- 2 years ago
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My ex-girlfriend is crazy. I know, everyone says that, but I mean it. I ended up breaking up with her after she tried to get me to agree to some majorly weird kinky sex slave thing. I mean, I like to spice things up in the bedroom as much as the next girl, but there’s such a thing as going too far. She had a fucking locking collar ready for me, for the love of god! And she just stood there, telling me to put it on, do it for her, do it and everything would make sense and I’d be hers forever. I stared at her for a few minutes while she continued to spout that crazy shit, before realizing she was dead serious and I was gone. I looked right at her and said, ‘I’m breaking up with you, now, bye.’ And then I got the fuck out of there. See what I mean? Absolutely crazy. So why the fuck can’t I stop thinking about her? Why is it that the crazy ones are always hot as hell? And she had some great toys… that one strap on with the beaded edges… and the double pen strap on I swore she’d never use on me that I ended up loving. Her soft skin and her scent. The way her eyes seemed to just know everything. But fuck! Crazy as all get out. I’m so glad I got away before it was too late.
Okay you know how she was crazy before, well, it’s actually gotten worse. Yeah, hard to believe I know, but I got this note under my door a couple days ago. It read, ‘collars come in many forms my dear.’ And I just get this chill every time I read it. I know it’s from her. It smells like her. I don’t know what to do about the note. It doesn’t seem right to throw it away. Do you think I should burn it? That might be satisfying. I need to stop thinking about her. She’s crazy and I ended it. Just another kinky bitch who wanted me to play along in her fantasy of being some sort of dominatrix. To continue would be to enable her fantasy, and that wouldn’t be healthy for her or me. So it is really in the best interests of both of us that I never see her again. Never smell her again. Never feel her hands on me, or inside me. Never hear her voice whispering all the naughty things she is going to do to me. Never again. I’m going to burn the note.
I know, I know, I said I’d burn the note. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. It smells so deliciously like her. And, well, I’ve kinda put it in a pillowcase with my pillow to sleep with at night. I know she’s crazy, but I do miss her. I know! What I need is to get out and meet someone new. Or at least to party hard enough that I can stop thinking about her for one lousy minute.
Fuck! I have never turned down so many women as I did just now. So many hot chicks, all approaching me, touching me, nearly drooling and I didn’t want one of them. None of them was her. None of them had her scent, her tits, her waist and hips and feet, her fucking cunt and eyes, those fucking eyes! Maybe I was wrong to turn down her offer, maybe I need to go to her and beg her for forgiveness, beg her to take me back, beg her and lick her feet anddddddddd
I totally don’t remember writing that last night. Wow I was messed up. Not doing so hot right now. Head hurts. Light from the damn screen making daggers in my eyes. Owie. Maybe typing with my eyes closed will help. It will keep my mind off of her. Her… no, focus on headache. Tummy-ache. Rotten taste in my mouth. Ew.
Yeah, that wasn’t something I wanted to focus on. So I brushed my teeth, and as I was doing so I realized she had left some of her toothpaste at my place from the last time she spent the night. I cried looking at that fucking tube. I miss her. Why the fuck do I miss her? Why the fuck did I leave her in the first place? Maybe I should. Maybe. Just. Once? Thank god it’s Thursday.
I looked up from the printed sheets to my patient curled up on the leather couch before me. She was twirling her hair with one hand and the other hand had drifted to her crotch, lightly stroking herself absently, as if unaware of what she was doing. Her eyes were partially concealed behind a curtain of dark brown hair and seemed to be locked on a point somewhere on the floor in front of me.
‘I’m glad that you’ve done your assignment and kept a journal of these thoughts. I think it is healthy to write down those kinds of feelings before they overwhelm you. How do you feel about the writing that you’ve done?’
‘Am I crazy?’ she asked, with her voice cracking on that last word, nearly sobbing it out. ‘I mean, I know that I don’t want what she wanted, and I think she seriously needs help, but I can’t help but think of her, all the fucking time doc, and even the writing hasn’t really helped it’s just the tip of the iceberg, you know? It even seems worse the more I write, like a loop of thinking about her, writing about my thinking about her leading to more thinking about her. How do you know if you’re crazy? I mean, isn’t it crazy to be writing about, thinking about going back to her and doing what she wants? Isn’t that crazy?’
Her voice was frantic and fast, pitch rising every time she said, ‘crazy.’ I gave her my best doctor look, considering her words, compassionate, sane, but taking her seriously. She was practically begging me to validate her concerns and agree that she wasn’t crazy. Unfortunately, based on her writings I was not sure that outpatient therapy was going to be enough for Stephanie. As is my practice when faced with a patient that did not seem in imminent danger, I was going to wait before deciding to commit her, unless she gave me good reason not to wait. We did, after all, have twenty more minutes.
‘Do you feel crazy Stephanie? Do you feel trapped?’
‘I don’t know what crazy feels like doc,’ she said, despondence oozing out of her words. No violence in evidence though, which was a hopeful sign in my book. She might get herself another hangover, but I didn’t think she’d harm herself, and certainly not others. ‘Trapped? Yeah, like I’m trapping myself almost, with these thoughts of her that won’t stop. Maybe I’m trapping myself in my own head? Or maybe it’s her, using me to trap myself. Like that fucking collar, only all in my head. Does that sound crazy?’
Her voice, which had almost returned to her conversational norm, once again was clogged by tearfulness and squeaks at that last sentence. ‘Sometimes our own minds can be our worst enemies Steph. We lock ourselves into these thought patterns, even though they’re not what we want. It isn’t crazy, necessarily, just part of human existence,’ I glanced at the clock. Time to wrap this one up. ‘I know that you liked Chloe, but consider that her actions that night may have just brought out the fact that you wanted out of the relationship, that you weren’t comfortable, and this gave you an excuse to leave a bad situation. Now you might be feeling guilt that you dumped her, and you’re considering going back into what may even be an abusive relationship, simply because you feel guilt and a desire to please. That’s not the way to live a good life Steph. You need to figure out you first, and then add someone else into the mix. Is there anything else you want to tell me before we finish?’
She took a deep breath, then nodded. A few more deep breaths and she still hadn’t said a word.
‘What is it Steph? You know you can tell me anything,’ I reassured her, noting that, knowing Stephanie fairly well by now, we weren’t yet over her time.
‘I dream about her. I was afraid to write about it, because the dreams feel so crazy, but I have dreams about her… about her doing what she wanted to do to me. Not that I’m even clear on what that exactly is, but the dreams… I always wake up all… excited,’ she spoke this time in a rush, hurrying to get the words out before her courage ran out. Despite having seen me for more than two years she still felt a little squicky about talking about sex. It was kinda cute in the deep non-doctorish recesses of my mind.
‘It is only natural Steph, to have dreams about sexual things when you go from getting it all the time, to not getting it at all. Your dreams aren’t under
conscious control, and you should never feel guilty about their contents. Please, try and write about those dreams for me? I’ll see you on Monday, right? Four o’clock,’ I said all this while standing and offering her a hand to help her off the couch, and out the office door. I’d still be considering whether to recommend her for confinement, it was in my notes, but I doubted that I would follow through at this point. Twice weekly appointments seemed to be perfectly adequate for Stephanie’s needs at this point.
‘And Steph?’ I waited for eye contact before telling her one more thing. ‘Burn that note.’
You told me to burn the note. I have to burn the note. I’m going to burn the note… tomorrow. Yes. It is too late tonight. I’m just going to go to sleep now.
Okay. I’m going to try and write about the dream I just had. You said it would be good for me. Okay. I’m. In the dream, I’m tied up. There’s like, something, not ropes, but something, holding my wrists and ankles spread eagled on a bed. I can’t tell what room, hers, mine, a hotel, it’s all fuzzy background detail. She is there. I’m naked, but she is wearing this dark shiny stuff that clings to her every curve, I swear it fucking outlines the freckles on her arms that I think are so fucking cute. She is speaking to me, her voice is soft and I can’t make out the words. I can’t think very well, all my brain power is focused on looking at her, drinking in the sight, I want to go to her, to get on my knees before her and beg her to use me. I pull against the bonds and whimper because I still can’t move. Then she picks up something huge and silver, like a bullet the size of a loaf of bread and she gets this smile on her face, such a wicked smile, I’ve never seen her smile like that, but it fits in the dream. Then she starts … putting it inside me. And I’m so close to cumming, but I know that I can’t, not unless I have permission. And I want to ask, I want to beg but when I think to do it my mouth is gagged shut somehow and I can’t say anything, and I can’t cum. I woke up slick with sweat and so fucking horny I would fuck anything right now. Even though I fucked myself a few times before writing this, I’m still hot and fucking panting to be fucked. Fuck!
Well that was easier than I thought it would be. But what the fuck kind of crazy person writes a note on flash paper? I. Well. I was going to just burn a little of it. I admit, I wanted to keep it, but I wanted to do as you said and burn it too. But the moment the flame hit the paper, the entire thing went up in a flare and puff of fucking smoke. All that remained were ashes that poofed all over the place. The ashes fucking smell like her, and now I can just smell her everywhere in my apartment. It’s like she’s there all the time, just around the corner out of sight. I keep thinking I hear a knock at the door, and her voice telling me to open it, but when I go to the door there’s no one there. Don’t crazy people hear voices?
Work was bad today. I couldn’t focus on my paperwork. Good thing it was Friday and everyone was goofing off. No one noticed my long trips to the bathroom, where I, um, I masturbated when I was sure no one else was in there. And every fucking orgasm is more unsatisfying than the last. I’m going out tonight and getting drunk. Not dancing or going to meet people. I just want to get drunk and stop thinking about her. Maybe I should stay in to do that. So no one else hits on me like last time.
I have no idea what I did last night. All I remember is drinking a whole bottle of whiskey. After that, there’s nothing. Just the image of the empty bottle and then I woke up on the floor, naked, and fucking aroused despite the worst hangover I’ve ever had. That can’t be good for me. I’m taking ibuprofen and water. The pounding of my head seems to be in a cadence that matches her name. Chloe. Chloe. Every fucking beat. I’m going to take some sleep aids and go to sleep ’til work tomorrow.
I looked up from the journal entries that Stephanie had given me from over the weekend and stifled my urge to sigh. Sighing wouldn’t be professional under the circumstances. Instead I gave her that careful patient look that sometimes elicits gushes of words from those patients of mine that have a great deal to say but hesitate to say it. Stephanie didn’t notice my carefully controlled look. Her head was bowed down and her face covered by her hair. She was curled up on the biggest couch in my office, a tiny spot of suffering in a pool of beige leather.
‘I’m worried about you Steph,’ I said gently. ‘Turning to drugs and alcohol in times of pain like this can be a natural reaction, but you seem to be unable to control yourself. Talk to me Steph. Tell me why you got fucked up drunk this weekend.’
‘I don’t know. I just. I need you to tell me I’m not crazy. Please?’ Her voice was rough, exhaustion and pain laced in every syllable. Fuck.
‘Steph, I don’t think you’re crazy. I just think you’re going through a rough patch. Sometimes when we go through rough patches in our lives we need help getting through them. I’d like you to consider joining an in-patient program for a week or two,’ I said, using my best persuasive voice. I didn’t have justification to lock her up without her consent at this point. She wasn’t self harming, just drinking, and that just wasn’t enough. I didn’t think she should be left alone, but that was my instincts and not the facts talking.
‘I’ve got work though. I don’t think they’ll let me take off a week to visit a loony bin,’ she sighed and sat up, putting her legs down off the couch, but still letting them dangle. She faced me and looked me in the eyes for the first time the entire hour, and what I saw reassured me enough that I decided my guts had had a misread. She wasn’t horribly depressed, she was still hung over. Fairly amazing, but then again, I didn’t know if she had been drinking this morning or after she got off work. Nothing on her breath, but I wasn’t all that close to her.
‘Alright Steph, here’s the deal: no more drinking this week, and keep writing everything you’re feeling. I want you to be totally open for me. We need to figure out better coping strategies for you. Take walks, go to the library, coffee shops, anywhere they don’t serve alcohol so you won’t be tempted and just hang out. Read a magazine, or do crossword puzzles, just be out of the house and around other people. Socialize if the opportunity arises. How do you feel about that?’
‘I guess I could do that. On top of this whole Chloe business there’s some shit going on again with my Mom…’
We passed the rest of the hour discussing yet again why it wasn’t Stephanie’s responsibility to fly out to see her parents every time her Mom’s cat did something cute. I let her go feeling confident that I had done the right thing. She just had had a bad break up and gone on a binge. There was nothing to worry about.
Well, I’m at a coffee shop. I’ve got a latte and I’m writing for my journal. I even stopped dreaming about her, that I remember. Though I do keep smelling her everywhere in my apartment. Maybe I just don’t remember my dreams. I did wake up horny as hell again and wet. My sheets were wet. Fuck. I did. I had to have dreamt about her. She’s the only one who does that to me. The only one. Someone just came in who looks like Chloe. But it can’t be her. This chick is too short, too brunette. But she reminds me of Chloe, has that same strut about her. Yummy.
Stella dropped a bunch of cards advertising the latest event at Club Whet on the coffee shop counter. She then walked over to the small girl typing on her laptop, exactly as Chloe said she would be. She smiled at the girl and received a smile in return as she placed a special card on her table.
‘Here, this will get you a free drink tomorrow night at Club Whet, hope to see you there.’
Stella smiled at the girl until she picked up the card and looked at it. She’d be there, now that she’d touched it.
I know you said not to drink, but it’s free. I can’t turn down free. Besides, this is a hot new club and I don’t know if I’d get in on the weekends. I’ve seen people going there in some weird but awesomely beautiful and expensive looking clothing. I have to go there. The card smells like Chloe.
My dream was different last night. I was kneeling before Chloe, my head bowed low and my knees wide apart. I was so wet I was flowing a steady trickle onto the floor. There were piercings down there. And they were chained to the floor. I couldn’t move without pulling on all those rings. I couldn’t see anything above her knees with my head bowed, but it was her, her beautiful knees. Her feet encased in stiletto leather ankle boots. And I wanted to lick her feet, to free them from their shiny patent confinement and clean them of any sweat and dirt that might have accumulated. Gross! But still. I wanted so badly to do it. To abase myself before her. She walked over to me and patted my head, and I felt waves of pleasure at her touch that crested into an incredible orgasm when she said, ‘Good girl.’ That’s all I remember from that dream. I woke up satisfied for the first time since I walked out on Chloe. I think I’m on the right track now.
Stella was tending the bar when the girl walked in, just as Chloe had said she would. Just past seven, and the bar was not empty, but neither was it bustling. She was easily able to find a free space at the bar and present her card to Stella.
‘What’ll it be?’
‘Oh, I get to pick? Um, a Long Island Iced Tea please,’ the girl replied.
Stella nodded and mixed up the drink.
After the girl had finished the drink, sitting at the bar the whole time and just watching the crowd as Stella watched her, Chloe walked in from the back.
‘Thank you, Stella, for taking care of Steph here. I will be taking care of her from here, so you’re in charge at the club, understand?’
‘Yes Ma’am,’ and Stella bowed over Chloe’s outstretched hand.
Chloe walked around the bar, behind Steph, completely out of her line of sight the entire time. She reached up and touched Steph’s neck. Steph sighed, all the air seeming to whoosh out of her lungs without conscious thought or control as she leaned into the caress.
Chloe stepped closer, and brought her mouth to Steph’s ear on the opposite side of her hand.
‘You’re Mine,’ she breathed, and then she fastened her teeth on Steph’s earlobe and bit, hard. As soon as she drew blood, Stephanie came, and sealed her fate.
Steph would have fallen off of the stool if Chloe hadn’t caught her. After she was steady enough to walk, Chloe pulled her to an unmarked door, and through to a private area of the bar. She then used cuffs to fasten a compliant Steph face up on a futon mattress, spread eagled.
Steph wasn’t really listening, and Chloe knew it, counted on it. She kept Steph’s mind in a state of constant orgasm, and dropped her words past Steph’s occupied mind into her subconscious. Once there, the drugs from her free drink would help cement those words to Steph’s being, along with the hormones her body was madly pumping in response to Chloe’s intense stimulations.
Steph had lost all control of her self and her situation. She hadn’t really had any choices from the moment Chloe picked her up at a bar three months ago.
Chloe smiled, pausing for a moment on her spoken conditioning, as she contemplated how close she had gotten to her target without being seen. Soon Steph would begin to fulfill her true purpose. Just a few more hours of orgasm training. . .
I can’t stop thinking about her. Nothing satisfies me anymore. What am I supposed to do, how can I get back my life? I just want to masturbate and think of her. What she did to me. How she made me feel. I dreamed of her again. You said I should write my dreams down, so here goes. The first thing I was aware of was the smell. In my dream I smelled vanilla and her cunt. And then it was like I opened my eyes and she was straddling me. I looked into her eyes and felt comforted, safe and horny. I was naked, she was wearing a tight black leather vest that made her cleavage spectacular, and a strap-on. My favorite one, with one dildo for each hole. Without thinking I start humping at the waiting dildos. Chloe just smiles and shakes her head no. I squirm and mewl and reach down to pull her inside me, but when my hands get down there I can’t help but touch myself. I hear Chloe say, ‘good girl,’ to me and I redouble my efforts. I want to cum. I want to cum so badly I’m screaming, but I can’t. I shove my fingers in my asshole while I abuse my clit with the other hand and still I am short, unfulfilled, but filling up, I can feel the orgasm hiding on the other side of her calm possessive smile. Only when I begin to beg her, to plead with her does her face change and I suddenly know if I beg well enough she’ll fuck me, she’ll let me cum. My hands are no less busy, but my screams turn to ragged cries of ‘please please let me cum.’ And then she’s holding a collar in her hands out of nowhere and–fuck this is hard to write– I begin to beg her to put it on me. Because I know she’ll fuck me, make me cum, if I submit to being hers. So I say, ‘please Mistress make me Yours.’ And then she leaned forward and snapped it on my neck as she thrust both dildos inside my aching holes and that was when I woke up, covered in sweat and reeking of cunt.
It was the first weekend of summer vacation and my girlfriend Debbie was spending the night with me. My family lived in the hills outside LA and my parents let my girlfriends and I use our guest house for sleepovers so we could stay up late and not bother anyone. Debbie said she knew I was as horny as she was and had a surprise for me later. But she said we’d have to wait until everyone in the main house was asleep so no one would catch us. No matter how much I begged,...
Your name is Jenny Rainwood. You're the girlfriend of an infamous rich playboy, Jacob Wright. He's the son of the mayor, and with his charming good looks, no girl can resist him - including you. However, that doesn't mean you're satisfied with just him. Despite his large cock you've always been something of a whore. You enjoy being stuffed by more than one cock, and cheating gives you a thrill of pleasure like no other. It isn't the sex from cheating that gets you off t's the act of cheating....
Through half closed eyes I watched my girlfriend get out of bed and start to get dressed. Firstly she found her bikini briefs that I had thrown carelessly across the floor last night and she wiggled into them; don't you love it when they do that. Then she picked up her folded jeans from the chair and pulled them on; they were very tight so it took her quite some time. At last she was happy for she had finally done them up, then she looked around for her top. At first she couldn't find it then...
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I looked over her to my alarm clock “It’s only 11:15, I'm not ready to sleep.” “Me neither but let's put on our jammies.” Vicky and I got off to opposites sides of the bed to undress. Once we were nude, she grabbed her night gown but I stopped her, “No, let’s be naked for a while, I like the feeling of the sheets on my bare skin.” She smiled broadly, “I bet you would like the feeling of Nate's hands on your bare skin.” We both laughed as we jumped back onto the bed, on our knees facing...
I went to my girlfriend’s house to just hang out. Susan and I had met through a mutual friend a few ears ago. Her husband was out of town and mine was working late. After arriving at her house we chatted a little bit over a couple glasses of wine and a little bit to eat. We wound up in her and her husbands room and I flopped on the bed. I watched as she folded laundry and she started going through some of her clothes. During this I made a passing comment on a sexy little G string teddy that was...
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BDSMIn continuation of my previous stories "I fucked khala - my virgin Aunt- Part-1-5" (Noori Khala) next day my marriage was held with My cousin Sarah for the purpose of halala and I took her virginty..(Halala of My Virgin Cousin -part1 & 2) You had read how I fucked Noori Khala before my cousin Sarah After that I was married to Sarah Apa, a nikah-e-halala virgin, and how I spanked her in Kashmir on our wedding night. That night I , fucked Sarah Apa or Sarah Begum or Sarah Houri, whatever you...
So back to the story it was friday evening and my family left to go to their weekend break and leave me because i had work on saturday i wasnt to bothered. My mind was just running wild with all the things a could do get drunk masturbate and even try to loose my v plates (virginty). When my parents left the first thing i did was go up to my dad bedroom and got out his porno stash i started watcing it in there room. i slowly stripped my cothes i could feel that i had a full on erection my penis...
I did write before (a month ago?) about an incident that occurred a few weeks before with the young carer, in particular.If you remember, she held my erect penis, reluctantly, causing me to cum!But I will recap again about me, my situation and my main carers. I am a fifty-six-year-old man that had a very bad stroke and I am now virtually paralysed and in a wheelchair.I had a very severe stroke when I was in my early forties. Now, I can 'just' talk, and I can 'just' use my left hand and arm....
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(originally writed in french, google translated/sorry for broken sentencies ;) Before I Discovere the art of BDSM lifestyle, i was married ten years with a religious man i never loved (but he was wealthy ;)) without imagination in sexuality and was deeply emotionally disable.I was feeling myself a kind of submissive since my birth, but I quit my very vanilla, boring and prude way of life when i meet a Great BDSM Master from Ukrainia few year ago.I fall crazy in love with Him !This passion...
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Introduction: Hi All, its been a long time since I posted. I hope you enjoy this story. Comments positive and negative are very much appreciated but advertising in the comments line isnt! If you can help me and give me ideas to take that story further, that is appreciated also!! My name is Samantha, I am in my 30s. I am 57 dark hair, large breasts and a cunt that aches for pussy. I had a couple of disastrous relationships with men, they did nothing for me and I have since had some wonderful,...
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Lily poked Sean and shouted, "Wake up!" "No," Sean mumbled thinking it wasn't possible that it was morning already. He was pretty sure that he had just gotten to sleep. "Time to get out of bed lazy head," Lily said. "Don't wanna," Sean grumbled. He pulled his pillow over head. "Whose panties are those?" Lily asked while lifting the pillow from his head. Sean jumped up and frantically pressed his pillow on the bed while looking around wildly. With the words coming out of his...
Monday evening when my husband got home from work, he told me that unfortunately he would he hear on Friday when I got my car as he had to fly to Cape Town on Thursday evening for a business meeting and would only return on the Tuesday. I was a little disappointed but knew that there was nothing either of us could do. The next morning once my husband left for work and after I got home from gym I decided to message Nick. I told him that I was getting a new car on Friday morning and that my...
Her boyfriend hated her talking to me, and I honored his request at first. I did not want to come between them. But it was obvious she couldn’t stop. She had dark fantasies and like so many women discovered it was difficult finding men serious enough and not afraid to think or do the things she wanted. I surprised her because I have a dark, sadistic side and vivid imagination. Even better, I had actually done these things. Like most women, she didn’t believe me at first, but after seeing a few...
AnalDavid had trouble waking up when John tried to get him out of bed the next morning. Two days before John would have just let him sleep, but now it was important to have David with him. He'd miss David's company even if David didn't help him with the morning chores. John was now willing to admit that David made things easier for him. They staggered to the bathroom to wash. They pissed, milked down the last drops, got hards on, and looked at each other and broke into a grin. without saying...
I’d been on pins and needles all day, anticipating the moment when Abby would allow me to have an orgasm at her whim. She’d promised, and I was fairly certain that, as long as I didn’t mess anything up too badly, she’d keep her promise. I was so focused on that potential moment that my mom actually asked if everything was alright with me. I think that my reaction, blushing and mumbling nonsensically, gave her the impression that I was hung up on some boy, a notion I did nothing to discourage...
BDSMReina went home from work and tried hard not to sulk. She’d taken on this job as the Office Whore not because she wanted to, but because she needed the money. It had shocked her at first because she had no idea what the job would entail when she accepted it. But she’d agreed to try the job for a month as the pay was really good and she had bills piling up. And she thought the first day had started off well.The first task had been easy. Give Chad, her boss, a blowjob. Well she’d given him a damn...
Office SexThis is a copyrighted original work of fiction. All rights reserved. All characters featured herein are at least eighteen years of age, even if not expressly stated. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. Song lyrics contained herein remain the original artist’s property. Many thanks to editor Tom Graham of Girls_cum_first. * I slipped my canoe into the creek water, stepped in while steadying the craft, pushed off and eased myself into the seat. I...
THE DARK BACKWARDS !Let me begin by saying that I am fascinated with shemales! I AM IN LOVE WITH SHEMALES! How did this love affair begin? For me it started back in 1984 when I saw a shemale magazine lying on my high school campus. Someone left it behind or it fell out of a bookbag. That image of a redheaded shemale left an impression on me that I will never forget. Initially, I was slightly shocked because I had never seen a magazine like that before. Then my shock turned into curiosity. Fast...
That very day I enjoyed at most in the party of my friends engagement. It’s late in the morning, I’m still sleeping due to the effect of the alcohol. At around 10:30 am in the morning the phone rang. I got up after a struggle and say “hello”. “Good Morning” a sweetest voice greet me. “It’s me, Olive“ she continue. “I still remembering the sweet belonging of yesterday evening, how are you doing?” I asked. “Fine”, she said.“Can we meet today?” “I guess so.”“When can we?”“It’s up to you.”I’m in...
My first sexual experience with a girl occurred when I was 15 years old. Of course I had done some basic stuff with girlfriends, but nothing that is worth writing about. At this age I remember constantly thinking about girls and how to get into their pants. Unfortunately most of the girls I knew at that time were not so willing to take off their clothes as quickly as us guys would have hoped for. Fortunately for me I lucky enough to find myself someone that was ready to do some experimenting....
Micky was a huge Gaga fan and Shana spent her days listening to pop radio at work. Last week, her radio station of choice was offering two free tickets to the concert if you were the 32nd caller. Shana had waited just the right amount of time before she hit call on the station’s phone number which was saved in her contacts. She had won! Shana had even been on the radio for a minute while the host told her that she was the lucky winner. Out of all Shana’s friends, Micky probably wasn’t her...
They snake through the silent corridors in the maze of the 18th floor, and he unlocks the door to his workplace. All is dark and he leads her by the hand through the outer office to his room. She flicks her lighter so he can see the keyhole to unlock the door. With mounting anticipation, they slip into his office and it is transformed into their own private space...just the two of them alone...to play and enjoy the moment. He switches on the light under the counter, which adds a soft glow. He...
EroticAlan steps out onto his back patio, drink in hand. His dog is right beside him. “Fuck, Sandy,” he says, patting the dog’s head. “I finally got Judy to drop her guards. Now if only I can get her to leave her girlfriend, I’ll have it made.” Sandy whines as he takes a seat in the chair. He pats her head again, taking another sip of his drink. “Maybe here soon I won’t be a bachelor,” he says, looking out across the backyard. “Maybe if it all goes right, I’ll be married with a kid on the way.”...
A true story, I guess by letting my sexual urges just go, little by little they made my sexual desires grow. I liked this a lot. It was so intensely exciting, it makes me wet, just talking about it. Jamie got the benefit of a 24/7 hot and horny girlfriend, and I was constantly made hot by what was happening. I should explain that Tina had always crawled in bed between us in the mornings, for years now. We thought this was cute and let her. Now she was still doing it. She had...
Several fajitas were still left, but already most of the "raza", as Felicia put it, or as Vanessa called it, "la familia," were very much stuffed. For this part, it was safe enough to include the children, of course, and most of them marveled at learning that they were part of this huge new tribe. Of course, this consisted of Heather's kids, the two Kumar girls, plus what turned out to be the son of Alistair and Pippa Stevens, one Clarence Stevens, who was all of three and already a tad...
I was eighteen and just graduated high school.I moved away from home and met Micki.Micki had also just moved to the Tidewater area of Virginia.She was a senior in high school, just turned 17, and quickly became the epicenter of my dreams.She was pretty with brown hair.B cup breasts which were perfect for her body.I went to sleep many a night dreaming of one day being able to touch them, fondle them, and even suckle them.But that was just an adolescent fantasy.She was way out of my league.She...
First TimeD&B Caroline Dumont was a 25 y/o pretty blond housewife. Her 5 feet and a half were more than enough to display a body many models would kill for. Rich but not overdone in the upper department and generous but firm and well shaped at the rear she would qualify for a pocket-Venus title. She had married Jeff, deep in love, two years ago. They had been dating for more than three years then and the more they were together the more they liked to be together. They just waited for him to get his...
It was a Saturday night. For some reason, we were together, the three of us. Any way…I come along in a new pickup truck with a bench seat. I pick up the two of you at Di’s house. You are wearing a short wrap mini skirt with a mesh blouse, no bra. (I find out later that you are not wearing panties) Di is wearing a pareo with a triangle bikini top…the triangles are not very big. I also notice that Di has a navel ring. Seeing the navel ring I wonder if any thing else is pierced.
Walking down the street and entering Tony's Gym she can't help but wonder what is wrong. She spends all her time at this damn gym it seems and what good does it do her. She looks in the mirror and sees a scrumptious body that should make any man fall all over himself. Long blond hair, great build, nice tan, 36-24-34, legs that won't quit, big brown eyes ....... why aren't they falling, doesn't anyone want her? Why do all the guys she knows treat her like a “good girl”? Why, What makes them...
Group SexGary sighed. Just once, he thought, couldn't he be attacked in nice, sunny weather? Sword drawn, he stood up with his back to the wagon, rain feeling like hail on his bare head. He could barely see the three "potential" thieves spread out before him. Out of habit, Gary refused to consider them such until they actually attacked. Before then, there was always the possibility they'd run away, and a thief who didn't bother him was no thief in his book. "I have three over here,...
HOW I BECAME A TRANNY WHORE (PART TWO)After my first night working for Mama T, I was hooked. At least once a week I was a worthless whore at her trailer. I would be at her trailer, ready to serve her cliental. Of course most the Johns picked one of the real girls over me, but there were the occasional guys that wanted some thing different or couldn’t wait. I didn’t mind. I just craved being in this sleazy environment knowing I was nothing more than a piece of useless meat on sale. After...
Hi ISS readers. This is Yash from Mumbai. I am 23 years old with a 6.5-inches cock and more than an average body. Thanks for the compliments on my previous story. You can read it For this story, I received a message on my hangouts from Nikita (name changed) so let the story begin. I received a message complimenting my story so I said, “Thank you.” Then my ISS reader Nikita started asking about my story and I gave her some insights. We then shared our ages and location....
____________________________ Over a year ago, IN/SIGHT received this manuscript, in traditional “print” format only, by ordinary mail delivered in a plain manila envelope to our bureau offices in New York City. Except for the postmark indicating that the package had been dispatched from Helsinki, Finland, the envelope bore no other return address. Careful laboratory analysis has yielded little additional information. The Report had been typewritten in the anonymous “Times New...
Jewelz Blu is visiting home on vacation. It’s great to see her family, including her younger stepbrother Logan Long. As the stepsibs are reminiscing about how Jewelz used to take care of him when they were younger, Logan confesses that he thought of her the first time he masturbated. He also points out that his dick isn’t tiny anymore like when Jewelz changed his diapers once upon a time. He swears he doesn’t think of her like that anymore. Jewelz is very understanding about...
xmoviesforyouMax and I don’t wake up until midday on Saturday, as we didn’t get to sleep much before dawn. My cock is stiff for him and I kiss his smooth neck until he begins to stir. He flutters his long eyelashes as he comes-to and he looks at me dreamingly as my hand finds his rock hard cock. I pull back his foreskin and start stroking his cock as he fucks in and out of my mouth with his tongue. Then he begins to jack my own cock off. Oh how I love this sweet guy. We get down alongside each other in the...
GayI met him online. His ad said that he was strictly a top. Mine said that I was a tight bottom. He messaged me and said that he would be interested in meeting sometime. We exchanged a few photos. I sent a face and several pictures of my bubble butt. He sent one of his face and muscled body, and a close up of his big cock. I was very interested. His profile said he could host, and I said I was eager to meet. Over the next few days, we sent a few messages back and forth about our interests, and he...
When I awoke, the first thing that became obvious was my overriding sense of guilt at what had occurred in the bathroom the night before..the second was my outrageously hard erection. Either I needed a piss or I was still erotically charged from the first-time experience of being wanked off by another guy. I did have a vague recollection of a weird dream about being in a room containing a long wall with a row of holes that each had a stiff cock protruding out of it.I shook my head, in an...
I am continuing the story. The mami had called me lunch one day. She told me that her daughter had gone to their uncle’s place and she was alone and getting bored. It was a rainy Saturday. I went to her house by 12.30 in the afternoon and pressed the calling bell. Mami had come out and opened the door. She was in a transparent chiffon saree and looked sexier. I went in and she served me a very good lunch. She too took her food. We had come to the hall and sitting on the sofa. She was sitting...
Hey readers its Ajay….This story us for those who want to know how hot Muslim girls in bed…This story is real…I’m 25 year old boy living in Allahabad…This happen 5 years back….My gf was Nazia she also doing her graduation but from. Different city….As we were in Rltnsp since 3 years but we loved each other only in parks cinema hall and internet cafe….First will tell about her n me…I’m 5’11” tall n having average athlete body…She is 5’5″ tall not very fair but dusky in color her lips r suck able...
After our 2 first time, sex with my mother in-law became a common thing. She started to wear dresses a lot. Every timeher daughter would absent herself for event a few minute she requested sex. She didn't mind her husband behing around.Most of the time I wouldnt cum so I would be aroused even more. Some time she just asked to lick her clean. She seemed to enjoy filty thing like suckingme when I was dirty from work, or licking my ass after a number 2. She would often simply sit on my in reverse...
Sorry this isn't as long as the others but I do hope you enjoy!I was sitting at the kitchen table half drinking a cup of coffee with my legs spread wide and my son under the table with his head between my legs licking and sucking my clit going in and out of my pussy with a purpose, I start to moan and my eyes start to roll in the back of my head but to unsuspecting I would appear to be falling asleep...all of a sudden I hear a voice say are you ok? You must have been in a deep sleep because you...
My parents are pretty well-off; Dad owns a successful business, an electrical supply company and Mom owns an antique and decorator shop. Me, I'm their only child and I'm in college, I'll start my sophomore year next year and I'm majoring in business and finance and plan to join Dad's business when I graduate. I work summers for Dad, except for the two weeks that I take as a real vacation. This year, I'm taking it at home, after all I have a large pool to enjoy which is great. I'm also...
MatureUma Jolie jumps in the shower as the thief spies on her from the window. She soaks up and shows off her great body as she masturbates and the thief gets inside the house to get a better view. He waited for the right moment to get her from behind to start having his way with her. She get scared and gets excited at the same time. This chick got her pussy liked before he shoves his cock inside her mouth. We know she’s liking the hard cock as she moans hard as she starts getting fucked. She gets...
xmoviesforyouI was in Bali for a well-deserved break. Having completed a big deal, I needed some time to relax and chill on the beach. The beach in Nusa Dua is amazing, so it was my first choice. Since it was Easter it also turns out that the hotel was packed. Luckily the staff knew me as a regular guest and I scored a nice suite overlooking the Balinese ocean. I arrived and checked-in in the evening and just had dinner in my room to relax. The next day I was up early and out by the pool to get in some...
Fuck ’em Fill ’em Feed ’em Friday is here, and without further ado we have the magnificent GangBang of Barbie After a fabulous GreetTheMeat (You’ll see in a few days) we have Barbie and all her big tittied glory. She’s laid back and legs open ready for some dick. So the guys throw her back and get her shoes off as another guy goes down to eat that pussy. No shoes mean Rey can get down to suckin’ those lovely toes. The guys start to test her out while...
xmoviesforyouJoy was a very cute petite Asian girl, probably about twenty-one or twenty-two. She was the receptionist at my office. Always perky and cheerful, I often wondered what it would be like to spend some private moments with her. I knew my fanciful thoughts were just a pipe dream, so when I had the chance to get to know her on a more intimate level, I was a bit surprised, especially since I didn’t think she even noticed me. My office is in the back of a multi-tenant office building. Joy is stationed...
Office SexHorniness. That was, somehow the most surprising thing about waking up in a coffin, without any memories, hearing an ancient twisted being of nebulous origin tell his subordinates to rub acid in my eyes, and being dressed in armor evil enough to make a town of hobbits shit themselves. The fact that I felt a burning (no not that kind of burning) need to find someone to fuck was strange because it felt so at odds to the rest of the situation. I sat on a ruined throne, gazing at the titanic chunks...