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The sound of the alarm clock reverberated in Nick’s mind. He groaned as he reached over and tapped the snooze. His eyes slowly opened and he found himself looking at the numbers on the clock. ‘Four in the morning,’ he said while letting out a yawn. Why in heavens name did he have to get up this early? Then he remembered he had an early appointment and struggled to pull himself from his bed. He walked, stumbled mostly to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. He splashed his face with water and looked at himself.

His silver blue eyes cast a hard gaze at his patrician facial features. His sandy blonde hair was messed up from tossing and turning all night in his pitiful attempt at sleep. He yawned once more and got in to the shower. The cold water attacked his skin like tiny icicles, but achieved the desired effect, he was wide awake now.

Minutes later he was in his kitchen sipping on his coffee while checking his appointment book on his laptop. He looked up at the clock and groaned. He grabbed his car keys, ready to start his day. Pushing the alarm button on his car, he had almost reached for the door when his cell phone rang. He frowned when he heard Mozart’s ‘Death Requiem’, the ringtone he had for the office.

‘Nikolai Stewart.’

He nodded to himself when he heard the raspy voice from the other line. At times he wondered if it would be possible to receive all his instructions through text just to avoid listening to his boss. ‘No chance,’ he thought, ‘It had taken a near miracle for the old man to upgrade to computers and cell phones.’

‘Right sir.’

‘Timothy Evans,’ He read from my palm pilot, ‘getting the information now.’

‘I am on my way.’ Nick said before realizing the connection had been cut.

Getting into his Ford Focus he got comfortable in his seat and was on his way.

Turning from MacArthur Drive he looked at the deserted city streets in the predawn hours. At least, he mused, this street has sidewalks. Orange was a great many things, he thought, a bustling metropolis, was not one of them. Three sets of lights later he was at his destination. He got out and gazed at McDonald’s. He merely shook his head. ‘Why does it always seem to be at McDonald’s?’

He looked up at the gray sky as if to look for guidance and walked in.

Once inside, Nick shuddered at the hospital like look of the restaurant. The grays and bright white gave it a waiting room look. Nick chuckled at the irony of a McDonald’s looking like a doctor’s waiting room. He glanced at the scoreboard looking menu above the front counter.

A disinterested teen looked made her way to the front register and gave nick a half smile. ‘Can I help you?’

Nick gave a lopsided smile and gave a quick glance at her name badge. ‘May I, Ladonna, May I.’

She frowned and said rudely, ‘You want something?’

Nick glanced at his cell phone and realized he did not have much time.

”Uh, coffee.”

‘You want regular or the McCafe?’ Ladonna said starring at her fingernails.


‘A dollar, eight.’ Ladonna said, reaching for the Styrofoam cup. He handed her the money and she placed the cup in front to him. He stared at her back as she turned to walk back to wherever she had come from.

‘Have a nice day.’ He said sarcastically. She turned around, gave him a rude look and mouthed, ‘Whatever.’

He made his way over to get his coffee when he saw his appointment walk in. Tim Evans, dressed in a business suit looked the part of the arrogant lawyer. Tim looked to be in his later forties, slightly balding with graying hair. His midsection had expanded, Nick surmised, by one too many visits to places like this and not enough visits to the gym. Still, Tim walked as if he were a god on earth. Nick slowly poured his coffee and waited.

Nick looked on with amusement as Tim went through the same quality service he did. Soon Tim made his way over to the coffee pot. Nick looked at the tray he was carrying, four sausage biscuits and two hash browns, not to mention the pile of jelly and butter. Nick just shook his head in wonder.

Tim beamed at Nick, ‘Morning Nick.’ He reached for the coffee pot, ‘I don’t usually see you here.’

Nick shrugged, ‘I’m meeting someone.’

Tim took a big gulp of his coffee and refilled it before turning to walk to sit down, Nick walked with him. In a far corner of the lobby, the two settled into opposite sides of a booth. Tim quickly unwrapped one of the biscuits and applied large doses of jelly and butter to it. He took a bite and made a happy groan.

‘This is the breakfast of champions.’ He said with a full mouth. He looked at nick, ‘You should get one.’

Nick made a face, ‘Coffee’s good. You seem to be in a good mood.’

Tim swallowed and reached for the coffee. ‘it is a very good day.’


‘It’s the first day of my new life.’ Tim said proudly. Nick smiled as Tim went on, ‘Divorce becomes final today. And today I make partner in the law firm.’

Nick nodded in approval. ‘Nice.’

Tim smiled bigger as he reached for another sausage biscuit. ‘And I have a date with the cute new secretary of mine. Dinner,’ he gave a lecherous smile as he took a bite, ‘and possibly breakfast too.’

Nick could think of nothing to say as he watched Tim devour his meal and talk, he heard his cell phone chime. Looking down, he noted that it was time. Tim looked over questioningly at Nick, ‘A call?’

Nick pushed a button and shook his head, ‘alarm.’

Tim reached for another biscuit, ‘Oh.’

Nick just shook his head, ‘I really wouldn’t if I were you.’

Tim shrugged and smiled, ‘need my energy.’

He took a huge bite and began to chew. His eyes bulged momentarily as he felt an intense pain in his chest. He looked over to Nick, concerned. Nick was just calmly looking back. Tim felt his eyes water as the pain intensified and then was gone as quickly as it came. He reached for his coffee, but it was gone. Surprised he looked down and noticed that the tray was gone as well. He looked up surprised and noticed that although Nick was still sitting across from him, they were in a booth on the other side of the lobby.

‘What-‘ he started to say before he noticed the commotion on the other side of the lobby. Where he could swear they were sitting just seconds ago. He looked hard at Nick with a questioning gaze. Nick merely shrugged, ‘I told you that you should have not had that last one.’

Tim shot up and walked over to the commotion. He saw that there were several EMTs huddled around someone. Funny, he thought he did not remember an ambulance pulling in, but, sure enough he looked up to see one with its lights on sitting in the parking lot. He edged closer.

He saw himself lying on the floor. He heard as the EMTs conversed to each other.

‘No pulse!’

‘Try again.’


Tim looked over and saw Nick still calmly sitting, sipping on his coffee.

He rushed over and looked at him, ‘Nick, what in god’s name is going on?’

Nick looked over at Tim, the corpse, then at the spirit.

‘You’re dead.’

Tim sank back into the chair in front of him, ‘But…’

Nick sat the cup down, ‘You just had a massive heart attack.’

Tim looked hard at him, ‘How come I can talk to you. How come you can see me?’ Tim stopped and looked at Nick, ‘Who or what are you?’

‘Nikolai Stewart.’ He replied, ‘we’ve know each other for years.’

Tim made an angry face, ‘I know that. What are you?’

Nick nodded, ‘Spiritual Collections.’

Tim looked at him, ‘what?’

Nick sighed, ‘This was getting old,’ he thought, ‘I can’t wait till the next team meeting. The new titles could use some work.’

He looked over at the EMTs as they hoisted Tim’s body onto a stretcher. He looked at Tim, ‘I am here to take your soul on to the afterlife.’

Nick s
hrugged, ‘I guess you could call me death.’

Tim made a shocked face and gave a nervous laugh. ‘You’re the Grim Reaper?’

Nick looked at his cell phone and glanced at the time. ‘Not ‘the’ Grim Reaper, but yes, we used to have the titles of reaper.’

‘Used to?’

Nick stood up, ‘I’ll explain in the car, we must be going.’

Tim looked at him, ‘So I’m going to hell?’

‘Not my department,’ Nick shot back, ‘but you aren’t going anywhere if we don’t hurry.’

‘I’m staying,’ Tim said, ‘I’m not ready to die.’

‘Too late.’ Nick said in a huff, ‘Look, if you don’t come with me, you’ll be trapped here haunting kid’s happy meals for eternity.’

Nick shot a look over to Ladonna who was talking on her cell phone, ‘Not that some people here couldn’t use a bit of a haunting.’

He looked back at Tim, ‘Let’s go.’

With a defeated look, Tim followed.

Tim looked at Nick’s Focus, ‘Boy not what I expected.’

‘And that is?’

Time shrugged, ‘A team of screaming horses with a headless driver?’ He looked over the roof of the small black Focus, ‘I don’t know, something a little more dramatic.’

Nick smiled, ‘It serves its purpose. Plenty of head room and space for multiple collections.’ Nick opened the door, ‘Besides, you ever try parking a horse drawn carriage? It does tend to stand out these days.’

Tim got in and looked over in amazement as Nick fastened his seat belt. He stifled a laugh as the car started up and they left unnoticed.

As they darted into traffic, Tim asked, ‘Collections?’

Nick rolled his eyes, ‘It all happened a few years ago.’

‘The bossman thought that the Death image was getting a bad rap with all the vampire and demon movies and stories coming.’ He remarked, ‘That and at times it was embarrassing to have spirits run and hide because of the black robes and the reaper.’

Nick sighed thinking back, ‘So it was decided to take on a more corporate style. A sort of restructuring if you will.’

‘So Death talked to the several powers that be.’

‘Powers that be?’ Tim asked, ‘you mean God and Satan, right?’

‘In part,’ Nick said, ‘There is also Allah, and Zeus and Odin just to name a few, and of course Hades.’

Tim looked confused, Nick answered, ‘Not everyone has the same afterlife.’

Nick continued, ‘Anyway, there was a sort of merger of certain duties, downsizing and restructuring.’

Nick let out a painful groan, ‘And of course all of the ‘Team’ building meetings and seminars. I think Satan and Hades went nuts with the number of lawyers and corporate people they loaned Death for the task.’

The car came to a red light, ‘Anyway that is how it worked.’ The car accelerated when the light turned green. ‘And with new duties came new titles. Reapers become Collection Specialists. Saint Peter outsourced and we then had Transit Associates to look over your records and make sure you went to the right afterlife.’

He turned down Green Avenue and headed to an older part of downtown. ‘And that is where we are headed.’

Tim shook his head, ‘But how come I know you?’

Nick smiled, ‘There is no way Death could collect all the spirits at once. Too big a job. So there are regions. I am responsible for the Greater Orange Area. If you were supposed to die, say north of Interstate Ten, then Bob would have collected you.’


‘You know, Bob Slidell.’ Nick answered, ‘You golf with him on weekends at the country club.’

‘How come we can see you?’

‘Along time ago it was decided that a friendly face helped our job.’ Nick shrugged as the car stopped, he turned on his turn signal, waiting for a chance to turn. ‘By being neighbors and friends, you aren’t as reluctant or scared to pass over. Think of us as insurance adjustors after a hurricane.’

He said with a sarcastic smile, ‘You’re in good hands.’

The car turned down a vacated street and stopped in front of an old brick building. Tim looked out at it. ‘But this is a vacant lot.’ He looked back at Nick, ‘At least it was yesterday.’

Nick looked over at him, ‘It is vacant if you are alive.’

The passenger door opened. Nick motioned for Tim to get out. ‘Here’s your stop. Through those doors and they’ll get you taken care of. You may recognize the Transit associate, she’s your old secretary. Sally.’

Tim gasped, ‘Sally was murdered years ago.’

Nick smiled, ‘I know her jealous husband killed her because she was having an affair. Then he shot himself. I understand that even in death he swears he will get the bastard who she was sleeping with’

Tim paled and looked back at Nick. Nick gave an annoyed look, ‘Oh yeah, I almost forgot. ‘

Nick made a bored face and in monotone voice remarked, ‘We know that you have many choices for your soul collection. We thank you for choosing Death Incorporated.’

With that the door closed and Nick drove off. He picked up his cell.

‘Sally, you have a drop off. You’ll love this one’

‘Okay, I am on my way for my next appointment.’

He sighed, ‘It’s gonna be a long day.’

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In our house, my husband usually got up earlier than Jason or me, although he often woke me up with his morning wood sliding in and out of my pussy….eventually blasting a load of cum inside me before jumping in the shower to get ready for work. Then I’d get up, throw a robe over my naked body, and fix him breakfast before he left. Sometimes he’d open my robe at the front door and squeeze my big tits and finger my pussy for a quick minute or two before heading out to his car and driving into...

3 years ago
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The Vampires KissChapter 12 Wanton Sin

Jezebel groaned in delight as her enemy, her hated foe, pleasured her cunt. The demon gloated in the depths of the priest's soul. He howled in agony as he was changed, transformed by the demon's domination over an angel. Even an angel as corrupted as Aurora had become still held a tenuous connection to Heaven. The succubus's red wings spread wide in Father Augustine's soul. The angel and demon were both inside the priest, possessing him at the same time. Aurora had entered to do battle...

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Jennifers Obsession Andrews Home

Anthony waved as he, and a rather upset Dave, headed up the garden. Jennifer closed the door on them and headed straight for the sixteenth Century bureau that sat against the wall to the right of the fireplace. She lifted its partially open cover and removed a cassette from a camcorder that had been sitting within. ‘Wait till you see what I’ve been up to, you bastard!’ she said to herself, her pleasure quickly giving way to anger. She made her way over to the sofa and flopped onto it, holding...

4 years ago
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My captured momPart two

Part two.The third video was posted on the blog two days later..Like usual it started with a still pic of my barenaked mother in handcuffs, fearfully looking in the camera, but always with a cramped “smile” on her face, like she was proud to be shown naked and totally disgraced to the whole world.....I on the other hand knew her better than anybody, and I could see that she was much closer to crying than to laughing...This was on the screen for a few minutes, probably to give the thousands of...

2 years ago
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DeborahChapter 39

Over lunch Richard suggested that Sharon might like to walk the dogs with them and then that they would all go and pick up the girls. This would allow everyone to meet. Deborah and Sharon both thought that a great idea and they all duly walked the dogs. Richard was teased throughout but it was gentle and loving and there was lots of laughter. The dogs behaved and they were able to leave for the school on time. For Annette the meeting was normal but Louise was completely disconcerted to see...

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The Interview

Brendan sat nervously in the waiting room. He wasn’t looking forward to the interview. He had never been any good at them. He fidgeted in his seat and played with the locks of the briefcase he’d brought with him. He jumped a mile when one of the latches suddenly sprang open. Closing it quickly he looked round the room to see if anyone had noticed then realised he was the only one there. The door of the interview room opened and a young man came out. His hair was mussed up, his glasses were...

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Sexz on the Farm part 4

Just before Halloween, Hippie Girl decided I needed to have sex with other people to broaden my sexual perspective. The two of us had been going strong in bed for several months. I learned later that she just wanted to seduce a new girl in school and didn’t want me to be jealous. So she linked me to Brenada, a tall, brunette with beautiful brown eyes, a fantastic ass, and perfectly shaped 36 C boobs. Brenda looked a lot older than a fifteen year old but she wasn’t. It all began in...

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Sex With Kunal

My name is Aditi Sharma and I am from Delhi India and I am newly starting sharing my personal life on this site.I am 25 years and married heaving two small kids,I got married when I was 21 years.My husband lives out of India (Singapore) and comes home once in a month or more for a week or 10 days.He runs his business in Singapore and I stay here in India because of my father in law who is old in his 60’s and dont want to leave India,I dont have my mother in law.So at my home I live with my...

3 years ago
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A Mixing of Colors Part 1

It had been almost two years since my ex-husband announced he wanted a divorce. His announcement was a shock to say the least and his admission that he was moving in with his secretary was a punch in the gut. Before that day I thought I was living a happy, almost perfect life. I was married to a successful businessman, we had two wonderful, healthy youngsters and I was content with being a stay-at-home mother & his trophy wife. Although I am in my early 40’s, I am still considered very...

4 years ago
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My First Encounter With Neighbor Aunty

Hello, guys, this is my first sex story on Indian Sex Stories45. Let me introduce myself I am a 25-year-old boy with normal Physique and with dick size of 7 inches from Bangalore. This is the true story which happened last month, this is one of the best experience in my life. If any older woman from Bangalore is looking for some fun you can reach me at “ ” This happened during the month of March.So I am basically working as software engineer in one of the top company in Bangalore. So anyways...

4 years ago
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Moms Not Alone Anymore 1

I sucked my gut in as I felt about ready to blow. I always felt rushed masturbating like this. Some guys have the freedom of isolation. To be alone all day and jerk the night away if they want. Not me. "Uggh," I grunted, barely audible. Just then, I heard the doorknob rattle. "I'm in here!" I shouted out to whoever it was. Good thing I'd locked the door, otherwise they'd have caught me jacking off for sure. But then the door swung open. Open! Oh, shit! I tried stuffing my erection in...

3 years ago
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The Urologist SexExamine

I turned 68 in December and retired. As many guys at my age we need to visit the Urologist on a regular basis; I started 3 years ago when my PSA became elevated. So every April and October I go to the office and get “examined”. It doesn’t happen every time but more than a few of us can get erections from the stimulation of the prostate exam. Fortunately it didn’t happen to me with the male Dr. but the last visit was with his PA, a 30 something beauty. She was very...

1 year ago
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A Most Unusual HauntingChapter 2

Beth was looking at him wide-eyed and paler than usual. "Are you OK?" she asked timidly. Bob placed his hands together in front of him, palms touching and the fingers pointing up. He took a few deep cleansing breaths. Then he relaxed and smiled at Beth, patting her on the arm. "I'll be fine Sweetheart." he assured her. "My ex always affects me like that these days." Bob shook his head. "I can't believe that I was actually married to that shrew." "Did you mean what you told her...

2 years ago
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Using My best friends sister

Leah was 18, and only barely. She was just beginning her senior year of high school and was already accepted to college in a great school a few states over. But she always begged Laura to come up to our college so she could get her first taste of partying. I would see the stress it would always cause Laura, because deep down she knew that Leah was looking for "boys" or more importantly, to show off her ungodly figure. Leah was taller than Laura, by about 5 inches or so and she always got...

1 year ago
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Frat House Slut

Frat House Slut Chapter 1 - Taylor Susie had a problem. Her friend Kara had invited her to a fraternity party that evening but she had other duties that evening. Susie was a 21 year old college junior and was tasked with babysitting her 19 year old stepbrother Taylor. While 19 year olds normally didn't need a babysitter, Taylor had been pulled over the prior week for drunk driving and had only been allowed to leave the house for events approved by his mother, Corey, or stepfather,...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 23 and Ends It

Gretchen led Nina to the middle of the floor, and had her stand with her legs spread and her arms behind her neck. She was a beautiful sight, with her heels and stockings accenting her legs, and the sheen of the oil drawing attention to the rest of her magnificent body. One of the other slaves stepped up and handed Gretchen a crop, which Gretchen slapped against her own thigh to draw the attention of the women in the room. A circle of naked women soon stood around them, and Gretchen prepared...

4 years ago
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I Will Take Care of YouChapter 3

No Pain, No Gain September 12, 1976 Stephenville Texas Cindy hates me. I continued to run despite my lungs burning. My tormentor, er, I mean my “personal trainer,” planned an aggressive fitness plan this morning to include sprinting alternating with body weight strength training. I felt like I was going to die. My only hope was that we had class this morning, so the torture would eventually end. I hate when I whine like that. Of course I survived. And, after a quick shower, Cindy gave me a...

1 year ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 4

A few minutes later, the chiming of church bells outside in the warm summer night and a crash of glass followed by a curse from the kitchen echoed in Jill's befogged brain as she struggled to regain some semblance of consciousness. The drugged young graduate student moaned softly, not quite able to comprehend where she was. Part of her mind told her that she was in her parent's white frame New England home, lying on the narrow patchwork-quilt-covered bed in her own bedroom, but another...

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Leftovers A Bulls Story First time cuc

This was written up a few years ago by a lover of mine. It sits somewhere in the the middle of fact and fiction (my husband is a perfectly good lover) but it does capture several good memories that we all have. The original author eventually moved out of state, got married and his wife has no idea how kinky he can be...If you like my stories, please subscribe, follow and send a friend request!K----->MWhen I met Kathleen she was as hot as the sun and exuded sex without even trying. Her...

4 years ago
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Naked Wet Daughter Part 5

The next afternoon, Fran and her older son, Greg, were out alone by their swimming pool. The beautiful woman was lying on a lounge chair admiring Greg as he swam laps, his muscular arms rippling beneath his deep tan. When the young boy climbed out of the pool, he stood over his mother, grinning down at her. Fran's eyes moved to his crotch and locked there, her cunt beginning to drool as she saw his cock grow hard beneath his bikini briefs; "Wanna suck my cock, Mom?" Greg asked...

3 years ago
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Back to Life Ch 04

Karen listened abstractedly to Jannie’s ramblings on about the people who had been such lively company at the party, hearing with only half an ear the things she said about them. She must have hidden her distraction well, because Jannie kept right on talking until her husband came in with Peter. She broke off in mid-sentence to accept the kiss Duncan planted on her, while Peter looked at Karen unblinkingly. ‘I was just telling Karen about the walking marathon we did last year with Jack and the...

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my sistersex slave emily

Yesterday afternoon I went to my sister Emily's house to keep her company since her husband is out of town on business for the week. We decided to have dinner around eight o'clock. After dinner Emily said she was going to take a shower and for me to pick out a movie for us to watch when she finished. So while she was in the shower I went into her bedroom and put on a hardcore porn movie that I had brought with me then called my friends and told them to come over my sister's house to help me...

1 year ago
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BraceFaced Katya Rodriguez Veronica Vega Loosening The Latch

Veronica Vega and Katya rodriguez are not too thrilled about their braces. How are they going to be able to kiss boys? Instead of waiting to find out they decided it would be best to practice on each other first, just in case anything bad happened. Sure enough just as their lips locked, so did their metal brackets! These girls got their braces stuck together. They started thinking they were stuck forever, until their pervy stepbrother showed up and agreed to help them get unstuck. He used his...

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Introduced to a new friend

After we had fucked Julie, we didn’t get together with her again for weeks. In the meantime my wife whom I shall call Sherry from now on, was still on the prowl. Sherry had not been very successful in finding anyone of interest until we were at the club and Harvey showed up and had a friend with him. They joined us at our table and Harvey introduced us to Jake. Jake stood about 6′ or so, and of course fit and trim and looked ‘inspection ready’ with a shaved head. Very handsome with large guns...

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The Maintenance Man Another Repair Book 2Chapter 3

Mark docked the shuttle as fast as he could. He'd been taking readings all the way back to King Rufus's planet. It had only been 5 days since he'd talked and given the plans to the leader of the Imperial Space fleet. If he'd listened to Mark, then the first ships should be there soon. Mark was just praying that the Styrox delayed a little longer. From everything that Mark had seen and read after talking to the fleet leader it wouldn't be much longer now before they attacked. Going over...

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