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Based on To Serve and Protect, created by Patricia51 and Linda_S Suggested by Forever, ©1975 by Judy Blume

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story was meant to be part of the ‘S&P: Interrogation’ series. Now it’s the first of two stories about Patricia51’s extended family of police officers, showing the other sides of their lives. In this one, nobody has sex and nobody commits a crime, but I hope to help set the stage for events later on in Patricia’s stories.

Michael Gibson Junior stared in horror at the broken door lock.

Susan Adams stared at Michael Gibson Junior.

‘Mikie,’ as he was known to his family (he desperately tried to keep his friends from calling him that) was in the Gibson family’s third and smallest bathroom. Unfortunately, so was Sue. She had rapped hard with her knuckles on the door. Not only was the door’s lock broken, the latch evidently was as well. The door had swung inwards despite Mikie’s desperate lunge for it.

It’s hard to tell which of the two people was more embarrassed, but Sue wasn’t necessarily ashamed. Mikie was. Guilt spread all over his face. The upended paperback had fallen to the floor just a second before the knock. Mikie’s hand was clutching the waistband of his pants, trying to pull them up. He was doubled over like he had just taken a blow to the groin.

Sue’s eyes met Mikie’s. She saw real fear in them. She looked at the one-person shower instead.

Mikie’s mind played with four-letter words. He thought he would have been justified in saying them. But swearing was a punishable offense in the Gibson household, and anyway he didn’t like people who cursed a lot. Finally he spoke.

‘Get … out … please!’

Sue silently backed out of the bathroom, pulled the door to, and walked – not hurriedly – away. She made sure her heels clicked on the floor of the master bedroom. She went to another bathroom, waited for Mikie’s mom to come out, and hurried in. Once she had done her business there, she went to the window and looked out into the back yard.

Mikie had left the little bathroom, gone to his own bedroom, opened the window and crawled out onto the roof. He cautiously made his way to the nearest tree and swung himself into it. Sue’s gaze followed him up into the tree house.

Five minutes later, Sue knocked on another door. It hadn’t been particularly easy climbing the tree in her nice outfit, but she managed well enough. She had excused herself from the family dinner with the Gibsons and with her lover Linda Shannon, saying she had something to do. She reassured her anxious hosts that it wasn’t anything to get worried about. She took a circuitous route to the back yard so Mikie’s 10-year-old brothers wouldn’t see her and figure out Mikie was hiding.

Mikie curled up in a ball in a corner of the tree house. He was trying to figure what his punishment would be. Would Mom and Dad just stop at killing him? They had never spanked him, but Dad was a former Marine and he could get pretty creative in handing out punishments. Mom was one of the Sheriff’s Department’s top interrogators. And both were in very good physical shape. Mom had climbed to the top of the tree to rescue Mikie’s niece’s kitten last year.

There are worse things than dying. He heard the knock, followed by Sue’s voice.

‘I don’t know the secret knock, Michael. You’ll just have to let me in before anybody sees me up here.’

Arrest. Jail. Jailhouse rape. Court. Reform school. Being someone’s boy toy for the next three years. Mikie walked through neck-deep mud, it seemed, to open the door and admit the Detective Sergeant who had caught him in the act of masturbation.

‘May I come in and have a seat?’ Sue asked. Her tone was open to every interpretation in the book.

The loft had a beanbag chair, a bench, and a few cushions. Sue walked over to the beanbag chair, arranged it so she could lean forward and be about a step from the bench, and sat down in ladylike fashion. Mikie walked over to the bench and perched himself, imagining what the electric chair must have felt like in the past century.

Long pause.

Sue just watched Mikie. He felt constrained to speak.

‘Are you going to arrest me for indecent exposure?’

A faint shake of the head.

‘Public lewdness? Felony sexual harassment?’ The last was the scariest.

Another shake of the head. Sue then spoke.

‘Don’t tell me they offer Government classes during freshman year now? I had to wait until I was a senior. You must know the criminal code of Georgia pretty well.’

‘Well, with Mom, Dad and Carol being cops …’ Mikie was astonished that he could be somewhat lighthearted in a position like this.

‘Then you also know how the state sodomy law was overturned. The cops served a legal warrant, but while inside the house they accidentally spotted two gay guys making it in a bedroom and arrested them. The men sued for violations of privacy and won.’ Sue paused. ‘That wasn’t my bathroom. Your mom and dad might ask you why you were using their bathroom, but I couldn’t bust you even if I wanted to. And I don’t.’

Long pause. Mikie looked down, up, anywhere but at Sue’s face, until he realized it was useless. Then he asked her directly.

‘Are you pissed off?’

Sue shook her head in disapproval. ‘Are guys really that intimidated by women? You’re more scared of me being upset than you are of anything except your mom and dad being upset.’

‘Jeez, Sergeant –’


‘Sue. Jeez. You’re a grown woman, you’re a …’


Mikie really didn’t want to answer that one. He skipped over it. ‘You’re sort of married, aren’t you supposed to hate sex and don’t you dump on guys who like to jack off?’

The question was answered with a question. ‘Do you like to jack off?’ Mikie was quite nonplussed by Sue’s use of the word. Sue continued: ‘It looked like you really didn’t want to do it, you were just so wound up you had to do something.’

Mikie grimaced. ‘Yeah. I’d gone three whole days. I was so wired you’d have thought I was on meth or something.’

Sue looked disapproving. ‘Don’t joke about drug addiction.’

Mikie backed off. ‘I’m sorry. It’s just that …’ he took a deep breath … ‘I was seeing some guys in the shower and wondering what they were like. Not like I was gonna stick it to some guy, just thought what it’d be like to touch them and rub myself off.’ Even if Sue hadn’t been a good lip reader, she could have figured out the curse the younger fellow bit off.

Sue replied: ‘Do you or don’t you think I did the same thing?’

It sounded like a trap question to Mikie. Sue and Linda had been a couple since Sue graduated from the police academy, since before Mikie was born for that matter.

‘I guess so,’ he finally replied.

‘Sure I did! But I wasn’t looking to go to bed with them! Jeez! I’d check them out and compare them to me, look at the early bloomers and the girls who weren’t to puberty yet, wonder what in hell they felt, whether Betty Big Boobs got neck strain from the weight up front, if Sarah A-Cup was putting out to make up for so little on top, all this stuff everybody probably thinks. But do you think I was never interested in guys? Believe me, if I hadn’t found Linda I might be married to a guy right now, if he was the right one.’

‘But how do you know he’d be the right one? I sure as hell don’t,’ Mikie responded in some agitation. Sue realized she had gotten a bit agitated herself, and resolved to calm Mikie down some. If someone else came up that tree, Mikie would climb to the topmost limb and probably get stuck.

‘You don’t.’ Sue let that hang. Then she mentioned something else she had noticed.

‘Where did you get the book Forever?’

‘Stephanie left it behind when she moved out. Carol got it at a book sale, I think.’

‘I’ve read it,’ Sue said. ‘Some of it’s pretty steamy. The scenes where they make
out before they start actually fucking, the times when they make love and both of them come. I had four or five sections pretty dog-eared. I’ll bet you do too.’

Mikie couldn’t believe he had heard Sue drop the F-bomb, but he had to agree with her assertion. Sue continued.

‘Is that the only thing you jack off to, or do you have other things?’

Mikie didn’t want to rat out anybody, but he felt he needed to tell the truth. ‘There’s this guy who hacked his mom and dad’s computer and accessed all the adult sites. He prints off Web pages and sells them to the rest of us.’

‘Very interesting,’ Sue said. ‘Also breaks at least two or three laws that I know of. Did you know Carol was the subject of one of those Web pages?’

Mikie let out a curse that broke every taboo in the Gibson family, and which would have earned him at least an hour of running in place in a truck tire filled with sand, with a time penalty for touching the sides. He stared in horror at his sister’s work partner.

‘It’s true. A hacker created a phony sex site, with her pictures digitally manipulated to make her look like a total slut. We caught the people responsible, but I see people still like that sort of thing.’

Mikie didn’t believe in omens, otherwise he would have thought the world was going to crash onto his head. ‘I can’t tell you who gives them out. You might could find out if you asked some other guys, though.’

‘Rest assured, someone will,’ Sue said. And that was that. She shifted the conversation back to Forever.

‘Have you read it all the way through?’


‘My mom gave it to me,’ Sue said, ‘and I think my grandmother gave it to her. It came out in 1975, so I think at least three generations of girls have read it, and maybe a lot of guys interested in sex.’

‘It gets pretty yucky at the end,’ Mikie said. ‘Katherine leaves Michael for this other guy she hardly knows. I wonder if Michael blew himself away with a shotgun or something.’

‘Lots of guys have wondered that,’ Sue replied. ‘But remember the guy who tried to hang himself about 50 pages earlier. Michael wouldn’t do anything that stupid, would he? Even over a girl?’

Mikie let out another mouthed curse followed by a mouthed comma and an audible ‘I don’t know.’ He thought for a while. Sue was sure he was thinking about boyfriend-girlfriend relationships and possibly about breakups. She studied his expression carefully and decided he didn’t personally know any guys who had broken up with their girlfriends. Now his female friends … that was a different matter.

‘How do boyfriends and girlfriends treat each other these days?’ Sue asked.

‘Like crap,’ Mikie said without thinking.

‘The same as when I was a teenager, or different?’ Sue asked gently.

‘Dunno what you saw. But the guys act like they own the girls. I saw one guy in eighth grade get it right in the nuts for talking nice to another guy’s girlfriend. Lured down an alley and ambushed. Four or five guys.’

‘Were you one of them?’ Sue asked. Mike turned crimson.

‘I didn’t hit him. I stayed back.’

‘And nobody reported it, I’m quite sure,’ Sue said firmly.

‘Shit, no. The guy who got it is in Harper High now anyway. He’s one of the enemy.’

Mikie shouldn’t have said that. He knew he shouldn’t have. Carter High School had been built as the city grew, which was in the last decade. Mikie’s sisters had gone to Harper, and Sue had taught there on an undercover assignment. He glanced anxiously at the door, expecting Sue to exit and go get his parents. Instead she spoke coolly.

‘Mom and Dad held you back so you wouldn’t be among the youngest kids in the class. Now you’re one of the oldest, maybe the oldest. Big and strong. Are you going to hit this guy again if you see him at the big game?’

That wasn’t a rhetorical question. Harper and Carter Highs had fierce gridiron rivalries, during the week before they played, the principals set their lunch times an hour apart so students wouldn’t meet and fight. Mikie’s dad had broken up one such brawl single-handedly.

‘Nah. Besides, every guy was hot for that girl, Rachel Underwood. She really had a rack on her and her ass was neat, too.’

‘I see,’ Sue said. ‘Tits and ass are what you want? Did you ever look at her face, hear her voice, listen for her mind?’

Mikie grimaced. ‘She was kind of sweet. She sorta liked me.’

Sue fired away. ‘What happened to her?’

Mikie must have thought about Rachel before. There was a soft, sad tone to his voice.

‘I think she must’ve got knocked up and had an abortion. This year, guys are avoiding her like she’s got bubonic plague. A lot of guy talk says she screwed half the guys on campus. I’ve seen her sometimes and she always looks away.’

Sue made a mental note to find out about Rachel. Right now, her attention was on Mikie.

‘How do girls at school dress these days?’

Mikie thought it over. ‘Pretty regular, I guess. Jeans, sneakers, T-shirts or short-sleeved tops. When winter comes, they usually wear boots and long coats. Not much different from guys.’

‘Any of them dress up?’ Sue asked quietly. ‘Shorts, too-short skirts, tummies showing, open necks, bras or thongs showing, tops too small, and – God forbid – pants so tight you can see a camel-toe crotch?’

Mikie nodded a little. ‘Not all at once, but I’ve seen girls who looked really hot. Mostly the juniors and seniors. You know they go to the office if they break the dress code.’

‘They’ve done that for a hundred years, or close to it. Would it surprise you that I did all of those things?’

Mikie certainly was surprised. ‘Why?’

‘Because I wanted to be noticed, silly. I thought I was pretty, but I needed people to say I was. One nice compliment from a handsome guy and I felt good all day. Two from this one particular guy and I felt like a princess.’

Mikie still had a great deal of trouble thinking that the gay woman opposite him could have been attracted to a man. He incautiously asked who she could have liked.

‘You know him. Josh Crane.’

Mikie’s eyebrows practically knit themselves together. Things didn’t compute and he said so. Sue smiled.

‘I had a crush on him in tenth grade. I didn’t think he noticed, and I was probably right. Then, when we were in the Police Academy together, he had a crush on me and I DEFINITELY didn’t notice. He was too shy to say anything by then. I’m glad we became good friends later, but I’m more glad he didn’t try anything, because I would have said no by then.’

Mikie puzzled it over. ‘When did you know you were …’

‘Gay?’ Sue asked. ‘It took a long time. I would gladly have dated Josh most of the way through high school, maybe even have gone to bed with him. But slowly I realized that I felt more comfortable around girls, especially non-judgmental girls. Then I heard a lot of stories about guys who were bad in bed, about well-endowed guys who just hurt girls, and I vowed I’d never be like that with a girl, and that’s when I realized I was attracted to girls and wanted them instead of guys. That wasn’t all of it, but I wanted to have women as lovers.’

Mikie was curious in spite of himself. ‘How did you … do it for the first time?’

Sue shrugged. ‘I went out on a date. Debbie and I had a class in elementary education together, and I found out she was gay. We did some projects together and stayed up late at night, got snacks and drinks, and talked. About the middle of the semester I asked her out to an art film. When we got back home, I asked her if I could kiss her. We didn’t have sex then, but we kept going out on dates and we wound up at her apartment a few times, my dorm room a few times. But it only lasted a year.’

‘Nobody from then until Linda?’

‘I left college after my sophomore year and joined the police academy. One day I heard a woman moaning in the shower, moaning for another wo
man. Linda walked out and caught me. I pretended to play dumb, but I knew.

‘I didn’t really meet Linda until Police Academy graduation ceremonies, and then I made a total shit of myself. Your dad gave me a good lecture. I was mad at Linda for a while, and then I started thinking about what she’d been through. She had to kill two men to save her partner’s life, and that partner was your dad.’ Sue paused, looking to see if Mikie was surprised. When he wasn’t, she continued.

‘Then both Josh and I applied for the Narcotics Task Force. Linda saw something in me and picked me, I went undercover under her tutelage, and I acted on my desires. After the investigation was over, and after we helped save Carol’s reputation, I realized Linda and I were truly in love. But it wasn’t easy for a long time.’

Mike frowned. ‘Is it ever easy?’

Sue shook her head. ‘I doubt it very much.’ Then she shifted the conversation again.

‘What do you feel about … girls who do?’

Mikie replied pretty quickly. ‘I don’t like it. They’re too young.’

‘And you aren’t?’ Sue let that one hang and continued.

‘Michael, I’m the same age now as Judy Blume was when she wrote that book. She had a daughter who kept reading stuff about ‘bad girls’ having sex and getting punished for it. My mom told me there was as much teenage sex then as now, just that it wasn’t talked about nearly as much and people had lots of wrong ideas. And she confirmed she had been through what Kath went through – getting exams, going on the Pill, wondering what losing it would be like. Then she forgot her pills and got pregnant with me right out of high school … you know the rest.

‘I got the 25th-anniversary edition. Judy Blume put in an extra page talking about AIDS and other things people could get from unprotected sex, and telling the kids who read it to use condoms all the time. Yeah, it was sad, but what matters is that there will always be girls who wonder about falling in love and having sex, no matter if it’s 1975 or 1925 or 2025. And if girls do, guys do.

‘Face it, Michael. Kids know something about sex way before grownups want them to. Many of them are going to do it. You want to.’

‘But I haven’t done it with anybody.’

Sue shrugged. ‘Would you believe that I’m a virgin?’ She let Michael knit his eyebrows. ‘I’ve had … feminine hygiene inside me and I’ve had my gynecologist’s fingers there. Linda touches inside me too. But the hymen’s still in place.

‘Linda and I had a long series of talks. She described what it’s like to have a man’s … manhood inside. It was fine as long as she loved and cared for the man – otherwise it was just an invasion. I realized I’d never feel that way with a man, so I asked her never to take me like a man would. She was really sweet about it. I put sex toys inside her, but I don’t pretend to be a man with her and she doesn’t pretend to be a man with me.’

Mikie blurted out: ‘Do you know I’d like to … you know, with you?’

‘How come?’ Sue replied gently.

‘I feel like … you’re missing out. Guys love you. I’ve seen you around when I was with my group, and they all check you out and say things.’

‘What things? Just tits and ass and camel-toe, or something else?’

‘Well, yeah, they look at your bod.’ Mikie grimaced. ‘But you’re kind of like the teacher guys get hot for, you know? Smart as hell, smile lights up the room, says nice things, acts really interested when talking to guys like me.’

Sue would have accepted that, but Mike struggled with something. She let him continue, knowing he wouldn’t look at her directly.

‘They’re really turned on by you being a … girl-lover. They’d like to see you and Linda doing it. They can’t believe neither you nor Linda is, you know, butch.’

Sue sighed. ‘For the record, I have known some women who were butch or at least looked butch, and were very nice. There was one woman, a nurse, whom you couldn’t tell was a woman unless you saw the sports bra underneath her scrubs. When Linda went to the hospital after being shot, this woman performed a thousand little kindnesses for her and for me. She’d also go over to the pain center and give massages to dying people, strictly volunteer work.’

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Super Chat Live! Any time you hear a dumb fucker bitch about how the Internet has ruined their life, you need to take your dick out and slap them in the face. They’re ignorant assholes that probably shit out of their mouth and piss out of their assholes, so don’t fucking listen to them. The Internet has given us amazing things! Free porn for life, on-demand lubricant delivered to our home, and camgirls that will spread their assholes for the right amount of tokens.Try going into a time machine...

Live Sex Cam Sites
1 year ago
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Lewd Chat! Who the fuck still uses a chatroom to chat with other horny adults in this goddamn decade? Well, it turns out, plenty of fucking people! This is because so many people want to hop onto a chatroom anonymously and get off with other horny like-minded adults just like them. If you don’t believe me, visit LewdChat and see for yourself!You will discover that there are all kinds of people just waiting to meet you! I was actually surprised by how busy all of the rooms truly were. Every time...

Sex Chat Sites
1 year ago
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Chat Pic! To most of you, chatrooms are a thing of the past. But guess what, they are alive and fucking well in certain corners of the Internet. The concept is still striving strong. From custom XXX chatrooms communities have created on platforms like Discord to IRC chatrooms that are alive and kicking, plenty of sites offer an opportunity to chat with other horny people like yourself.Chatpic is different, though. It takes the concept of chatrooms and transforms it into a picture-sharing...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Adult Phone Chat! Are you lonely tonight? Don’t want to get on a cam site and show your tiny penis to everyone? Prefer not to meet someone in real life and disappoint them, even if you’re compensating them for their time? Well, I have a low-tech solution for you: phone sex!If you think phone sex belongs in the last century, get the fuck out of here! Phone sex is actually alive and well. It’s always in style. Now, if you live in the UK, you might as well consider the self-proclaimed best phone...

Sex Chat Sites
1 year ago
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I like a babe to Chat Me Hard from time to time, because I really do believe the brain is among the most sensual and sexual of organs. Sure, a lady can show you her titties or her hoo-ha and your brain goes straight into horny reproductive mode, but a few well-strung words can have the exact same effect. I know a lot of modern masturbators have gotten used to the futuristic magic of instant 4K porno videos, forgetting all about the older masturbatory formats like text-based cybersex and erotic...

Sex Stories Sites
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Chatur Flix doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue the same way some brands do, like the effortless way you can say Brazzers or TikTok. At the same time, I’d argue it’s a pretty effective title for a porn site because it tells you what you’re in for even before you click the link. Of course, that assumes you’ve got some familiarity with the source of their flicks, Chaturbate, but it’s hard to imagine there are perverts online who haven’t rubbed out at least one or two while watching live webcam...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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The “I” in i Free Chat ain’t an uncommon prefix when it comes to modern branding. Hell, Apple started tacking it onto their products before the dawn of the 21st century, so a lot of you have literally grown up seeing iStuff all over the place. I initially suspected iFreeChat was just another copycat adding the letter for no other reason than making their site sound hip, modern and technological, but the front page of their site set me straight. “Welcome to Free India Sex Chat,” reads the little...

Sex Chat Sites
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Kim logged into the chat room. What did she feel like tonight. A soak in "The Hot Tub"? To plunge into the "Dungeon"? To role play? Then she saw a room she had never ventured into before. "The Fantasy Room". She clicked on the icon and entered. " Hello Kimuk. Do you have a fantasy to share?". Kim laughed at the screen. " Not here " she typed. Immediately she revived 4 private messages . The one which caught her eye was from Dark stranger. " Hello Kimuk. Tell me? Your secret is safe with me"...

3 years ago
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hi there///how r u good so what brings u here tonight im just really horny...got the apartment all to myself....decided to dress up oh nice...so what r u wearing black panties and a tank top very nice...just in some boxers here...r those nipples hard and poking through that tank top? mmm yeah a little bit i think thats so...

2 years ago
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Me: Hawaii was a good time, remember? We fucked the shit out of each other.Thu: yup, that was greati am glad we didMe: in front of the mirror. doggy-style.you were facing the mirrorThu: while you were talking to Leecan't believe you talked to him for so longMe: haha.Thu: would think you want to get off the phonesince I was sucking your dickhe asked why you were breathing so hardMe: haha. I remember pulling you up when I was about to come and was about to give you a facial but you refusedThu:...

2 years ago
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Ivy and Lily

"It begins the same way every night. I'm in a caf?, chatting with a bunch of high school girls. My voice is high pitched, and my articulation is on there level. I move my hands about as I speak, and they appear small and dainty. Though I never see my face, it is implied that I'm one of them." "Wait, you mean in this dream you're a girl." "Yes." Robin took a minute to absorb this, and then told him to go on. "I hear this ring tone, and reach into my breast pocket to pick up a p...

1 year ago
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BFFs Harmony Winters Kylie Martin Athena Rayne Pussy Palace

Harmony Winters was meeting up with some of the lead girls in her new sorority. She was so excited. She came through the door and got greeted by Kylie Martin and Athena Rayne. Welcome to the Pussy Palace! Harmony was going to have to make sure she followed the rules if she wanted to get approval from her peers. Rule number one was to get fucked! Boy was that forward. Harmony was sure to keep that in mind as they began to play tit cup, which is just like flip cup instead you use your tits to...

4 years ago
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Quick Flash I may need to get another job

Katie,I may have to get another job!I hate that they moved you into another building during the reorganization. I miss our chats. I’m pretending to work but I can’t concentrate. I have to tell you what happened today.You know this has been a crazy week around here. I think management has lost their minds! I know you lost two people from your department, and we lost three in ours. The work has just been piling up everywhere. For the past three days I’ve been taking work home and working until...

3 years ago
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Hilary Irvines Return to the Dark ContinentChapter 3

Now alone Hilary collapsed in tears, sobbing her heart out. Sobbing because she'd been kidnapped, beaten, and raped. And because her future seemed to only hold more of the same. After a tearful while Hilary had cried herself out. So she wiped away hers tears and took a deep breath. "Today has been shit," she sighed out loud, "But tomorrow is another day!" With that determined thought she climbed onto the mattress, pulled the coarse woollen blanket over, and swiftly dozed off. The...

1 year ago
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Reddit Bulges, aka r/Bulges! Ladies, you should know that The Porn Dude cares about you too. I know I might have made some unsavory comments about females who like to have a lot of sex in the past, but let’s just leave that behind us. I’m extending an olive branch here, and that olive branch comes in the form of a subreddit by the name of /r/Bulges. I really threw myself into the fire with this one, girls, so you better appreciate what I’m doing for you. I had to look at so many dicks on this...

Porn for Women Sites
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my fantasy2

we are out hiking around the park when i suddenly & happily remember that u told me u like 2 have sex outdoors & i am immediately as hot & horny as hell as i start 2 picture u naked in front of me... there is not another person 2 be seen but there is still a chance of being discovered & it sumhow makes the indecently hot ideaof having totally kinky gay sex out here more appealing & so much more intense...suddenly i know that i have 2 feel your tasty tool exploring deep...

2 years ago
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Transgender Latex Lust Samanthas Story

Several years ago, I was asked by a major latex clothing designer, to model for her latex- wear catalog. I had done it once before, with my then girlfriend, Karen, so I had no reluctance to doing it again. This time, I again agreed to do it, as it was so much fun wearing all those hot, skin-tight outfits, especially under the blazing studio lights.Teamed with me this time was Samantha, a very attractive girl of mixed parentage. Her Father is an American, her Mother is Japanese. Samantha is a...

4 years ago
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The Fate of Ankneela 1

Ankneela had walked all day, hunting. She travelled light, carrying only her bow and a dozen arrows. She carried no food or water, intending to be back before nightfall. But there had been no sign of game, and the shadows had grown long, forcing her to make an impromptu camp out of branches and leaves. She slept poorly, restless and hungry.At first light she supped dew from the grass, and pushed on. She would give herself until noon at the latest before turning back. The ground had been rising...

1 year ago
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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 3

It’s the morning of our planned visit to the nude beach, and Talia and I wake up early, shower and have breakfast. Talia seems a little nervous and quiet, but says she’s excited about what the day ahead promises. I also am feeling a little nervous but I hope I’m hiding it well from Talia. We pack ourselves some lunch into a small cooler along with some bottles of water. Talia is wearing loose shorts and a tiny cut-off t-shirt. As I watch her gathering together our beach gear, my anticipation...

4 years ago
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The following is a short, romantic, non-erotic story that when I started it I thought it would be a quick stroke piece, but the more I wove the characters in my mind the more I saw this as something that was just simply sweet. I hope you like this tiny light read. ~ Red * The house was quiet, the calm before the storm, some would say. For Natalie and Brian though it was more of a controlled silence. It was only the two of them, tomorrow though things would be different. The house would be...

3 years ago
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My hiking trip part 1

My name is Allen. I am a black man, 56, bald, 5'10", 245, 9" fat dick with huge heavy balls, shaved clean. I have a stressful job in public service. I decided to take an extended vacation and get away from the city and as many people as possible. We have a very large state park that caters to all outdoorman from beginner to expert, I fall just inside of halfway. I like to spend time in the woods when I need to be alone. Anyways, you can check in at a rangers station at one end of a trail that...

2 years ago
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Whats The Big Deal

I could tell my taste aroused him even more. He shifted, stretching out on his stomach, and reached up, under my legs to pinch my nipples and squeeze my breasts with the rest of his hands. My breasts were a large B cup, a good handful. I considered augmentation, but my tits are still perky in my mid-thirties after having a child nine years ago. I am 5’8”, have an athletic build with a very squeezable bubble butt and am quite comfortable with my body. I have straight, strawberry blonde hair just...

3 years ago
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Out for a run part 10

What a week has been, last time I wrote Kim and me played with my group of guys in the park, and even added 2 more to the group to make 6 guys. When I got home, I found out that my husband had been hiding in the bushes watching and taking pictures the whole time. We looked at the pictures when I got home from the park and fucked like crazy, but it was now that my husband voiced some concerns that were very real. Someone could very easy hear us from the trail – I am very verbal during sex and...

1 year ago
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The Best of Paris WatermanChapter 5 Dinner and Then Some

Dinner and Then Some Leigh lay in her bath, indulging in a slow masturbation and tried to recall the places and ways they'd done it. Over the last two weeks they'd been like rabbits on a honeymoon. She'd even gone out and on a whim had her nipples pierced. Michael had been enthralled with them, and after they had had a chance to heal, played with them constantly. They made love everywhere. The dining room table; Leigh had marred it with her bracelet while gripping its sides as Michael...

3 years ago
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New Married Life Of Ashwariya Rai very good story

New Married Life Of Ashwariya Rai Hi friends this is Nikunj again with a new story of my Wild Imagination. This story is abt what happen to Ashwariya(ash) after she had been on honeymoon with his husband Abhishek Bachan.(abhi). Now in hindi. Abhi aur Ash dono apne ghar par nange bathe the. Unhone abhi abhi achi tarah se sex kiya tha. Unhone duniya ke harek kone mei jakar sex kiya. Australia , Newzeland , London, South Africa hare ek desh mei jakar sex kiya tha. Ab unki sex life me kuch masala...

3 years ago
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Julie told me she was in town for a few days on business and wanted a dinner companion to break her ‘boring round of meetings’. Then she added, “And I am hanging out for a really good fuck, and I mean really good.” We arranged to meet in the foyer of five-star hotel she was staying in. “I am dressed in a black Chanel suit, I am five feet, four inches tall, have blond bobbed hair and just a bit overweight.” “And a knockout out,” I mused when I sighted her. We had dinner in the restaurant...

3 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 24

"Ready, my captain?" I was just pulling my practice jersey over my shoulder pads as Mark asked. "Ready," I agreed. The locker room was noisy. Everybody was up after Friday's game. I had to admit I was feeling pretty good myself. Tami had come back after about an hour, then went in to have a talk with Mr. Reed and another one with Mr. Walker, and seemed to have found her balance. I looked at the outside door. "Alright you clowns. Let's try to look like a football team," I...

3 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 2 Contest Entrants

Originally eighty-five women were entered for the competition, and this was reduced to fifty-three by weeding out those held to be too young, and those from families which had incurred the Emir's displeasure in some way or were socially unacceptable. Two women were also eliminated as being the daughters of the Emir, conceived during royal visits to their nominal fathers. One entrant had been ruled out by the advice of the Head of Protocol, Kamal Qumsiyeh, because she came from an absurdly...

1 year ago
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The Joke That Backfired Part 5 The Ride Home

The wild night of unbelievable sexual escapades was behind us and was temporarily forgotten as our students represented our high school very well. In fact, three of our students won gold medals! I couldn’t help but think that the events of last night might have been a bizarre motivating factor since two of the three medal winners were Danny and Penny.If anything I would have thought last night would have been a distraction from their competition but Penny won her cosmetology event and Danny did...

Group Sex
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Jenrsquos Birthday Surprise

Jen and Jim were happily married. They had a unique relationship in that they truly did enjoy each other. They were more than just lovers and husband and wife. They were friends. They liked so many things together and that included an extremely active and imaginative sex life. They had discovered early in their relationship the importance of keeping sex fresh and new. This included exploring sexually fantasies to see where they would take them. Over the years they had lived many of those...

2 years ago
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Wife Sharing

After twenty years of marriage to my wife I came into alot of money. My wife and I quit our jobs and bought a fancy motor home to the tune of $500K! We traveled around the country stopping at fancy RV parks and hob knobbing with rich people. Now neither of us were very old-I had just turned 50 and my wife, Samatha or Sam for short, was 45 and we were both in good shape. At this one park we met some people, Ross and Mary. They were filthy rich and were I am going to guess in their late 60’s....

3 years ago
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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 5

"Miss Proctor, may I call you Ruth? I was under the apprehension that your talent lay in undercover situations. Your attire does not give that impression to me. Have you any explanation?" Ruth looked surprised. "Sorry, Madam. I was given to believe that this was a business meeting, to discuss a new task. I dressed accordingly. When it comes to my work, I will dress appropriately for that environment." "Ah. That is all right, then. I unfortunately assumed that this was your normal mode...

2 years ago
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Foliage trip in the Mountains

I seem to have gotten lost in your beautiful surroundings, I answer. He stand their looking down at me, taking a deep hard puff of his pipe. Hes dressed in a hillbille atire, straw hat, dirty torn white teashert , bib overhauls and a large pot belly. I'm wearing a light colored button down shirt and a snug fitting pair of jeans. She is an attractive lady, hugging on the mans arm, a dirty blond in a knee high flowered dress. Yummy she smiles stairing at me then adjusts her dress, I think...

2 years ago
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My First Lesbian Experience

Hey, guys! I am Kaira (name changed), a 20-year-old girl living in Delhi. I am a college student, currently single and a lesbian. This is my first time writing on ISS, so constructive criticism and feedback are appreciated. You can contact me at This is a true story of how I came across my first lesbian encounter. This was just a year back when I was 19. It was in the month of February when summer was just around the corner. I remember my mother telling me that one of the neighbors’ daughter...

1 year ago
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Behn ki chudai

Hi dosto dis is sami again frm lahore bohat si lurkion or aunties ki mail mili jo mujh sa chudwana chahti hain or hur turhan sa sex enjoy kurna chahti hain ap logo ki khuaish pur yea story bhaij raha hn passend ae to mail me ub ap logo ka time zaya kie bina story pur ata hn yea meri first cousine sister ka sath kia sex ki khani hey yea koi saal pehle ki baat hey jub meri cousine jis ka naam sidra hey humarey gher rehne ai th us ki shakal kia khobsorat th chehre pur bala ki masomiat th us ka...

3 years ago
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Semen Girl Tinas Friday Night Suckoff

Dylan What a way to spend a Friday night, Dylan thought as he boarded the subway car. Sitting around the office, listening to sales projections and corporate propaganda. The company meeting he had just left had gone on far longer than anticipated, and, to make matters worse, many of the executives in attendance were attractive women in tight miniskirts, and Dylan's cock had to struggle to ignore their shapely bodies and luscious faces. The Viagra in the air tasted particularly thick tonight,...

2 years ago
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Julie and Her Daddy

Julie lay across her bed with the phone to her ear, trying not to cry, but it was a hard thing to do when your mother was telling you her cancer was worse than ever. "Had bad is it?" Julie sniffed, knowing this was going to be so hard on her Mom and Dad. "Well, I start double treatments first thing Monday morning. I'll do fine, but I'm worried about your poor Dad. He's taking this really bad," she replied wiping tears from her eyes. Julie knew how much Daddy loved Mom and that she...

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