Hate/Love/Lust free porn video

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Gah, I hate him! Lizzie thought as she crossed the room, heading to the kitchen. She had just spotted John Pritkin, the bane of her existence. Lizzie hated him with every fibre of her being. She hated the way he spoke with that pretentious upper class British accent. She hated the way his blond hair stuck up in wildest of ways. She hated the way he moved with a skilled fighter’s grace. She hated his crooked smile. She hated the sparkle in his emerald green eyes. She hated his deep resonating laugh. She hated the way he was able to hold an incredibly interesting and intelligent discussion while managing to make everyone laugh. She hated his charming ways. Basically, Lizzie hated everything about him. Spotting one of her best friends, Cam, Lizzie crossed the kitchen. Cam held out a beer for her, and Lizzie snatched it, downing half in one big swig.

“Whoa there, girl,” Cam exclaimed. “Slow down, the beer’s not going anywhere! Let me guess, you saw him.” Lizzie knew exactly who the ‘him’ was, and she was determined not the think about him that night. It was a party, and damnit, she was going to enjoy herself.

“I hate him,” Lizzie sighed. There goes not thinking about him. “I don’t understand how you all can like him so much! He’s so annoying and rude and annoying and mean and annoying and conceited! Did I mention he was annoying?”

Cam laughed. “He’s really only annoying to you. I, personally, think he’s charming and nice. And if you gave each other half a chance, you’d see what we all see in the both of you!” Cam, spotting her hotter than hot boyfriend Mikey, patted Lizzie on the shoulder, told her to hang in there, and rushed into Mikey’s arms, leaving Lizzie to contemplate the object of her hatred.

It had been eight months ago when she met the man who drove her insane. Lizzie’s roommate, Christine, a.k.a. Chris, suggested that she go to her cousin’s mixed martial arts class, after Lizzie complained about how she never got any exercise. Lizzie jumped at the idea, being a huge UFC and MMA fan. She had done some kickboxing previously, and loved the work out, not to mention that she got to hit, punch, kick and grapple with some rather fit and hot men. So two days later, Chris led Lizzie into the MMA class, and that’s when she saw him. He was easily one of the best looking guys she’d ever seen. He was tall, lean, and all muscle. His face could have graced the pages of any magazine. He had full luscious lips, a square jaw and eye lashes that cast a shadow on his high cheekbones. He had looked over to where Chris and Lizzie were standing, smiled, sending a sparkle to his eye, and jogged over. He stopped right in front of them, gracing the ladies with a smile that almost caused Lizzie to swoon. He playfully punched Chris in the arm, looked at Lizzie and asked, “So who’ve we got here, Chris?”

Chris smacked the guy back and introduced Lizzie to the stud. “Lizzie, this is the trainer, and my cousin, Mikey. Mikey, this is Lizzie, the woman I was telling you about.” Lizzie had sighed inwardly. Of course she’d heard about Mikey, all the ladies with whom she had lunch, most of whom were in the class, spoke of the sexy, sexy trainer. Lizzie knew that Cam in particular had had a thing for Mikey, even though she had insisted that they were just friends. Lizzie would never, ever make a move on someone her friend was interested in. Mikey had smiled again and told her that she was to take it easy that day, and that he only wanted to see what she could do. To that end, he had explained, he was going to pair her up with his top student, someone who was a master in his own right, but just took the class because they were friends. Mikey had called him over, and that was when she had first laid eyes on him.

Lizzie remembered the moment exactly, in excruciating detail. He had walked over, moving with a grace befit a natural athlete and bespoke of his talent for martial arts. He had been wearing a black t-shirt that fit loosely, but still managed to showcase the lean muscles of a fighter and a pair of loose fitting black pants that covered his long legs. His blond hair was spiky, but had moved with his every step, and when he had looked her in the eye, Lizzie’s breath had hitched and her mouth had gone dry. He was gorgeous. Mikey had introduced him as “John Pritkin, master martial artist and British charmer,” and John had smiled crookedly, hit Mikey and shook his head. And Lizzie had known she was lost, lost to everything except the tempting man who stood in front of her. John had held out his hand and she had taken it, an instant spark passing between them. John’s eyes had widened slightly, and Lizzie had known he felt it too. He had mumbled a “Nice to meet you, Ms. Chang” in a decidedly sexy British accent, and Lizzie found herself stuttering a “You too.”

She had shaken herself out of her dreamy stupor and told him he could call her Lizzie. His response had floored her. He had insisted that, due to his proper upbringing, he would never call someone to which he was not properly acquainted by their first name. And that was when the war had started. Nobody dared insult her family, which is what John had done when he insinuated that Lizzie didn’t have a proper upbringing. She had kicked his ass that night, getting out her frustration (both sexual and emotional), and showing him and Mikey that she was a fighter.

Pulling herself back to the present, Lizzie sighed and looked around. Her eyes narrowed as she caught sight of Pritkin (which she had called him ever since that first meeting, refusing to use his first name – ever) with Lynn, one of the newer students. In the few seconds her eyes rested on them, Lizzie became increasingly upset. Lynn was a few years younger, tall, slender and pretty. She knew how to work her body to get a guy’s attention, and now she was using all that skill toward Pritkin. Lizzie snorted with disgust – at the way Lynn was throwing herself at him and his buying into it – downed the rest of her beer and reached for another one.

Across the room Pritkin (as he now liked to be called) watched her take a sip of another beer. His eyes travelled down her enticing neck and further, taking in the full sight of her. That was her third beer, and if she had another one in the next half hour he knew she’d be well on her way to drunk. Pritkin smiled slightly to himself, thinking that she could definitely hold her alcohol for a tiny Asian chick, and then his brow furrowed as he thought that even she wouldn’t be able to properly hold four beers consumed in less than two hours. He tried to bring his attention back to the ‘conversation’ in which he and Lynn were engaged, but couldn’t bring himself to pay attention to her inane prattling. Instead he found his thoughts drifting to the infuriating, talented and oh-so-sexy china doll who invaded his dreams and fantasies.

He, too, remembered well the day they met. Pritkin remembered thinking that she was the single most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his 28 years on earth. He had known in an instant that he wanted her, but he also knew he had to keep his feelings in check. He’d been burned badly before, and refused to let his libido do the thinking for him again. So he had relied on his manners to keep him out of trouble, but in so doing, he had inadvertently insulted her, and now she hated him. What had made it worse was that two months prior, Mikey had asked Lizzie to compete in the annual MMA competition, which was an honour, especially for a beginner and Lizzie had quickly agreed. Mikey had then asked Pritkin to train Lizzie outside of class, which was common for competitors. While it did not surprise Pritkin to be asked, it did sort of disappoint him. He couldn’t say no, and now he couldn’t really make a move on Lizzie, because he didn’t want to take advantage of the trainer-student relationship they now found themselves in.

Over the last two months Pritkin became more and more attracted to Lizzie. At first he simply admired her shape and form, the long straight black hair, her warm lighter-than-normal (for an Asian) brown almond-shaped eyes, her soft pale skin, her small but leanly muscled frame, her breasts, which were larger than most other Asian women. Put together, Pritkin had wanted to scoop her up, throw her down and ravage her. That had been then, and now he still wanted her, but in a completely different way. Oh he still wanted to fuck her as hard as she would let him, in any way she would let him, but he wanted more. Getting to know her outside of class, spending those three nights a week together in his basement gym training, Pritkin came to know Lizzie. And now he knew that he wanted to be with her for as long as she would have him. She was smart, funny, cynical, sweet, caring, tough, independent, considerate and so much more. She had become everything to him, the very definition of perfection, and Pritkin knew he had to have her, but he also knew he had to wait another two months for the tournament to be over before he could even consider making a move.

Pritkin mentally kicked himself for having such principles. He did not want to, could not take advantage of her trust in him as her teacher. He would have to wait. Looking over at her, across all the other party-goers, Pritkin knew that he would wait as long as it took to have her. Lizzie had made her way out onto the dance floor and now was moving to the thumping bass of an old-school dancehall tune. Pritkin felt himself getting hard watching Lizzie’s hips swing, her body moving in a subconsciously sexy way. Pritkin knew Lizzie didn’t think of herself as sexy, but he most definitely did. With her eyes closed, body swaying in time with the music, her hair swishing back and forth and a light sheen of sweat coating her skin, Pritkin could think of nothing but the way her body would move under his. Pritkin’s eyes travelled from Lizzie’s small feet, up her well-muscled legs to the swell of hips to her slender waist, catching a glimpse of her plump breasts, up further along her neck to her pouty full lips, her cute little nose and finally coming to her eyes.

With a jolt, Lizzie found herself staring into Pritkin’s bright green eyes from across the room. She quickly turned around, but it was too late, that one little glance made her wet. That’s what she hated most about Pritkin: he was able to make her heart beat rapidly, her palms sweat and her panties soaked with just a look. Lizzie shook her head. What the heck is wrong with me? She thought. It must be the beer, yeah, that’s it, it’s the beer! Even before the thought was finished, she knew she was lying to herself. He could do this to her when she was stone sober, and probably quicker. Just last week she had caught his scent, just a sniff, and she had to rush to the bathroom to… take care of her urges, and he wasn’t even anywhere near her! Just don’t think about him, don’t look at him, don’t think about him, don’t look at him over and over Lizzie repeated to herself, like a mantra. If she didn’t go near him, she wouldn’t want to jump him, and then she could continue to wallow in her hate for him.

Somehow Lizzie found a fresh beer in her hand. Funny, she didn’t remember finishing her last, but then thoughts of Pritkin started to rise again, and she took a huge swig of beer, figuring she could drown out the images of him sweaty and half-naked. She had just finished half the beer when she began to feel dizzy. Holding out her hand, Lizzie stumbled a bit on her way to find a steady surface. All of sudden she found herself enclosed in strong warm arms, pressed against a firm chest. Lizzie took in a sharp breath and with it came an intoxicating and thoroughly sexy scent. She sighed and melted against the hard body before she caught herself.

“Damnit Pritkin! Let me go!” Lizzie exclaimed angrily, hoping to cover up her earlier reaction to his body.

“And allow you to fall to the ground thereby injuring yourself and forcing you to sit out of this year’s tournament? I don’t think so, Chang,” Pritkin said calmly. He’d felt her relax against him, heard her sigh and damn near lost it. He had to catch himself before he took her right there up against the wall, in front of everybody. And he did, but just barely.

Lizzie pushed against him. “I’m fine!” She shouted, a little louder than was necessary, and stormed away. He let her go, and she stumbled out of the room and down the hallway. Get away from him, get away from him, get away from him became her new mantra. She found an open door and an empty room and rushed in, slamming the door behind her. Ok Liz, get a grip! He isn’t that hot! He’s entirely annoying, and you hate him! He is not for you, and you know it! Lizzie tried to convince herself that she didn’t want him, that he didn’t want her, that they were all wrong for each other. She thought about all the things that annoyed her about him, about all the times he was rude and condescending and all that. Lizzie started to calm down and get her hormones in check when other thoughts came crashing into her head. Images and snippets of previous conversations began floating around her head. Pritkin laughing at some ridiculous joke one of their friends made. Pritkin changing out of his sweaty t-shirt. Pritkin teaching the younger kids with a smile on his face and making the kids laugh. Pritkin discussing the current geo-political crisis, while joking about how he chose to move to Canada because really, who would attack Canada. Lizzie let out a frustrated huff and walked to the far side of the room. Just as she reached the bed side table the door flew open. Lizzie swung around and found herself face to face with an angry Pritkin.

“You are not alright! You are drunk and you will hurt yourself if you’re not careful!” Pritkin growled. Lizzie shivered slightly at the power in his voice. She had never seen him this upset, or sexy. His eyes were flashing and that voice! Where on earth did that sexy growl come from!?

“I am fine! I can take care of myself, and besides, why the hell do you care?” She continued before he could answer. “Oh yeah, that’s right, I’m supposed to be your prized pupil, the one who’s going to win the tournament and show Mikey that you’re ready to take on a class! Gah! I’m just a means to an end for you, aren’t I?!”

“That is completely untrue!” Pritkin countered. “You…”

“Whatever, I know you don’t really care about what happens to me and that after the tournament you’ll go back to ignoring me!” Pritkin took a small step back. He had indeed been trying to avoid Lizzie before he started training her, but that was only in an effort to spare himself some pain. But he had no intention of ever doing that again.

Lizzie took his retreat as confirmation of his previous actions and whipped around, presenting Pritkin with an angry back. “Please get out!” She spat over her shoulder.

Pritkin stood rooted in the spot. He didn’t want to leave. He didn’t want her to be angry at him like this. But most of all, he didn’t want her to think that she meant nothing more to him than a “means to an end”. He stepped towards her, grabbed her arm and spun her around.

Lizzie had a chance to briefly look into darkened emerald eyes before Pritkin’s mouth swooped down and crashed onto her. The intensity of his kiss stole her breath and Lizzie let out a small moan. Apparently Pritkin took the small sound as encouragement, because he slipped his arms around Lizzie’s waist, pulled her close and ran his tongue over her lips. Lizzie let his tongue in and fell into the most amazing kiss she’d ever had. There was an urgency and heat in that kiss that she’d only read about. As his hands began to move – one down towards her ass, the other up to tangle in her hair – Lizzie slipped her hands up over his button-down dress shirt covered chest. Through her palms she could feel his nipples tighten, and she smiled. Then she let out another moan as Pritkin’s hand found its way under her skirt to cup her left butt cheek as his mouth moved from hers to trail a hot wet path to her neck. In about two seconds he found her weak spot, right under her jaw, over her pulse. Lizzie moaned again and pressed her body more firmly against Pritkin. She ran her hands up to grasp his deceptively soft blond hair, pressing his mouth tighter to her skin. “Oh Pritkin,” she sighed. Then stopped and giggled. It just didn’t sound right. She felt his body shake a little and knew that he was giggling too. Then he ran his tongue over her skin and she shuddered. The action caused her to elicit an “oh John!”

John jerked his head back at hearing his first name uttered from those beautiful lips. He looked into Lizzie’s confused and slightly disappointed eyes and smiled.

“You called me John!”

“Uh… yeah… well moaning ‘Pritkin’ just sounded weird,” Lizzie responded, a little embarrassed. John growled deep in his throat.

“I liked it,” he said, right before he crushed her lips in another soul searing kiss. John couldn’t believe that it was finally happening. None of his fantasies were this hot, this good, this… right. John didn’t want to let her go, so he held her closer. The feel of her soft lips against his own, her tongue twining with his, her body against his nearly drove him out of his mind. I have to have her, tonight, right now, he thought. John ran his hand down from Lizzie’s silky mane, down her back and up her shirt. He brought his other hand up from her firm ass and used both to pull her shirt up over her head. John flung the offending garment across the room and kissed her neck and collar bone. He loved the way her skin tasted, slightly salty from the sweat and a taste that was indefinably hers. He kissed and licked his way to her plain black cotton covered breasts. John smiled at her choice of undergarments. From his previous excursion under her skirt, he knew that Lizzie wore a pair of boy-cut shorts and paired with the plain bra, John found this set sexier than any set of frilly, lacy underwear. Suddenly he had the urge to see if the panties matched the bra, and sunk to his knees. Looking up into Lizzie’s eyes, John ran his hands from her ankles up her legs slowly, leaving a trail of goosebumps. Lizzie sighed and her eyes rolled closed. John found it extremely alluring and rushed to find the zipper on her skirt. Once found, he made quick work of the tiny piece of fabric. As she stepped out of it, John saw that the set was indeed matched, and he ran his fingers over and under the tops of her panties. The dark patch on the crotch spoke of how much she wanted him, and John grinned. He would give her everything she wanted, and more.

Lizzie looked down into John’s eyes, and saw a mischievous twinkle and wondered what he was up to. Then he kissed her mound over her panties, and all thoughts fled. The feel of his mouth on her through the thin cotton made Lizzie even wetter and she could barely contain the wracking moan that threatened to take over her body. She closed her eyes and only let out a small sigh. Suddenly John’s mouth was gone and Lizzie snapped her eyes open, to find heated eyes staring back. Lizzie smiled and took the break from his devil mouth to catch her breath. Lizzie decided it was her time to see what he was hiding and proceeded to unbutton John’s shirt. Though she knew what his naked torso looked like, she had wanted to know what his smooth skin felt like under her fingers. As the shirt fell to the floor, Lizzie ran her hands all over his body, and suddenly that wasn’t enough. She wanted to taste him, so she leaned forward and started at his neck. She kissed him where he had kissed her, and to her delight he moaned and encircled her with his arms again. Then she ran her tongue over stubbled skin, down to the smooth planes of his chest, lightly dusted with thin blond hair. He tasted divine, completely male. She lightly flicked her tongue over one of his nipples, then bit down. The reaction that caused was the one she was looking for. John reared against her stomach, his previously large erection gaining more size. Lizzie worked her way over to the other nipple and did the same, to the same result. By now Lizzie was grinning and incredibly turned on. Since she liked how much his upper body tasted, she wanted to see if she would like what was below the waist. Lizzie dropped to her knees, unbuckled John’s jeans and slid them and his boxer briefs down. She was not disappointed.

John couldn’t believe this was happening! After all the months of pining and holding himself in check, Lizzie, his Lizzie was on her knees in front of him. It was all he could do not to thrust right into her waiting mouth. He looked down and saw Lizzie’s eye’s open in delight. While not overly huge John wasn’t small, either. Personally, he rather liked the size of his cock. Lizzie smiled up at him and his heart melted. Suddenly he didn’t want Lizzie on her knees, he wanted to be on his, for her. But then she stuck out her tongue and licked him, and all the minor things, like coherent thought, were beyond his ability. She licked all the way down from his tip to his balls, and John couldn’t catch his breath. He let out a hiss of pleasure when she sucked first one then the other into her hot mouth. Lizzie licked her way back up to his head, and placed her lips against it, and slid him passed her lips. John couldn’t remember feeling any better than at that moment. When she began to move her head back and forth, his knees buckled. Well that had never happened before! Lizzie drew her head back, sucking all the way, and looked up at him.

“Maybe you should get on the bed, baby,” she purred. Who was he not to comply? John backed up until the bed hit the back of his leg and fell onto it. He propped himself up on his elbows so he could watch the sexiest woman on earth pleasure him. Lizzie resumed her sucking, much to John’s delight. She began to intersperse the sucking with licking, firming up her tongue to flick the slit at his tip. As her head bobbed up and down, John felt that familiar tingle, and knew he was about to come. He didn’t want to come into her mouth, thinking that she might not like it.

“Baby,” damn he loved calling her that, “wait, I’m gonna come!” He thought that she’d stop, but she just looked up at him, smiled and sucked even harder. Short moments later, John felt the eruption beginning at the base of his cock, and then he was shooting stream after stream of hot come into her mouth. He couldn’t believe it, but she swallowed it all, barely gagging, and never stopping. As the last drop of his semen left his body, she raised her head and beamed at him. He was still rock hard and seeing her cocky, self-satisfied smile, he just had to take her. But first he would repay her for what she had just done.

Lizzie loved the way John tasted! He was musky, salty and… something, but whatever it was, she loved it! And after all her attention, he was still hard for her. She couldn’t believe it! She was wetter than ever and more than ready to take care of her desires. Lizzie felt John’s hand in her hair and found herself being drawn up to stand. John pulled her further and she ended up straddling his lap. She could feel his erection hot and directly under her pussy. She longed to rid herself of her panties and feel him sink deep inside her. But apparently John had other ideas. In one swift movement, he flipped her on her back and propped himself above her.

“That, my dear Ms. Chang,” he said, in a decidedly sexy voice, “was incredible. But now, it’s my turn!”

John kissed the breath from her body again and moved his lips and tongue down, eliciting sighs and moans. Lizzie could barely control her body, and felt her hips moving of their own accord. She dropped her head back onto the bed and let John do whatever he wanted. Soon she felt her bra being removed and then the cool air hit her nipples, hardening further. There was a pause in John’s actions and she looked up. He was staring at her breasts with a look of wonderment. Just as Lizzie was about to say something undoubtedly witty, John lunged forward and sucked a nipple into his mouth. There was no warning, no lead up, he just sucked and she moaned. Then he bit down lightly and Lizzie’s back arched. John licked her tortured nipple, and she couldn’t decide which she enjoyed more. She felt his tongue and lips move to the valley between her breasts and over to her other hardened nipple. He repeated the biting and sucking, but used his other hand to palm her other breast. As his teeth pulled one nipple, his hand pulled the other and Lizzie came undone. She cried out in pleasure as John rocked her into an incredible orgasm. It was the first time she had ever come just from having her breasts sucked and pinched. She looked into John’s eyes and couldn’t help the grin from spreading.

“That was beyond amazing!” She exclaimed breathlessly. John chuckled, a distinctly naughty and lusty twinkle in his eye.

“And to think, I’m far from done!” With that he resumed his path down her body. Lizzie didn’t know if she could handle another orgasm like that, but she most definitely wanted to find out. She felt his tongue licking her stomach, and all of a sudden he dipped into her bellybutton. Lizzie didn’t realize that that simple action could be so damned hot and erotic! He continued south, and she fought to find breath. John paused at the waistband of her panties and ran his tongue under the top. In the next instant, Lizzie felt a warm, wet pressure over her panties, directly on her clit. She felt her body start to shake as John’s tongue move back and forth over her button. Not wanting to come again so soon, and thereby admitting that he could push her button (so to speak), so she moved back a little, forcing John’s tongue to slide down a bit and easing the pressure that had been building up. Lizzie sighed out at the temporary relief, only to suck the breath back in when John’s tongue pushed into her opening. Lizzie was grateful for the thin piece of cotton protecting her from the full force of John’s talented tongue.

Just as she finished that thought, John grasped Lizzie’s panties and tore them from her body. The cool air against her hot, wet, just waxed slit was a shock to Lizzie’s body, which was only made worse when John blew cool air onto her. Lizzie shivered, moaned and writhed. Then she screamed as John thrust his tongue into her opening. She could feel his tongue moving inside her. A soft mewling began in the back of Lizzie’s throat that turned into a full blown groan as John licked the entire length of her slit, flicking her clit at the end. Lizzie’s back arched as John sucked her clit into his mouth and slid two fingers into her wet pussy. As his tongue flicked over her clit, his fingers found that spot that nobody else had. Lizzie screamed out John’s name as he worked her through an earth-shattering orgasm. That was the hardest she had ever come and it was her second in less than 20 minutes! John moved his back and up and Lizzie looked at him dazedly. Then she grabbed his head and pulled him into a deep kiss. She could taste herself on his tongue and found it more erotic than she ever thought possible. And suddenly she wanted more, which was exactly what John was thinking.

John was reluctant to leave the sweet honey pot between Lizzie’s legs, finding it to be the most delicious meal he’d ever had. But then she’d kissed him deeply and he just couldn’t wait to be inside her. He pulled back from the kiss and looked deeply into Lizzie’s warm brown eyes, now darkened with desire and pleasure. At that moment nothing else mattered to John except making sure Lizzie was truly and well satisfied, her two previous orgasms notwithstanding. John kissed Lizzie again and shifted his hips back, his rock hard shaft seeking out her warm opening. Finding it, John pressed his hips forward and they both exhaled as he pushed in all the way. The feeling was exquisite.

“Damn baby, you’re so tight!” John managed to grind out, before he began moving back and forth.

“Oh John!” Lizzie screamed. He loved hearing his name uttered in her sexy voice, hoarse from all the moaning and screaming. John started slowly, pulling out almost all the way, leaving only the tip in then pushing until he was hilt deep. Lizzie’s continued moans and sighs and her movement under him, her hips meeting his in increasing intensity, spurred John on. Tongue twining with hers, he picked up the pace until the bed was shaking from the force of their movements. That pressure began to build in John again and he didn’t know if he’d be able to hold back much longer, but he desperately wanted to make sure Lizzie came first, or at least close behind him. So he slowed down, in an effort make it last longer, but Lizzie was having none of it. As she felt John slowing his thrusting, and suspecting why, Lizzie wrapped her legs around John’s thighs, pushed him over onto his back and looked down into his surprised eyes.

“My turn,” she growled, and began rocking her hips back and forth. Lizzie shifted forward, the change in position eliciting a moan from them both. From this position, her clit was rubbing against the base of John’s dick. She could feel every vein along his hard length, and with each thrust it hit her g-spot. Lizzie was in heaven! She felt the beginnings of an enormous orgasm and quickened her pace. With John thrusting from under her, their rhythm reached a frantic pace. Somehow Lizzie ended up on her back again, and this time John didn’t slow down. He drove into her rapidly and forcefully, both of their breathing laboured. Lizzie began screaming John’s name as he started grunting, their rhythm becoming erratic. As the most intense orgasm Lizzie had ever felt in her 25 years took over, she felt the first streams of John’s come shoot into her depths. He exhaled her name, and then screamed it. Lizzie shut her eyes tight and uttered a final “John” as the last shudder passed through her body. John thrust one last time, shook and, with a huge grin collapsed on top of Lizzie, supporting most of his weight on his arms.

As they lay in bed, the sounds of the party raging through the door (with the occasional “Hell yeah”, “Finally”, and “Way to go guys” coming through), John looked down at the beauty cuddling up against him.

“That was beyond incredible, love!” John stiffened, the word had just slipped out. He didn’t know how Lizzie would react to being called “love”. Lizzie looked up at him, a little shocked, raised one eyebrow quizzically and waited for an explanation.

“Umm… well… uhhh…” John could think of nothing to say.

“Love? You love me, Pritkin?” Lizzie asked, a slight hint of amusement lacing her words. And suddenly John didn’t want to hide his feelings anymore.

“Yes, alright,” he answered, a little defensively. “I do. I love you! There, I said it! Make fun of me all you want!”

Lizzie just giggled, pushed herself up and kissed him. “Damn straight you love me! Cuz there is no way in hell that I’m gonna be in love with you, if you’re not in love with me!” John sighed a breath of relief, and pulled Lizzie into a deeper kiss. He felt himself stirring again, and by the way she was kissing back, he knew that she was getting ready too. Neither of them could wait to get back to his place, and maybe find a different use for the mats in his basement gym.

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Coming into the last year of our studies, a leadership camp was organised. On the second day of the camp there were many tough and physical activities. Being a keen Rugby League institution most of us boys were fit, but our teachers still put us to the test. I had attended the all boys college for three years now and was finding myself more interested in the other boys all the time. After the second session of team challenges I snuck up to the dorms to get a drink. I manouvered through the...

1 year ago
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Hotel Hijinx

I sat comfortably in the drivers seat of my old Alero and placed my tiny hand on the cold gear shift. I looked over to Blake and gave a little grin. He flashed back a smile that I would die for and said, “now you see it…..now you don’t.” I giggled as I looked down at his hand, he had placed it over mine on the gear shift where it completely covered mine. I glanced to his titanium band…our matching bands. “Thank you, again, for this,” I quickly added. “You’re welcome my love, I know you...

1 year ago
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Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 02

As the craft drew closer, a long chain was thrown over the side and struck the ground. A brilliant flash lit up the landscape around the craft as it was grounded against the inner surface. At this time of year, the inner surface of New Eden was highly charged with electrons. As the hollow moon orbited across the face of Jupiter, it collected energy from the sun and radiation from Jupiter in its metal skin. This energy would power machinery and provide light and heat for the continuance of...

4 years ago
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The Good Wife

For some years now we had discussed the idea (well my fantasy) of having another man fuck my wife. Emma is a curvy middle aged brunette who has never had another lover. I wanted to see her experience another man's cock. After many years of persuasion the man we had picked as our 'bull' was just about to knock on the door.Craig was a white, tall, athletic guy in his twenties. When we spoke to him online my wife had said she found him attractive. When she saw his hard 8 inch cock she did however...

2 years ago
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An Alien AbroadChapter 13

The journey continued, we were generally a happy bunch. The soldiers and servants got slightly better food than usual because we (Avril and myself) were eating the same fare as them. The cook took trouble to improve the food to try and approach what he assumed would be our normal standard. I once tried describing beans on toast to him, he wasn’t impressed “So you boil some beans, mash up some tomatoes and mix that in; then you burn some bread and put the beans on top?” “Yes, roughly, there...

2 years ago
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Announcing An Engagement

Announcing An Engagement. By Tanya H. Part One. To witness the event that started a fractured family's reconciliation you must go to the very end of Roker Pier, near Sunderland in the Northeast of England on May the 17th 2016; about 10 in the morning. There you will find a man and a woman, dressed for the stiff, spume laden wind blowing in from the North Sea and whipping up foaming waves to crash against the pier's stones. Spray even splashed the slabbed roadway, patterning the...

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XMen The Ice Queen Cometh

This is an X-Men fan fiction, inspired from the comic book and not the movie. The Ice Queen Cometh By Morpheus It was a calm, peaceful morning, with a layer of fog blanketing the green hills and farmer's fields. There were large clusters of trees in the distance, nearly appearing to sprout straight out of the mist itself. And then there were several farm houses and barns nearby as well, though not a human in sight. Suddenly, a strange whining hum broke the silence,...

4 years ago
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How I Fucked HER

Hi, everbody first of all i would like to thank all of u for apreciattemy earlier storeis and sending me mails. It had motivated me to write more and more in this site.Before sharing another wonderfull sex experince of mine id like to give u a short intro of myself im male from hyd doing as an H.R executive ina reputed M.N.C.Now coming to the story it happend few years back. Due to some office work I need to go for some other place and have to stay their for couple of months..It was a new place...

2 years ago
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Pantyhose foursome

Despite all my wife's denials about wanting a threesome or a lesbian encounter, I was sure that she really wanted a younger hard cock or a pussy to lick so I arranged for John and Laura to come round one evening. I didn't tell Felicity but after taking her for a nice meal and making sure that she had enough wine to get her to loosen up a bit I suggested that we indulge another of her fantasies. Stripping her down to just a pair of sheer to the waist tan pantyhose with the gusset cut out and...

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The Contraband PipelineChapter 2

We spent the afternoon in an antique shop in Chester, Vermont. We returned to Brattleboro going to The New England House for dinner. We ordered wine and she drank most of it through dinner, finishing off with a brandy and Benedictine. It was early and still light when we got back to our home. Sheri had too much to drink to climb the stairs alone. I helped steady her as we slowly climbed. She giggled, "There has never been a man up here, but that is okay as I trust you. I haven't been this...

4 years ago
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Green Acres 5 The Opinions Expressed Do Not Necessarily Reflect

Green Acres 5: The Opinions Expressed Do Not Necessarily Reflect... Produced by Jay Sommers [1965-71] Parodied by Ron Dow75 In the lobby-living room of the Shady Rest Hotel: "Mrs. Bradley, you can't have anything to do with that, that --Poison!" Mr. Douglas cried. "You're too good and decent a person." It was her that had rescued him from the nightgown he'd been forced to wear, and loaned him the (oversized) men's blue suit with the thin red tie. "Poison??" Mrs. Bradley...

1 year ago
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Descent into debauchery

Abbey and Gorge had been together since high school and married almost twelve months ago. They had always been open about sex, and explored many things, dominance and submission, various positions and toys. More recently they had been playing with sharing partners, never actually having done it they would talk out their fantasies in bed. Abbey started to notice that George was particularly amorous when she described herself being with a black man. One night while she sat atop George she decided...

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This is the continuing story about my wife Linda, if you read the first story you will know she wished to become a sex slave and became the property of a Jamaican called Leo Pierre. She still works and lives with me but is available to Leo any evening if he wants but on Friday night he takes her to his place until Sunday evening. As per her slave contract she has to remain naked in his presence at all times and never wear underwear when she is at work. He had her marked by a tattoo on her...

1 year ago
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After A Long Wait

I don’t know how much longer I can take without you. The past two weeks have crawled by with an aching slowness and I thought that Friday would never come. I’ve checked and rechecked the details around the room, but I went around for one more inspection. My favorite white wine was chilling nicely in the crystal ice bucket, little beads forming on the neck, glittering like tiny diamonds. A trail of white rose petals led from the door to the bed, encircling it and covering the silky comforter....

2 years ago
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Ryouichi and Akira

A storm rages outside a large log cabin. Thunder rumbles loudly and vibrates the weak glass windows of the silent house. Lightning strikes quickly, illuminating the dense forest for a brief second before dissipating. Inside the wooden abode, a boy of 16 is sleeping in a small bed. The blanket is made of a soft cloth and the mattress is cotton lined with feathers. The boy tosses about in his bed, still asleep, not paying any attention to the torrent and light show that is occurring not a few...

3 years ago
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The couple I told what to do

I remember the excitment and hesitation as time ticked by ever so slowly. I am addicted to going on webcam and meeting new people. I joined yahoo and out of the blue I started talking with a woman. She asked me if I could help her out with something. She was heavy set and married. Her request was for me to go on webcam and tell her what to do to her husband for it was his birthday. I thought about it and was excited. The next day I logged on wearing my blue camisole and booty shorts. Her window...

1 year ago
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The Dark Room

The room is dark. Just a hint of light from the streetlamps filling the room. I hear the door open, but I can’t see who it is from the bed. I call out, but there’s no response. I see him enter the room, and I immediately know. I know his shape. His movements. His scent. I sit up to greet him, but he’s already at my side, his lips crushing mine with a kiss. Our tongues tangled together in a lustful battle, I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck. I can feel that he’s still wearing his...

2 years ago
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Star Stuffed

Tom and Anna love to watch TV, go to the movies and listen to popular music. They have their favorite stars, and of course, they always hope that someday they would be able to meet them. This year Tom has been particularly effective in gaining two large accounts for his firm. He received a large bonus and six months vacation. The couple decided to chase their dreams, and chase around the country to see their favorite stars. Tom has three stars he is particularly fond of: Jennifer Aniston,...

4 years ago
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TangentChapter 30 Aftermath of Battle

Tanda opened her eyes to darkness. She listened cautiously, trying to understand what had happened to her. She remembered the big fight; she remembered standing over Lion, trying to keep more bayonets from his body. He'd been bayoneted twice by then, once in the leg, once in the same arm he'd been wounded in earlier. Something had happened to her, because she remembered nothing after that. A few feet away a light kindled, and she saw one of the half dozen priests of Dralm who'd come with...

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Dare Dorm

Hi horny people..hand shake to boys, boobs shake to girls..I’m narrating a story of how I squeezed into a girl’s hostel and fucked my friend and her roommate. Well..one day I was hanging out with few of my friends. We were chatting in a restaurant and waiting for the food to be served. In the group, one girl called Seema was new. She was our friend Anu’s new roommate. We always talk everything openly, even about sex. Every friend share their sex life with all others. Sometimes we used to hook...

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Scent of a Virgin

Gabrielle, or Gabby as her friends know her, was known by all of her family and friends as a "sweet girl". She spent her first 9 years in Southern France living on a farm that had been in the family for generations. She grew up a cute, perky little girl with a carefree attitude and impeccable manners towards her elders. Her father landed a wonderful opportunity in the States and they relocated into an upper middle class neighborhood next door to a well-to-do family with a 9 year old girl...

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Disclaimer: This story is ongoing w.i.p. It will follow Nereus, son of Zeus trying to navigate the world of mortals after being cast out by his family. He aims to reclaim his place in olympus, but how he achieves this is up,to you. Eventually there will be choices that will alter the end of this story. I plan on writing the whole game here and then port it to twine to create a html game, adding images gifs and videos. Some parts are self written, others are ai generated or enhanced. As of now...

3 years ago
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Getting Hoodwinked by two Girls

Getting hoodwinked and sodomisedhaving my innocence brutally taken from meThere was nothing really untoward or special about the rainy Saturday evening in question, it started like many other before it, but ended like no other since!I was out for an evening on the town, specifically looking to find a nice young woman and to get laid before the end of the night. I was sitting in a night club surveying the "talent" when I noticed not one but two lovely specimens looking over to me and then...

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Maxs Lingerie Parties Ltd Chapter One

Your wife’s old college pal Jenny and her husband Max are having dinner at your house one night. Max’s most recent business has failed and he is pitching his latest harebrained scheme. “So the bankruptcy of my clothing boutique was finalized this week,” says Max casually taking a bite of steak. Your wife furrows her brow in sympathy. “Oh, I’m sorry Max. That must be very discouraging.” “Don’t humor him, Erin,” laughs his wife, Jenny. “He’s got plenty more where that came from.” Max smiles...

3 years ago
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Jerome sends me a gift and his friend

Jerome sends me a gift and a friendFriday afternoon I came back home after a very busy day at my office.My loving husband Victor had flown out of town and would come back on Monday. On the veranda I found a package at the door. It had a note on it:“Bitch, I will be there tomorrow; I bought some nasty whore outfit for you”.The note was signed by my old black lover Jerome. I opened the package in my bedroom. It was a very sexy white trim thong bikini that would look great against my tanned skin...

2 years ago
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My Fathers Slut cont My Brothers Slut

The next morning as Mallory headed downstairs she could hear the usual family chaos going on in the kitchen, a sound she had lived with for as long as she could remember. The twins were dressed and ready for school and her parents were on their way to breakfast with friends, which left Mallory to lounge around the house before she had to leave for her first class. She indulged in the quiet before guilt nagged her into cleaning up the breakfast mess and straightening the house a bit. She was in...

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moonbeams training the puppy slave

Master wanted me to write a short story that was truly short – 2 pages. Since i have a fascination with being treated as a dog, i married the two, hence this story. I didn’t quite make the length limit, since I tend to be a verbose writer. I hope the readers will understand my passion for the subject, hence its length. When he came home from work early on Friday afternoon, He said, ?I have something special planned for you this evening.? i smiled at Him and said, ?Whatever you wish, Master.?His...

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Their Own Thoughts

Copyright© 2003 There once was an Arpanet freak, Who better response-time did seek. He searched coast to coast, For a reliable host, Whose logger took less than a week. "Man, your insatiable!" Bill laughed and patted the curly head of hair that moved above his lap. "Shove a battery up my ass and I keep going and going and going!" Both buddies laughed at their own crude humour. Cray sat down next to his best friend and looked down at the expert blow job that his peer was...

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Wife finally agreed to swing with others

I have been on a swingers site with my wife at first and we went to meet with a couple that lived not far from us and we were a bit nervous about it but we were met downstairs by the wife who was a lady about forty who had short auburn hair and she had a nice face and she was about five foot five the same as my wife and she chatted away as if we have known each other for years as we walked up the stairs with her in the front and she had a nice body with good big tits like my wife has we walk in...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 103

We took Emma back to her house and dropped her off. Before she opened the back door, she leaned forward to talk to us through the gap in the seats. “Guys, I’d like you to come in for a bit, if you don’t mind. I have some stuff that’d I’d like to discuss with you both,” Emma said. We followed her in and she asked us to make ourselves comfortable on the couch. “So, “ she began. “You are both aware that I am now an engaged woman,” she said, holding up her engagement ring clad hand. “I don’t...

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Sibling MagusChapter 40

For a second, I stood there completely confused about what I saw. Then I realized that Dalton had been shot. I looked around at everyone else, but they had all ducked behind furniture or squatted down. The door was still open. Dalton lay unmoving on the sidewalk. I didn’t see anyone else, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there. I eased up to the door and looked around. I saw a few people off in the distance running for various apartments, but no one was looking this way. Dalton was...

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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 21

Friday - Day 21 I woke up as Becky straddled me. I could feel her warm pussy on my stomach as her skirt rode up, and I also felt a mouth working on my cock. "I hope you don't mind sir, but I had Chrissy give your morning blowjob today so that I could talk to you," Becky said, and she kissed me very gently on my lips. "I wanted to thank you for giving me this life, sir. I wanted you to know that I have been happy since you decided to let me try and be your slave. Do you realize that this...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Valentina Nappi Alexis Zara Busty Babes

Sexy hot babes Alexis Zara and Valentina Nappi come together for the first time LIVE and there is no keeping these hotties off of each other. Valentina can not get enough of Alexis wonderful tits and all Alexis wants is for Valentina to sit right on her face. These horny girls love making each other moan and cum and making sure you all are cumming right with them. They bring out some toys to really get naughty with fucking each other and tasting all the sweet juices they leave behind. Now if...

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Binary Part 8

September 4th, 2016 Poe Cottage, Whateley Academy Morgan awoke well before Megan to shower in peace. The two were still on edge over their differences and Morgan didn't want to risk setting-off Megan again. Megan slept uneasily but didn't stir as Morgan left the room, giving Morgan some quiet solitude for the next few minutes until Megan started her own trek to the shower. When Morgan returned, Megan was already awake and leaving for the shower. Megan was quicker than Morgan, so...

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Sarah allein Zuhause

"Und du denkst daran jeden Abend die Alarmanlage einzuschalten? Und jedes Mal wenn du das Haus verlässt?" Sarah verdehte genervt die Augen. "JAA Papa. Zum dritten Mal. Ich bin 18, keine 8. Und das hier ist eine Vorstadt von Frankfurt, nicht von Detroit." Ihr Vater lächelte hilflos und zuckte mit den Achseln. "Was soll ich denn machen? Ich sorge mich eben um dich. Und das erste mal eine Woche alleine zu sein ist eine große Sache" Sarahs Mutter kam aus der Küche wo sie das Geschirr noch in die...

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Violation by Michele Nylons I have been home from work for over an hour; I lift my head from the brief that I have been reading by the light of a desk-lamp. The room is full of shadows. I look at the antique clock on the mantle and see it is approaching eight o'clock and I look over at the window; it is dark out. I close the file on my desk and then close the curtains in the study. I go from room to room closing all of the curtains, double checking to make sure there isn't a...

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Breathless ShadesChapter 4

I had driven through most of the night. It was becoming harder to focus on the road. The passing headlights leaving burning sensation in my tired eyes. I keep zoning out thinking of the last image of her in my thoughts. I want that feeling again, that rush. That sense of control as I stared into her luminous face. Though I can’t get it from her again. Not right now, after she recuperates a bit. I come to notice a little hotel with a restaurant on the side. So easy to get lost in thoughts,...

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Jack and the Rollercoaster Ch 09

Ally started her story. ‘I don’t know why, but six years ago I was really pissed off with my father, and wanted to do something shocking which would upset him. Stupid really, as he could never know what I did, but in my mind I was getting back at him. I had seen this advert asking for potential models, so I answered it. Thoughts of walking down the catwalk in all sorts of glamorous dresses filled my mind, but it wasn’t that at all. They were looking for girls who would do nude modelling for...

2 years ago
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A teasing blindfolded fantasy come true

My husband and I regularly talk about our fantasies and ideas to spice up our sex life. During one of these conversations he mentioned something new that he would like to try: ‘I would like to tie you up on the bed, blindfold you and then wank my cock. You will be able to feel and hear it but not do anything about it. I will tease the pussy at the same time and get you hot and horny and you will get really frustrated as I pleasure myself.’ I liked the sound of this suggestion. I love watching...

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Turned out another Girl Lesbian

I could not help myself. She lay there on her back in her panties and a bra-less t-shirt watching the TV. Her sweet 18 year old legs spread ever so slightly on the couch and her cute little ass enticed me even more. She was my housemate's little sister visiting to see the university and I knew walking over and talking to her was a bad idea. I knew that there was a good chance that within the hour I'd have her cute little face between my legs enjoying my cunt.Her name was Becky. She looked up at...

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A Quirk of fate againIVa glory holeGH103part1of1

Thinking the night was going to be a bust, I was in the ladies room by nine fifteen and Paige had been right. There was a glory hole in the last booth. I was disappointed because it was cut in the wall where you couldn’t set on the commode. You had to kneel to get to the cocks. I could hear someone in the other stall so I stuck my finger in the hole. He must have been waiting because my finger was barely in the before there was a hard cock sticking through the hole. Six inches of virile teenage...

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Potential Part 28

by Bistander Chapter 28 When Time Stands Still The ride home from the mall gave Evan time to think about the rings. Other than the one he didn't have and wanted to give Deana right away, the rest made him uneasy. He had been glad Deana talked him into getting Candy one, but now he realized it would serve as a constant reminder that he fucked his father's wife. To Gloria, the ring meant they were going to do it. Once that happened, everything would change, again. He couldn't have a...

2 years ago
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Bachpan ki kutai ka badla techer se 8211 Part 2

Hello namaste dosto!! Me hajir hu ekbar fir se apni kahani ka dusra hissa leke. Muje pichli kahani se kafi commemts mile jinke liye me aap sabka tahe dil se aabhari hun. Jyada bor na karte hua kahani par aate hu. () Mene unse kaha “ye thik nahi he aap meri teacher thi me aapke sath ye kese” Itna kehne se pehle unhone fir se apne rasile hoth mere hoth oer rakh diye aur kehne lagi “techer jaye bhad me tum sirf muje sex karne k bare me socho. Aur ek aur bar kiss karne lagi fir me bhi unhe sath...

3 years ago
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Mike and Sam Part 2

Mike and Sam Part 2 - Back home - His parents met him at the airport, and knowing how bad airline food was, they took him out to dinner. While there, he filled them in on everything, well almost everything, that had happened in Japan. And, that he and Masumi were planning on sharing an apartment this school year. They told him what they and the Matsushita's had discussed about them, and they agreed that there was something very special between the two of them. And, they stood...

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Naughty Night at the Movies

Late on Saturday night, the local movie theater plays old black and white B movies on a loop, for three dollars a person. You and I are sitting on the balcony all alone, way in the back where someone ‘forgot’ to change the bulbs in the safety lights. I had never seen the movie before so I often squeaked in fright, while I hid my face in my hands or turned into your shoulder for protection. You would just wrap your arm around me closer. After a little bit, you began pointing out how lame the...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Pepper Hart 06132017

Pepper Hart is a size queen. This is a fact. She’s a true redhead, too! (The carpet matches the drapes!) Pepper is a MILF, too, even though she looks much younger than her actual age. She’s also a huge fan of porn, and she loves watching big black dicks pound the shit out of tight, white cunts. She loves watching a white cunt get stretched beyond its limits, ruining any white boys chance of pleasure it again. She loves porn so much, Pepper’s decided to add “porn...

1 year ago
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Company From Out of TownChapter 2

The next day I dragged my weary ass up out of bed enough to make a pot of coffee for our bleary eyed but blissfully smiling guests and toast some bagels: Just enough of a snack to give them the energy to drive over to the east bay for lunch. I knew that they might not be back until late and told them that the door would be open, or if we had to go somewhere, there was a key just inside the shed door hanging on a nail right to the right of the light switch. Jenny hugged me and gave me a kiss...

2 years ago
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Sonali My Neighbour

Hi I am Love Patel once again with a new real story previously stories.First thanks to my fan who had reply me on mail. most thanks to that females who is my real fan. my mail id is After fucking Sunita bhabhi my dick was always demanding for more & more sex and I felt getting sex is very easy if you keep your eyes open and always keep them in a tempting way so that the female can easily identify you what you are thinking about her that’s what Sunita bhabhi taught me how she used to gaze other...

1 year ago
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Getting My Groove On In Boca Raton

Young girl takes matters into her own hands to seek relief from 3 elderly gentlemenI live in Montgomery, Alabama, with my mom Carla and brother Tristan. I’m 20 years old, 5ft6, and I carry, lets say, ten pounds of puppy-fat. I don’t actually know for sure, because I have never really been ‘in shape’, and besides, it doesn’t bother me.I wear my hear shortish, and right now it is colored blue. What else? I have small tits, black pubes, and I don’t shave.My brother is two years younger then me....

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Downsizing Ch 06

Dani was anxious to get Stacy alone and talk to her about the trip to New York. She was sure that she was going to be up for the trip, plus she wanted to talk to her about pros and cons of the hip implants. Linda had given Stacy the heads up, so she was ready when she rounded Linda’s workspace. When they got in the car, Dani couldn’t hold her excitement to make it back to the apartment. She wanted to know what she thought of the trip to New York. He wanted her feelings on a month long...

3 years ago
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Rugby Team Parties hard on a slut wife

You read stories about total sluts, but how often do you just happen upon one? Well the lads and I at the local rugby club just did. Our club isn't very big, but we have a members bar and a function room separate from it. Well the other weekend we were down there socialising and drinking (obviously) and there was a party on in the function room. No idea who it was or what they were celebrating. Through the night you'd go the toilet and see some of the people from the party, the young women...

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When a student wants her teacher

This text is based on a fantasy of one my friends. I'm not used to write english text and this is my first publication, so please, be indulgent with my mistakes. I tried to use the best vocabulary I know but some exciting words and expressions existing in my mother tongue have no translation in English. So I did my best to communicate excitation through the words, but I hope the situation of the scene could overhaul the lack of my english vocabulary.When a student wants her teacherCynthia...

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Four On The Prowl

Justine, Emma, Anita and I were hell bent on getting laid. Preferably by a few guys but to be honest, we would take whatever was there.We had arranged to meet at Emma's place yesterday around five. Plenty of time to tart ourselves up for the night ahead. When Ani and I arrived, Justy was already there on her second glass of vino, Emma too, apparently. Emma poured Ani and me a good glass of chilled Sancerre whilst we sat around chatting before donning our war paint and slipping into our dresses...

Group Sex
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EvilAngel Mia Malkova HotAssed Mia8217s Twat And Mouth Drilled

Beautiful blonde Mia Malkova flashes a sexy smile and spreads her spectacular, round bubble butt for director/stud Mike Adriano. He fingers and tongues her holes reverently in an extensive butt tease session. Cheerful Mia rides Mike’s big bone, her tremendous, greased cheeks filling the screen. Passionate pussy-to-mouth head comes with strings of gag spit and sloppy slobber play. Mike’s thick prick drills her into the couch, her legs cranked back to her head as she masturbates and...

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Sex in me School

One day the teacher was teaching us biology class and explaining the human reproduction system. The teacher was telling about the penis, the sperms, the ovum, the pussy and breasts and the whole process of human reproduction. I just turned 13 and am in e···h g#@de, the teacher is an attractive female named Ms. Besbokners, she is 32, 5ft 8in, 110lbs, brunette. She was explaining the topic with help of sketches and diagrams, she was asking questions to us on the topic to determine whether we were...

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