Il Sogno Diventa Realtà, free porn video

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Introduction: Il racconto narra di un uomo e una donna che hanno una relazione cibernetica, e di un ipotetico loro incontro, dopo che da tempo reprimevano le reciproche pulsioni per timore di rovinare lamicizia. Incontro che forse diventer? reale. Narra di quando un giorno luomo prende liniziativa e si dichiara, ed esplodono entrambi in un turbinio di erotica passione, appagando tutti i desideri repressi da troppo tempo. Il racconto ? a tratti romantico, a tratti erotico, ? esplicito e coinvolgente pur non essendo mai volgare.- Il sogno diventa realtà,

Sono venuto a prenderti allaeroporto di Milano. Appena mi hai visto mi hai
fatto un radioso sorriso e mi sei corsa incontro. Ci siamo abbracciati
come buoni amici, quindi ti ho accompagnata al tuo albergo.
Appena giunti in stanza, ti ho donato un bouquet di rose rosse.
Ad una rosa avevo tolto tutte le spine e ci avevo messo sopra un
biglietto. Tu hai preso i fiori con un grande sorriso, poi hai visto
la rosa senza spine con il biglietto attaccato. Lhai aperto e lhai
letto. Cera scritto Questa sei tu. Una Rosa senza spine. Ti Amo.
Hai appoggiato il mazzo di rose sul tavolo, lentamente ti sei
avvicinata a me fissandomi negli occhi, in silenzio. Mi sono
avvicinato anchio. Ti ho guardata. E ci siamo baciati.
Sentivo la tua voluttuosa lingua accarezzare la mia, in un turbinio di
passione irrefrenabile, come onde che si infrangono sugli scogli… Da
troppo tempo attendevamo questo momento, e ora la nostra passione
finalmente correva libera come un cavallo selvaggio…
Mugolavamo di piacere… le lingue penetravano fino in gola, i nostri
cuori galoppavano sempre più, forti…
Mi stringevi forte a te fino quasi a soffocarmi, io ti accarezzavo le
guance rosa e i lunghi capelli, come mille fili di seta profumata.
Sentivo i tuoi capezzoli ritti come spade toccare i miei. Con una
mano iniziai ad accarezzarti i seni, quindi i capezzoli oltre alla
sottile maglietta modellata dalle tue statuarie forme. Gemevi di
piacere. Presi coraggio e infilai le mani sotto la maglietta e ti
sganciai il reggiseno, sempre continuando a baciarti.
Te lo sfilasti senza staccarti da me. Ti alzai la maglietta ed iniziai
a baciarti il seno e a leccarti e succhiarti i capezzoli,
completamente rigidi, come due piccoli chiodi. Impazzivi dal piacere.
Chinasti la testa allindietro con gli occhi chiusi, completamente in
estasi. Con una mano scesi e ti slacciai i jeans. quindi ti infilai la
mano nelle mutandine… Eri bollente, completamente bagnata, fradicia
di piacere e di voglia.
Infilai due dita nella tua fica invitante, e iniziai a muoverle
vorticosamente, ormai gridavi di piacere, la tua mano scese ad
accarezzarmi il pacco, reso voluminoso dalla mia eccitazione. Ti
compiacesti del risultato e mi slacciasti anche tu i jeans.
Lerezione aveva trasformato i miei boxer in Lycra in una t-shirt.
Infilasti dentro la tua mano e iniziasti a masturbarmi.
Impazzivamo entrambi dalleccitazione.
Il mio membro era come una manganello. Ti staccasti da me, ti
inginocchiasti, quindi iniziasti a succhiarlo, mugolando e gemendo più,
di prima, godendo come me.
Iniziasti a leccare dolcemente la punta. La tua morbida e vellutata
lingua mi dava dei brividi di piacere che mi facevano fremere, poi
ingoiasti tutto il glande, e con dolcezza iniziasti e rotearci la
lingua attorno. Mi sembrava di svenire! Ce lavevo grosso come non mai
e duro come il marmo, era come un obelisco egzio, ti stava a malapena in bocca. Poi iniziasti
anche a masturbarmi mentre continuavi a succhiare e leccare. Con
laltra mano mi accarezzavi le palle, facendomi impazzire. Poi
continuando a masturbarmi scendesti a leccarlo tutto, anche le palle,
ormai ero in estasi, lo riprendesti di nuovo in bocca, stavolta
cercando di ingoiarlo tutto, sentivo il glande che ti premeva sulla
gola bollente, una sensazione indescrivibile… Ti esplosi come un
vulcano fiumi di sperma bollente in bocca, e tu godesti con me,
ingoiando e succhiando tutto fino allultima goccia, avidamente.
Ti accarezzai e ti baciai a lungo, e con il pene ancora eretto ti
presi in braccio e ti misi sul letto. Presi le tue meravigliose e
lunghe gambe e iniziai, in ginocchio a leccarle e baciarle, salendo sempre più,.
Le tue dolci, calde e profumate labbra della tua fica imploravano i miei baci come un fiore implora lacqua…
Più, mi avvicinavo a quelloasi di piacere e più, tu gemevi,
completamente abbandonata alle mie carezze!
Arrivai alle tue cosce, tu allargasti ancora di più, le gambe, ti
apristi come un fiore che desidera il sole, e il sole arrivò,.
Baciai dolcemente il tuo voluttuoso clitoride, tu fremesti ed
iniziasti a massaggiarti seni e capezzoli. Leccai le calde e bagnate labbra della tua deliziosa vulva, infilai dentro la lingua e gustai il tuo nettare zuccherino. Era bollente come la tua passione. Iniziai a succhiarti il clitoride e a leccarlo tutto attorno dolcemente. Il tuo ano iniziò, a pulsare, stavi per venire, mi ripetevi ansimante: -Sì,, continua, continua…-
Lo feci, e con un lungo gemito inarcasti la schiena e mi venisti in bocca… Comera delizioso il tuo succo, amore mio!
Infilai la lingua dentro fino in fondo per non perdere neppure una goccia del tuo delizioso miele.
Quindi mi alzai, il mio membro era infuocato, chiedeva solo te…
Lo guardasti con una certa apprensione e mi dicesti: -Fai piano…-
Lo appoggiai con il glande sulle labbra incandescenti della tua fica palpitante, poi spinsi dolcemente, essa si aprì, e lo accolse in un bollente e stretto abbraccio. Lentamente cedeva alle dimensioni del mio membro, adattandosi come un guanto. Io continuavo a muoverlo con dolcezza su e giù,, fino a che non sentii i tuoi muscoli cedere, quindi lo spinsi fino in fondo, tu gemesti rimanendo senza fiato, con la bocca aperta e gli occhi spalancati… Iniziai allora a muoverlo su e giù,, su e giù,, e tu iniziasti a gridare di piacere: -Sì,… Tutto… Tutto!-
Stantuffavo come un treno. Mi chinai su di te e leccavo i tuoi
capezzoli, ti accarezzavo il viso, ti baciavo con la mia lingua che toccava la tua gola vibrante di piacere.
Sentii la tua vagina pulsare, e venesti di nuovo.
Mi girasti sottosopra baciandomi avidamente, e stando sopra di me iniziasti ad andare su e giuù,. Ti raddrizzasti reclinando la testa indietro e chiudendo gli occhi, sentivo la tua fica pulsare..
Allungai le mani e accarezzai i tuoi seni e I tuoi capezzoli…
Venesti nuovamente inondandomi, come una cascata, dei bollenti umori del tuo piacere.
Ripetevi continuamente: -Oh amore, ohh!-
Ti sollevai e ti misi prona sul letto.
Mi chinai sopra di te e iniziai a baciarti il collo e a leccarti le
orecchie, tu ansimavi. Scesi con la lingua lungo la schiena, avevi la pelle doca e fremevi di piacere. Arrivai alle tue natiche, le leccai e le baciai tutte, quindi le aprii e ammirai quel splendido fiore rosa che è, il tuo ano. Iniziai a leccartelo e infilare la lingua dentro, tenendo le tue natiche aperte. Tu urlavi di piacere, inarcando il ventre per favorirmi. La tua fica era gocciolante. Tu ci infilasti dentro due dita e iniziasti a masturbarti mentre io continuavo a leccarti. Infilai dolcemente dentro un dito, era bollente… Tu
dicevi: -Aaahhh siiii….!- lo presi come un invito e continuai, infilando lentamente ora due dita. Le muovevo dentro di te e le giravo, tu gemevi continuando a masturbarti. Le sfilai, il tuo ano rimase aperto, ci infilai la lingua, leccando dentro e intorno… Mi dicesti: -Prendimi!- appoggiai il mio glande su quel invitante buchino rosa. Iniziai a spingere lentamente, sentivo i tuoi muscoli che lentamente cedevano alla mia azione. Tu stessa allora ti spingesti indietro facendomi entrare di colpo dentro di te. Gridasti e ti fermasti un attimo. Io rimasi immobile con il mio membro dentro il tuo stretto ed avvolgente culetto. Quindi mi dicesti: -Okay, va avanti…
Piano… Siiii-
Lo spinsi dolcemente dentro di te, ti sentivo e godevo fino al
cervello, il tuo culetto bollente che avviluppava tutto il mio pene mi faceva impazzire… Lo spinsi dentro tutto, tu eri senza fiato, le mie palle sbattevano sua tua fica grondante, aumentai il ritmo, tu urlavi e ti sgrillettavi come una pazza, stavi venendo, e io venni con te, versando dentro di te il mio più, incandescente orgasmo.
Tu ti accasciasti sul letto completamente spossata e mi dicesti: -Oh amore mio…-
Io replicai: -Ti amo!-
Ti girai supina sul letto, mi distesi su di te, tuoi capezzoli contro i miei…
Ci baciammo completamente estasiati, chiusi gli occhi…
Gli riaprii, ero nel mio letto, completamente solo, con i miei boxer completamente fradici.
Mi feci una doccia, e andai a lavorare. Avevo ancora il tuo Profumo addosso. Ed ero in ritardo.-

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My Friend Rahool

MY FRIEND RAHOOL An medium handsome guy had fucked and enjoyed 9 girls one day he shared his experience… While Rahool was in his schooling in Chennai he was very much attracted by girl in his class, being a shy guy he never face a girl to talk… days changed there where many girls looking at him and staring at his physics and admiring which he get shy and never face them. One day a girl name Jagadeswari came to him and said she loves him he was blushed and couldn’t hold his shyness and moved...

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Conquerors RewardChapter 2 A Female Hiker

To avoid any further trouble from the police Diun decided to move away from the city for a while heading out to the hills. He had discarded most of his clothes preferring to leave them behind once he reached the safety of the hills. Already he began to dislike their constriction, and how they made his body feel hot as he hiked up the hill towards the Hollywood sign. He felt quite free like this without the restrictions of human clothes. A young female hiker was making her way up the path and...

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Tzars Ring 8 Amanda

The following day was pretty much the usual series of events, this happened every time after one of the sex parties. Lucy dropped statements about how sore she was from being fucked by Michael's huge cock, how stretched she felt, how great he was. All of this was Lucy seeking to get some response from her husband. But instead of his usual crushed emotions that he would normally portray, he just hummed to himself, making a nice hearty breakfast.He loved porridge, has done since an early age. In...

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Homecoming With Kelly

It was early in October of 1977. Kelly and I were high school seniors. Our school celebrated homecoming for an entire week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school we had crazy contests like tricycle races and stuffing a Volkswagen (for which the puny little freshmen had a built-in advantage). Thursday evening was the parade through downtown followed by a big bonfire at a farm just a mile away from the high school.Kelly looked great that night, as always. She was wearing a pair of short,...

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HOW COULD SHE! PART 1 It was love at first sight when I met my beautiful wife, and from that day on I called her My Beauty. We were married when she turned eighteen and off to live life as best as we knew how. In our early twenties and like all young couples we had our problems. We manage to work them out and move on.What surprised me was that I never thought that she would do what she did to me. Let me tell you a little about her. She has black hair about shoulder length, beautiful green eyes,...

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La femme du gouverneur

La femme du gouverneur Ch 1 Grand Prize – The Governor’s Wife! Coulybaca /Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? -???????? Quelle belle salope ! Grogna ? voix basse,  Cecil Benson, ? l'adresse de deux de ses hommes, connus en tant qu’agents de recouvrement charg?s de r?cup?rer le prix de ses services aupr?s de certains consommateurs qui r?clamaient sa protection. Ce commerce de la protection rapproch?e que dirigeait Cecil l'amenait ? fournir des gardes du corps arm?s pour les clients qui faisaient des affaires dans la banlieu...

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First Heat

Werewolf breeding is so different from human courtship. It's instinct driven and more natural. We don't tie ourselves down with taboos the way you do. Truthfully, we laugh at how uptight you all are. You're really just primates when it comes down to it. Animals. The difference between werewolves and full humans is that we know what we are and you're afraid to admit what you are. I grew up in a village exclusively peopled by my own kind, immersed in werewolf culture. Sex was not hidden from me....

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Head Above WaterChapter 9

The Chipotle was less than five minutes away. The area was so beautiful that I wondered why the hell I didn’t live here, but then again a one and a half-hour drive to work would probably kill me. The 91 and then the 55 in the morning. What a nightmare. “Why did you choose to live here?” I asked. “The rent is cheap and it’s only twelve miles to work.” “No, it’s not. I write policies for this zip code. Even the renter’s insurance policies are through the roof.” “There was a fire at my...

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Foursomes and MoresomesEpilogue

"Sweetheart? Wake up ... you want to see this." It took me a second to blink away the haze as someone tugged on my shoulder. The bedroom was still dark. Leah was curled up on one side, Mimi on the other. I slipped out from between my lovers and followed Melinda to the monitors on the other side of the room. She backed up the video feed to show me something that had happened a few moments before. She pulled a robe around her shoulders to ward away the morning's chill. Through the...

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A lady no more

Sansa Stark had to try so hard not to cry.The young noble woman had always been used to the life of privilege back in her ancestral home of Winterfell and when she moved to Kings Landing a few months ago with her father and sister Arya she thought her life was set. Her family’s wealth ensured that she was always at the height of fashion and she liked the looks she’d started getting from the boys of the city, everyone from the some of the kingdoms most powerful heirs to the squire boys she saw...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 10

"No way," my dad said. "Your mom and I can catch up anytime. You moved out of town again. You were gone four years in the Air Force. then two years in that community college thing down east and now you are living in the mountains. So tell us all about the place where you live." "I live in a fifty year old motel, how exciting can that be?" I asked. "So have you met anyone interesting?" mom asked. "If you mean have I met any men, I had a date last night. The first date I have had in...

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Converting another fresh White Pussy Cuckold

I'm Karen and as you may know, I'm married to a white guy and live in a typical neighborhood where many other white couples live across the US. My little adventure begins with another white wife in our neighborhood named Maria.Maria is married to a white guy, has a nice house and drives a little compact car like most typical white housewives. Maria's husband is a very typical man that sells insurance and Maria works in our local bank. Maybe you've seen her at the drive-in window?Maria is 5'6"...

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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 30 Operation Rescue Judith

At breakfast with Ray the next morning, they discussed their plans with him. He agreed to use his influence and have the judge that imprisoned Judith "talked" to. That afternoon, Percy and Angela left in the corporate jet for Boston. It began the start of what they called, "Operation Rescue: Judith." The first order of business was to find Judith a home. To that end Angela hired one of the better real-estate firms in Boston to find Judith a place to live, while Percy paid the bail...

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Chudai Ki Maari Chachi Bechari

Hi dosto. Main Ajay fir se hazir hu meri ek aur kahani lekar. Agar apne meri pichli kahani padi hai to aap log jante hoge main jyada idhar udhar ki baate nahi karta. To main direct apni nayi kahani pe aata hu. Meri biwi mujhse kuch nahi chupati. Aise hi aksar wo mujhe batati rahti hai ki wo apne mayeke mein apni chichi se sab kuch share karti hai. Yahan tak ki wo dono sex ke bare mein bhi baate karti rahti hai aur apne sex experience bhi ek dusre se share karti rahti hai. Meri biwi batati rahti...

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When Ladies Were Ladies Part 1

Things at home were not good for myself or my three elder brothers. Our father was killed whilst working down a coal mine and our mother was in a deep depression. The boys all worked at the coal mine it was the town's biggest employer. To help with the family financesI left school at fifteen and went job hunting. Our house was almost derelict, small, and at times very cold indeed. It was usual for me to sleep with one or more of my brothers just to try and stay warm.There were vacancies at the...

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Lovers ShadowChapter 8

There comes a time when things are bad enough that emotions shut down. There is no point in imprecating or crying. Fear has changed its grip; if it is present, it is there as a numbness driving away all power to see hope. Joy, happiness and comfort have long-since departed. Standing there, gazing on the destruction of the nursery, I reached that point. Fully a third of the children were dead, bodies stinking, wasted and twisted in the shadows’ grasp. The remainder were crying and...

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I love sucking cock

I love sucking cock.I’ve wanted to suck cock for years. Years ago I used to troll the bookstores, along with the rest of the perverts looking for their particular kink. I was always scared though. Bookstore guys tend to creep me out. They are scary. Although they never turned me off, I was still fascinated with giving a blow job. As my times at the bookstores became more I would enter the gloryhole rooms out of curiosity, only to leave when the booth became occupied. I got a bit bolder,...

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Her Husband My Lover

Principles… this word is one I love to live by. There are some things that should not be done because of the principles you have. I didn’t know that I would break two of my own principles. A month ago, I had a new client. Oh, did I mention I was a doctor, a marriage doctor really. I am paid a lot of money to listen to the problems of either a couple or one of the parties. Now, I’m not one of those shrinks you can find at any time. I only take up exclusively rich clients. When I started this...

Love Stories
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im a cuckold

I met my wife when I was just 19 I was a virgin she was 25 and far from a virgin, I think that was the attraction. We would go for a drink at week end and in late 70s split skirts were all the rage. She had one skirt down to her knees but split up to the top of her thigh. I loved her wearing this I found it such a turn on especially when I caught other guys staring at her exposed thighs because of the split. She was insatiable once she had drink. We lived in rhyl north wales a popular seaside...

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Sian How Im going to enjoy this

“Donald, what can I do I’m in a big hurry?” “I just wanted you to know that after Fiona's excellent performance earlier Morris has decided to place a humongous order with us so expect a healthy cheque through in a week or so” “No worries Donald I’ll speak to you next week I’ve really got to dash” and then I hung up the phone and finished getting ready. I arrived at the party in the middle of town around thirty minutes late, which wasn’t bad considering I was running late. The bar...

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She was house sitting for me. The concept of the plan had actually materialized several years earlier. I am a computer consultant and travel around making the big bucks. This is great, except as I neared retirement I had no way to start preparing for it, being out of state most of the year. I had tried to get local work, but I was too specialized and there was no market for my skills locally. I had watched as both of my parents took on a mortgage at retirement and I was bound and...

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The Girl Who Played With Herself

Lisbeth Salamander never paid porn site subscriptions. That was one of the fringe benefits of being a professional computer hacker. She hacked into the billing company's computers and signed herself up using the names and identities of government ministers or members of the clergy. Lisbeth had a boyfriend, a young investigative journalist named Michael Plumfist, but she was one horny goth. Being fucked twice a night just whetted her appetite, and if she couldn't sleep she would log onto the...

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Let me make gentle love to you

Hello my love: Please read this when you are alone and can take the time to enjoy it. Getting together with you would be wonderful for both of us. If you liked, you could undress me again . Take off my shirt revealing my chest. Would you like to take off my shoes and sox or would you want me to do that myself? Then, you could undo my jeans, unzip them, and take them down my legs. You would see my male organ would probably be already tenting out m y briefs with my erection. Now, standing...

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Making the Most

Stephani, Steph for short, strolled down the street reminiscing about her wonderful high school years and how sad it would be to graduate in a few days. The goodbye would probably be very teary and near unbearable as she cut ties with friends she had come to know and love over that four—year period. So many memories would be left on that football field, on that campus, and in those hearts, and it was dreadfully sad that most of that would probably fade away in a year or two as friends move away...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 11

Clearing up the sex slavery in the whore houses along the USA/Mexico border was a bigger task than Fire Bringer had realized when he started the job. It took about a year to rescue the women and girls and to track down and eliminate all of the criminals involved. When he finished, he had 22 women and 13 girls that their families didn't want and had no place to go. It's amazing how stupid and cruel people can be, even to members of their own family. Oh, well, Fire Bringer realized that it...

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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 2 Stacy

Neil ran into Stacy at the end of the following week and she told him that the effects of her last treatment were finally starting to decline. That meant that the one-hour treatment he had given her lasted for approximately 8 days. Neil wrote this down in his notebook and smiled when he wrote the words "Her Treatment" the images of her bouncing up and down on his dick oblivious to what she was doing, flashed through his mind. "Well time to go home and have a beer." Neil said to the...

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