How I Became a Lesbian Slave
- 3 years ago
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Introduction: An older business woman is slowly dommed by a younger bitch. Becoming a Lesbian Slave
Summary: An older business woman is slowly dommed by a younger bitch.
Thanks to MAB7991 for his editing and story suggestions.
1. A trivial beginning
I couldnt believe it had come to this…getting outside help. I had run this business for almost twenty years as the owner and main decision maker and we had been successful throughout our run. My small, but amazing staff ran like clockwork and I had not hired anyone new in over five years.
But since the recession hit, sales had plummeted and after many failed attempts of rebuilding my business I was desperate.
I own a bridal shop called White Wedding in downtown New York City and although a small shop in comparison to the massive corporate takeover of todays society, it had always been quite successful. I believed in creating an experience for my customers so I hired only amazing people and treated them exceptionally well. We sold everything needed for the bride and her party: wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, veils, pantyhose and stockings (depending on the brides preference), matching shoes, garters and so forth. Many of my customers were referrals from previous satisfied brides or family members. We had opportunities to grow over the years, but I liked the family setting and avoided becoming a big corporate non-feeling identity like so many others had become.
The domino effect that would change my life and my business started like I suppose it always does with a casual conversation and no hint of what was to come.
I was chatting with my hosiery supplier on the phone when I asked, Who did your restructuring last year? My exclusive hosiery supplier had their own financial issues and I recalled Ariel telling me they had hired some big shot restructuring guru to assess every aspect of their business.
Ariel replied her tone changing slightly, Amber Anderson.
Was she worth it? I asked, thinking the name Amber Anderson sounded like a stripper at some sleazy strip-joint written all over it.
Well, our profits have quadrupled and many celebrities are wearing our products now? Ariel said.
She got the celebrities? I asked.
She is a very powerful and cunning woman who does not take no for an answer, Ariel explained.
That seemed like exactly the type of person I needed to turn around the steady decline in my profit margins, which had hit below the breakeven point for the past eight straight quarters, even after I had made various changes to get out of the slow decline. Is she available? I asked, seeing the potential to turn this sinking ship around.
I dont know, she left here a couple of months ago, but shows up every week or two. She was given ten percent of profits in the company as part of her contract, Ariel revealed.
Isnt that a lot? I asked, thinking that was a crazy amount.
Well, I thought so at first, but based on our most recent numbers, I would say it was well worth it. We just had our best quarter in twenty years.
Wow, she seems to be a miracle worker.
That she is, Ariel replied, before adding, But be warned she will drastically change how your store is run and she will want total control while she works with you.
That seems pretty extreme, I said, hesitantly, having always been the soul decision maker.
I suppose so, but she gets results, Ariel said.
So you would recommend her, I asked.
Wholeheartedly, Ariel said.
Well, desperate times call for desperate measures, I joked and after getting the womans contact information I hung up the phone.
Did I need a restructuring person? I didnt think so, but if she was available, it wouldnt hurt to at least hear what she had to say.
After contacting her, she sent me her references which were the most glowing references I had ever read. This woman had seemingly turned around several other financially troubled businesses in the past five years. But I have never put much stock in paper references and thus called each of her references, which, in a rarity in a still male dominated business world, were all women.
Each woman, they were all women ran businesss I realized, raved about this miracle worker who not only stopped the steady decline in sales, but turned their businesses into such successes that each quarter since Ambers assistance had bested the quarter before. Although all three ladies praised her lavishly, I thought it odd that each referred to her as Ms. Amber and not Ms. Anderson which would have seemed like the logical way to address her.
Confident that the references checked out and desperate that if I didnt do something soon I would lose the store I had spent years building, I decided to make the call.
She was on a holiday in Europe, but agreed to fly back a couple of days early to meet with me on Friday.
Content with my decision, even though asking for help was not a trait I was usually comfortable with, I continued on with my day to day responsibilities.
2. The Interview
It wasnt an auspicious start. This production guru was four hours late, with no phone call. I had given up on her arriving when Sophia, my secretary, came into my office, which she didnt usually do.
Your 10 oclock appointment is here, Cassandra, Sophia announced her tone hinting a warning. All my employees called me by my first name, I felt it built friendships and trust and an equal playing field between employer and employee.
I looked at my clock, I sighed, it was 2:12.
I was just about to tell Sophia to make her wait when a young, blonde haired, woman, in a checkered mini-skirt, a white blouse with two buttons opened that allowed her ample cleavage to be the center of attention, sauntered into my office unannounced.
She sat down on the chair across from me sitting her briefcase beside the chair and opened with, So your little store is in trouble.
I was shocked by her abrupt opening and the fact that she didnt look to be older than twenty, not to mention referring to my store as little. Her hair in a ponytail made her look like a college freshman and not the elite restructuring guru I was expecting.
She sighed as if reading my mind. I am twenty-five and my age is irrelevant. What is important is analyzing how you allowed your business to fade into potential oblivion.
Excuse me? I asked, insulted by her implication.
That is why I am here is it not? she asked, impatiently.
Yes…no. You are here to help me rebrand my store after the economic downturn, I countered, shifting the blame away from me and to the market crash.
Excuses, excuses, she responded with a roll of the eyes and a flippant wave of the hand. The reality is your business is falling apart and I am here to fix it, yes or no?
Yes, I admitted, slightly rattled by being treated so disrespectfully, especially by such a younger woman.
And you need me to fix it? the smug young blonde asked, surprising me again by planting her five-inch black heels on my desk, her legs encased in black pantyhose.
I was flabbergasted by the gall of this young woman, but attempted to hide my growing anger. Yes, I guess, I answered.
You guess, she mocked. Either you need me or you dont.
I hated to admit it, disliking this cocky bitch and her pretentious and condescending attitude, but I was desperate, so I swallowed my pride. Yes, I need you.
Good, and Ariel explained my terms? she asked, blowing a bubble with the gum she so rudely had been chewing.
Part of me couldnt believe I was willing to give my stores fate and reputation over to this bitch, but again my fear of my store going bankrupt overruled my dislike for her. Somewhat, I answered, wanting to be able to set my own terms.
Well listen closely, she said, her tone implying she was speaking to a child, which pissed me off even more, because these are non-negotiable.
Ok, I replied, although I was very nervous over what I was saying ok too.
Good, first I get ten percent of all profits, based on the assumption that your earnings improve under my leadership, she explained, standing up and walking behind me.
Id read books on the power of leadership and knew exactly what she was up to…positional power. Yet, hearing the number of ten percent seemed awfully high. I said, looking up from my still seated position and having to crane my neck to make eye contact which I knew was important in what was clearly becoming a pissing match, Ten percent is a bit steep from my perspective.
Take it or leave it, she responded, her tone implying she really didnt care one way or another. But keep in mind I only get paid if I am successful. If I fail and make your profits any worse than you already have, which is practically impossible, I dont get paid. Therefore your earnings will go up even while paying me my reasonable fee.
Although I hated her tone, hated her attitude and hated her implications that I was to blame, her explanation was tough to argue. All of a sudden, it was a win-win situation for her and me. If she was successful, my store would increase its profit margin even while paying her, much more than I pay my long-time employees, but would not hurt my bottom line. Alas, if she failed, I was back where I started from and I could enjoy tarnishing her name through my many powerful contacts. Fair enough, I agreed, happy with my internal rationale.
Good, you are smarter than I initially took you for, Amber said, her hand going to my shoulder.
It lingered there as I tried to understand the purpose of this move and tried not to snap at yet another insult thrown my way.
Second, I have complete authority to make any changes I feel necessary to save this little store from the bankruptcy abyss it is currently spinning towards, she revealed, squeezing my tight shoulders.
Was she really saying what I thought she was saying? She was making herself temporary CEO, not that my store was big enough to have a CEO, a store I had created and built for the past nineteen years. Not over my dead body I thought.
As I fumed over this absurd second condition, the younger woman assessed, You seem tense, maybe you need to get away for a week. I know just the place for you to go and relax while I save your business.
I stammered, W-w-what?
Sophia get in here right now, she demanded her tone impatient as if Sophia should have known she was about to be beckoned.
Sophia rushed in concerned that something was wrong, not being accustomed to being called in such a manner.
Pretty quick, Sophia, you may be worth keeping, Amber assessed, her version it seemed of flattery.
Thank you, maam, Sophia responded, being polite like she always was with all guests to the store.
You are welcome, Amber replied before asking, could you please look up the number for Relaxation Sensation.
Yes, maam, Sophia replied, while giving me a look of what the hell?
I just gave a slight nod that implied just do it, a very subtle facial expression I had used before, Sophia and I having our own facial language after all these years, which we both understood.
And Sophia, Amber added, Sophia stopping at the door, You will refer to me as Ms. Amber, is that understood?
Sophia again looked my way, but Amber interrupted. Sophia from now on I am in charge, so you need not look to Cassie.
That would be Ms. Williams, or at the very least Cassandra, I shot back, hating both her pretentious attitude and peoples willingness to shorten my name. If I wanted to be called Cassie I would say so, it is Cassandra.
Whatever, she waved me off trivially, not even looking my way as she instructed MY secretary to do her biding. Get me that number, now!
Sophia replied, avoiding eye contact with me this time, Yes, Ms. Amber.
Good girl, she replied, as if my secretary was a dog.
I was furious and had decided that she wasnt worth it when she turned to me a smile on her face for the first time as she addressed me by my shortened first name. You see, Cassie, the key to success has three pieces.
Oh this I am dying to hear, I quipped, sarcastically.
You really are a stubborn mule arent you, that should make this way more fun, she said, her words clearly full of intent I couldnt fathom.
Please, speak to me with respect, I replied, attempting to sound tough, although the power shift lost some in the please translation.
I am, she said, seemingly surprised by my accusation.
It doesnt feel that way, I answered.
Sorry, she began her tone suddenly sounding sincere. I can come off as brash, aggressive and well, lets be honest here among friends, an utter bitch. I was called the ice bitch throughout high school, which I graduated at sixteen and even worse in college which I graduated at twenty, with full honors. The reality is I dont lose…ever…and if that is perceived as me being a bitch, so be it.
Suddenly I felt bad. She had been judged solely on the basis she is a very smart woman and extremely attractive. I see your point. I too had been judged harshly because of my dedication to this store over having a man in my life. I realized I was getting too personal something I did a good job of usually avoiding.
Her next words shocked me.
Are you a dyke? Amber asked, her social filter clearly not on.
God, no, I gasped and then joked, I just dont need some needy man around…love them and leave them I always say.
A good philosophy, the younger woman replied, our original cold relationship seeming to warm.
Sophia returned and handed Amber a piece of paper.
Can you get them on the line for me? Amber asked, her tone though implied annoyance at what she clearly saw as implied when she made the earlier request.
Sorry, Ms. Amber, I will get them on the line, ASAP, Sophia replied, her facial expression showing her anxiety of again not being good enough.
And hurry, Amber added, even as Sophia was out the door.
Could you please try treating my employees with more respect, I requested, still annoyed at her abrupt attitude.
People work harder when there is a clear line between employee and employer, Amber explained.
I run my business like we are all a family, I explained proudly.
And therein lies the problem, Amber countered, as if it was obvious.
Excuse me? I asked.
Family members who work for family members never work as hard as they would for non-family. It is not on purpose, but family takes advantage of family that is just how families work, she explained.
But none of them are actually family, I explained.
But you treat them as such, Amber assessed. Therefore their productivity will be less than if you treated them with a clear employer-employee relationship.
They are all very hard workers, I argued. The family piece enhances a sense of community and pride for their work.
How many weeks of vacation do your employees get? she asked.
Four, I answered, proud of my generosity.
Are you kidding me? You are losing weeks of productivity or you are wasting money galore on temps, she accused, her facial expression like she had just seen a horrific murder live.
Well, again I believe if you treat your employees right and make them feel like family, give them a sense of ownership, they will work to the best of their ability, I explained my philosophy.
How Karl Marx of you, she sarcastically quipped, just as Sophias voice interrupted us on the intercom.
Ms. Amber, Relaxation Sensation is on line two for you, Sophia announced.
Thank you Sophia, Ms. Amber replied politely, like a normal, person would. Moving to my desk, she asked, again politely, Do you mind if I use your phone?
Using my usual courtesy for a guest, I stood up and allowed Amber to sit at my desk while she took the call.
As I stood, Amber plopped into my leather chair, flipped her heels off and put her feet up on my desk. I watched in stunned awe as she took over MY desk as if it was hers. She reached for the phone and said, Hello, this is Amber Anderson.
She giggled like a school girl. I know it has been a while.
Amber looked at me comfortable in MY chair, at MY desk and in MY office and waved her hand at me as if implying she wanted us to leave.
I stood my ground, flabbergasted at the implication that I was to leave MY own office.
Amber said to the person on the phone she was chatting to like an old lost friend, Could you give me a minute, Betty?
Looking up at me, her stocking-clad feet and long legs a bit of a distraction, she said politely, Could you please give me just a few minutes of privacy?
Her tone was so polite and unlike her demeanor most of this interview (funny this started as an interview didnt it?), I suddenly felt obliged to give her the privacy. Without a word, I turned and left the room…left MY office…let someone else use MY desk.
In the reception area, Sophia was back at her desk. I looked down at the store through the glass window…not a customer in sight as my two employees, Camree and Tilley, chatted to each other. As much as I hated the idea of allowing a pragmatic woman like Amber to try to fix my store, I really didnt have any other choice. Without a major influx of customers, I would be forced to close my business…and my store…White Wedding… would fade into the oblivion like so many other stores and businesses since the market crash…it seemed the big got bigger, the small got crushed. Determined to keep my shop alive, I sighed at the obvious reality that I needed this woman.
Staring at the empty store, Sophia asked, Is she the one?
I dont know, I said, still staring at the abyss of my store. Sadly, I dont think we have any other options.
Its ok, Sophia said, her hand on my shoulder, We will adapt. Remember, you researched her before inviting her. She is the best, even if she is a bit standoffish.
Thats a nice way to put it, I smiled, turning to look at my secretary since we first opened. She was easily the sweetest, most compassionate woman I had ever met…as well as loyal.
She hugged me like she did when my father died, and when my fiancé,e dumped me for a younger version and suddenly everything felt right.
Over the intercom, Ambers voice crackled, Sophia, could you please send in Ms. Williams.
Rolling her eyes, she went to the machine and replied, Yes, Ms. Amber.
Turning to me, she asked, Why Ms. Amber and not Ms. Anderson?
Beats me, I shrugged. But watch out, everything she does seems to have a purpose.
Agreed, my chubby secretary nodded, but her facial expression hinted at fear.
I walked back into MY office, determined to regain control of this power play game Amber was playing. She was still in the same place as when I left…at MY desk, legs up and heels off. Sit down, Cassandra, she offered, pointing to my guest chair.
I was again fuming, although happy to see she was using my full name, but after having looked at my empty store yet again, in the middle of the day, I squelched that anger, my humility and sat on MY guest chair. The smile that crossed her face, as I sat on the chair she should have been in, was devious and only increased my fury.
So good news, she opened with.
And what would that be? I asked, desperately trying to contain my sarcasm and anger.
I got you in, she announced.
In where? I asked, sick of playing games already.
To Relaxation Sensation, of course, she replied, before adding, although you dont have much time, your flight leaves in four hours.
Flight? Where? I asked, my head spinning at both her pretentious tone as well as the feeling of power slipping through my hands.
Hawaii, she said, a weeklong trip. I even got you a first class flight.
I cant go to Hawaii, I replied, the suggestion ludicrous.
You can and you will, she said, her tone firm, as she stood up and slipped back into her heels.
I stared at her stunned and stammered, I-I-I cant….
She bent down and put her perfectly red manicured finger nail to my lips. Sssssshhh, Cassie, she said, again using my shortened name, again attempting to show her power. The last piece of my non-negotiable contract is that the owner leaves for at least a week, so I am not dealing with him or her as I try to restructure the company.
You want me to leave? I said, bewildered.
Yes, she said, pulling me up from the chair, now go home, pack for the heat of Hawaii and let me do my job.
But…. I began but was again interrupted.
Simple question, she began, towering over me. Do you want your store to boom again and not look like a western ghost town?
Yes, but…. I was again stopped.
Then leave it to me. I have taken stores and companies much bigger than yours from the depth of disaster to the top of the market, I can do the same for you, if you let me, she said, sitting on MY desk directly in front of me, again I was losing the power play as she positioned herself firmly in control.
I was staring at her black stocking-clad legs which were distracting me even though I didnt remotely find women sexually attractive.
Earth to Cassie, she said, her heel now tangling on her toes. Do you need me or not? I have other businesss who would hire me in a second.
Sorry, yes I need you, I admitted, breaking my daze.
Good, then do as I tell you, she said, her heel falling to the floor.
I stared at her toes which were just as perfectly manicured as her fingers. Everything about her was perfect, why would I expect anything less for my store. Before I could regret my decision, I announced, standing up, You are hired.
Can you get me my shoe, she asked, showing no happiness or surprise by my declaration.
I instinctively grabbed the shoe, even though deep inside I knew this was a test. I handed her the shoe and she pushed me even further. Could you please put it on for me, Cassie?
I was already beginning to regret my just declared offer as she continued to attempt to put me in my place. But I ignored the urge to snap, my store more important than my pride, and I grabbed her ankle and was shocked at how soft the nylon was.
As if reading my mind, she explained, The newest stocking from Hotwear Hosiery, an invention I concocted…sexy, silky smooth and seductive, dont you think?
Yes, I agreed, my hand without permission from my mind slowly caressing her stocking-clad ankle.
The shoe Cassie, the shoe, she said, her tone amused at my obsession with her ankle.
Sorry, Amber, I apologized, embarrassed by my actions as I put on her shoe.
Its Ms. Amber, Cassie, she corrected, standing up and again towering over me. She was at least 58 in her five inch heels compared to my 51 in my comfortable, but not fashionable flats, which only helped to exaggerate the height difference.
I refused to apologize but instead asked, What now?
Amber pulled out a contract from her briefcase and ordered, Just sign the contract.
I began to read it, knowing never to sign a contract without reading the fine print. She said, It is all standard except for the non-negotiable items we have already discussed and my ten percent.
Very unlike me, I signed the document without reading it entirely, something I would regret later.
She took the papers and said, You should get going or you will miss your flight.
Dazed by everything, the power I was giving up, my business in the hands of a cold twenty-five year old and the fact that I had to stay away for a week, I was unable to move.
Amber again brought me out of another daze, Cassie, leave now, she instructed, with a very clear finality to it.
Kkkkk, I agreed, my head in a fog as I walked out of the office, leaving it in the seemingly capable hands of a young woman I had met just over an hour ago.
You ok, Cassandra, Sophia asked, seeing my dazed look.
Fine, fine, I said, before adding, Ms. Amber will be in charge for the next week.
Where are you going? Sophia asked shocked by my sudden decision to leave.
On a much needed vacation, I answered, just as Amber called out.
Sophia please come in here this instant.
Go, I said, adding, although I wasnt sure I believed it myself, Everything will be all right.
I headed down the stairs, into the empty store and out the door, everything I worked for now literally in the hands of a stranger.
It was hours later, while on the flight to Hawaii that it occurred to me that she never told me the three pieces of success.
3. Relaxation and Masturbation
My week in Hawaii was the most relaxing of my life…eventually. Located right on the beach of Maui, my luxurious room had a beautiful view of the ocean…the scene was so serene that I felt at peace with life for the first time in years. It didnt start out that way though. I considered turning around and returning home the whole flight as I replayed the bizarre day in my head over and over…watching the most bizarre rerun ever. I flip-flopped back and forth a million times. Had I really just given my store to a twenty-three year old to run for a week?
Finally, just as we were landing, I decided I would stay the night and return tomorrow…but that all changed when reality set in.
Once off the plane, I was greeted by a handsome Hawaiian man who had my name on a sign…Cassie Williams I noted, but it wasnt his fault. He took my bags, called me maam and took me on an hour long drive to the middle of nowhere. I checked into the hotel and was given an agenda by a young blonde woman who introduced herself as Betty.
We have been expecting you, Ms. Williams, she greeted with the warmest of smiles.
You have? I asked.
Ms. Amber has booked you in for the full service celebrity package, Betty explained.
I noticed the use of the Ms. again and tried to recall if this was a place that Amber had rebuilt. Ignoring that curiosity for the moment, I asked, And what does that include?
A week long journey of serenity and self-discovery, she smiled, before adding, in layman terms you get to live like the stars do, except with no media to distract your mediation.
No media? I asked, my cell phone my best friend.
None, she repeated, adding, no phone service, no Internet service, not even a T.V.
I didnt know such a place even existed in this world, I said, shocked.
Here is your key, Betty said, her smile so sweet and comforting.
I asked, taking the key, a serious question, What will I do here for a week?
Dont you worry about that, your whole schedule for the week has been pre-planned by Ms. Amber, the pony-tailed blonde explained.
Figures, I mumbled under my breath, before asking, having to know, Why do you call her Ms. Amber?
That is her name, she responded, as if the answer was obvious.
Yes, but you called me Ms. Williams, I pointed out.
Which is your name, isnt it, she said, seemingly genuinely confused by my confusion.
Figuring this was enough of the Whos on First routine, I said, Thank you, Betty, all I need now is a glass of Chardonnay and a good long nights sleep.
I will have Spencer carry your bags up and bring you a list of all our exotic drinks, Betty said, ringing the bell.
Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a shirtless Roman God with muscles like a wrestler appeared.
Room 69, Spencer? Betty instructed.
Yes, Ms. Betty, the Greek God said taking my bags.
Again the Ms. and first name, it was driving me nuts. I followed behind him and quickly learned he was just as perfect from behind as he was from the front. Suddenly feeling adventurous and horny, I wondered if he would enjoy a blow job as a tip. I let my teenage lust out as we arrived at my room…which would be a very inaccurate description. It was a Penthouse, with its own library wall. Candles were lit throughout the massive spread and classical music played that seemed to be coming from all directions.
I turned to Spencer the God of all Men and attempting to turn on my charm I smiled, Can you stay for a drink?
Sorry, Ms. Williams, the help is not allowed to fraternize with the guests, he replied.
My hand on his chest, I asked, on full attack mode, You sure? You look like a rule breaker.
I am flattered, maam, he said, but I must decline.
If you change your mind just knock three times, I flirted, the implication of what I was offering obvious.
Ok, maam, he said, trying to be polite, but clearly not interested.
Can you please bring me a bottle of Chardonnay? I requested, trying to regain a shred of integrity.
Of course, Ms. Williams, he said, leaving me standing there frustrated by his rebuff of my offer.
I walked around the room in awe at the luxurious room before going to the balcony. Opening the door, I walked out and was instantly on the beach and a hundred yards from the ocean. The fresh air was vitalizing and seemed to be clearing my senses.
A knock at the door brought me back into the room. Opening my door, Spencer was there with a full bottle of Chardonnay and walked in and placed it on the glorious oak table. Do you need anything else, Ms. Williams?
Not unless you have reconsidered my offer, I smiled, coyly.
Sorry, maam, rules are rules, he said.
Once he was gone, I poured myself a glass of wine and returned outside. I tried to think of the last time a man had refused my advances. I had never married because the thought of a man I would have to look after was exhausting. Instead, I went from fling to fling, the men staying the same age even as I got older. Not having the baggage that a relationship carries had afforded me the opportunity to build my business, to travel to exotic places and to have a great home and many of the other luxuries of my life.
Very few people believed me when I said I was forty. Like my mother, I have aged well due to a mixture of things including: my DNA, my rigorous work out regiment, and a healthy diet. I have hazel eyes that many men have complimented, pitch black hair that shines and a smile that has always been my secret weapon to get what I want (until Spencer that is). I have firm strong legs that I usually showcase in my trademark silky shine mocha pantyhose, I still have firm 38D breasts that I accentuate with tight blouses and dresses and a pretty perfect ass that is highlighted when I do wear jeans..which isnt too often. In other words, I never had much problem getting a man when I needed one, I just seldom needed one.
With todays technology it isnt just phones that have improved greatly, so have the toys, which I sure was wishing I would have thought to have brought with me instead of forgetting in my rush to catch my abrupt flight. I did have to admit though, first class was a whole new world of flying. Not sure I could afford it every time I flew, but I would definitely be considering it if my store took off like Amber implied it would in her hands.
My first glass gone, mixed with the crazy day, a lengthy flight and my exhaustion hit me hard. After taking one more look at the ocean and the waves lazily hitting the shore, I returned to my glorious room. I put the rest of the Chardonnay in the fridge behind the bar and after all the usual night time routines, I collapsed into my bed. I was so tired, I dont even remember falling asleep…but I do remember waking up.
The dream that shook me awake felt so real.
Spencer was in my room having changed his mind. Maam, you are impossible to resist, he said, as he lifted me into his arms and carried me outside. The warm breeze and fresh air hit us both as he laid me on the soft sandy beach just a few feet from where the waves continued to gently roll in and roll back out.
He lowered himself on top of me kissing me gently. My hunger to be pleased, to be fucked hard the way I usually like it, had me breaking the kiss and pushing him onto his back. I tugged off his pants and underwear and eagerly took his disappointingly still flaccid cock in my mouth. The feeling of a cock growing inside my mouth has always been a turn-on to me…I like the power…the knowledge that it is me making him grow. Although flaccid, it did look impressive, once fully erect he was a solid seven inches and thick. I bobbed up and down on his cock, enjoying the first cock I have had in a while until I couldnt wait any longer.
Pulling his cock out of my mouth, I ordered, Fuck me Spencer.
He smiled back, holding his cock straight up, No you fuck me.
I didnt hesitate as I tore my panties off and was left in only my flimsy nightie covering me up. I straddled his cock and lowered myself on him. His girth widened my wet pussy, making me feel full and hungry for more. I began riding his cock filling myself completely with each downward bounce. My body felt chills of euphoria as my impending orgasm began building inside me.
Surprising me, he lifted me up like I was a leaf and flipped me onto my back. Looking down at me, his smile began to change as his cock slid back into me. I closed my eyes enjoying his hard deep thrusts into me, my orgasm about to explode. Finally, he spoke, Do you want to come, slut?
I moaned, surprised by the sudden name-calling of this perfect gentleman, God, yes, I am so close.
Beg for it, he ordered, squeezing my tits roughly.
Fuck yes, can I come baby, can I come like the dirty slut I am, I begged, the orgasm imminent, and my own derogatory words surprising me.
Come for me slut, he ordered, and seconds later did just that, my body being swept away with an intensity I hadnt felt for a long time.
He kept pounding away inside me…hard and deep…like I wanted it, as the orgasm continued to flow through me. Finally, opening my eyes, I screamed, as I was no longer being fucked my Spencer, but his face and body had been replaced by Amber who had a devious smile on her face.
I woke up flushed and my panties were soaked, my left hand still in them. I sat up and looked around, confused by my surroundings. Slowly, yesterday came flooding back as I stood up, my knees weak from the orgasm I apparently had in sleep. I walked to the sink and poured myself a glass of water as I tried to make sense of my dream. Still exhausted and deciding it was nothing more than a lack of sleep, I downed the water and returned to bed. I drifted back into slumber rather quickly…but deep in my subconscious I was really rattled by the strange end to my dream.
The next morning I was woke up by a knock at the door. I groggily staggered to the door and asked, Who is it?
Room service, Ms. Williams, a female voice answered.
What time is it? I asked, starting to wake up.
Eight oclock, she answered, your breakfast is here for you.
Ok, I replied, surprised by the scheduled breakfast. I opened the door and a petite Chinese girl dressed in a shockingly revealing hostess outfit stood in front of me, holding a tray. The top of her white thigh high stockings were in clear view and her matching blouse was way too tight for her large breasts…and she was wearing five inch opened toe heels that allowed her pink toenails to peak through.
Good morning, maam, she said, bowing to me slightly before coming into my room and placing the tray on the table made for eight. How was your slumber, maam?
Very refreshing, I answered, realizing how good I felt. I was not a morning person, so feeling so alert and fresh after being woken up was rare for me.
Excellent, the young Chinese woman replied, before adding, My name is Bao and I will be your hostess for the week?
What happened to Spencer? I asked, hoping to see more eye candy.
He is on the evening shift maam, she answered.
Always interested in the origin of names, another quirk of mine, I asked, And where does the name Bao originate from?
It means precious treasure, maam, she answered.
Very cool, I said.
She smiled softly and said, Maam, your full body massage is at nine.
How do they know I want a full body massage? I asked, even though nothing in the world sounded better.
Your whole visit here has been scheduled by Ms. Amber, she answered.
Have you met Ms. Amber? I asked, digging for dirt.
Yes, Maam, she replied.
Did she reinvent this business?
Yes, maam, she changed everything.
Everything? I asked.
Yes, Maam she changed this location from an obscure secret location to the ultimate hot spot for the rich and famous.
Like who? I asked.
I am not allowed to say, Maam.
Understood, I said, understanding the concept of confidentiality.
Can I get you anything else? she asked.
No, I am good, I said, not used to being pampered.
I will be back to get you ready at eight forty-five, Maam, she said.
Thank you, Bao, I replied.
She bowed, this time without the tray, like a servant and said, You are welcome.
She left and I shook my head at just how bizarre this experience had been so far and deciding since I was already here I would stay for the week…already feeling refreshed after just one evening.
I took a bite of my eggs and almost instantly had a food orgasm as they were literally the best tasting eggs I have ever had. The rest of the meal was just as amazing as I relaxed and ate in peace…something that seldom happened.
I was startled when there was a knock at the door.
I called, Come in, as I glanced at the clock and realized I had been eating for forty-five minutes.
Bao walked in and asked, How was breakfast, maam?
Almost orgasmic, I joked.
She quickly replied, with just the slightest hint of a smile, Well, then just wait until you have had your massage.
Oh my, I said standing up with a soft playful laugh.
Bao went to my bedroom and returned with a robe. She put it on me and said, Follow me.
I did, amazed at the grace this petite woman had while wearing such ridiculously high heels.
I was led into a room with at least a couple of dozen candles which gave off a sweet fruity aroma, while light jazz played in the background. Bao said, Please get undressed and comfortable on the massage table. Tiffany will be with you shortly.
Bao left and I undressed and got comfortable. A few minutes later, the mixture of the sweet aroma and the light jazz and I was falling back asleep when yet another ridiculously pretty woman came in. Just as ridiculous was her outfit. Although the attire itself was what one would expect, the white stockings and five inch heels were not. She was a ravenous redhead, with exotic blue eyes and looked to be in her earlier thirties.
Good morning, Ms. Williams, my name is Tiffany. How are you enjoying your stay so far? she asked, grabbing the oil.
Exquisite so far, I smiled.
Great word choice, she smiled, before instructing me. Now just relax.
Will do, I agreed, already well on my way.
The next two hours were pure heaven. She worked every nerve ending of my body it seemed as I became jelly from her touch.
When she was done, she instructed, Drink a lot of water today and I will see you again Monday.
You will? I asked.
You get me three times, she smiled with a wink.
Once she left, I lay there for a couple of minutes before Bao startled me by returning. She handed me my robe and suggested, You may want to shower to get all the oil off of you.
I took the robe and agreed as she led me back to my room. The shower turned into a bath and I almost fell asleep when there was a knock on the door. I yelled, Come in, as I got out of the bathtub.
Lunch is served, Bao called.
Grabbing a robe after I dried off, I headed back to the dining room where another crazy spread of food awaited me.
Bao said, Your next appointment is at one.
I looked at the clock it was just after twelve.
And what would that be? I asked.
A meeting with Dr. Washington.
And he is?
Your emotional consultant, Bao answered.
What does that mean? I asked, confused by her answer.
It is best if you find out for yourself, she answered.
I ate lunch, got dressed and as expected Bao arrived to take me to my appointment.
I was led into another surreal room with books on three walls, a desk, a chair, a couch, and candles everywhere.
Again, like the massage, the room was very relaxing. I sat down on a comfortable chair and was again beginning to drift off when the door opened and a husky male voice spoke.
Good afternoon, Ms. Williams, a voice spoke.
I opened my eyes and was face to face with another ridiculously good looking man, around my age, with a beard and rare green eyes. Hi, Doctor.
Please call me Phillip, he said, shaking my hand.
Call me Cassandra, I replied, turning on my flirt mode.
Well, Cassandra lets have you move over to the couch, he said, pulling me up.
I flirted, my libido still revved up and ready to go after last nights flirtations with Spencer, Hmmmm, are you going to join me?
He chuckled, Lets just start the old fashioned way.
Ok, I agreed, lying down on the comfortable couch, my sexual charms again rebuffed.
So tell me about your business, he began.
Well, you want the short or long version? I asked.
The long, he replied, with a clipboard in his hand.
The next forty minutes I retold my life story from the opening of my store to the glory days of the late 1990s and finally to the recent downward spiral I was currently dealing with.
So your store is the most important thing in your life? he finally asked, forty minutes of only nodding and making odd hmm-mmmm sounds.
Yes, it has been my life, I admitted.
Any regrets? he asked, a strange out of the blue question.
No, I instantly answered.
Not one? he questioned, digging deeper.
Well, only that my business is floundering, I sighed.
Interesting, he said.
How so? I asked.
He chuckled, but ignored my question. I was informed by Ms. Amber that you are not married or in a relationship?
No, I admitted, explaining, men are way too much work. Feeling very annoyed that Amber had been speaking to anyone about my personal life. Besides how did she know whether or not I was or wasnt in a relationship.
So your store being successful is more important than a romantic relationship?
God, yes, I said.
What causes you stress? he asked.
I thought about this a while before realizing that all my stress was from running my store, twenty-four seven. We spent a few minutes discussing the in and outs, up and downs of having a store, the growing stress that had been compounded by the economic slowdown which had conversely had an impact on my bottom line.
Finally, my time was up and he suggested, Well, I think you have come here at the perfect time, Cassandra. I recommend you really enjoy your time here and reflect on what you really want in your life.
I thought I knew exactly what I wanted in my life before this, but this hour had me reflecting about my obsession with my store and just how much of my life and energy I had spent on it.
I will see you on Monday, he finished.
I walked out of his office and Bao was waiting for me. She led me back to my room and said, Please change into your swimming suit as your hot tub treatment is next.
When? I asked, really wanting to take a nap.
Ok, I said, yawning, it has been a rather exhausting day.
This is your last scheduled activity for the day, Bao informed me.
Good, I said and Bao left. I sat on the couch and reflected on my weird hour with Dr. Washington and how without saying it he questioned everything I had spent my life working on. Yet, the more I thought about it the more I disagreed with him. My store was who I was…you couldnt separate one without killing the other…as White Wedding had become the essence of who I was. I couldnt fathom living a life without my business.
After a few minutes, I changed into my two piece swimsuit that I bought to showcase my body while in Mexico last year.
Again, Bao arrived and led me this time to a luxurious indoor hot springs. The next hour, I just relaxed in the hot water letting my mine go blank.
Once done, I had supper in my room and sat on the beach until long after sundown just enjoying the beauty of the setting I was at.
Exhausted, I staggered to bed and fell asleep instantly.
I began to dream and again it was vividly real. Dr. Washington said, Lets take your mind off of your store for a while, as he unbuckled his pants and offered me his cock.
I smiled, Is this part of the regular session?
Each patient gets what they need, he smiled, before ordering, Now get sucking, slut.
I had never been one to like name calling, yet his firm order had my pussy gushing. I opened my mouth and took his six-inch already fully erect cock in my mouth.
I started slow, enjoying his cock in my mouth, until he demanded, I said suck my cock.
I obeyed the order, shifting instantly to faster bobbing.
Thats better cocksucker, he grunted.
Suddenly, I was craving his sweet cum. I began deep-throating his cock hungrily.
Does my slut want my cum, he questioned.
God, yes, I replied, taking his cock out of my mouth, before just as quickly taking it back in my mouth.
I bobbed back and forth like the slut he said I was for another minute before I was rewarded with the first shots of cum exploding into my mouth. I didnt slow down as I swallowed every drop of the doctors salty seed.
I didnt stop until I heard the strange feminine voice say, Good girl, Cassie.
Looking up, I was no longer staring up at Dr. Washington, but instead seeing Ambers face.
For the second straight night, I woke up a wet mess and confused at the bizarreness of Amber being in them.
Day two was the complete opposite of day one. After breakfast, I was taken for a day on the ocean where I swam with dolphins, went scuba diving, and went on a three-hour ocean cruise. It was one of the most exotic days of my life. By the time I returned to my room at seven in the evening I was so exhausted I ended up falling asleep on the couch not waking up until there was knocking on my door thirteen hours later.
Day three was a repeat of day one where I had a long massage in the morning, although this time the masseuse spent a long time on my buttocks, her hand getting awfully close to my pussy which, although she never touched, had it begging for attention. I couldnt believe how her touch, so innocent in nature, somehow had my pussy begging for attention. I wondered what I would do if she crossed the line and touched my pussy.
My second meeting with Dr. Washington was more intense than our first meeting as he questioned my long-term goals, both professional and personal. I opened up more admitting to a couple of heartbreaking break-ups when I was in college that had led to my reverse serial monogamist lifestyle and to my focus on satisfying my emptiness through work. He then asked me why a bridal shop. I explained that I had always loved weddings, ever since I was a kid, and always wanted to have a bridal shop.
He asked, Do you ever think that maybe you are living vicariously through your job?
No, I quickly replied without even thinking about it.
Think about it Cassandra, are you happy? he asked, just as time was up.
Back in my room, I couldnt get his last question out of my head. I chuckled at the cliché, sentence always the bridesmaid never the bride as I tried to justify the life I had been living for years. Am I happy? What a stupid fucking question. Three simple words and my head was spinning with a question that should have been so easy to answer. Yet, it wasnt as black and white as it should have been.
The question continued to nag at me as I relaxed in the hot springs and the answer continued to elude me throughout dinner and all evening as I sat on the beach alone…alone…alone.
As Tiffany gently massaged my ass, I felt my pussy tingle with a sudden need of attention as I let out a slight moan.
Tiffany asked, Are you all right, Cassie?
S-s-sure, I stammered distracted and suddenly embarrassed.
Her hands returned to my buttocks and she slowly moved my legs apart. My eyes went big as her hands slid between my legs and gliding ever so slowly towards my wetness. She asked, her voice dripping with innuendo, Would Cassie like the full massage service treatment?
Yeeees, I whimpered, praying I understood her intent properly.
Her fingers slid down my ass cheeks and to my wanton pussy. A moan again escaped my lips. Her fingers teased my pussy lips for a minute before she said, Role onto your back, Cassie.
I obeyed quickly and opened my legs suddenly wanting nothing more than to experience my first lesbian experience. Once her outfit was off, she surprised me by joining me on the table but instead of going between my legs she straddled my face, lowering her completely shaved pussy onto my face. Even though I had never seriously considered being with a woman, I didnt hesitate as I extended my tongue to her slightly glistening pussy lips. Her taste was unlike anything I had ever experienced and after a few tentative licks, I became eager.
Her moans increased as my eagerness did, and I was surprised when I suddenly felt a slap on my clit. It stung, but in a good way, adding fuel to an already well kindled fire. I moaned into her pussy as an intense pleasure rumbled through me. I continued licking as Tiffany continued spanking my pussy. I knew my orgasm was imminent.
Beg to cum, slut, I heard.
I screamed, Oh God, yes, please let me come, I begged, as I continued licking her pussy wanting to get her off.
Call me Mistress Amber, the voice ordered.
I didnt even hesitate as I responded, my body desperate for release, Mistress Amber, please let your little slut come.
My clit was suddenly frantically rubbed and in seconds my orgasm hit me just as my face was coated with pussy juice from the cunt above my face.
Waking up yet again from an orgasm induced dream, I couldnt believe how I got off being called slut and calling Amber Mistress. Why were all my dreams having Amber pop up in them? It was a frustrating question that I had no reasonable answer. I wasnt a lesbian and even if I was going to experiment it wasnt going to be with a bitch like Amber.
Day four was another pampering day where I spent hours getting every inch of my body made over. I had a full skin revitalising as my skin was exfoliated, nourished and pampered, my skin literally becoming softer. A vitality wrap followed as did a manicure, a pedicure, foot soak and much to my shock a Brazilian (I had always went with the all natural look, so this took quite a bit of time and hurt a fair amount). Time in the Jacuzzi and a facial occurred after lunch and the afternoon ended with a haircut and red streaks added which seemed to make me look even younger. All the while, I was fed the most delicious cocktails ever and by the time I had supper I was not drunk, but well past tipsy.
Alone in my room, my hand went to my completely shaved pussy and I began rubbing myself. Horny as hell, my fingers were not enough and I went to the mini-bar and grabbed an empty wine bottle. I fell on the nearby couch, closed my eyes and began rubbing the bottle up and down my wet pussy lips.
Again Spencer who had continued to ignore my relentless flirtation popped into my head as the bottle neck slowly slid between my swollen lips and inside my needy pussy. But as I began sliding the makeshift cock in and out of me the images of who was fucking me changed. First it was Bao with a strap-on cock, then Marty the clearly gay black who had done my hair, next was the red haired Tiffany pumping her fingers into me, then it was Matthew my first boyfriend and it ended again with Amber this time slamming a strap-on cock in and out of me with that same smug smile she had in my office.
I screamed as my much needed orgasm waved through me as my mind played tricks on me. I had never considered a woman sexually, yet I couldnt help but notice the beauty of every woman who worked here, nor could I deny the reality that as much as I hated Ambers attitude, her long legs and confident demeanor had me in awe of her.
Like every other day at this relaxation paradise, I crashed early and slept through the night.
Day five was another repeat of days one and three. Again, Tiffany gave me a thorough massage, her hands so smooth and tender. It was like she put me on constant tease, her hands tantalizing close to my breasts and pussy. In the end, leaving me high and wet.
I was to meet with Dr. Washington after lunch. I approached the meeting with apprehension as I realized I had not been able to answer his very simple question.
As soon as the session started, he asked, So, were you able to answer the question I left you with yet, Cassandra?
An hour later, I had thoroughly been psychoanalysed and felt like I had been mentally mind-fucked. As I returned to my room so many questions still lingered in my head as did my answers to his questions:
What makes you happy? he opened with.
I considered the answer a long time. My store being successful, I finally answered.
Are you currently happy? he pressed on.
Again I pondered the question and his real intention for asking such a question. Of course, I am happy. I enjoy my life and have very few regrets.
What regrets do you have? he asked, pulling out one word from my response.
Well of course I have made sacrifices to have a successful store, mostly in regards to losing touch with friends and making White Wedding more important than any relationship.
Do you regret those sacrifices? he dug deeper.
Oh sure, every once and in a while a what if thought pops in my head, but that is natural for everyone, I said, trivializing the assessment.
Changing topics it seemed, he asked, What do you want in life?
I answered without hesitation. For my store to be successful enough, that I could travel more and maybe have time for a relationship.
Cant you have both? A successful store and a happy relationship?
I have never found that to be the case, I admitted.
A while later after he questioned my view of love, my definition of success and questions about my past relationships before he changed topics again. What would you do if your shop failed?
It cant, I answered.
Why not? he pushed.
It is all I have, I admitted. I couldnt imagine my store ever failing, as my identity and White Wedding had blurred into one. I was my White Wedding and White Wedding was me.
What you have to ask yourself is if you are ok with that? he asked, just as time was up.
As I was leaving, my mind spinning with more questions than answers after my time with the doctor, I want you to spend tonight making up a bucket list. What you want to do before you die, the doctor instructed me.
These questions bounced inside my head while I was relaxing in the hot springs, during supper and as I sat on the beach and watched the sunset. I made up my bucket list which came flowing out of me way easier than I thought it would.
1. To have my store successful again.
2. To travel all of Europe.
3. To fall in love.
4. To learn another language.
5. To write a book.
6. To read more.
7. To see the Rolling Stones live.
8. To become a better cook.
9. To meet Brad Pitt (actually to fuck Brad Pitt)
10. To learn to make my own wine.
11. To wear a wedding dress.
12. To kiss a girl and maybe more.
After writing number twelve, I paused and re-read it. Before a few days ago such an idea would never have popped into my head, but there it was. Closing my eyes I again imagined Bao, Tiffany and Amber seducing me.
My hand wandered to my already slightly damp pussy and I began rubbing my clit as yet another fantasy popped into my head. There was no Spencer this time, just Bao, Tiffany and Amber each taking me. I begged Bao to lick my pussy, I begged Tiffany to fuck me with a strap-on cock, and I begged Amber to let me please her, by licking her pussy.
Amber smiled suddenly at my desk, in my chair, as she ordered, Crawl to me Cassie.
I obeyed silently, my face burning with shame and excitement. This was MY office.
Good girl, Cassie, she purred as I crawled towards her.
Under my desk like a good little pet, she ordered.
I instantly obeyed, turned on by the order even as my head screamed no. Once under my desk, she opened her legs and asked, Does Cassie want to eat my cunt?
Yes, I answered without hesitation.
Yes what, slut? she asked.
Although being called slut was like a slap in the face, I reworded, Yes, maam.
Its Mistress you dumb cunt, Amber snapped, her glare burning right through me.
S-s-sorry, yes Mistress Amber, I stammered, ashamed at my eagerness to please and yet desperate to make her happy.
Beg bitch, she ordered, her fingers slowly spreading her pussy lips.
An insatiable hunger welled up inside of me and the words out of my mouth were unlike any I had ever said before (when with a man I was always the one in charge), Please, let your slut eat your wet cunt. Make me your cunt pleaser.
Her smile was smug, just like it was in my office that first day, as she grabbed me by the hair and pulled me into her wetness.
I came hard on the beach as the bizarre fantasy brought an intense rush of pleasure through me. Realizing where I was, I opened my eyes and went red in shame as I saw a few others were watching me rub myself to orgasm. Even as my body continued to twitch with pleasure, I grabbed my journal and scurried into my room mortified by my actions.
Once inside, I burst out laughing suddenly amused at the reality of what I had done. Although embarrassed, I didnt know any of those people and it was liberating to think that I had done something so taboo.
I finished my bucket list while having a hot bath and went to bed wondering what was planned for me my last full day.
Day six started shockingly with me having an orgasm in my sleep.
In my vivid dream, I was woken up with a tongue lapping at my pussy. I shot up and stammered, pulling the sheets off me and staring into Baos sweet eyes, W-w-what are you doing?
Bao looked up and explained, Ms. Amber instructed I must wake you up with an orgasm.
What? I said, equally flabbergasted by both the act and the reason.
Sorry maam, but Ambers instructions were very clear, Bao explained, still between my legs. Without another word, Bao returned between my legs licking me gently, slowly getting me warmed up and wet, a slow burn wake-up call. I lay back and enjoyed the gentleness surprised at just how good having my pussy licked could be. Most men I was intimate with were either terrible pussy lickers, or didnt even bother going down on me, but Bao had obviously done this before.
The slow increasing build up finally came to a crashing wave after an eternity of sweet tease and I came harder than I ever had with a man.
I jolted up and saw that I was alone in my room. I couldnt believe just how real the dream felt and that evidence was prevalent from the wetness between my legs. The dream itself was strange, but stranger was the fact that somehow Amber had again been a part of it.
After a shower and breakfast, where I couldnt help but look at Bao in a different light before I was surprised once again.
Bao said, Today Ms. Amber has planned a very full last day for you.
The mention of Ms. Amber had my naughty wet dream popping instantly into my head. She did? I asked.
Bao nodded, Yes, please follow me.
I followed Bao to a new room that had a fashion show runway where I met Eleanor, a well dressed woman in, of course, five inch heels.
Hi, Ms. Williams, the ridiculously beautiful woman greeted.
Hi, I replied, before asking, And what do you have in store for me?
Cat walk training, she answered, pointing to the runway.
Really? I asked.
Yes, Ms. Amber insisted you have a couple of hours of practice, Eleanor explained.
Why? I questioned, the expectation absurd.
No idea, but Ms. Amber expects women to dress to impress and to walk the walk, she answered, pointing to her heels, in five inch heels.
Why does everyone wear such ludicrous heels? I asked.
She smiled, as if my question was silly, Ms. Amber expects all her employees to wear five inch heels.
But she is my employee, I pointed out.
Eleanor shrugged, I have no idea about your situation, but here she trained all of us to dress professionally but with a touch of sexiness and five inch heels.
Oh, was all I could get out.
Ms. Amber sent over three outfits and a few pairs of heels for you to try on and expects you wearing one of them when you return, Eleanor explained.
Well, I think I am fine with what I always wear, I replied, turning to leave.
Eleanors tone shifted to worried as she pleaded, Ms. Williams, please reconsider. If Ms. Amber has requested it, trust me there is a reason. She turned our near bankrupt spa into the most sought after spa in America. She knows what she is doing.
Well, it could be fun, I shrugged, not wanting to give in, but seeing an odd fear in Eleanors tone and demeanor.
Clearly relieved, she said, Come this way.
The next fifteen minutes I tried on all three outfits and all five pairs of five inch heels. Each outfit was professional and yet sexy at the same time and somehow enhanced perfectly my voluptuous breasts. The heels, however, were ludicrous and I almost killed myself trying them on, never mind trying to walk while wearing them.
Eleanor said, Up next, high heel walking.
Dont you mean high heel homicide? I joked, standing up in the heels that had me wavering like a buoy in rough waters.
She laughed, Dont worry, it just takes practice.
I am pretty sure there is not enough time left in my lifetime to survive walking in these things, I replied.
You would be amazed, she softly encouraged. It was like when I went to visit a friend in Canada in December last year. I never thought I would survive the blizzard freezing cold, but I did and after a few days my body began to adjust to the biting chill.
Well, you only die once, I quipped.
And at least you will have a story for heaven, she quipped right back.
I laughed as I followed her awkwardly in the ludicrous five-inch heels onto what looked to be an actual fashion runway.
I wont get into the details but for the next hour, I strutted my stuff on the runway slowly getting more used to wearing the heels and slowly building confidence as Eleanor complimented me and gave me advice. It was bizarrely exhilarating to walk the runway even if no one was watching other than Eleanor.
When Eleanor announced, Well time is up, I was actually disappointed and stunned to learn over an hour and a half had flew by.
Oh, ok, I said, trying not to act disappointed.
Eleanor explained, Ms. Amber made it clear you are to wear the five inch heels and one of
The story is connected, so please read from part 1. Few comments in the comment section will be appreciable. Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Hey guys, just wondering, can a lesbian slave story make your dick erect? And dear girls, I hope you get horny and wet. Previous part recap: One night, Divya calls me by phone, and she tells me that she is alone in her home. My lesbian love for her arouses as soon as I meet her after many days. She requests me to have...
LesbianPlease, read the prequels if you like this Story: PREQUEL - Karla’s Descent to Hell – The beginning YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 1 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 2 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 3 of 3 You can read previously - Karla’s Brainwashing...
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The day I met my future husband was the day he took my virginity and made me his slave.I can still remember even the tiniest details about that day, even though it was over 30 years ago. I was early spring, just before what was then known as ?Easter Vacation.? I could describe the weather, the exact hue of blue in the sky, the sounds, even the smells in the air. But you wouldn’t be interested in that.I was a sophomore in high school, not a particularly outstanding student, nor a popular...
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I was always one to fantasize about being used, handled like an object or a toy. My partner was always very passionate and loving, but never struck me as a dominant. But, of course, I couldn’t hide my desires from him for too long. These fantasies of being roughly manhandled in the bedroom had begun to show when I asked him to spank me, to hold me down, to choke me.Every night, he’d do a little more to make me feel like my fantasies were slowly becoming a reality.One night, I came home to find...
BDSMHello everyone, I am with a juicy story for you all to enjoy. This story is based upon the narrative of one of my readers. I am just describing the event as it was delineated by her. Mail me if you like the story with your feedback and also share your wild fantasies with me. My name is Manasi. I just turned 19 this month. I am a management student here in Jaipur and I reside at a girl’s hostel here. There were around 40 girls in total. I didn’t like to interact with most of them and usually...
LesbianThe day I met my future husband was the day he took my virginity and made me his slave. I can still remember even the tiniest details about that day, even though it was over 30 years ago. I was early spring, just before what was then known as "Easter Vacation." I could describe the weather, the exact hue of blue in the sky, the sounds, even the smells in the air. But you wouldn't be interested in that. I was a sophomore in high school, not a particularly outstanding student, nor a popular...
I arrived in my high school uniform, you know the sort of thing, short skirt and white blouse. My black bra peeping through the thin fabric. I arrived and was ushered in. Any told me to go up to the living room and wait there. After about 5 minutes the 2 woman entered. Any in a pink thong and bra wearing a 12 inch strap on, then you had Denise in a white bra and panties with a pink trim. She had a 10 inch cock on her. They told me to sit on the bed and being to rub my self through my panties. I...
LesbianModeling I was f******n, out of school for the summer and enjoying an ice cream at a place not far from my home. There were three of us setting in the park across the street from the place we got our cones, when a very attractive lady came up, stopping just in front of me, “Hi my name is Janice, I’ve been watching you for a few days now. Don’t worry I’m not a pervert or anything, I work for a modeling agency and I think with the proper training you could make some good money.” She handed me...
By : Gaymen4u21 Hi Readers,its been a long time I had posted one story in this. I am Vivek from Kerala.Am white, fair, slim and am a pure bottom.While chatting in yahoo I met a guy named Kiran age 32.We chatted and he said that he want a pure btm slave for him.I got interested .He said some rules that a slave should obey his master.Do whatever master says.If fails to do will be punished.Master will use slave’s body as he like. Master has full authority over his slave’s body. These were the...
If you have browsed my site for at least a few minutes, then you know there are so many porn sites out there that it’s almost impossible to see them all. And because you have countless choices, this could cause you to become overwhelmed. You know what happens when you’re overwhelmed: you retreat back to what you know.So when you’re in the mood to watch hot lesbians get each other off, why choose the same tired tube sites you visit daily? Go with a tube site like as a change...
Lesbian Porn SitesIf aliens landed on Earth and used the Internet for the first time, they would realize very quickly that lesbian videos are abundant on the Web. You have jerked off to them countless times, so I don’t have to tell you this. It’s one of the great things about the Internet, our mobile devices, and technology as a whole. No matter where you are, if you have a craving for some hot lesbian action, you can flip out your mobile device, unzip your other mobile device, and jerk off wherever you may...
Lesbian Porn SitesAt first glance, it may seem like visiting a site like is not the place to go if you want to see a plethora of lesbian content. Hell, the idea of visiting a blog to watch videos sounds pretty fucking stupid when you think about it. That’s like visiting a forum to buy your erectile dysfunction pills in bulk: it’s not the ideal type of site to visit when you want a particular thing.Believe it or not, but is actually a fucking awesome place to visit...
Lesbian Porn Sites"I think she's a lesbian whispered Joe to me loud enough for Kathy to hear."Turning the table on us, she shot him a look that turned into her famous sexy smile."You two could be gay for all I know," she said laughing and looking from me to Joe and back at me again. "You're not gay are you? You two haven't turned gay on me, have you? Now that I think of it, I haven't seen either of you with a woman." She looked around her room, "I do need my room redecorated since I'll be living at home again....
Is there a more welcoming name for a tube site than I’m not sure. It sounds like a friendly place when you first read the name of the site, though. If you were hoping to get a double dose of lesbian goodness here, oh boy, do I have some fucking news for you!You won’t see a tiny bit of lesbian content here and there. Instead, the amount of lesbian content offered here is fucking massive! I will get into the number in a moment. All you have to know for now is that if you...
Lesbian Porn SitesWe have access to so much pornography on the Web that it’s impossible to see it all. For fuck sake, there is an uncountable amount of porn that is posted every single day. To say that you can find anything that gets you off is an understatement. From cam shows to tube sites with millions of embedded porn videos and even virtual reality porn, you can find something that will get you off.But sometimes, you want to go back to simpler times. You may even want to go back to a time where looking at...
Lesbian Porn SitesIt only takes a Google search to discover that streaming lesbian videos is easier than taking a shit. It’s some of the easiest content to find, and there is no shortage. You could cum to lesbian content every day of your life, and you still wouldn’t see everything. For fuck sake, there are probably more lesbian videos published every day than you can jerk off to in your entire life, period!But even though there is a constant influx of sexy lesbian videos of all shapes and sizes, sometimes you...
Lesbian Porn SitesI was very happy when I got into an all-girls college. The boys on campus in high school had always been a distraction, always hitting on the girls and trying to get them into bed. It seemed like all they wanted was what was between our legs.I had fallen for someone in high school and given him my virginity but in the end of the school year he just dumped me for another prettier girl. The way I figured an all-girls school would allow me to focus on my studies for four years and not be...
Tanya knocked on the door, waiting for Erica to answer. She had butterflies in her stomach as she heard the footsteps coming closer to the door. She wasn't sure if she could, or should continue with the thing she had come here for. Erica was a lesbian, and Tanya had come here for sex.Erica had been working with Rick for six weeks. He suspected she was at least bisexual, if not fully lesbian. Her mannerisms were "Boy's Club" professional, almost to the point of masculine, despite her physical...
THE EXPOSE Inside The Secret Life Of A Lesbian Slut - The Dirty Secrets Gay Women Don't Want You To Know - by Ingrid Pellman When I first met Laura, she was naked, crying and being fucked by a dog. We'd arranged to meet in a park by Laura's house, because Laura had telephoned this magazine and said that she wanted to talk about her fascinating lifestyle. She'd dressed in the way she was accustomed to dress - short skirt, sheer lycra boob-tube, no underwear of any sort - and...
Need lesbian XVideos content? Everyone knows about and all of the amazing videos that they offer you. One of the most popular sections on the website has to be the Lesbian category though and it definitely makes sense since it’s one of the most popular categories in America which is the primary consumer of You’ll definitely see a shitload of videos in this category and they simply never get boring. I mean I’m as straight as they get, and I love fucking chicks really...
Lesbian Porn SitesIf you’re looking for the hottest lesbian porn on the market and you want to get it for free, then you’re going to need to find a good website for that kind of stuff. Many players in the porn industry allow you to get free porn, so it might be hard to make a decision. Well, today, I have one of your potential choices and it comes in the form of a site called This place is a pretty great free porn site that is incredibly simple and it won’t take you that much thinking in...
Lesbian Porn is a porn aggregator site. What does this mean? It means that it’s a site that combines the content of many other sites and puts it all in one place. Now, the content isn’t streamed from the domain of, but instead, it’s streamed on the site that originally hosts the file. This is great if you have a lot of lesbian porn that you want to show, but you don’t have a lot of hosting space. Porn aggregator sites usually work like this and their biggest storage issue are all...
Lesbian Porn SitesWhat is your everyday routine when you start looking for porn? If you are like most people, you probably go to a tube site and begin scouring the genre that gets you off. Or maybe you load up a hentai game and get hard from watching sexy octopuses fuck a bitch with the biggest titties you’ve ever seen. Whatever your routine may be, if you are growing tired of it, consider trying something new. Such as visiting a forum and exploring the unique porn within.“Wait, you want me to visit a forum? To...
Lesbian Porn SitesMain pinky hu delhi ki rahne wali hu aur call center me job karti hu ap sabne mujhe mail kiya uske liyea thanks main ap logo se whatsapp par sex chat ki aur apni hot pics bhi bheji aur ap mujhe aur mail kariyea main apse aur whatsapp par sex chat karungi aur apni hot pics bhi bhejungi ap sabko bata du ki main apni colony ki bahut hi mast maal hu mujhe dekhte hi ladke mujhe chodne k liyea mere piche ghumte h lekin main jayada kisiko bhi bhaw nahi deti hu ab main apni kahani par aati hu ye kahani...
I was alone, in the evening, doing some household chores leisurely at home waiting for my hubby. The time was about 5.00 in the evening. We had plans to go for shopping and a late night dinner in a restaurant. I had almost finished everything and proceeded to the bathroom for a refreshing bath. Had a nice bath and dabbed perfume to entice my hubby, expecting to have a quickie before going out (he usually falls into the trap). I pulled out a transparent nightgown and changed into it. I heard...
Lesbian1. FAIRY LADY: “In the mid-1990s, a lesbian bottom.”2. VULVA HANDS: “A gesture used in lesbian gatherings during the 1980s, probably originating in the women’s peace camp at Greenham Common in England and continuing at the Seneca Women’s Peace Encampment in upstate New York, and indicating the strength of lesbian sexuality. The two forefingers and thumbs were placed together to form a triangle, and then the hands were held over the head in the air. Some lesbian jewelry still employs the image...
Craving some lesbian xHamster videos? I’ve been a porno expert for years now and I can confidently say that lesbian porn is always a hot category whether you’re an avid porn addict who can’t keep his hands off his dick or you prefer the occasional fap every now and then. Everyone loves seeing two hot sluts go at each other and turn their pussies inside out with their tongues without a dick in sight. Lesbian porn’s always been a true bastion of the pornography industry, and it deserves praise by...
Lesbian Porn SitesI fucking love lesbians! I know that these chicks are not into dicks, but there is something about cunt slurping that makes my blood boil. A dirty confession I had to make! All dudes dig lesbians, right? Lesbians dig lesbians, straight chicks like them, and men love them. Double standards at their best. Gays are noooo, but lesbians are ok. You know me, I don't care for that all equality shit. Lesbians are hot, gays are not! At least in my world. Deal with it!I don't know why I brought all of...
Premium Lesbian Porn SitesHello friends and I am a regular reader of ISS. Here I’m writing a true story which has changed my life. This story is really a true story. This incident happened with me 7 years back before starting the story I am writing a little about myself. My name is Jyoti Ranjan Swain. I am a 32 year male with a good body fair in looking handsome and 70kg weight. I am from a small town of Orissa. This incident happened with me when I was 25 and completed my post graduation and searching for a job. I have...
“Peta, I asked you for this chat, this talk because you’re heading for trouble in this office. Your male coworkers complain you don’t socialize with them, not here or outside, with a drink or even a cup of coffee. Since you’re a beautiful girl, I don’t miss their point. They want a chance to flirt and some to lay you in bed. But your great trouble comes from your female coworkers. They said it’s ok you’re shy, but some are openly hostile against you for they think you’re a closet lesbian and...
Always, in the evening, I love to hold my beautiful Indian wife Anita in my arms and gently caress her soft and smooth body. She is 34 years old and very feminine. Her body is naturally curvaceous – with generous breasts and nicely rounded arse. But she looks after herself, exercising regularly and keeping her stomach nice and flat and her legs well-toned. Her hair is deep black and her skin dusky – its richness set off by her red lipstick and the golden bangles and necklaces she loves to wear....
LesbianUp until very recently, I have never been a huge fan of lesbian porn. Don’t get me wrong, I was never opposed to the idea of seeing beautiful women eat each other out, finger each other’s beautiful assholes, or scissor themselves silly without any dicks there to block the sublime views, I just always struggled to see how I would fit into the fantasy. Lesbians, after all, contrary to the way the porn industry so often portrays them to be, want absolutely nothing to do with guys. So, therefore, I...
Lesbian Porn SitesThe Lesbian Factory.When Jill woke she found herself strapped to a bed, nude and spread eagle. Standing around her were several women, also nude."What's going on?" Jill said, confused.A beautiful redhead, with a shapely figure stepped forward. "My name is Erika. Welcome. You have been sponsored into our lesbian society.""But I'm not gay!" Jill said.Erika smiled. "That will soon change.""What? Untie me... let me go!" she said struggling against the leather straps."Each day," Erika continued, "we...
I've been thinking about to what end lesbian porn is popular and is watched by both straight women and men. Well, for men it's actually easy to figure out because they are basically aroused by visual cues that emphasize youthfulness and downplay dramatic emotional display. Lesbian porn is almost like the dramatic playout of women’s emotional being almost like a symbol of what they would rather have. I can’t deny that this shit is deep as hell but most probably the hell about it that most men...
Lesbian Porn SitesAre you a fan of lesbian porn? I know you are since you clicked on this review, so I’ll get right down to it. If you were looking for a good porn site where you can watch HD porn videos, you’ve come to the right place. Now, not all videos on are in HD and not all of them are lesbian pornos. Still, you can quickly change that just by clicking on the lesbian category and then adjusting the settings of all the videos that are displayed there to be above 720p, which you can do quite...
Lesbian Porn SitesWhen Jill woke she found herself strapped to a bed, nude and spread eagle. Standing around her were several women, also nude."What's going on?" Jill said, confused.A beautiful redhead, with a shapely figure stepped forward. "My name is Erika. Welcome. You have been sponsored into our lesbian society.""But I'm not gay!" Jill said.Erika smiled. "That will soon change.""What? Untie me... let me go!" she said struggling against the leather straps."Each day," Erika continued, "we will give you a...
Our car pulled up outside Mrs Kumila’s substantial villa. It was, she had told me, paid for out of her husband’s business but he saw little of it – spending most of his time in the Middle East. She was more than happy with the arrangement for it gave her the freedom to indulge her preference for Sapphic love. And so it was that we walked up the steps, hand in hand, to be admitted by the pretty maid. By now I was very happy and supremely horny. Mrs Kumila had said that she wanted a lesbian slut...
LesbianI was working at my desk early, that morning, when I received the fateful phone call from my boss, Bill Williamson. "Could you spare me a minute?" he said in his heavy Scottish accent. This could be good news, bad news or a job. Things had generally been pretty quiet since the end of the cold war, with only a couple of short interludes. My main work now seemed to be full of sorting through endless paperwork and reports, stuff which I really hated, not what I had joined for, at all....
Downstairs at the party everyone had heard the screams coming from Laura's room even over the music. Most the experienced players in the league were secretly delighted although maybe a little jealous by Laura's new relationship with Kelli. They all knew that every practice, every game, every date, every party and most importantly every new recruit, was critical to the success of the league. This party had been precisely planed out for just a few women. Women that had never experienced love...
"Will you be my Maid of Honor?" Jennifer asked Lara. Lara was Jennifer's fiancé Mark's, very affectionate sister."Really?" she asked, clearly surprised by the question."Yes, you've become like a sister to me and I think it would make Mark happy too," Jennifer explained. She had asked Mark what he thought of her asking Lara instead of her best friend Kendra, who Mark didn't like much. She stressed that Kendra would still be a bridesmaid, but since she lived three hours away, having someone local...
Man, I’m so fucking excited about this one. This genre is a tried and true favorite amongst me and just about every dude out there. Lesbian porn. Its popularity needs to explanation. Watching two slutty babes eat each other out, scissor, get fingered, and do all kinds of sexy shit is amazing. It’s fucking magical is what it is. Who needs dicks in their porn? I’d much rather watch some chick with a huge rack fuck another slut, hopefully with even bigger tits if I get to choose, with a big ass...
Lesbian Porn SitesWhen Jill woke she found herself strapped to a bed, nude and spread eagle. Standing around her were several women, also nude. “What’s going on?” Jill said, confused. A beautiful redhead, with a shapely figure stepped forward. “My name is Erika. Welcome. You have been sponsored into our lesbian society.” “But I’m not gay!” Jill said. Erika smiled. “That will soon change.” “What? Untie me… let me go!” she said...
I don’t understand what has happened to me. Oh, I know the actual events – I’ve replayed them in my mind, over and over, during these last few weeks. It is how and why they have changed me so profoundly that I don’t understand – but they have, and forever. There are four things that you need to know about me. The first is that I am black – and I mean really black, with dark ebony skin. My ancestors were taken in the eighteenth century from somewhere in tropical Africa to the West...
Chapter Nineteen: Futa Dates the Lesbian By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I was so excited for my date with Wendy. Allie helped me choose my clothes. My sister-girlfriend was having fun choosing the perfect outfit for me to wear on my date with my “official” girlfriend. That amused my younger sister to no end. “This is perfect,” Allie had declared when she saw me wearing a pair of knee-high socks (Allie insisted on them), her favorite...
Sally-Anne whistled quietly to herself, in a happy mood as she cleaned Room 517 on the top floor of the hotel. She knew that she had been very lucky to get this temporary job during the school summer holidays: there were not many such opportunities in her quiet medium-sized home town, and she was only a little over sixteen years old, which is the minimum legal age for employment in Britain. Sally-Anne wanted to save money towards paying for driving lessons when she turned seventeen next...
From A Society Girl From A Society Girl To A Slave Anonymous Chapter I All the inhabitants of the villageof Kronink in Scotland know the castle of Kelingtonwhich stands majestically a few miles outside of the village, and which neverfails to draw all the visiting tourists who are struck by the mysterious charmof its old-fashioned towers looming at the horizon and surrounded by the thickvegetation of an immense park. In that castle lived Lord Kelington, the heir of an oldScottish family...
I watched lesbians on Adult Time all morning, and I had a great time despite all the other Starbuck’s customers trying to sneak a peek over my shoulder. Hey, I’m all for sharing, but the baristas already hassle me without some other wanker pulling his pud and causing a real scene. Subtlety is the key to enjoying porno in public, but maybe that’s a lesson for another day. Today, I want to chat about those lesbians I mentioned.If you’re a regular consumer of premium pornography, there’s a good...
Premium Lesbian Porn SitesI could not help myself. She lay there on her back in her panties and a bra-less t-shirt watching the TV. Her sweet 18 year old legs spread ever so slightly on the couch and her cute little ass enticed me even more. She was my housemate's little sister visiting to see the university and I knew walking over and talking to her was a bad idea. I knew that there was a good chance that within the hour I'd have her cute little face between my legs enjoying my cunt.Her name was Becky. She looked up at...
I could not help myself. She lay there on her back in her panties and a bra-less t-shirt watching the TV. Her sweet 18 year old legs spread ever so slightly on the couch and her cute little ass enticed me even more. She was my housemate's little sister visiting to see the university and I knew walking over and talking to her was a bad idea. I knew that there was a good chance that within the hour I'd have her cute little face between my legs enjoying my cunt.Her name was Becky. She looked up at...
Turned from a straight girl who's never even kissed another girl into a committed lesbian may not be that unique, but having the girl that turned you be your sister, well, that's got to be quite out of the ordinary. I knew my stepsister Meagan was a lesbian when mom convinced me to allow her to stay the summer with me during her college summer break. I had just gotten off a devastating break with my boyfriend Steve and felt her presence with me at my apartment would do us both good. Mom and dad...
I can see it now. You’re probably sitting there with a dozen tabs open while you try to find the perfect lesbian fisting video to blow your load to. And, man, it can get to be a pain in the ass when you’re trying to navigate a bunch of different porn tubes at once. Each one will have ads, require different log-ins, and you could very well end up losing the video page you were on or forgetting about a site entirely. But what if I told you horny fucks that there was a better way to browse porn?...
Lesbian Porn SitesHow Jenna’s journey as a slave beganJenna had always been brought up as a proper girl. She was shielded by her parents in aspects of her life. Now at the age of 19 she had just gotten her first computer with internet access. She could not wait to go upstairs and use her pc with the internet. But she was stuck helping her mom with the cleaning of the house for her moms work guests that where coming over. Jenna’s mother came into the room at 6:30 and said she could do what she wanted for the rest...
Please, read the prequel if you like this Story: Karla’s first step to be a Fuck Sow ============================== My name is Karla, skinny Karla, slut Karla, whore Karla, cunt Karla and I’m a Lesbian FuckSow Slave. I live in a mental and physical fog of debasement and lesbian submission, so I don’t know if I’m Karla or other girl. Also I don't know what time it is but I guess it's daytime, I don't know what day I live either. I don't know if it's...
This incident happened with me some 9 months back. 3 years before we came to Mumbai from Kanpur because of my husband’s job and we came and settled here only. From first only we stayed at rented home my husband is in late 35 and he is a sr. Marketing manager. His sex stamina is ok. But I am bisexual I prefer female more than male. From first sight only sapna has attracted me towards her that why I made love to sapna. About ourself I am 5. 5 ft tall, skin color light brown, age 32, mere boob...
LesbianIf there is one thing that I just love in this world, it’s free lesbian porn. And while there are plenty of free porn tube sites out there that give you lesbian porn, there are a few sites that I love even more than that and they are the ones that take all of those different porn tube sites and combine them all together to bring you as much free lesbian porn as possible. One such website goes by the name of and if you are looking for a good time alone while jerking off to lesbo pornos,...
Lesbian Porn SitesIt will come as no surprise to you that I love dicking bitches down. I do it as often as I can. Every morning I awake in a sea of pussy. It takes no effort, and I would describe the feeling it gives me as pure joy.Living the DreamI'm living proof that sex doesn't get boring. If it did, I'd be bored as fuck. I've been crushing a minimum of three pussies a day for many years now. I fuck more than I eat. It's incredible.If only twelve-year-old me could see me now, he would be proud of what I've...
Premium Lesbian Porn Sites