Awakenings Ch. 46 free porn video

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I hurried across the living room. As I moved I could feel the weight of the locked chastity cage confining my cock. It both excited me and served as a reminder of my role. Tonight I was a passive observer. The man waiting on the other side of the front door was Jeanne's boyfriend. Tonight she was his. Tonight he would be the man enjoying her body while I was only allowed to watch.

As I passed through the living room I also noticed that Jeanne had placed several terry cloth beach towels on the couch. I smiled. While Jeanne may now be a slut, she was still a conscientious home maker.

When I reached the front hall I paused, took a deep breath, collected my wits and opened the front door. Jack was a handsome man, maybe an inch or two taller than me. For a moment we stared at each other and then I said, “You must be Jack.”

He nodded.

Holding the door open, I said, “Please come inside. It's cold out here.”

He nodded again and stepped into the house.

Once he was inside I said, “I'm Michael Nolan, Jeanne's husband. Can I hang up your jacket?”

“Yes, thank you.” He took off his jacket and handed it to me. As I hung it in the vestibule closet he said, “I'm Jack Mahler.”

I turned and extended my hand. He took it. We shook hands like gentlemen. Neither of us tried to crush the bones in the others hand. It was subtle, but it impressed me. Jack didn't seem to need to try to assert himself with me.

Now that he had his jacket off and was standing in the light I was able to take a closer look at Jack. He appeared to be younger than Jeanne and me, maybe five or six years younger. His dark wavy hair, chiseled facial features, broad shoulders and narrow waist made him a handsome man. Jeanne had mentioned that Jack played hockey in high school. He carried himself with the confidence of an athlete. I was certain this air of confidence was one of the reasons my wife was attracted to him.

I said, “Please come into the living room and make yourself comfortable.“

Jack followed me into the living room. As he started to sit down in one of the easy chairs, I said, “Why don't you sit on the couch. When Jeanne joins us I'm certain that she'll want to sit next to you.”

“My husband is right about that.”

Jack and I both turned. Jeanne was standing in the doorway to the bedroom hall. We both stared. With her dark eye makeup, crimson lips, bleached blond hair, nylon stockings and spike heels, Jeanne was the quintessential slut.

I said, “My dear you are absolutely ravishing.”

Jeanne said, “Thank you sweet heart.” But then she walked directly over to Jack and placed her hand on his chest. As she rubbed his nipple, she asked, “Do you like what you see big boy?”

I could feel my cock trying to expand in the chastity cage.

Jack smiled at Jeanne, but I could tell that he was watching me out of the corner of his eye. Clearly he was nervous about my presence. Realizing that in order for the evening to be a success Jack had to relax, I said, “Tonight she's your girlfriend.”

Jack looked at me.

I said, “She's with you, not me. I'm just here watching the hockey game.”

Jack turned to Jeanne.

Jeanne said, “Michael is right, tonight I'm all yours. Baby, for the next few hours I'm your slut and I plan on doing all those dirty nasty things that I know you love so much.”

Shaking his head, Jack said, “I don't understand.”

Jeanne said, “Baby you don't have to understand. All you have to do is enjoy. Why don't I get us each a cocktail and then we can turn on the television. The pregame show for the hockey game has already started.”

I said, “Jeanne why don't I get the cocktails while you and Jack turn on the television and get settled on the couch.” I looked at Jack. “What can I get you?”

Jeanne said, “He would love some of your Chivas and I would like a glass of Merlot.”

“How do you take it Jack?”

This time he answered. “On the rocks please, several ice cubes.” Jack was starting to relax.

While I wanted to get back to the living room as quickly as I could, I knew that Jeanne needed a little alone time with Jack, so I curbed my excitement and moved slowly in the kitchen. After I poured two generous glasses of scotch, I opened a bottle of Merlot and poured a glass for Jeanne. I set the drinks on a tray and added a small stack of cocktail napkins. Once everything was ready I forced myself to take several long slow breaths and then I picked up the tray and walked slowly back to the living room.

When I reached the door leading from the dining room to the living room my breath caught. Jeanne and Jack were on the couch making out. Mesmerized, I stared. Six months earlier this sight would have devastated me, now it excited me. I felt my cock throbbing inside the chastity cage.

Realizing that this was just the beginning of a very exciting evening, I gathered my wits and carried the tray of drinks into the living room.

Jeanne heard me returning and looked up. Her face was flushed. I knew my wife. She was aroused. She looked at the tray of drinks and said, “Just what we need.”

I walked over to them. Jeanne took her wine and said, “Thank you dear”.

Jack looked at the two scotches. I said, “They're both Chivas on the rocks.”

He nodded, took one of the two glasses and said, “Thanks.”

I said, “You're welcome.” And then I walked over to one of the stuffed chairs set the tray on the table next to the chair and sat down.

As soon as I was seated, Jeanne said, “A toast.”

I smiled and picked up my scotch. Jack held his, waiting. Jeanne said, “To hot boyfriends, slut wives and understanding husbands.”

I said, “I'll drink to that.”

Jack said, “Me too.”

Jack and Jeanne clinked their glasses. I held mine up. all three of us drank. I noticed that Jack took a big sip of his scotch. I couldn't blame him, I needed a little fortification too.

Jeanne said, “The game is starting.”

I looked at the television. The Wild were playing the St. Louis Blues. They were just about to drop the puck. We all turned our attention to the game, but I continued to watch Jack and Jeanne out of the corner of my eye. Jeanne was now snuggled up next to Jack. I noticed that her hand was massaging the inside of his thigh. I also noticed that the side of her hand was brushing the substantial tent in his trousers. After a moment her hand slipped over to the tent. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and began massaging it directly.

I was thankful that I was wearing the chastity cage because at that moment it would have been very difficult to refrain from touching my own cock. I tried to focus on the hockey game, but I couldn't stop watching Jeanne and Jack out of the corner of my eye.

Jeanne started unbuckling Jack's belt. Jack picked up his glass and drank the rest of his scotch in one swallow. Jeanne looked at me and asked, “Michael honey, would you get Jack another scotch.”

“Of course I will. Would you like some more Merlot?”

“No, I'm fine, but I think my boyfriend could definitely use one more glass of whiskey.”

I nodded, picked up my glass, walked over, picked up Jack's glass and left for the kitchen. While I didn't question Jack's desire for another glass of whiskey, I felt like I needed one too, I was also certain that Jeanne wanted me out of the room for a few minutes so she could get Jack's pants and shirt off of him.

I once again took my time preparing the two glasses of whiskey. Once they were ready I sat down at the kitchen table. While Jeanne was a beautiful woman who had acquired some serious skills as a slut, she still needed time to work her magic.

After a few minutes I picked up the two glasses of whiskey and returned to the living room. Jeanne had made good use of the time I'd given her. Jack's shirt and pants were neatly draped over the far end of the couch. His underwear and socks were lying on the couch next to his pants. His shoes had been casually tossed to the floor in front of the end of the couch. Jeanne's hockey jersey was lying next to Jack's shirt, pants and underwear. Jeanne was kneeling on the floor between Jack's legs. She was sucking his cock.

When he heard me return to the living room Jack looked up at me with concern in his eyes. I walked over to him, set his glass of whiskey on the table next to him and said, “She's good, isn't she.”

Jack stared at me for a moment and then he smiled and said, “She's damn good.”

“She's your girlfriend tonight, have fun.”

“I still don't get it, but I'm having a damn good time.” He picked up his scotch, downed all three ounces in one swallow and set his glass back down.

As I sat down, Jeanne took Jack's cock out of her mouth and looked up at him. It was my first opportunity to see it. It was big, very big, at least eight inches and it was thick. It also had a slight upward curve. Jeanne had told me that she loved cocks with a slight upward curve. I smiled. My sweet wife, who was now a size queen, was getting exactly what she wanted.

Jeanne said, “I told you before, all you have to understand is tonight I'm your slut, and I'm going to do all the dirty nasty things you love. Nothing else matters.” She and Jack stared into each others eyes. After a moment Jeanne said, “Let's start with this.” She put Jack's cock back in her mouth. When she took it out it was covered with her saliva. She looked up at him and said, “Watch me now.” And then she put his big cock back in her mouth and started swallowing it.

Jack and I both watched as his enormous erection disappeared down my wife's throat. Jeanne swallowed the full length and held it in her throat. I suspected that her tongue was madly licking the base of Jack's cock. After what seemed like an eternity to me, but was probably only ten seconds, Jeanne pulled back. Jack's cock popped out of her mouth. Jeanne gasped for breath.

As soon as she caught her breath, Jeanne asked her boyfriend, “Do want me to do that again?”

“You bet I do.”

“Make me.”

I immediately understood that this was a game she played with men like Jack, a game she'd alluded to, but I knew little about. Now Jeanne was going to show me this game. I waited, breathless with excitement.

Jack looked at me.

Jeanne said, “Don't worry about Michael, he loves sex games. That's why you're here.”

Jack smiled. It was clear that the second glass of scotch was taking effect. He said, “Swallow my cock, slut, do it now.”

Jeanne obediently answered, “Yes sir.” She once again put Jack's cock in her mouth, covered it with saliva and then looking into his eyes, swallowed it a second time. She held it in her throat again, but now for several additional seconds. Finally she pulled back, Jack's erection popped out of her throat and mouth and she once again gasped for breath.

Watching Jeanne deep throat Jack created a paradox for me. It obviously excited her and that made it exciting for me, but it also appeared to cause her some discomfort and that bothered me.

I smiled as I realized that for Jeanne this was one of those unexplainable disconnects much like my choosing to wear a chastity cage.

As I considered this I realized that there was another explanation. Perhaps Jeanne and I both have submissive masochistic desires that we're reluctant to recognize. That would explain why she enjoys being treated like a slut and it would also explain the denial game I was creating in my head. I had to admit that I was creating a denial game and I also had to admit that I was enjoying it.

It didn't matter that Jeanne has repeatedly made it clear that there wasn't anything she'd do for other men that she wouldn't do for me, I was creating a fantasy that Jeanne will only be a slut for sexually assertive men.

I smiled, explanations weren't actually important. Jeanne and I were both having fun and no one was getting hurt. That was all that really mattered.

Jack said, “That was good slut, but now I want you to lick my balls.”

I smiled, Jeanne's boyfriend was definitely relaxing.

Jeanne answered, “Yes sir.” My wife was also getting into her role as Jack's slut.

I watched as Jack slid forward on the couch. Jeanne wrapped her fist around his erection, pushed it back and started slowly stroking it while she kissed and licked his balls.

I was once again thankful that I was wearing the chastity cage because I was certain that without it I would have been unable to resist the temptation to take my own cock out and start masturbating.

Jeanne sucked one of Jack's big balls into her mouth and then with one hand still pumping his cock, the fingers of Jeanne's free hand began probing the crack of his ass.

Jack whispered, “Jeanne be careful.”

Puzzled, Jeanne stopped what she was doing, looked up at him and asked, “What?”

He nodded towards me. Jeanne continued looking at him with a puzzled expression. Finally, Jack said, “Your husband is sitting right over there.”

Jeanne answered, “I know that.” But then she quickly added, “Jack honey you don't have to worry. Michael and I don't have any secrets. I tell him about everything I do for men like you. He loves hearing about it. It excites him.”

Jack looked at me. I nodded in agreement. He shrugged and said, “Okay.” If Jack wasn't understanding it, he was at least starting to accept it.

I was also excited by Jeanne's answer. She didn't say, I don't do anything for other men that I don't do for my husband. Instead, she told Jack that she tells me about everything she does for men like Jack. It was subtle, but her choice of words left open the possibility that she might not be doing those things for me. I smiled. I certainly was getting into the cuckold fantasy.

During this interchange Jeanne had maintained her hold on Jack's cock. Now she started stroking him again and then she slipped back down and once again sucked one of his balls back into her mouth. Jack pulled his feet up on the couch exposing his balls and the crack of his ass.

Reasonably certain about what was going to happen I watched with bated breath as the fingers of Jeanne's free hand once again began exploring Jack's exposed rear. I felt my cock throb inside my chastity cage as Jeanne released Jack's ball from her mouth and starting licking the skin between the base of his ball sack and his ass.

Jack raised his feet in the air, giving Jeanne full access to his rear. She responded by kissing his asshole and then letting go of his cock and pressing her lips tightly against him.

Jack said, “That's it baby, be a good slut, French kiss my asshole.”

Jack's words sent my wife into a frenzy of lust. She started madly kissing and licking his ass. He kept talking. “Oh yeah, that's so good, do it baby, lick my asshole. Be my nasty slut.”

I watched, breathless with excitement. If I hadn't been wearing the chastity cage I would have been jacking off as hard as I possibly could.

Suddenly Jack said, “Slow it down baby. If you keep doing that I'm going to cum, and I want to fuck your tits first.”

Looking up at Jack, Jeanne said, “I want you to fuck my tits. Please fuck my tits.”

Jack stood up and pulled my wife to her feet. He kissed her hard on the lips. She returned his kiss and then she lay down on the couch on her back. Jack straddled her stomach and laid his erect cock between her large breasts.

As Jeanne pushed her breasts together with her hands, Jack asked, “What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to fuck my tits.”

“What about your husband?” The combination of alcohol and intense sexual arousal had apparently eliminated Jack's inhibitions. That was fine with me. It was obvious that Jeanne was in the midst of one of the most exciting sexual experiences of her life and I was enjoying the show. Jack was turning out to be a perfect assertive boyfriend.

“I want him to watch you fuck my tits.”

Chuckling, Jack said, “I'm happy to oblige.” He started fucking Jeanne's tits. As he pushed his cock back and forth he said, “Play with your nipples slut, pull on 'em and twist 'em for me.”

My wife answered, “Yes sir.” And then she obediently started pulling and twisting her nipples.

Suddenly Jack exclaimed, “I'm going to cum slut, I'm going to cum all over your tits.” He sat back.

Jeanne grabbed his cock and started vigorously pumping it. ”Cum for me baby, cum all over my tits.”

Jack gasped as a spurt of semen burst from his erection. It came out with so much force that it flew over Jeanne's tits and splattered on her chin. She started giggling. Another spurt followed quickly, but this one didn't have as much force. It landed on her throat. A third spurt landed directly between her tits. After that a stream of semen oozed out of Jack's cock and onto Jeanne's fingers as she continued to pump him.

Still straddling Jeanne, Jack looked down at her and said, “Slut, that was fantastic.”

Smiling up at him, Jeanne said, “Thank you.” And then she leered at me and said, “My stud boyfriend makes a lot of cum.”

Chuckling, I said, “I noticed.”

Jack stood up and said, “I gotta piss.”

Jeanne said, “Use the bathroom in the hall.”

As soon as Jack was gone Jeanne hurried over to me and asked, “Are you doing okay baby? I got a little carried away. I hope I didn't say anything that hurt your feelings.” Jack's cum was still coating her chin, neck and breasts.

Shaking my head, I answered, “No, that was incredible. I loved watching you.” I added in a whisper, “But I am glad I'm wearing the chastity cage. I got so turned on that if I'd had the opportunity, I'm sure I would have jacked off while I watched you.”

“I'm glad we got it too. I want you to be wildly aroused the entire time Jack is here.” She smiled. “I'd kiss you, but I'm kind of a mess right now.”

I nodded. “Yes you are. You'd better get a towel.”

“I have to tinkle too. I'll be right back.” As Jeanne hurried out of the living room she called to me, “I love you.”

I called back, “I love you too.”

A minute later Jack returned to the living room. He didn't sit down. Instead he just stood uncomfortably. Of course the fact that he was naked might have had something to do with his discomfort.

I said, “Would you like me to get you a robe?”

He shook his head, “No Jeanne will be back in a minute and honestly, after the last half hour I don't think there's much point in being modest.”

“I agree.”

There was a brief silence and then Jack said, “Michael,” He paused and asked, “May I call you Michael?”

I smiled. “Definitely, you're my wife's boyfriend. I think we should try to be friends.”

Jack smiled back.”Yeah, I guess you're right...” He paused again. He clearly wanted to say something, but was reticent.

I said, “Jack, what's on your mind. Tell me.”

“It's kind of hard standing here naked and all.”

“In a few minutes you're going to be fucking my wife while I watch. I don't think we need to be shy with each other.”

“That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.”


“Before, when Jeanne was doing me.” He hesitated.

I said, “Go on.”

“I said some things. I'm worried that I might have offended you.”

“You didn't offend me. You don't have anything to worry about.”


“I'm having just as much fun tonight as you are.”

Smiling, Jack said, “I find that difficult to believe.”

“It's true. Jack, my husband likes to watch. He has always been a collector of erotic magazines and erotic movies.”

Jack and I turned. Jeanne was standing in the doorway, still wearing the garter belt, nylons and high heels and nothing else. My wife did love to make an entrance.

As she walked into the room she continued. “Sexually, I used to be a cold fish, just like your wife, but I always loved to sneak into Michael's office and peek at those magazines. I used to imagine that I was the woman in the pictures wearing the slutty lingerie.” Jeanne smiled. “Now I am that woman.”

She walked over to Jack took hold of his cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. “My husband is a voyeur. He's always been a voyeur. He's always loved to watch erotic movies. Since I became a slut, you might say that I'm now his favorite erotic movie star, except I don't star in movies, I star in stage plays performed just for him.”

Jack said, “So now I'm just an actor in a stage play.”

“Jack, with me you've always been an actor in a stage play. Micheal has heard every detail of every date we've ever had.” Jeanne paused. After a moment she added, “But please understand, you're not just an actor, you're a very special actor. Six months ago I decided that I was finally ready to act out the slut fantasies that I've secretly harbored since I was a young woman. Those fantasies require a particular type of partner, a man who takes control, an assertive man like you. For the past six months I've been seeking a man like you. Now that I've found you, I hope that you decide to join our game.”

“So what do I get out of this?”

Jeanne shook her head. “Jack you're a bright man, think about it.”

He smiled. “Yeah, you're right. I'm getting uninhibited sex with you.”

“That's right, something your wife, the woman you love, is currently emotionally unable to give you.”

Jack nodded.

“But there's more, Micheal and I offer you this sex in a reasonably safe environment. You can tell Anne about your new friend Michael Nolan and his wife Jeanne. We're rabid sports fans. You can watch sports at our house at least one night a week without actually having to lie to her about where you are.”

“You mentioned that on the telephone. It makes sense.”

“It does make sense.”


“But what?”

“It's weird being naked in front of your husband.”

“You made it clear that you didn't want a threesome.”

“I don't.”

“If Micheal's naked it blurs that line. If he stays dressed it's clear to all of us that he's just an observer. Jack, this is a compromise. You get lots of safe uninhibited sex, I get to act like a slut and Michael gets to watch. We all give a little and get a lot.”

“Yeah, you're right.”

“There's more. I have several sexually uninhibited friends.”

“Your friend Abby.”

“She's one of them. You said that you wanted to experience a three way with two women. Abby would love to be in a thee way with you. By the way, Michael's had a number of them.”

Jack looked at me in surprise. I nodded.

Jeanne said, “Last fall he lived with two bisexual strippers in Tucson.”

“You mentioned that before, but you told me they were escorts.”

I said, “They were both dancers and escorts.”

“And you lived with them?”

“I did. They're now close friends.”

Jack said, “Damn! The two of you are like a fantasy couple.”

Jeanne smiled. “We're trying to live our fantasies. Would you like to join us? You can live your fantasies with us.”

Jack stared at her. Jeanne was still holding his cock. It was now almost fully erect. She started stroking it and said, “You're almost hard again. Do you want to fuck me while my husband watches?”

Jack looked at me and asked, “Do you want me to do that?”

A surge of excitement rolled through me as I answered, “Yes I do, very much.”

Turning back to Jeanne, Jacked reached out and touched her side. He slipped his fingers down to the tops of her nylon stockings and said, “I love the garter and stockings. They make you look like one of the models in those magazines.”

Jeanne whispered, “One of the sluts in those magazines. That's my fantasy.”

Breathless with excitement, I watched as Jack's slid his fingers over to the bare lips of my wife's shaved pussy. He rubbed her slit and whispered, “You're wet.”

Jeanne answered, “I'm a slut. All good sluts get wet easily.”

I felt my cock throb inside my chastity cage.

Jack pushed a finger into Jeanne's cunt. She gasped. He said, “Do you like that? Do you like getting finger fucked while your husband watches?”

In a voice raspy with excitement, Jeanne answered, “Yes, yes I do.”

Jack pushed Jeanne to her knees. “Suck my cock slut. Get me nice and hard and I'll fuck you. I'll fuck you in front of your husband.”

Jeanne whispered, “Yes sir.”

Unbelievably excited, I watched as my wife opened her free hand, the hand that wasn't grasping Jack's stiffening penis. She was holding two wrapped condoms. Letting go of her boyfriend's cock, she set one of the condoms on the table next to the couch. After tearing the other one open and removing it from its wrapper, she kneeled on the couch. Patting the spot next to her, Jeanne said, “Come sit down baby. I'm going to get you nice and hard and then I'm going to roll this condom on to your big beautiful cock and you're going to fuck me.”

As Jack sat down, he said, “I like this plan.”

Once he was seated Jeanne slipped Jack's growing penis into her mouth and started sucking him again. He was fully erect in less than a minute, but she didn't care. She continued to savor his cock for several more minutes.

Finally she sat up and said, “I need this monster inside me.” After quickly rolling the condom onto Jack's erection she added, “I want to start out on top.”

Jack nodded. Jeanne climbed on top of him, positioned herself so that she was facing me and then she stared into my eyes as she slowly lowered herself onto his rigid cock.

Mesmerized, I watched as another man's erect penis slowly penetrated my wife.

Jeanne said, “Michael, I love the way it feels when a man first enters me, especially a big man like Jack. His cock stretches my cunt.” She reached down and rubbed her engorged clitoris with her fingertips. “When I ride on top like this I can fondle myself while Jack fucks me.”

Jack reached around Jeanne and cupped each of her breasts with his hands.

“And I love it when he plays with my tits while we fuck.” Jeanne giggled. “As you can see, talking dirty while a guy is fucking me really gets me off too.”

Jack started thrusting his hips up and down. Still giggling and rubbing her clit, Jeanne was bouncing like a cowgirl riding a bucking bronco. She raised her free hand above her head, waved it around and cried, “I love to ride cock! Fuck me big guy! Fuck me hard!”

Surprisingly, I wasn't jealous. I wasn't even envious. I was enjoying the show. Jeanne, the love of my life, was obviously having a wonderful time. How could I not be enjoying that. I was also again relieved that I was wearing the chastity cage. At that moment the temptation to masturbate would have been irresistible.

Suddenly Jeanne arched her back, closed her eyes, screamed, “Oh yes!”, and started to shake. I smiled. My once sexually repressed wife now orgasmed frequently and with amazing intensity.

Ignoring Jeanne's climax, Jack continued fucking her with relentless vigor. As soon as her orgasm passed Jeanne took a moment to catch her breath and then she opened her eyes and started bouncing up and down on Jack's erection with renewed passion.

Squeezing my wife's breasts, Jack said, “I want to fuck you from behind.”

In a voice raspy with excitement, Jeanne said, “Yes, yes please.”

Jack picked up Jeanne like she was a rag doll. His condom covered erection, wet with her moisture, slipped out of her cunt and jutted obscenely in front of him as he effortlessly turned my wife around and set her on the couch.

Now facing me on her hands and knees, Jeanne giggled and said, “Jack loves doing it doggy.”

Too excited to think of a clever response, I smiled at her.

Jack positioned himself behind Jeanne and pushed his erection back into her cunt. Her breath caught and her giggling stopped. Jack began began forcefully thrusting his cock in and out of her cunt. Jeanne closed her eyes and bit her lower lip.

I watched, fascinated. It was obvious that Jeanne was still enjoying this, but in a different way. When she was riding Jack she was consumed with lascivious excitement. She reminded me of a teenager screaming with delight as she hurtled up and down the precipitous slopes of an amusement park roller coaster. Now, with her eyes closed, her head down and her large breasts swaying with each of her boyfriends powerful thrusts, she looked like a woman in the throes of intense carnal passion.

Barely able to control my own excitement, my hand unconsciously drifted towards my crotch. As my fingers brushed the plastic cage under my trousers that was confining my penis I was reminded that tonight I was only an observer.

I focused my attention on my wife and her boyfriend. Jack's thrusts were becoming increasingly powerful and Jeanne was now meeting his thrusts with counter thrusts of her own. This was savage sex. Watching, it was easy to understand Jeanne's attraction to men like Jack. He was doing something I couldn't do for her. It wasn't that Jack was more macho or studlier than I was. It was much more basic than that. He didn't love Jeanne. He didn't care about her, so he could be a rough, callous lover. I was too concerned about Jeanne's pleasure to be able to fulfill this fantasy for her.

Don't misunderstand me. Jack wasn't cruel. He wasn't ever going to abuse my wife, but he was going to use her for his own pleasure and that was Jeanne's fantasy. At times she wanted to be a slut, a wanton woman who loved giving pleasure to men without expecting anything in return.

I smiled. It was a fantasy, but it was a fantasy that she was now actually realizing and she was able to do it because of me. I fulfilled her need for love, belonging and connection. This freed her to have sexual relations with men who were only seeking physical gratification.

Suddenly, Jack said, “I'm getting close. I want to finish on top of you.” Without waiting for a response he pulled his cock out of Jeanne, flipped her onto her back and climbed on top of her.

As Jack started fucking Jeanne again, she said, “Michael, I love it when he pins me to the couch and takes me like this.”

I didn't answer. This wasn't a moment for conversation. Instead I watched with rapt attention as Jack pumped his erect cock in and out of my wife. There wasn't any finesse in what he was doing. Jack was fucking Jeanne like a savage animal and it was obvious that she loved it. Once again I was thankful that I was wearing the chastity cage. Without it the desire to take out my cock and masturbate would have been irresistible.

The tension between them was building. Jeanne had her legs wrapped around Jack's thighs. She was meeting each of his powerful thrusts with energetic counter thrusts of her own.

As they fucked, Jeanne said, “I want you to cum on my tits again.”

Jack stopped, smiled at my wife, pulled his condom covered cock out of her cunt and knee walked up the couch so that he was straddling her stomach. Jeanne rolled the condom off of his erection and started masturbating him with both of her hands. It only took a few seconds. The first spurt of cum hit Jeanne's chin. The second and third landed on her breasts. The final spurt fell on her stomach.

Jeanne continued pumping her boyfriend's cock. Gradually his erection softened. When it was finally flaccid she released it.

Jack stood up and said, “Damn, that was pretty fuckin' hot.”

Laughing, Jeanne said, “It really was.” Then she looked at me and asked, “Did you enjoy the show?”

I nodded. “Very much.”

“I'll be right back.” Jack hurried to the bathroom.

Jeanne picked up the towel that she'd left on the table next to the couch. As she wiped Jack's semen off of her throat and breasts, she said, “I really liked sharing this with you.”

“I liked it too.”

She looked down at the nylon stockings she was wearing. They were now torn and tattered. She giggled. “I warned you that Jack would be hard on my stockings.”

I smiled. “He is energetic.”

Jeanne laughed. “Energetic? He's an animal.”

“And you love that, don't you.”

“I really do. Is that okay?”

“Yes it's okay. Seeing you this happy and excited makes me happy and excited.”

Jeanne walked over to me, leaned down and kissed me hard on the lips. After a moment she whispered, “Michael Nolan, I love you so much.”

“I love you too Jeanne Nolan.”

She kissed me again and then she said, “I'll be right back. I have to tidy up a bit.”

“I'll be here.”

Jeanne picked up the used condom from the couch and hurried out of the room. As soon as she was gone I looked at the television. The second period of the hockey game had just started. The Blues were leading the Wild one to nothing.

“What's the score?”

I turned. Jack was back. He was still naked. His large flaccid penis hung shamelessly between his legs. He sat down on the couch.

I answered, “The second period just started. The Blues are ahead one to nothing.”

“These are two teams that play good defense. It's going to be a low scoring game.”

“I just love seeing my two favorite men talking hockey.”

Jack and I both turned. Jeanne was standing in the doorway from the bedrooms. The garter belt, nylons and high heels were gone. She was now completely naked.

She smiled at me and then she walked directly over to Jack and sat down on the couch next to him. I wasn't jealous, hurt or offended. I understood. It was Jeanne's night to play and she wasn't yet finished playing. It was also my night to watch and I was happy that the show wasn't over.

After setting a bottle of lubricant on the table next to couch Jeanne cuddled up to Jack and asked, “What's the score?”

Jack answered, “One to nothing Blues. It's the beginning of the second period.”

Jeanne laid her hand on Jack's naked thigh and said, “It's time to watch a little hockey.”

Chuckling, Jack said, “Babe, I love watching hockey with you.”

“I've learned that it can be a very exciting game. It just takes the right attitude.” My wife slipped her hand over to her boyfriend's still flaccid penis, wrapped her fingers around it and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Jack's breath caught, mine did too.

It was an exciting period of hockey. Both teams had several scoring opportunities. With three minutes remaining in the period the Wild tied the game with a slap shot that hit one of the goal posts and bounced into the net. Jeanne, Jack and I all cheered.

Jeanne said, “This calls for a little celebration.” She leaned over, took Jack's now fully erect cock into her mouth and started sucking him.

“This is definitely the best way to celebrate a goal.” Jack lay back on the couch and smiled while my wife sucked his cock.

The second period ended in a one to one tie. As soon as the commercials started Jeanne sat up and asked Jack, “Are you ready for a little more fun?”

Jack cupped my wife's naked breast while he kissed her hard on he lips. As she kissed him back, Jeanne slowly stroked his erect penis. Still kissing Jeanne, Jack pulled his hand off of her breast and slipped it between her legs. Jeanne parted her thighs giving him free access to her sex. My heart was racing as I watched Jack push his finger into Jeanne's glistening cunt.

They made out and fondled each other for several minutes. Finally Jeanne broke off the kiss and said, “I want you to fuck my rear while Michael watches.”

Jack looked at Jeanne and then he looked at me. Shrugging, I said, “She's your girlfriend.”

Jack smiled, turned back to Jeanne and without warning pulled her over so that she was lying across his lap.

Jeanne started giggling.

Jack said, “You're a very naughty girl.”

Now giggling so hard that she could barely speak, Jeanne said, “I'm a slut. A nasty slut who loves to get fucked in the ass.”

“I'm going to have to spank you.”

I smiled. This was clearly a game they liked to play.

Composing herself, Jeanne whispered, “Yes sir.”

Jack playfully gave my wife's naked rear four firm swats. Each time he swatted her she shrieked with delight. The last time he swatted her his hand lingered on her now rosy cheeks. Jeanne cooed as Jack began caressing her rear and then her breath caught as his fingers started to explore the crevasse between her cheeks.

I smiled again. The old Jeanne would never have allowed me or anyone else to touch her where her boyfriend was now touching her. Jack was correct. My wife had indeed become a very naughty girl and I loved it.

Jeanne whispered, “The lube is on the table next to the couch.”

Holding Jeanne in position across his lap, Jack leaned over, picked up the bottle of lube and opened it. I watched as he poured some of it into the crack of Jeanne's ass. After setting the bottle back on the table he began massaging Jeanne's asshole with his fingers.

Jeanne giggled, “This feels so naughty.”

“It is naughty. You've become a very naughty girl.” Jack was chuckling. He slipped a finger into Jeanne's asshole.

She gasped and said, “Yes, I've become a very naughty girl.” And then giggling again Jeanne added, “Put another finger in me.”

As Jack pushed another finger into Jeanne's ass she stared at me and mouthed the words, “I love this. I love you. Thank you so much.”

I nodded and smiled at her.

Jeanne smiled back at me and then she said to Jack, “Finger fuck my asshole. Get me ready for your big dick.”

I was learning that when my wife was excited she loved to talk dirty. It was obvious that she was now very excited. I watched, once again thankful that I was wearing the chastity cage. Jeanne's excitement was exciting me. The temptation to masturbate while I was watching would have once again been irresistible.

Jack pushed a third finger into Jeanne. She whispered, “Oh yes, that's nice, very nice, but what I really want is your cock.”

Pulling his fingers out of my wife's ass, Jack gave her butt cheeks a firm swat and pulled her up, saying, “And I really want to give it to you.”

Jeanne slid off of Jack, picked up the condom from the side table and tore it open. After sucking Jack's cock for a moment she rolled the condom onto it and straddled him so that she was once again facing me. As she guided Jack's erection to her well lubricated asshole she said, “I want to be on top.” Looking at me, Jeanne added, “When Jack's fucking my ass I like to ride. He has a big cock and this way I can control how quickly I take it.”

I nodded and then I watched my wife close her eyes and slowly sit down on her boyfriend's erection. As Jack's cock disappeared into Jeanne I watched her face for signs of discomfort. All I saw was concentration and excitement. I relaxed. She really was enjoying this.

Carefully taking her time, Jeanne eventually took Jack's full length. I was amazed, but I also remembered Jeanne telling me that it was actually easier for her to take a big cock in her rear than in her pussy. She was now convincing me.

Once she had all of Jack's cock inside her, Jeanne started to move. At first she was controlled, almost tentative, but watching her, I could see her arousal gradually mounting. As her excitement grew her movement became increasingly uninhibited. Her fingers found her engorged clitoris and she started rubbing herself while she wantonly bounced up and down on her boyfriend's cock.

Jack held her hips and started making upward thrusts of his own. Jeanne started laughing and then she suddenly arched her back and emitted a shrill cry. She ignored the orgasm and continued bouncing up and down on Jack's erection. He reached up and began fondling Jeanne's breasts. Jeanne continued rubbing her clit while she madly ass fucked his cock.

Suddenly Jack said, “I'm getting close.”

Nodding Jeanne rolled off of her boyfriend, quickly pulled the condom off of his erect penis and lay down on her back. As soon as Jack straddled her, Jeanne wrapped both of her hands around his cock and started pumping him. I watched with rapt attention as Jack responded by moving his hips back and forth. He was actually fucking my wife's fingers.

This didn't last long. Jack's first spurt of cum erupted from his cock and landed on Jeanne's breasts. A second spurt landed on her stomach and was followed by stream of semen that oozed onto her fingers.

After a moment Jeanne stopped pumping Jack's softening erection. Jack repositioned himself so that he was once again sitting on the couch, shook his head and said, “Damn, that was intense.”

Jeanne laughed. “It certainly was.”

Standing up, Jack said, “Excuse me for a moment.” And walked quickly out of the room.

Jeanne sat up and looked at me. “Are you still doing okay?”

I smiled. “Yeah, I'm fine. It was a hell of a show.”

Giggling, Jeanne said, “I'm glad you enjoyed it.”

“I did.”

Jeanne stood up. Her breasts and stomach were streaked with Jack's semen. “I need to clean up.” She walked over, kissed me and said, “I'll be right back.”

I watched my naked wife hurry to our bedroom so that she could clean up in the master bath. Shortly after she left Jack returned.

As he picked up his underwear, he said, “Do you know the score of the game?”

Nodding, I said, “The Wild just scored. They're now up 2 to 1.”

As he pulled on his pants, Jack asked, “How much time is left?”

“Just over seven minutes.” I answered.

He quickly buttoned his shirt and sat down on the couch.

I asked, “Can I get you anything?”

“I'd love a beer.”

“I'd like one too.”

Jack and I turned. Still naked, Jeanne was standing in the doorway to the living room. She quickly walked over to the couch, picked up the hockey jersey, slipped it over her head, pulled it into place and sat down next to her boyfriend.

As I hurried out to the kitchen to get three bottles of Heineken I smiled. This was our agreement. Jack was Jeanne's boyfriend. She was with him until the evening ended.

When I returned to the living room Jeanne was snuggled up to Jack. I handed them each a Heineken, sat down in my easy chair and took a swallow of my own beer.

The remainder of the game was exciting. The two teams played with ferocious intensity. Both of them had several shots on the net, but the two goalies were impenetrable. With a minute left St. Louis pulled their goalie. While the extra man advantage allowed them to attack the Minnesota goal with even greater intensity, the Minnesota defense remained solid. When the buzzer ending the game sounded the Wild had protected their lead an won the game.

As soon as the game was over Jack stood up and said, “I would love to stay and watch the post game show, but I can't. Anne makes me promise to come home as soon as the game ends.”

Jeanne stood up. “Don't worry, we understand.” She turned to me. “Michael, did you put Jack's coat in the hall closet?”

“I did.” I stood up.

Jeanne retrieved Jack's coat from the hall closet. As he put it on he said, “I had a really good time tonight.” He looked at me and asked, “Michael, are we okay?”

I nodded. “Yes Jack, we're fine. I had a good time too.”

Shaking his head, Jack said, “I'm still not sure I understand that.”

Jeanne quickly interjected, “You don't have to understand it. You just have to enjoy it.”

Jack smiled. “Yeah, I guess I can do that.”

Looking at me, Jeanne asked, “Michael, there's a hockey game next Wednesday. Can we invite Jack over to watch it?”

“Yes, I think that would be fun.”

Still smiling, Jack said, “I would like that very much.”

Jeanne kissed him hard on the mouth. When they broke apart she said, “You'd better get home to Anne.”

Nodding, Jack said, “I'll see you next Wednesday.” He opened the front door.

As we watched him walk down the icy sidewalk to his car I whispered to Jeanne, “I wonder if Ed and Lois Klein are watching.”

Laughing, Jeanne whispered back, “I hope so.”

I said, “Me too.”

We waited while Jack started his car. After he let it warm up for a minute he pulled away from the curb. As he drove away, Jeanne turned to me and said, “Micheal Nolan, I love you so much.”

Chuckling, I said, “Jeanne Nolan, I love you too, but I have to admit that I never envisioned a night like this one.”

“Are you okay? Are we okay?”

“Hell yes, I'm great and we're great. I think this might have been one of the most exciting nights of my life.”

“Mine too.” Jeanne looked at me. “Since this started last August I've been with a number of men. You know that.”

“Of course I do.”

“I'm now a slut. I've learned to love sex, but...” Jeanne smiled at me. “Being able to share it with you makes it so much better.”

“I enjoyed sharing it with you too.”

“Michael, I'm so glad.” Jeanne kissed me. After she kissed me she grasped my wrist and said, “Come on, let's go to our bedroom. I need a shower.”

As Jeanne led me to our bedroom I realized for the first time how much she'd changed since her sexual awakening. She was now more assertive. She wasn't domineering or arrogant. She was just as sweet and gentle as she's always been, but she was more self assured. She carried herself with a subtle air of confidence that hadn't been there before. This was only my third night back at home, but as I got reacquainted with my wife I realized that I liked the changes that had occurred.

As soon as we walked into the bedroom Jeanne unbuttoned my shirt. As she pulled it over my head, she said, “Let's get your clothes off. I need a shower and I want you to join me.” Giggling, she quickly added, “You'd like to join me, wouldn't you cucky?”

Chuckling, I answered, “Yes I would slut.”

Jeanne burst out laughing and said, “I really am a slut. Another man fucked my ass tonight.”

“And I really am a cuckold. I watched him do it.”

“Did you enjoy the show?”

“I loved the show, but I have to tell you that I'm glad I was wearing the cock cage. Without it I don't think I could have resisted the temptation to take out my cock and masturbate.”

“I think it's better that you didn't do that.”

“Afterward I think I would have been embarrassed about it.”

“Not in my eyes, but I think it might have made the rest of the evening less exciting for you.”

“Well I didn't and the entire evening was exciting for me. I really do like to watch.”

“And I like it when you watch, but that part of the evening is over. Let's get the rest of your clothes off and then let's free your wonderful cock. I'm thinking that it's probably ready to come out and play.”

“Definitely.” I quickly took off my shoes, socks, pants and underwear.

Once I was undressed Jeanne unlocked my chastity cage. After she removed it and set it on her makeup table she took off the hockey jersey and pulled me into the bathroom. We showered together. Laughing and giggling the entire time, she washed me and then I washed her. As soon as we were finished we dried each other and ran back into the bedroom and crawled into bed.

Jeanne lay down on her side. I pulled up the covers, snuggled up to her back and put my arm around her breasts. We spooned. After a minute or two Jeanne whispered, “You seem to have a rigid protuberance. It's poking me in the butt.” Giggling, she rolled over so she was facing me, wrapped her fingers around my erect cock and said, “I'd like to play with it. Would that be okay?”

I eagerly answered, “Yes!” But then I quickly added, “Be careful, it's a loaded gun. It won't take much to make it go off.”

Shoving the covers down, Jeanne sat up and looked at my erection. “A loaded gun, that's exciting. Let's play French Roulette.”

“French Roulette? I've never heard of that game.”

“That's because I just made it up.”

“Okay, how do you play it?”

“I put your cock in my mouth and suck it five times. If you cum the game is over.”

“What if I don't cum?”

“You get to do anything you want to me. If after five minutes you still haven't cum I put your cock back in my mouth and suck it five more times.”

“And if I still don't cum?”

“You get to do anything you want to me for five more minutes.”

“I like this game.”

“Me too. Do you want to play?”


Jeanne got up on her knees, bent over, carefully slipped my cock into her mouth and sucked me one time. My breath caught. She waited. After a moment she sucked me again. I closed my eyes and concentrated. She sucked me again. I held my breath. I didn't want to cum, at least not this first time. Jeanne sucked me again. Once again I maintained control. She sucked me a fifth time and waited.

When I didn't cum she sat up and said, “I'm impressed. You've had a lot of stimulation tonight. I think most guys would have come after the first suck.”

“Did you want me to cum.”

“No, I'm enjoying this game, but if you had cum we would have switched to a new game.”

“What would that be?”

“What can I do to get you hard again.”

“That game sounds fun too.”

“I agree, but you won the first round. What would you like to do?”

“Lie back and spread your legs.”

As Jeanne lay back she said, “I like the way this is going.”

I moved so that I was kneeling at Jeanne's feet. She spread her thighs and said, “I definitely like the direction this is taking.”

I smiled, lay down on my stomach and kissed her pussy. She was wet, very wet.

Jeanne whispered, “Another man fucked me there tonight.”

Without saying anything, I licked her and then I pushed my tongue into her cunt. Jeanne shuddered with excitement. I licked her again and then I moved up to her engorged clitoris. Jeanne gasped as I sucked it into my mouth and flicked it with my tongue. As I flicked it again Jeanne she arched her back, emitted a muted cry and started to shake.

I pulled back, got up on my knees and watched. After a moment Jeanne giggled and said, “You won the first round. Are you ready for round two?”


“Lie down.”

I repositioned myself so I was once again lying on my back with my head resting on a pillow.

Jeanne looked at me and said, “You're going down mister.”

Suddenly I understood that there was now a new dynamic. Since her sexual awakening Jeanne was indeed more assertive and self confident, but she has always been competitive and our game and my victory had roused those feelings.

I closed my eyes and waited. I knew that Jeanne was going to do everything she could to make me cum. She started by wrapping her thumb and forefinger around the base of my cock. Six months ago that alone would have made me cum, but not anymore. I'd spent two months with Amy and Mel. They taught me control.

Then I felt the moist warmth of Jeanne's mouth envelope the engorged head of my erection. Anticipating what was about to happen, I flexed every muscle in my body and waited. Jeanne didn't disappoint me. She gave my cock head an intense suck while she squeezed and rubbed the base of my shaft. My entire being shivered with excitement.

Not giving me anytime to regain my composure, Jeanne quickly sucked and squeezed me a second time. It drove me to my wits end, but I held out.

Looking up at me, Jeanne gave my cock several firm pumps and said, “You're going down right now.”

I wanted to cry foul. Pumping me between sucks wasn't fair, but before I could protest Jeanne slipped my cock back into her mouth and still pumping the shaft gave me another intense suck.

The damn burst. Semen erupted from my cock. Jeanne kept me in her mouth, sucking up every bit of cum I could produce.

When my cock finally softened Jeanne let it slip out of her mouth, looked up at me and laughed. “I told you you were going down.” But then she sighed and added, “That wasn't the point, was it. I'm sorry Micheal, I let my competitive side get the best of me.”

“It's okay, I understand. Don't be too hard on yourself, it was a great blow job.”

“But I should have made it last longer. I wanted it to be really special.”

“It was really special, the entire evening was really special. I loved watching you with Jack.”


“Yes, really. I told you earlier that it was one of the most exciting sexual experiences of my life and I meant that.”

Smiling, Jeanne said, “I'm a slut and you're a cuckold.”

“We compliment each other perfectly.”

“I liked it when you came in my mouth. You're the only man I'll ever let do that.”

“I liked it too and I'm glad it's something just for us.”

“Me too.” Jeanne reached down and started gently toying with my flaccid penis. “Wanna see if I can get you hard again?”

“I think it's time for us to sleep.”

“But Michael, I feel like I should do something really special for you tonight.”

“You already did something special for me. You let me watch you with Jack.”


“We have lots of time to do special things for each other and we will, but now it's time to sleep.”

“I am tired.”

“And you have to go to work in the morning.”

“Yes I do.”

“Let's go to sleep.”

“Okay, but Michael...”


“Tomorrow night is going to be really special for you.”

“I'm already looking forward to it.”

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My Wonderful Mom

My Wonderful Mom ====================== "That's good, Mom. Just like that. Don't stop." Mom had her eyes closed and a serene look on her face as she held my balls and sucked with deep deliberate strokes. "Good girl," I said while guiding her gently with a hand on the back of her head. "Take your tits out." Without missing a stroke, she unzipped her sweater and pulled her supple breasts up and out over the top of her bra. "Mmmmmmm..." she softly moaned, steadily working her...

3 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMChapter 33

That evening we ate on the floor again. This time the food was scraps with gruel. It was gross but not as bad as I thought. Gruel, as far as I could tell, was basically flavorless, cold oatmeal. It seemed my Dad was trying to introduce us slowly to “slave cuisine.” At night, Dad spanked all of us and gave us affirmations. He was still learning the affirmation process himself. “The idea is to ask questions and get answers that affirm the submissives standing in the house and what they are...

2 years ago
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Introduction and the first part of my story

Hi there, I am glad, that you stayed until you found this text. This will be the introduction, to all the following parts, of my story of how I became a TV / Sissy. First of all: I am not a native speaker, so please forgive me grammar or spelling mistakes. I hope I will not have many of them, but I can't really promise, that I will write or articulate everything in the right way. All started like 13/14 years ago. I was still going to school and living with my parents.I was used to watch regular...

1 year ago
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Into the moonlight

When I got the phone call from my sister that our parents were getting a divorce I was definitely not ready for it, seriously who could be? I knew they argued a lot but I attributed that to them having been together for so many years. My mom got pregnant with me when they were only 17 and they were married soon afterwards. I was 25 when I got that phone call and I'm 35 now, putting mom and dad just into their 50's.My mother is still an attractive woman, she is short, standing just 5'2 but she...

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Satisfying A Woman8217s Thirst For Sex

Hi ladies and guys, this is the sex story of my first experience as a gigolo or male escort and how I ended up satisfying the cravings of a 29 year old cute corporate lady in Bangalore. Btw, I am a 23 year old guy working in an IT firm with good looks and physique and a ever hungry dick. If any hot ladies are feeling hungry for sex then is the address you should be typing in your mail now. And just to ensure your privacy is 100% maintained and you can trust me with that. Moving on to the sex...

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Narutos New Look Day Three

~~Day 3 - Neji Hyuga~~ A roundhouse kick from the left, followed by a right hook. Easily blocked. Leap into the air, before an aerial axe kick. Simple to dodge. A straight thrust with his left fist and... there! Neji Hyuga, also known as the Hyuga prodigy, ducked under his opponent's punch and struck forward with a powerful palm strike. Even without chakra, the attack was powerful enough to send Rock Lee flying. "Okay, I think that's enough for today." stated their sensei,...

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A Binding RelationshipChapter 49

I wake to the smell of coffee and fresh baked muffins. I find that I slept a lot better tied up last night then the first night. I think I only woke up once. I was a little uncomfortable and my arms hurt only once. Now the problem is that I have to go to the bathroom badly. I roll around on the bed and look over at the clock, its close to nine now. I hear Nick coming down the hallway. He enters the room. He reaches over and unties my hands. "You may go to the bathroom now." He says with a...

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College Expectations

College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...

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Attacked in the Library

I was restocking the shelves, in the research section of our college library, marveling at the amount of dust some of the books had on them. I dropped a copy of Eigenstates, and as I bent to retrieve the copy some one was behind me. I started to stand when I literally saw stars, I remember stumbling forward and trying to grab on to the book caddy, then it all went black. I came around to the sense of a painful insertion in my anal orifice, I tried to yell, my mouth was stuffed with my...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 88 Emergence and the Final Drive

Ten minutes before we were due to emerge I carefully sat down in my command chair. I immediately began turning on my displays. The bridge was almost totally empty. Terrence Ripa was sitting at the helm control. Blaine was leaning against the bulkhead to his left. The senior helmsman nodded at me. “All the officers are sleeping I hope,” he said to me. “You have a few more minutes before we start,” I pointed out. “I’ll take over just before we emerge, but I couldn’t sleep anymore. I wanted...

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Leahs Long Distance Surprise Part One

I picked up my phone and was shocked to see a text from him. I wasn’t sure if I’d hear from him at all… let alone so soon… After Nick left the state, moving 975 miles away, without seeing me as he had promised, I didn’t put faith into him keeping in touch with me while he was away. But after a short 13 days of his departure, I got my first text from him. When I picked up my phone and saw his name, my heart dropped into my stomach, unsure of what it was going to say. I opened the text…

1 year ago
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James 1

“Where do you want to go?” He asked, I looked over at the beautiful boy beside me then shrugged “where ever” I smiled biting the corner of my lip. He stared at me and smiled slowly “well you live here, I don’t. You know where to go” He stated. I looked at him feeling my heart pound heavily in my chest. I wanted to be somewhere alone with him, somewhere cute. “How about the park?” I asked innocently. His eyes flashed to me for a second before returning to the road. “yeah that sounds nice” he...

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Holiday memories

For a little winter sunshine break last year, DJ and I decided to head off to Gran Canaria for a few days. Our goal was to just relax in a nice hotel and recharge our batteries after what had been a very busy period of work and various other commitments…although we were obviously looking forward to spending some time exploring the Maspalomas dunes and having some naughty adventures too!We had booked ourselves into a lovely beach front hotel in San Augustin, which was close enough to allow us to...

3 years ago
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Hes the One

She walked in through the door of the bar, thinking to herself that she would definitely find the right one tonight. Standing there in her tight black jeans and white tank top, Clare felt super confident. She knew she looked sexy; her body was hard in all the right places and soft only where it should be. She worked hard at keeping her body this way. Her silky, long black hair was almost to her waist, and she knew that it turned men on in a way nothing else could. Her 36 D breasts sat...

Straight Sex
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Urlaub in Daumlnemark

Und es war einmal ein Urlaub in Dänemark…….. Lange hatten wir uns schon auf die schönsten Tage des Jahres gefreut und sehnlichst erwartet. URLAAAAAAUUUUB. Und nun waren diese lang erwarteten Tage endlich gekommen. Wir packten unsere Sachen und verstauten diese in unser Auto und machten uns auf den Weg zum Treffpunkt. Am Treffpunkt angekommen warteten auf uns schon Diana und Sven. Wir begrüßten uns, und die Mädels quasselten sofort miteinander was alles mit genommen wurde. Wir warteten nur noch...

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Rachels Research 2 Ellie Mark

The word idyllic didn’t do justice to the countryside as I sped through pale-coloured hills, alongside ancient orchards and past hidden wineries towards the busy suburb of the city where Mark and Elaine lived.My taxi pulled to a halt at the side of the street. I paid it off, took my journalist’s bag from the backseat and walked up the short stone-paved path. I knocked on the blue painted wooden front door and as I waited for it to be answered, took stock of my surroundings.I was in a very...

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The Adventures Of Kitty continued

After he left Kitty carefully removed her mask and gloves, putting them in the top drawer of her bedside chest to keep them safe. It was only as she turned that the tail swished against her thigh, so with a chuckle and a bite on her lower lip she eased it from her ass. After a quick clean it, too, joined the rest of her kitty outfit in the drawer. Her fingers went up to her collar…no…that could stay on a while longer, she loved the fact she was now an Owned kitty for real. She sprawled across...

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Life and Times of a Pain Whore Chap2

I woke abruptly to Johnny kicking me. "Are you ready for training, whore?" He pushed and prodded me onto my hands and knees and I quickly understood what he wanted and crawled in front of him to the bathroom. He nodded and I lifted the seat of the toilet, then he pushed me with his foot, my head pressed against the rim of the toilet. He stood back looking down at me, "that's it little toilet whore." With his cock thick in his hand, he pointed it down and started to pee, I gagged a...

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Her First Affair

Twenty-nine year old Mallory's hands were shaking as she drove to Tom’s house. Two months ago Mallory met Tom at the office and their interaction had blossomed and evolved into phone conversations while Mallory's husband was not at home. The passion for each other was now uncontrollable, and not even the fact that Mallory has been married for 8 years and has two young children would stop them from see each other outside of the office.Tom, who was trying not to admit to himself that he had...

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Her First Time Ch 10

Feb 23“You want to talk about it?” I asked Dani. We’d just dropped Jenny off at home and were on our way to Pasco to pick up Dani’s Lexus.She looked out the window, “I… it was a little more than I thought…”“But? I hope you’re not unhappy with Jenny.” She wasn’t acting angry, but sometimes….She turned toward me, “No.”“Me?”“No, I’m fine, better than okay. Last night was… I can’t even describe. And I know Jen is, too. Have to wait and hear how Richard reacts.”I wondered if he’d be disappointed...

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Adventures at Hardonis Academy

New Student=s First Day Part 1By Victor Lavay "Welcome to Hardonis Academy." The distinguished looking Principal said from behind his desk as Sandra walked into his office. "Have a seat." He pointed the young girl to a big comfortable chair in the centre of the room. She quickly took her place as ordered. Her parents had told her that the school could be a lot of fun, but it would be strict on discipline. They assured her, the punishments were not something she would ever forget. So Sandra...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 36

My mother's father, Grandpa Shaw, died during the night of the third of March; the next day was a Monday, and Dad left a message with the Departmental Secretary, asking me to phone home. As soon as she spoke to me, I had a feeling that I knew what the news was going to be. I left the laboratory and went out to find a payphone. Dad told me that Grandpa had passed away peacefully in his sleep, and that he wanted to let us know, but that there was absolutely no need for us to come...

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Waves and Dreams Ch 02

Laney burst back into the house, feeling winded and pleasantly alive. Rex came bounding in behind her, moving quickly to jump on Tugger. ‘Rex! DOWN!’ In mid-flight, the giant dog dropped to the floor in a ‘down’ position, looking wistfully at Tugger, who walked prissily past him, flicking his tail and giving a general glance of disapproval before going to rub on Laney’s legs. Smiling, she reached down and scooped up the enormous cat. ‘Tugger, are you teasing that poor dog?’ Tugger’s eyes...

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MInding Others part 1

by DiscipleN Chapter 1 I have an older brother and two younger sisters. Mother is divorced, and my few memories of my father aren't so memorable. He left us while mom was pregnant with Shelley. I forgot about him by the time I learned to jerk off. Once when I was nine years old, I interrupted Rodney masturbating in the john. Of course anything he could do I had to ape. His face burned red, and I though he was angry with me, but he was just embarrassed. He tried to tell me it was no big...

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BlendersChapter 44

Over the next year Max Bale made Mildred Young fall in love with him passionately. He gave her the best sex she ever thought imaginable. Then turning into Katie, George enjoyed her craving appetites in bed. All the while 1142 was eliminating most of the Elites in America. Very few of them were alive outside the borders of America and Canada. It was saving the best for last. After six months, 1142 finally got in touch with West, Matthews, and Young. They talked telepathically so they...

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A Bunnie To Play With Chapter 4

“Let’s hit the road, Bunnie!” That war cry was so Anne, with her spontaneity and fable for the dramatic. For some unknown reason, I thought back to the moment the name ‘Bunnie’ had come about. It was actually a bit embarrassing. I had been in the process of unpacking my things and stowing them away in the dorm room I had been assigned, when I came about a Mars bar in one of the side pockets of my travelling bag. It had been there for the whole 200 miles drive to the college, it was summer and...

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Hearts BloomingChapter 6 Twinnocence

Like every morning for the past month, a gentle pair of lips sucking on my dick brought me out of my night’s slumber. When I looked down to see which twin it was this time, I automatically smiled at the seventeen-year-old, part of a friendly empathic good morning which she echoed back. As usual, my back was complaining from having lain on it too long but waited for the twin to finish before getting up and doing my morning stretches. Some men would consider my position to be one of pure...

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How my granny obsession started

At 23, I graduated as qualified medical masseuse and worked specifically with young patients who were recovering from severe medical trauma such as car accidents etc. At no time was I anything but professional. But that changed when I was asked by my head of department if I would be willing to help his aged aunt who suffered with stiff joints. Not willing to upset him I agreed. Up until then I had normal sexual tastes as far as women were concerned all except, I absolutely loathed the modern...

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Finding BathshebaChapter 18

A quiet knock on the door woke Brianna from her fitful slumber. She opened her eyes as her mother opened the door. Light streamed in through her blinds, so she knew it was morning. "Brianna, there's a man on the phone for you," she said. Brianna just looked at her. "Jack?" Brianna jumped out of bed and ran across the hall to her parent's room to grab the phone. In the background she could hear her dad in the shower. He was singing some weird freedom rock song, as usual. "Hold on,...

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The Adventures of Hoot MccoyChapter 14

Juri moaned and dropped her head to his shoulder, still looking down to see all she could see. Wishing she could see his fingers as they scratched and moved across her wet cunny lips, they were itching so bad. “Hoot scratch me harder.” Hoot let his fingers rake a little harder and she moved her crotch against him in a quick hunch of her butt. “Harder Hoot, it feels better now.” “Juri, are you sure?” “Yesss, scratch it fast Hoot, I need you to make my cunny stop itching.” Hoot pressed...

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Atarahs MoonChapter 5

(edited) Atarah waited for the latest reply from mom. The Blue Ion folks were still working on the problem of shutting down the Drive. So far, it refused every conceivable option. So now they were working out of the box, way out. She just requested that if they tried something that might kill them, to please let her know first. The only piece of information they gave was a puzzle: She told Jabin, “They said the physics of our drive isn’t quite right. Possibly why it isn’t controllable.” He...

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Damn the AristocracyChapter 17

As soon as the spring rains slowed down, the GSA was back to threatening us. By this time, the railroad had made the necessary repairs, and trains were running southwest from Augusta again. This time, the generals had learned something and had sent what they figured were sufficient troops ahead to guard the route the trains would take. That was good news to us. This time, all four cavalry squadrons were sent to attack the GSA. Each squadron was assigned an area to hit, plus all four had...

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Best Birthday EVER And it wasnt even mine

Name's Zeke. I'm a 31 year old living in Tacoma, Washington; Of average height and build; I got blonde, naturally curly hair, and brown eyes. I work a temp office job part time; And do 4 days a week (1 on weekends) at a convenience store. There's nothing particularly out of the ordinary about me. And that's why I've absolutely GOT to share the story of a mind blowingly extraordinary experience I recently had.About 3 months ago; I broke up with a girl I'd been seeing on and off for about 2...

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One day when heading home from college I stopped at a gas station close to my house.While getting gas I had the urge to use restroom and went to the one at the station.When I finished something caught my eye written on the wall and it read:[/b]For a good time call and listed a number, Love Mark.had a pen in my pocket and used a paper towel to write it down on.When I got to the house I took it out of my pocket and stared at it to the point I almost memorized the number!!!!!It mad em so curious...

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A year

08-24-2008 First day of class I love being a ministry major here at Mid-south Bible University. Today classes we amazing all Bible classes loved it . 08-25-2008 Second day of class I realize that we must some understanding of the world in order to better fight of f Satan but why must we have such worldly people teach the general education classes. My biology professor thinks that Darwin had some good points. My sociology professor thinks that we should be understanding of homos...

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The Merits of Ballet

She remembered the sheer elegance of the dance, remembered the feeling of tamed power in the movements of her body under the strain of the arabesque, only dimly aware of her partner’s lips toying with the sensitive skin of her neck. Once upon the time, she had thought there were many commonalities between sex and ballet - both addictive, both ecstatic and both fulfilling. Her back arched at the sting of the bite as her partner’s teeth sank into her skin. A reprimand for inattention. ”I might...

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