Sin Whispered Love Ch. 02 free porn video

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It didn’t take Adam long to forget. He had spent the next day analyzing the encounter and after reminding himself of the way he had reacted to Zeke’s piercing gaze, he found himself angry. Alone in his apartment, he concluded that there was no way he should’ve felt that way, he was not a ‘fag’ after all. Not that he thought there was anything wrong with gay people, he just didn’t like the idea of seeing himself that way. He forcefully kept all thoughts of Zeke at bay and after a few days he stopped having to. He had that tenacious dream again, and his thoughts returned to their constant search for the truth. Another day passed and it was time to go to his appointment with Dr. Nakato.

He stepped off the bus at his usual stop and looked around as he always did, though it was not to look for someone, it was a casual reflex and he thought nothing of it. As he walked he went over the details of his one, haunting memory as he had a thousand times before. He was always hoping that something new would come to him.

He walked with his head down, not really paying attention to his surroundings and he came upon the medical building in disguise too quickly as always. He couldn’t sit in the chair like he usually did as there was someone sitting there. An older woman with shriveled skin and white hair. The perfect thing to go with the worn couch and chair, the horrid brown carpet and the dusty plastic flora in the ancient picturesque living room in his mind. The only thing missing was a cat… Maybe two or three.

‘Adam?’ He looked up from the magazine he was reading. The receptionist had called him and he had to stand up to see her.

‘Yes?’ He said. The thirty year old woman had blond hair that was lackluster and limp. Her face had that aged look most women fear even in their early teens and she looked like she hadn’t smiled since her fifth birthday.

‘Dr. Nakato is running late today. Is there any way you could come back in an hour or so? Let’s say 6:30 or 7:00.’ He nodded and dropped the magazine on the table, heading for the door.

This time when he stepped out onto the sidewalk he did look across the street at the park. His pale green eyes glanced casually over the faces he saw and then he turned, having no interest in running into that unusual person he had met. He plugged his headphones into his iPod and put the headphones in his ears. Turning on something loud and angry he let himself zone out. When he looked up again he was out front of Zipper’s, the locally owned music and book store. He came here sometimes to sit in the cafe and lose himself in the atmosphere. He hadn’t been here for a while so he decided to go in and sit down, turning off and pocketing his iPod as he walked through the door.

The inside of Zipper’s was interesting. The music was kept relatively low, but the song that was currently on deserved to be played at a level more accommodating to the artist. It was mostly a music store, with racks of both CDs and older records, stereo systems and other accessories. There was a small book section near the cafe, hardly worth noticing, and he passed it on his way to the bar. The walls were covered in street signs, pictures of music stars, some of them autographed, and various other curious artifacts. One such item, a life size alien sculpture with a fuzzy blue top hat that reminded him of Dr. Suess, stood at the end of the bar where Adam now sat waiting for the clerk to notice him.

The guy was very at home in Zipper’s, considering he looked like he hadn’t brushed his hair in years. The dreadlocks looked clean but snaked down his back in rough, jagged lines. The least he could’ve done was tied it back.

‘What can I get you man?’ He said walking towards him as he threw a dishtowel over the shoulder of his outrageously tie-dyed shirt.

‘Just coffee,’ He responded with a half shrug and a nervous grin before he turned his attention to the countertop.

He sat there for at least half an hour before another person walked through the door. They really weren’t busy today. That person walked into the collection of records and started glancing through the selection. Adam could barely make out the reflection in the grimy mirror behind the counter. His ability to lose himself in thought left him off guard when the stranger that sat down to him went unnoticed yet again.

‘Fancy meeting you here,’ Zeke’s velvet voice shattered Adam’s thoughts and he looked up at him, as a trace of Deja Vu rippled through him, fading almost as soon as it happened. He just kinda stared for a minute, watching Zeke as he raised one hand to get the servers attention. When he turned his head and looked right at him, Adam saw the silver loop going through his lip.

‘Is that new?’ He asked, pointing to the ring.

‘Yea, I just did it yesterday. It’s still a little swollen,’ He said as he reached up to play with it.

‘You mean you did it yourself?’ Adam’s face paled a shade.

‘Yea, I own a piercing and tattoo shop. Well, I co-own it with my friend Nikky, but that’s what I do.’

Adam stared at him for a minute before he picked up his cup, taking a sip of the now cold coffee. He didn’t like needles, especially the kind doctors used, and they were tiny. The kind piercers used were much bigger. ‘You can come see if you like,’ Zeke offered with that butterfly smile.

‘No. Thanks, but I hate needles,’ he said with a shake of his head, ‘I have to be going anyway.’

‘Some other time then,’ Zeke said as Adam stood, tossing a few bills on the table. Adam walked away, Zeke followed with a shrug at the tender.

On their way to the door, Adam kept his attention on some of the action figures for sale, when something caught his attention. ‘No way,’ he said as he grabbed a thickly packaged casing, a fully assembled Mach 5 from the anime Speed Racer. ‘I love this show,’ Adam turned towards the counter and promptly bought the car.

Once outside he fished in his oversized pockets and pulled out his pocket knife. ‘Speed Racer? Really?’ Zeke said with a laugh, shaking his head.

‘Yes. Speed was the coolest race car driver ever. Well, he’s not better than Racer X but still a close second. He’s the coolest though.’ Zeke laughed again.

Adam was having trouble with the thick plastic around the car, and just when he thought he might get it open the knife jerked, skidded along the plastic and slashed right across his left palm. Blood welled immediately and started dripping down his arm before he even felt the pain from it. ‘Shit,’ Was all he said before Zeke grabbed his arm and wiped at the wound with the bottom of his shirt, trying to see how bad it was.

‘That’s a nasty gash. You’re going to need stitches,’ he said as he applied pressure to the wound.

‘Like hell. I’m not going to the hospital,’ He said, jerking his hand back. ‘I have to get going anyway.’

He turned and started walking down the street, blood dripping from his hand. Zeke started walking after him, shaking his head as he grabbed his arm and raised it, elevating the wound.

‘I can’t just leave you here to bleed to death,’ he said, turning him again and leading him back towards Zipper’s and the ’91 red and black pin striped Charger. Before he let Adam in the passenger seat he took off his black tee shirt and wrapped Adams hand in it. Adam blushed, turning his attention away from his well defined chest and abs. ‘Now make sure you keep it above your heart and keep pressure on it.’

‘I don’t want to go,’ Adam said firmly. Zeke only chuckled and opened the passenger door, waiting for him to get in. Which he did with an annoyed sigh.

‘Make sure you buckle up,’ He said as he shut the door, a smirk twitching at the corners of his mouth.

On the way there, Adam only complained about the hospital for half the ride, the other half was spent complaining about his driving. Zeke liked to drive fast, but he knew what he was doing. The wait in the ER was shorter than the wait for t
he doctor once they got into the room and Zeke sat in the visitors chair, staring at him. ‘I can’t believe I cut my hand like that,’ Adam said with a sigh. Zeke opened his mouth to say something when the doctor pulled aside the curtain., he was about fifty, with white hair. He looked amusingly like Bob Barker.

‘Hi Adam, I’m Dr. Jenkins. Let’s take a look at that cut,’ he said as he pulled on a pair of gloves. Adam unwrapped Zeke’s shirt and showed him his palm. It was still bleeding and the fresh blood was smeared over his hand. The doctor examined him and nodded. ‘Ok, you got lucky. You missed the artery and it’s not too deep. In other words you didn’t hit anything important. A few sutures and you’ll be good as new.’ The doctor smiled again and left, closing the curtain behind him.

‘At least you’ll match if it scars,’ He said with a grin that was closer to an honest smile. Adam’s free hand traced the scar under his eye, but he didn’t say anything for a while.

‘I don’t want to talk about it.’

Sixteen stitches, a perscription of antibiotics and three hours later Adam and Zeke left the hospital. Zeke had a tattoo that covered most of his back, this was the first time Adam noticed it. It was a Chinese dragon done in tribal snaking up his spine and the arms and head were settled across his shoulders as though it were resting. ‘Did that hurt?’ He asked as he tossed him back his bloodied shirt.

‘No, not really. I have a high tolerance for pain,’ He replied with another of his teasing grins. The one that hinted at something more and made a blush break out across Adam’s face. Zeke could do that with nothing more than his eyes, but when he brought his smile into it Adam could barely keep his thoughts straight. This didn’t bother him as much as it had the first few times around, he realized.

Zeke started the car and the rumble of the engine resonated off the walls of the parking garage, making it sound like some huge archaic beast in the throes of battle. As he pulled out into the street he glanced over at Adam, who was busy examining the wound and flexing his fingers. He had a look of concentration on his face and Zeke couldn’t help but smile.

‘You look like you’re trying to heal it with your mind,’ he said jokingly. Adam laughed and let his hand rest in his lap, shifting a bit to get comfortable in the seat. Now that the worst was over he was more comfortable. ‘So you co-own a tattoo shop?’

‘Yes, I bought into it when I was 22,’ He said, glancing at him again before returning his attention to the street. A yellow light and then a red. He stopped behind a yellow VW Bug and looked at him. ‘It’s on the corner of Leon and Trites near the mall. Tripper Laina Tattoo.’

‘Oh yea, I’ve seen that place. It looks good from the outside,’ Adam said, smiling. ‘I’ve never gone in, though.’ Zeke smiled and continued as traffic started moving again.

‘You’re welcome anytime,’ He said with a sideways glance, and then after a pause he said, ‘So where am I taking you kid?’ Adam gave him the directions to his apartment. Zeke nodded. ‘I know where that is.’

Zeke parked outside of the apartment building, shut off the car and turned to look at Adam. He fixed him with his intense, crystal blue gaze, swiping his hair away from his face. Adam felt the heat rising in his cheeks and once more his eyes went to the new addition to his hand, flexing his fingers and stretching the skin held in the stitching. ‘Thanks,’ he said after a minute, still not looking up.

‘That’s what friends are for,’ he replied with a shrug. It was no big deal, he hadn’t lost anything for the time spent. ‘Hey, do you want to go with me to this concert? I have an extra ticket to the Otep show on Tuesday. My sister cant make it.’

‘Really? That’s cool. Yea I’ll go. Are you sure man?’

‘No problem. I was supposed to take my sister but she had to work. She’s kinda pissed about it actually,’ he said with a chuckle.

‘Alright,’ He nodded, smiling. He knew he had been to concerts, he had found the ticket stubs in the things packed up for him by the state, but he didn’t remember a single one. He hadn’t been to one since the accident.

‘I’ll be here around six, ok?’ He said as Adam opened the door. Adam nodded and got out.

‘Ok, I’ll be outside. If not just honk or something. Peace man,’ he said.

‘Goodbye Adam,’ Zeke’s velvet voice held that tone that seemed to grab his attention and as he caught his eye he offered another of those devilish smiles. Adam seemed to hesitate before he shut the door and headed inside. Zeke waited for him to go in before starting the car and pulling off, the roar of the engine could be heard even as Adam made his way up the stairs.

Pi was waiting for him when he opened the door. Sitting next to her empty food bowl she looked annoyed as she meowed at him. ‘Yea, I know. I’m sorry I’m late honey but I had to go to the hospital,’ He said to the cat. She meowed back and he laughed. ‘I’ll get your dinner right now.’ Meow. ‘I’m getting it. Chill out will you?’ Meow. He sighed and went into the kitchen closet, getting a scoop of dry food and poured it into her bowl. He had to call Dr. Nakato to let her know why he had missed his appointment and to reschedule. Then he took a nice hot shower and when he was done with that he sat down on his couch, flipping through channels on the TV. He settled on an old movie about a kid who goes into the future in a space ship. His eyes were fixed on the images on the screen but he wasn’t really watching it. He was lost in thought. Again. After a while he laid down, relaxing on the couch, where he fell asleep.

This was different. Instead of the usual sounds and images, instead of the recurring nightmare of his accident, Adam found himself walking down an empty dirt road. Trees lined the edges, close enough that Adam felt like they were reaching for him. They stretched up high enough that when he looked up and around all he could see were trees, leaves and the path that stretched on forever. He started walking, not sure why. After a while he started feeling claustrophobic and began running.

Soon he could make out a shape in the distance, a human shape and he stopped, squinting. The figure was waving one arm, beckoning to him. Adam started running again, this time towards the figure instead of from his fear. As he got closer he could see who it was. Zeke. He looked worried and he was yelling to him to hurry up. He ran harder, faster, his fear catching up to him again at Zeke’s silent words. As he got closer Zeke reached his hand out and Adam followed the action. He was so close, but just when their hands touched, the image shattered like glass and he was dropping into a thick darkness.

Adam jerked awake, sitting up as a gasp forced its way into his lungs. He looked at the clock. 4:23 am. He slid from the bed and went to the bathroom. He turned on the light and ran the cold water, splashing it on his face. He stared at himself for a while, contemplating the dream.

This was strange. This was entirely new. He made a mental note to call Dr. Nakato in the morning, well, later today. His face was dry by the time he realized, with mild annoyance, he wasn’t getting back to sleep any time soon, so he started the day early.

A shower would do him well, though he couldn’t help where his thoughts wandered while he lathered the soap over his body. He could feel himself stirring under his own touch, and blushed as he realized he had yet to indulge in this kind of activity. He didn’t have any playboy magazines or adult dvds. He hadn’t tried to become involved with anyone since he’d woken up, and if he had been in a relationship before, it was long since lost.

Thinking about Zeke, he let his fingers wrap around his already hard shaft, feeling the pulse of blood under the delicate skin. He imagined Zeke looking at him, with that penetrating gaze of his. Imagined what he would look like nude, in the shower with him, water cascading down his body as he beckone
d to Adam. He imagined that his own hand was Zeke’s hand as it slowly moved over his thick member. As he moved his hand, gently stroking, delicious shivers of pleasure danced up and down his entire body, and he wasn’t surprised when, after only a few minutes, he was gasping Zeke’s name, and painting the the wall of the shower with his shame. Panting, he leaned against the back wall, his eyes closed, letting the last few throbs of pleasure melt into the warmth of the water. He stayed like that until the water threatened to turn cold on him, and he quickly rinsed off and got out, tucking this secret away in the back of his mind for later analysis.

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2 years ago
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Sin Street

He saw her wandering down the most famous street of debauchery and sin. Despite the immense crowd of drunken fools, he easily picked her out, sliding easily through the crowd as if it were the Red Sea parting in front of her. Many of the other men in the crowd saw her too. It was hard not to stare- a petite brunette, long hair to her waist, with a tight body emphasized by the tighter jeans hiding her long legs, topped off with spiked heels. Even in her high heels, she moved with a grace that...

4 years ago
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Sin Baby Sin

Standing on the balcony over looking the beach, wearing my light pink sundress feeling the early morning breeze caress my soft skin. I feel my papi come up behind me. He gently strokes my straight black hair before pushing it to the side, lowering his full lips on to my neck and kissing me softly. “Good morning mami,” he whispers against my neck. I reach back and run my fingers through his short black hair, “Good morning baby.” I turn around and look up, staring deep into his brown eyes before...

3 years ago
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Sin Sity Singer Club in Sydney

In order to reach Sin Sity in Sydney you have to climb a steep set of stairs almost hidden behind a nondescript pizzeria, not far from the of town. At the top of the stairs the space opens up to a bar-room with plenty of wood and in a corner a Jacuzzi, lovely for relaxing with or without friends. A spiral staircase winds itsd way up just next to the Jacuzzi, and behind it several other rooms opened up, variously occupied with beds or sofas for lazily or not so lazily lounging in. Upstairs there...

4 years ago
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Sin Baby Sin

Standing on the balcony over looking the beach, wearing my light pink sundress feeling the early morning breeze caress my soft skin. I feel my papi come up behind me. He gently strokes my straight black hair before pushing it to the side, lowering his full lips on to my neck and kissing me softly.“Good morning mami,” he whispers against my neck.I reach back and run my fingers through his short black hair, “Good morning baby.”I turn around and look up, staring deep into his brown eyes before...

Love Stories
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Sin And Dex The Egyptian AdventureChapter 2 Prisoners

Trinity opened her eyes; the taste in her mouth reminded her of mint! 'At least I don't get a headache from that!' Margaret said. 'No I get it instead!' Maggie complained. 'It's an ill wind' Mahut commented. Trinity got to her feet and looked around. They were in a wide room; there was a fountain in the centre of the room. The floor and couches were covered in fur. On one couch was a blonde haired girl, Trinity recognised her from the drawing that Sister E had done. "You're...

1 year ago
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Sin City Part 1

As I step out of the shower in our hotel bathroom I'm not surprised by the outfit you laid out for me. Nor am I surprised that you're not to be found. I assume you are out on the balcony waiting for me to get dressed. I see the white stripper heels first. They are taller than I want but I am doing this for you. The tan pantyhose are laid across my silk black teddy and robe. The elbow length gloves will cover my hot pink nails I had done for you. You have all week to see them and feel them dig...

Cheating Wifes
1 year ago
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Sin City

As I step out of the shower in our hotel bathroom I’m not surprised by the outfit you laid out for me. Nor am I surprised that you’re not to be found. I assume you are out on the balcony waiting for me to get dressed. I see the white stripper heels first. They are taller than I want but I am doing this for you. They tan pantyhose are laid across my silk black teddy and robe. The elbow length gloves will cover my hot pink nails I had done for you. You have all week to see them and feel them dig...

Drunk sex
3 years ago
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

3 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

4 years ago
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Sinas sperm games Part 1

Sina's sperm games - Part 1With trembling fingers she ran over the cool leather. It felt smooth. A good feeling, Sina decided and took a leggings size "S" from the pile.The young blonde quickly went to the menswear department of the store and squeezed herself into a changing room.She breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the small stool.She let her handbag sink to the floor, next to the stool, and began to take off her sandals.The high heels had a sinfully high heel and narrow straps of...

4 years ago
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Sin Whispered Love Ch 04

They spent the afternoon enjoying the tranquility of nature. Zeke sat at the waters edge while Adam laid next to him, staring up at the puffy white clouds that drifted by at their lazy pace. He hadn’t felt this kind of calm in the entire year since he’d woken up. Zeke hadn’t spoken much, and Adam was content in the silence, but he was also worried. He felt like something was changing, but more than that, he felt like, maybe, he could finally move past who he used to be, the person he didn’t...

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Sin Whispered Love Ch 03

Adam hated waiting. He was waiting for time to stop slowing down. It was 4:30 in the afternoon on tuesday, the day of the concert. He was sure it had been 4:30 for at least an hour. He had spent the last few days in his studio since Dr. Nakato was on vacation for the last few days and would be until next monday. He didn’t know if he was artistic, before the accident. When Dr. Nakato suggested he pick up a hobby, he had tried a few things. Bowling was one of the things he had tried first. He was...

2 years ago
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Sinn Sage 100 297000

Sinn Sage was born in Humboldt County, California, on Sept 4th, 1983. Sinn had known she was a sinner long before she got into the industry. She describes having fantasies about being dominated and spanked before even finding her sexuality.From Hot Topic to Clam LickingDespite harboring these somewhat taboo urges, Sinn's childhood was rather plain and vanilla. As one might expect from someone who dreamed of being tied up before she had even flicked the bean, Sinn was a goth. So everyone pour a...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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sinning with the schoolteacher

amongst some guys there is an urban legend that the guy that takes a woman's virginity can always have her. while i can't say that's definitely true or not, as i've only taken one woman's virginity, in the case of me and jackie (not her real name) it is. i think jackie fell in love with me the moment she saw me about 25 years ago. i can say that because her eyes got as big as dinner plates and her jaw dropped the day i went to my friend's house where she happened to be babysitting. while...

3 years ago
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

4 years ago
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Sindhu Aunty Lends 8220Ass8221 To Gay Boys Party

Hi everyone. This is Jiva here and this is a fictional sexperience. We had recently moved to this apartment that has only 2 flats per floor. As we were shifting things in, I noticed an extremely hot aunty in the house opposite ours. It was already peak summer. The aunty was all in sweat wearing a sleeveless nighty. She was extremely fair and had huge boobs and ass with a cute belly. A typical desi aunty. After putting things in our respective rooms, we decided to make something to eat. We...

3 years ago
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Sins of my Country Girl sis Me

Introduction: Sin, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder JackassTales…Tale # 58…Readers; here is another i****tuous brother/sister tale. I hope that the ages of the sexual participants are adequately sufficient to justify a story of undeniable hormonal rage and hunger for sex. brothers are male and sisters are female; so let nature run as wild as it will!Sins of my Country Girl s*s & Me***(Part one) The Truck: Awakening Lust & LoveThat meddlesome sister of mine just had to have...

4 years ago
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Sins of the Father

The Sins of the Father The Sins of the FatherSynopsis.When her father uses Katherine as a pawn in a political game his opponent captures and enslaves her. Her only hope of escape lies with the son of another player, a boy who she is told in retarded and violent.?  The Sins of the FatherBy obohoboPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC Rp Punish Hist. RomIf you are a minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing...

4 years ago
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Sinfully Wonderful

I slowly opened the door to the hotel room, I knew you would still be asleep from the fact I had knocked on the door a few times, I stepped into the room, yes there you were sound asleep, I closed the door behind me after first putting the do not disturb sign on the outside of the door handle. You looked so peaceful as I walked over towards the bed, I put my bag down on the floor and removed my jacket, then walked round to the base of the bed, I slowly so not to awake you removed the bedding,...

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Kamsin Jawani

doston main aap ka khaas dost jo bhi kahin per milta hay aap k liye zarror likh deta hun k meray dost kiyoin iss story say dour rahain story pasand ajaye to bus ek mail kar dena to ye silsila chalta rahega warna rok jayga ‘kya bat hain, aaj badi bechain dikh rahi ho’…….rashmi ne pass baithi neelu se puchha ‘nahi re aisi koi bat nahi’…………neelu ne bat talane ke niyat se kaha ‘hamesha teri bakbak se, sar me dard paida kar deti ho……….aaj etani khamosh ho, jaroor koi bat hain’ ‘bharosa rakh aisi...

4 years ago
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Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Caroline dumped her books so loudly on the table that it caused Mike to look up momentarily from his laptop.“Hi, Caroline, I take it the tutorial didn’t go so well?”Caroline slumped onto the chair opposite him.“The pompous bitch basically told me to start again.”“Look I know nothing about art, I don’t even know what I like, but I do know that you know your stuff. Why don’t I get you a drink and we can talk about something else.”As Mike placed the two pints of beer down on the table, Caroline...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Kammerdiener Garobald blickte heimlich durch den Spalt der Tür ins Gemach der Prinzessin. Da stand sie, fast nackt und blinzelte in den Schein der warmen Morgensonne. Ihr blond lockiges Haar fiel auf ihre nackten Schultern. Nur einen Rock hatte sie bisher angelegt. Garobald bewunderte den weissen Schein ihrer wohlgeformten Brüste. Edel wie Porzellan! Von hinten wurde ihr jetzt das Mieder umgelgt und sanft zugeschnürt. Das war die Zofe Burhilde. Garobald wartete noch etwas ab, atmete tief durch...

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Sindhu Amma And Autowala

My mom’s name is Sindhu, It’s her real name and I have no intention of changing it to a fake one. She is 44 now, with a voluptuous body. Though she had no regular sex after her separation with my dad, she has always maintained her body. She used to go for morning walks with my beauty conscious sister. They were eager to find themselves hot in front of the mirror; as well as guys and men’s in their adulthood. This story is about how I and mom got to each other well and how things started to get...

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Sin Angels and Vampires

The angels descended on Rome in the dead of winter. Three of them – forsaken, pale and naked creatures arriving in the black night like falling silver stars.Sophrosyne watched the heavenly bodies approach with a shiver. She had seen angels before, but these were different – they made an uneasiness crawl in her bones. There was something ragged about them. Something broken and awful. When the angels landed at the temple steps before the clergy, they were unsteady, weak and disoriented.The first...

4 years ago
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Sins of the Father G

Introduction. This is one of 13 parts. Beginning with Flight of Sin, Sins of the Father through Sins of the Father G. There are side parts, Naughty Pretty Things, Naughty Pretty Things II, Now a Family Affair, and That White Outfit. Since most only read one part I will describe the characters. Keri is a beautiful 14 year old girl of Thai heritage. She has a delightful body, long legs and larger than usual breasts. Her eyes are soft brown and her hair is deep dark brown. She keeps a...

4 years ago
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Sins of the Father F

This is one of 12 parts. Beginning with Flight of Sin, Sins of the Father through Sins of the Father F. There are side parts, Naughty Pretty Things, Naughty Pretty Things II, Now a Family Affair and That White Outfit. Since most only read one part I will describe the characters. Keri is a beautiful 14 year old girl of Thai heritage. She has a delightful body, long legs and larger than usual breasts. Her eyes are soft brown and her hair is deep dark brown. She keeps a delicious tan and...

3 years ago
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Sins of the Ancestor part 2

Sins of the Ancestor: part 2 Author's note: I should apologise to many of you. I had intended Sins to be at least a two part tale (depending on reception) but gave no indication of that. Instead I just cut off the story fairly abruptly. The abruptness was intended but giving an impression of a complete tale was not. My apologies. I'd like to thank the reviews given to part 1 so far. Like so many writers, I worry about my work and seeing those comments has helped spur me to write...

4 years ago
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Sins of the Father

Sins of the FatherChapter 1This story features non-consensual sex, torture and humiliation heaped on a teenager who’s been abducted by a pair of sadistic serial rapists. If this is not your cup of tea, please don’t read any further. I’ve kept the protagonist’s identity purposefully ambiguous but there are enough hints for anyone who’s a fan of soap opera to recognize him. This story is purely fantasy and should not be considered to represent in any way the TV character or his portrayer. On the...

2 years ago
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Sinful Addictions Ch 0203

CHAPTER TWO So here’s the sad thing, I really didn’t have anything important in my life that I couldn’t simply drop and walk away. I had no plans to cancel, my apartment was locked down with a turn of the key and since I only have a few people I can actually call friend, there wasn’t anyone to call and tell that I would be out of town. Actually, there was one person I had to tell and that was the man who called himself my boss. Because of events that I will tell you about later, I don’t work...

4 years ago
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Sin Eater

Author’s Note: Here’s another in cauda venenum story that could go in multiple sections on this site. I think you would agree that it belongs here, despite some of the elements some readers have come to expect from me. Please remember that this is fiction, and it follows its own rules, so please suspend your disbelief before reading. I do believe there are some reasonable questions raised by this, so I hope that this is worthwhile for you to read. This story started from me overhearing a...

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