German Shepherd 11 free porn video

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Introduction: Part 11 of the 11 part series AS of right now. About five minutes later, I felt Busters knot begin to shrink inside
me. I then
looked over at Lyle and said I think Busters about ready to come out of me.
He then just raised his head slowly, and said in a very low, shaken voice
Lucky you. Concerned, I said Are you alright? He slowly said Dude, there
is SO much cum inside me right now, that I feel like im going to burst. I can
even feel some of it leaking out of me, and running down my balls. How his
cum is getting past his HUGE knot, I will never know, but at least it is.
Buster then gave me a little tug, and I felt his knot move a tad, but I was not
going to let him out of me yet, because his knot was still too big inside me. I
then just moved my ass back as close to his and he stopped moving, and I
did too. I then looked at Lyle, who was looking down at mine and Busters
asses, and he said Not quite ready yet? I said Nope, but soon. I then asked
him Is Rascal about done with you? He was very fast to say Not even close
yet. For the next couple of minutes, we didnt say anything and just went
back to waiting for our freedom back. I began to feel Busters knot shrinking
in me real fast all of a sudden, and I held my ass real close to his
so he would
not pull out of me to fast, or too early. About 30 seconds later, Buster
moved himself foward, and his knot was now small enough that it slid out of
me followed by his long cock that was once snaked deep inside me. Just as
his cock fully came out of me, I felt a large amount his cum follow and run
down my balls and onto the floor. I quickly clenched my ass to hold the rest
of it in me, while I slowly got up and went into the bathroom of this old
Haunted house. When I got in the bathroom, there was no toilet, just a hole
in the floor, But there was and old dirty bathtub, which was good enough for

When I was done emptying myself, I went back into the bedroom and Lyle
and Rascal where still locked together. He then looked at me and said Where
in the fuck did you go? I replyed with I had to get some of Busters cum out
of me. He then said Fuck dude, you scared me. I thought you just split and
left me alone tied up with Rascal. I then said No dude, I would
never do that
unlike some people I know. He the said I said I was sorry. I then said I
know, I was only joking. I then said Rascal ready to let you go yet? Lyle
then moved his ass around a bit and then said Nope. I then figured that
Lyle and Rascal had been locked together for (I was guessing) about 20
minutes. I then heard this strange sound come from what looked like the
closet of this room. It scared me pretty good! I then looked and saw
something moving in the closet. I said Dude, whats that! and Lyle said
Thats just Buster, hes cleaning himself up over there. I then got a better
look, and yup, it was Buster. Lyle then said What did you think it was..A
Ghost! I kinda laughed and said The last time I saw something moving in
the darkness, it turned out to be that guy Steve that works at the shop. Lyle
then said I hope Steve doesnt want to get fucked by Rascal right now,
because Rascal is all out of cum, and its all inside me right now. After
hearing that, I said So hes done cumming in you? He then paused and said
I cant tell insides are so expanded from the size of his cock
WAY up inside me, and his cum, that I just cant tell. I then said
What about
his knot, still full size or what? He then said Its not full size
anymore, but it
is still big as hell and not budging in me. I then said Yeah, when Rascal
fucks me, his cock shrinks a bit after hes done cumming, but he still holds
you together for about 5 to 10 more minutes before he pulls out. Lyle then
looked up at me and said Next time we do this, Rascal fucks you and not me
ever again! I then said Why? He was quick with Because his knot is just
way to fucking big for me to handle. Since I had seen that he had a hard time
being fucked and tied with Rascal tonight, I said Ok and just left it at that.

I then sat down on the ground next to him, since there was nothing in this
old haunted house to sit on. I then began to really check out there tied
bodies, and I got an instant hardon and said Dude, you look so hot tied up
with Rascal. He then said You looked pretty hot too when Buster was
starting to fuck you. I the said Why, what do you mean? He then said
Dude, even though Rascal was pounding away at me, I was looking at your
face when Buster was fucking you, and I could tell that you where enjoying
every second of it, because you where making the strangest looking faces and
moaning pretty good when Buster was fucking you hard. I then kinda smiled
and said Really, I dont remember that…I guess I was just enjoying
the fuck.
He then said Yeah you where, big time! Just then Lyle gave out a moan and I
saw Rascal move foward. Lyle was quick to back up with him and re-mount his
ass as close to Rascal as he could. I then asked What was that all about?
Lyle then moaned and said His knot is getting smaller in me, and I think he
wants to untie…but it is still to big to come out of me right now.
I then said
Cool, should be only a few more minutes before he lets you loose. Lyle
quickly said I sure hope so. I then turned my attention back to my horny
self, and my boner, and said Fuck im horny right now. Lyle then looked at
my boner and said As soon as Rascal releases me, im going to need to get
some of his cum out of me, like you did, and rest a bit. After that we can fuck
each other if you want. I was quick to say Hell yeah dude, but do you think
you can take being fucked again after what Rascal just did to you? He then
said Im not sure, but Just then Rascal moved again, and Lyle let out a huge
moan, and I watched as Rascals cock came sliding out of Lyles ass. Lyle
quickly hit the ground and was laying flat on his stomach. He began
breathing hard and giving out slight moans. I then said Are you alright
dude? He then breathed out and said Yeah, his cum is just pouring out of
me right now..I cant stop it. I then said nothing and just let him
lye there to
rest and do what he had to do with Rascals cum that was flowing out of him.

About a minute later, Lyle tried to get up, but then fell back down to the
ground. I got concerned and said Are you alright dude? He then said in a
shaken voice I cant feel my legs..I think their asleep..they feel
all tingly, even
my asshole is tingling. I knew that feeling that he was discribing, because I
had felt it too when Rascal had first fucked me, So I then put my hands on his
legs and began rubbing them and said I think you have been stuck to him so
long that your blood has ran out of your legs, It happened to me too when he
first fucked me, I had to wait until my blood came back in my legs before I
could walk. Let me keep rubbing your legs and see if this helps. (Honestly, at
the time, I didnt know if it would help him, I was just so fucking
horny that I
wanted to fuck him so bad, but I knew I couldnt because he was in such
distress.) After about a minute of rubbing his legs, he said I think thats
helping, let me try and stand up now. I then stopped and stood up myself,
and began helping him off the floor. I then took his hand as he raised up. He
was just about fully on his feet when he leaned up against me and said Help
me walk over to the bathroom, my legs are still pretty weak. He then put his
arm around me and we slowly started to walk towards the bathroom. About
half way there, I said Theres no toilet, your going to have to use
the bathtub.
He then said Fine with me. As we entered the bathroom, I guided him over
to the tub and helped him sit down on the edge of it, like I did
earlier. He then
said Thanks dude, make sure Buster stays in that room with you and does
not wander off..I might be here for awhile. I then said Ok, see ya
in a bit. I
then left the bathroom, feeling kinda bad for him..

When I got back into the bedroom, I looked for Buster, and he was
still in the
closet area, and Rascal was almost in the middle of the floor cleaning himself.
I then thought to myself, Wow, Lyle is hurting big time from the fucking that
Rascal gave him. I started to feel kinda bad since I didnt tell Lyle
that it was
Rascal that was licking away at his ass, and about ready to to fuck him when
we both getting ready to be fucked. As I kept thinking about this, I could
hear Lyle making grunting noises from the bathroom, which only made me
feel worse. But that all changed real quick when I heard Lyle comming out of
the bathroom and back into the bedroom where I was waiting for him. He
looked at me and said Well, that was fun. I then said Yeah it was…are you
ok now? He quickly said Yeah, im good now, my ass is still alittle sore, so
let me fuck you first. I was amazed, and yet happy that he was ok, and ready
for us to fuck each other. I then said Awesome, lets do it. I then stopped
myself and said Before we fuck, lets take Rascal back to the yard just in case
Steve starts looking for him. Lyle then said Ok, but what about Buster, im
sure hes going to follow us if we leave. I then though about it for a second
and said Put his leash back on him and tie him up to something in here until
we get back. Lyle then said, Ok and grabbed Busters leash and searched for
something to tie him to. He then found a beam of wood that was exposed
from a wall that had been kicked in from other kids that had thrashed the
house, and tied him up to it. We then both put our clothes back on, and I
grabbed the collar that Rascal was wearing, and we all then walked outside
and headed over to the auto repair shop. When we reached the part of the
fence that we pulled up earlier to let Rascal out, Lyle and I both
lifted it again
and I said to Rascal Go boy, come on, come on, time to go home. Rascal
didnt seem to know what we where doing, Or he didnt want to go back in the
yard. It took us about 5 minutes before we finally got him to crawl back
under the fence and back into the yard.

We then both started walking back towards the old haunted house. We
where about half way there when Lyle blurted out I hope your ass is not as
sore as mine is right now, because I really want to put ALL my cum in you
when im fucking you. I had no idea what he ment by that, so I said What do
you mean? He then said I can cum a lot before my dick gets soft. I then said
How many times can you cum? He didnt answer just yet because we had
just reached the steps to the house, and he began saying Buster, your here
boy. We then went upstairs and back into the bedroom where Buster was, and
he was happy to see us. His tail was wagging like crazy and he jumped up on
Lyle when he reached him. We then both started petting Buster because he
seemed to be a bit hyper. Lyle then unhooked Busters leash, and he went
right back to the closet area and layed down like he liked that area for some
reason. Then Lyle said (out of the blue) the words eight times I didnt pick
up on what he ment and said Whats eight times? He then said I can cum
eight times. My stupid 16 year old brain still didnt know what he ment, so I
said I dont get it, eight times..what? He then said If you let
me, I can fuck
for about 30 minutes and cum inside you eight times before im empty and
my dick gets soft. I was pretty amazed at what he just said. so I said How do
you know you can cum 8 times? He then said Well.. A few nights ago I was
jerking off, thinking of you, and I came 8 times that night. I then thought
about it for a second, and said Dude, I just got fucked by Buster, and my ass
is a bit sore right now, plus I can still feel some of his cum still in me, and
now you want to fuck me for about 30 minutes and cum 8 times in me…Fuck
Dude, I dont think my ass can take anymore pounding right now. He then
looked at me with sad eyes and said Please… Ill be gental and fuck you real
slow and easy. I then Sighed, and said Well…ok, but if I say
stop, you have
to stop ok? He then said Sure, No problem.

I then took off my shirt, and Lyle quickly did the same. He then started
rubbing his hands slowly up and down my body and said, in a shaken voice,
Fuck dude..your so fucking hot! You know you the hottest looking dude in
school dont ya? I was kinda embarassed by that statement and so I said
Thanks dude He then said You have the most awesome body and you have
the most dreamy eyes that look so awesome with your blond hair. I then
stopped him and said How long have you been checking me out? He then
said Oh, about a year or so.. I would even jack off every night thinking of me
fucking you, and here we are now, both fucking each other, And where both
into being fucked by dogs, how awesome is that! I really didnt know what to
say to that. so I just said Pretty cool and started to take off my
pants. I then
said Fuck…8 times…Let me fuck you first, because I might be to wore out
when your done. He quickly said Sure! but be easy on me too, Rascal really
did a number on me. I quickly agreed, and he then took off his pants and
instantly layed on the carpet, on his stomach, and spreaded his legs for me. I
then got between his legs and placed my hard cock on his ass and moved it
around until I found his entrance. I then gave him a slight push and felt the
head of my cock go in him pretty easy. He then moaned out the words
yeah…fuck me dude. I then started to slide the shaft of my cock in him, and
even though he had just been fucked by Rascal, his ass was still tight around
my cock. Once I was fully inside him, I began to move my hips and start the
fucking. He began moaning and moaning with each stroke I was giveing him,
and my balls where slapping up against his balls as I continued fucking his
tight ass. He continued moaning away as I fucked him, and at one point I
heard him say Awe yeah…fuck me good as I was fucking him. I then felt my
cock about ready to explode in him, and he seemed to know it, because I felt
his ass muscles clenching down on my cock, and the was it. I came so hard in
him that he even let out a cry saying Oh yeah! Fuck yeah, Mmmm, Mmmm
as my cum shot deep into him. I then jerked my hips a few times just make
sure I was done cumming, and then I just fell on top of him, worn out.

As I layed there with my cock still in him, I could still feel him
clenching his
ass muscles around my cock, like he was milking me for every drop of my
cum. Damn it was an awesome feeling! Lyle then turned his head and looked
at me with his glossy eyes and said Damn dude, you really came hard in me
this time! I grasped a breath and said Fuck yeah I did..when you started
clenching your ass muscles, I was in heaven. We both then just started to
rest, when all of a sudden the floor of this old Haunted house started to
vibrate, and we both freaked out. I quickly pulled my cock out of him and said
What in the fuck is that? Lyle then jumped up and said I have no idea!
Buster then came running over to us, all scared like, which only made us
panic more. Since both Lyle and I where still naked, we just grabbed our
clothes and started to run out of the house when all of a sudden we heard the
sound Ding Ding Ding I quickly stopped dead in my tracks and stopped Lyle
from running, and said Oh fuck dude! Thats a Train comming by! The
dinging is the railroad gates going down on the street next to us. Both are
hearts where racing, and we then looked at each other and started to laugh.
Lyle then said Wholly crap dude, that scared the shit out of me..I thought
this house was haunted, and that we pissed off a ghost or something…whew.
I then laughed and said Scared the crap out of me too. We then went back
upstairs and looked out the window and watched as the train passed by only
about 20 feet from the old house we where in. Lyle then said Wheres Buster?
I then looked around the room and said I dont know. Lyle then quickly
started calling out for him Buster, here boy, Buster, Buster. We then heard a
scrambling noise comming from the stairs of the house, and heading towards
us. Just then Buster came running into the room and perched himself right
next to Lyle as if he was protecting him. Buster kept looking around the room
as the train noise faded further into the distance, and then clamed down once
the noise was gone. Lyle then gave him a few pats on the head and said Its
ok boy. Buster then went right back to the closet area, and layed down.

After everything was back to normal, Lyle looked at me and said Can I fuck
you now? I quickly said Sure dude, but remember, If I say stop, you have to
stop. He then again said No problem. I then layed on the floor and
spreaded my legs, waiting for him to mount me. He quickly got between my
legs and mounted me. He then just wrapped his arms around my chest and
began to hold me tightly. I then felt his cock moving around my ass
searching for my hole

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Germany Se Lauti Pyassi Behen Smita Ki Chudai

Mera naam Harman hai. Mai 25 saalka hoon. Mai Bangalore me rehta hoon, aur profession se computer engineer hoon. Meri behen mujhse 2 saal badi hai, aur uska rang gora hai. Figure 34-30-36 aur naam hai Smita. Meri behen bhi ek software company me kaam karti hai aur pichle saal he usse Germany jaane ka mauka mila.Pura kharcha uski company ne uthaya aur mummy-papa ke permission se woh Germany jaane ke liye tayaar hogayi. Mujhe abhi bhi yaad hai ki jab woh Bangalore me thi, toh who bahut simple...

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Bill and I were staitioned in West Germany in the late 80's. The unit we were in did not go to the field much but we did spend quite a bit of time on temporay duty (TDY) in various city's across Germany, Belgium, UK and Holland. We typically stayed in hotels. For those of you who have never been to Europe there are a lot of differences, one of them being that a "double" in a hotel room often means two twins pushed together to form one bed. That was the case on this trip. Butt I'm getting ahead...

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I was stationed in Germany….a beautiful place. Being a G.I., in a foreign country and young, there were only three things we or us that liked to have fun, thought about – d**gs, alcohol and pussy. Germany was abundant with the best…I’m not bullshitting…of all three. I had a German girlfriend. She was a prostitute – well they call them escorts today. She called me Gregor instead of Gregory…it sounded so fucking sexy. Before I tell you about the good shit, let me tell you this. She politely...

4 years ago
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Germany Changed Her 8211 Part 4

Hi, everyone. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love to have sex with cute and hot girls as well sex chat. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at or send a friend request on Facebook at the same email id.You can read my other stories by clicking on the author name on this page. Before reading this story please read the previous parts of this sex story. So if you have read them...

3 years ago
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Germany Changed Her 8211 Part 3

Hi everyone. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love to have sex with cute and hot girls as well sex chat. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at or send a friend request on Facebook at the same email id. You can read my other stories by clicking on the author name in this page. Before reading this story please read the previous parts of this sex story. So if you have read them...

3 years ago
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Germany Changed Her Part 2

Hi everyone. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love to have sex with cute and hot girls as well sex chat. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at or send a friend request in Facebook at the same email id. You can read my other stories by clicking on author name in this page. So let’s begin the story where I have ended. We are kissing in the water naked for 10 mins and my dick...

2 years ago
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Betrayal in Love Chapter I

Betrayal in Love: Chapter I In quick steps and stern look on his face Rahul is walking towards a friend's house, a friend who has betrayed him, whom he had given almost everything of his in return of love. Passing through the narrow streets of old city of Delhi, he was absent of all the activity going around his path, vendors wailing, kids doing mischief and elders killing time of what they have in groups on road side corner shops. The air is filled with all the sort of sweet and sour...

1 year ago
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He Seduced His Little SisterChapter 10 Nineteen Years Old Plus

Carver went because he'd been using Maryon in a way that she could the more easily perceive because of her studies in Social Anthropology. As she moved into her nineteenth year and the beginning of the '70's she spent much time in analyzing her near decade of sexual experience and began to see that, though she had most often had her own pleasure, it had been at the price not, actually, of willing cooperation, but of an enforced coercement that had been laid on her by physical or moral...

4 years ago
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Counseling at Camp Care pt 3

Aly and Shianne made their way to the cafeteria. They entered and scanned the room, and spotted their group of girls sitting at a table. Aly and Shianne made their way to them, dodging kids and tables along their journey. "Aly! Shainne!" Erin yelled out, as she saw them nearing the table. "Hey girls! Did you have a good afternoon?" Aly asked, energetically. The girls all answered at the same time. Aly barely heard each response. "I won a trophy!" Suzy said proudly. She held up a...

1 year ago
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A New Taste Part 33 Lockdown Tom

I was sitting in the sun, looking out at the empty street and the clear sky. No airplanes to break up the streaky azure blue. My mouth turned into a smile as I remembered Philippe’s cock hanging through my newly built glory hole. My tongue poked out and swept along my lips as I remembered the taste of him. I sighed with the realisation that I was imprisoned not by the Virus lockdown but by the repetition of my erotic thoughts. I picked up my phone and sent messages encouraging my guys to visit...

1 year ago
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Discovering my sister part two

Note : This story is completely fictional! Josh and Amanda were much closer to each other than most siblings. One of the main reasons for this unusual bond they shared was due in part to their losing their parents in a car crash in the South of France when the children were still only toddlers. And as a consequence of this tragedy befalling them they were sent to live with their mother’s older sister Aunt Beverley, who, although very wealthy chose to live a frugal existence with just her cats...

3 years ago
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Danielle at the Auto Repair Shop

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, *no* posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures! Thank you... :) Part 07: "Danielle at the Auto Repair...

1 year ago
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BangBus Victoria June Pornstar Takes on Three Random Guys

Victoria June hops on the BangBus this week! She shows off her great ass and big tits as she tells us how horny she is. She’s down to drive around to look for some cock. She shows off her big tits to convince the first guy to come in. She sucks him off until she was ready for something more and he couldn’t handle it. Second guy did a bit better before kicking him out. The last guy comes in to represent for Miami. He got sucked off before he starts fucking her. She gets fucked from different...

2 years ago
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Husbands wishes

My name is Sandhya P B. I am 26 years old. Though I am educated, as I came from a very poor rural family, I had to get married to a well to do middle aged businessman of 57 years. My husband’s name is Prem Kumar. I am an average looking woman – very fair, long hair, about 5′ 6″ in height, a figure of 34 – 27 – 38 and good skin texture etc. Being a rural woman I am rather very strong, but, conservative in nature and always dressed in sarees. I was a virgin when we were married and my husband...

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Very Merry Boxing Day

I felt the need to share with you another of my experiences. This one happened about 6 months after my one night stand with David (see "so much more than an online lover") and a long time before James (see "drive-by blow job) Once again I have changed the names but the rest is real.I'd been in my flat for a while and spent a lot of time online chatting to other guys trying to get some more fun. Sadly most of the guys I chatted to seemed to be time wasters. They would chat dirty online...

2 years ago
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Jerryrsquos World ndash The Finale

I could hear lots off giggling and could feel someone pushing at my shoulder, “Are you alright mate?” came the concerned voice and I jolted awake to see the last of the people getting off the bus, I focused my eyes on the young face peering down at me.. “Are you ok mate?” she asked again and I tried to focus as to where I was, I had no idea apart from the fact I had fallen asleep on the bus.“Huh” I replied focusing on this young girl standing next to me, “This is the last stop mate, you need to...

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The Silverest Lining

Violet could never sleep on planes. She watched anxiously as her fellow passengers filed onto the Austrian Airlines plane to Vienna, hoping that the seat beside her would remain vacant because maybe with the extra space, sleep would come easier. There was something very infuriating about seeing every other person fall into blissful slumber while she sat upright, wide-awake and exhausted.But it was December. The departure lounge had been crowded and just when she thought she was in luck, a man...

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Iam a Cum Loving Faggot Gay

I was a married man with two sons, daughter and a very sexy wife. Had a good job, the wife worked in the office, made better money than me but we were happy so I thought. After the k**s grew up the wife started working over time and going on the road a lot, I knew she wished that she had married a man with a big cock not the tiny cock I have, sorry I must refer to it as my clitty now, the sex life has stopped long ago I thought she just too busy to bother getting sexy for me, I always made sure...

1 year ago
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Slumber Party Nightmare A second Telling

Over a decade untitled story was posted on usenet called Slumber Party Nightmare. I liked it but I thought it needed a little more filler. It just didn't go far enough in my opinion. So I reedited it and added about 25% more, fixed some of the grammar/spelling (probably added my own grammar and spelling errors ;-) and reposted it to usenet I think about a year after reading it. Sometime later in 2000, Bill Hart took my edited version and took the story into his own...

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The first time I met Sarah's sister, Katrina -- Kat for short, I knew therewas something different about her. For one, I was fascinated with her. Shewas petit and slim with long dark hair and legs to die for. I knew thatthere was a lot of bad press about her, but I never knew why and I alwaysthought she was lovely. I would make excuses to go over to Sarah's house,just to see her and would be so disappointed if I didn't that I almostcried. Sometimes I tried to imagine what she looked like naked....

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Uncle made me his gay bitch

I was straight but i was always curious about how the pornstars felt taking a cock or what i felt like sucking it. I soon started fantasizing and was getting more and more curious. I came to a point where i saw a man my eyes would look at their crotch and imagine how big they must be. I started getting attracted to men specially big hairy buff daddies. To matters worse there was this uncle(name: mark) who i started getting attracted to, he and i had a good relationship when i was young, but...

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Matt had always been a little different. When he was little, everyone called him 'sensitive'. He could feel what other people felt. When one kid on the playground fell and got hurt, Matt would cry too. His parents thought he was just extremely compassionate. But it became obvious to Matt, as he aged, that this was not the same thing everyone else experienced. He learned to tell the difference between someone else's feelings and his own, but it took a while to learn not to react. And it...

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DevilsFilm Lacy Lennon Aria Carson My Neighbors A Lesbo

Lacy Lennon and Aria Carson are neighbors who decided to go back to nature for a bit, so they’re camping outside. After they set up their tent, they sit down on some blankets to talk. Lacy comments that the last time she went camping, she was still with her ex-girlfriend. Aria is surprised, and asks what it’s like to be a lesbian. Now it’s Lacy’s turn to be surprised, because she thought that Aria was a lesbian too! Aria becomes curious, and asks Lacy more questions...

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The Wedding Ch 02

Passion In James County VI: The Wedding Chapter two Soft hands were sliding over Dennis Livingston’s body. They moved over his stomach, then encircled his flaccid penis, which quickly grew stiff. The young man, who had been trying desperately to feign sleep, was no longer able to remain still. He groaned with delight. He liked the way he was feeling and hated to open his eyes. The hand kept stroking his erecting organ insistently, then it was joined by another. His lover’s hands rolled his...

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The Book store

Driving home from his first class at the local community college, Ted thought he saw his mom’s car turn up the street, just a few cars ahead of him. “I can follow her if she’s going to eat someplace I can have dinner with her,” Ted reasoned to himself. His mom a pretty woman at 42 had been an inspiration to Ted’s early puberty, her auburn hair, large full breasts, 40d according to the tag on her under wire bra that Ted had dug out of the clothes hamper. Not to mention her full round ass. At...

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First and Ten Part 4

First and Ten; Part 4 Nancy Cole Chapter Fourteen The image of soldiers crouching low in the assault boat from the movie "Saving Private Ryan" came to mind as I prepared to leave my dorm room on Monday morning. Granted, I didn't look anything like them. Nor would I be facing the sort of trial by fire they did. Still I felt the same sort of anxiety the real solders who stormed the Normandy beaches must have experienced as they prepared to sally forth into hostile...

3 years ago
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Takes long time to seduce my bhabhi

Hi Iss Readers,My self jeet from delhi age. 27 medium built with whitish complexion but having good features.The story i am going to tell u encountered me at the age of 22 almost 5 years back. Let me tell you specifically about my bhabhi who owns a atheletic body structure with slightly good figure (32-26-32). She is wife of my cousins brother and have two children, one girl and a son.Since i have a nature of making fun of other by cracking some jokes every moment, brings every body close to...

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June 27th 2011

Im watching a movie,later evening, when my cell starts to sound. I have a text. :) Ive been waiting to hear from a potential boyfriend. Well, well.....its not 'T'... its Brian. :D Its been a while. I was quite surprised. He asks if Im bored. My usual answer: D'uh! I know, how intellectual. haha He asks if I feel like coming over for a drink... how do you say: FUCK YEAH!!! Of course my text back was simply, 'really? Of course Id love to come over.' I shower evernight, so, Im already clean....

3 years ago
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Porterhouse PeteChapter 7 Friday 4 January

The work on Rebecca’s house continued apace the next week, with Pete working inside The Porter House and keeping an eye on Jason Denhope’s efforts outside rotovating, laying the weed suppressant and spreading the topsoil ready for turfing after the frosts had passed. While the schools were closed until the second Monday in January, Annie spent all day with her father, helping inside, going with him as people heard he was getting his act together and asked him to quote on maintenance jobs and...

2 years ago
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P I And MagicChapter 22

While Vivian went into town to do some shopping, I called my lawyer from Hank's phone. I told him that I wanted to buy some property, and told him where. It would require at least one more trip, possibly two, before the sale and title transfer was completed. After I finished with my lawyer, I went in search of Marla, the friendly neighborhood Combat Wizard. I wanted her thoughts on something. I tracked her down in the old machine shed of the farmhouse. She was fascinated by...

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The SparkChapter 36

I wasn't sure what had happened. The last thing I remembered was Peter boosting the shield I had in place with the power he had been collecting and storing all day. I was sure he had said something to me but with what was happening around us, and me, trying to control what I had started, I missed what he had said to me and now his voice was quiet, gone from my head. As to the time, I had no idea as I was still working through everything that had happened. Thinking about the shockwave, I...

4 years ago
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Delhi Tales Liberation 8211 Pt 1 Exploring The Bisexual Side

Hi everyone! Recently, people in India have been talking about how there life has been difficult just because they are from the LGBT community. But I am here to tell about how it has been a bliss to be a Bisexual in Delhi. You will know this through the series of stories which I would be telling during the course of our journey. So, first, something about me. I am a 22-year-old bisexual guy basically from Haryana who lives in Delhi now. God has blessed me with a sweet face and a talkative...

Gay Male
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Helping the elderly

I used to offer my services as a helper to old folks living on their own but who needs help for certain tasks in their home.This one guy called John was only 65 years old and in good shape for his age but has trouble walking since he replaced his hip. So he needed help to take a bath until he can afford having an adapted bath to his condition.When they gave me his case, they specified that he wanted a guy to help him since it would be too uncomfortable having a women giving him a bath which, as...

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Train me aunty ki jabardst chudai

Hi this Armaan again 24 years old. I will send my story of “bua ki chudai” afterwards until I don’t get satisfy from your mails well here is another new story which happened just two days back when I was traveling in train from bilaspur to thrivandrum dosto is aunty ki chudai to badi simple thi.KOI BHI AUNTY 35-58 years sex karna chahti hai to mujhe mail karene ” armaan.mere umar 24 saal hai lekein mujhe aunty bahut aachi lagti haine.Well you knows me very well I m 23 and my Natraj pencil is of...

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