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Grendel Wolde 1513, which is the dreadfulla storeye of the ambush of the deceitefulle and godless Urners against the truie, faithfulla and godloving people of Grendel Wolde

(from a village church chronicle)


Tinu shifted uneasily on the small ledge and pulled the fur closer around himself.

Why am I sitting here? he asked himself, not for the first time on this cold winter morning. He was way too old for this and could have left it to younger men. Maybe because it made him feel useful. The wind was whistling in the rock crack above them and blew snow into his eyes. It was very cold, even for mid-winter and snow had fallen the last three nights. It had stopped now, but the paths were very difficult even for the most determined travellers. More than knee-deep new snow on top of the thick layer that had been there already.

Not a good day for a foray into hardly known hostile territory. The Urners would not come. Not today. No reason therefore for his companion and him to sit on this tiny rock ledge in the cliff above the valley. Nevertheless, he kept on starring into the valley behind the mountain pass from where the Urners had to come when they came, because that they would come one day, there was no doubt possible for Tinu. The white heap next to him moved, a scrubby head stuck out of the sheep skins powdered over with snow.

‘Ugh, I hate Urners,’ mumbled, scratching his head and turning to Tinu. ‘They will not come. Not with the snow and all.’

‘Be glad for it,’ the older one replied and pulled his wolf fur tighter around his shoulders, ‘no one wants this fight.’

The other had turned his attention again to the divide between the two valleys, separating two daleships, two bishoprics and two hostile peoples. His eyes followed the rock ledge on the edge of which they sat. The Guardians of the Valley.

The ledge widened further down, then met a steep scree that ended at a very dense forest, the Grendel Wolde, that protected the village from the frequent lowina, rock avalanches. Behind the forest were the first houses of the village that carried the same name as the forrest protecting it. He could see from their vantage point high above the valley that the first villagers moved around to begin their daily chores. It would soon be time for him to go down.

‘I want to kill as many of the bastards as I can. Bloody sheep fuckers they are, ungodly and deceitful all of them.’

Tinu sighed. Hannes had never even seen an Urner in his life, he had never been out of the valley and Urners did not come here. Sometimes the ramblings of young men angered him. Like wild dogs, really, he thought. Once you set them against each other, they only wanted to fight and forgot all around them. He envied them for their vigour, but their lack of brains was frightening.

His nephew, Dres, was a little better and the other men of the daleship council, as were some others of their age. They had learned to think and to decide when to pick a fight, at least on good days. But Dres was old as well. Not as old as Tinu, certainly. No one was that old anyway.

The oldest men died the latest one or two hands of years younger than Tinu, and most before, most often blind or deaf and crippled by gout. He had none of these ailments, and even though he could no longer run like a young man or match their strength, he was in better physical shape than men a generation younger than him.

Rumours had started a year or two ago that God did not want to take him home to Heavens for a sin he had committed. That God keept him alive and well, and among the living of the mountain goat people in the Grendel Wolde valley.

He brushed away some snow that had gathered on his blanket. The wolf fur kept him dry and warm, but he did not want it to ice over if the snow melted from his body warmth underneath. He shuddered under the fur as the icy mountain wind blew along the cliff face.

Tinu did not know why he had not aged at the same pace others did. He was not aware of any particular sin he had commited. He was certainly not a saint, but he had tried not to break the most important ones of God’s commandements, and the priest had absolved him from the sins he had nevertheless committed.

He knew from where the rumour probably had come. They were all of the same daleship, the daleship of the mountain goat of Grendel Wolde, which united them against the Urners. But other things divided them. The valley community or daleship consisted of several alps, the slopes surrounding the valley, and the grazing and watering rights were organised by alpships, co-operatives into which one was born. The alpships in the valley fought each other for grazing rights and water, here a stolen cow, there a watering through on a remote alp smashed at night, occasional fist fights.

What he knew for certain was that it must have been a Boume or an Abegg who had started the rumours. The Koufme usually tried to keep out of the quarrels in the valley. And it was unthinkable that someone of his own clan, the ‘nderegg, had spread the rumours. So it must have been a Boume or an Abegg. Probably a Boume, there was more than one reason why they did not like him. Old stories, the reasons and circumstances long forgotten, only the grudge and the hostility remained.

‘It was us who raided them first. A handful of summers ago,’ he said to the younger man.

‘It was god’s will that we fought these godless creatures.’

A sharp remark burned Tinu’s lips, but he was wise enough not to say it aloud. Something along the lines of that it had been the priest who had said that it was God’s will. And that it had been the Abbot of the cloister between the lakes, their lord, who had allegedly told the priest about God’s will.

Tinu did not think he knew god’s will better than the abbott, who probably was a very saintly man if God made him the master over the stone cloister between the lakes, and therewith over the valleys and their inhabitants. But he had been once over the montain pass that they were watching and into the next valley. From the next mountain ridge, he had looked into a valley that belonged to some Urner people. He had seen a church, and he had heard a bell. They did not have a bell in the Grendel Wolde church, but he knew what a bell sounded like and only churches could afford them.

‘All creatures are god’s creatures,’ he said rather lamely, and to strenghten the statement just a little, ‘and the Urners believe in god as well.’ The answer was as swift as it was shortsighted:

‘No they don’t, otherwise the abbott would not have told us to attack them sheep fuckers.’ The young man smiled at him triumphantly, then turned away again.

Tinu sighed inwardly. Young men really believed anything they were told. He had heard that abbots fought each other pretendeing the other one was a heretic, just as daleships fought each other, or alpships fougth among each other.

He had also heard strange stories about the Urners and two other daleships further North. They did not want to serve an overlord anymore, had killed the reeves, killed or chased away their men-at-arms and had declared themselves free. Tinu shook his head about such wild stories. Surely, not even the Urners and their northern neighbours could be so crazy.

Normal folk without a lord? That was obviously against the god-willed order of things, Tinu could not believe such folly. Since when could the folk be free, without a landlord to protect them. The next thing would be to live without the guidance and protection of Holy Mother Church.

He shook his head, snorting. Lunacy! Whisperings from the Horned One. He hastily crossed himself to ward off evil.

He could not help thinking that the order of the abbot to foray into the Urners’ lands had more to do with the rebellion of the Urners than that the Urners did no longer serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

e had been rumours of a battle of the Oath-Companions (as the Urners and the other revolters seemed to call themselves) against an army of knights, and that the Oath-Companions had won. Now this was an obvious lie, spread by the Urners to frighten their enemies. Since when could the folk stand against knights. God would not stand on the side of folk defying his will.

In any case, it was clear to him that his mountain goat people had attacked the Urners first and that they would retaliate. Maybe this winter, maybe next summer, and until then, there would always be a Guardian of the Valley on watch. He also knew that it was their own fault even if the Abbot had told them to do it. But he also knew that this thought was too complicated for the young man. Hannes preferred to hate the Urners as this was God’s will, the will expressed by the priest.

After another sweeping glance along the ridge line of mountain pass and the valley beyond it,where there was nothing but virgin snow, he shook the snow from his fur and stood up, careful not to slip and fall from the ledge into the depth.

‘I will go down now,r’ he mumbled with cold stiff lips. Hannes briefly looked over at him, nodded and stared at the ridge again. „Stay vigilant. And whatever you do, don’t close your eyes.’

‘Stay alert,’ he repeated once more. The younger man flashed him an angry glance from under his bushy eyebrows. Tinu sighed exasperatedly and turned to climb down the long way into the valley, where later this morning mass would be held.

It had begun very shortly after the ‘Credo’ in the middle of mass. The whole parish had murmured the syllables they all had learned by heart and of which they understood nothing than that they were important and were supposed to express their creed.

At first, there had been a red glow behind one of the small windows made of thin-scraped leather. The window was not very big and it was high up in the wall. But against the dull grey light of the winter morning, the yellowish-red was clearly visible. One of the Boume had seen it first, as they stood together opposite the wall with the window.

One of them had seen it, gasped and indicated at the window. The whole parish had turned around to see what it was the Boume had seen. The colour could only mean that there was fire. One of the houses must have caught fire from the embers that were still in the hearth. It was then that they had also heard a scream and shouting, the bleating of sheep and some small bell that they knew hung on the neck of the bellwether. And loud, strong voices. Men’s voices.

The whole parish was in the church, except for the Guardian on the cliff ledge. And then it had dawned on them: the Urners had come. They had sneaked into the valley despite the snow storm and had ambushed the Grendel Wolde village. These godless heathens had come on a sunday morning where the godloving people of the mountain goat tribe were at mass.

There was an uproar, much loader than the noise now heard outside of the church, the men were fuming and several were running towards the heavy oaken doors to defend their village against the pillagers, to smother the flames and save from the fire whatever they could, when the voice of the priest was heard, cracking above the din like a whip:

‘CURSED THE ONE who leaves the House of the Lord where the table is set, only to run after worldly goods!’ The men, some of them had nearly reached the oaken doors, hesitated, looked back in disbelief. ‘CURSED THE ONE,’ shouted the priest once more and pointed at them.

Some of them, notably the young ‘nderegg and Boume men considered to continue. But a look at the frightened faces of their women and the wiser of the older men stopped them in their tracks. Killing and being killed by Urners was one thing. Everybody wanted to kill Urners and stay alive if possible. But being cursed by the priest was something else altogether. The wrath of the Urners, they could live with. The wrath of God was nothing anybody of them wanted to face.

They led a hard life, their houses were small and their sheep were not fat. They defended their belongings when they could. But not at the cost of burning in Hell. Grumbling, they turned around and stood again on their places, shooting glances full of hate at the priest in his black cassock tight over his fat body, who began chanting again and proceeded with his litany.

It took the priest a long time, a very long time. Longer then ever before or after it felt to the folk of Grendel Wolde until he had finished his chanting, before he had broken the Lord’s body, had drunk the Lord’s blood and given the blessing. Only then were they free to rush out into the cold winter air while the women and children stayed in the church just in case that the Urners had not gone.

But gone they were. They had left behind two burned houses, the ancestral homes of the Boume and Abegg elders, they had stolen food, some copper cauldrons which were precious properties and little else from the houses. There was little else to steal. They had also driven away a good part of the sheep of the upper village, but the time had not been sufficient to also raid stables in the lower parts of the village. The Urners had been very audacious, but not foolhardy and it would be a very hard winter in the valley. Maybe they would have to ask the cloister for food even if that meant still higher tithes for the years to come.

The men grabbed whatever was available, knives, pitchforks, sickles, clubs, some were empty-handed as they ran up the hill following the deep tracks in the snow. They were furious, and they were afraid.

Afraid of the Urners, but even more afraid of a spring that would come and they would eat limp winter grass and tree bark. They would cook old sheep skins and leather belts to have at least something like a soup. Where some old people, and small children and their mothers, exhausted from childbirth would die of hunger, and where the young and strong would wait helplessly for the first fruit to grow, and the first green to sprout. Not vegetables, but just any sort of green they would devour. For live was hard in Grendel Wolde, even when they had collected foodstuff in summer and autumn. As it was now, things looked grim.

And so they sallied out of the church and up the mountain side in the hope that the Urners were slowed down by the sacks of food and the herd of sheep they drove before them through the deep snow.

Tinu knew better than to follow them. He was too old to be of any use, too slow on his feet. The Urners had a big headstart, at least the time it takes to prey three rosaries, maybe four. They were probably halfway to the pass summit by now, and even if it was possible to pursue them beyond the pass, the farther the men went, the more risky it got. Behind the pass were Urner lands. If it came to a fight there, the people there would help the Urners, as they were Urners themselves.

Instead of running towards the pass with the others, Tinu hasted through the Grendel Wolde forrest and scrambled up the scree. The heavy club he had with him made him fall several times. But it was better to have some bruises and scrathces than to meet a Urner straggler emptyhanded.

He was worried what he would find on the rock ledge. No Hannes, taken away by the enemy or a dead Hannes below the ledge in the rocks. But his suspicion was another one.

When he reached the ledge, he thought they had taken him with them. But approaching, he saw something move slightly, a deep moan. And there was Hannes, sunken down from his sitting position. His sheep skins were gone, he lay in the snow only in his shirt and breeches and he seemed unconcious.

Tinu carefull searched the environment, but could not see anybody else and approached the younger man. He had a bad wound at the back of his head, probably from a club, his skin was ghastly pale with a blueish hue from the cold, he was unconcious, but seemed otherwise
in order. It is as I have thought, as I have warned him before leaving, thought Tinu.

Quickly, he grabbed the younger man’s arm, pulled him along the ledge and a few steps into the gravel of the cree towards the village. He took off one of the sheep skins he wore and wrapped it around Hannes, then took his club and gave the unconcious man a good beating, not to hard, careful not to break any bones, but he would have some ugly bruises to show. Then he turned around and swiftly went back to the village.

When the men would come back from their pursuit they would wonder what had happened to the Guardian, why he had not warned the village. A Guardian knocked out while asleep on duty would be driven out of the village and banished from it. An outnumbered figther on guard duty knocked inconcious by the enemy would have a hard time, but he still had a place in the village if they found him before he froze to death.

It was the only thing Tinu could do for his kinsman.

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“By honey, we’ll be back in two weeks,” my mom woke me up. I rolled over as she closed my bedroom door. It was almost night already. I had just slept about eight hours after only being awake maybe seven. I was still tired. Oh well, more sleep would fix that. I woke again. Four in the morning. Almost another eight hours. Damn. I was getting hungry. I couldn’t move. It hurt too much. Why? “Aaaaah!” I twitched my arm over my mattress. So much pain. My body seemed to...

3 years ago
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Serenas Wish Part 1

My name is Serena. I guess you could say that I'm a good girl, I have just turned 18 and I have maintained honor roll throughout high school. I even still have a few faint freckles. I believe in modesty, but I'm nowhere near, a prude. I have always been able to make friends with guys easier than I have girls. I have a pretty amazing sex-life with my boyfriend, Cole, but my sexual urges to be dominated haven't necessarily been mentioned to him.I'm 5"2' inches tall with fair skin with a sort of...

1 year ago
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Gare Ki Shadi Meri Suhagrat 8211 Part 1

Hi dosto kese he aap log mujhe pata he ek dam mast honge or aapni sex life ko enjoy kar rahe honge aap logo ka jay singh fir hazir he aapni ek or nayi kahani le ke aap logo ne meri pichli kahani ko bohot saraha iske liye me aap logo ka tahe dil se sukriya ada karta hu or asha karta hu mujhe ye pyar barbara milta rahega aap mujhe aapne vichar pe mail kar ke bata sakte he aap mujhe hangout pe bhi msg kar sakte he ye aap mujhe meri id se mujhe fb par bhi dhundh sakte he agar koi ladki ya bhabhi...

3 years ago
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She didnt know that I knew Part 10

Things take a turn.....During the next few days, both of our schedules were very hectic, and we didn’t talk about the events of the previous Wednesday. On Monday, I found out that my wife needed to go to an out of town conference Wednesday through Friday and I had a similar Business requirement the following week. Consequently, we did not meet up with her co-worked for the next two Wednesdays. The third week, I asked about him.“We’ve decided not to see each other anymore” she answered,...

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Naked Exposure

Have you ever tried to serve a someone a meal, flirt with them, then seduce them, all while being desperate to cum – and have to do so without making the tiniest mistake? I have.Mistress Andrea stood off to the side, watching as I performed an erotic dance for an honored guest, Master Aleksandr, who was watching from the dinner table where I had just finished serving his meal. Mistress Andrea would ultimately be the one to pass judgement on whether I was good enough to be initiated as a slave...

1 year ago
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Not OrdinaryChapter 8

My body hurt as if a thousand pins were constantly prickling me at all points in my body, hitting bone each time. But that was nothing compared to the pain my brain was going through. It felt like I had been given an exam for the last seven days, without any rest or sleep. And to top all of that, I was struggling with the revelation of my powers. But the most important emotion that had permeated every fibre of my being was the absolute dread, the mind-numbing fear of staring death in the...

3 years ago
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Poonam8217s Secret Stranger In Home

Since my husband work in IT, his timings to reach home is always around 1 or 2 at late night. My name is Poonam and I got married at the age of 24 to a 40 year old guy. His name is Sagar. I am 25 now and I never cared about my husband much. I married him because he earns a lot and I can get settled in Mumbai. I was born and brought up in village. But I got educated well and sexually active even in college. I kept myself fit and used my husbands money lavishly with my new friends I got in this...

3 years ago
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Why Was Frank Avoiding Her

I sat at the table sipping a Coke from the machine just down the motel hall and watched as my best friend Joie (pronounced Joey) worked her magic on a young stud that she had picked up at the Golden Spur. Joie was married, but quite obviously not working at it. She had already taken her sweater and bra off and her breasts were out there for all to see. The 'all' was Joie's stud Al, me and Phil who was Al's wingman of the evening. Phil and I watched as Al moved up behind Joie and cupped her...

2 years ago
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Papa Ki Chachi Sey Chudai

Neha suntey hi boli bhaiya kya boltey ho papa ney chachi ki chudai ki mein to soch bhi nahi sakti. Jarur chachai kuttiya ki koi chal chali hogee. Mein bhi yahi soch rha hu. Night hua aur neha key soney key bad mein chachi ki room mey chala gaya. Chachi to mera jaisey besabri sey intjar kar rhai thi. Mere ko bed per kheech ker lita di. Mein bola chachi pahley aap mere papa ki kahani bato uskey bad hi mein kuch karunga. Boli sala tu bhi baap ki tarh jiddi hai. Sun ek bar mein galti sey teri ma...

2 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 29

JR Hollis, JR's son Paul - one of the bastards - West Lang and I met for an early breakfast before our tee time at 8am sharp. Yann and Sean were at the table with us. Juan had taken Sean shopping for these occasions because his prior wardrobe consisted of two pairs of jeans and twenty-six t-shirts. Today, he was wearing a dress shirt and vest that with that faint British accent made him kind of elegant. Yann, on the other hand, had worn a silk tee, a sport coat and another pair of his...

1 year ago
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Three for all

Laura and her daughter were standing naked in front of the elder client. He was also naked with a raging hard on. His cock was long and thick and already leaking cream as he looked at the two nudes in front of him. He loved the mother and daughter team. He got the experience of the mother and the freshness of the daughter. He had been fucking the mother for over ten years and when she brought her daughter into the act it made it so much more exciting. Laura was one of the best whores in the...

3 years ago
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Hot Driveway Sex

I really don't know what came over me, maybe I just wanted his cock inside me. But we were going at it in my parent's driveway. Maybe it was a moment of insanity. Yep, that's right. You read it right the first time. I was fucking my boyfriend in his truck. In my parent's drive way. While they were home! We were sitting out in his truck talking, me in the driver's seat and him beside me. His name was Nathan and he was my at-the-time boyfriend. He was a little bit taller than me with brown hair...

Quickie Sex
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My Clients

Chapter 1 I looked across the table between me and a middle aged business man on the Queen Street to Lanark Central train. He was trying to look down my skimpy top without me noticing. I smiled seductively. I was wearing what my new client has suggested; a white shirt a size too small, a black silky skirt with a slit up the back and black stockings that just reached the skirt hem. He reminded me of the first older man I had been with. My snatch got wet as I remembered. He was a friend of my...

1 year ago
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first time for everything

Well, I'm a first time writer, so bear with me, I've never written anything like this before, and I'd like to get some feedback on this. This experience happened, but, I'd prefer to just keep the parties' private. You'll have to pardon some grammatical errors, I recently was involved in an accident that involved my fingers and well, do the math. I'm 35 years old, live in the pacific NW loving life out here. This experience happened when I was under 18. I had moved in with my dad and stepmom...

1 year ago
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Two Teachers Four Boys in a CabinChapter 8

Friday We were all sitting around the kitchen eating our cereal and toast when Patty said, “Well this is it, boys, we only have today to do whatever you want because tomorrow morning we pack up and go home.” I had a pretty good idea what they would want to do and I was determined not to disappoint them. I could already see little Billy had a hard-on sticking out the bottom of the pant leg of his shorts. It seems all of the boys are going commando lately. Greg got up and put his dishes in...

3 years ago
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The Gloryhole for Girls

The Gloryhole for Girls &hellip,.After watching some porn of girls jacking and sucking cocks at a glory hole, I noticed they didnt have a place for them to get a pussy licked and eaten. I had an idea. I went out to my garage and designed and built a glory box for the ladys. It was a test and made out of cardboard. I called the wife out and had her test it. It had a curved wide slot for the lady to put their legs spread or high up. They could turn around it they wanted it from the back side. ...

2 years ago
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Mattie My Journey to Freedom Part 2

Mattie, My Journey to Freedom; Part 2My recovery from surgical procedures went better than expected.I felt a-bit giddy on the examination table, without the paper gown, naked. Jenny placed my feet in the stirrups and ran Velcro straps across my knees and feet. My legs were stretched away from each other as she adjusted the height of the seat and spread my legs even further. With my cunt open, Jenny began poking and touching me. She seemed to have lost her professional detachment and was simply...

1 year ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 49

The girls’ trip in the car began in silence. Hailey was still seething and Tiffany and Molly were still half-drunk and half-asleep. “We’re almost to your friend’s house,” Hailey said, the first words spoken during the 10-minute trip. “Do you two want me to drop you off?” “I’ve made a right ass of myself already,” Molly said. “I think I’ll pass.” “Tiffany?” Hailey pushed when the dark-haired woman was silent. “Like it would make a difference what I want,” Tiffany hissed. “I’m sure you...

1 year ago
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Rape ConfessionsChapter 2

(Sister gets fucked, Nun gets raped, priest gets fucked with mentally. Jaz goes to hell, where he will probably be fucked. Warning: Strong religious themes. This story will stand alone, but it is definitely a sequel.) "No, No, Please God NO!" My sister whimpered as I played with her breasts. She did not fight or struggle really. I think a small part of her tactile memory recalled how much pleasure these hands had given her. You see my little sister Susan had recently been held hostage...

1 year ago
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Daddy Dont Get Me Pregnant

An innocent 22yr old daughter wishes to make her father proud by doing something special for him on father's day but daddy has some kinky plans for her. A dad gets an amazing gift from his 22 year old daughter on Father's Day. Katherine who is 22 years old lost her mother at a young age. Her father was all that she had. This year she had been planning to gift her father something good on Father's Day and wanted to make him really proud. As she was the only child, she loved making daddy proud of...

2 years ago
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Night at the concert

“Yeah?” “Uhm…let’s get going…” “Sure boss lady” I close and lock the door behind me and follow her as she walk down the walk to the car waiting outside my gate. She gets in the back and I rest my arms on the top of the door and lean down to look at Chris and Tina, they share the same shocked look that Christy just displayed “Hey lover birds, you two ready to party?” Chris is the first to get his composure back “Hell yeah man, let’s get rolling!” I open the door and slap...

4 years ago
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The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus CountyEpisode 2 SPITTING IMAGE

The old pickup hurled over an unpaved road. Bouncing from one side to the other, the old rickety rust bucket moaned and groaned as the vehicle bounded along the roadway. Air rushed through the open window. The roar of it threatened to drown out the radio. Thorn turned off the radio, removed his hat, and let the rushing wind blow through his hair. “You know why I go by Thorn and not Thornton?” “No,” Earl Lyman concentrated on the pain more than the man’s words. “Thorn describes me better....

1 year ago
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Life and Times of a Horny Couple Chapter 5

 It had been a couple of weeks since we had met Lacey and John for some fun. Our schedules just weren't in sync. Erica and I were really looking forward to meeting with them again. While we tried to set up a date with them, Erica continued her "hobby" of sexy on-line chat.She connected with another couple and enjoyed discussing our recent flashing, and watch be watched adventure. She told them about our no touching rule. They thought it all sounded very hot. Erica also made it clear to...

Group Sex
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Sex with girlfriend

Hi this is john age 22 from banglore i want to narrate you the story happened between me and my girl friend during my college days.. I had a girlfriend by name sarika(Name Changed) we were doing be in reputed college. Iam a shy guy in college and never talk to girls.. One day she found i was innocent and asked me can we be friends i did not reply as i was bit shy.. Then she got my mobile number from my friends and sending friendly sms to me and within no matter of time we become friends..One...

3 years ago
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Massage leads to client revealing hidden talents

I had not long graduated from University as a Sports Ther****t and Sports Masseur. I was looking to set up my own small business, providing treatments on a mobile basis. I received a message from a girl who was a friend of a friend, interested in arranging a massage for herself. We'd briefly met on a night out and I got the impression she had a bit of a thing for me, but I put it down to the copious amount of alcohol flowing. Either way, nothing came of it that night. She was about 5ft6, very...

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Game WorldChapter 85

It was late in the afternoon of the next day before I got to get away from business and have a moment or two to myself. At the time I was standing on a slope of a hill overlooking the site where Hope was building her mega-teleportation system. The site stood a few hundred yards to the south of the resort in a large clearing. The area was a beehive of activity and I was impressed by what I saw. Structurally the facility was almost complete. The facility was roughly the size of a small...

3 years ago
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A Fitting For A Hairbrush

Charley’s first internet date with Abby, excuse me, Mistress Abby, was a disaster. He was looking for a strong good-looking woman, someone who would appreciate his body (he had no personality to speak of), and he found one. Strong was the operative word. Abby was also very attractive and wore her clothes to accentuate her charms. Charley actually got so stiff when he first saw her that he was embarrassed at the expanding tent below his belt. Sexy and demanding too, Abby monopolized the...

2 years ago
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My Big Mistake

This story is written for the enjoyment of Adults only    ???? This story is written for the enjoyment of Adults only.? Please send any comments or remarks to [email protected].? I love hearing from you.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????? My Big Mistake ????? My wife Mary and I had been married for over 40 years and still loved each other very much.? When she wanted to go on a trip with her sister and my daughter, I gave her my blessing.? I felt she needed to have some...

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E083 About Aunt Dorothy and Maude

Over dinner, Donald begins to tell Emma the story of his Aunt Dorothy and Maude.  Emma is so spellbound by the tale of these two women she will be meeting the next day. It is astonishing that she eats any of her dinner.  But they both do finish all of their meal over a bottle of wine and the tale."Like I told you, my father and my aunt were twins.  Born in 1943, while the war was going on.  Their father was stationed with the Coast Guard at the time off of Cape Cod, so their mother was near...

Love Stories
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Children of the Gods Part 1Chapter 2 The Awakening

Friday afternoon was a time of frustrated desires for Melissa and Mark. "I'll miss you." He kissed her slightly parted lips. "I wish there was some way we could convince your parents to let you come along. I feel it would be..." He paused and thought a moment before he continued. "I don't know why. It's just that for some reason I feel it would be right and proper for you to go with me." Melissa sighed. "God, my mother is too Molly Mormon to even consider such a thing as a weekend...

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