Skyrim: The Adventures Of Carthalo Part Two: Riverwood free porn video

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Introduction: Thanks for all the feedback on the last one heres part two, hopefully there will be less wait between installments from here on out. Chapter Two: Riverwood
Uncle Alvor, hello! Hadvar said as he walked up to the small smithy by the riverbed. They had walked into town just as the sun was setting and Carthalo was looking forward to a good nights rest, a dragon attack and a brutal rape was enough for one day.
Hadvar! Whatre you doing here, are you on leave from-
Im fine uncle, keep your voice down though. Hadvar said.
Whos this then? Alvor asked, nodding towards Carthalo.
This is Carthalo, a friend, saved my life in fact. Hadvar said solemnly. Uncle, wed better get inside. Hadvar insisted.
Alright, alright. Alvor conceded, lets go.
Following the big burly blacksmith, they made their way down the gangplank walk leading from the smithy to the house and stepped inside. Carthalo was impressed with how cozy and comfortable the place was.
There were three beds and on top of one sat a young, demure looking girl Carthalo guessed to be around fourteen, she was tall and skinny for her age and had long brown hair and small round breasts that she kept hidden under a deceptively baggy red dress.
Dorthe Alvor said gruffly Clean the table for our guests. The girl nodded quietly and went about clearing the small wooden table. Sigrid, we have company! Alvor shouted. Take a seat you two.
Hadvar and Carthalo sat down, Carthalo looked around the room and felt the young girls eyes on him, he tried not to be unsettled, and quickly found something to divert his attention when Sigrid came up from the cellar. She was a tall fair skinned Nord woman with the same long brown hair as Dorthe and two exceptionally large breasts. She looked to be in her early fourties, but still had a fantastic figure.
Hadvar! Weve been so worried about you! she said enthusiastically. Can I get you anything?
No thanks aunt Sigrid. Hadvar said. And Carthalo noticed that even Hadvar was admiring her figure as she went about setting food on the table.
Youd better go ahead and tell me whats going on now lad. Alvor suggested.
Well, as you know, I was stationed to General Tulius personal guard, we were just about to execute Ulfric Stormcloak in Helgen when&hellip, Hadvar paused for effect. A dragon attacked.
A dragon!? Alvor exclaimed. Youre not drunk&hellip, are you boy?
Husband, let him finish his story. Sigrid reprimanded.
Not much left to tell actually. Hadvar admitted. The dragon just sort of swooped in and wrecked the whole place. We barely made it out alive.
What about General Tulius? Alvor asked.
Im sure he made it, itll take more than a dragon to stop the general.
Well that is a problem&hellip,
Uncle, I hate to burden you, but we were wondering if we could take shelter here for a few days before I head back up to Solitude to join up with the Imperial Legion.
Of course, you two can stay as long as you like. Make yourselves at home.
Thank you uncle. Hadvar said.
One thing though, Alvor said quickly. Ive heard about the appetites of Redguards&hellip, and you are welcome to stay here as my guest. But so help me gods, if you touch my wife or daughter. Ill forge a very special knife just to castrate you.
Rather than being offended, Carthalo just laughed. Dont worry friend. A bit too young, and a bit too married for me. He said with a wink.
Alvor lightened up perceptibly. Good then we should get along fine!
Carthalo had no idea how soon his statement would be tested.

* * *

Carthalo was sleeping on a bedroll next to the fireplace when he heard the noise, a muffled cry that woke him from his sleep. His first instinct was that something was going on outside, but then he realized that the sound was coming from underneath him. In the cellar.
He looked around and saw that Hadvar, Alvor, and Dorthe were all sleeping. Where was Sigrid? He wondered.
Carthalo got up quietly, crouching low and sneaking over to the staircase, he crept slowly down each wooden plank and the muffled cries grew louder and more distinct. The Redguard quickly realized that the cries were actually moans. He looked down into the cellar from his hiding spot at the top of the stairs and the sight that greeted his eyes immediately drove his cock insane.
Sigrid was sitting on the counter in the cellar with her legs up and spread as far apart as she could get them, she was furiously rubbing heself and moaning. Carthalo could barely hear her whispering Yes&hellip, oh gods yes&hellip, by the eight divines I need some cock. Husband&hellip,. Hadvar&hellip, Carthalo&hellip, anyone&hellip, oh, oh yes I need it so badly&hellip,.
It was all Carthalo could do not to go give her what she clearly wanted so desperately. Then, she did something so bizarre that Carthalo wasnt sure if he had seen it, she produced Alvors blacksmithing hammer from behind the counter, a good sized, wooden handled, hammer that she held In her hand, and then proceeded to slowly rub around her soaking wet pussy. From the angle she was holding the hammer, it even looked like a cock. The handle was about eight inches long, Carthalo assumed, so when she quickly shoved the hammer into her pussy with one stroke, until the metal head was all that was still visible. Carthalo did a double take.
This bitch could take a pounding.
She pulled the hammer out again and Carthalo could see that the long wooden handle was covered in her wetness, this time when it went in, it made a distinct slurping noise as her insides gripped it tightly. She kept on pounding herself like this, playing with her large, milke white tits, rubbing her huge brown nipples and moaning.
Fuck, yes&hellip, oh fuck yes&hellip, Fuuuuuck!
Carthalo kept reminding himself of his promise to Alvor, but he needed release, so he quietly pulled out his cock, it was standing at full attention and as Sigrid continued to hammer her pussy, he started to stroke his big, seven-inch, black dick. The two of them were masturbating just as furiously, Sigrid completely unaware of her audience, or so Carthalo thought.
Just as he was about to cum, Sigrid looked up, met his eyes, shoved the hammer one more time deep into her pussy, and let out a low moaning wail. Uuuhhh, Carthalo. Fuck me with your big black cock Im cumming! Im&hellip,. Im Cuuumming! and Carthalo blew a load of sperm that erupted out from his hiding spot and landed in a massive puddle all over a small table under the stairs of the cellar.
Carthalo stayed there, stunned for a moment until Sigrid stood up, then got down on her knees, and crawled over to his puddle of cum and ith three fingers she scooped it off the table and put her fingers in her mouth.
She looked up at Carthalo and opened her mouth so that he could see her swirl his cream around in her mouth and then winked, closed her mouth, put one finger over her lips, and swallowed.
Feeling all remnants of his self control slowly fading away, Carthalo stood up, took one last look at the sexy, desperate Nord housewife with his seed in her mouth walked silently back up the stairs. Trying not to wake Alvor or the others, he quickly made a beeline for the door, not even stopping to check the beds, if he had, he would have noticed that Dorthe was not in her bed&hellip,

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The P90SEX Adventures Part #2A What an experience, last night was simply incredible! Who’d have known that this type of thing happened behind the closed doors of none other than the Penthouse suite of a reputable downtown hotel? Such beautiful views from both the inside and out! Allie and I laid in our own bed back in our hotel room, not saying a word. We had spent a lot of energy last night and were taking the time to rejuvenate and enjoy each other’s company. She felt so good lying...

2 years ago
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P90SEX adventures part 2A

The P90SEX Adventures Part #2A What an experience; last night was simply incredible! Who’d have known that this type of thing happened behind the closed doors of none other than the Penthouse suite of a reputable downtown hotel? Such beautiful views from both the inside and out! Allie and I laid in our own bed back in our hotel room, not saying a word. We had spent a lot of energy last night and were taking the time to rejuvenate and enjoy each other’s company. She felt so good lying...

Group Sex
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 01

The elevator doors slid close and I looked up into Tony’s piercing blue eyes. Here I was a mature married professional woman, alone in an exciting big city, heading toward a young, handsome stranger’s apartment. Soon the elevator doors would open and I would have to make a decision. Do I do the mature responsible thing, respect my martial vows and stay on the elevator or do I give in to the uncontrollable animalistic lust driving me wild and sleep with him? Who am I kidding, of course, I’ll...

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Adventures of the exhibitonist girl part 2

Sorry for bad English, not my native language Brief summary of the first part. Kadri felt at 11-year old, that her passion is exhibitionism. She was cautious at first, but then more and more daring in her exhibitionism adventures. She was naked at the beach of the lake in front of almost hundred people, then took shower with boys. Her football coach noticed Kadri’s habits and proposed her to take shower with him. Then Kadri got first sex experience at 12. After that she also tried winter...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 5

Things like fucking your own Mom. Now a complete obsession in my life. Whatever I do. Wherever I go. It's all I think about. Are we going to fuck, suck, lick or fondle each other when she gets home from work and me from College? Where are we going to do it? On my bed? Her bed? In the shower? In the kitchen? On top of the washer dryer set to spin? Fuck, I'd even do it in the back seat of our car in the middle of the local Wallmart parking lot. Like I said. Obsession. Anytime. Anywhere. So...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch2 Part 1

In part 1 to 11 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

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Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Part 4

This is yet another installment of the pure pornography that I love to call "The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K." So far, people have been loving my over the top sex romps, and I hope you fair fans love this one too. If you are not legally permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this. Also, I retain all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work. If you want to use this work, just ask. So, without further ado, let's get on with the...

1 year ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter X Fathers Study

Alice found herself in a very familiar setting; her father’s study, but not quite as she remembered it. Thankfully, she was wearing a dressing robe, for the idea of being naked in this most sacred of places would have left her completely flustered.‘It is a dream, after all,’ she reminded herself. ‘And I am not suddenly returned home.’Looking about the room, she took note of what belonged and what didn’t. Her father’s plush reading chair and ottoman, his shelves of books, his side table (upon...

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More Black Adventures With Wife Lisa Part 3

More Black Adventures With Wife, Lisa Part # 3 This is the third installment of Lisa, my beautiful wife who loves to fuck young black men. Lisa is a blond hair, blue eyed beauty who I talked into fucking two young black studs as her first adventure. This is another story of her journey into the world of black erotica.After her last adventure, where she was gang banged at a secluded cabin, I thought Lisa would be happy for awhile and she was, for awhile. But it didn’t take long for my young...

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Juans Crazy sex adventures in Puerto Rico Part One

Introduction: Sex Crazed part One / Juans Crazy sex adventures in Puerto Rico Im a lawyer, and I know right from wrong, but this year has been really hard on me. Being 34 years old, standing at 62 and weighing in at 170 lbs. Dark reddish blondish brownish, Low Cesar haircut. Im a mixed man, mothers Italian, fathers Puerto Rican and Indonesian. I dont know my parents, they were killed in a high jacking in a airplane coming from Italy visiting my grandparents on my moms side. All I know is at...

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College sex Adventures Part1

College sex Adventures Part-1After breaking up with the love of my life, things soon got better and in a short time, I was on my way to college. It was my first day. I wanted to do my registrations on time so that I wouldn’t need to rush it. After I had settled down, I went in search of my departmental building.I slowly pushed the main door open and saw the wide hallway right in front of me. There were clusters of people in groups and some solitary, resting their backs on the walls. In my rush...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

3 years ago
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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 3

Yesterday had been quite the day by the time it had ended. I glanced down at my Mother wondering what she was thinking as we walked over to a bench and sat down with the most perfect view imaginable in front of us. There is nothing like an ocean and the wide blue yonder to make you understand your place in the grand scheme of things. "Beautiful," said Mom, smiling, "I could spend all day here like this." Stretching out my legs, I crossed them at the ankles and tried to bring myself back...

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