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Up there in the Top Ten of the greatest rubrics ever is, ‘Get a College Degree and BIG earnings will follow’.

Yeah, right.

Blonde and blessed with a willowy figure now all the rage although unfortunately hiring bosses still looked for applicants with big breasts, er when hiring females, Willow Wright was not altogether bright but had struggled through to possess a good college degree. She also possessed the despondency associated with twenty-seven unsuccessful job application interviews. She still worked morning shift in a Diner in the poorer end of Main Street, a position she’d held since her sophomore year.

Willow had been told the degree-big income slogan cranked out by well-meaning parents and high school advisors, well-paid to avoid prevent colleges suffering a drought of new registrations, was bullshit but ignored that comment as being ‘negative’, uttered by people bitter they didn’t possess a degree, er like her mom.

Willow’s maternal grandfather had been a Government-employed nuclear physicist but when the Cold War became a memory the Government realized it were over-manned so paid off heaps of NP’s. Willow’s mom was four at the time and never saw her father work again because he invested in his friend’s struggling vehicle dealership that grew into the biggest vehicle seller in the city. All granddad was required to do was to go to meetings as an outside director.

His daughter Nancy, Willow’s mom, cried when she was told she couldn’t go to college because her bitter father railed ‘Degrees are bullshit’. The tearful Nancy fled the house and that night ended up in the backseat of Dick Joseph’s jalopy. Richard’s father operated a homemade pies business.

Graduating from high school, Nancy began selling pies in Jo Joseph’s shop, allowing his wife to retired to relieve her legs ruined by standing behind the counter all day on a concrete floor. Nancy’s mother visited her daughter in a successful attempt at reconciliation after the fallout over not being allowed to go to college. Nancy decided to keep on selling pies and her mother saved her daughter’s legs being ruined by insisting Joe lay down rubber matting. Joe secured sufficient rubber carpet underlay in exchange for two dozen pies.

Joe’s son didn’t have a degree either and used to get beaten up almost daily by his dad for being too slow at making pies. That stopped during a bashing frenzy when Nancy dropped Joe with a rolling pin.

Joe never hit his son again. He’d just rant, ‘You useless bastard.’

That stopped when Nancy told Dick’s mother that Joe was calling her son a bastard. Nobody was quite sure what happened but Nancy called Joe to the house and a few minutes later she called an ambulance. Joe was released from hospital two days later and walked on crutches. Although his legs appeared okay he walked very stiffly and painfully.

These days Dick and Nancy, as owner-operators of the Joe’s Pies Franchise, are very wealthy and neither work.

Despite that background and her paternal grandfather saying he got an education degree to go teaching but that was during an oversupply of teachers in the city those days and he refused to go out to a backwater to teach. He took up a position as internal security guard and today is that bank’s long-serving president. His present wife is his fifth and as far as Willow was aware none of them had degrees and all married wealthy men.

Willow left college with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and was told by the first seven job interviewers to reapply when she’d gained experience.

‘But how can I gain experience if I can’t get a job.’

The recruiters all said the same thing: ‘That’s your problem.’

Willow thought sourly that was a spike career advisors had forgot to mention.

In her final year at college she’d worked for one company and had asked about employment prospects but her big-breasted supervisor had shaken her head sadly and said, ‘Sorry darling you were assigned here by college placement. If you came to work here you’d be unsuccessful because you don’t have big breasts/’

‘What? But I’d have a college degree.’

‘That’s a piece of paper dear. The guys who run this business like seeing recruitment potential in breast flesh.’

‘Breast flesh. So it’s no use wearing rubber inserts for the interview?’

‘Darling when discovered, as surely it would, you’d be fired instantly.’

Willow told her mom about that discussion.

‘Ah darling, you are learning what scrum men are.’

‘Well what can I do?’

‘You must have plenty of sex plus go on the pill and that could enlarge your breasts and you should eat more.’

‘But I don’t want to go on the pill and I don’t want to eat more.’

Her mom suggested Willow should seek counseling but dropped that idea when sighting her daughter’s bared teeth and dark scowl.

‘Well look around for a guy with rich parents and then check if his mother and grandmothers are divorcees.’


‘It increase your chances of having the son keep you on after marriage because the family is without a divorce tradition.’

‘But mom I only want sex with a guy I love. There can be no other consideration.’

Her mom sighed and suggested taking Willow to Italy and Spain where she was bound to meet sexy men.

‘You mean as gallery attendants?’

Her mom sighed.

Willow gained practical business experience by finishing her shift at 2:00 and then working till 7:00 in the accounting department of the city’s biggest department store, attached to the credit section. If she needed a way to kill her social life then working those long hours was it.

After two years of that grind she applied for more jobs and like parrots trained by the same trainer the recruiters all said, ‘You need a higher degree.’

So Willow returned to college to complete a master’s, went on to the pill and enjoyed having sex without worry and at least twice a week measured her breasts and over time with satisfaction noted some gain. The increased sexual activity also made her hungry and she became aware she was eating more.

Willow went on a diet and to her relief regained her willowy figure but lost very little up top.

Armed with her masters in business administration and an improved record of work experience, Willow was shocked when the first HR manager who interviewed her asked was she gay.

‘You are not permitted to ask me that.’

‘Oh a closet gay?’

‘No I am not.’

‘Look meet me outside after work this evening and come home with me and I’ll complete this interview.’

Willow slapped the women and left. Fortunately no one from security came running after her and she couldn’t hear police sirens when hitting the street.

Some of Willow’s girlfriends were introducing her to guys looking for females to seduce but none of the girlfriends introduced her to fathers who had a job for some like Willow. It was so unfair. Anyone can find a guy to fuck but try finding your first real job is heaps more troublesome. Her parents sat her down and offered to set up her own pie franchise valued at $140,000 in start-up mode plus they would pay the first year’s rental of premises.

Willow poured them more wine. ‘Mom, dad this is tremendously generous of you but you darlings know I don’t like pies and am apathetic toward most foods but of course not raw fruit, some naturally dried fruits and nuts. Thank you though. That was your best effort to date and I’m very proud of you.’

In despair Willow went to Professor Able at college, and after sex in his office, she talked to him about her stalled career and asked about work at the college.

‘You’d need a doctorate to begin as a junior lecturer and probably being gay or at least bi would help. Unfortunately I’d think you would struggle with higher studies. Of course there is the library or perhaps a position in college administ
ration, starting as a senior clerk.’

‘Goodbye Prof Able.’

Coming out of a failed job interview at a company that marketed varieties of imported nuts, who admitted their advertisement should have stated the position was for a marketing person, not an admin person, Willow crossed the street and entered a well-lit bar. A guy two seats down asked for another beer and turning to her said, ‘You appear hacked off. Another bad day?’

‘I don’t fuck.’

He grinned and said, ‘Sara asked the lady what she drinks and I’ll pay.’

‘Rum and coke please,’ Willow said. When she received the drink she raised her glass to the guy and he saluted her. She patted the seat beside her and for a moment or two she thought he’d remain stationary.

But he sighed and shifted over to her and said, ‘Look don’t take this personally but I have no money to fuck bargirls.’

She grinned and said join the club and almost fell off her barstool laughing when the guy said, ‘What you fuck bargirls?’

‘No you idiot, I’m also short of money. I’m trying to get a job.’

‘Me too, a well paying one.’

‘Do you have a degree?’

He said sure, a master’s in computer science.

‘That’s odd,’ she said, ‘but weren’t you assured a good degree would get you a job and BIG money.’

‘Yeah but that’s bullshit isn’t it?’

‘Are you sure you should use such a word to a lady?’

He was apologetic and didn’t even look if he doubted her claim.

‘Thank you for apologizing as a gentleman.’


Getting over that apparent misunderstanding about whether or not he was a gentleman, the guy introduced himself as Harrison Tyler and Willow introduced herself.

They talked about their job search endeavors. Willow told him apparently to get a job she was supposed to possess a higher degree than she possessed and to have big tits.


He listened to what she said and then revealed he’d never heard of women required to have big tits to get a job.

‘But what you said about the need for a higher degree is probably bullshit in most instances. It’s an easy way to get rid of you without running into legal complications.’

‘Like what?’

‘Asking if you are gay.’

Willow said she understood that and Harrison said he’d found some people changed the specs at interview time and would say the company was wishing to hire a black and he’d bet if the applicant was black they’d say, well, he didn’t have the experience required.

‘Yes, it’s all bullshit, isn’t it?’

‘You use that word?’

‘What bullshit? Yeah all the time and I use the word fuck to avoid confusion as people wallow in the phrase ‘making love’ and pontificate with the words intercourse or sexual relations although one rarely hears those last two these days. The term having sex is far more common than it used to be but if you are not having regular sex that’s not a term one would be enthusiastic about using.’

‘Are you enthusiastic about having sex?’

Willow looked at the guy and thought why not? So she said, ‘I might be if you mean with you.’

‘How much?’

She shrieked, grabbed her handbag off the bar top, slammed him with it and walked out.

Harrison came running after her holding his forehead.

‘Willow stop, please stop.’


‘I wasn’t to know you weren’t a bar whore. They lie that they aren’t and that can be really confusing for a guy. You pay to fuck me.’


‘I’m only trying to be fair.’

She giggled and they both relaxed and crossed the street to have coffee.

‘Have you ever paid for it?’

He nodded and said a few times.

‘None that I’ve had were as good as enthusiastic amateurs possessing knowledge about how things work.’

‘That’s interesting.’

‘I bet. Given you a tip about how to earn money, have I?’

Willow smiled and complimented him for being very brave.

‘You are thinking of rising to the challenge so I know I was safe.’

They entered the coffee bar.

‘I expect you to rise to the challenge to hear from me how good you were.’

Willow giggled and began thinking about having sex within the next hour or so.

Over coffee Harrison told her about his paternal grandfather who’d joined the navy ‘to see the world’ as the recruitment poster said. After initial training with only a couple of short spells in a training boat he was assigned to a base facility and never set foot at sea again in the next thirty-seven years till he retired.

‘Oh how sad.’

‘Yeah, he’d wanted to be a coxswain.’

Willow said, ‘What’s that?’


‘Perhaps it was the guy who attended to navy female sailors.’

‘Yeah, knowing my grandfather that probably was his preference and the reason why they kept him ashore where they could keep an eye on him.’

Harrison said his brother and sister had it made.

‘My sister married an older guy who was interested in her rather and her degree. She’s on a weekly allowance of fifteen hundred bucks. My brother’s income varies a bit but averages, so he claims, at about nine grand a month. He didn’t bother trying to get a college degree.’

‘Oh what does he do?’

‘Steals cars to order for a gang. He only works nights and then usually no more than ten to twelve hours a week.’

‘God and he makes all that money and is without advanced educational qualifications. I bet his career advisors at school told him about getting a degree rather than how to make money like stealing cars. The system is really skewed, isn’t it?’

‘Yeah. I reckon it’s all bullshit. On the other hand my parents don’t possess degrees and earn chicken shit. Mom works in the accounts section at a hospital and dad is a supervisor in a warehouse. They are paying off debt accrued in putting we kids through college. My brother and sister have paid them lump sums and I will when I’m making good money. Look can we go somewhere? I’m feeling horny’

‘My too. I have some money. We can book short term into a hotel.’

‘Save your money. My grandparents have a garden shed. We can sneak into there without them noticing but can you stomach spiders and rats?’

‘Will I get fucked?’

‘Of course.’

‘Then no problem.’

Harrison grinned and said, ‘What I like about you Willow is you’re straight up. There’s no bullshit.’

That’s why Willow liked about Harrison: No bullshit.

‘Sorry about my tits,’ Willow said and Harrison said they were quite okay and the two were almost a handful, the point was her nipples were normal size.

‘Jesus you’re tight,’ Harrison groaned and then wailed, ‘Of fuck, I’ve shot my load and we haven’t got started.’

‘It doesn’t matter. Keep going, remember there are two of us involved here.’

‘Yes, am I’m so embarrassed. Usually I require a fifteen to thirty minute recess.’

Willow sucked a finger and placed her arm over Harrison’s flank.

‘Jesus,’ he yelled.’

Willow grinned and her embarrassed seducer was all smiles and preparing to slam into her, full throttle.

Harrison didn’t tell Willow how she rated in his book and she didn’t ask. The big smile glued to her face told her what she wanted to know.

They agreed to knock around together and to try the stimulate each other to find a job. Like Willow who still worked at the diner from 6:00 to 2:00 Harrison was working similar hours for his uncle, delivering delicatessen lines to small businesses, but only on weekdays. Willow worked one in four weekends.

They had dinner out with Uncle Rufus and Aunt Rebecca and they clearly gave Willow the impression they liked her so it came as not surprise when they offered the young couple use of their cabin in the mountains.

Up in the mountains they fished at the nearby lake, sated themselves in sex, read, talked and hiked and had a really good time, a
productive time actually. They returned home with a plan to start up a business together.

In the drive back to the city in one of his uncle’s ten delivery vans Harrison said, ‘I am sure I can borrow ten grand from my aunt and uncle to help get us started. What about you?’

‘Well there would be no problem with them lending money to me but they don’t know you and might be nervous that you are unemployed/ I need you to meet them and it will be best I call our computer specialist and my deputy. Is that okay?’

‘Yeah so how do we operate on that basis?’

‘We both take a small and equal salary until we have paid back fully both loans and then we operate prudently, boosting our salaries out of profits and reducing that supplementary boost whenever we experience a drop in business.’

‘Sounds good to me. But what about if we go bust?’

‘We will not plan to go bust but if we do bomb out if there’s any money left we divide it equally between our two backers.’

‘Is that fair?’

‘No but it’s how we’ll do it.’

Rufus and Rebecca heard the young couple out and Rufus said it appeared to be a sound business plan with some hope of filling a gap. Rebecca nodded and said, ‘How much do you wish to borrow from us?’

Harrison swallowed, ‘Twenty grand.’

‘Is that enough?’

‘That is ample thank you Mrs Milton.’

‘Please call me Rebecca darling.’

As they walked to the intersection where they would part to walk to their respective homes, Harrison said he was astonished how they got the loan so easily.

‘Your aunt and uncle are without children and they like you and accept your parents could not afford to finance us. We also gave them confidence with our presentation. Rebecca has a two-year online degree in finance so knew she wasn’t reading bullshit when she read our business plan.’

Willow took Harrison home on Wednesday night to meet her parents. Harrison was wearing one of his dad’s suits and Willow was sure he impressed her parents. That was confirmed when he was leaving when her mom invited him to lunch on Sunday, her mom unaware Willow had intended asking her later to do that because the plan was to talk business on their second meeting.

Harrison took Willow to his grandparents’ garden shed after that Sunday lunch still astonished Willow had asked her mom to back her to set up a small business. Her mom heard details and thought that could work provided money was spent generously to promote it. Her mom said it gave her confidence that Harrison would be in the business with Willow as her assistant.

‘Well how much do you want?’

‘Forty grand thanks mom.’

‘Very well. Come back if you require more.’

Willow’s father pouring them more wine said, ‘We’ll pay your premise leasing costs and deposit and your first month’s rent.’

Willow kissed them both and winked at the half-stunned Harrison.

After Willow’s screams when climaxing had sent rats off to neighboring properties and the spiders scuttling to dark corners, Willow lay back against Harrison on the old naval blanket and he said, ‘Your parent’s must be loaded with that flash house and fancy cars and yet you practically have no money and no car. Couldn’t you ask them to buy you a car and pay its upkeep?’

‘Why should I do that? They don’t expect me to live off them and apart from free living at home including meals I expect nothing more.’

Willow then told them about the history of Joe’s Pies and how her mother became involved.

‘Jesus, what a success story and yet your folk are so unpretentious. They are probably worth millions.’

‘No doubt they are but they don’t flaunt their wealth apart this house and their cars and they only flaunt in those instances because their clients expect them to look successful. They have a cabin at a lake that’s not much different to your aunt and uncle’s cabin. They take no one there so have no one that needs to be impressed.’

‘So there’s not bullshit about your parents.’



The next day the couple went into in a less affluent part of the central business district.

Willow smiled and said confidently, ‘Here we are, the premises I think we should lease.’

‘But this is not a slick building and the space for rent is three levels up.’

‘Yes and it’s all about no bullshit. How many people will come in to engage us on spec?’

‘Er none, they will only come in to sign on. All the preliminary stuff will be done on the phone and the Internet. That is stated in our business plan.’

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CherryPimps Ember Snow Ready To Fuck Now

You just can not keep a girl like Ember Snow waiting. Sometimes she has to take things into her own hands and in this case it is Donnie Rock’s cock! She strokes his shaft slowly up and down feeling it get harder and harder. She wants it so badly in her tight little pussy but Donnie wants to get his tongue circling around that hard little clit before giving her every inch of that cock! She begs for more and gets on topping riding it down until she feels him ready to explode and takes it...

2 years ago
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Milking ItChapter 7

At sunrise Buttercup and Belle sit side by side on the mossy bank of the lake together, naked with their shoulders touching and their eyes drifting from the beautiful setting to each other. Never in the history of love and lust has any pair been more perfectly fit for one another. They are insatiable for each other, and as deeply in love as any two souls can be. “You two aren’t exactly easy to track down,” Josie says with a motherly tone as she walks up on the basking pair, her big beautiful...

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The first time I was fucked

This is a follow-up to my first two stories. Please check them out if you want to read about my prior adventures. After my encounter with Devontae, all I wanted to do was go deeper into the rabbit hole. While the hook-up with Devontae did not go perfectly (he never orgasmed), I was incredibly aroused having now sucked two different cocks and rimmed my first asshole. As I mentioned previously, I no longer had any interest in practicing with my toys. Now that I sampled the real thing, I had no...

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Punished Secretary

DeAngelo pinned my hands above my head and pushed his hips deeper between my legs. I looked down between my jiggling tits and watched his fat, black cock sliding in and out of my swollen, wet pussy. His deep, unrelenting thrusts hurled me into another mind-blowing orgasm. I cried out his name in heavenly fury as orgasmic waves drowned me in a euphoric oasis.As my body trembled harder, he ran his right hand down my arm and torso and grabbed my hip. I felt his body tensing, and as his balls...

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Tricked into wearing a dress pt2

'She's fantastic,' Tina smiled enthusiastically, 'devastatingly attractive.''Maybe but doesn't he look a complete sissy?' adds Julia.'Precisely and I do believe,' Mary says triumphantly, 'our new girl enjoys being a sissy.'The girls all nod and the room is filled with dramatic oohs and arhs as they point out favourite bits to each other. Tina loved my hair, Julia my legs, Jill my tits and Mary my dress. Me I loved everything. Even my old bubble-gum pink bike, my initial source of ridicule had...

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This is an addition to my story

Heather collapsed in the kitchen chair and I was making my way out, when Samantha took my arm, “You know if mom hadn’t come home I would have been fucking Peter by now” I wondered why she was telling me this, up until now we hadn’t really talked much, she was in the year above my son so we only had chatted at PTA events. I looked at her wondering what was coming next, I didn’t have long to wait, “I’m so frustrated I need to get a stiff cock up my pussy before I go crazy” I was now thinking...

4 years ago
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Kara wird geschwngert

Es war eine gute Sache mein Ehemann mochte Bräunungsstreifen. Ich liebte es ein Sonnenbad zu nehmen, aber ich konnte meinen Bikini vor dem Sohn unserer Nachbarn kaum ausziehen. Während ich mich sonnte, drehte Nicki den Rasenmäher herum und riskierte einen flüchtigen Blick auf seinen festen Hintern. Ich registrierte, dass sein Körper anfing sich zu entwickeln und bewunderte seinen athletischen Bau. Er war ziemlich groß. Leicht drehte er sich wieder in Richtung zu mir, und seine Frontseite kam in...

2 years ago
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GayMaker topping a Straight Man

Now let's get something straight (pardon the pun). I love girls. I love looking at them; I love their lips wrapped around my cock; and I love the feeling of my cock buried deep in their tight pussies or round asses. But I still get a major thrill from taking a straight man and making him a cocksucking faggot and bottom loving homo. Philosophically, I am not gay. I have never sucked a cock or taken a cock in my ass...although I have fucked many, many men. My cock doesn't see a distinction...

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Asian Whore in Live Sex Show with Animals1

I’m standing in the middle of the room with the light directly above me. There’s a room full of men sitting on chairs watching me undress. I wear my long sleek black hair down and it contrasts against my milky white skin. I have red lipstick on and nothing else. As I sit on top of the mattress laid out at the front of the room, I caress my naked body looking at the group of men in front of me, the anticipation increases my arousal. The heat rises between my legs. I start to pinch at my...

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Horny Divorced Aunty

Hi ISS readers. My name is Aghil, aged 21 from south India. Any south Indian woman who needs a better sex life and a secret sex partner can contact me at Now coming to the story. It was at the age of 19, when I completely my 12th class exams and was waiting for the result. I started developing sexual feelings for her. Her name is Indhu, a divorcee living in our neighborhood. She was in her early 30s. She was friendly with my mom, so visits my home at most of the times. She was white in...

4 years ago
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Bath House Visit PT2 Gay

As I grabbed my towel and headed toward the shower room I decided not to wipe the cum off my face. I walked over slowly with a towel thrown over my shoulder, cum still all over my face and a hard cock. I managed to turn some heads on my walk of shame or walk of pride. I rinsed off my body quickly and chose to explore the glory hole area. My cock was aching for some relief. The glory hole area had a raised platform with several large holes. About half of them were enclosed in cubicles with...

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Nicoles Christmas Tree

Nicole's Christmas Tree. Belle and Bobbie help stop a family feud in time for Christmas as Nicole deals with her brother Larry in manner he will long remember. Bobbie and I were delivering boxes of Christmas Cheer to some of the families in the Salem area when Bobbie noticed one address standing out. It was the last box and I had to get back to the Ye Old Irish Inn for Wild Bill's Christmas Bash. Nicole Sargenta (Not the real last name. I changed it to protect the family) who...

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Six Times A DayPart 57 Kiss

Susan was supposed to take it easy until the psychologist's appointment Friday afternoon. When she woke up, she had a mental and physical hangover from the strip poker game the night before, as well as a new attack of guilt. While she went through her morning rituals, she thought, I'm so hopeless! I don't know why Tiger insists I'm not his slut, because I have no self control whatsoever. I need to show him that I can be a responsible parent. I said all kinds of crazy things last night....

2 years ago
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Meister T Hillas Klit Piercing

Meister – T – http://xhamster.com/users/meister-tErziehungsplattform Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und MannAus dem Leben eines Meisters.Hilla - und das Klit Piercing - Informationen und Möglichkeiten der weiblichen "Formung" und "Intimveredelung"Zur den schönen und angenehmen Aufgaben eines Meisters gehört es, bei der "MuMu Veredelung" behilflich sein zu können. Merke: "Der Meister ist "ausgebildet" und kann das! - "Das ist eine "Sache" nur für "Profis"! , und- Folgende "Hinweise" stellen...

4 years ago
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BernieChapter 8

Bernie stepped over to Jackie and leaned on the bales next to her. "See" he said "You can and you did!" he looked down at her with a leer, perused her firm thick body, down to her navel, her belly swollen with equine cock. He groaned as he looked at her raped and ravaged twat, with that mighty black shaft forcing her poor stretched lips wide. "Told you it would be worth it" he purred, "you wanted to cum didn't you" Jackie lay there panting. "Oh Bernie" she said "I cum so hard...

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My Naughty Stepfather

Quickly knotting a towel around my torso, I hurriedly ran, annoyed that someone's calling before I got the chance to dry myself off. The phone rang shrilly and incessantly in theliving room, making me hurry up even more. Once in the living room, only clad in a bath towel that concealed little, I'm thankful that I'm home alone. Gripping the hastily-tied knot in front of my chest, I regret the fact that I didn’t wear a bathrobe instead, seeing as how the towel barely touched my thighs, and it...

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The Witchfinders Tale

THE WITCHFINDER'S TALE By Dr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DIn the garden of the cottage, as the birds sung in the trees and the summer morning warmed the soil, the young girl sat on the grass and looked again at the baby son who slept in her arms. Her husband sat beside her, still with a look of awe in his eyes. His mother came out to the garden and joined them, she smiled at the way her son was so stunned he could produce such a perfect child. "I never thought you would be married by...

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My Sexual Tutor

My mind reeled from the power of the sensation flooding my body as my beautiful mother's head descended lower and lower down my tummy. With one hand she gathered my skirt up, exposing my white cotton panties to the light. She tickled her nails lightly along the inside of my thigh, watching my expression with hungry eyes. Then, down she went as she pulled the soft cloth way off to the side, the moistness along the opening of my puss cool in the breeze from the ceiling fan in her home office. Her...

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RedTails Blue Rosette

"Hester," Olivia purred, "I want to order what those people are drinking." The Furling Ocelot cuddled the Furling Chinchilla who was sitting on her lap, and gestured in the direction of the party a couple tables over. Everyone present at Hot Summer Nights had paused in their dancing, dining, and drinking to watch the impromptu demonstration the inn keepers were conducting. Hester was shocked and stunned by what he was witnessing. The inn keeper's mate, a most stunning Furling Raccoon was...

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Unforgettable Saturday Night With Neighbour Aunt

Hi guys this is Aman, from new Delhi. I will tell you a true incident that happened with me last saturday . I was very very surprised, as it was my 1st sex of my life. I was in 12 class then, but my attraction towards my neighbour aunt was at seventh clouds. This true story began when… When one day i was going to my house, via stairs as i live in apartments, i met this Aunt named NEHA, around 27/28 years old. Who was seeing off her husband and her child just a few steps outside of her house, as...

1 year ago
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BangBus Violet Myers OktoberBreasts

This week, came across this chick on her was to a festival. We told her that we were going to the same festival, so we could give her a ride. On the bus we asked her to play some games to make some money. Eventually, one thing lead to the next, and we had her flashing us her gigantic titties. This chick had an amazing pair of tits and a big ass to go with it. It didn’t take long for her to be on her knees swallowing some cock. This chick got properly fucked on the bus all around town. Later we...

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Nightblade Spirit Of Radio

Author's Notes: This is the first story in a new TF/TG universe. This universe will be open to any author at the end of the third tale. Comments and suggestions are GREATLY appreciated. A thanks to Brooke for pointing out a few things that should've been obvious to me. This story contains sexual content, course language and should not be viewed by minors. Nightblade: Spirit of Radio By Lucretia "This is Katie at Ninety-two-point-nine, WDTH. Goodnight." Moment's later, a pretty...

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At sixteen my life wasn’t typical. I lived alone with my older sister Alice who’s only seventeen. We lived with our eighty-two year old grandmother, but she fell a while back and had to be taken to live in a nursing home leaving us to live alone. We visited granny daily as she was our only living relative and we loved her dearly. Since granny’s fall our lives have taken on a rhythm of school, home, chores and then relax for a movie. No one seemed to know or notice that Alice is...

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Abducted BrideChapter 13

The room was blurred a dark gray and out of focus. A low hum of voices surrounded him. Kevin groaned, and shook his head to clear the cob-webs that kept his thoughts from coming through clearly. He tried to move. He couldn't. It felt as though he were wrapped tightly in a cocoon and the glazed picture of a colorful butterfly escaping and bursting forth into the air to freedom flickered through his mind. He was somewhere whirling in a great vacuum, but where, he didn't know. A dulling ache...

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Delta OriginalChapter 16 Getting Lucky

Gavin escorted Blue to her apartment to find a mess. “Shit, girl, it’s going to take a while to sort this lot out,” he told her. “Yes,” she agreed. “To be honest, I have no idea what to do. I’ve always had servants to do this sort of thing for me.” “So which room is yours?” he asked, thinking he could at least help her make a bed. “I have no idea. Vera and I haven’t had that discussion yet.” She told him. One room had a double bed the other two singles. They would probably have to...

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surprised him at the airport in a limo

It was very cold so I didn’t wear a sexy outfit that I wanted to wear, I mean it was freezing. I wore jeans, tight of course but not tight where I couldn’t breathe, high heels and a cotton long sleeve top. I know what my sweetie likes and a nice firm fitting pair of jeans gets his motor running! I won’t bother you with the tiny details of the limo, he was expecting a car to pick him up but not a stretch. As he was walking to the car I got out and gave him a big hug and a kiss, after...

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Sarah And Greg The Wedding Night

As soon as Sarah and Greg got back to the hotel after the wedding reception, they collapsed onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. They couldn't stop smiling. Greg managed to roll onto his side and look at his beautiful new bride. He drawled a genteel southern accent, "Mrs. Booth, Ah can't help but say you are lookin' mighty fine today." "Why thank you, Mr. Booth," affecting a southern belle accent. She waved her hand in front of her face like a fan. Still keeping up the affectations,...

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Best Friends Forever IV SixtyNine

Best Friends Forever IV: Sixty-Nine Alexa and Amanda had spent the night together in bed, after a wild first night of a little fingering in the pool naked, as well as her best friend tasting and eating Alexa’s pussy also, to their first real experience of grinding their naked pussies together on a bed and having wonderful orgasms. The two fell asleep in each other’s arms, as the night drew in. Alexa was the first to awaken, to the soft sounds of birds chirping their morning tune. As she opened...

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Housewife8217s Tales Part 2 Working From Rohit8217s Home

Welcome back guys, if you haven’t yet read my previous story, please do read it before continuing with this one. For those who are new to this part, Rohit was my colleague. He was training me since the day I joined our new company. Slowly we got close to each other during a month of training. He finally managed to get me to his place. I have narrated all this in the first part. Continuing the story now. Rohit took off my kurta and turned me around on the sofa and started kissing my lower back,...

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Hannah and Lexie

Hannah had met Lexie at work. Lexie was unlike anyone Hannah had ever seen; she was exotic. Strangely they had got on and become close friends whilst working together. Lexie had made it clear that she was a lesbian since they first met, laughing at Hannah’s face when she blushed. Lexie had a number of girlfriends but nothing ever serious and Hannah was always invited along if they went to a gig or out for drinks. Hannah had thought she was straight, yet recently she had started thinking about...

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A Strange Day

Oscar Shuter was shy. He had good reason to be. He was and always had been a plain looking guy with no outstanding characteristics that would have drawn attention to him. He was average height with an average build and had a face that people forgot almost as soon as he left the room. Now at forty-four he was balding and only the ‘monks ring’ remained of his unremarkable brown hair. He drove to work alone in his small unremarkable car, listening to the news on the radio as he went. A car cut...

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Confessions of a Small Town Girl 4

Over the next several weeks, Ben and I continued to explore the different ways we could pleasure each other orally. Every chance we could, I was either sucking him or he was licking me. We had even found a way that we could do both at the same time. He would lie down on the seat of his truck, and I get on top of him. My head would be above his cock and his would be between my legs. A couple of times, he made me feel so good, he accused me of trying to smother him with my butt and vagina. As...

First Time
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Two Parties Become One

Guests at a 21st and a 40th join together for an orgy.My god she is beautiful. My wife Sharon has just got out of the shower and her long dark curly hair is cascading down her back. At 39 and three k**s later she is still a stunner. A small mummy tummy is all that can be seen, and that only by a trained eye.This morning before we arrived for our friend June's 40th birthday I shouted her a facial, wax and massage at an exclusive beauty parlour here in the Blue Mountains. I won't pretend for one...

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A Slice Of Humble Pie Chapter 1

The text read Be at the Holiday Inn on 7th Avenue tonight at 7:00 P.M. that was it. Just one line, one simple command. But it was a command that Julie knew she could not ignore.Julie wasn't normally the kind of girl who took orders–she gave them. The branch manager for a major clothing store, she was used to barking the commands and having her subordinates jump to fulfill them. That was the order of things in her world. Or at least it used to be.Julie Morgan had a good life. She had a...

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marks cottage

The cottage part one   It was a grey and gloomy sky that seemed to reach down and chill your very heart as we drove through Edinburgh. Tom and I were on our way to a xmas party.   This was to be, no ordinary party. Finally we approached the entrance to the driveway that led up to Mark’s cottage.   Small flurries of snowflakes were falling as we drove slowly up the winding driveway that led to Marks cottage. The driveway was lined by very old, crooked trees, their branches reaching out as...

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Outsourcing Industry Rocks 8211 Part II

By : Karanwantstofck Now the next day in morning- as I awakened from the best sleep I had in my entire life I see my Ayesha Takai (miss x resembles her very closely) crying in the corner of the room. She was very upset, I asked her to forget it as a bad incident but she was not ready to listen. By now I had realized she had love marks all over her lower body, arms and also face which were because of my excessive sucking and also unknown use of teeth at times- the girl had been into...

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