order, Mistress chuckled. "Well bimbo it seems you have some cleaning up to do...I know it's inferior Bimbo juice but I'm sure you will lap it up eagerly"...

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Sex Story rdquoDamn Girlrdquo

Sex Story ”Damn Girl”How then other parents went to the cottage and had to go back only a week! He called all the friends to his apartment and we chose to make a huge booze. When I went to him, I realized that the party is already in full swing, the number of bottles of vodka, it became clear that was not the first hour …Then I was 17 years ancient and I still have not had a woman. And know the joy of sex like a long time. Going into another room, I was speechless by...

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