The Origin of Millie Marie and her Housewives
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Divorce brings friends together Cassie walked deep into her front yard and then turned to look at her front porch. Cornstalks flanked the dark red front door, intertwined with artificial autumn leaves garland. On each side of the first step, she had placed a black urn filled with red fountain grass, a purple decorative cabbage, salmon colored verbena, bright asters and sweet potato vine. On the next step down were clusters of orange and white pumpkins, sprinkled with colorful chords of the season. Her eye for detail caused her to move one of the urns back approximately one inch.
Youre the only one I know who would think those urns werent perfectly spaced, Becky called as she crossed the street to Cassies yard. You really do make the rest of us feel just a little inadequate.
What? Dont you dare say that, my friend. Weve been neighbors for far too long for you to feel that way. Besides, look at all of those ghosts hanging in your maple tree and the tombstones you put in your front yard. You know the kids in the neighborhood love your display the best. Now that my kids are gone, Im no longer one of the fun houses.
Becky sighed. Isnt it funny how you and I are always the ones working in our yards while our husbands are off doing other things?
Cassie nodded sadly. Its been that way for years. Every spring were cleaning up and laying down new mulch. Every fall were raking leaves and decorating for the season. Is Dave off on his cycle?
Yeah, I suppose Mark is playing golf.
Nothing ever changes. Ill probably see you shoveling snow this winter, too.
Sometimes she wanted to scream.
Cassie sat at her desk each day, smiling at co-workers, exchanging mindless pleasantries and doing what she considered to be a good job for her boss. She loved her job because it was demanding, fast-paced and never boring. The people she worked with were great, and they worked as a cohesive team, but they were clueless about her, just like her family.
Their kids were grown and off leading their own lives. She realized that a lot of couples go through that period when the wife is always too tired. She had let herself go and placed her childrens lives first, as most parents do. The marriage began unraveling and now Cassie and Mark were two people sharing a house. Not a bedroom, just a house. House mates with their own interests, wants, and needs.
By the time Cassie began to develop a renewed interest in a physical relationship, she was no longer attracted to Mark. Neither of them were the people they were when they first fell in love. Mark had his own physical issues, and Viagra is not a cure if you dont also seek to improve your health. There was a lot of passive tension in the home now.
Right before Cassie turned fifty, she decided work on self-improvement. She began eating healthier, went for walks each evening and started looking at things with different eyes. She was the same person she always was, with the same amount of energy and enthusiasm for life. But now the trees and grass looked different. The air smelled sweeter. She realized she was missing something in her life that girlfriends and shopping could not fill. She was lonely, and the long winters didnt help.
The changes in Cassies body and attitude found her receiving attention from men, even if she and her husband were out having dinner. She didnt understand it, so she chose to ignore it. She and Mark didnt know how to talk to each other anymore. Their couple friends now all wintered in Florida, so the snowy months led to more solitude. She was forced to change jobs, so many work friends had pretty much moved on. She literally went to work, grabbed her dinner and went to the guest room which was now her bedroom. No, she wasnt even sharing the house with her husband, she was living in one room of it.
Cassie was zipping up her jacket to head outside to shovel, hopefully for the last time of the season. She looked out her kitchen window, watching Beckys garage door open. Thats odd, she thought. Neither Daves truck nor motorcycle was parked there.
Outside, she became lost in her thoughts while scraping the frozen crystals from the front walk, when she heard Becky call to. Hey Cassie, can you do me a favor?
Sure, what do you need?
Im going to visit my sister in Texas. Would you mind watching the house while Im gone? I fly out Friday night and Ill be gone for two weeks.
Sure, not a problem. Im surprised Daves going. I know hes never really gotten along with Diana.
Becky pushed her hood back, dropped her head and quietly said, Daves gone.
Cassie felt like she had been punched. Www&hellip,.what?
Tears welled up in Beckys brown eyes. When she finally spoke, she was crying so hard the words came out in hiccups. Cassie put her arm around her and led her back to her home and got her out of the cold.
H&hellip,.h&hellip,.he was sssssss&hellip,.sleeping with h&hellip,.her!
Christ, this was bad. When Becky finally calmed down, she told Cassie about the weeks since the first of the year. Dave had been having an affair with a young woman at work, who told him she was pregnant. He explained to Becky that he promised to marry her and give the child his name. Apparently the promises he made on his and Beckys wedding day meant nothing. Now, their sons would have nothing to do with him and their eldest accused Becky of driving Dave into the arms of another woman.
I cant do this. I cant be here right now. Diana is actually paying for my flight. Oh, Cassie, what am I going to do when I get back?
We can cross that bridge when we come to it. Go see your sister, work on yourself, and come back feeling good about you.
Becky was no longer crying, because there just werent any tears left. I have to pack. I have to call the boys. I just want to get out of here. Hell, I dont even want to come back, but this is my house. I came up with the down payment and I paid the mortgage each month. Im not going to leave it just because of that cheating liar.
Cassie was at a loss for words. She never dreamed Dave and Becky were having problems. No one really knows what goes on behind closed doors, she thought. As she made her way across the street to her home, she felt something she hadnt expected. Dave left, Becky was alone, and Cassie was envious.
Mark was stretched out in his recliner, watching basketball. He barely acknowledged Cassies presence when she sat down on the sofa to tell him about their neighbors.
I just had an interesting talk with Becky, she began.
Mark, can you give me a couple of minutes? This is sort of important, Cassie tried again.
Look, can you just hold off until the game is over?
Mark! Its a damn game! You dont need sound and you can look at me for a couple of minutes so I can talk to you!
His lack of response was all that was needed to answer Cassies question. She got up, went to her bedroom, and closed the door just like she did every evening when she got home from work.
Spring finally dug its heels in and decided to stay. Both Cassie and Becky could be seen working in their yards each weekend. No one in the neighborhood seemed to take notice of Daves departure, or at least they werent talking to each other about it. Even Mark seemed oblivious to the goings on across the street. The girls went to the garden store together to pick up fertilizer and mulch, getting a much better deal for buying a larger amount. Mark was sitting on the porch when Becky backed into their driveway so they could unload the heavy bags. He continued to sit there while the girls stacked them next to the garage, not saying a word to either one of them. They then crossed the street to Beckys house to do the same.
Cassie was fighting tears as she thought of how rude Mark was not to offer help. When the truck was empty, Becky touched her arm so that Cassie would look at her. Thats when the tears flowed.
Pulling her around the house, Becky pulled Cassie into her arms and let her cry, not saying a word. When the tears no longer came, Cassie raised her head and sadly looked at Becky.
I cant do it anymore, Cassie said, in a voice barely above a whisper. I pretend that everything is fine when its not.
Come on in the kitchen. Ive got some wine in the refrigerator. Lets grab a glass and we can talk.
I dont have a marriage. I dont even have a partnership, Cassie began. He does his thing, I do mine, and we lead separate lives. I dont know when hes working late, he just doesnt come home. On the weekends if I get up and hes not there, then I guess he goes to the golf course. We dont talk about anything. The kicker was that last weekend I got a call from a collection agency on an account I didnt know existed.
What? How did that happen?
Cassie shook her head and replied, Apparently, we opened it over twenty years ago when we first got married. I never had a card and now theres over $7500.00 owing. Because my name is on the account, I am partially responsible. I can pay it off if I take the money out of my retirement, Becky, but when I told him about it he just shrugged it off. I called and told them to close the damn account! You have no idea how unhappy I am and how much I hate being over there.
Becky shook her head and said, No, I dont know how it is, but Im pretty sure I have an idea of how youre feeling, betrayed.
Oh God, Im sorry! I had no business&hellip,. Cassie looked frantic.
Becky reassured her, Hey girl, dont worry about me. Ive had a couple of months to get used to Daves betrayal and the kids are both by my side now. I hired a great lawyer who survived a nasty divorce and a cheating husband. Im going to be fine. Im worried about you now, Cassie. Ive never seen you like this, and weve been neighbors for a long, long time.
They spent about an hour talking, and instead of feeling confused and alone, Cassie actually felt like a huge weight had been lifted. With the promise of a place to stay if needed, she walked across the street to her home, to finally speak to Mark.
Cassie was unbelievably calm as she stood in the doorway to his bedroom. Can I talk to you, Mark?
Would you mind looking at me?
Mark rolled over on the bed and seemed to look at Cassie, at the same time keeping an eye on the game.
Mark, Ive been thinking about this for a long time. We arent nice to each other anymore. We dont treat each other with the love and respect that we each deserve. Its not your fault, its not my fault. We just arent connected anymore and I think wed be better off as friends than as a married couple. I think we should see about getting a divorce.
For the first time in months, Cassie had Marks full attention. The words he spoke answered every unasked question she had. Do you think we can afford that?
Cassie turned around and went up to her bedroom. Within a week she had an appointment with a mediator and emailed Mark the date and time. At their first appointment, Cassie made it perfectly clear that she didnt want anything from Mark. They had both worked and she felt they should be allowed to keep their own pensions, etc. He was entitled to half of their household belongings and they agreed that each could stay in the house until it sold. As cold as their marriage had become, the divorce agreement was just as cold and factual. Papers were filed and they were officially divorced within two months.
It was uncomfortable, to say the least. Cassie made an appointment at her bank and found out she could afford to buy Mark out of their home. He didnt have a problem with that, and she told him he could stay until the sale was finalized. Cassie and Mark had witnessed so many divorces amongst their friends, filled with innuendo, back-stabbing and name-calling, they agreed to keep their split quiet until the last moment. At least thats what Cassie thought. A message from a mutual friend on Facebook asked why Marks status had changed to divorced. He never told her he was going to do that and she felt completely blind-sided. That night she asked him to consider moving out of the house and by the time the weekend arrived, the moving truck pulled up and he was gone.
She was sitting in the middle of an empty living room when the doorbell sounded. Without waiting for an answer, Becky walked into the house. Cassie looked up at her friend and began to cry. The two sat on the floor for hours, talking about the turn of events and how their lives in no way mirrored those of their parents. As daylight melted away and darkness laid its blanket over the town, Cassie no longer felt as sad. Wine was opened, pizza was ordered and Cassies first night alone was no longer lonely.
Summer was coming to an end, but not the heat. It had been one of those really hot and humid weeks that drained your energy. Cassie was having a go at the late season weeds in her front flower bed when she heard Becky call from across the street.
Hey! Have you got plans for dinner?
Other than collapsing after a shower?
I picked up a couple of small steaks to grill. Come one over around six and well get them started, Becky called to her. And bring a bottle of wine, if youve got one.
Cassie felt a little more human after a cool shower. She pinned her tawny hair on top of her head and grabbed a loose fitting sundress. Cassie had really worked on her fitness that summer and it showed. Her legs were toned and tan and now that she was less stressed, she actually looked younger. There was a spring in her step that hadnt been there the previous summer.
Becky was in the kitchen tossing a green salad and looking like a teenager in short denim shorts and a halter top.
Look at us, laughed Cassie, two hot mamas and no place to go.
Becky pouted and said, Who said we didnt turn down dates? We could call this the divorce celebration dinner neither of us had. Besides, its nice to have a girls evening. I dont know about you but dating at our ages isnt all that its cracked up to be.
Did I tell you? asked Cassie with her eyes wide open and an incredulous look on her face. So this guy contacted me from that dating site. Do you know the first thing he asked was if I had read 50 Shades of Gray and had I seen the movie! I almost spit out my drink when I read that. I proceeded to give him a critique on that badly written piece of shit. He came back and told me that wasnt exactly what he meant. Really?
They carried the salad, wine and steaks to the back deck, where the grill was already warming up. The two friends laughed and compared notes. Becky, having been alone a bit longer, had already gone through two boyfriends. Cassie wasnt in a real hurry, even though her ex had started and was in an exclusive relationship with the first woman he asked out.
Beckys backyard was so pleasant, the house shading the area from the lowering sun. Her deck was set up with an area to grill and eat, lounge chairs and a hot tub. French doors opened into Beckys bedroom, making it the perfect spot for late night dates.
The steaks were grilled to perfection and the first bottle of wine went down very smoothly. Cassie ran home to grab another bottle she had in the refrigerator. She noticed that she felt just a little bit light-headed and giddy. When she arrived back at the deck, Becky was in the process of taking the cover off the hot tub. She looked at Cassie with cute smile and said, Just in case&hellip,.
They talked and talked until the sun went down and the solar garden light started to glow. Becky lit some candles on the decks railing and filled their glasses yet again.
Any thoughts about going in the tub?
Do you know how long its been since Ive been in an outdoor hot tub? My kids were still pretty young, she told Becky. I remember you telling me about your hot tub in the winter. Soak in the tub, get out and roll in the snow and then get back in the tub.
You know Dean and I loved the tub in the winter. Theres something about looking up at the stars, steam rising to mix with the falling snowflakes. I havent had that since he left. Oh, Im sure I will again, but I do miss that. Becky sighed and asked, Do you miss being married, Cassie?
She had given this serious thought over the last few months. Its all still really new to me. Im alone, but not lonely. I have a freedom that I didnt have those last few years. I can walk around my house, paint the rooms any color, and light as many candles as I want. I have peace now and if it works out, great. If I die a miserable old woman, then thats the chance I took. At my age, I just feel like there has to be more to life than living in my bedroom.
The darker it became, the quieter their voices were. Becky brought out some Irish Crè,me Liqueur after the wine was gone.
Oh right, Cassie laughed. Thats exactly what I need. And whos going to make sure I make it safely across the street?
You can always stay here, we can have a pajama party. Hey, why didnt we think of that sooner? Do you realize that out of the twelve houses on this street, eight of them are owned by single women? Becky laughed harder now. Granted two of them are a whole lot older than we are, but weve got our own Wisteria Lane working!
The pair fell into uncontrollable giggling, then shushing, each trying to quiet the other. A sudden gurgle from the tub got them laughing all over again.
Want to go in?
The tub? I didnt bring my suit, Cassie explained.
Becky stood up and started untying her halter. Really Cassie? I think were old enough to get in there nude. Come on, when was the last time you did anything close to skinny dipping?
With that, Beckys top fell to the floor of the deck, quickly followed by her denim shorts. Standing there in all her naked glory, she spun around with her hands in the air saying, Come on! Itll be fun. Loosen up, Cassie!
Becky continued to dance around the deck, her small breasts bouncing to the beat of some unheard song. Cassie noticed that her friend was not a natural blonde, which struck her as being really funny. She stood up, pulled her dress over her head and then pulled her panties down, finally giving them a kick into the yard. Becky grabbed her hands, encouraging her to dance. When they stopped dancing, catching their breaths, they clumsily got into the hot tub.
It was quiet before Becky let out a little high-pitched sound. Whup!
What happened?
Ha&hellip,.ha&hellip,.ha&hellip,. ha, the jet from the tub just gave me a little tickle you-know-where, Becky told her. Felt kind of good, you know?
Normally, Cassie would have been at a loss for words, but with just the right amount of alcohol in her, the inhibitions washed away with the water. Well, its been a long time since Ive been with a man, but I do have my bag of toys in my closet.
Ha! Me too! Oh my God, I feel so good knowing Im not the only one, Becky explained. This may sound really bad, but Ive actually gone on those sites to read sex stories. Does that make me bad?
I hope not. Some of my best nights are while Im reading.
Becky moved closer and spoke in a voice that was barely above a whisper. Then I hope this doesnt make me bad either.
Before Cassie could ask her what she meant by that, Becky leaned in and gently kissed her lips. If she had been completely sober, Cassie probably would have recoiled in shock. But the wine and the hot tub had relaxed her to the point where she simply allowed it to happen. Cassie was surprised that she was able to formulate thoughts, and she thought that the kiss was not all that bad.
Becky pulled back and looked at her. Im not even sure why I did that Cassie. Ive never kissed another woman like that ever.
Well, that was my first time, too. Um&hellip,.what did you think?
Okay, this may sound weird, but it was kind of okay. I mean, Im not attracted to women. I dont think either one of us is, but it was really kind of okay. What did you think? Becky asked her.
Cassie wasnt quite sure what to say. It wasnt horrible, but it also wasnt anything she had ever thought shed do. It wasnt bad. Im not sure what it was. It was just different.
Becky moved in front of Cassie, cupped her face and kissed her once again. This time, there was no hesitation and equal participation from both. In fact it was Cassie who gently pushed her tongue into Beckys mouth. Their tongues played, their arms began to wrap around each other and soon the women were breast to breast, kissing in the hot tub. The warm water swirled around their bodies as they explored each others mouths for several minutes, until Becky pulled back.
Cassie couldnt believe she could still look her friend in the eye. Wow, she said breathlessly.
Becky nodded in agreement. Yeah, no kidding, she said.
Look, Becky, Cassie started, Im not sure whats going on but I definitely never dreamed Id be kissing another woman, let alone my long-time neighbor.
Well, its not like I planned it. It just sort of happened. It wasnt bad, was it? Becky asked.
Cassie shook her head. No, it wasnt bad. It wasnt bad at all.
Becky leaned in so they could kiss again. Cassie was nervous, but wasnt sure why. Was it because she was enjoying a sexual encounter with another woman? She had always taught her kids that sexuality between two consenting adults was fine, no matter what their sexes. Cassies hand went to the back of Beckys head, holding her close. With that kind of encouragement, Becky lightly ground herself against Cassie.
Beckys mouth began to travel down her neck, causing a whimper to escape Cassies mouth. Kissing, nibbling, licking, Becky was feasting on Cassies wet skin. Cassie arched her back, bringing her breasts to the surface of the water. Becky wasted no time in latching onto one breast, while her hand massaged the other. Cassies hands left Beckys body to hold onto the sides of the hot tub, making sure her chest was completely accessible to her friend.
It was as if sucking on her friends breast was completely natural. To Cassie, it was as if Becky read her mind about how she would like to be touched. Perhaps a woman instinctively knows how to treat another womans body. Perhaps it was performing what she would like to have done. It didnt matter to the women that night, they were both hungry for pleasure they hadnt experienced for a while.
Cassie reached down and raised Beckys face to hers, hungrily searching out her mouth. She moved forward, pushing Becky toward the other side of the tub and then starting her own exploration. Her small breasts had hard round nipples and they seemed to call to Cassie. She lowered her head and almost completely covered the breast with her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the nipple in between little kisses and gentle bites. Becky moved her hands to the back of Cassies head, holding her while she tried to push more of her breast into her mouth.
Oh God, Becky muttered as she broke free and pulled Cassie up into a standing position. We need to go inside. Now!
They quickly wrapped themselves in towels and headed through the door into Beckys bedroom. The only light was from one in the adjoining bathroom. Cassie dropped her towel and playfully pulled Beckys from her body.
Natural blonde? Ha! I dont think so!
Becky laughed and looked down at Cassie. Well, I would the say the same about you, but someone shaves. I never would have guessed that about you.
I read about it and decided to try. It really feels good underneath my work clothes.
Becky grabbed Cassies hand and pulled her toward the bed. They fell together, mouths kissing, hands exploring, legs intertwined and pelvises moving in an erotic motion. While Becky nursed from Cassies very ample chest, Cassie dropped her hands and trailed them down Beckys back, massaging her round butt. No words were necessary in this search for pleasure.
She pulled her mouth away from Cassies nipple and began to trail sweet little kisses down her abdomen. Cassies movements invited Becky to keep going, so she felt completely comfortable reaching between Cassies legs and massaging the soft flesh she found there. Cassie grabbed the bedcovers and raised her hips, inviting Becky to keep going.
Becky gently pushed her finger into Cassies slit, running it up and down and feeling the hot moisture contained there. She whispered, I just have to know.
Becky moved Cassies feet and began to spread them. It was as if the air filled with feminine musk. Cassie did not resist as Becky began to trail kisses up her right leg to her hairless valley, kissing even the creases of her legs, and moving down her left leg. Becky wasted no time in kissing her way back up again.
Cassie was moaning and moving her hips in a sensual dance. Becky moved her hands under both legs and raised Cassies knees to open her wide. She starred at the beads of wet that seemed to leak out of Cassies slit. The sight was irresistible and so she lowered her head to taste them.
Ahhh&hellip,. Cassie cried out, almost jumping off the bed.
Becky used her thumbs to fully open her now and then ran her tongue from hot, wet hole to clit and back again. She ran her tongue all around the inside, deliberately avoiding the clit. Becky could feel her own juices beginning to form while she played between Cassies legs.
I need it. I need it, Cassie whimpered.
As Beckys lips met the throbbing clit in front of her, she pushed her finger inside of her friend and began to fuck her with it. Cassies hips began meeting Beckys finger, and her hands grabbed Beckys head and held it tight to her pussy. Remembering what Dave used to do to her, Beckys middle finger slid back to tickle Cassies other hole.
Oh, God! Cassie screamed. Make me cum!
Becky sucked her clit harder and pumped her finger in and out, faster and faster. The body she was feasting on grew tense and Cassies hips raised high into the air, as a scream pierced the night. Suddenly, Beckys hand was filled with wetness. It was as if that scream drained Cassies body and she collapsed on the bed. Becky pulled away and kneeled at the end of the bed, watching her friend pant like a tired animal.
Crawling up next to her neighbor, Becky whispered, Are you okay?
Sleepy eyes barely opened, and a lazy smile crossed Cassies face. Oh wow. Just&hellip,wow.
Glad I could help out, Becky told her. Now, Im so horny its not going to take me long at all. Would you be a real friend and fuck me with my rabbit?
Cassie supposed she should have been shocked, but considering what had just taken place, she couldnt be. She nodded and then watched Becky slide off the bed and go to her closet. She carefully began to unwrap a pink vibrator with rabbit ears that would hug a womans clit. She pulled out a bottle of Astroglide lube and drizzle it over the toy.
Sitting up, Cassie made room for Becky to lie down, kissing her as she took the vibrator from her hand.
Just please tell me if I hurt you.
Cassie, Becky said as she laid back and spread her legs, stick it in me now because I think Im going to crawl out of my skin if you dont.
As Cassies trembling hand approached her pussy, and while Becky massaged her own clit, she reached out to guide the rabbit home. Once the vibrator was inside her, Becky showed her how she liked it. Cassie was almost hypnotized by watching the shaft disappear inside her friend and then sliding back out. She looked at the control buttons and turned the clit stimulator on high, trying to keep it close to Beckys clit while moving the toy in and out.
Becky was lost in the feeling, pulling on her own nipples and shouting, Fuck me, fuck me hard!
Her hips bounced up and down on the bed, meeting the hard thrusts that Cassie was giving her. True to her word, it didnt take long before Becky reached for the rabbit and held it tight inside of her while her body shook with orgasmic pleasure. When her hand fell away from the toy, it slipped out her hole, leaving a trail of moisture behind it. Cassie picked it up, turned it off and set it aside.
Grabbing an afghan, Cassie crawled next to Becky and covered both of them. Wrapping their arms around each other, they hugged, and exchanged little kisses. Cassie could taste herself on Beckys lips. Eventually they napped.
Sometime in the middle of the night, Cassie got up and retrieved her dress from the deck.
Are you going home? a voice asked in the darkness.
Yeah, I really feel I should, she replied.
Becky got up to give her friend a hug. Im not saying Im ready to play for the other team, mind you. But tonight was kind of fun.
It was different, thats for sure. It was different in a good way. And Im not ready to give up men, but that was really nice, you know?
Becky looked at her with a serious look on her face. You know, it can happen again, but only if we both really want to, okay?
Deal. And who knows, maybe we could have a monthly neighborhood Girls Night, Cassie suggested.
Now wait a minute, Delores and Ruth have each got to be close to ninety. Ruths daughter is just plain nuts and Divya has a boyfriend now. But, Becky went on, Terri and Shaina are both single.
The friends laughed, kissed good-bye, and retreated to their own beds.
The next morning Cassie briefly wondered if it had really taken place, or if she had imagined it. A twinge from her clit told her it was all too real.
Who knows what else might happen on Wisteria Lane?
A bit about her background. She is a 5’4” lady with a 34/26/32 body Manisha. Her friends are Mona 36/34/36, Rita 32/28/30 and Isha 42/36/38. All of them are unsatisfied housewives and married more than 10 yrs. Their age group is between 32 and 38. All married to school time friends.They met on weekends as they had a Saturday night dinner at either one or the others places. The husbands though working with different companies were all workaholics and so their sex lives have become almost once in...
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Author's note: This story is completely fiction. Should any name used inthis work be the same as that of a real person, it is pure coincidence. Theauthor in no way condones the use of violence, torture, or capital punishmentby individuals or governments. - Jill
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It was a slow, rainy Saturday. Regina was lonely. She had just moved into town two weeks ago, away from her home and family for the first time, and was eager to make friends. Day after day, she existed in a growing rut of work, to home, to work again. She was not looking forward to spending the day alone when the mail came. Searching through the bills and junk mail, Regina noticed a legal envelope that wasn't addressed to her. Eager for any excuse to get out of her apartment, Regina quickly...
The It was in the late nineties, 1998 to be exact and I was living in a small apartment in downtown Montreal. I’d been divorced now for over three years after 25 years of marriage. Thankfully my kids had been out of the nest and living on their own at the time of my divorce. Some think I was lucky as after my husband had taken off with a much, much younger woman, as I was left with everything. So after my divorce which was not contested, I was left with our house, the furnishings and our car. ...
The following day being a Sunday, and as I had no plans for the day I kind of took stock of my situation. I had to admit to myself again that I not only liked the slutty life, but actually preferred it to the vanilla lifestyle. My ex husband had introduced me to it over the years, and we kind of lived a double life. Sex with him had been good, we did it in every imaginable way an in a multitude of situations. I'd often taken it up my ass to please him; he was often full of surprises that helped...
LesbianThe It was in the late nineties, 1998 to be exact and I was living in a small apartment in downtown Montreal. I'd been divorced now for over three years after 25 years of marriage. Thankfully my kids had been out of the nest and living on their own at the time of my divorce. Some think I was lucky as after my husband had taken off with a much, much younger woman, as I was left with everything. So after my divorce which was not contested, I was left with our house, the furnishings and our car. I...
LesbianForeword Thanks to those of you who were kind enough to read and comment on my first submission of Realms of Eden Book 1 – Sydney comes of Age (it’s in the Sci-Fi section). This is a rewrite of that book but from the story teller’s perspective rather than first person. My characters told me that they didn’t think they got enough time in my first book having to rely on Sydney’s view to get them noticed – so this is for them. I have introduced a new character, expanded out some of them and...
Your name is it important? I guess it could be. IN realms there are some places where you have great way of working out on range, sometimes not so fortunate you get stuck in place too long your surrounded by monsters and they choose to vore you or worst case scenario world decides to change your fate and end up in different fate. Names I offer to whom it concerns: Prince Dawn(25) luckless with ladies Caroline Wheat(18) immortal Sarah Hastings(18) naive virgin Thomas Basking(21) virgin unknown...
FantasyModern world scifi world: comes into two chapters or ideas that you stem into I branch it off according so you get general feel of story: Modern world scifi planetary: You can do all lot things, there are vending machines, objects get sent on invisible tablet system called E-hub which was created by brightest mind and thinks not by saki. Saki if anyone remembers from previous stories of Realms is descendants of main god, Saki King of all creation. He angel many feather feat one evidently...
FantasyI pulled open a door in the ether and stepped out onto Lakeside road. Well, stepped out and down and landed in a crumpled heap on the asphalt; always a risk over such a long distance. To be honest, opening an ethereal doorway, three feet above the ground, smack in the middle of the road you were aiming for, from over three thousand miles away, was pretty damn close. I picked myself up and dusted off my clothes. Habit. I couldn’t get dust on me in my ethereal form. As I stood in the road a...
SupernaturalSitting in my house staring at the phone. My ass took 2 days to recover the brutal Ruby. But ever since then I been riding anything that was smooth enough to slide in my ass. I never had anal sex before Ruby. The closest thing I found to replicate her size was a cucumber. It’s like I need it, to be filled, I crave it. I picked up the phone and called Ruby. Oh hey Chris, hows it going she chuckled.Well I still need a new house and I want you to be my realtor. One sec. I hear a car door close.Oh...
I was bent over the end of the couch. Her 10” cock slammed harder with each thrust into my throbbing asshole. Her thumbs holding my cheeks apart, she hate fucked my boy box. My cock was shriveled almost inside of me as she took her aggression out on me. You like that you pussy? You like my big dick rammed deep inside your virgin asshole? I know you do cause your tiny cock is dripping you faggot she shouted. I felt her climbing onto my back, her big fake DD tits on my back as her cock traveled...
I grew up very shy and did not experiment a lot. I kissed my cousin a few times and we played with each other’s bodies but that was about it. Marriage opened me to many great adventures with hubby but I was still a very shy girl. I did think that everything I ever needed sexually was right there beside me but that wasn’t the case, as I recently found out. About a year ago, hubby started travelling for business. In mid 2010 he went traveling around Canada for work and set me up with my...
I pulled open a door in the ether and stepped out onto Lakeside road. Well, stepped out and down and landed in a crumpled heap on the asphalt, always a risk over such a long distance. To be honest, opening an ethereal doorway, three feet above the ground, smack in the middle of the road you were aiming for, from over three thousand miles away, was pretty damn close. I picked myself up and dusted off my clothes. Habit. I couldn’t get dust on me in my ethereal form. As I stood in the road a...
Act 1 – Gathering Darkness Chapter 1 – Birthday Presents Sydney’s head hurt and turning over to block out the daylight streaming in through the motel window did nothing for the rest of his body either. He groaned loudly and Peter Bond called from the bed beside him, ‘Not the best this morning big fella!’ ‘Please Bondy, don’t shout,’ he whispered back, his groans started again as his voice sounded like a boom in his head. ‘I think you better get yourself in the shower, sport. You have a jet...
Act 2 — Play Games Chapter 1 — Only women bleed Kelsey and Sydney walked back towards their motel around midnight. Kelsey was a little tipsy as she giggled beside the warm body that held her up helping her keep one foot in front of the other as they walked in the moonlight. Suddenly she stopped. ‘Syddy,’ she cried, ‘didn’t Alfie want you to do something if you ever got up here? Something for Bonnie?’ The man’s eyes narrowed in concentration for a moment and he softly asked the nano-bots in...
Act 1 – Island Affairs Chapter 1 – The past catches up Sydney ran along the compacted sand of the beach lining Mwarotu Bay, the cloaked Majestic sat at anchor in the deep water to his left. The big muscular man with his dark mane of hair with its errant lock across his forehead shook as he ran. The dark-blue eyes were focussed on the sand in front of his feet barely lit by the pale overhead moon. Sydney’s enhanced vision made it easy for him to see in the darkness and his feet found solid...
Soon as the payment was confirmed my inbox chimed and I pursued the confirmation number that was promised to me. I clicked the new message titled Moonlight Mariner. I spun my chair to gaze upon the hologram that was centered in the room. The excitement was overflowing as I watched the translucent picture come to life before my eyes. “Hello Justice Cooper, I am Cynthia. I will be your personal host as we prepare to embark on your amazing journey aboard the Moonlight Mariner. I’d like to first...
“Oh Amy, my love!! The show is begun!” I hurried to run a brush thru my hair, I hit a snag and cursed. I, like many others, love my long wavy hair, but maintenance is not its main asset. “You are going to miss out on all the fun!!” I picked up my favorite lipstick, but pictured having to go to a restaurant with a horrible red rush job and said screw it, leaving it on the counter. “Hurry, hurry, hurry, mascara on one eye, no rouge, hurry, hurry, hurry,” my satanic boyfriend, Dan, chanted. I...
Realmstga is a beautiful and savage magical world filled with sword & sorcery, plus divine magic, there had been many wars fought, and many adventures partaken, by the multiple race's of Realmstga. Some of Realmstga’s lands are dominated, by the more ruthless and eviler races, orc strongholds, goblin wastelands, giant kingdoms, Dragon ruled, and underworld races, such as the dark-elves, gray dwarfs and other underworld races. However there, were many lands, ruled by the more just and lesser...
FantasyBelow you will find a selection of different events. Choose the one you want to relive.
BDSMAfter hearing about this place from just about every single one of my queens, gays and their lovers I decided to come to scoop this place out. XXXXX Pleasuretrium” for all your needs, wants and desires we have it all” Come and explore. So far nothing special seems like just another porn shop like any other. I have been to plenty of them. Truth be told I even worked at one for a few shorts months. I do say short months cause well, some toys need to be tried before sold. I need to give it my seal...
This is actually a completely random post. I was talking with my a friend the other day, and he reminded me of something I did at a party a while back. I used to go to parties and get completely trashed when I was in high school. And I had this ex Abi, who was a total control freak, but very atractive, she was 5'4, mix of mexican and caucasion, very smoothe skin, long black hair, big doe eyes, perky b cup size, and a very tight ass. one thing I hated was that she would tease and lead me on but...
Realignment By AlterEg0 A nerve impulse travels with the speed of thought from your eyes. That jolt of pain that is not pain when you are awoken by someone turning on all of the lights at once. Involuntarily you squint. Eyelids slamming shut as tears form at their corners. Only for a moment and then they begin to adjust. You don't know this room. "You have been chosen," says the voice. The voice is being altered says your mind. Lowered in pitch by some electronic device you...
Realizations By: Ann O'Nonymous "Well, so far, so good! Now to get to my apartment," Jack Roberts thought as he tried to make his way up the sidewalk. "Only a half block to go!" He staggered along, occasionally almost stumbling in the very unfamiliar 3" heels, trying to maintain his balance and keep his cuffed wrists as much out-of-sight as possible. There he was -- a Master's degree candidate -- wearing a frumpy dress, cheap perfume any "real" woman...
Reddit Real Girls, aka r/RealGirls! When we jerk off to porn, we’re jerking off to a substitute for the real thing – as humans, we mostly want sex and food in this life, everything else is second to those two basic animalistic necessities, so it’s imperative that we eat and fuck as much as we can in this life before we die. Now seeing as how we’ve evolved into a never before-comprehended society with incredible technology and socioeconomic factors which people living 1000s of years ago could...
Reddit NSFW ListAh, Virtual Real Porn! We live in beautiful times, my friend. Never before has porn been as prevalent, high-quality, or close to reality than it is right now. And it is only getting better with each passing day. In fact, I read an article recently about a company that just uploaded hundreds of thousands of hours of blowjob data into a robot equipped with artificial intelligence whose sole purpose will be to provide oral stimulation.Pretty fucking awesome, no? I’m not even worried about a...
VR Porn SitesReal Life Cam! Just face it: you are a creepy old man. Why else would you be interested in spying on other people on You are precisely the skeevy guy that girls are warned about and told to watch out for all their lives—the stranger danger stalker, the guy offering candy to girls if they’ll just get into his windowless van, the peeping Tom lurking outside in the dark, beating his meat while a girl gets ready for bed.There is one main difference, come to think of it, between you...
Live Voyeur CamsSex Like Real aka SLR VR! You’re ready for the future, aren’t you? Hell, you’re already living in the future. That’s why you’ve got your VR headset all set to pump hot sex directly into your eyeballs, letting you live the dream of fucking your favorite pornstars. Your only problem now is deciding which of the VR porn sites are worth your hard-earned spank money. Today, I’m going to take a look at Sex Like is fairly new to the sex movie industry, but so is VR tech....
VR Porn SitesReddit RealAsians, aka r/RealAsians! Asians… the most beautiful species of men; also, the ones who have the dirtiest kinds of pornography. Those who are into Asian babes are more than welcome to check out since this place is basically filled with them. Of course, I am not here to talk about that; I am here to talk about r/realasians/, a subreddit dedicated the Asian girls who love posting their selfies in this subreddit.Now, if you are here for something other than Asians, you must...
Reddit NSFW ListReddit RealPublicNudity, aka r/RealPublicNudity! Ah, Reddit, we meet again. This is a wonderful place filled with a little bit of everything, so no matter what the fuck you might be searching for, there is no doubt that you will find it right there. Well, now, let’s get down to what really matters, and the reason for you checking out this review. So, I heard you like to see horny girls expose themselves in public?Lucky for you has thousands of amazing subreddits for you to check out,...
Reddit NSFW ListReddit RealAhegao, aka r/RealAhegao! Sometimes, I feel like such a fucking Boomer… with all these new fetishes rising, and them having some weird-ass names, I can’t help but think that I am getting old. Good thing one can never be too old for porn, and that is why you are also here. Let me just start by saying that Reddit has it all, no matter what the fuck you might be searching for.As for those who have read the name of this subreddit and instantly clicked, yes, I am here to talk about...
Reddit NSFW ListVirtual Real Japan! If there was ever a great time to be alive, it’s 2022, right? It’s never been easier to catch a devastating respiratory virus, get laid off or stung by a murder hornet than it is right now. On the other hand, all this alone-time through social distancing gives us plenty of opportunity to appreciate the high-tech marvels of the modern age. VirtualRealJapan, for example, will let you experience Asian schoolgirl sex, lesbian encounters and kinky cosplay anal bangs from the...
VR Porn SitesReddit RealMoms, aka r/RealMoms! Like all normal men, I find curvy women attractive. For some reason, women generally build powerful curves only when they start to fall into the MILF category. So, for some goddamn reason, I am also obsessed with cougars and older chicks. Many dudes are in the same boat as me, and they love nothing more than to watch a gorgeous mom in some great fucking action. So, if you're one of those dudes, today, we'll all explore our deep and hidden mommy issues together,...
Reddit NSFW ListWhat exactly is a Real Porn Clip? Most of my daily viewing arguably falls into the broad category, but for some, it’s more precisely defined. The word Real, in particular, has certain connotations. It’s often associated with amateur porn, since it’s more likely to be unplanned and unscripted. Still, that only leads to more questions: if Real means Amateur, what does Amateur mean? has a particular vision of Real Porn, and a growing number of masturbators around the world agree....
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesI’ll never get tired of covering porn tubes. It’s the best part of my day. They just keep cropping up like weeds. Just when I think I’ve seen them all, a new one crops up to win a place in my heart and my boner. Right off the bat, you can tell that RealLifeCam means business. They’re clearly an up and coming porn tube, but they’re trying to break through to the mainstream with some quality content. They’ve made some interesting design choices here and there, but for the most part, the smut’s on...
Voyeur Porn SitesSexy Real Sex Dolls! Do you laugh at the thought of owning a sex doll? Well, you shouldn’t, you ignorant mother fucker! We live in the Internet age, meaning all of that shit is fair game. Whether you are lonely as fuck and want to ship the woman or male of your dreams to your home or you think owning a doll that looks human is going to impress your friends, you need to know where to turn to. The place to turn to begins at and with one quick visit, I think you are going to...
Sex Doll ShopsI thought Real Jam VR might be some kind of virtual reality music game, just based off the name. I got my VR gear on, ready to try out what might be the next version of guitar hero, but I just ended up fingering my skin flute. I’m definitely cool with whacking off while wearing an expensive and ridiculous looking sex helmet, but when I took the thing off, everyone in Starbucks was looking at me funny.2022 has been a killer year for VR. For one thing, Facebook finally seems to have brought the...
VR Porn SitesWhen you visit a site like Real Booru, you may not know what to expect. Particularly when you come across the stylish yet odd illustrated logo on the front page of RealBooru, you really do not understand what you are fucking getting into. It can make you feel a bit weird, to say the least, whenever you click the image and hop into the site, only to find a random assortment of porn videos, images, and GIFs.But once you get your bearings and figure out that RealBooru not only has a fuck load of...
Hentai Porn SitesBest Real Doll! Let’s face it. Real women are a hassle, and manufactured women who don’t speak are all the rage. Why in the Sam Hell would you go out of your way to coddle some spoiled brat when you could just pay money for a woman who knows her place, to begin with? I mean, the average woman is just going to bleed you dry and leave you for a dude with a bigger dick and a bigger bank account. It’s the natural order of things. Women gravitate to power. Dolls don’t have that problem, though;...
Sex Doll ShopsWhen Real Pornstars VR are available via just a few clicks of the mouse, why would anyone settle for fake pornstars in VR? Maybe it’s a matter of definition since anybody can claim to be a pornstar if they’ve ever aimed their phone at the head they were getting. This site wants you to know their pornstars are the real motherfucking deal, doing their best to set themselves apart from the amateurs before you even see their landing is a premium virtual reality porn site...
VR Porn SitesIt is exciting to watch a slut getting plowed and see her vigorously bounce on a cock. Only a few things in life are as pleaurable as wanking to bitches getting fucked.I have to say that reviewing porn sites and forums is one of the best jobs ever. I get to watch tons of videos and view endless about of pictures of sluts masturbating and getting fucked hard.Even those who constantly try to demonize porn cannot deny that watching porn is one of the most pleasurable experiences. There is no...
Twitter Porn AccountsVirtual Real Trans porn is about as close to real as you can virtually get with a trans pornstar, at least if the name is to be believed. Every technological advance in the world of pornography has aimed at improved quality, better immersion, and an overall higher level of realism for your masturbatory sessions, but I’d argue that the VR brands take it to the next level. When those big-titted babes are swinging their big ol’ boners at the camera and you’ve got the screen literally strapped to...
VR Porn SitesRealtor WendyWendy knew what she was doing, she had a craving to meet up with young guys, especially young black guys with their rampant sex drive and as she had found more often than not were blessed with big black cocks. Wendy had known for a long time that her husband wouldn't be able to satisfy her sexual desires and cravings.Wendy had managed to find a style which suited her perfectly as the woman who craved sexual encounters with young men. Most days she would wear a tight fitting vest...
Evan was a good looking guy….maybe mid-40’s, so a bit older than Barry and me….seemed genuine, with a good sense of humor, and a bit flirty. I don’t think Barry noticed, but I certainly did. Evan smiled my way a bit more than necessary, and struggled to keep his eyes off my chest as the three of us discussed house ideas and prospects. I get it….I’m an attractive brunette in my late twenties, with green eyes, a slim waist, and a pretty smile. But what had clearly caught Evan’s attention were...
She follows me down a winding trail through the fir, cedar and spruce forest to the shoreline of Georgian Bay. Waves gently lap against the shoreline of smooth, multi-colored pebbles, the air is heavy with the sweet scent of the surrounding forest, and the surface of the water is bright with countless tiny reflected beams of the sun as if there is a gigantic disco ball in the sky casting its sparkling radiance across the water to the edge of the horizon. Jennifer, my wife, happily wanders over...
These events took place in November 2011, alittle over a year ago…..My mind wandersfrequently; often in ways I do not intend, orwant. I do not know if I am unique or not, buton occasion, I find myself thinking about thingsthat society deems highly inappropriate. When Iallow myself to explore inappropriate fantasies, Iused do so with the strong belief that thesewere only fantasies; I would never actually actupon them. Further, I was comforted by thebelief that in the real world in which I live,...