Carol’s Patch Job Ch. 03 free porn video

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‘Mother, you stay up here. Nancy can fetch you food from the kitchen. I will be back to talk with you at noon tomorrow for your answer.’

‘I love you Mother.’

Carol left the room and Janice returned to her fetal position.

Nancy thought to herself. ‘How did I let this happen? I knew things didn’t smell right. Mary has always been a backstabbing bitch and Marge, a queen ruling over her little domain. We had some good times, but I didn’t let them run my life. Janice is a smart woman, how did she come to let Marge control her like that? I should have forced Janice to confront Jim. I could tell her that you tell Jim or I would. Maybe it is someone else’s family, but there are children to protect. Now, this family might be destroyed. Janice has syphilis and is a basket case. Good grief, they might even have HIV.’

Nancy called her husband Don and explained how Janice had broken down. She implied the break down was because of Jim’s illness. She told Don that she needed to stay with Janice for the whole day and might not be home until late the next day, Sunday. Don understood and agreed to her plan. He would look after the children. Nancy, then went and got a wet wash cloth from the bathroom and started wiping down Janice’s face and back of neck.

‘Janice, I know you’re upset. I know you’re sorry and don’t know what to do. Everything hurts too much and your too scared to think. Well listen to me, then. I’ll help you. You know I tried to stop you. I tried to get you to stop listening to Marge. So you listen to me now. I’ll be your coach, for as long as you want me too. You’ve got to calm down. I’m not going to yell at you. I’m not going to berate you. I’ll try to be your shield. Sit up now, we don’t have any time to waste. You’ve got to be strong and rescue your family.’

Janice heard the words, ‘rescue your family’. They seemed to resonate within her. If she concentrated on them, it could help turn her self perception from the revulsion at being a villain into maybe a heroine. She would use those words, to help her self grow strong and help her family.

For the entire day, Janice and Nancy talked. They talked about Janice’s life with her family before Marge. They talked about Jim’s illness. Early in the evening Janice put a random family tape in the VCR, with that going on in the background, she started going through the family albums. Things that she thought of as boring, for the last few years, she now thought of as indescribably precious. The family’s daily bike rides, her bike was dusty and hadn’t been ridden in years. The inexpensive weekend trips that they use to take once a month. All the little things the family used to do, and still did but without her.

Six years ago, she was bored with her life. She wanted excitement. Janice had always enjoyed her soaps and bit of juicy gossip but Marge raised it to another level. Janice started to live vicariously through those soaps and nasty, wicked gossip. Much of the gossip being at best highly exaggerated truths to outright lies and distortions. Marge had been the leader, but Janice had willingly followed. The importance of her family had waned, and she had started living a lie. She had a complete imaginary life in her head, until it had led her to disaster, now reality had struck back, hard. She saw herself, if she didn’t fix this problem, alone as cackling old woman in smelly old apartment, never leaving her couch and glued to the television. To live a meaningless life and then to be buried, with no mourners and especially no family. She could smell the sour apartment and see the empty graveside. With a sardonic thought, she suddenly saw herself as Scrooge when he was confronted by the Ghost of Christmas Future. Scrooge had redeemed his life, she just hoped she had the chance and strength to redeem hers.

Nancy spent the night with Janice and at noon, they were as ready as they were going to get for Carol’s return.

Carol knocked on the door and came in. Janice was sitting washed and neatly dressed, with a determined expression of her face. Carol was surprised at her Mother’s expression. It was far different from the previous two days. She had planned this meeting based on her Mother’s prior behavior, this new look might force her to change things.

‘Hello Mother, Nancy. Thank you Nancy for being here for my Mother.’

Nancy nodded her head politely.

‘Mother do you have anything to say?’

Janice braced herself took a deep breath and started. ‘What I did to your Father is terrible and I will never forgive myself. What I have been doing to this family for the past few years, is also terrible and I will never forgive myself. I lived an imaginary life in my head, where I didn’t realize what I was doing to this family. I am so sorry and sickened to say, that it has taken something like this to wake me up. I love you all so much. Please, give me another chance? I know I will fall and make mistakes along the way, but I promise you that I will pick myself back up and keep trying. Don’t throw me away, don’t leave my life.’ Janice cried a little at the last, but fixed that determined expression back on her face.

‘Mother we won’t throw you away, we love you. But, do you want to stay married to Daddy?’

‘I love your Father. I would love and be so happy to stay married to him. But, I cheated on him six times and gave him an STD, maybe HIV. How can he stay with a woman like me?’ She cried.

‘I’ve talked with Marge. Danny’s last sexual experience, except for you, was over two months ago. He is the only one, you didn’t use condoms with. He has tested positive for syphilis but negative for HIV. Most cases of HIV show up, after three months. The other three men have to be found, contacted and tested but you used condoms with them. I’m praying, but I think you might be alright.’

‘In regards to your cheating. I had an interesting conversation with Uncle Ben. It turns out. he remembers a particular conversation he had with Daddy about adultery. In the conversation Daddy said that if a spouse commits adultery. Then regretted and truly repented. Promising themselves to never stray again and doing everything in their power to make amends with the wronged spouse, then it is better if the cheating spouse doesn’t tell the wronged spouse about the adultery. Daddy said, that if he was the wronged spouse, he would always doubt himself and the marriage. He would think that he wasn’t really loved and that he was a terrible lover. ‘

‘So Uncle Ben, Uncle Mark, Steve and I have agreed to not tell Daddy about your adultery. If he flat out asks, we will have to tell him the truth. But we will try to avoid those situations. We will do our best to cover things up and support you, but we will not tell lies for you. We will though, lie by omission. It is up to you, to make Daddy feel so loved that he never asks. The first thing you have to fix, is you have to spend more time in the hospital room visiting Daddy. He feels terrible that your not coming in to see him and he doesn’t understand why. You can tell him that it was the shock of almost losing him, that kept you away, or something like that. If we’re asked we can just say shock and not to give the full answer, shock because of your adultery.’

‘Now Mother, I want to know why you decided Daddy was cheating on you? It has to be more than those lousy photos.’

‘It was Mary.’ Answered Nancy. ‘She told us, how after your Mother dropped Jim at the airport, Jim would wait for Janice to leave and then catch a taxi to the Hilton. She said that she followed him all the way, for Jim’s last three business trips.’

‘Did either of you read the detective’s report?’ Both women shook their heads no.

‘I’ve been feeling so guilty and with Jim obviously not cheating, there didn’t seem to be any point.’ Answered Janice.

‘The man you thought was Daddy. Doesn’t fly into the Hilton, he drives his own car from his home town during the work week. He is just staying there u
ntil he completes his move to this area.’ The woman pictured is his fiancée and why he is switching jobs and moving here. On top of that, the traffic in the airport is a mess, how could Mary follow anyone through that?’

‘After the truth came out, she told us she must have made a mistake and followed the wrong man. Obviously, she lied.’ Stated Nancy ‘She was always a twisted bitch and she wanted to have some excitement. We were so concerned about Jim and the aftermath, that we just never questioned such a shaky story. Though we did scream at her for being so stupid.’

Janice said, ‘I want to hurt her but it is my own damn fault for not trusting and talking to your Father.’

‘Don’t worry Mother, I will be dealing with Marge and Mary.’ Carol stated in a sinister voice with an evil glint in her eye.


‘Don’t Mother, they hurt this family. I’m going to hurt them, there will be no discussion!’

‘Mother there are certain things that we require of you, to get our support. One, you must get therapy, Uncle Ben will pay for it. We’ve found a therapist, if you don’t like her, you can find your own. Two, unless Uncle Ben, Uncle Mark or I are present you will sever all communication with Marge and Mary. Three, you will encourage Daddy to move. He has always wanted to live further from the city, maybe by Aunt Penny’s. Four, you mention to Daddy that if he ever wants to change jobs and move further from this area, you will support him. Five, what do you do with all your pay Mother? Daddy, lives so cheaply. He makes his shoes last until they are falling apart. He’s got us in new cars, but he has over 300,000 miles on his minivan. That probably even hurts his job prospects to be so shabbily dressed and drive such a clunker. I know the only two good suits he has, Uncle Ben bought him as a present. You know how much pride Daddy has. He doesn’t like to take expensive gifts for himself, from Uncle Ben. Yet he agreed to go to a fitting with Uncle Ben for the suits. He must have been pretty desperate. Most wives, I’ve talked to and heard about, are very involved in their husband’s purchase of clothes and appearance. Where does your money go?’

Janice looked saddened at Carol’s question. ‘You already know, I’ve been a bad wife and mother. As you said, Jim has his pride about money. He thinks that it is his job to financially take care of the family, to be the bread winner. It has always been difficult for him to ask me to contribute to the household finances. It is sad how grateful he is, for my small contributions. I only give him, maybe ten or fifteen percent of my pay. He never asks me, what I do with the rest. I think, he thinks I spend it on you kids or maybe save if for your college education.’

‘But he is wrong. I do have a secret saving’s account, but it doesn’t have very much money. I spend most of my income on clothes and once or twice a week, I go to a very expensive restaurant for lunch.’

‘Mother you don’t have that many clothes. You can’t have spent that much money on them.’

Janice laughed. ‘Honey, you’ve never cared much about clothes. Or perhaps you’ve been too busy, doing my job to care.’ Janice looked sad with the last statement. ‘I like to look sharp, when I go to work. Really too sharp for an elementary school teacher. That purse there, fifteen hundred dollars. The pant suits in the closet, the cheapest one, eight hundred dollars. I don’t have a pair of shoes below three hundred. I think, I wanted to dress like the women in my soaps. I loved how, at the expensive shops, they treat you like royalty. I don’t exercise, but I go to a fancy spa. Once or twice a month, each visit three to five hundred. That is where all my money goes and I’m so sorry.’

‘Mother, you’ve got to stop. Uncle Ben and I’ve looked at the family finances. We are not in good shape. Uncle Ben and I were hoping that you had a secret bank account with tens of thousands of dollars, maybe over one hundred thousand dollars. Something to help with a move, maybe get Daddy a newer car. Uncle Ben even told me how Daddy, being terribly depressed and embarrassed, asked if Uncle Ben could help him with my college tuition when I graduate high school. Uncle Ben said Daddy cried because he feels like such a failure.’

Janice started to cry.

‘Mother, I hate to rub it in. But Daddy could have had many better paying jobs over the years if you would have let us move. He hates his job now, but it was the only one he could get. He hates being away from home.’

Janice looked up with a stricken face. ‘I don’t know what I can do. I don’t know what I can say. I am so sorry. I do have almost ten thousand dollars but it is so little, what with you and Steve being so close to college.’

‘Mother, I’ll talk to Uncle Ben and Uncle Mark. You know how much he loves Daddy. You remember what he did for Grandma and Grandpa. I think he will be happy to help. We will figure out the money problem. What about our other conditions? Do you agree to them?’

‘Do you really think Ben and Mark will help?’ Asked Janice with hope in her voice.

‘Yes, mother I think they will be happy to help and if they don’t, I will stop playing pinochle with them.’ Carol said with a grin. ‘But what about our conditions?’

‘Yes, yes I’ll be happy to do them.’

‘Wait a moment Mother, because I’ve got a condition of my own.’ With that Carol stepped out into the hallway and returned with a shopping bag.

‘Listen to this Mother, very carefully. MY DADDY IS SECOND TO NO MAN! Do you remember the things he said about love and passion the day he got back? Well I remember them very well. You did things with those four fuckers you’ve never did with Daddy. The lingerie Daddy bought for you, but never wore for him, YOU WORE FOR THEM! So help me God, if I find out you had them in Daddy’s bed, I will belt you silly. You are going to burn the lingerie that you wore for those assholes and buy new for Daddy. Spend some of your savings I don’t care! You are going to quit using the spas, but start exercising again. Tighten up that sloppy cunt of yours! You are going to become Daddy’s wet dream. All those things you did for those Aaaargh, worthless scum, you are going to do for Daddy and more. I’ve bought some books, God was I embarrassed. How to sexually please your man, the Karma Sutra and such like. Read them, memorize them, live them. Wake Daddy up with a blow job every morning, if you have to! You’re going to let him know that you see him as a sexy man. I hope you don’t have to fake it. But if you do, you better be a damn good actress! That is my condition Mother and it is a deal breaker. Daddy deserves to have a passionate love life and if you won’t give it to him. I’ll have him divorce you and I’ll find him a new wife. I still love you and you will stay in my life, but you won’t be short changing my Father anymore!’

Janice was shocked speechless. She had planned to make things up to Jim, sexually. But, she hadn’t really thought it out and she realized that she hadn’t been prepared to go as far as Carol proposed. But on reflection, she realized that Carol was right. She loved and owed it to Jim. If he wanted sexy, he was going to get it. She also promised herself, to think about Danny and the other three with nothing but contempt and hatred. She would try to blot out the memories of having sex with them. Jim would be the best she as ever had. She again owed it to her husband. She also had a premonition, that Jim would discover the truth one day. If she could prove herself to Jim, before that day, they might weather that storm. She cold only pray.

Janice looked Carol directly in the eyes. ‘You’re right and I agree with my whole heart to your condition.’

‘Thank you Momma. We’ve got an hour for lunch. Steve is keeping Lisa busy and out of the house. Uncle Ben, Uncle Mark, Marge and Mary will be here at two.’

Precisely at two pm, Marge and Mary rang the front door bell. They probably had not wanted to come at all, but didn’t dare show up late. T
hey were invited in and asked to sit at the dining room table. Ben and Mark were already in the house, sitting at the table. Carol had told her Mother and Nancy to remain upstairs. Carol again ran the show.

‘Hello Marge. Hello Mary. I’ve got rules and questions for you. You don’t follow the rules, I go to the sheriff and we sue you. You don’t answer my questions truthfully and the same thing happens. Do you understand?’

Both women nodded their heads.

‘We know Mary lied about following my Father from the airport. Do not try and deny it Mary. We don’t know if you, Marge, knew it was a lie or not. I’m not going to ask you about that question Marge, because I have no way of knowing the truth. But, with my other questions I will not be as forgiving. First question, we know about Danny, who are the other three fuckers and how do we find them?’

Marge and Mary looked at one another and Marge finally spoke first.

‘I found two people and Mary found two. My second one was Tom Williams, he works with me at the hospital. He is an x-ray technician. But he thought your Father was cheating on your Mother and wanted to help.’

‘Well he didn’t really help, did he? He knew Mother was married and didn’t care. He just agreed with your sick plan, maybe he just wanted some easy sex? Is he married?’


‘Well, we will deal with him. Mary, what about your two?’

Mary looked up sullenly and didn’t answer.

Carol grinned and slowly walked around the table. When she got behind Mary’s chair, she suddenly grabbed Mary’s hair slammed her forehead against table. Then she yanked back on her hair, causing her neck to arch over the high back of the dining room chair. Carol bent down and using her forearm put a choke hold around Mary’s neck, at first squeezing quite tightly and temporarily cutting off Mary’s air. Carol let her hold relax and whispered in Mary’s ear.

‘We know that you are the twisted bitch behind Marge’s throne. Uncle Ben has money, and the law on his side. Uncle Mark has new bridges being built with deep piers full of cement. How would you like to be part of a new bridge? You’re my bitch now, you will bark when I tell you. I know what you did. If you knew what I fantasize doing to you, you would be crapping your pants. Now answer my question.’

Carol slammed Mary’s head into the table again, not as hard. Let go and stepped back to observe Mary.

Mark whispered. ‘Whoa, someone is channeling Grandma Grace.’ Ben heard the whisper, looked at Mark with big eyes and nodded his head, yes. Marge attempted to get up from the table. Carol growled at her. Marge sat back down.

‘Now Mary, let us try that again. Who are the two fuckers you fixed up with my Mother?’

Mary massaged her forehead tenderly, seeing a few stars. She looked at Carol with a lot of anger in her face, but there was also fear and doubt. Doubt that she had any control of the situation. Doubt, because she was now way over her head and one of her little games was coming back to hurt her, badly.

‘The first one is the parcel delivery guy that comes to my office, Ted. I don’t know his last name. The other is a guy, I found on the internet. His first name is Jack, I’ve got his address.

‘Very good, we will find them.’ Carol said with a sinister voice. Ben and Mark, again exchanged looks.

‘Next question, where did the fucking take place?’

Marge answered. ‘Once in a hotel, twice in Mary’s house and Danny’s three times were at my home.’

Janice had already given that information to Carol. But Carol had wanted to make sure nothing had happened in her family home.

‘Who else knows about the fucking? Who else was in on it? Who else have you told? We know you like to gossip. Who else?’

Marge hesitantly spoke up. ‘I told my sister, a friend at work and I might have mentioned something to my husband.’

Mary answered as well, she was scared at what Carol might do to her, if she refused to speak. ‘I told a few people.’ She wasn’t sure how many, she lived for nasty gossip.

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 2 A Life To Love

July – August – Year 1 We got the whole family back home, had the welcoming party and then we settled down into as normal a life as a man with two wives and two sets of twins can have. The nursery was perfect. The four bassinettes fit just right and the station I had built to change diapers was a great help. The girls were all happy babies and slept a lot. They never slept through the night, but they did all sleep and feed at the same time. It was uncanny that they never varied. They all...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 16 Questions Asked Questions Answered

June – Year 1 “Holy Shit!” Not the best alarm clock ever! Dara was standing in the door examining a scene of total sexual carnage. There were bits of clothes scattered around the room. The top bed sheet was scrunched up on floor at the foot of the bed. The fitted sheet was off of two of the corners and was wrapped around Erin’s feet. Lynn woke up first; I guess when a mother hears any surprising noise out of a daughter it sends waves right into the mother’s brain. She found herself wedged...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 4 I Take It Back

I looked at Blossom as she sat at the breakfast table and her eyes told me what I wanted to know. “Blossom? Baby, I need to talk to you. Alone, please.” She slowly stood and followed me outside and onto the patio. I took her into my arms and held her tightly for quite a while. “Tell me about the babies.” “Paul? You don’t believe me?” “Blossom, did the Babies dream to you last night?” “Yes.” “And did your dream say anything about a stranger with them?” Blossom stiffened in my...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 6 A Mixed Bag Of Emotions

The Babies had never been wrong. Something had happened. Blossom and I had felt ‘IT” when we had made love, or as she put it, when I took her back. The Babies told both of us and their sisters in the Herd that there was a strange baby inside Blossom and then all of a sudden after that morning it was no longer a strange baby. Well, now I would know the truth, that is as soon as Jim stopped fucking with me. “Paul, I had them check the test results twice. The results were ready a few days ago,...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 34 Oh Shit I Am Gonna Die

September – Year 1 When my wives led me to bed, I didn’t know what to expect. I got undressed, took a shower, alone, and went to bed while my wives showered. Before they had gotten into the shower, I was asleep. Erin helped Lynn out of the shower and dried her off before Lynn returned the favor. Erin quickly dried her hair with a fresh towel and kissed her poor wife. She took Lynn’s hand and led her to bed. I was out cold. After a night in jail and a severe hangover, Erin figured that I had...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 37 The Christening Normal Life and the Showing

September & October – Year 1 Before I forget, I wanted to mention the thing about christening the whole damn spiral staircase railing. We had gotten home from our visit to the doctor and the removal of Erin’s wires. She was so horny that on the way home she gave me a kind of blow job although she could not open her jaws to more than a half inch opening between her teeth. We were in the back of the car with Lynn driving when she went down on me and Lynn was watching in the rearview...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 42 The Difference Between Knowing and KNOWING

November – Year 2 After just over three months Erin was starting to show and took every chance to exaggerate her belly by arching her back and sticking it out. Her loving wife and husband took every opportunity to rub it and of course every night I talked to the kids and kissed them good night. “You know next appointment; they are going to give me a sonogram. Do you want to know the sex of the babies?” “Will they be able to tell? I mean I have been reading that at 4-5 months they can tell,...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 33 The Families Story 11 Something In The Air Tonight

December – Year 4 I sat on the couch with tears running out of my eyes like someone had opened a dam. I held the card in one hand and my head in the other. I was trying to talk but I couldn’t. I tried to smile but my mouth wouldn’t work. Erin sat beside me and held me while Lynn and Blossom held each other. Finally, I composed myself enough to speak. “Erin, is this for real?” “Yes lover. It is.” She broke out in a huge smile and more tears. “Three?” “Yup. Triplets.” “That means ......

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 42 The Holiday Stories 04 Valentinersquos Day

Year 4 As all men know we occasionally have to make ‘adjustments’ to our plumbing. I have the problem, not because I am hung like a horse, but because as I have gotten older, my testicles hang a bit lower than they used to. The week before Valentine’s Day I was out to dinner with Lynn and I had to adjust myself and it kind of embarrassed Lynn. “Paul, why do you do that? And in public!” “Lover, my testicles were trapped a bit and I was feeling pinched. So I had to move them...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 44 The Wives Story 05 ndash Dates Around Dates

Year 4 Lynn and I woke up wrapped in each other’s arms. I looked over at the far side of the bed to see my other wives equally yoke. Blossom was wrapped around Erin and both women had their hands between their wife’s legs. I turned my head back to look into two bright green, still sleepy eyes. “I think that Erin has gotten over her reluctance over Blossom’s entry to the family.” “Let’s take a shower.” Her green eyes flashed, and she smiled after he spoke. I rolled over and rose, followed...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 50 The Families Story 05 ndash And Away We Go

May – Year 4 Since Blossom came home a couple of days ago, we have been bonding. We all realized just how fast everything could go to hell and Blossom was eager to cuddle again. Thanks to her pregnancy, Blossom now had breasts. She had ballooned up to a full ‘A’ cup. She had followed the doctor’s instructions and by the second day back home from the hospital, she was ready to feed her babies like the other moms. The four of us sat on the couch in the family room, the kids were gathered...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 57 Independence Day and July 5th

Year 4 Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays because I am one of those right-wing nut jobs that loves his country and loves to celebrate it. My wives are pretty much the same way. Very unlike my second wife who left me because, “I can’t stay with someone who would not vote for that wonderful man, Barack Obama.” Yeah, that’s right. I came home from a competition and half the furniture and all her clothes were gone. I called her. “Hi. Is there something you want to tell me?” “I am...

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The Patched Up Maid

THE PATCHED UP MAID It all started when I was first seriously dating Carla, my soon to be wife. Well no, I suppose it really started when I was about six or seven years old. That was when I first discovered the wonderful feeling of my older sister's underwear. I got hooked and although I tried to kick my compulsion many times, I knew I had to tell the woman I was going to ask to be my wife my little secret. I admitted that I was ashamed of what I did and she agreed. Carla...

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Valentines Day Rimjob

Introduction: The first time I pleasured and worshipped my wifes ass. The first time I rimmed my wife was an experience we both will never forget. It forever changed our sex life for the better. This event took place on the Valentines Day before I proposed to her. Let me explain a little bit about us. For a very long time, I had sealed my heart away. I dated some fucked up bitches when I was young and dumb. I was raised in Hawaii with influences from Eastern culture. The whole concept of...

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Mocha Patch

It's 2230 when he hauls the hamper off the ground - and he wonders briefly if it's too late to be doing laundry - on account of the neighbors. But there's nothing much to do except drink at this time of the night, and he isn't lonely enough for that.It's more that he's at a loose end.His girl's out with her bestie, his mates are watching a game somewhere, and his brother is on a date. As he rummages through the basket his fingers snag on something soft. Something which can't possibly be his,...

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The Patch Up Part 2

Hello, Thank you for your valuable input in the first part. I would be thankful to have your comments you can mail me on my email id Those who haven’t gone please follow the link below So, coming back to the story. After that long chat, we were quite open to each other, I was too much in lust to have her and I could see the same in her eyes too. One day she asked me to accompany her for shopping and I accepted and went with her. She was buying...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 8 Lynn and Erinrsquos Story 04 ndash Love And Obligations

June – Year 2 Lynn crawled onto their bed and put herself between her wife’s legs and began to taste her juices as she inserted her fingers into her wife’s wetness. She began with a combination of long licks from Erin’s anus to her clit and synchronized the sucking of the clit with insertion of her fingers and the massage of Erin’s G-spot. Erin raised her hips to show that Lynn had hit the spot and that she needed her wife to keep doing what she was doing. Lynn went back to long licks and...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 17 Plans and Portents

June – Year 1 We came home from the all you can eat waffle house and waddled into the living room in Lynn’s, soon to be our, house or better yet, home. The women pointed me at the couch and pushed me to sit. Lynn plopped down to my right and Erin to my left. I put my arms around my two lovers and pulled them towards me. Each woman took a hold of a hand and brought it down to rest on a breast. “I love the way your breasts feel.” “Whose tits do you like the best?” Both women giggled after...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 18 Let The Games Begin

July – Year 1 The following weekend Erin, Lynn and I were naked on the couch. My head was in Erin’s lap and I was latched on to one of her nipples enjoying her milk, my legs were on Lynn’s lap and she was stroking and playing with my cock and pubic hair. The women were talking about the plans for the wedding. Lynn had spoken to Tony, the owner of La Bella, and told him of her plan. I didn’t think it would fly because of him being Italian and Catholic and all, but he jumped at the chance to...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 21 It Is Not Cheating

July-August – Year 1 My work had taken me on the road for 17 straight days. Prior to the trip, the wives and I had our fill of love making and general, just plain fucking. We drained ourselves so much I was not going to need to get laid for the duration of my trip. Now I know what you may be thinking, “Oh shit! Here comes the cheating part!” Nope. I would never cheat on those two wonderful women, so just for the record, not only did I not cheat, I didn’t even beat off, even though I really...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 22 The Families Story 06 Boxed Lunch and Meat Popsicle

October – Year 3 “Blossom, you are not a lesbian, at least not by the normal interpretation. You are a lover and if all goes as I hope it goes, you will be a spouse to all of us, and all of us to you.” “But Paul, I liked Lynn’s pussy.” “So does Erin and so do I, and not wanting to brag, but Lynn and Erin will tell you that they also love my cock!” “Me too! I am so confused.” “Look Blossom, guys making laws have decided who gets to love who. But people can love many others. I fell in love...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 24 I Get A Kick Out Of You

August – Year 1 Lynn and I went home leaving Erin in the hospital for the night. We were both emotionally wrung out and as soon as we walked in the door Lynn called Dara and gave her a report on Erin before we went up to our bedroom. We showered without any playing around. We were both very serious and coming down from the shock of Erin’s injury. I had a towel wrapped around my wife and was holding her close and gently kissing the tattooed flowers around the crown of her head. I felt her...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 25 The Families Story 08 Fly Me To The Moon

November – Year 4 “Hey Gwen, I just thought of something. We are more than a mile high.” Bill gave her a leering smile. “William!” “What? We may never get the chance.” I laughed at Bill when he said that. I got up and walked to the front of the plane and approached the hostess. “Excuse me, I don’t know how to approach this, but my in-laws have never flown, and my father in-law is a bit of a character.” “The mile-high club?” she looked at me with amusement. “Yes. He is a real...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 26 Erin Comes Home

August – Year 1 When Lynn and I got home we had dinner and watched TV for a bit. We were naked and cuddling and while it felt right, it didn’t. “Honey, I need to tell you something.” “Oh shit! I’m gonna die.” “Paul! You are not going to die.” “Well in those silly cheater stories I used to read online, the woman always starts off the confession with that sentence.” “That is because of poor and uninspired writing techniques. Plus, you know that I would never cheat on you....

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 31 My Wives Are Married

September – Year 1 I woke up on Thursday morning with no one hanging on me for the first time in a long time. As I looked around, I remembered that last night I had taken myself out of the middle position between my wives. I rolled towards the middle of the bed and there were the two most beautiful women in the world, naked and in each other’s arms. Erin was on her back and Lynn was cuddled up next to her with her left leg thrown over Erin’s thigh. I lay there looking at the perfect image...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 11 Labor Day Part 2

Trent and Dara arrived for our BBQ dinner just after Bill and Gwen. The four of them immediately took off their clothes and headed for the Herd in the back yard. The wives put on a show by nursing all of the babies, while Carla fed Beth Erin a bottle. “Ronnie, I can’t wait until I get to do this like Erin, Lynn and Blossom.” “Carla, we’ll just have to keep on practicing.” “Fuck practice! Rehearsal is over, I want to get on stage and make a baby.” Ronnie kissed the top of her head and...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 13 Paul And Erinrsquos Date Part 1

The night before date night I pulled Lynn and Blossom aside after our showers and before we went to bed. “Ladies, tomorrow is my date night with Erin, and I need to let you know that it is my plan to basically ignore everyone else but her and her babies. I hope you don’t mind, since I hope that you will do the same on your dates.” “Baby, of course we don’t mind. All I would say is make sure that you don’t make the other girls feel left out.” “I would never, but I would ask that you talk to...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 36 The Families Story 12 New Everything

January – Year 4 We all seemed to wake up at the same time. We were a tangled mess. My face was buried in Lynn’s wonderful strawberry patch of bright red pubic hair. Blossom was cuddled up to Erin’s fabulous soft pillowy ass and Erin’s mouth was hugging my penis. The first move I made was to French kiss my wife’s furry pussy and suck on her red lips. Erin took me into her mouth and cuddled my balls. She loved to take my soft penis in her mouth to the root and then let it grow down her...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 38 The Band Stories 02 ndash Do That To Me One More Time

Year 4 Blossom and I made up all night. I really was sorry, and all night long I would wake up and ask her what she wanted. Had she said “Let me sleep” I would have, but she didn’t. She asked me to make love to her softly and I did for almost thirty minutes, until she asked me to stop. She asked me to fuck her and I did, I got into her from behind and hammered her pussy for as long as I could as she woke our wives with her passionate screams. “Is he still sorry?” Erin mumbled. “He is. But...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 45 The Families Stories 14 As The World Turns

Year 4 The sun rose behind the hotel so it did not shine directly into our room. My mouth was still around Erin’s left nipple and my thumb was still in her bottom. I latched back onto her nipple and began to take my fill of her breakfast milk. She stirred and began to stroke my soft penis as it thickened and grew in her hand. I looked up into her eyes as she stroked my head with her other hand. “Paul, that was the most tender and loving night I have ever spent. I hope that you don’t mind...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 30 Christmas Part 4

After the kids went to bed, we went to the apartment above the garage and brought down their presents. We got them all set out and were sitting in the family room with the only lights coming from the tree. Lynn stood and kissed me. “Good night Lover. I’ll see you in the morning.” “Me too Sweetie, I think Lynn needs me to give her some TLC like we did in the old days.” Erin waggled her eyebrows. “I guess that means that Blossom and I are going to stay down here for a while and talk. Good...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 53 The Families Stories 17 ndash A Very Good Day

June – Year 4 We had been at the hospital for eleven hours since the birth of Martha Lynn and Wanda Lynn and since Erin’s water had broken. Bill and Gwen and Dara and Trent had come to take the herd back to the O’Dell savannah. “Bingo!” I jumped up and screamed really loud! “What The Fuck! Paul you scared the hell out of me.” Erin said as she rubbed her belly. “I’m sorry Sweetie. Lover? Baby? Come here! I’ve got it.” I was more excited than I had been all day. I know that sounds really...

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Reddit Handjobs, aka r/Handjobs! I know many of you guys like blowjobs way more than you enjoy handjobs, but if we were to just give handjobs a shot at fascinating us, I think that most of us would feel more than grateful that handjobs exist. I don’t believe that these wonderful things get enough attention from people. So to compensate for that and perhaps give handjobs a little bit of love, I’m going to introduce you guys to a subreddit that is all about handjobs. It’s called, well,...

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AEBN Handjobs

Without answering that dumb question, what else can you fap to, hombre? I have come to learn that it's the small and simple that make life lively. With online porn being flooded with all manners of sex – wild orgies and extreme fetishes – it's the simple, intense handjobs that make you erupt exceedingly. Handjobs feature the art of stroking! Horny lusty babes can't wait to get their hands around a dick and choke it mercilessly until a hot load spews on their fingers. Watching her hand move up...

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Patchwork People Chapter II The Good Man Hard to Find

II. The good man hard to find. Marcia was soaping the morning coffee carafes in the back room when she heard the jangle of the bells and Walt's cheery "hello." She smiled as she continued to scrub away at the indestructible orange ring at the bottom of the pot, listening to the flirtatious interplay between Walt and Grace, as regular and satisfying as a ritual. At last, Marcia dried her hands on the dish towel. She poked her head around the corner to say "hi." "Hey there," Walt...

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red hot footjob

I had a quick look around, Lisa was sat next to her dad, herbrother was on the other chair. The only space for me to sit was nextto Judy, Lisa’s mom. They’d just had a family barbecue and as Lisa’sboyfriend, I had been invited along. We’d all had a bit to drink andnow we were inside continuing the party, having polished off the food.I had been with Lisa for just over three years and was considered verymuch as part of her family. Lisa was a year younger than me attwenty-one with blonde hair, and...

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Patchwork Knight

Author’s Notes: ‘Patchwork Knight’ is set in the Sweet Dreams universe, but is otherwise a standalone story. *** ‘Patchwork Knight’ *** Does everyone remember their first crush with such clarity? Forgetting his is impossible, and if he were honest with himself, he would acknowledge that she is the standard by which every other woman that he has admired or dated is judged, and has found them lacking. He knew that he was not the only one who fell in love with her in those glory days of high...

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