Robin and the Catwoman
- 2 years ago
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Thanks to: Dowyd, Dragonsweb & DuffieDawg
They were the best of friends and the absolute worst of rivals.
Sounds like something from Charles Dickens but it was true. Robert and Martin (here after called Rob and Marty) had been the tightest of close friends since they meet at college. Both were big football heroes at their alma mater (a big SEC school that shall remain nameless) and just barely missed getting a National Championship. Rob was a Heisman nominated quarterback in his junior year before he tore his knee up for good at the start of his senior year. Marty broke every receiving record for tight ends that same season during his senior year and was also a potential finalist for the Heisman. His hope for professional pigskin glory fell to injury also when during the second to last game of the regular season he jumped up to catch an overthrown ball and was creamed hard by two opposing linebackers. He broke several bones and received some minor but permanent spinal damage.
The friends and teammates competed for everything, awards, trophies and getting the hottest girls on campus but the biggest prize of all, a fat NFL contract, was now permanently lost forever for both of them. Even after years of physical rehabilitation and therapy, neither could ever pass a medical physical to ever play professionally again.
Both remained intensely bitter about it. It hung like an ugly shadow over everything that they had done since and all their future successes seemed to pale against this one great failure.
Rob and Marty had both come from families with both money and good genetics for smarts. They both avoid the usual easy jock classes and graduated with honors; Rob with an electrical engineering degree and Marty was near the top of his law school class. Both then proceeded to go out and make money like gangbusters. Their careers took them apart for awhile but make no mistake, they were both watching with an eagle eye everything the other was doing - and keeping some sort of internal score.
Rob went into the computer business and had two extremely successful startup companies that he built from the ground up until their IPO's (Initial Public Offering of the stock) and was now starting on his third. Typical Rob, he enjoys creating something new but becomes bored very quickly when faced with only mundane and routine work. I'm not sure exactly how much loot Rob had stashed away in the bank but it had to be at least a metric crapload. If the new IPO is even half as successfully as the previous ones, then Rob might become one of the youngest guys ever to make his first billion all entirely on his own.
Marty refused to surrender the race however. He made partner of a major law firm within a few years of the start of his law career and when he left to start his own law firm a few years later, he took half of the lawyers and staff of the old firm (and 90% of its clients) with him. A few years later he had branches of his law firm in nearly every major US city. Marty even steps into the courtroom himself on occasion charging the highest per hour fees ever heard of for any attorney and still has way more business than he can personally handle.
At the age of 32, when they both moved to San Francisco, the race for supremacy was still a virtual dead heat. They rekindled their friendship and their rivalry to new levels. They became near constant companions once more, always together again, playing golf twice a week, sailing in San Francisco Bay, hunting big game in Colorado or Montana and pursuing the most dangerous game (attractive young females) together every weekend. And always keeping some sort of 'score'.
This is about where I enter the story. My name is James and I've worked for Rob these last five years, starting off first as a contract programmer during the late days of his first IPO. I didn't get any of that gold from the pot at the end of that rainbow, but I was in at the ground floor for the second one and got enough of a nest egg to buy a decent house with a nice Pacific Ocean view in San Francisco. This third IPO should set me up for good and I'll probably never have to work again — but I'll probably keep doing so anyway. I just like to stay busy.
Currently I'm Rob's Director of Planning and Operations, which is a glorified way of saying that I'm Rob's external 'voice of reason'. Rob does 99% of all of the planning and operations management by himself and has never learned how to delegate a single bloody thing. Nearly everyone else in management who has ever worked for him in the past left after the last IPO. They made their money and were all sick and tired of being micro-managed and second-guessed by Rob. I can't say that I blame them. I got a big pay and title increase to stay on with him, not to mention an obscene stock package. Most days though I feel like I've earned every penny of it and I'm not sure I could handle doing yet another future start-up company with Rob, so I'm done too after this one!
Really, my main job is to provide some sort of an anchor to his boundless enthusiasm. To tell him if something can't be realistically done before he promises the impossible to a potential client. I've got a talent for finding that hidden dark cloud hiding behind every silver lining — Murphy's Law and I are old friends. Rob will examine a new idea with the goal of finding out what the best possible result could be — I attack the same idea from the reverse end to figure out what new problems we will be likely to encounter.
I also like to think that I'm the resident 'Jiminy Cricket', "have conscience — will travel." Sometimes ... once in a great while, he even listens to me!
In short, Rob is an endless optimist and I'm an eternal pessimist. We're polar opposites but we do work well together. We've become cautious, but fairly good friends outside of work but don't think for a moment I'm even in the same ballpark with his friendship with Marty. I'm simply a second string benchwarmer as far as that one goes. Ask Marty's friend Donald, he and I share the same boat pretty much.
Donald (Don) makes up the last member of our golf foursome and 'Four Musketeers' Friday night panty-raiding group. He has worked for Marty for about seven years now as his head accountant and is the biggest single gearhead and geek I've ever met. Easily the smartest man in the room no matter where he's at, but frankly he doesn't have a lick of common sense and his 'people skills' are rather limited. If you want to know how to fix a problem with your iPhone or Blackberry, or how to build a perfect Victorian style 'SteamPunk' computer, or you absolutely need a Star Trek trivia question answered, ask Don. He's not quite a forty year-old virgin ... but he sure acts like one.
We had been running together, the four of us, for about six months when we met 'our wives'. We had all been very single and enjoying ourselves very much, thank you. None of us had ever hooked a fish that we had even remotely considered a keeper before. This was now about to change.
We had gone to a really nice Italian restaurant on North Beach to semi-celebrate. Rob had finally set a date to file our IPO and Marty's firm was handling all of the underwriting. Things were looking like a slam dunk after our final meeting that Friday evening and we all wanted a nice dinner with some good wine to wash it down. Two bottles of an especially nice northern Italian Cabernet that cost more than most of my suits later, we noticed that a nicely attired group of four young ladies were enjoying their own dinner with a distinctly inferior domestic Chianti. Marty, who was an incorrigible wine snob, rode over to their rescue and had a couple of more bottles of what we were drinking sent over to their table.
One thing lead to another and a few minutes later both parties moved together to a larger table where we spent the next three hours in happy conversation. Since each of these ladies has an important contribution to make for the remainder of this story, now would probably be the best time to give them a proper introduction.
There is a joke that in all groups of women friends' the ladies themselves invariable fall into one of three categories: there is the good looking one, the smart one, and then there is the 'slut'. It didn't take me long at all to figure out in this group which one was which.
Karin was, at least to my eyes, the prettiest. She wore the least amount of makeup and was casual but tastefully conservative about her clothes and hair. She didn't have the biggest tits and didn't display them to their fullest advantage, but still she had something that set her apart from other women. She just had a natural glowing beauty that shown through everything. This was a lily that required no gilding. She was a departmental sales manager for a large Union Square department store, and driven to succeed. In ten years she would likely be on their board of directors. I fell for her hard nearly at once but she appeared to have very little (if any) interest in me.
Sandra (Sandy) was the smart one and she had the naughty librarian look down to a 'T' and dressed the role perfectly. She wore her skirts short, her blouses unbuttoned nearly to her skimpy black bra and her hair invariably put up into a tight bun. Even her glasses screamed sexy. It was really all an act though, she was all look and no show — probably the shyest person I've ever met. She was, true to her form, a librarian in the Special Collections department of the downtown Main Library. For most of our first meeting however, she never seemed to take her eyes off of Don. Ah, the wonders of 'geek love'.
That left Jessica and Robin who were sisters and alike enough in looks to be nearly twins even now in their late twenties. Their temperaments were nearly identical also. Both were hyper-competitive with each other in nearly every way. It was just like seeing Rob and Marty in skirts — constant fighting for every scrap of achievement they could get. Jessica, the slightly older sister had gone to the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) and was a professional dessert baker. Robin, not to be outdone, went to Le Cordon Bleu in Paris to become an executive chef. They worked together at a local four-star hotel and had dreams of opening their own restaurant together someday ... assuming they could ever stop fighting long enough to cooperate together on anything.
They were also voracious 'man-eaters' and competed desperately with each other by every fair and foul trick in their books to bed the others boyfriends. This wasn't just some game to them; it was as serious as war. For them the grass was always somehow greener on the other side of the fence. They were the 'sluts' and certainly dressed to play, invariably in mid-thigh (or shorter) skirts or dresses and displaying as much ample cleavage as possible.
Our main cast of eight characters was now complete.
When our dinner finally ended after 11 p.m., Rob and Marty departed with Jessica and Robin each under arm and probably broke speed records getting home to their beds. Don and Sandy had hit it off equally well but were on their way to a different North Beach coffee house and Internet café and appeared to be deeply discussing some intricacies of World of Warcraft (WOW), an on-line multiplayer computer game they both avidly played. That just left Karin and myself.
We didn't kiss or even gaze fondly into each others eyes, alas. She just shook my hand goodbye for a tenth of a second before leaving without even a brief look back. We each went straight home alone to be with our cats. I did resolve though, that I would spend less time in front of my own computer and get myself into slightly better physical shape. I wasn't quite fat but obviously losing two or three pants sizes would make me a bit more attractive. I think I had been more than a bit hurt when Karin more or less dismissed me as a potential suitor with just a depreciating glance or two.
Three weeks later Don and Sandy were in a church getting married, complete with 'virtual bridesmaids and groomsmen' from their respective WOW guilds and raiding friends on-line. Their numerous other friends came dressed in Star Trek and Star Wars costumes or dressed as other fantasy or science fiction characters. It was a fandom and CosPlay wedding run amuck. All in all, it was the geekiest wedding I had ever heard of in my life - but our bride and groom couldn't have been happier. Good for them, whatever floats their boat!
Rob and Marty had already started a fairly complicated dating dance of their own with Jessica and Robin. Overtly, both Rob and Jessica, along with Marty and Sandra were dating steadily with each other, and in practice I am 98% sure that some secret sampling of the charms and delights of the other partners was already occurring. The two couples were each just too competitive not to be discretely sampling what the other had. It was being done quietly though and if anyone other than Karin or myself noticed they had the good sense to keep their mouths shut.
On the other hand, it might have been better for everyone involved if the mess had come out into the open early, but I am still of two minds about this.
Weekends began to fall into a routine. Every Friday night, the eight of us would go to dinner and then a movie together. It was date night for everyone, except for Karin and me. We'd become at least friendly with each other, especially since the other three couples were all either married or dating seriously together and we really had no one else to talk with at the dinner table anymore now. Romance still didn't seem to be in the cards for us however, much to my regret. If Karin noticed at all that I was holding a torch for her she certainly didn't acknowledge it. For now we could at least talk about our work, our cats and the weather ... still I hoped for more someday.
Saturdays, the various couples would do 'couple things' together all day (mostly involving messing up the bed sheets) and we would sometimes all meet later briefly in the evening for drinks before the couples all went off on their own again.
Sundays, we guys had our normal round or two of golf and sometimes also tennis while the four women got together and did their own things, mostly shopping and/or brunching.
It was a nice routine and it lasted until Rob got his IPO launched and the daily grind of 'routine' started to wear at him again over the next few months. The stock launch was a resounding success and the stock price continued to rise even beyond Rob's most optimistic expectations. I cashed out about a third of my own stock when I thought it had reached a suitable profit peak and stashed away money enough to last me for a lifetime and left the remaining two-thirds alone to continue (hopefully) to increase in value.
By now, it was fairly obvious to everyone that our two sets of ultra-competitive couples had been playing musical beds fairly regularly, so it was kind of a shock to me when Rob actually did propose to Jessica. Robin, not to be at all left out, demanded that Marty then propose to her, which he did. Thus a double wedding was now in the works.
Frankly, I don't think this slowed down their bed hopping one little bit but at least their escapades once again became a bit more secretive.
Rob's main problem once again was that once he had taken his new company public, there was relatively little daily challenge left once more. He had not yet thought up his next brilliant scheme for a brand new company startup and the day-to-day details of running this company now bored him to tears. This is probably why he bought that small winery in Napa. Well, that as well as a chance to gain coup on Marty, who was the resident wine zealot. Soon Rob and Jessica were spending most of their time up in Napa. Marty and Robin countered by buying a large ranch near Walnut Creek and we began to alternate taking long weekends at each estate.
Not surprisingly, the dual wedding very nearly never came off. First of all there was the confusion over which sister the guys would actually end up marrying. There was a good bit of secret drama involved here as each sister fought and clawed for what the other one apparently had. Secondly, neither sister actually really wanted a group wedding. They were so competitive that each wanted to be married 'last' so that they could then outdo what the other one had already done.
Really, the entire situation was quite laughable and if any of them had any sense the entire idea of marriage should have been at the very least postponed until some sort of domestic order had been firmly established — in a year or two at minimum. Also, as I explained to them over dinner once, the only solution that made any sort of practical sense was for the four of them to just give up and declare a truce. Buy a big house together with a single huge bed and just have a hippie 'group marriage'.
None of them were remotely amused or happy at all with this solution ... except for Karin who laughed herself red in the face for at least five full minutes until she snorted her iced tea right out her nose!
In the end, we got the two couples married off reasonably happily with a minimum of competition. Rob and Jessica were taken away to their honeymoon in a rented 1935 Duisenberg while Marty and Robin were whisked off to theirs via a helicopter to an awaiting yacht in the Bay.
Any hopes for some peace and quiet after the big dual wedding was sadly dispelled. As we got back into the routine of visiting each estate on alternating weekends we found that their great competition had now started an entirely new and more serious phase.
Both Rob and Marty were richer than God at this point and neither Jessica and Robin had exactly come from impoverished backgrounds either, so it was a bit of a surprise when the two couples began an unbelievable domestic furnishings spending war.
Rob and Jessica would buy a Cezanne and then Marty and Robin would buy a Monet. Rob bought a Porsche for Jessica, so Robin then had to have a limited edition Jaguar. On and on it went with no signs of stopping. For the next year, every month there would be some new multi-million dollar purchase and open auction catalogs from Christie's and Sotheby's were laying around everywhere in both houses. None of them knew how to quit, or even to call it a tie.
Don and Sandy frankly thought the entire thing was hysterically funny, especially when they bought Rob and Marty a matching pair of antique 18th century dueling pistols for Christmas that year. Frankly there's not much common sense between the two of them and I couldn't shake the thought that this sort of gift was a very bad idea. Karin agreed with me that things weren't at all heading into a healthy direction but we had enough issues of our own.
From the day that Don and Sandy had gotten married, Karin had been under a great deal of pressure from all of her girlfriends to at least go through the appearances of dating me. After all, the eight of us did spend an inordinate (and probably unhealthy) amount of time with each other. By the time Rob and Jessica/Marty and Robin had tied the knot, the pressure on her was frankly unbearable. On the positive side, I was now in much better physical shape, having lost about 30 pounds and I think my sense of humor had warmed her up just a bit also. We began to date a little bit on our own — slowly — we'd hold hands and even managed to kiss on occasion, but we seemed fairly stuck right at 2nd base. Still, she did seem to enjoy her time spent with me now and we were now keeping our other friends happy by at least going through the motions of being a dating couple.
There was a slight lull in the spending war between the couples when events began to take a new and more dangerous turn. It was late spring up in Napa, and the weather, which was never too warm to begin with, took a distinctly damper and colder turn. We were all sitting outside on the deck and had drunk several bottles of wine to ward off the chill when Jessica stood up and announced that she was cold and was going to get into the hot tub. She then stripped down to her panties right in front of us and climbed in.
It was a large redwood sided hot tub that could easily hold the eight of us, and the water was indeed nicely hot. Robin, never one to back off from a challenge, stripped off all of her clothes, entirely escalating the situation. Jessica's wet panties soon joined the pile as the two sisters were now nude together in the hot tub and looking expectantly at the rest of us...
Don and Sandy shrugged and shucked off their clothes as well and joined in, leaving just Karin and myself standing clothed outside. Frankly I didn't quite know what to do next.
Karin had never quite crossed this particular part of the road before either, but she was just as competitive in her own way as Jessica and Robin. She bit her lip in annoyance but she undressed as well and I soon followed suit and joined her. It was the first time that we had seen each other nude, but I think that neither of us was too disappointed in what we discovered about the other. I was a good bit thinner and had some definite muscle definition now, plus seeing Karin nude had excited me more than a little so that my little fella had arisen a good bit and put on a more than adequate display. I'm not huge but I'm definitely not a wee-willy either.
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Beth's story.From the moment I saw robins friend I knew I liked him, he's handsome although not as good looking as robin.Lovely warm smile, a twinkle in his wise old eyes and a charm that only an older man seems to possess.During our conversation in the pub, he couldn't take his eyes off me, none of them could really, oh to be the centre of attention, now there's an aphrodisiac.I knew I wanted him after just a few minutes but held back, playing the situation.Hard to get? Not likely but I don't...
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*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. The chairperson was finishing up the announcements and then introducing her and the knot in her stomach tightened even tighter. She silently prayed to God to help her, to speak through her. ‘If I can help at least one person here tonight,’ she prayed. ‘Then it will be worth it, God. Please let me help someone else.’ She realized, with a smile, that the simple little prayer was so vastly different...
After I left robin I went back next door and found beth anxiously waiting in the kitchen eager to know how it had gone.My broad smile told her everything, she came to me and threw her arms around me, pressing herself tightly against me."Oh thank you, this is going to be the best thing ever!" She was like a giddy school girl so excited and wouldn't stop asking questions about robin and our recent conversation, it was all fine and he would be here at 8.The next hour actually went quite fast! Beth...
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ROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. if the link...
A brightly lit full moon hung in the night sky as the shadowy figure moved across the low rooftops. A sudden flash of light reflected from an approaching car illuminated the figure for a moment, before he vanished once again in a blur of yellow and red. A distant clock tower began the long chime that would end in eleven. “Looks like it’s time to call it a night.” The dark-haired youth said to himself as he pushed forward a green glove on his hand and checked the time on the watch...
Author's note.This is an addition to the Beth, Simon and Robin stories and involves my mature wife beth and her adventures with older lover robin. To recap, we are Simon and Beth, mature couple in our 40's. We have befriended the nice older gentleman next door, robin, who is 75. My wife has a thing for much older men, and so the friendship blossoms into our current threesome situation. All previous 'robin and beth' stories can be found on our profile. This is a 2 part story, the first part will...
From Batman's Robin to Catwomen's Robin (A vignette) By Belinda Batman and Robin are finishing solving another crime. This time Catwomen and King Tutt, were working together. With the help of Tutt's Mirrors, Catwomen and Tutt escape, but before they do, one thing is set... At home, Bruce and Robin Ward are in the library. Robin is studying for his speech tomorrow. His speech is one on relationships.... Based on his crime fighting career, it is sometimes difficult to be...
2 weeks had past since I revealed beths pic's to an all too eager robin. It had been more difficult at first to 'pluck up the courage' to show him those initial photos but all had gone much better than imagined.Robin, despite being a perfect gentleman outwardly, hid a dark secret, he was the original dirty old man!As I said it was difficult at first.Yes I got to talk to him alone and yes we did talk about the opposite sex, I learned early on that he, like myself, was a fan of bbws or the...
The following story is essentially true. The first part is recounted from an earlier story, and the rest continues the story of my long affair with my first cousin. The events happened pretty much as described, though some parts occurred when I was very young, and I cant remember everything precisely as it happened. Names have been changed where needed. Just a bit of background first… My grandfather molested my mother and her oldest sister when they were in their teens. Her older sister,...
The very moment I saw her, I knew she’d be easy.I was attending a local dinner party when I saw an attractive brunette standing alone in the corner of the room. She looked bored and a little rebellious as well, but I suspected that if she were to smile, she’d be gorgeous. So, before I went to meet her, I shot a few pictures with my iPhone.Then I walked over and said, “Hi! I’m Bill. You look bored.”“Robin. I am bored, but my parents won’t let me leave.”“Oh! Sorry to hear that. Maybe they’d let...
I thought of this tale while I was at work. I do make an apology to DC Comics. The characters of Joker, Batgirl, and Robin are theirs. I use them only in jest and for a tale. Fly Robin Fly Robin awoke in a deep pit. The Joker had got him with a knockout dart. He could stand up and look around. The Joker spoke, "Good Morning Robin. I will make you a deal. You climb out that pit on your own; you can go back to your nest. If you do not after three days, I will haul you out and fuck...
Robert is Robin By Robin Young This story is a combination of fiction and truth....some of the people and events are based on true experiences and contain many accurate details. Some major events have been disguised to protect the innocent and names have been changed. Some things are exaggerated. Some parts are a consolidation of events to help speed the story along (which covers about 8 years of my life). This is the story of how I came to terms with being a feminine male and how I...
Her name was Robin, she was a new hire and my boss had asked me to specifically take her under my wing and show her the ropes. I had noticed her sitting outside my bosses office when he called me in, surmising when I did that she was most likely one of the new employee's we'd recently hired on with the increase in workload we'd recently been experiencing. At least I hoped she was, she was very attractive looking, though a bit on the slim side. I knocked and then entered Jim's office...
Courtney and Robin meet Again, here are two characters originally created by other writers of TG fiction-Courtney by Katie Leone and then expanded on by me in a previous sequel to her work. Robin Smith was created by Zoe Taylor in a (so far) three volume trilogy. Since martial arts figures so prominently in many of my stories, and Robin is already established as a student of Kenpo Karate, it seemed a natural to write her into one of my own crossovers. Again, I take no credit for...
Robin - Friday morning before school I had spent part of the night tossing and turning. I know I spent much of it thinking about what Pat and I had done in the context of what we had overheard last night. Eventually I managed to fall asleep. I woke up with Pat singing a duet in the shower. I didn't hear the alarm going off in Robert's room so they either didn't use one or they turned it off before it woke me up. I needed to pee badly so I knocked on the bathroom door. Pat said come on...
Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 1 Sissies on the Town by Tawny Suede Note that this story stands separate from other stories I have posted "If you hunky men will excuse us for the moment, we girls have to go... powder our noses!" Robin said as she scootched around on the cushions of the private booth. Jamie rose and joined her. Their dates watched the two girls' rounded asses sway back and forth as the two sissies walked off to the washroom on their four inch heels! "Fuck," said...
I was getting ready to move overseas for my job and since I had a month before leaving I asked my sister if I could stay with them for a month. While it was not ideal it allowed me to ship my things which needed the month for transit to South Korea so when I arrived I would be able to move straight into the company apartment I was assigned. I did not need furniture but there was my personal property that I would want with me. I work for a multinational IT firm and my four-year assignment...
CHAPTER 2: RobinThis happened quite a few years back. I love women and would never give them up, but I can be fooled. I was trolling some porn sites recently, and saw the person in the pictures above. The site showed videos of all types together, so you would see straight, bi, shemale, etc. all on the same page. One of the video stills showed the person above - a performer called Jacqueline Dark (you can look her up if you wish). I see her and am instantly taken back years to another person I...
This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Consider this a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. Our imaginations do not necessarily work within the usual DC Comics realm. From Eric - Ever since I read Steve's great story, "Batgirl: Who, me?", I've been obsessed with it and he, kind and gracious as always,...
The continuation of our steamy night.....Beth cleaned herself off again, instructing me to get on the sofa next to robin, where she proceeded to treat us both to long oral session, taking it in turns to suck our cocks.We were soon rock hard again and this time she wanted to taste him properly. I got down behind her again for the classic spit roast position, this time determined to make her cum, I reached under between her legs, rubbing her clit while sliding slowly in and out.She moaned softly,...
Robin Four By Robin Y. My name is Robin and I am a male (at least I was born that way) who lives as a woman. In my business I meet a lot of people, most of whom are quite wealthy. Most of the people I come into contact with through my business are women and I would like to tell you of a recent conversation I had with one of these women. I will call her Martha, (although I am changing the names of all the people in the story to protect their privacy)....Well, Martha comes to me one day...
Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 5 Jimmy gets fired - Jamie takes charge by Tawny Suede Jamie Olsen hated Mondays, because on Monday morning she had to go back to being boring Jimmy Olsen after having spent all of the weekend as Jamie! Sunday evening had been disappointing. As usual she had been out on her street corner on the stroll. Last night she had chosen to look extra trampy, wearing torn stockings, her five inch heels, and her black leather shorty shorts and bra set. But it had...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! I wrote a story a few years...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I was a nineteen year old sophomore in best friend decided on having a sleepover. I ogled these 18 year high school seniors in their nightclothes and it wasn't long before I had to retire to my room because my anatomy was betraying me. As I lay on my bed with shorts and no shirt I again was thinking that the girls were hot looking and I had the starting of an erection. I ran my hand under the waistband of my shorts and felt the head of my now almost...
IncestRobin - Waking up I woke up still snuggling with Pat. As I looked at Patricia and Patrick sleeping facing me, I started thinking about all the changes in my life that have happened this week. One of the first things that occurred to me was that several of the changes that have happened to me were started directly or indirectly because I was placed into The Naked in School Program his week. A week ago last Monday was the first day of school, and because of that, we had an assembly. During...
A bedtime tale from Robin (Timmy or Missy! Which is it?) By Robin Y. Today I was shopping for lingerie when I ran into an old friend. She and I attended Beauty College together but drifted apart when she graduated. I had not seen her in over 5 years....the last time we met was for coffee and she told me about this incident that she observed at the salon she was working at. It seems that one of the salons good clients would always come in at closing time (I think her business...
Chapter 1 I was a nineteen year old sophomore in college, still living a home when my sister and her best friend decdied on having a sleepover. I ogled these 18 year high school seniors in their nightclothes and it wasn't long before I had to retire to my room because my anatomy was betraying me. As I lay on my bed with shorts and no shirt I again was thinking that the girls were hot looking and I had the starting of an erection. I ran my hand under the waistband of my shorts and felt the...
An unusual quiet filled the air of Sherwood Forest as the heavily armed band of travelers made their way through the woods. Watchful Knights scanned the treetops; ever alert for signs of the dreaded outlaws that inhabited these groves. This band was but the latest gathered by the Lord High Sheriff to deliver the tax revenues to Nottingham Castle. A task made near impossible by the advent of the outlaw, Robin Hood. No one had ever personally seen Robin Hood, or was even sure who he really was....
It was Thursday and I took the day off. I knew that Robin had to work late and she had mentioned that Olivia would be home. Now that Olivia was eighteen years old Robin thought Olivia needed more freedom and let her stay by herself for longer periods of time. This was the perfect day for the payment. I arrived at 2:00 pm and was welcomed by Olivia. She was a little quiet but not too much so. “Hi, Uncle Mark. Mom told me you wanted to swim.” “Yeah. I thought it would be nice to go...
Robin - Thursday morning before school I woke up with the new sensation of someone laying down next to me. Now that in itself is not unusual, since many of the times that both of my bodies sleep in the same bed I wake up with them pressed against each other. The unusual part was that I had never woken up with Robert's cock against a girl's ass and Roberta's tits against a guy's chest. Still half asleep I raised up Robert's head. Looking at the alarm clock, I saw that it was about half...
Robin - Experiment Results I woke up in two strange rooms this morning and realized something. For the first time in my life, I had not gotten sick in spite of not sleeping with my Twin at least in the same room or in rooms fixed up like mine. Of course, the fact that I woke up next to Pat might have something to do with that. When I woke up, Robert was snuggling against Patricia's back and holding her tit in her parent's bedroom. At the same time, Roberta was feeling Patrick against her...
I am Robin I graduated from University with a first class honours degree in Art and Design. The greatest thrill of my life was being presented with my Degree Certificate although it was tinged with sadness that my parents were not there to witness the ceremony as they had both died rather suddenly during my final year at University. I have always wanted to work in the world of art, and I know I have good artistic skills and I also enjoy all works of art that are around me; whether it...
Breakfast was just what I needed. Toast, bacon, and eggs. All made with just the right seasonings. Bacon that is crisp and with a hint of brown sugar is delicious. It is easy to coat and put in the oven for a rich taste. The toast was made using a French bread cut on the bias. It was toasted lightly on both sides and then butter is smeared across one side and melted. Eggs must be slow cooked and fluffy. And with a hint of cheese adds nice flavor. Of course, I could eat plenty. We...
ROBIN GIRL WONDER - Part 4 - YIN AND YANG This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. NOTE: Thank you to readers who leave comments! I've tried to incorporate some of your suggestions in this final chapter -- a little less rushed (I hope), a little more description. It's still a quick read; sort of like a comic book. The loose ends are...
Robin Moves Uptown By Robin Young My name is Robin and for the last three years I have managed a full service boutique in Houston, Texas. The mother (Susan) of a friend (Rene') is the primary owner of the establishment, but has given me a 25% ownership of the business as part of my three year compensation plan. Susan is well fixed financially. Since I've known her she has sold her stock in the beauty school where I met her (for a nice sum of money), received a Life Insurance payment...
The week went by fast. Telework can be very busy especially when you are answering questions for the new guy in South Korea. Bob was the new lucky guy selected to replace me. I remember the calls I made when I was the new replacement. We were also developing a new wireless security system that needed a lot of document and technical reviews. I did not get a lot of time to spend with Robin or Olivia. To make matters worse, I had not had time to find my own female companionship. Five...
Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 3 Jamie's story by Tawny Suede The few days before the date in Part 1... The car pulled up at the curb and Jamie got out of the passenger side door. She was a bit wobbly on her three inch heels. The car sped away fast, as if the driver was feeling guilty about what he and Jamie had just done. Jamie opened her purse and tucked away the fifty dollars she had stuck in her bra shortly after getting into the car. She also pulled out a cigarette and lit...
I was just sitting on my bed reading when my little sister burst into my room. She had a big smile and her face was glowing like the sun. "I have a great idea!" she announced. For siblings, we got along pretty well, and though I didn't like to puncture her balloon, I was startled enough to exclaim, "Geez Marian, how about a knock first?" That stopped her in her tracks, barely inside my room. She regrouped. "It's not like your door was shut." True, but it's not like it was wide open...
Robin - Monday morning before school Today was the first day of my second week of school here in Abilene and I still had not met anyone who I felt I could call a friend. Actually, because of my situation I am somewhat shy with most people. I know that not everyone can accept people like me that have two bodies sharing the same brain. Jason has never mentioned it to me, but the way he talks to me about his luck with dates, I sometimes think that I might be partially to blame for that. My...
Robin - Varsity initiation After the game, the team Captain and MVP, Melissa Anderson, invited Patrick and Robert to join the varsity team in their post-game shower. Patrick and I told her that we would have to talk about that with our girlfriends before giving her an answer. Melissa then went back inside the locker room. Inside she told Patricia and Roberta that Patrick and Robert wanted to talk to them. Since they had been talking with some of the varsity players they were still dry when...