My Sisters Workout Part 2 free porn video

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Introduction: Another morning workout with my sister….. Mom?
Brian, what happen? You guys at home?
Yeah, We are here..
Im gonna be late, Look after your sister, okay? Dont leave her alone.
I know , I know, She is not a kid by the way..
As soon as we came home, I called my mother to tell about what happened. Actually I told bunch of lies, that we discussed on our way home. My sister told me, mom went to the hospital to visit our neighbour Janet. They are a young couple that moved here a while ago. Janet was pregnant, she had a baby last night.
Julie went to take a shower as soon as we set foot in to our house. She told me , She feel very tired and got a headache. I knew she want some privacy, So I went to our parents room to wash my self. After I finished cleaning my self, I found a clean pant and a t-shirt. I need something to eat. I could hear my stomach grumbling. Theres not much in the kitchen for my taste. I made some sandwiches best as I could from the things I found, I left two for Jules. She was still taking her shower.
It was enough for me to fill my hunger, I laid on couch, thinking about the things we did. I can still feel her smell, soft body,
i fucked her twice, no no not twice, I made love to her first, second time I fucked her brains out. In those thoughts I drifted in to sleep in our living room.
I felt someone nudge my shoulder, mmm… What? I barely opened my eyes, it was mom, she was smiling, looking at me.
Huh? Whats so funny? I cant remember the last time she smile at me.
Thats when I felt my someone was sleeping against me on the couch. Her head on my shoulder, one leg around my waist, a hand wrapped on my neck. I dont know how she came here without waking me up. She looked so innocent and pretty, Only wearing one of my fathers old shirt, long enough to cover her sweet little body. Mom put a finger to her mouth to tell me not to make a noise.
Suddenly my phone started to ring. Fuck it, thats enough to woke up my sister. She lifted her head , half asleep , without even opening her eyes , she dragged her self up to kiss me right on the mouth. I knew what was happening. I turned my head to land it on my cheek. She was trying to find my mouth wetting my cheek with her salvia.
Our mothers laughter, woke up my sister completely. She turned herself around to look at our mother with her shocked face, awwww… She fell on her ass. It made me and mom laugh harder.
Cut it out.. Jerk!, You pushed me She stood up, while massaging her ass with one hand.
What got in to you two? I havent seen you two like that ever
Thats because I made love to her today. Its the answer that popped in to my head.
Nothing, I wanted the couch, but this jerk was already on it… My sister was bubbling words while blushing.
Is that so? Mom can see her blushing red face too. She didnt seem angry. She was smirking. She touched my sisters head to check temperature.
its hot , your head hurt?.
Yeah.. A little.. she sat beside me answering our mother. Move your legs she pushed me to make a room for her ass.
okay okay stop whining.. I sat beside her. I knew I have to answer some shit now.
No more, morning workout with your sister, all right?. Mom was on her bossy mode now.
But.. She is..
No No I dont want to listen to any of your excuses. She cut me off.
But.. Mom.. I need it.. He is just trying to help.. .
You can go now Brian, I wanna talk with your sister alone… I hate her bossy self. Sometimes she is very kind and funny. But now I knew I couldnt do much. I grabbed my phone and went upstairs.
Who called earlier? I checked. Ahh this asshole, I dialed back.
Where have you been? Mother fucker… Its Jimmy.
My sister got ill, asshole
What? is she pregnant ? Maybe its mine. Stupid fuck knew how to get on my nerves.
Pregnant my ass… Why the fuck you called earlier?
Me and our fat fuck, waited for your ass at school.. Because you didnt show up now we are at my office
What office asshole?
Just shut the fuck up and come to my fathers service station. He cut the line.
I ran downstairs, my mother still talking to my sister. I rode my bike as fast as I can to Jims office. We worked for his father on our summer vacations couple of times at his service station. I dont know whats Jimmy and joe doing there. Did his father give it to him? He always helped his father with his business, Because his mom passed away when he was young.
I pulled my bike into the service station. Its a very profitable business. They always had lot of customers. He is lucky , one day he is gonna own this shit.
Hey Fuckface! Come here… Joe was waiting for me at the office door.
Whats up dude? I slapped his shoulder.
Lets go inside, you going to be one lucky fuck.. He said pulling me inside. Jim was in there, on managers seat, with his boots on the table while smoking a cigarette.
Mother.. Fuck.. Did your father give it to you?
Sit down Fuckface.. And listen I sat on the chair in front of him. My father caught these fuckers had been stealing from us this whole time.. Now both manager and supervisor is in court. They wont work here again ever.
We are fucking rich than? You wont forget us right?
Let me finish asshole… Im the temporary manager. I can make it permanent if I do a good job here. I expect you to be my supervisor.
Aww.. Man.. Really? Why me? I got no experience.
Because I trust you asshole.. Not like that thieving Fatfuck behind you.. And you can drop out of school without a problem, right?
I knew its a lot to take in. Joe cant take the job because his parents wont let him cut the school. He is the only one good at school works in our little gang.
Yeah I can, but its a big responsibility. I dont know if I can do it
Thats okay bro.. I will teach you.. Stay with me till evening..
I will … You wanna thank you kiss? I leaned on to him.
Get the fuck out of my face you gay fuck… Kiss that fat asshole.. He pushed me away.
Me and Joe went outside laughing at Jimmy. Im gonna sneak into school, are you coming?.
nah.. I got a job now.
By the way, Is she pregnant?.
Are you crazy ? You sick fat fuck. I pushed him away from me.
We said our goodbyes, I turned back to Jimmys office. We worked there till about six. Its not really a new experience because we worked in there every summer. His father came at evening and gave us a big speech about our responsibility. He had known me since I was a kid, also he knows my parents very well. Jimmy had spent most of his time in our home when we were younger because he lost his mother.
After work, I rode my bike home completely exhausted. On my way home I saw Liz walking toward our neighbourhood. She was carrying a bag with her. It was probably school works for my sister. I stopped beside her.
Hey babe, wanna ride?. She knew me very well. I teased her whenever I can get away with it, I enjoyed making her nervous. She is always a shy little girl. She blushed and looked at me speechless.
Nope.. I will walk.. she looked down.
l was just teasing Liz, come, sit here. I pointed at my bike. She nervously came near me and put herself in front of me. Give me the bag I took it from her and put it around my shoulders. I could see that my riding scared her shitless. It only took about ten minutes.
After we arrived at our home, Liz thanked me and went in to my sisters room. I need a shower, than talk to my parents. I quickly took a shower, dressed up in to my usual attire , a short and a t-shirt. Mother was in kitchen, making something. Father was watching TV. I talked with them for a while about my situation. They knew Im not good at my studies and always cut classes. After a long conversation and a call with Jimmys father they gave me their blessing.
Its a one of best days in my life. I took my dinner, after I washed my plate, mom handed me a plate for my sister. She was resting in her room. I saw Liz leaving, while ago when I was talking with my parents.
Maybe she is up for another workout. I never got a chance to see her pussy earlier. How is it gonna taste? Maybe this time I can fuck her sweet little mouth or her tight little ass .
I was standing in front of her door with a hard on, with those wicked thoughts, picturing her in my head.
What are you doing ? Standing there? My sister had opened her door for something. She was in her nightie, my eyes automatically went to chest, her nipples making a nice little tent on her thin clothes.
I bought you some food I gave the plate to her, while trying adjust my pants .
hmm.. I can see that food is not the only thing you bought for me.. She said rolling her eyes toward my hard on.
Hurry.. Come in she pulled me inside giggling, locking the door behind her. She put herself on her bed with the food plate on her side.
Whats up with Liz? She didnt stay much longer. I made a conversation while she finished her dinner.
Yeah.. I sent her home quickly. I thought you gonna come see me, soon as she left. She sounded upset.
I told her about my job. She beamed with happiness and gave me a hug. I felt her hard nipples pressing in to my chest as I gripped her tightly to my body. She was really happy for me, I could see it in her gleaming eyes. It lasted longer for a normal hug. As my sister began to move her hands on my back, I decided it was time to stop, I knew if I started something here I couldnt stop my self. I carefully removed my body from her. Its too risky, I can hear our parents down stairs.
Her nipples were hard again, I watched them rise and fall with her each breath.
I took her empty plate and turned toward the door to leave. She grabbed my arm, taking the plate from me. I turned around toward her , she was on her bed with her cute little face right on my crotch. I was horny as hell. She was busy touching my cock up and down over my short.
I never got a chance to see it earlier. She was running her small hands all over my crotch.
She is so slow, I can pound her mouth till she can talk, maybe a quickie , she cant make a sound I put my cock in her mouth .
I lost control with my horny minds dirty thoughts. I pulled my short down to reveal my full hard cock to her shocked face. One hand automatically went to back of her head.
What are you….? She never got a chance to finish that sentence, I was inside her mouth pumping my cock in to her as soon as she opened her little mouth. I was lost in my own pleasure , I didnt realize how hard I pounded her mouth and how hard she tried to pull me away. Finally after about three minute nonstop fucking, spurt after spurt I released my cum in to her throat while trying to hold her head still. It didnt even took three minutes. Her mouth was so good, wet and warm. I pushed my self away and looked at her.
Ohh my god… What have I done? Her face was a complete mess, teardrops leaking from her eyes like a waterfall, her mouth slightly open trying catch her breath, my cum and salvia dropping out from a corner of her mouth. She was silently sobbing looking at me like a scared rabbit.
Jules.. I.. I didnt get to finish it, someone was knocking . I pulled my short up quickly, I opened the door slightly, It was dad.
ahh.. dad, she is sleeping I pulled my self outside, shutting the door behind me, without giving him a chance to look in to her room.
ohh.., I heard you took care of your sister well today, good job he said slapping my back.
By the way you can take your sister to running if she want, she need some exercise
I was not in the mood to listen to his babbling. I made my way to my room, I laid on my bed thinking about what I did. I fucked up,
I hurt her so much today.. I dont deserve someone like her. It hurt me so much thinking about how I lost control and what I did to her sweet innocent face.
I stayed like that for hours starring at the ceiling. I want to see her, but will she even look at my face after what I did?.
I checked the time, ten, my parents probably asleep now. I dragged my body to her door. Should I knock? No.. Maybe she is asleep. I gave a small knock on her door. No answer.. I sat on the floor, my back against her door.
I dont know how much time passed like that. I woke up because someone opened the door.
What are you doing? I heard someone snoring… It was Julie. I quickly got up. She dragged me inside without saying another word.
Im so sorry Jules, I dont deserve your love A tear fell from my eye. She was looking at my eyes , sitting on her bed. I knelt in front of her bed waiting for her to tell me something.
She touched my cheek, its okay, I still love you..
What? Why ? I hurt you earlier? You should hate me for what I have done I was sobbing like a kid now. Why she never scream at me? She should slap my face for what I have done.
Yes.. I know you hurt me earlier but.. but I dont love that animal side of yours, I love the one who slept with me on the couch, I love the one who fell asleep against my door, I love the person who is crying in front of me right now.. She was crying now too.
She hugged me telling those words right in to my heart, tears leaking from her face. She pulled me to her bed , giving me a kiss to my cheek. I hold her body to me closer as I can, till I hear her heartbeat. I wont ever hurt her again, I made a promise in my heart. Both of us fell asleep like that holding each other.
I woke up to a ringing of an alarm. I woke up remembering what happened last night. I was still in my sisters room. I turned her alarm off with one hand. She was sleeping, peacefully on my body. I checked the clock, five thirty, we still got time, our parents woke up around six usually. I rubbed her head, removing her hair from her innocent face.
Mmm… she stirred on me, tightening her hand around me.
What time? She was asking half asleep.
About five thirty now.. I told running my hand on her face. She sat on my stomach, looking at my face with her sleepy eyes. I really needed to kiss her sweet face. I pulled her head to me and gave kissed to her head.
Why always head? She asked smiling at me.
Because I love you more than anyone.. I looked straightly at her eyes. She gave a quick kiss to my cheek and ran outside, giggling to use the bathroom before me.
After about ten minutes she came back.
We can workout again, i got permission from dad yesterday she said looking nervous.
Yeah, he told me yesterday.. Get ready i will wait outside
It didnt take much time for me to get ready. I quickly finished my business in bathroom, put on a short and a jacket. I eagerly waited for my sister to show up. I heard someone opening our garage door. I saw my sister coming at me wearing a jacket with a hoodie, and tight blue short that come past her ass cheeks. Actually her jacket covered most of her short, more importantly she was pushing my bike out of the garage.
Hey, why are you messing with my bike? I was little bit angry. She felt it in my voice too. She stopped what she was doing and looked at me.
We can get to the park faster.. If you ride with me like you did with Liz yesterday she brought my bike to me while explaining.
Dont wanna run to the park?
Noo.. Lets head to park first.. Now hurry up. She said tapping the seat of my bike.
all right, whatever my princess say.. I started to ride with her. She had rode my bike with me couple of times. Its not a new experience for her.
Whats up with the hoodie ? She had covered her face with her jacket hoodie.
Ahh.. You will see… She was smiling. I didnt give it much of a thought.
I stopped near the bench that we rested yesterday.
All right, sit there. She pointed at the bench.
Sit and shut up. She sounded so bossy, like our mom.
I sat on the bench looking at my sister Standing in front of me. She quickly kneeled in front of me as soon as my ass hit the bench, like getting ready to give me a blow job. Noo way.. it cant be..
Thinking about it, was enough to made me hard. She surprised me by touching my hard cock, rubbing up and down, while looking at my face. Her gentle fingers moving around my cock was driving me mad.
Some one will see Jules.. I said while looking around.
There are some people who use this path to run sometimes. If some one came, they will clearly see what going on without a doubt.
I couldnt take her slow torture anymore. But I couldnt lose my control like last night either. I pulled my short down to reveal my meat to her wondering hands. Her mouth was so close to my cockhead enough to feel her breath hitting my sensitive head several times. She was pumping my cock up and down with one hand while other one fondled my balls. She squeezed my shaft making a big drop of pre cum oozed out. She gripped my cock again, leaning forward , and licked the fat head, tasting my oozing pre cum.
I saw a person running toward us through the woods.
Ohh.. God Jules someones coming I heard her giggling, she pulled her hoodie up to cover her face while taking my cock in to her warm mouth. No one cant identify her like that. She was hiding her face in my crotch. But me? Any one can see my face clearly.
Ohh.. God Jules, you are killing me I groaned with pleasure. She had wrapped her tongue around my cock, while moving her head up and down. I didnt care about who saw or what will happen, i only cared about right now with my sisters tongue and lips on my shaft, trying to blow me best as she know.
I looked at the person who was coming running toward us.
Ohh.. Shit, its a young girl, around my sisters age.
She stopped from seeing us, her hand move to cover her opened mouth, her face became pale like she saw a ghost.
May be its her first time seeing a some one sucking a hard cock, I will give her a good show that will never leave her young innocent mind I was lost in my horny thoughts.
I was so close to cum at that time. Im gonna cum baby… I warned my sister. She took her face away from my cock and start pumping faster up and down with one of her hand.
Ahh… I groaned with my orgasm hitting my body. I emptied my load on my sisters jacket one shot after another.
That girl was still watching the show. Her face red from what she had seen, I looked at her and winked. Her mouth opened to say something, but she turned around and started to run faster than she came here.
ohh.. God its so funny.. I was laughing my ass off after my sisters blow job.
Whats so funny? My sister thought I was laughing at her.
Nothing.. Its nothing sweetie, Come here. I pulled her to my naked lap covering my naked crotch.
I unzipped her jacket while taking her into a blissful kiss. Exactly as I thought, she was naked under her jacket. My hands roamed inside her jacket feeling every curve of her body.
I was getting hard again under her wiggling ass.
Stand up.. I made her stand facing me.
Why…? She covered herself with her jacket. I didnt say anything, I quickly pulled down her short past her knees. She stopped my hands without letting me yanking it all the way.
Calm down Jules .. Trust me.. Your jacket covers you. more than enough. I calmed her down while taking her short off completely. She was now facing me trying to tug her jacket down to cover her exposed ass. I was full hard from her embarrassing moment.
Sit here.. I showed her my hard meat pole. Nervously she put her legs around me while rubbing her self on my cock. I had felt her love juice leaking on my cock as soon as she started grinding her pussy on my top. I pushed her down suddenly burying my self completely inside her love hole. Ahh… her mouth opened. I shut her mouth with my lips to calm her down. I started sucking her lips, she opened her mouth to let my tongue explore every inch of her sweet mouth. She was now slowly jumping up and down on my cock. I moved my mouth lower , toward her naked breasts. I bit both of her nipples lightly one after other several times making her moaned in to my head. I traveled my hands to fondle her ass while sucking her tits. I ran my fingers on her ass crack making her squirm on my cock. I felt her tighten around me. I grabbed her ass cheeks to stop her moving.
What the hell? She tried to move, frustrated. I didnt let her.
What are you doing? Let go of mee.. She was begging like a kid asking for a favorite toy.
She knew what I was waiting to hear.
let.. Let me fuck you.. Please.. I want your cock moving inside my pussy.. she was now mumbling to my ear because of her need to cum.
This time I started to pound her leaking pussy as fast as I can while holding her ass still, one of my finger entered her tight little hole from behind.
Ohh.. Yes.. Faster.. Faster… Her voice made me thrust into her faster than ever while pushing my finger deep inside her ass hole. I was so close, our thighs slapping sound was like a music to me. I felt her cumming, shaking, a shudder passed through her body, she bit me again with her tremendous orgasm going through her body like a shockwave, like she did yesterday. Ohh god…this time its a side of my neck. It hurts like hell. She was squirting under me, biting my neck. i pounded in to her a while, till i came inside her fertile pussy for the third time. We were tired. My shaft lifeless inside her. She was already looked asleep on my shoulder.
We couldnt be late , not today. I kissed her head several times to wake her up.
Come on, wake up
hmm… I was not sleeping, we need schedule this to evening, its making me tired.. she said grinning at my face. I pulled my short up smiling, making her get off my lap. I saw my sister was looking for something.
Wheres my short? She asked me. I got it hidden under my jacket.
Dont know, you look good enough.. I ran my hand over her naked ass tightening my grip on her cheeks, lifting her, while kissing her lips. I was getting hard again. Her ass so soft in my hands.
One day Im gonna fuck her sweet ass my dirty mind was thinking.
I knew we had to stop, but my sister wont let go of my neck. She was holding my neck with all of her body weight smashing her lips to mine.
Stop, Julie, We need to leave.. I told, avoiding her hungry mouth. I put her down.
Please only once.. she said pouting.
You mean a kiss?
No silly.. I mean this.. Just one quickie… She was now lifting her jacket , showing me her pussy.
What have I done to my sweet innocent sister?
I checked my watch, we were late. My small head was telling me to bend her right here and fucked her soft tight ass senseless till she cant walk straight.
But what to do? Not enough time.
Come here, we need to leave, now. I was on my bike.
Okay. Okay.. You ruined my mood
She pushed herself in front of me making a angry face. Ohh god! is angry with me for not fucking her? I gave a sloppy wet kiss to her cheek, leaving a wet mark . it made both of us smile.
On our way home, What about the evening workout ? Can we start today? My sister turned her head to me, smiling innocently.

As always I hope my readers will leave a feedback for me, good or bad , thank you for reading.

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The next morning Nina awoke actually feeling refreshed, and trouble-free. She had slept deeply and dreamlessly, exhausted physically from all the orgasms, both at Gretchen's hands, and at Scott's. During their morning shower, Scott took a little extra time soaping her newly denuded mound, delighting at the novelty. Nina could feel herself getting a little aroused at his attention, but knew that they didn't have time to do anything about it. After drying off, she went through her closet to...

2 years ago
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The New Workout Partner

It’s just another workout at the gym. Will tonight prove to be the same old routine? My schedule has been haywire lately. I am usually here long before sunrise but today it’s almost 9:00 pm at Power Gym. I just couldn’t make it in until an hour ago and, for me, it is never a good day unless there is a workout in there somewhere. It is nearing the end of my program, just one more set of lat pull downs and then off to the bench and I’m out. As the last reps are being completed I am invited...

1 year ago
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I love cock. Can't deny it. Can't escape it. Not guys, as such, but COCK. I am married, love my wife and family, and will do nothing to endanger them or my marriage. But I love cock. Am I repeating myself?With local University connections, I am able to make use of the 5 different gyms and work-out centers on campus, in addition to the 3 pools they have. I admit, that at the pools I spend way more time looking at the co-eds, than anything or anyone else.I tend to use the gyms either early in the...

4 years ago
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Post Workout Sexy Stretch Cool Down

“Hi babe, I’m back from my run,” Mike said as he poked his head through the door. “Looking good girl. Work it, work it, work that hot body!” he said teasingly.  Britney smiled at him, as he approvingly checked her out. Her hot bottom was nicely wrapped in the tight outfit he had picked out as a Christmas present.  She knew he was lusting over her. He always came back horny from his runs. Somehow they didn’t wear him out, at least not as it related to his interest in sex. Quite the...

3 years ago
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The Workout

Kay gripped the iron handle and pulled down. One–one, two, three. She relaxed and let the bar rise. She pulled down again, moving smoothly and confidently through her third and final set. Two–one, two, three. Tension pulled at the muscles across her chest. She closed her thighs tightly on the padded bench for support. Six–one, two, three. A low whistle interrupted her count. ‘Looking good.’ The mirror revealed a six-foot frame veiled in a gray T-shirt and basketball-style shorts. Jeremy...

1 year ago
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My sisters workout

Introduction: Little sister get a big workout from her brother. My name is Brian. Eighteen years old, Im a rather tall, almost six foot, and short, dark brown hair that comes down to my ears and dark brown eyes. Cycling and running has kept me in a pretty good shape. Im not good at school works, I dont know why, but I never took it seriously. I always hang with my group of friends who doesnt give a fuck about school, just like me. Im the loser of my family, I have only one younger sister, and I...

2 years ago
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A Workout After Working Out

Some people go to the gym to check out the beautiful people. Some people go to the gym to become beautiful people. I go to the gym so I can maintain my soda habit and not have to buy new clothes. I suppose that working out is good for me, but the sugar and carbonation offset the benefits. I guess I could be exaggerating a bit. I am six feet tall and only fifteen pounds heavier then would be ideal. I enjoy working out, and I am in pretty good shape for a guy of fifty. My wife likes me without...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Total Workout

The Workout It was mid-afternoon on a Saturday. I had just finished all my errands and was on my way home. I was looking forward to some relaxation time. My girlfriend was at home doing housework or watching TV I figured. When I walked into the apartment I didn’t hear anything at first but then I heard the music coming from down the hall. I knew then that she must have been in working out on the new Bowflex machine. It was a gift we bought ourselves for Christmas and went along with our New...

2 years ago
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The Workout

Kay gripped the iron handle and pulled down. One--one, two, three. She relaxed and let the bar rise. She pulled down again, moving smoothly and confidently through her third and final set. Two--one, two, three. Tension pulled at the muscles across her chest. She closed her thighs tightly on the padded bench for support. Six--one, two, three. A low whistle interrupted her count. "Looking good." The mirror revealed a six-foot frame veiled in a gray T-shirt and basketball-style shorts. Jeremy...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Always shower after workout

"Always Shower After a Workout"Alice showed the girl at the desk her membership card, then hurried down the stairs. Spinning class had started five minutes ago, and she hated to be late, but the Town traffic had been particularly bad for a Thursday night. Besides, she'd make up for it by pushing extra hard tonight. She hustled into the almost full spinning room, about forty fit young people already pedaling away on a fifty-percent-resistance climb, the music blasting. Alice searched for an open...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Quite A Workout

David watched Jessica’s glutes flex in her tight black Lycra shorts as she pulled twenty-five-pound weights off the rack and added them to the bar above him.  245.  She would want at least twelve reps.  She stood above him, spotting the bar. “OK, gorgeous, let’s do this.”David stared up at her protruding mound, taut six-pack, her tight rack compressed into a lace sports bra, and her smiling face looking down upon him, and knew he did not want to disappoint her. In his imagination, he told...

1 year ago
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Unexpected workout Volume 2

It's been a couple of months now since I encountered my new workout partners and during this time we have all become very close friends. Although we have a had alot fun with our workout orgy it had become somewhat repetative and routine, so to spice things up a bit we all agreed on the idea to take turns bringing another friend into our sessions. My gay neighbor Jack was chosen to be first to bring a friend. With two laps to go in my workout I saw the guys arrive with a new member and they...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Workout partner seeks same

Workout partner seeks same, that's what the ad read, and as the guy I used to work out with had moved away, going to the gym wasn't so fun anymore. I figured what the hell, and answered the ad, I just hoped it'd be a cool guy. Four hours later I got an answer. He was new in town, and had just started working out at Valley Fitness and he felt it would be easier to stick to his goals with a buddy around. I worked out at Valley, and felt much the same way, if you had somebody to keep you honest,...

2 years ago
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After the workout

It was late and the gym was pretty much deserted when Rachel was finishing her workout. She was tired out but was happy she'd reached her workout goals and she liked the fact that the place was nigh on empty. The only person was the young woman that had used the bike next to her; a black woman with frizzy hair and a smoking athletic body Rachel had happily noticed.Rachel was new to the area so had used the gym as a way of meeting new people. She was 22; fairly petit but the recent gym work had...

2 years ago
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A Late Night Workout Part 2

Each step toward the gym reminded me that I'd already been fucked once that night. My ass felt velvety, relaxed, almost frictionless after the stretching Eric had given it. I resisted the urge to squeeze the front of my pants.When we got to the doors, though, Aaron close behind me, my enthusiasm waned. Through the glass I could see the glow of the emergency exit sign across the lobby. Its light, dim and distant, made the space between seem cavernous. I considered what might happen once I opened...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Workout And Sex With Husband8217s Cousin 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone. This here is a story of how I seduced my brother in law (husband’s younger bro) to fulfill my weird fantasies. His name was Harsha. I got married at the age of 19 and it was 7 years since my wedding. Harsha was the son of my husband’s uncle and was in 12th at the time of our wedding. As the wedding dates and his exam coincided he couldn’t make it to the wedding. After that, he got a seat in NIT and used to meet us like for 2 days in a year. He was busy with his own life. Once he...

2 years ago
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Workout Story by Liam Slade For more, please visit -- I had given Mark three of the best years of my life. I was twenty-seven and thought I could safely assume I was with the man I would soon marry and start a family with. Was I as happy as I could possibly be? Maybe not, but I thought things were good and solid between us. My foolish delusion was shattered one day when I was changing the bedspread and found an unknown pair of panties in the...

3 years ago
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The full body workout

I really like to work out. So, to avoid getting sick, I bought full set of gym equipment to home. Well, not full set since that would have been overkill. But more like bench, bar, dumbbells, and enough weights to manage. It's funny how much you can get done just by even having a simple lifting bar at home. I wouldn't say that I am addicted to working out, but that is my standard method of staying in shape. I am quite athletic, and I like to show it off. What's the point of working out if...

2 years ago
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Breaking The Norm Ch1 Workout to Remember

It was a Tuesday morning and I was back to the daily hustle and bustle of the everyday grind. Perhaps it sucked that much more after having just returning from the sunny Caribbean, fresh off of my first cruise. (Sighs) I am already missing the fine sand between my toes, yet here I am stuck in traffic 30 minutes into my 75 minute commute. Here I am 23 years old and had been working as a cable technician with the same cable company since I was 19. While not making anywhere near six figures...

1 year ago
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Always Shower After A Workout

Brittany showed the girl at the desk her membership card, and then hurried down the stairs. Spinning class had started five minutes ago, and she hated to be late, but the Bluffton traffic had been particularly bad for a Monday night. Besides, she’d make up for it by pushing extra hard tonight. She hustled into the almost full Spinning room, about forty fit young people already pedaling away on a fifty-percent-resistance climb, the music blasting. Brittany searched for an open bike, and finally...

4 years ago
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During The Workout

During The Work OutBy: Londebaaz Chohan Dylan Gibbs; the name gave an impression as if the guy would be a terror but exactly opposite; Dylan was already in the 10th grade but he was very shy, timid and coy among all the boys. Although all the black students were very active in sports, athletics, games, gymnasium etc. but Dylan was never seen in any sports. He looked at all the boys like the most of them looked at the girls but too afraid to come clean or do anything about it. Only Mr. Carmelo...

2 years ago
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Late night GYM workout

I was getting sandwiched between these two black guys and was having all my fantasies fulfilled at the same time. I was moaning ummm ahhh yess fuck me guys fuck me I am your bitch… yess fill all my holes. Hearing me say dirty words both peter and marc got excited and started fucking me hard and I said please fuck me a little more please fuck me a little more I am gonna cum soon and both said me tooo… and three of us came at a time and collapsed on the floor.I was getting late for my GYM...

3 years ago
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the workout

She had been telling her husband for years how she had wanted to get in shape, but not lose her thickness, becuzz she knew how much he loved it. So she woke up in the morning one day feeling strong in her decision to start on losing at least 20. She would join him at the apartment gym. Putting her hair in a cute ponytail, she put on her Nikes that matches his shoes, and her cute outfit. She drank her shake and walked to the complex gym, thinking to herself that he will get her going over the...

2 years ago
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Workout with new Amazon Coworker

A dark haired Amazon of a girl walked by me today at work and I wondered what it would be like to pound her. The compulsion to touch her was so strong when she bent over to put some sugar in her coffee that I almost earned myself a trip to HR!!! I think it would have been worth it!Anyway, that got me to thinking……~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had noticed Amanda the very first day she started work in our office complex. Most guys did, come to think of it. It was not every day that...

3 years ago
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Gym Submission pt2 His gym workout gets more e

It had been a week since I had been pulled into the middle of one of my fantasies. A week since my occasional Bi thoughts turned into a real-life experience. A week since a complete stranger had forcefully taught me that my mouth was perfectly designed for cock. Ever since that night, I'd found myself thinking back to those events. The feeling of a hard cock filling my mouth . . . and my throat. It continued to send a thrill straight through me.I had been back to my usual schedule at the gym...

2 years ago
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Pregnant Workout

"Are you nuts? You want ME to lead the pregnant women's class?"Harold, the owner of the fitness club where I work, shrugged and leaned back behind his desk. "Fred, you know that Mimi went in to have her own baby last night. Her students will be here in half an hour and there's no one else." He pointed to the door. "Go on, get ready. It's only for a few weeks, and it won't hurt you."Fuming, I stalked out of his office and headed for the instructors' locker room. Damn! A roomful of pregnant...

3 years ago
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It had been a few weeks since the encounter with Laurie's boyfriend, Mike. He still thought about that night and remembered how it felt to have his twenty year old Laurie and her 21 year old boyfriend, Mike, in his bedroom. If he closed his eyes, he could almost feel Laurie's lips around his raging hardon, while he fished Mike's hard cock out of his pants. Yes, he really enjoyed the night when he felt another guy's cock.Steve got home from work and decided to get a little workout in before he...

3 years ago
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Power Workout

Power Workout By Radioactive Loner and JDG Seena looked at the young man who kept staring at her as she worked out at the gym. She was a young Wiccan initiate, and she was one of those within the coven who tended to use her powers rather recklessly. Others might tend to use their powers with more patience when dealing with the great unwashed, but Seena was not a pleasant person. Much of her adolescence and youth had come about to make her that way, but there was a certain degree...

1 year ago
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My 19 year old sister has some workout regime

For years now, I have been attracted to my younger sister. It’s not only her gorgeous looks but she is so warm and just a great person to be around. I think she feels the same attraction to me as we always have a great time together. As we have grown older, our sexual feelings have become more bold and stMikeger. I’m the 28 year old brother of a beautiful 19 year old sandy blonde haired sister. My name is Mike and Michelle is my sexy little teenage sister. I'm about 5' 10", well built, light...

2 years ago
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Sisters Sexy Workout

For years now, I have been attracted to my younger sister. It’s not only her gorgeous looks but she is so warm and just a great person to be around. I think she feels the same attraction to me as we always have a great time together. As we have grown older, our sexual feelings have become more bold and stronger.   I’m the 28 year old brother of a beautiful 19 year old sandy blonde haired sister. My name is Ron and Amy is my sexy little teenage sister. I'm about 5' 10",...

3 years ago
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A workout to Remember

Her long brown hair fell just past her shoulders. The color of her hairmade her blue eyes appear a deeper shade of blue than they actually were. She was tall, about five-foot six. She carried her 129 pounds perfectly. Clearly not fat, and for sure not stick thin. She was athletic yet had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were outstanding. On the smaller side, she wore a 34-B bra. but appeared to be close to a "C" cup What she lacked in size she more than made up for in sensitivity....

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Now That Was a Workout

An erotic moment by Kenneth Keller I am not a slut. Let's make that perfectly clear. I don't normally cheat on my husband. Fact is this was the only time, thus far, that I've ever been with another man since I married Steve some ten years ago. I love Steve with all of my heart and just because I had sex with someone else doesn't mean that I love him any less. So with that being said I will now share with you the encounter that I had a few days ago. Steve and I have been going to the local...

2 years ago
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SleeneChapter 6 Workout

I finished in the kitchen and started the crock-pot. He had apparently prepared a pot roast last night, as well as the fruit salad, and left it uncooked in the fridge. Mmmm, I loved his pot roast. Lastly, I picked up his discarded boxers and went to his room to deposit them in the hamper. They were wet. I couldn't resist; I sucked the wet crotch tasting his pre-cum. God, what has come over me!? I can't believe how horny I am! I dropped them in the hamper and went to look for Master. I...

1 year ago
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Late night GYM workout

I was getting sandwiched between these two black guys and was having all my fantasies fulfilled at the same time. I was moaning ummm ahhh yess fuck me guys fuck me I am your bitch... yess fill all my holes. Hearing me say dirty words both peter and marc got excited and started fucking me hard and I said please fuck me a little more please fuck me a little more I am gonna cum soon and both said me tooo... and three of us came at a time and collapsed on the floor. I was getting late for my GYM...

2 years ago
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Workout 06

It was clear that I had a pretty good lump between my cheeks. It was covered in something very slippery. I pulled my hand out to look and see what it was. There was a cloudy, clear jelly like substance on my fingers. I smelled it, it had that medicine smell that indicated some type of curative balm had been swabbed on, and maybe into, my asshole. I squeezed my ass, or tried to, the knot seemed to prevent me from feeling things as I was used to, but again, no pain. Taking that as a good...

3 years ago
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Late Night Workout And Shower

After a stressful day at work, I decided to swing by the local gym for a workout. It was almost nine o'clock, and there were only a handful of people with the same idea.I noticed her instantly on the treadmill.After dressing out, I sat down on the soft, gray carpet and began stretching. Her back was facing me as she watched herself attentively on the wall mirrors, ass bouncing in a hypnotic motion while she ran a steady pace. Every muscle in her toned, tanned legs flexed as she gained...

2 years ago
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The Gym Workout

Melanie's breasts were swollen and her nipples very sensitive. Every movement in the tight hot pants and the skin tight gym shirt revealed every curve, aroused nipples and camel toe, as she worked out in the gym. She liked the attention she got from the men working out. As she completed her warm down stretching on the mat she pushed her butt back a pair of hands caressed her hips. "Reach as far forward with your arms shoulder width apart. " Melanie did as instructed. "Now push your butt up and...

1 year ago
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Unexpected workout

Recently I began an after work, workout regimen where I jog on a nearby track . I work the 4-midnight shift so I have to do my workouts in the midnight hour. For months now I come home from work, change and run to the track and then run back home. The routine was quickly becoming dull so I thought I would spice it up a bit and started jogging nude at least a couple of days a week. So for the next couple of months I would come home change clothes, run to the track, get naked, jog, get dressed...

2 years ago
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Workout 04

Thank god it was the weekend, I needed the time to try to get my ass back in shape. Saturday morning, still feeling the burning sensation in my ass, and what felt like a lump back there, I had used my wife's hand mirror to take a look at my ass hole. What I saw scared me. My ass hole was totally ripped and wrecked. It was red, and my sphincter looked like the petals on a rose, all pushed out. I could see indications of bleeding. What was I going to do? I couldn't go to my doctor and say...

4 years ago
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A Blissful Workout Part 1 Prologue

"I'm getting podgy," Melinda groused over her second glass of wine. With a sigh she pinched her stomach through her dress. "See that? Fat.""You're not podgy," her best friend Cassidy laughed over her own glass, before reaching out to tickle Mel's tummy—and causing her to almost spill the wine. As her redheaded friend giggled, Cassidy leaned in close and reassured her, "You've got a wonderful figure! You're so curvy. It makes me jealous; I'm no washboard but you girl, you are something else."Mel...

1 year ago
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A Late Night Workout Part 1

As part-time jobs go, working at the front desk of a gym isn’t bad. The place is near campus, I can work around my classes, and the owner, J (short for Jim, which doesn't work for obvious reasons), doesn’t mind if I do my homework.It’s a cool place, small but modern, and I get a discount on my membership. When fitness companies come in to do promotions I can usually snag gear, power bars, supplements, whatever they’re giving away, and the trainers are happy to give me advice when I use the...

Gay Male

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