Playing Doctor Ch. 1 free porn video

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Amanda knew it was coming. She had been awake for over 10 minutes perfecting her plan.

*Cough cough* "OK dad" She said with the huskiest voice she could muster.

"Wait a second, are you feeling OK kiddo?"

"yeah, I'm fine. *Cough* just .. Clearing my throat"

"You don't sound fine." He placed his hand on her forehead "You're warm, you might have a fever"

She had used an extra blanket to cover her head, hoping for exactly this outcome.

"Not uh, I'm cold, not warm." she shivered visibly.

"Well that's how a fever works - you feel cold because your body is over heated. Its a sick day for you missy. Get back in bed. I'll be back with some medicine in a few minutes."

"Ugh .. OK daddy." Amanda Plopped back into bed feigning dizziness.

'Woo! It worked! Three day weekend for meeee'

A few minutes later John came back with some reddish syrup, a glass of water, and some chicken noodle soup. After the contents of the cough medicine were consumed, he set the bowl of soup next to her bed. "Make sure you eat your soup and get plenty of rest today. If you feel up to it, check on your brother and make sure he puts on his ointment."

"OK daddy, thank you for taking care of me" She dialed down her huskiness slightly to let him know the medicine was helping, and added in a little cute-daughter-talk to sweeten him up.

"Anything for you muffin." John smiled "Now eat up."

He ruffled her hair a little, then left the room and closed the door. Amanda waited until she heard the garage door closing before springing from the bed and doing a little happy dance in the middle of her room. 'No school, no school, no school, woo!' she thought to herself. She started spinning, letting her nightgown spiral out like a ballerina's tutu. 'pajamas all day' She caught herself in the mirror and smiled proudly at the reflection.

She was really beginning to like her body. Her long auburn hair was slightly disheveled from sleep, but still mostly straight and shining. Her pale milky skin was blemished only by her light freckles that seemed to compliment her nicely. And finally, the boob fairy had visited her - her breasts were nearly handfuls. She cupped them for confirmation and felt her nipples stiffen a little from the attention. She released them back to gravity, but they only bounced slightly, resisting the pull of the earth. She could visibly see the nightgown tenting at two points from her slight arousal and noted that she would need to start wearing a bra soon.

Remembering her soup she jumped back into bed. 'Breakfast in bed!' She laid back against the head board and made short work of her food. Once done, her OCD made her leave the sanctuary of her bedroom to take the bowl to the kitchen.

Along the way she saw her brother Daren sitting on the ground in the living room leaning over the coffee table. There was a mostly dark colored puzzle scatted across the table, and it looked as if he had just started, still working on the first corner.

"Hey squirt, whatcha working on?" Amanda sang from across the room. Daren looked up at her, his pale skin a stark contrast to the red pokedots covering his face.

"Dad said you were sick"

"I am .. Just a little cough."

"You don't sound sick"

"You calling me a liar?" Amanda smirked at him. Daren scowled.

"You get away with everything. I have to be contagious with chicken pox before he lets me stay home."

"Yup. Better enjoy it brother dear, because you can only use that excuse once."

"Its not an excuse, look at me!" He stood up and lifted his shirt to show that his chest was covered in even more red dots, and some looked irritated."

Amanda whistled a doosey "Looks like someone has been scratching. Did you put on your ointment?"

"Everywhere I can .. My back is really bad"

"Ok well, let me clean my bowl, then I'll come back and help you."

Once her bowl was rinsed and drying, Amanda crept back into the living room. Her brother had gone back to the puzzle and she managed to sneak all the way up to him without him noticing. Once in striking distance, she pounced.


"Ah! What's wrong with you!" Daren jumped with fright losing one of the edge pieces he had been sizing up.

"Gotcha!" Amanda cackled maniacally.

"You made me lose my piece" Daren huffed turning red. Amanda ran to the other side of the table, sat cross legged, and pulled down her nightgown in front to conceal her knickers.

"So .. What are we working on?" She beamed at her brother.

"I'm not sure." Daren's heart started to calm as he refocused on the pile of pieces in front of him. "I found it in the garage and the box cover is messed up" He held up the top cover so his sister could see. One particular corner looked like the darkened sky of dawn or dusk, but the rest was torn off or worn.

"Ooh a mystery puzzle! This will be fun." Amanda loved puzzles. They both did really. It was one of the only recreational activities they could both agree on. She starting arranging piles of pieces by color while her brother sorted out the edges and corners. Before all the pieces were spread out, she noticed this was a larger puzzle than they had ever worked on before. Most were 500 pieces and a few were 1,000 which fit well on the coffee table. This one was probably 1250 or 1500, so she wasn't sure it was all going to fit. She mentioned this thought to Daren while collecting and piling the light beige pieces together.

"No it should fit. The size is on the side of the box. 36 by 26 inches. I measured the table. It will fit." Daren had a toothy smile and proudly held up a 12 inch ruler.

"Smartie pants" Amanda chuckled softly and smiled at her little brother. 'He sure is cute though.' she thought to herself 'even covered in those pox. I can't help but love the kid.'

They both got back to work. Once the boarder was done, space became a premium. It did fit on the table, but just barely, which made it really hard to work on their little sections. They ended up disconnecting two corners from either side so they each had their own L shape to work with. Amanda worked on the sky side and Daren got the dirt. Lots of different browns of earth and a lighter brown of what looked like fur. The sky was all kinds of brilliant purples and blues with small white dots here and there of fading stars. Eventually the sky lead to a brown ponytail and a pink face.

"Oh, its a girl!" Amanda exclaimed.

Daren looked over at the disembodied head she had assembled. "Looks more like a severed head" Daren chuckled at his own joke.

Amanda ignored him, turning her head to the side to get a better angle. "She's rather pretty"

But Daren was back in his own world putting together what looked like a pair of hooves. Amanda began to hum as she found a few more skin colored pieces that fit together. After she had finished half her pretty lady, Amanda stopping humming. The pretty lady she had been forming the last couple minutes turned out to be topless. 15 different puzzle pieces combined to make what she could only describe as 'quite a rack'. Amanda felt her checks get warm from blush, but kept working. By the time she had got past the woman's navel, she found it was not a topless lady. It was a naked lady. She was doing a naked lady puzzle with her brother.

"Um .. Dare? Where did you say you got this puzzle?"

"In a box in the garage. I think it was grandpa's. Why?" Daren looked up toward his sister.

"Cuz I don't think this one is for children" Amanda looked up at her brother, but he seemed to be zoning out. "Dare?"

Daren's pale blue eyes snapped up slightly to take in her darker blue ones. He was beginning to turn red himself. "What? Why isn't it for children?"

Distracted by his question, Amanda forgot about his ditzy moment. "Because there is a naked lady in this puzzle, look." She pointed to the jigsaw female she had made.

"What?!" Daren stood up to get a better look at her side of the table. "No fair, you get a naked girl while I get a horse?"

Amanda looked down at her remaining skin colored pieces. There was fur on the edges. "Oh. Its a naked lady on a horse. Wait. You like naked ladies now?!" Amanda smiled maliciously her brother.

"No! I just .. Its just better then a smelly horse, that's all. Girls are icky."

"Uh huh .. suuuure." Amanda teased. "Then what's that?" pointing at the boy's crotch. There was an obvious tent in his pajama bottoms. Daren followed her gesture and looked down. To his horror, somehow, his little guy had inflated itself without him noticing. He quickly covered it with both hands and plopped back down to the carpet, hiding behind the table. He was now beat red while Amanda mocked him loudly.

"Bonner boy, bonner boy, bonner boy" She was red too, but mostly just from intense laughter.

"Oh yeah! Well at least I'm not boobie-girl!" He pointed at her chest. Amanda looked down at herself, saw her little points were stiff again and stopped laughing. She covered herself with her hands and sat down as well.

"Looks like the naked girl affected you too! So ha!" Daren stated triumphantly.

"That's not .. I'm not .. Its just cold in here is all .." Was her weak, mumbled reply. Then she remembered Daren's dazed expression from moments ago. 'Wait .. Was he staring at my .. Oh god.' For a few seconds neither of them moved or said anything. Then Daren broke the silence.

"Well, should we stop then?"

"And break our streak of finished puzzles?! I think not!" Amanda was determined to never quit on the puzzle, no matter how hard. Or in this case, no matter how obscene. "But you have to keep your eyes over there. No looking at the naked lady!"

"As if I'd want to!" Daren got back to work on his horse and for the next ten minutes or so, they assembled in silence. Amanda was really on a roll and soon most of the sky was complete. She was even starting the ground where it met at the horizon. She looked up to see how Daren was getting along and caught him jerk his head back down to the puzzle. She checked her nightgown and sure enough, she was still "cold" apparently.

'That little creep' She thought to herself 'sneakin peaks .. I guess I really do need a bra' after a bit more thought though, she guessed she should be flattered. After all, boys are notorious for wanting to look at pretty girls, so she guessed it was a compliment? Besides, wasn't she checking herself out that very morning? What maturing boy wouldn't want to look? The fact that it was her brother doing the checking now though, it actually gave her a little thrill. She looked up to catch his eye, but he was still minding his vision.

"Hey Dare, how's it coming over there?"

Daren looked up making sure to go directly to eye contact. "Uh .. Good I think. I'm mostly done with the horse. Just missing a bit of his head and the top of his tail."

"Oh, I think we're ready to combine our sides then. I have his ears in the sky here."

They each moved their halves closer together getting ready to make the connection, but the movement caused one of the pieces near Amanda to fall on the floor between her legs.

"Hey, you're making a mess!" She hailed her brother then almost grabbed the piece by reflex, but thought better of it, leaving it untouched.

"Sorry" Daren mumbled, frowning at the rebuke. 'It's not as if I did it on purpose.'

"Well?" Amanda said, looking at him.

"Well what?" Daren was visibly confused.

"Well, aren't you going to get the piece you dropped?"

Daren was amazed by her arrogance. "It dropped next to you. Can't you get it?"

"I could, but I didn't make the mess, you did. So you need to clean it up." She sighed "C'mon, get some responsibility, you'll be a grown up man soon, you know?"

"Fine, whatever, where did it land?"

"Under the table" replied Amanda.

Daren got on all fours to look under the table, but didn't see it. "Where is it?"

"It's over on my side, just crawl under and get it."

Daren did as instructed, but when he flattened himself out to crawl under the table, he looked up and nearly chocked. His sister had her knees up to her chest and her feet were planted on the carpet close to her bottom but slightly apart from one another. Her nightgown normally covered her knees while standing, but in her current position, it rested halfway down her calves. He could see her white cotton panties covering the slight bulge of her puffy little private area. The puzzle piece was there, just in front of her feet. In order to get it, he would have to get closer.

"What's wrong Daren? Are you stuck? You stopped moving"

"Uh .." He cleared his throat, "No, nothing. Everything is fine. I just need to .. Get closer." He crawled closer to the piece on the floor, but his eyes were locked between her legs.

She was knocking her knees together at a steady pace and it was in tune with her humming (she had a habit of humming while puzzling) The movement caused the fabric of her underwear to stretch or contract depending on the position of her knees at the time. As he approached her, he could make out the slight crease of camel toe and laid down transfixed.

Amanda continued humming and wiggling but tried to focus on the puzzle. She was increasingly aware of her brother's absence and lack of movement. How long should she let him look for? It was probably 15 seconds, but felt like over a minute. She was just about to ask him what was taking so long when she heard him stirring once again. He gophered up on his side a moment later, all color drained from his face.

"I got it. Here" He held out his hand offering up the dropped piece. When she took it from him, she made sure to let her hand come in contact with his, then she smiled at him.

"Who's a big boy now, cleaning up his own messes" She first teased him as if talking to a baby, then the tone shifted as if talking to a dog "Its Daren! Yes it is! Good Boy!"

"You're so mean to me sis!" Daren moaned. "Jeez, it was an accident OK?" He rubbed his arm nervously. Amanda stopped her teasing, but Daren didn't stop his rubbing.

"Hey! Stop rubbing you pox! You'll make it worse."

Daren didn't stop. "I can't, its too itchy."

Amanda frowned. "Oops, I forgot about your back."

"Oh thanks! Now I realized my back is itchy again!" Daren laid on his back shaking back and forth like an actual dog.

"Daren, quit that, I'll go get your medicine. Where is it?"

"By my bed."

Amanda took the stairs two at a time up to his room, quickly found the tube on the nightstand, and returned to find a much calmer brother once again sitting on the ground at the table. She came up behind him and undid the cap of the ointment.

"OK little brother, shirt off." He pulled off his shirt and let it crumple to the floor. His skinny back was covered in chicken pox. 'Poor kid' she thought. She still remember her own chicken pox at summer camp the year before. Everyone in the camp got them. But by the time she got home, she wasn't contagious anymore, so her father's plan to infect Daren during the summer hadn't worked out. Now he gets it right in the middle of the school year, and has to make up homework and tests and such. She suddenly felt bad about teasing him and went into loving sister mode.

She made sure to put a generous glob on every red spot she found, and rubbed it in sufficiently. Daren was making cute little "Ah" noises of relief, and soon enough, his whole back had been treated. Her OCD didn't let her stop though, so she kept going around his sides until she was treating pox on his stomach. It was at that point she noticed he was still tenting his pajama bottoms. At first she kept working as if she didn't notice, but then couldn't help but make a comment.

"You uh .. Look at the horse lady again?"

It took a moment for him to register her meaning, then he jerked his hands down to cover himself again. She giggled at him, but kept applying the ointment.

"It's fine Dare, and a very normal reaction to seeing a naked lady" She wasn't sure how she knew that, but felt it was true. She kept up her applications and marveled at the hairless boy in front of her. She realized that he wasn't as skinny as she remembered. There was actually some tone to his arms, shoulders and navel. He really was becoming a man, though the lack of body hair begged her to reconsider. Nevertheless, she found she needed to distract herself a little and decided to play nurse a bit.

"Alright young man .. Patient" She said in her most grown up voice, "Where else is your .. Epidermis infected?"

Catching on rather quickly, Daren replied "Oh um .. Doctor? Its itchy everywhere."

"So your face is itchy then?" Amanda wore a stern look.

"Yes doctor, very itchy."

She went to work starting on his forehead where his reddish brown hair ended, and worked her way down. Daren closed his eyes while she covered each dot on his baby smooth cheeks, cute little button nose, and his still-developing, but strong chin and jaw. She kept working down his neck until she reached his chest where she had left off before. From his lean shoulders, she found and soothed every chicken pock she found on his arms. While working, she glanced down to notice he was still covering his embarrassment. Continuing to ignoring that, she momentarily appeased her OCD by finishing even the dots on his hands and fingers, then spoke aloud in her grown up voice.

"Patient, please lay on your stomach so I can get the back of your legs."

Glad to have better cover for his "condition" he readily agreed by laying face down on the soft white carpet of the living room. Amanda grabbed a pillow from the couch for his head, pulled up his pajamas from the ankle, and started on the back of calves. 'His legs are even more toned than his chest!' Then she remember how much he loved running. He had joined track this year after all.

'Ah, that's why you're getting all musclie'. Amanda shook her head to clear her mind, but the higher she got up his legs, the more unfocused she became. She got to the point where the pajamas were too bunched up to make further progress easily, but the trail of eraser sized pink dots continued up his thighs. She swallowed the lump in her throat and made a decision.

"Patient, your pajamas are in the way of my work. Please remove them."

Daren didn't move right away, but eventually he turned his head to speak, "You want me to take off .. Take off my pants?"

"Yes please, quickly, there are more areas of your .. Appendages that I need access to .. Post haste please."

"OK .. Doctor." Daren was shaking slightly as he grabbed the hem of his pants and pulled them down. They bunched up at his ankles, and that was as low as he could get them from his position. He laid back down in a resting position curious for what would happen next.

Amanda was ready for her brother's tighty whities and it made him seem much younger, but even still, she had to admit his butt looked nice. Firm, but relaxed, as if he wasn't as nervous as his previous shaking had indicated. Amanda continued the treatment where she left off, and played a game of follow the dots. Some were on the inside of his thighs, but she was a (fake) professional so made sure to give each of them the same treatment as all the previous ones. Spending a good 4-6 seconds on each pox, she rubbed in a similar amount of lotion to relieve the boy's suffering.

It was several minutes before she hit the line of his underwear which hid the remaining irritations on his bum. There were a few that were half visible though, so she made sure to rub them as well - even it if meant moving his briefs a little. She enjoyed the contrast of soft and firm skin of the edge of his booty, but the boy's wiggling response to her fingers was the real treat. Once she felt sure she had got all the dots that were remotely visible, she nearly squeaked at her patient to turn over.

She cleared her throat, and spoke more firmly, "Flip over please."

"On my back?"


He did as he was told, but made sure his hands were covering his erection before laying still on his back.

Amanda hesitated a second, then stated firmly "Hands at your sides please."

He looked up at his sister's face, questioningly. She gave away nothing, lips pursed, looking plain, almost bored.

"Yes, doctor" He put his arms to his sides, and once unpinned, his manhood stood up proudly pressing against the flexible restraint of his underwear.

Surprised at the size increase, Amanda retreated to his ankles to work on his feat, buying time to regain her composure. Her eyes couldn't help but flick up to view that impressive bulge every couple of seconds, but she made sure to keep up her due diligence, giving every dot equal treatment. Finally, she got to the top of his legs. The anticipation leading to this moment was nearly palpable. There was still one area left untouched, and Amanda's OCD was beginning to itch worse than she thought those red marks might.

'Should I ask' she thought.

'Will she ask?' he wondered.


"Y..Yes doctor?"

"Is there any more.." She read the official name off the tube. "vermicelli I should know about?"

"Um .. There are a few more .. Yes .. Doctor."

"Show me please."

Daren gulped. He didn't really expect to get to this point. How the hell did it get to this point?! Was he really going to show his sister .. That part of his body? He wasn't even sure he'd show a real doctor if they asked. But then he knew if it was a real doctor, he'd have to. His sister was not a doctor .. This was pretend .. But his mind was no longer in control. Part of him wanted to tear his clothes off the moment all of this began and at this point, that animalistic urge took control of his hands. Without consulting him, they moved of their own afford, and pulled down the last vestiges of his modesty. Once released, his dick sprung back up to its desired flag pole position. You could almost hear the spring like "Doing" sound of a door stopper being release, although that was probably just in his head.

Amanda somehow remained calm. "Yes I see. You are fully covered it seems. Please turn over so I can complete my inspection." The boy was obedient, though it hurt a little to shove his naked dick into the carpet.

"Here as well, just as I thought." She rested her hand on his ass, groping him slightly. She could feel him shiver in delight. She attended his sore spots as adequately as before, but while one hand worked, her other always seemed to loiter on the unattended cheek .. For stability she assured herself. Once she got to his hips, she pulled on him to flip back over. Wordlessly, he obliged. His organ seemed to be very excited with its returning freedom because it began to pulse to his heartbeat. Amanda noticed this and genuinely enjoyed the new experience of witnessing a real live penis jumping in front of her.

"Oh no, patient, this seems to be very swollen" Without warning, she gripped the base of his cock, and squeezed gently.

Caught off guard, Daren's eyes went wide. If it wasn't for the shock, he might have cum right then and there. "It uh .. Yes it is." he said lamely.

Surprised at her own boldness, Amanda back-pedaled a bit. "There are many area's here that require my attention. Please remain still while I complete your treatment."

"OK doctor" Daren closed his eyes, just savoring the blissful feeling of each itch redistinguishing itself starkly as she touched it before soothing to the applied balm.

Amanda took her time with each application and massage. She noted the peach fuzz beginning to glow around his genitals, and for some reason, that excited her even more than she already was. He was so new and youthful and 'at my mercy' she smiled wickedly to herself.

At some point, there were only four dots that remained uncleansed. She decided to go for the one on his scrotum first. As soon as her finger came in contact with it, the whole sack pulled up tight against his body reminding her of sea anemones at the tide pools. Daren's eyes were still shut tight. Once that one was properly coated, she worked two others at once - one on the side of his shaft, the other on the underside. She marveled at the way the skin skid around the firm pole underneath. Daren's breath became shallow.

The last one was on the right side of the tip of his penis. He was circumcised, so it was right out in the open. As soon as she touched it, he audibly gasped. For the first time since they starting their play, they met each others eyes. Hers were curious, his were pleading. An unspoken understand flashed between them. One of Amanda's hands never stopped exploring, but the other collected a large scoop of soothing lotion. Then both hands came together to massage the solution into the boy's shaft.

Daren was on cloud nine. Nothing had ever felt this good before. He had touched himself before, even brought himself to orgasm, but that was nothing compared to what his sibling was doing to him. Her inexperience was causing her to stop certain actions that would have pushed him over the edge had she continued. She was all over the place really. At one point, she released him altogether to play with his balls.

It was slightly frustrating for the boy at first, but then the new sensation of her rolling his testicles around in her hands was more than fantastic. Just as he was getting into that tough, she went back to his flagpole, starting at the top this time then sliding her hand all the way down to the base. It was intense, and if not for the lubrication, it might have been uncomfortable. As she slid back up however, she pulled his skin with her and his mind exploded in ecstasy. He made a noise that was almost, but not quite, an indication of the coming satisfaction.

"Please don't stop" he begged. She nodded, continuing the up and down motion with even pressure. After the third stroke, he sat up on his elbows to take stock of the situation. There was his beautiful older sister, hands wrapped around his cock, sliding up and down, refusing to stop until he was satisfied. Her loving fascination was sexy as hell as she focused on the job at hand. He didn't want it to end, but there was no way he could stop even if he wanted to.

"Amanda, oh God, that's so good. Its going to shoot I think! Please, please .. please! .. Yes!" Daren came way harder than he ever did my himself.

Amanda kept pumping away as if there wasn't ejaculate flying everywhere. The first shot landed right on her face, splattering across her lips and chin. She was glad her mouth was closed as she redirected her aim slightly toward her brother's chest. The second shot flew over his head and landed in the carpet somewhere. The next few weren't as powerful, just soiling his belly and covering her hand. She kept milking him with the same pace and pressure like he indicated, but after a couple seconds, he grabbed her hand to stop. "Too much"

She recoiled, afraid she hurt him, but his eyes reassured her. "That was the best .. Doctors visit .. Ever." Grinning from ear to ear.

They both looked at each other for a second, then busted up laughing. The involuntary opening of her mouth to laugh let some of his fluid hit her tongue. She wiped away the rest with her clean hand, but was surprised to find she kind of liked the taste. It took nearly a minute for their giggles to subside.

"Yeah, for you maybe. Look at me? You made another mess, boy!"

"Sorry sis .. I need to be a grown up and take responsibility right? Clean up my messes?"

Amanda nodded and smiled "That's right!"

Daren grabbed his discarded shirt to clean her up. After wiping away what was left on her face, he took her hands in his, and cleaned up the remnants of their experiment. He noticed her high beams were still on full blast, and got an idea of his own. After clearing away the goop from his own stomach, he startled his sister.

"Patient! I need to inspect the rest of your body for any more of my stuff on you! Please lay on the couch."

There was a deviant sparkle in her eye. "Yes .. Doctor .."


To be continued.


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The Doctor

Hi all. This is  writing on the story of a doctor who took care of the itching of a guy, and through it gave him a nice hand job. Your comments and feedback are welcome. It is been just few weeks since I came to this big city. I got a job in the outskirts of this city and I grabbed that opportunity and came here. I needed this job to stand on my own foot and be of fewer burdens to my family. I barely completed my high school when I embarked upon this journey.  Within the past few weeks I got...

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Mom and son go to doctor

Diane and Brian Adams married young. Soon after their honeymoon Brian got a promotion and they purchased a bigger house. They moved away from the city into suburban Long Island. Diane was a good mother and very devoted to her family. family activities were rather normal: picnics on the beach during the summer and ice skating during the winter. Brian kept excelling at work which he paid for by having less time to spend with the family so Diane played a major role in raising their k**s. She was a...

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The GovernorChapter 16 The Arabian Doctor

There was a ceiling, long, white, narrow, and far away; with bright florescent lights. Cecily looked at it. "Where am I?" she mumbled. She was light, floozy, swimming in a bath of warm air and her body was lead. She forced her eyes to open, made them, looked round, but it was hard and it took effort. Every movement was sapping her energy. "What have you done? Where have you brought me?" "You're at the barracks, Cecily," replied an echoey male voice. "We need to talk, but there's...

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Wife The Doctor

My wife is originally from India. When I married her, she was in her early twenties and her family had just immigrated to the US. Having been raised in a conservative background, she was always very shy about her body. I was always looking for ways to make her less inhibited. I wanted her to wear more revealing clothes, and to show off more of her body. I always found it a turn-on to have other men look at her. She had a slim, tight body and never failed to get attention from men wherever she...

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Seeing the Doctor

Linda have been complaining about her stomach bothering her. Her regular doctor has been out of town. She couldn’t wait till he comes back so she went to see a different doctor. It was a small clinic in downtown, there was a nurse and one doctor. Not many people there today. I took Linda in, we got there late, she was the last person to be seen.I stayed in the waiting room while she went back. She was back there for a long time. I know why too. As I sat there I heard Linda having an orgasm, she...

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Bubblegum Pigtails and Total DominationChapter 3 Playing Doctor

The next thing I knew, I was looking at the hottest blonde milf that I had ever seen in my life. She was all slender and had on a white lab coat, unbuttoned to show a red blouse and a little bit of cleavage. She wore wire-framed glasses and bright red lipstick, and she had long, fingernails painted the same red as her lipstick. I was pretty sleepy, and I didn’t know where I was, but I was ready to get down to business. “Hey baby,” I started to say, but then I stopped. The right side of my...

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Gay Doctor

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. I’m umesh 23yrs old bisexual. Story suru hoti hai college ke canteen se, roz ki tarah me apne dosto k saath betha tha aur ek dost ne baat nikali k doctor Suresh gay hai aur woh patients pe chance marta hai. Meh woh doctor ko janta tha jam meh kafi young tha to pere papa uske paas hi le jaate the ilaj k liye muju woh baat thodi shocking lagi. Fir mene wahi baat aur 2-3 logo k muh se suni. Ab mere maan me laddu futne lage mene maan bana liya ki meh b jau ga...

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Amys Doctor

This Story is set at some point in between 'The Eleventh Hour' and 'The Vampires of Venice' before Rory becomes part of the Team. (Just for all the people who like to know canon) Also the Cheating tag was added due to Amy being Rory's fiance during the time frame of this story. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Who wears bow-ties? Amy thought to herself, staring at the neck garment the Doctor was currently sporting. What was he...

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Alices Trip To The Doctor

Alice skipped down the path, she was wearing a short blue dress along with knee high stockings. Her long blonde hair going down past her waist as she skipped towards the doctors office. Alice is 17. But..She hadn't been raised..normally. She's been raised like a little girl her whole life, even though a little girl is most certainly not what she is. At least, not biologically. She however has a body like a girl. A nice slim almost perfect body most girls her age would die for. Alice is...

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Finding a Good Doctor

Michelle looked over the advertisement closely, it was for a vacation in Europe. The pictures showed happy tourists in a beer hall laughing, singing and drinking. She had never been overseas, but the picture somehow appealed to her. The camaraderie of the people in the photo was evident, an all-for-one one-for-all kind of community that seemed lacking in the states. She looked up at the other women in the waiting room. They seemed distant. Content, even happy, but distant. There was no idle...

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My wife pregnant by doctor

My name is Murali, and my wife name is Suganthi. We have no child since 2 years of our Marriage. Our Friends and relatives always tease us for not having child. My wife said to me at any cost I must have a baby soon. Therefore, we went to Chennai to a Famous Doctor for consulting. He took some tests for both of us, and said to us that I have no sperms enough to pregnant my wife. He suggested artificial injection of sperms into my wife. We agreed to this. Doctor asked us to come on next week....

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the new doctor

Rounds for me start at about 5:45 AM. I always was right with my diagnosis andenjoyed treating the patients. I am usually in the emergency room from about11:30 AM to about 4:00 most days, and don't get to eat lunch until about 4:15right before PM rounds which start at 5:00PM. Today though was different. REALDifferent. I was about to take a bite from my burger that I just fixed up withcatsup, pickles, mayo and I here over the speaker "Dr. GoldmanCODE BLUE" CodeBlue means a major emergency was...

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Visit to the Doctor

"Hi, can I make an appointment to see Dr. Johnson please?" I asked the triage nurse on the phone "May I ask what the problem is sir?" She replied "Err...Yeah, it's about a scar I have. I want to check its healed okay" "Okay, where about's is the scar?" "It's err, on my penis" I answered, awkwardly "Oh, okay, no problem. Dr. Johnson can see you at 5pm today. I'll brief him on the details" "5pm is great, thanks. Goodbye" I felt awkward about going to see my doctor for a...

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My Fantasies No1 The Doctor

 I have several fantasies, which I use regularly during masturbation. This first story is one of my favourites, which I hope you will enjoy. I am 18 years old (probably because this was my age when I first imagined this fantasy) and as usual feeling hot and horny. I am desperate for some naughty fun, and want to do something naughty and different. (I am sure you know that sensation, girls, when you are feeling so sexually aroused and frustrated, when your pussy is tingling and begging for...

1 year ago
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The Good Doctor

Dr. Ford considered himself to be more of an entrepreneur than a doctor. He liked marketing his business a lot more than doing operations. His laptop was like his best friend. He took it everywhere he went. He’d paid a computer programmer to write a complex program to help him keep better stats and records of all of his operations and revenue and profiles of his customers. His business was booming lately because he’d found that most women who wanted to have their breasts augmented in the Los...

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Getting Physical with a guy Doctor

Introduction: Hey this is only my first few stories so, rate me easy:) Lillian glanced at the clock for about the hundredth time in the last twenty minutes. She was supposed to get her physical at 4:00, but it was 4:20 and her doctor hadnt appeared yet. She wished the doctor would show up soonshe was kinda nervous, honestly. Her friends had all told them their tales about how you had to take off their clothes and put on a paper robe/covering that had no sides. Its like a long piece of...

2 years ago
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My Mom Fucked By A Doctor

Hello everyone! I am presenting you a true/real story. Yes it is a real story. Please read the following story carefully :- First about my mom. My mom is of 41 years, she is little heavy (weighs around 75-85 kgs),she looks very horny type of women, i always imagine her in naked pose most of the time, her boobs are just awesome, they are very big, I dont know about her pussy because i had never seen it. Second about the doctor. He is old (i think 45-49 yrs old), he is bald(ganja)(little black...

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The heat from the building hit her in the face as she stepped inside and as she moved she could hear her heals on the hard marble floor. They sounded so loud in this hollow hall. At the end of the hall she punched the button for the elevator and waited. Just as she was growing impatient with the damned slow elevator a young sexy man walked up behind her and stood next to her. “What luck! Maybe this day won’t be so bad after all.” she thought and it seemed like he was ridding...

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Doctor Doctor

My flight from London had just landed at Atlanta International Airport andwas on my way to the luggage area when my cell phone started vibrating. Itook the call from my Mom who was almost frantic. My Dad was in Oregon ona business trip and my Grandparents in Florida had been in an autoaccident, My Gran was admitted to Sarasota Memorial and Dad couldn't getaway to go to them.I got my luggage and rushed to the ticket counter and booked myself on thenext flight to St. Pete. I was bone tired,...

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Looking forward to visiting my FEMALE doctor

When a man turns 45 there are a lot of things he should do.One of those things is go to the doctor and get a thorough medical exam. I had always heard this and since I was newly divorced and new in town I just picked a doctor out of the phone book at random. Then I tried four others before I found one that was accepting new patients!!! So when I walked into the office and discovered that I had chosen a doctor that was a woman, I almost turned tail and ran, but remembered how difficult it had...

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The No Strings ChallengePart 14 An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor

A few days after I returned to California, Alix got pissed at me. In my write-up of my four day weekend, I got a little carried away. My opening line was "I just spent the weekend with the three greatest cocksuckers in the world." I then called Stefani, Tabby, and Darcy the oral equivalent of the three tenors and described all fourteen of my oral deliveries in fine detail with ecstatic accounts of Stefani's perfect fit, Tabby's private strip show, Darcy's slow tease coupled with her...

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Pleasure Of Sex With Doctor

Hi everyone, I am Ritika, a 36-year-old from North India who settled in the South with a job in an MNC. I am single. I am alone after my live-in partner broke up about 18 months ago. I hope you all like my story about sex with doctor. Loneliness was so harsh that I felt depressed. Reading the fascinating stories here and masturbation found me my peace. After my breakup, I had sex about 3 months ago. I am writing about the As it is the norm post Covid19, I was working from home. Over the...

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Pleasure Of Sex With Doctor

Hi everyone, I am Ritika, a 36-year-old from North India who settled in the South with a job in an MNC. I am single. I am alone after my live-in partner broke up about 18 months ago. I hope you all like my story about sex with doctor. Loneliness was so harsh that I felt depressed. Reading the fascinating stories here and masturbation found me my peace. After my breakup, I had sex about 3 months ago. I am writing about the As it is the norm post Covid19, I was working from home. Over the...

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Getting Physical with a guy Doctor

“It’s like a long piece of rectangular tissue paper, only a little harder, no sides! It’s so awkward, but since I had a woman for the doctor, it was a bit better, I guess.” Her friend had told her. So, since the fifth grade, Lillian had sworn that she’d never, ever get a physical. And as the years went by, and her body changed from flat chested to pretty big B cups, no pubic hair to pubic hair, no curves to curvy—the feeling of not wanting a physical only increased. However, now she was a...

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The Doctor

You celebrated your eighteenth birthday with a lovely square cake with yellow edge icing, and the words 'Happy 18th Birthday' in green and blue on top. It was not long after, that you decided to go see a doctor for a check-up and to ask some questions about things that were concerning you. More than concerning, they were bothering you.You'd thought about it for a couple of months, but you could not bring yourself to make the appointment. One concern was that you had this longstanding fantasy...

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the gay doctor

My employer switched health insurance carriers again a few months ago. Soon afterward we all got a memo informing us that we had the option of switching to a new plan with a lower premium. In order to qualify, an employee would have to undergo a complete physical exam to make sure there were no pre-existing conditions.I wasn't too happy about this. Since I'm gay, I'd always had my own physician for my "special" health problems, in order to avoid dealing with the company doctors. If I wanted the...

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The Cubbyhouse I Playing Doctor

While comments are down, PM me to let me know what you think! Keep in mind Im still new! * * * It was a warm summer day and Id just finished swimming in the pool. My parents and brother were out shopping, and they had left me home alone. I was only 10 years old, so it was rare for me to get time off for myself. Id spent most of the morning sitting around watching TV, but I thought since it was such a nice day I should try out my new bikini that my parents had given me for my birthday. I...

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Doctor Doctor

Meri 2 baje ki appointment thi. Ek hafte pehle ye appointment confirm hui, tab se aaj tak chain se neend nahi aayi hai. Pehli baar kisi se sex ke prati apna dar batane wali thi.. meri saheli sapna ne is doctor ke bare me bataya tha, ki kaise is doctor ne uske mane dar ko hataya aur saath hi use apne pati ko khush rahkne ka tarika bhi bataya. Pehle sunke thoda ajeeb laga ki kais eek anjaan aadmi se ye sab kahungi, par hai to wo doctor hi, ye soch ke appointment le liya. Sapna bhi bohot zor de...

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Master takes slave Pixie to the Doctor

It was obvious from the moment they arrived that this was not an ordinary medical practice. First, it was located in a large house with a very long driveway. A tall fence surrounded the entire property and it was miles from anything else. Within the fence it was almost like a forest. There was no way anyone would see inside the house without permission. The front gate had an actual guard stationed 24 hrs a day. Honestly it gave Pixie the creeps, but she trusted her Master enough to have...

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A visit to the woman doctor

a visit to the woman doctorWhen I was about 30 years old and had been pampered for some years with schoonpa and also regularly pampered my little girl's pussy, I received the request from schoonpa to have me examined by a woman doctor.He knew a very good doctor that also occasionally passed by.After arranging an appointment, he gave me the time and hour when he would come to pick me up to go to the doctor.I also received a new outfit from schoonpa who had to wear on that day.When we went to...

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Kenny Deanne Play Doctor

I grew up in the 1970s during the time of "sexual enlightenment." It seems like I had always known what sex was about. My parents quietly and unemotionally explained the basics of sexuality, and answered my questions openly. They seemed to know how much to tell me so I didn't feel overwhelmed. In spite of knowing about sex, it did little to slake my curiosity. I doubt that any amount of education could do that, but at least I never had to find out from my friends that the stork really...

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A strange appointment with my Doctor

That afternoon I was at the bathroom in my office, when I had a sharp ache in my belly. I bent over my waist and felt my lower body was burning.I managed to come back to my desk and my secretary asked me if I was feeling fine. Then I told her I was going back home for the rest of the day…As I came home, my loving Ana understood my condition and she advised me to take an emergency appointment with a Doctor at the private clinic.Next day I went to my date at early afternoon.I was a little bit...

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Destination Mars Part 4 The Doctor

My inner circle happened to be comprised of all male gay members. We were a good team but as time went on, one by one my fellow hopefuls either dropped out of, or were rejected by the powers to be, and kicked out of the program until only I was left. I graduated with top honors and was given my first job in the military as lead engineer in charge of organizing mission details from scratch on how our team would successfully complete the mission to Mars. This was a prestigious position for...

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ShankedChapter 2 Doctor Doctor

I arrived at one of my favorite local courses on "doctor, doctor" day, planning on getting in some practice and then hooking up with an anonymous group later. It was always kind of fun to just hook up with strangers on a course, since the obnoxious asshole percentage of golfers is usually pretty low at the hacker level, and I was looking forward to the experience, especially since my new found ability to score low was earning me major undeserved respect (and money) from my playing...

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It is time for your yearly check up so you call your gynecologists office to make your appointment. You are surprised to be told that your doctor is now semi-retired but that there is a new doctor now taking over his practice. You agree to see the new doctor, Dr. Bill, and are given an appointment for the following week. The morning of your appointment you are feeling quite horny and debate pulling out your vibrator. A glance at the clock assures you that you don't have time so as you are...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 26 Whats Wrong With Me Doctor

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 15, 2010) Chapter 26 - What's Wrong With Me, Doctor? I had just sat down to eat dinner with my family when my phone started to ring. I got up from my seat and quickly walked over to the table where I had set my purse. Digging...

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Surprised by Doctor

I am 37 years old and have been married to the same woman for 17 years.  Our sex life is what you would expect after 17 years of marriage, no anal and very little oral.  I find myself looking at almost every woman with a half decent face or body that passes me.  I like watching porn and masturbating.  A couple of moths ago I notice what looks like a freckle on my cock, I thought nothing of it.  Over the next few months it started to get a little bigger.  I though to myself I should go to my...

Gay Male
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My First Experience With A Doctor

Next, said the pretty clinic assistant who was sitting at her desk placed outside the door leading to the doctors room. The lady who was sitting opposite to me got up and went towards the doctors door as her turn was up leaving me alone in the waiting room. It was a quiet Monday afternoon. This doctor was new in our locality and had earned quiet a good name in a few weeks. Hello to all readers. My name is Raji and am 34 years old married woman. I am from a small town in Punjab. I have a typical...

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Visit to Doctor

My life.I nervously went into the doctor's room. Not at all sure what I would say tohim. However it had got to the point where I really wanted to give up on life, Iknew that despite being heterosexual I would never be with a woman."Pencil dick, pencil dick" the teasing rang in my ears. Whilst I love sport Icould no longer go into a changing room with my schoolmates. You see, theywere correct my penis was tiny compared to theirs. Everywhere I went I heardor at least thought I heard the sniggers...

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Doctor Weston Dr Weston sat behind his desk as he listen to to the family in front of him. He had been a family counsular for years and had many succesful family he had helped with their problems, But with special case, he had to help them in a differnet way, using his special telent. The family he was listening too consites of Rob Frances, his wife Juliett Frances and their 18 year old son William. The family came to see Dr Weston because of the constant agrueing. Dr Weston knew...

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leptons visit to the doctor

lepton’s visit to the doctor Poor little lepton woke up this morning with a terrible pain up his ass. he could barely make it out of bed and asked permission to cancel his cleaning appointment of the day?even though it meant severe punishment later from Lady Elektra. She jokingly commented it was probably his anal blown-up ego causing such pressure. he very luckily did manage to get an appointment with his doctor if he could make it before 11 am. As best he could, lepton hurriedly got dressed,...

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Dads Physical by His Lady Doctor

My Dad has been a very healthy man much of his life. Therefore he did not have a doctor that he called his own for much of his life. He often told me that he was a very sickly child and must have had every cold and virus that a body could have and become immune to them. So it was rare for him to even go to a doctor. When he was about 40 he had an injury on his job that resulted in a cut to his finger that required a visit to the hospital for stitches. He then had to follow up that with visits...

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The doctor

I was on my way to the doctor. Not that there was anything wrong with me, you will understand faithful reader that I am fairly healthy. Fit too, I like doing a fair few sports. Sport is a good way to have fun and keep fit and well at the same time. Anyway, I am diverging here, I was on my way to the doctor not for her to see me but for me to see to her. Her was a doctor of a certain age already, a mother I'd like to fuck or milf if it wasn't for the fact that she didn't have k**s. She had a...

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The Doctor

"Oh Shit! I am going to be late for my doctor's appointment," Emma thought to herself in a panic, as she slipped on her panties. The next thought through her mind as she fastened her bra, was how in the heck she was even going to be able to go through with the appointment? Emma had been on her way to her annual gynecological exam, when she stopped by her friend's house to drop something off for the upcoming charity auction. But somehow, Emma had ended up in a wild and exhilarating...

1 year ago
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My New Lady Doctor

My wife died several years ago in a tragic car accident. Since then, I have never sought out any kind of companionship. Oh, sure, I would occasionally watch porn or read some dirty books, and even watch maybe a little to closely when a good-looking girl walked by with thoughts of "maybe someday", but that was about it. My regular doctor moved to another part of the state, and I had to look for a new one. Several of my friends (mostly male) had suggested a doctor who had only been in town for a...

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Bikini Beach The Doctor

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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Visit to the Doctor

A nurse walks me to the exam room and closes the door behind her. She asks me to strip down and take everything off. While she tosses a sheer thin gown on the examining table for me to slip on before she turns and leaves the room. The front of the gown if completely open. I put the gown on and my 36C tits are barely covered and are easily visible in the gown. My nipples are hard from the cold exam room. I lie back on the cold table in just the gown and wait for the Doctor to enter. I hear a...

4 years ago
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Help me doctor

My wife has been complaining of pain every time we have sex, so we went to her OBGYN to see if there's something going on. The sight of my wife in a hospital gown, spread eagle on the table, hairy pussy exposed, while another woman fingered her, was enough to get me hard as a rock! I was a little embarrassed by it, especially when my wife shot me an evil look, because it was obvious that she was not enjoying it at all, and also that she could see how turned on I was. It's hard to help,...

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Dirty Doctor

I had been having trouble having an orgasm with my hubby Sean, well, not exactly trouble, id never had ine, EVER! not that he knew, I faked all the ones I'd ever had with him, and we'd been married for five years! Dint get me wrong, i love sex, and him, totally, i just wish i could orgasm with him.One day me and friends were all sitting around gossiping as you do, and the topic soon turned to sex, and how everyone found it a chore, to my surprise lots of my friends faked it with their men too,...

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