Descent Ascent
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Adela Roma’s mother Marianne ranted when her youngest daughter announced she’d decided not to go to university in Australia or even abroad.
As the sparks began to fly her father David intelligently yelled he was going for a walk and disappeared.
When David returned the house was still standing, nothing inside appeared broken and mother and daughter were in their respective bedrooms at opposite ends of the house, doors shut.
With dinner overdue, the lanky and greying David made two stiff gin and tonics and went to his self-perceived near-mortally wounded wife. Opening the door he said cheerfully, ‘Hi, want to eat out?’
‘Yes, oh god, give me that drink and don’t invite that little bitch.’
They discussed the dilemma, the gin and husband’s company calming her.
The expensively maintained Marianne drained her glass and looked at her David’s half-filled glass. He handed over the drink and said wisely, ‘After all your years of dedicated input you are faced with this.’
‘Oh darling, thank you for your sympathy and understanding. I feel as if Adela has severely clubbed me.’
David didn’t want too much of this I-feel-so-sorry-for-myself performance. He stood and suggested, ‘Perhaps I’ll have a quiet word?’
‘Oh darling, would you? Perhaps we ought to take the little bitch with us.’
David nodded, concealing his smile. That sounded like Marianne was getting use to the idea already – or it was the power of alcohol befuddlement working?
‘I’ll be back soon,’ he said reassuringly.
The vivacious Adela with her brown hair unwashed and neglected greeted him brightly.
‘Hi dad, how much did it cost to send Nathan to university? Being an accountant that total sum will be imprinted in your mind. I recall you saying it was up 20% on what you spent on Jennifer.’
David said approximately $68,000.
‘You always said paying to put us through university was our entitlement dad.’
‘That’s true.’
‘Well I told mom I’m not going to university. God, you would have thought I was telling her I was pregnant. She screamed and attempted to slap me but I was too quick for her. But she would have told you all that and now you have been sent to screw me down.’
‘Well, as…’
‘Dad I’m still speaking. You are a businessman and here’s the deal. If I went to university for four years the bill would top $75,000 easily. So I don’t go to university. Instead I accept from you a gratuity of $15,000 a year for four years paid monthly, which means you end up at least $15,000 better off. Therefore be careful about taking mom’s side on this one dad.’
‘Dad you know I articulate well and am pretty with oodles of confidence. I’m bound to do better without my degree than the majority of my girlfriends who get their degree. By paying me that stipend your conscience is left clear and you have more money left in your pocket. Further a stipend is better than me asking for the $75,000 to buy a business as soon as I graduate.’
Looking at her stunned father she asked, ‘Is this the end of this conversation dad?’
‘What will you mother say?’
‘We don’t tell her. You just say I could change my mind about not going to university and leave it up in the air and by the time I graduate from high school I will have worn her down.’
David scratched his knee instead of his balls. ‘This is bordering on deception.’
‘I’m glad you raised that dad. I did note your emphasis on ‘bordering’?
‘With that objection dealt with do you have any other misgivings? Of all the girls in my class who would you rate as the girl most likely to succeed, with or without a degree?’
‘You pet.’
‘Oh daddy, I knew you’d come through for me. Has mom called me a little bitch?’
‘Well, um, ah.’
‘Daddy, you’re not very good at handling women. So take your instructions from me. Go to mummy now and say you have persuaded me to rethink my position and no way must you suggest you have tilted toward me. The words to say are ‘you persuaded me to rethink’ Have you got that?’
‘Thanks. Now go and take her another drink and screw her and I’ll order take-outs.’
‘Er we are all going out to dinner. I’ll tell your mother the current issue is not up for further discussion at this point in time.’
‘At this point in time? God dad, why tack that useless pedantic phrase on to your sentences?’
‘Search me.’
‘Do we have a deal on my stipend?’
‘I’ll let you know.’
‘Dad you should not discuss my proposal with mum because if you do she’ll shatter you with her cutting verbiage. Just leave me in charge. Do we have a deal on my stipend as I outlined?’
‘Oh thank you darling daddy. Do you want to play with my pussy?’
Leaving that room at speed, David returned to Marianne with another drink.
‘No I’m better now. You drink it. Those other drinks were stiff. So just how far did that little bitch twist you around her arse?’
‘I believe I have negotiated a breakthrough. She’s agreed to reconsider.’
Marianne sighted and scratched an armpit.
‘Oh yeah, that’s progress,’ she said sarcastically. ‘Lock the door and let’s screw. You know a hot argument always leaves me horny.’
David pulled off his jacket and placed it on bedroom sofa. His wife already was down to her bra and panties. He undid his tie and as he placed it over his jacket Marianne called hoarsely, ‘Come on, what are you doing?’
‘I’m coming.’
‘I trust you will otherwise I’ll be furious.’
Marianne grabbed him and pulled him on to her and grunted, ‘Coming get going.’
David obeyed and he eyed the two big bloated breasts – few of the playful women at the office had real breasts like this he thought with pride
That was the stimulus David needed and had begun pounding his wife in the way she wanted.
They didn’t kiss – she didn’t like his five o’clock shadow at that time of day. Instead he was free to worry her breasts. At least she liked that.
David began to struggle and thought of Bellamy the new junior who had a great little arse. That took him over the top
‘God, that was a great effort, putted his wife.
‘Thanks Bellamy.’
David knew he’d just used a name that might have been acceptable in the build up to passion but not in Marianne’s post-fuck mood. He had to seize a creative thought.
‘Er Dansk Bell Amie is Custodian for ‘You are very welcome’. I read it somewhere and hoped to remember it to use at an appropriate moment.’
‘Oh darling,’ how sweet, Marianne and they heard her stomach rumbling. ‘Toss me a towel darling and you shower while I get dressed. I’m starving.’
David cringed when thinking his wife would be in the restaurant without panties and not having had a shower or at least douched. If Adela wrinkled her nose as said something likes ‘What is that odour?’ he’d strangle her.
As he showered David thought of what Adela had said to him earlier, ‘Do you want to play with my pussy?’ Adela ought to be sent to juvenile detention centre for a few weekends to be sorted out. No daughter should speak to her father like that and she knew it. Well he’d deal with her severely if she ever spoke to him like that again. At least he knew how to control her because she respected her father.
She was daddy’s girl… he rather liked that title and everyone in the family knew that. He acknowledged Marianne had never tried to win over Adela’s prime affection, knowing Jennifer had been mommy’s girl and Nathan had similarly favoured her.
David, Marianne and daughter had started their mains when Adela said, ‘Mom, will you cope okay with your friends when you are forced by circumstances to say I’m not going to university?’
David looked at Adela in horror.
Marianne’s face turned white and her fork dropped to her plate as she reached for her wineglass. She emptied it and David refilled it.
‘So you little bitch, you’ve sewn up your father?’
‘Oh come on mom, what else do you expect?’
Marianne’s eyes searched for David’s for support, but he was studying the tablecloth, chest heaving and thinking this was the kind of thing that gave ageing guys a heart attack. Feeling he had to show some support he reached over and placed a hand on his wife’s thigh. She promptly grabbed it and thrust it up under her skirt as if to remind him where his loyalty lay.
Adela’s parents waited for the sharp-ended attack from their daughter who could fight like an alley cat. But surprisingly – quite amazing really – Adela cut a piece of steak in in temporary silence.
‘You know mom you win some, you lose some. I turn eighteen in thirteen weeks and no longer will be a young girl for you to love and pander and educate and discipline. I will be my own woman.’
‘At eighteen?’
‘Yes,’ Adela said determinedly and David bleated. ‘And I will have lost my youngest child?’
‘No,’ said his daughter cleverly, ‘I belong to both of you until I leave home.’
David pulled his hand from his wife’s pussy and placed that arm around her and pulled her against him, knowing Marianne would be all he had after his precious Adela left home to make her tiny splash on the world.
Had he acted responsibly in agreeing to the stipend? He thought so, a good dad gives his children what they want within reason and in this instance it had been reasonable request to end a looming stalemate.
Adela had hit him with a request and backed it with solid argument that actually was tipped in his favour financially and the cunning little bitch had known what would turn his mind.
Adela would plough on regardless in life whereas her brother a year out of university with a quality degree in psychology was managing a job placement centre on an unspectacular salary because he’d failed to find quality employment, Nathan’s older girlfriend who’d left school at eighteen was on a salary 40% higher than Nathan’s in managing the film equipment department for an advertising agency. Sister Jennifer was up and away working as assistant chief librarian at her university.
It appeared Marianne had pulled the trigger when asking how Adela would survive in such a competitive dog-eats-dog world. Now the truth about the financial support for Adela from her father would be tossed in Marianne’s face and a plate-throwing outburst would erupt.
David cowardly looked for the closest escape route but to his astonishment his daughter simply said, ‘Have faith in me mom, just watch this space.’
David hugged his wife tightly and said, ‘We have faith in you little darling. It is only right that each one of us should choose our pathway in life.’
‘Oh god, after all this time I find I’m married to a latent philosopher,’ Marianne sighed as if acknowledging defeat.
Adela smiled warmly at her father.
Five weeks later she graduated. She found temporary work and after her eighteenth birthday party, attending by all her family and her friends, most of whom were university-bound, she left town and headed north out of Melbourne to find her life.
* * *
Tired of traveling and working at lousy jobs that paid crap-all, Adela stepped off the bus in a small city called Michelle, a name that appealed, she was homesick and her best friend’s name was also Michelle. She took a corner room in a cheap rooming house and went to bed without eating, being emotionally exhausted.
Adela awoke to find herself bathed in early morning sunshine and rising looked out of the window and stretched, thinking it was such a nice looking town, quite forgetting that even railways yards look great in the golden dawn.
With her belly grumbling for food Adela showered and went out for a meal. The chatty waitress called Pat asked was she passing through but Adela said no, she’d stay if she would find a job.
‘What do you do?’
‘I’m good at office work, word-processing and am especially good processing accounts and I enjoy working with people.’
‘So you don’t have formal qualifications?’
‘No apart from finishing high school.’
‘Look, stay here for a while,’ Pat said. ‘I have a break in a quarter hour and will phone my sister who works in a law office. They could have something.’
‘Thanks Pat. I’ll look at doing anything to get myself settled here. It looks a pleasant town.’
‘It is. I work here morning and night and my day job is with the Council. My boyfriend and I are working to get enough money to buy a house and then we will marry. He’d holding down two jobs as well.’
‘Don’t bust a gut but I admire your determination Pat and it’s great you have a plan.’
‘Thank you Adela, I must go, there are tables to clear.’
Pat Bishop made the call and at 10:00 Adela was at the offices of Benson Law waiting at reception to ask for Shirley Bishop, all three receptionists were occupied. A guy in his mid-forties in a snappy suit asked, ‘May I help?’
‘I’m here to see Shirley Bishop about the possibility of a job.’
The guy’s grey eyes looked at Adela speculatively and then ran down her neatly dressed body to her shoes. ‘Shirley doesn’t hire.’
‘I know. Her sister said if Shirley likes the look of me she’ll do her best to find me a position. I arrived in town last night and like the look of Michelle and think it’s such a lovely name for a town.’
‘I like red shoes but you are too young to know why?’
‘You have a sexual perversion about red shoes?’
The guy flushed and grinned. ‘You know about male perversions?’
‘I read a lot.’
‘What else can you tell me about yourself?’
Adela smiled and said it was a bit too early in the morning to be picked up.
‘Perhaps you can lead me to Shirley. That way you’ll be making yourself useful and earn yourself a big smile of appreciation from me. I know this will sound rude but if you continue loitering like this the boss might rap your knuckles.’
‘Yeah right, this way please young lady. Walk in front so I can study your backside.’
‘After you sir.’
The guy grinned and led her through three offices to Shirley who was PA to the financial controller.
‘Oh hi, good morning Pavin.’
‘This young lady is looking for a position in our office. After you’ve finished with her please bring her to me.’
‘Yes certainly Mr Benson.’
Adela swallowed and said, ‘Oh god you’re Mr Benson. But I said nothing I feel the need to apologize for.’
‘Of course you didn’t.’ Pavin smiled. ‘I rather like your unafraid manner and the way you so openly express yourself. Ah well, I’m off to satisfy my next perversion. Actually it’s an addiction called work.’
The two women watched him walk off. As he reached the far door he turned and looked back. Shirley looked away and Adela waved and was surprised he waved back.
‘Oh Adela, it’s so lovely to meet you. Pat said you are an impressionable young girl and you certainly have made an impression on the boss.’
‘Is he the Benson of Benson Law?’
‘Almost but that’s his father who rarely comes into the office these days. I have some good news for you. There is a junior position available of being in charge of the photo-copying room. We scan every document that comes into the office. I think you appear far too bright and engaging for that position but take it, it’s a start.’
‘Thank you Shirley but tell me, why does Mr Benson want you to take me to him after you have finished with me?’
‘It possibly has something to do with your body. You are very attractive and have a great body. But you are perhaps two decades too young.’
‘Perhaps he’s taken to my intelligence? We did talk a bit.’
‘Mr Benson interested in a female’
s intelligence – oh give me a break Adela.
They laughed.
‘Look try to get the photo-copying job, I take it you can work photo-copiers and scanners?’
‘Well come to our home for dinner tonight. I’ll invited Pat and Rex. Dinner will be at 9:00 because they both work late.’
Adela said that would be lovely.
‘Do you mind taking me to Mr Benson before I sign on, my feeling he has something in mind for me.’
Shirley looked concerned. ‘Look Adela, Pat said you are only about nineteen…’
‘Omigod that’s even worse. Mr Benson has just broken his engagement with the mayor’s daughter Pamela. She is heading the latest campaign to get the name of the town changed from Michelle to…’
‘That is absolutely ridiculous. Michelle is a beautiful name for this small, compact city. It’s a travesty that anyone would want to do that. I’ve already told Mr Benson that Michelle is a lovely name for this city.’
‘Ah, no wonder you have struck a chord with Pavin.’
Adela smiled and said that was better than Pavin wishing to rub his erection on her red shoes. Shirley gurgled in shock and led Adela to Pavin.
‘God Adela, may I suggest you to tone yourself down a bit. This is a law office.’
They knocked and entered Pavin’s office.
He was on the phone and waved them to a seat and pointed to the coffee machine. Adela was at the machine before Shirley had decided what to do. Adela handed her coffee and placed one in front of Pavin who winked and returned with her coffee.
She whispered to Shirley, ‘You said he’s not married?’
‘Correct, he’s divorced.’
‘Does he have objectionable ways?’
‘He’s actually rather nice.’
‘This is the big test Shirley, given the chance would you go to bed with him?’
Shirley looked a little angry.
‘You can’t ask an older woman, a married woman, a question like that Adela and keep your voice down.’
‘Quit stalling and answer the question Shirley. This is just between you and me, I promise.’
‘Yes,’ Shirley whispered, adding, ‘Oh god.’
Pavin finished the call and thanked Adela for the coffee.
‘What job were you offered?’
‘The position of assistant in the photo copying room.’
‘And you’ve turned it down otherwise you’d be in HR signing on.’
‘No I’ll take it if unless you present me with a better offer.’
Pavin rubbed his chin. ‘And what makes you think I’ll do that?’
‘I saw the interest in your eyes when I answered you about my red shoes. And as we talked you became increasingly interested in me because I was quite unlike what you expected. You thought for someone who might be twenty…’
‘… that I acted and spoke more like someone of thirty and you couldn’t get out of your mind that I thought your interest in my red shoes was a perversion.’
‘Oh god,’ Shirley sighed.
‘It would ease Shirley’s mind and perhaps mine as well if you substituted fetish for perversion.’
‘Yes of course. You have an apparently fetish for red shoes I believe.’
‘Yes I do.’
Shirley please take this young lady to Mrs James and asked her to test her for the minimum skills required to be a PA. I have someone waiting so if you please…’
‘Yes but please allow me to clear the coffee cups,’ said Miss Efficiency. ‘By the way, I share your fetish.’
Outside the office Shirley said almost breathlessly: ‘You meet the guy for five minutes and there’s affinity between you – I can’t believe it.’
Adela smiled indulgently.
‘I was called teacher’s pet for most of my school years because of my ability to generate this so-called affinity. My father has an accountancy practice and is known as a tough bastard but his treatment of me is ‘yes darling’ and I’ve always heard people say I’m older than my years. I think that’s bullshit. It’s about attitude. Who will I work with if I pass this aptitude test?’
Pavin will be calling Mrs James now saying although the Job Search Agency talked him into allowing them to find someone with a partial legal qualification you will become his PA if you have the barest mechanical essentials.’
‘Me, Pavin’s PA?’
‘Yes Adela and I’m surprised I’ve surprised you. I saw it coming a mile away.’
After Mrs James invited Shirley to sit in on the assessment for a second opinion, Shirley called her boss and said she would be away for an hour attending to the possible induction of a new PA for the boss.
An hour later Adela waited outside while Mrs James and Shirley looked at the score sheets of her test.
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As Helena predicted, Snake allowed us little sleep. I awoke to the pretty stewardess bringing in a cart, her eyes somewhat distracted by the perfectly sexy nudity of Eva, who must have opened the door to her knock. Eva giggled, brought the stewardess's hand to her breast, helped her caress it while kissing her most fervently. After guiding her to the other breast, Eva ended the kiss. "We'll take it from here," she said with her usual spunk which made the dismissal easier to take, though I...
I always liked porn. If you asked me why I'm happy to live in the twenty-first century, that would be my answer.Porn.I love the different fantasies it can express, all crazier than each other. Of course, there will always be people screaming at, "the degradation of human dignity," but these guys don’t know what beauty is. A red and swollen pussy dripping with cum after a good fuck, a woman's face covered with semen, a cock drowned in tons of saliva during a hot and passionate blowjob. It's...
NovelsHi I am Preeti, 30 year old. Mera rang fair aur figure 34-30-38 hai. Mere pati ka naam samir hai jo ki ek multinational company mein kaam karte hain. Hum log Delhi mein rehte hai. Ek baat mere pati ko office ke kaam se bangalore jana tha to unhone mujhe bhi saath chalne ko kaha. Unhone kaha kaam bhi ho jayega aur dosto se bhi mil lenge. Hum college mein char dosto ka group tha main, sumit sharma(mere pati), ajay bhargav(ab) aur nikarika pawar(niki). Niki aur ab ne bhi shaadi ki thi aur wo...
Relatos Eroticos GaysContactos GaysSUEÑOS HUMEDOS(12476 lecturas - 3 comentarios)Publicado por dany6969 el 13 de Dic, 2012En la despedida de soltero del novio de mi hermana yo tenia 14 años.Cuando mi hermana y su novio se comprometieron en matrimonio, en casa no se hablama mas que de la boda por todos lados lo unico que escuchaba era de los preparativos y no me quedaba de otra que estar siempre en medio de todo escuchando lo que se decia.Cuando llegaron las amigas de mi hermana las vi que todas...
Hello friends, indru sex kathaiyil en sontha thambi udan eppadi kaama uravu nadanthathu enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Ithu oru gudumba kaama kathai enbathai munbe therivithu kolugiren, en peyar devi vayathu 24 aagugirathu. En veetil enaku innum thirumanam seithu vaikaamal irunthaargal, thambi peyar arun vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Ennai vida 4 vayathu siriyavan, athanaal naan ena seiya solinaalum athai thayangaamal seiyuvaan. Naan en thambi meethu kaama aasai padamal thaan irunthen, aanal oru...
IncestSo this happened, but a little background first.I’m widowed with kids but they’re aging up and mostly out of the house. We’re extremely close and they remain the center of my universe. We vacation twice a year – once to the beach and once to ski at Christmas. This story occurs during one of our annual beach trips.Our beach trip this year was back to Turks and I was going to stay for a couple of weeks and our kids were coming for a week due to work/grad school. I typically rent a large, Grace...
Love StoriesSlender Czech babe Alexis Crystal is doing her workout at the gym when a ripped black guy she’s never seen before, Dylan Brown, starts working out next to her. After Dylan helps her out with her technique, Alexis can’t stop thinking about the muscular beefcake, and after some pretty intense flirtation Dylan brings out his magic bacon bazooka for her to behold. After she worships his ebony love helmet with her lips, Dylan treats her box to a real workout with every inch of his...
xmoviesforyouThe winds howled through the night, its high pitched screech squealing through the shattered windows on the very top of the skyscraper. Desolate and decrepit, the building looked like it had been many years since it was last tended to by man. Bricks were crumbling, the walls pockmarked with so many bullet holes and stains of dried flecks of blood smearing the dull paint. Yet, the world only ended yesterday. A single flash of silver sparked through the sky, striking the lone metal rod on the...
The basketball season was over which meant Friday evenings were now open. Diane came to Don’s condo Friday at six and she couldn’t wait to talk to him on what he said when he was in her office. “I think I understand why you talked that way and can I assume I am your lady friend.” “Yes, you can assume that.” “Could you please tone it down a little as you were actually getting me excited especially when you talked about kissing my butt.” “You do know you do have a nice butt which I often...
Mark hated his new job, he'd spent the last thirty years moving up the corporate ladder in his previous profession only for the company to go bust and leave him jobless with a very demanding wife that he had hated for at least the last decade but he couldn't leave as at the moment her, well rather her family's money was keeping them afloat. He'd always resented how his wife's family looked down on him as his family was poor and he had been the first in his family to go to university while they...
Emma Hix is wandering the woods and hears a strange sound coming from close by. Curious, she tries to get a closer look. Abella Danger is alone in the woods masturbating. She’s having the time of her life and has no idea that someone has just spotted her. Emma can’t help but get turned on. After all, Abella is smoking hot and is naked right in front of her. Figuring she could have some fun too, she starts touching herself. But it isn’t long before Abella senses someone lurking...
xmoviesforyouIt was Friday night, and Michael sat in the student pub, alone. It was mid-October, and normally he would be out with a number of friends. A tall, handsome, personable fellow, he'd come to Toronto from Tennessee on a scholarship, and as usual for him, had quickly acquired a sizable circle of friends. He should be out with them right now, having a good time. But he was all alone. The evening started normally enough - Michael met his friends at the usual time, looking forward to a fun evening...
The muted wail of the siren accompanied them as Fred did compressions and the paramedic talked to the doctor on the phone. As the paramedic hung up, "Stop compressions and let's check her." Fred sat back and waited. After a moment, "We've got a pulse again, but who knows how long it will last this time." This had been the second cycle of her heart stopping, then restarting after compressions since they had left the scene of the accident a short while ago. Toby, the paramedic, now that...
Hi everyone, this is Rahul () from Delhi. This is my first time writing narrating a story so I am very sorry for any shortcomings. Any advice from your end will be greatly appreciated and will help me write better stories for you in the future. So sit back, enjoy yourself and get wet. Let me describe myself to you first I am a 23 year old guy from Delhi, tall, fair and handsome, not very thin but not overly muscular too. This incident happened to me a couple of months ago, I was travelling to...
The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber Chapter 3 December 14, 1871 Mrs. Fanning brought the buckboard around, and Myra climbed aboard. Molly waved, calling out, "Lassie, let yuir aunt be taking ye home and don't make any fuss while she does it." The girl frowned peevishly back at her. Irene waved, too, and then, facing forward, she shook the reins to start the horse walking. All during the ride back, Myra sat sullenly, refusing to say a...
The persistent ticking from the wall clock was driving TK crazy but it was his only companion for the past god-know how many hours. The wall clock was deliberately hung above the window behind him and the curtain drawn, denying him of any hint of the time.Bound tiptoed to the bedpost, hands above head, a satin scarf over his eyes, it did not completely blind him, only impaired his vision to blurry images. The CB6000 was finally removed after 7 long days and he needed so badly to relief his...
Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...
When I got up this morning, I made my usual walk over to my b*****r’s room to wake him up for school. Donny is a senior in high school while I’m in my third year of college. I crept in his room and saw that he was still sl**ping, loudly snoring as usual, but his amazing upper body was still out and exposed to the world. He looked like porn model purposely laying in position with his arm up over his head and his other arm covering his abs. This was just perfect…. he was perfect! I walk over...
This still makes my own cock hard thinking about one of my girlfriends stepda, this happened awhile back but it turns me on still. I was over her house one evening, and she said that her parents went out to dinner, so we were watching some hot porn, she was masturbating her sweet pussy, and i was jacking off my 7 inch shemale cock, rubbing eachothers bare tits as we jacked off. I asked her where her lube was, she said in the upstairs bathroom, so i went upstairs and could not help hearing a man...
Hi, dear friends and this is Mohsin once again with a beautiful encounter with my lovely and sexy maid Lakshmi. I am thankful to for the replies you had given to my previous story. This is all happened in the last month. I am 30 years horny guy living with wife and a k**.I am good looking and somewhat friendly man. So everybody in our locality loves me very much. As I am a self owned business man I have lot of time to spend at home. I am very much horny guy who loves to attract the females for...
I was very it snow sports. i loved to snowboard. one day me and some friends wanted to hit the slopes. we went to the nearest resort that we all went to a lot. we enjoyed a day full of skiing and snowboarding. one of my friends wanted to try to take a trail that no one has used yet. i was up for it. We had to break our own trail. we started down and when we got deep in the woods the snow got deeper and deeper. eventually going along the trail my friend got stuck and got flipped over. i...
GayElvira arrived at the Manse at ten o'clock on Monday morning. She was wearing a smart business suit and carrying her lap top. She parked the Mini Cooper behind the Honda in front of the gate to the house and marched briskly down the path. The garage door was still open and the garage was empty. So no naked ladies in wide brimmed hats, she thought as she knocked on the door. She was welcomed into the Manse by Jeremy. She introduced herself as Elvira Argent and was in turn introduced to...
Kayla is hoping for a romantic picnic with her Husband, but after setting up her picnic outside her Husband calls to cancel because he had to take a last minute business trip. She realizes it’s gardening day and she decides that she should just invite the 2 Handsome Gardeners inside and have some Fun since her Husband will be out of town for a week and he ruined her Picnic Surprise! They head to the Living room where she tells them that the reason she wants to have her Picnic inside with...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! I was getting ready to take a shower when eighteen year old Alice came to my room. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you were undressing.” “Was it all of two weeks ago we shared a dressing room trying on bathing suits?” I asked, “Don’t tell me you forgot already, or did you think I got bashful overnight?” “Huh uh,” she giggled, “Uh, Mom? Remember last week when you said I could use Dad’s laptop for my essay?” Oh, shit, I had a good idea what was coming,...
IncestYou want me to fuck you with it while I’m sucking you I asked Jason? Fucking of course he said back. I told Jason to sit on the edge of the bed and open his legs. I put a little more lube on the tube and got on my knees between Jason’s legs. I placed the tip on his asshole and slid it in. I slowly pushed it about half way and held it there.I then grabbed his hard cock with my other hand and held it up straight and lower my mouth onto it. I started sliding his cock in and out of my mouth while...
They don’t come as gorgeous as Lana Rhoades every day. A smoking hot brunette with eyes like blue fire – this dancer has moves only a body like that can make. Her legs are miles long and her sweet ass is perky. She’s got nice, big natural titties and everything ties together like a perfect, curvy package. Lucky Jules gets to stick his cock inside sweet, beautiful Lana. This Chi-town native made her living with her body and keeps up the momentum by fucking like a pro here....
xmoviesforyouHe turns down the lights, so low my eyes search for him walking toward me, the soft glow of four candles and the fire now the major source of illumination in the room. Tori Amos sings her piano ballad over the speakers, my excitement grows with every note. The wine glass feels heavy as he stands before me, his chest and arms glistening in the soft light. My head feels light, possibly from the wine, but also from what I know is to come. I set down the glass as my heart pounds in anticipation. He...
It hadn’t been this bad since my first couple of weeks in high school. At least when I started high school, my sister was always nearby to help set me straight. And keep bullies away. No one crossed her. I knew my panic would pass and I’d be okay, but knowing that didn’t make it easier. I clutched Annette’s hand as I approached the classroom for my Liberal Arts Seminar. It would have been so much easier if we were in the same section. “See the bench over there?” Annette asked as she squeezed...
Liz, it turned out, was in line for a medal. The gal who was the pilot, technically the Aircraft Commander, had survived after all. She'd been knocked unconscious, and Liz had made sure she got out as the plane went down. That was why the girl, Sue, actually Capt. Susan Edgecroft, landed came down on land and was rescued by a troop of British soldiers from the Parachute Regiment. She'd barely hit the ground before they were there to pick her up. The delay in finding Liz was because she...
"What is wrong with me?" she thought. Then thinking about Cricket's gun, she mumbled, "Somebody can get really hurt." She also didn't know why she was getting such a thrill over having sex with Shawn right after being with Cricket. The perverseness of it almost scared her, and by the time she got on the bus, she decided that maybe she really should see Dr. Jameson and made an appointment. Sheryl thought about seeing another doctor, but as before, she found them to be either too...
Hi everybody iam harshini and iam 30 yrs old now. Iam married and have no kids. My hubby is now in gulf for the past 3 yrs. Tks for all your comment on my previous two story. I really love enjoying reading this mail in my mail box I was 24 years old when i started having an intimate relationship With my step mom. We are a middle class bengali family. My step mom Was married at the age of 21 to my dad 46. She had given birth to a Boy just a few months before it started. It was the baby...
IncestNina North is one of those hot chicks that makes a box of rocks look smart. Nina’s cable is out and she can’t figure out why. Maybe that explosion in the middle of the night that screwed up cable in the entire neighborhood had something to do with it, her cable repair man politely points out. Nina is not so sure and that’s when the cable guy makes a mental note this is a hot chick who can probably be easily seduced. The repair man pretends fixing her cable is going to be a costly and time...
xmoviesforyouThings were not going quite as well as I had hoped. It was the last day of the original challenge, and I was still not in the lead. Despite my natural charm, and even my sexbot augmented seduction skills, I had not gotten Claire or Abby to make out with me. I did hook up with a boy on the boardwalk for about fifteen minutes, but though he was willing and eager to continue kissing until the wee hours of the morning, when I realized he was only seventeen, it just felt kind of - creepy...