How I Met My Soulmate free porn video

It was another boring day at work. Coworkers were steadily coming and going from my office, showing up to dump the next problem on me, and goon about their day. Finally, five o’clock came and the stream of new problems ceased. ‘Just a few more hours and I can go finally home, get some sleep, come back, and start again, ‘ I thought. How could I have gotten into such a rut. I guess that’s why I excelled at this job, because I really didn’t care if I went home or not. An ungrateful boring wife and two ungrateful kids were all that were waiting for me at home.
‘Oh well,’ I sighed, ‘let me go catch a quick smoke and I’ll come back and finish today’s stack of problems.” I stepped out the back door and lit a cigarette. As I stood there and smoked it, Tom, a guy from our newly formed marketing group, stepped out from the adjoining door. We greeted each other and exchanged small talk.
I glanced through the door and what did I see, but the most stunning girl I had ever seen, walking towards me. Small frame, nice legs, nice perky tits, long brown hair down to her perfect ass, and was flashing the warmest smile I had ever seen. Still out of earshot of her, I muttered, ‘Holy crap. Who is she?’
‘Oh, that’s Renee’, Tom replied.
I was totally speechless as she smiled, cocked her head to the side, and said hello. Other than saying hello, I stood there like an idiot while Tom and her talked. I couldn’t get a sentence out, but I knew somehow, I had to make her mine. I finished my cigarette, told them that it was nice to meet the two of them, and went back to my office. I sat there, head in hands, mentally beating myself up for not coming up with something clever.
Later that evening, I walked back out and lingered by the adjoining back doors again. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Tom walked back out and I started grilling him. Who is she, what’s her story, what do you know about her, anything I could find out. It turns out the two of them were friends. He knew the attraction was there. It turns out, she had been grilling him about me too. I’m a firm believer in no office romance. I didn’t know what to do with this.
She came out again and we engaged in small talk. Where we lived, where we grew up, both married and such. She told me her husband was out of town a lot and she was basically on her own. I thought that was a big plus.
We kept the flirting going for a couple of weeks and suddenly the two of them disappeared. Turns out, the marketing department came up with a rule that the workers didn’t agree with, and they all quit. ‘There goes my dream girl,’ I thought, and sulked back to my office.
A few days later, I was dropping something off at the receptionist’s desk. She was on the phone when I came up and she told the caller to hold on a second. She covered the mouthpiece up and said, ‘You’ll never guess who’s on the phone asking about you.’ I shrugged my shoulders and stood there looking at her. ‘It’s Renee’ she said.
Not even asking, I reached over and took the receiver out of her hand. ‘Hey, beautiful. I’ve really missed you. How are you?” A few minutes of small talk and I finally got my nerve up. ‘We have to meet somewhere,’ I stammered.
She paused and told me that she couldn’t right now and she would have to call me back. I was devastated.
I thought ‘This is it. She shot me down. It’s all over’ I was heartbroken.
I slowly walked to my office, head held down, feeling like it was the end of the world. About that time, over the loudspeaker to answer line two. I picked it up and halfheartedly said hello.
The most beautiful voice I had ever heard said ‘Come on lover, you don’t think I’m going to set up a date while you’re sitting on the receptionist’s lap, do you?’
“There is a god’ I thought. We quickly set up a meeting at a local walking trail.
I raced to the park, hopped out of my vehicle and ran up the hill. There she sat on a picnic table, leaning back on her hands, flashing that beautiful smile. ‘Come on handsome’ she cooed and we walked up the trail talking.
She looked around and made sure no one was around. We stepped off the trail to a low concrete wall. She pushed me against the wall and without a word started kissing me passionately. I felt my cock stiffening as she kissed me while slowly running her hand down my chest. She didn’t stop until she got to my cock.
I jumped a little at the sudden touch, thinking I was in heaven. She stopped kissing me, thinking I was jumping because I didn’t want her touching it. I said, ‘Don’t stop now,’ and she continued to kiss me and rub my hard on.
Finally, she stopped kissing me, grabbed me with both hands by the shirt collar, and sweetly said, ‘Do you want to fuck me?’
‘Hell yes,’ I stammered, ‘but my place is a problem.
‘Mine’s not,’ she said. “ I’ll race you.”
Quick as a flash, we were almost running to the parking lot to go back to her place. Once we got to her house, I thought for just an instant about what would happen if her husband came home. I decided that I didn’t really care. We went to the bedroom and started kissing and disrobing each other. I picked her up off the floor and lowered her into the bed. I knew this was going to be good. I had never been with a girl this beautiful and I knew I had to give it the performance of a lifetime.
I slowly licked her pussy, alternating swirling my tongue around, shoving it into that sweet box as far as it would go, and then slowly sliding up to her clit. Suddenly, she grabbed my head and pushed it into those sweet juicy loins.
Taking my cue, I sped my tongue up and concentrated on her clit. I could see wave after wave of ecstasy wrack her body. Gasping, she finally pushed my head away and said ‘You gotta give me a minute.’ I thought to myself that this was a good sign. I started kissing her again and she pulled me on top her. She had been playing with my hard cock and knew it was hard. I plunged it in and ground it home while kissing and biting her neck. She erupted again in a massive orgasm.
‘I’ve got her now,’ I thought. And now to give her the performance of my life. I rose and started to push her ankles over to really give it to her.
‘Oh no you don’t’ she cried and like a cat, flipped out of my ankle hold on her and pushed me to the bed. ‘Now it’s your turn,’ she exclaimed. I was thinking to myself I was down for a good blow job.
Describing her skills as a good blow job is like describing Mount Everest as just a good hill. She latched onto my cock with her mouth and I thought I was going to have a stroke. Feeling her alternately sucking, swirling, and bobbing her head up and down on my shaft was amazing.
I’m one of those guys that don’t come with a blow job, but was thinking to myself that if I ever did, it would be in the sweet mouth. It was beyond a shadow of a doubt, the best I ever had. And it didn’t stop there. After so many years of being on top, I started to grab her and push her down on the bed. That’s where I go the next shocker. She hopped on top of me and started riding me harder than I had ever been ridden. Hands on my chest and pushing away, sliding her pussy up and down my shaft. Sitting straight up rocking back and forth. And then the clincher of putting her hands on my thighs, pushing as hard as she could with her pelvis, and tossing her head back and forth, with her long beautiful brown hair brushing back and forth across my balls.
‘This is it,’ I thought and bellowed like a bull as I shot my hot cum into her pussy. I had never cum so hard and fast into a girl before. My dick was spewing cum like a machine gun and she wouldn’t stop. I was enjoying it so much and it started feeling too good. That’s when I got the uncontrollable giggles.
‘What’s so funny?,’ she asked. ‘Did I do something wrong? Why are you laughing at me?” She was thinking I was laughing at her. I grabbed her in my arms and kissed her madly. I told her that it was so intense, that I got the giggles. That had never happened to me before. I knew, somehow, we would both have to shed our spouses. I knew at that moment I loved her more than life itself and we were destined to be together. After great conversation, hot flirting, and incredible sex, I knew I had just had my first sexual encounter with my soul mate.
Dedicated to my real life soul mate, Renee.

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