Highest Bidder free porn video

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Introduction: If you like it, Ill make more. This is a kinky fetish of mine, of being dominated and owned, but Ive never had the nerve to actually do anything about to or mention it. WARNING: This contains underage sex. If you dont like it, tough. I can make this into a chapter story – I already have a sort-of plot. If I should continue it, let me know. WARNING: LOOK AT THE THEMES. If none of these things turn you on, click BACK right now. Dont go blaming me for writing this – it was my own kinky mind. The room was quiet and hushed as men filtered into the auditorium, finding their seats in the shadowy darkness. Most of them were men, all of them finely dressed, and a few of them with women hanging onto their arms. The women were gorgeous – long, slender legs, full breasts, slinky dresses which looked deliciously flimsy. The lights were low and there was a lot of low murmurs as everybody complimented each others couples and groped the women frequently. The stunning women leaned into the petting and stroking, some of them even drawing their offender into a slow, open-mouthed kiss.

As people settled, waiters began to travel the aisles and pass out champagne. The seats were specifically spaced farther apart than usual, allowing room for one to kneel on the floor while another patron sits. A few women were already crawling down the aisles, their breasts skimming the ground, prowling in search of their prey. Several of the men were swapping training secrets, wondering when the bidding would start and what the surprise for the evening would be.

These meetings happened once a year – once a year, over two hundred of the top Masters displayed their best slaves, trained for months at a time, and sent them off to the highest bidder. Although there were a lot of more casual auctions during the course of the year, this one was the biggest and only the best Masters were invited to come. This year was going to be different, however – for the past three decades, Grand Master X had hosted the auction, and it had been going moderately well. However, this year, his son was taking over, a young man who said that this year the auction would be an event to remember.

Master J, as he was called, would be taking on the title of Grand Master when he hosted the auction this year, and people said that he was even better at training slaves than his father had been. This rumor was widely disregarded in public – after all, Grand Master X had been the best of the best – but in whispers they wondered which slave he would put up for grabs. His sister had been auctioned off five years ago in a thunderous war of bidding which ended up costing a lascivious man over three million dollars. During the entire show, the Grand Master and his son had watched impassively – Master J had even smiled slightly! – while their own flesh and blood was sold in a collar and nothing else.

The whispering stopped as the floodlights kicked on, throwing the stage into sharp light. Gentlemen, welcome to the Annual Auction Spectacular, A booming voice announced over the loudspeaker. I trust you have all arrived with deep pockets and full wallets, because this year there are some young, beautiful girls just waiting to serve you.

There was a polite patter of applause which rippled through the room.

And now, your host, Master J! The loudspeaker announced, and the applause burst through the rafters as the young man stepped onto the stage. The lights dimmed until he was surrounded in a single circle of white light.

Thank you, thank you, He said, hushing the crowd with a simple sweep of his hand. He had his fathers striking good looks: his hair was dark and swept back, his profile sharp, his hooded eyes flinty and the color of artic ice. He was dressed in the Grand Masters costume – tight leather pants, two strips of leather crossing in an X over his pale chest, and cat-o-nine tail whips belted to his hips. I want you all to know what a pleasure I have hosting this auction tonight, He said, his voice hinted with a lilt of an Irish accent. And know that it is with deepest regret that I am taking over for my father, Grand Master X, who has not only done a superlative job of hosting these auctions, but also been the best Master on the face of this planet.

More thunderous applause, and the spotlight rose to a viewing box set into the wall in the back of the room. Seated on a throne-like, plush chair, was a distinguished man, his hair graying slightly, but his good looks apparent and his physique still impressive. A young blonde was standing at his side, dressed in a leather suit which clung to her buxom curves.

Now, gentlemen, if I can draw your eye to the side of the stage, Master J continued. There you will see the first of our wares tonight. Now, because this is my first year hosting these, you must forgive me if Im a bit rude to them. He said, and smiled winningly at the crowd. But I wanted to get your attention.

There is a twist tonight, ladies and gentlemen.

Dead silence reigned over the crowd, thick with lusty anticipation.

Any item in this auction which is not bid on over a million dollars will be given to the Cages before turned over to her Master, Master J said.

The crowd went wild, some of them putting their fingers in their mouths to whistle sharply. Perhaps a dozen girls would be turned over to the hungry Dobermans and German Shepards which were restrained in the Cages. Now, I realize most of you will want to continue the bidding while your wares are in the Cages, Master J said with his traditional winning smile. So I have mounted several plasma screens above the stage where you can watch as these young, helpless girls get pounded by some pretty horny pups.

The crowd laughed and panted appreciatively.

Without further ado, I wish to begin the bidding. Bring out Lot #1. Master J ordered.

A young girl, dressed in a silver dancing dress was brought out onto the stage. She had long dark hair, held behind her head in a plait, and an elegant collar around her neck. She looked scared, but her training kept her expression neutral and her head bowed. Master J pulled her closer by her wrist, causing the girl to stumble at the sharp jerk. Now, this is a girl from Ermine Farms, offered by Mistress Z, Master J said. And we all know what soft, spoiled girls come from there. Her training is pretty low, so youll have fun spanking this little girl, He said, and the crowd responded eagerly.

He cupped her breasts in his hands, pinching the nipples sharply. Unpierced nipples, folks, and some pretty meaty tits which feel amazing, I can tell you, Master J said, continuing to fondle the girl. Shes a blushing eighteen, so youll get at least a few good years out of her before you get bored. Ill start the bidding at fifty thousand. Do I have fifty thousand?

A red light blinked in the distance.

I have fifty thousand, do I have a hundred thousand?

Another light.

Do I have two hundred thousand, gentlemen? Master J said. Two hundred thousand, ladies and gentlemen, and if this lot doesnt go over a million, she gets turned over to the Cages. Do I have two hundred thousand?


Oh, I see, Master J said, evidently enjoying himself. Lets make an example of this one, shall we? He said, smiling wolfishly. Sold, for a hundred thousand. Dirt cheap, gentlemen, and now we get to see this helpless little girl ravaged by some dogs.

The crowd cheered, and the girl began to protest, her face knotted. Aww, Master J said, grinning. Looks like her pain training didnt go very far, did it? Turn your attention to the plasma screens, folks, and well continue with the bidding, with Lot #2.

The plasma screen blinked to life, and the crowd hummed in appreciation as they saw the girl getting stripped. The fluttering silver dancing dress was unzipped harshly, and she was left in nothing but her skin, shivering in the cages. She began to cry as a buzzer sounded, and two men growled a low command. Sobbing, she dropped to all fours and allowed the men to clip her collar to the ground in a hook designated for this purpose. Her wrists were secured near her head, forcing her to put her weight on her forearms and elbows, and her knees were spread apart, leaving her wide and exposed.

There was a whining bark as the dogs were unleashed, two big, muscular Dobermans with sleek black coats. They snapped and growled, and the biggest one jabbed his wet nose into her pussy, sniffing and rumbling a warning growl in his chest. He licked around her pussy lips, tasting the juices which were coming in spite of the girls fear, her arousal causing the well-hung dog to slobber faster. After a minute or two of snarling his way through the slaves cunt, he mounted her, his unclipped claws digging into her hips, steadying himself the concrete floor.

From the dogs point of view, she was incredibly hot and tight, and he began pounding into her the second his head was fully inside. She yelped as his teeth sank into her shoulder, his claws digging into her hips and leaving dark dents in her otherwise unmarred skin. His thrusts were rapid and quick, hot sloppy flesh meeting again and again with her pussy. One of the other Dobermans, apparently unhappy that he was being ignored, began sniffing and circling her until he found her lips, which were parted slightly in her discomfort. Without warning, the other Doberman mounted her head and began humping her face, eager to get his thick dog-cock into her mouth.

The crowd was trying to pay attention to the bidding, but the images on the screen were turning everyone on to such a high extent that several people were forcing their dates into their crotches to get off quickly. And now, Lot #23, ladies and gentlemen, and this is a very special lot, Master J said, smilingly. Lot 23 is a pretty fifteen year old, and – get this – a virgin.

All attention towards the screen was diverted at the sacred word. Master J smiled.

Yes, Lot 23 is a virgin. Her training was completed without touching her virginity, and tonight, one of you lucky men will be able to take her hymen right here on this stage.

Master J was going down in history as the best auctioneer ever, thought several men as their dates were ignored. A virgin slave was incredibly rare – most of these girls were foreigners, brought over on the black market, but there was one or two kidnapped little girls who were still innocent, tight, and oh-so-delicious. A shivering young blonde, totally nude, was dragged onto the stage, a crude leather collar clipped brutally tight around her neck. Master J hauled her upright with a fistful of her long blonde hair, pinching her nipples and nodding as his fingers dropped to her shaved pussy lips. Mmmhmm, hot and tight, gentlemen, Master J informed them. And you can take her virginity as hard as you want – you can either take her here on stage, humiliate her in front of the whole crowd, or you can take her to the back room and have some fun with the toys there.

Do I have two million on Lot 23?

Three red lights blinked in rapid succession.

Three million?

Another light.

Four million, folks, such a hot, sweet little bitch.

Two lights.

Four and a half, folks, and some hot, tight virgin pussy is waiting for the winner.

One last light.

Anyone else? Going once? Going twice?

Sold, four and a half million dollars, to Master D. Master J said, and Master D approached the stage. He was a burly, stocky man with jaw-length brown hair and black eyes which never seemed to move. But now, those black eyes were glimmering with raw hunger, and he stepped up to the stage to take her from Master J. Will you be playing with your little whore right in front of everyone, or would you like to conduct matters more privately? Master J asked, passing the blonde girl over as if she were a bag of candy.

Master D grinned savagely. I wanna play with some of the toys they got back there, but I want everyone to see her scream, Master D said. Turn on the cameras in the Playroom, so we can have the best of both worlds. He said.

Wise choice, Master J said, and nodded significantly to an unseen techie who began fiddling with wires. Master D slipped his thick fingers under the girls collar and forcibly dragged her off the stage. The girl yelped, tripped, and was soon being hauled across the carpeted floors like a bag of flour. Several men reached out to squeeze her small breasts as she passed, and Master D permitted this with a chuckle on his lips.

After a few moments, the hot, panting crowd was granted a birds eye view of the Playroom.

The blonde was shoved into the picture, and Master D was crooning something in her ear. Nice little slut, huh? He purred, his fingers wrapping around her neck. Are you gonna be a good fuck for Daddy?

The Playroom was filled with all sorts of toys, ranging from the intensely pleasurable to the horrendously painful. The blonde was pulled over to a set of wooden stocks, and her wrists and head were secured into place. Her smooth, unscarred back glowed, and her ass was arched invitingly in the air. She was crying now, tears dripping onto the floor, and Master D began stroking her pussy. Aww, whats the matter, baby? Master D crooned. Not what you wanted? Im gonna have so much fun playing with that tight little virgin pussy – and that nice, juicy ass, too, He added with a slap to her cheek.

He crossed the room and began rummaging through the glittering array of steel implements, finally coming back with two metal nipple clips. He knelt and took one small, pert breast in his mouth, sucking on the nipple and nibbling it slightly. Im gonna keep those pretty little lips of yours open, honey, He hissed. Wanna hear you scream for all youre worth. When her nipple stood taut and beaded, he secured the nipple clamp on her left nipple.

She did scream, and he laughed when she did so, her back arching and bucking as she tried to dislodge the burning, fiery clamp which was stinging painfully. He went to the other side and rubbed his thumb over her breast, smiling, and then began playing with it, nipping, sucking, and swirling his tongue around the nipple. The other clamp was latched onto her nipple, and she screamed again, a fresh burst of pain spiking down her system and causing her sobs to become louder.

His fingers found her pussy and he bent to whisper in her ear. Youre soaking wet, honey, He purred. You want my cock in you, dont you? He snarled, and his fingers began slipping into her slit. And guess what? Youre gonna get a beating first, baby doll.

Paddles were in heavy supply in the Playroom, and he selected a short one, essentially a ping-pong paddle without the rubber backing. He drew the edge of it along her wet and swollen pussy lips, her whimpers music to his ears. Without warning, he drew back and the paddle landed on her left cheek.


She screamed again, twisting in the stock, and each movement she made sent a dull, burning ache from her clamped nipples to her aroused cunt.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Each blow made her ass cheeks take on a beautiful red hue, and more pain began buzzing into her head. After a moment or two, Master D felt her now-dripping pussy and grinned to the camera. Whore, he announced, and then –

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

She shrieked louder with each blow, and then he stopped abruptly. You are so fuckin wet, He said, marveling. Slutty little bitch, He added, and then forced a thick finger into her pussy. She moaned a little and wriggled, the friction overriding the pain.

Fuck it, Master D said, and unzipped his pants. His cock came into view – a thick, wide shaft which was already glistening with pre cum. He spread her lips apart with his fingers, and then forced his cock into her virgin pussy.

Her scream drilled to the heavens as he began pounding her, her small breasts swinging as his nails dug into her hips.

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The first thing Forest said in the morning meeting was, "Christ almighty, can't you two do anything without finding something to give our service a good name. You go up to Jacksonville, and in no time at all, you've got every federal agency there is and the armed forces attacking the docks. You completed the capture with only a fifty percent casualty record then you go on TV and give everyone from kindergarten to the Coast Guard kudos for doing a good job." "I give you a day off and...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Choices Collection

Mr Trouch lay face first over his desk, his arms and legs tied to the four corners of it with thick twine, he looked so pathetic, so vulnerable, so utterly helpless as Jessica stood in front of his prone body with her arms folded and staring into nothing as she awaited him waking up. “Gackkughh” Mr Trouch coughed and spluttered as he finally came to and peered through his swollen eyes at the figure stood before him. “Hello Mr Trouch” Jessica spoke softly as she struggled to control her anger,...

3 years ago
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Wishes Gone Wrong Slut High 1

Author's Note: Hello Again, everybody! Slut High here was the winner of my first Story Poll. If you'd like to help decide what I write next you can take part in my current story poll by going to surveymonkey.com/r/PCCCZJL ! This was a lot of fun to write and I hope you enjoy it! Wishes Gone Wrong: Slut High - A Smutty Novella - = Part 1 of 2 = By Razmagurk "Satisfaction Guaranteed?" I had expected something in... Latin, I guess? Ancient Arabic maybe? Was Arabian a language?...

2 years ago
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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 04

As Chloe recovered from the orgasm of the oral sex she noticed that Randy was very hard. Pointing to his cock, in her sexy deep sultry voice, she uttered: ‘It would be a shame to waste such a magnificent erection. Why don’t you do something? Anything.’ Randy needed no second invitation. He mounted her and plunged his stiff rod all the way into her vagina bumping against her womb. She was still very tight but was able to easily accept his cock. As a farm girl, Chloe had periodically seen her...

4 years ago
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Hand Me Down

Hand Me Down Synopsis A Transgirl talks about a gift that helpes her to transition. [-][+][-] Well, here I am actually wearing the body that I've always wanted and it's all thanks to Professor Henry Klump and his wife Dr. Helen Hyde. I am their now Granddaughter Robin Kelly Klump who is soon to marry Lance Bowman, my fiancee and continue their legacy of helping other girls and boys like me to find the body that they want. But first, I need to tell you of my...

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Moving in with Cousins

Your name is John. In the settings bar, you can change your first and last names to whatever you want. You can also change most other characters names as well. You live in Michigan with your two parents, and are 18 years old. You are about to start your last year of high school--they held you back in Kindergarten because you were bored and never paid attention. You never really got to know your parents well; they both liked to party with friends, and never had much time for you. So when they...

1 year ago
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Vampires and Sex

Twas a fine evening, of that I am most certain. The wind was blowing ever so gently. I was to meet my girlfriend here, Anne, if I recall. She did not come to me in the way of car or foot, no, she flew down from above the trees. She was beautiful in so many ways, too many, to even go into detail. She was only wearing a bra and panties made of silk dyed red, ever so dark red, you would think the garments in which she wore were made of blood. Her lips were also the colour of blood, her cheeks were...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Having Fun During Trip With Married Colleague

Hello friends, hope you are all well and enjoying your life. Myself Joker, a little fat guy with a somewhat good look, no dressing sense but little attractive. Without wasting time and spoiling your mood lets start the story. This is the story of my being lucky to have fun with a sexy married colleague. About my married colleague, she is 35 but looks 25 and have an awesome figure of 30-32-30 for which my friends die for. Many of them tried their luck but none of them were lucky. This incident...

4 years ago
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My Slutty Teen Slave Part 3

Turning to look at the clock, I cursed under my breath. It was already 6:28. There was still so much for us to do. My feet sank into the carpet as I crossed the room. I pulled on my pants as I stepped out into the hallway. I had a call to make before the festivities could begin. I could already feel my cock getting hard in my pants as I thought about what I would do to my little slut. I entered her parent's bedroom again, having prepared everything for tonight. I sat down next to...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Lover

This is the story of how I became lovers with my Aunt, something I had never even thought about until the situation happened for real. To describe my Aunt, shes 5'2, just turned 40, 34d chest, size 14, and average build. She has blonde hair which is dyed, blue eyes..So without wasting further time, lets get on with the story...It was November of 2009 and my Aunt was moving home having split with my uncle and finding a place of her own to live. Being the good nephew I didnt think twice when she...

2 years ago
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The Grand Strategy Ch 13 Epilogue

And that's the way I remember it, just as I've told you. That was almost 20 years ago. Much has changed, and much has remained the same.Almost all the gang are married now, with wives and k**s of our own, mortgages, and all. I think we're happier than the average group of old high school buddies. We're still close, and have a rotating monthly get-together where we go to the home of the month, drink all the beer, and trash the place. Our Moms always join us, since really they were the core of...

2 years ago
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Pleading in Vain

PLEADING IN VAINBy Miranda BirchCopyright ©2019 Miranda Birch. All Rights Reserved.Eventually he found out, of course. About the money. There was almost a row. Almost. ButMary was firm.“There is no use crying over split milk. The money is spent, and that's that. It isn'tlike you got nothing for it. Most sissies would give their right leg to have suchgorgeous outfits as you have!”She laughed then, not even bothering to pretend to take his objection seriously. Mikewas stung by this to attempt...

3 years ago
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My Coworker Girl8217s 8216Other Business8217 8211 Part 2

I was standing there in front of my coworker Jalpa and the guy who was almost naked was bargaining with my Jalpa for my body and for hers too. I started feeling ashamed, I quickly picked up my dress and bra and left the room. I got dressed in the hallway, took my purse and phone from the safe and went out of the apartment and sat in my car. I lit a cigarette and started thinking about what just happened and after a while, I drifted into sleep inside the car. I got up at around 5:15 am the next...

2 years ago
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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 12 Taboo Love

Steve Davies I was shocked that my daughter had figured out that I had powers. That I had changed her. Sam trembled, her green eyes spilling with tears. Her nostrils flared as she swayed. My stomach clenched. This terrible pit opened up, yawning through me. Acids gurgled up my throat, burning me. I never wanted to hurt her. I had to think. I had to be careful. I didn’t want to hurt her more. I grabbed her shoulders but she wrenched back, her red hair swaying about her face. Her gray skirt...

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Ashleys Offer PT6

Dan woke slowly. The fog was slow to clear, and he felt dome muscle soreness from all the activity of yesterday, but he had no issue with know where he was. Her warmth and the smell of her hair were first up, followed in lockstep with the feel of her satin panties on his dick. It made him smile…and made it ‘firm up’ a bit. He could hear her breathing, she was not awake. He gave her a gentle caress, a brush to the side of some hair. Looking around he could see it was early, he was ahead of the...

2 years ago
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old man in the grocery store part 4

As I standing there looking at the view, Dave noticed I looked a little cold so he offered me a long sleeve shirt. I said, "no thanks " and that's when he made the next move. He pressed his body against my back side as I leaned toward the railing. He!then said, "then maybe I could help " as he started lightly rubbing the outside of my arms as if trying to create heat. I instantly fell at ease, closed my eyes and leaned back enough to where my pressed against his chest. He was so much taller...

1 year ago
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The Visitor

On her visit to her friend’s home city, Katrina was so bored that night because she had nothing planned. She was a brunette with majestic hybrid silver/hazel eyes. She wasn’t skinny but she had curves that guys drooled over. Contemplating where to go that night, she decided to do something she had never done before but had always thought of and had fantasies of in the back of her mind. She told her friend, Madison, that she wanted to try going to a gay bar and that it would be something...

2 years ago
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Do As Youre ToldChapter 22

“Naked Pizza Festival, I see!” the delivery girl, a Tejana named Jessica, licked her lips, having visited him before. Julian had made a note to himself to seduce her and the other delivery folks in time into joining his tribe and his church. He moved so fast this time that she didn’t see him until he had her in his arms and began making out with her. He gestured for the others to kiss her, but nothing else for now. He noted that she was single, at least for now, though that was no issue for...

1 year ago
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Sebastián era un chico de 20 años que comúnmente pasaba solo la mayor parte de sus días. No era de muchos amigos, sino es que tenia alguno, y prefería pasar sus días solo tranquilo y en silencio. Comúnmente era parte de su rutina ir a revisar la casa de tu tía, la cual le daba unos billetes por ver que la propiedad estuviera intacta ya que ella no vivía allí sino que con su pareja al otro extremo de la ciudad. Bueno, veamos si algo ha cambiado Dijo Sebastián Pero cuando puso la llave en la...

2 years ago
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It Started with Disney

DISCLAIMER: The events are very loosely based on a true story. Details have been exaggerated, age has been changed, names have been changed, and it's pretty unrecognizable from the actual story (mostly because reality tends to be more boring than imagination). The true thing about is that I did actually wet myself on an elevator at Disney World as I was caught up watching the fireworks and one thing led to another, but pretty much everything else is BS. I wasn't a college student either. The...

3 years ago
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Chased by girls

It is a warm spring day. You are dressed in a pair of shorts, T-shirt and pair of shoes (no underwear). You are standing at the edge of a forest on a private estate about to be chased by groups of women for money. Your name is Cam. You are a student at a local college. You were having money problems. You mentioned this to your friend Trina and how you might have to drop out of the course if you didn't find a solution. She mentioned this extreme chase that she takes part in. Groups of women...

1 year ago
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Behan Ki Nanand Ki Chudai

Indian Sex Stories dot net ke pathako ko namaskar. Ye meri pehli kahani h toh apna feedback jarur dein. Meri emailid h Mera naam ashish hai aur main Delhi se hun, 24 saal ka acha khasa dikhta hun, height 5’10” . Ladki ka naam ananya hai aur wo 20 saal ki hogi us wakt jb ye ghatna ghati. Naam badle huye h pehchan gupt rakhne ki wajah se hum dono k. Yeh ek sachi kahani h. Laghbhag 1.5 saal pehle meri behen ki shaadi thi wahan maine use dekha lekin behen ki shaadi mein kaam bohot hote h toh us...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 6

We got into the room and as Brenda closed the door, she said, "You look lovely, dear. I love that dress; you look just like a Sunday school teacher." I honestly did not know what to say. I guessed I should give her some sort of compliment in return, so I said, "You look nice and sexy in that. Those stockings seem to set off the leather skirt." Brenda was wearing white stockings, with a garter belt. I could see that because her leather skirt was so short they stuck out from under the hem...

2 years ago
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Ten Doors

Lewis wakes with a jump. He has woken to find himself in a room with ten doors. He has no idea how he got here, or why he is naked, but there he is lying spread-eagled on the cold floor. Examining his surroundings, he can see that he is lying in a circular shaped pit in a circular room. There’s a raised level surrounding the pit that has soft padding running around it and beyond this, there are ten evenly spaced doors. Lewis’ head is still heavy from the drink and he’s finding it difficult to...

Gay Male
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Take my picture

"Jake, your two thirty is here," Kiki informed her boss, photographer, Jake Klein. Without looking up from the proofs he was reviewing, he replied, "Set her up in studio three, and get the lighting set up!" "Sure thing, boss," Kiki replied, "you're gonna enjoy this one, she's a stunner!" Hearing that, he put down his viewer and said, "Well in that case, get the video camera started, after all, she said she wants to be in pictures, so let's not disappoint her!!!" Ten minutes later Jake breezed...

4 years ago
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Oh No That8217s My Husband

Mike and Diana had been married a long time and the candle had blown out. Life was routine and love and lust were suspended at best. They followed a pattern. Monday to Friday, home from work, something to eat, dishes in the washer and then they separated to their own rooms, Diana to what had originally been her sewing and craft room and Mike to his home office. There they both went onto the internet. Diana had started just looking round through boredom, then the internet being what it was she...

2 years ago
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Jenny My New Student Chapter 1

 I.I can still remember the first time I saw her. It was a hot summer day in south Louisiana where the humid air clung to your skin like a blanket. I had been running late to teach my communication class and now stood sweaty before a room full of bored college students sporting hangovers from the prior night. The joys of teaching. She walked in to my classroom wearing a short black skirt with a blue top and had curly brown hair that hung slightly past her shoulders. Her skin was very light, and...

2 years ago
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Mummy teasing is not good

She had blonde hair to her shoulders, peircing blue eyes, 36DD's and a figure to die for, well for a 38 year old. I had been sexually attracted to my mum since I was 12. Now my sexuality was getting more intense it was fair hard to even look at her without getting a boner. My dad left us 5 years ago. But that didnt bother mum. She took it as an opptunity to tart it up around town. This made me pissed off due to the fact of hearing her with guys each night, wishing it was me. Hearing her...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part IV

I was startled when the phone rang. I picked up the receiver at the same time Suma picked up cordless in the hall. “Hello” Suma said. “Finally you are awake or did I disturb your sleep again?” Jaya’s teasing voice quickened my heartbeat. “No, I am awake and preparing breakfast. Is Vikas still listening to music?” Suma asked. Jaya laughed ” No, he left, his lady boss wanted some files urgently” Suma also laughed. ” What do you know, may be the boss has opened her thighs like a book and he may be...

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