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Introduction: The Making of a Domme 3 Late Arrival


Lousy, lousy timing……… I wish we had met weeks before, but now work calls me. I have not dared to tell Cija of all the time I will be spending away, and very soon. Any other time I would give my all to this relationship, but now she will have to be content with whatever I can spare. She is getting under my skin and with this new promotion I cant afford it, not for a while at least. I get out of the taxi in the snow, pulling
my collar up against the chill wind, and battle my way inside.

Again he is late returning from his business trip, and I have undergone a gamut of emotions my messages to him have been in turn fond, pleading, angry and contrite. His brief and infrequent answers keep me on the edge of hope, and late at night I find myself out on the streets, walking in the cold wind, not able to sit quietly at home and wait. More than once he has given me a time for his return, only to change it, and yet another deadline has come and gone. My feet have brought me to his block of flats I have only been here the once, but it feels familiar, and I cannot turn away from it. The wind blows colder, a few flakes of snow beginning to fall, and I find myself inside the lobby where it is warm. A couple stumble in from outside, close together, the girl giggling and pulling her partner along the corridor as he fumbles with a set of keys. I am standing by the lift and the doors open an older man steps out, and presuming I am waiting, puts his hand against the doors to prevent them from closing, smiling and gesturing me inside.

What else can I do but smile my thanks and step inside, deciding that I will go to the top of the block and see the view, and then I can return home. Thankfully no one else gets in, but fate takes another hand and the lift stops on his floor to let a well dressed woman enter. I cannot resist getting out, and decide to walk to the end of the corridor past his door before returning and leaving the building. My fingers trace across his door as I pass, and I think of his fingers also on the door a week or so ago, locking up as you left. He has not yet given me a key, and I feel that I would not like to be in there alone anyway, surrounded by his things but not his presence. At the end of the corridor is a picture window, and I linger a while, looking out over the snow starting to settle on the quiet streets. I am not sure how long I stay like this, but am brought out of my reverie by the ding sound of the lift arriving I decide reluctantly to turn and take it back down to the lobby I cannot explain my presence.

Cija! I start at the sound of his voice as he steps out of the lift, bags in hand, wearing a suit and overcoat. Flakes of snow still cling to his clothes and sharply cut black hair but they are rapidly melting. My face breaks into a smile but I also feel tears prick my eyes, I walk unsteadily towards him and my throat closes around his name. He also is smiling, and he is wrestling his bags to his door, feeling in his pocket for keys, looking flustered. He gives up the search, putting his bags down, and I am in his arms, we are embracing fiercely. He swings me round, laughing

How did you know, baby? he asks, but I am squeezing my eyes to blink the tears away.
Let me look at you he says, putting me down and holding me at arms length, and his expression changes as you see my wet cheeks. Hey, hey…. dont cry, silly he says with concern, and pulls me to him again Im so sorry I couldnt get away I am trying to stay in control, but sobs start to escape my lips as he hugs me close again, making soothing noises. Its OK baby, Im here now he croons, and pulls me closer to the door, again fumbling for his keys. Somehow he manages to open the door without letting me go, and he brings me inside, bidding me to wait while he gets his bags, closing the door again and turning back to me. I am sniffing pitifully, rummaging in my pockets for a tissue, mopping at my eyes and nose, feeling very silly indeed.

This isnt quite how I wanted to greet you I laugh, but he does not, shrugging out of his overcoat and stepping over to me, his hands going to my shoulders and he looks me in the eye.
I missed you so much he says, taking a deep shuddering breath, and I guess he too is feeling strong emotion. Then his lips are on mine, not softly but hard, and he presses me against the wall. It seems now is not the time for gentleness, and we are pulling at each others clothes, greedy for bare flesh. Soon his jacket and tie are on the floor, his shirt buttons undone and my hands on his chest. My coat is also on the floor, he has pulled the bottom of my blouse out from my skirt waistband and he is wrestling with the catch of my bra. He is successful and roughly pushes my bra up to cup my breasts I gasp at the pressure and coldness of his hands and dig my fingers into his buttocks. I push him back and step out of my shoes, and he follows suit. I bend to peel off my leggings and kick them to the side he pulls me up straight, but it is I who press him to the wall this time, my hands roughly running through his still damp hair, lips fused together again. His hands go to my bottom, pulling my short skirt up to my waist and sliding down under my panties, pulling them down as far as he can without bending, then using his foot to get them to the floor where I can step out of them.

Hold on to me he commands, and obediently I put my arms around his neck. He picks me up and carries me over to the breakfast bar, sitting me down on one of the stools I gasp at the coldness of the leather. He is unbuckling his belt, and I take my hands from his neck to settle myself better on the stool and watch admiringly as he kicks his shoes off, unzips and steps out of his trousers and boxer shorts, revealing his hard cock. It is too cold to take my blouse and bra off so I leave them, as he also keeps his shirt on – then he is on me again, his mouth cruelly hard on my lips. He takes my hands and puts them around his neck again, his hand straying unerringly between my legs to feel for my readiness. I gasp at the coldness of his fingers on my hot flesh, and I feel the slickness there. Seemingly satisfied at what he finds, he pulls me forwards so that I am sitting on the very edge of the stool.

I am trembling with desire he pauses for a moment, asking if I am alright, if he is being too rough, and I tell him I am fine. He leans down a little to pull my knees up, and we manoeuvre together to bring the tip of his cock to my pussy. It is a little tricky working like this, but somehow we end up where we desire, and he quicklys work the full length of his hot cock inside me. My legs are wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck, my head on his shoulder. I am no longer resting on the stool, but it is there for support should we need it. Now I can do little but hold on as he starts to move inside me, his urgency now obvious, and I am sure he will climax long before me. I do not care, it is enough to be together, and trust that he will attend to my needs as well soon. He moves fast and hard and is soon shuddering and groaning with his climax. I feel the warmth of his cum inside me and flowing out it has been a long time and I am satisfied that he has been faithful to me. Breathing hard, he lets me back down onto the cold stool.

Im sorry baby, I couldnt hold back, you make me so hot he pants. but its frigging freezing in here, he laughs. Quick, run up to bed and Ill make it up to you.

You couldnt stop to put the heating on? I query cheekily, as my skin is indeed turning to goose pimples, and he slaps my bottom, chasing me up the stairs. We stop by the bed to hurriedly take the remainder of our clothes off and slip under the covers together he does pause a moment to switch the electric blanket on and we embrace, play and stroke each other until we are warmer.

Hold on its still cold he says, and climbs out of bed Dont go anywhere, and he vanishes down the stairs, moving quickly but pulling on a silky red dressing gown first. I luxuriate in the warmth of the bed and hear clicking noises coming from downstairs, the sound of the heating boiler kicking in, his step on the stair again, hurrying back. He stops to rummage in a drawer by the bed Feel like doing something different babe? he asks, holding out some silky red ribbons, and I raise my eyebrows.

OK I say, but he hears the uncertain note in my voice

You dont have to, but I think youll enjoy it we can stop anytime you like….. he says hopefully. I nod my assent, and he steps over to the bed, kneeling and tying one of the ribbons around my wrist, showing me how I can pull it to get free, and taking the other end and securing it to the bed post. Already I feel that I am going to enjoy it, the feel of the ribbon sending shivers through me. He moves to the other side of the bed, securing my other wrist and asking if it is too tight, if I am comfortable, and I assure him that I am. He whispers the safe word to me so that I can stop him whenever I wish. He steps back and admires his handiwork, slipping off his dressing gown and climbing onto the bed and under the covers. He straddles me with his knees either side of mine, sitting back on his heels. I feel exposed but curious, and he leans and stretches to kiss my wrist, working slowly down my arm and skirting around my breast, the touch of his lips light, his breath warm on my skin.

Briefly he flicks his tongue over my nipple and blows gently, the coldness making it pucker and harden more, and I moan. He strokes down my other arm with his fingertips, again ending at my breast, this time teasing with his fingers, and I roll my hips to press up against him, already impatient for him to touch me there.
He tuts and pushes me down, telling me I will have to wait. Leisurely, he walks to the bedside table again, and produces more ribbons. He spends some time fastening them around my ankles and tying them to the foot of the bed, and now I am secure, although not immobile. Now he works slowly down my body with mouth and fingers, so slow it drives me mad with desire. When he gets to my thighs, he avoids the insides, instead stroking right down the outsides of my legs to my feet. He caresses the soles of my feet and sucks each of my toes before working up the insides again, paying particular attention to the backs of my knees. Every time I express impatience, he slows his progress or stops altogether, and I attempt to keep as still as I can in the hope that he will get to the parts I desperately want him to pay attention to. My groin is on fire, wanting his touch, and I beg him to hurry, but I do not utter the safe word.

I long to break free from my restraints and pull him to my aching hot wet pussy, but the anticipation of his touch is far more exciting. At long last his lips and tongue start to play there, and I moan with satisfaction. It is difficult to tell exactly what he is doing, but I am sure he has also slipped a finger or two inside me. The feeling of the ribbons holding me securely is strangely arousing, and I pull against them, luxuriating in the sensation. Occasionally he flicks his tongue over my clitoris, sending my whole body into shudders of ecstasy, but always he keeps me on the edge until I am exhausted and weak. Now I am truly still, giving myself up to his control, the only movement I make is in response to the flick of his tongue. I feel myself start to climb towards orgasm my whole body arches and tightens against my restraints, it is unstoppable and the first wave makes me cry out loud, then wave after wave of delicious ecstasy washes over me. Quickly he unties me and we lie close to each other under the duvet – I can barely move, I am so sated, and whisper my thanks.

We are not finished, however, and it is not long before he guides my hand to his groin, and I caress and stroke his erection he grows larger and harder under my fingers.
Baby, I can hardly move I protest, but he assures me that is not a problem. The room is warmer now, or perhaps it is we who are warm, even hot, and he throws back the covers. He pulls me to the edge of the bed so that I am kneeling on the floor, lying face down on the mattress, and his hands go to my hips, positioning me just so and he admires the view of my private parts. He again touches my pussy and briefly my clitoris, but it feels tender and I protest. His fingers spread my wetness upwards toward my anus, and I gasp as he starts to insert his finger, unerringly finding a spot that is surprisingly pleasurable this is something that I have not tried before, but I am willing to experience it. He brings his cock up to my hot wet pussy and starts to push himself inside me, I am relaxed and it is not difficult for him to bury his whole length in me.

He starts to move slowly, his finger also moving and exploring my ass, making me gasp with surprise and appreciation. He begins to pick up the pace, moving faster and deeper, slamming into me, the bed shaking. I feel the slap of his balls against my thighs and I am not surprised to find myself climaxing again, crying out only seconds before he also shudders and trembles with the final strokes of his orgasm. Our juices combine and trickle down my thighs. Now we are both exhausted, and he lies on me for a few moments, his weight pressing me into the mattress until I protest. We manage to untangle ourselves and weakly climb back into the bed, pulling the duvet over us. We collapse into each others arms and I finally surrender to sleep.

I lie awake and stare at the ceiling, Cijas warm body nestled into mine. Her tears shook me, how am I going to tell her that I will be away for months at a time? I want to stay here, safe in our own little world, forget about everything else. But time ticks away and soon she will have to know. What will she say will she cry again, shout, scream, storm out of the apartment? She was so quiet when we met but she is becoming more confident, more sure of herself. Is that because of me, how will she behave when I am gone? Cija expects – no, deserves, my whole attention, and I cant give it right now. I cant ask her to go with me, she has her own life here and I will be back and forth indefinitely.

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Pilates with a difference

Her heart began racing as soon as she heard his knock at the door. This was a gamble, but she had confidence in her observations."Come in," she replied. He'd been coming to her for a few weeks now, twice a week, to work on core strength. At first she thought she was just giving kinky meaning to otherwise normal things, but over time it had become very clear. The cane stripes, red and raised, poking out the bottom of his shorts as he exercised. The way his posture and performance improved when...

3 years ago
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Lateshay 36 G big natural tits on his mind

Sincy aka Kathy my xhamster friend… Want to read a true story? Sincy of xhamster, her man makes her fuck him and she sucks his cock until he explodes while he watches my vids. She gets very humiliated by me this way. She hates it that her man shoots bigger loads and FUCKS HER HARDER! It gets me off when shesends me messages while I use my vibrator and masterbate to her stories. Just knowing her man fucks her and watches my vids is a big turn on. He thinks of me while shesucks his cock. I...

2 years ago
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Gierig fallen Sandra und Tatjana überinander her. Lange hatten sie darauf gewartet. Sandra war um die 165 cm groß, hatte rötlich gefärbte lange Haare zum Pferdeschwanz, ein süßes Gesicht und einen knallengen schwarzen Latexanzug an. Ihre Lesbenfreundin Tatjana war eine echte blonde Sexbombe. Sie trug ebenfalls einen Latexcatsuit. Beide fielen übereinander her und rieben ihre Latexkörper im Bett aneinander. "Ich bin so geil" stöhnte Sandra die unte rihrer Freundin lag. "Ich will dich nur feste...

3 years ago
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Humilated in silk and satin

Ever since Caroline started work in my firm 7 years ago I always found her to be a bit special. Not just that she was intelligent, efficient and good at her job, but also in the way she carried herself, her demeanour, the way she dressed and the way she spoke. Class just seemed to ooze out of her.She joined the firm from university as a financial analyst. Before university she had been to a girls boarding school and she clearly had that 'polish' that a good private education can give you.Seven...

2 years ago
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Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...

1 year ago
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Flate mate

Horny Flat mate punished Well it was one of those mornings when I woke up with a woody, I tried to go back to sleep up the earge in my cock was to strong as it poked out the side of my boxer shorts, I reached down and pulled on the fore skin to expose the head and gently touched it with my hand ooh that felt nice. I gently ribbed the head of my cock until it grew to full size, I needed to get up but wanted to stay in bed as well. I threw the blankets of me and gave myself a quick wank about...

4 years ago
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clate meets her asian fuck buddys mate

We have had a lot of discussions recently since she has started up being with other men and it seems that things are moving forward into the kind of relationship that I've been desiring. She's become more active and also become more dominant towards me. She has now got a couple of fuck buddies and will even be doing a first tomorrow (which will have its own blog entry) in that she will be staying out all night while she spends the night at her new black lover. She knows I'd like to serve her...

2 years ago
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LATEBIRD MF tease cuckold

This is one of the best tabboo/cheat/cuckold stories that I've ever read and re-read. I finally found it and wanted to share. I'm not the original writer, and all original copyrights are included below. Please enjoy and comment.LATEBIRD (M/F, tease, light semi)Copyright May 1998 by Sam HammerThe usual disclaimer applies. If it’s i*****l, immoral or under the legal age of consent where you live then don’t read the following text. Archive okay as long as its not sold for viewing. If you do,...

2 years ago
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Percolate Installment 5

“You know, the easiest way to detox from caffeine, don’t you?”My eyes do not see. I am floating in a warm soft haze. A swishing beside my ear tells me Sherrie is un-straightening her legs. Sherrie quietly clears her throat and reaches over me to her bag, for her water bottle. Her firm breast presses into my ear. I smell her spicy hot aroma mixed with the smell of my own hair.“You are so hot,” she says.My eyes scan the bed, waiting. I don’t know how to respond.“Look at you,” she continues, “Your...

3 years ago
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Percolate Installment 4

Sherrie lazily shoves her work books to the side of her bed against the wall. She stretches her arms straight up,straining a little. The muscles in her arm pits shiver in a sexy supple way that reminds me to look to her leg for that delicate little shivering morsel of a muscle between her shin and calf.Sherrie peels her maccosins off with hre toes then flexes her toes ,which press little knobby protruberances against her pure white cotton socks.Sherrie's elegantly delicate ankles silk...

3 years ago
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Percolate Installment 4

Perc 4 October2012Sherrie lazily shoves her work books to the side of her bed against the wall. She stretches her arms straight up,straining a little. The muscles in her arm pits shiver in a sexy supple way that reminds me to look to her leg for that delicate little shivering morsel of a muscle between her shin and calf.Sherrie peels her maccosins off with hre toes then flexes her toes ,which press little knobby protruberances against her pure white cotton socks.Sherrie's elegantly delicate...

4 years ago
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Percolate Installment Three

"Hey."I find her feet in bright white ankle socks nestled in her fleece-lined bedroom slippers. She sits crossed-legged on the bottom bunk of her double-decker beds.Our dormitory hall hadn't had enough single beds left to give Sheri a single bed. She had lucked out and gotten her single room by default. When we first met,almost two semesters ago,she had been using the top bunk to store her unfolded laundry. The first two nights I'd slept over,she had merely thrown her spare top sheet over top...

1 year ago
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Percolate Second Installment

I made my way to the sinks, my bare feet making little wet slaps on the misted floortiles. My shy steady steps echoing against the expansive shower area ,I looked around to see if anyone else was still there. I heard a far off locker close as well as a large heavier entrance door. A book bag sagged in a corner. Steam shone in a small irridescent cloud by an open window. Sherrie stood at the sink, her towel covering but highlighting the curves of her small ass. It always reminds me of two...

3 years ago
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"Percolate" First InstallmentAll of the desk seats were wooden,and had been carved to fit two ass cheeks, each of them. The university conference hall was one of the oldest buildings on campus.Some of the seats were older from the 1930s, some from the 1960s.The larger ones had not been aged and worn down as much. The newer ones did not fit my bottom correctly.Asses are bonier than they look."Augh" I half whined,half growled,clumsily standing up and roughly bundling up my dark,thick,black curls...

2 years ago
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Lateshay and Eric cum to an Arrangement

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a copyrighted work of fiction under my pen name Dean Denhomme. The inspiration—my muse if you will—for this vignette is the incomparable Lateshay. She can be found on x hamster under that name.Now, before we begin my little fuck story, allow me a word or two about Lateshay. If you visit my site on x hamster, it is easy to see that I am a tit man. So, it should come as no surprise that she provides the physical template for my imaginary fuck buddy in the story that...

3 years ago
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Lateshay 36 G big natural tits on his mind

Sincy aka Kathy my xhamster friend...Want to read a true story? Sincy of xhamster, her man makes her fuck him and she sucks his cock until he explodes while he watches my vids. She gets very humiliated by me this way. She hates it that her man shoots bigger loads and FUCKS HER HARDER! It gets me off when shesends me messages while I use my vibrator and masterbate to her stories. Just knowing her man fucks her and watches my vids is a big turn on. He thinks of me while shesucks his cock. I...

3 years ago
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I am not a student of psychology and have no affectations of being knowledgeable on this subject. Everything I am about to tell you based on my subjectivity. Hopefully, therefore, I do not piss off readers who are well versed in this topic.To me, one of the most guarded subjects in the world is male homosexuality activity. With the biblical abhorrence to this phenomenon that we were all raised on, I suppose this comes expectedly, and any statistical evidence, therefore, can never be accurately...

Gay Male
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We were all sitting at the window table ... four of us and three lookers ... playing Euchre and having a beer when the subject came up. They had some of the same tales as we had way back in Highschool... 'Golden Arm' and like that ... and it was my deal. You need to understand ... we were playing cards during all this ... I just left that out ... unless you want a lesson on how to play Euchre. I didn't think so. I don't know if this qualifies as a Halloween Story ... they're supposed to...

1 year ago
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Chocolateen Part 1

My friends call me Jim, but my full name is James Schneider with no middle name. Some people, mainly women, think I'm a woman hater because I enslave women. That is not exactly true. They don't know why my women submitted themselves to me. I am 24 years of age, and my weight has varied between 180 and 190 lbs since I graduated from high school. At 5' 9" tall and with a slight build, that places me on the chubby side of athletic. My short black hair, brown eyes, acne, and personality don't...

3 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 2 A New Location

The announcement of Frank and me forming a new corporation created a major stir. At the time I made the announcement, our friends congratulated us heartily. The media announcement made a different type of stir. People came out of the woodwork wanting to buy a piece of our new corporation and trying to convince us to locate the corporation in their hometown. We politely declined the offers and solicitations that were presented to us. Unfortunately, a few people did not want to accept our...

2 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 4 Visiting New Zealand

Jim C, Sam, Frank, Kirk, and I discussed the trip to New Zealand on Monday. We defined the specific objectives of the trip and what information we expected to acquire during our stay. All five of us had valid passports and there was an agreement between the US and New Zealand governments that allowed us entry as short-term visitors without a visa. By Friday, we were ready to go. We would be island hopping and our total flight time would be close to 16 hours, so our pilot, Bob Simon, and...

3 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 5 Moving to New Zealand

Frank and his wives went back to running the Chocolateen Corporation, while my wives and I continued the effort of preparing to move to New Zealand. Frank and I were right; our wives hated the idea of engineering events that would lead to the media invading our lives. They accepted the idea as a necessity, and only agreed to go along with it when we told them we would be involved in deciding what would be engineered and how the media would be enticed into taking action. I talked with Paul...

2 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 6 Preparing to Leave the US

Everyone wanted coffee. We rushed to clean up and dress, and when everyone was ready, we headed downstairs for breakfast. As we walked into the restaurant, we saw Paul, Sally, Jim C, and his wives sitting at a large table, so we joined them. "Morning everyone," I said. "What's on our agenda for today?" Mary said, "Good morning all. As to our agenda, we don't have one yet." Jim C said, "Well that is about to change I think. If I'm not mistaken, I just saw Maxine headed to the...

4 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 7 Business in New Zealand

We were gathered in the backroom of F&J's Pizza Parlor, Ltd. celebrating the shipment of our first solar cars to our Auckland dealership. Jim C, Frank, our families, and I decided to host a party for our key personnel and select members of the media. Frank was just finishing a review of what Jim C's Products, Ltd. had accomplished since we had created the corporation. One of the main points in his presentation was the successful restructure of the US operation under Evan Strophe in...

1 year ago
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