The Red DoorChapter 13
- 4 years ago
- 35
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By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer
Minerva chapter 03
A little later that day I was sitting in the west conservatory, accompanied by Jack Blake, reading a book. Jack is one of the two, long-term residential guests of the Cliff Head that I knew well, and actually liked.
Jack Blake is an extremely well dressed gentleman of indeterminate age. Nearly all the staff, variously referred to him — behind his back – as Blakey, the Colonel, the Major or sometimes even the General. At the time I had no idea which rank he’d actually held in the army, if any. At one time I kind-a had it figured that Captain or even Admiral, would have fitted him better. Or should I say, would have been nearest to correctly describing his one time profession. When the old boy did, very vaguely touch upon his military exploits in conversation. All right, sometimes there was the odd hint that he’d been romantically involved on occasion as well. But it appeared to me, that it was always the great ports or harbour towns and cities of the world that he mentioned.
He most definitely was a man of means. An almost inexhaustible bank account is required by anyone who actually lives ‘full time’ in the Cliff Head Hotel. Strangely, the old bugger shared the characteristic with Kylie of talking a lot, but giving out almost nothing in the way of personal information about themselves, at the same time. Well, he would mention both military and sexual exploits, but when it came to Jack, one can never tell if he is telling the truth, or pulling your leg.
Like the only other guest who befriended me, Jack had obviously been married numerous times, because he referred to his ex or deceased spouses by numbers, i.e. first, fourth or fifth wife, etc. Christ, the old bugger must have got around a bit, he referred to his last wife — who’d apparently passed away the year before I first met him – as ‘The seventh Mrs Blake.’
‘Ah, I see the gin palace has returned.’ Jack said disturbing me from my book.
Looking out to the bay, I noticed that damned great motor cruiser was back again.
‘Yeah, some yacht!’
‘Bloody great toy, useless in a following sea!’ Jack added. Lending further weight to my theory that he’d had a nautical past.
Then the old boy returned to reading his newspaper.
The yacht had anchored in roughly the same area of the bay that it had done previously. I noted that the crew lowered a launch, and a rib, into the water and secured them both alongside.
Then there was hardly any movement aboard that I could discern, until around seven o’clock. About a dozen or so people appeared on deck and were transported to the shore in the two small craft. I was pleased to note that I could make out Kylie amongst them.
But I pretended as best I could, not to be looking or even notice the party when they eventually arrived on the large paved area at the top of the cliff stairs.
That was until I saw that Kylie was slyly looking my way, out of the corner of my eye. I have no idea why I furtively nodded to her, without, I hoped, apparently raising my eyes from my book. But I could just make her lips curling at the edges and the almost imperceptible nod she returned.
To be honest, I wasn’t sure why I was playing the clandestine game with her, after all Kylie had blatantly joined me for breakfast the morning before. But then again, I’m an early riser — well I was in those days — and I took breakfast very early as well. There had hardly been anyone else in the dining room for breakfast that morning. Definitely no one from the party Kylie was with anyway, and she’d kind-of rushed me out for that walk along the cliffs.
Yeah, I got the impression that for some reason, possibly the one Aunt G had mentioned, Kylie wanted to keep our relationship — if that’s what you could call it — um… well clandestine! But then again, I had to take into account that Kylie could have just been playing silly, little girl games with me.
After the party had entered the hotel and gone directly into the small private dining room that I assumed they’d booked for dinner that evening. Blakey commented, ‘She’s very pretty isn’t she?’
‘Who is?’ I asked, feigning ignorance.
‘Oh come on my-boy, that pretty young thing who’s been making eyes at you all week.’
‘I only met her yesterday, Jack.’ I replied, slightly flustered that Blakey had seen our covert signals.
‘You disappoint me, young man! That young woman couldn’t take her eyes off you at dinner three nights ago.’
‘You’re winding me up, Jack.’
‘No young man, I never joke where affairs of the heart are concerned. And I’m very disheartened, as I’m sure she would be if she ever finds out, that you were not aware of her presence that evening. I really thought you were a little more observant than that Gil. What’s more, I do believe that the young lady in question has designs on you.’
‘We’ve passed the time of day.’
I tried to play down the fact that I’d been well and truly hooked by the girl. But Jack could obviously read me like a book.
‘A bit of an understatement if you ask me. Breakfast and a rather extended walk along the cliffs?’ He commented.
It wasn’t really a question, more a statement that he was well aware of Kylie and my movements.
I looked across at the old boy, to find him smiling back at me.
‘I didn’t!’ I replied, smiling.
‘I know, but I wasn’t the only one watching, I thought you should know.’
‘I appreciate your concern Mr Blake.’ I told him.
‘Some people don’t play by the rules young man, might I suggest that you watch your back. I can’t be sure, but I do believe that there are some people who would prefer that you two hadn’t run into each other on those stairs yesterday.’
‘Jack, is there something that you know, but I don’t?’
‘Probably lots of things young man, but regretfully nothing concerning that young lady in particular. What I do know is, I’ve seen a very similar situation before and when I got a little too close, I got my fingers burnt.’
‘I’m not with you, what kind of a situation?’
‘The young lady, much to her own displeasure, is surrounded by security, young man. The whole party is, if you look close enough. That gin palace out there in the bay spells obscene quantities of cash. No disrespect to yourself intended, but I very much doubt that you match up to the young lady’s parents expectations of a suitable suitor for her.’
‘She’s an orphan.’
‘That may well be, but it could be an even more dangerous situation. Her guardians expectations as a suitor…’
‘Dangerous?’ I interrupted Blakey.
‘Off course. People with that kind of money will do just about anything to keep it in their own hands, or control. Have you any idea, what the young woman’s worth?’
‘No, it never crossed my mind.’
‘Well, I’d say it’s crossed someone else’s mind young man, you just watch your back.’
‘I think you’re exaggerating a little, Mr Blake!’
‘We’ll see, you just watch yourself in the meantime young man! I know what I’m talking about, I’ve been where you’re standing right now, more than once in my life!’
Figuring the old man Blakey was losing his marbles a little, I let the conversation wane after that, and went back to my book for a little while. But a little later I realised that I was feeling hungry myself, lunch had consisted of a pint of bitter that day.
To save changing… Yeah, the Cliff Head was very formal when it came to the evening meal, I decided to eat in the staff dining room that evening.
Joke or what? The staff dining room was situated down in the bowels of the earth, directly under the private dining room Kylie and His Lordship’s party were using. It served many and varied purposes for the staff, break room, rest lounge and general eating room.
I collected my meal from the kitchen myself, the sta
ff were busy dashing around with the guest’s meals, I didn’t want to add to their burden unnecessarily.
The only other person eating in the staff room was Jimmy, the bellboy on duty. Jimmy wasn’t his real name I’m sure, he was Portuguese, probably with an unpronounceable name or it might have been that all the bellboys at the Cliff Head were always called Jimmy. On reflection, I could never recall a bellboy at the Hotel, with any other name.
Anyway, I tapped Jimmy for any information he had on his Lordship and his party, but he knew even less than I did. It struck me as very odd, that a large party of people could have stayed at the hotel several times previously, without anyone — especially the staff — really knowing much about them.
However it appeared that Jimmy knew a hell of a lot about that damned great yacht out in the bay. Don’t ask me, Jimmy must be a boat freak or something. He informed me that a Middle Eastern businessman or sheik owned the yacht. Jimmy did tell me the guy’s name, but I really can’t recall it now, it’s immaterial anyway. However the yacht spent most of its time out on charter but that gave me little idea of who had actually chartered the damn thing.
Jimmy could tell me everything about the boat itself, its exact dimensions, how fast it was, its cruising range at different speeds, and even how many guests could be accommodated. Not that any of that information was of much use or concern to me. But I let Jimmy waffle on just in case he came up with anything useful, he didn’t!
Sticking my head around the Palm Court door on my way to the bar after my meal, I was surprised to see that his Lordship’s party had ensconced itself in there following their meal. Some of them were even dancing.
That discovery led to me dashing up to my room to change into something that would meet the Palm Courts evening dress code. Yeah, I figured that I’d ask Kylie for a dance or two.
Back in the Palm Court, I joined Mr Blake who was in his usual early evening position, perched on a stool at the end of the bar. Later when Mrs Grace Leavie made an appearance, Jack Blake would join her at one of the tables.
Grace Leavie was the only other resident guest, who I’d made friends with, or really liked. I do believe she’d had as many husbands as Mr Blake had had wives, but she was more liable to chatter on about them in detail than Blakey was. She, like Kylie, had been bestowed with a title, Lady Leavie, but via one of her spouses. She’d not inherited from her father, as Lady Minerva had. Somewhat surprisingly and unlike most of the other guests at the Cliff Head, Grace preferred her friends not to use her title.
Mind you, Aunt G made sure that all the staff did address Grace as Lady Leavie, and that had led to some interesting, and entertaining, confrontations between the two women. You could never call them bosom buddies, although they were always impeccably — although often with a touch of humour in their voices — over-polite to each other. Sometimes, I got the impression that it was some kind of joke, or game the two women were playing.
Anyway, Grace and Jack Blake seemed to hit it off together. Although it was a slightly odd relationship, and that’s assuming it actually was a relationship. Almost the only time they were together was at the dining table and later in the evenings in the Palm Court, where Mr Blake would always sit with Grace, and on occasions they would dance together.
Oh, and one night a week when they played cards with some other resident guests in the library.
I do believe, well I know actually, that the two of them went off on trips to London to go to the theatre etc. a few times a year, where they were in the habit of staying at the Ritz. I know this, because I ran into them one evening in the West End and they invited the young lady I was escorting and myself, back there to have dinner with them the following evening.
I honestly do think they were attempting to play matchmaker between the young woman and me. Although they only knew me from the Cliff Head, they sang my praises all evening, I actually found myself getting a little embarrassed. Although it did work wonders for my ego, and worked even greater wonders for my relationship with that particular young lady. But as they say, it weren’t meant to be, and only lasted a few very energetic weeks.
However, I don’t think Jack and Grace had, what one could describe as a romantic relationship, themselves. They kind-a acted like brother and sister as far as I could make out, for a very long time I thought they were siblings.
Where was I? Oh yeah, I’d just joined Jack and Grace in the Palm Court.
Well, I had hardly sat down when Grace enquired whether I was going to ask Kylie to dance with me. It was pretty obvious to me that the two of them had been discussing Kylie and myself.
‘That was the general plan Grace.’ I replied. ‘But I’m not sure that’s too good an idea now.’
‘Why ever not?’ Grace asked.
‘She definitely saw me come in, but she appears to be avoiding eye contact with me since.’
It was true Kylie had briefly made eye contact with me as I’d entered the Palm Court, but after the briefest of half smiles, her face had taken on a serious expression and she looked away again. By the time I’d joined Grace and Jack, Kylie was sitting amongst her party — who all seemed to be very pleased about something — with a very unhappy expression on her face.
Every so often, someone in the party would speak to her and she’d give a brief little smile as she replied. It might have been wishful thinking but from where I was sitting, Kylie looked like she was very unhappy about something.
‘Oh she’s probably a little bit shy, go for it, whilst you’ve got the opportunity Gil.’ Grace insisted.
‘Not so fast Gracie, you’re interfering again old girl.’ Jack interrupted her. ‘No disrespect or offence intended to the lad. But I think Gracie, you’ll find that JG is persona non gratis with most of that crowd.’
‘Oh come Jack, that snobby attitude went out with the larks.’ Grace replied laughing.
‘Maybe for you Gracie girl, but there are still some who think they’re the chosen people. But besides, I’m not so sure that it is snobbery, I believe that there’s a lot of money sitting over there at that table, and they intend to keep it in the family.’
‘Oh, I never thought of that.’ Grace replied. ‘But surely they can’t object to the two youngsters dancing together, this is 1999, we’re almost in a new centenary. Go on lad, go for it!’ Grace added with a grin.
I had been undecided what to do and Grace’s encouragement had ‘almost’ made up my mind for me. ‘Damn it, how could anyone object to me asking Kylie to dance?’ I thought.
But as I went to rise from my seat, a pair of eyes caught mine. I can’t put my finger on why, but they stopped me dead in my tracks.
They were the eyes of the guy who’d been stood at the top of the cliff steps after my first encounter with Kylie. I’d thought at the time that he was the uncle Kylie had mentioned. It was as our eyes met, that I realised that he couldn’t be. I don’t know whether it was the expression in those eyes or his body language, but something implied to me that he was probably Kylie’s bodyguard.
Anyway, as I’d begun to rise, our eyes had met for an instant and he gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head. Even at that range I could see that his eyes had an unexpectedly friendly look about them, as I sat back down his head nodded almost as imperceptibly as it had shaken.
‘What stopped you Gil?’ Grace asked.
‘I think someone just told him that the timing wasn’t right!’ Jack replied on my behalf.
Obviously Jack had seen the guy’s covert message as well.
‘Who is he, do you know?’ I asked Jack.
‘Not sure son, seems to be a flunky, or he could be a security man. He’s always around somewhere when your young lady’s about. Anyway watch him, I
do believe that when it is safe to dance with her, he’ll give you the nod.’
‘I’m sorry Jack, you’ve lost me. Why would you say safe for Gil to dance with the girl and why would that man advise him when it was?’
‘We think he’s her bodyguard Grace.’
‘What difference would that make?’ Grace asked.
‘From my experience, older bodyguards tend to bond somewhat with their charges Grace, and become something like a father figure to them, especially when their charges are as pretty as that young lady. That’s of course assuming the their charge isn’t a right little madam, which, I’m pretty convinced, that particular young lady isn’t.
‘I should imagine that they’ve built up a mutual understanding between them by now. She appeared to be able to slip away from him very easily this morning. But then, he still kept a very wary eye on JG and her when they went for a walk along the cliffs.’
‘I don’t understand what you’re trying to say Jack.’ Grace said.
‘Grace, we… I suspect that man has been hired to make sure that the young lady doesn’t get involved with, or even meet anyone her family doesn’t want her too. But she and her minder have come to an understanding and when she wants to do her own thing, she slips the leash. He on the other hand, is better at his job than he chooses to show, so whilst he lets her slip away, he still takes his job as her protector seriously.’
‘Oh, so you mean that he lets her think she’s slipped away from him, when actually she hasn’t!’
‘Near enough Grace, but I believe he just averts his eyes when he thinks she wants him to. Now who’s this, she’s dancing with, any idea JG?’
I looked up to see that Kylie was on the floor dancing with the young man who’d been sitting beside her. He was not exactly grinning like a Cheshire cat, more like, smirking like he was the cat who’d got the cream.
‘No idea Mr Blake. But I think he maybe the guy who Kylie went to meet on the yacht yesterday. Fabian, something or the other.’
‘Well from the expressions on the rest of the parties faces, I’d say that he’s their chosen suitor and your main rival for young Kylie’s affections me lad!’
‘You think she’s attracted to him?’
‘No, my boy I don’t! I think she’s attracted to you. But I do believe you’ll find that her family consider him the ideal husband for her.’
‘She had that faraway look in her eye when she was watching you at dinner the evening she arrived Gilmore. Although I gather from what Jack tells me, that you didn’t even notice her.
‘By the way young man, it’s not very good etiquette to read a book whilst you’re eating your evening meal. I’m sure your dear departed mother would have been horrified.’ Grace admonished me.
‘Sorry Grace, but to be honest I hadn’t noticed the sudden up-turn in the quality of the scenery around here.’ I replied smiling.
Grace gave me one of her mocking disapproval looks in return.
If it wasn’t bad enough that Aunt Gertrude, came down heavy on me all the time. Gracie was always reminding me of my manners as well, but maybe, with a little more tolerance and humour than my aunt. I could never be quite sure whether Grace was pulling my leg actually. Mind you, I made a point of never arguing or talking back to Grace, well, not on serious subjects anyway.
I did get the nod from the guy eventually, not that I saw it, I was talking with Grace at the time and Jack suddenly nudged me.
‘Go for it lad, her suitor has hit the ablutions.’
I could sense the hostility emanating from almost everyone at that table as I neared their table, Kylie, who had watched me approach out of the corner of her eye, and although feigning surprise at my request, was almost on her feet before I’d finished inviting her to dance.
I think one old boy, who I now believe is her uncle what’s-‘is-name, you know her guardian or whatever. Well, I think he tried to object, but Kylie and I were long gone, before he’d said more than two words.
‘You’re a very busy lady Kylie, dashing around all the time, I hardly get to see you.’ I said, as I took her in my arms and we began to glide around the floor.
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Hey I am Akarshit Saxena from Bareilly and I was 19 years old I am 5 feet11inc tall guys having athletic physic. This is story year back in October aunty living in my house on rent with family named Sonia but she said don’t call me aunty call me bhabhi. She is always smile and she was of 32 years with 2 kids her breast was very huge like big watermelons with full of juice and her hips also well round and big though. She was slim and her body size was 40, waist 45 hips 49 and her thighs were so...
IncestI was in the middle of a flower bed in the city park near my home, doing a little macrophotography. I had been shooting flowers and the occasional bumblebee for about a half-hour. The park is home to a soccer pitch, a baseball diamond, and various play structures, since it was mainly intended for the local children. The city had installed a couple of flower beds around the perimeter, surrounded by low stone walls, and the summer's weather had been good to the flowers, and the fat bees. I...
Welcome to The Teen Titans Uncensored Chyoo Story... How this works is simple... You play a Supreme Being, similar to the Watcher in ways. You have decided to possess one of the citizens of Jump City, in order to have some fun, at the expense of the local superheroine and/or supervillaness society, by inexplicably causing them to have a very much more arousing experience over a period of anything from a few days to the rest of their natural life. You have decided on a target, from the groups...
This particular story is the detailed affair of, well, an affair. The first I had with my current boyfriend almost ten months ago. At the time I was dating someone else, but something had always seemed like it wasn’t quite right, although I could never put my finger on what it was. I wanted so badly to be in love with someone, that I convinced myself that I was with this one, whom I’ll call Alex. He was from England originally, and he was very charming, and proper and of course my parents loved...
EroticRick stretched. He loved the feeling of the hot Florida sun as it baked his naked skin. Reaching for the sun block SPF 30 he squirted and languidly smeared it over his chest and stomach allowing his fingers to lightly ghost over his skin.Adjusting his sun glasses he turned his head and smiled at the similarly nude woman sleeping on their private sun deck beside him. He decided to wake her. He didn't want that luscious body burned and uncomfortable when he made love to her later that evening....
This may be archived on Fictionmania and other free story sites. Not sure if this particular story idea was used before but I thought I'd give it a try... The Girl Grip By Sagista It was a nice cool and foggy summer morning. Some teenage boys were out by Ferome's Lake, heading up a windy old trail between the trees and shrubs, on their way to a favorite fishing spot. Their fishing poles bobbled up and down as they walked and their tackle boxes jingled and rattled about. The...
I came over to your house to help you clean. I walk in, and you are in the middle of doing your laundry. As you bend over to unload the dryer, I can see your shorts outline your tight pussy, and I see that you aren't wearing any underwear. I sneak up behind you, and place my hands on your hips as I press myself up against your ass, and you respond by grinding against my crotch. You turn around and kiss me passionately while unbuttoning my shirt. Your mouth and skilled tongue move down to my...
EroticBrian and Sue had known each other for little over a year after meeting at a party at a mutual friend of theirs. They hadn’t seen each other for about six months when they ran into each other at the supermarket and decided to go have drinks together afterwards. Neither of them expected things to get so hot for the both of them at the bar. Sue couldn’t help feeling a bit lusty seeing Brian’s shirt just dr****g off his broad shoulders.Brian really liked Sue’s confidence and the way her ass fit...
"I can't believe she came," Carol hissed, her eyes following the brunette as she walked through the door."Dan's biological mom?" I asked, looking where my wife was looking."She was with my dad just long enough to give birth to my brother and then walk out on them. I can't believe she would show up here." Carol shook her head in disbelief, watching the older woman break into a group of my in-law's friends, smiling and laughing with them before they nervously broke away.Dianne, Carol's...
TabooIt was four-and-a-half hours straight through from Marietta to Bedford in the Aztec. No one wanted to do that again. Even Jake and Toby's bladders were feeling the strain. It wasn't one of Misty's best landings, either. Holding an airplane steady while doing the pee-pee dance was not a skill that she had acquired. Jake had been concerned about traveling to Boston. After all, he was out on bail pending trial for felony assault. Lesa assured him that nothing would be said. He was innocent...
"It seems someone's forgotten how a proper beating should be carried out, Slave..." "No Master!" He draws back the whip, making her flinch, then lets the soft tendrils trail down her other breast, caressing her sensuous curves. She lets out a shuddery breath, eyes still closed as she savors it, and he whispers "You have to mix in some pleasure. Convince your victim to open every nerve, every sense, to savor the sensation-" *CRACK!* goes the whip across her inner thigh, "-before you...
Adriana's Addictions by SissyKimmy1 Session One: The Doll The tall, beautiful woman dressed casually in jeans and a tight shirt smiled and accepted the cash from the mother and winked slyly towards the daughter. "So it's settled then, your stupid bully brother will become the perfect bullying victim, a huge sissy fag." The daughter, Aileen, smiled at her mother. She was a beautiful girl, thin and attractive with long brunette hair. "Oh, thank you so much. This will be so good...
Author’s Note. I first published this about a year ago under a different title but I wasn’t happy with it so pulled it for a rewrite. The storyline is much the same but the ending significantly different. If you are after a quick stroke story this is not it: rather, it’s a tale for those who like a bit of a build up and some romance, and – dare I say it – a little humour too. It is a lighthearted tale with a touch of fantasy and fairytale about it, so please don’t take it too seriously...
Sitting back in my chair, I run my fingers through my hair, whilst trying to figure out how some people have no control over their own orgasms. The guy I was just on call with only took three minutes. Three damn minutes! I know I’m good, but damn. I sigh, and slightly shrug. Oh well, I still make the full half hour charge, his loss. I think to myself. I have a dinner date with AJ tonight. His best mate is in town and wants to have dinner with him, myself and of course his own fiancé. I have...
NovelsStory about how I met a reader online and ensured all hers needs were satisfied. [email protected] for more fun. Only girls please.
IndianChapter 2 I got the call from the boss on Friday morning. Mr K had booked a job for that night and it would be an overnighter, returning sometime Saturday. I replied that I was available and that I would be in to pick up the car by 4PM. The dispatcher advised that Mr K had ordered the VIP Escalade. That had me wondering what escapade lie ahead. When I arrived at the Ritz at 7pm as instructed Mr K was already outside and dressed in jeans and a worn shirt but carrying that forsaken brief case...
My wife and I have been on and off in the swinger scene. We are in our late 40s. We both used to model for magazines regionally, and are still in great shape and an attractive white couple. We often are said we look in our mid-30s (which we do).Anyway, we were sharing pillow talk Thursday night (May 17th, 2012) and she came out and admitted that she had been thinking about trying to explore the idea of cuckolding me again. Everytime we make love, I talk about it in the middle of her orgasm and...
Chapter Five: A fight before satisfaction Lisa’s point of view On the drive back to the vineyard, Ted seemed to take every back road he knew. I tried to watch the scenery and act as though it didn’t matter how long it took to get back to his house but I was melting in my seat. Never in my life had I been so worked up as this morning and I needed release. He wouldn’t let me touch myself but he did reach over every few minutes and caress me, like he was keeping a pot simmering. My glorious...
Hi everyone, I’m Mark from Kerala Today I would like to share my fictional erotic experience with my dear mom which happened few years back. I was 25 years then and my mom was 41. My father was working in middle east for many years from my childhood. He comes on leave once a year only. This happened in 2007 when computers and USB drives started flooding the homes and old people were not that aware about its potential troubles. I finished my engineering and was working with an MNC at my city. My...
IncestNext to having sex, playing with fire and drinking were two of Phil’s favorite pastimes. Since his wife didn’t seem interested in sex these days, he was enjoying his camp fire and his bottle of rum. The combination of feeling sorry for himself, feeling horny, and feeling more than a little drunk was Phil’s state of mind when his daughter’s friend, Beth, came out of the cabin. “Hello, Mr. Wilcox. Can I join you?” Beth looked good in Phil’s old flannel shirt that he brought for early morning...
Miriam lived directly next door. Miriam was also an older woman. When I was 15, Miriam was 16. At that age, the differences in our ages were dog years. I had always admired her from afar, but I knew I didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of being considered anything but the BOY next door. We talked to each other when we would meet and I would watch in awe as boys with cars would come and pick her up for dates. I lusted ... but from afar. Miriam had long black hair, a Snow White complexion...
III: Hard Candy - Tenchion '< : I'm going to ask you a question right now and I will expect you to answer honestly, Tobias. - AwesomeSauce4E4 '< : Who the fuck is this? - Tenchion '< : Is your first name Harvey? - AwesomeSauce4E4 '< : WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?? - Tenchion '< : No. You don't get to use all caps with me, you little shit. I know what you're trying to do, and I'm ashamed of you. - Tenchion '< : You...
whats up fuckers, the bangbus is back this week and we found a nice unsuspecting girl to fuck on the bus, we pulled up to Eden and told her we were part of a game show that pays people money to do random dumb shit. of course this dumb bitch bought it and was totally game to play. after about $150 worth of her doing trivial bullshit we got to the good stuff. we offered her $500 come in the van ride along with us and show off her cutter. she said no and walked away. BUT money talks and she came...
xmoviesforyouAndrew sat on his couch, idly flipping through channels. His girlfriend Kira wasn't home yet, and if he had to guess why, it was likely because of her saving a busload of passengers on the suspension bridge. As he passed the news channel again, he saw another selection of footage of "Guardian" lifting the bus off the ground. Most people would expect him to be watching her star struck, absolutely enamored with her. And he was, but not because she was "Guardian" but because she was Kira. When...
My inner goddess I refer to as Gigi… I hit the ‘End’ button on my phone and let out a groan. “What did he want now?” Jake asked, talking about my boss who I just hung up with. “He wants me to go to another healthcare reform conference,” I sighed out. Jake laughed and said, “Oh, your favorite.” I gave him a sideways look and said, “If he is going to send me to a conference it could at least have been in Florida, where it is warm! But, no, I get to go to Columbus!”
Dear Willow, Home life ... It is odd. I guess that is the best way to put it. Holly isn't pregnant yet, just Beth and Dana. Dana's sponsor committed the crime of failing to reproduce. He found the idea of sex with a woman so repugnant that he couldn't even perform that function while stimulated by his male concubine. Mr. Ackermann helped refine the CAP test to prove that was the case. Sure I suppose he could have been sent on to a combat unit to act as cannon fodder but our route didn't...
Take the phone to the courthouse square park and place it inside a Hardee's bag. Take a biscuit and coffee from the Hardee's bag then deposit the trash in it after your breakfast. Place the bag filled with your trash and the phone into the refuge collector directly across from the courthouse. Move to a bench away from the refuse can and wait for it to be collected. Do no allow the county to empty those cans until our man gets it. I followed the instructions even though I was in a little...
"Sir, can I speak freely?" Captain Jane Appet spoke through clenched teeth, staring across the desk at the commander of Orbital Academy. "Permission denied," General Auspus replied cooly. His fingers flicked across the screen he held, comparing it to a page of notes on his desk, the picture of distracted business. "Yes sir," Jane turned and walked toward the door, fuming, mind spinning. "This is why I like you Captain Appet," the General's voice stopped her at the door, "any...
"Come on up to the house." The intercom system didn't do her justice but hearing Hailey Buchanan's smooth tones was reassuring: I was at the correct address, a stone’s throw from the famous French Riviera. I took a deep breath as the massive wrought iron gates opened automatically and then I slipped the hired car into gear.Late on a Friday evening, my editor informed me that he had rearranged Mrs Hailey Buchanan's interview — and swiftly added that my flight was the following day. Annoyed...
CheatingThe old-style Checker cab inched away from the congested airport loading zone,then pulled out into the cold, rainy January evening and headed for a downtown hotel. Inside, Gwen studied Mark’s face. For all she knew, he might have found someone special while back home. Hesitantly, even shyly, she asked, ‘Did you miss me?” Mark nodded, ‘You were all I could think about on the flight up. Then the damn landing was delayed. Were you waiting long?” Gwen felt her tension begin to ease. She’d worried...
I remember the first time we touched each other. Our lips touched, and then our tongues You were nervous. But gradually our tongues met and we kissed slowly for the first time, tongues and touching. I felt your arse, such a gorgeous arse and God, I wanted you. I remember the first time we touched each other properly when we felt inside clothes for the first time. My finger touched you, so wet and excited for the first time and then you held me for the first time slowly sliding you hand up and...