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By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer

Minerva chapter 03

A little later that day I was sitting in the west conservatory, accompanied by Jack Blake, reading a book. Jack is one of the two, long-term residential guests of the Cliff Head that I knew well, and actually liked.

Jack Blake is an extremely well dressed gentleman of indeterminate age. Nearly all the staff, variously referred to him — behind his back – as Blakey, the Colonel, the Major or sometimes even the General. At the time I had no idea which rank he’d actually held in the army, if any. At one time I kind-a had it figured that Captain or even Admiral, would have fitted him better. Or should I say, would have been nearest to correctly describing his one time profession. When the old boy did, very vaguely touch upon his military exploits in conversation. All right, sometimes there was the odd hint that he’d been romantically involved on occasion as well. But it appeared to me, that it was always the great ports or harbour towns and cities of the world that he mentioned.

He most definitely was a man of means. An almost inexhaustible bank account is required by anyone who actually lives ‘full time’ in the Cliff Head Hotel. Strangely, the old bugger shared the characteristic with Kylie of talking a lot, but giving out almost nothing in the way of personal information about themselves, at the same time. Well, he would mention both military and sexual exploits, but when it came to Jack, one can never tell if he is telling the truth, or pulling your leg.

Like the only other guest who befriended me, Jack had obviously been married numerous times, because he referred to his ex or deceased spouses by numbers, i.e. first, fourth or fifth wife, etc. Christ, the old bugger must have got around a bit, he referred to his last wife — who’d apparently passed away the year before I first met him – as ‘The seventh Mrs Blake.’

‘Ah, I see the gin palace has returned.’ Jack said disturbing me from my book.

Looking out to the bay, I noticed that damned great motor cruiser was back again.

‘Yeah, some yacht!’

‘Bloody great toy, useless in a following sea!’ Jack added. Lending further weight to my theory that he’d had a nautical past.

Then the old boy returned to reading his newspaper.

The yacht had anchored in roughly the same area of the bay that it had done previously. I noted that the crew lowered a launch, and a rib, into the water and secured them both alongside.

Then there was hardly any movement aboard that I could discern, until around seven o’clock. About a dozen or so people appeared on deck and were transported to the shore in the two small craft. I was pleased to note that I could make out Kylie amongst them.

But I pretended as best I could, not to be looking or even notice the party when they eventually arrived on the large paved area at the top of the cliff stairs.

That was until I saw that Kylie was slyly looking my way, out of the corner of my eye. I have no idea why I furtively nodded to her, without, I hoped, apparently raising my eyes from my book. But I could just make her lips curling at the edges and the almost imperceptible nod she returned.

To be honest, I wasn’t sure why I was playing the clandestine game with her, after all Kylie had blatantly joined me for breakfast the morning before. But then again, I’m an early riser — well I was in those days — and I took breakfast very early as well. There had hardly been anyone else in the dining room for breakfast that morning. Definitely no one from the party Kylie was with anyway, and she’d kind-of rushed me out for that walk along the cliffs.

Yeah, I got the impression that for some reason, possibly the one Aunt G had mentioned, Kylie wanted to keep our relationship — if that’s what you could call it — um… well clandestine! But then again, I had to take into account that Kylie could have just been playing silly, little girl games with me.

After the party had entered the hotel and gone directly into the small private dining room that I assumed they’d booked for dinner that evening. Blakey commented, ‘She’s very pretty isn’t she?’

‘Who is?’ I asked, feigning ignorance.

‘Oh come on my-boy, that pretty young thing who’s been making eyes at you all week.’

‘I only met her yesterday, Jack.’ I replied, slightly flustered that Blakey had seen our covert signals.

‘You disappoint me, young man! That young woman couldn’t take her eyes off you at dinner three nights ago.’

‘You’re winding me up, Jack.’

‘No young man, I never joke where affairs of the heart are concerned. And I’m very disheartened, as I’m sure she would be if she ever finds out, that you were not aware of her presence that evening. I really thought you were a little more observant than that Gil. What’s more, I do believe that the young lady in question has designs on you.’

‘We’ve passed the time of day.’

I tried to play down the fact that I’d been well and truly hooked by the girl. But Jack could obviously read me like a book.

‘A bit of an understatement if you ask me. Breakfast and a rather extended walk along the cliffs?’ He commented.

It wasn’t really a question, more a statement that he was well aware of Kylie and my movements.

I looked across at the old boy, to find him smiling back at me.

‘I didn’t!’ I replied, smiling.

‘I know, but I wasn’t the only one watching, I thought you should know.’

‘I appreciate your concern Mr Blake.’ I told him.

‘Some people don’t play by the rules young man, might I suggest that you watch your back. I can’t be sure, but I do believe that there are some people who would prefer that you two hadn’t run into each other on those stairs yesterday.’

‘Jack, is there something that you know, but I don’t?’

‘Probably lots of things young man, but regretfully nothing concerning that young lady in particular. What I do know is, I’ve seen a very similar situation before and when I got a little too close, I got my fingers burnt.’

‘I’m not with you, what kind of a situation?’

‘The young lady, much to her own displeasure, is surrounded by security, young man. The whole party is, if you look close enough. That gin palace out there in the bay spells obscene quantities of cash. No disrespect to yourself intended, but I very much doubt that you match up to the young lady’s parents expectations of a suitable suitor for her.’

‘She’s an orphan.’

‘That may well be, but it could be an even more dangerous situation. Her guardians expectations as a suitor…’

‘Dangerous?’ I interrupted Blakey.

‘Off course. People with that kind of money will do just about anything to keep it in their own hands, or control. Have you any idea, what the young woman’s worth?’

‘No, it never crossed my mind.’

‘Well, I’d say it’s crossed someone else’s mind young man, you just watch your back.’

‘I think you’re exaggerating a little, Mr Blake!’

‘We’ll see, you just watch yourself in the meantime young man! I know what I’m talking about, I’ve been where you’re standing right now, more than once in my life!’

Figuring the old man Blakey was losing his marbles a little, I let the conversation wane after that, and went back to my book for a little while. But a little later I realised that I was feeling hungry myself, lunch had consisted of a pint of bitter that day.

To save changing… Yeah, the Cliff Head was very formal when it came to the evening meal, I decided to eat in the staff dining room that evening.

Joke or what? The staff dining room was situated down in the bowels of the earth, directly under the private dining room Kylie and His Lordship’s party were using. It served many and varied purposes for the staff, break room, rest lounge and general eating room.

I collected my meal from the kitchen myself, the sta
ff were busy dashing around with the guest’s meals, I didn’t want to add to their burden unnecessarily.

The only other person eating in the staff room was Jimmy, the bellboy on duty. Jimmy wasn’t his real name I’m sure, he was Portuguese, probably with an unpronounceable name or it might have been that all the bellboys at the Cliff Head were always called Jimmy. On reflection, I could never recall a bellboy at the Hotel, with any other name.

Anyway, I tapped Jimmy for any information he had on his Lordship and his party, but he knew even less than I did. It struck me as very odd, that a large party of people could have stayed at the hotel several times previously, without anyone — especially the staff — really knowing much about them.

However it appeared that Jimmy knew a hell of a lot about that damned great yacht out in the bay. Don’t ask me, Jimmy must be a boat freak or something. He informed me that a Middle Eastern businessman or sheik owned the yacht. Jimmy did tell me the guy’s name, but I really can’t recall it now, it’s immaterial anyway. However the yacht spent most of its time out on charter but that gave me little idea of who had actually chartered the damn thing.

Jimmy could tell me everything about the boat itself, its exact dimensions, how fast it was, its cruising range at different speeds, and even how many guests could be accommodated. Not that any of that information was of much use or concern to me. But I let Jimmy waffle on just in case he came up with anything useful, he didn’t!

Sticking my head around the Palm Court door on my way to the bar after my meal, I was surprised to see that his Lordship’s party had ensconced itself in there following their meal. Some of them were even dancing.

That discovery led to me dashing up to my room to change into something that would meet the Palm Courts evening dress code. Yeah, I figured that I’d ask Kylie for a dance or two.

Back in the Palm Court, I joined Mr Blake who was in his usual early evening position, perched on a stool at the end of the bar. Later when Mrs Grace Leavie made an appearance, Jack Blake would join her at one of the tables.

Grace Leavie was the only other resident guest, who I’d made friends with, or really liked. I do believe she’d had as many husbands as Mr Blake had had wives, but she was more liable to chatter on about them in detail than Blakey was. She, like Kylie, had been bestowed with a title, Lady Leavie, but via one of her spouses. She’d not inherited from her father, as Lady Minerva had. Somewhat surprisingly and unlike most of the other guests at the Cliff Head, Grace preferred her friends not to use her title.

Mind you, Aunt G made sure that all the staff did address Grace as Lady Leavie, and that had led to some interesting, and entertaining, confrontations between the two women. You could never call them bosom buddies, although they were always impeccably — although often with a touch of humour in their voices — over-polite to each other. Sometimes, I got the impression that it was some kind of joke, or game the two women were playing.

Anyway, Grace and Jack Blake seemed to hit it off together. Although it was a slightly odd relationship, and that’s assuming it actually was a relationship. Almost the only time they were together was at the dining table and later in the evenings in the Palm Court, where Mr Blake would always sit with Grace, and on occasions they would dance together.

Oh, and one night a week when they played cards with some other resident guests in the library.

I do believe, well I know actually, that the two of them went off on trips to London to go to the theatre etc. a few times a year, where they were in the habit of staying at the Ritz. I know this, because I ran into them one evening in the West End and they invited the young lady I was escorting and myself, back there to have dinner with them the following evening.

I honestly do think they were attempting to play matchmaker between the young woman and me. Although they only knew me from the Cliff Head, they sang my praises all evening, I actually found myself getting a little embarrassed. Although it did work wonders for my ego, and worked even greater wonders for my relationship with that particular young lady. But as they say, it weren’t meant to be, and only lasted a few very energetic weeks.

However, I don’t think Jack and Grace had, what one could describe as a romantic relationship, themselves. They kind-a acted like brother and sister as far as I could make out, for a very long time I thought they were siblings.

Where was I? Oh yeah, I’d just joined Jack and Grace in the Palm Court.

Well, I had hardly sat down when Grace enquired whether I was going to ask Kylie to dance with me. It was pretty obvious to me that the two of them had been discussing Kylie and myself.

‘That was the general plan Grace.’ I replied. ‘But I’m not sure that’s too good an idea now.’

‘Why ever not?’ Grace asked.

‘She definitely saw me come in, but she appears to be avoiding eye contact with me since.’

It was true Kylie had briefly made eye contact with me as I’d entered the Palm Court, but after the briefest of half smiles, her face had taken on a serious expression and she looked away again. By the time I’d joined Grace and Jack, Kylie was sitting amongst her party — who all seemed to be very pleased about something — with a very unhappy expression on her face.

Every so often, someone in the party would speak to her and she’d give a brief little smile as she replied. It might have been wishful thinking but from where I was sitting, Kylie looked like she was very unhappy about something.

‘Oh she’s probably a little bit shy, go for it, whilst you’ve got the opportunity Gil.’ Grace insisted.

‘Not so fast Gracie, you’re interfering again old girl.’ Jack interrupted her. ‘No disrespect or offence intended to the lad. But I think Gracie, you’ll find that JG is persona non gratis with most of that crowd.’

‘Oh come Jack, that snobby attitude went out with the larks.’ Grace replied laughing.

‘Maybe for you Gracie girl, but there are still some who think they’re the chosen people. But besides, I’m not so sure that it is snobbery, I believe that there’s a lot of money sitting over there at that table, and they intend to keep it in the family.’

‘Oh, I never thought of that.’ Grace replied. ‘But surely they can’t object to the two youngsters dancing together, this is 1999, we’re almost in a new centenary. Go on lad, go for it!’ Grace added with a grin.

I had been undecided what to do and Grace’s encouragement had ‘almost’ made up my mind for me. ‘Damn it, how could anyone object to me asking Kylie to dance?’ I thought.

But as I went to rise from my seat, a pair of eyes caught mine. I can’t put my finger on why, but they stopped me dead in my tracks.

They were the eyes of the guy who’d been stood at the top of the cliff steps after my first encounter with Kylie. I’d thought at the time that he was the uncle Kylie had mentioned. It was as our eyes met, that I realised that he couldn’t be. I don’t know whether it was the expression in those eyes or his body language, but something implied to me that he was probably Kylie’s bodyguard.

Anyway, as I’d begun to rise, our eyes had met for an instant and he gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head. Even at that range I could see that his eyes had an unexpectedly friendly look about them, as I sat back down his head nodded almost as imperceptibly as it had shaken.

‘What stopped you Gil?’ Grace asked.

‘I think someone just told him that the timing wasn’t right!’ Jack replied on my behalf.

Obviously Jack had seen the guy’s covert message as well.

‘Who is he, do you know?’ I asked Jack.

‘Not sure son, seems to be a flunky, or he could be a security man. He’s always around somewhere when your young lady’s about. Anyway watch him, I
do believe that when it is safe to dance with her, he’ll give you the nod.’

‘I’m sorry Jack, you’ve lost me. Why would you say safe for Gil to dance with the girl and why would that man advise him when it was?’

‘We think he’s her bodyguard Grace.’

‘What difference would that make?’ Grace asked.

‘From my experience, older bodyguards tend to bond somewhat with their charges Grace, and become something like a father figure to them, especially when their charges are as pretty as that young lady. That’s of course assuming the their charge isn’t a right little madam, which, I’m pretty convinced, that particular young lady isn’t.

‘I should imagine that they’ve built up a mutual understanding between them by now. She appeared to be able to slip away from him very easily this morning. But then, he still kept a very wary eye on JG and her when they went for a walk along the cliffs.’

‘I don’t understand what you’re trying to say Jack.’ Grace said.

‘Grace, we… I suspect that man has been hired to make sure that the young lady doesn’t get involved with, or even meet anyone her family doesn’t want her too. But she and her minder have come to an understanding and when she wants to do her own thing, she slips the leash. He on the other hand, is better at his job than he chooses to show, so whilst he lets her slip away, he still takes his job as her protector seriously.’

‘Oh, so you mean that he lets her think she’s slipped away from him, when actually she hasn’t!’

‘Near enough Grace, but I believe he just averts his eyes when he thinks she wants him to. Now who’s this, she’s dancing with, any idea JG?’

I looked up to see that Kylie was on the floor dancing with the young man who’d been sitting beside her. He was not exactly grinning like a Cheshire cat, more like, smirking like he was the cat who’d got the cream.

‘No idea Mr Blake. But I think he maybe the guy who Kylie went to meet on the yacht yesterday. Fabian, something or the other.’

‘Well from the expressions on the rest of the parties faces, I’d say that he’s their chosen suitor and your main rival for young Kylie’s affections me lad!’

‘You think she’s attracted to him?’

‘No, my boy I don’t! I think she’s attracted to you. But I do believe you’ll find that her family consider him the ideal husband for her.’

‘She had that faraway look in her eye when she was watching you at dinner the evening she arrived Gilmore. Although I gather from what Jack tells me, that you didn’t even notice her.

‘By the way young man, it’s not very good etiquette to read a book whilst you’re eating your evening meal. I’m sure your dear departed mother would have been horrified.’ Grace admonished me.

‘Sorry Grace, but to be honest I hadn’t noticed the sudden up-turn in the quality of the scenery around here.’ I replied smiling.

Grace gave me one of her mocking disapproval looks in return.

If it wasn’t bad enough that Aunt Gertrude, came down heavy on me all the time. Gracie was always reminding me of my manners as well, but maybe, with a little more tolerance and humour than my aunt. I could never be quite sure whether Grace was pulling my leg actually. Mind you, I made a point of never arguing or talking back to Grace, well, not on serious subjects anyway.

I did get the nod from the guy eventually, not that I saw it, I was talking with Grace at the time and Jack suddenly nudged me.

‘Go for it lad, her suitor has hit the ablutions.’

I could sense the hostility emanating from almost everyone at that table as I neared their table, Kylie, who had watched me approach out of the corner of her eye, and although feigning surprise at my request, was almost on her feet before I’d finished inviting her to dance.

I think one old boy, who I now believe is her uncle what’s-‘is-name, you know her guardian or whatever. Well, I think he tried to object, but Kylie and I were long gone, before he’d said more than two words.

‘You’re a very busy lady Kylie, dashing around all the time, I hardly get to see you.’ I said, as I took her in my arms and we began to glide around the floor.

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Rajan kapoor – email: I am regular reader of iss and really very much enjoying on the real stories and today I also want to share the incident happen with me, its a real incident….. About me I am 36 male, well built, 5.11″ height, my tool is more then 6″ and width is 3″…Special about me is I am having good stamina while fucking….Mein lagatar 30 se 40 minute tak chod sakta hu jhade binaa, hamesha mera partner mujh se thak jaata hai, mein meri technic ke saath eek aurat ko raat mein 4 baar chood...

3 years ago
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Am I Bi Chapter 3

When David returned home a little later than usual that evening, Kelly knew that things may have gone pretty well at school. They had worked at different campuses that day so she got home well before him.  "How did it go? Did you see Ben?" she asked trying not to sound too eager.  "Better than I thought," David answered mysteriously.  "OK mister, come with me," she said leading him by the hand into their bedroom.  It was one of their private rituals. When one of them had a sexy story or...

4 years ago
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Blackfeather10 Kissing a Girl

“RAMIE? RAMIE?” Kyle was standing right in front of me. I started out of my reverie. “What?” “You’re asleep on your feet. You didn’t even look up when I pulled in.” “Kyle, I was...” I couldn’t tell him. He claimed to not be time traveling, even though I’d seen him twice. Still, the last time I’d seen that corporal, Kyle certainly was not there. And how did I go off time-traveling if I wasn’t listening to him and Aubrey making love? I looked over and the raven had his head tucked under his...

2 years ago
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days gone bi

I used to go to the toilet in the park on the way home from school to have a wank, or on the way to school in the morning, I even had to go in my dinner time, I used to run to the park toilet for a wank i could not wait.one day dinner time there was someone in the cubicle, I creep in the one next to it, never made any noise and as I sat down on the seat their was a hole in the wall, I was shocked at the size of an cut cock being wanked, i watched the precum hang off his huge uncut cock, then he...

3 years ago
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Natalie Conrad

Natalie and Conrad Natalie paced back and forth alongside her parked car. She stopped alongside the cars passenger window. She bit a nail, trying to stem her nervousness. What if this man, this Conrad, doesn't like her? What if she doesn't like him? Yesterday she had been so excited after Katy had told her about him she couldn't think straight, but now, if Katy had come by and said it was all off, she'd be glad. Wouldn't she? She glanced at her watch for the sixth time since getting out...

4 years ago
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Party Favor

I realize this is purely a male fantasy, so with my apologies to women everywhere : *** Dory's bachelorette party was in full swing .   Her best friend Sue had gone to a lot of effort to put together the kind of party that would make her remember forever the joys of being single. It was an all-girl affair, though - she didn't want any guys spoiling the fun with their presence. Not that she had any problem with guys, of course, but too many women found it impossible to really let their hair...

1 year ago
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Vinnys First

Looking back at my life, it is hard to know exactly where to begin... So, let me start my story at a time after my ex left me, or more correctly left us, me and my sixteen year old step son Vince. This was a time in my life when I was emotionally compromised. Out of my basic human need for love I found it in Gina, the love of my life. Gina, a professional photographer, frequently went away on photo shoots. I truly missed her and my loneliness combined with my high sexual appetite left me with...

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BlacksOnBlondes Keisha Grey 12252017

For months, Keisha Grey has had a crush on Mr. King, the man who runs her pool cleaning service. He’s a big, black Bull. One of the biggest she’s seen. He’s over six feet tall, and his muscles are so huge, his work coveralls barely fit. Since Keisha first laid eyes on him, she’s wondered if his cock is as big as his biceps. Today, she’s going to find out. Her plan to seduce him is painfully obvious: Keisha dons her skimpiest bikini to lay out in the sun. But...

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MyPervyFamily Alex Blake Are You Blackmailing Me

I can tell you’ve got something on your mind sis, what’s up? I’m not sure if I can trust you… Come on you know you can trust me! Fine… I need your help… Could you maybe buy me some condoms? What?! Why do you need me to buy you condoms? I’m just embarrassed to buy them on my own.. please bro! I guess, but you’re going to have to help me out with something too… Anything! I want you to blow me, and I won’t tell mom that you asked me to...

3 years ago
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Roommates Friend

It's Tez again....been awhile since I was here and shared a story with ya. Well as you read from my previous stories, I was newly divorced after 16 years and went a little wild lol. This story here happened about a year after my divorce and had moved in with c***d hood buddy. He was rather quiet guy enjoyed his drink and smoke whenever possible. So we had just moved to new place and we both had different ladies in and out all the time. Jack so happened to have this one lady friend Gayle.. that...

3 years ago
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The Fantasy

The FantasyA little about me, I enjoy femdom porn and I would regard myself as submissive in the bedroom.One day I had forgotten to turn off my computer, unfortunately for me (or maybe fortunate) my wife had a gander at my computer, mainly my porn stash, which I wasn’t too fussed her finding, as she knew how devilry I could be in the bedroom, now it is interesting that women are very happy to read books like fifty shades of grey, which is basically porn in a written manner, but when they get to...

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The Inches Between UsChapter 24

The early February morning dawned gray and chilly outside, but quite warm from beneath the covers of Lisa’s bed. I had spent the night with her as she had long ago scheduled today as a day off. I, unfortunately, had to work. After some cuddling and kissing, I dragged myself out of bed to get dressed. After sharing a light breakfast and some coffee with her, I kissed her goodbye before heading off to work and she prepared for a day of relaxing and binge-watching a couple of shows on...

2 years ago
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A really rough intense sex session

So my stepmom is 32 years old I am 19 I’ve known her for 6 years and I have to mention after my 2nd year when I was 16 and my hormones were going crazy I started seeing my stepmom in a different way. She is about 5’5 of cuban decent, light tan skin, black long hair, b cup breasts, small waist, nice thick legs not fat but it matched her curvy body, a bomb ass that made me horny if I saw it in jeans or leggings or a bathing suit bottom it’s my favorite feature on her and I want...

3 years ago
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Crackpot Spammer Ch 09

Disclaimer: The following simulated dialogue is fictional. No resemblance to any person, living or dead, is neither intended nor should be inferred. Faustus Mortal is delivering a lecture on his newly proposed device for use in desert areas: Someone once asked me what was the liquid dripping from the exhaust pipe of an automobile after it has been running. I replied ‘Water,’ for after all the combustion of gasoline, a hydrocarbon, produces Carbon Dioxide and water as the principle components...

2 years ago
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Secret santa

just relating this relationship i had with a work colleugue some years ago, it was in the run up to christmas and the company held its annual staff party, someone had suggested the secret santa theme a few years earlier and this had become the norm providing that people did not feel there had to spend a lot on any given present,I chose a paperback it was the newly released f.s.o.g book,and made sure it was addressed to sam, sam was a manageress in a given department, i thought she was a uppity...

3 years ago
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In a Lust of cock I had choked my own loving brother

And it’s a 100% true story! Well i dont know it’s good or not for felling such things Its sure that I love my brother cock wow m wetting when it’s come to my mind! Well read it it’s a Wonder ful 1st exerience :- & do enjoy it! My brother and I had were driving home from a movie one night that had left us very turned on. This was over summer break and his girlfriend had broken up with him before exams were over so it was safe to say that he hadn”t had a fuck since April and it was now July. I...

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A warm breeze blew under Goldie’s short skirt, brushing delightfully against her bare and rather wet pussy lips. Despite the fact that her outfit didn’t do shit for the hiking activity she was currently indulging in, it had its perks. She wasn’t hiking because she really wanted to. She had been camping with a couple of her friends. They’d found a nice quiet place in the woods where they could all fuck each other silly, and had been doing exactly that for the past week or so. However, most of...

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Chapter 5 How my wife turned into a slut Annas 30th Birthday

It’s my birthday today and I know that my husband Chris and our Michael are planning something big. If you haven’t been reading the other chapters Chris and me wanted to have a threesome and that is when Michael became our new friend they would both fuck me in my mouth, pussy and ass. They would tie me up and whip me hard. They would also use all kinds of toys on me the biggest been a 12 inch long 3 inch thick dildo. Over the last couple of months we have gotten more torture devices so the two...

Group Sex
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Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 7 Aftermath

In the months that followed Cathy's death, many things happened. My mental state was poor during that time, so I am confused on the order in which things occurred and probably forgot many of the details. After a restless night's sleep, I cleaned up and made a list of what I had to do that day. The first thing on my list was to notify Frank and Mary's employees of their death. I called Mary's second in command and told her about Mary's death. I asked her to contact her fellow employees...

2 years ago
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Chastitys Vacation with Mistress

Chastity's Vacation with Mistress"Are you dressed yet?" Mistress whined as I looked longer than she wantedto slip my skirt and tank top on. It really shouldn't have taken a long time,but I got distracted with the view. It was only the parking lot but so manycars and people we're roaming around in it. We we're staying in a casino resort;it was a beautiful place with murals everywhere. As soon as I got my skirton and heels we were out the door. Slightly embarrassed by my clothes becausethe tank...

1 year ago
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Miss Kitty

My name is Kimberly Parker. I was a registered nurse in the pediatric ward of a local Austin hospital before all this happened. My typical uniform consisted of a pair of pink scrub pants and a top decorated with teddy bears, brightly colored balloons, cute zoo animals, etc. You get the idea. At 5’3′ I’m not an intimidating figure even without the uniform. With it on I look positively ridiculous. I had just come off my late night shift and was on my way home. I’d missed dinner because we had...

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Laura Chapter 4

(Nikki has invited Richie, a fellow student at school with a 9-inch cock, to fuck his highly sexed under-aged wife, Laura, knowing that she would love it. She did, and, without telling Laura, Nikki invited Richie back two days later for a repeat performance.) Did I talk in my sleep? Did I somehow give out subtle signals? When I came back from school two days later, just in time for supper, I walked into a wonderful odor emanating from the kitchen. Laura had made a small turkey dinner, with...

3 years ago
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Unsatisfied Housewife

I am a freelancer computer software developer from Surat. I want to share one of my experiences with you all. I am 30 tall muscular guy with circumcised tool 7″ long and 2″ thick. Once I was told by one of my client that he has bought new computer at home and he want his software to be installed at home as well. I agreed and went to his home coming Sunday from that discussion. Their maid opened the door for me and I told her that I am here to see Mr.XYZ. She said 1 min rukye and came back after...

4 years ago
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A Letter from a Broken Toy

A letter from a broken toy To whom it may concern: I really don't even know what to call you. I have done such a masterful job of blocking your name from my conscious mind that I am not sure of it anymore, and you might not even remember mine, but I was one of your toys, all those years ago. Only God and you know how many of us there were. I do not know if I can do justice to the havoc you have created in your search for self gratification. But I must try, if only for my own peace...

1 year ago
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The First Best Sex In The Imagination Of The Sex World With Sex Queen

Hi all, I am Lucky. You can contact me for feedback and suggestions at and ladies you’re always welcome. This story is about my imagination how I can satisfy a woman which I dream every day. Whenever i see women around who are sexy my kid (rod) stands 90 degrees with an idiotic desire of fuck.ladies i can fuck u for long time to fulfill your desires I used to admire at my neighbor aunty who is middle aged and by seeing her even a girl would like kiss her she is pretty much awesome beautiful....

3 years ago
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Janet after the Funeral

It was 9am on the day of the funeral, George had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He left behind his wife Janet and 3 young children. George had run a local business home improvement business before his passing. He had done what seemed quite well for himself owning a large house and always driving the newest model car, very few people knew he was leverage to the hilt.. Janet was only 37, she was a stay-at-home mom who had always led the easy life due to George’s...

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From curious to first time PART 3

understand the whole story) After that night....we kept in touch........... In our chats we both expressed how hot it was and what we both liked about that night. Im sure it meant alot more to me, but it was one of, if not the hottest experiences for him! The thought of having a hot young latin stud on his bed was something he fantasized about he said! Something about latinos turned him on, and to be a married and a virgin to M/M sex.....made it even hotter for him he mentioned!...

2 years ago
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Secret Wives Milf Club

By Docker5000 Everyone is over 18 in this story Part 1 In a middle class house in sunny Florida three friends were having a coffee morning and filling each other in on the local gossip. The friends were at Valentina Timantti’s house. Valentina was having coffee with Vivian Wynne and Caitlin Warner. The three friends were discussing that they was a lot of news lately about gays in the media. The media seemed to be pushing the idea that being gay was perfectly normal and the media...

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Family of 4 Family Together Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! (Long gap since Pt1 I know, but have just discovered a few readers actually enjoyed Pt 1, so encouraged to continue; thanks readers) Life continued after our illness and its remedy's electrifying impact on our sex lives; the visitors, of my best friend and her friend, went home, so my family of 4 - mother-in-law, my wife and younger sister, and myself: the foreigner in our country, and the man in the house - settled back into something of a routine....

Erotic Fiction
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Good Girls dont wear panties

An original work of fiction based on real events, names have been changed to protect the guilty.My name is Dennis and I have been married to Joan for five years during that time we have had a good sex life but two years ago it got better when Joan had bought a new dress for a party that we were going to. Joan did not want me to see the dress before the party so she hid it away for a week.On the night of the party Joan emerged at the top of the stairs wearing a red dress that she had bought a...

4 years ago
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First Time in the BehindChapter 5

She thinks I'm a hooker! Nicole realized, a few sentences into the conversation. She blushed, but the darkness hid her embarrassment, and the blonde didn't notice. "It's an easy trick," she said. "I've got this john upstairs who wants two girls, and that rotten bitch Daisy has fucking vanished on me. She was supposed to help me, but I can't find her. She's probably blowing somebody's dog for pocket change. She's such a cunt!" She smiled and ran her fingers up and down Nicole's...

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Fisting her incredable Pussy

After reading numerous blogs and stories I realized what an incredible pussy my ex wife has. We began fisting quite by accident. After 10 years of marriage I was trying to find new things to keep things fresh. I loved performing oral sex on her so that was normally my first move when we would get started. She always liked me eating her wet pussy and especially with a finger slid up her butt. She also was a squirter so sometimes I would go straight to 2 fingers turned up working over her G spot...

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An Incest Birthday Chapter 3

If you didn't read the first parts you should, it will make more sense if you do.Aunt Lisa, our mom’s younger sister, was staring us directly in the eye as we lay naked on my bed. What a way to get busted. We were so busy trying not no get caught by our parents that we forgot our aunt always comes to visit us the week of our birthday (only one day out of the week though, and its never the same day so we cant tell when she’s coming, sneaky). There was an awkward silence for a while before she...

1 year ago
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Last Valentines day

Last year my girlfriend and I had a wonderful evening. The night started off nice, with a dinner at a local sushi restaurant; and a rather large bottle of sake. Afterwards, we returned home for a movie and a little fun. I kept trying to cop a feel during the movie, but was batted away and shot evil looks (I suppose that could have been because her sister was in the room). After her sister retired to her bed, I fed her a bit of tequila to get her feeling a little frisky again. Upon entering...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 39

The next morning McCock bit the bullet and commed Erin at "The Residence". "Erin. Good Morning. When are you intending to return to Gorgipest?" "Probably tomorrow. Shelly wants to complete her yacht training and then space down in the yacht. We are using the Barge and Trudie, Nan and I will crew her under supervision of Alan and his people. Shelly will christen "Vector" for us and then return here; she doesn't want to leave her work. She feels happier at WepDev. Now, what do you...

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