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Introduction: Finally fucking Amy This is part three of a series.

The rest of the day went as usual. Thankfully Amy went back to bed and stayed there until some time in the afternoon. Rachel and I went out and spent a normal Saturday together, though the entire time I could swear I still smelled Amy on my fingers. I had to get that girl alone, and soon. The whole day out my brain was working overtime on how we could spend some quality time with Rachel out of the house. She kept asking if I was ok because she would find me deep in thought, and I just kept repeating that I was fine, just tired, or thinking about work.

We got home and Rachel started to make dinner. I was sitting in one of the dinner chairs and we were having a nice conversation when Amy came downstairs. She looked incredible. She had on a very tight T-shirt with no bra, showing off her amazing tits, her hair coming to rest at her shoulders. Completing her outfit was a short denim skirt that ended a good six inches above her knees, and some cute little white ankle socks. I couldnt help but think this outfit was for my benefit. It was just sexy enough if you were paying attention, but not so bad her mom would freak out. Rachel was cooking and was completely oblivious to the way her daughter was dressed. I dont think she wanted to admit to herself that her little girl was growing up. To be fair, I had never paid attention to the way she dressed before yesterday either. Amy came and sat down across from me to join in the conversation and wait for dinner to be ready. She was in unusually good spirits today, I knew why, but Rachel was certainly pleased with the way she was acting, and didnt care so much for the reason. I was also pleased, but for different reasons. Every time Rachel had her back turned, Amy would start teasing me. She was eating carrots and celery sticks, and she kept dipping them in ranch and slowly licking them off, all the while looking me right in the eyes as Im trying to carry on a normal conversation. She was not gonna make this easy.

After dinner, Amy volunteered to do the dishes and Rachel and I crashed on the couch, tired from our day out shopping. After about ten minutes, Rachel was nodding off on my shoulder. She must have had one glass of wine too many. I was having fun with her by nudging her every time she would pass out. Amy came and sat in the chair next to the couch with her legs pulled up under herself in that wonderful teenage girl way. She quickly joined in in the fun by clapping her hands and making loud noises to wake her mom over and over. After about ten minutes of this, (and ten times waking Rachel) I realized, quite by accident that Amy wasnt wearing any panties. As I said, she had her legs tucked up underneath herself, and she was leaning over to tickle Rachels toes. She lifted up a little in the chair and I got my first look at her beautiful pussy. With the light from the lamp, I was able to see all the way up her creamy thighs to the perfect little place where they met. I immediately stopped fucking with Rachel and just stared at Amys crotch. I realized after a few seconds that she had stopped playing around too and was looking at me through half closed eyes. She gave me a wicked smile and ran a finger up her thigh to quickly swipe across her pussy lips. She slid her hand back down to her knees and stopped. She did this two or three times and each time she would spend just a little more time with it before giving in to it completely and finger fucking herself as I watched her, and she stared at me. I just sat frozen in place and watched her as she slowly slid her middle and ring finger inside herself over and over, and her breathing began to speed up. She sat up and flung one leg over the arm of the chair to allow herself better access, and then continued with what she had been doing.

She mouthed the words I want you to fuck me tonight as she was building up speed.

Rachel stirred just then, and Amy immediately stopped what she had been doing and sat up a bit. Rachel looked at me groggily and said it was her turn to go to bed early. She leaned back to kiss me goodnight and then got up to go upstairs, and I thanked my lucky stars she didnt notice that I had a huge erection once again. I swear, she wasnt two stairs up and Amy was on her feet and walking toward me.

Finally! We can be alone she said as she sat down in my lap and put her lips on mine, her tongue in my mouth in seconds. I was in heaven. I put my hand on her upper thigh just inside her skirt, and slowly started stroking her thigh up and down, moving it further and further up every time. My fingers came in contact with her amazing little pussy for the second time today, and I was rewarded with another of those sexy little squeak moans that I had fallen in love with. I no sooner touched her when she said-

Put your fingers inside me again, Mark

Who could deny such a request? I slid just my middle finger inside her at first, getting it wet and slowly swirling it around her outer lips, and then added another one. I was now curling two fingers inside her pussy, sliding them upward each time to hit her G-spot with each stroke. She leaned back onto the couch, to where she was sort of laying across me with her ass on my lap and her head on the arm of the couch. I slid my hand under her shirt and slid it up until her firm little titties were exposed. She sort of gasped a bit when I gently pinched one of her nipples with one hand while stroking her G-spot with the other.

Cu- she grunted.

What, Sweety? I asked, knowing full well what she was trying to say.

Cum. Im going to cum! She said in a husky voice, trying to be quiet, but still get her point across. She started to arch up off of me as her orgasm came to her. I was mesmerized watching her again. It was truly a thing of beauty.

Mark? — Fuck. Oh fuck. Oh Fuck! It was Rachel, thank God she was still at the top of the stairs, but I had no way of knowing how much she had heard. I love this woman, but she is a real cock blocker!

Amy froze in place, too terrified to move and trying to ride the waves of her orgasm in silence. I had to act like normal, Rachel couldnt see us, she was at the top of the stairs.

Yeah honey I said in my best everything is normal voice.

Can you bring me something for my head? Its pounding from that wine and we dont have anything up here

She could not have worse timing. I love her, but right now I could have killed her just to fuck this girl that was on my lap. Amy slowly slid off my lap onto the couch and slid her shirt and skirt down. I mouthed to Amy -Ill be right back and said to Rachel –

Sure, Babe, Ill be right up. Let me find something to bring to you. Fuck. Once again, I had to hope she wouldnt notice my cock in its current state. I went to the kitchen and grabbed something for her head, the evil part of my brain wishing just for a second that I had some chloroform. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to see Amy sitting back on the chair, but now she was completely naked! She was giving me that look again, and she did the come here thing with her finger, beckoning me over to her. I could spare a second, right? I was sure Rachel had gone back to bed to wait for me to come up. I leaned in to hear what she wanted to whisper to me-

Ill be waiting right here for you to come back downstairs. Dont be long. And with that, she put two fingers in my mouth and I could taste her juices on them. My God. I licked them clean. She tasted like heaven and I nearly came in my pants for the second time in ten minutes. I couldnt wait to bury my tongue inside this girl. I went upstairs, stopping in the bathroom to get a cup of water for Rachel. I sat down on the bed and she sat up to take the pills. After swallowing them she thanked me and laid back down. I thought I was in the clear so I offered-

Hope you feel better Knowing it was lame and terrible even as I said it. What kind of guy doesnt even sit with a girl for two seconds when shes got a headache? The kind of guy that has a naked fifteen year old downstairs to fuck.

Apparently Rachel also thought I was an asshole because she said-

Youre just gonna leave me here to die? My head is killing me and you want to leave me in my final moments?!? She was joking with me, thinking it was funny. If only she knew my situation. I guess in hindsight, she probably wouldnt have appreciated my situation the same way I did, but still.

No, of course not I lied I was just gonna take off my shoes and lay down with you for a little while until you feel better I felt like I covered pretty well for it, and she agreed. She smiled at me and patted the pillows next to her. I slipped off my shoes and hoped Amy would understand and wait for me. I laid with Rachel for well over and hour as she talked about everything under the sun. I thought she was tired? I guess the ten minute pass out she had had revitalized her. Wonderful.

About 10:30 I heard Amy from out in the hall.

Goodnight Mom….Goodnight Mark. The second half of that sentence told me a lot. She had grown tired of waiting for me downstairs, but the tone of her voice told me she might wait up for a while in her room.

Goodnight, Honey Rachel called out to her as I offered Night. I could only hope we would get our chance soon enough. Rachel had seriously gotten a second wind and would not shut up, talking about plans for the house and the yard, blah blah blah. Dont get me wrong, Im normally very involved and present in my relationship, but at that point my mind was elsewhere. At some point I grew tired and started to nod off myself, my last thought as I drifted off was Rachel is a really deep sleeper. It didnt really register then, but soon would.

Finally, the time had come.

My eyes blinked open and I took a second to get used to the darkness of the room. I looked over at the clock and it showed 1:22. I looked over my shoulder at Rachel as she slept soundly beside me. I looked up at the ceiling and laid very still for about five minutes listening for any sound other than her regular sleep breath, and heard nothing. I slowly raised up and got out of bed, going through the door, and closing it behind me. I then made my way down the hall to Amys door. I rested my hand on the knob for a second and listened once again for any sound from my bedroom. Hearing nothing, I slowly tuned the knob in my hand until the door opened and I quickly slipped inside. I closed the door behind me and then leaned on it. I just stood there for a moment taking in my surroundings, not wanting to trip over something and make a huge crash. I watched Amy sleep from across the room. She was on her side, her shoulder length, dishwater blond hair wrapping around her throat and coming to rest on one tank top covered breast. She had her blanket pulled up to her waist and was breathing slowly.

I carefully made my way across her room until I was standing at the foot of her bed, my cock starting to rise just thinking about what was about to happen. Just then, she stirred and rolled onto her back, raising one arm up above her head to rest it on her pillow. This had the effect of stretching her chest out a bit, and made her even sexier, if that were possible. It was like she was offering herself to me, and I was about to take her. I slowly started sliding her blanket down toward the foot of the bed, exposing her inch by inch. Her perfect, flat little stomach came into view, and for the first time I noticed she had a bit of an outee. I made a mental note to nibble on that later, and continued to pull her blanket down. She was wearing very tight, sheer, almost see-through boy-short panties that I was able to see all of as I brought her blanket all the way off of her. She sleeps as heavily as her mom I thought to myself as I bent down to touch her soft thighs. I slowly slid her legs apart just enough to give myself a place to lay down, and then slid my hand up her leg and down underneath to feel the soft back part of her upper thigh. I gently probed the lower part of her panty-covered ass cheeks as much as I could without waking her. If at all possible, I wanted her to wake up to the feeling of my tongue inside her. Very slowly so as not to wake her (not yet, anyway), I lowered myself down between her legs and carefully reached up to grasp the waistband of her panties, preparing to remove them if I could. I slipped my fingers inside the elastic band and gently lowered them down enough to see just the top of her pubic mound. I leaned in and nestled my nose in the small patch of hair, and enjoyed the clean smell of it. She smelled vaguely of strawberry shampoo and some kind of flowery lotion. I slid her underwear down just a bit more and her beautiful lips came into view. I just laid there and looked it her sex for a few seconds before setting to work. She shifted just a bit and I was able to pull her panties down her thighs to her knees and then off without any trouble. I could swear she did that on purpose, who knows, maybe she did.

Laying before me, completely exposed was my dream girl. Less than thirty six hours had passed since I came home early yesterday to find her on the stairs. I couldnt believe how far how fast we had come. The time had come, I pulled her lips apart just a bit and gently licked her lovely lips up and down. The second my tongue came into contact with her clit, she woke with a start like an electric shock had hit her. Thankfully she didnt cry out, that could have been very bad.

You came! I was so sad when I went to bed, I figured I would never get to be alone with you. She said, running her fingers through my hair as I continued. This isnt a dream, right?

Huh uh I replied, through muffled lips.

Thank God! Then dont stop!

I had no intention of stopping until my face was coated in her juices. The taste of her pussy was amazing! Everything about it was perfect, the clean smell, she had no hair below, exposing her lips to my eager tongue, and the taste! Oh my God she tasted so sweet I could eat her pussy forever. I continued to enjoy my work, licking her from bottom to top, pausing each time on the upstroke to nibble and suck on her tiny little clit before heading back down to do it over and over.

Put your finger in me She commanded, and I was all too happy to oblige. I slid my middle finger inside her and curled it upward to once again stimulate her G-spot as I had his morning in the kitchen. The difference being this time, I was able to taste her as well, making it that much better for me. As I continued to lick, suck and finger her, her breathing increased its tempo and she began to lift her ass off the bed a bit, grinding her pussy into my mouth. Without any more warning she arched her back and lifted her ass a good foot off of the mattress and came for me. Once again she was able to be completely silent, screaming without making a sound as she came against my mouth. I could feel her sex throbbing against my tongue and she clamped down on the finger I had mashed into her G-spot as her body was rocked with her orgasm.

She slowly came back down to earth and laid back on the bed. She grabbed my head and pulled me up to her to plant kisses all over my face like a little kid. It flashed through my mind that she pretty much was still a kid. After a few minutes though, she calmed down and began to kiss like an adult. She slid her tongue into my mouth and started to remove my shirt.

We have all night, but I need you to fuck me, right now! She said, now moving her hands down to the waistband of my pajama pants. She slipped her hand into my pants and wrapped her hand around my cock.

My Goodness! What have we here? She mused Is this for me? I nodded as I pulled her tank top over her head, and finally she was laid out before me, completely naked and willing. Not just willing, eager!

I laid down on my back and allowed her to pull my pants off of me. She struggled a bit as the elastic band hung up on my cock, until she figured out she needed to lift them up and over it, and then pull them down. I just laid there and watched her slim form in the moonlight coming through the window as she sat up on her knees to remove my pants all the way. She then straddled me at the foot of the bed and laid her face down on my upper thigh. She slid her smooth hand up and cupped my balls as she planted a small kiss on the head of my cock. She smiled up at me and I realized that she was nervous, and kind of hesitant to go any further. I hoped she wouldnt back out now, I dont think I could take it.

Are you ok Honey? I whispered to her, knowing what the problem was. I know you are nervous, and if you dont think you are ready to go any further, Ill understand I lied.

Oh youre not getting out of this, Mister she said with a smile. Im just savoring the moment, you know?

With that, she slid her body up mine until we were face to face. I rolled her over and looked her in the eye one last time.

Are you sure youre ready for this? I asked.

She bit her lower lip and nodded at me. I placed my cock at the entrance of her pussy, pausing for just a second. She looked me in the eye and as I pushed forward gently and slid just an inch or two in with little resistance. It came to me that she had said she had fucked herself many times and I probably didnt need to be so careful with her. I slid my cock back in a bit and then pushed forward all the way until I was buried to the hilt inside of her. Her pussy was so tight I nearly came with the first full stroke. I had forgotten what it was like to fuck teenage girls, it had been several years since I had fucked one.

Oh God, I feel so full! You feel amazing inside me! she said right into my ear.

I began sliding in and out of her, slowly at first, gradually picking up speed and slamming my mouth against hers. I was done with being gentle with this girl. At this point my cock had been hard damned near all day without any release and she seemed want to up the ante with every stroke.

Oh yeah. Fuck me, Mark. Fuck me harder with your big cock! she said to me through gritted teeth, as she reached behind me to grip my ass and pull me into her. I pulled all but the head of my cock out for a split second and then slammed all the way into her with full force. She just grunted quietly and begged for more. I was all to happy to oblige, and I continued to fuck her with everything I had until I saw her start to speed up in what I now knew was her sign that her orgasm was coming.

Im cumming, Mark! She said. I had held off as long as I could, I simply couldnt wait any more. We timed it perfectly as she hit her peak at the same time and was arching up into me as I slammed into her one final time and came harder than I ever had in my life. I buried my face in the pillow next to her face and cried out as I felt her cunt rhythmically grip and release my cock as she came with her face in my chest. We laid locked together for a few minutes before my cock began to shrink and slowly slide out of her. I lifted up off the pillow and kissed her as I pulled out of her. I rolled over on my back and took a breath, laying there in disbelief at what had just happened. She rolled over and laid her head on my chest, sliding her hand down to gently stroke my cock. As soon as her fingers came into contact with the head of my cock, I winced a bit.

Did I hurt you She said, stopping immediately and looking concerned.

No, Honey. Its just that a man gets very sensitive right after sex. What you were doing felt great, you dont have to stop. I told her.

Ok. Just make sure I dont hurt you. I was touched with her concern for my wellbeing. She quickly forgot about it and moved on.

Oh my God. I could fuck you a million times. That was so much better than my fingers. She said. I wasnt really sure if she was talking to me or just thinking out loud. I cant believe we wasted so much time. I should have thrown myself at you the minute I saw you. She mused.

Sometimes its better to wait. Makes it all that much better when you finally go through with it. I told her.

If you say so. Can I put you back in my mouth again, or will I hurt you more? She asked, looking up at me with her big, sweet brown eyes.

No. I said, trying to come across as diplomatic. Its fine, but I dont know if it will lead to anything, Im an old man, remember?

Youre not old, you are just right. She said, and then set to work cleaning my cock and balls of our mixed juices. I thought she might be grossed out by all the cum on me, but it was the opposite. She acted like she was eating ice cream, licking all around the base of my cock, removing every last drop of our previous session before initiating another one. As I lay there watching this beautiful girl lick my balls, my cock started to grow once again. She lifted up and sunk the entire length into her mouth and down her throat. I couldnt help but notice the similarities between mother and daughter in terms of cocksucking style. She coated my cock in saliva and began stroking it as she licked up and down the length from my head all the way down to my ball sack.

Can you cum again? I want to taste your cum again. She said, without missing a stroke. She was born to suck cock.

Keep up what you are doing and I can. I told her as I watched her continue to slurp and suck me into her warm mouth. She sped up and dribbled more saliva onto the shaft as she stroked me up and down.

I want to taste your cum again. I didnt get the chance to enjoy it last night. Tonight I want to savor every drop. She told me, all the while stroking me slowly up and down, and popping the head of my cock into her mouth about every third word. I had just cum ten minutes ago, and if you had asked me two days ago if I could cum twice in ten minutes I would have laughed in your face. The feeling of her hair draped down over my thighs, her soft, slick hands on my cock and the fact she was begging me to cum in her mouth was too much for me to handle. Out of the blue I felt my orgasm coming. True to form, she noticed my stiffening body and rapid breathing and began sucking and stroking harder. She lifted off my cock for just a second and looked me in the eye-

Cum in my mouth, Mark, please! She begged. My orgasm hit me like a freight train, the first of five or six jets of cum hitting the back of her throat. She moaned as the second and third spurt hit her. She kept stroking and I kept cumming, not sure if I would ever stop. Two or three more shots went into her mouth and, try as she might, some of it dribbled out the sides of her mouth and onto my belly. She licked on my cock like a lollipop as she cleaned it off once again, and then licked up the small amount she had missed.

I dropped my head back onto the pillow and laid there completely happy for the moment. I didnt care what the future held, I just laid there and floated in complete happiness. After a few minutes I looked down at Amy and realized she had fallen asleep with her little hand wrapped around my cock and her head on my thigh. I put one arm under my head and just watched her sleep, thinking of how I could spend more quality time like this with her in the very near future. I laid there watching her sleep for almost an hour before I slipped out from under her, picked her up and laid her back down on with her head on her pillow, and covered her up.

I slipped out of her bedroom and down the hall into my own room. Rachel was still sleeping, totally unaware that I had just taken her daughters virginity twenty feet away. I slipped back into bed and between the sheets and looked up at the ceiling. I wonder what tomorrow will bring? I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

Part four if there is interest. She was promised an ass fucking, remember?

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I woke up from my bed, my alarm clock was blaring and the sight of my clock showing “7:00” meant I was late. I panicked, I ran down stairs and put on adidas sweatpants and a green sweater I had lying around. I could possibly catch the public bus but I don’t know if I would make it all i know is that I need to get to School since I have finals. My mom stops me her 6’3 figure haunts over me as her D cups lower as she looks at me, her brown hair and brown eyes stares at me, her bulge is noticeable...

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beckys diary

not my goes to unknown authorDay 1I guess when one begins a diary, one has to tell a little about ones self. So here I go. My name is Becky and I'm 14 years old. I live in a small town with my dad. My mom passed away three years ago. We live in a house away from the town and I am in high school with far. I have long black hair, like my mom and very green eyes. Some say I'm very pretty, but I never thought so. I'm short and petite. But my body is in really good shape....

4 years ago
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Helped Her To Stand And Got Gift Of Pleasure In Return

Hi doston vmjay, Drugs kisi ek ki nhi bhaut se logon ki zindagi barbaad karte hain ye story usi par based hai drama emotion sab hai is story mei jo ek bhai behan par based hai jinhone baad mei aapas mei hi shaadi kar li. Main beech mei villan bana tha. Ye kaafi pehle ki story hai story ke character hai Prema: 34 saal 32-26-30 patli si koi makeup nhi kuch dhang ka sexy sa koi dress up nhi. Aakash: (ladki ka bhai) drug addict, 35 saal ka drugs ki wajah se bimaar dubla patla sa kamjor. Mei ek...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Geschichte

Ich stand mit rasendem Herzen vor meinem Schminkspiegel, als ich mich inspizierte. Als ich mein Kleid über meine Hüften glättete, erregte der Glanz meines diamantenen Eherings meine Aufmerksamkeit. Ich überlegte, ihn auszuziehen, aber als ich mich an Sallys Kommentare über die Beliebtheit von verheirateten Frauen erinnerte, beschloss ich, ihn anzulassen. Ich freute mich über meine sexy Reflexion. Da ich kleine Brüste hatte, trug ich selten einen BH, und der dünne Stoff meines Kleides umriß...

1 year ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 24

We washed ourselves, dressed in denims and t-shirts and started studying. I received a call from Omar during that. -hello?- -hello hameeda, how are you? I am still at field work here. Hope you are alright- Of course I was alright. With imad around, I am always alright. -hmm…are you coming back today?- -well…looks like I can but it will be dark by the time I come back. I guess you can manage till then- -mh…you know how much I miss you…- Oh god! Please forgive me for lying to him. -…but we have...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 236 Of Mice and Men

The clan was downright reserved and demure Sunday. I guess after our Friday night explosion and the heat, we were all a little drained. I was a little disoriented when I woke up Sunday morning early for my special time with Rhonda. It took me a minute to decide who was lying mostly on top of me, sweating so much that if I moved she'd slide off. When I realized it was Heaven, I quickly looked around. I met Rhonda's eye. She had that fake surprised look on her face and glanced down at April...

2 years ago
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Webslut Part 1 5

I'm not the author of this story! But I loved the story and loves to do this to a real slut some day! I hope you will enjoy the story as much as I did!Part 01Madison Kendall Holt sat on her bed with her phone in hand, thumb hovering over the "submit" button. Her heart was pounding with excitement and terror at the prospect of actually pressing it. Thoughts were racing through her mind as her left hand slowly crept down her pajama shorts and stroked her eager, throbbing pussy. "I can't believe...

4 years ago
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The Wife Next Door Part VIIAngelas Best Friend

The Wife Next Door: Part VII- Angela’s Best Friend I was emerging slowly from an incredibly restful sleep. Almost dreamlike visions of Angela and what had happened last night flitted through my brain and I wasn’t sure what was real and what was, perhaps, just a dream. In this half awakened state my mind thought of Angela’s beautiful little pink nipples and how I had sucked on them. I thought of how my big purple cockhead had slipped into her seventeen-year-old pale pink labia and had finally...

2 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 60

Chuck A ringing phone brought me out of a deep sleep. When I picked it up, a recording told me that I had left a wakeup call for this time. Looking at my special black Rolex, I saw that it was seven. The Rolex always brought a smile to my face while I was still in the special dreamy state between slumber and being fully awake. The watch held some special memories for me, as the Hawaiian trip had solidified my thoughts of Lisa, and given me opportunity to become more entwined with Steve and...

2 years ago
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Little Buddy

Little .... Buddy ? "Skipper, can we talk?" "We are talking." "I have a question but I dont want you to be mad. Can you try not being mad for me?" "I ... I will try. What's your question." "Well, you remember when I was hypnotized into thinking I was Mary Anne?" " what about it?" "Its just ... how could that happen? I mean how could I really believe I was her?" "The professor said you were the kind of person who falls for hypnotism easily. Its not a big deal,...

3 years ago
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The Bully Next Door

"Timmy" picked on me for as long as I can remember. He lived next door and he was three years older than me. I never saw him act like a bully to anyone but me. He called me a sissy and a fag all the time.He would back me up into a corner and tell me to beg him to let me go or he would beat me up. He was older and bigger and stronger than me so I had no choice. I did what he said and begged for mercy.One afternoon he had me cornered in his back yard with nobody else in his house or mine. I was...

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We had just been having sex for just a couple of weeks and I was already addicted to him. Cam had called me earlier in the day and told me he had a surprise for me later that night. I asked him what it was but he wouldn't tell me. I wondered all day what it could be. Later that day I got a text from him and Cam said: I want you on your knees by the door with a blindfold on. I didn't know what was going to happen. I was nervous, scared and excited. I sat in my house waiting for him. I had...

Oral Sex
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Saras Awakening Part 4

The next few weeks brought much of the same. During the week she went to school but on the weekends she waited for daddy to go to work so she could continue learning about sex. She studied the videos and read forums. She was learning fast how to make a man cum and was desperate to try it out for real but the only man she wanted was her father. Sara opened her eyes to find her door was closed again. Daddy must have headed back to bed. She wondered what he could be doing out there every...

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My First BBC Experience

Hi guys, I’m back with yet another experience to share with you all. Firstly thank you, everyone, for the feedback on . Sorry if I haven’t replied to your feedback as I have been a little busy. Now coming to this one. This particular incident happened exactly a year ago, Feb 2020. For those of you who don’t know me yet, a quick intro- I’m Sarah, 24 years old from Mumbai and my stats are 36-26-36. I’m a little slutty and have a high sex drive. Coming back to the incident....

3 years ago
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Sisters Lovers and Other RelativesChapter 1

Cat gathered up the last of the dinner dishes and made her way toward the kitchen. Reed, as usual, did not deign to help. The second generation of Halsey women was taking after the first. Cat sighed to herself softly -- which was fateful; if she had sighed loudly she might not have heard what came next. Instead, she heard -- and stopped short. Reed, following behind, bumped into her. Cat was jarred, but kept her grip on the dishes. "Shhh, Reed, and listen!" Cat hissed back abruptly. Just...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 37

"We're on with the one and only Monster Girl," the disc jockey said in his best announcer voice. Tami reached forward and turned up the volume on the radio. We were driving home after she'd picked me up at the club after I'd worked all morning. It was the first Saturday since the baseball season started that I didn't have a double header. "An undefeated season so far. That's got to feel good." the announcer prompted. "It feels great." "Tuesday you play Lake again, and if you...

1 year ago
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Gender role experiment

Gender role experiment 1 "It's gonna be so much fun! I would love to see you looking like a girl." "I don't know. They mentioned some medical procedures." "It will be safe and totally reversible." "I don't know, Linda. Spending the entire semester looking and acting like a girl? It's just not healthy, and I got a bad gut feeling about it." "I don't know, I don't kn-n-n-n-n-ow," Linda mocked me. "You can't be serious about studying sociology and not even try to seize...

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Photos on a memory stick

We recently visited my sister-in-law for the day and just before leaving her husband told me about a shareware history program that I might be interested in. I asked Ian to make a copy for me and he found a spare memory stick to put the program on. When we got home I dropped the stick next to the computer intending to look at it the next day. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later that I got around to putting the stick into my computer when I was working with another program and somehow I...

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My friends wife

After our first c***d was born things started to change. My wife no longer wanted me to have porn in the house. So not wanting to waste it I decided to see if my friend and his wife wanted to enjoy it. Dee was very petite, barely a B cup. Very different from the DD's waiting for me at home. After watching a little with them I had to get back home. Fast forward a few months. My buddy was out of town and I stopped by to see if his wife needed anything before I went home. She was watching...

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New Society New RulesChapter 6

Life went on in paradise. That's what Maria and I now called the island. A private joke to keep us from turning into Mom. I wanted so much to talk to Dad about my mother, but never could. Sometimes after a night when Mom talked dirty and screamed her pleasure we'd exchange uncomfortable glances, but nothing more. And to his credit, he never brought up anything Maria and I did in the shed or elsewhere. We continued to explore the island. Out of boredom more than hoping we'd find anything....

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Tims Temptation part three

“Would you mind if I asked you something?”“Of course not,” said Tim. He was driving Isabel to the airport at the end of a memorable weekend. Isabel was a twenty-year-old from Edinburgh whom Tim’s partner, Christina, had met during an office seminar. The two women had ended up in bed together, a first for them both, although Chris had concealed the fact from her new friend. The age difference was only three years, but sexually Chris was infinitely more experienced and adventurous. Before they...

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Georgie GirlChapter 6 Tahoe Time

As I walked from the arrivals area at Oakland International into the baggage reclaim, I saw Georgette waving excitedly. I waved back and smiled. It was nice to be greeted like that. She ran to me and we hugged tightly before my mouth was covered with a deep, passionate kiss. "I guess you haven't changed your mind about me while I was gone," I kidded. "Never! I have been waiting for this for two weeks. I'm going to love you to death," she threatened. "It was only ten days and don't...

2 years ago
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Night on the WardsChapter 10

It was hot stood out on the heliport pad waiting for the chopper to arrive to take me over to the mainland. This was my monthly chance to escape from the monotony and routine of the island where sunbathing and swimming rapidly lost their appeal after several months of incarceration. Not that the small town that we traded with held much in the way of sophistication but at least it had a beauty salon with attached hairdresser, a few clothes shops and a semi-decent restaurant. I was dressed in a...

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Maa Ke Sath Aur Nanga Dekha 8211 Part II

Hello I’m Rahul again meri pehli story ka acchha response mila thanks for that maine aage likhta hu main 21 saal ka ho gaya hu aur bahar padta hu jab bhi ghar jata hu apni mummy ko nahate hue jarur dekhta hu aur jab wo bahar naha kar aati hain tab unki bra lekar us par muth marta tha she is damn sexy bra ka size 36 hain story par aata hu is holi main ghar gaya tha tab ki baat hain ghar par badi bahen mummy aur main hi the ,papa kaam se gaon gaye the Holi ka din tha main subah sokar utha brush...

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Young WarriorChapter 1

“What?” the grizzled captain growled, looking at me as if I were wasting his time. Nervously, I stepped up to the table where new recruits registered. The canopy over his table did little to protect him against the cold and damp of the heavy overcast and patchy fog, which probably added to his ill-temper. “I’m here to enlist to fight in Donnak.” “How old are you?” he queried grumpily after appraising me for a moment. “I’ll be sixteen in a few days,” I replied, trying to sound more assured...

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Twin Daughters For DogsChapter 3

The very next afternoon found the twins back in the anteroom of the kennel building. They had selected a beautiful beagle to fuck. At this very moment, the aroused beagle, Leroy, was sitting on his haunches next to the teenaged girls. Saliva was dripping from his lolling tongue as he watched Dee and Kim writhing against each other on an old mattress they had discovered in a shed next to the kennel. The beagle's hardening prick quivered and dripped with pre- cum, protruding several inches...

4 years ago
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Converted To Slave

Hi, mera naam rahul h aur me delhi se hu. Me yaha apni true story btane aaya hu. 1 baar me gurgaon me 1 club me apne frnds ke sath clubbing karne gaya tha, waha mujhe 1 ladki mili. She is so hot and tempting, wo akeli thi , to usne mujh se baat start ki. Mujhe laga wo jugaadu ladki h , to maine starting me hi usey bol diye ki mere pass paise nahi h, aur me call girls ke sath nahi karta. Ye sunn ke wo ladki waha se chali gayi, kuch derr baad mujhe laga ki maine jyada bol diya, to me usey sorry...

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My Family Chapter 7

My apologies for the delay. Hope you enjoy.CHAPTER 7 – The Weekend Friday morning Scott woke up with his dick being engulfed by someone’s mouth under the sheets. At first he thought it was his wife Cindy, but when he looked to his left and saw her sleeping beside him, he realized it was his 16 year old daughter, Ashley. The events of last night came rushing back into his head. He and his wife had successfully seduced their daughter and fucked her last night. Not only had they fucked her, they...

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Jack and JillChapter 22

I got up early Saturday morning to help Mom and Mary with the potato salad. Mom told me not to be ridiculous and made me breakfast for my trouble. She did allow Mary to help her. John honked his horn just before 10:00. I yelled goodbye to Mom and Mary and ran out the front door. John was up front by himself, Jill was in the back seat. I got in and scooted over next to her. I said hi to both of them, giving Jill a quick but thorough kiss. She was wearing my letterman's jacket. I sat back...

2 years ago
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Double Secret Part 3 Finale

With two secrets under my belt, I just knew it would be totally wild to have sex with both my parents. It couldn’t be that difficult to get caught out, could it? My Dad, however, seemed too thick to take the hints I left him when I knew Mum would be fingering me later on that evening. They all seemed to drop on stony ground. Mum was not that much better because at one point after getting fucked by Dad I never bothered showering, I left his spunk to dry on my tits and just put my T-shirt over...

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December holidays part 13 The Break up

After a great two fun packed days with Caitlyn I decide to relax in a hot bath. Although cheating on my girlfriend Jessica and being very unfaithful I was really looking forward to seeing her and spending some quality time with my girl. Once out the bath and dry I got dressed and made myself dinner before turning into bed. The next morning when I woke up I saw I had a message from Jes saying will be home late this afternoon so will only see you tomorrow sorry. We exchanged a few messaged and...

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Salty Seadog WoW Straight Worgen

Irea smelled them approaching before she even heard the sound of their feet on the floorboards. Over the prevailing smells of ale, food, and sex that permeated the Lion's Pride Inn the scent of salty sea air wafted from the entrance as the worgen stepped in. The humanoid wolf-men stood easily at seven feet tall even with their hunched postures, their loose-fitting clothes hanging over muscular bodies covered in a layer of thick black fur. The smell of the sea had sunk into their fur, their...

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watch wife fucked as i hide

I never dreamed I would be able to write about the actual fulfillment of a long held fantasy of mine! For years I have wanted to see my wife with a black man. Amy and I married over 12 years ago when we were quite young. She is 32 years old and has medium length wavy brown hair and green eyes. She has an attractive figure with C-cup breasts. She does aerobics and keeps her self in shape. We married young so she had only been with a few guys in all her life, three in all though she is quite...

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The Van

THE VANWarning: this is a graphic story about rape and murder. Please don’t read if you aren’t into these fantasies.More importantly, don’t mistake fiction for reality. If you are contemplating something like this in real life, you need to take into account that you will be caught and sent to jail, where you will be brutally killed in a manner befitting your victims. Seriously, I don’t ever want to hear about this story inspiring a true killing, it would ruin my life, yours, and your...

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The truth is rarely pure and never simple

I turn the handle and the jets of hot water stop immediately. I slide open the glass door, step soaking wet and naked, into the warm, steam filled bathroom and reach for the plush towel of Sea Island cotton on the heated rail. I dry my face, but neglect the rest of body, simply drag the terry cloth lazily down my chest and wrap it loosely around my waist. Standing in front of the fogged up mirror, I clear the condensation away with the edge of my palm and reveal the familiar sight of my own...

Straight Sex
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Elizabeth To Beth Ch 02

Chapter Two: After returning home from the engagement party Beth is lying next to the sleeping form of Richard. She is wide-awake and her mind is racing. ‘Oh, how peaceful he looks when he is sleeping, my big stubborn sweetheart…my love, without a care in the world. I’m so happy, I won’t get a wink of sleep at all tonight…. my mind is just racing…isn’t it wonderful… Poor Stanley, how did Margaret put it? Yes that’s it, she said, ‘hum dinger!’ and ‘smitten, Richard is smitten with you.’...

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For The Love of the Wolf King

My name is Annabelle Watts, and I had moved from a house in West Hampshire to North Yorkshire, England, and decided to go to a boot fair where people were selling all of their old stuff that they didn’t want anymore. I was a single woman in her early thirties, five years since my divorce from my ex-husband. I pulled my white Volkswagen up to the curb and switched off the engine and stepped out of the car and looked at all of the antiques people were selling. Nothing in particular caught my eye...

2 years ago
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Wife at the office

Mrs at the office, Well with warm weather of late. I had been asking the Mrs C to wear skirts to work as I know she loves the attention from guys. I kept joking as well about not wearing knickers. But she kept saying no not at work. Anyone a new young lad had recently started and she kept going on about how fit he was. A few days later she comes home from work wear a skirt and one of her see thought tops. Puzzled I asked her was it hot at work. She smiles and said kind of it got hot from lunch...

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Running the Gauntlet Part 1

If you talk to others about what humiliated you and how you feel about it, then they also do the same. Slowly you build up a community of humiliated who communicate with each other, are no more eager to hide their shame, can even start laughing about what happened to them, yes, in some cases of sexual humiliation, they can even admit to draw pleasure by remembering such events. I will now tell what happened to my parents before I was born. I wont say in which country they lived. It could...

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The Dinner

I went home that night, or should I say that morning, made myself a cup of hot chocolate and sat outside sipping it until the sun came up, thinking about what had happened, thinking about Katie. As I watched the sun rise over the horizon, all pinks and reds and oranges, I thought about her eyes and her voice, her laugh, her smile, her sense of humor. I stared off in the distance, seemingly staring into the future, wondering what it would bring. I didn't know, who does or can? While I didn't...

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Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Caroline dumped her books so loudly on the table that it caused Mike to look up momentarily from his laptop.“Hi, Caroline, I take it the tutorial didn’t go so well?”Caroline slumped onto the chair opposite him.“The pompous bitch basically told me to start again.”“Look I know nothing about art, I don’t even know what I like, but I do know that you know your stuff. Why don’t I get you a drink and we can talk about something else.”As Mike placed the two pints of beer down on the table, Caroline...

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