AfricaChapter 5 free porn video

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As Helena predicted, Snake allowed us little sleep. I awoke to the pretty stewardess bringing in a cart, her eyes somewhat distracted by the perfectly sexy nudity of Eva, who must have opened the door to her knock. Eva giggled, brought the stewardess's hand to her breast, helped her caress it while kissing her most fervently. After guiding her to the other breast, Eva ended the kiss. "We'll take it from here," she said with her usual spunk which made the dismissal easier to take, though I could see the disappointment in the lovely woman's face as she glanced from sexy Eva, across the full bed, lingering surprisingly on me. She shrugged and winked at me and slunk provocatively out of the stateroom, closing the door securely behind her.

"She'd have been fun," Eva said to me.

"Probably," I chuckled. Realizing I didn't feel all that rested, I asked her "What the fuck time is it?"

"How the fuck should I know?" she replied, opening her arms, making it clear nothing adorned her body, including no watch.

"6," said Lindy.

The San Francisco contingent laughed, mine within a groan.

"What's so funny?" asked my sister, waking up from Eva's and my conversation, looking as beautiful as I had ever seen her despite wild hair and barely opened eyes.

"Lindy has an inner clock," Miwa explained as she emerged from the bed, her lithe, petite body always a wonderful thing to see, and helped Eva set up breakfast. "It's set for 6 am."

"God, I can barely wake to a blaring clock radio," my sister confessed.

"It is fucking loud," said her lover, Albert.

"Sorry," she responded.

"Don't be. It gets me up, and once I get it silenced, my blood's surging."

"I notice," my sister giggled and kissed him lightly, her hand making an obvious movement south under the blanket where an impressive hill had formed. After a probable squeeze, she let go and settled back. "I need more sleep," she murmured.

"Then sleep," Eva told her with a loving smile. "We'll keep quiet." She chuckled when she realized my sister no longer heard her. Albert soon followed my sister into obliviousness.

As promised, we spoke little while we ate delicious omelets and sipped delicious coffee. Of course, Snake only ordered meals for those of us meant to head to the borrowed mansion for more of his tales.

Realizing I probably wouldn't see my sister before departing for Greece that night, I decided to write her a note.

"Tell her to call you just after noon," my wife advised me. "We'll be taking a break."

"But I thought Nick wanted it to be continuous or something," I replied. "Eating wouldn't interrupt us."

Helena shrugged. I nodded. I knew my sister and I needed to talk after the momentous if all too brief incest. It seemed Nick knew it too, and would accommodate us.

As soon as I finished the note, Nick arrived, encouraged us to shower and get ready as swiftly as possible, and left us to it.

Appropriate to a suite with an orgy designed bed, the shower had room for three. Eva and Helena and I took advantage of it, but kept our hands to mostly just cleaning intimate parts of each other. I still managed to get hard. Who wouldn't with two incredible women rubbing against you and rubbing you? The women teamed up to suck me to completion, sharing my spend. The double teaming definitely helped hurry my release. They both batted my hands away when I attempted to reciprocate. "We need to free up the shower for Miwa and Lindy," Helena explained. "I'm sure you'll take care of both of us soon enough. Daddy wants to get started as soon as possible."

And as usual, when Nick's tale got hot, my ladies received the pleasure they so richly deserved. Not that I was being unselfish about it. They gave just as much as they received.

Nick began as soon as everyone settled into their spots. Lindy and I settled on a couch with room between us for Eva to sit, mostly leaning against me, while Miwa and Helena sat between our legs on the Persian carpet and Naomi sat on a stuffed, armless chair so we mortals could observe her drawings. We all wore the minimum clothing, me in my boxers while the ladies wore chemises or sexy nighties and nothing else. Only Nick dressed completely in his usual black denim.

"By the time the sun lit the sky," Nick started, "the dawn colors just dissolving, the entourage had finished their brief and tearful goodbyes to their families."

"Entourage?" asked Lindy.

"There were several of us," Salomé explained. "Remember, this wasn't just about me and my first venture as muse. This was an important trading venture, the largest and most expansive in... :

"Ever, actually," Nick finished. "We would be travelling farther than any of the tribe had gone before. We were loaded down with trade items and nearly a dozen of our men bearing the weight."

"Along with half a dozen of our ... well ... whores," Salomé added.

"The more Semitic looking women?" I asked.

"Pure Semitic actually," Nick replied. "They were the most exotic and had a widespread reputation."

"Wouldn't mixed ones," I asked, "especially those directly from your seed, have the most ... uhm ... I mean the strongest minionship I guess."

"Coining words are we?" Nick chuckled. "I know what you mean. It's true there was some distance in their line to my blood, but remember dear Rebecca. Her line came from Ruth's sister, Hannah, and it had a resilient power to it. Every three or four generations I managed to visit the area, specifically to enhance that line of particularly strong willed Jewesses."

"Impregnating lesbians?" Lindy guessed.

"Pretty much," Nick grinned. "It helped with their bearding, and they had their husbands enjoy mistresses and impregnate them. The mistresses were bisexual of course. Sometimes the descendants of Ruth were bisexual too. There was still an extensive line between Rebecca and my last visit, because of my concentrating on my little Greek Island for a hundred years of so. Anyway, though they had my presence within them, these concubines or whores or whatever weren't chosen for that."

"It's who they were traded for," Lindy figured out.

"Yep. I would fuck some of the women of the tribe and leave them there, usually widows. But our Jewesses were expensive, and we often got, along with more items for future trades or to be sent back to our tribe to enrich them, a young woman, sometimes not even yet a woman who would achieve their menarche during our travels and I would impregnate them after a year or so. I liked my seed to sprout in a woman with at least a little maturity."

"And then what happened to them?" asked Lindy suspiciously.

"It depended."

"On what?"

"Let's begin the tale and you'll see," he told her.

"Wow," says Salomé to her lover, "you really are sensitive."

"Sorry," Sam sniffles. "It's just that I never realized how much I'll miss Mom and Dad and my sister. With the size of the entourage, I have a feeling I might not see them for quite a while if ever. I know Nick disappears for a year or two at a time. I have a feeling it will be even longer. Just look at how many whores he has brought with us."

"Don't look too hard at them," Salomé responds half joking.

"You know I only have eyes for you, my love," he replies with a sniffling chuckle.

"I don't know about that," Salomé grins slyly. "You can't seem to escape the vision of Ben's tight bum. To tell you the truth, it is quite nice."

"Mmm," is Sam's response of agreement, bringing chuckles to both of them and lightening his heart.

Nick's trading entourage have traveled for hours by the time of the conversation. They near the edge of the savannah. Verdant hills rise before their eyes. They approach a line of trees, like the hem of the green dress that covers those hills. It marks the border of the tribe's territory, and is as good a place to stop for lunch as any.

Though Nick has chosen to begin Salomé's first adventure in the cooling air of the Southern Hemisphere's late Fall, in what would be June in the English language a Millennium later, the sun still carries some heat. Food will do them good, and water especially.

As if their need has been answered by God, when they reach the trees, they are greeted by a small group from another tribe bearing gourds of water. "Minions," Salomé thinks, and when an older, darker, thicker man and then a regal looking beauty who combines a hint of her tribe with the jungle tribes' features, and the best of them, hug Nick, her thought becomes confirmed.

After Nick introduces his granddaughter and her lover to the chieftain and his "daughter," though step-daughter more likely, Sam becomes unusually animated, talking to the daughter in her tribe's different language, one which Salomé cannot understand. She finds this rude, and wishes she didn't, because Sam enjoys it as much as she has seen him enjoy anything except maybe their recent intimacy.

"Salomé," she hears behind her, Nick's voice sounding a little scolding. Despite the scold, she takes comfort in his hands embracing her tummy and his lips near her ear as he kneels behind her.

"I know," she exhales within a sigh. "I shouldn't be jealous."

"More envious I think," Nick says. "He's having fun, and for the first time with him, you're excluded. You know this is the very thing that had me bring him along."

"Are they talking of important things?" she asks her grandfather.

"Yes and no. Just conversing has its importance. They exchange knowledge of each other's tribes, and my daughter finds that comforting. It brings her closer to half her heritage. And they also bring greater connection between our two tribes, since she is a significant part of hers, an important advisor for her sort of father, though being highly patriarchal, that importance isn't well known. Since she's equal in intelligence to him, unlike anyone else he has met except you..."

"He's having the time of his life," Salomé finishes her grandfather's statement.

"You are jealous," Nick says. "I thought..."

"Him loving men aside from me. I know. It's silly."

"It's unexpected," Nick responds. "But good I think."

"Why? It's ridiculous. I know he won't stray. I know how much I mean to him. And with his gender preference..."

A flash of a vision of Sam embracing a Semitic whore, and an even more defined image of his fucking the beautiful daughter of the chieftain transfers from Salomé to Nick telepathically, making Nick chuckle. "I love your passion, granddaughter," he tells her. "But you need to harness this jealousy, choke it out of your system. I think it will give you strength in controlling emotions. It will make you more mature. And when you succeed, it will benefit Sam as well."

"How so?"

"Don't you think he'll be jealous when you meet your first genius?"

"I thought he was my first genius."

"Smartass," Nick chuckles. "You know what I mean."

Salomé sighs. "I kind of hope that meeting doesn't happen too soon. I do love Sam."

"I know you do. We'll see." He kisses her cheek and rises, walking over to the chief and beginning a discussion, quieter than Sam's with the chief's daughter, but just as friendly. An older woman of the chief's tribe, probably in her late thirties, provides translation.

"Friends," Salomé thinks, continuing to watch her lover and the lovely woman chatting, and her envy and jealousy immediately dissolve like a shadow dissolved by the sun interrupted by a cloud, and a new shadow, a new emotion appears when the metaphorical cloud moves on. Lust. "She's hot," Salomé realizes with pussy wetting profundity. At that very moment she notices those beautiful eyes scanning her with interest. When their eyes meet, Salomé shivers, seeing just as lustful a gaze as she's certain she's giving the woman. The tongue slipping sensually across the woman's full lips enflames Salomé's lust, palpitating her heart and flashing throughout her body with the heat of it.

Leaning forward onto her hands and knees, she caresses Sam's cheek with her lips. "Be back soon," she tells him and gets a distracted smile in return. Moments earlier, she would curse that distraction. Now it amuses her.

The search for Ben takes little time. He sits alone, whittling a piece of dead wood with a sharp stone, a valuable skill that surprises Salomé, done with ivory tusks from elephants which the tribe rarely succeeds in killing, usually the younger ones with smaller tusks. Wood was almost as rare as tusks at least in being cast off for carving.

"What are you making?" she asks him.

He shrugs. "The wood will tell me."

"I never knew you had such skills."

"My father," he shrugs. "He says I need practice." He shows her an ivory piece, beautifully wrought, of a male head.

"Is that... ?"

"Nick," he smiles. "My father's proudest piece. He wants me to better it before I take over his business."

"The others?" she looks around.

"With the whores," he shrugs.

"Not interested?"

He only shrugs.

"Sam prefers men too."

Even with his deep black skin, she can see his blush.

"Secrets, okay?" she says. He nods. "Come with me."

They hold hands as they walk. She sees his young, shy smile. "You like women too?"

"Sometimes. Unfortunately..."

"Speak your mind, Ned. I will always be discreet. I make good council because of it."

"They're either taken..."

"Like me?"

He nods, "Or they're ... impossible."


"My ... mother."

Salomé has never gotten to know Ned. They live in different areas of the large village and hang out with different people. He has at least five years on her as well, nearing twenty. She does know who the best whittler is, just as everyone in the village knows of her and her closeness with her grandfather. She also knows the whittler's mate, his most common model, the most graceful and beautiful woman in the tribe, even in her forties, even with aged, sagging dugs.

"Delilah?" she asks him. When he nods, she chuckles. "I don't blame you. She's hot."

His surprise turns to amusement. "You're just as hot, Salomé."

"Why thank you, Ned," she responds, pressing her breasts against his shoulder and giving him a kiss on his cheek. She notices movement in his loincloth with excited bemusement.

Seeing where they're headed, and the unmistakable pleasure in the chief's daughter's eyes when she spots their approach, the focus clearly on Salomé, Ned comments sotto voce, "She's hot too."

"Isn't she?" Salomé chuckles.

By then Sam notices his new friend's distraction and turns his head to see what did it, seeing his lover hand in hand with another man. Salomé watches his face shift from a jealous frown to a delighted smile when he looks into her eyes, one of them winking, both mischievous and loving. He gets even more excited when he realizes who she's brought, the man with the incredible ass, and with a face just as spectacular, handsome on the edge of beautiful.

"You two done talking?" Salomé smirks, releasing Ned's hand and occupying Sam's lap, enveloping him in a hug. "Cause I know an even more fun use of lips and tongue." She illustrates with a passionate kiss, tongue greeting tongue. "Ask your new, gorgeous friend where the four of us might find some privacy."

"Do ... we have time?" asks Sam.

"Grandfather says we'll be with them overnight," she relates her telepathic conversation with an amused Nick. "Her father has invited us to rest in their village. It will take the afternoon to get there. I suggested the four of us might be lagging behind, perhaps arriving at morning light, if, like I said, your friend has a private place along the way."

He translates carefully to his new friend, hoping not to offend. The delighted smile actually thrills him. Though her curvy femininity hasn't quite sparked the interest only Salomé brings him regarding the female sex, their long and intelligent conversation has brought him a sense of intimacy, which, even in its relative brevity, borders on love.

"I know just the place," she tells them, and unbelievably, Salomé understands her.

"Thanks, grandfather," she conveys.

"You're welcome, Salomé," he returns. "Have fun."

The woman hops to her feet, and despite sitting for nearly an hour on the fur covered ground, is steady on them. She wipes down her furry skirt, bringing eyes to her voluptuous ass. Her body resembles Salomé's with a thick layer added. Greater curves between hips and chest, they still have the length between them that Salomé has, with just as taut an abdomen. Her shorter, stouter legs make her reach a height up to Salomé's nose. There's power in them, and sexiness. Her more rounded face, with expressive eyes and lips, gives her a sexy cuteness. In other words, she's an incredibly sexy creature.

Having stood as well and helping Sam onto his feet, Salomé watches this bewitching creature hug and kiss Sam on the cheek before finding herself even more thoroughly hugged and kissed, on the lips this time.

With a giggle, the woman dashes off, "Got to talk to father," heard in her wake.

"Which father?" Salomé thinks.

"Both actually," Nick responds in her mind, "since we're still hanging out together."

"She said..." Sam begins.

"I know what she said," Salomé interrupts him.

After a moment to solve the riddle, he smiles. "Grandfather?"

She kisses him. "Smart boy."

He looks at Ned shyly. "Hi Ned," he says.

"Hi handsome," Ned replies daringly. The resultant smile on Sam's face brings forth chuckles from all of them.

"Wait," I interrupted Salomé. "Aren't we scaring the target audience away, you know, awkward male adolescents and young men, with all this gay stuff?"

Salomé looked to Betty. "It's something to worry about," the blonde beauty agreed.

"There's not so much of it, actually. Just at the beginning as I prepped Tplk for her husband. It's not necessary to focus on it, keep it fuzzy, out of focus I suppose."

"Who is Teplick?" asked Lindy.

"The Chief's daughter. They had those clicks and pops peculiar to some southern African languages, so I've been avoiding her name. Teplick's fine. More than fine," she adds, chuckling, a fondness in her recollection.

"Husband?" asked Lindy.

"Let me continue," Salomé smiled, "and you'll soon know." We two mortals nodded.

"Who's he?" Salomé asks Teplick when the woman returns.

The surprise on Teplick's face brings an explanation. "Nick's letting me understand you, and I guess he's returning the favor."

A cute high giggle and quick embrace and kiss reveals Teplick's delight.

"He's ... uhm ... He helps me conceive future chiefs. Unfortunately so far they've been female."

"Your husband?"

"I guess, though we sleep separately if in the same room. He prefers the white whores. I do too, and his favorite helps in our conceiving, though she definitely prefers men."

"So I'm to be your whore?" Salomé asks, humor in her voice denying any offence.

"Oh Salomé. I only wish you could. I mean I wish you could be with me. You're leaving and I..." the sexy woman bursts into tears.

They hug and Salomé kisses away her tears. "I like you too. I'd invite you along, but I'm sure you have responsibilities."

Releasing her after kissing her lips, Teplick restores her pride in all its regal glory. "I do. Let's go." She takes Salomé's hand.

Noticing Teplick's husband carries a fur rug, Ned grabs the rug Sam and Teplick have been sitting on and shakes it out before rolling it up.

The men trail the women a few paces, all enjoying the view of perfect female posteriors. They converse with Sam serving as interpreter.

The husband explains his relationship with his wife. "I am too simple for her. I was chosen for the strength and fecundity of my ancestors, not for my intelligence, though really no men would satisfy her that way. Her intelligence intimidates me and everyone else except the chief. He adores her. And she finds me unsatisfying in other ways too."

"She prefers her own gender," Sam explains.

"It's something I don't understand," the husband replies.

"Is it strange in your tribe?"

"It is completely unique."

"Men don't love men?"

"What good would that do? How could it benefit the tribe? No child could come of it, obviously."

"We have similar beliefs," says Sam with a nod. "Perhaps our numbers allow such taboos to exist."

"Are they common?"

"Not so much, but they exist."

"How do you know? You say they are taboo, so..."

"Two of those who enjoy their own sex are walking with you. And it appears both women whom we are enjoying so much, their amazing asses altering our desire for the other sex, have similar feelings towards each other."

"How could any men not be swayed by them?" Ned adds. "By that ... swaying," he chuckles.

"How indeed?" asks the husband.

"Because my friend Ned here has an ass, small and tight as it is, just as delicious to me as those two." Sam grips the subject, finding it as delicious as imagined.

The husband can only shake his head.

Later, Ned asks Sam, "What were our lovely ladies discussing that made the Chief's daughter so distraught?"

When Ned tells him, that her sexual preference has rarely if ever been sated, Ned nods contemplatively.

"What?' Sam asks him.

"I may have a solution," Ned smiles.

"What?' Sam asks.

"Later. I want to find out more about this woman first."

They arrive at their trysting spot, a pastoral gem featuring a broad waterfall a dozen feet high with a large pool beneath it, and, they soon discover, a cave behind it.

"Wonderful," coos Salomé, immediately stripping naked.

Before diving into the pool, Teplick stops her. "Later, my gorgeous angel. I need you now." She too strips off her furs and embraces Salomé, kissing her passionately and caressing her back, pulling the angel against her until they rub titties and pussies as she squeezes the taut, perfect flesh of Salomé's ass. Breaking the passionate embrace, she breathlessly says, "Come on," pulling Salomé behind the falls and into the cave.

Somehow Salomé reappears from the curtain of heavy water, yelling to Sam, "Can you grab the gourd attached to my belt?" before disappearing again with a jerk and a laugh.

When Sam and the other men enter the cave, they see the two women in full embrace, sitting on the cold rock floor, their thighs intertwined so it is impossible to tell who is sitting in the lap of whom. Their lips seal together as their hands not holding them up hide between their close torsos obviously squeezing each other's tits.

"The gourd!" Sam shouts over the crashing water, the natural curtain in this private little world.

Salomé smiles back at him since she faces away, and reaches back to take the gourd, winking at his nakedness. She places the opening against Teplick's lips. "Here. Drink."

"Nick's essence?" Teplick responds. "I don't need it."

"It can only make things better," Salomé smiles lustily.

Teplick's eyes agree, and she gulps down a quantity of the elixir. Once done, Salomé hands back the gourd, only to have the husband the only one to receive it. She finds Sam and Ned in full embrace on a higher shelf in the cave, their hands busy with each other's genitals.

"Drink this," she tells the husband, "and enjoy. I'll tell you when you can join in."

Relieved of the gourd, Salomé and Teplick resume their kissing and caresses. Their pussies press harder together, building the thrill they feel for each other to a whole new level of intensity. They begin rocking together, mashing clits, in a steady fucking motion. Soon Salomé does all the work as her new friend gets lost in a tremendous orgasm.

Salomé keeps the genital grind going while her lips lower and her teeth emerge to chew on one nipple while twisting the other with her fingers, sustaining Teplick's orgasm.

It barely begins abating when Salomé shifts them, bringing Teplick onto her back, the cold, hard stone barely noticed within the woman's hot passion. Salomé has her climbing towards ecstasy again as she kneels between the woman's thighs and shoves her middle finger into a pussy flooded and pulsing with exquisite pleasure. The way Salomé places her hand, rubbing against the knuckle with her own clit while adding a second finger plunging in and out, high against the woman's clit and deeper against her g-spot, makes it seem like those fingers are Salomé's hard-on thrusting into the woman, fucking her.

Another orgasm quickly follows cuing Salomé to change the situation. She reaches back and takes hold of an enormous cock that the husband sports and brings it to her mouth and down her throat. "Put the rug down for your knees," she yells to him after the deep throat, "and put her legs against your shoulders." She makes room for him by sliding forward until her pussy hovers over Teplick's smiling mouth.

"Make me cum," she commands.

"With pleasure," Teplick roars back, her eyes gazing lovingly up at Salomé's gorgeous face before taking in the beauty of her cunt close up. Once her mouth and tongue begin working their loving magic on it, the gaze returns to Salomé's face, their eyes hooking together whenever Teplick isn't distracted by Salomé focusing attention on her own perky, perfect breasts and lengthy nipples which the angel's long, elegant fingers play with.

A moment later, a much more significant distraction happens. "Oh fuck!" Teplick groans as her husband expands her pussy with his enormous cock.

Salomé turns her head to him and instructs him, his wife providing unsteady translation. "Push in slow. Coax that monster inside. Give her time to make room. Fuck her slow. When she starts fucking back, then you can start fucking the shit out of her. But tell me when you're ready to cum."

He nods, his eyes wide with lust, his face a grimace. She chuckles at it before returning her eyes to Teplick whose lips and tongue have been teasing her quite successfully. At that moment, Teplick seizes her clit within thick lips, squeezes and sucks, sending Salomé to a high plateau of pleasure. "Oh yes!" she moans. Teplick's wide eyes seem to grin with accomplishment.

Because of this gorgeous angel, everything is different about her husband planting seeds inside her to make a child grow. Because of Salomé, she feels no pain, as his big stick which would have shoved deep and ripped away at her tender interior, gives time to make room. The deeper he goes, the more she enjoys it, until she feels his loins press against hers and his cock seems to press right into her womb. She feels pulsations ripple from the mouth of her cunt to its very depth. And the ripples reverberate through the rest of her body, meeting other pulses of pleasure emanating from her nipples being squeezed with near painful pressure by Salomé, leaning back and gripping those stone hard tips. And the vision above her of Salomé's incredible body and face adds another dimension to her exquisite orgasm, as does the sweet smell and taste of Salomé's nectar and the heat and texture beneath Teplick's tongue.

As she shakes with ecstasy, somehow it builds even higher with her husband withdrawing and shoving deep again as rapidly as he ever has. Again the pain she has always felt when he fucked her fast and hard, as he pretty much did from the start, luckily to a quick conclusion, becomes absolute pleasure instead. In fact, like his earlier impregnations, she wishes its conclusion, but only because she can handle only so much bliss.

As usual, her husband arrives at his release within a minute. "So good," he mutters in amazement. "Gonna cum!" he proclaims through tightened throat. He wants to push deeper than ever, a natural need to send seed to plant in fecund soil. But he finds himself held back, inches from full depth, as Salomé restrains him with her head against his solar plexus. As his seed throbs out of his cock, he presses as deep into his wife as Salomé allows, and retreats between ejaculations, shoving in at the next exquisite pulse. Finally the throbs quiet, and his needy thrusts soften, and his body relaxes, and he lets go of his wife's thighs and his loosening cock slips out wet with both their sex juices.

"Thank you, husband," Teplick murmurs quietly. "You have done your duty well. Now go and join the others."

He nods though she can't see it, staring up at Salomé rapturously. "Thank you," he tells her. "It never felt so good."

"I know," she responds. "Stay with your whore now. I believe your duty is done."

"Learn from this," Salomé adds. "Learn to make the way slick for her, and to ease in until she's ready to be thoroughly taken, and only then let your passion take over." Unlike Teplick, she can see his nod at his wife's translation as he clothes himself and departs.

"Kiss me," Teplick mutters, and Salomé lays over her, their pussies once more squeezing together as their thighs intertwine, and Teplick moans within the kiss, the most intense orgasm of her life still echoing within her.

Same as Africa
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Going back a number of years to my last year at Secondary school, my 'boyfriend' told me that, " Tomorrow you will be playing truant! Just get up as normal put on your black lingerie and stockings, then pop your normal school ubiform over them and I will pick you up at the bus stop at 8.20am. I said OK to him, as if I had any choice in the matter.I was up at 7am and after showering put on my best black bra and knickers along with my black suspender belt and black red topped stockings.I said bye...

4 years ago
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My Secret Passion

My name's Annie. I'm 22 and I live in Coral Gables, FL. By day, I'm a girly girl who loves to shop and wear make-up. But by night, I'm a Mixed Martial Arts fan. The fighting may be crazy and violent, but it's one part of the reason I like watching it. The other part would be seeing the cute, ripped guys in those board shorts they wear. On most Friday nights, me and my girls would go to the clubs and then go out to dinner. But this Friday night, they had other plans. So I drove to the...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 246 Mom Isnt Happy About Carol Showing Everyone Her Pussy

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) Carol arrived in the study, having been let in by Robert. Julia immediately started showing Carol pictures of our preferred choice and explaining our plan. Before they got too engrossed, I interrupted loudly, "Excuse me everyone. I want to ask a quick question about my light blobs. Everyone who knows about them is here now, so this would be a good time. I'm thinking of showing them to Andrew and Robert. I'm still thinking about my reason, and I'm not...

1 year ago
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Our Way of Bonding Time

Everyone is 18 years or older. This is 100% Fiction. Read and enjoy! It was 6 weeks ago, It was 90 degrees and I had no air condition. I was sitting in my room playing guitar when my mother walked in. She asks me “Hey, would you want to come with me to the mall? They have air condition.”. I couldn't help but say yes due to the heat. So I get clothes on and get in the car. My mother was wearing a mini skirt and I tang top due. I couldn't help but to come to realize how good she had been looking...

1 year ago
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Anns surprise from Santa 2

© Hitchhiker 2002 Milady was in a dream world; two strangers from England had come out of the snowstorm and were now making beautiful love to her. She was experiencing sex, like she had never had before, and she’d just been told there was much, much more to come! “Now we will turn Milady over” Said Don. They released her bonds and turned her over. Kissing, fondling, stroking, and massaging her as they did. “When are going to let me touch you?” She said, as she was turned to lie on her back....

Group Sex
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Youre the first woman Ive ever

You’re the first woman I’ve ever.. It had been raining all morning and Karen hadn’t been feeling well. She had stayed home from work for the fourth time this month. As she lay in bed she tried to convince herself she was unwell with a cold or something due to winter setting in, but deep down she knew the truth was she was lonely and becoming depressed. The phone rang and although numb she answered, ‘Hello?’ ‘Karen? It’s Martin. I’ve just come into the store and Margaret tells me you’re...

1 year ago
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Room Service Anna 2

“I know, me too.” She whispered back, her hand gently rubbing against my leg. “I am sad though, you go home tomorrow.” I smiled at her soft gently face, my hand tracing down her cheek. “Don't cry sweet one, I am sure that we will find a way to see each other.” Anna smiled at me, a disbelieving look in her eyes. “ I must go” I smiled sadly as she got dressed again in her long black dress, no underwear this time, her youthful breasts showing no sag at all. “Take my number” I said, a...

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My Big Sister

I was lying in bed reading when Terry walked in from the bathroom. I looked up from my book to see her standing and running a brush through her hair. She was naked, and just looking at her ass had my cock on the rise. She put the brush down and slid into bed. I was tempted at the request of my hard cock to make love to her.I went back to concentrating on the book I was reading. She picked up a magazine and started leafing quickly through the pages. She looked nervous.“Anything wrong? You look...

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LimitsChapter 28 Meredith Rising

For years, Meredith was used to getting a deep, peaceful night's sleep because, inevitably, she would conk out after masturbating herself to a shuddering orgasm. But since her fateful meeting with Michael in the Carson High gym, her nights had been restless and filled with dreams of sex and fucking and unspeakable acts. And each morning, she would wake up horny; she could not function (she believed) unless she immediately fired up her newly acquired vibrator and enjoyed close to 10 minutes...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 17 Road Trip Part Two

Mary Ann said, “Wow this place is amazing. I didn’t think breweries were this nice.” “There are so many of them these days that they need to have this kind of atmosphere to enhance the experience and remain competetive.” She said, “Ah, that makes sense,” as we sat at the bar. The barmaid came up to us and said, “How are y’all doin today? My name’s Melissa and I’ll be taking care of you.” I said, “Well hi Melissa, I’m Tony and this is my girlfriend Mary Ann. Nice to meet you.” She did a...

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FirstClassPOV Angelika Grays Slender Blonde Angelika Grays Gets Her Throat And Pussy Banged Hard

Slender blonde with small tits, Angelika Grays, nonchalantly shows off her stunning body and irresistible holes to Michael Fly. The gorgeous babe is feeling extremely horny at this moment. Without wasting any more time, Angelika reaches out for Michael’s big cock and starts giving him a sloppy blowjob. The naughty blonde lies on her belly and lets the lucky stud facefuck her hard. After the sloppy deepthroat, Michael pounds his cock into Angelika’s shaved pussy. Moans of pleasure...

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Epic Cuckold Sequel The Unwanted Houseguest3

Setting: Urban Bangalore, India, modern times. Main characters: - Manu – the main character, a ~30 year man. The story is mostly told from Manu’s perspective. - Kavita – Manu’s beautiful wife who has a past history with Prem during her college days. - Amir Ali, known to his friends as Prem, the masculine manly man who has moved in with Manu and Kavita for the past 7 months due to a temporary job assignment. (Note that Amir does not allow Manu to call him Prem, as this nickname is reserved...

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Exposing my Indian wife to the room service

Hello guys my name is Pratik and i am here to share a story of my wife which happened and hope you guys love it. Let me describe you my wife. My wife name is Shraddha and she is 29 yrs old. She is whitish brown and a curvy lady. She loves to wear casual dresses when we are out and at home she wears nighty and small dresses. Her breasts size is 36c and firm and have nice bottom with thick thighs and she doesn't have any belly fat as she is regular in her yoga. She is very reserved kind of a...

4 years ago
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Family FunChapter 5

By the time John and her parents arrived home, Julie had prepared a delicious roast meal for them all. It turned out to be a victory dinner as well, since John's team had beaten the favourites by the narrowest of margins. It was an enjoyable meal, and Dave opened a large bottle of champagne to celebrate. Normally, their father would have objected strongly to Julie and John drinking alcohol, but this was a special occasion and Dave filled everybody's glasses to the brim, proposing a toast...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 4 Pariah

"The two of you shouldn't be talking to me," Rita said to Josh and Maria. "You especially," she added rubbing Maria's neck, "You're not even at the school yet and some of the people here are already looking at you badly." Leaning over she kissed Maria and said, "Now get inside, that FUCKATHON they were announcing is about to begin. Show them you belong in that club of theirs." "Maybe I don't want to be in their club anymore," Maria said, not letting Rita go. Rita threw Josh a...

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CDA Sarah

This story continues on from the previous chapter, “CDA: The Blonde”, recounting the erotic adventures of an Australian defence agent. There she was, standing in the doorway of my bedroom, the moonlight reflecting off her bare golden skin. It had been Sarah who had been watching me the night before. “What are you doing here?” “Something that I should have done a long time ago.” I was speechless. I wanted to ask her how she had known about the girl the other night. How she had known where...

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Becoming Playboy Bosss Whore 8211 Part 2

Rohit, my playboy boss, brought his mouth down, and slowly I raised my chin, making our lips met. I was submitting myself completely to him by entwining him into a deep erotic kiss. I was craving for him since morning, after such unprovoked events in his chamber. My hands started to roam all over his back and broad shoulders. He glided his hands up and down the curves of my side. I moaned into the kiss as his hands trailed over my thighs. Breaking the kiss gasping, Rohit caught my lower lip...

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I didnt want too

'...OH MY GAWD, WHAT HAVE I DONE????...' was all I could think of as I felt Mitchel's humongous mush-roomy head press against my tight little bung hole. No matter how I tried to relax, I knew that I could not accommodate his huge penile gland. It was the night before our home coming game, I decided that it would be the thing to do to show I was a team player and be apart of the festivities. Thomas and Mitchel had been hanging around me all evening, picking at me saying things like '...sissies...

1 year ago
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Lustful ViceChapter 5

The following weekend at home, things are tense. Several times Zaria tries to tease her father but he isn’t having any of it. It is like a switch has been turned off. Sure, he called her little pet names from time to time. He hugged her when he got home and kissed her forehead. But she wants so much more. Zaria goes to bed and cries in her pillow wondering what it is that she has done wrong to deserve such treatment from the man she absolutely loves and adores. After a fit of crying, she...

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ImageFap Big Tits

Do you cum regularly to fat juicy tits? If so, then you need to know about a place where you have a seemingly unlimited number of huge boobies to jack off to! is the kind of place where you could find a new giant tit picture every day for the rest of your life and never see everything that there is to offer.Yes, I’m not pulling your goddamn leg. Or your tiny little ghost penis, either. No matter which way you look at it, this site is where you want to be when you want to...

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Widows Tale

Pat had recently become a widow and was a still a very young looking fifty year-old woman. Lonny' s illness had lingered on for two years and her physical needs had not been met. She put her needs aside as she lovingly cared for her dying husband. It was now six months since the funeral and she was ready to get on with her life. Her girls had both moved on to start their careers and Pat still had her career as an lab technician with a local ceramics company. She had walked her basset hound...

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Winter FiresChapter 15

Gradually, Simon became aware of his surroundings. He was in a narrow bed with crisp sheets; the ceiling was high and the walls pale green and cream. Where ... oh. Hospital. He forced his head to roll first to the left, then the right. There was a curtain between him and anything to his left, on the other side he met the eyes of his mother. "Oh, thank God, you're awake. I'll go tell the nurse!" she told him, standing quickly and giving him a peck on the cheek as mothers do. A nurse...

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Nurses in Africa

Karen Tanner and her friend Linda had been on a shopping trip to the bazaar in the small town near where they worked. They were both nurses working on a one year contract in a small west African country. Both women were very experienced and had been offered nearly double their pay at home to spend a year working with sick and extremely poor people.Both women were married although Karen and her husband were separated months before she left for this job. Karen had found this position, applied and...

4 years ago
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Kelly Girl Part 14 Floop and Happenstance

Rated R for context. Nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 14 "Floop and Happenstance" By Wanda Cunningham Kelly stared, squinting a little without his glasses. Andie had just removed Melissa's wig revealing thinning brown hair and a receding hairline, very much at odds with the rest of Melissa's appearance. Moments before,...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 8

The road to Pouilly-en-Auxois was in decent condition, and we made good time on it. We arrived in the vicinity of the town by mid afternoon, but didn't enter the town. Instead, we bypassed it and looked for a place in a large forested area with many oak, birch and ash trees. With a little looking, we located a nice flat area near a stream and prepared to set up camp for the night. Pat and I unsaddled our horses, and unhitched and unharnessed the ones on the cart. We brushed them down and...

3 years ago
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A River of Surprises Chapter 9

A River of Surprises chapter 9 I was glad to be home, but no sooner had I gone in through my front door, my house phone started ringing. How can I explain this to you, It had become such that just hearing the phone ring when I was at home sent nervous spasms through into my stomach and this was no exception. I picked it up, answering softly and cautiously, unable to keep the tremulous edge out of my voice. "Hello." My heart was pounding already, was it him? "Richie, it's Mrs...

2 years ago
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Wait for a Diamond

Jim Bluebaker was very selective about the girls that he dated. Hank, his dad told him; "Son, two things to remember in life, carefully pick a diamond for a wife, and when you have a chance to get something really important be prepared to risk everything for it". Jim was starting point guard for Indiana his senior year. His 3.8 grade point average was enough to get him in law school. In June of 1998, he graduated. When he returned home his Mom and Dad sat him down and explained to him that a...

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EvilAngel Caitlin Bell Big Tits OilSoaked Sex

Powerhouse blonde bombshell Caitlin Bell wears skimpy fetish attire as she soaks her hard bod with a deluge of shiny oil. Superstud Zac Wild jams his big cock in her mouth for a rousing blowjob. Caitlin slurps his meat as the shimmering sex grease drips from her big tits. Bald, alpha-stud Zac invades the stockings-and-garter-clad fuck babe’s cunt and pummels it in spoon position. He slams her slit in multiple rounds and various positions. The fucking and sucking rages on as their slicked...

1 year ago
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Breaking and Entering

‘Okay, what do you think, sweetheart?’ Cameron looked up from where she was studying, sitting on the side of her bed with her foot keeping beat with the rhythm with the soft music in the back ground. Her blue eyes grew wide as she stared at her mother who stood in her doorway. ‘You can’t be thinking of going out like that!’ ‘Honey, it’s a nude beach, of course I’m going like this.’ Clarissa preened a little more, running her hand down the side of her very naked svelte figure. Cameron...

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Liaras Sexperiment

"Down goes the last one" Through the dusty haze of the desolate moon, the Shadow Broker agents finish off the last of the strange monks inhabiting the temple. The agents were a fireteam of blue-skinned asari with a taller, paler asari at the helm. Asari are a blue-skinned species that inhabit the planet Thessia. They are one of the earliest races to achieve interstellar travel and the first to inhabit the Citadel. They have a unique physiology as they have several distinct features, they have...

Mind Control
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Forever in My HeartChapter 4

Lieutenant Hargreaves got the memo. He was to report to his supervisor. Dropping his briefcase on his desk he walked down the line of desks to the door at the end. He stood briefly, then knocked. From inside his supervisor hollered, “Who is it?” “Me,” Hargreaves replied. From inside his supervisor shouted, “Come in and shut the door.” Once inside he pointed to a chair, “Sit down lieutenant. Bad news. I’m pulling you off the narcotics case. We’ve got something else.” Hargreaves started to...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Summer Visitors part three

This had been a memorable summer for me. After finishing my junior year at state university, I had returned to my hometown for the summer. I was expecting it to be a boring stay in the old home town. Just me and Margaret O'Kelly in her home. She was an old family friend. My parents were retired and off to see the world. They had sold our home, and so I was lucky enough to be able to stay with Marge. A long and lazy summer.  Then her sister Jen came for a visit, and we fucked and sucked like...

Group Sex
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Aunt Megan Part two Roadtrip

We drove for an hour or so chatting about all manner of things but nothing important. The day had cleared up after starting out overcast and the sun coming through the windscreen was getting hotter. We pulled off the highway and into a service station where we topped up on fuel then parked the car. We went inside the cafe to get coffee. It was a relief to get out of the car as it was really getting hot. The airconditioning wasn't working and add to that a massive V8 in an older black car and...

2 years ago
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Panties for Sale Chapter 8

When we finally pulled into the mall parking lot I had been thinking something over. I was young enough sure, in my mid-thirties, but as far as my body was concerned I wasn't thirteen anymore and there were limits. Our masturbation antics had pumped more cum out of me than I had thought possible in the last twenty four hours and I was beginning to feel...well kinda empty. After this last one, I was worried if I could produce another orgasm any time soon. She put the van in park and...

3 years ago
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Mr BrightsideChapter 4

Jen and Mike were lingering over their wine. Mike knew something was bothering his wife, and he had a good idea what. "Jen, listen, I'm sorry about what happen last night." Jen rolled her eyes. "Don't lie to me. You loved it when I told you about it." Mike couldn't deny it. "I'm just saying I wasn't expecting anything to happen." "No, but you were hoping it would happen." "Come on, you get excited by playing around, don't deny it." "I'm not denying it. I've told you I...

2 years ago
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The Chess Club part 1

The bell rang, signaling the end of another school day. My students hurried out leaving me alone in my class room, same as I have done for the last fifteen years. I have taught history in high school since I was twenty-two. Where has the time gone, I thought. When I started my teaching career, I was an idealistic college graduate who was going to save the world’s youth by teaching them history. I was engaged to my high school sweetheart ready to conquer the world.Now I’m thirty-seven, divorced...

First Time
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Painful Piano Lesson Part 2

As you can read in part one I was made to undress totally before being given the cane by my piano teacher Miss Edwards and then she spanked my cock because I got an erection. I couldn't help it, she's slim, young and very attractive even though her glasses make her look a little strict. Two weeks later I was a little early for my piano lesson and a very pretty dark haired lass, not much older than me, with puffy red eyes, was leaving in some distress. I realised I wasn’t the only one getting...

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Whispers From The Mirror

Janice stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself. She had turned twenty yesterday and her mother had bought her a new blouse and skirt. She turned around and around, smiling at her reflection. She looked beautiful. She looked healthy. She looked perfect. ‘Still too fat.’ She looked around, wondering where the voice had come from. A look into the mirror provided the answer. Her reflection stood staring at her, hands crossed across its chest and one foot tapping impatiently. Janice just...

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Elizabeth does home made Porn

I really like having my wife Elizabeth wearing stockings, suspenders and high heels being fucked on her hands and knees, doggy style, by other men and also with other women using a strap-on dildo. I love to watch as Elizabeth gets a right good-old-fashioned shagging and a sexual seeing too! I like to watch Elizabeth getting sexual servicing while she is on her knees and being fucked in front of a large mirror, so that she can watch herself and I enjoying sex together.Recently we met a young...

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Spirit QuestChapter 11

I sent a missive to Clovis requesting permission to purchase large tracts of the just conquered Eastern Roman Empire. Along the coast in what would be modern Lebanon I wanted to grow bananas. Along the coast in what would be modern Israel I wanted to grow sugar cane. Along the Nile valley, it would be cotton, sugar cane, and bananas. Land around Constantinople would be for growing a delightful spice as of yet unknown in Europe, Asia, and Africa. My query received a positive...

4 years ago
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A Weird OneChapter 5

As I drove to the Village Inn I asked, "Would baby's cocksucker care to tell him just how things fell that enabled him to become a happy motherfucker?" "When I caught you jacking off with my panties while sniffing the crotch of another pair I was horrified that you had become some kind of a freak. When you tossed my affair with Albert at me I thought "Oh my God! He'll tell his dad" as I ran from the room. It wasn't until I calmed down that I realized you would say anything to your...

3 years ago
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friends with benefits in a stationery store part I

“I know,” I sigh. “It just sucks, is all.” “You’re a good looking guy. You’ll bounce back in no time.” Rebecca flashes me a grin before disappearing into the stockroom. It would have been our 6-month anniversary today if Elaine hadn’t broken up with me. An old lady ambles toward the checkouts with a handful of pens and pencils. “Hiya, just these?” “Yes thanks,” the elderly lady smiles. I scan the items through and wait for her to finish fiddling with the EFTPOS...

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My Mothers SonChapter 14 The Cabin

Dear Diary, I cannot tell you how satisfactory our talk about masturbation has worked out. Even the first night was perfect. C touched me. His hand very lightly passed over my bottom. Lightly caressing me like a breeze from an open window. I shivered with pleasure it was so delicious having that tender caress from my darling boy. My whole body tingled with his gentle touch, barely moving the silk of my panties. I continued, finding my G-spot and rubbing it vigorously with my fingertip. My...

2 years ago
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Making A Hectic Situation Better

My grandparents left me the family travel agency, and I was out to be the best. I'd worked beside my grandparents for years and, when they passed away, I felt ready. I quickly learned I was the one that the other agents now looked to, the person who customers complained to, and the one who had to keep it together at all times. At twenty-two, I had people looking at me for everything at work and I felt overwhelmed. My husband was a caring and loving person, so when he heard I was having a less...

Office Sex
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This is a continuation of my story "Toby", I'd recommend reading it first to understand the beginning.About four weeks had passed between the times that I'd met Toby pool hopping at the Hawaiian Inn and when we both started high school. It was a month that I would never forget given that I not only lost my virginity but had spent nearly every weekday since at my house exploring every one of both our sexual fantasies. There was not a surface in my house that hadn't hosted our sweaty young bodies...

3 years ago
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Leave Your Mark

Gerald pulled the pillow tighter over his head as he tried to drown out the sounds of the roommate fucking his latest conquest. The moans and the rhythmic bumping of the bed hitting the wall filled the room.Gerald shared his room with one of his teammates. Something he was beginning to regret. Every night since training camp started the roommate had brought a new girl into the dorm room."That's it right there," the girl screamed.That was the last straw. Gerald grabbed his pillow and his...

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Majbur Ya Shaukeen 8211 Chudai Ki

Mai apni bed pe baith ek novel padh raha tha. Achanak door bell baji, khola to dekha didi thi, wo jhat se andar ayi aur jake sofe pe baith gayi. Mai darwaza band kiya aur bola kya didi kya hua surprise? Didi pareshaan dikh rahi thi. Akhir usne bola-vai bahut badi musibat aa padi hai.Maine muskurate hue pucha kya jija fir naukri chhodne ki baat kar rahe hai… Didi-mazak nahi, wo avi hospital mai hai. Mai-kya!! Kya hua? Didi-lambi kahani hai, dhyan se sun …. Yad hai maine unke boss ke bare me kahi...

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The Undercover Detective part 12

The Undercover Detective Part 12 July 11th It was about ten o'clock when I phoned Fran "It is a good job you called. I was just about to call you." "What did you want me for?" "We picked someone up this morning, who had retrieved the package. We have him in a cell in the station." "Who was it?" "Not someone we would have expected. It was someone very well known to us. He only got released from jail a year ago. He is a well known house breaker, he's been at it for...

3 years ago
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The Professor Chapter Two

Ashley sat on the floor crying. She was such a cluster of mixed emotions she could not seem to get control of any of her emotions. Ashley had always considered herself a strong 'type one' personality. She was always quick to take charge of a situation and did not submit to anyone. Yet, she just had. She had let a man she barely knew tie her up, whip her with a riding crop and then fuck the shit out of her. What made it worse was she enjoyed it. That was by far the strongest orgasm she had ever...

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NuruMassage Elsa Jean My Sister8217s Not Home

Tyler Nixon is lying back on the couch, killing time on his cell phone, when the doorbell rings. He answers it to find his sister’s bestfriend Elsa Jean on the porch, backpack slung on her shoulder. As soon as he answers, the teen girl is suddenly nervous and giddy -she’s had a not-so-secret crush on him since forever. She energetically says hello to him, even though he barely acknowledges her,hardly looking up from his phone to say a quick hi back. Eagerly, she talks about how nice...

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The Rodeo

       It had become a common occurrence around the drought ravaged farms of the valley.  Small time farmers without any other recourse were forced to sell their daughters to whoever would be willing to pay something close to the asking price.  Margaret Stephen’s father was such a man.  His youngest daughter was his little angel; unlike her older sisters he had been unable to ever bear taking his belt to her when she misbehaved.  Not that she was exactly a brat; she was just a bit willful at...

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