Julia is becoming our favorite fuck toy
- 4 years ago
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Note: This is something really different for me, inspired by a song that really touched my heart (if you’ve heard it, you’ll probably know what it is).
The weak sun filtered through the bare trees as Jonah walked across the Millers’ fields to get to Bethany’s house. He listened to his feet crunching over the light snow, and wondered what Bethany’s news could possibly be. They had been dating for five years, ever since the seventh grade, and Jonah could count on one hand the number of times she’d ever had anything approaching news to tell him. They lived in a tiny, fairly insular town peopled solely by followers of Christ seeking a simpler, more holy way of life. Most people lived without television or internet, and there wasn’t a mall or a movie theater within twenty miles. There just wasn’t much going on in their town, and most ‘news’ was about marriages, or babies, or deaths.
He didn’t think it could be any of those. Yet… Bethany had been complaining of pain lately, and Dr. Forrester hadn’t been able to find anything wrong with her. Bethany’s father had finally taken her to the nearest hospital, over 50 miles away, to see some doctors there. Perhaps they had been able to fix whatever was wrong with her. Yes, that must be it.
Jonah hopped the low wooden fence out of the field, spotting the Taylors’ house rising butter-yellow before him. He knocked on the back door, and Bethany answered, neatly attired. She led him to the sparsely furnished sitting room, and sat on one end of the sofa. The rising sun pressed a warm line of light around her figure. There was a book open on the table, a careworn Bible. From the place it had been left open, Jonah thought it must have been Psalms. He sat a careful distance away from her.
‘Is your father still asleep?’ he asked.
‘No,’ Bethany answered, with an odd expression. ‘He went for a drive. He’s been gone a long time.’
Jonah thought nothing could have surprised him more. Although he and Bethany were regularly allowed to be alone in the sitting room, usually studying or reading the Bible together, her father was always nearby. He was vaguely uncomfortable in the silence that followed.
‘Did the doctors find out anything?’
‘Yes. They said it’s, um, osteo-, osteosarcoma,’ she said, fumbling a bit over the words. ‘Cancer of the bone.’
An even longer silence followed. ‘Did they give you medication?’
‘They, um, they said that, um, there’s nothing they can do. All I can do is trust in God.’ She didn’t cry, or even seem all that upset. Still, there was a trembling fragility about her that made Jonah want to gather her up in his arms.
‘Then let’s pray together,’ he said. He scooted farther over on the couch until he was sitting on the cushion next to hers. He held out his hands, and felt his heart skip a beat when she placed hers in them. They both closed their eyes and bowed their heads. Jonah tried to calm his mind, but his thoughts were racing. With every cell in his brain, he cried out to God to spare her, his oldest friend, his best friend, his only love.
He lifted his head and, before he could talk himself out of it, leaned over and kissed her firmly on the mouth. He felt her stiffen slightly, and then relax enough to move her lips against his. Her eyelids fluttered open, and suddenly he was looking directly into her pale blue eyes. Then she pulled back, a strange, panicked expression on her face.
Jonah turned, and saw Bethany’s father, Samuel, standing in the hallway, watching them with a pained expression on his face. Jonah stood immediately, dropping Bethany’s hands.
‘Sir, I’m sorry,’ he stammered.
Samuel’s expression softened. ‘You don’t have to apologize, son.’
‘I should get back home. I’ll see you tomorrow, Bethany.’ Jonah was halfway across their backyard when he realized that there was something he had wanted to ask Bethany. As he approached the house again, he saw through a crack in the shade that her father was embracing her, tears rolling down his cheeks. Whatever his question had been, it was forgotten again. Jonah left to go home, deep in thought.
Tuesdays, the dozen or so kids in their grade all met at someone’s house for Bible study. It had been six weeks since Bethany’s diagnosis, in deepest winter, January. Every week, they spent half an hour in prayer for Bethany, but she didn’t seem to be getting any better. This week, they had met at the house of Jonah’s cousin, Michael Blake. Bethany was in good spirits despite the pain she was no doubt in. Night had fallen, and most of the other kids left early.
When everyone was trooping up the stairs from the basement, Bethany caught the edge of Jonah’s shirt to hold him back. The overhead light had been flicked off, and the only light was the dim glow from the kitchen upstairs. Bethany rested her forehead against Jonah’s back, and grasped his hand tightly in hers.
‘Jonah, I think we should talk.’
‘I’m sorry about the other day. It was forward of me,’ he responded.
‘I thought it was nice.’ She stood on her tiptoes and pressed a gentle kiss on his neck, just below the ear. He shivered and turned to face her. ‘I want to do it again.’ Jonah leaned forward and barely brushed his lips against hers. He reached up to put his hands on her waist, but suddenly the light flared to life again.
‘Come on up, everyone’s gone!’ called Michael.
‘Let’s meet in the glen tomorrow,’ Bethany said, and dashed off home.
Jonah scratched his head, dazed and a little baffled. He felt uncomfortable. As far as he knew, there was no specific Biblical provision preventing kissing or holding hands. It had just always been impressed firmly upon him that kissing was a special, private act, something you did only with the person you truly loved. Many young couples in their town shared their first kiss on their wedding day. He supposed it was possible that many other kids were doing the same thing, but it seemed that no one was really talking about it.
Jonah bundled himself up tightly in layers of wool, pulling a scarf around his ears, and struggled through the snow to the glen, one of many small clearings in the woods behind his house. It was so quiet, often with just the soft trilling of a nearby bird. He had always felt closer to God here, even closer than in the building they called church. But, Jonah reasoned, God hadn’t actually built the church, but he had built their entire planet. Wasn’t it all really God’s house?
He remembered the first time he had confessed this to Bethany, she had been a little scandalized. After she had visited, and they prayed together, she finally understood. Sometimes Jonah thought she visited the glen more than he did. Certainly these days he often saw a lone set of tracks in the snow leading there.
Stepping neatly between the trees, he saw that Bethany was already there, kneeling silently on the thick blanket they kept folded in the hollow of a tree. She rocked back and forth gently as she prayed, and her cheeks were already pink with cold. He knelt before her, placing his hands over hers. Her eyes opened, and she smiled at him.
‘Bethany, I don’t think you should really be out in the cold so much. Shouldn’t we go inside?’
‘Why don’t you just warm me up here?’ she said, leaning forward and rubbing her nose against his, kissing him. He was so surprised, he didn’t do anything for a long moment. Bethany had always been so demure, even blushing slightly when the backs of their hands brushed accidentally. What had gotten into her? His kiss had been impulsive, but was it possible that she had liked it? He did. Her kiss was warming him down to his toes, making his heart beat faster. He kissed her back.
When she pulled back, her face was no less flushed, but her eyes were bright. ‘Jonah, are you still planning to go into the seminary next fall?’
He shifted uncomfortably. He hadn’t wanted to talk about the fu
ture since Bethany had gotten sick. A future without her in it didn’t sound much like a future at all to him. He struggled to pull his mind away from those thoughts. He would not cry in front of her.
‘Um, yes. I can’t think of anything I would rather do than study the Bible, to bring the joy of the Word to others. I already talked to the pastor about it, and he said he would be happy to give me a position as his assistant when I graduate. If I want to come back to live here, that is…’ he said, trailing off wistfully.
‘I decided to withdraw my application to the girls’ college.’ When Jonah started to break in, she interrupted him. ‘Please, you and I both know there isn’t any point. Even if I am still here in September, will I want to spend my last days in a classroom? I just want to spend the time I have left experiencing new things.’
‘What kind of things?’
‘Well… things like kissing.’ She gave him a small smile, looking up at him expectantly.
‘Ah, well,’ he said, taken aback. ‘We can kiss.’
She dropped her gaze to the ground and said quietly, ‘I want to do more than kiss.’
Jonah was so surprised, he sat back on his heels suddenly. Was she talking about…sex? In the back of his mind, he supposed he wasn’t even sure that Bethany knew what that was, though that was ridiculous. Surely her mother had told her about it before she had passed away? Jonah’s father had sat him down at thirteen and explained the mechanics of it all, telling him it was something married people did to make babies, and that was all he really knew. He had discovered masturbation shortly before ‘the talk,’ and his father had said that was an unholy urge, that it might feel good now, but it would feel ten times as good when the urge was satisfied within a conjugal relationship.
‘Bethany, I don’t think that we should. That’s something people do to have children,’ he said, confused.
She looked at him like he had sprouted a second head. ‘Is that what your parents told you? It’s not only for that, you know. Mother told me that it’s one of the most Godly expressions of love.’
It sounded sort of blasphemous to Jonah. He looked at her dubiously, but her mother had been a very pious woman. According to his parents, one of the least sinful people they knew. So if she had said it was all right. ‘But it’s something you can only do once you’re married,’ he insisted before he had thought of the implications of his logic.
‘I’ll never get married,’ Bethany reminded him sadly.
‘You don’t know that,’ he argued back. ‘Just because the doctor said…’
‘Stop it, stop it!’ she shouted, even though for her it was still a quiet sound, like she was shouting through a pillow. ‘We have to be adults about this, Jonah. I am going… to die.’
They sat in silence together for a long time. Jonah felt bad for upsetting her. There had to be a way to make things right.
‘Bethany,’ he said softly, resting a hand on the back of her cheek, so cold. ‘Let’s get married.’
‘We can’t! Daddy would never approve, and what about your parents? Besides, we would need a license, and witnesses, and everything.’
‘Only if we want to be legally married. I’m sure Pastor Stevens would do it, if we asked him. We’re adults now. The only witness we need is God.’
‘Let me think about it,’ she said.
It was the last week in February. Bethany was still sick. She hadn’t said a word about Jonah’s suggestion, and he was sure she had forgotten about it. That Friday morning, she did another very un-Bethany-like thing, passing him a note in the middle of class. It said, ‘Monday morning. Meet me at church.’
Jonah’s hands were shaking as he tied his shoes and straightened his tie. If he was going to be married today, he was at least going to wear his Sunday suit, even if he had just worn it the day before. It was six o’clock, the sky just barely lightening. He wanted to get out before anyone else was awake. He didn’t want to answer their questions.
Remnants of the last snow were still on the ground. He shivered in his jacket, and stuck his hands in his pockets. When he got to the church, he stood outside, looking at the tall wooden doors, the little spire, the cross that topped it. He thought about what he was going to do, wondered if he was making the right decision. He was going in to ask a man of God, whom he greatly respected, to confer upon him one of the greatest permanent human connections, and all so that he and Bethany could experience this one physical act without sinning. To Bethany, though, it was more than just a physical act. It was the pinnacle of human love on earth. He couldn’t deny her that.
Soft footsteps behind him alerted him to her presence. She wore an ankle-length quilted jacket with the hood up. Her face was very pale, but she gave him a tiny smile. He opened the doors, and they entered the sanctuary. The Pastor wasn’t in sight, but he would most likely be in his quarters, four small rooms behind the sanctuary. Jonah tapped lightly on the door to his office, and the door opened, showing a kind, puzzled face behind it.
‘Jonah, Bethany, what are you doing here at this hour?’
‘Pastor, we need to talk to you.’ The door opened wider, admitting them into a small office with several chairs and bookshelves crammed with books, notebooks, and papers. The Pastor sat in front of his desk and gestured for them to do the same. They engaged in a few pleasantries. Their parents were fine, cousins were fine, friends were fine. Finally, Jonah got to the point.
‘We want you to marry us,’ he said.
There was a long pause. ‘Do you understand what you’re asking?’ asked the Pastor.
‘Yes. I want to do this before I die,’ said Bethany with certainty.
‘Normally, I only marry couples who have had a chance to talk with me at length about marriage and the commitment it requires. I have never married any couple before their 19th birthdays, and I’ve been doing marriages in this town for over thirty years. Why, I married both your parents!’ He paused, evidently thinking hard. ‘Let’s pray together.’
They fell silent and bowed their heads. Jonah questioned his decision again, but at last came to peace.
‘Pastor,’ he said. ‘I understand that it might not be a traditional marriage in a lot of ways. But Bethany and I love each other. Ever since we started dating, I knew that she was the one I would someday marry.’ As he said it, he felt the truth of it. ‘The day may have come a lot faster than we thought, and ’til death do us part’ will come a lot sooner than we want, too. But I am sure this is the decision I want to make.’
Pastor Stevens looked from one to the other again, sighed gently, and preceded them into the sanctuary. Jonah and Bethany removed their coats before kneeling. He noticed that she was wearing a long, white cotton dress and a string of seed pearls.
‘This is what my mother got married in,’ she explained. ‘Daddy doesn’t know I have them.’
The service was not long. In fifteen minutes, Jonah was pressing his lips against Bethany’s, feeling her tremble against him. The Pastor retired to his quarters where, Jonah was sure, he would be praying all day. Jonah and Bethany left the church hand-in-hand, but Bethany said goodbye to him outside the church.
‘Daddy is leaving me alone tonight to go see his sister in the hospital. I hope you’ll come.’
That night, Jonah told the only lie he could remember telling. He told them he would be up before the sun to go to church, so if he wasn’t home when they awoke, that was why. In reality, he stuffed some clothes into his backpack and, after his parents and brothers had gone to bed, snuck out of the house. It wasn’t until the walk to Bethany’s house that he really thought about the reason he was going over to her house. They wouldn’t be studying the Bible all night, anyway. Suddenly, he was really nervous. He wiped his sweating palms on the leg of
his slacks, and let himself into Bethany’s house. She had left the door unlocked so his knocking wouldn’t rouse the neighbors.
The house was dark, only a weak light shining down from the top of the stairs. Jonah swallowed hard, feeling more nervous than he had ever felt before. He climbed the stairs, deliberately stepping on the squeaky fifth one to announce his presence to Bethany. Before he had made it to the landing, she was peeking at him from around the corner. They hugged briefly in greeting, and she took his hand, leading him toward her bedroom as if he was a child. I am a child, he thought to himself, and tomorrow I will be a man.
He dropped his backpack onto the floor by her door, which she closed behind them. The click of the lock sounded very final. There was no going back now.
Jonah took his first good look at Bethany, surprised to see her still in the white dress she had worn that morning. She smiled at him demurely, guessing what he was thinking.
‘I took it off when I got home so Daddy wouldn’t see it. I really don’t think he’d be happy if he knew. But…this is what she wore the night they, um, well, got married, and I wanted to…’ She trailed off, looking vaguely uncomfortable.
‘So, uh, do you know how we’re supposed to…?’ Jonah asked, blushing bright red.
‘Oh! Yes. My mother, well…let’s…let’s get into bed,’ Bethany suggested. She slid onto the narrow little bed, covered with a sunny yellow spread. Jonah sat down beside her, finding there was just enough room for the two of them to sit side-by-side. She looked up at him, and he felt himself leaning toward her, toward the softest lips he thought he would ever feel in his life, toward his…wife. As he kissed her, she trembled beside him.
For a long time, Jonah held Bethany close, gently kissing her lips, and occasionally trespassing upon her cheeks, her ears, her neck. She gave a nearly inaudible sigh each time his lips brushed along her collarbone, and eventually he knew the time was right. He slid his fingertips along the back of her dress, finding the zipper and drawing it down shakily. He pulled her dress over her arms, exposing her plain cotton bra for the first time. As simple as it was, he found it tantalizing.
Bethany helped him push it over her hips when his nerves failed, and he saw that she was wearing matching panties. She lay back on the bed looking so thin, and so beautiful. His mouth went dry looking down at her. Eventually his inaction made Bethany falter, and she lifted her arms to cover herself.
‘You don’t like…’ she began.
‘You’re beautiful,’ he rushed to assure her. Hands shaking, he undid the buttons on his own clothes, very aware that Bethany was watching his every move closely. He set aside pants and shirt, socks and shoes, and eventually stood in her bedroom clad only in his underwear. He soon drew those down, too, conscious of exposing himself for the first time to anyone as far as he could remember, and then knelt on the bed again.
Bethany was unclasping her bra, and then she held it in front of her, afraid to let it go. He leaned over to kiss her again, and he felt her jerk as he brushed against her thigh. He rested his hand lightly on her stomach, and she released her bra, dropping it to the floor. When he drew back to see her, she hooked her fingers into her panties and slid them down her legs until she was as bare as he, save for the seed pearls encircling her throat.
Then she was touching him, bringing him to full hardness while he closed his eyes and tried to relearn how to breathe. When she parted her legs and he slid inside her, it was like he was stepping into a whole new world. Her soft skin slid against him as he moved, pressing into her tight, wet heat. She was murmuring his name as she cried out beneath him, and he could only follow her under, sinking beneath the pleasure like a drowning man.
Jonah and Bethany woke with the dawn and made love again, this time more eagerly, with the anticipation born of knowledge. When it was over, they lay in bed, silently, enjoying the sound of the chittering sparrows outside the window. The silence was broken by the soft sound of a door closing downstairs. Bethany’s head snapped up, and she grabbed for her underclothes, hurriedly pulling them on.
There are no graphic sex scenes in this story, sorry. I want to thank my wife and others who have helped me in writing this story. We have discussed and debated about my work here for hours. I have made a few changes before posting so any screw ups are mine. Thanks for reading my story and please ENJOY. ***************** I have been entertained by love about as much as I care to, thank you. You see I’m a two time loser at the relatively young age of 26. That’s right I’ve been married and...
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Thanks to: Dowyd, Dragonsweb & DuffieDawg They were the best of friends and the absolute worst of rivals. Sounds like something from Charles Dickens but it was true. Robert and Martin (here after called Rob and Marty) had been the tightest of close friends since they meet at college. Both were big football heroes at their alma mater (a big SEC school that shall remain nameless) and just barely missed getting a National Championship. Rob was a Heisman nominated quarterback in his junior...
“Oh Shit!”, Tom cursed inside him as a twig cracked underneath him. “Fuck I need a place to hide now. I bet the guards heard that. Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!”, Tom continued to curse as he looked for a place to hide in the luscious green rainforest. He knew the guards of the prison were looking for him. He had escaped from the prison yesterday, but he knew that by morning the guards would have noticed his cell was empty. He looked around. Nothing. Nothing to hide behind that kept himself hidden from the...
So here I was again on a trip the the local mall. My wife the finest shopper of them all was in need of some new makeup, so the good guy i am decided to open my wallet and take her. (NOW before we go any further, I am a closet shemale and now even crossdresser fan for years) So upon arriving at the mall weake our usual rounds and eventually stop at her favorite chain makeup store, yes I've been there before. Today though as my wife was doing her thing with a female sales person, I noticed a...
I'm not sure that I understood the plan. I guess I thought that Rebecca was supposed to find out as much as she could, while whatever we were facing tried to take control of her. But that wasn't what happened. Rebecca was clearly under the influence of the voice that was speaking to all of us. I was fighting hard not to let whatever it was get me to accept its offer. It seemed like my mind was working in slow motion. The effort of saying, "No," seemed to take all of my strength. And I...
Katherine was just 6 years old when she first came onto the scene.As a 13 year old boy, I used to babysit for my sister, looking after Katherine who was a product of her husband's first marriage. She was a cute, dark haired k** who used to follow me around and tell everyone that she was going to marry me when she grew up. Embarrassing for a teenage boy, as you can imagine. Anyway, things got bitter between my brother-in-law and his ex and Katherine disappeared from the scene.Nine years and...
This is a true story of a guy that I met in a business meeting that I was attracted to. Although I'm married and have been for a good many years, I still find men to be sexy. This gentleman is in his early 40's and very well kept. He is masculine, funny, and intelligent. Most of all he is also interested in men and much more experienced that I am.To paint a picture he is 6 foot, about 185 but firm. He has light brown hair, a happy smile, and as it turns out a 9 inch uncut cock! He has a love of...
It was the week after Madame Penelope's tea party, as I left the house I noticed a look of longing on my wife's face. Since that week she had been a lot more amorous and slightly demanding during our love making and I was in heaven. I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled "Enjoy," was all she said enigmatically At Madame Penelope's house I let myself in and headed to my room to change. Madame had given Mistress Jenny a key so that she or I could let our selves in; it seems Mistress...
The judges asked Cambry to have a seat after seeing her tight little body completely in the nude. The audition was down to the three girls after the judges asked Tom to leave due to his “lack of proper equipment.” All three girls were nude and sitting on the couches provided, waiting for further instruction. Finally, the judges finished conversing among themselves and looked at the applicants. “Mary,” started a female judge who had not spoken before. “You are bi-sexual, right?” Mary nodded...
The outfits and stuff arrived today. Six huge boxes filled with erotic outfits, it was like Christmas day for perverts. The boxes contained the following:Long Blonde WigMid length Black wigBlack PVC Bed BootsBlack Rubber Stockings (2 pair with a spray to shine them)Black Thigh Length Bed BootsRed shiny PVC Waspie (He bought it without me knowing bless him)Red shiny skin-tight PVC CatsuitBlack shiny skin-tight PVC CatsuitPink shiny PVC Suspender Belt with matching ½ cup braPink shiny PVC Elbow...
I'm sitting around the apartment one day, reading a magazine, while my boyfriend Ted sits on the floor in front of my entranced by the TV as he plays video games. This has been going on for an hour, so I'm slightly surprised when I feel his hand on my crotch. I look down and see him kneeling in front of me as he rubs my soon hardening cock through the crotch of my pants. "Guess what I wanna' do?" he asks, smiling knowingly.
GayHello, my dear readers! This is me, Hornimandick, once again with of three years before the pandemic. It bolsters my belief that the woman is always in command of passionate sex between a man and herself. And when something like that occurs, the result is simply mind-blowing! We men are primal creatures with very physical sexuality, utterly basic. We see we rise, we (think!) we conquer, we go flaccid, don our clothes, and end. Not so with a woman. And when men let her take...
"Just be quiet, Tara or my dad can't barge in here."Then we heard some knocks on the door. "Hey, Kirk, could I talk to you?" Tara asked, opening the door.I felt my heart take a hard turn towards stopping, and I couldn't even tell Danica to hide. "Crap.""Mom, what are you doing in here, and why are you naked?" she questioned, before peeking at me. "Kirk, are you fucking my mom?""No, no, no, babe," Danica corrected Tara, getting up and keeping herself covered with my blanket. "This...
Incest'Driver with Heavy Vehicle License needed urgently to deliver vehicle to west. Mobile 04 1234 5678' The advert caught my eye as I read my friend's paper at 4:30 in the morning. I had spent a miserable night trying to sleep on a two-seater couch. I may only be five foot eight, but I'm heavily built and need to stretch out. Now why would I be bumming a place to sleep; the reason was that I was broke. I needed to get back home to Western Australia and the only money I had in my pocket was...
It started about 6 months earlier when I went to the casino with a friend for the afternoon. I had a very exciting time that day and I couldn’t believe how good it felt to win. I ended up going several more times to the casino after that time. I could feel my adrenalin surge every time I won. I made a few bucks the first couple of times I went. I was finding myself wanting to go back to the casino even more. The next three months I went back about 2 or 3 times a week. I was slowly turning my...
Whoopsies ? By: Beverly Taff. This story is subject to the usual criterion and restrictions applying to age and copyright as laid down in FM?s preamble. The shock of learning about my parent?s death in a car crash was enough to destroy any child?s self confidence but for me the distress was doubled because I had nobody to share the trouble. People say a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled whilst a pain shared is a pain halved. Nobody learned that better than I. I...
Introduction: This is a story about Charlies experience with her favorite professor. This is a continuation of Charlies life. I will be posting her adventures in a non-chronological order, just as they come to me. But Im really wanting to go a bit further with this story, and maybe make it into several parts. As you finish the story, youll realize how this can become a series within my Charlie series. Please comment about things youd love for Charlie and her professor to do, or any other ideas....
Ana told me her plans for the week end. She would not meet her three young black lovers, because they would be all going out with their sweet girlfriends.But then my sexy wife told me she would meet a new black client that had been recommended to her care by her Boss at the firm.Ana made me laugh when she said she needed a cheerleader outfit because it was a special request by that client for her to wear…I asked her if she could set up her phone cam again; so I could watch her during the...
Hello friends , mera naam shubham hai, noida ,UP ka rehne vala hun , m ek average looking , height body vala ladka hoon .. Main 18 saal ka hun , kyunki maine ek saal drop kra hua tha to main fr bhi school k teachers se baat krta rehta tha, ek baar ki baat hai mujhe physics padte hue ek chapter samajh nahi aa rha tha to main school ki teacher Anupma mam ko fone kra , main btadu ki Anupma mam 31 years ki ek beautiful divorced women h, unkinfigure shayad 34 28 34 hai, to us din sunday tha , mam...
The dream from a few days earlier still lingered in Agnes mind. The thoughts and images left her excited, and the intense sessions of fucking her boyfriend Michael, although she thoroughly enjoyed them, made her want more. Today she decided to try indulging in something a little different. She walked into an unassuming but sizable building from off the street. The building was in fact an “Adult” store; its walls lined with videos, publications, and various products on display for purchase....
Narrated by Swati Hi friends, main Swati. Pichle baar episode 48 mein aapne padha ki kayse main apne papa ke sath sharaarat bhari khel kheli. Aur ab main aur papa apne pahle padhaaw ko paar kar chuke the. Hum dono ne hamari rishto ki saari bandhano ko tod ek dusre ko maza diye. Mujhe to yakeen hi nahi ho raha tha ki mere apne papa ne mujhe maze diye aur maine unhe bhi. Ek baar jhadne ke baad turant maa aa gayi. Maa mujhe dekh boli: Tum yahi pe thi to darwaza kyu nahi kholi?...
0003 - Conner- Thomas 0667 - Marco - Brown 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0778 - Jan 0098 - Lucy 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0908 - Tara - Mara 0125 - Lars 0999 - Zan 0200 -...
On his way to the club, Ged realised he had felt much better since he involved himself with Viv's group, though his depression would often return once he was home and alone. Now he was out in public once more, he was often hit on by young women, and some of these were very pretty, but he steadfastly refused all advances politely. However their lustful interest cheered him up. His immunity to such approaches was of long standing and well known, and he suspected that some of the women wanted...
I dialed the number…I knew it by heart I barely had to think. Ill be there soon, He said as he hung up the phone. I would call and we both knew why. 15 minutes I had to wait patiently for him. Just 15 minutes… I sat down on the couch and watched the clock, the time was going so slow, already wet in anticipation. He didnt knock, he didnt feel the need anymore. I got up and kissed him immediately, as he slipped his shoes and socks off at the doorway. I grabbed his shirt and ripped it off...
This story is based on real experience and events with a little bit of added fiction for reader enjoyment, I am South Indian age 65 years old and widowed and retired from business, my wife died suddenly 10 years ago. Being a widower I have choice of sitting at home or being proactive and finding a woman to have fun and fuck. I know if I do not use my big cock for fucking now maybe in few years’ time my cock will only be good for pissing. Since then I have remained quite active and attend my...
My wife and I used to play a game called "Bar Girl" where Sheree would dress up like a working girl in a short tight skirt and often a lowcut top and push up bra. She would carry a little purse on a long strap with $200-$300 in cash and an assortment of condoms and a lipstick and some gum. She would go to a hotel bar in an area near the airport. She would hang out at the bar and nurse a drink until I came up and asked her the cost and what was available in earshot of outer bar patrons and the...
I admit I was a bit of a loner but I am not unpopular. I am a good looking guy, not a dreamboat by any means but am good enough that I didn’t have problems with the ladies. I’m not competitively athletic but I am athletic. We lived in the foothills of the Rockies and I loved mountain biking, motocross, martial arts, parkour and many other individual sports. I exercise a lot and it shows. I only have two close friends and a girlfriend, partly because I lived out of town, in a little village to...
Lingham woke up that morning horny as hell, despite the fucking he'd received using the Anima portal to access the Disney and X-men dimensions, but now a new idea was going around his head. What if he used the portal to access all the hot women in the m ovies and on television he'd always wanted to fuck? It might be worth a shot... After a few hours of setting up, he has it... the portal is hooked up to the big screen TV in the living room... so, where does he go? (Give it a sec, there's gonna...
“This is, Taz, what is called a stake out,” Carter spoke to his dog, as he sipped from his iced coffee through the straw. “You see,” he explained to his pet, “Alex is bound to make a mistake, sooner or later, and we will be able to expose the douchebag to Aron. We’re making a great team!” Now, as he stood behind the wheel of his car, talking to his dog, he didn’t feel that convinced that he was making any progress, though. He wasn’t exactly the most skillful detective in the universe, and...
Characters The Halls Me - Sean - 16 Sister - Dani (Daniel) - 17 Mom - Gwen - 37 Dad - Brad - 41 The Adlers Susan - mid 20’s- Y tour guide Carl - 16 - Susan’s Brother Amy - 16 - Susan’s sister Madge - 67 - Susan’s mom Milton (Milt) - mid 60’s - Susan’s dad The Haydens Stephanie (Steph) - 16 - swimming partner Gerald - dad - late 40’s Nancy - mom - late 40’s (clit ring) Keith - bro - 18 The Hudsons (neighbors) Kate - mid 30’s (clit ring) Bill - mid 30’s Jenna - 19 (clit...
Introduction: Please read Parts 1 & 2 first Lisa explained the little device to Jill once she regained her composure, occasionally flipping the switch on and off. That always brought a smile to Jills face. Lisa had explained that, for her, this little vibrating bullet revved her up but had never taken her over the top into orgasm. Through this little discussion the two 20-somethings behind me kept shooting looks at our table, according to both Jill and Lisa, which I found somewhat ironic since...
Wednesday Afternoon and Evening We got in the car. She said, "Warren, we need a better long term plan for a place to stay. You can't afford to pay for that room until we graduate and there is no need. Let's get an apartment. I can cook and we can have a place of our own. I think my father would be thrilled to help with the rent." "I have to admit that sounds good. You're right. My money won't last forever. We are going to be together." I pulled into a convenience store. "Be right...
Hi, mera naam rajat luthra hai , me 22 years ka punjab ka rahne wala hoon, mera ek dost hai jis ka naam main show nahi karna chahunga. Hum dono jab bhi koi programe banate hai to dono ikethe hi banate hai. Main bahut sunder , 5.7. Hieght ka larda hoo. Mere lund ka size 7 inch hai. Mera dost 28 year ka bahut hi sexy ladka hai wo sex ke bare me mere se bahut aage hai , mene usse hi sex karna sikha hai, app vishwas kare wo lagatar 1000 strok laga sakta, me kasam kha kar kahta hoo ki ye baat bilkul...
Holy Smoke Chapter One: I Meet Ruth The clouds opened up and rain bucketed out of the sky as I ran for the first shop door I could find. I had come to Hayward because I had heard its town square was one of the most picturesque in northeast Ohio. It had been cloudy, but I bet myself I could get some good photos before the storm hit. I lost. My shirt was drenched, and my glasses were streaked with rain, as I turned the handle of the first door I reached. I pushed the door...