I’m A Beast Ch. 06 free porn video

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This story is dedicated to all of the girls that tried to keep their virginity and their boyfriend, to all of the wives that tried to keep their mate sated and faithful.

Now I add Techsan to the dedication. He edited about a fifth of this story and read the remaining parts that I had finished. He said, ‘I like what you’ve done with the story so far and am looking forward to see where it goes.’ I feel driven to live up to his expectations and I hope I succeed. The world is a poorer place without Techsan and I am a richer man for his touch upon my life.

I have no editor so all mistakes are mine. I welcome any and all feedback to improve and appreciate. The story is finished and submitted one chapter a day.


A Meeting of the Minds

The next morning before our walk I stumbled down the stairs to check if my inside contact had e-mailed me. If he replied with the information I needed the walk-talk would prove interesting indeed. My heart skipped and my breathing stopped as I read his reply. The sensitivity of the situation increased dramatically and threatened to derail all of our progress towards my fantasy. How to approach this development weighed heavy on my mind as I prepared for the upcoming walk.


We had walked about a half of a mile when the perfect opportunity presented itself. I tentatively broached the sensitive situation.

‘Trista … there is something I need to know about yesterday. Is there something you haven’t told me that I should be concerned about?’

Trista skipped and laughed, ‘Of course there’s a lot I haven’t told you and there’s more to come … if you’re lucky.’

‘Lucky is what I’m hoping for. Yesterday you were awesome but when I got home last night you seemed a little apprehensive. After the show you gave me I expected a bubbly greeting but what I got was the cleaning routine. Maybe we were just being coy with each other but I didn’t get bubbly until I confirmed the afternoon events. Then there is the question of timing.’

‘Timing,’ Trista questioned before answering, ‘Yesterday afternoon was a pretty big step for me. I didn’t know what … wasn’t sure of your response. I was so glad once I knew that you enjoyed it. Now what’s this timing thing?’

‘I think you could be reasonably sure of my response. Are you sure that you weren’t sure it was me … at least in the beginning?’

Apprehension returned and her eyes went to the pavement before us. When our eyes locked I confirmed her fears by nodding my head ‘yes’. Trista softly asked, ‘What did you mean by ‘in the beginning’?’

‘Well … that’s were the timing comes in. You saw the camera light and held the teddy up to it. I came on line about a minute or two before you bent over the coffee-table with your head up.’ I watched the look of recognition dawning on her face but the words were still coming. ‘How many minutes between that and the light? I think to many.’

Trista’s face was red and flushed and I knew that was not because we were walking up hill at the moment. It was because she just had her suspicions confirmed. I suspect her concerned look last night when I mentioned ‘bent over the coffee-table’ was because she already suspected.

Trista’s next statement surprised me, ‘Damn … that’s not what I’d call lucky. We… I had so much more planned. Yes I suspected something but I dismissed it after some rationalization. The answer to your question is, 5 or 6 minutes and yes that’s to long.’

Regaining my composer I asked, ‘Who is we and did you give someone our password?’

Her hang dog look said more than her conflicted, ‘Well … Devilish-Darcy … yes and no.’

I closed the gap between us and took her hand. She said, ‘You know, don’t you.’

‘Some things but not all. From the network logs and Rick at the ISP I pretty much know who has the password but not how. Why don’t you just start at the beginning.’

Trista relaxed visibly and started the Devilish-Darcy saga.

‘I found your old book mark for the webcam site. It seemed like a good idea to investigate your webcam fantasy … You know … Chat about it anonymously with someone. This one woman looked familiar … Not like someone you know but like a face in the crowd, Kind of like the girl next door but not the girl next door. Do you know what I mean … Do you understand?’

‘Yes I understand … Like you know you know someone but you cannot for the life of you figure out who or remember where.’

‘That’s it exactly. Well there was this familiar looking woman with the username Devilish-Darcy and I thought that it was ironic that I had chosen Angel for my username when I signed up to the website. It was like destiny or something. We started chatting as she continued chatting with the group of woman that she’d been chatting with. I told her about your webcam fantasy and asked about her flashing of breasts previously.’

My eyebrows raised considerably and it did not escape Trista’s attention.

‘What,’ she asked in mock indignation.

‘I’m sorry. I was trying to envision the girl next door but not the girl next door and when you mentioned breasts … I imagined Lori’s. You know … the girl next door.’

Trista’s face reddened slightly and she said, ‘You can get Lori’s breasts out of your mind. Devilish-Darcy’s were much bigger. Much!’

‘Oh … So you’ve noticed Lori’s pert little breasts with their eraser sized nipples and tiny little aureoles.’

‘No I’ve not noticed but you can’t miss tiny little,’ she said as she hefted her own breasts pumping up her ample cleavage.

‘No, not tiny little breast … tiny little aureoles … a pert C cup … ‘

‘Okay, okay … Enough about Lori’s breasts. I asked Devilish-Darcy about flashing her breasts and she said her boyfriend had dared her to flash a guy on the net and so she did. She said that it was going to be a great evening from the looks of the comments they were getting. I asked her what she meant exactly and I think she said they were going to fuck the hell out of each other … That both of them were already turned on. We chatted a little more before she introduced the other girls in her click. They were very friendly and we’ve been chatting off and on for about a month.’

I asked, ‘On and off for a month … what have you been chatting about for a month?’

Trista gave me that ‘It’s so obvious’ look and said, ‘Yes’ and I finished with, ‘terday. Yes of course. Sorry for interrupting you, please continue.’

‘Well, Devilish-Darcy helped me with my confidence and suggested some ways to ease into it. The private webcam show for you was one of her suggestions. She convinced me to try it and see how things went … and now,’ her voice faltered, ‘It was all for you and now God only knows who else saw me.’

I stopped and took her into my arms to comfort and reassure her.

‘For one thing we do know who it was and it was only one person.’

I suppressed my inner indignation and said with as much conviction as I could muster, ‘Remember the couple of times on our vacations when someone walked in on us. You never stopped screwing and told them to come back later. You explained that they were strangers and you would never see them again so modesty was optional. This is not too much different but the big difference is that this wasn’t an accident. It does raise the question of what the differences would be, you know, what’s acceptable and what’s not and why. Try thinking if someone saw you naked and truly admired and desired what he saw, knowing that he could never possess you, who would you choose to see you. I know that you believe me when I profess my love for you but I’m sure you discount it somewhat as routine. There must be someone you’d like to impress. Just relax, picture it in your mind and think about the differences.’

Trista looked up at me and said emphatically, ‘I do believe you love me and it’s never routine. It’s nice to turn
heads at the Junction, seeing their desire is good for my self esteem but … ‘

‘But what,’ I inquired.

‘There isn’t one of them that sparks desire in me. You’re all I desire but I will think about it.’

With the groundwork laid for the ultimate revelation to come I tried to steer the conversation back to Devilish-Darcy.

‘That’s all I can ask for but the question we’re trying to answer now is how did it happen. Can you tell me how Devilish-Darcy helped with your confidence?’

Trista turned from me and we resumed walking, ‘I was complaining about my weight and she asked for my height. I knew why she wanted it and when I told her she bet that curvy was probably a better description than over-weight. She was reassuring and said I was probably gorgeous and that it was too bad that I didn’t have a webcam. She directed me to the cams of some of the friends she was chatting with. She said that all of them had gotten naked in front of the cam for some private exhibitions. Sweetheart … except for maybe Devilish-Darcy I looked as good or better than all of them. I was feeling better about my self and more confident. Maybe I was craving more compliments … maybe just enough to follow through on your private show … but as the friendship grew I eventually gave her the password. When she saw me she said ‘damn girl … I knew you were gorgeous’ and I was hooked. After the yesterdays show started I began to think that you came on line early. Before long I was wondering if maybe Devilish-Darcy logged on and I was hoping it was my imagination. As soon as I finished the show I checked with Devilish-Darcy and she swore that she hadn’t logged on or gave the password to anyone. So, yes I gave the password to Devilish-Darcy and no to anyone else.’

‘You mentioned Devilish-Darcy’s boyfriend dared her to flash her breasts. Did she say his name or ever mention him again?’

Trista’s pace unconsciously slowed as she delved deep into her memories before saying, ‘She once said that she couldn’t answer for a while because she was at her boyfriend’s house and he had to answer someone in the chat room. Just after that a guy said ‘yeah, she’s waiting’ and start rambling on. I remember backtracking to see whose question he was answering. When I found them I saw Devilish-Darcy mentioned so I assumed they were talking to her boyfriend. I’m not sure but I think his username was ‘Snake69’. No, it was ‘Snake96’ because I remember thinking ‘Snake69′ must have already been taken.’

My coughing fit halted her trip down memory lane. I had damn near choked thinking, ‘That asshole Jake ‘the Snake’ couldn’t even get that right.’ Now I knew the ‘whom and how’ but not the ‘why’. I had a good idea why and it might work to my favor in the upcoming revelations. It also occurred to me that it could just as easily backfire, as these were uncharted waters. When I regained my composure I said,

‘That and your previous comment ‘Devilish-Darcy looked familiar’ reminded me of something. Back in my webcam viewing days I too found someone that looked familiar. When she was doing one of her performances I finally realized who she reminded me of. Then I checked her out closely and couldn’t eliminate my suspicions and in fact they were strengthened. I just knew she was someone I had desperately wanted to fuck before I met you and I’m afraid I fucked you silly that night. You never knew but it was so hot and honestly I was wishing that it had been you on the webcam. Anyway, do you think Devilish-Darcy looks familiar because she’s kind of local but not in town local?’

Trista animatedly replied, ‘Oh no you don’t go changing the subject. Who was this girl you desperately want to fuck and were thinking of while fucking me silly?’

‘Wanted! Wanted to fuck, not want to fuck and it was from before. Also I tried to tell you I was fantasizing about you on the webcam. It’s almost a mute point now that you’ve started this fantasy and I do hope we can complete it.’

‘Okay, point taken. Now tell me who she is, or was.’


Trista’s body language and expression conveyed her jealousy as she said, ‘But she’s … I mean was married to,’ and suddenly stopped. I almost ran into her and heard her muttering, ‘Rick … local ISP … Jake … Snake.’ She turned to me and asked, ‘Was it someone local yesterday?’ I nodded yes and she stated, ‘Please tell me it wasn’t Jake.’

‘Okay, it wasn’t Jake.’

‘No really, was it Jake?’

‘Okay, it was Jake.’

‘That SOB, so you think Jake is Devilish-Darcy’s boyfriend?’

I edged forward to look at Trista and said, ‘It would explain a lot. I do know that it was Jake’s IP address yesterday but I couldn’t figure out an innocent explanation as to how he got it. I’m mad at him but I can understand why he did it in the context that I would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed.’

‘They were reversed and you did do the same thing.’

‘No, I just told you that to illustrate how easily something like that can happen and to get you thinking along the lines of Darcy and Jake.’ Stunned by Trista’s withering glare I continued, ‘I’m sorry, I really didn’t do it but I would have. I wouldn’t hack or steal passwords but I would look.’

‘That sucks, I was feeling a little better thinking I could face Jake knowing that you had already done the same to him before. Now I just feel violated and want some kind of revenge. No not revenge but justice.’

We rounded the final bend of our walk and with our house in sight I said, ‘ Well I have some thoughts about that and I think Sue could help with some of the planning and execution.’

‘Sue? Sue at the Junction. What can she do?’

‘Well recon for one thing and … Why don’t we wait until I talk with her. We can finish planning then. Besides, we’re home now. I’m glad we sort of worked out what happened so we can plan to move on. Devilish-Darcy’s private show plan was great, except for Jake. I’m dying to see the rest.’

‘Yes there are more plans but doing them remains to be seen.’

We stopped on the front porch and kissed. When Trista broke the kiss I said, ‘I do love you and this will work out, trust me.’

Trista said, ‘I do trust you, maybe to much,’ as the door closed.


The plan evolved over the passing days. While we were waiting for the opportunity to act random ideas would come up and we would fit them into the plan. Eventually we received Sue’s call and we arrived at the bar shortly there after. She soon demonstrated how good she was at breaking the ice in situations like this. When we were seated beside Denny and Jake she brought us our usual drinks.

She leaned towards Trista and spoke to her in a low voice that we could still hear, ‘I’m a dirty little whore.’ I’m sure that Denny and Jake had the same reaction that I had, instant attention. After a pregnant pause and a prodding ‘Well,’ from Trista she continued, ‘My neighbors husband was bugging her for … You know … Anal. She told him he could get that for $100 at the truck stop. Turning it back at her he asked if she would do it for $100. To make a long story short he paid her $100. She started joking by listing all the things she could buy if she did that once a week. He shut her up with ‘You’re just a dirty little whore’. They knew they were joking and it really is hilarious.’

Trista laughed with the rest of us following suite. When she finished laughing she asked Sue, ‘So … How does that make you a dirty little whore? Didn’t you say they’re your neighbors?’

‘Well,’ Sue continued, ‘When I told my husband the story he talked me down to $50. Actually he said I enjoyed it too much so he was only going to give me $50. So now the neighbor and I are trying to decide who’s the dirtiest little whore, the $50 one or the $100 one.’

Trista broke in with, ‘The cheapest one would be … At least at the truck stop. More money means better there. Although, charging your husband more would be dirtier.’ She
turned to me as she finished.

I took this as my chance to speak a thought and said, ‘Now don’t you go turning Trista into a dirty little whore.’

Sue giggled at Trista and I continued, ‘So … it’s charging for anal sex that makes a dirty little whore? It’s not the anal sex, right?’

‘Oh no … it’s the charging for it. That’s what makes you a whore.’

‘Okay,’ I said, ‘If you don’t charge your husband and you’re not a dirty little whore then the dirtiest would charge the most. Doesn’t that make sense?’

Sue said, ‘Sounds right to me. So that means my neighbor is the dirtiest little whore unless Trista can get more than a hundred dollars.’

‘Now wait a minute. That’s why I established what made a dirty little whore. I don’t want her to be one or to feel like one.’

I stopped talking to let the implication of what I said sink in. Finally it dawned on Sue and she said, ‘You little vixen, you let me ramble on like I was blazing new territory. I thought I was adventurous but you just sat there with that smug knowing look … ‘

Trista responded, ‘I felt bad for your neighbor and glad for you.’

‘Why is that?’

‘Because you played the game and enjoyed it but your neighbor is just a dirty little whore.’

I broke in with,

‘Speaking of what constitutes a dirty little whore, Do you think those Internet webcam women are whores? You know … married couples screwing and single girls masturbating on a webcam/chat site. They’re not whores are they?’

I knew I had Jake’s attention when he choked a little on his beer.

Sue said, ‘We have dial-up. The video is so slow that I never look at those sites. Besides, watching girls masturbating isn’t my area of expertise. Maybe you should ask those guys,’ pointing at Jake and Denny.

She provided the perfect opportunity to redirect the conversation and zero in on Jake. I went on to explain how Trista found my old bookmark for the webcam site. How she had chatted with a group of woman about my webcam fantasy and they readily accepted her into their chatroom click. I looked to Denny while keeping Jake in my peripheral vision and said.

‘They’ve helped her confidence and suggested some ways to ease into it. They told her some things to try and some things to avoid. The only problem is one of them may not be a stranger.’

I paused for effect and before I continued Denny asked, ‘What happened? What makes you think one’s not a stranger?’

‘Well I’m getting there. One of the click’s suggestions was to do a private webcam show for me and see how it went. It went great but we discovered that it wasn’t exactly private.’

A gasp came from those assembled before us and I continued, ‘So much for our privacy, we’d been violated and we’re were upset. I did a little investigating and what I turned up was quite interesting. It seems we’ve had an uninvited guest for a month or so.’

Denny said, ‘Excuse me, but what’s an uninvited guest?’

I replied, ‘Well … suppose I invite you somewhere and specify that Pat isn’t invited. If she showed up anyway because you left the address out she would be an uninvited guest. So … Trista gave our address and password of our network camera to an online friend and we think her boyfriend stole it. She denies giving it to anyone and Trista believes her.’

Denny turned to me and asked, ‘How well does Trista know this online friend?’

I replied, ‘She has chatted for a while and I guess she knows her as well as anyone can. The really interesting thing is that we know for a fact that her boyfriend is local.’

The time of revelation had arrived when Denny asked, ‘Who the hell is this online friend?’

Swiveling on the barstool to optimize the view of both Denny and Jake I answered, ‘Her username is Devilish-Darcy and her boyfriend is Snake96. We’re sure Snake is local and suspect Devilish-Darcy semilocal.’

Denny looked with realization at Jake who paling at this point. He asked or rather stated, ‘Darcy, Marcy … Jake, Snake tell me that Darcy isn’t Marcy.’

He was caught, knew he was caught yet he pondered the consequences of lying while not knowing how much we knew. His silence spoke volumes. I pushed the tipping point further, ‘Another thing we know for a fact is that Jake was the intruder.’

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Inconsistent by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Discontent is the first step to change, all you have to do is act on it Andy Inconsistent, inaccurate, and inept. That's how I feel about my dressing. I can never seem to do it the same way twice. I usually wear the wrong things or do my makeup badly, and of course, trying to do anything but a ponytail is out of the question. So far, every time I tried to do my best, I felt like a clown. I was disheartened...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Amara Romani BROs Before HOs

When Xander’s sexy girlfriend, Amara Romani, cheats on him with his Best Bro, Seth Gamble, the two Bros team up to teach the little Ho a lesson in bondage, manhandling and rough anal sex! Slutty Amara thinks she is on her way to hook up with Seth behind her boyfriend’s back, but Xander surprises her in a dark alley and takes her to a remote hotel room where Seth is waiting. Amara is shocked to learn that these two guys are in it together and a great take down scene is unleashed!...

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The accident at the Hot Springs Part III

The next days were filled with calls, scheduling, getting used to my new life, and preparing everything for my new part-time job as a phone support assistant for an internet provider. I had to make some money to afford my studies in physics I was about to begin six weeks later. Luckily in my country the university fees were not very high, and I had already made a significant amount of cash during my two years of service. On Friday evening, I found the slip of paper Sarah had handed me in back...

Straight Sex
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Hard Work Episode One

I’m 18, I’ve just graduated high school and I have no plans of attending college. I mean, I could have went for basketball or boring ole academics [Laughs]. You know what? Forget about all that, maybe I’ll go into further detail about why I didn’t go to college some other time. I’m here to tell you about what happened at the first job I’ve ever had. I know what you’re thinking… I’m 18 and never had a job, but the truth is, I wasn’t looking for one. The reason could be that I was too busy,...

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A carnal teacher

A big hi to all dear readers, a mid week submission from your beloved JJ. As it is everyone is aware of my love for the matured females which got ignited in my teen and till date though I am in my mid thirties, it’s has always been with me and am sure it would follow me to my grave. Any young man would always dream about bedding a mature lady to some it maybe aunts in the neighbourhood, to some the class teachers and to other’s their own aunts and bhabi’s. A rose is a rose is a rose likewise to...

4 years ago
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The Taboo Temptation Island ch1

PREMISE: this story is going to be kinda slower and less action packed than the next one, please be patient, also I'm more into building the setting than describing the actual sex, that's how I like to write.The show almost got cancelled last year, it was a disaster, it was supposed to be the erotic version on Temptation Island, but turns out nobody really wanted to cheat on their boyfriend on live TV, out of 12 couples only 3 cheated, and when that happened the public didn't even care that...

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Partner's by Brigitte What's eating you? Huh, what do you mean? You've been acting like your about to testify on something you had no involvement on. I don't understand; what do you mean? Barbara I have been your partner for the past four year's. we have been through too much together... Mark If you think I'm going to let you down? NO. no, what I am trying to say is ... I don't know how to put it except... I care. What is wrong? Barbara look's away and start's to cry. ...

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Turned into a Slut for BBC

My name is Wendy, and this is the story of how I stepped out on my marriage, and fell hard for a black man. Let me start by first giving some background about myself. I am a 40 year old mother and wife. Currently I am still married, going on 19 years, to a wonderful husband who is unaware of my promiscuity. My daughter is 18 years old, and a senior in high school, which upon reflection may be the reason I got into my current situation.I was thinking about how sad it will be to see my daughter...

4 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 24 Smile for the Camera

With our trip through the cave behind us things calmed down around Camelot. With no unusual surprises or disasters in the making, I found I had some spare time to pursue my hobby: photography. Kim and Cathy's photography teacher expressing her appreciation for the albums the girls had brought to Show and Tell, got my interest re-invigorated so I got busy in my studio setting up for some special pictures I wanted to shoot. With the cooler weather of fall upon us I decided to do most of my...

1 year ago
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Bad Seed 8

It was a few moments later that she started to hear them. Not only could she hear them, she could also see them clearer. "So, they have developed Phasic weapons. This is an unexpected development," Flugret said. "Though slightly effective against us, there are a great many counter measures." A startled Wren could only stare for a few moments at her masters. "I thought that this type of communication was impossible, especially at this distance," Wren said. "In almost all instances,...

3 years ago
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Aunties IslandChapter 8 Initiation of a Baby Factory

WENDY (continued): Dr. Fielding looked down at me for a moment, then went to the mantle over the fireplace and opened a mahogany box. He froze for a moment and looked over his shoulder at the other girls. "This is where you leave us, ladies," he said. They all smiled and nodded. Willie gave me a reassuring little wave. Dee winked at me. "You're going to LOVE this," Brenda said softly. And they all turned and left the room. As soon as the door had closed behind them, the Prof lifted his...

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I’ve come across beeg.com more than a few times in my years of hunting down great porn. It turns out, though, I may have been pronouncing “beeg” wrong this whole time. I have always read “beeg” like an elongated version of “big,” as in, “damn, she has some beeg ol’ titties.” According to Urban Dictionary, though, the word “beeg” refers to the shorthand of BJ, as in, “there I was, minding my own business, when this sexy ass blonde chick came over to me, unzipped my fly, and gave me a beeg, right...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Daddy8217s Girl 1 Lunch With Daddy

NOTE: This is a work of fiction. All the characters featured are over 18 years in age. The story contains strong themes of incest, if this is not your cup of tea, it’s best you move away right now. Ever since I was a little girl, daddy has always been my hero. I’ve always looked up to him for advice on pretty much everything. he has always been there for me, and as far as I can remember, has always been a good friend more than a father. He has had no qualms discussing about my various celebrity...

3 years ago
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Belly dance outdoor

It happened to me in Moscow, in the winter of 2011, where I was on a business trip. I worked all day in the office, but I had some free time in the evenings. I went on performances in different theaters with my Russian business partner Peter. Once, Peter and I booked tickets for the belly – dance performance of a beautiful dancer Elena. On the performance poster, we saw a picture of her. A woman danced on the stage in front of the eastern decorations, in the middle – eastern dance costume, with...

2 years ago
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Gym Teacher 2

So I got there just before 8, and brought with me a 12 pack of beer and when I got to her door, she was waiting for me, with just a white terry cloth robe on. We embraced and kissed lightly. She seemed a little different tonight, but I figured it was because of her guests coming in a bit. She said they would be there till 9 or so. We did some everyday chatting about our day but that was about it. About 8:30, Carol buzzed and Nancy told her to come on up. When she let her in, it was Carol alone....

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A gay summer Holiday Part 20

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 20What goes around, comes around.Chris and Jelmer's relatives all enjoyed the original homemade Christmas ornament and wedding announcement. That is to say, all but one. Chris's mom had burned the box from Chris in their fireplace without even opening it. Christopher got told by his father that she took it very badly. He told Chris not to expect her at his wedding. His brother's and sister, however, took it much more lightly. Chris even had gotten...

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This is not the most original story ever, I admit that freely, but let me know what you think, if you like or don't like, whatever...If you think this is worthy of archiving please go ahead, but let me know first. ================================================== Unreal by Alan Bittig What the hell has happened to my life? This morning everything was normal, everything was fine. Now everything is turned upside down and twisted into ten-thousand different variations. ...

3 years ago
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Turning the College Freshman Part 2

This time, as soon as I stepped in the door, Paul walked over, locked the door and led me to the back room. I had been expecting to be required to suck him off again. Unfortunately for me, Paul had other plans entirely. “You are going to learn how to be submissive” he said. It was then I noticed the desk. Where the computer had been now sat a clear desk with two ropes tied to either end and two shorter ropes around the legs of the desk. “Strip down to your underwear and face the desk.”...

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Early New Years morning

It was New Years, and the big bash I’d paid big bucks to go to was over. We’d raised Hell and danced and had our fancy dinner and a show and the champagne to ring in the New Year and it was two thirty in the morning. Coming out of the city on the main highway, I rounded a corner to find blue lights everywhere. Shit. Well, I’d had a bit, but I’d eaten well and danced my ass off — and I didn’t FEEL impaired, so MAYBE… It wasn’t as if there was...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 48 Developments and Offers

April 1, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Sensei, I need both Will and Therese, today, please.” “For?” “One of them to spar with Marcia, because if I were to do it, I’d have my butt handed to me by a blue belt!” Sensei Jim laughed, “Personally, I’d be more worried about a certain six-year-old yellow belt.” “Well, yeah, but you know what I mean. Whoever isn’t sparring with Marcia will work with Dyani.” “Sounds good. Welcome to life as Master of a dojo! Shall we see to our charges?” I bowed and...

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Maddie Part 1

Madelyn walked through her front door and immediately threw her keys as hard as she could against the couch that sat opposite of the doorway. Pissed off, a little tipsy and rather horny, she made her way to her bedroom before ridding herself of the dress that she selected for Him – the modest sun dress with a hint of sexy added in. She made her way to the bathroom to relieve her aching bladder before slipping into the safe confines of her warm bed. She didn’t want to succumb to the horniness...

4 years ago
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The Adjustment of Nicola JamesChapter 11 The Mechanism

There was one small room in the basement of my house to which Nicola had not yet been inducted. It held the device of which I am possibly most proud; a triumph of engineering in the fields of hydraulics, mechanics and electrostatics. Nicola seemed not to share my enthusiasm. Rather she approached the device warily suspecting that it could be a source of discomfort, pain, or – from our earlier conversation – of what to her was perverse sexual degradation. In that, at least, given her views at...

3 years ago
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Ghosts and ShadowsChapter 8 The Saddest Story

It was 2:30 p.m., Thursday, September 17th. I will never forget the day, the hour or the minute that the phone rang. I was in my office so I picked it up and my secretary said, "Hugh..." Her voice broke and I knew something very bad had happened. She clicked me through and a man's voice came on. It took me a few moments to realize who it was. "Simon, what is it? What is it?" It's one of those times that make you believe in telepathy, or premonition. Before I could make out one word...

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Michelle Part 1

After I came and then pulled out of Leah, she immediately rolled over and went to sleep. I laid on my back, Michelle only a few feet away in the next bed. Had she really been watching us fuck? Had it excited her, enough to make her jack off? I wasn't sure, nor did I know how I'd ever find out.I decided to take a shower, so I crawled past Michelle's bed (she also appeared to be asleep), and descended the loft ladder. Since Leah and Michelle had a private bathroom -- just the luck of State U's...

1 year ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 20

On a golf tournament's final day, the leaders go out last. By the time we reached the first tee, word had spread that Donna Fregosi, a three-year pro who'd barely held onto her tour card the previous year, was burning up the course on the tenth hole. Fregosi had started the day well back, seven strokes behind Kim and Tess. Now she was only two behind and looking good for another bird on the tenth. Karrie Webb spoke quietly to Tess and Kim as they waited to be introduced by the event...

2 years ago
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Park Bench Slut

Lucy had to admit that it was a ritual now for her to take her little paperback book and her sandwich down to the tiny park across the street from her place of employment and pass a pleasant hour each day nibbling on her lunch and reading some of the hot erotica in her romantic erotica novels. She could usually read about two or three chapters each day which was decidedly slow but she liked to go back and read some passages a second time if they make her tingle in a special way between her...

4 years ago
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Catholic High School Retreat

It was my junior year in high school. It was the last night of my junior retreat. I was having trouble sleeping and wished I was at home because it had been a few days before I jerked off. I decided I couldn't wait any longer. I got up and turned the light on, pulled my pants down and started to stroke my cock. I was thinking heavily of some of the girls I had been with and was about to cum when the door handle turned and the priest came walking in. He was wondering why the light was on at 2...

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Wrong PlaceWrong Time

It was a rainy Saturday afternoon, I was returning from the mall and decided to take a short cut through the Government Projects near the School. I thought that since it was raining I would be able to get through before anyone knew I was in their territory. I was almost through the Projects when it started to rain harder and the lightening begin to flash. Absentmindedly I ran up on a nearby porch and stood there out of the rain, the door to the apartment opened and two huge black dudes stepped...

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Girlfriends and Lovers

The first time I made love to another girl was something really lovely that took place quite naturally, without any intention or premeditation on either part. The "other girl" just happened to be my very best friend, Sarah, and although we'd known each other for years and had always been very close friends, neither of us had ever done, or for that matter, even thought about doing anything like it before. It "just happened" one night when we were both about twenty-two and it ended up being...

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Please Dont Tell My Daughter

I had just finished raking up the leaves, and when I came inside, my daugher, Laura, informed me that she taking her sister Lisa Black Friday shopping. As a single father, I thanked the gods the day my oldest got her license so I wouldn't have to be a disinterested observer on their shopping jaunts. I told them not to spend all day out and she said that they were only going to one store anyway.I went upstairs to wash off all the grime I accumulated on my body. As I finished rinsing off, the...

Straight Sex
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My Creampie Fetish with White Women

I never had a creampie fetish as a teen. No condom? No go. Babies scared the living shit out of me. In my household having a baby at a young age symbolize failure! But from my c***dhood into my adulthood that changed overtime in the interracial dating pool. You see, I always dated within and outside my race. No big deal right? Wrong! Because dating white women from plenty of fish and tinder to social media sites like Facebook and Instagram made it obvious overtime that even if they wasn’t on...

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Kalinda Gets RescuedChapter 4

It was probably Lady Wentworth’s preference for vaginal stimulation that caused her to be the one that became pregnant first. Both Charity and Kalinda were perfectly satisfied with the alternative of oral or anal copulation, because they feared the added burden of motherhood whilst stranded. In a sense, Kalinda felt a degree of pity for the mature upper class female reduced to the basest of animal instincts for food, shelter and doing what came naturally. No more fancy tea and crumpets for...

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She Normally Gives Me Socks

Fuck, fuck, fuck and other words associated with sex, bollocks and cunt too sprang to mind, and I had silently screamed them all. Trying to calm myself down I had made coffee with whiskey, at ten in the morning! Well, it was nearly Christmas I thought. I had been enjoying a marvelous ride; my dildo stuck to the shower wall. In my fantasy world, my Italian stud was fucking me in the sun; my first, of hopefully many climaxes approaching as he expertly controlled his large cock. When. The suction...

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PART - 52 VALENTINE DAY SPECIAL Dear Readers, I hope all of you must have celebrated the Valentine day in a fantastic manner in which I did and I am writing here under about the same. I know that it is a long writing about it, but I do not want to miss any important thing from it in order to provide maximum pleasure to all of you from my sexual enjoyment. I did not mention any unwanted details in the episode and I am sure you will like it. So I start My Valentine Day special...

1 year ago
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Restaurant Futa Fuck Part 1

"Did you want to grab something to eat this afternoon? My treat?" I said, eagerly awaiting Sar's response. "Sure thing, Bianca! I have a lunch break at one. Wanna meet up?" "There's a great Italian place not far from your office. Paradise Restaurant I think it's called. I've been thinking of trying it for a while." I lied. I had been there before, but I wanted her to feel like we were experiencing something new together. "I think I know the place. I'll see you there soon." ...

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