- 3 years ago
- 28
- 0
Last summer, I’d been living in the City since the previous fall, and was finally used to the noise and bustle. I worked at the Big Bean slinging coffee, spending my pay as it came in on rent and fun. I went to casting calls when they came up, and was avoiding deciding whether I was going to try college the coming fall if the stage didn’t end up calling my name, or if I would roll another year. I had a roommate I rarely saw, some friends, even a couple boyfriends. Most of the time I felt like I was holding my breath, waiting for something.
I woke up to a painful pulling on my arms. I shook my head to clear it and squinted through foliage into the sunlit sky. I was outside, in a wood, somewhere away from the city, by the sounds and smells. More alarming and confusing though – I was in chains. Large metal bands, clasped just above my ankles, held my feet, a little more than shoulder length apart, to large stakes in the leaf-covered ground. A my cuffed wrists hung from chains attached to a head-level tree branch about a yard in front of my feet. I had to sway my weight and catch hold of the branch with one hand, then the other to pull myself up from the sagging, hanging position I’d been in. Now I leaned far forward to hold onto the branch so that the cuffs didn’t pull or dig.
Still groggy, trying to remember what had happened, I was taken completely by surprise when a hand grabbed and pulled at my long hair, forcing my head back to look through branches into the cloudless sky. Simultaneously, a mouth connected with my pussy lips, a wet tongue snaking between my dry labia to begin an intimate and unwelcome dance. I shrieked at the shock of it, not having even been fully aware of my nudity or its implications until that point. I tried to move away from the oral attack, and got my hair yanked for my efforts. When that didn’t deter me, another hand entwined with my pubic hair, grabbed it, and pulled to hold me steady. I gasped at the additional pain and held mostly still, realizing there was no way I could truly escape.
The mouth was very talented, and my pussy’s own lubrication quickly joined its copious saliva. The tongue would pass over my clit and send shocks of unwelcome sensation through me, but my fear and confusion prevented true arousal – for a while. Wet slurping and smacking sounds accompanied and punctuated the cunnilingual assault as my inner and outer lips were nibbled and sucked. The tongue teased my inner thighs, and dove into my slit. The random attacks on unexpected targets forced gasps of surprise and alarm from me.
After some time, I realized my knees were bent, my body lowered, my thighs spread wider. I’d unconsciously opened myself to the molesting mouth. On the purely physical side, I could not deny that it felt good. It felt better than good, in fact. I was still confused and scared, and morally repulsed at the liberties my unseen ‘partner’ was taking without my consent. But as the minutes slobbered on, far too soon for my moral comfort, I found myself caring less about where I was or how I got there. All I wanted was for that tongue not to stop. My eyes began tearing from shame and inner conflict as I felt an orgasm building. How could I let that happen? How could I not? I had tried to fight and failed. It didn’t seem like I had any choice, and the pressure – the pleasure being forced upon me – was relentless.
Then it stopped. The hands released me. The tongue began to trail up over my mound to my belly. Frantically I looked down, a protest on my lips. I don’t know whether I would have made a demand to be let go or a plea for the other kind of release, because all words failed me when I saw the soft red curls of the head at my stomach, licking up between my breasts, green eyes rising to meet mine. A woman. A woman had been doing all that to me.
I recognized her. She bought coffee sometimes at the Bean. We’d never spoken or interacted beyond the transaction before, but now I responded robotically for a moment as her mouth rose to mine, my taste all over her lips and tongue. Confused, afraid, turned on, I pulled away, looking at her, and stopped again with the jolt of memory. I’d been helping her get a large takeout order to her car. It was had been just before the morning rush – almost broad daylight! It was the last thing I remembered before coming to here. The look in her eyes now was the same as what I’d seen just before… Her face was beautiful, as was the rest of her. She was naked, too.
‘Not sure you liked it, Mindy?’ She asked gently mocking, ‘I think you did.’ Of course she knew my name, it was on my tag at work. One of her hands settled on my mound, fingers stroking my wet outer lips. At the touch, my hips pushed forward of their own volition, before I jerked them back away. I knew I was blushing at my body’s reaction, and doubly embarrassed when her quick, knowing smile told me she knew exactly what was going on in my mind and body. She patted my mound lightly, as if soothing a pet, then continued rubbing.
I tried to stutter some protest, or explanation, or demand, but she cut me off.
‘It’s OK. Everything will be just fine. There’s plenty of time to see about that. Perhaps, for now, you would prefer something else?’
With those words, ‘something else’ slid between my legs. It was thicker, hotter, pushing between her fingers and my outer lips, sliding up along my slit. I looked down to see the flared head rub up over my clit and into my pubic patch. I shuddered and moaned a confused protest.
‘I know, dear girl, your pussy wanted to cum for me, but I’m sure you’ll have fun with the more… conventional approach as well.’
The long shaft drew back and sawed forward again, bathing in the mixed saliva and intimate fluids that coated my thighs and pussy. I stood on my tiptoes trying to get away, but that didn’t improve things any. I tried to close my legs as much as possible and hunch my lower body forward, but that just pushed my crotch harder into her hand. My heart beat faster and adrenaline sang in by blood as the feeling of being truly trapped sank in.
‘Of course, I would love nothing more than getting you off a few times. You taste so sweet.’
She took her hand from between my legs and raised it to her lips. She sniffed it as if testing a perfume, then licked her fingers while looking right at me. I didn’t think I could blush any harder than I was. Her eyes, and the now well-lubricated shaft sliding between my legs made me shiver. After tasting me on her fingers, she returned her saliva-cleaned hand to my mound, turning small circles in my pubic hair. I wasn’t being restrained other than at the wrists and ankles at the moment, but I had stopped my fruitless attempts to avoid the intimate touches. Like a deer in headlights, the warring physical and emotional sensations had me momentarily paralyzed. Then she sighed and spoke again.
‘We could play for a long time, you and I, and we will… We will. But for now we really should be about the task of getting you pregnant.’
As I stared at her in shock, not believing my ears, two strong hands grabbed my hips as the shaft drew back one more time and changed angles.
Too late, I tried to jerk away. The hands held me steady and all I could do was scream as the cock plunged up into me.
Stunned, I stared into the lust-filled eyes of my female tormentor as the cock crammed in, filling me. Her right hand rubbed gently down my belly to splay over my mound, index and middle finger V-ing open to slide across my split labia, letting the cock pass between them into me. As the shaft pressed deeper and deeper, she pushed at me to rotate my hips back, better positioning me to recieve the full length. My mouth and eyes widened as the hot poker of flesh kept on coming. A muscled, hairy crotch pressed her fingers against my body as the cock bottomed out inside me. I was stuffed so full I almost couldn’t breathe. Still holding my gaze with hers, she reached her left hand underneath and cupped the heavy balls now hanging below my impaled entrance.
‘Yes. This will do nicely. I’m sure he has enough to do the job.’
I tried to protest, to say that it wasn’t the right time, as much to reassure myself as to convince whomever these insane people were. The cock pulled out and shoved back in faster and harder than the first time, changing my plea into an undignified shriek. Her next words made me shudder.
‘Oh, no. Don’t you worry, Mindy. You’re as ready as you can be. We’ve done all the necessary checking. We’ve been planning this for a while.’
The shaft pulled out and plowed in again. I moaned in anguish – and arousal. My stomach felt light. The shaft pressed in towards my center and there was nothing I could do to stop it. However unwillingly, the woman’s mouth had excited my body a great deal, and the sexual heat had not completely faded despite the many shocks of the last few minutes. The sliding friction of the cock now beginning to fuck me summoned those erotic feelings back, heedless of my distress.
As the hot cock pulled out once more, the fingers on my pussy began to rub again, moving up to tease and massage my clit. The other hand rose to my hanging breasts, to grope them and pinch at my nipples. Her green eyes kept staring into mine.
‘Let’s see if we can make you cum before he does…’
She cut off my protests with her mouth on mine as the cock fucked in again, harder and faster.
I tried to fight. I tried to cry out, to scream ‘NO!’ To ask why. Her lips and fingers, his driving cock, made it so hard to speak and think.
‘Why? Are you trying to ask why?’ She asked after pulling back momentarily. Sobbing, and gasping with each deep thrust, I could only nod.
‘Its simple really, Master and Mistress want a baby.’
My confusion must have shown through everything else. She spoke as if explaining something to a child.
‘My dear husband, Master, and I, Mistress, want to have a child. And I… well, I can’t.’
The matter-of-factness of the words were completely at odds with the events they were describing. Despite the rhythmic overfilling-emptying sensation in my pussy, the sheer absurdity of it all almost made me laugh – almost.
‘I lost my chance a long time ago. An unfortunate illness took my ovaries, and almost my life.’ A shadow crossed her features briefly – a flash of longing and regret I never saw again.
‘Besides,’ she continued quickly, ‘I like my belly nice and flat,’ she continued, rubbing her stomach and mine with her hands. ‘Like yours is, too, for now.’ I could only grunt in reply, as a particularly hard thrust jabbed my pussy.
‘We knew going into our partnership we wanted children, and given our… bents… we’d been thinking of something like this from the beginning. Oh, sure, we were also considering adoption, and it was a real possibility, if we hadn’t found you. Why just have a child when we can have a pretty baby _and_ get a sweet playmate for the both of us? We both agreed that I’d pick. I looked for someone we would both like, someone we knew we could make play with us. We watched other girls, even auditioned a few.’
I couldn’t understand half of what she meant. Perhaps it was because half of my attention was diverted to the continual stuffing and vacating of my pussy, and the dance of her fingers on my skin. She was still talking.
‘Yours went the best. So we watched you closely, learned more about you, your habits, your potential. And, in the end, I picked you.’ Her words were breathy. She was aroused herself. But – audition? None of my casting calls were ever anything like this! I’d never even considered doing a ‘couch call’ like some of my acquaintances had done to get into a production.
‘We’ll take care of you, of course. Anything for the mother of our baby.’ She was rubbing my pussy and breasts again, slowly, almost reverently. I shivered as if freezing, though the sun through the trees was warm on my sweating body. I was NOT like… whatever the hell she meant! I couldn’t be. But somehow, while she’d been speaking, my legs had bowed again. My ankles strained against the cuffs and my toes dug into the soft forest litter. My turned-up rear end and arched back made the angle perfect for ‘Master’ as he pulled me to him, burying his full length in me over and over. I moaned desperately, unable to move myself away.
Somewhere inside me, deeper than even the long shaft could reach, something was clicking, turning. A part of me I never knew I had, or never dared think about except in nearly forgotten lurid dreams, stirred. Like the exhalation of a long-held breath. Something in me was opening – and ‘Master’ and ‘Mistress’ were here, filling it – filling me – with themselves, literally, as well as figuratively.
I lost track of the time. Resolve and resistance had no use or meaning, so they melted away. The fear that I thought would keep me above and safe from the morass of lust was still there, but it had merged into a disturbing melange of combined sexual foreboding and fulfillment. The strange new emotions flowering in me threatened to drown everything else out. And the cock wouldn’t stop. God, it filled me so completely! And the fingers tickling my clit, teasing my breasts, the tongue on my hard, aching nipple… A higher pitched cry escaped me as I fought to catch my breath.
‘Ohhh. You’re going to cum. That’s so sweet. You’re going to cum for Master. And me. Go on. Let him know you want it. Let your body tell him. To make a baby inside you. You feel it. You can do it.’
I sobbed, trying to deny it, but ‘Mistress’ was right. I was rapidly rising to climax. God help me. While he fucked me hard and fast, pulling me back onto his every long stroke, her fingers rubbed side to side over my clit. Her left hand was busy with one breast, while her mouth returned to suckling the other. My mouth was free to plead and cry and moan and I did it all to no avail. Then, I felt the telltale fluttering in my belly and drew a deep gasping breath, tightening agonizingly for a terrifying final release. As the tingling spread across my body, I heard Mistress’ voice once more.
‘Oh, yessss..’
Her hot mouth was back on my nipple as my climax hit. It was worse than I could have imagined. My entire body rocked in a seizure of pleasure. My internal muscles squeezed the shaft hard as it speared deeply, slowing it little, but doubling its fantastic wet friction inside me. My body released and clenched again, every muscle straining, senseless sounds coming from my mouth. My pussy gripped at the retreating cock as if trying to keep it locked inside, which I desperately wanted and feared in equal measure.
Fingers pinched my clit and one nipple, a mouth bit lightly on the other. I screamed with my third spasm, the mild pain churning and blending into the avalanche of pleasure and fear. My pussy squeezed the returning cock. It seemed even harder, hotter, longer now that I was totally focused inward. It slammed fully into me with a slap of wet flesh on flesh. Then, a shudder, throb, and surge deep within me. He was cumming too!
The first gout of sperm erupted into me as I released and clamped down. I didn’t so much feel it as simply _know_ it was happening. The cock swelled, a second jet creaming the entrance to my womb to my cry of despair. I came thunderously, helplessly around Master’s discharging cock, my contractions syncopated with his ejaculations. In the ultimate betrayal, my pussy milked the pulsing shaft, coaxing it to empty all its seed into me, blinding me with shuddering waves of pleasure. His vice-grip hands held me pressed and locked back against his body, trapping his shaft completely within me. Gush after gush spurt into me as the cock remained buried to the hilt. I felt the pressure of the accumulating semen grow inside me, the fat pulsing shaft plugging my stretched pussy, preventing anything from squeezing out, leaving only one direction for the millions of sperm to go. And, for a nightmare instant, I wanted it more than anything in the world…
I found I was staring into green eyes. She’d released my breasts, her hands now resting lightly on my chest and belly, feeling my racing heart and tensing abdomen. As I cried out helplessly, her eyes alternately looked deeply into mine, then past me, presumably to Master. Her face flushed and amazed as she stared, her breathing ragged.
‘Oh, god, oh god, oh god…’ It was as if she was cumming too.
Sensation overwhelmed me as the straining cock trembled and throbbed a final few times, emptying its last laden drops into me. My sounds of ecstasy and despair drowned out Mistress’ whispers and Master’s grunts. And then, finally, it was over. I collapsed, still jerking and shuddering with aftershock. My hands slipped from the branch and the cuffs bit into my wrists. I didn’t care. My legs gave out and I hung, held up only by the chains and the strong hands on my hips. I was only dimly aware of the tinkling sounds of unlocking, of falling forward into arms of the woman I could no longer see because I’d closed my eyes.
Feminine hands rubbed my belly, ‘That will do, I think. Excellent work. Knocked up that little cunt nice and deep. And she liked it.’
I barely heard the words, but I trembled and sobbed quietly knowing they were true.
More metal clanking and one of my legs was free, leaving only one ankle loosely chained to the last stake. The hands at my hips pulled forward and drew slowly me off the still-hard cock. A river of sperm poured from my open, taken pussy and ran down my legs. It only took one, though.
I was lowered gently to the ground, where I curled up into the fetal position, wishing it all away.
‘You liked that, my studboy, didn’t you? Show Mistress how much. Fuck me. Fuck and tell me how it felt to make a baby.’
‘Yes, Mistress.’ His first real words were low and harsh to my ears.
I dimly heard the sounds of sex begin again, grateful that I wasn’t the target this time, and amazed that Master was still able after what he’d just done to me. They talked dirty between grunts, and I knew I was being referred to several times. Mistress was loud and foul-mouthed, cumming more than once as their bodies slapped together. I thought maybe I could get away while they were distracted – if I could pull the stake from the ground. I couldn’t muster the strength to move, much less try to escape. Could I run? Where? Could I fight them if I had to? Did I really want to?
The last question brought me up short. Everything had happened so quickly, so easily. Did this one event, however traumatic, have power over the rest of my life? Had it changed me? I felt hopeless and defeated. But that wasn’t the whole of it. I felt somehow, also, kind of… complete? My mind and body shuddered at the implications. It was scarier to think that something dark and twisted had always been in me and just been let out. Traumas you recover from over time – but can you escape your true nature? Should you? It was too much to grasp. Too much to think about. Maybe I was what Mistress had said I was. Maybe I always had been and didn’t know it. Whatever else I thinking, or fearing, or wondering about myself, I wasn’t moving to try to get free. And maybe that was the answer to all my questions.
‘Oooh. God, Master. You are such a fucking man. Uuuhmmmm. MmmHmmmm. Getting ready to shoot again?’ Her words were clipped and gasping because of the pounding she was taking. A growl from him sounded in the affirmative.
‘Don’t waste it in me. Put it in our little Mommy. Go on, now.’
The words had barley sunk in when I felt his hand on my leg. He grabbed my calf and rolled me onto my back. The chained ankle stayed put as he pulled my other foot away from it, spreading my legs and kneeling between them. I saw him for the first time. Master was gorgeous – a tall, muscular, Adonis. In a flash, I realized I knew him, too! There _had_ been a casting call! A real one, months ago, for some production I’d never heard of. I’d gotten the flyer in the mail – I’d thought from one of the lists I’d signed up for. There had only been a few other girls there, and the scene had been from some period drama where a domineering nobleman was ordering the servant girl around. There had been no sexual overtones to the audition at all – that I had been able to tell.
His cock was thick and long, veined and throbbing. I had trouble believing I had taken it all the way into me once. But here it was lowering to my messy, semen-bathed pussy a second time. He filled me in one smooth, deep stroke, as if coming home to rest, his smiling groan of appreciation a counterpoint my wail of denial and protest, no less sincere for the thoughts whirling in my head. The reality of him in me felt so right and perfect, but so wrong and unwelcome at the same time. The instincts of society gave me momentary resolve and I tried to reach up and push him away, but Mistress took hold of my wrists and raised them above my head, looking lustily down my body as her lover took me a second time. I refused to acknowledge the w isps of relief when my ability to resist was taken away.
‘Go on. Fill her up. Give us twins.’ She chuckled at her own joke as Master began to fuck me again. My free leg flailed uselessly as he raised and lowered onto me, his pelvis slapping against mine, his hands supporting him on the ground either side of me, holding him up high enough for Mistress to watch every thrust leading up to my second insemination. My whines weakened and quieted as my strength and will failed. I was helpless under them. I was going to have their child.
‘You recognize Master? I thought you would. We saw you sneaking glances at him during the audition. We both thought yours was the best. Not because you’re such a great actress, which I’m sorry to say you’re not. It was a good thing for us, though – it made your natural submissiveness that much easier to see. You fit the role well, but because of what you really are, rather than due to your acting skill. You virtually told us you were the one. And, of course, Master and I thought your hot little body would be a great fuck. We were both right, weren’t we darling?’
An enthusiastic grunt was the only reply. His thrusts became stronger and more erratic as he began to really lose control. He sounded more like an animal than a man now, rutting harder, mating from pure instinct. My mind and body jolted with each impact of him against and in me. I want to say I was numb from it all, but I would be lying. Raw and used as I was, my insides churned with memories of orgasm, and with the stirrings of new pleasure.
‘That’s it! Fuck her! Cum in her! Yes! Kiss me!’ She commanded as he let out a guttural cry. Their mouths met above me as he slammed brutally forward one last time. His grunts and pants escaped their dueling tongues as his cock exploded in me again, ejaculating a second load of semen into my unprotected body. Neither of them were in any state to realize that I was cumming again, too. My pussy clenched weakly around the steel shaft. They didn’t notice, but I did, and I was mortified. My body answered the questions my mind had balked at. Not that it mattered. Master surged and poured into me, and finally, finally subsided. They continued kissing as he slowly softened within my overfull, overused pussy.
They broke their kiss. Master leaned over to my left side, and I heard metallic sounds as my ankle came free of the last of the restraints. Mistress’s words echoed my own thoughts as I sobbed quietly.
‘I don’t think she’s about to go anywhere now.’ Master’s strong hands moved again to my legs, sliding under my knees to lift and bend them towards me. ‘Hold these,’ he told her, then he slipped his flaccid length from me.
She’d moved forward, straddling my chest with her naked, wet crotch to take hold of my legs. My arms stayed stretched above my head where she’d left them. The way I was positioned now, my abused pussy was turned upward to her gaze. Nothing would be spilling out of it now.
‘Oh, you poor dear.’ Her words were of mock pity. ‘Your poor cunny’s so red and raw. Was Master too rough on you? Let Mistress make it better.’
I could barely muster a groan as her mouth descended to me. Her lips and tongue grazed my inflamed sex. I didn’t believe that anything could have touched me now without hurting, but she was gentle, delicate, even soothing. I could not suppress a sigh of relief. The fact it was a woman doing these things was just another drop of rain in the storm.
She blew gently over my sensitive, fevered skin, and I shivered at the cooling sensation. ‘That’s better, isn’t it? See? We’ll take care of you. I promise. We’ll show you things you’ve never dreamed of. You’ll never want to leave us.’
She shifted her weight on me, settling in to gently nuzzle and lick my sloppy sperm-soaked pussy. I realized her pussy was poised nearly over my face. Though my half closed eyes, I saw it was wet and still open from her recent copulation with Master, and I was both repulsed and intrigued by its folds and scents. I’d never seen a vagina this close before.
A hand obscured my view. Master was sliding something cool around my neck, gently snapping it in place. It was a metal choker of some kind. A collar, I thought, and shivered from more than just the tongue and breath on my pussy. Master’s hands caressed around Mistress’ rear, then one moved to cup her mons. A middle finger slipped between her labia and delved into her steamy slit. I felt her quick exhalation of breath on my own pussy.
‘Ohhhh, Master, you dirty boy.’
‘Yes, Mistress,’ he chuckled. ‘Don’t mind me. Just clean up our new Mommy now.’
‘Yes, Master’
I was too tired, too far gone to care about their new game. I closed my eyes. Mistress’ ministrations, the lightest of touches, felt good. I let it carry me away from all that had happened, from all that I didn’t know about what would happen next. Now was all that mattered, feeling good was all that mattered, rest was all that mattered. Dimly I heard her moaning into me. Gentle waves of pleasure radiated from my vagina, washing over me, carrying me away, a sweet taste on my lips.
A few days later, they helped me break my sublet contract and move out of my apartment, to the ‘guest’ room in the back of their big old brownstone in the posh Park district. Surprisingly, I still had my job at the Big Bean. Mistress had called in for me, saying I’d been sick. The twinkle in her eye hinted she might have persuaded my boss in other ways as well.
Master and Mistress – I learned their real names eventually, but never used them except in public – had me each night, every morning, sometimes in between. No matter what else they did, they always made me cum for them. Even those first days, when I was still trying to convince myself I could resist them, that I wanted to break free, it always ended with me shaking and crying in ecstasy at their hands, or tongues, or on his cock.
I didn’t run when I finally had the chance and the strength. I didn’t go to the police or my doctor. I didn’t tell anyone. I went out with my old friends and said nothing, and my friends treated me no differently. Either I was a better actress than Mistress had said, or my friends were better than I could tell.
Sometimes Mistress made me lick her while Master fucked me. I learned how to make another woman cum while getting stuffed from behind.
I phoned my mom on the weekend, like always, and said nothing, even when they made me call her once sitting on Master’s lap, with his hot shaft buried and throbbing in me.
Master always came in my pussy. Except when Mistress said she wanted to ‘her try,’ then he would jerk off into a wine glass or something, and Mistress would slurp the white juice up into a turkey baster or other implement and squeeze it into me, fingering herself with her free hand, and talking bright-eyed about the baby she was putting into me.
Those first weeks were really all just a game. The very first day – the first time – had almost certainly done it. When I missed my period, they didn’t stop. Why would they? They behaved as if every ejaculation in me was _the_ one that got me pregnant. Every time Master or Mistress stared into my eyes they saw me conceive their child. They told me so. A week later Mistress brought home a pregnancy test, and the following Friday night they threw a big party. They said it was for a new play of Master’s. Of course they invited their ‘boarder’ to the festivities. The three of us knew the real reason, and Master and Mistress’s private celebration with me continued long after the door closed on the last departing guest.
They were theatrical like that all the time, and I was always the blushing, sometimes reluctant starlet of their little plays. Every few weekends, they’d take me to their cottage out in the country. Late in August, we walked to ‘Mindy’s Tree’ for the first time, with the cuffs hanging from its branch and stakes still in the ground. Upon seeing it, I almost broke down and ran. Almost. But instead I found myself named and chained again. Master and Mistress replayed that first day, almost exactly the same. Except my terror and fear were all but memory now, and I came more, and harder, and I reciprocated Mistress’ attentions after Master had seeded me the second time.
One evening the week after that, Mistress gave me the fall semester schedule and forms for City College. I was already enrolled and paid for. I could study whatever I wanted. She winked at me and suggested taking some classes in the Drama department. I was due in April, but CC had programs in place for such things. I could even keep my job, with shorter hours, at the Big Bean. Not that I needed it anymore. I thanked Mistress in words, and in deeds. Later, I hummed along with the classical radio station as I filled out the forms, with her musk still on my lips and Master’s latest deposit in my cunt.
Master always has a hard cock for either Mistress or me. He is simply amazing. I think he knows just how good he has it, and is extremely happy. Despite Master’s attentions, Mistress never seems jealous or angry with me. It almost seems that Master’s attention to me just makes her horny for one or the other of us. I don’t understand her. Maybe I never will. I’ve been jealous of her, though, watching him lay into her like a machine on overdrive, or her bouncing up and down on him before they kiss tenderly. They are so much in love. Maybe it’s the hormones, but sometimes it makes me cry. But then they open their love to me too, and naturally, Master always finishes in me. And they kiss me the same way they kiss each other. I kiss them back. Even though I am theirs, a part of them is mine, too. Sometimes, fleetingly, when they look at me, its almost as they are in awe. Do I love them? I don’t know.
There are so many questions. I still am not sure how I feel about the life growing in me. Even though it has no genetic relationship to Mistress, I know it is hers. I’m smart enough to think about all the implications of bearing another couple’s child. Legally – well, legally I had my chance to land Master and Mistress in jail a long time ago, and I let it go. Whether I think of the child as mine or not, _I_ belong to them.
Now, as we nest in the short, cold days of the New Year, Mistress can’t keep her hands off my growing belly. I’ve almost forgotten what it is like to sleep alone – I’m either in their bed, or one or both of them are in mine almost every night. They both say I look beautiful. They tell me I taste even better now, just to make me blush. They’re both sucking on my nipples more than ever, trying to get my milk come in, they say. A few days ago, they wrestled me to the drawing room couch the minute I got home, literally tore my blouse and bra off, and began to devour my breasts, slurping and sucking and nipping as their hands rubbed over my protruding tummy. Their words and mouths, the intensity and devotion of their attentions, had me cumming in about five minutes, without being touched anywhere else.
Master says he’s going to be careful, but he’s promised to fuck me every day until and including _the_ day. They’ve read that orgasms during labor make childbirth easier. I don’t even know if that’s possible, and it sounds both scary and exciting. Of course, they’ll do what they want. I know everything will be okay.
My friends are asking if I’m feeling well. I haven’t had a new boyfriend in months, and haven’t acted interested in finding one. I’m going out less, dressing more concealingly in public, and I’ve put on some weight, they say. I think some of them think I’m depressed. They’re so sweet to care, but I’m sure none of them would understand. Maybe Mistress will help me figure out something to say. It’s hard to think about it. Every time Little Master (yes, he’s a boy) moves inside me, I start to get wet.
Okay, now I know I shouldn't have done this. Let me set the stage for you: it's 95 degrees (a mere 89 in the shade!), and I'm 4800 feet above sea level. Not that there's an actual sea for hundreds of miles. Or any water at all, damn near. I'm sure a nineteenth century explorer or a Native American shaman or botany professor could scare up some agua by slicing open one of these plants or digging a hole or sucking the blood from a gila monster, but I'm none of these things. I'm an amateur...
When I was 18 years old, I was a virgin, I had only been on one date before and I failed pretty miserably. At that age my friends were changing, they were meeting girls and fooling around, I was left in the dust. However I wasn't looking, I was tall: about six feet. I also according to other people was funny and smart. But I was nervous as hell when talking to girls. Anyway one girl who I knew mainly as a friend had left to go to Germany about 2 years ago. I had kept in touch with her via...
First TimeAugust 22, 1994, Chicago, Illinois I shut the door to the office and sat on the couch. I patted the spot next to me and Penny slowly got up from her chair and moved to sit next to me. If what I feared was true, there was going to be upheaval beyond anything I’d seen in ages. I put my arm around her and she sagged against me; tears rolled down her face. “What did they say, Penny?” “The DNA results don’t match Terry,” she sobbed. I had absolutely no clue what to say to her. I’d so...
It all started innocently enough. I was on a business trip to LA, and was exhausted from a grueling day of meetings, presentations, and networking with sales staff at the company I was contracted to. In the cab on the way back to the hotel, I decided I would get a hot meal, A massage, and follow that up with a hot shower and some needed sleep before my very early morning flight back to NYC. Upon arriving to my suite, I called and ordered a nice meal of DimSum and some fried noodles with lobster...
EroticWe will leave Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his comrade, and follow Dantes, who, after having traversed La Canebiere, took the Rue de Noailles, and entering a small house, on the left of the Allees de Meillan, rapidly ascended four flights of a dark staircase, holding the baluster with one hand, while with the other he repressed the beatings of his heart, and paused before a half-open door,...
So my dares are going great I have to say. I have enjoyed them immensely and many of you have come up with some creative ways and places to make me cum. This is one such dare that I'd have to say I accomplish and had a great time doing it. The dare was simple enough but daring as well. Masturbating in a public place has always been a turn on to me. A little game Is s girls played in our town was to sneak into empty houses, some occupied but not at that moment some empty for sale or even...
"Hello," said Barbara. "Oh, hi Barb," said Sammy disappointedly. She'd been hoping that Bobby would answer. Barbara sensed instantly that something was wrong. "What is it Sammy?" Raul heard the concern in her voice, and combined with hearing his daughter's name, caused him to also come to full alert status. "Uh, nothing's wrong. I just wanted to talk to Bobby. Is he there?" Barbara felt her stomach tighten. "No he's not here, Sammy. We thought he was with you! When did he...
This is my first story about my first sexual encounter. I always wanted to submit a real story, but never got a real chance to make love with the most beautiful creation in this world – a woman. After living in this world for 25 years, finally I got an opportunity to make love with a woman. I am dedicating this story to the virgin readers of this blog. This is going to be a very long story but it will be worth. I am a 25 year old guy with a good body and face living in Bangalore. This story...
Bill was pounding away in Alison on his cot by candlelight. They knew each other well by now, and he knew she would be orgasming soon. He gave his lusty grin before closing his eyes and fucking into his mate even more insistently. A noise close by made him freeze, and then a figure was outside his cell, flashlight beam playing over him and Alison. "What the hell?" asked Amy. "How did you get her in there with you? Who is it? Oh, Alison. Are you OK? You'll let her go, right Bill?" The...
It was a Friday night like any other, Katie and Jamie decide to have a movie night at Jamie's dorm room. Katie doesn't usually like going over there when her room mate is there, but Jamie has assured her that she is going out of town for the weekend. They have just got snuggled in on the couch and started the movie and not even 5 minutes in there is a sex scene. They both look at each other and start giggling, then continue to watch the couple on screen. It's getting really steamy, and Katie...
LesbianI was stationed on a base with an airfield and there were plenty of opportunities to jerk off and ease those blue balls, but that all changed when I was shipped overseas. My first liberty, I went alone and somehow, and I don't remember how I got tangled up with this lovely older woman and she took me to her room. She told me that I could do anything I wanted to do with her for a fee. I told her I just wanted to fuck a woman for the first time. She was very friendly and told me to undress her...
Helo friend’s mera naam rahul h. Meri age 21 h. Iss pe meri pheli story h. Baat 6 month phele ki h. Ek company me job krta tha. Jo meri company ke senior the umesh jain. Wo bahut ache insan. Ek din ki baat h. Sir ki car khrb ho gai thi. Tho m sir ko apni bike par unke ghr par chodh ne gya tha. Raat kafi ho chuki thi. Or barish bi ho rhi thi. Sir ne mujhe apne ghr par rukne ko kha. Mera man tho ni tha. Barish kafi tez ho gai thi. Tho mujhe rukna pada. Mane ghr par phn krke bol diya thaa. Ki aj...
Tommy and Consti didn't make it to work for three days. The three women and I could see into the bio-dome and could see that Tommy though young was performing like a man. His puberty had started many years early then interrupted so he would not be continuously horny. The block was now off and his little testicles were getting a workout. Small pills were put beside his bed and they seemed to help along with the med unit. My work on the computer started again but this time everything was much...
"Oh man, Jim's never gonna let me live this down!" Liv rose from her hiding spot. Jim Andrews was the good-natured owner of Andrews and Sons Auto Salvage. The approaching truck, his flatbed wrecker, was a vehicle Liv was all too familiar with. She and Murphy had hitched a ride on the truck twice during the past year. Pulling the Porsche from the Drunken Engineer was something Jim would give Liv endless grief about. Though at the moment, she didn't care. Ecstatic about the prospect of...
I came out of the house on Monday morning and found my brother Andy arguing with his friend Eric Connell. Eric vehemently insisted, "That's bullshit! I don't believe you for a second, Andy." "I did! I really did." Andy insisted. "You expect me to believe that a high school cheerleader would let you go all way the her? I don't even believe she would talk to you much less do it," Eric said. Andy exclaimed, "No, really. She let me do it. Twice." "No way!" Eric said. "I don't...
Master McGifford parked his golf cart in front of our house. My dad got in the front seat with him. Mike was comfortably naked in the driver’s seat. Lindsay was still naked from being at the pool. She was laughing and flirting with Joe McGifford in the second seat. Joe was wearing shorts, but he was shirtless. He was a hard guy not to like. Joe was friendly and affable. I still found it difficult not to be jealous of his muscular chest and great physique. Simon and Lucy were naked in the...
Hi ladies out there, Let me start by introducing myself, I am Andy aged 39 yrs, who has mostly been nation-trotting, presently based out off Chennai, but will be shifting to Hyderabad before the mid of 2011. I crave for more of lovemaking to abrupt sex. Let us get to my story. This happened with me in the year 1996 when I was managing a branch of an international firm in Bangalore. It is very easy for me to have a crush on a beautiful girl/ aunt, of course their looks do matter but more so to...
Jack held his head in his hands as the door slammed in the Police van. "Fuckin' 'ell mate," a voice in front of him cried. "This is against 'our 'uman rights." Jack had lost sight of Poppy and guessed she was in another vehicle, but the indignant man in front of him yelled constantly – despite being ignored by Police officers – for them to release him. The Police station in Northwich seemed barely able to cope with the influx of the two-dozen doggers and Jack was led in to the small...
After leaving the tea to brew, I went back through to the studio to find Adam and Stephen having what looked like very intense sex together kneeling on the couch. They were both upright and facing forwards. Stephen had one arm around Adam's prominent chest, fondling a nipple, while the other was wrapped around the bigger man's cock, gently sliding his foreskin back and forth across the great plum head. They were kissing passionately and Stephen's hips were gently slapping against Adam's big...
Gay MaleVatican's Best Escorts plays a vital role in the life and culture of postindustrial free-market economies and provides a stable foundation for emerging Third-World nations to build upon. The company takes a modern, information-based approach to supplying customer demand with goods and services. Organized as a non-profit entity under its parent company, Severe Heavy Industries, VBE seeks to establish a primacy of partnership with host governments, as well as a complementary relationship of...
Kelly sat on the bed checking for stubbles as she lifted each leg up and bent it back running her hand along the bottom of each thigh. They felt as smooth as silk.Kelly remained sitting on the edge of the bed while gazing down at her bald pussy.She looked over at the dress she had carefully laid out on the bed remembering the explicit instructions that she was given on how she should dress and things she shouldn't bother wearing.Kelly stood up brushing her long auburn hair back over her...
A puzzled expression crossed Tim's thin face. He shot Caesar a look before turning to Eve. Her face was radiant as she came down the stairs. John Bull followed, carrying her overnight bag."Is this what you meant?"Caesar nodded. "Tim, I said you needed to be ready for this. Are you?"Tim looked at the glass of beer in his hand and studied the bubbles drifting upward. He and Caesar had talked about Eve going home with John tonight. Caesar had said the most awkward sting of wife sharing is when...
Wife LoversLinda and Stacy were both the same age--thirty-six--and looked great. But they were like night and day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blonde, with , and a runway model's body; Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvacious. They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry themselves with towels, and rest a bit (neither of them liked to shower in public). Stacy...
IncestTwas a fine evening, of that I am most certain. The wind was blowing ever so gently. I was to meet my girlfriend here, Anne, if I recall. She did not come to me in the way of car or foot, no, she flew down from above the trees. She was beautiful in so many ways, too many, to even go into detail. She was only wearing a bra and panties made of silk dyed red, ever so dark red, you would think the garments in which she wore were made of blood. Her lips were also the colour of blood, her cheeks were...
Erotic FictionAfter the harsh words in the kitchen, I was very quiet on the drive to meet DR at the mine, having been put firmly in my place. Kim sensed that something was out of kilter, but Susan kept the conversation going and drew Clara in with frequent questions. DR’s truck was by the side of the road when we arrived and I walked over to say hello. ‘Morning. You want to just follow me, or would you like one of the women as a passenger?’ ‘You’ve got three of them in there?’ ‘Yes. My mother insisted,...
On Saturday, I did a light workout, went for a swim, then came back up to the clubhouse to shoot some pool by myself. I spent most of the morning there, simply lounging around and trying to pass the time. Since Susan was still in Columbia with Stacy, Mr. Kershaw—the year-round resident who took care of camp reservations—greeted new arrivals. About an hour before lunch, I heard the sound of a car approaching and rushed out to see who it was. I was disappointed when it turned out to be a...
Chapter 1 - The Beginning Your name is Captain, well that is what you prefer to be called, and this is your story, your life has been a crazy rollercoaster living a double life and most people on the surface think, You're just this normal guy who doesn't know much but if only they knew how wrong they really were. After having a fallout with your ex, You never truly dated anyone but there is one girl You have been talking to for a while, today is your date with her and to tell you the truth you...
“I’m not gay. I’m not even ashamed to admit I don’t want to be gay, but...” Ally McBeal said as she sat in her office at Cage, Fish and Associates. “ ... you’re curious.” the beautiful young Asian woman sitting across from Ally said as she finished her sentence. Her name was Ling Woo, and like Ally, she was a lawyer at the Boston firm. Originally she had been a client of another of the firm’s lawyers, Nelle Porter, and had eventually joined the firm as well. “Well it wasn’t just that,...
When my eyes opened it was daylight outside. I said, ‘Good Morning Family.’ Megan was snuggled against me and she stretched like a cat and turned to face me. She smiled and we kissed. I was amazed at how she could move cat like and at the same time remind me of a warm slithering snake doing her best to excite every external nerve ending on my body. We heard, ‘Do you want to know our report?’ The question came from Andrea, Kelly and Sammi in unison. I nodded. I guess that somehow communicates...
An incident occurred the following weekend at the Gordian Ranch while BB was in Phoenix. The incident happened about 2:00 AM, Sunday, on the portion of the Gordian Ranch that bordered highway 69 between Prescott and Cordes Junction. Some men tried to steal a truck load of Gordian cows. Officer Pete Sandoval worked for the Arizona Department of Public Safety, commonly known as DPS, or the Highway Patrol. Pete had the shift from midnight to eight in the morning and his area of responsibility...
The Chi Kuang was the name of the Chinese built refuelling ship. She was actually the only one with the hoses and support arms built into the design from the ground up. She was now a day away from us. The New Hope and the Diamond were coming around the southern tip of Florida but were going slow so they would not be seen as stationary. Cabot and I went shopping for steel structural components. Captain Arsov needed a structure on the Astrakhan to support the chain. It also had to pivot...
Julz Gotti visits Preston today after sharing some pictures last night. She gets to show off her hot body to us and we can’t help but be memorized by that ass. We get her to twerk, show off her tits, and make her crawl so we can check out every part of that young and tight body. We get down to business quickly as Julz is ready to suck some dick. You can tell she’s been wanting this because she gives a sloppy deep throat. They proceed to go doggy style and it gets so hot, that they...
xmoviesforyouCathy told me I was banned from any more sex for the afternoon. “You can watch but that is all” she said. I agreed, not that I had any choice. Ruby said she needed a shower but Cathy said she should wait. I was confused until Cathy took her into the bedroom and retrieved Clive from the draw. Ruby got on the bed on her back but Cathy told her to get on her hands and knees. She told me just to stand and watch. Cathy began to slide the vibrator cross her pussy lips. “Oh yes” moaned Ruby. Cathy...
The flight had been long and Kate had slept most of the way after the 3:00 a.m. start, the frost thick on the ground when they left the UK. The doors of the aircraft hadn't even opened before they could feel the heat as they taxied to the terminal at Cancun. Even the hint of the temperature didn't prepare them for the full effect as they stepped from the air-conditioned aircraft into the terminal, the wall of heat almost bouncing them back into the aircraft.Once Paul had gathered their bags...
Wife LoversFor quite a while I had thought about helping out at the Salvation Army at Christmas as they need all the help they can get at that time with the homeless. I rang the number in town to offer my services and got a hell of a surprise when an old friend, Jean, answered the phone. She explained that her Uncle Tom was the person who was in charge and she volunteered to help out every Xmas. She explained that they’d be serving lunch to about 30 homeless, she explained that they could only...
Chapter 2 - On the ground floor As Lois walked from the parking lot into the skyway that led to the hotel and casino, she looked through the glass which struggled to keep out the midday heat. To the left, she saw the tracks of the roller coaster. The only roller coaster in New York City is in Coney Island. Lois had been to Coney Island a few times, but she had never ridden the roller coaster or any of the other rides for that matter. Lois didn't like amusement park rides or horror...
The door to the storage space had barely managed swinging close before it opened again. Admitting a single figure ambling slowly into the darkened living room. "Where the heck am I?" Nobuyuki tried to think. Struggling against an oppressive fog holding tenuously over his brain. "Is this the living room?" He glanced around, attempting to concentrate. "It sure is dark! Must be night. When did we buy that couch?" Wasn't he just talking to Achicka? The dense mist which currently was...
The eating and drinking, mostly the drinking went on well into the early morning hours. As the guest of honor I had to remain of course until the very last guest finally left, was carried away or slipped under the tables. It was always windy on Nilfeheim, now during the height of Shortsummer less than usual but a sudden surge of wind made me turn and I saw the enormous ship slowly climb into the sky! Even though I knew about Arti grav, our fliers used it. To see such an enormous object defy...
Hello, I am Neha again. I have earlier submitted in ISS my real life experience I had with my boss in Delhi (My first and worst experience). After that incident I had left to my home town Amritsar, Punjab. Now I am here to share what had happened to me last week on my visit to Delhi for getting a certificate from my college. I left to Delhi in train on Friday evening. I had returned the return ticket in Volvo bus from Chandni Chowk for Saturday evening, so that I can go to office on Monday...
"So, how did the baseline exams go?"Karen Naylor, MD, Associate Dean of Clinical Research and Director of the university's Clinical Research Department, looked at the woman sitting across from her desk. She had known Brandee since just after college. Karen scrutinized with disapproval the changes in her friend/employee's appearance since the divorce. The transformation to single life showed in the heavy makeup, the sinful shade of lipstick and nail polish, and the gym-toned body. Speaking...
InterracialThey left the Burger King parking lot, the two girls laughing and Tracy crying. They drove around town for a while, with Tracy spread eagle in the back seat, totally naked. She didn’t look out, but kept her head down with shame. She was sure others saw her like this, and continued to cry. Once the girls had their thrills, they drove to Christina’s house. Once there, they ordered their new little slave out of the car. “On your hands and knees Bitch”, said Linda. Tracy fell to her hands and...
Ms Marca Mr. Wilson Can’t Say No. I'm Marca and I like sex. I like sex anywhere, anytime with anyone. In short, I'm pretty much the town tramp. Despite this, I'm a really nice girl, with a killer figure but really pretty eyes in a cute, ever-smiling face. So why is it when you're feeling a bit horny you can't find a man? It was after school one day and I just got home knowing my folks would be...
MatureChapter 4 – Boys’ Night Dear Frankie, I know, I know – I’ve been so busy. The work load is nothing like back home. Here, there’s a bloody class test every couple of weeks and few surprise ones thrown in there too for good measure. Also, if I hear the words finals and turn paper again I may have to kill someone. As for that I can’t actually complain. Not too many changes in the social scene. Patrice has been using some of that Quebecer charm on the ladies here in Boston. I’ve been joking...
BisexualThe Sahara Africa THE MOON CASTS ITS EERIE GLOW across the cool sand of the vast empty desert plains of the Sahara as the wind steadily sweeps across and over the many already windswept dunes. A desert viper prepares to strike out at a shrew as it munches on a beetle. It coils and is about to strike when suddenly it is interrupted as the ground begins to shake. The shrew drops its meal, totally oblivious to the viper, and looks off toward the direction of the giant facility in the distance...
Ryan gave herself a mental shake as she got her guitar out. It was Saturday, and in seven days, they'd be headlining at the 9:30 Club. She thought she must be excited; she kept telling herself the butterflies in her stomach meant she was excited. She chatted with Lara and Mitch as they got ready. Nate came in a few minutes later, and Ryan was surprised not to see Jason with him. Mitch and Nate started talking, and Ryan turned to Lara. "Where's Jason?" she asked. "He and Nate usually come...
Love StoriesAs soon as my Domme and i entered the Cow Palace, we were directed to the security office for inspection of our toy bag. The office contained numerous policemen and female security personnel. Under my clothes, She had previously encircled my entire torso with an elaborate white rope harness. my Domme directed me to remove my shirt, pants, and socks. She would permit me to wear only my shoes and a black leather jock strap. This last item left my buttocks completely exposed. Its tiny pouch barely...
I had trouble sleeping that night because every time I closed my eyes I had visions of me on my knees sucking The Sheriffs cock. When my wife Sarah and I got up at around 9 am she told me that she had to go shopping items for the vacation. Sarah took measurements of my body from head to toe. I asked Sarah what she needed measurement to buy but she told me that The Sheriff told her she could not tell me what she was buying. Sarah returned from shopping at around 8 pm. I asked her where all the...
She MalesI couldn’t wait to see my older man again. Before I left, after that first time, he made me promise not to tell anyone. To be honest, I loved our sexy secret.He made me feel incredible and I was anxious to return the favor. It had only been a few days, but my thoughts were filled with images of his cock and the thoughts and feelings of my orgasm. My heart raced when I saw him and couldn’t wait to be alone. My cock ached and dripped for him “Hi” he said softly once behind closed doors. I moved...
That Tuesday morning I noticed that my sweet secretary Sheila was not dressed in her usual scrubs; but she was clad in a sexy black skirt and a tight fitting white top. I commented that she looked quite sexy. But then she surprised me; as she bent over and showed me her black string with barely covered her dark asshole.After the ordinary Tuesday’s meeting, Sheila asked me if she could have a quick word with me. She walked into the ladies room and pointed me to enter there.As soon as the door...
The familiar feeling of charlie's lips hungrily exploring my throbbing pussy brought as much sexual comfort as it did excitement. I let the pleasure she gave me bubble up out of my throat in a variety of gasps and sighs, the freedom I felt with her filling my body with anticipation and relief. Charlie is my oldest and best friend, since before she changed her name from Charlotte to Charlie. Her mouth swerved hotly back and forth across my tummy, teasing me before she plunged back down towards...
WHAT HAPPENED TO ME? I used to think I was just a regular guy, but I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist. I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards, makes me a fascist. I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe. I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business. I am a Christian, which now labels me as an infidel. I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which now...
One of the girls was tall and blonde, probably about 16 and thus a couple of years older than me. The other girl was about Colin’s age, 12 or 13. “What are you doing in our secret place?” The tall girl demanded. Colin and I looked at each other and then I looked back up at her. “What do you mean your place? This is our place!” The girl grimaced. “We always come here.” she insisted. “Me and my friend come here every day!” She nodded in the direction of the nervous young girl next...
Katrina Moreno is the total package. She has a huge pair of tits and a perfectly plump ass. She has an insatiable lust for cock. She never gets tired of fucking. This week, she joins us to display her perfect body for us. We start off in the streets where we worship her tits out in the open for the world to see. From there, we go inside for the real fun to begin. Our boy, Alberto Blanco is the lucky SOB that gets to give her the dicking that she deserves. He penetrates her pussy in several...
xmoviesforyouDay One, Monday, June 10, 2013 Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would, for a few days. And then his excuse would crop up. "I didn't get a good night sleep," Stan would say. Or, "Sorry, Ana, my knee's hurting." And for a few weeks I would drop the...
Introduction: Impregnation by other means Elaine had always been quite inhibited. She was raised by religious parents and it left her with some hangups about sin and guilt about pleasure. She was fine about the act of intercourse and enjoyed it,but when it came to anything a little unusual,she was much less sure. I had never told Elaine about my fantasies for fear of shocking her. The most persistent and strong ideas I masturbate to, where the thought of other men having Elaine. I dont know...
Vanakam nanbargale, indru kathaiyil en nanbanin akkavai eppadi sex seithen endra kathaiyai ungalidam solugiren. En peyar ganesh vayathu 27 aagugirathu, enaku oru nanban irukiraan avanuku oru akka irukiraal aval peyar ramya vaathu 31 aagugirathu. Avaluku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal. Naan adikadi aval veetirku seluven, en nanban udan selum pozhuthu en udan nandraaga pesuvaal. Appadi pesum pozhuthu oru naal aval mulaiyaal enai idithaal, naan muthalil theriyaamal idikiraal endru...
Hi story readers me rajkot se raj me 28 sal ka hu aaj me jo apko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo meri aur mere ek dost ki he. Aaj se karib ek month pahale ki bat he me apne dosto ke sath mahesana water park gaya tha vaha me hum sub dost water park me snan kar rahe the karib aadhe khante bad meri najar ek khubsurat ladake par padi vo muje baar baar dekh raha tha uski najar meri chaddi me khade land ki taraf aur meri chest par thi maine uski taraf dekha to vo dusri aur dekhne laga. Uski chest bilkul...
Don was at the wheel of the dark-green Rolls as he and Marion made their way to their hotel near the famous Las Vegas Strip. Cara had taken a private limousine to her hotel, while over their mild objections, the girls had insisted on driving their white Mercedes convertible into town. There had been a huge reception at the airport for them with the governor of Nevada presiding, along with the state's two U.S. senators and its representatives in Congress. After speeches and a review of an...