- 4 years ago
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Chapter 12, In which we move up in the world
It was difficult getting used to living on three whole floors instead of a single apartment. There was so much more to take care of! At least I had my own room again, even if it was rather cramped — it just made sense to use the old servant’s quarters because they were so conveniently located.
I hurried downstairs, my mind swirling with lists to organize and tasks to accomplish. It was obvious I needed more help, it was just too much to take on by myself. There weren’t enough hours in the day! The stress was getting to me, and I wasn’t sleeping well most nights.
Daddy had seemed worse, today. He’d gone into a paroxysm of masturbation at the sight of me, although I couldn’t imagine why. Nothing about me had changed, I wasn’t even naked.
The snow-white crinolines and lace ‘apron’ served primarily to highlight the elaborate cutwork of my very short black lace dress, and a stiffly boned black leather bustier held everything in place and presented my breasts to their best advantage. The lace on top came barely high enough to conceal my nipples and tease them with every movement, the crinolines peeked out beneath my hem and were just long enough to keep me decent while standing, without obstructing access to anything.
I would have been just as happy to stay naked, but it amused Stacey for some reason, and that was good enough for me. The only downside was that I had to budget over an hour each morning just to get dressed. In all honesty, it probably was due more to the long black-lacquered nails adorning my fingers than the clothing, I was still getting used to them.
My bell jingled lightly in time with the click of my stilettos on the floor. Maybe Daddy didn’t like the hose? I’d forgone a pattern in favor of a smoky grey that I thought Stacey would find attractive. Well, that and I’d ruined the patterned pair with an ill-considered grip.
Mom was more civil. A quick glance, a dismissive ‘I’m sorry, dear, but you’re too old for me,’ and she had turned back to her Internet porn. I wanted to stay and talk, try and get her to socialize more, but I was late already.
Luckily for me, so was our applicant. I was able to greet her at the entry lobby after she’d been waiting less than a minute.
‘Good morning,’ she chirped, clearly nervous. ‘I’m Irene Calzetta. I have an appointment with Ms. Richwell regarding her executive assistant position.’ She was thin, with breasts that looked a little large on her body, and curly hair about the same color mine had been. Her makeup was a little much for this early in the day, although I thought it was becoming and knew Stacey would like it, too. I bet myself she was wearing the only suit she owned. Somebody should have told her to remove the piercing in her eyebrow. Another college student looking to jump-start her climb to the top, I imagined.
I didn’t bother explaining that I was Linnea Richwell, since it just confused them when Stacey did most of the talking. ‘Good morning, Irene. May I take your coat?’ She accepted, like they all did. ‘If you’ll wait here, I’ll announce you.’
Once in the cloakroom, it didn’t take a moment to hang the coat and find a few hairs. Curling them carefully in my hand, I paced quickly down the hall to Daddy’s — no, Stacey’s — office and let myself in without knocking.
‘I masturbated in the shower again, and our ten o’clock is here,’ I addressed Stacey, ignoring the girl who was kneeling in front of her. Miriam had appeared unexpectedly last week, apparently the result of a chance meeting. Both of them were naked and the room smelled of desire, Stacey wriggled contentedly as the girl’s tongue stud stroked her clit, but eyed me with a trace of annoyance.
I missed being in that position, but I knew that Stacey still loved me, and it was important for me to have time to do all the other things nobody else could. It just made sense for me to take care of Daddy and Mommy, and handle the deliveries, and do the cleaning and laundry, and make our meals.
Stacey was such a trooper to help out with the… My thoughts hit a rough patch. Well, she helped out a lot, and was making an effort to master management of our finances, although she seemed to be fixated more on the balance of the money market account and the credit limits on our cards than rate of return or expected cash flows from our portfolio.
‘Oh, Linnea,’ sighed Stacey, ‘what am I going to do with you? Why can’t you be a good girl, like Miriam?’ She sighed again, this time with pleasure, at Miriam’s continued attentions.
‘I can’t help myself,’ I said remorsefully. ‘I miss you.’ She’d tried over and over to help me, but nothing seemed to do the trick. The decorative bell hanging from the ring behind my clit had been effective in the old apartment, but my parents’ place was just too big. The reflexive jets of piss when I disobeyed or disappointed her had worked for a while, but I’d grown accustomed to them.
Once again, I’d found myself standing in the shower, doing myself and cumming like a total slut. The urine and warm water had run down my bare legs unnoticed while I energetically fingered my tits and ass and felt a yearning for something I couldn’t quantify. I thought — hoped — it was Stacey.
That brought me back to the problem of finding some additional helping hands so we’d have more time for each other. I knew Stacey was pleased with Miriam, but there were aspects of life that couldn’t be solved with a tongue stud, and we couldn’t just wait around, hoping we’d run into somebody suitable.
Stacey had sounded dismissive but agreeable when I’d suggested a job posting. With the economy the way it was, we’d been deluged with applications. Naturally I’d had to read them all myself.
She apparently chose to accept my not-quite-apology — or Miriam was distracting her. ‘What — aaaaah — do you think about this one?’ Stacey asked.
‘She seems like a good prospect,’ I offered, belatedly handing over the hairs. ‘I think she might clean up quite nicely.’ I hadn’t had time to re-read it and couldn’t remember the details of Irene’s resume, but nobody made it to an interview if they were an idiot or unsuitable. The point of the interview was to do the weeding that we couldn’t do otherwise — no unattractive women, no men, and no high-profile candidates.
It was all very sexist and politically incorrect, and illegal to boot. I’d tried to speak up once early on, in defense of a rather homely girl, but arguments with Stacey always ended with me peeing myself and capitulating. Besides, as she’d lost no time in pointing out, it was exactly what the men did when they thought they could get away with it. I’d had to settle for hoping one of these attractive young girls had a brain in her head. Unlike Miriam.
Stacey pushed Miriam away for a moment so she could swab the curled hairs in her sex and then deposit them in the large candle burning on the desktop. I never tired of watching the process that had brought me to my true love.
Miriam returned to her oral worship. ‘Show her in, then,’ Stacey ordered.
I nodded and made my way back to the waiting room. ‘Ms. Richwell will see you now,’ I announced to Irene upon my entrance.
She jumped to her feet, a bundle of nerves, and I watched her eyes widen as she really saw me for the first time. ‘Does everybody dress like that, Ms…?’
I realized I’d forgotten to introduce myself, and the poor girl looked confused enough already. I remembered my first interview, I’d been a wreck too. ‘Miss Lily,’ I said, thinking of my bell. ‘And the dress code is quite casual.’
Irene’s mouth opened, but no words emerged.
‘Can I get you anything, Irene?’ She closed her mouth and shook her head. ‘Well then, if you’ll follow me?’ I jingled down the hall, the muted sounds of Irene’s boots a pleasing counterpoint, and watched her out of the corner of my eye.
We’d just arrived at the office doo
r when she reached out to touch my arm, pulling back her hand afterwards as if I’d been a live wire. ‘Please, Lily, can you tell me anything that will help me with this interview?’
I turned to face her and raised an eyebrow in wordless inquiry.
‘I mean, I don’t want you to do anything wrong! But the Richwell Trust is rather diversified, and Ms. Richwell also is caring for her parents. The posting didn’t say much more concrete than ‘assistant’. Should I focus mostly on the business side of things, or the personal?’
‘An excellent question,’ I responded, meaning it. ‘You should ask Ms. Richwell, but for myself, I would emphasize the personal aspects — after all, we’re people first, aren’t we?’
‘Thanks, Lily!’ she told me, sounding sincere. ‘Pull yourself together Irene, you need this,’ she whispered to herself, and then squared her shoulders.
I pretended not to hear her, and led her into the smoky office. ‘Ms. Richwell, this is Irene Calzetta. Miss Calzetta, Linnea Richwell. Is there anything I can get either of you?’
Stacey looked up from her overstuffed loveseat. Miriam was engaged in applying lotion to Stacey’s thighs, a process that seemed to involve equal amounts of licking and massaging. ‘Thank you, –‘
‘Lily,’ I interjected, winking at her.
‘Lily,’ continued Stacey, wearing a sly smile. ‘Can you help Irene with her coat?’
The girl started in surprise. ‘I’m sorry, I forgot I still had it on,’ she apologized, rapidly unfastening the buttons on her blouse. I accepted the blouse and suit jacket from her, and put them on hangers so they’d stay neat.
Now clad only in a pair of those ubiquitous stretchy low-rise slacks and her Victoria’s Secret bra, Irene settled into the guest chair facing Stacey. Miriam, having taken a good look at our guest, turned back to her work.
Stacey wriggled upright enough that she didn’t have to crane her head to watch Irene. ‘Well, Irene, tell me about yourself.’
‘Certainly, Ms. Richwell.’
‘Oh please, call me Linnea,’ Stacey smiled, and I stifled a giggle at the joke.
‘If you insist — Linnea,’ the girl acquiesced. ‘Well, I have my Bachelor’s in psychology, and I’ve started on my Master’s degree. I have a minor in Business Administration, and I was an intern at Koslov and Associates the last two summers. I think my experience and education would make me an excellent choice for your executive assistant.’
‘Very impressive,’ Stacey commented, looking at me.
‘Why?’ I mouthed silently over Irene’s shoulder.
‘Why?’ Stacey parroted, looking blank.
‘Excuse me?’ asked a confused Irene.
My bell jingled softly as I repressed the urge to stamp my foot in frustration.
‘I think Lily has a few questions,’ Stacey prompted. I sensed she was losing interest in the process, because she pulled Miriam’s hands up to her breasts and sighed as the intimate massage resumed.
Irene looked around like she’d forgotten I existed, and I walked over to stand beside the sofa in front of her.
‘I believe what Linnea meant to ask was, ‘why are you not concentrating full-time on your studies?”
The young blonde sighed. ‘I wish, it’s just too expensive. It isn’t worth being in student loan debt for the rest of my life.’ She smiled hopefully. ‘Ideally, I can find a job with flexible hours that will allow me to pursue my studies at the same time.’
I nodded sympathetically. ‘Doesn’t Koslov have an education reimbursement program?’
‘Only for full-time employees. I wasn’t making enough as an intern to pay for it myself, and they aren’t hiring until business picks up.’
‘Couldn’t you fuck somebody for it?’ Stacey asked bluntly.
‘What?’ gasped Irene, looking scandalized. She blinked rapidly, and for a moment it appeared she was looking at Miriam.
‘Sta — I mean, oh shit!’ I yelped. I caught myself too late, trickles of golden warmth marred the insides of my thighs. Wonderful, I thought, now none of us looked very professional. At least I had diverted Irene’s attention away from Stacey. ‘And what did you do at Koslov?’
Irene hesitated for a moment and deflated. ‘Busywork, mostly. Oh, I could give you a song and dance about corporate synergy and leveraging human capital, but anybody with basic English literacy could have done it. I learned a lot about how a business actually operates, though.’
It all sounded regrettably familiar to me. ‘And you have a psychology degree? Is that where you’re doing your graduate work?’
‘Yes, it is,’ Irene confirmed. Ducking her head, she added, ‘My concentration is in Human Sexuality.’
I looked at her more closely.
Stacey pushed Miriam away from her and sat up, obviously curious. ‘Really?’ Stacey asked. ‘What made you interested in that? And why don’t you undress while you tell us?’
‘Well,’ Irene temporized while she unfastened her bra, ‘it’s just something I’ve always been interested in.’ Her breasts were large enough that they sagged slightly without support, looking out of place on her slight frame.
‘Are those tits real?’ asked Stacey, evidently following my train of thought, if not my sense of decorum.
‘Of course,’ replied Irene, who this time looked only vaguely affronted — mostly, I thought, by the insinuation. ‘I think I got them from my mother’s side of the family.’ She leaned forward to pull off her short boots, giving us a view of how her tits hung from her chest, and then stood up to unzip her slacks.
‘Anyway, sex seems like such a basic part of the human psyche, I felt it was worth making the effort to understand more about it.’ The coed shimmied the slacks down her legs and stepped out of them. ‘To try and learn what makes us tick, so to speak.’
Belatedly I realized she was waiting for me and collected her garments. All that remained was a lace thong matching her bra. She had a cute little butt, I thought, inspecting her while I hung up the slacks.
Stacey leaned forward. ‘And what makes you tick, Irene? What untold secrets do you have inside of you?’
Irene hesitated, which was impressive in its own way. Stacey was such a smooth operator that most people didn’t even realize she was stretching their boundaries. ‘I’m into anal,’ she confided in a barely-audible whisper.
I flashed on a memory of all my times with Michael, and how much I’d come to enjoy feeling him sodomize me. I watched Irene pull on her thong, sawing the fabric between her folds before pushing it down her legs, and wished I had an excuse to touch myself. The unworthy thought caused me to leak another small squirt of urine.
‘That’s it? You’re just into anal?’ Stacey asked intently. Luckily for me, she was so focused on the girl that she hadn’t noticed what I’d done, I’d have to bring it to her attention later, but not in the middle of an interview.
‘I mean really into anal.’ Irene sank back into her chair and pulled up her knees against her breasts, rocking slightly from side to side. ‘More than anybody else I know, and I’ve talked to a lot of people. I look at people’s butts all the time, the sight of a thong sliding into somebody’s crack gets me creaming. Nothing makes me hot like the feel of something stretching out my asshole.’ Her voice grew slightly louder, a byproduct of her obvious enthusiasm. ‘There’s something so dirty, so nasty about it, it always gets me off.’
I was getting hot just listening to her, and I noticed her nipples were erect.
Irene wasn’t finished sharing. ‘I think there’s something wrong with me. I’ve tried lots of things and lots of ways, but I can’t orgasm unless somebody else — a cock, tongue, or finger — is penetrating my ass. I’m a freak.’
A wave of sympathy suffused me, but Stacey stifled a laugh. ‘Have you ever met a black guy named Nathan?’ She quickly composed her expression. ‘Never mind, you wouldn’t remember.’
Stacey abruptly stood up. ‘I think you’d be a fine match for us, Irene. The job is your
s, if you want it.’
Irene leaped to her feet, hands clasped in joy. ‘Yes!’ she shouted, and then more sedately, ‘Oh, yes, I accept! Thank you so much, Linnea — you won’t regret it!’
I was a little nonplussed by the decision. It wasn’t that I wouldn’t have hired Irene, but that Stacey hadn’t asked me before doing it. We were supposed to be helping each other out, but she was acting like she was in charge! First this Miriam girl out of nowhere, and now Irene before we’d done even half of the interviews I’d scheduled!
My gaze settled on Miriam, who remained curled on the floor, she was fingering herself languidly, her face still shining with Stacey’s dew. She seemed to think I was running a bed and breakfast, and now it appeared I had somebody new to break in, too. I felt like things were getting worse instead of better.
God knew I loved her before all else, but I was going to have to have a heart-to-heart with Stacey before this got even more out of hand. She was a great lover, and a great hair stylist, but she didn’t know crap about running a business. How many more freeloaders would we end up with?
‘Just one formality to take care of,’ Stacey continued. ‘A quick drug test to make sure you’re clean — you are, aren’t you?’
Irene nodded earnestly. ‘Sure. Where do I go?’
Stacey walked over to her. ‘Right here!’ She plucked a strand of hair from the surprised girl’s head and examined it in the dim light. ‘Now, Irene, you’ll be working very closely with Lily.’ I jumped as she yanked a hair from me, too. ‘Very closely. She’s a critical part of my team, and the workload really has gotten to the point where she can’t handle it by herself.’
I began to sense where Stacey was headed, and watched with rising anticipation as she spun our hairs together into a single strand and wound it about her finger.
‘I’m sure I’ll enjoy working with Lily,’ Irene told us, still beaming.
Stacey smiled knowingly. ‘I’m sure you will. Did I mention she really likes anal, too? She’s not supposed to touch herself, but I don’t have time to supervise her as much as I should, that will be one of your responsibilities. Lily will show you to your new office and take care of any other needs you might have.’
The beginnings of a frown appeared on my face. It sounded like Stacey thought I was going to be Irene’s assistant, instead of the other way around. That seemed… not right?
‘She’s very talented with her tongue, by the way,’ Stacey commented as she moistened the coil in her sex. She deposited it carefully atop the flame flickering on the large desktop candle, and I blinked back a brief wave of dizziness.
She handed the candle to Irene. ‘This is for your desk. That’s all, then. Go settle in!’ Wearing as wide a smile as I’d seen in some time, she returned to the sofa and pulled Miriam’s face roughly into her crotch.
A little nonplussed for some reason, I collected Irene’s clothing and led her out of the office and down the hall, mostly on autopilot.
‘Oh my God, Lily, that went so much better than I expected!’ Irene erupted once the door was closed behind us. ‘I just wanted a job, any job. I’m, like, Linnea Richwell’s executive frikkin’ assistant, can you believe it? I even have somebody working for me!’
There was a pause, and I could feel Irene’s eyes on me. ‘What are you, anyway, Lily? My secretary or something? You dress like a maid in some guy’s wet dream.’
My mouth worked several times, but the reflexive answers stuck in my throat. ‘I’m not a maid, I’m a slut,’ I finally replied. ‘Everybody says so.’ I felt hazy on the details, but I knew it was true.
We pulled up in front of Da–Mr. Richwell’s library. It had been converted into an office for… My thoughts petered out again. Linnea had the old office, and nobody else needed one — of course, this was for Irene. ‘This is yours,’ I told her, leading her in.
Irene put the candle on the desk and looked around while I tried to decide what to do with her clothing. I’d have to check with — Linnea — to find out if she should have a bedroom. Finally I settled for draping the clothes over a chair, the blouse went slithering to the floor and I bent to retrieve it.
The motel room was small with just one queen size bed and a threadbare chair looking awkwardly out of place, as if someone had just reached through the roof of this dank place and left it there. There was a distinct smell of cigarettes and desperation, of cheap, hurried sex and the comfort not of skin on skin but of plastic bottles of vodka. So this is where he had chosen to meet, she thought, as she set her suitcase down on the end of the sagging bed and sat herself down in the chair, lending...
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Chapter One My life began just under 25 years ago when I arrived in this world as a screaming, crying baby boy. Looking back from the vantage point of today's perspective, I guess I grew up quite the typical boy, rough and ready, always up for a fight and dirty from dawn to dusk. My passage through puberty was, I imagine, similar to that of every other boy of those days when life was so much simpler. That I never developed into the muscular, powerfully built young man of my secret...
Hi horny guys and girls.Thank you all for gigolo for for school teachers “.I am very happy that my readers took my story in a positive manner. I have got mails from some females also to have fun with them Any horny ladies, divorced, widowed women in and around Bangalore starving for sex,please mail me on For the readers who haven’t read my first part.I am Joe from Bangalore doing my b com.Our heroine’s name is Renu ma old teacher in my schooling in Kerala. As continuing from where...
Introduction: Okay.So I had an idea for this part but I didnt want to forget it so I just wrote it. Who was he?…. I grabbed the blonde guy by the back of his head and pulled his head up.The minute I saw him, there was a smile on my face.I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. Rory! When did you get here?! I missed you so much! I heard him give a small laugh. Well.I heard Chris was here, and anywhere Chris goes, theres a chance youd be there.Besides, I wanted to visit my...
Al's wife had built on his mother's discipline training. She'd gotten him well trained into accepting any and all punishment she wished to inflict on him. Through psychological humiliation and skilled brainwashing, he was now very tractable and slavish.Yes, his wife's punishment was painful, but after it was over, the joy of knowing he'd been forgiven by her seem to outweigh the pain.His wife, Cora had trained her mollycoddled young husband to not move or pull away as she slaps him hard. He...
Following the SmackDown television tapings on July 26, 2011 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's Wells Fargo Center, SmackDown General Manager Teddy Long is leaving his office. "Teddy... b*o.... Before you go I got a great idea!" Zack Ryder says as a he approaches Teddy while sighs as his newly assigned assistant comes towards him."Zack... the show's over..." Teddy Long says as he looks at the Long Island Superstar."b*o are you serious? This the WWE... the show's never over!" Zack smiles.Teddy sighs...
I left Tomas pouring over his maps, and continued on my way to find Alistair; after clearing the main hall, and stealing some bread, cheese, and another apple from a passing servant, I headed up towards his room. As I walked down the hall, munching on my snack, I heard talking; I paused just outside of Theron's open door. He was talking quietly with Blake, and I eavesdropped for a few minutes. "This is the letter A. Each letter makes a sound; this one can either sound like 'ahh' or like...
CHAPTER 1 TV was roaring away in the TV room unwatched in the Maynard household as the family waited for one of the passing vehicles in the street to turn into the driveway. Faye Maynard worried that something might have happened. Eldest child Michele (31) was coming home from LA with her fiancée Danny who was two years younger. Michele had called twenty minutes ago to say they were fifteen minutes away. None of them had seen Danny beyond low ‘rez’ emailed photographs. Athol rubbed his...
This time the story reveals about true incest relationship one of my close friend REV & his mom Mallika. Everything is common like you friends since from primary to college life . I was very much attracted with Hot ladies .I was regular to porn and imagine the erotic scenes masturbated in free times. As the desires and lust take me into the incest relationship between mom Mallika. She was hot milf thick lady with big Boobs and Ass. [email protected]
IncestHello, I'm John Davis, 23 years old. It's my first day in my new job. I'm dressed comfortably in a cotton t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and sneakers. I'll have to thank my girlfriend, Doe Miller, for this job. She managed to convince her aunt, Linda Wilson, into giving me a chance. I've been with Doe for the last six months. She's witty and unpredictable. But I like the way she tries to understand every situation. She always says that there's more than two sides to an event. It's probably...
The conclusion! Round ThreeCandy came awake with a start; still only semi-conscious, she is aware that something has changed, but she is not sure what. The room is dark; she seems to remember it being light. Candy certainly remembers seeing bright lights flashing before her eyes as Sir fucked her bound body, and the butt plug stretching her arse while Sir fucked her pussy after burying a vibrator inside her. Then Candy realises what has changed. She is no longer bound; she is no longer full....
Marcus wasn’t sure how it happened. He was both sleepy and hungry at the same time which led him to stagger downstairs in the early hours of the morning to the kitchen to raid the fridge. He hadn’t got that far when he heard noises coming from the lounge.He contemplated going back upstairs and ignoring it but his teenage curiosity got the better of him and he cautiously walked to the lounge and peered around the corner into the darkened room.His eyes took some time to get used to the darkness...
IncestA Master PC Story Nellie Bowman sat at her kitchen table in apartment 101 of the building she both owned and managed. She was reading a letter to the editor in Reader's Digest, expounding upon the moral decay of American society. She couldn't agree more. She had grown up in this building and managed it since she was 19, and over the past 42 years there had been a steady decline in the quality of people renting here. Many of them she would never have even considered renting to back when her...
Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 After the press conference I had a chance to call home and say hello to the kids. They already had heard I was a supercriminal and in prison for the rest of my life, so I had to tell them I had broken out and would be home later that night. They both promised to stay up to see me, which seemed unlikely to me. We didn’t leave Conover until almost eight. Both Delahoye and Ruskin had run out of things to ask me and agreed that they knew how to find me if they had any...
"Aunt Connie what are you doing in here," I asked. "Sorry I just had to get better look at all the action in here. All the hot action. You two really turned me on. You two really do love each other. I saw you two not just having sex, but making love to each other. You two have my deepest blessing honestly. I'll give you a few minutes," Connie said. Then she left and went back out to the living room to wait for us. We were both a little stunned that we really turned her on. I think it was...
IncestIt’s been three weeks since I punished Ariel for not giving me sex when I asked for it. Since that day in the laundry room she has definitely learned her lesson. We had sex no matter where we were, in the bed, car, park or even a quickie in the bathroom at a restaurant. I always got what I wanted from her but nothing could prepare me for what she had planned for me when I got home from work one night. It was a Friday, I came home around 9:15pm. I walked into the apartment and saw Ariel sitting...
Author's Note: This is part of my Cala de Sirena series. This story occurs between Cala de Sirena and Return to Cala de Sirena, for those who might question the time line, though I wrote it after the two mentioned. Thank you all for reading & returning to the cove. It was Don Taylor’s last day before he began his family leave, and it couldn’t end soon enough. It seemed that every time he turned around, his boss and good friend, Jason Blackwell, was giving him, ‘Just one more thing.’ He had the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiShe received the post on Monday and she tore the envelope open excitedly. She had been waiting for this for what seemed like forever! Quickly she read through the letter, searching for the answer she hoped was in it. There it was, she had been accepted! Chelsea Bell had applied to a well known college in the United States to study. She had chosen this school, partially for its reputation for having a good sociology program. She wanted to become a criminal sociologist. But she had also chosen a...
NovelsI've got a rotation of women i like to wank to. Most of them i know but there's a couple i don't, other than having seen them regularly.A couple of them i have actually slept with before, one was a rather risque situation and may post stories at some point.But i just wanted to put it out there for some reason as i enjoy fantasising about fucking them.I have a few others i know who i do want to fantasise about as well, may even wank to one later. Its strange as i have no attraction toward them...
My two-room suite at the Grand Hotel was nicely appointed and comfortable. The only drawback was the lack of female company. I decided to look at what was available. The area where the ladies of the night are waiting for business was not too far away and I thought I would give it a try.Cruising slowly down the street I passed by many girls, but none attracted my attention. Maybe I am too picky. What I saw were women needing money for drugs, run away girls already on drugs. Welt, you know the...
Straight SexRyan had just saved her work log when her phone rang. She answered, hoping it wasn't a last-minute request for anything. She was anxious to finish up and get out; Brody was going to pick her up and they were going to get one last, quiet celebration in before the tour and the playoffs started up. It was her supervisor, but luck was with her—the work was already done. Relieved, she sent the files and copied them to the shared drive on the network. She looked at the clock and groaned; the end...
Hi Friends again this is Lalit with new story or you can say my experience which I am going to share with you. I have also shared my experience in my previous stories; I am 38 yrs from Delhi living in Dwarka in apartment. You please read my previous story “swaping mein maza aa gaya” than you exactly understand how me & my wife Priya 35 yrs love sex with new experiments. Ab mein story pe aata hun,jaisa ki aap ko pata hain mein apni story desi language mein likhta hun, Manoj or Ritu ke saath 3...
I find myself standing on a wooden dock white washed by the sun watching the yacht pull away. Behind me, beyond the oddly perfect, barren stretch of white-sugar sand, lays a complex of equally white buildings with Mahogany roofs under green fronds of palm trees. A week, I think to myself. I have a week here. I look back out to the boat, the dash of white against the impossibly azure sea, and watch it speed away. "Welcome to Mahogany," a deep, masculine voice rumbles in my ear. I jump and gasp,...
Straight SexThe next day I got a call asking me to report to Mr. Burton's office at noon. He and Mr. Gordon are the final two VPs with whom I have yet to have sex. When it came time to shower and get dressed I decided that it was time to start wearing some of those new clothes I bought, the sexy ones. I went through the dozen new outfits and picked out a very short, very thin, very beautiful dress. I looked through my collection of sexy new lingerie and decided to wear nothing but a thong under the eye...
Shortly after school started, Chloe became the most popular girl, possibly in our entire school history. I mean, a popular Asian girl? Her resume doesn't fit a stereotypical popular high school girl in this part of the country. Her slender physique and pale skin are surprisingly deceiving--she's one of the most athletic girls in school. Chloe shows her strength in volleyball, being incredibly fast and light. She's fast in all sports, although she doesn't out run Ana on the track. Chloe lacks...
SpankingFriday Mid Morning, On the Deck “It’s beautiful!” she said, as they got out of the car and looked around. The cabin looked like a log cabin off the side of a mountain somewhere, it needed a little TLC, but it was quaint. It sat a short distance from the lake, and was surrounded by trees and fall wild flowers. The trees were at their fall best—beautiful bright reds, oranges and yellows, with the pine trees adding the green. There was a porch that wrapped around the cottage. The front overlooked...
Hi, I am Saahil from Delhi.I love sex .Mujhe ek aisi sexy ladki ki talash hai jisme sex bhara hua ho.Jo mera sex mein saath de.Main aapko apni class ki ek real story likh raha hu plz achi lage to mail jarur karna Meri ek classmate thi jiska naam veena tha.Jo ek ladka ek ladki mein chahta hai wo sab usme tha.Wo bahut hi khubsurat,lambe lambe baal,34 size boobs,34 size gaand uffff use dekhte hi kisi ka bhi lund khada ho jata tha.Sab use chodne ki firak mein rahte the.Main class mein bahut...
Hi, I'm Jane! I'm about 5"1" with nice B cup breasts that fit my slender frame nicely. I've got wavy long brown hair that's about shoulder length. Having graduated high school just a few months prior, and college looming on the horizon, a few friends and I decided to head out to the movies. The latest blockbuster had almost everyone entranced and we seemed to be the only few who hadn't seen it. Getting ready to go though... well, let's say I can be a bit indecisive about even the basics on...
TeenOne morning, I knew that my mother and father were both at work, and I could smell breakfast being cooked. I lay there in bed, toying with my morning hard-on, thinking of my grandmother. Grandma had big tits, that’s all there was to it. At times, I had noticed that she wore no bra, and I could see the impression of her nipples on the blouse she was wearing. At 13 I noticed all female tits, especially my mom’s and Grands. I got up and took a piss, then pulled off my undies...
what you are about to read is a true and accurate accounting of a day I spent in a video arcade boothits early Saturday afternoon, and i'm sitting here in an arcade video booth dressed only in sexy little bikini panties, training bra (for my little a cup puberecent like titties) and a white silky like full slip, I have left the door slightly ajar while I rub my little sissy clitty, which is confined in a tight fitting chasity devise, and tucked back between my legs, while watching a really hot...
************************************************** Prologue ************************************************** Cool midnight air drifted gently through the open window of James' bedroom, carrying with it the distant sounds of nocturnal suburban activity. A passing car ground its tires softly into the pavement, on the way by. Insects chirped. On the bed, James' sheets rose and fell smoothly with the pattern of steady breathing. Next to his slumbering shape, the other half of the bed...
Introduction: Her milk on the outside, mine on the inside She was my manager, as I was employed by a local pizza joint. My day ended, across the vista of red seats and plaid papered walls, I watched. She looked, caught my eye, and a small shaded glint hovered above a small smile, lip curling corners. I beamed one back, soft smile. Her body, big bulging ass out of her behind, and belly blooming bigger, pregenant inside, her breasts, twin great ice capped mountain peaks, her bra visible...
Saturday 5th May 2018It was well after midnight and through super-human efforts, I’d managed to avoid contacting Jill throughout the whole day – the day of her supposed last date with Chris before he headed off to California.I say ‘supposed’ because, with every passing minute, more and more of my mind screamed at the prospect that maybe everything had changed. Maybe during an evening with the other man, Jill loved he’d managed to turn things through a hundred and eighty degrees and I’d be the...
Wife LoversI had dropped Lyndia off at the biker clubhouse, still blindfolded, and driven away with my heart pounding in my throat and my cock leaking all over the inside of my pants. She hadn't known I was even in the car with her!! Watching her being led across the gravel driveway, her dress unbuttoned all the way down the front and the scarf tied over her eyes almost made my heart break. It was all I could do not to jump out of the car, take her in my arms, and drive her home. When the door slammed...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 41: I WOKE THE...
Chapter One Capua, Italy 73 B.C. They were finally free. No longer would they be forced to fight and fuck for the amusement of the Romans. Yet, their journey had only just begun and the worst of the hardships still lay ahead. Only 73 Gladiators managed to escape Battiatus’ Ludus, as well as several female slaves and the Ludus’ medico, out of the 200 men who fought under Quintus Battiatus’ ownership. Most of the men had fallen to arrows from the guards on the balconies as the gladiators had...
It was the summer before my junior year in high school, I was sixteen, and so was my twin sister Kate. We were about as different as twins could be, except for looking alike. I was a bookish, intellectual nerd. I like sci-fi, comic books, and school. I had friends, but I had never had a girlfriend. I was shy, quiet, introverted, and very reserved. Kate on the other hand was a firecracker! She was very brash, outspoken and energetic. A spoiled brat. And she had a very active social...