College Fantasy Comes True Decades Later
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: A little fantasy about a college professor that was extremely strict. This is just part one. It all started with a bet. One made teasingly by my best friend. Of course she never thought I would ever take her up on her bet as I am such a shy good girl. When she said I bet you to kiss him, I would say fuck him, but I know you would never do that. I blushed and looked away. I wasnt embarrassed but afraid she knew how much I secretly yearned for him and could barely keep my mind on what I was learning. She went on stating I had until the end of the semester to get it done. I immediately protested stating that was only days away and he is a professor, highly doubtful he fraternizes with his students. She just laughed and ensured that there was no way I was going to win any way, professor or not.
I hadnt realized she knew I liked him however perhaps it had to do with my failure in his class. I am a very studious student and have held a 4.0 since damn near kindergarten but not in this class. Its the class I am always asking for notes in as for some reason I never seem to write anything down during the lecture. How could I when I am too busy staring at his sensuous mouth imaging it upon my skin trailing kisses down my neck to devour my breasts and then moving down my stomach to feast upon my pussy. Fantasizing his strong hard body on top of mine, his intense gaze looking into my eyes as he slowly thrusts his cock deep inside me as he repeats my name over and over again&hellip,
It was at that moment that I realized he was actually calling my name and for the past 10 minutes I had not paid attention to anything that was said as I was locked in my day dream. I looked up bewildered, ah sorry sir what did you ask me. I whisper.
He stands there staring at me as the other students snicker behind me. When he finally speaks my heart drops I want to see you in my office after class. Then he turns from me calling on another student to answer the question I never heard and still barely heard asked again.
I started to feel a little sick to my stomach as class ended and I slowly started gathering my things. Of course I had fantasized about being called to his office but it was always for him to have his way with me. I am sure I was to be reprimanded for not paying attention and for failing. I walked down the hall and knocked on the door a deep voice answers from the other side commanding for me to enter. Opening the door I walk in slightly trembling, you wanted to see me sir? I softly ask.
Yes, sit. He casually motions to the chair in front of him and I quickly take a seat. He stands and walks around the desk leaning his so elegant yet hard frame against it. My eyes travel up his torso to his chest where his arms are crossed, to his broad shoulders and up to his gorgeous face where he has a disapproving look and frown upon it and I squirm in discomfort as that look is for me. So tell me why are you so distracted in my class? I cant believe you find the course work very hard as I have seen your transcripts.
Ah I am sorry sir I will do better. I am trembling as he is so close and his green eyes are piercing me to the seat.
Will you now? He asks thoughtfully and turns back to his desk chair. I believe I understand what is going on here.
You do? I yelped as again my heart drops to my stomach.
Yes I do and I am a bit disappointed in you. A girl like you is above this sort of thing.
Sir, I state a bit confused.
I see the way you look at me during class and the way you squirm in your seat when I walk near you. I bet you are wet right now. He states in a matter of fact tone and staring directly at me with that steely gaze that already has me pinned to the chair.
Sir I I I&hellip, I stammered mortified that he knows my feelings and attraction for him.
A smart girl like you should not get caught up in these stupid little teacher girl crushes. I am very disappointed in you and think the only thing that will get you back on track in this class is a little discipline.
I sit there shaking my head yes. He is right all I need is discipline. Work harder to pay attention in class. Just get over such a girly little girl crush.
So you agree you need discipline. He asks staring at me from across the desk.
Yes sir I do. I readily agree. Hoping this would end the most embarrassing of conversations.
Good. I watch as he opens the desk drawer pulling out a ruler and coming around the desk and standing in front of me. I want you to remember that you just agreed to discipline. I do not know what is happening, the only thing my infatuated brain registers is he is touching me as he grabs my arm pulling me from my seat and pushing me against the desk. It wasnt until I feel the first smack of the ruler against my ass that my brain jumps to attention. Before I was able to make any type of protest there were three more smacks to my ass from the ruler. I buck from his grasp and that is when I feel his body pressed against mine his leg is wedged between my legs and I am pushed back down onto the desk. His lips are pressed to my ear and my brain malfunctions and I release a small whimper of having him touch me, he whispers, You agreed you needed to be disciplined didnt you my sweet. The kisses start from behind my ear down my neck to my shoulder, I am in ecstasy until I feel him leave my body.
Standing up he continues his mission to discipline me. I cry out as the ruler continues to land on my back side my struggles to get free and the noise I am making is not making him happy. He leans back in pressing me solidly to the desk with his body. Did you not want my attention? Have you not been begging for my attentions all semester? I am now giving you my attention and you are trying to get away. Do you want to get away from me? he asks me in a husky voice. I was prepared to answer yes however I knew it was a lie. I had wanted this for so long for his body upon mine his attention on me. I slowly shake my head no. I didnt want to get away from him. He kisses my temple and again goes to a drawer and pulls out some more things. He quickly was back grabbing my arms and pulling them behind me and tying me securely. Then taking the duct tape he places it over my lips to ensure my screams do not attract attention. The next thing I know my pants are being unbuttoned and my pants and panties are pulled to the floor. He again pushes me against the desk and raises his hand to bring the ruler down upon my backside.
The spanking with the ruler continues until I am crying hard into the desk and can barely stand. When he finally stops I feel my arms being unbound however the tape is not removed. He walks or rather half carries me over to his couch in the office and lays me down onto my stomach. I hear him rummaging in the desk again and then he is at my side placing his hand upon my bottom. I wince in pain and pull away. His hand smacks my bottom and I cry out a muffled sound through the tape.
Do not pull away from me when I touch you. Understand? he growls. He places his hand on my back side again. I realize that he is rubbing a balm into the assaulted area. It stings at first but becomes soothing and I sigh into the tape still covering my mouth. I feel him lean down and kiss my temple.
You did well for your first time. However you are still being punished. He sits up again and I turn to look at him cringing inwardly that you will start to spank me again. I expect you to complete the top three assignments tonight in order to bring up your grade in my class. Is that understood? He stares down at me expecting an answer. I shake my head yes, he could have asked me to jump from the roof and I would have&hellip, well maybe. There is a knock at the door and I stiffen in fear. I am half naked lying in my professors office. Knowing my bare ass for sure looked extremely assaulted and the tape was still on my mouth he rises to answer the door and before I know what is happening a young man is standing in the room. He doesnt look at me but continues to stare at the professor I notice he appears to be standing at attention. I know my cheeks had to be the same color as my backside I am so embarrassed and confused that he would open the door and that the guy never made a move to try and come to my aid.
Take her to my house and ensure she has the materials to complete the last three assignments. I expect her to have them finished before I return tonight. Is this understood? It was stated with such command that I knew that he wouldnt refuse. He then turns and leaves the room and leaves me with him without saying a word or looking at me.
The young man brings me my clothes and helps me sit up, still not removing the tape from my mouth. I wince as I sit up and dress as quickly as I can in the snug jeans making me even more uncomfortable. He barely speaks to me as he gathers my things and helps me to the door. He takes one look at me and rips the tape off. I cry out and he brings his hand to my mouth covering it. Do not make a sound, he growls. It isnt until later that I find out he is the professors teachers aide and his minion that does his every bidding.
I sit silently in the aides car continuously moving from side to side not able to find a spot on my back side that is comfortable enough to place my weight. We drive for half an hour near the edge of town to a two story blue house with an attached garage. The Minion as I have named him touches a button on the visor and the garage door opens and he pulls the car into the farthest stall and gets out. He comes around and opens the car door for me reaching in a grabbing my arm and pulling me from the car. He ushers me into the house and to a small room with a desk and twin bed with a white bed spread. The rest of the room is not decorated and the single window is covered in a shade with a white curtain. He sits me in the chair at the desk and produces my book, laptop and papers from class. He hands me a single sheet of paper that lists the assignments I am to complete. He leaves the room and I sit there for a moment trying to absorb all that has happened within the past two hours. As my moment turns into minutes I get up and look out the window to a lovely back yard filled with gardens and as I stare out the window I rethink the day and how I ended up in the professors house with a sore bottom.
I did not hear the door open so when he spoke it startled me and I whirled around. Girl, you will sit down and complete your assignment within the next two hours is that understood. If I find you not working again I will discipline you myself. My arm is grabbed and I am ushered back to the chair and shoved down into it. I wince at the pain shooting up from my ass and I move to the side to try to alleviate the pain however the Minion holds me down hard so I am unable to move and the pain is unbearable. Listen little girl we were both given orders and we are going to follow them. You to complete the work and me to ensure its done. The pressure on my shoulders is removed however he still stands over me. Open your laptop and start working on the first assignment. I comply and start on the assignment with him looking over my shoulder. I am so nervous that the first mistake I make the pressure is applied to my shoulder to let me know to correct it. After the first lesson is complete and the Minion realizes I am not some stupid bimbo he leaves the room again with another warning of completing the next two assignments quickly. It was with little effort that I complete the assignments and quickly stand the pain was no longer as intense however it was constant. I look out the bedroom window again until I hear the door open. What are you doing, are your assignments done? This is said in a growl. I shake my head yes and continue to look out the window. He reviews the work before turning to me and again growling, ok lets go. He grabs my arm and drags me towards the door.
I try to pull out of his grip. Where are we going? Thinking he is taking me back to the college now that my assignments were complete. He says nothing else but he pushes me against the wall and spanks me a few times. when I tell you or when Mr. Carter tells you to do something you say yes sir and obey. You will get punished by either of us. He pulls me out the door and down the hall to the bathroom. He pushes me in and tells me to strip.
I am not going to&hellip,. My words are cut off as he steps towards me menacingly and I lamely end my sentence with ever disobey again. I cower as I start removing my clothes.
That is what I thought, he starts the water and pours in some bath salts. Once I am striped he helps me stand into the tub then proceeds to wash me and my hair, his fingers never linger, it is not at all sexual, it is a task he does efficiently and quickly. He helps me stand from the tub and pulls a soft warm towel around me and turns to drain the water. He walks me back to the room and from that point on I am treated like a child. He dries my body, my hair with the towel, he goes to the dresser and pulls out a white baby doll night gown that barely covers my bottom. After dressing me he lays me on the bed face down and rubs lotion into my body, as his hand comes in contact with my bottom I instinctively pull away, he swats the back of my thigh and I stop all movement as he rubs lotion into my bottom, legs and feet. He actually massages my legs and feet and I sigh as it feels so good but it is short lived. He has me stand and brings me to the chair and has me sit. He brushes my hair and quickly braids it leaving a thick braid down my back. He takes my hand and guides me out of the room and down the stairs. He looks at his watch and goes to the foyer and turns me towards the door. On your knees girl, bow your head and do not look up until you are spoken to, is that understood? I comply and it is only minutes before the door opens and the Minion steps forward to greet the professor.This evening is going to be interesting, I bow my head and wait to be acknowledged.
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I have been recently started reading stories on ISS were fascinated to see the real hot stories put up by you all. Inspired by this I wanted to put a real story of my own which happened four years back but still the memory of it make me horny and turn me on. Actually this was my fantasy, which came true. This was not different from the fantasies of my other friends who love watching there wife fucked by a stranger. Since time ago this was my fantasy to see my wife have other cock in her pussy,...
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Group SexMaking Her Fantasy Come TrueBy: Londebaaz Chohan Mario simply could not resist. He grabbed Nancy and started kissing her. She also started kissing him back. Their tongues were eagerly wrapped around each other. He was reminded; she was always eager to fuck. Mario grabbed her full grown breasts with his hands, giving them a nice tweak. She moaned very loud and began rubbing the front of his jeans. It was early morning on a Sunday, around 9:00 AM. Mario was feeling very horny but he was not at...
My wife of many years has always fantasized about being fucked by several BBC at once with cum all over her. She would tell me often about her fantasy. So one night her girlfriend was over and they were drinking margaritas and feeling fine. So I walked in and told my wife that this was the night for her fantasy to come true. She looked at me and almost creamed her pant and started squirming on the couch. I told her I found a place were there are several Eager BBC waiting for her. I looked at...
Lilly was very athletic. Captain of her volleyball team, and a football cheerleader, she had to remain physically fit all the time. And with the popularity of being a cheerleader, came the flocking friends and boys that came with it. Jake could never bring himself to ask his daughter if she had sex yet, but he knew better. One night she came home flustered and smelling like cum, and that answered any questions that might have been thought. She swore she had never had sex with a man, but he...
Introduction: this is a long story so please keep that in mind Jack was an attractive man. Tall, dark haired, and had bright green eyes for his dark complexion. After his wife died it was never hard for him to find a date, if you could call it that. More like a long list of one night stands to satisfy his sexual needs. But there was always the look of his daughter Lilly that got a stern hard on in his pants whenever he saw her. Being the ripe age of 14 he would always just make excuses that she...
Friends, i am a normal guy in my mid twenties. I am working in Delhi. Though i am not deprived of sex and often have sex with number of girls both friends and call girls but still there is a fantasy left regarding sex. I have always have a fantasy of a place where i am the only guy and about 20 – 30 girls of different kind. All of them are naked and ready for sex of any kind 24 x 7. No one is there to question or stop you from having sex with any girl. But this is only a fantasy which i also...
Hi everyone! This is my first ever real incident which took place last weekend. Also this is my first story which I am going to narrate. For feedback feel free to email me. Myself Krush, I reside in Mumbai. My email id is This story is about Sonia , 35 years in age. Let me tell you about her. Her figure is 36-28-34. She is a real beauty. She is fair and a perfect body. So without wasting time I would like to start my story. One evening it so happened that I was returning from the gym and I...
SHE WENT FOR TWO AT ONCE: THE BIG GUY FANTASY AND THE GANG BANG FANTASY Hi, all u horny people. My name is Zoltan and I am back again with a new encounter. I am not going to give my CV here but would suffice to say that I am pleasant to look at and well built in all the relevant departments. Stats are not important. Life has been good to me. Lots of wine, women and song. I have loads of girlfriends who are bold and beautiful and hence with the blessings of the Lord above I lead a happy and a...
For years now I have had fantasies of watching my wife with another man. For some reason it just gets me going and I have always talked to her about it and she has told me that it would be something she would do only if I let her. Well a few years ago my fantasy became real. A few years ago my wife got a job as a secretary at a physical therapy hospital and ever since getting the job she has always told me about the new, young, physical therapy interns that always come to her work to finish up...
Cheating WifesIt starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...
This is true story about me and my girlfriend we are having a long distance relationship, she is in Pune and I am in Bangalore. We both met in Pune 4 years ago and then we gradually kept meeting each other and fell in love and then I shifted to Bangalore for my job and she stayed there to study further her name is Shilpa and I am Karan both name changed and I promise that except for the names, this is a real story. After I shifted here, we continued our long distance relationship. She is very...
A bunch of us are at a party, having a good time and having a few drinks. At first you are a little uncomfortable looking me in the eye after the chats we have had, but after a few minutes, it actually becomes more enjoyable – knowing things about each other that others don’t know. Easy to make comments to each other to try to get a reaction, like the ultimate inside joke. A little later in the evening, you and I are talking and Susan shows up holding her wine glass, giving you a hug and...
She’d never been so nervous in her entire life. Part of her kept waiting for her feet to turn around on the sidewalk, but the hand clasped around hers helped her make it through those big glass doors. His hand was strong, confident-it felt like he was ready for this-so much more so than her. It was one thing to chat online, or even exchange phone numbers and pictures. But now…now they were 700 miles from home walking into one of the nicest hotels in New York City, and each step brought them...
I was getting comfortable with my relationship with petite, red-haired, Tory Allen. We had gotten together for ‘private lessons’ twice more since our first meeting. I must admit, I was enjoying life for the first time since my divorce two years earlier. In spite of our age difference, she seemed to enjoy my company, not just my body. And I was certainly enjoying her as well. I assumed that our trysts would remain discreet. Boy, was I wrong!One day, after class, another student, Sara Enders,...
Group SexMy wife and I have been married for 12 years. In that time we have had so much fun with her being my submissive and I can say that sometimes it is hard to constantly come up with new and inventive way to surprise my beautiful little pet. She is 5ft 2in of dynamite with big beautiful breasts and a tight perfect bubble butt that can take amazing amounts of punishment. She has a perfect shaved pussy that tops off a set of killer legs. After we were married for about four years and after a...
SpankingA Salon Fantasy Come True By betsygirl I walked into the unisex salon to get my haircut. When I got inside, I was surprised that there were only the three stylists present. It must have been a slow time as there were no clients in the salon. One of the stylists, an attractive blond whose nametag identified her as Heather asked if she could help me. I looked her over and noticed that she had a black salon smock covering her outfit, which must have included a skirt or dress as I...
Hi, I’m 28 years old. My name is Suman my husband Harry and I have been married for a little over five years. The first four and a half were great, but the last six months have really been incredible. You see, my husband and I started toying with the idea of having group sex. Particularly a three some with another man. Don’t get me wrong; our sex life has always been wonderful, but we missed the excitement of doing something new and different. Here’s how my story goes. One night while lying in...
When I was 20 I meet a guy named James through my aunt and uncle that were building a house in his neighbor hood. James was 34 at the time and married with three younger sons, 2 or which lived at home still. He was about 6 feet tall with a shaved head, piercing blue eyes, and of an athletic build. He drove a semi for a living but was home every night. Over a few weeks period of time James and I grew very close. He kind of became a father figure in my life. I visited him and his family every...
BisexualMy name is Cassie, a lonely woman in her late thirties, and not to mention horny. I could not stop thinking about sex. To be touched by another person, to touch another person giving them pleasure as they gave me sexual pleasure. It had been such a long, long time since I had gotten any. Every chance I got I would stick the porn on onto my laptop. I watch lesbian porn as its more of a turn on than straight. I'm a straight woman but straight porn doesn't do it for me. The way the porn girls...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe following is one of my wifes most delicious sexual fantasy's! Much of this was a set up as I would have planned it all out and have gotten these men together before hand! My wife is an incredibly attractive red head and a very buxom woman at 42. She has been concerned that her sex appeal is starting to wane, but she needn't worry as if you ever saw her she would make not only your tongue hard, but your dick as well! She is 5' 4" tall 135 lbs and has 40" DD tits! She is a looker by...