Rich Lady indian porn

3 years ago
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rich boys love 50

so the day before we went to blakes home...... so me and harvey woke up and got dressed harvey said to me "babe have you packed your bags for blakes?" i looked at harvey and that all he needed to know he said "when do you plan on packing" i said "harvey dont get on at me" harvey looked at me and said "harvey is that how it is theses days" so i got up and left are bedroom harvey followed me into the kitchen and said "what wrong with you?" i carried on making a cup of coffee as if...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 48

i knocked on the door and bella answer i said "how much do you owe?" bella looked at me and said "i dont owe anything leon" i looked at her and said "harvey said your family owe money" bella nodded her head and said "his dad owe some money sweatheart" i got my cheque book out and wrote harveys dad a cheque for $20,000 i handed it to bella and said "please give this to harvey" when i drove off i had the idea to go to harveys dads house so i did when he answered the door he said...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 47 1

when i got off the floor i went into the living area and got the bottle of jack daniels and drank the whole bottle i got to my feet and went into are/my bedroom and got dressed i got my keys and walked to my parents house when i got there i knocked on the door and my dad answered he looked at me and said "why are you knocking leonardo" i just looked at my dad and said "hes left me o my god hes left me" crying again my dad cuddled me and kept saying "its okay son your be okay" my dad...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 47 0

when i got off the floor i went into the living area and got the bottle of jack daniels and drank the whole bottle i got to my feet and went into are/my bedroom and got dressed i got my keys and walked to my parents house when i got there i knocked on the door and my dad answered he looked at me and said "why are you knocking leonardo" i just looked at my dad and said "hes left me o my god hes left me" crying again my dad cuddled me and kept saying "its okay son your be okay" my dad...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 46

when i arrived at brits house i knocked on the door and she answered in tears i said "whats wrong?" "my mum is kicking me out because i did'nt get into college" "o wow i'm sorry brit" i got my cell out of my pocket and rang harvey when he answered i said "babe i have something to ask you" harvey said "what is it babe?" "can brit move in with us?" "i don't see why not" "thanks babe i love you" "i love you too babe now i'm off the the gym bye" "bye babe" i told brit to...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 43

we got back into my car and harvey said "what new car are you getting babe" i turned to face harvey and said "how do you know im getting a new car?" "your mom told me babe she wants to know what your doing with your old one" "okay. well im getting a ferrari f430 black and i was going to give you my porshe for a get well soon gift" harvey gave me a kiss and we went home when we got home there was a few bills and a letter addressed to me so i opened it the letter said Dear Mr...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 42

when we got home i told harvey to go to bed he gave me his horny eyes and said "you coming with me" with a breif pause i said "i told you mr your banned until your better that means all form of jacking off sucking and sex until your body has healed fully" "what!!! really babe come on that is so not fair" "yes it is baby you was stabbed because of me the only thing i can do to make up for that is helping you get better" harvey came and hugged me and said "babe i wasnt stabbed because...

1 year ago
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rich boys love 41

when we went into are bedroom i pulled my boxers off and harvey slapped my butt so i tackled him on are bed harvey laughted at me and said "babe if you want me all you gotta do is ask" "how about i give you a little dance?" so i reached over to my bed side table and got the cd player remote and turned it on and gave harvey a lap dance when i was finished harvey was hard but i got dressed and so did he i just put my shirt on when harvey pinned me to the wall and started kissing me...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 39

me and harvey walked over to the sofa and sat down and never let go of his hand doing this. Harvey still crying a little but had also calmed down alot said to me "your so beautiful and i love you with all my heart" me in the same emmtional state said "harvey i love you too so so much. how did you afford to get to italy?" "i spoke to your parents baby and they gave me the money to come and get you" there was a knock on the door and i answered it after drying my eyes it was my room...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 47 2

about 20 minutes later harvey walked into the living area just after i had come to my senses and dried my eyes he yelled "what the fuck leon. your brother is trying to build briges with you and you keep burning then down" i stood up and shouted "you dont know my fucking brother" walking into are room and slamming the door behind me a few minutes later there was a soft knock on the door feeling really gilty for having ago at him i said softy "what do you want baby?" "can i come in...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 35

when got up the next morning me and harvey went to the bathroom to got get ready for graduation when we came down stairs are parent was smiling at us and my mom asked if we would have a picture taken i looked at harvey and said "harvey i look a mess" harvey kissed me on my forehead and said "no you dont babe you look like you was carved from angels" i looked lovingly into harvey eyes and smiled harvey smiled to and my mom took the chance to stap a picture i took harveys hand and we walked...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 34

the knock on the door finally came and it was my hair stylist the woman came in and set up in the living room i walked in and said "your not mitch!" the woman replied "no sir im jess and i will be styling your hair for you today" she offered her hand to shake but i said again "your not mitch. where is mitch. i booked mitch" my mom came into the living room and said to me "you okay?" i said "no im not " my mom said "whats wrong?" i said "this lady has come to do my hair but she...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 33

when i was outside of school i called harvey on my cell and said "babe please get a taxi and drive me home" harvey said "are you okay babe" i said "not really my fingers kill and so does my back" harvey said "okay see ya soon" about 15 minutes later my dads car pulled up infront of me my dad got out and said "what wrong with your fingers and your back" so i told him "miss carlton made me write lines and clean gum of the bottom of the desks" my dads looked angry and told me to...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 32

i went back to bed all day and was soon woke up by harvey after his detention i said in a sleepy manner "i dont wanna get up" harvey put his hand up my t shirt and said "come on babe get up i wanna go out with you tonight" i said "go where" harvey said "your see" i got out of bed tired and put on a jacket and a pair of pants and said "im ready babe" harvey took my hand and took me to his car i got in and went back to sleep on the passengers side when harvey woke me up he said "babe...

1 year ago
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rich boys love 29

me and harvey got into my car and we drove to the mall and did a lot of shopping and i reminded harvey that there is a dinner party at my house tomorrow that he and this mom are to attended harvey said "he was looking forward to it" and i said i was too so when me and hravey got back we was laughting and joking and generlly more in love than we have been before when we got inside harvey house bella said to harvey "you look alot happyier" harvey answered "i am because im a lucky guy. i...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 28

when i got home my mom said to me "you hungry son" i said "not really" my mom told me to follow her in the living room so i did and she said "sit down" so i did my mom said "leon how many meal have you had this week" i said "maybe 3/4 dinner time meals why" my mom said "why have you stopped eatting so much" i joked and said "every bride has to look good in her dress" and i started laughting my mom said "this isnt funny leonardo" my dad walked in to see what was going on he...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 27

harvey said to me "you do know when you drink cum you put weight on" i laughted and said "so thats how my butt is getting bigger" i uncuffed one of harveys hands and he unbuttoned my shirt and my pants and undid my boxer shorts and took them off harvey shoved his dick in me and we was fucking for about 30 mintues and harvey cummed in my ass i got off harvey and went to take a shower harvey said "babe are you not going to uncuffed me so i can shower to" i said "nope" i went and took a...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 25

harvey lead me to the shower and took my boxer shorts off we he got my dick and put it in his mouth. harvey was sucking me off for 10 minutes and i said "right it my turn" harvey took my dick out his mouth and stood up straight (so to speak) i went to my knees and took his dick in my mouth and started working it for 10 minutes and we got out the shower harvey said to me "you wasnt kidding when you said 20 minutes" i said "no i wasnt i like to keep things on a strick time table when i...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 24

when i got to kyle house he asnwered the door and i walked in he asked if i was still into the rock band 3 days grace and i said i was so he put some of there music on and i started to relax and i started dancing kyle started dancing to and he grabbed hold of me and we started dancing together kyle was touching my front of my body 1 thing lead to another and me and kyle was kissing he took my hand and lead me to his bedroom i laid on his bed and we started kissing even more kyle started to...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 22

to be continued ((***mr lightmyfire i have answered you a few time now i am telling you without manners i will not take your virginity and harvey wont be taking it to!!!!!!!!!!!***))

2 years ago
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rich boys love 21

when my dad got home i asked him to come sit down so he did i pured my dad a drink and said "im engaged" i closed my eyes tight waiting for my dad to scream out at me "your what" "its one thing for you to be a fag but my son will not be getting married......without a engagment party" my mom walked in and said we are joking love we are happy for you " later on that night about 9pm i rang brit on my cell and said "hey want to hang out " brit said "yeah sure babes come pick me up" i...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 20

when i got home i said to my parents "omg thank you" my parent said it was okay and i should go had have some fun. i went up stairs to get changed half way though getting changed harvey text me sayinng "babe dont forget the beach tomorrow remember to stay off school " i messaged harvey back saying "i havent forgotten and im sorry for not kissing you" harvey messaged me back and said "its okay i guess you have to come round now and give me extra kisses" without texting back and having...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 19

my mom resepected my privacy so she knocks every time she wants to come in my room. when she knocked i said "come in but be quit" my mom walked in and said "hey do you want anything from the mall? im going to do some light shopping with bella" "yeah can you get me some ciggs and i need some new running sneackers" "sure thing son. is he okay?" pointing to harvey "no he is a little hong over" i said "tell him to have a cold shower and i will tell a maid to bring a big pot of coffee...

1 year ago
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rich boys love 18

in the car i said to havrey "i finally got the right one didnt i" harvey smiled and said "you better get really comfortable with me because im not going anywhere" i kissed harvey and said "i already am comfortable" saying that with the biggest smile on my face i pulled out my cigs and harvey drove off. on the way to the mall i seen brit (britney) i asked harvey to slow down i asked her "are you still coming tonight?" "sure am baby boy"can you pick me up in a hour i will be ready...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 17

when me and harvey faced the front of the class we listened for about 20 minutes then harvey tapped on his desk to get my attention. i looked over at him and he was rubbing him self though his jeans i reached over with my head and wispered "need some help with that?" harvey smiled and said "i cant help it you make me hot" anyway at the end off the lesson me and harvey walked out of class holding hands like we always do now. we went to the toilet and i pulled harvey jeans down and his...

1 year ago
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rich boys love 15

when i opened my eyes i was surrounded by my family and harvey (i class him as family to) i asked "what happened" my mom spoke first and said "o my boy my boy your okay. you was is a car wreck" i had flash back of what had happened. harvey came forward and hugged me (a little to hard) i said "not so hard baby" he said "im sorry" a few hours later the police arrived at my bed saying "can we ask you some questions" "yeah course you can but i want my mom to stay she my attorney" the...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 14

i went to my first lesson and im guessing everyone had been talking about what they have seen because when i walked in the class was completely silent. i went to my set with everyone watching me. harvey walked into class a few seconds later and im guessing he was enjoying all the attention because he had that sexy smile on his face. harvey walked up to me and told the person in the seat next to me to move (of course being football capitain the guy moved straight away) harvey held out his...

1 year ago
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rich boys love 13

we arrived at cicada the restraunt i looked at harvey and he said "told you that you was going to make up to me big time" i said to him "we dont have a resavation" harvey smiled and winked at meand exited his car i followed him going inside we was greated by the door man who opened the door for us i gave the man a $10 tip as we exchanged a smile. once inside a man greated us and said do you have a resavation sir (looking at harvey as if he didnt belong here) harvey sore the mans look...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 12

"im sleeping with harvey" "no!! (a breif pause) really" brit said "yeah and now he hates me" "why does he hate u hun?" she said "because ( taking a deep breath) we went to a hotel on saturday. i got a call from kyle saying he needed me on sunday and i went to him after harvey asked me not to" (brit stopped hugging me and stood up) "boy when will you ever learn" brit shouted at me in a strong tone "kyle doesnt love you or he wont of cheatted on you" "so...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 11

when i got to my house about a hour and thirty minutes later i paid the cab driver the £70 i owed him. i ran into my house and my mom said "what you doing here" "kyle needs me where is my car keys" my mom pointed to my keys on a table by the window with flowers in a vase. i ran to get my keys and my mom said "is kyle okay?" "i dont know that why i need to get to him" running outside to my car i raced down the road like some kind of mad man over taking any car that was infront of me....

1 year ago
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rich boys love 10

i went into the store and got some food supplies and drink supplies ( not liquor) i paid the man the $42 i owed him and waked back to the hotel on the way a guy stopped me and asked "how much do you charge" i looked at the man in total disgrace and said "im not a fucking hocker" when i got back to the hotel i went to room 401 knocked on the door after 5 minutes or so harvey finally opened the door dressed but looking a bit wet. i walked in and told him i got some supplies and i also go...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 9

when i arrived at brits house she was waiting for me smoking one of her ciggarette. she came over to the car and got in. "hey leon" "hey brit" i started driving down the street. brit offered me a cigarette. i asked her to put in in my mouth and light it for me so i wouldnt have to look away from the road. when we got to school we found some seat in the stands. i couldnt believe how many people follow the school's sport. there must have been about a thousand people here. after we had...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 8

when harvey drove me home outside my gates i said goodnight to him and i kissed him as i was getting out he took my hand and said "leon thank you so much for tonight" i said "its not a problem i enjoyed my self" and strangly enought i did harvey also asked for my car keys (because i had a spare set of keys to my parents cars and he didnt want me to drink drive) so i handed them over the next day i woke up early and got ready i called my self a cab to go to harveys house top pick up my...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 7 1

when harvey drove me home outside my gates i said goodnight to him and i kissed him as i was getting out he took my hand and said "leon thank you so much for tonight" i said "its not a problem i enjoyed my self" and strangly enought i did harvey also asked for my car keys (because i had a spare set of keys to my parents cars and he didnt want me to drink drive) so i handed them over the next day i woke up early and got ready i called my self a cab to go to harveys house top pick up my...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 7 0

when i got home i told my mom i wont be home for dinner tonight and that i was having my meal at harveys house my mom had calm down over the harvey matter and said "use a condom" we laughed and i said "no really i am going for a meal" so i walked off to my bedroom to get changed i got into a prada shirt and a pair of black boss pants i redid my hair and brush my teeth again i went down stairs to ask my mom if she would drive me to school so i could pick up my car she agreed and took me...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 6

i woke up the next morning with harvey next to me i tired to wake him up to but soon found out he doesnt like to be woke up i said "harvey we got school" he replied with a yea i said "seriously harvey get up" he replied "yeah 10 more minutes" so i pushed him off the bed. i went into the bathroom and started the shower having the best flash backs of last night and got into it. i sweaped my hand though my hair with my eyes closed harvey open the shower door and said "that hurt your...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 5

the next day i didnt go for my 6 am morning run because i couldnt run so i got ready for school and walked down stairs i asked my mom for a ride to school and she said sure. when i got to school it felt like everyone was looking at me. i took a bite out of a apple i had in my bag and it dripped down my face. harvey walked upto me and said well aleast not everythink slips out of your mouth. he used this finger to get the apple juice down my face and put it in his mouth to taste it. "so leon...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 4

at school the next day i went to my locker to dump my book in there.when i opened my locker there was a note saying sorry on it in harveys handwritting. still angry at him i screwed the note up but i keep it (like i did with the other notes) so i went to my lesson walked up to harvey and said "you will be" then sat down harvey looked at me with a scared look on his face. the lesson finished and i really need to piss half way though class but was rejected the toilet pass so i was the first...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 3

monday finally came but harvey never arrived to his first lesson. i have to admit i was a little upset he wasnt there however the second lesson he was there but looked really angry for some reason i asked him "are you okay" he said "yeah but your ex boyfriend's teeth wont me" i have to admit i was a little worried for kyle it come to the last lesson that me and harvey was still not allowed into so we went to the detention room i asked harvey "what did you mean about kyle" he looked at...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 2

so me and harvey collected are bag and went to the detention room harvey opened the door for me i walked in and turned around to face him and said "i want answer harvey" he looked at me with his cute face a nice brown eyes. i took his silence as the chance to ask him what with this note? you put in my back pack after about 30 seconds he said "i ment what i wrote" harvey walked up to me and gradded me by my t-shirt just above my belt i tried to hide my fear but he must have seen it becuase...

1 year ago
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Rich Bitch

7:05 – Lindsey was finally walking through the parking garage to her car after a long day at work. She worked as a Senior Associate at a large firm, with the title “Partner” in her near future. She was young, twenty nine, but worked her ass off to earn the title. She reached her black BMW made a mental note to not wear her black stiletto’s again tomorrow. They were her favorite, sexiest shoes, but damn, her feet were never quite used to them. 7:12 – “Call Brian,” Lindsey said as she...

2 years ago
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Rich Man Smell

I have to say that this story is not mine. A couple of months ago I posted on Craig's list a post looking for a guy with a nice musky manly scent. A guy responded with the below story, which I found beyond hot, and that indeed something like that happened to me. Hope some of you like it as much as I did.---------I know that smell you are referring to. I had a bi friend come down from State College 2 weeks ago to met with his sister and her husband to be near me. He is 32, built nicely, has good...

2 years ago
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Rich Brat Part II

They had spoiled their son,they had indulged him at every turn and now there was a lot of trouble to contend with. Chase James ,snr. and his beautiful wife Tara found themselves sitting in a room at The Monastery of Repentance,not just any room,but the Private study of the Abbot.The room was lined by bookshelves,in one corner stood an old school blackboard,in front of the blackboard was a chair and a school desk,Chase and Tara exchanged looks,they could only imagine what happened inside the...

3 years ago
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Rich Exhibitionist

Tamara was a cute girl, hailing from a wealthy family. She ate pizza with a fork and bib, had a small Pomeranian that she took when traveling to Paris, a wardrobe full of designer clothes. And she was a total fucking slut. Every afternoon after lunch she would walk into the nearly deserted city below her estate, stripping into her $100 lingerie and playing with her pussy until she was completely satisfied. It was rare that any one passed through the city, but the thought that someone might walk...

2 years ago
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Rich Redhead goes Black again

Angela who is 29 year old professional from a great background who is really pale white with red hair had her 1st black dick from this 18 year old named Tyrone. As I mentioned in my 1st post she had just met him in her backyard one hot summer day. She got seduced by his thuggish ways and ended up getting fucked raw dog in her bedroom by him. The next day she called one of girlfriends who was a bit swanky about the encounter. Her friend was jealous and told her she should text him and see if...

3 years ago
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rich jewish wife i pleased

one day i was fooling around on a black single website, i go here to see the many white women that want black men. after about 30 mins i click on a profile of this beautiful white woman, beautiful smile, hair in a nice cut and color, reddish brown with highlights on the tips, and lovely hazel eyes. i had to send her a comment, so i sent the comment and 5 mins later she responded. we went on for a few, then she asked do i have anymore pics? i sent back i do but they are a little xrated and i...

2 years ago
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Rich Housewife Ko Satisfied Kiya

Hello dosto ma vishal from haryana app na mare pichli store ko bohot pasand kiya app logo ka mara pass bohot mail aaya ishka lea app logo ka bohot bohot dhanavad app logo ka jayada time waiste na karta hua sidha story pa aata hun mare pichli story padhena k baad mara pass mare mail id pa ek mail aai vo ek housewife thi ushka husband businessman tha jo ki business ki vajah sa mostly bahar hi rahta tha ushna batya ki vo mugh sa milna chahti h uska naam nelam (changed name) tha maina unko apna no...

3 years ago
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Rich Housewife Ki Chudai

Hi friend am vishal from haryana I am playboy age 31 height 6″ dick size 7″ dosto ma app ko apni real story batata hun. Ya baat koi 10 din pahla ki h.Mare mail id pa ek mail aayi unka name tha usha (changed name)vo ek housewife thi. Maina unko mail ki or apna mobile no bhaj deya.Raat ko 10 baje unki call aai unki aawaj bohot sweet thi.Maina usha k bare ma pucha to unhona bayaya ki vo ek housewife h unka pati govt.Job karta han or vo banglor ma posted h usha apni sash ka sath rohtak ma rahti h...

4 years ago
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Rich Women Royal Club 8211 Part 3

Next episode – after we finished our lunch Rachel called lady again and said that where the hell you are laurel were waiting for ya and then she put it back in her wallet again. Soon a big lady came oh my god! It was Laurel the big tits and round big ass lady who was Rachel’s elder sister. Rachel introduced me to her and told laurel here is your surprise my darling and smiled at me. Laurel hugged me oohhh I can explain how soft her 46” boobs were aaah I can’t explain she was around 48 years but...

3 years ago
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Rich Mistress In Goa

Hello Friends. My name is Sameer. I am 28 years married guy from Mumbai. From teenage, I started feeling different thing about girls. That is not only sex. I like sex also but I like this thing more. I used to feel like sucking pussy, drinking piss of beautiful girls, licking white cream which comes from their pussy and so many things which is not related to the sex. I used to think that only I have this kind of feeling but You will be shocked when I will say that I recently came to know about...

2 years ago
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Rich Women Royal Club 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this Vicky again hope you enjoyed my previous episode so let’s come to another episode. After rachel left me there on bed I felt some relax and was thinking about her cute little asshole she suddenly came in room again with a cup of chocolate. That was a nice idea though she dropped some chocolate on my lips and started kissing me. She put her tongue in my mouth and started sucking it. This one made me so hornier. I was spanking on her butts and putt my one finger in her asshole she...

1 year ago
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Rich Woman Royal Club 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, this is Vicky again with 9″ beefy cock to fill your holes. Hope you people are fine and having so much fun in your lives. Those who don’t know me for them I ‘m 22 years old with athletic body. I’ve fuck many girls and aunties in my life and enjoying with my horny sexy hot mom and mausi. This story is about my business trip to miami where I enjoyed with women and fill their juicy pussies and assholes with my big dick. So let’s come to the story. I had a deal with my new clients in...

1 year ago
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Rich Sexy Neighbor Aunty 8211 Part I

Hi Friends, this is my first story and is 100% true, hope u like it. Coming straight to the story. I am Rohith, I come from a middle class family from Chennai. We r a family of 3, me, mom and dad. Dad was a govt servant and mom a house maker. I was 20 then doing my engineering. Near my house a bungalow was constructed for more than 2 years and was huge with all facilities like swimming pool, gym etc. Once it was completed a couple came to leave there, the male was around his early 50’s and the...

1 year ago
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Rich Pussy Fucked by a Slumdog

Hi all, rookie again. This story that I’m going to narrate is about Vikas. Vikas had just turned 18 and had a very strong urges of seeing a woman naked. He was in But he was doing his college correspondence. He could not attend regular college because his financial condition was not very sound. His father was a drunkard and his mother used to do house hold work for others. Vikas used to deliver news paper in the morning and milk too. Rest of the day he would work at pizza hut. Because...

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Hi friends MY NAME IS MANOJ.I AM A PLAYBOY. MAIN DELHI ME RAHTA HU.MERI HIGHT 5.10 FEET HAI.I AM very baat 10 din pahle ki hai.main apne friend ke sath night club me gaya hua tha.mera dost DJ ke pass chala gaya or main ek tabal per bath gaya or beer pine laga .mere samane wali tabal per ek ladies bathi thi takriban 28-30 years old .vo ek sexy ladies thi.vo meri tarf dekh rahi thi uski akho me ajeeb sa nasa tha.main bhi peg leta hua use dekh ne laga.lagbhag 15 min. Tak ham ek dusre...

2 years ago
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Rich Man s Pleasures

My career as a biochemist had paid two dividends important to my plans. I had amassed $100 billion from my medical inventions and the company that manufactured them. And just as important I had discovered a drug for activating the gene that generates testosterone and causes the male genitalia to grow. I had been taking this medicine for about six months and my erect cock had already grown from a 5-inch dick to an impressive twelve-inch tool. It once had been about an inch in diameter. As length...

3 years ago
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Rich Guy 3

--Mid November-- “Fuck this is hot.” Rebecca moaned into Jessica’s mouth. My secretary’s brunette ex college roommate was on her knees in front of me. I’d not bothered to undress her. I simply lifted her skirt and shoved my dick in her. We were in an extremely upscale hotel a few blocks from my office for a noon ‘lunch break’. I needed a new fuck toy since Cassie was out of the picture, so I directed Jessica to invite her over for some play time. She was even hotter in person than in the...

2 years ago
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Rich Guy 4a The Blue Dragon

--Present Day, end of Summer-- “Good crowd tonight.” I said, looking around the living room, which was packed with druken college kids. She did not reply. “You want some action tonight? It’s been a while.” I said, turning to look towards her. “Whatever you want.” Candace replied in a flat voice. ----- Spring, same year----- The night that Candace left me, I eventually left her room, clutching one of her shirts. I wandered down to the sex room. I found some rope that was intended for...

3 years ago
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Rich Guy 2Chapter 2

--------------Present day------------- The Asian girl staggered down the steps from the condo, having taken my cock in both of her holes. Cassie had given her plenty of orgasms, so I didn’t feel all that bad for her. I had made her eat Cassie’s pussy while I’d drilled her up the ass, but she seemed to have trouble concentrating and thus, Cassie hadn’t gotten off. I was angry that she had ditched me, so I left without fucking her. Later that night, I reviewed the video from her bedroom to see...

2 years ago
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Rich Guy 2Chapter 3

I was utterly exhausted when Candace and I finally made it to our room in Austin. We’d flown from California to Vegas to drop off Andrea and Faith and then flown to Texas. The girls were a little skeptical when I outlined my plan, but those fears quickly disappeared when I handed them each an envelope full of cash and a fairly large bag of coke. I helped check the girls in to their room and then set up a series of high end hidden cameras. Regardless of where they ended up tonight, all...

2 years ago
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Rich Guy 2Chapter 4

---Another Two Days Later------- “So, how did you do it Johnny?” Bill asked. “I ... I just kept after him. We kept talking and meeting and one day he called me and told me he was ready to sell.” Johnny replied, his voice shaking with uncertainty. “So, Johnny closed the deal. Make sure he’s paid.” I said, crossing my arms behind my head and leaning back in my chair. The board members looked at each other and cast sideways glances at me. 7 million dollars. We got Martin’s company for 7...

1 year ago
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Rich Guy 2Chapter 5

--------Weeks Later------------- I felt like a million dollars. More than ten million dollars. I’d not dressed up in quite some time, but my favorite teacher was getting married, so I decided to go all out. It’s interesting how much looking good can do for your self-confidence, not that I needed any help in that regard. I parked my convertible and strolled into the wedding hall, which was already full of people. “Hello, and you are?” The receptionist asked. “Carter, I’m one of Ms....

3 years ago
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Rich Guy 2Chapter 6

----------The next week--------- “Jessica, in my office please.” I said curtly as I strolled past her desk. I savored the sound of her heels clicking on the floor behind me. I dropped into my chair and as Jessica closed the door behind me, I could see the brunette intern grinning at me. “Who is that!” I said aloud. “Who is who?” Jessica asked. “Doesn’t matter. Did you do your homework?” I asked. “Yes.” Jessica replied softly, dropping her head down to her chest as she handed me her...

3 years ago
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Rich Guy 2Chapter 8 homecoming

I watched Candace and Cassie sit on the couch of the condo and talk for several hours. I couldn’t bring myself to turn on the audio, though I was dying to. I could tell by their body language that the conversation was quite animated. In the end, I was unable to take the tension any longer and turned it off. I walked slowly through the house, poking my head into Candace and Cassie’s rooms and savoring the smell of the girls. I wandered to the workroom and admired Cassie and Samantha’s...

1 year ago
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Rich Guy 2Chapter 9

Candace was an awesome wingman as usual. I continued to fuck Harley as she sucked Deadshot back to life. We then planted Harley on Deadshot’s lap and Candace licked her asshole while I face fucked Harley. Then, after much whimpering and some screaming, I forced my cock into Harley’s ass. Candace tried to kiss the girl to keep the noise down, but it was of little help. I did count at least two orgams as we double penetrated the girl and she might have gotten a third when I filled her ass with...

3 years ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 4 Cassie

Weeks went by. Claudia kept in touch by text message. I was quite impressed by the amount of money she was bringing in, selling off surplus housing fixtures and odd and ends. She informed me that she was going to update some of the lighting and decor around the house, as well as doing some other general maintenance. I trusted her judgement and based on how her bank account was steadily going upwards instead of down, I was inclined to trust her. Candace would occasionally share pictures that...

2 years ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 5

The idea that Cassie had been masturbating to Candace and me fucking had my blood on fire. Cassie’s constant flirting glances didn’t help either. The summer was beginning to wind to a close and with everything that had happened, I’d neglected my workouts. I hoped that some motivation from Lindsay would help clear my mind a bit so I called her the next day to come over. Sometimes I was really stupid. “Come on pretty boy, get to it! You’ve gone soft this summer!” Lindsay teased. “Bend over...

3 years ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 6

I stuffed my cock back into my pants as Candace’s breathing returned to normal. She stood up and straightened her clothes. “Great, I got to fix my hair now.” She complained, but there was no venom in her voice. “Well, I could NOT fuck you anymore.” I replied as she combed her fingers through her hair in the mirror. “Hell no. You need to do that more. I don’t know what’s been getting into you lately, but I LOVE it!” Candace exclaimed, turning towards me. “Good. You need to do more skirts...

1 year ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 7

Unfortunately, summer was coming to an end. The next week, I called Lindsay over for a work out. As with previous visits, Cassie joined to watch Lindsay’s coaching. I did notice that with Cassie’s presence, Lindsay’s shit talking was much more subdued. The two girls were also constantly throwing sideways looks at each other in the mirrors. Lindsay and I completed my part of the workout and as with the last visit, I took my leave. I ran upstairs for a quick shower and then checked the...

1 year ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 8

The evil sun came through the window, waking me from a peaceful sleep. I rolled over on top of my phone and picked it up. “Thanks for last night. I needed it. Miss you

2 years ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 10 Olivia

“So, what’s over there?” Cassie asked. The three of us had fallen asleep on the huge bed after the girls finished what was left of the bottle of wine. Waking up with a sister on either arm was the best experience of my life thus far. “Over where?” Candace asked, slowly waking up. “That door. In the corner.” Cassie replied. “Maybe THAT is the bat cave.” I commented, sitting up. “Let’s go find out.” Cassie said, sitting up. “Go for it, I’m staying here. Let me know if the Bat Mobile is...

1 year ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 12

I was quite happy that Candace was apparently opening up again. It was a slow start, but I wasn’t going to take it for granted. Cassie and I fucked openly again and Candace would often stop to watch, occasionally playing with herself and one more time coming close and making out with me while I drilled Cassie from behind. A week had gone by and Cassie and I were laying in my bed in a sweaty mess. “Do you think that Lindsay is afraid of us now?” Cassie asked with a grin. “Probably. Should...

3 years ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 16

It was a good vacation in Hawaii but it was time to return home. The girls still had a few weeks of school to go in the semester. We didn’t have any more crazy times in the pool Saturday night but I caught Willow giving me naughty looks more than a few times and Candace did catch me outside for a quick blow job. Lots of hugs and tears were shared as I loaded up the girls in the car to return to the airport. Mason gave me a firm handshake and a knowing grin before we departed. We promised to...

2 years ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 17

I was a sex god. Do you know what’s better than waking up to a blowjob? Waking up to a double blowjob. Do you know what’s better than waking up to a double blowjob? Waking up to a double blow job by two sisters. After the initial shock of what we had done wore off, Candace embraced the new situation whole heartedly. She loved pussy as much as she loved dick and Cassie was more than willing to provide it. For the rest of the Christmas break, we barely left the house. Hell, we barely left my...

2 years ago
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Rich BitchChapter 2

She began bouncing up and down on my face as I ate her and I could tell her movements were quickening and she screamed and I felt her orgasm on my tongue, drinking it in. I sucked on her tight pussy until the flow stopped and she pulled her legs off my shoulders and put them back on the ground, although her weak knees made it hard for her to support herself with them. I hadn't gotten to feel her mouth last night, so I pushed her to her knees and took off my gunbelt and opened my pants and...

2 years ago
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Rich BitchChapter 3

Karen woke me up when she got up, "Come on Bob. You have your special assignment starting today," she said and I rolled out of bed. I put on my uniform and headed out, Karen gave me a big kiss, "Last night was great honey. But my ass is a little sore." I drove to the station and sat through roll call and then got in my vehicle and drove out to Barnett's. Alfred answered the door and showed me in to the study and told me to have a seat. Mr. Barnett came in, extending his hand as he...

4 years ago
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Rich BitchChapter 4

I woke up just after daylight to see that Karen's movements during the night had caused her gown to ride up and saw red skin on her ass. I touched it and it was very hot and she screamed out and jumped, "What the hell happened Babe?" and she cried and said she had fallen and busted her ass at work. She jumped in the shower and asked me not to come in, that she was too embarrassed about it right now, so I gave her some space and just then, the phone rang and I answered it. "Bob?" the...

1 year ago
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Amazing Chance Encounter With a Breastfeeding Lady

My first sighting of her was a rear view, as she bent over, struggling to release a baby cot-seat from its wheeled buggy, in the middle of platform two at Kings Cross station. As I approached I noticed two men and a woman bypass her without care, as they rushed for seats on the London to Aberdeen morning express. I heard her curse loudly, as she shook her hand in a motion that suggested that she had trapped a finger.“Can I help,” I said.“NO,” she shouted angrily, without turning round.“Oh,...

Love Stories
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Male Escort And Unsatisfied Lady

Hello guys, Rahul here based in Pune. Average looking Indian guy passionate about travelling and photography. I have been a regular reader at ISS , finally, I have decided to share my sexscaped. I provide escort services to fund my travel, to ladies who are deprived or unhappy with their sex life. I even had threesome experience with young couples from Pune and Mumbai who wanted to spice up their sex life. Not just sex but I also offer consultancy to spice up sex life. And I even offer...

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Memorable Sex With A Lady

Hello friend..!! I am Rahul from Nashik, Maharashtra. I am a working professional and a big fan of ISS. I wanted to share my story with you and so decided to pen down my experience. Please do send your valuable feedback at Ladies and girls do mail me for some nice experience. Being a working professional, I had got an assignment work in small town place in Thane district. I was staying in one of the beach side resort there and would travel 8-9 kms to the working place. I was bit reluctant to...

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Groupsex with my bossy lady

Hello friends, my name is sai. I am from Bangalore and i am writing my first sex story here. I have read many sex stories on many websites. But, I like this website as I find stories written here are more original and not fake. So friends, I will not bore you much and come direct to story. I work in software company in Hyderabad. I well built and I am a gym fit guy, so stamina is long. My dick is 8 inch long 4 inches thick enough to tear any pussy. I had a lady boss. Her name was Neha. I am...

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Massage for fat old lady

Over his 30 years as an NHS specialist in the****utic massage Harvey had often been very tempted to take things to the ‘next level’ with old plump female patients , who through various actions, had got his cock really hard , but had dared not. Now being retired he felt that all his and their pent up perverted desire could be happily catered for. He had kept a contacts book of the ladies that had made it evident to him that they wanted a more personal service so he decided to put it to good...

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my first married older lady

Like most young lads I got crushes on my best mates mum, teachers.... you know, we all had them! Still, as a spotty teenager it was never going to happen, and definitely wouldn't have been right. Good fantasies to have though, and left a lasting impact that meant I had a thing for older ladies right through my twenties.... oh hang on, still do have a thing for older ladies thirty years on! Just getting a bit difficult to find them nowadays!I still remember my first proper time with an older...

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Massage Service To A Hot Lady

I am a software engineer by profession, aged 29, working part-time as a freelance masseur. One day I got a call from a lady, Reshma aged 27, asking about massage services, from my ad in websites. I explained about the massage services I offer, pain relieving services etc. Reshma wanted to meet me and get to know each other. I agreed and we decided to meet coming weekend for coffee. On Friday, I received a call from her saying, to meet at Forum Mall, Koramangala. I agreed and was waiting to meet...

4 years ago
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First Experience With A Married Lady

Hello, everyone, this is my first story at iss so any feedback would be highly appreciated. My name is Kailash and I am from the USA. This is my experience with my colleague outside work. I am an average looking guy with a huge sex drive, this story is from 2 years back when I first met the heroine of this story deepa (name changed). She is a married lady with a 6-year-old kid but she looks very young, she is short and has a great figure 34 26 32. When I first met her I taught she was a college...

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Young Neighbour Lady

I am Arjun AK, 23 years old working in a CA Firm in Bangalore. I am 5’9, good looking and weigh 72 Kgs. This is my story with Nithya. She is 28 years old and working in Bangalore. She is a beautiful lady with a 36-30-36 figure with 5’4 height. I find her extremely hot and attractive. Here comes my story that took place one year ago. I stay in a 1 BHK flat in an apartment nearby my office. I don’t have any friends in Bangalore except my colleagues and some other people whom I have met at the...

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A Memorable Time With An Unsatisfied Lady

Hi readers this is K.J.S. from Bangalore. Without wasting much of your valuable time I would directly like to come to my real life story. It happened just two weeks before here in Bangalore. I am 35 years old, single working with a reputed organisation in a decent position. Name of the heroin is Tanya ( name changed ) 29 years old . It actually happened two weeks before.   Since I am also active in some other social site where I got the hangout id of this lady who stays out of country with her...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Day With Unforgettable Lady

Hi Friends, I am one of the reader like you for this ISS and in fact, a great fan to ISS. Thank you ISS for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Myself Night Rider (Night Rider for Unsatisfied Ladies) and I belong to Hyderabad, any unsatisfied ladies from Hyderabad can contact me at and I am available full time for you babes. I am a simple guy who generally devote his normal and routine life to Office on Weekdays and Room/Sleeping/Movies/Shopping on Weekends. I never...

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Backward Lady

Luckily it was the beginning of summer, and Greylon Dark didn’t have to miss any time teaching school. An operation on his lower back was needed to repair three ruptured vertebrae. The bad disks had been diagnosed the year before and been treated with therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs, but were exacerbated when he foolishly lifted the back of a small Snapper riding lawnmower. He’d hoisted the rear wheels, over which the engine was mounted, standing it on its nose and handlebars,...

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Three Times A Lady

Okay the first time it happened it took me by such surprise that I really didn't take much notice. Well now, that isn't exactly true; it came at me from nowhere and to be honest I'm still not sure of what went down that day. The second time it happened well ... I figured that it had to be a case of mistaken identity or something. But the third time, that a complete stranger walked up to me and slapped me around the face, I really thought it was about time I talked to the lady in question...

1 year ago
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Richard the Sissy gets Caught by Sis

Richard the Sissy gets Caught by Sis by Joney Cunningham Gina is making keep a diary of my sissy training. She says all girly sluts keep a diary of their training. It was the ending of a long day, so Gina told me to wash up and put on a pink baby-doll nightie. I was really sore from my ass to my mouth. My jaw really ached because of all the pussy eating, asshole licking, and cock sucking I had done that day. Gina made sure there was skin softening liquid in the bath water with...

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Hush Hush My Lady

Dedicated to all the ladies, married, mature, metaphysical. Your very essence is the source of the river. I caught your eye at the bookstore. Or perhaps you caught mine first, though you’d never admit. I was reading, having a coffee, always available but not really looking. You were in your tight jeans, white blouse, understated but elegant. I noticed your wedding band. Your rings, your clothing, classy. I became self-conscious, my face, my look, my body. I flexed almost involuntarily, and...

3 years ago
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New Cleaning Lady

The cleaning lady, the one that I had been having a really great time with playing our little game of her checking out my cock, decided she was going to have to quit for a while to take care of her husband. He had been sick for a long time and had started getting worse so he couldn’t take care of himself. She felt her place was with him for now. She suggested the name of a lady that she didn’t know but had heard she was looking for work through a friend and that she was pretty good. She made a...

4 years ago
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A Real Lady

It doesn't matter to me in the least. I just love it. Sex, that is. I love it all. Well, I don't suck cock, and I don't take it up the ass, except from a beautiful woman, after I have screwed her ass hole, and every other hole she has. Turn about is fair play for the ladies. I don't play that game with the guys. She was a pretty little thing in a red dress. I was sitting at the bar. We were both drinking bourbon, neat. That attracted me to her. So I slid down and gave her my smile. It works...


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