The Spaces Between ( Supernatural Fanfiction Dean/Jo) free porn video

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Introduction: Dean/Jo post Philadelphia No Exit …how do you set the pain aside when your drug of choice only reminds you of it… Jo slid the cleaning rod down the barrel of the rifle and sighed, breathing deep the smell of gun oil and metal. It was a scent that had, until recently, always reminded her of her father, the roadhouse and the other hunters. Sometimes, it even reminded her of her mother. It was a smell that paired itself in her memory with whiskey and stale beer, greasy food, the deep barrel laughs of men and women with too few opportunities for humor. But now it reminded her primarily of one man, the way a certain cologne can cause a woman to stop and breathe deep and just smile. In this instance, she resisted the smile by pursing her lips into a tight mew and furiously jamming the rod through the barrel, as though the rifle had done her a personal wrong. As though Dean Winchester had done her a personal wrong.

He hadnt. She could accept that in her head, but emotionally-emotions were a whole other story and she just couldnt get past the whole sins of the father and all that. She wanted to be angry, and righteous, and injured. She wanted to hold all that pain close to her heart because it was something new and fresh. Because it replaced the empty ache of a father that was just a collection of stories now and the idealized memory of a little girl still in pigtails. Knowing John Winchester had a hand in Bill Harvelles death gave her something new to hold onto, the right weapon to wield in the direction of the man whose tug and pull in her thoughts was starting to scare her. She couldnt get her hands on John Winchester, couldnt take him to task for the years she spent with a grieving and sour mother, for the empty place her father had left in her, but after the truth came out hurting any Winchester would do. A few stolen moments in Philadelphia couldnt make up for another piece of her dying bloody by a mothers revelation.

Dean knew he was good and that had been a solid performance in Philadelphia, but there wasnt a trick he knew, between the sheets or otherwise, that would ever be enough to make up for this particular Winchester family failure. He could have dealt with that look in her eyes, the tremor in her voice and the set of her jaw that dared him to take one more step before she laid him out flat. He was ready to get back in his car and drive, give her some space and circle back around after the dust cleared. She could knock him on his ass as many times as she needed to to get it out of her system. Except this time he was tripping over more of John Winchesters shit when he barely had a grip on how to deal with his own messes let alone the old mans. He would have been willing to crisscross the country, slide in and out of her life as many times as it took to smooth this new wrinkle out. He realized that, about himself and about her, the moment she turned her back on him. Turned away and walked through the high, dry prairie grass and away from him. Hed turned his own back on too much in his life not to take her seriously. Hers was not a back to be bargained with and there was nothing to be done but get back in the Impala and give Jo the dignity of letting her lick her wounds in private.

Except, Jo found these wounds were something altogether new. All the REO Speedwagon in the world wasnt going to drown out the sound of the roadhouse door opening, the stamp of boots on plank boards and it wouldnt stop her head from snapping up every single damn time hoping it was a certain Winchester brother come to beat through her stubbornness with a few quick words and his nimble fingers. She was crawling out of her skin and it was time to hit the road.

Her mothers objections had been perfunctory. The ensuing row the only way they really knew how to say, I love you. Goodbye. Dont die. A rifle. A .45. Her fathers knives and a crossbow. A backpack with a change of clothes stashed in the back of a car Ash had managed to get for her. She hadnt asked questions. Who says women cant travel light?

She liked hunting the beasts. Werewolves, vampires, corporeal forms she could wrap her hands around and take down with brute force and bad attitude. This one had been a ghost hunt and she wasnt amused. Her last ghost hunt had found her shimmying her ass between 150 year old lathing and Dean Winchesters front zipper. She still remembered with a sigh just how happy he had been to have her there.

I should have cleaned the pipes… There they were, trying to maneuver in a space barely wide enough for one person let alone the both of them, back to belly, his voice suddenly an octave lower in her ear and his rising interest obvious against her backside.

You what? Her elbow to his ribs had been cursory, because if she was honest with herself, she wouldnt have minded helping him with that even then.

Even if she hadnt been dumb enough to get caught off guard, even if he hadnt rescued her just like she knew he would, and even if she hadnt had the time to sit there in the cold and damp and stink and be the bait with nothing to do but think-it would have happened eventually. Even if the adrenaline high hadnt hit her like a pint of tequila, Dean Winchester was like an itch she couldnt quite reach.

Shed ridden with Dean back to the construction site to return the cement truck hed borrowed to entomb the angry spirit. The space on the bench seat between them was like a chasm that begged to be breached. She sat on her hands to keep herself from reaching across the distance.

He was uncommonly silent until he said, Your mothers on the next flight out.

She hadnt said anything. Her inner six year old had taken over and she was feeling like she had when she had broken into Daddys gun case and taken his rifle. Her fingers had trembled as she set up the tin cans on the fence posts, but steadied with the solid weight of the rifle in her hands. Shed watched him a hundred times, knew how to load it, how to draw down and line up her shot. The explosion right next to her ear had been deafening and frightening and like the voice of God. As her mother beat the tar out of her she had thought every second had been worth it. She might have been born to a hunter, but the hunter had been born in her at that moment. She slid a look at Dean and noticed he was watching her out of the corner of his eye. The risk had been worth it then, itd be worth it now.

Its at least an hour to the airport, she said. He didnt reply, just watched her, his head tilted low and his eyes thoughtful.

Probably a couple hours til the flight lifts off. Three hours in the air if its direct. Another hour to get out of the airport and find us. She ticked off the time on her fingers.

She was still trying to bend time in her head when they slid quietly out of the cab of the truck. After quickly leaving the construction site Dean took his phone out of his pocket, chin dipped toward his chest and eyes watching her steadily as the call connected.

Sammy, do me a favor. Find me the earliest flight Ellen would have been able to get from… he looked expectantly at Jo.

Probably Central Nebraska Airport. She chewed her lower lip. Was he planning his getaway, or was he accepting what she was offering?

Central Nebraska Airport, he repeated. There was a pause as he jammed his free hand in his pocket and started walking, shoulders hunched, head down and eyes dodging side to side. She kept pace with him easily, her own eyes swinging back and forth, sometimes grazing him, sometimes not. It was the natural pace of hunters watching each others backs.

He clicked the phone closed without reply and looked at his watch. Weve got maybe two hours, if were lucky.

She stopped. He took a handful of steps forward before turning back toward her. She pressed her back into the brick wall, collecting her thoughts, using the cool brick to ground herself. This was so much easier when it was just about pizza and a six pack. Zeppelin IV on the stereo made talking unnecessary. Never at a loss for words, she couldnt find any now.

You can get pretty far in a couple hours.

He took another step toward her, stopped, scratched the back of his short hair and ran a hand along his bare neck as though trying to ruffle some of the dust loose. It wasnt what she said, it was the space between her words, the way she could take on a ghost with a cell phone and a pig sticker and then shrink into the chips in the masonry when threatened with a good time that made him, all of him, sit up and take notice.

Not that far, he answered.

She laughed. Short, hard, nervous. Ive seen you drive.

Another step forward brought him into her personal space and she could smell the gun oil on him. See the dust and grime on his face and the salt grit clinging to his jacket. White flecks of it clung to him everywhere. She was suddenly conscious of her own sweat, the dirt on her hands, the lank hair that hung in her eyes.

Do you want me to hightail it out of here? His voice grew lower, huskier. His perpetual scowl softening, he searched her face, trying to get a read on her. He looked oddly younger, almost innocent, although Jo had no illusions this man had ever been anything as simple as innocent. His sudden interest made her toe the concrete like a school girl. Something in her hated this two-step, and some part of her was pleased hed even take the time to dance it with her.

Itd probably be safer for you. Once my mom gets a hold of you, youre going to be wishing for the fond embrace of your friendly neighborhood serial killer back there. She knew where this game of verbal chess would go. Theyd give each other enough escapes until they were both hemmed in and one of them was forced to call chequemate.

Dean shrugged, one side of his mouth curling up into a wry smile. If I wanted safe, Id be living an apple pie kind of life right now.

Another step and there was no question that he was intentionally pushing the boundaries of her personal space. She clutched at the wall behind her with one hand, the rough brick slowing the spiral, like putting one foot on the floor to stop the bed spins as she started to lose herself in the green flecks of his eyes. She felt the gun at the small of his back as her other arm betrayed her and snaked around his waist. She convinced herself the quick shift to the left the earth took under her feet was only exhaustion as she pulled herself to her full height before ducking around the corner of the building and out of his orbit.

Her legs carried her back towards the apartment building that had started this whole adventure while her thoughts carried her…elsewhere. This was a bad idea. A really bad idea. Shed seen this before. Her mother and father had sometimes locked themselves in the bedroom for days after a hunt. At the roadhouse, hunters paired off with each other without rhyme or reason, burning off adrenaline and reminding themselves theyd survived another day. Even hunters with families back home would take the occasional opportunity with a willing partner. Among the hunters themselves, there was no shame in it. It was one little thing that made you more human when you spent too much time with the monsters. She could say that was all this was and ignore it, if he hadnt already been on her radar from the first time shed had a rifle to his back.

They turned the block in silence until his hand shot out and blocked her path. She stared straight ahead as his lips whispered against her ear. What are we doing, Jo?

She turned to answer him, her body pivoting as a a pedestrian stumbled into Deans back, shoving him against her and pressing her between the concrete of the building and the heat of his long lean frame. The bravado stuck in her throat as his body naturally aligned with hers and she could feel the bulk of his six feet pressed against her.

Am I reading this wrong? Cause I dont think I am, his voice was was like whiskey, smooth and dangerous, and he could have been reciting names from the phone book and she still would have felt it pulling at things low in her gut.

What do you think youre reading, Dean? You that sure of yourself? She couldnt just let go of the bravado. She couldnt just melt into him because that would mean acknowledging there was something more between them than just hormones and adrenaline and a deep physical ache.

A fly on the wall of Deans mind would know he was never sure of anything, least of all Jo Harvelle, who could probably break him in ways he couldnt even imagine. He felt her tiny body shift against his and then freeze, like an animal in that split second before it decides attack is its last resort. This could go wrong a million different ways, and he didnt care. So Dean moved forward as he always did when he didnt know all the factshe went with what he was pretty sure of.

Because if I was reading you all wrong, Jo, Id already be picking my testicles out of my windpipe.

Its not out of the realm of possibility, her own voice had dropped to a whisper, and she was pressing her back against the wall like she could slip into the spaces between the cracks. The alternative was to press herself forward, let instinct take over and ride it wherever it took her.

Its a chance Im willing to take, the last was spoken against her lips as his head cleared the final few inches of distance. His mouth grazed hers, a question, a taste, a warning shot across her bow. He was a man who knew what he wanted, but he wasnt going to take it if it wasnt offered.

What about wrong time, wrong place? She mumbled back. There wasnt any more space to speak, his lips firm against hers so that any word, any sound would be nothing more than an invitation. His hand moved up to cup her face, brushing strands of hair off her cheek as he deepened the kiss. He tasted like cold air and warm possibility. She opened to him as he pulled back abruptly, her mouth left gaping like a guppy. He looked at his watch then back at her.

Weve got about an hour twenty. We should get back to the apartment.

Jo shook the cobwebs out of her head, equally torn between kneeing him solidly (really, how could she miss with such an obvious bulge to aim for) just on principle, and grabbing him by the belt to pull him in for a good, solid grind. Instead, she just cocked her head and looked at him.

What? He asked, backing up and shaking his leg a bit, trying to adjust to the new tightness in his jeans. Or would you rather get busy out here? He looked up and down the moderately crowded sidewalk, then back at her. I mean, I can appreciate a little kink and all, but Im not much for an audience.

She swallowed hard and looked around the corner, feeling his body next to hers as he leaned into her more than was necessary to get a good view of the front of the apartment building. With everything looking like a clear shot up the front steps into the front door, they sprinted across the street and up the stairwell. On the second landing Dean grabbed her back pocket and hauled her back toward him, cornering her between a hand rail and a fire box to pepper her face with kisses before tracing a tongue lightly over her lips. The two-step was over and it was time to tango. Tucking a finger into the waist band of her jeans, he pulled her against the unmistakable bulge in his pants. She took a deep breath and buried her face in the crook of his shoulder when she realized the facts far outstripped his reputation.

Looks like everythings still in working order, he said with a smirk. Still seems like I got all my parts where they should be, so Im going to guess youre not objecting. He risked a glance at his watch again. And Id say weve got about an hour fifteen now.

Alright, Jack Bauer, you do realize a real girl doesnt come with a timer, right? Jo replied, although she had to admit if she had to, shed take just five hard and fast minutes pressed right up against this wall right now.

Oh, sweetheart, Dean said, backing away and starting up the stairs two at a time, his face sliding into a casual and easy grin that had been winning girls over from broom closets to back seats since he was fifteen, its not the length of time you have, but what you do with the time you got.

They blew down the hallway like hell itself haunted them and slammed into the door of the apartment in a heap. Realizing Sammy had the key, Dean pounded against the door, hoping his brother was still inside packing up and not sitting out in the Impala wondering where the hell they were. Sammy opened the door with a shotgun in his hand, then lowered it when he realized it was only Jo and Dean.

Dean, I- But before Sam could finish his sentence Jo and Dean pushed him out of the way, paused for a moment in the middle of the living room, then hung a left for the bedroom.

Dean, Sam followed them, confusion clear on his face. Hey, I already finished packing, your stuffs over by the door.

Yeah, thats, thats great buddy, thanks, Dean said, sliding through the bedroom door and closing it almost in Sams face. Hey, Dean stuck his head out again, If Ellen shows up, stall her.

Jo watched Sam run his fingers roughly through his bangs. He opened his mouth and closed it again, unable to formulate the right reply. Instead, he wedged a foot in the door, staring his brother down with pursed lips and narrowed eyes.

He finally said, If Ellen shows up, you can deal with her yourself. Im not going to be the one to wind up with buckshot in my ass… He looked like he had more to say, but Dean nodded curtly before shoving him in the chest with one hand and slamming the door in his face with the other.

Jo stood awkwardly next to the bed, her body taut as a piano wire and every instinct telling her to run, but Jo had never run from a thing in her life. She certainly wasnt going to let Dean freakin Winchester spook her.

Shed heard the boys talk, banter between brothers when she was quiet enough to be no more than furniture, and she had heard talk around the Roadhouse about the Winchester boys. The tall one, who might as well be saving himself for a virgin sacrifice, and the other one who was enough of a good time for the both of them. She was anticipating a full on rodeo ride, although whether she or Dean would be taking the bull by the horns she couldnt say. She was surprised when he slammed the door in his brothers face before resting his head against it, as though collecting himself. She suspected if there had been a bottle of whiskey available there may have even been a fortifying drink or two. She shifted from foot to foot. The only thing that could be worse than going through with this would be to get this far and then have Dean Winchester, Lust Incarnate, get a bad case of Common Sense. Before she could form a properly acerbic comment he crossed the room with decisive grace and reached for her, jerking her roughly to him by her waistband, this time kissing her without preamble. It was deep and long and intimate, his tongue exploring her mouth as though they had all the time in the world. When he drew back his eyes had changed from thoughtful to a close cousin with dangerous. He cupped her jaw in one calloused hand, staring hard into her eyes.

Whatre we doing, Jo? He traced the line of her neck to her collarbone down to the first button on her ruined blouse with his thumb. The knuckles of his hand grazed her breast as he slid the button through the hole, dropping to the next, his eyes never leaving her face.

Do I have to draw you a diagram? She tugged his own shirt out of his jeans until he lifted his arms, reached over his head and shucked it like a second skin. She licked her lips as the map of a Hunters life took shape across the planes and angles of his body. She traced fingers over pink and puckered skin, noting a bullet wound here, knife wounds there, burns and claw marks and bites in various stages of scarring. Even the fingers he used to unbutton her shirt were crooked from ill healed breaks. Impatiently he pushed the blouse off her shoulders.

You know what I mean. His voice was rough as he tilted his head from side to side, as though a different angle could give him a better view under her poker face. He took a shuddering breath as she found a scar running diagonally from belly button to hip and followed its path to where it disappeared into his jeans. Her tiny fingers traveled along its rough trail to his hip, then inched a bit to the left to find him, rigid and ready. She paused to stroke him within the confines of his jeans and then retraced her path to explore fresh territory along the lines and planes of his ribs.

The grime of the days hunt left prints on her bra as he cupped a breast, his own fingertips creeping over the lace to tease a nipple. Seriously, this isnt- but he lost his train of thought when her breath hitched and she cupped the back of his neck with cool fingers, pulling his mouth down to hers.

This isnt anything, she finished for him, letting him off the hook he was putting himself on. For all his swagger, she realized, Dean Winchester had a conscience.

This isnt going to make things, like, yknow…weird. Or anything? He was already unhooking her bra and letting it drop to the floor. What if she said yes?

Weirder than what, Deano? Unless that little homemade EMF meter has some hidden talents a girl should know about, I think this is as normal as our lives get. Havent you figured that out yet? As if to emphasize the point, she pulled her fathers knife out of its ankle sheath and waved the blade in front of his face before tossing it on the night stand.

He didnt need any more encouragement. His pistol joined the knife with a solid thump as he pulled her tightly against his chest, falling back on the bed and dragging her down on top. Their limbs tangled together as he rolled, her lips parting for him as she fumbled for his belt. He nipped at her mouth, playful love bites between hungrily trying to steal her breath away. His tongue warred with hers, grappling for dominance until her lips felt swollen, then retreated, frantically finding the curve of her jaw, the shell of her ear, the hollow of her neck before taking her mouth again. Light fingers used to finessing locks and coaxing 40 year old cars into submission teased over nipples and skittered down her belly. He traced a path along her inseam from knee to zipper until she wanted to scream. She was ready to come before she even got his pants unbuttoned.

After all of his tough guy talk and sharp words, she had anticipated a hard, fast ride. Instead, he left her tingling and unbalanced, alternating between something like assault and then adoration. He didnt care that she hadnt been able to catch her breath long enough to do more than admire the view of his belt loose and the top button of his jeans tantalizingly open, instead wedging himself firmly between her legs and grinding hip to hip. She groaned and rose to meet him, damning the fabric caught between their bodies.

In the dim light of the drawn curtains, his eyes were dark, serious and intense as he rose back on his haunches. They were the same eyes of any predator on the hunt. He watched her face like a man eying his last meal as he reached out and deftly flicked the top button of her jeans open, gently sliding the zipper down so that the soft vvvrrrrippppp seemed to go on forever. She was squirming, inside and out, the inseam of her jeans a soft irritation as she rose to slide them off her hips. Dean smiled, a finger softly snapping the elastic of her thong. He liked what he saw. She lifted her hips again to shimmy out of the scrap of red lace but he put a hand on her belly to still her.

Leave it, he said, voice gone low and husky. Jo suddenly felt self conscious of the $45 scrap of Victorias Secret. Shed dressed for a hunt like she was going on a date.

Jo regrouped, squirming under his gaze before pushing up on her elbows. I think youre overdressed for this party.

She swung herself around in the bed, kneeling chest to chest with him and pushing at the waistband of his jeans until they slid over his bare ass. Commando. Well, she thought, chewing her lip, that was an unexpected development…and yet not surprising. He was kissing her again when she gripped him in her hand. His breath seemed to strangle in his throat and he gasped against her mouth, stealing some of her own breath. She tried not to react, nipping lightly at his lower lip and tugging with her teeth. In her hand, he throbbed against her as she lightly ran her fingers along the shaft from tip to root.

His groan was long and low and ended in a growl. She was only dimly aware of the jeans hitting the floor before he pushed her back on the bed, his mouth violently taking a breast. She steeled herself against a yelp but there was no need, his aggression was deceiving, tongue gently laving the nipple until she lay there panting and shaking. His other hand followed the lines of her body until she hissed when he touched a raw spot on her hip. He reared back, worry creasing his face, his eyes flicking to where his hand had just grazed purpling flesh against the otherwise alabaster backdrop of her skin.

Its nothing, she said, trying to draw his face back down to hers.

That doesnt look like nothing, he responded sharply, calloused fingers tracing around the fist sized bruise.

Jesus Christ, Dean, Im a hunter. Youre not whining about every friggin bump and bruise. To emphasize her point, she poked what looked like a particularly tender spot on his bicep and noted with some satisfaction when his eyes went bright with the pain. Neither am I. Its an occupational hazard. Im not bleeding or unconscious, she hooked her leg around his back and pulled him toward her, but you might be if there isnt some follow through here…

She watched his eyes waver for a moment. Quick eyes, observant, calculating as he actually saw, for the first time, her injuries. Bumps, bruises, raw spots of scraped skin from being dragged through tunnels and thrown against walls.

God, she was green, he thought. Her body was virtually a clean slate with no story to tell. The marks on her today would scab over, heal clean, and leave the skin underneath white and perfect again. Until the next time, and the next, and the next until the wounds never really healed before they scarred again. Before monsters marked her and the life was all she ever knew and the story of every kill mapped itself on her flesh. How long would they have before the road map of pain and death swallowed her whole?

He knew if this became a habit…and God, the slick feel of her under his fingertips, the hot breath against his ear, her little animal cries as he hit a spot just right…God, she could become a habit. He knew when this became a habit, this short tumble off their adrenaline high into each other, that over the months and years her smooth pale skin would begin to crisscross with the hard knots and scars of iron and copper and flesh and bone. And every time something took a pint of blood and a pound of flesh it would leave on her skin a mark so much smaller than the hole it left in her soul.

She was losing him. She could see it on his face as his hands slid over her body, knowing he was committing her contours to memory before taking that slow regretful step back. ` Shed seen it before. Hell, shed done it before with those clueless college boys who just didnt know the monsters in the dark were real. There was that sharp prick of realization as clothes tumbled to the floor and the senses overloaded that this just wasnt real. The monsters were, but this never would be. Jo could see it on Deans face, the same dance on the sharp edge of desperation. They could fuck like rabbits for the next hour or for the next year, but the monsters would still be out there when they came up for air. She wasnt one of his pretty party girls that he used like a fifth of whiskey to chase the regret. She had been touched by the monsters. She was a part of the life he was constantly trying to put away from himself even as he trudged hip deep in it. She smelled like rock salt and fear, not Sunflowers and Chanel.

Quickly, she reached out and ran her fingers over the smooth round fissures of gun shot scars even as he flinched away from the small scratches on her own shoulders. She grabbed his hands, holding crooked and calloused fingers to her breasts. She ran fingertips over smooth and puckered scars, knife wounds and claw marks. She was pretty sure the long thin filet along his rib cage was from a werewolf, pale enough to have happened in childhood or adolescence. The short little hash marks along his forearms were identity checks, long and thin and made with a silver blade, drawing just enough blood to prove you were the only one home inside your own skin. And yet for all the hard miles on his body, only two small scars marred the perfection of his face. Of course, by the time a monster got close enough to snack on your face, all there was left to do was salt your bones and start the fire.

He caught her hand as she traced the thin line under his eye, his mouth slightly open like he might say something. Instead, he brought her wrist to his lips, pressing his mouth to it reverently, his eyes closed and his lips warm on her skin. She cupped her hand to his jaw, fingers tucking imaginary hair behind his ear. He turned his face into her hand, for a moment looking like a naughty and tragic angel.

When he released her, she pressed her hand over his heart, to the angry red welts that looked like they had only just begun to scar.

What does something like this, she asked.

He caught her hand, held it a beat. A demon. Letting go he leaned in and nuzzled her nose affectionately. A really pissed off demon.

Is there any other kind? She tried for humor, but there was still a pain in his face that stilled the smile on her own lips.

She looked at the face of Dean Winchester, hurt and haunted and human and flawed and knew they needed this. They needed a moment, one cross section of time with someone who could see the pain and not care. She chewed her lower lip thoughtfully before leaning in and sliding her tongue along the thickest of the gashes. It looked like something had tried to shred him from the inside out. She felt his breath rush in and then the dead stillness of him as her mouth worked against the wrecked skin.

Does that hurt, she asked, her eyes flicking up to meet his.

No. The word stuck in his throat a moment, and his chest heaved against her mouth as he tried to clear it. No, not at all. And she knew she had him back.

He leaned over and pressed gentle lips against her hip as she sprawled her tiny body over his shoulder and along his back. She lay her cheek against the valley of his spine and felt the tension in him change. She knew the cost benefit analysis had come out in her favor. Playfully, he tugged at the string of her thong with his teeth then let it snap back before clutching her tight against him. His arm curled around her narrow waist, his massive shoulder pushing her back onto the bed. Languidly following the line of her leg with his mouth, he teased at the edge of the slip of fabric with his tongue, just grazing her with the promise of more to come, his breath hot against her.

He tilted his face to look at hers, his clever mouth never leaving her skin and his eyes feral again. She noticed the cut of his shoulders as he all but stalked the length of her body, one arm holding him rigid above her as his other hand slid slowly into the side of her panties, teasing against her center. She threw her head back against the pillows and rose to meet him, pressure building with every idle stroke. He could eat her alive and shed only beg for more.

Her fingers slid through his short choppy hair, rounded over his shoulders and gripped his back, trying to pull him closer. He slipped his arm around the small of her back and muled her across the bed, so that when she looked into his face again she could only imagine the look in his eyes was the same sort of look a wolf had for his mate. His knees shoved her thighs apart, his hands coming up to tilt her legs and open her wide.

About time, cowboy, she said as he took a moment to slide her panties aside without taking them off. The words were nervous energy turned vocal. She held her breath when she felt his length press against her, her hips rising toward him without any conscious thought. She wanted him. It was like a primal need, more than biology and neuroses. This wasnt sex by the numbers, this was like an act of God. She groaned when his tip pressed against her and her hands gripped the sheets before they wrecked his back. He tipped her knee back toward her chest and slid into her, pausing for a moment before rolling his hips a little.

Even as she groaned his lips found hers and he swallowed her sounds, her mews and wails as he filled her.

He moved slow, each stroke calculated to bring her closer without pushing her over the edge. If she frantically fluttered against him, he would pause, pinning her with his body and sliding his hands over breasts and ass, mouth licking and nipping at hers until she stilled and he would start the torture all over again.

The long slow slide out, the long slow glide in, a little roll of his hips and once or twice she thought she might have forgotten her own name.

But not his. God, Dean, she cried into his neck. Please, Im so close…

I know, he panted against her skin.

She was covered in sweat, slick inside and out. He felt her clamp against his length every time he slid into her, her limbs struggling against him, trying to take control. But control was all he had left, if he handed it over to her, they were both done for. All he had was this moment, this snapshot, this space between breaths when her face shined underneath him and his name was on her lips and he could do this without hiding his pain or tamping down the rage or pretending he was anything, anybody else. He was Dean Winchester and in this split second he wasnt hiding anything, it just wasnt there.

Please, Dean, it was more of a thought carried on a breath than words.

I know, he said again, this time thrusting harder. She met him and groaned with a voice that seemed to start in her tail bone and travel the length of her spine as it bowed beneath him. He felt it vibrate through her core as he buried himself in her, his own groan meeting and matching hers.

She saw his face and it was like a storm cloud had broken over him. She watched the control whittle away, each thrust bringing him closer to…something. He was wild and dangerous and the set of his jaw was enough to make her tremble even if his cock didnt have her shuddering on the edge of a chasm so deep she was sure shed never find her way out once she fell over. She gripped him tight with her legs and met him thrust for thrust until he was pounding into her, the bed banging dangerously against the wall, his hands clutching at her thighs until they left new bruises.

He was slamming into her, both of their bodies grappling for purchase when she felt the tremor hit low in her belly. Her hands flew to the small of his back, fingers digging into the valley of his spine in a futile effort to bring him closer as the orgasm tore a scream out of her. He rode the wave with her, his head resting against her temple, his low animal growl lost in her wails.

Dean felt her grip him, like the fluttering wings of an iron butterfly, his hips fighting for each vicious stroke. He didnt want to hurt her, but Jo was made of sterner stuff than most and she wasnt the kind of lay to take a hard bounce just to be nice. He wanted this moment to just stop, to hit the pause button on her writhing beneath him but he felt his own orgasm building not far behind hers and there wasnt much he could do about it. This was just the inevitable end, as there were for all things. And then he was cresting the wave and falling into the chasm with her, about as close to heaven as a Winchester can ever get.

He licked at the little rivulet of sweat behind her ear and she sighed. She was still tracing his scars with her fingertips, twirling her fingers in idle circles from here to there while he still lay on top of her.

Holy crap, she finally said, taking a deep breath.

Yeah, he sighed against her. That about sums it up.

We should get going, before Mom gets here. She tapped his shoulder, indicating it was time to roll away. Deans lips twitched in a smile. Jo Harvelle would never be offended when he got up and left in the middle of the night. His eyes dipped into a scowl, though his lips still curled mischievously. Would he be offended, when she did it to him?

Joanna Beth, the husky Midwestern drawl came from the living room, If you two are done in there, Id like a word.

They froze and looked at each other like rabbits caught in a snare before the mad scramble for the clothes started.

Holy crap! Dean said, jamming a leg into a pair of jeans before realizing they were Jos. She, he extricated his leg and threw them to Jo, who was holding his out to him impatiently, She cant smell fear, can she?

Fear? No, Jo jumped up and down to get the pants over her sweat slick thighs and zipped. Id be more worried about her smelling the sex…we reek of it.

Dean paused and smiled, momentarily pleased with himself. Jo shot him a scathing look as she tossed his shirt to him.

Well, Deano, Jo hooked her bra and shoved her arms into the sleeve of her own shirt, If you werent scared of my mom before, you probably should be now.

Dean spoke, his voice sounding muted and far away from inside his shirt. Shes gotta know that youyou know-, his head popped out the top and he motioned towards the bed.

Oh, she knows, she shoved her feet into her shoes. Shes just never had a front row seat before. She gave him a tight lipped smile, then smacked his ass before heading for the door.

Dean grabbed her elbow and turned her toward him. Are we ok?

Yeah, Dean, she said, her voice softening just a bit, were good.

That had been then. Sixteen hours before the arrival back at the Roadhouse. Mere moments after mind blowing sex when she might have even promised him her first born if he had asked. But sixteen hours is a long time to think, jammed in the back seat with Sammy who had the market cornered on brooding. And the whole time she would look at the back of Deans head and think that she wanted to run her fingers through that short hair, and she felt god damned tingly when he would glance at her in the rear view. She thought about his scars and found herself rubbing her fingertips together, remembering the feel of him under her hands. She thought about him dangerous as a wounded animal on top of her and her panties were wet again. If she thought about him slipping over every square inch of her bare skin, something in her heart hiccupped and that was just fucking infuriating.

So it was easy to blame the boys for the sins of their father. It was easier than admitting there might actually be something there for her and Dean. It was easier than letting go of that space between who she wanted to be and the scared little girl she still was. If she kept running maybe she could keep one step ahead of himone step ahead of herself. Except now, she couldnt even clean her goddamned rifle without thinking about a Winchester.

Maybe it was time to put down for a while, get her head screwed on straight and leave the monsters to the hunters who were only slightly more fucked in the head than she was. Maybe. Maybe Duluth wasnt such a bad city for a barmaid with a knife collection to wait for a Winchester to catch up with her…

Same as The Spaces Between ( Supernatural Fanfiction Dean/Jo) Videos

3 years ago
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Dream a Little Dream of Me Supernatural FAnfiction

There's a knock at the door. Sam heaves a sigh and slams the clamshell of his laptop closed. He makes it to the knob in a few long strides. His disappointment is apparent when he opens the door and sees her standing there. "Hey, Sam," she says in her haughty accent. She walks past him into the room without invitation. That's how she is. She takes. Whatever she wants. He stares after her, watching her take in the cheap furnishings. The cheeky Brit's audacity is unsurprising. Yet, as...

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Fanfiction Chrono Cross Alteration of Chance

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. Serge, Kid, all of 'em are owned by Squaresoft even if one of them is in an... altered... state. Nope, even she-Serge belongs to Squaresoft. (Though I doubt we'll be seeing her anywhere but here!) Even this story belongs to Squaresoft. You have no chance to survive make your reading time. Okay, bad Zerowing reference. Fans of Games/Anime as well as TG, there is a message for you at the very end of this fic even if you don't...

4 years ago
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Fanfiction to Reality

Fanfiction to RealityCarly opened a search tab on her PearPad as Sam sat down next to her. "What're you doing Carly?" "I'm curious about something. Our show is really popular. I was wondering if we had reached the level of popularity where people begin to write fan fictions about it." "Are you sure about that? There are some strange fan fictions. Are you sure you'll be comfortable with whatever you find?" "Of course, what's the worst that can happen?" Carly typed iCarly into the search bar of...

3 years ago
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Skyrim Fanfiction Part 3

CHAPTER ONE Farkus was a werewolf, he had just killed all of the Silver-Hand, and he was staring hard at Jahel. She had never felt her heart squeeze so hard in fear, felt her adrenaline rushing through her veins so quickly. It was causing her vampire blood to boil, she knew now that she had never been so close to her mother’s kind. Everything else she had experienced had just a taste of what she could become if she allowed it. Her concerns though were focused on the werewolf in front of her...

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Fanfiction Lesbian Fighting League

Once again, the Fanfiction Lesbian Fighting League, or FL² for short, was up and running. Tonight's episode was their anniversary celebration and the arena was packed. The crowd was filled with excited lesbians ready to watch yet another marvelous display of sex and violence for their pleasure. " the most watched show after dark!" came the voice of FL²'s play-by-play announcer, Kyu Sugardust, a pink-haired love fairy from the world of HuniePop. "As always, we've got a packed arena...

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Fanfiction Cuckqueans

A Cuckquean. The lesser known verson of the Cuckold. For where that latter is a man who has their romantic partner cheating them with one or more people, the former is the opposite. A woman who has their romantic partner cheating on them. However, now it is more linked with the Cuckold/Cuckquean Fetish. Where the cheating is the thing which causes the man/woman to become aroused. The man is dominant, the woman submissive. To the point of being able to have sex when he permits it... or to be...

4 years ago
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Futa Fanfiction

This is futa fanfiction where you get the chance to live out your dreams of being fucked by the futa of your dreams from your favourite tv show, movie, video game and many more. Maybe you want to be one of them in the world and have fun. Whatever you want is all can happen right here. Just have to pick what you want from here and than the good times can start. The list is below so that it is easy for everyone, they will be categories so that the first page isn't overloaded with everything.

2 years ago
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Mecha Fanfiction Anthology

The mecha genre is one with decades of history, and throughout its history it has amassed a great deal of hot babes. There are girls for all tastes to be found, and many viewers have conjured up fantasies in their minds upon watching these girls go about their business. Something about the genre makes its girls especially hot, whether they’re pilots or signers or both. This CHYOA will be a collection of various unrelated short fanfiction stories to do with mecha franchises. It will be an...

1 year ago
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Supernatural Nation Chapter 9

Sorry for the long wait between updates. I started some night classes and so I have even less free time now. Plus I had to rewrite this chapter three times from scratch, so I hope you enjoy it. I have blocked the comments because there are far to many retards visiting this site, if you have something to say to me pm via my profile page Thanks! Supernatural Nation: Chapter 9 Chapter 9: The End The next morning Anthony was awake before the sun arose....

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Supernatural Nation The Gathering Part 2

Chapter 7 "Anthony, wake up," a musical voice called jerking him from sleep. He opened his eyes and turned his head to look in the direction of the voice and found her less than a foot away. Wind stood on his chest her fists on her hips looking like a woman scolding her children. Her shimmering silvery dress swung around her in the breeze created by her incandescent wings as they beat at a pace so fast they blurred. "It's time to get...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation An Element or Four

Supernatural Nation: Chapter 1 Chapter 1: An Elemental or Four The day after their honeymoon Anthony awoke and stretched carefully so as not to disturb Eliza, who was sleeping naked and peacefully beside him. He ran his gaze down her golden skin tempted to touch her but he restrained himself and cautiously rolled out of the bed. He looked over at the clock and realized that Sar-Rah and Liz had gone off to school taking...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of a Lonely Khagiit Merchant a Skyrim Fanfiction

Introduction: This is not supported by Bethesda or anyone else involved with The Elder Scrolls series. Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Claw was a Khagiit who lived in Elsweyr. He was a merchant, and was planning to travel all over Tamriel to sell his goods. Before he left his homeland, he met a female Khagiit named Pussy. Claw was very lonely. They fucked. She lay back on the bed spreading her kegs, while Claw pounded his hard furry cock into Pussys tight pussy. He then...

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Skyrim Fanfiction pt40

Chapter One Vilkas and Jahel walked cloaked in snow and shadow up to the fort that was lit by torches on the walls.They were crouched down in the snow waiting and watching the Silver-Hand on the walls.The ones guarding the walls weren't really paying attention to the outside of their fort while they went on their way. The two started to move into the snow their bodies were pressed side to side for warmth as the wolves moved forward.They had been following the scent in wolf form letting the...

2 years ago
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Skyrim Fanfiction Repost

CHAPTER ONE The guild of Companions had been established by Ysgramor a few hundred years ago and was home to many an honorable warrior from everywhere in Tamriel. They were big in fighting for those who couldn’t fight for themselves and those who were willing to pay them to do something for them within the law of course. They also acted as extra guards for the city of Whiterun as long as the attacks weren’t political or had anything to do with the war. That was why Farkus was outside the...

2 years ago
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Skyrim Fanfiction Pt 2

CHAPTER ONE It had been almost four months since the death of Deino at the dwemer ruins. Since then the Companions had resumed their normal lives going on quests and continuing their training. Even so, Farkus had been waiting for any sign of the vampire woman’s daughter that she had said would be coming. He hadn’t seen her and he had asked question about her whereabouts with a few people that would recognize a new traveler. But there had been nothing so far and that included getting word from...

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Why Did You Kiss Me Ch 1 A Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfiction

"What are you doing?" Sarah asked after a moment. "Watching a movie," Cameron replied without turning her head. "Really," Sarah moved forward so that she was standing next to the couch looking down at the young girl. Despite the cold night Cameron wore only a thin tank top and boxers. Sarah couldn't help but notice how the cool air had caused her nipples to harden so that they made very noticeable points in her top. Sarah swallowed. "Shouldn't you be outside patrolling or...

4 years ago
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Web of lies draco malfoy fanfiction P

Bella’s nanny, Percy , had been her only constant companion through all her years as an orphan , and even before her mother had died she had never failed to take her of Bella , Even when the ministry of magic had battered down her door and killed Althea Blythe as she slept. Bella thought often about her mother who was killed when she was 9, she had never known her father so had never really bothered with him, but her mother was always on her mind. Percy sensed Bella’s mind beginning to...

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Ein Malfoy auf der Jagd nach Mdchen Harry Potter fanfiction

Alle Charakter dieser Geschichte sind über 18 auch dann wenn es die Buchverlage anders vorschreibt! Draco Malfoy saß in seinem gemeinschaftsraum in den Kerkern auf dem Sofa und war verzweifelt. Seine Noten in allen Fächern waren in einem guten Bereich ohne dass er wirklich viel dafür Lernen musste. Es schien ihm einfach alles von der Hand zu gehen. Allerdings führte das zu einer enormen Langeweile. Und er konnte seinem liebsten Zeitvertreib (Harry zur Weißglut zu bringen) nicht mehr so oft nach...

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Ultimate Fanfiction

(Author' note) Pardon the shortness. When you add one you will become a trusted user. This way this will be everyone story. Please make things longer then 1 sentence. The story will be separated any many types of fan fiction. HELLO AND WELCOME TO GALAXY LABS. This is the place where you can make your dreams come true. You won a contest to spend years in a fanfic world where you can be the most loved man there. The women will want you; the men will want to be like you. There will be danger...

4 years ago
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Tv Shows Sex fanfiction

This thread will contain stories about different TV shows past or present. The main difference from the story line will be that these chapters will contain a lot more sex scene between characters. Those scenes may include incest scenes, threesomes or group scenes. the TV show story could be totally different from here but the characters will remain the same. there will be no sex scenes of any underage characters. lets start with our first tv show. CONTINUUM Kiera Cameron had travelled back in...

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Pollinic Girls Fanfiction

In the hentai anime/manga "The Pollinic Girls Attack!", instead of suffering from "normal" pollen allergy reactions, such as sneezing and coughing, people are instead targeted by pollinic people. The pollinic people will then have sex with them, regardless of where they are. Breeds of pollinic people include: Sugi Pollinic Girl - Pollinic girl with short, blonde-hair and crystal blue eyes. Hinoki Pollinic Girl - Pollinic girl with long, purple-hair and rose eyes. Butakusa Pollinic Boy - Male...

1 year ago
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MC fanfiction

You wake up in a place of darkness but there are several tunnels with light that shines threw them as you get up you suddenly here something. "Hello welcome to the Vortex between worlds." It says "Who are you?" You ask."You may call me The Voice" it answers. " I have brought you here the tunnels as you call them are really portals to other worlds and I have given you the power of suggestion". "What?" you say. "Mind control" it The Voice says with frustration. "Oh" you nod. "You will decide were...

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Anime Fanfiction

Congratulation! You have been selected by Animetor Corporation to test our new Virtual Reality Anime! We, Animetor Company have please your eyes with many Anime for 20 years! Now then! Please Select Anime you want! Press 1 for: Naruto Press 2 for: Gundam Press 3 for: Ranma Press Pound for other Category!

3 years ago
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Odd Fanfiction match up

Pardon the shortness, this is an intro thread. This idea came from shipper’s site. Shipper is a fan fiction term for people who write stories about character getting romantically together. There a lot of Spike/Buffy shippers. There also a lot of Hoshi/T’pol shippers. There sites dedicated to these match ups but what about odd pairings. What about Andrew and Joyce shippers. What about a Dawn/Clem relationship or Faith/Jonathan. Your job is to pick odd pairings and match them up. It could be...

2 years ago
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Bleach Sexual Fanfiction Attack on Kisuke

*All characters mentioned are from a work of fiction, and I do not claim ownership over these characters. Characters were created and belonge to Tite Kubo.Attack on KisukeLocation: Urahara Shoten"I hope this plan of yours works, Sosuke. It certainly isn't promising from where I'm laying." Soi Fon, and her secret love, Sosuke Aizen, both shared a deep-seated resentment towards Kisuke Urahara( though for different reasons). For years, the two plotted for their ultimate revenge for Kisuke....

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A Bit of Bass a Whateley fanfiction part 1

This is a work if fan fiction set in the Whateley Universe. Knowledge of the universe may be helpful to fully appreciate the story but may not be necessary. The setting and any previously established characters belong to their respective creators. A Bit of Bass Chapter 1: Indy Punk Chase Price sat on the weight bench in his room, doing curls with a 40 pound dumb bell. His massive arms swelled on each raise and the veins pop up from the skin. He did 20 quick pulls then switched...

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Supernatural Nation A Second Furry Encounter

Chapter 4 "Sunshine I need a favor," Anthony said as they exited the council building. "Anything," she said winging her way over from Jessica's shoulder to sit on his hand. "Can you find the fairies in the area," he asked. "Sure, but one monarch asking another's subjects questions without the others permission is considered rude," Sunshine explained. "Could you take us to the Fairy Queen of the area...

4 years ago
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Short Stories Supernatural Vampire

The following stories are short stories, meant for only having one part. No background information and made for everyone. This short story season will be one for everyone of the subjects on Lush and if you would like a personalized story just put it in my inbox. I will ask for details ECT. Please enjoy this installments of my short stories.   Supernatural : Vampires.   As I closed the book to my favorite story "Vampires the lost lovers" there was a long chill coming down my neck. The window's...

2 years ago
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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 30 Supernatural Me

Mother Nature knew how to put on a great show; of course she did. She presented a cavalcade of my accomplishments as the breeder livestock skilled with satisfying supreme goddesses and their needs to be serviced with requirements unlike any other human before. I was an accomplished fucker although a rather humble one. She spoke of how I was groomed from the extreme distant past before time began, a rather difficult concept for most of the crowd attending. And it was a diverse crowd for...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation First Encounter of the Furry Kind

Chapter 3 The shifting of the bed and the rustle of sheets brought Anthony to full wakefulness instantly. Sasha was moving quietly peering at the floor in the pre-dawn gloom. She bent at the waist giving him an excellent view of her perfectly shape butt and when she straightened he again saw the lacerations on her back and anger spiked through him. In her hands she held her shirt but couldn't seem to find the rest of...

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A Supernatural Fantasy

A couple weeks ago I had a rotten day at work, and I had forgotten I promised my wife that we would go out and spend the night in Atlanta. It was supposed to be a night of good food, romance music and some deeply needed time together, but instead turned into a night that changed our relationship forever. My name is Asher and my wife is Misha, we’ve been married over 20 years. We met in high school and have been best friends, parents and lovers since the mid 80’s. We have managed to keep in...

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Supernatural Nation The Beginning of the End

Thanks for waiting patiently here is Chapter 8! Supernatural Nation: The Beginning of the End He ran through the forest at a speed that would have awed any human who had caught sight of him, but no human saw him as he raced through the trees. Jumping over fallen trees and dodging low hanging branches he ran not daring to slow as the insane laughter of the monster followed him. All of his guards had died on the creature's blood soaked talons...

1 year ago
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In the Stacks supernatural

He's been in hundreds of libraries across the country - even has the plastic cards to prove it. They're housed in a worn shoe box the way most kids keep baseball cards, the edges of his favorites peeling from being handled and touched. Multi-colored dreams of a different life. For as long as he can remember and much to his big brother's chagrin, shelves lined with books have been an oasis. A place he could go to escape whatever town their father dumped them in. To be something other...

4 years ago
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Short Stories Supernatural Vampire

The following stories are short stories, meant for only having one part. No background information and made for everyone. This short story season will be one for everyone of the subjects on Lush and if you would like a personalized story just put it in my inbox. I will ask for details ECT. Please enjoy this installments of my short stories.   Supernatural : Vampires.   As I closed the book to my favorite story ‘Vampires the lost lovers’ there was a long chill coming down my neck. The window’s...

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In the Stacks supernatural

Introduction: Pre-series. The Stanford Library. Sam is trying to study…Jess has other ideas. Sam/Jessica One-Shot The shelves tower up from the floor reaching like trees toward the tiles and florescent lights of the ceiling. Placed end to end, theyd probably stretch on for miles. Miles and miles of knowledge in a single facility. His own, personal version of heaven. A smile crosses Sams features and he inhales the glorious musk of well worn pages and printing ink. Hes been in hundreds of...

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Wish a celeb Supernatural version

I had this idea for a while and now decided to try it out. I love to imagine celebs in a bit more supernatural situations. Everything going further than just a generic sex setup: demons, mind control, body shape changes, ... such things. So give me a little promt in the comments, which is more than just a name, maybe two or three sentences what the setting you would like to read about is. I will try to work through the comments in the order they come in. For the beginning, please restrict your...

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Supernatural Stripping

What if you found a Genie's lamp, except all your wishes were twisted into rendering you naked? Or what about a witch that you unknowingly anger, who hexes you with bad luck and embarrassment at the worst possible moments? Maybe some magical creature gets loose, bringing naked havoc with it? An amulet granting some supernatural power at the cost of modesty? Or something more sci-fi, like a mad scientist unleashing a cruel invention onto the world! Or perhaps the character IS a scientist, with...

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Supernatural Underwear

The neighborhood was quiet as the delivery truck pulled in, The tall red-haired driver got out and picked up the large box with a smile, whoever sent this had paid a fortune to have this package delivered today, but didn't feel the need to pay for the extra security of a signature, the driver supposed it wasn't his problem, he gently placed the package on the welcome mat, then knocked three times before returning to his truck. He pulled out his phone "Hello? yes ma'am package has been delivered...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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You find yourself sitting in front of your screen, in a chat room with your friend mike LEMON.SOCKS-woaaahhhhh maaaannnnn i found a nasty surprise in your mailbox! left on your door step dudeeee you- thate....illegal you get up, going to see what the hell your friend lemon was talking about...and you see...a ring?

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Gender Bent Fanfictions

Welcome to this humble writer's collection of fanfics. Here you will find stories of men from different cartoons, games and anime who undergo a undesired transformation into a desirable lady. How will they cope with the change? How will others react? How do their stories play out because of this change? Let's find out. To keep with the site's rules, all characters depicted will be at least 18 years old. If a character depicted is under that age in their source, they will be aged up for this...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

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