Laura a k a The Little Nympho Chapter 11 Part 3 Babysitting Katie
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Introduction: This is such a long chapter that I have cut it into 3 Parts. And I do apologize for the length.. However it is a critical part of this story and is necessary to maintain the stories continuity.. In this episode, Laura begins her new job babysitting for the Bells.. She meets Mr.Bs beautiful wife Lana and their very precocious daughter Katie.. She then makes a few mildly disturbing discoveries about her new employers.. And when her job gets unexpectedly extended for another day, it gives the little nympho an oppertunity to introduce Katie to her boyfriend Keith and tutor her new young friend and charge to the wonderful world of sexual discovery…. Laura, a.k.a. The Little Nympho..
(redone and cut into three parts)
Chapter 11
( Babysitting Katie )
Part 1
Mr. Bs wife Lana answered the door when I knocked. As soon as I saw her, my nipples stood up and said hellllooo. Mrs. B was a stone cold walking wet dream, and I never had looked at another girl that way except when I wanted to get off or needed the girl to do something for me.
Lana was 31 and stood about 5 feet 4inches, she was wearing a white tennis skirt that fell about 5inches above her knees. She had that topped off with a pastel blue midriff camisole type cotton shirt held up by spaghetti straps.
She had full and bouncy 32bs and a cute little inny belly button. She had light blue eyes, set in a flawless oval face topped by reddish brown hair that fell to her mid-back. To say the least this woman was a hottie.
My eyes went wide and so did my smile as she said. Well, you must be Laura. Bobbys told me a little about you. Bob says youre a really good student. Oh not really, hes was just being kind. I replied.
Bobbys gone to the store to pick up some snacks and soda for you and Katie. Shes taking a nap right now youll meet her in about an hour when we leave. Come on in and make yourself at home. Lana went on. Youve got a really nice house, Lana. I mentioned. Ya, my dad helped us buy it. Otherwise wed never been able to get it. Dads are like that sometimes. I replied. My dads a real sweet teddy bear too. You and your dad real close? Lana asked.
Ya, pretty close. I replied. So your in high-school and Bob says you got a boyfriend is that right? Ya Keiths a real sweetie and likes me for being me and I really like that about him. Hell let me be myself and he said that if I put my mind to it, I could do nearly anything I want.
Sounds like he might be a keeper, huh? Ya, we get along real good and hes starting to plan a future for us, so it might work out. I said. Me and Bobby were just like that when we were in high-school. A lot of fun aint it? She giggled a little. Ya, it is. I answered.
We kept up the Get to know you talk as she showed me around the place. The house wasnt real big but it had a large yard for Katie to play in and it was well appointed. It had a large eat in kitchen three bedrooms and three baths. A two car garage and a full basement.
Just about the time the tour was over Katie came down the stairs looking like shed just woke from a real good nap. Little Katie was adorable and real smart. She spoke like she was whole lot older then 11. This is Katie, she just started in a new school this year and she really likes it. Probably gonna be an attorney when she grows up.
Katie replied. Do you mind if I just do the little girl thing for awhile longer, Mom? I smiled. She sounded like me talking to my mom.Katie held out her hand and I took it. Pleased to meet you Laura. Katie said with a grin.
Im gonna go back to my room now, Momma. O.k. dear. Lana sat down at the kitchen island and continued to talk. Bob didnt tell me you were such a little cutie. She said. Thank you Mam. I replied. Oh for Peters sake, please call me Lana, I dont wanna be called Mam till they need to put me in a home. She smiled and I giggled a little. You have a vary pretty smile, Laura. You should do it more often.
If you dont mind me saying so Lana, youre not quite what I expected. I guess I mean I was expecting to see someone a little older and not nearly as beautiful as you are. Lana grinned and leaned in on the counter with her elbow and softly said. Now, aint you just the kindest thing. Thank you Laura.
I really like that skirt you have on and that perfume smells really good. I kept schmoozing, laying it on thicker and heavier. And I tried to use my innocent girl voice, and she was buying the shit out of it. She kept looking at me with this interestedly got an appetite for young girls kind of look. But I didnt care, she was making me so wet, I would have ate her out right then and there on that kitchen island.
She walked around the counter and sat on the stool next to me. You planning to go to collage, Laura? She asked as she climbed up onto the stool flashing a lot of her inner thigh when she did. No, I think that Keith and I might get married some day soon though.
Then, Im assuming that you and he have been having sex then? Lana asked with a grin. Lana, I protested like an innocent church going little girl.
Oh please Laura, hell I started having sex when I was 10. And dont tell anyone, but that was with my older brother and one of his friends. I opened my eyes and my mouth dropped open faking disbelief. Really. I smiled. Ya, but it was just kids being kids. It was fun though. She whispered wrinkling her nose and giggled a little.
So, now that you know one of my secrets how about you. When did you start having sex sweetie? the sweetie took me by surprise a little.
As I sat there grinning and trying to decide if I could trust her, she was swiveling back and forth on the stool she was sitting on with her legs about a foot apart. Giving me a slight flash of white cotton panties once in awhile.
I guess it was when I was about 12. I lied. And it was with the next door neighbor boy, His name was Billy. Well I dont know about you, but Ive been having a real good time with that subject ever since. She smiled.
She slid off the stool and asked if Id like a glass of iced tea. When she put her hand on my shoulder she squeezed a little causing my pussy to tingle a little more.
She walked over to the fridge and bent over to get the jug of tea out. When she did, her skirt road up and exposed the bottom of her nice firm round panty covered ass. I couldnt help it and she caught me looking right at her when she straitened back up. She didnt say anything, but I know she saw me looking.
Katie came back down in a one piece swim suit on and announced that she was going to get some sun before it went down for the day and walked on out the back door.
Lana just shook her head and whispered to me. Shes ragingly independent. And Im quite certain that shes gonna be a lot like me when she grows up.
At about that time Bob walked in and put two bags of shacks and goodies on the counter. He smiled when he saw me and leaned over to give Lana a kiss and a squeeze.
So, you two been getting along? he asked. Bobby, she perfect can we keep her? She asked, grinning at me. Seriously I think shell do just fine. Lana said, and rubbed her hand on my shoulder again squeezing my neck a little.
Well, then thats settled. Were gonna have to go. Wheres Katie he asked. She out back sun-bathing. Lana replied. Bob just smiled and said I just go and say good night, then we can get on our way.
From where I was sitting I had a clear line of sight out to the yard where Katie was laying on her back in what was left of the afternoon sun. Lana left the room to go and check her make-up one last time.
I watched through the sliding glass door as Bob walked up to Katie and Katie get up when he got close. She ran to him and jumped up into his arms, wrap her legs around his waist and kissed the man smack dab on the lips, holding it for awhile.
I smiled to myself as I watch this little girl kiss her daddy with all the passion of a high-school girl on her first date. He kinda turned around to look toward the house and his hands were squeezing her undulating, barley covered little butt.
I turned to look toward the other door and Lana came back in. Just as Bob came in the back door. I glanced down to see that the man had a good bulge growing in the leg of the pants he was wearing.
They said their farewells and went out the front door. I got off the stool and walked out back and over to Katie. You gonna be hungry anytime soon, kiddo? I asked. No, not yet, she grinned. Maybe later we can make a pizza. Thats a good idea. I replied, Im gonna go back into the house and watch some T.V. maybe, if theres anything on.
See Ya. She said, putting her sun glasses back on and laying back on the chase she was sitting on. I walked into the house and found I had to pee real bad and went up stairs to use the master bath, and do a little snooping.
You almost had to be there to believe this bathroom. It was about half the size of the master bedroom. There was a vanity counter on the left as you walk in that was about ten foot long with a full length mirror running across the back wall behind the counter. Then there was a stall with the shitter in it that was as big as most small bathrooms.
Then there was a walk in shower with four shower heads two on one wall and two on the opposite wall so a person could get sprayed front and back at the same time. The tub was like a small pool. Actually it was a large Jacuzzi tub that was big enough for three adults or a half dozen kids.
I just stood there and wondered what taking a bath in that thing was like. I sat down on the throne and pissed like a cow. When I was done, I began going through the drawers and opening cabinet doors. In one drawer I found Lanas birth control pills.
In another drawer I found a shit load of Trojans. This kinda puzzled me, if Mrs. B was taking birth control pills why would they need all the rubbers. I shrugged it off and kept snooping. There were a lot of large towels of assorted colors and a few large heavy terrycloth robes. And that was about it.
I wondered out into the bedroom and marveled at the size of the king sized heavy four poster bed in the middle of the room. In the corners were square tables made of heavy wood with the same style as the bed. A large chest of drawers and a dresser that had a full sized mirror behind it.
There was a closet on right side of the bedroom with two sliding mirrored doors that were about were about 8 feet wide apiece. On the square tables were lamps with large dark glass bases. There was an antique clock over the chest of drawers and a digital clock on the dresser facing the bed. There was also a ceiling fan that had some kind of ornamental thing hanging below it.
To say the least this room was just as nice as the bathroom. I began to look around and suddenly remembered why I was there in the first place. I walked over to the window that faces the back yard and looked to see if I could see Katie.
There she was still laying on the chase. Except, now she had her right hand between her 11 year old legs rubbing like hell and going to town on herself. I stood there and watched with a grin on my face as Katie began to heave and buck her little ass all over that chase lounge as a half dozen waves convulsed through her like she was a girl possessed.
I turned and started to walk out of the room when something under the bed caught my eye. I slowly walked over to the bed and knelt down and looked under the bed. On each post of the bed were some kind of Velcro restraints that could be used to tie someone to the bed.
In couldnt believe it my new employers were into some kind of freaky sex. As I began to straiten back up I looked around some more a little closer. I went over and opened the closet door. Everything looked normal in there. My coochie was itching and throbbing again at the thought that I might not be the only hard core freak on the planet.
I went downstairs to the kitchen and got a frozen pizza out of the box. At about that time Katie came wondering in looking a little distracted.
She sat down on one of the swivel stools on the center island. As I was prepping the pizza and warming up the oven she was swiveling back and forth with her legs spread wide like her mom did earlier, but Katies legs were a lot wider. And her swim suit was riding up her crotch revealing a bald little beaver for a second with each swing of the stool.
I put the pizza into the hot oven and went over to the island and sat on a stool next to my 11 year old charge. The pizza will be ready in about 15 minutes, do you want to change or anything before we eat and settle in the night?
She looked at me and grinned as she kept swiveling. You and your boyfriend do it a lot, Laura? She stopped swiveling and looked me in the eye really expecting an answer. I grinned and thought Id try to out shock her and said, All the time. Why? She grinned back and upped the anti. Does he make you cumm all over the place? She giggled.
My eyes went wider and I leaned in and whispered, Youre a little perv, aint you? She frowned and said, No, just a twenty year old trapped in a childs body. What makes you think your older then you are? I asked. She thought for a second, grinned and said. Because, I just cant stop thinking about guys. I want to do whatever it is I hear daddy doing with mom most every night. Because it sounds like shes really, really, liking it. And lately, Ive been getting so horny that I cant see strait anymore. It all came spilling out at once.
I took her hand. Sweetie, your just growing up and right now you are at that age when you right between being a little girl and being a teen-age girl. It is normal that your staring to get all these feelings and sensations. Though it may be a bit early, there is nothing wrong for you to have sexual feelings about these things now.
She looked into my eyes and asked. Did it drive you nuts when you were my age? I was worse. I was all the time spending a lot of time in the bathroom playing with my self and thinking really naughty thoughts about each and every man I knew, including my own daddy?
Really? She beamed a little brighter. Sure did. Especially the boys in my class, and a lot of guys who were a whole lot older then me. Because they were a lot more understanding and wouldnt get all sappy and fall in Love like the guys my age.
I wouldnt worry so much about if I was you. Just enjoy the hell out of it like I did. Ding the timer rang. The pizzas ready. I grinned. I slid off the stool and set out a couple of plates and pulled the pizza out of the oven and cut it up.
After we ate, we cleaned up the mess and retired to the living room to watch a movie. Katie went up stairs to put on her PJs and I went through the collection of videos they had on a shelf in the living room.
Katie came down and sat down on the sofa and I found a chick flick for us to watch and put it in the machine. As we watched we were getting comfortable and commenting on how hot the main character looked in his underwear. When the phone rang.
It was Lana. I hate to do this to you dear, but Bob and I are going to stay in the city tonight and well be home sometime tomorrow. will that be a problem for you? Lana asked. No, I didnt have anything planned and I could use the extra money anyway, so no, thatll work.
Oh thank you sweetie, youre a life saver. Just make sure Katie gets a bath before she goes to bed and you can use the guest room if you want. She giggled at someone off the phone and then said. I gotta go Laura, thanks a lot. She hung up.
Your folks are staying in the city tonight and I have to make sure you take a bath before you go to bed. I told Katie.
So, I guess were on our own, huh. Katie asked. Looks like it, kiddo. I responded. This movies boring. Katie exclaimed. And rolled over putting her face in the pillow she was laying on.
I giggled at her animated dismay at the movie. Well maybe you should go and take your bath and get that over with. If I had a tub like the one in you moms room Id be in that thing all the time.
She wont let me use it. She keeps telling me its for the Adults. Maybe, I replied. But, your mom aint here is she. Katie sat up and grinned. You wanna take a bath with me? She asked, wiggling her eyes brows playfully. I dont know about that Katie. Oh come on Laura, maybe you can show me some things I need to know about. I looked up at her and she wiggled her eyes brows again.
You are a little perv. Arent you? I whispered. Please? She pleaded. Go and run the water and Ill lock up down here and be up in a minute or two. I relented. She reached up and gave me a little peck on the cheek and said, Your turning out to be a really great baby-sitter.
Ya, well, we just gotta make sure we clean that room up as clean as it is now or one of us will be grounded and the other one will be fired. And I kinda like this job, you understand. I leaned in and looked her in the eye. Yes Mam. She giggled and ran up stairs.
I locked the front door and turned out most of the lights and went up stairs. I walked into the master bath to find Katie already naked and sitting in the Jacuzzi tub as it was filling up.
She was laid back and the water was already covering her body. I sat on the edge of the tub and began to get undressed. When I pulled my shirt over my head, I noticed Katie watching intently as my 32bs wiggled into view. I stood up and slid my shorts and panties over my ass, down my legs and kicked them off.
I was totally naked now and stepping into the tub. The water was pretty warm and kinda stung a little when my foot first went in but as soon as I had both feet in the stinging subsided and started feeling really good. I went to my knees and then sat down all the way.
I reached for the soap and a wash rag and began to soap the rag up I told Katie to spin around and Id wash her back for her. Katie turned around and I began to soap her up rubbing up and down real slow. Laura? Katie whispered. Is it strange for me to get all hot and bothered about some girls?
Well no, not really. I like girls sometimes. I replied softly. You having some feelings now sweetie? She leaned back against my chest and whispered. Yes. I kissed her on top of the head and asked you want me to show you how to have a little fun in this tub? She sat up and did a half turn and said. Like what?
I reached over and turned on the faucet and adjusted the water till it was just right. Now all you have to do is slide you horny little butt up under the water as its pouring into the tub and see how you like it.
She grinned at me and moved around and slid her little pussy under the streaming water. When the water hit her little pussy she shrieked a little as the new sensation surprised her.
I slid under her and held her steady under the pulsing water. While I was holding her, I was rubbing the bee bumps on her chest that were her tiny titties. She slowly started to moan and shiver as the running water did its job on her tender little pussy.
In about two minutes she was breathing in short huffs, and bucking her little butt in and out of the water. Crying out in a long squeaky moan as wave after wave after wave of orgasm cascaded though out her tiny frame.
I held her tight as she pushed herself out from under the pounding water as she couldnt stand much more. She quivered breathlessly in my arms trying to giggle in delight at her new found discovery.
When she had calmed down she turned and kissed me right on the lips and held it for a while. Then she pulled back and whispered That was so cool, but. But what sweetie? Im still feeling really horny.
I laid back with Katie in my arms and she leaned back with me. Well, maybe we can try something else I whispered tracing my finger nails lightly up both her legs and thighs toward her tiny pussy.
She sucked in a long lungful of air and rolled her head back and toward me. I lightly kissed her on the lips and gently touched her little pussy with my fingers.
You ever have a tongue in you little pussy, Katie? She giggled a little. Nooo. She softly replied. I pushed her up and reached for one of the plusher towels and put it down on the little deck that surrounded the tub.
I pulled her up and sat her down on the edge of the tub and she leaned her back a little on her hands. Now just try to relax baby girl Im not going to hurt you. She smiled and closed her eyes. I began by lightly tracing my finger tips across her whole body a few times to increase her excitement.
From what I could see, the girl was plenty excited. Her little pussy was swollen and the lips were puffy and twitching. Her little clit was not that little and was swollen, standing good and tall above her puffy, nearly hairless pussy lips.
As my fingers tickled her torso my tongue began licking her thighs and her cute little ass cheeks, being careful not to get near her little pussy just yet. It wasnt long before she was breathing hard and cooing like a large dove as my tongue worked up and down her thighs.
I raised her legs up and whispered. Now you might find this part to be a little naughty but its gonna feel really good. She smiled at me and I began tracing my tongue down her thighs toward her quivering little pussy. With her legs held together I licked across her pussy lips. She jolted a little and let out a little squeal.
I then spread her legs apart and bent them at the knee over her torso and her cute nearly hairless pussy lips opened up invitingly. Her puffy lips divided a her little rock hard little clitoris sprang to attention like a tiny little hardon. I lowered my head and snaked out my tongue.
I gave Katies excited clitoris a little flick and I thought the girl was going to jump out of her skin. Oooohhhh, Hoooollyy Jeeaasssuuusss. She cried out, as I kept flicking her clit back and forth tenderly and sliding my tongue up and down between her swollen pussy lips.
Every time I crossed her clit shed quiver and moan and suck in some air through grimacing teeth. While I licked and sucked gently on her pussy and clit, my hands and fingers were rubbing squeezing and tickling her diminutive pre-teen titties causing her nipples to swell like little bee stings.
Each time my tongue crossed her clitty, her right leg quivered and her toes curled tightly inward, like tiny fists. I was really starting to like eating this little girl and my own pussy was dripping and throbbing like hell.
Katies moans went a little louder as I sank as much of my tongue inside her as I could get. I couldnt believe that I sank it so deep that I could actually feel her hymen about an inch inside her tiny hole.
I moved my head back and forth and tongue fucked her till she grabbed my head with both hands and cried out grinding her little pussy hard against my face as she came with a violent shiver. Moaning and grimacing as each of the half dozen waves of tongue induced orgasm thundered though out her diminutive frame.
Little Katie was now shivering and quivering, laid back on the towel huffing and puffing and giggling as each of the quivers coursed though her. Then she raised up on her elbows and looked at me with a slack-eyed grin and whispered out loud. That was better than ssooooo cooooll.
I leaned over and kissed her lightly on her still swollen and twitching pussy. Did you like that, sweetie? I asked. She rose up and kissed me right on the mouth and huskily whispered You wanna see how much? And pushed me back till I was lying back in the tub.
She got in and leaned over me bracing with her hands and kissed me again only a lot longer and with a lot of tongue. She sat along side me and ran her right hand up and down my thighs while she kissed the nibbled on my lips.
Then she trailed her tongue down my neck and then to my swollen nipples and licked and sucked on them for a while. When her tongue got to my nipples, her fingers were exploring my pussy. Rubbing lightly and tracing little circles around my now swollen clitoris with her middle finger.
She worked her tongue back up to my mouth and whispered. I wanna do to you what you just did to me. With that she pulled back and grabbed my hands. She pulled me up and had me sit on the edge of the tub like she did earlier.
She went to her knees and spread my thighs and began to lick on me the way I did her. She started at my knees and slowly worked her way inch by agonizing inch to just below my steaming pussy.
I spread my legs wider and held them apart with my hands. Katie gave me an evil little grin and snaked out her tongue and gently flicked my swollen clit. Her touch sent a strong shiver up my spine and I moaned like a ghost as she slid her tongue up and down the slit between my puffy swollen pussy lips.
For a novice, this little pussy licker was getting real good at it, real fast. In about two minutes I was the one grabbing her head with both hands and grinding my throbbing pulsing pussy into her mouth. The more I tugged the harder she licked.
All of a sudden I felt it growing fast and hard, starting at my toes and running hard up my legs till it hit my pelvis. I cried out and bucked hard, raising my ass into the air as the thunderous waves of intense orgasm hit me hard. Over, and over, and over, again, and again, and again. The more I heaved and bucked, the tighter little Katie held me, and the harder she sucked on my convulsing pussy.
It was my turn to lay back on the towel with a slack-eyed grin on my face. As the quivering waves began to subside, I could feel Katie gently licking and kissing my pulsing pussy like I did to her.
She rose up and kissed me on the lips and said. I believe that this is the best bath Ive ever taken. I giggled and she giggled. I rose up on my elbows and kissed her back and said. Its Getting late and we need to clean this bathroom before we go to bed.
As we were rinsing off Katie asked. If its that good with girls, I wonder what doing it with guys is going to be like.
I smiled and said, You might wanna try an older guy first, Katie. They know what theyre supposed to be doing, and know what to do most of the time. Younger boys, guys your age havent got a clue what to do when they get a chance to get a girl naked and willing to give them some lovin.
We dried each other off and slipped into our underwear and headed to Katies room. It was the first time I saw it and found it a little strange that she had a queen size bed in it. Her room had the same kind of ceiling fan that the master bed-room has. It also had the same kind of digital clock on the dresser facing the bed.
I tucked her in and gave her a sweet long lingering kiss on the lips and whispered, Sweet dreams, sweetie. And closed the door as I left the room.
I padded barefoot down the hall to the guest bedroom and turned on the light and closed the door. I slipped off my panties and stood naked in front of this huge mirrored double door closet and began to rub my hands all over my aching titties. I couldnt believe I was still horny as hell.
I was so horny and frustrated that I thought that exploring the rest of the house while Katie was asleep might calm me down a little. I slipped on a silk nighty over my naked ass and stepped quietly into the hall.
I went down stairs and snooped around till I found the door to the basement. I snuck down the stairs slowly till I was at the bottom. And turned on the light switch on the wall.
When the lights came up I looked around at a vary well decorated Rathskeller that had a laundry room on one end and a door that I thought might be a closet just under the stairs.
I walked around till I was behind the bar. It was fully functional with its own beer spigot. I tested it and a little beer came out.
Keith would love this place. I thought to my self as I grinned at the big screen T.V. and the fire place. I got to snooping around and opened the door under the stairs.
Inside was a room that looked like some kind of office but it had all this video stuff in it. I thought that maybe Mr. B was into making his own videos and just sat down in front of the computer in the middle of the desk.
It was kind of strange though, I never saw a computer with three monitors before. I found the switch the turned the thing on and waited for it to boot up. It was a pro type windows system and real easy to explore.
First I opened the main menu then I looked at all the programs till one caught my curiosity. It was labeled Private Videos. I clicked on that one and my eyes went wide when I saw a screen with six different cameras in different places. I clicked on the first one. My mouth dropped open, it was Mr. and Mrs. Bs master bedroom.
The view was looking at the big ass bed from the dresser. Along side the video part there was another menu that said angel 1, angle 2, angle 3. Intrigued, I clicked angle 2. the scene went from the view from the dresser to another angle to right side of the bed and higher.
I thought that maybe it might be looking over the bed from the that huge mirrored closet in their bedroom. Real curious now and clicked angle 3. It was an over head view of the bed that I supposed was coming from the ceiling fan somehow.
I began to explore the other cameras on the main screen. There was one in the master bath over looking the tub from somewhere behind the sink.
I clicked on another one and saw that it was Katies room. Another one looking directly over the bed from I was guessing from the dresser like in the master bedroom.
This one had 3 different angles too the same as in the master bedroom. As I watched I could see Katie sleeping with her covers half kicked off then it dawned on me this must be a closed circuit system Mr. B installed to watch almost everything in the house.
I continued to watch Katie as she slept. She started to moan a little, but I couldnt quiet hear what she was mumbling about. I found the volume on the dashboard and turned up the volume.
In the dim light filtering into her room from the streetlight out side, I could clearly see her lying on her back with her hand inside her panties. Her hips were undulating as her hand rubbed up and down between her legs.
Watching this nearly 12 year old masturbating in her sleep was too much, I slid back and spread my legs as my own hand slid up my quivering thigh and right into my sopping wet teenage pussy.
I rubbed my self into three real good toe curling, hard quivering, orgasms while watching Katie cumming hard and crying out something about her daddy eating her pussy so good and soo hard. She was dreaming about fucking her own daddy. I grinned thinking to myself, I aint the only perverted daughter on this planet.
Then there was one on the menu titled, Guest bedroom. I clicked on that one and saw that it was set up like Katies room with an extra camera in the guest bathroom pointed at the shower.
Mr. B is such a perv. I thought to myself as I explored the rest of the cameras and angles. It must have cost a fortune to install all this. I thought to myself as I clicked on the menu buttons.
Then I started thinking, and wondering if I could make a little money knowing all about Mr. Bs little hobby. Or at least blackmail him into fucking me on his desk at school. Ive always wanted to do that at least once before I got out of school.
I was about to shut this thing down when I noticed another spot on the menu that read Archives. I clicked that one and found nearly a hundreds of videos on the hard drive.
I started going through the titles and saw one that read Lana and the Neighbor kid. I clicked on that one and saw Lana dressed in a shear black nighty leading a young guy half her age to the king sized bed in her bedroom when I got a good look at the guy, I saw that it was a boy in my class, kind of a nerd that I never paid much attention too.
When Lana pulled the boys shorts down, I started to pay real close attention. Who knew that this dorky looking guy was hung like a fucking horse. Im serious, it hung half way to his knee cap and he wasnt even hard yet.
My mouth dropped open and a little drool actually ran down my chin as Lana went to her knees and began to suck and tongue the shit out of the boys growing horse cock.
My mouth was watering and getting just as wet as my poor throbbing little pussy as I watched him push Lana back across the bed and began licking the shit out of her sopping wet nearly thirty year old pussy.
And she was liking the shit out of it. She grabbed his head and ground her milf pussy hard into that boys starving mouth.
I began to finger myself again while I watched. I came over and over while watching Lana being fucked good and hard by a teen-age kid that had a lot of stamina. He just kept fucking and pounding on her smoldering pussy for the next 30 minutes, making her cumm, and cumm, and cumm, over, and over.
That kid must have made her cumm at least a dozen times, fucking her in a half dozen positions. Lana was having a real good time with this guy. As the video progressed it changed angles a few times. That made me wonder if Mr. was down here watching and catching everything on video while his wife was fucking the shit out of the neighbor kid.
I shut the computer down and looked at the clock. Damn, it was nearly 4 in the morning and the Bs would be home soon. I turned out the lights and ran back up stairs and slipped bed in the guest bedroom. I fell asleep and dreamt about fucking Mr. B on his desk&hellip,
Fred Jackson glanced over at the clock and then back outside. His wife should be home any minute. He had removed all of his clothing and threw them in the corner. He stood naked in the hallway as he glanced down at his semi-erect dick. He couldn't wait for what he was about to do to his wife. He had done nothing during the past few days at work but read parts of 50 shades of Grey. Fred had read about the role play, bondage, and dominating. He easily related to the characters with his wife's...
The day after Katherine Jackson had given her first blowjob and allowed her husband to shoot his cum all over her beautiful freckled face she had spent the day at work in a daze. The professional business woman's head was in her hands as she couldn't concentrate during her meetings or on any simple task. She and her husband hadn't had a chance to talk after what she had done. When Fred left to go pick up their children from daycare she took a shower and her breasts were full, her nipples...
Katie raised her arms over her head and grabbed the headboard. Her husband fucked her harder. Her body moved on the bed back and forth while she raised her pelvis to meet her husband's hard cock as he fucked it in and out of her wet cunt. It was just an hour ago that she was at work and let a young couple know they didn't qualify for a loan and then disciplined another employee from a different branch. A few days ago she had fired another employee for continued policy violations. She was...
Katie Jackson walked hand in hand with her husband through the mall. She enjoyed any time spent with her husband. He had taken an obvious interest in her attire and she appreciated his opinion about what he liked as she put on tight skirts or revealing blouses. It felt differently around him and it was incredibly exciting. Fred had taken the afternoon off from work to spend time with his wife. He stood patiently around the stores as she tried on a variety of different outfits. He had noticed...
Fred and Katie pulled into a parking lot that was close to their tailgate spot in Lawrence, Kansas. An evening game vs. Kansas State was always a good time even though it most likely meant a loss for the Kansas Jayhawks. Fred and Katie both had graduated from KU and were avid followers of the football and basketball teams. Fred usually attended the games with his college friends but Katie was adamant that she wanted to attend the games this season. Since her sexual awakening a few months ago...
It had been several months since the Jackson's sexual awakening. The happy couple had more sex than ever and had developed more spontaneity in their sex life. They would have fast 15 minute fuck sessions when they got home from work and before they would have to go pick up their children at the daycare. It had been seven days since they last had sex as Katie had just finished her period. Fred had hoped Katie would give him a much needed release during that time of the month with her mouth...
School-free meant we had a lot of time on our hands, too. Weeknights often allowed partying till about midnight or 1 AM in our burg, and we thought nothing of it but I found out later that was unusual ... put it down to our 'cosmopolitan' makeup. Katie usually went out with 'the girls' and I with the guys, of course. When we could get some money together, we sometimes had outside parties during the warm nights, usually at one of the remote barns on my dad's farm. One in particular was...
STATE OF Pacifica DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Pacifica Women?s Correctional Institute - Sing Sing EXECUTION REPORT Prisoner ID No. 00-0212825 Name: Laura {last name deleted} Date of Birth: June 17, 2068 Crime(s): Immoral Turpitude (Habitual Offender) Sentence: Death by Electrocution Height: 5?6? Measurements: 32B-24-26 Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green LAURA?S Execution"You will be taken to a place of execution where you will be put to death in a manner prescribed by law..." the...
"What's wrong, Katie", her father asked, noticing how quiet his normally talkative daughter was. "Nothing, I'm fine", she answered shortly, glaring at Tyler, although he refused to meet her gaze. On the other hand, her other brother, Jason, couldn't seem to stop staring at her. Jason was four years older than her and was going to graduate high school this year. Katie knew that several of her friends, including Linda, found him attractive. And, she had to admit, he did have certain...
Katherine Jackson thumbed through her notes while sitting on the couch. She needed to be ready for her interview at the Bank of the West for a management position tomorrow morning. It was an opportunity that was hers for the taking and she wanted to be prepared for any question the Board of Directors could ask her. It had been four weeks since her night in Wichita and she desperately tried to forget what she had done. She had never been so ashamed in her entire life but at the same time...
Katie and RandybyNotDoctorPhil©(A note: I am always interested in sharing fantasies and developing new ones with others. If you're interested in sharing fantasies, and perhaps having an orgasm or two together, contact me.)*Young Katie's heart jumped as soon as she walked into the living room. Her mother had left for a three-day work trip, and having came home from college for the summer, Katie intended on spending quiet weekends with her father, Randy. They'd planned for the day. In the...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very high...
InterracialI’ve written about how I used to role-play at being an exhibitionist with my old friend Alex (“How I Started Being an Exhibitionist”) and told you about my minor teasing in public places and my fantasy about making love in public (“What Katie Did in the Parking Station”). In the second post I described how I shamelessly teased Mr Burgess who lives across the road from me. I promised I would tell you how things ended up with me and Mr Burgess, and here it is. And it is not a...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
"I'm not sure", Linda admitted. "But my big sister told me that they do." Linda's sister, Natalie, was three years older than the two girls. She was always giving Linda advice on what high school boys liked, which Linda passed on to Katie. Katie was grateful for the knowledge, since she and Linda were just starting their high school career. But this time she didn't think the advice was sound. "I can't imagine why anyone would like that. It just sounds disgusting", she said, shaking...
Mrs. Jackson sat in her office and swiveled on her chair as she stared blankly at the computer screen. Regret filled her mind as she thought about what she had done with the Best Buy Geek Squad employee. But at the same time she felt an unexpected excitement fill her body. She licked her lips slightly as she thought she still tasted his cock and cum across her mouth. She couldn’t get his voice out of her head as he told her he couldn’t stop watching her video of her giving Fred a blowjob in...
Katherine Jackson turned down her street after another long day of appearances. Her life had been thrusted into the public spotlight since winning the beauty pageant. She had been interviewed by a host of national news networks and was dubbed ‘America’s Sweetheart’ by Ryan Seacrest during her appearance on the morning variety show ‘Live with Kelly and Ryan’. Her answers during the finale of the pageant resonated across America as the sexy beauty queen was bluntly honest about how everyone...
Katie Jackson couldn't remember what they were talking about while they stood in the kitchen. It seemed unimportant, so trivial, such a waste of time at this point. She vaguely remembered her husband was discussing something about his work as the sexy wife's mind wandered. She knew that either she or Fred would have to pick up their children from daycare within a 1/2 hour. Her eyes hadn't left his crotch since the moment he walked in the door. She felt her knees as they shook underneath...
This was the first time since graduating college three months ago that Katie felt anxious about being an adult. At first, Katie had scoffed at all her friends’ complaints about money being tight and never having time for fun. Katie had been having the time of her life; most nights she bar hopped with friends, and the temp agency she’d been working for kept her making enough money to buy booze and the “going out” clothes she loved so much. Katie was young and beautiful, with silky blonde hair...
First TimeMy Hot Wife Katie Chapter 17 Katie the Good Neighbor Mrs. Jackson stood in her kitchen and stared out the window towards Phil Dorman's house. It had been a few weeks since his release from the hospital and while the neighborhood rejoiced at his return; the hot married wife felt nauseated. Everyday during the past week Phil had called or knocked on her door; she never answered as she knew what he would say or try to do to her. His words echoed in her head from the answering machine of what he...
You couldn’t call what happened between me and Mr Burgess an affair”, because we never really made love, not physically, but what did happen had a very profound effect on my sex life. Exactly how it affected him I would never know.You may have already read about my inclinations towards exhibitionism, and how I would partly satisfy that urge with role-play with my old friend and lover Alex. (Look for “How I started being an exhibitionist”.) Mr Burgess flickered briefly but brightly into my...
My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katie's Halloween Party Joechin Lee sat in his room and watched the neighbors from his window as they walked over to the Jackson's house. He sighed deeply as he didn't see anyone his age. He knew another boring evening with his parents awaited him. He wished his parents would allow him to go social gatherings with his friends but they always felt he would get in trouble and hurt his academic scholarship chances. The teenager was still a virgin while most of his...
My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katie's Halloween Party Joechin Lee sat in his room and watched the neighbors from his window as they walked over to the Jackson's house. He sighed deeply as he didn't see anyone his age. He knew another boring evening with his parents awaited him. He wished his parents would allow him to go social gatherings with his friends but they always felt he would get in trouble and hurt his academic scholarship chances. The teenager was still a virgin while most of his...
My Hot Wife Katie - Chapter 2 Katie’s Anal Experience I came home early from work the day after giving Katie her first facial. It was boring at work and was hoping we could repeat what happened yesterday. I tried calling her office throughout the morning and was going to try and convince her to come home. I couldn't get a hold of her, which wasn't unusual as she's an executive at a major bank and was always in meetings. I couldn't believe my wife had given me incredible head and allowed me to...
My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 15 Katie visits the hospital. Kathryn Jackson, the sexy married wife, was devastated. She learned a few weeks ago that she didn't get the promotion at the hospital. The board, as it was explained to her, hired a much younger accountant who they felt was a more qualified applicant. Katie couldn't fathom returning to work as a secretary and told Sheila she quit not thinking about the added income that was needed for her own family’s expenses. Money was the last thing on...
Katie Jackson breathed heavily as she sat on her bed and stared at her phone in her trembling hands. Two weeks had gone by since she met with Norman in his office but she hadn’t heard anything from him which caused her stomach to heave. Her children were downstairs playing as she walked over and closed her bedroom door and dialed his number. She nervously sat down on the edge of the bed and after a few rings it went to voicemail again like it had done for the past week. Katie closed her eyes...
My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 14 Katie the Loving Wife My back ached from sitting in the cramped airplane seat for the past few hours. We had so many delays getting back to Kansas City that I'm sure Katie was tired of waiting at the airport. I looked over at the k**s and they were sound asleep in their seats as we pulled up to the terminal. It had been two weeks since I had seen my wife and I couldn't wait to hold her again. I laughed to myself at my attempt to get her to have phone sex when I...
(Chapter 3 introduced Richie, a schoolmate of Nikki's with a giant-sized cock. In Chapter 4 both Richie and Nikki fuck Nikki's under-age wife, Laura, Richie in her pussy while Nikki is in her asshole. This of course sends Laura into seventh heaven. In this chapter, the focus changes from Richie to Laura's parents, who have a serious sex problem.) Richie became a regular fixture around the house, and finally, we gave him a key so he could come in and out when we were not home. As far as...
Katie's Horny Old Neighbor Katie Jackson had been searching unsuccessfully for a new job in what seemed liked months. The Jackson family savings were dwindling mostly due to Katie’s errant spending. Katie had always enjoyed new clothes, new shoes, or new decorations for the house which she had been able to easily afford until she was lost her job at the bank. Unfortunately getting used to not buying what she saw was not coming easy for Katie. They had cut multiple luxuries from the budget and...
Katie's Week Alone Continues. Katie Jackson slowly opened her eyes as her clock radio played some rock-n-roll on the radio. As she went to reach out to shut it off, she winced in pain as her arms ached. The bath mustn’t of have helped as she reached through the aches and turned off the alarm. She lay in bed as she took a hold of each forearm and began to massage them. The muscles burned as she recalled stroking Phil Dorman's cock with reckless abandon last evening trying to coax an orgasm. Mrs....
My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 18 Katie Discovers the Secrets to Success "Oooohhhh, Fuuuuccckkkkk!" the hot wife panted, "Fuck me!" Katie moaned, "Harder!" Her husband increased his pace as he rammed his hard cock into her wet aching pussy. The hot wife grabbed the headboard of their bed while on her knees. Her wedding ring glistened from the midday sun that peeked through the window. Her eyes focused on her large rock on her finger which represented her commitment to Fred as his cock maintained a...
Katie's Vindication The last few months had seen many unexpected changes in our lives. The night before Katie was supposed to leave on her business trip she received a phone call from the regional director of the bank who informed her that her services were no longer needed because of downsizing. It was later reported in the news that over 1500 employees were laid off including upper management with blame being placed on the current economy. We had read so much in the news about the economy...
....just reupping the first 13 chapters as they have disappeared.... Katie's First Facial Katie and I had been married for 7 years and the sex had become boring. We had two k**s and it seemed we never had time to be alone. We were never spontaneous and it seemed like she always demanded romance. Which meant by the time we made supper, cleaned up, had family time, and finally got the c***dren to sleep there was no time left in the day for romance. I lusted for a****l like type sex with her. The...
Katie negotiates for the missing file Sweat poured off of Katie's forehead as she felt the burning sensation in her stomach. She increased her breathing and fought through the pain as she kept her fingers firmly wrapped around the back of her head with her elbows facing forward. The beautiful wife continued counting; bringing her knees up to her chest as her upper body moved forward to meet them. After she reached 100 she stopped and stared at the ceiling of her bedroom and let her stomach...
Katie’s Revenge It had been four weeks since our encounter with Joel. Katie and I had talked about what had happened and how I ruined her trust, didn't respect her and embarrassed her. I had sent her flowers, cards and took her out for romantic dinners. She said she wasn't going to divorce me but I had to regain her trust. Katie and I hadn't had sex and I hadn't cum since the dressing room at the Gap. I was horny as hell. I tried everything to get my wife to have sex but she refused telling me...
Katie's Blackmailed It was the day after shopping with Katie and I still couldn't believe that she had given me a blowjob in the changing room. I felt like the luckiest bastard in the world. We hurried home and ended up screwing in our car after parking in the garage. Our sex life couldn't have been better. It was only a few months ago that Katie hadn't even tasted my cock and now she couldn't get enough. Today, I was just lying on the couch watching football while Katie was reading the...
Katie's Torture Continues I awake the next morning rejuvenated. I decided I can play her little game. I give her a little kiss on the back of the neck as I caress her hips. My dick is already starting to grow. It seems the longer she teases me and denies me a release the larger it gets. I get out of bed to go make coffee and my hard on is protruding from boxers. Katie starts laughing as she sees me. "I can play your little game. Are you ready to cum? Do you want my tongue or my fingers,...
Katie likes when men watch My wife was leaving for a business trip in a week and we decided to get a babysitter and go out for a night on the town. We were both up in the bathroom getting ready to go out and I couldn't help but notice how sexy she was. She was wearing a tight little miniskirt exposing her tan fit legs. A sexy low cut white blouse that revealed her small cleavage with her brown wavy hair flowing past her shoulders. Her hazel eyes looked into mine as I was staring at her in the...
Katie Gets Tied Up While on vacation in Mexico Katie told me I could demand her to do whatever I wanted her to do. She wanted me to treat her like a slut; she wanted me to demand her to suck my cock; to have my way with her. I glanced over at the clock and then back outside. She should be home any minute. I removed all of my clothing and threw them in the corner. I was standing naked in the hallway as I glanced down at my semi erect dick. I couldn't wait for what I was about to do to my wife....
Katie Jackson sat at home on her couch with her sexy toned legs curled underneath her as she stared at the television. The commercial came on as scheduled in the middle of the evening news as she lifted her phone to record it for her husband. It was for a fundraiser for the City Union Mission. Since her announcement of winning the beauty pageant the local chapter of City Union Mission had used her talents to promote their charity. The commercial had been playing all week on the local channels...
(Nikki had his first sex with Laura's mother, Rita, and found a way to give her an intense orgasm, and they both fell in love in Chapter 5. In this chapter Laura's parents become regular visitors, for Laura to have sex with her father and Nikki to have sex with her mother. The relationship between Nikki and Laura grows deeper, with the full approval of Laura. Also, Richie visits, and it ends up with both Laura's father and Nikki adding ass-fucking of their respective partners to their...
Katie's shopping at The Gap I took off the afternoon from work to go shopping with my wife. I hated shopping but I had to get some new clothes plus I also wanted to spend time with Katie. Our relationship had become much more sexual since we became more open with each other. The sex between us had been explosive. Katie enjoyed taking my cock and I enjoyed giving it to her. She looked incredible today. My wife wasn't one to wear makeup but today she had applied some dark red lipstick. I had...
Katie's New Videocamera It had been about a month since our sexual awakening and we’ve had more sex than ever. Katie was developing more spontaneity in our life. We would have fast 15 minute encounters when she would get home and before we would have to go pick up the k**s. Our sex life was improving to say the least however it had been 4 days since my last orgasm and Katie started her period. It was going to be a long 7 days unless Katie decided to give me a release. I didn't feel the need to...
I can empathize with the characters, but legally cannot condone sexual relations between a minor and an adult. Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 5 Laura was dressed and waiting by the street. She was in a good mood. The little exercise she had got in before drifting to sleep the night before had done a lot to clear the sexual tension that had been growing in her. Sometimes it wasn’t so easy, sometimes she had to keep after it until she hit upon something that did the trick,...
Journal of an Agent: Chapter 2 – Katie Holmes "Dean, call on line 3," buzzed in Julie. Her call had awoken me from my day dreaming. "Take a message. I’m…busy," I replied. "That’s bullshit and you know it. It’s pretty important, you should take it. It’s Katie Holmes," she replied, hanging up the phone. Sometimes I swear the only reasons I keep Julie around is because she looks so good and that she knows what the hell she is doing when I don’t. Today I had to restrain myself again...
his street to his neighbors’ house in a pair of jeans and t-shirt with his sweatshirt zipped all the way up and his hood on. He was supposed to babysit his daughter Ashley for the night while he went to Washington to take care of some business, and wouldn’t be back till the following afternoon. “big screen tv, all the food I want, a nice place to sleep.” He thought as he watched the steam coming out of his mouth, “This is more of a privilege than a job.” He got to the...
AKA AND THE DANCER By Jason 1 He said his name was James and that he was a dancer. AKA was able to verifyboth facts later, but when they first met--around about midnight in the smalltriangular park near the old Greyhound Bus station--AKA had to take the youngman's word for it. Not that AKA really gave a shit either way. James. Lonnie.Robert. J.R. It was all the same to AKA what handle they used when hustling.Nor did it much matter what they did when they weren't hovering under the...
How would you describe the girls who populate your favorite porn sites? The word slut comes to mind, as do whore, MILF, and the girl next door. If you’re more medically or psychologically inclined, you might refer to these oversexed women as nymphos. Naturally, they’re exactly the type of women you’ll find at was registered way back in 1995, probably by some Internet prospector who knew the domain would be gold. The current incarnation has only been putting out movies since...
Top Premium Porn Sites(This is the end of the Laura series, and I hope you like it.) I feel a little guilty for not giving you the full story, in the last chapter, of the details of my fuck with Laura in front of our house, so I'll get rid of my guilt by telling you the whole story. I had told you that I had taken off my boxers and Laura had taken off her panties but she had a miniskirt on, and I had shorts on, and we went out in front of the house in the moonlight, and proceeded to fuck in the street...
This story is a work of fiction. Like most of my stories, the basic scenario is one suggested by a friend of mine. She had found herself In this situation once, and through discussion, we talked about the basic lusts and passions between two individuals and the internal conflicts they would have to overcome to basic religious morals and overall societal mindfucks the youth of today have to go through concerning sex. I can empathize with the characters, but legally cannot condone sexual...
This is a follow on story about Katie who has been used by her older brother. Here is a link to the original story. walked home from school and she knew what was going to happen when she got there. Shane her older brother would push her on her knees and make her suck his cock. He would push it down her throat and fuck her mouth. If he didn’t do that he would rip her clothes off and fuck her hard and if he felt like it he push his big cock...
Katie left the Professor's office in a stupor. She would never be a boy again, was what the headmaster had told her. Her entire life would be different, and she was all alone. Her mind was racing with all the horrible things that she would have to deal with now, if anyone found out, she didn't think she could handle the humiliation she would endure. How were her parents going to react? "KATIE!" she heard Hermione saying loudly as she was shaken. "Are you okay?" Katie's mind cleared...
Breakfast was pleasant enough, everyone chatted on as if today was any other day, and no one even mentioned the fact that Kyle was no longer there, as if he had never existed, and that made Katie sad. Had he made so little an impression on his fellow students that he could vanish mysteriously overnight and no one seemed to care? On the other hand, however, everyone seemed to be very interested in Katie. Ernie McMillian wanted to know if Katie collected Chocolate frog cards,...
Introduction: In the several days following her own abduction and rape (which she coincidentally ended up enjoying) at the hands of her mother and her mothers boyfriend, Max, Katie had been coming up with a plan to allow the 3 of them to kidnap her bitch of a friend named Stephanie. She thought the best way to get Stephanie would be to invite her over to walk their dogs together and catch up, then they would drug her when she arrived so that they could take her to Maxs sex dungeon without any...
Katie loved to tease her big brother! He was 25 years old and had just moved back home after finishing college. Despite the fact that he eight years older than her the two had always been pretty close or at least they had been.Katie had been just becoming a teen when Shane moved away. He had spent almost six years going through undergrad and graduate programs at a school on the other side of the country. Now that he was back he seemed different.One morning Katie walked down the hall to the...
"Steph, It's Katie. Wanna bring Shadow over tonight and we can take him and Toby for a walk, maybe get a coffee?" she said when her friend answered. "Sounds good, haven't seen you for ages. I'll see you around 6?" Steph replied "Ok cool, see you then" Katie said, hanging up the phone. She found herself grinning as she thought about the payback she would give to Steph. A few years ago, her friend had fucked Katie's crush - whom she was going to ask out that week. Even though...
Mrs. Jackson stood in her kitchen and stared out the window towards Phil Dorman’s house. It had been a few weeks since his release from the hospital and while the neighborhood rejoiced at his return; the hot married wife felt nauseated. Every day after her family had left for work and school Phil had called or rolled up to her door. She never answered as she knew what he would say or try to do to her. She regretted that moment in his hospital room as well as every moment of what happened...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
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