Put To Sleep indian porn

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 184

"What are we doing sitting here?" The Brit asked. "I can not see anything else we can do. The cops have the place surrounded and they are isolating the shooter. I suppose when they feel the time is right they will go in." I said. "I want to do down there. Surely the Sheriff will allow us to help," The Brit said. "If you want to go down there, I will go with you, but they are going to ignore us. We are going to stand there in the cold with no coffee." I suggested. "Yeah, we are...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 185

The first was a drug dealer and convicted murderer operating in Capitol City. The dealer had corrupted law enforcement and terrorized honest people in almost half the downtown housing areas. "So Brit, what do you think will happen. He runs dope, junky whores, and crooked cops, What will happen in the vacuum we create?" I asked. "I don't like the possibilities," he said. "But I like this even less." he waved his arm around at the evidence. "This isn't going to save a bunch of school...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 186

I was on the road home when I realized that I had committed a cold blooded murder. I knew I should feel some kind of remorse but I didn't. What I thought was that I was sorry there would be some other piece of trash who would take over. The business would go on because they needed the business it really didn't need anyone of them to continue. The business would always be there in some form to pray on the innocent trying to cope. The only way to kill the business was to kill the customers...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 188

When I woke the morning after the birthday party, Andrew was sitting at my breakfast bar. He had a single cup brewed coffee in his hand. "Is that any good?" I asked, paused a moment, then added "Andrew." "Best I ever had Miss Porter," he said with a smile. "You know Andrew I never noticed how plain you were. You walk around like you are a beautiful guy, but you are really quite homely," I said. "I act beautiful, but I never said I was beautiful. It's all about perception. I try...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 191

I'm gonna hire you to Ghostwrite a book on making moonshine. We gonna have a beer every day for a week or so and you are gonna tell me all you know about making moonshine. I want to know what it's like to search for the place to set up what I can and can't use all that sort of thing. When we are finished I will give you five hundred dollars and make a couple of calls to get your daughter a slot at the University Christmas Camp. What do you say. "Well I like to drink beer and hell I...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 192

Andrew left town the next day around lunch. "I would like to meet you somewhere next time. You know like take a week at Disney World?" he asked with a laugh. "Andrew you are a nice guy and remembering back the places we have been, I have to admit you really know how to show a girl a good time, but I think I have had enough of swamp dog and their people. I'm real sorry but I don't love you honey. I like you okay, but it ain't love." I admitted. I hated those speeches, but I had a...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 194

The next morning after my bike ride I drove the Cruiser van full of odd and ends to the pub. I had called the previous night to advise The Brit I was definitely coming. So yes I expected him to open at 9AM even though he was open till 2AM the night before. They hadn't gone to bed till 3AM I was sure. But that wasn't my fault, he promised to help me build a trailer. "Alright Sylvia I am going to help you build a trailer to haul water from you house to the storage building," The Brit said....

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 196

I awoke the next morning at 5AM. I took off on my bike shortly thereafter. As I rode along the empty roads I realized that I had gone from nothing going on in my life, to three major projects all at once. It would be funny if either of them was the least bit lighthearted. I was about to enter into the drug business. Yeah I had been in the illegal enterprise before, but it had been only as a peripheral player. I was about to become a serious player. The kind of player that gets killed or goes...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 197

A case of the flu probably saved my life from going in the wrong direction, but it definitely save Queen BeeBee's live for real. I still think Andrew brought the flu with him from the Great dismal swamp. When he left, within a week I had about every minor ailment that traditionally goes with the flu. The worst thing was that County Seat became a pest house. The county board of health declared it an emergency. The board of health began looking for a place to set up a pest house. Okay that is...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 202

"Oh I trust you on that one, but I new that without even being told." he said as he left. "Andrews how about one of your 'out of the box' attack plans?" I asked that as I pulled up a satellite picture of the building from the Internet. "We go in the back of the club here," Andrew said pointing to the screen. "Meanwhile you wait with the bikers out front. None of us will come out the front door, so anyone at all who does has to go." "Half of the people who work, or live close by...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 203

When I went into The Brit's shower, I had clean clothes with me. The shower showed signs of Jeremy's good taste. Unlike The Brit and I, who built a shower to be a shower, Jeremy made it artistic. For one thing it was a real tile enclosed cubicle. The slightly biscuit colored tile had a few decorative tiles scattered through it. They really were quite lovely. The Brit had the kind of hot water you didn't have to worry about. You could stay in the shower as long as you liked. A girl like me...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 204

I fell into a routine while waiting for the other shoe to fall. I woke at 5AM then rode the bike for two hours. I stopped had a biscuit for breakfast or some other kind of cholesterol bomb. After that I rode the bike home and took a hot shower. It was getting cold enough so that soon I would be stopping the breakfast out in exchange for a bowl of cereal. The ride from a warm restaurant back into the chill while sweaty would soon be unbearable. But somewhere in there I would squeeze a quick...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 206

After my meeting with Monk, I was optimistic that we could all coexist until spring at least. So I went home and to work. I was pretty much locked in the compound all the time. I tried to ride my bike any time I could squeeze a few hours away from the still. The old moonshiners said there wasn't time to do anything, but make liquor when you were making liquor. I got that feeling for sure. When the fermented mash went into to the cooker it was as demanding as a baby. I ran up to 170 in a few...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 207

"So we leave in the morning," Jeremy said. "I'm up for it and Allan is definitely not going?" I asked. "He is going to stay with the pub. He also did not enjoy the last trip as much as we thought." Jeremy said it with a huge grin. "He was just humoring me. I guess we have been together long enough, he doesn't feel he needs to humor me any more." "Well anytime you want to go shopping come get me," I said. I almost meant it. I went home and to bed early. I did go to an adult...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 208

We got back Sunday evening, so we dropped the trailer at my place to unload sometime Monday. Jeremy drove, and I rode along with him to the pub in the SUV. My Cruiser had been parked at the pub all weekend. The Brit had the choice of it, or Jeremy's econobox. I went inside to get my keys and have a beer before going home. The keys were easy The Brit threw them at me. "Shit Sylvia, you have to be a midget to drive that crappy little car. The driver's seat won't adjust." "Monk might...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 209

After my ride the next morning I checked the mash. I found it still working as I expected it to be. I drank two cups of coffee at my house before I walked down to open the gate for Jeremy. He actually got out of the car and hugged me. It was really quite strange as it was the first time he had ever done so. I went immediately to the Jerry's trailer to wait for Jeremy to help me hook it to the SUV. When we had it ready, he took off while I made one last coffee to travel. I went down town to...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 210

"Damn Sylvia I always knew you were smarter than the average operator," the colonel said. "She is ruthless as well," the sergeant major said without a hint of kindness. "And thank God for it," Andrew said. "If she were less ruthless I would still be in a Vera Cruz prison." "Not likely, more likely a mass grave. There are not many mercenaries, who do jail time anywhere in South America," The sergeant major said. He still showed no approval at all. "Ah you guys," I said faking a...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 211

When the three of them came back into the bar the next day they stayed only a few minutes. They came in just long enough to put me at ease that they hadn't raped and murdered her. The talk was all harmless, so melody wouldn't be privy to secret information. Yes the Swamp Dog crew did have some secrets. Even if it wasn't a secret, their plans were Just better left out of casual conversations. "So Andrew, what's the plan for Melody?" I asked. "We are going to take her back to the HQ...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 212

It was five am on Monday when I rode the bike out into the cold morning air. The TV weatherman said it was getting warmer, but you couldn't prove it by me. I still had a problem pedaling the bike because I was wearing so many layers of thermal clothing. I stopped to have some animal fat before I made the final push back to my compound. I checked the tapes as I always did as I ate. I never saw anything until the morning. The thing I saw was a couple of deer crossing my drive. I was pretty...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 213

After my walk I sat in the food court with a cup of coffee. I certainly didn't want any of their designer food. The place was full of college kids just as I had been promised by the news reporter on the local station. The guys were all in their twenties and walked every day so they were in pretty good shape. I was surprised, since the walkers at most malls were older than dirt. I mean no disrespect, but these walkers were overwhelmingly college students or college age students. "You...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 214

"Maybe I should go to keep you from getting mugged. A woman alone in a strip club is going to be mistaken for a hooker," The Brit said. "I'm not sure anyone is going to recognize her as a woman. Sylvia is wearing her androgynous look tonight. Sylvia you do that so well, I wouldn't know for sure myself," Jeremy said. "But Allen you are right just in case you probably should go. If it is a fun place, we can go on a weeknight, if Sylvia will manage the pub for a couple of hours?" "You...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 217

Kara had my number for sure. She kissed me while her hands made a rough move on my body. Then she realized I was wearing a shoulder holster. She stepped back with a curious look. The look said it all, should couldn't have faked that surprise on her face. She had no idea who I was. That might be a good thing. I took a deep breath before I removed the canvas parka. "It's a .22 magnum revolver and no it isn't a joke. I am licensed to carry it. I am a licensed private protective agent, body...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 218

I awoke the next morning at 5AM and rode the bike out of the drive and across the plank that was over the trench just to allow the bike across. I rode the two hours and felt better for it. I was sitting in Hardee's with a biscuit and coffee when my phone rang. I had a pretty good idea who would call me so early in the morning. "It raining here this morning, but very warm springtime is upon us," the man's voice said with just hint of a Latino accent. "Sounds nice, it's still chilly...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 219

I left headed for the coast after my morning ride. It was 9AM after I showered and loaded the car with a few clothes and weapons. I carried the eight shot .22mag since I had thirty K in cash. I didn't expect any trouble, but one just never knows what might happen. The thirty K was in hundred dollar bills, so it took up a little more space than the cargo pants could accommodate. That morning was one of the few times in my life, that I carried a purse. I carried it to hold the cash. I...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 220

By 6PM I had parted with most of the 30K and was headed to the swamp to she exactly what I had bought. Getting into the swamp was a lot easier than getting into my small compound. Well it seemed easier. There were all kinds of observation devices and more than one dead fall along the way. The swamps idea of a dead fall was a 1/2 pound of Semtex swinging on a cable from a roadside tree onto your car. Slightly more lethal than a bitch with a over and under shotgun waiting for you at the...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 221

After the chick left I went to sleep. She had been looking for reassurance, that she had done the right thing. I must have been doubly hard for them, since they had moved thousands of miles away to live in a swamp. Maybe the did need that R&R center in the mountains. It wasn't something that concerned me at that moment, so I drifted off to sleepy land. I awoke at 5AM to the sound of people assembling in the parking lot of the administration building. The assembled crew left for a...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 225

The primary election was held on a Tuesday. Warren County is so small nobody bothered to take any polls, so we had no idea who won until Wednesday at noon. I called the board of elections from the Pub. "Well Miss Porter it looks as though you lost the election by about a hundred votes. You can ask for a recount it you like," the lady said. "No thanks looks at though the people have spoken," I said. I clicked the phone off and turned to Jeremy who didn't know the results, "Well we lost...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 226

It was almost noon before she left. She left with the video she came to made. I didn't care. I was sexually exhausted for the first time in what seemed like months. I could have stopped her at any time I told myself, but I always let these things play out. There was nothing the man in Miami could do to me, since I had been beaten in my run for sheriff. I realized that the timing of the Kara's visit was organized so I would go along. He knew I felt as though I had nothing to lose. He...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 227

I was pretty sure our days of shopping together had ended and I was just as glad. Jeremy had begun to get tiresome. I got my shit from the trailer and sent him off home dragging the trailer behind. The biggest thing I had was the antique pistol. Everything else was small, but the items did fill up four of the large plastic storage baskets, which I took from the locker. I wasn't sure whether Jeremy would take care of selling my stuff on line or not. I was absolutely sure I would go crazy...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 229

I went out and unhitched the trailer. The changes to it could wait, I had decided to drive to the camp. I had been curious about it for months. I had filled the gas tank on the Ford before I left with the trailer. so I was good to go. The drive was only twenty minutes or so, but it seemed like a journey in time. When I entered the campground road and any trace of modern civilization was gone. There was no modern conveniences at the camp. That had always been the appeal of a church camp. It...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 3

Our wife beater decided that he would rather do a few weeks on the county farm than a few years in the state pen. I personally thought that it was a good choice. He came quietly once he made the decision to come along. He was cuffed and leaning against the car before my backup arrived. Webster had not been kidding when he said back up was a long way off. Most of my time was spent just riding down country roads looking for things that were out of place. With all that land mass, the bad guys...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 230

"What's your name ma'am?" the girl in the uniform asked. "Sylvia Porter and I'm rational and not in shock," I said. "No offense Sylvia, but you aren't in the best shape to make that decision. Take a look at yourself. Let me at least take a look at those cuts. Then if you need it, we can take you to the emergency room and they can clean you up at least." she waited a second then said,"I promise I won't let them keep you." "Sweetie, someone ran me off the road, then came down...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 232

I was back in my house and I left the security gate open. I didn't feel like going down to greet anyone. I did keep the .22 Mag revolver handy and the computer running a live feed from the security camera. Regardless of the threat evaluation. I saw Liam drive up in the typical Swamp Dog SUV. I watched him as he drove up to the house and park behind my Ford Ranger Pick Up Truck. "How you doing old girl?" he asked me at the door. "Come on in. Molly tells me I'll live, if I don't die...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 7

The man had a roguish charm I had to admit. He had absolutely no problem asking the most embarrassing questions. He even made it seem as though they were harmless. He honestly expected me to answer them, which was a completely different take from asking them just to embarrass me. He was maybe three years older than me, then again maybe not. He told stories about college, so if he had finished, he started business at twenty-two just like me. Unlike me, he seemed to have been building his...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 8

"Yeah, the cable is full of almost good shows. So many things have to be right to make a good show, but only one has to be wrong to make a bad one." Simon said. "Why not sit and let's explore the cable together," he suggested. "I think your brother wants to screw me," I said with a giant laugh. "Hell, so do I," Simon said with a beautiful smile. I had to admit I was captivated by their rakish good humor. "Not many men would see you this time of night and not want to screw you. I...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 233

It took them three days to complete everything I wanted, but they did it all very professionally. When I handed them the $1,250 cash money from the dry well full of cash, we both understood there would be no record of the transaction. He left happy with his money and I was happy with the gate that set twenty feet from the entrance of the drive way. The gate was not attached to any fences. It opened from a switch mounted on a wall inside the house, or from a garage opener in my truck. There...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 9

Finding myself in bed with one of them on each side of me took another twenty minutes or so, but it did happen. Unlike a pornographic movie, there was a lot of stopping and starting. Also a lot laughing, when things didn't seem to fit just right on the first try. As advertised for the first several minutes Simon just watched and made wickedly amusing comments. I swear if we had filmed it, the thing could have won an academy award for comedy. Within the first half hour we were all laughing...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 234

"Go find yourself something you can hold, buy yourself some warm up gloves and I'll show you how to work out. Don't get the idea I'm training you, I'm not. For a fifty bucks a month you can come hang out, when I'm here, you might learn something." "I can join a yuppie gym in Dobson with all the yuppie equipment for 30 bucks a month," I said. "Then get your white ass out of here," he said. "Fifty a month, that's more than any of these losers pay you," I said. "Go buy your...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 10

"No way," my dad said. "Your mom and I can catch up anytime. You moved out of town again. You were gone four years in the Air Force. then two years in that community college thing down east and now you are living in the mountains. So tell us all about the place where you live." "I live in a fifty year old motel, how exciting can that be?" I asked. "So have you met anyone interesting?" mom asked. "If you mean have I met any men, I had a date last night. The first date I have had in...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 14

We left the county seat at 8PM on our drive south. Our first stop for gas and a bathroom break came in South Carolina. I had dinner before we left and it was the middle of the night, so I opted for just coffee and an old fashioned cinnamon role. One of those that wasn't too sweet nor with too much cinnamon on it. In other words a slightly flavored dinner roll. Simpson on the other hand visited their burrito bar. I am sure you can imagine what a burrito bar in a convenience store on the...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 18

The night ended finally after several hours of pure boredom. I hated nights like that. I would rather walk through a dark empty building, than do nothing but wait for the shift to change. On the way home from the motor pool, I stopped for a cup of bad coffee and a two day old roll. "You are not going to charge me for this roll are you?" I asked after one bite. I threw the remainder into the trash as I said it. If he insisted of course I would pay, but I just knew that it wasn't right. He...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 20

"Exactly what the fuck have you told these people?' I snapped at Simon. "Just that you were a fun date. I'm just trying to make friends up here. It's a good place to do business," he said. "Your business better not include pimping me out," I said angrily. "Sylvia, I would never do that," he said trying to appear trustworthy and failing... "Correction asshole, you would only do that once," I said angrily. Even as we spoke I felt someone approach me from behind. My hand went...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 21

We were about fifteen minutes into the two hour drive home when I said to Simon, "Now we need to talk seriously." "Is this pimp to hooker, friend to friend, or cop to perp?" he asked. "There is no pimp to hooker, but it is friend to friend right now. If I have to dig this out myself, then it will be cop to perp," I said. "Okay then ask," he demanded. "What was in the bags?" I asked. "Let me ask you something first, what is the Sheriff's position on white liquor?" Simon...

2 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 3 Escorting a Prisoner

I climbed out of the vehicle and walked towards the large imposing building. Dragon poked her head out of the sling and looked up into my face and I smiled, “The warmer will keep them warm if you want to ride on my shoulder.” Her gravid state had come as a surprise. Like only a few creatures she was technically both male and female. Although sex did not really come into it, she became pregnant after she reached a certain age. First was her gravid state and then she laid three to five eggs,...

3 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 4 Protecting a Judge

I glanced up as the tiny dragon zipped by me and landed on the stand behind me. I smiled and sat back, “Welcome back Cambra.” She grinned, “Samantha is fantastic.” I glanced back at Dragon with her daughter and smiled, “How did the prisoner like her?” Cambra snorted, “I think she likes threatening people. As soon as Edwards saw her, he stopped moving.” I grinned and stood up, “Did they have any problems with the execution?” She snorted again as she turned to walk with me, “The sedative...

2 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 5 Prisoner Exchange Gone Bad

I looked up as Amanda sat at her desk across from mine, “Word is there was a huge mix up with a prisoner.” She lifted Dragon from the corner of her desk and put her in her lap. I glanced at the commander’s door, he had not even blinked when I returned with Amanda. She had just handed him her transfer chit and he gestured to me, “Partner up with Morpheus.” So she had her desk across from mine. It was nice to have a partner, even Camdra seemed to like Amanda. The commander stepped out of his...

3 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 7 A Bad Marshal

I glanced up as the room quieted and looked at the doorway to see a slim man. He glanced around and walked through the desks towards my end of the room. I looked at the commander when he walked out but the man that had to be a marshal stopped in front of my desk, “My name is Gunder Smith from the marshal auditors office.” I sat back and smiled, “How can I help you?” He shifted slightly and I drew my weapon. He froze with a small weapon half out of his sleeve. He licked his lips, “I should...

3 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 8 The Death of a Marshal

Each marshal is unique in their own way. I pushed the huge man in front of me through the front doors of the building. I touched my badge to the door plate to silence the alarm before pushing him again to get him moving. I glanced back at Amanda carrying her ready bag with one hand while the other was in a sling. The two building guards smiled but did not try to interfere as I pushed the man into the lift. I was ready for him to try something again. I brushed his kick to the side with a foot...

2 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 11 A New Post

I glanced at the door when it opened and the tall marshal walked in, “The fleet commander is waiting.” I shook my head, “I can not wait for the new commander to get here and take over.” He grinned, “Suck it up. What did you have for me?” I turned and picked a chip up before tossing it, “A fugitive on Maple. Take Tonks with you.” He nodded and turned to the door, “Amanda and her newbie just returned and he wanted to see you.” I sighed, “Send the fleet commander in and tell Smith to take a...

1 year ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 12 A Walk on the Beach

It had been busy but things had finally slowed so Amanda and I decided to take a vacation. Keys was as beautiful as all the vids. We walked off the large rental boat and I grinned at my sister with her arm around the waist of a tanned man I recognized. Dragon and Cynthia were flying and chasing each other along the edge of the water. Amanda squeezed my hand before letting it go, “Hi.” I paused at the buzz of my comm and frowned before pulling it from the small pouch I was carrying,...

1 year ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 13 Running a Gauntlet

I glanced at the commander when she peeked in the doorway to my office. I had removed the door the third time it malfunctioned and locked me in the office. She grinned, “Safe to come in?” I sat back and returned her smile, “Unless you are bringing me more paperwork.” She laughed as she walked in and sat in one of the two chairs in front of the desk, “Amanda is still out bringing those escaped prisoners in and everyone else is on assignment.” I nodded and she glanced at Dragon sleeping on...

1 year ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 14 Missing Marshal

I was moving smoothly through my exercises with Amanda mirroring me. Dragon and Cynthia were watching from the side of the gym. Michaels cleared his throat as I slid back and away from Amanda, “We have a marshal missing.” I continued the martial dance and circled, “Who and where?” Amanda slid in and I shifted while one hand swept her foot aside and she spun back and away. Michaels moved out of the way, “Palia system and it is Gilroy. He did an escort and turned the prisoner in before he...

2 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 15 A Surprise Visit

I looked at the doorway when I heard the outer room go quiet. I stood and moved around the desk once more thinking I needed to move the desk. I stepped out and looked at the eight large men moving through the room and spreading out, “What is going on?” They ignored me and I growled, “Answer or someone is going to die.” The commander was gone so I was in charge and no one had told me anything about imperial guards coming. A throat cleared, “That would not be good Morpheus.” I glanced at the...

3 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 18 Academy

I had gone over the class several times and for some this would be their last chance. I stood with Dragon on my shoulder and watched the huge holo of the suite of rooms. The next candidate came through the door suddenly and seemed to drift in and to the side like she was a shadow. She slipped around a corner and into the next room before she paused. I frowned but she moved to one side instead of straight across. Captain Delk snorted, “She is a careful one.” I ignored him as she stopped...

4 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 19 Dead Station

Three years teaching new marshals was both rewarding and frustrating. It ended just after the emperor stepped down and his granddaughter ascended to the throne. She was the one to swear the graduating class in. She had visited us many times while we were here. Sometime just to vent and try to get past my guard while sparing, other times it was to give advice or ask it. I glanced at Amanda in her civilian clothes and smiled as she kept feeling her pelvis, “Still want to wait to have it moved...

1 year ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 20 Roving Commander

I shifted the carrier with my infant son on my chest and glanced at Amanda as she pushed the stroller with our daughter. She smiled and ignored my look, “You are a commander and can carry your son.” I snorted, “Just because the empress has me roving for the next year does not mean you and...” She lifted an eyebrow, “We are not staying here and playing house.” I growled, “I knew I should have staked you out on the beach with Samantha, Domino and Simon.” She grinned, “Now I might have...

2 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 21 Retirement

I grinned as Samantha tossed my son into the air while Domino led my daughter Cambra and their three back to us. All three had young dragons that followed Camdra’s Jewel in a swirling chase that made people stare. Amanda snorted as she nursed our daughter Samantha, “I can not believe they picked all three girls.” My sister grinned, “Family charm.” I grinned as I turned to look towards the entrance to the royal park. A large party of guards were entering and spreading out while a smaller...

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Deputy PorterChapter 30

Night shift was a pain in the ass. There was nothing to do and the time hung heavy on my hands. In the back of my mind I had the Gypsy Allen thing and my little sideline business venture to think about. Those two were all I had the energy to think about with that midnight shift draining me. I definitely did not have the energy required for posing for pictures. No I wasn't doing anything but sleeping and researching things in the net. But I considered both more important then having my...

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Deputy PorterChapter 31

The club was small for sure. We found enough space along a wall to sit. We weren't the only white girls in place, but there weren't many like us either. Those that were in the place fit my description trailer trash. But then so did I and I didn't really care. I assumed they didn't either. The music was all rap with a lot cop killing as the theme. I had to laugh it was so ironic, "I can't go on without know your name," I shouted to be heard above the music. I thought she would wet her...

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Deputy PorterChapter 33

I finished the shift and realize I hadn't stopped for lunch. Since I was in the fast mode, I probably would have had a cracker and diet coke anyway. Nothing I would have missed especially. My blood sugar might miss it, but I didn't. When I got back to the motel, I found a package waiting for me at the front desk. I carried it back to my room to open it. Since it had no return address I was afraid of what was inside of it. I hadn't ordered anything, so the package could contain anything at...

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Deputy PorterChapter 37

I opened the passenger side door. "So where is your girl friend?" I asked. "She is waiting for us at the party," Mary Ellen said. "Hold on now, I never agreed to any party," I said. "It's suppose to be girls night out." "And it is. We are just going to a party for our night out. You are the guest of honor." Mary Ellen said. Mary Ellen had already pulled out of my parking lot. If I planned to get out of the car, I knew I had better do it soon. I wasn't dressed for any long walks...

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Deputy PorterChapter 38

I did indeed have the next day off and I spent it trying to figure out what to do. Once the sexual fog cleared, I knew that I really didn't mind the games I played the night before. Yes I knew my personal life could be crap sometimes, but it always had been far from ordinary. It was my reality. So it was time to find a way I could live with where I was at that moment. The first thing to do was to find out all I could about Mary Ellen's operation. She definitely was more than she pretendd...

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Deputy PorterChapter 39

Since I needed to know more, I kept my options open. I went out for pizza which I brought back for my dinner. I ate alone in my room, and refrigerated the half of the pizza that was left. With dinner completed, I went to the lounge for my walk through. I also stopped for my one beer. I sat looking around while I drank it... Since I didn't see Monk, I asked Sarah, "Do you know where Monk is." "No honey, I have no idea," she said. "Someone said he had kids," I said. "Yeah, somewhere...

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Deputy PorterChapter 40

The trip was up and down a couple of county roads That was after we left the state road that ran north south through Warren county. "You see that driveway with the big beware the dog sign," Monk asked. "Yeah, is that it?" I asked. "About a quarter mile down that road is a operating meth lab," Monk said. "Now get me the fuck out of here." He had slumped down in the seat of the small Toyota. "Just a second," I rolled the windows down on the Toyota. It wasn't a strong smell, but it...

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Deputy PorterChapter 43

When I woke up, it was with a terrible thirst. There was a terribly annoying beeping sound, that wouldn't go away. I knew I was in a hospital room because of all the tubes and handing bags. What I didn't know was what day it was. There was nothing to give me a clue. I could have been in there one day, or a month. My head was covered in bandages, so I could even tell from the amount of hair on my head. Finally someone came about the beeping sound. "So you are awake, how do you feel?" the...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 44

On day three I managed to walk to the bathroom, alone. I did it with a hell of a lot of pain and the help of a cane. I could never have gotten out of bed at home. My decision to stay another day was based on that experience. Trying to sit up caused me to cry that first time. Broken ribs are not for sissy, I decided. By the evening of day three I was going to the bathroom on my own. It still was with a great deal of pain. I prepare myself mentally for it and I did it with a lot of grunts and...

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Deputy PorterChapter 47

Homer began with the statement, "A good drug dealer is like a priest. In that he keeps everyone's secrets. The only think different is we will not be a martyr for anyone." "So?' a very nervous looking Simpson asked. "So when I got invited to stop by a sex party, I knew that I would be seeing things I didn't necessarily want to know about. I went to the Allen house. The old man who organized the party let me in, and I began moving product. The people there were so stupid, I had to...

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Deputy PorterChapter 48

I figured the reason Simpson didn't mind the recorder I brought to the interviews was he had a plan to cover his ass as well. He did ask the important question and he let me ask the ones that were risky to his job. What he did was make sure he got the necessary information to make the case, and let me get the information that told us what really happened in that house,. Daddy was high on meth and had Dee in a room somewhere. Several of the people had disappeared into rooms for private...

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Deputy PorterChapter 49

Friday morning I walked around the downtown before work. I saw Mary Ellen in her shop, but I only waved to her. I wanted to set up another shoot, but I didn't feel up to it at that moment. In addition I still had the stitches in my neck. I would look like the bride of Frankenstein. Maybe that's why Mary Ellen hadn't called. When I got back to the motel, I took a quick shower and prepared for work. I was going in early to be there when the warrants came down. I was sure the ADA had been...

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Deputy PorterChapter 50

Mary Ellen was right on time. She was within a minute of being exactly on time. I walked out to the car in my jeans and a sweater that showed my bony chest. Since it was a very thin and tight material, it also showed my nipple outlined very clearly. I opened the army field jacket and got her approval. She didn't think much of the field jacket, but it would be in the movie shots. It took us about an hour to get out of Warren county and to the house owned by the Boyle brothers. When we...

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Deputy PorterChapter 51

I gave Mary Ellen's operation some thought, but frankly I was too tried to actually consider what it meant to me. I was tired from living with the constant nagging pain. Then the release of the orgasmic flow of emotions just wiped me out. I stayed awake only because I wanted to be sure Mary Ellen didn't drive off the mountain road. She wasn't a very careful driver. She had control of the car alright, but she tending to let her attention wander. After she dropped me, I hoped that Angel...

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Deputy PorterChapter 54

I returmed home again about 5AM. I fell into bed with work stink all over me. I fell asleep thinking about all I had to do to get ready for the move. First of course I had to tell Jennifer that I was leaving. I didn't think that a motel would require any notice. I was paid up till Sunday so I could use the weekend to move. I decided that much before I fell asleep. When I woke it was noon, so I dressed in my running outfit, which was no more than a pair of fleece lined pants and a sweat...

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Deputy PorterChapter 55

Since I woke up at 10AM, after only five hours sleep, I felt like crap during my morning run. I really was exhausted when I got back to the room. I found that the maid had left a half dozen towels and wash cloths on the bed for me. I assumed they were for the new apartment. I had done my research on line. I found that a Twin mattress was 38" wide. That was entirely too wide for a sofa seat in my opinion. So I decided I would make my own mattress. I had slept in a lot worse things than...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 56

I woke up Sunday morning with running on my mind. I didn't want to do it. I knew that one skipped day led to the next ect, so out the door I went at 10AM. I ran the full route, I noted a lot of stores along the way were closed. It was kind of nice to see that on a Sunday morning, it made for a kind of sleepy little hometown feeling, Half way through the run I got to thinking about towels. I had enough to make the curtain, but nothing to dry my body with if I did. So I decided to ask for two...

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Deputy PorterChapter 57

The next day I tried to find a place to run that I felt had some interesting things along the way. On the downtown run, not only did I look for stray animals, I looked at the back doors of business as I ran by. The Victorian house was three blocks from the edge of downtown and ten blocks from the center of town where I had run the day before. So I would be adding twenty blocks to my run if I went there. Not something I wanted to do. So I ran the three blocks of full blown residential area,...

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Deputy PorterChapter 58

When I woke it was 5PM and I rushed out the door. I remembered that bike that I saw on the curb and I wanted a closer look. So I ran faster than I normally do. I also ran farther than I normally do. I got to the consignment shop before they closed at 6PM. "The grossly over weight lady was very sweet. She said, "The bike belongs to a retired gentlemen, who brought it for me to try to sell. He has several more if you would like a bike, but don't care for that one.: "I don't really know...

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Deputy PorterChapter 59

When I came around the bones in my face were set. I had a bandage that looked like a hockey mask. I felt like I was in the movie Friday the Thirteenth. I spend the day sleeping and felt some better when I woke that night. The next morning they released me. I had to promise to take it easy and skip work for a week. So for the week I rode the bike almost all day. I stopped by to visit Mary Ellen but she had nothing for me in monster mask. It was okay, since I didn't fell like playing yet...

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Deputy PorterChapter 61

I turned from him and walked away. I usually wasn't so close to violence, but all day I had been reliving my childhood. I hated all that had happened to me but it made me what I was. The world was lucky I wasn't a serial killer, some days I just had a hair trigger. That night I was suffering. I went home and got into bed, I considered taking one of the pain pills I had laying around. If I did that I would get to sleep much easier, but then I would also become dependent on them. So I got...

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Deputy PorterChapter 63

That's how I wound up as a hostess at an illegal drink house. It opened at 9PM and closed at 3AM unless there was a crowd. If that was the case it might go till sun up. It didn't take me long to get well known. I did my thing and a little of their thing, but I did manage to remember who I was. I was collecting information the whole time on the guys who came to the house. Most of them were involved in some kind of petty crime or another. Even though it was petty, the pure volume was...

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Deputy PorterChapter 64

I found the dead drop empty at 3AM when I arrived for the first time. Also when I checked again at 3:30AM. "There is no one at the drop site and no signal. It doesn't look at though anyone has been there at all." I said into the phone. I had no idea who I was talking to at the time. "So what you want me to do now?" I asked. "Are you willing to risk getting picked up by the cops and sweated?" came the reply over the phone. "Well there is nothing to tie me to the product, unless the...

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Deputy PorterChapter 65

I threw thing on the false floor of the truck as I went along. Within a month I had a lot crap covering the floor. It looked really used without showing the false floor so much. I enjoyed driving it even though it took more gas and more space in the parking lot, than my Toyota had when I lived in that Motel in County Seat. I started looking for an excuses to go to the Green Valley Vineyard. I knew that unless it was a damn good one there would be questions. I had no idea how good my cover...

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Deputy PorterChapter 66

I was fishing with Molly, when the call from Barry to make a run that same night. I had spent the afternoon fishing with Molly Green, but it was time to end the afternoon and get back to work. It had actually been fun to talk about fairly normal things with a fairly normal woman. I recognized her for what she was, only because I knew. It looked as though she and her husband were normal small business owners on the outside. He was certainly no gun thug. I had no idea what all the Greens were...

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Deputy PorterChapter 67

The two men from the big Mercedes searched the truck looking for the drugs. Then they tried the bathroom, but it was locked like the sign said. Then they went back to the Mercedes to wait. They had to know we had cell phone, so they should have expected our thug army to be on the way. Since they appeared to be just waiting, I called Barry. "We got problems here," I said. "What kind of problems?" He asked the concern in his voice. "When we got to our first delivery the signal from the...

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Deputy PorterChapter 68

Barry looked as though he was going to do the questioning. He stood in front of us seemingly waiting for Molly to leave. He looked at her and she looked back as if to say, she was going to watch and enjoy it. So much for strong women bonding over a homemade fishing rod, I thought. Barry said, "It would be easier if, the one who sold us out owned up to it." "First of all Barry I was kept in the dark as to where to take the package until I picked up Bruce. You told us where to go, and I...

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Deputy PorterChapter 69

I awoke in the small bed wrapped in strange blankets and in a small cold room. I was pretty miserable, but I realized that I should be happy to be alive. Even if sitting up was so painful it took at least ten different attempts in different ways to manage it. The bathhouse was a lot like the ones in campgrounds from kiddie camps. There were ten shower heads on the wall and ten sinks on the wall. There were not any doors on the partition around the eight toilets. It was very much a kids camp...

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Deputy PorterChapter 70

Todd had it right and he knew it, so I just nodded. I mostly wanted to get back in touch with the cops on the outside. Just in case Todd and company killed me, I didn't want them to get away with it. Nobody really wants justice. What we really want is both eyes for an eye. Of course a whole mouth full of teeth for a single tooth. So yeah, I wanted to start working in that direction. Of course I had a Louisville Slugger planned for Barry. The amount of damage grew with every insult. At the...

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Deputy PorterChapter 71

It was probably the best food I ever ate, and I had no idea what it was. Some kind of a meat and sauce was the star, then of course there were vegetable that were delicious. Then for desert there was a humble sweet potato pie elevated to a masterpiece of flavor. There were also several types of wine, which I did not recognize. Of course there was a fancy set up of silver and china. Fancy enough that I had no idea what fork was meant for what bit of food. To make matters worse for me, they...

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Deputy PorterChapter 72

"I wasn't making any Christmas Plans myself," I said with a smile. "You need to detain Todd, his wife, a clown named Barry, and all the guest. This is like that tourist lake up in New York from the fifties. They were here to discuss business. My guess is they are all connected to a drug based criminal enterprise. I can connect Barry to an assault that hospitalized me and at the same time probably killed a kid named Bruce something or other. If you let me talk to Barry before you Marandize...

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Deputy PorterChapter 74

I didn't really consider a stop at the drive thru window of Granny's donuts a stop at all. It was more a detour in my mind. So I arrived home with a new hair style, not just a cut, the man who did it insisted. Since my hair was very then, he also tried to convince me to buy a lot of crap to make it appear thicker. I knew better than to waste my money. I had been there before and as I told him it was my first shampoo and set. Since it was so thin, I could just wash it and towel it pretty...

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Deputy PorterChapter 75

"So where do I sleep?" Special agent Mission asked. "Beats the hell out of me. I guess we could run down to the plaza, and buy you an air bed," I suggested. "Come on, we can go to the motel where I stayed when I came up last," Mission said. "I'm not going anywhere. You can find a space to throw down a blanket, you can go buy you an air bed, you can sleep in your car, but I'm staying right here where I feel safe," I was adamant about it. "Jesus, you are a hard ass," she said....

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 76

I had learned to sleep anywhere, and I did. I slept just fine in the motel room. It was a little noisy, and I guess I should have been worried but I really wasn't. I believed more in misdirection than it gun play. I lay in bed thinking about what kind of trail I had left. First of all my cover got blown with the rescue raid at the vineyards. The officer in charge of that raid was so wrapped up in saving my ass, he wasn't trying as hard to cover it and that was okay, I was blown...

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Deputy PorterChapter 77

I got the camper parked on the concrete pad and it looked pretty straight to me. I was right in the middle of straightening it up even more, when two men came out to look. On was in his sixties and one was about forty-five or so. Naturally I thought the younger one was some kind of supervisor, and the older one would be my new partner. I was satisfied with the way the camper was sitting, when I climbed down from the truck cab. "Mission, I think that is pretty straight," I said giving her...

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Deputy PorterChapter 78

The first day at the new job, for breakfast I was on my own. Hugo didn't seem too interested in sharing, so I went to the cafe. I went in uniform, even though I didn't get a shower first. I thought it would made it easier to meet people. The first thing I had to do, was to forget that I was just marking time. In order to be accepted, the people needed to see me as a new resident, not a tourist. So I met one of the owners of the diner and his wife. He was the day cook and she was the...

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Deputy PorterChapter 79

I settled into the camper quite well during the next week. I spent my days answering the phone, which almost never rang, and reading the fish and game laws, which took only a couple of hours of intense study. The rest of the time a I day dreamed and watched old tv shows on line. By the time my week on the desk was over, I was absolutely going mad. I was also able to move around a lot easier on simple OTC pain meds. So I guess the Doctor and the SBI agents were right. I would add Captain...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 80

The next few days could only have been more boring, if I had still been tied to the desk. I was on light duty and Hugo understood what that meant. He didn't take me on anything with a duration of more than an hour. If something was going to be strenuous or take more than an hour he left me in the truck or in the office. I hated it on one hand and I appreciated it on the other. I had spend one weekend tied to that trailer, so I did not want to spend another. Friday when Hugo gave me the...

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Deputy PorterChapter 235

I stayed working out with them though out the summer. It worked just exactly like that. I also had my picture made with Reggie, and the rest of the gym guys. The ones who were wanted anyway. Some didn want to be in the pictures. I never asked anyone except Reggie to do it the others just volunteered. During that same period of time, I made some legitimate purchases and sales. I finally turned some of the bus tokens into jewelry. I tried using one of the gold coins I purchased. I didn't hold...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 236

I had another interview about the boxing, so I just playfully challenged Webster and the republican to a three round match each. The proceeds to go to charity, winner take all to donate to their favorite charity. Webster was smart enough to say you don't want to see me in a pair of boxing shorts, and laugh. The ex chief from Dobson made a face. "Being Sheriff is no laughing matter. Porter is a joke, actually a dirty joke," he said They played that sound bite for me later in the day. "So...

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