Mind Bending indian porn

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 20

Vee and the Sukhoi performed one of those extend the gear at the top of the loop and squeaked into a landing as they locked maneuvers that scare the living hell out of everybody. Now that she was on the ground people noticed the P-38 with the Merlins. "What in the hell is that?" "We never built one of those." "That's so cool." "How does she fly?" Then they noticed the British roundels and That started a whole new discussion. They were looking at an airplane that wasn't...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 21

"It's the only XP-38K-1-LO ever built ... except it's not. The XP-38K-1-LO was built by Lockheed and they refused to use Merlins. This is the aircraft the British modified with Merlins and P-40 chins ... except, you won't find it in any book ... not even the records of Supermarine. That page is torn out of the records book. The folder was still in the file cabinet when the war was over but it was empty. Ben at Franklin Aviation called it the XP. "First the Brits claimed they never...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 22

Singapore was a bust. Hong Kong was too. Hawaii was part of FED A. Australia burned far too often. New Zealand was ... sheep. We kept getting back to Europe ... and Germany. Germany. Great schools, nearly all classes taught in English. "They have weird cults," said The Wanzor. "What do you call time travelers?" Vee asked by way of rebuttal. "I see," Wendy responded. Russia had tried to reunite to its Soviet States and Satellites in the early part of the century ... NATO stomped that...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 23

There wasn't a reasonable house for sale in Konstanz. The military base was on the other side of the lake and 16 kilometers inland, although there was Bodensee access and a dock? Some would call it a dock. Vee didn't. She needed a place to lay her head on this side of the lake ... but not in Switzerland. Switzerland wasn't too far south but it had border crossings. In the past year, the border had been closed seven times for as long as three days. The University students who were taking...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 24

"Where is this watch?" "With the Princess." Then, nothing would do but she recite the whole story ... in German. Half way through his scanner must have vibrated in his pocket because he held up his hand, "Stoppen Sie," They were back to him speaking German. He fished his pad and read the screen. He pushed some buttons and held his hand over his left ear. He answered a voice from the palm of his hand ... probably like hearing the sea from a seashell ... probably not. "Ja." The...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 25

"Which Wendy?" Wendy said. "Ja. Which Wendy Austin are you?" "The first." "When were you born?" "1942." "Ja, fer sure," he chortled. "One hundred and what? Twenty two?" "Pretty much," Wendy said. "How about I prove it to you?" She touched him on the shoulder. They flickered ... it wasn't much but the minions were upset ... just long enough to hit the dirt and start fumbling for pistols. "Heilige Geschlechtsverkehr Scheiße. Wie in den sieben Höllen haben sie das...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 26

The trio sealed the engine, transmission and electrical and gave the boat a quick dip with all the seacocks, hatches and portholes open. Just a quick slosh and twirl in Lake Baikal to get rid of the lingering seagull smell and then a quick run to the Sahara to dry things out. The steel wheeled fifth wheel custom built trailer was a handy place to keep the boat when Constance froze over. Since she was a student, Vee could use the boat storage at the school docks. Or maybe not. While the boat...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 27

Vee was a very good student. The Wanzor did as well in the sciences but couldn't keep her mouth shut in Art History ... mostly because she'd been there. The pictures of huge codpieces on Kings, Dukes ... even knights were products of artists staying alive. So too were massive chests and well turned calves. Noses were shrunk and chins grew. Paintings of wives and children were more the product of imagination than the real thing. Sometimes the beauty of a child was found in the model found...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 30

The beautiful voice behind the beautiful blue eyes asked, "Sie ist sehr schön, bitte, Hat sie wirken wie dies die ganze Zeit? Ist sie auf Medikamente und vergessen, es zu nehmen? Wird sie in Ordnung sein?" She is very beautiful, please. Does she act like this all the time? Is she on medication and forgot to take it? Will she be okay? "We're from the Princessapality. American" "Amerikaner? Princessapality?" The explanation was made, but no mention of Heir Apparent, or Princess was...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 31

The next "Eep!" was caused by a semiconscious Vee turning her head to examine the hard, soft, warm object brushing her ear. Contact with her nose and lips, although not exactly pleasant, was the starting point of a very minor tremble in the lower regions of her torso. The fleshy tube exuded a strange odor that was pleasing to her senses ... so much so that she wondered what it would taste like. When Vee was was much younger ... not all that long ago in the scheme of things ... she begged...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 33

Mother really raised a stink. She contacted the school. Simply because Mother was an adult and Vee wasn't ... Vee was suspended. "Junior?" Of course Junior stayed. Because she had a history of violence in action, she was always interested in interpersonal actions and reactions between parent and offspring. The guilt that carried over from the first war into the second colored her life. The refuge she had found in wild sex had backfired. Pregnant, and not a clue as to the father, she...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 35

"Mother. Out. This is my castle now." Vee commanded as she appeared in the throne room. So, it was the den ... so what ... lV used it when she pronounced. "But ... Wendy." "That's your Royalness, Highness or Majesty ... and don't you forget it. You just had to run things ... well ... now you don't and I do! Out!" Vee exclaimed. "Where will we go?" "Who is we?" "Your dad." "Daddy can stay here if he wants ... he likes me and you never did." "I'm sure he'll choose...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 36

Geese! "I'm coming, I'm coming! You don't need to break it down?" Vee swung the door wide open. "What?" When the Island was bombed and destroyed the family and home, Junior was turning sixteen and late for her birthday party. She arrived to a smoking hole still filling with Great Lakes water. For about two years, Junior went three miles past wild. She was pregnant at 18 without a clue as to the male who produced the sperm and really didn't give a fuck ... she probably should have...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 39

So Vee bummed a ride upstate to see about maybe going to school. Mount Pleasant had been a Land Grant school. In case you didn't know, a Land Grant college was a school established by a Land Grant. So many sections were given to the school with the right to sell or lease the land to the highest bidder. The fees or funds were deposited in an interest bearing account somewhere and the interest was used to alleviate the taxes needed to support the school ... alleviate not eliminate ... help...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 40

While the two friends were sitting on stools at Murphy's Wing and a Prayer Pub on Campus Drive ... now ... there's an interesting name ... Wing ... because they serve Buffalo Wings and Prayer because they are the hottest wings in history and God is often called upon to cool them down ... She never does. Beer just makes them hotter. The only thing that works is buttermilk and no self-respecting Pub would stock milk. Anyway, while they were in the big middle of a discussion about appearing...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 41

From Mount Pleasant to Big Rapids, Vee flew over some absolutely magic country. The green forests of pine, hickory, walnut and oak have the smell of life. Of growing things and sparkling waters, slow moving rivers and newly mowed grass. Flying along, she started thinking and then she started talking to herself ... gave herself a talking to was more like it. "Did you even think to lock the door at home before you left? How about the dishes? You haven't dusted or vacuumed, polished the...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 42

It is almost a given that incredibly intelligent children are exceptionally mature or exceptionally objectionable. Intelligence is no guarantee of common sense. Chuck - Charles - Charlie - Hey You - Chas - the youngest Austin sib was the best time Wendolyn - Vee - Princess Extraordinaire - the youngest Wanzor and ... if one believed Berlin ... and Vee didn't ... some kind of Prussian, Polish, Hungarian, Rumanian, Czechoslovakian Duchess all together or separately ... or something else...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 43

Charles edged back a little ... as far as the wall would let him. Stuttering, he said, "Vee, what did you do?" "Took her to the hospital." "Before that." "Tossed the cop in the corner, he touched me." "No ... before that." "Told Miss Barker to keep her hands off my shit." "After that. but before the cop," he nodded in the direction of the blue pile. He was still asleep. "Oh ... when I cut off Miss Nosy Barker's hand?" "Yeah ... then." "I popped back to Fourteenth...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 44

In truth ... Vee was doing two pages at a time ... one right handed and one left. There didn't seem to be any difference in the writing. Her penmanship looked like chicken prints until one looked at it for a minute, unfocused ones eyes, and the missing lines in the letters sorta slid where they were supposed to go. It wasn't Gregg ... it wasn't anything anyone had ever seen before ... but it worked. And it was fast. For sure, no one was going to cheat off her tests. One hour and forty...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 45

There are a couple three four things a parent does not want to hear issue from their teenager's lips..."Mom, I missed my period ... and I seem to have missed one pill," while displaying the pill dispenser with one little pill still in the very center of the month... ..."I don't have anything to wear," when mom knows there isn't room for anything more in said teen's closet... ..."Mom, I can't find your car." ... Mom didn't know it was gone. ..."Mom, this is Jimmy ... he...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 46

Over the next hundred years, terrorist groups rose and terrorist groups fell. They had one plan and one plan only. Kill the Great Satan. They didn't understand that the United States really meant it when they wrote Freedom of Religion into their Constitution. When the Princessapality of the Island divided the United States, Jihadism, a term coined in the early part of the 21st century, and used to cover Islamic insurgency and terrorism had become a new religion with a base founded on Islam...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 47

It all started on Labor Day. Labor Day used to be September Seventh ... no matter what ... and school started on the Eighth ... unless the Seventh happened to fall on a Friday. The Unions got more powerful and Labor Day was rearranged so it made a three day holiday ... unless it fell on Thursday ... and then the Union was off until the following Monday. A four day celebration celebrating Labor. After the first conflict, when the Princessapality became a Nation, Too ... Wendy Too, the first...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 48

Like I said, it all started on Labor Day. Midnight 0:00.01, September 7th, 2210. That's the Day the world stopped. A planet is a planet unless there's intelligence living on it. With intelligence it's a world. By the time the eighth of September started the world was a planet. Not one single living thing survived. Nothing that flew, walked, crawled, swam ... if it used oxygen ... it was gone. The stench was unimaginable. The only reasonable thing that could be said about it? Nobody was...

1 year ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 13

I made a decision on my way back to the fast food location, along with my other plans, which I had revised now. I would command Edda to join us, though she would still get to sleep with Miles, Yessenia, and Corazon, probably with Ted and Damon, too. I would also find out if Ted or Damon were married. If they weren’t, they were to wed Yessenia and Corazon, so that the girls could find it easier to stay in the country. I hated the existing immigration laws, too, and I fully intended to reform...

2 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 18

I enjoyed the wonderful strokes of Salome’s hips as she met me, again and again, her body convulsing with ecstasy, while my cock pulsed in and out of her, bareback, of course. Miles’s wife was definitely not a bad lover, and I would be more than ready to use her again some time. I had already fucked several women that afternoon, of course, including Jess and Jamie, as well as Sandra, Pam, Roxanne, and Alice Goldman again. I was more than ready to stop with this, of course, with apologies to...

1 year ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 20

All went well and good, until, that was, what had been inevitable finally happened: the press. I knew that it was coming and was only a matter of time before the Fourth Estate learned of me, and now they finally had. Sure enough, into the buffet came a trickle of reporters, sure to become a swarm in time. My days of relative obscurity were over. From this minute onward, I was a celebrity and I knew it. It wasn’t going to be any fifteen minutes, as Andy Warhol would say, not in my case, so I...

3 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 21

“Okay, Leon, you’ve been very patient, so you get a reward. Thanks for licking Mona that well, just as David did. He’s waited a bit for his next fuck as well, so this is what is going to happen. David fucks Mona here, since he’s already eaten her out. Leon, you get to fuck Xiao. I want both of you to do justice to her, of course, and Kendra, you’re to sit on Robin’s face while I fuck her. Yes, I’m going to tap Robin’s sweet pussy now. Time for some more very public adultery, don’t you agree?”...

2 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 22

“That will be two iced teas and one large, buttered popcorn to share!” I ordered for Feng Xiao, my sweet pet, at the concession stand, having already gotten the tickets for free. “You will not charge us for the food and drink. We will have it gratis,” I instructed the clerk at the front, a rather pimply fellow who looked easily as if he could be an incel. “Yes, of course, sir,” the clerk answered nervously. “Relax. It will be fine. Tell me, do you have any crushes on a co-worker or...

4 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 23

As soon as I realized that the movie hadn’t resumed, I recalled something else. I had the power to grant immunity and healing for HIV and STDs, and I hadn’t used it yet in the theater, though I had in other places. I needed to act and fast. I could resume the date when I had taken care of this urgent matter and fast, given that without my action, people could get infected and fast. I had forgotten that not all of the world was immune or healed. This gave me a very good idea, at least in my...

1 year ago
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Mind Controls Janice Pt 07b

I was in a local coffee shop talking to my mate Ian. "18 months since I last had sex," I grumbled, "and even back then the sex with Sharon was not great, regular but not great." "You need a good fuck with a more experienced woman," said Ian grinning at me. Ian seemed to have good sex life while although I had made love to three different women and I had enjoyed it the sex had seemed fairly safe none of the women had really wanted to experiment. Ian looked at the contact list in his...

1 year ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 21

My name is Ahmed I am about 4 foot 6 inches tall of Pakistani origins and a student at Farfield School. I was pleased she was waiting as I was skipping school to see her. Janice had written me a note to take to school saying I had a dental appointment at 11am I would need to leave school at 10:30, she had signed it in my mother’s name. I was now over nervous I did not really know what to expect, I knew sex was something a man and woman did and it was exciting but otherwise I was clueless...

2 years ago
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Frankland s Bend

The Coach pulled up near the corner... "Right... a long stop over. We need to restock our 'in flight' trays, so take your time." There was a slight cheer and then they all hurried out to stretch their legs. One man began wandering off to look about. Curt Parkinson had come here as one of the few things a man terminally afraid of life dared do. It hadn't been too bad though. Weather had been good and there had been a few nice places to stop at. Walking about he mused on the place,...

3 years ago
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Sinister Bend

Copyright© 2002 by Carlos Malenkov This is a story of how two people lost their virginity. And how this plunged the nation into the gravest crisis in its history. Morris: 1955 the year was. It was late August and the Yankees looked like a sure bet to regain the pennant. The 283 Chevy V8 ruled the streets. Rock and roll music was starting to rule the airwaves. I had just turned 18 and was still a virgin, not that I lost much sleep over it. My parents were in the habit of spending...

3 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 18 Concerts bombs and heroes

The concert Crystal Lee and I were to give started at eight o'clock. Actually that was the time the cover band, The Hobo Palace, started to play with their cute and sexy little singer Cindy Wonder. Every time I thought of Cindy, I recalled several pleasant sexual interludes we'd shared, usually with others around. Cindy was a pint-sized blond sexpot nymphomaniac, not unlike the rest of the females I hung out with. Earlier in the afternoon, Crystal and I walked the Aviva Stadium just...

4 years ago
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Sex Swapping Sisters 8211 Part 4

I again first thank Indian sex stories for giving me huge support by publishing all my stories. When the blind fold was taken out both from Madhu and Honey’s eye then they saw Ravi is smiling. Both of them asked who the other fucker with you was. Honey again told that I will marry him. Now Ravi gave a whistle and they saw a servant standing in front of them and Ravi told that he is not servant but his uncle. Now Madhu took bitch position and the uncle needed no more encouragement and his 11...

1 year ago
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Finishing the day out

As he rubbed his hnad across the crotch of my shorts feeling my little boner. He said that he would like to see my little 9yo peepee. I was kinda embarrassed cause he was in his mid to late 60's and had a bigger weiner. So was kinda shy about him pulling my shorts down. He removed my shorts and undies anyhow and took two fingers and stroked my little pecker. It surprisingly felt good and tickled and tingled and made me feel wierd. He said climb on up here so I can reach it better and he...

2 years ago
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Sugar Daddy

Letztens traf ich Heinz auf ein Bier. Dabei konnte ich die jungen Mädchen, die grad von dem gegenüberliegenden Gymnasium anschauen und wurde angesichts ihrer süssen Art zu reden zu kiechern, ihrer prallen Teenieärsche und den Titten von flach bis drall wieder richtig geil. "Wie schade, dass die so unerreichbar sind. Ich bin das wichsen leiden. Die Nuten im Laufhaus törnen mich eher ab. Würde gerne mal ohne Gummi eine echte Amateurin vögeln" meinte ich. "Wenn du entsprechend investistierst...

3 years ago
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Bound to My Clothes 4

Bound to My Clothes 4 Obviously, she was going through with this. I can't believe how out of hand this has become. I tried to calm my fears and hope that this was just a test. I still loved Becca and I still wanted to work things out. I had demonstrated the lengths to which I would go to prove to her that I loved her and that I wanted her back. Right now I was proving it by standing in our living room, wearing a gag, an evening gown, a bra, panties, pantyhose, and...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 41

"Let me get this straight," I pondered. "Rasputin is probably alive and is holding the souls of Mary, Ceridwen and Alcina for some reason or other?" "It's as good an explanation until we get more facts on our hands, John," Bryce replied. "Well, if he's as dangerous as all seem to think, why hasn't there been some other form of corroboration that your Russian friends would have known about?" I asked. "Depends on what he's been doing and whether our guides would have had it...

2 years ago
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Women Want You Naked

You wake up, on a morning like any other, your bed disheveled after a night of tossing and turning. You had an unsettling dream last night; your clothes would just disappear after you put them on! What's more, tons of women were there every time you tried to get dressed again, women you knew and women you didn't. Checking that the t-shirt and boxers you wore to bed were still on your body, you knew it was just a dream... but it felt uncomfortably real. A buzzing to the side of your bed draws...

2 years ago
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The Doctor The Dalliance

They hadn’t met. She was a single mom. He was a college professor. Only in the halls at their children’s elementary school had their paths crossed. He always sat alone, along the rear wall, during plays and concerts, she was always busy with her daughter’s hair, or substitute teaching. There lives were a world apart. Yet that Spring Tuesday she had worked at school a bit late, and he came a bit early to the concert (she found out much later that he had to see Steven’s coach about what...

1 year ago
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a good weekend for me

The weekend turned out to be decent, getting better as each day passed. On Friday we went to a swingers party in Providence and hit it off with a new couple. My guy got along so well with Steve we decided to play. Tina seemed to be about half of Steve’s age and it was my first time with an East Indian or Persian woman and her pussy tasted unlike any other I’d experienced. My husband and I gave it a lot of attention.Steve was a super guy but his cock was like a Q-Tip. However, he was good with...

2 years ago
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Me and my Chemist 1

My first serious boyfriend, got me into enjoying sexual things. Before him it was talk and more talk...he made it real...the first time he kissed me his hand went up my skirt...I pushed him away, of course, it was what I had to do. A natural reaction...so he didn't do it again. Until later that evening, on the way home. I was resting on his shoulder. We were driving along and came to a stop...his hand went to my bare leg and this time I let him. We were almost home...nothing would...

1 year ago
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Pet Mommy Becoming a Submissive Mommy Slut

If you are a parent you have probably read, or even own, What to Expect When You Are Expecting and other self-help parenting books. Many have been very useful over the years, as I raised my two children on my own after my husband’s premature death, when Crystal was four and Michael two. The books were helpful when I struggled to deal with my daughter's teenage rebellion phase and they were somewhat helpful as I dealt with my son's coming of age, although truth be told I let my brother help out...

1 year ago
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Breeding Beauty Chp3 Caught Outide looking in

Things were silent for almost 3 weeks and I thought maybe he had lost interest. Then one night. Ding! "have the bitch ready for me on Friday night!" I replied NO but he said he not only knew where we lived but not figured out where she worked and would not only tell her but tell people she worked with. I reluctantly agreed. I didn't sleep all that well all week and then friday came. She wanted to go to dinner to a BYOB... Nervous about what might happen I...

1 year ago
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My Son My Lover

This story is a work of pure fiction. I hope that you find it arousing and fun to read. I would appreciate any and all e-mail on what you have to say. Any suggestions would also be greatly appreciated. **** My name is Jackie; I had my son at the young age of 15. The boy I was dating at the time told me that nothing would happen, but it did and my parents were livid. They talked with the boy’s parents, and told him never to come near me again. My mother wanted me to have the baby and then adopt...

4 years ago
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After Class

Hana Ito is a young schoolgirl living in Japan. She has long brunette hair, that falls below her shoulders. Bright purple eyes with long lashes, and a petite figure contrasted dramatically by her large perky breasts. She’s an enthusiastic girl, and her friends would describe her as polite and soft spoken. She usually takes on the role of the older sister in the group too, offering emotional support and encouragement. For all her charm she isn’t always the most studious, often passing her...

3 years ago
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Life s Little Surprises Part 1

Life's Little Surprises - Part 1 by: Barbara Ann O It was career day at school and many organizations had come to put up display booths. It was meant for the senior class but I took a quick tour just to see what might be available in two years. Since I had no idea what lay ahead for me it was more an exercise in curiosity. Close to the end there was a hotel chain with a nicely laid out booth of sunny beaches and ocean views hanging on all sides. But it was the very pretty...

3 years ago
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Beyond the Pale Chapter 2

Plunged into darkness, Christian felt greatly out of sorts when suddenly the warmth of the sun played across his face and arms. It was a gentle touch, quite unexpected as moments before he had been sitting in the basement of Philip parent's home. However, a blood-curdling scream shattered those pleasant but somewhat muddled thoughts. "Oh my God! What happened to me?" an obviously female voice screamed once more, followed by loud sobbing. In his wildest imagination, what Christian...

3 years ago
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2 curvy university girls at once

My old University Professor asked me to come and talk to his students about the work I was doing, I don’t really like talking but I love smart university woman and knew often they throw themselves at guests. So on that thought I decided to do it.I talked for about an hour and took questions from the group. There were several woman that stood out for me in the crowd and my luck held as two of them stayed behind in the group after the class and eventually it was down to the two of them. They...

4 years ago
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CHLOE I felt wretched. I'd woken up in a strange hotel room next to a woman I'd met for the first time the night before. I'd gone out drinking with some friends to try to get rid of the gloom which had been hanging over me for weeks, and predictably it hadn't worked. When my friends decided to call it a night, I'd been too far gone to see that that was a good idea. I'd carried on drinking in my own solitary, dismal company until the bar I was in had closed, and then I'd staggered...

4 years ago
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Lost Trail Cabin chap 5

Lost Trail Cabin (chapter 5)Jake and Nancy take off through the woods down the trail towards the base of the mountain. Once again they ski back to the lift and take the lift again. This time they pass the midway point and continue on up the mountain. They decide to get off at the next drop which is about three fourths of the way up the mountain. Stopping at the top of the trail, Nancy takes some pictures of the view.Another couple gets off the lift and heads their way. As they approach, they...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Finally Had Sex With Didi 8211 Part 10 Hot Seducing Skills

Hello everyone, I am Riya back with another episode of hot seducing. Please go back and read the previous parts first, as this will be a direct continuation. For the new readers, I am a beautiful 24years old girl with a curvy figure of 32D-28-36. I used to be an innocent girl not too long ago. But my brother and his three friends have managed to make me a slut of their group over the past few weeks. All of them are four to five years younger than me, and they never miss an opportunity to fuck...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty August Ames Romi Rain Lesbian Temptation Busty Vixens Stuff Their Shaved Pussies

August Ames and Romi Rain are two busty vixens stuffing their shaved pussies with big dildos in today’s sizzling hot Busty premium porn! This DDF Network scene is going to make your sac explode and gives you an instant boner once the two sultry bombshells take off their hot lingerie in the bedroom. August Ames is a brunette babe with brown eyes and wonderful natural tits. The tattooed Canadian shakes her 32D / 70E jugs in front of her playmate’s gorgeous face and gives that horny...

4 years ago
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Ma Aur Sas Ki Chudai

Hello friends , mai ravi from Ahmadabad. Isse pehle mene meri sass aur meri wife ki chudai ke bare me bataya aj me apne sass, ma ,wife aur mere sale ki story ke bare me likhane wala ho. Jaisa ki ap sab log jante hai meri wife ka nam gudiya hai hai aur wo 27 yrs. Ki hai wo chudai me bahut hi mast hai aur me usko khoob chodta ho. Meri sas jo ki 54 sal ki hai wo kafi moti hai aur meri ma jiska nam sarala hai wo 52 sal ki hai aur thodi sawali hai, uski saize 38-32-40 hai uski gand bahut hi mast...

3 years ago
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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 10 Sunday

Amanda I woke up Sunday morning, feeling very strange. Then I remembered the events of the previous night. I looked over at Jared. He was still sound asleep. But I'd been a coffee drinker since I was 14 and needed some, so I went up to the kitchen to see if I could find some. Tina was there. "Hi," she said. "Hi. Can I steal some coffee?" "Sure. Maker's over there. Tin of coffee's next to it." "Does your brother drink it?" "Yeah. Two creams, two sugars. Is he up...

1 year ago
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Nick Gets Tag Teamed Again

I was bored. Tyler and I wanted to hang with some friends so I was at gay cam chat and later I called up Garret and Ryan. I asked them if they wanted to come over and hang for a little bit, Which they did. I'm 18 (Me Nick), Tyler is 18, and Garret and Ryan are both 19. And I've known them all for quite some time. But what I didn't know that tonight was going to be as wild as it was. Garret and Ryan came together so they arrived at the same time. I told them to come in, and of course they did....

2 years ago
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Mom and cousin secret sex

First off I’d like to say my mom is 48 years old. She has great breasts, big, somewhat saggy. It looks good, not nasty like some saggy breasts. She has a long nose and long/medium length hair. She’s 5’6 and her body is a typical Indian housewife (chubby, not too fat), she has a pretty big ass as well. It’s not huge, but noticeable in jeans/tight skirts, etc. She has a light, light brownish skin tone. Anyway, my cousin is 19 with a dark brown skin tone, short black hair and pretty muscular. He’s...

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MylfLabs Sarah Taylor Mylf Sex Robot

What’s up, MYLF lovers? It’s time for another Labs update, which means we’re messing around with a new experiment. In this update, we’re playing with the idea of the perfect wife. For the sake of her lover’s admiration, she does any and every task without batting an eye. Only there is one thing about this wife – she’s a robot! These highly advanced “fembots” aren’t exclusively perfect wives but, instead, can fulfill any need. Are you Looking to get a massage with a happy ending? How about a...

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The Apocalypse

Your name is Lexus Halpas and you are one of the last men born from a woman after a strange disease wiped them out. Your father didn't take her death well and he became even more distraught when he learned that you would never know your grandmothers, your aunts, or many of your cousins. As his only child, he's hidden you from most of the world and tried to keep you safe from many of the men that would love to take advantage of you. With your dark brown hair, forest green eyes, and pointed ears,...

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MommysGirl Samantha Rone Cherie Deville Alex Grey Mafia Mom

Mob boss wife Cherie DeVille gets the news that her husband Biggie’s in jail. She comes to the conclusion that she’s in charge now. Cherie’s stepdaughter Samantha Rone hears the news and informs her wife Alex Grey that her stepmother is planning to take over the business, Samantha’s rightful inheritance. Alex and Samantha agree to a meeting with Cherie. Samantha is confident her coke trade will secure her position at the helm. During the meeting Samantha stakes her...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 107

Political Quotes: “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” Groucho Marx “Politics is made up of two words... ‘poli’ which is Greek for ‘many’ and ‘tics’ which are blood sucking insects.” Gore Vidal “Politics is War without bloodshed, while War is Politics with bloodshed.” Mao Zedong “Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even when there is no river.” Nikita Khrushchev “Too...

2 years ago
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153 AFTER THE DIVORCE. Having gained my freedom, I decided to accept my daughter’s invitation to a night out on the town to celebrate at a local bar she frequents that caters mostly to blacks. I put on a sheer, see through black blouse, no bra so that my tits could be seen; short black skirt, lace belt with straps holding up my black stockings, no panties and 6” ankle strap, open toed stiletto’s. Wrapped up in a long coat, Carol (dressed in another similar outfit she calls her slut outfit!)...

4 years ago
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Maragana GirlChapter 5

Vladim Dukov was a Spokesman-for-the-Criminal. He son Vladik was a police officer. It was only a matter of time before Vladim would become the Spokesman for defendants arrested by his son. The same day his daughter's school uniform issue was "settled", at least in Vladim Dukov's mind, Vladik arrested two burglars. Over the summer they had broken into several homes around the Dukovs' neighborhood to steal money and jewelry. In two of the burglaries they had killed family dogs protecting...

1 year ago
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Long day at work

After a day-long drive, we reached our hotel in Terre Haute, a little more than halfway to our destination. After checking in, we went to a local hole-in-the-wall restaurant before returning to the hotel.Shortly after arriving in our room, as my husband sprawled out upon the bed, I reached into my purse and produced something he had not seen before: an MP3 player. He watched me curiously, not saying anything as I also withdrew the normal-style headphones."When did you buy that?" he asked,...

3 years ago
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The Young and The WildChapter 8

The effects of the drug which Dianne Keller had unknowingly taken into her body through the Bacardi in her Cuba Libres were still heating the sensually stimulated girl for many hours into the night, long after she had left an exhausted and sleeping Kye to go into her own room. The incessant arousal smoldering in her belly and down between her legs drove Dianne to fingering herself into a series of wild climaxes in the darkness, the last one aided by the handle of her hair brush. With her long...

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How I meet Montana Jim

I was working on an all male crew back in the bush in northern Montana. It might not be the best place for a trans person. Male to female to work. But a job is a job. I was the cook and the chambermaid if you will, when their sheets and clothes were dirty they bring them and I wash them. That's as far as I wanted to take it. Granted some of the guys are good looking but I was here to work only. Being a cook for a fifteen man crew is not as easy as one would think but I never got any...

1 year ago
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Trouble with Daughter

This Story is completely fictional We live in a two-story house with the bedrooms on the second floor our daughter has one and of course, we have the other, in the summer we leave the door between our slightly ajar. My 18 years old daughter had gone to bed early that night and it was not until 11pm that my wife and I went to bed. We sleep in the nude with just a sheet to cover us. Well we started to get it on and were pretty hot, her tits are just the right size (More than a mouth full is...

3 years ago
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Saheli Ke Boyfriend Se Chudai

Hi mera nam kavita hai. Mai Mumbai se hoo muze bachpan se hi sex mai bahut roochi rahi hai. lekin umar Ki 18 baras take koi muze choda kya kiss bhi na kar saka tha. tab me bilkul sex ke bare me anjan thi darti thi ki kahi pregnant na ho jau lekin baad me umar me badi saheli se muze sex kaise karte hai is bare me knowledge hua . Meri saheli ka boyfriend tha jo use choda karta tha uske sath bp dekhta tha . meri saheli iss bareme mujse bat karti thi. To mera bhi man hua ki bp dekhu to maine saheli...

1 year ago
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Wife Fucked By Another Guy

This story is about my wife Rittu with whom I got her fucked with another man. I was married to Rittu who had a very ripe body with fig 36 34 38 and she had nice boobs and big ass and we very much used to enjoy sex initially she was a shy girl when we got married but gradually I taught her all the art of sex then she blossom into a ripe lady and she often used to wear saree. She looks very sexy in it with her big boobs hanging out of her blouse and she used to deep throat my cock and take all...

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You are in the land of Kidemia, where the sword and magic rule. Your first object is to decide who you will be and from there enjoy. It is easy, do you want to be a brash and virtuos warrior, a rogue who will do anyting to advance himself, or even a wizard who's whole goal is to fight with his magic and make himself more powerful. The choice is your's, so think with your head and your heart get in to the character and enjoy.

3 years ago
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The Camera Club a fantasy

The Camera Club[http://xhamster.com/photos/view/77200-928751.html][/http://xhamster.com/photos/view/77200-928751.html]This is a fantasy of mine and something I have tried to encourage my mature fuck buddy, V, into doing. So how did this fantasy come about? The facts behind it are that about 10 years ago V was feeling a little unattractive and was also in need of a little bit of extra cash. She answered an advert for life models at a local art class and had posed naked for them on about 5 times....

2 years ago
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About last night p1

hello, whoever is reading this, if you are, I guess you wanted to know what happen to me and wondering about what did i do? Well let me start from the beginning, As you can see im a freak lol I love porn and love to watch when couples fuck so anyway, a friend of mine name dave who I work with wanted to go out with me for the past few months and I always knew but I just felt like he is better off giving a blowjob too, hes a lil shy, a nerd but still for some reason thats what turns me on. So...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Addison Lee 24551

Sunning by her friend’s pool on such a nice day, Addison Lee never expected to be bombarded with water balloons by her friend’s brother Kyle! He’s getting her back for the last prank she pulled on him, but his plan backfires when Addison launches a water balloon right onto his nuts! Doubled over, Kyle’s surprised when she asks him if she can look at it, that the nursing classes she’s taken may apply. But when the horny blonde sees how big Kyle’s dick is, she nurses him back to health with a...

4 years ago
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Big Tits TheoryChapter 3

Wednesday: “No...” I said to myself in shock. “No, this ... this can’t be.” Somehow, overnight, my breasts had grown another cup-size. I was no longer the B-cup that I’d been so happy with the previous morning (and extremely happy with the previous night) - I’d somehow grown two cup-sizes in two days. I’d gone from being the nice, sexual, respectable girl ... to being what Marty had called “Girl Plus”. Not a compliment, not when you knew what it meant. C-cups ... were easy. Not nearly as...

3 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 4 The Coffee Machine

Dexter placed the paper filter into the brewing chamber of the coffeemaker. He carefully measured out the scoops of ground coffee into the paper filter. It always took a little effort to get the brewing chamber placed correctly into the coffeemaker. He then filled the water reservoir to the six-cup level. After rising out the glass carafe one more time, he put the lid on it and then slid it onto the burner, checking to make sure it was in the correct place. He pushed the button, and watched...

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Hollowe EnChapter 7

Jackie stumbles backward, her body transforming before Morgan’s unbelieving eyes. Within seconds Jackie is covered from head to toe in shiny, latex-like green skin. Her head looks like a jack-o-lantern with a horribly wicked grin and deep, deep yellow, soulless eyes. Morgan stands covered in a similar fashion. From her hand, she forms a long green blade. “You are not going to succeed,” she growls. “Release your control over me and Faith.” ‘You both are mine as well as everyone else in this...

4 years ago
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My Dogging Failure

(skip to =======> if you want to just read sex)There had been quite a few messages exchanged that had led to this point. Here I was about to swing open the door to a pub that I had been in before to watch World Cup matches. This time I was here to meet Paulie. He told me to ask the bartender for him. Maybe this was a way for him to feel special? Did he slip the bartender a few extra bucks to point him out? Maybe he frequents here enough that he is known by name? The familiar smell and...

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BHai se Sheli ki chudai krwayi

Hi! Mera nam vilas hai aur mai 24 sal ka ek Yuvak hun aurangabad sa ho(any girl or lady from aurangabad can contact me AT ). Meri didi ka nam Sangita hai aur uski umar kareeb 26 sal hai. Didi mujhse 6 sal bari hain. Humlog ek Middle-class family hai aur ek chote se flat me Mumbai me rahate hain. Humara ghar me ek chota sa hall, dining room do bedromm aur ek kitchen hai. Bathroom ek hi tha aur usko sabhi log istemal karte the. Humare pitajee aur maa dono naukri karte hain. Didi mujhko...

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Discovered by Bridget

I realize that this is not one of my best stories, but I had a couple of free hours a few days ago and decided to write a quick story. I am still working on the next chapters for "My life in a Cage" and "Dana's Revenge". I apologize for how long it is between postings but it takes me quite a while to write those stories. Thank you for all the encouragement and support you have shown me. Discovered by Bridget By Tweak My name is John and I am a 32 year...

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My Two brother s Wifes

Every year my 2 brothers and i take off on Friday and go hunting for 4 days. but this year was going to be different. my wife`s mother got sick so my wife left Thursday and drove up to her mother`s. there was a problem at work so i ended up having to work the weekend. so this year my brothers had to go with out me. Friday night being kind of bummed about not getting to go hunting and thinking about how shitty my weekend was going to be. i started pounding down the beers. about 8 there was a...

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Younger 2

I have a niece that is 4 year younger than me, Which in my other story, is one of my niece's younger sister's.. I would go out to Syracuse every weekend, or else she'd come to my house, We would make a fort on the bottom of the bunk bed, we would always play uno, and every time we had to draw a card we would have to take of an articular of clothing and after we ran out of clothing we would crest each other's body's. I always loved holding her close, and going down on her wet pussy, it always...

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For as long as you can remember, you’ve known nobody could physically injure you. Growing up, no one tried to fight you because no punch they landed hurt you— but you hurt them. As a result, you had your first run-ins with the law at an early age. Realizing your ability, the police made you an ally in their fight against the villains causing havoc in your hometown. You helped the police fight crime, ignored their own misdeeds, and in return they let you get away with your own misdeeds so long...

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TMWPOV Stefany Moon Naughty schoolgirl tries both holes

Stefany Moon is a girl with a very tight and fuckable body. Even lying quietly on the couch and reading a book she causes her boyfriend’s wild excitement. Because she forgets to wear panties under her sexy schoolgirl outfit on purpose and her boyfriend notices it immediately. Stefany knows what is on his mind and knows that he wants her to put down the book and pick up the cock. So, she finally puts away the book and gets down to doing what she does best. She strokes her small tits and...

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Meri widwa bhabhi ki chudai 2

CONTINUED… Main bathrom mein chala gaya. Fresh hone ke baad main ek dam nanga hi nahane laga. Thodi der baad maine Ritu ko pukara aur kaha, towel de do. Ritu ne Lali se kaha, ja, jiju ko towel de aa. Wo towel le kar aayi to maine bathroom ka darwaza khol diya. Mera lund pahle se khada tha. Lali ki nigah jaise hi mere lund par padi to usne apna sir niche kar liya. Wo mujhe towel dene lagi to maine kaha, thoda ruk jao. Main apne sir ko jara sabun se saaf kar loon. Maine apne sir par sabun lagana...

4 years ago
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Seduce My Wife

"So - are you really up for fucking my wife?" I had him on the phone. I had spent weeks going through swinger sites, dating sites, and Adult Friend sites. It's amazing what's out there. I posted a hidden cam picture of my lovely red-headed wife fucking me, and giving me head, and then of course, the classic 'holy crap she's actually pretty' picture of her in a pretty summer dress. I would banter back and forth with different guys, looking for someone who might be up for a little...

3 years ago
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Turning a friend gay

Growing up, I had a friend named Alex, we were inseperateable, and when we were 13 we had first started watching porn, and then found gay porn. We both knew it was very wrong, but we also knew it would be a long time before either of us ever got to fuck a girl, and figured that if we used eachother for sex, we could get a nut anytime we wanted. We began just 69ing eachother, then went onto anal stuff, I was the first to bottom, I thought it would be horrible, but it was fun, and felt good. When...

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Episode 113 Mother s Milk

Ms Jones the Human Biology and Sex Ed teacher had already exhausted all the legal material for her Year 11 class, attended by Molly and Rachel.The GCSEs were nearly over and most ch*ldren would be leaving soon for the long summer holiday and then start at the local Sixth Form college.Ms Jones planned one last day for her class to remember - a trip to the slightly obscure Mothers Milk farm. It had no web-site and no need of any advertising, but was very well known by the local maternity units...

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Less Than HalfChapter 2

"... to touch is to heal, to hurt is to steal, if you wanna kiss the sky you'd better learn how to kneel, on your knees boy..." After the movie, she dropped me back at my place with a chaste kiss good night, and went home. We never did go anywhere to get better acquainted. As a result, I figured she found me boring, and I never thought anything would come of it. I suppose she expected me to try something in the theater -- we had been almost alone -- but I hadn't even tried to hold her...

3 years ago
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Hot Daughter Hotter MomChapter 2

For the next few days, Hope couldn't seem to get the scene of her mother and brother fucking out of her mind. Every time she thought about it, hot pussy juices started oozing out from between her legs. One afternoon when her friend, Chip Carter, was over at the house listening to records with her, she kept wondering what kind of a prick he had. Chip was a teenager who lived around the corner and the two of them had played together since they were small children. Hope had never once thought...

2 years ago
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My Rakhi Sister Swati

“Ya I found it. Fuck! There is no light in the stairs, dude!” “Arre come upstairs, wahi hai.” “But I’m scared! You know how scared I am of the dark!” “Hehe, come upstairs! I’m waiting at the door”. “Be naked!” “Shut up! I have neighbours! Come home, I’ll be naked the entire weekend!” “No!” I said, petulantly. “I’ll go back right now if you aren’t naked when I reach your place!” “Don’t be like this na! Their door is also open! What if they see me!” Swati sounded annoyed. “Dekhne do! I’m...

1 year ago
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Incidents in a cross dressers life Part Two A tr

My first "outing" was with a female fuck buddy. She loved sex. Any time, place, or person. Damn she was a great fuck buddy! She asked about any fantasies I had. I mentioned I always wanted to cross dress in pantyhose, panties, bra, and a great wig. We spent the afternoon shopping and found all of my needs and a great wig that matched my natural hair color. There is a nice pic of me labeled "first pic." in the gallery. My nipples and cock were rock hard the whole time, especially while she...

1 year ago
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Naturist SchoolChapter 3 A Whole New Me

Claire's eyes seemed to glow when I met her on the Green after lunch and she seemed hang on my every word. Thinking back, it was like calling Leah's bluff was some sort of test. Pleased with my progress, I decided to make the most of the situation. When we arrived at the stables I recognized Janice, one of the seniors from my high school who occasionally rode the horses on my parents' farm. "Hey Janice, I haven't seen you in a while." "It's these darn college applications! I'd...

2 years ago
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Secure Contain REDACTED

welcome to Secure Contain [Redacted]. the only rule is that whatever stories and/or chapters you submit must be related to the SCP foundation in some way. and if you use characters from a webseries or comic that is about the SCP foundation you must credit the original creators.

3 years ago
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The Retirees Club 11

"Somebody betrayed my trust, basically. There were some shenanigans going on. In more ways than one." I think she could tell that we weren't just a bunch of guys who liked to shoot pool and play cards. She said, "Do you remember when you said something about people not being what they seem?" "I do." She paused again, then said, "There's something you ought to know before we get too involved." "What's on your mind?" "Well, I am not exactly what you may think that I...

4 years ago
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My friend hot mom

Hai friend i am sohail from india this is my second exprience with my friend hot mom when my friend gone for goa for his bussiness those days i was studying my degree he leave his studies because his father died he was only son for his parent then his mother was alone in the house he said me to live with his mom ok and she went for goa for 8 days i qas leaving in his house i came to the story his mother is to sexy and hot she wear la-jeans top half she look very sexy any person will see him...

2 years ago
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(Hey everyone! I thought I’d try a short series in which each entry is from the perspective of the two people involved. This one is from her perspective,(note it’s not the same encounter…that’s too easy!) my first attempt at writing such. Enjoy!) Johnathan’s perspective: I have to admit, I really enjoyed cooking for this woman. So many recipes I’d worked on with no one to share them with made this a welcome experience. The sex was both more than I’d had in years plus this was the most...

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