The Origin of Millie Marie and her Housewives
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Family Guy STRAIGHT DS???
Lois paces around the kitchen table, holding Chris most recent Report Card. By the tone of her voice, she doesnt seem happy about it. Chris sits at the table with a solemn look on his face, knowing he hasnt done any good.
Chris, I am very disappointed in you. She says. What happened to your father? He was supposed to be tutoring you.
Well, every time we started, Dad said he had to go get some Tutoring Aids. Chris tells her. At that moment, Peter bursts through the wall of the kitchen, covered in Red paint, shirtless, and drunk off his rocker.
OH YEAH!!! He yells, before falling down and shattering the kitchen table. Brian walks into the room and sees Peter lying face down on the ground, unconscious.
Peters the stunt man for Kool-Aids TV Movie again? He asks.
Later that night&hellip,
Peter, feeling sober, lies in his bed with Lois right beside her. Her mood has not improved since earlier today. Peter, our son is failing High School. Dont you care?
Well, of course I care, Lois. Peter says.
Then why havent you been tutoring him? She asks.
Aw Lois, you know how bad I get at History. He says. Ever since I had that bad breakup with Mr. Peabody.
(Peter remembers back to when he was young. Hes sitting in an Interrogation Room dressed as Sherman, with Mr. Peabody sitting right beside him. Two police officers start to talk to him.
Go on, son. Tell us what happened. The police officer says.
W-W-Well&hellip,he calls me Sherman, and then tells me to get into his closet. He calls it the Way Back Machine. She says, starting to tear up.
Quiet you! Peabody says as he smacks Peter in the face.)
Well, I cant do it alone. Lois says.
Hey, why not get him one of those Hooked on Phonics tapes? Peter recommends.
Yeah, thats a great idea, Peter. She says. Ill get right on it tomorrow. For now, lets get some sleep. She kisses Peter on the lips before reaching over to flip off the light switch. The room goes dark & silent. After a few moments, Lois breaks the silence. Peter, what are you doing?
Im trying to flip the friggin light switch back on. He says.
Peter&hellip,thats my nipple. She tells him.
Oh. Theres a long pause as Peter realizes what hes been doing, followed by his trademark giggle, as it sounds like hes gone back to doing it.
The Next Day&hellip,
Lois is in the kitchen finishing up on the dishes in the sink. She dries the last of them and turns around, only for her leg to be snared by a rope on the ground. The rope lifts her up and turns her upside down, hanging in the air. Lois, thinking quickly, reaches up and grabs the rope. She uses her fingernails to cut herself loose, then flips back to the ground as gently as an acrobat. She turns and sees Meg standing in the doorway, witnessing the whole thing.
Wow, Mom! Meg says. Where did you learn to do that?
Well, before you were born, your mother use to be a Back-up Dancer for Madonna. Lois says.
(Lois remembers back to when she was young. Shes sitting around in a circle with the rest of Madonnas Back-up Dancers, and Madonna herself.
OK, Lois&hellip,Truth or Dare? Madonna asks.
Dare! Lois says.
I dare you&hellip,to have sex with Vanilla Ice! Madonna says giggling.
Lois begins to sigh. Again? Alright, come on Vanilla. She exits the circle and grabs Vanilla Ice, who was sitting in a chair, by the hand and drags him into the bedroom.)
Oh yeah, Mom. This came for you today. Meg says as she hands her a small package.
Oh, its arrived. Lois says. Finally, your brother can have some good tutoring to help him with his grades.
Just then, Stewie walks into the room carrying a baseball bat and wearing a blindfold. OK, whos ready for some Dead Lois Piñ,ata? He stops and lifts up his blindfold to see that Lois has gotten out of the trap hes set for her. He smiles innocently and slowly begins to back away. Well, time for me to be hitting the old dusty trail&hellip, He turns and runs out of the kitchen, just as Chris walks in through the back door.
Good, youre home Chris. Lois says turning to him. Ive got your Hooked on Phonics tape to help you with your studies. Come on, we can watch it up in your room.
Thats good. Chris says. Because the Evil Monkey that lives in my closet just went on vacation. And I been kinda lonely. Lois leads Chris out of the kitchen and up the stairs. They walk into his room and sit down on his bed, as Lois puts the tape into his machine. She presses play, and a moment later a rather nerdy looking woman appears on the screen.
Hello, Im here to teach your children how to become better students in school. She says. Parents, this is the part of the tape where I want to establish a personal connection with the student. So if you would, please leave the room.
Lois gets up and kisses Chris on the forehead. I gotta go get dinner ready anyway. She says. Happy learning, my little man. She leaves out of his room and shuts the door behind her. After a moment, the woman on the tape begins to speak.
Are they gone? She asks. A moment later, she begins to unbutton her blouse and let her hair down. Good. Youve been a naughty student, havent you?
Chris jaw drops as he realizes whats going on. Yes, a very naughty student. But you want to be good, dont you? Chris nods his head in a rapid motion that would rival the Flash. Yes you do. And you want to see whats under my tight, black lace bra, dont you?
A huge grin comes across Chris face as he watches the woman fondle her own massive breasts. She unhooks the bra from the front and opens it up, letting her humongous melons out into the open. Chris follows their every move, as they bounce up & down, like a yo-yo being played with. His eyes lock onto her pink nipples, never turning away, not even for a second.
Meanwhile downstairs, Lois is just putting a Pot Roast into the oven. Brian is sitting at the dinner table having his traditional before dinner drink. So, the tape arrived today? Brian asks.
Yeah, Chris is upstairs watching it now. Lois answers. Maybe this will help bring his grades up.
Yeah, well itll definitely bring something up. Brian says.
Lois closes the oven door and walks over to Brian. What are you talking about? she asks.
Brian picks up the package that the tape came in and shows Lois the name of the company. See here? he says. This tape was produced by the same company that made the sex tape you got for Peter.
Lois just laughs it off. Oh, Im sure its just a coincidence. She says. As a matter of fact, Im gonna go check on Chris just to prove you wrong. She walks out of the kitchen and back up the stairs towards Chris room. She stops right in front and slowly opens the door.
Chris, hows everything going with the&hellip, She sees her son sitting on his bed completely naked, staring blankly at the screen. When he notices his mom in the doorway, Chris covers himself up with a nearby pillow.
GO AWAY, THIS PARTS FOR THE STUDENTS!!! He yells. Lois quickly slams the door shut, and stands there in shock. But quickly, the shock turns into frustration and anger.
Oh god, its happening AGAIN!!! She yells.
A little while later&hellip,
Lois sits downstairs at the Dinner table, looking distraught. I&hellip,I cant believe it. She says. I mean&hellip,my baby&hellip,looking at naked women on tape. Theres no way to get through to him now. Hell never graduate. She puts her head in her hands. I just dont know what to do. What do you recommend, Desperate Housewife Nicollette Sheridan?
Lois raises her head and looks over across from the table and sees the star of Desperate Housewives sitting there. Well, youve got quite the problem, Lois. She says. I think theres only one solution to this problem. You have to have sex with Chris.
Lois jaw drops as she looks at her. Are&hellip,are you insane? Thats my son. I cant have sex with my son! Lois says.
Its the only way that youll get through to him and make him do better in school. Nicollette says. Besides, its only sex. I mean, I had sex with Terrell Owens.
Ah, maybe your right. Lois says. I mean Id do anything to help my&hellip,wait&hellip, She turns and looks at Nicollette with a confused look. I thought that was only a Monday Night Football commercial.
Oh no, dear. Nicollette says. We went at it like minks. With all of the camera crew watching. We even had a 3-way with John Madden.
Lois smiles and slowly begins to stand up from the table. She moves slowly towards the kitchen door, inching closer & closer, until she finally scrambles out of the kitchen to safety.
The Next Day&hellip,
Chris steps off of his school bus and walks down his walkway to the front door of the house. He opens the door and announces hes home. Mom? Im home.
Upstairs, sweetie. Lois can be heard yelling. Chris journeys up the steps. When he reaches the top, he notices his room door is open. He walks over and into his room and sees his mother wearing a skimpy teachers outfit, with a skirt so short, you can see the thong shes wearing. She has on fishnet stockings, high-heeled boots and a white blouse so tight her breasts are popping the buttons off. Her red hair is also in pigtails. Hello, Chris.
Um, Mom? Why are you dressed like the women in Dads special magazine? Chris asks.
Because Im here to teach you a special lesson, young man. She says as she seductively walks over to him. Megs off on a study date, and Brian took Stewie to the park. So we have the whole afternoon to study the curriculum.
(Meanwhile, at the park, Stewie is playing on the swings. Hes trying to get higher with each leg pump, as Brian walks up to him. What are you doing? Brian asks.
Im trying to swing over the top. Stewie says. Theres supposed to be a portal up there that leads to a magical place.
Thats just an urban legend, Stewie. Brian tells him.
Uh-uh! Its real! Stewie says. And when I get there, youre gonna be so-o-o-o-o jealous. Stewie continues to try and reach over the top. After a minute of watching, Brian shakes his head and kicks Stewies swing, finally sending him over the top. Shockingly, Stewie enters through a portal up there and lands in another dimension.
What the deuce? he says. It worked. It really worked. Im in another dimension. Stewie begins to look around, seeing nothing but darkness, until he stumbles on another little boy like him.
Hey, Im Tommy. The boy says. Went over the top of the swing? Stewie nods his head. Well, this is it. Not much here though.
What? But&hellip,but this cant be. Stewie says. I went over the top, for nothing?
Hey! I found Air Hockey! Someone can be heard yelling from out of the darkness.
Well, some kid found Air Hockey. Wanna play? Tommy asks.
Stewie nods his head and decides to follow the voice. Well, its more entertainment than they have at Chuck E. Cheeses.)
Chris sits down on the bed with Lois right beside him. He glances down at his mothers breasts, which are almost busting out of her bra & blouse. Lois notices this and decides to begin her tutoring. Alright Chris, if you get my questions right, youll get to see more than you ever hoped for. She says seductively. Now, who was the president that freed the slaves?
Um&hellip,Jesse Jackson? Chris answers. Lois just folds her arms over her chest, covering her breasts, as Chris begins to panic and yell out names. THOMAS JEFFERSON! GEORGE WASHINGTON! ABRAHAM LINCOLN!!! He gives the right answer, and Lois begins to unbutton her blouse, revealing her luscious breasts being held back by a black lace bra. Chris starts to laugh and smile. Learning is fun!
Yeah, Chris. And if you keep learning, it can get ever more fun. Lois tells him, as she places her hand on his thigh. Now, do you know who was the first man to sigh the Declaration of Independence?
Chris eyes light up as he gives the answer. OOH! I know! It was John Hancock. I remembered cause his name has Cock in it.
Very good, Chris. Lois says as she reaches in front of her bra and snaps the hook. The bra begins to separate, and her breasts are unleashed into the world. Chris cant help but to stare and drool mindlessly.
B-B&hellip,Boobies! He stammers.
Yeah, they do look beautiful, dont they? She says. And if you get the next question right, you get to touch them. Now, how did the Gettysburg Address start?
Chris begins to think hard about this question, not wanting to lose this heavenly moment. Uh&hellip,4 score, and&hellip,7 years ago?
Thats right, Chris. You can&hellip, She doesnt get the chance to finish, as Chris has already grabbed her love melons and is starting to fondle them.
Holy crap! Lois thinks. I&hellip,I think Im starting to get aroused by this. And Chris is blessed with such a big monster down there. Maybe I should give him a little more&hellip,encouragement.
Lois begins to move her hand up Chris thigh, until she reaches the zipper of his jeans. Chris, do you know what a Blowjob is?
Chris heart almost jumps out of his chest when he hears his mom say that. Y-Yeah. Those cost $50 at the corner by Mr. Quagmires house.
Yeah, well to get one now, all you gotta do is answer the question right. Lois says as she slowly unzips Chris pants. Who discovered America?
Chris begins to sweat. Hes heard the answer to this before, but was too busy thinking about a way to rid himself of the Evil Monkey to pay attention. He pushes his brain to come up with the answer, until finally, he gives up and guesses. Um&hellip,Chris?
I knew my baby was smart. Lois says, reaching into his black jeans and pulling out his massive manhood. He just needed a little&hellip,inspiration. She leans in closer to his Cock, and proceeds to lick the shaft gently. She teases him by kissing the head over & over, but not putting it in her mouth. She then licks it, making sure its nice & slick for her to insert. After a minute of teasing, Lois finally wraps her lips around his Cock. She takes in the head, then some of the shaft.
Chris, still clutching his Moms tits, begins to smile and drool, as his eye roll into the back of his head. Lois starts to work up a bobbing motion, going up & down on his Cock. She takes her hand and begins to rub herself, getting even more aroused that she was. Oh God, this is turning me on so much. She thinks to herself. I know Im supposed to be doing this for Chris education&hellip,but his Cock feels so good in my mouth! She can feel his hands cupping her large breasts, rubbing her nipples. And it gives her an idea.
She takes Chris rod out of her mouth, making a loud popping noise as she does it. You know what, Chris? She says. Since youve been such a good student, Im going to give you the Lois Special.
The Lois Special, Cool! Chris cheers. Does that come with Fries?
Lois sighs, remembering how dense her son can be at times. No, its this. She gets up off the bed and down on her knees in front of Chris. She takes her breasts and wraps them around the shaft of Chris pipe, slowly moving them up & down, much to Chris delight.
Hey mom, this is really special. He says.
I knew youd like it. She says with a smirk. She begins to gently lick the head, while still rubbing her breasts against his shaft. On her face, she looks as if she loves the experience. But in her mind, Lois is having second thoughts.
This is so good. She thinks. But I shouldnt be this horny. I just had sex with Peter 2 days ago. Oh God&hellip,could I be a nympho? As she thinks this, she becomes wetter than shes ever been before. She wants to finger herself again, but she remembers this is for Chris pleasure, not hers. She then comes to a conclusion, one to motivate Chris, and to completely satisfy her.
Lois backs away from Chris, and looks him in the eyes. OK, Chris. Mommys about to do something real special to you. She says. Im about to ride you like a wild bull. She pushes him onto the bed, then bends over and pulls her thong off. She hikes up her skirt, showing Chris her promise land before climbing on top of him.
Chris starts to feel reluctant about doing this. But Mom, I heard incest is unlawful and morally wrong. Plus frowned upon in this&hellip,
Lois cuts him off. Chris, do you wanna fuck your mother or not?
OK!!! He says excitedly. Lois straddles him, with his mammoth rod rubbing against her clit. Chris begins to giggle, as the hair from her pussy tickles his Cock. Lois raises herself up and parts her love lips, before taking in all of her sons manhood. She grits her teeth as she takes it more, and more, until finally its all inside of her.
OH&hellip,FUCK!!! Chris, youre so BIG!!! She yells, falling forward. She puts her hands on her sons chest to hold her balance, and begins to bounce on his Cock. She bites her bottom lip and smiles.
Oh, I am a Nympho! She thinks to herself. Im a Fucking Nympho, and I Fucking Love it!
Mom, your kitty feels so good. Chris says, meaning her pussy.
And so does your Cock. Lois says. Thats it. Keep Fucking Momma like that. Her ass jiggles everytime she slams her sons Cock deep inside of her. Her breasts bounce majestically with each stroke. Its almost hypnotic to Chris, who cant help but stare. The bed is squeaking loudly, and both Mother & Son are drenched in sweat. Lois leans in close to her son, as she nears her climax. Chris is getting close to his limit, too.
Mom&hellip,my willys starting to feel strange. Chris says.
Lois begins to panic. Oh, no. I cant let Chris come inside of me! She thinks. I still havent explained to Peter who Stewies real father is. But Im so close&hellip,
She continues to ride her son hard, trying to work herself to an orgasm quicker. Suddenly, her body begins to tremble & tingle. A moment later, she screams at the top of her lungs, cumming harder than she has in a long time. She pulls herself off of Chris rod, just as he shoots his load. He sprays it everywhere, on her back, her ass & her legs. A look of pure pleasure is on Lois face, as she falls forward onto her son.
Alright&hellip,Chris. She says, out of breath. Ill make you a deal. You get mommys pussy whenever you want, as long as you start getting straight As.
OK, Mom. He says. Its a deal. Lois leans in a little closer and kisses him passionately, cementing the deal. They continue to lie there, Lois tits pressed against his less-than-manly chest, basking in the afterglow of a hard study session.
Later that night&hellip,
Lois lies in bed wearing a pink Nightie and reading a Love Novel. Peter is in the closet, searching for an outfit to wear to work tomorrow. LOIS? He calls out from the closet. Care to explain THIS?
He pulls out the outfit that Lois was wearing earlier with Chris, with semen stains still on it. Lois gets a lump in her throat and panics. Um&hellip,I can explain, Peter. I&hellip,
I know whats going on here. He says. You let Monica Lewinski borrow your outfit so she could Role-play with former U.S. President Bill Clinton!
Lois smiles and decides not to tell him. Yeah, lets go with that.
Lois, I am very disappointed with you. Peter says. But since hes a former president, Ill forgive you.
Peter climbs in bed with his wife. Yeah. And at least hes better than George Bush. Lois says.
Yeah, George Bush sucks. Peter adds. Well, Goodnight Lois. He turns off the light, and the room goes dark. After a moment, Peter breaks the silence. Hey Lois, do you have the feeling were forgetting something?
Yeah. Lois says. Eh, probably just our imagination.
At that moment&hellip,
Meg is sitting on a corner on the other side of town, still waiting for her parents to pick her up. I&hellip,hate&hellip,this&hellip,FAMILY!!! She yells. Just then, a white Limo pulls up beside her with the license plate Muff Daddy. The passenger side window rolls down to show that its Madonna. She holds out a lollipop for Meg.
Hey, need a lift? And something to eat? she asks.
Yeah, thanks. Meg answers. At least someone came to pick me up. She opens the door and hops in the Limo with her.
So, have you ever met Vanilla Ice? Madonna asks as the Limo pulls off, burning rubber through the night.
NOTE: This story is set in the VCR universe created by Dee Janes. I have her permission for the story. She also looked it over and offered some editorial help. Thanks, Dee! --------------------- THE VCR: Desperate Housewives By Desperate It was Charlie that came up with this brilliant idea. He brought in the camera, the tapes, and the girl. And he's the one that brought the damned VCR. It was January, and Hinkman had just gotten home from his all-expenses paid,...
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The Real Housewives of McKinney.I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the...
NovelsI was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...
NovelsKat had tried to be good, she really had. She’d done all of her homework, helped her mom make dinner, and volunteered to do the dishes. After a little TV the whole family had gone straight to bed; this time of year it was getting dark early and a good, long night’s sleep seemed like a great idea.But an hour later Kat found herself tossing and turning in the silent house, feeling wide awake and restless. She tried touching herself to see if that would help, but it just wasn’t working tonight....
Lois paces around the kitchen table, holding Chris’ most recent Report Card. By the tone of her voice, she doesn’t seem happy about it. Chris sits at the table with a solemn look on his face, knowing he hasn’t done any good. “Chris, I am very disappointed in you.” She says. “What happened to your father? He was supposed to be tutoring you.” “Well, every time we started, Dad said he had to go get some Tutoring Aids.” Chris tells her. At that moment, Peter bursts through the wall of the...
I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...
NovelsI was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...
NovelsI was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...
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The next day was Monday, a school day for the cheerleaders. For the housewives, it was just a continuation of the weekend. Samantha, Betty Ann, and Janice gathered at Jessica’s, sipping mimosas by the pool and watching as Marie practiced her rope techniques on Jane in the living room. Some of the positions she was put in looked extremely uncomfortable, but Jane suffered it all without a word of complaint. Later she was brought outside and made to service each woman in turn. Janice, who went...
The housewives and cheerleaders piled into Jackie and Ella’s cars and drove to Jessica’s, where they pulled up at the same time as Jessica’s SUV. Marie waved to them from the passenger seat, and when the garage door slid open and Jessica pulled in, the ladies filed into the garage to greet them.In the back seat of the SUV was an enormous trunk, which Jessica recruited a group including Jackie, Kelly, Kat, and Samantha to carry inside. They sat the thing down on the living room floor and stood...
It was quite late by the time Kelly Ann and Olivia dressed to go home, looking a little wobbly on their legs with goofy, satisfied smiled on their faces. Jessica wrote out a check and handed it to Kelly, saying “Obviously I can’t keep writing you a check every day. But anytime you feel like dropping by, either one of you, you’ll be welcome. Isn’t that right, Marie?”Marie licked her lips, which were still well-coated with pussy juice. “Oui.”Kelly and Olivia walked together for two blocks,...
From the outside, Glenview Drive appeared to be an ordinary suburban cul-de-sac. It was a relic from another time, the sort of place where the men went off to work in the morning, while their wives got the k**s off to school, then cleaned house and met for coffee in the afternoons.This wholesome veneer, however, concealed a hotbed of lesbian activity that was centered on the house at 420 Glenview. Located at the very end of the cul-de-sac, 420 was slightly larger than the other houses and set...
If there’s one thing I’ve enjoyed in my married life, it is my ability to lie to my husband about pretty much anything. In the early part of our marriage before the c***dren were born I considered myself to be fairly prudish and not at all promiscuous. But since I hit my 40s I know that I have become a complete and utter slut for other men. I have been a member of the housewives private sex club for two years now and really enjoyed going there spending my husbands hard earned money to be...
I had only been to the housewives secret sex club once and I already felt that I had become addicted to sex with young men. My friend had got me to go the first time and I really enjoyed myself especially knowing that my husband was at work and I was having wonderful sex with a gorgeous young man behind his back, I love cheating on him, it’s so exciting. I had arranged to go again and this time I was determined to have two young men at my disposal. I preferred them in their very early 20s so...
A bit about her background. She is a 5’4” lady with a 34/26/32 body Manisha. Her friends are Mona 36/34/36, Rita 32/28/30 and Isha 42/36/38. All of them are unsatisfied housewives and married more than 10 yrs. Their age group is between 32 and 38. All married to school time friends.They met on weekends as they had a Saturday night dinner at either one or the others places. The husbands though working with different companies were all workaholics and so their sex lives have become almost once in...
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The Housewives of Coxville County By; Ota & The OgrePrologue: The Games Afoot The crowd went into uproar as the basketball fell through the whitenetting of the rim, a loud burst of sporadic cheers on the left side of thegymnasium where fans of the Coxville basketball team sat. Yet anotherthree-pointer had been aimed, shot, and stuffed right through the open netin an audible swish. The game was quickly turning into a blow out forCoxville's cross-town rivals from Bartown. The baying...
Hi, I am Mohan Reddy 52-year-old. I am writing this with the request of one of my friends who I made through ISS writing this story for her. After reading my stories she got in touch with me and we have been sharing pics and our intimate feelings. Due to location difference, we have not been able to meet but she shares a lot with me even about her friends. A bit about her background. She is a 5’4” lady with a 34/26/32 body Manisha. Her friends are Mona 36/34/36, Rita 32/28/30 and Isha 42/36/38....
I am Vimal. I am 29 yrs old. I am not married. Living in Delhi remote area after my friend Ashok (33yrs) told me buy a house near him. I bought big house and moved there my house was some 100 ft from him there is no house in between so we came see ourselves a bit from our houses. I got a bike for my travel my office is just 5 minutes from home. Ashok is doing some business in NCR north a long way he goes by his scooter daily. If he goes in the morning he comes late night so I use to help them...
Hey everybody! This is Arshad here, from Mumbai, continuing my story of the Hungry Housewives – Milf Chronicles. About me : people describe me as a jolly, fun-loving and eccentric guy. I’ve been called a ‘Gentleman on the streets, Tiger under the sheets’. You can contact me at : Also, quick thanks to ISS for providing a great platform to express ourselves here, and get mingling with great like-minded people. Now we quickly get to the story. Please read the first part (if you haven’t) before...
Sharmila called me after her daughter went for tutions. She said to me don’t come through the gate. She asked me to jump the boundary wall which was on the other side of our houses. I went outside and checked if anyone was noticing me. When I saw nobody was there as it was already a bit dark, I jumped the boundary wall and entered her house. She had kept open the drawing room door and I entered through it. I checked for her in the drawing room but she wasn’t there and then I went inside the...
My roommate told me about the neighbour bong housewife who lives in the nearby building when I first came to settle in Calcutta. I was really eager to see her as my friend had already described her beauty in detail and how she responds to his gestures. I came to Calcutta looking for a job from a small town. I have had relationships before but never had the opportunity to loose my virginity due to small town upbringing. I was very excited about my new beginning in a new metropolitan city and...
As Olivia entered the shop, Claire walked over smiling. “I hoped I might see you again,” she said, hugging Olivia and kissing her on the cheek. “Where’s your friend today?”“She’s, um, she’s busy,” answered Olivia. “How are you?”“I’m great!” chirped Claire. “I’m really glad you came in. I was just telling the manager about you. We’re getting ready to launch a new ad campaign for the shop – print and web ads, that sort of thing. I think you’d be just perfect for the photos.”“Gee,” said Olivia...
JANE "My cock is six inches long. Not much compared to many guys, I admit, Jane, but those six inches are very willing to take care of your little problem." I had just barely opened the store. My wife had shut me off the previous evening, 'tired from taking care of the children', - believe that and I have a bridge for sale - and my quick jerk-off into the toilet had not really been satisfying. Well, no more than usual, anyway. Some people think that being a pharmacist is nothing but...
Bob Turner climbed out of his car and grabbed his briefcase. It was still early afternoon on a Friday, but he had given himself the afternoon off. He unlocked the front door and went into the house. Setting his briefcase down in the foyer, he called out, in a high, false voice, “Lucy, I’m home!” Paige smiled in the kitchen where she was washing dishes. “Jack? Is that you?” she called out sweetly. Bob wandered into the kitchen. “Who’s Jack?” He came up behind Paige and kissed her on the back...
ALIAS SINBAD © 2014, 2019 by Anthony Durrant As I climbed up to the top of the clock tower of the Royal Palace of Bagrad, I could hear nothing at all. Hence, when I finally reached the window at the top, I simply climbed in through it and walked over to the gem set in the front of the main hall. Grabbing the gem, I ran back to the window, only to be grabbed from behind by a guard and dragged off to see the Crown Prince of Bagrad. ?You!? he shouted. ?You...
By PenKnave193 When I was in junior high school in the mid 1970’s the administration made the progressive move of making, on a trial basis, two of the ninth grade PE classes coeducational. One was to be taught by one of the boy’s PE coaches, and the other by one of the girl’s PE coaches. The boy’s coaches were very selective in their choices for this project: they only picked the best behaved boys, not necessarily the best athletes. I was one of those boys chosen. While my buddies and...
Tricia gripped the leather-wrapped steering wheel of her car and exhaled slowly as she watched the garage door to the underground parking lot of the highrise noisily open. She shut her eyes and squeezed the steering wheel tight to steady the quiver that shot through her hands. Her entire body trembled in anticipation of not knowing what awaited her.Her stomach fluttered when she thought about her husband and how easily and convincingly she had lied to him about meeting a college girlfriend for...
CheatingEvelyn was at a crossroad in her life. At forty-five, with her two kids away at university and her husband working long hours and travelling, she was struggling with how to fill the hours of the day she was alone with meaningful events. The recent months had proven to be especially challenging for Evelyn. Her sexual appetite had spiked and she often found herself daydreaming of a myriad of sexual fantasies.Evelyn frowned as she read the text from her husband. She had just sat down at a table...
CheatingJoseph Kerns, a senior at the Combs high school, stood by the sidewalk outside his house. As always he wore a nice dress shirt, though today he wore a brand new one that his girlfriend had helped him pick out yesterday.Girlfriend… Joseph thought to himself. He still had a hard time believing that he and Melea were actually together. He had been in love with her since the first time he saw her back when they were just juniors. Sometimes he found himself just staring into her deep brown eyes...
InterracialPrologue.Amanda and Nancy have much in common. They share the same birthday, grew up on the same street, went to the same schools and graduated from a prestigious university.They both married into the same, influential and very rich family. This wasn’t by fluke or fate. Amanda and Nancy had conspired and meticulously planned out their future, shortly after entering university.It didn’t take the two very beautiful and shrewd blondes any time at all to master the art of manipulation. A professor...
Cheating“What is this?” he asked, knowing the answer, “Oh, nothing it’s…” she tried to explain, Mike was still holding it, “This is porn! It’s a porn magazine in the form of a story!” She shook her head, insisting it was “Erotica” as he sat on the bed flicking through it, not really reading it, “You just leave this lying around in your room!? Maynard’s starting to read, I don’t want him seeing this around the house!” Susan argued back; “Hey, unlike you, I’m alone in no relationship, living by myself...
“Hey, so are you ready?” my thirty-five year old slutty friend, Stacey, asked me over the phone. “I’m not sure, Stacey,” I replied, even though I was totally ready in my yellow dress with no panties, as Stacey had told me. “Listen to me, I have spent a full hour explaining everything to you over the phone, now don’t even think about stepping back,” Stacey threatened me. Yesterday she called me, and when I told her about things not going so well between my husband and I, she offered to help...
Introduction: Divorce brings friends together Cassie walked deep into her front yard and then turned to look at her front porch. Cornstalks flanked the dark red front door, intertwined with artificial autumn leaves garland. On each side of the first step, she had placed a black urn filled with red fountain grass, a purple decorative cabbage, salmon colored verbena, bright asters and sweet potato vine. On the next step down were clusters of orange and white pumpkins, sprinkled with colorful...
It was around ten in the morning, and I was in my bedroom reading a magazine. I was bored, and a little horny. I had fucked my pussy with my blue dildo this morning in the shower, but that didn’t help much. I was thirty-five years old and married, but my husband was never there when I needed a cock to satisfy my needs. I grabbed my phone and called Sean. Sean was the guy I met in a party. He was twenty-one years old, hot, cute, and had a nice big cock that any woman would dream about. He was...
(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.)"And for the rest of the day, we can look forward to more sunshine and great weather…" Weatherman Alan Westerman broadcasted from a high point overlooking the beautiful suburbs of Valley County.Over on crest road, a neighborhood filled with lush green trees and beautiful architecturally designed homes, a woman's moans traveled out through the garden facing windows of one of the homes.Jamilah Najjar, a...
Interracial"My name's David and I've lived in the same neighborhood my entire life. There's always been something kind of off about it though, like something is always looming in the darkness during the nights or something hiding in the woods. " I said as I sat infront of Alan's camera. "You need to add more emotion to it man, it has to seem real, like you're actually scared." Alan nagged me. Alan had always been super into videos and movies, he's probably taken every single class related to it that our...
Group SexReturning home, Lexi found her neighbor Annalise waiting on the porch, smiling sheepishly. Lexi wondered how long she had been waiting there.“I saw your dad on his way out this morning,” said Annalise. “He said he’d be gone a couple of days, so I thought I’d bring you something to eat.” She indicated the casserole in her hands, which appeared to contain roasted chicken.Lexi felt pretty sure that this was not the real reason for Annalise’s visit. Despite the coldness of the day, the older woman...
Always the polite hostess, Jessica agreed. As Janice helped her into the strap-on she thought about Rose and Rebecca, wondering if she might get to fuck one or both of them later on. It seemed like almost too much to ask for, so Jessica decided to put it from her mind, concentrate on the task at hand, and hope for the best.Once the artificial cock was securely in place, Janice dropped to her knees to suck it. She made quite a production of the “blowjob,” licking up and down and around, using...
John had looked forward to this day for weeks. His advert on the Swingers website advertising his services as a "Naked Cleaner" had finally paid off. Arrangements had been made by a man wanting to surprise his wife for her birthday and finally the day had arrived. John stood at the door and rang the bell. Not quite sure what to expect, John was pleasantly surprised by what he say. Judith was a 40 year old, slim, attractive blonde. She was wearing a white blouse that was semi-transparent where...
After returning home that night, Sara Valentine went for a long walk around the neighborhood, reflecting on all that had happened to her over the last few days. First she had surrendered herself to Kelly and Kat; then she had let Kat and Lexi treat her like a servant and sexual plaything in her own house. Then today she had taken part in a mini-orgy in her classroom with four cheerleaders. What might happen next?Unbeknownst to her, just at this moment she was right in front of Jessica Braden’s...
Kat stripped off her skirt and panties and climbed up onto the desk, lowering her pussy onto Sara’s waiting mouth. Holding on to the teacher’s breasts for support, Kat ground down hard, trying to coat Sara completely with her juices. Meanwhile Lexi and Ana knelt by the desk. Each of them held one of Sara’s legs and they opened her as wide as she would go, then slowly they licked their way up until they met in the middle. After sharing a wet kiss they bent down to tongue the teacher’s slippery...
On Tuesday Senior English was the last class before lunch. Sara Valentine was slightly more composed than she’d been the day before, but anyone who was paying attention – as Kat certainly was – noticed that she spent the entire class sitting behind her desk. This was uncharacteristic for Ms. Valentine, who liked to stand up and wander around the classroom as she engaged in discussions with the students.Kat smiled to herself because she knew exactly what was going on. Before leaving Sara’s house...
Monday was an awkward day at school for Sara Valentine. Her first class that morning was Senior English, and remembering what had gone on between Kat, Kelly Ann, and herself the previous night, she had a hard time concentrating. For the most part she studiously avoided both girls’ eyes but every so often she’d catch a glimpse of one or the other and immediately blush, or feel a distracting tickle between her legs, or both.Then at lunch she turned the corner into the cafeteria and there was Kat,...
Things had just started to get really interesting – Jessica had managed to get Rose to go down on Rebecca, and was moving into position to straddle Rebecca’s face – when there was a loud ringing. Lifting her head from her friend’s crotch, Rose located her phone and studied it for a few seconds.“It’s my uncle,” said Rose. “He’ll be wondering where we are.”And with that the moment was over – Jessica knew there was no sense pushing her luck and having this uncle coming snooping around. She helped...
“I just sent her this,” said Kelly, holding up her phone for Ms. Valentine to see. The lighting was not good but it was clearly a picture of the teacher naked and bound, her mouth agape and her legs slightly parted. “Though I like this one too.” She brushed her finger across the phone and the picture changed to one taken from Kelly’s point of view. The top of Ms. Valentine’s head was visible but the rest was buried in red pubic hair.Sara Valentine groaned. Not only had she been fooled and used,...
Kat had just arrived back home when her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number, and initially her instinct was just to ignore it. At the moment she wanted a nap more than anything. But at the last possible moment she impulsively changed her mind and picked up.The voice on the other side was quiet and hesitant at first. “Kat?”“Yeah, this is me. Who’s calling?”“Um, it’s, um, me. Ms. Valentine.” There was a momentary pause on the line. “Maybe you should call me Sara.”A big, wicked grin spread...
Immediately upon entering the fitting room, Olivia dropped to her knees and lifted Gina’s skirt. For a minute she just sat savoring the scent in the vicinity – Gina had been marinating for awhile, and the smell that lingered around her was like smoked salmon coated in honey.Olivia picked up a pair of slinky white panties and helped Gina step into them. She pulled them into place and leaned back to admire how they looked, then took hold of them and began to work the crotch up into Gina’s slit....
Gina Moretti’s little ones were with her husband so she and Olivia had spent the whole weekend together, rarely leaving the house or even putting on clothes. The sexual chemistry between them was intense – the more they went at it, the more they wanted. On Saturday alone they had fucked in the bedroom, the bathroom, the living room, and the dining room.Sunday morning Olivia woke alone in Gina’s bed, yawning and stretching, feeling well-rested and content. Making her way downstairs, Olivia found...
With her father out of town again, Lexi had been indulging herself that day. It was cold outside, but she’d turned the heat in the house way up and spent the afternoon trying on clothes from her closet and admiring herself in the full-length mirror in the master bedroom. She was not normally a vain girl, but lately she had been getting a lot of exercise and eating right, and at the moment she was feeling very good about her body.By midafternoon she had tried on most of her dresses, skirts, and...
Just as Jessica had predicted, Ella’s party turned out to be a staid and rather dull event, despite the presence of Marie and Jane serving drinks and hors d’oeuvres in bondage gear. It wasn’t until after the last guest had left that things started to get interesting.It was Ella’s husband's birthday and she had planned a special treat for him. After saying goodnight to the last couple, Ella locked the door, returned to the living room, and instructed Marie and Jane to clear off the big table...
Riding back to town in the limousine, Kat again drifted in and out of consciousness. The sun was going down outside, but she couldn’t see it, even though she had been allowed to ride in the back of the limo this time instead of the trunk. She was blindfolded and handcuffed to Lucy on one side and Casey on the other side; every so often one of them reached over with a free hand to fondle Kat’s breasts or play with her pussy. As a result she was in a constant state of low-level arousal and the...
While Kat was having her adventure with Mistress Mimi, Jessica was having quite an interesting day of her own. As the sun was setting she found herself, quite unusually, alone in the house. Ella had asked to borrow Marie and Jane to serve drinks at a party she was having, and Jessica had agreed while declining to attend herself. Jessica knew this particular crowd of Ella’s friends, and while they would no doubt think themselves wild and daring to be served by “slave girls” in lingerie, they...