Disco Ki Car Parking Mai Fun
- 4 years ago
- 26
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As I drove home I could barely see through the tears in my eyes. This was the saddest day of my life. Everything I had believed in was shattered. Lisa had been everything I needed, and once upon a time I was everything Lisa needed.
Why had that changed? Was it all just a fairytale? Were the signs always there and I was just too complacent, to wrapped up in my own world to see them?
I got home before midnight. I paid off Carol, thanked her and sent her on home. I looked in on Maddy and again marveled on how beautiful, how special she was. I tried not to think what the next few days or weeks would bring. The phone started to ring. I unplugged all of them, dead-bolted the doors and went to bed. I was so exhausted I fell instantly asleep.
Amazingly I slept about seven hours and felt better than I deserved. Maddy would probably sleep at least another hour so I started on my preparations. I knew that I was in for another exhausting day.
Around noon I plugged the phone back in. Within minutes the phone rang. When I picked it up I heard Lisa, voice shaking, "Can I come home now?"
I answered, "The door is unlocked" and hung up. I started thinking about what was coming and knew the only way I could get through it was to harden my heart, let my anger out and demand answers. Since the day I met Lisa I had never raised my voice to her and never felt anything other than love toward her.
About twenty minutes later she came in the front door. From where I was sitting in the kitchen I could watch her. She looked around nervously like she hoped to see Maddy. Finally she slowly walked through the living room, dropping her coat on a chair.
She saw me at the dining room table where I often worked, with my briefcase and business files in front of me. We both looked at each other for a few minutes and finally I said, "Sit."
She dropped into a chair and said, "Where's Maddy?"
"She's at my Mom and Dad's. They are keeping her tonight." She slowly nodded.
She looked closely at my face, "First time I've seen you clean shaven in years."
"It was time," I simply said.
Lisa looked haggard like she had not slept. Her makeup was all washed off and her eyes were red and swollen, "Whose car is in the driveway?"
"My brother's, he is using the truck to help someone move this weekend."
Small talk exhausted, we sat silent for a few minutes. Lisa was having trouble looking me in the eye. Finally she cleared her throat and said, "Alan, what you think you saw last night wasn't what it seemed."
I just stared at her in disbelief! She was actually going to try to lie her way out of this, "I see." I pulled out our address book from under some papers and flipped it open to the 'Z's' and held it open in front of her.
I pointed to the initials she had put there, "Jerry Drew is a stock broker, Sharon Hughes is a real estate agent and Steve Ostrander owns his own automotive services company. Don't you think a reputation for honesty is important to them? Do you think any of them would lie for you if subpoenaed to give a deposition under oath in a divorce action?"
The shock on her face dissolved into tears as she put her hands over her face and leaned over the table, "Oh god, oh god, no!"
"I was there from the time you arrived at the club until the minute you read my note. I know where you were going from there and I know who with. I just didn't have the heart to follow the two of you out to his van."
I watched her shaking her head in disbelief. "Lisa, I want the truth from you, all of it. From the beginning of our marriage until now! If you try to lie to me I will know. A lot of things have become clear to me this week and I want to know everything!" I was practically yelling in her face as I finished.
Lisa shrunk into her chair and turned away from me. She started to get up but I grabbed her by the wrists, "Sit down! You are not going to run away from this, or from me!"
She collapsed back into the chair and covered her face with her hands refusing to look at me. I got up and poured some vodka and tomato juice into a glass and put it front of her. I wanted her to talk and talk freely. I knew she didn't handle confrontations well. That, combined with the emotional shock and a little vodka I hoped would help get at the truth.
After a while she put her hands down and looked at me pleadingly, "Alan, please. I love you." She closed her eyes and shook her head side to side, "God, I never thought this would happen!"
"What? That you would screw around on me or that you would get caught? I think I know which one it is!" She started sobbing again. I waited a bit. Finally I said, "Tell me about Dan Burris."
She started to dry her eyes and took a drink. Almost whispering she said, "I met Dan at the club. He was one of the guys in the gang we always sat with. We danced quite a bit together and just kind of hit it off."
"That is certainly an understatement!" I said harshly. "And when did you start fucking him?"
She cringed when I said that. She turned away from me and said slowly, "We ... we started sleeping together around June. He's married, no kids. He is older than us. He and his wife have an open marriage."
"And I bet you just happened to forget to tell him that we 'did not' have an open marriage. Didn't you?"
Lisa didn't say anything. "Come on Lisa, you are leaving out a few things aren't you? He makes a lot of money. He wears expensive clothes. He and his wife drive expensive cars and live in a very expensive house."
She looked at me in shock, "How ... how did you know?"
"I have been doing my homework. That's a high roller crowd you have taken up with, quite a different lifestyle than ours, or at least from mine."
She gulped down some more of the drink and I got up and got her a refill. "Tell me, where did this 'sleeping' occur and how often?"
She looked down at her hands. She started talking so low I had to strain to hear her. "Usually every Friday after leaving the club we would go to his van and, uh..." She sat silent.
"What? You can't describe it? Screwing? Humping? Fucking? Or even making love?" "After watching the two of you all evening it was obvious you are lovers!" Bitterly I said, "Anyway, it's a little late for you to try to spare my feelings!"
She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "What do you want me to say Alan?"
"I want you to say 'I'm sorry!' or 'it was a mistake!'" I shouted. "But an affair that has lasted nearly six months is not a mistake, is it? And the only thing you are sorry for is that you got caught!"
She started crying again and didn't say anything.
"Where else did you go? His house? Our house? Hotels, motels?"
She wiped her nose and took another drink, "We went to his house once, a motel a couple of times, but never our house."
"His house and his bed?" I asked. She just nodded. "So where was Mrs. Dan?"
"She was out of town for the weekend."
"What else Lisa? Come on, don't be shy! I'm sure there's more."
She sat silently for a few minutes, nervously gripping her glass and staring into it.
"We would meet for lunch once in a while. No sex, just lunch."
Quietly I said, "Anything else?" She shook her head no.
Slamming my fist on the table I said, "Aren't you forgetting your big sailing weekend!"
I didn't think it was possible for Lisa to turn any paler, she had to be on the verge of passing out. I grabbed her as she started to slump to the floor. Recovering she took a pull from her drink, hung her head in her hands and started crying again. Finally she gasped out, "How ... how do you know these things?"
Shaking my head, I said, "Lisa, don't you get it? You are busted! You were ratted out! There are no secrets left."
"Now tell me about the weekend you were too busy working to go up north with your husband and daughter."
Shuddering she hugged herself with both arms, "Dan has a friend who owns a sailboat he keeps over in Saugatuck. He invited Dan and I, and Connie and a guy she's been seeing to go sailing over the weekend. You were already planning to work at your parent's so I told you I had to work so I could go and you would take Maddy with you."
I just looked at her disgustedly, "I guess it no longer bothered you to outright lie to me. And how ironic, you practically refuse to set foot on a rowboat on a tiny lake where Mom and Dad have their cottage but you are willing to spend a weekend on Lake Michigan sailing!"
Not looking up she said, "We ... we really didn't sail much. The water was calm and we took the boat down the coast a bit and anchored about a half mile from the shore. And I had a few drinks which helped me relax."
I just stared at her, "So tell me what you did anchored offshore with all that privacy and all that relaxing? Did you run around the boat naked and have wicked sex with anyone and everyone?"
Practically stuttering she said "We ... we did sunbathe nude. But I only had sex with Dan in the cabin a couple of times." She paused for a minute, and I just stared at her, waiting, "And then later when Dan and I stayed the night on the boat in the marina." Then closing her eyes, "And then when we took the boat out again on Sunday."
I felt a sharp pain in my gut as it came back to me that we did not make love that Sunday night when I got back home. In fact Lisa went to bed early, claiming she didn't feel well. The only time I can remember of missing a weekend when she wasn't having her period. Now I knew why.
Sarcastically I said, "Wow, you had quite a sex filled weekend! You just had nothing left to give when your poor clueless husband came home after being away from his loving wife for three days!"
Lisa didn't say anything just starting crying again and shaking her head.
We just sat there awhile, Lisa sobbing quietly, and I lost in my thoughts. I finally got up and refilled her glass and put it in front of her. I didn't have to force myself to be angry anymore. I was angry.
Lisa looked up at me tiredly, "Please, please I need to go lie down." Lisa's voice shook and her hands could barely hold the glass to her lips. She was starting to slur her words a bit and I knew exhaustion and alcohol were affecting her.
I glared at her, "Not yet Lisa, we are not done here!"
Crying she said, "Please! I've told you everything."
"Somehow I don't think so. It's occurred to me to wonder how it is that you were able to so easily slip into a long term affair and keep it hidden. No change in your behavior, no change in your attitude toward me." I paused then said, "Could it be it was because this wasn't your first affair? That you have cheated on me before?"
Lisa looked at me with her mouth open, trying to say something. Then she closed it and looked away and tried to talk again. It was obvious she was trying to figure out what she could get away with and in her condition she was having a tough time of it.
I shook my head, "Lisa, don't try to lie to me again! It won't work. Other people have been telling me things about you for years and I didn't believe them. I refused to believe them. Not my loving wife. I want to know everything. And I want to know now!"
Lisa slumped back into the chair, her eyes dull and half shut. Exhaustion and defeat were written all over her face and posture.
In a monotone, she said, "Before Dan, I had hooked up with another guy down at the club. Only a couple of times and then he stopped coming down there."
I kind of figured as much from what the caller said but I wasn't interested in that. I said flatly, "Before that Lisa."
Lisa shut her eyes and sobbed once, "The year before you started the business I messed around with a couple of guys when you were working nights at the assembly plant."
"And they were?" She opened her eyes and whispered, "You know don't you?"
I gritted my teeth and said, "Say it!"
She said, "John and Craig."
I could almost feel the 'clunk' as that piece of the puzzle fell into place. The suspicion had been in the back my mind the last couple of days. Lisa was probably the best looking woman in our social circle. And if John and Craig had hit on every good looking woman that they knew, why had they not hit on her?
Of course the answer was they had. But Lisa had never mentioned it. She would have if they had been unsuccessful or if she had been upset about it. And of course John and Craig wouldn't tell me. But they hinted at it after having a few too many beers. And I was too trusting to take them seriously.
Not only had my wife betrayed me. She had betrayed me with the two people that I thought of as probably my best friends. And one of them also happened to be my business partner!
Sarcastically I said, "Did you do them together or one at a time?"
She just stared in front of her, eyes focused on nothing, "You remember that time when Craig was stopped by the cop a mile from here for DUI? The cop let him off because he said he was going to his girlfriend's house just a few blocks away."
I just grunted. I knew what was coming.
"He came in and we had a couple of drinks. Maddy had been asleep for several hours. The cop followed him over here and wouldn't leave. He just sat in his car in front of the driveway. Craig suggested we turn off all the lights and act like we had gone to bed. So we did. When we went into the bedroom we started making out." Her voice dropped, "You know what happened next."
"Yeah, I know. Craig has told the story about the cop several times with a very different ending. At least it is when I'm in the crowd."
After a few minutes of silence I said, "And John?"
"A couple of weeks later John showed up on a Friday night after happy hour. He was pretty loaded. We sat on the couch, watched TV and had a few drinks. He started feeling me up and kissing me. He said he wanted me. I was having my period and told him that. He put my hand on his hard-on and told me he was really horny. I don't know why but I told him I would give him a blow job."
I just stared at her in disbelief, "Let me guess! A come-in-your-mouth blow job, wasn't it?"
Her head jerked up and her mouth hung open. Finally she sputtered, "He, he was supposed to warn me!" Realizing how absurd that sounded, she looked away from me and hung her head. Not only was it turning out my wife was a slut, but she was a dumb slut!
"Yeah, John loves to tell that story in the bar after a few beers. Except in the version I heard the recipient of his cum is Debbie Dawson." It was little consolation to me that Debbie's husband Dave was probably as clueless as I was.
I was sure Craig had told John he had gotten into Lisa's pants and she was easy. There were no secrets between those two. And of course John had beat feet to our door knowing I was working nights.
Lisa was crying continuously now and rocking back and forth mumbling incoherently.
"Lisa, Lisa!" I had to shout at her to get her attention, "Look at me. How many times did you screw around with them?"
Without looking up, she said, "Craig, he, he came around a couple of times after that. But then you started telling me what players they were and talked about everything they did. I got scared and I told both of them not to come over anymore."
Now I was really wondering if at any time in our marriage she had been faithful to me. I sat there thinking about it. Taking a shot in the dark, I said softly, "And when I was in the Army? Tell me about that Lisa?"
Looking at me blearily she said, "Alan, please. Don't make me."
"Tell me Lisa, tell me now!"
I could see her withdraw into herself, not able to resist anymore. "Once when you were on border patrol for the week, Ken Machado came over to take some pictures of Maddy. He had some hash with him. After Maddy went down for the night, he talked me into trying it." She looked up at me in desperation, "Alan, we had been having sex every night since I got there. You had been gone four or five days and I was horny. After smoking the hash I just lost control!"
Ken Machado was a soldier in a different unit we had met when we first got to Germany. He and his wife had a baby boy about Maddy's age. We got together a few times for dinner and play dates for the kids before his wife went back to the states. I heard they were having problems at the time she left. Now I knew why.
"And after that?" I said quietly.
"He would come over once or twice every time you did your rotation to the border. I never smoked the hash again but we, we kept having sex."
"Well that certainly explains why he still calls a couple of times a year to invite us to visit him in New Orleans." I said sarcastically.
Lisa collapsed on her arms on the table and sobbed over and over again. I just looked at her. I was sure there was more but I didn't think she could talk coherently. And to be honest I don't think I could stand to listen to it. After awhile Lisa stopped crying and wasn't moving anymore. I think she was asleep.
I just sat there dazed and lost in my thoughts. Finally I got up and shook her arm. I said, "Lisa, get up! Get up and go get cleaned up!" She finally roused herself, pulled herself out of the chair and without looking at me staggered down the hallway into the bathroom.
As I heard the water in the shower turn on, I reached into my briefcase and turned off the recorder. As it sunk in what I had heard, I jumped out of chair, threw open the sliding glass door, dropped to my knees and puked into the snow.
Wiping my lips with the back of my hand, I shut the door, slumped against the wall and closed my eyes. The things she had told me were far worse than I had ever imagined. What happened to the woman I thought I married?
As I sat there thinking about the past six years, I felt so stupid. I wondered how I ever got through a day. God, what a chump I'd been! My wife was not my wife and my friends were not my friends. I knew I there was no getting past this and that my entire life was going to change.
While I sat there thinking I heard the shower stop and Lisa go into the bedroom. Finally I pulled myself to my feet and walked down the hallway. Lisa was collapsed across the bed on her stomach naked, sound asleep.
A week ago the sight would have aroused me and I would have jumped in bed with her in a second. I admired her long legs and a few pubic hairs peeking out from between the cheeks of her ass. But the realization that I was just one of many she shared herself with made me turn away with disgust.
I walked back into the living room and threw myself on the couch. Within minutes I was asleep.
When I woke up a couple of hours later all was quiet. I got up and fixed myself something to eat. I was just finishing a sandwich when I heard Lisa get up and go into the bathroom. A few minutes later she appeared in the kitchen in her bathrobe. She looked at me with desperation. "Alan, please I love you. I always have."
Without emotion I said, "Then why, Lisa?" I asked. "You have hurt me in the worst possible way. I don't believe anyone could hate me enough to hurt me like this. How can you still say you love me?"
"I don't know, Alan. I don't understand it myself. It just never seemed really wrong to me. I guess I liked it when men paid attention to me. And when I was doing it, it was like I was someone else, just Lisa, not Lisa Baxter. And you never found out. And it didn't seem to hurt anyone. And it never changed how I felt about you, about us."
Wanting to hurt her I said harshly, "You know what a married woman is called who sleeps with other men?" She just looked at me blankly, "A slut!"
Lisa paled and put her hands in front of her face. "Not only a slut but a slut who screwed my best friends and my business partner!"
"Please Alan, don't say that. That happened almost two years ago and I regretted it"
"So, that was then and this was now? That's your excuse for John and Craig? What about Dan Burris? Do you regret that relationship too?"
Lisa looked down at the table and whispered, "It was more than just sex with Dan. We ... we are friends. Please Alan. Dan and I share a lot, music, dancing, things you were not part of and didn't seem to care about."
I just stared at her in disbelief, "That's your reason for betraying me and our marriage vows? Of course by the time you met Dan the point was moot." I drummed my fingers on the table thinking about what she had just said. "You want to continue your relationship with him? Is that what you are saying?" She didn't say anything just kept staring at the table. "And you think I should just sit back and accept it?"
Finally, she looked up at me hopefully, "Listen Alan, we could have an open marriage too, an open marriage like Dan and his wife. We would still have each other but we both could see other people!"
My God! This was just so surreal. "And whose idea was this?" I said slowly.
Again she wouldn't look at me, "Dan and I talked about it a couple of times but it never seemed to be the right time to bring it up."
I couldn't help myself then, I started shouting, "You have been screwing around on me for our entire marriage and when you get busted your solution is to turn me into a cheater too!
If that is what you wanted you should have told me before the very first time you fucked up! Then I could have made my own decision about what kind of marriage I wanted and how I wanted to live my life!"
Lisa just sat there shaking her head, tears running down her face.
I slumped back into my chair, "Everything that I believed to be true about you and our relationship has been destroyed. Everything I thought I learned over the last six years took just six days to be exposed as a lie! Either you have been incredibly clever or I have been incredibly stupid." I said in disgust. I suspected I knew which one it was.
I shook my head and sat up straight. "Lisa, you made the choices, but all of us will face the consequences, you, me, and Maddy. But you were too busy taking care of yourself to think about us weren't you? It was all about you."
"No, no, it wasn't like that," Lisa whimpered.
"Lisa, I don't know who you are. I still love the women I thought I married." I shook my head. "But maybe she existed only in my mind. I certainly don't love the women you have become."
We sat in silence for a few minutes as I gathered my thoughts and the courage to say what I had to say next.
"I intend to file for divorce. I have consulted an attorney. There should not be any issues on division of property or with alimony. I intend to file for joint custody. If you contest it, I will drag out everything you have done for the last six years for everyone to see. At the very least you have proven yourself not to be a fit role model for our daughter."
Lisa collapsed into the chair, crying. I just sat there staring at the wall, lost in my own thoughts, thinking about the last six years. Where we were going now and how everything was going to change. I had been in my comfort zone for too long. I had forgotten the first lesson in life, nothing stays the same.
I waited for Lisa to get herself together. Her crying finally slowed and I looked at her, "This can happen one of two ways Lisa."
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This is a story about how my sex life with my wife went from full on to don’t touch or look and back to full on. The reason because of her boss/friend who was also the reason later for some of the best sex experiences we have had.Back ground is that me and my wife Mona, had a great love and sex life. We got on really well and could not live without each other and one c***d. Every opportunity we had we would not stop getting physical. Even when eating dinner at our families house. I would have...
This is a sex story about how my sex life with my wife went from full on to don’t touch or look and back to full on.The reason because of her boss/friend who was also the reason later for some of the best sex experiences we have had. Back ground is that me and my wife Mona, had a great love and sex life. We got on really well and could not live without each other and one child. Every opportunity we had we would not stop getting physical. Even when eating dinner at our families house. I would...
Rediscovering Caitlin ? by: Lisa Grey Chapter 1: Discoveries "I can't believe I agreed to do this," Lynn groused. "Oh come on, Lynn. It's not like anybody is gonna see you," Janet half teased, half soothed. Janet looked at her boyfriend. Lynn stood there in the doorway of the bathroom in their hotel room, his below-the-shoulder length brown hair dripping from the bath he was just in. Lynn was not the most masculine guy on the planet to be sure. He was slender, his 5'6"...
DiscountenanceBy Brewt.BlacklistSeptember 2012THE SUBMISSIVES I have encountered have all been quite delicate creatures, easy to frighten, easy to offend. Mouthy as hell.When they are not on their knees, of course.Indeed. It's as though they save all their strength for then.Probably a defensive mechanism. I suspect the verbal attacks are that, too.Possibly. Take this one, for example.My Lord, I . . .Shut up. Don't interrupt me. God damn it, what was I saying? Oh, yes. When this one isn't here...
Disconnections Disconnections- a series of stories -by Eve Adorer Disconnections - Overall Synopsis:?Disconnections? comprises independent, and not interdependent, stories. Though not interconnected, the stories have a common theme: the ?disconnections? of the overall title. I hope you?ll enjoy them ?. Sulina ToledoSynopsis: A becoming mission beckons ambition. Sulina Toledo ? Part ONESulina Toledo sat checking her clipboard. The all-female studio audience murmured, conversing....
With that said I hope you enjoy the story and that I might have inspired someone else to write. I was in my early twenties when these events took place. I’d finished school and took a couple of gap years before pursuing what might be next. I mainly worked but occasionally caught up with my friends to see what they were doing. After finishing school my social life had slowly diminished. It was a shame, but I didn’t have anyone to blame for it. I had a few friends who I still kept in contact...
I decided to go to a nature preserve after work the other day. I was worked up and decided to log on to the site. I had been sitting in the car for a bit when the message popped up. "I need a bj". It was simple and to the point. This message got my heart racing. I thought, "am I really going to do this". I let the message float in cyber space while I thought. I decided to respond to his message. "Come to the nature preserve and I'll suck you off in the woods". My heart was racing. It...
Are you here for some tasteful nudes? Well, that means that you will love what r/DiscordNudes/ has to offer. As I always like to mention, subreddits with a straightforward name are the MVPs, since it is nice knowing what the fuck they have to offer before actually having to spend your time browsing through the subreddit, right?On the other hand, you would not really have to do any of that because you have me here. I shall explain all the fuck that you need to know what r/DiscordNudes/ has to...
Reddit NSFW ListDiscount Store Part 1 F/M By [email protected] college, I got a good job at an advertising agency. My job was to make up television and radio commercials for various clients. I made a very good living, but I spent a lot of time at work. So I got an apartment in a very large building, which was located in the suburbs. I was really happy when a large discount store was built next to the apartment. It was only a block away, so I was able to easily walk over to the store to buy about...
SpankingPeople always have a desire for three things; Control, Power, and Sex. These things are what lead to people being sold as slaves for one reason or another. However not every slave is equal and some have defects which make them almost impossible to be sold. These defects can range from being too rebellious for any other auction to handle or their training is to match a specific client who no longer is able to make the purchase. Maybe their identity makes them to notorious for most to purchase or...
BDSMNew Discoveries with Sandy By SONIA [email protected] Please send comments!!! Chapter 1 - Bored! I was 2 weeks into the Summer holidays, it was a hot sunny day, my sister had left for two weeks holiday with her friend yesterday, my parents were at work and didn't get in until 6.00 - and I was bored! I picked up the phone and rang my best friend, Sandy, and invited him over. He arrived on his bike a half hour later and we sat drinking coke trying to think of something...
DISCOVERIES IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWESTCHAPTER 1: MEETING NEW FRIENDSI grew up in Seattle and after high school moved to Olympia. Yes, also in the lovely state of Washington. And you may know it is the state capital, but wouldn’t guess it has less than 50,000 people living there. It is part of Puget Sound which is an estuary comprised of many waterways, channels, inlets home to a variety of wildlife and water fowl. It was this feature that lead me to attend Evergreen State College and enroll in...
DISCOVERIES IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWESTCHAPTER 2: MY TOWNHOUSEThe song Unity was still ringing in my ears as I rode my bike up the driveway of my townhouse. While having sex with Zoe in her Rav4 we listened to the words flow over our entangled bodies in the back seat:You are my energy My guiding light, we are unityWe are, we are… We are unityWe are, we are… We are unityMy bike shorts had become so damp Zoe had given me her cargo shorts to borrow and I also grabbed her cute floral bikini underwear...
Matt had one of the most joyous and tender times in his life riding the escalators down with Kathy. At first they laughed and smiled about how much fun they were to ride. They were both deeply struck by their totally silent operation. There was a soft breezy sound present, but it was from the air vents. Kathy commented that she had never heard of such heavy machinery not rumbling at least some... As they continued their descent, the conversation turned serious, but very sweet. Kathy and Matt...
Matt woke slowly, feeling his mind at great peace. As he became more awake, he realized why he felt so peaceful. Kathy was sitting in a semi-doze, her back against the landing-pad wall, her legs out in front of her. Matt's head was lying on the very top of her right thigh, the side of his head resting against her hip. Her left hand was idly caressing his head, from temple to ear, and her right hand was under his jacket and resting on his left breast. Matt sighed at how wonderfully secure it...
"One Hundred" whispered Kathy. "One Hundred" whispered Matt in reply, and started down the flight, Kathy a few seconds behind him. It would be time for another short break, as Kathy stopped to mark a check in her diary for another 100 flights. It was now shortly before 10 pm, and Matt was wondering if he should ask Kathy about another swallow of water, the ultra-dry air had really dried out his throat, and Kathy's too from the sound of it. Kathy and Matt had just spent the last four...
Matt tapped Kathy on her shoulder. Kathy began her ride down, Matt two seconds behind. Both their throats were now so dry that it was too painful to talk. Matt and Kathy were still counting the flights mentally and marking off the 100's, but they hadn't spoken to each other in hours. It was nearing the end of a very long second day, the time about 11:30 pm. Life had seemed a lot more cheerful in the morning, Kathy awaking in happiness from sleeping for the very first time in her life with...
"Sixty six" Kathy called out. Matt did not call back or start his ride down, remaining frozen a step before the escalator entrance. Kathy moved to see what Matt was staring at, and what she saw took her breath away... Kathy and Matt were now in their twelfth day in the escalator well. Their log was showing they were now down over 31,700 flights, just crossing the 180 mile mark. After their initial water-sink, they had found another after 5963 more flights, and then again after an...
A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...
Discount Store Part 2 F/M By [email protected] had been spanked by an older woman in the building, and was now invited to her apartment to have lunch with her and to meet her niece. Her niece visited her for lunch about every other week, and Mrs. Jones thought that I should meet her. The niece was supposedly about my age, and was still single. Since I was always looking for new single women to meet, I agreed to have lunch with Mrs. Jones and her niece.Mrs. Jones' apartment was very clean...
SpankingThis is a story continued from ‘DISCOVERING FAITH Ch. 1-12’ and ‘DISCOVERING FAITH Ch. 13-17. Please read those to understand the context and characters involved in this third and final installment. Thanks to all of you who wrote to me with suggestions and opinions. You have altered my conclusion and helped make it a better story. ********************** CHAPTER 18 THE PLAN Then Faith asked, ‘So what do we do now? How do we finish the film?’ Everyone looked at her, not quite understanding...
“Hop in,” he said, pulling up at the end of the driveway. I was standing in the cold waiting for the bus. I sat in the seat, and as soon as I’d closed the door, we were off down the road. My next question had been eating at me all weekend. “What do you mean you’ll take care of your girlfriend?” “You’ll see soon enough,” he said, taking my hand in his. He left me in thought as we sped along the road. I thought to myself, What will happen if someone finds out? For God’s sake, my parents...
“I’ve seen you staring at me in class, anyone could see it.” I could tell through his voice his lips had curled into a smile. I was somewhat in shock; was it really that obvious? I threw the thought away as another popped into my mind. Is this really happening? I lay there, my dream boy clinging onto me, his cock rubbing my asshole. “Hey aren’t you forgetting something?” I broke from his hug, and turned to face him. But before I could say anything, he kissed me; and when our lips met, my...
I guess I should talk about myself some, huh? I like to think of myself as a good looking guy, you know, not too muscular, but definitely not fragile or anything. I guess you could think of me as having a type of swimmer’s physique despite that even though I live on a lake, I still don’t swim much. (My mother said I take the lake front property for granted.) I’m short for my age, standing at about five-foot two, with not quite shoulder length blond hair and hazel eyes that like to change...
I guess I should talk about myself some, huh? I like to think of myself as a good looking guy, you know, not too muscular, but definitely not fragile or anything. I guess you could think of me as having a type of swimmer’s physique despite that even though I live on a lake, I still don’t swim much. (My mother said I take the lake front property for granted.) I’m short for my age, standing at about five-foot two, with not quite shoulder length blond hair and hazel eyes that like to change...
We take a leisurely hike through the woods after a short drive. I can see in your eyes how happy you are to be free of all distractions of your every day life. It is just you and I walking quietly deeper into the woods taking in the scenery along the path. I can’t help but watch you as we continue on in silence. Graceful and fluid, you seem so at home here in the forest. A rustling in the brush off to our right catches my attention as I stare trying to see what created the noise. I wonder in...
Introduction: The third installment in the fictitious events between me and my friend. It was Monday, the first day back at school since my night with my dream boy… He had decided to confess his love for me after I went to his house. I just couldnt stop thinking about what hed said Dont worry, Ill take care of my girlfriend. That morning, he picked me up from my house to drive me to school. Hop in, he said, pulling up at the end of the driveway. I was standing in the cold waiting for the bus. I...
This is a work of fiction... Chapter 1 – The Temptation Begins: Although a quarter of a century has passed since these incidents occurred, it seems like only yesterday that they happened. I have never related these events to another living soul until now. To the best of my knowledge, my brother and I are the only people who are aware of our time of discovery together. Yes, I suspect it is a combination of shame and guilt that have kept either Gary or me from sharing these experiences with even...
IncestAfter driving my brother to a climax with my mouth and ingesting his semen, Gary and I stepped out of the shower and dried each other.Gary remained firm and large, but was not as rigid as he was immediately before he came.I immediately went to the sink to brush my teeth. I knew that Gary would be uncomfortable kissing me until I had cleansed the residual of his sperm from my mouth. Gary stood behind me and continued drying my back while I swished the toothpaste mixture around and spit into the...
IncestThe first time I saw her I was fourteen. I was cutting between two apartment buildings because I was late from coming back from playing baseball with some classmates at our school. The area between the two buildings is only three feet wide and is primarily only used for the large air-condition units for both apartment buildings. I liked running between these two buildings specifically because the AC units acted like an obstacle course. I would dodge around them as if they were football...
I was awaken from my nap when I heard my mom calling me for dinner. I got myself together and went out to the kitchen to eat. I had forgotten that I still wasn't wearing panties, and it was every strange sitting in front of my mom with a breeze rushing accross my pussy. I ate quickly. My mom and I talked for a bit and she told me that she was going out on a date and that she would be home late. It was a common event lately since I had gotten old enough to pretty much tend to myself. We ate...
There wasn't any denying what had just happened to me. I had been raped. But had I really tried to stop him? I could not stop thinking about it, since the hurting in my crotch seemed to always remind me of it. When I had gotten home, I went straight to the bathroom and washed up. My pussy was red, and it's lips were swollen. I went to my room, ashamed that the thought of that man's thick dick pushing into my cunt was still in my head. The worst part of it, I thought, was that I had...
I got home from school. I could feel cum slowly seeping from my pussy. I layed down for a bit, but could not take my mind off what had happened. The thought of having had something crammed up my pussy and my ass at the same time was driving me crazy. Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring. I answered the door to find that it was my mother's boyfriend, Jason. "Hi," I greeted him. "Hi, can I come in. I wanted to wait for your mother here, we were supposed to go out." He said and just walked...
I groaned as his cock slipped out of me with a wet, slopping noise. My ass still felt spread and I felt the cool air rush along the insides of my anus. He pulled me up and off the table and set me down in fron of him on my knees. His cock hung in front of my face, surprisingly still semihard, and covered in slick cum. His strong hand held onto the back of my head. "Why don't you clean this up a little," he said and pressed my face into his crotch. I opened my mouth and the head of his...
Slowly I was becoming used to my new life. I was feeling more and more comfortable with my continually growing passion for sex. In fact, I was feeling somewhat empowered by it. There was very little doubt about it anymore, I was becoming a little slut, and I was, at least in part, enjoying it. I was almost constantly horny, just thinking about anything remotely sexual for a moment made my pussy wet. When I went back to school, I even think I was walking around the halls with more...
I ran home from school, I had been anxious for the last part of the day. Being stuck at home by myself didn't help my anxiety much at all. I tried to do some of my work, but couldn't keep my mind on it at all. My hands shook, and it seemed as if I was always short of breath. My stomach was in a knot. I kept asking myself if I really was going to go to Josh's house that night. Maybe I could go another night? I didn't have to go, did I? That's it!! I didn't have to go at all. But... my...
"Ugh!... OWW!" I yelled as he jerked his hips, jamming his huge cock against the back of my cunt. He didn't bother to pull back much, he just pushed at me, and I felt something inside me tense. His hands squeezed around my waist. "O... Ugh!" I shrieked again as he plowed into me. A tense pain shot from my belly, but as it relaxed it felt so good and I moaned. He pulled me at his cock. The hunk of meat pressing firmly against my stretched cunt. He girated his hips. "AHHH..." I moaned,...
We were out for a movie one night and decided to go for a few beers after. Normally we ended up in my local bar but this night Dave told me he wanted to go to his favorite hangout. It was down in the Village and I didn't need to be told that it wasn't going to be like the place we usually went. We found two stools at the bar and got our beers and I looked around. This was obviously a gay bar. I wasn't surprised. Dave's inclination was no news to me. Dave asked if I was OK there and I...
This is a story continued from ‘DISCOVERING FAITH Ch. 1-12: Pt. 01. Please read that to understand the context and characters involved in this second installment. CHAPTER 13 – THE MOVIE BEGINS The following Monday, we all met at Gene’s to go over the production schedule. Glenn had arranged all of the locations and we would be shooting the offsite scenes first. Faith, being used to stage plays, was fascinated with the idea of filming out of sequence for later editing. The first week was used...