Il Sogno Diventa Realtà, free porn video

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Introduction: Il racconto narra di un uomo e una donna che hanno una relazione cibernetica, e di un ipotetico loro incontro, dopo che da tempo reprimevano le reciproche pulsioni per timore di rovinare lamicizia. Incontro che forse diventer? reale. Narra di quando un giorno luomo prende liniziativa e si dichiara, ed esplodono entrambi in un turbinio di erotica passione, appagando tutti i desideri repressi da troppo tempo. Il racconto ? a tratti romantico, a tratti erotico, ? esplicito e coinvolgente pur non essendo mai volgare.- Il sogno diventa realtà,

Sono venuto a prenderti allaeroporto di Milano. Appena mi hai visto mi hai
fatto un radioso sorriso e mi sei corsa incontro. Ci siamo abbracciati
come buoni amici, quindi ti ho accompagnata al tuo albergo.
Appena giunti in stanza, ti ho donato un bouquet di rose rosse.
Ad una rosa avevo tolto tutte le spine e ci avevo messo sopra un
biglietto. Tu hai preso i fiori con un grande sorriso, poi hai visto
la rosa senza spine con il biglietto attaccato. Lhai aperto e lhai
letto. Cera scritto Questa sei tu. Una Rosa senza spine. Ti Amo.
Hai appoggiato il mazzo di rose sul tavolo, lentamente ti sei
avvicinata a me fissandomi negli occhi, in silenzio. Mi sono
avvicinato anchio. Ti ho guardata. E ci siamo baciati.
Sentivo la tua voluttuosa lingua accarezzare la mia, in un turbinio di
passione irrefrenabile, come onde che si infrangono sugli scogli… Da
troppo tempo attendevamo questo momento, e ora la nostra passione
finalmente correva libera come un cavallo selvaggio…
Mugolavamo di piacere… le lingue penetravano fino in gola, i nostri
cuori galoppavano sempre più, forti…
Mi stringevi forte a te fino quasi a soffocarmi, io ti accarezzavo le
guance rosa e i lunghi capelli, come mille fili di seta profumata.
Sentivo i tuoi capezzoli ritti come spade toccare i miei. Con una
mano iniziai ad accarezzarti i seni, quindi i capezzoli oltre alla
sottile maglietta modellata dalle tue statuarie forme. Gemevi di
piacere. Presi coraggio e infilai le mani sotto la maglietta e ti
sganciai il reggiseno, sempre continuando a baciarti.
Te lo sfilasti senza staccarti da me. Ti alzai la maglietta ed iniziai
a baciarti il seno e a leccarti e succhiarti i capezzoli,
completamente rigidi, come due piccoli chiodi. Impazzivi dal piacere.
Chinasti la testa allindietro con gli occhi chiusi, completamente in
estasi. Con una mano scesi e ti slacciai i jeans. quindi ti infilai la
mano nelle mutandine… Eri bollente, completamente bagnata, fradicia
di piacere e di voglia.
Infilai due dita nella tua fica invitante, e iniziai a muoverle
vorticosamente, ormai gridavi di piacere, la tua mano scese ad
accarezzarmi il pacco, reso voluminoso dalla mia eccitazione. Ti
compiacesti del risultato e mi slacciasti anche tu i jeans.
Lerezione aveva trasformato i miei boxer in Lycra in una t-shirt.
Infilasti dentro la tua mano e iniziasti a masturbarmi.
Impazzivamo entrambi dalleccitazione.
Il mio membro era come una manganello. Ti staccasti da me, ti
inginocchiasti, quindi iniziasti a succhiarlo, mugolando e gemendo più,
di prima, godendo come me.
Iniziasti a leccare dolcemente la punta. La tua morbida e vellutata
lingua mi dava dei brividi di piacere che mi facevano fremere, poi
ingoiasti tutto il glande, e con dolcezza iniziasti e rotearci la
lingua attorno. Mi sembrava di svenire! Ce lavevo grosso come non mai
e duro come il marmo, era come un obelisco egzio, ti stava a malapena in bocca. Poi iniziasti
anche a masturbarmi mentre continuavi a succhiare e leccare. Con
laltra mano mi accarezzavi le palle, facendomi impazzire. Poi
continuando a masturbarmi scendesti a leccarlo tutto, anche le palle,
ormai ero in estasi, lo riprendesti di nuovo in bocca, stavolta
cercando di ingoiarlo tutto, sentivo il glande che ti premeva sulla
gola bollente, una sensazione indescrivibile… Ti esplosi come un
vulcano fiumi di sperma bollente in bocca, e tu godesti con me,
ingoiando e succhiando tutto fino allultima goccia, avidamente.
Ti accarezzai e ti baciai a lungo, e con il pene ancora eretto ti
presi in braccio e ti misi sul letto. Presi le tue meravigliose e
lunghe gambe e iniziai, in ginocchio a leccarle e baciarle, salendo sempre più,.
Le tue dolci, calde e profumate labbra della tua fica imploravano i miei baci come un fiore implora lacqua…
Più, mi avvicinavo a quelloasi di piacere e più, tu gemevi,
completamente abbandonata alle mie carezze!
Arrivai alle tue cosce, tu allargasti ancora di più, le gambe, ti
apristi come un fiore che desidera il sole, e il sole arrivò,.
Baciai dolcemente il tuo voluttuoso clitoride, tu fremesti ed
iniziasti a massaggiarti seni e capezzoli. Leccai le calde e bagnate labbra della tua deliziosa vulva, infilai dentro la lingua e gustai il tuo nettare zuccherino. Era bollente come la tua passione. Iniziai a succhiarti il clitoride e a leccarlo tutto attorno dolcemente. Il tuo ano iniziò, a pulsare, stavi per venire, mi ripetevi ansimante: -Sì,, continua, continua…-
Lo feci, e con un lungo gemito inarcasti la schiena e mi venisti in bocca… Comera delizioso il tuo succo, amore mio!
Infilai la lingua dentro fino in fondo per non perdere neppure una goccia del tuo delizioso miele.
Quindi mi alzai, il mio membro era infuocato, chiedeva solo te…
Lo guardasti con una certa apprensione e mi dicesti: -Fai piano…-
Lo appoggiai con il glande sulle labbra incandescenti della tua fica palpitante, poi spinsi dolcemente, essa si aprì, e lo accolse in un bollente e stretto abbraccio. Lentamente cedeva alle dimensioni del mio membro, adattandosi come un guanto. Io continuavo a muoverlo con dolcezza su e giù,, fino a che non sentii i tuoi muscoli cedere, quindi lo spinsi fino in fondo, tu gemesti rimanendo senza fiato, con la bocca aperta e gli occhi spalancati… Iniziai allora a muoverlo su e giù,, su e giù,, e tu iniziasti a gridare di piacere: -Sì,… Tutto… Tutto!-
Stantuffavo come un treno. Mi chinai su di te e leccavo i tuoi
capezzoli, ti accarezzavo il viso, ti baciavo con la mia lingua che toccava la tua gola vibrante di piacere.
Sentii la tua vagina pulsare, e venesti di nuovo.
Mi girasti sottosopra baciandomi avidamente, e stando sopra di me iniziasti ad andare su e giuù,. Ti raddrizzasti reclinando la testa indietro e chiudendo gli occhi, sentivo la tua fica pulsare..
Allungai le mani e accarezzai i tuoi seni e I tuoi capezzoli…
Venesti nuovamente inondandomi, come una cascata, dei bollenti umori del tuo piacere.
Ripetevi continuamente: -Oh amore, ohh!-
Ti sollevai e ti misi prona sul letto.
Mi chinai sopra di te e iniziai a baciarti il collo e a leccarti le
orecchie, tu ansimavi. Scesi con la lingua lungo la schiena, avevi la pelle doca e fremevi di piacere. Arrivai alle tue natiche, le leccai e le baciai tutte, quindi le aprii e ammirai quel splendido fiore rosa che è, il tuo ano. Iniziai a leccartelo e infilare la lingua dentro, tenendo le tue natiche aperte. Tu urlavi di piacere, inarcando il ventre per favorirmi. La tua fica era gocciolante. Tu ci infilasti dentro due dita e iniziasti a masturbarti mentre io continuavo a leccarti. Infilai dolcemente dentro un dito, era bollente… Tu
dicevi: -Aaahhh siiii….!- lo presi come un invito e continuai, infilando lentamente ora due dita. Le muovevo dentro di te e le giravo, tu gemevi continuando a masturbarti. Le sfilai, il tuo ano rimase aperto, ci infilai la lingua, leccando dentro e intorno… Mi dicesti: -Prendimi!- appoggiai il mio glande su quel invitante buchino rosa. Iniziai a spingere lentamente, sentivo i tuoi muscoli che lentamente cedevano alla mia azione. Tu stessa allora ti spingesti indietro facendomi entrare di colpo dentro di te. Gridasti e ti fermasti un attimo. Io rimasi immobile con il mio membro dentro il tuo stretto ed avvolgente culetto. Quindi mi dicesti: -Okay, va avanti…
Piano… Siiii-
Lo spinsi dolcemente dentro di te, ti sentivo e godevo fino al
cervello, il tuo culetto bollente che avviluppava tutto il mio pene mi faceva impazzire… Lo spinsi dentro tutto, tu eri senza fiato, le mie palle sbattevano sua tua fica grondante, aumentai il ritmo, tu urlavi e ti sgrillettavi come una pazza, stavi venendo, e io venni con te, versando dentro di te il mio più, incandescente orgasmo.
Tu ti accasciasti sul letto completamente spossata e mi dicesti: -Oh amore mio…-
Io replicai: -Ti amo!-
Ti girai supina sul letto, mi distesi su di te, tuoi capezzoli contro i miei…
Ci baciammo completamente estasiati, chiusi gli occhi…
Gli riaprii, ero nel mio letto, completamente solo, con i miei boxer completamente fradici.
Mi feci una doccia, e andai a lavorare. Avevo ancora il tuo Profumo addosso. Ed ero in ritardo.-

Scrivete i vostri commenti a: [email protected]

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Daves side of the story

My wife is the hottest, sexiest woman on the planet. We met at a bible study when we were in college. She was coming there for the first time with her friend. I asked her out, we dated, and waited until our honeymoon to have sex. Before we got married she confessed to having a pretty wild life. She didn't go into details at the time but it was clear she was not a virgin. I confessed that I wasn't either (which was true). I told her I still wanted to marry her and so we did. I graduated from...

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Fucking The Wife Who Doesnt Like SexChapter 4

When Carl got back to the house he found Catherine lying in the bed, busy fucking herself with her newest cucumber. He stood in the doorway and enjoy the view. "She's becoming a real slut," he thought. "It's a shame she'll never know it though." On the bed Catherine continued with her cucumber, not realizing she now had an audience. She'd decided to play with herself while her husband was gone. After all, Carl had told her to enjoy herself while he attended to some business with...

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This isnt right

I angled my head forwards, ignoring what Mr. Morgan was saying. I couldn't take my eyes off of his pants. His pants were a little tight, and I could see his gorgeous ass when he turned around to the chalkboard. My college professor ran over the Latin words as he discussed the book's literature in his hand.His emerald green eyes pierced through the air from a distance. His chocolate brown hair fell over his eyes. I then tilted my head to the other side, taking another look at his leather belt...

College Sex
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Taking Katie To Make Dawn

Chapter 1 Katie let out a soft sigh as she lifted her mug of hot chocolate to her lips, her breath sending small ripples across the dark surface. She placed the mug back on the glass table, leant back on the red leather bench seat of the café and looked aimlessly out of the window, watching as the late afternoon turned dark, the world seeming to run along without her. Around her feet were several bags containing cheap gifts for family and friends, presents she didn't really like giving but...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 408

This is compliments of Jim7 Church squirrel problem The Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrels. After much prayer and consideration, they determined the squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will. At the Baptist Church, the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery. The Elders met and decided to put a water slide on the baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked...

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And MotherinLaw Makes Three Part 1

Sue and I have been married for five years. With an age gap of ten years she is now twenty-seven, I’m thirty-seven and her mum, ‘D’, is forty-seven. Both women are quite beautiful. Nice shapely figures, long shoulder-length hair, very pretty, smiley faces and loads of fun. I have to admit I fancied D from the word go. Although I kept it to myself and behaved accordingly Sue was aware and often k**ded me on about it saying her mum was very fond of me too. A year ago Sue’s dad passed away. He...

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Best friends mom0

Growing up i had a good friend  named christian, his family were my neighbors so you could rarely find a day when i wasnt at their house. Their moms name was chris. I often joked around with her, but one day, I walked into their bathroom to find her in the shower totally naked. Growing up I had a sister so seeing a naked female wasn't a very big deal for me, but seeing chris's shaved pussy and perky tits turned me on big-time. I found a place in their master bathroom that she wouldn't be...

2 years ago
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While mom is away the boys will fuck

Kieth and i were talkin one saturday morning on our instant messanger when he told me that his mom was going to be out of town for the whole day and that he wanted me to come over to hang out. I had never thought of being gay or even think that I liked boys. When i arrived at Kieth's house he was on the computer looking at porn with a massage bulge in his gym shorts. When i entered the room he was casual about what was on the computer screen and just kinda smiled. I sat...

4 years ago
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Spreading for TeacherChapter 8

"Here it is, Jack. Two hundred dollars." Fawn looked at the money as she turned it over to her man with some wistfulness. That was a lot of money. More than she'd ever seen. "Only two hundred!" he exclaimed. "Those cheap bastards! They said they'd come through with two-fifty." "What do you mean?" "I mean this isn't enough. We need another fifty dollars. I can put this down on the fifth race if I hurry." "No! I don't think you should be gambling like you do. Remember how it...

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Sinful Cyndi

Introduction: Adult erotica from the 70s – author cited SINFUL CYNDI by Daphne Phillips CHAPTER ONE Cyndi had been driving me crazy all week. My younger sister, I had to admit, was one of the sexiest women I had ever known, and she wasnt modest about showing off her sexiness. She also wasnt very modest about showing off her body, which was incredible. Cyndis tits were large and smoothly formed, some of the nicest tits I could imagine. And there wasnt a time I could recall when Id seen Cyndis...

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Happy Hooligan

HAPPY HOOLIGAN (c) 2014, 2018 by Anthony Durrant As my plane touched down at the trading post, I got my duffle bag and unfastened my safety belt, then I climbed out and headed into the trading post, where I was greeted by its owner and proprietor, my twin brother Montmerecy. "It's so good to see you again, my dear Happy!" Montmerecy cried as the two of us embraced. "Glad to hear it!" I replied. "As you know, I am on the trail of a lost tribe somewhere in the...

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The Training of Jodypart 1 The Meeting

I'm watching my beautiful husban's giant cock plunge in and out of tha ass of the slut that we got to make this scene. We've been married for 3 years now and the sight of him never ceases to make me wet. I'm not the least bit jealous, he's doing this to put food on the table and I know he worships me, you see he's not just my husband, he's also my faithful slave. His body is mine to do as I please and right now fucking this slut is what pleases me. As I feel my cunt moisten watching him, I...

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Strip Basketball

It is a bright sunny morning when Emily opens her eyes. “At last a day off. No school today.” Emily is a 18 year old girl, who has raven-black hair and babyblue eyes. When she walks to her closet, she walks across her mirror. Standing before it, she admires her own body. She is sporty girl, with a killerbody. Tight round ass, c-cup breast and long slender legs. In just her underwear, she opens her closet to decide what she is going to wear today.

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ladies tailor

Designing exclusive outfits for exquisite females is my profession. I am well known for my haute designs. Most of my customers are the rich classy type. One of my sex crazy friends showed me this site. I didn’t mind revealing the experience I once had with of my horny customers. But first let me introduce myself properly. I am 24 year old, name is Vinod. Our whole family is into ladies tailoring business. My father was from a poor traditional family. Hence I was also very simple and sincere...

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Bill and Amber The Reunion

I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and peaceful. A bright light shown through the clouds and seemed to bathe his whole body with a quiet calm. He had never felt so safe, so relaxed. He could hear a voice coming from far off in the distance, it seemed to be calling to him. He could see the image of a man approaching, but it was so far away it was hard to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e15 Kimberly

“The United Kingdom of Zoo – Series 4, Episode 14: Kimberly” by Luke Ozvik Series 4, Episode 14: KIMBERLY We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking down on a busy motorway – cars flying by at 70-80-90mph ... Now we’re on the windswept sea-front of an old-fashioned English resort town ... Finally, we’re in a quiet, narrow residential street, late at night, outside a traditional English pub. White walls and black...

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General SidChapter 22

Considering the size of Sid's army and the technology of Chaos, it was amazing that it hadn't turned into a horde that swept across the countryside in a disorganized manner. For every soldier that saw battle, there were four support people who made it possible for the soldier to fight. Drovers, cooks, butchers, armorers, smiths, carters, and carpenters made up a force far larger than soldiers. Like soldiers, each needed food, water, camp goods, and rest. A substantial number of wagons were...

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Sonyas Naughty Secret

Last week I had spent an afternoon off work. I was ill, feeling rough and had spent the afternoon browsing on eBay looking for interesting things to occupy my mind and drinking a bottle of Merlot.After a short time, I became bored looking at the never-ending products for girls and I was halfway through the bottle.  I had a filthy thought come into my mind. I’d always been curious about anal sex.  I never wanted a man to penetrate me there, just in case I disappointed him, but I’d always had...

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The Date Ch 06

Lisa woke to bright sunshine in the softest bed ever! Momentarily confused, the previous evening came back to her in a rush of images. The last thing she remembered was curling up with the pillow after some of the best, kinkiest and hottest sex of her life! Jeff must have carried her here. She realized that she must be in their room. The Victorian decor was beautiful with satined wall paper, corniced ceiling, lace curtains over multi paned windows. The bedding was a creamy buttery yellow with...

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Gemma Cathy Supermarker Gang Bang Part 5

The next day after her supermarket gang bang and when she had sobered up a bit, Gemma was still buzzing about what had happened. I reminded her that she threatened to go back with her cousin Cathy and she said she knew that and was going to talk with her on wine night later in the week. Sure enough wine night came and as I worked upstairs I could hear more chatter and giggling than normal as the vodka flowed and it made me wonder what they were planning. When I went to get a drink in the...

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Michael to Michelle 3 The Cuck lesson

"Hey Michelle, get ready, wear anything you like darling, as long as you feel sexy in it, you know maybe that school uniform you love so much" "Why? What have you got planned" I asked confused. "It's a surprise and I know you'll enjoy it so don't worry!" She said as she walked out. I sat there for a minute, still confused but curious so I got ready. Putting my trademark schoolgirl outfit on, grey thigh high socks, grey panties, short grey pleated skirt, small grey bra for my growing...

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A Chefs JourneyChapter 8 Finding a New Place

Jason Leaving the resort at the height of the season probably was not my best move, but Linda has reopened all my emotional wounds and I just could not face her. I probably could have returned, but by the time I had calmed down three days later I was in a small fishing town on the Gulf Coast and sampling some truly terrible seafood at lunchtime at a little diner near the docks. The place was nearly empty and I had not noticed when a grizzled man with a grey beard dropped into the chair...

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Exposed to sister Pt 1

When I was in high school I started to become quite attracted to my little sister, who is two years younger than I am. It was no big deal at first. She was cute and I assumed it was normal and temporary. I didn’t think much of it. Then one day when I was home on break from college I happened to notice a pair of purple cotton panties in the hamper and I sniffed them and got so horny that everything changed. I was now obsessed, but my family and my sister are all very conservative religious...

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Blood LustChapter 6

Tom was saddened when he woke to a blaring alarm clock and an empty bed. He had truly hoped that Mia would still be there. He rolled over and caught sight of the note stuck to the pillow. His lips puckered in confusion as he read the rough, childlike scrawl. She had left an address but not a phone number. How decidedly odd. Still, he supposed that it was, at least, an invitation to see her again. He quickly got ready for work and went out the door, only realizing belatedly that he had been...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Luna Star 24083

When’s the last time you moved into a new place and found a smoking hot Latina woman hanging outside your windows? Never? Good. Because that’s what Luna Star does to Alex today when she sees that he’s her new neighbor. She’s a chatty Cathy, this one, inviting herself in to look at his place, shoving her big tits in his face and about his homeland of France, and, of course, asking about his wife, who still hasn’t arrived in their new home. What a coincidence that...


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