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2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 26

Andy stood with his arm around Regan as he watched Katrina, Lisa, Josh and Todd gather up their belongings. Katrina had to be home by three – as arbitrary a time as Andy could come up with. Lisa had told her parents to expect her about the same time. The chaperone hadn't moved from the front desk since the group arrived. Now the teenagers were the last people in the room. Katrina gave him a hug as she prepared to leave but he caught her arm. "If you need anything ... at Berkeley or even...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 27

No one was surprised when the occupants of the third bedroom were the last ones out for breakfast. Ruth and Joy both looked sheepish as they sat down at the table. Chris was doing his best to keep his expression neutral. "Is everyone packed and ready to go?" Regan asked. "I'm set except for a shower," Joy said. "I'm not going to fix my hair so it'll be quick." "Me, too," Ruth answered with a blush. Andy noticed a couple of pimples that she'd covered with makeup but he still...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 33

Lupe Fuentes smiled when she met Andy in the lobby. Andy picked up her backpack to lug to the car for her. "Thank you for driving me to school," Lupe said shyly. "I was a little surprised that Rico agreed to let you do this." "I have something important to talk to you about," Andy replied. "Otherwise, I doubt he would have. It's why I haven't offered before. I go right past the middle school. Of course, I didn't want the rest of the building thinking I was their chauffeur either....

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 34

Andy hoped he'd find Rico still on the corner but the guy was gone. He had seen the kids off to school and now he was back in bed, Andy figured. The majority of Rico's business came after the sun was down for the evening. He re-entered the building he'd left only 45 minutes earlier and walked to Rico's first-floor apartment. Tomas, Rico's top lieutenant and enforcer, opened the door and gave Andy a questioning look. "Why are you here, Andy?" he asked. "Is Rico around?" Andy...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 35

Andy walked into the apartment and was confronted immediately by three shirtless men. He had dropped his backpack and prepared to fight them before he recognized them. "What the fuck, Tomas?" he asked angrily. It took him a second for the fear and rage to clear from his mind. When it did, he saw that Tomas looked different than he did a few hours earlier. "I'm stitching them up," Camille said from the dining room table. Rico was sitting in a chair while Camille patched up a cut on his...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 36

Andy expected Lupe to be waiting for him in the entryway again but instead Rico stood there. He gestured for Andy to follow him into the laundry room. Andy steeled himself for what was about to transpire. He wondered what story Lupe had concocted if Rico had caught her coming down the stairs. "I hear you had a visitor last night," Rico said without preamble. Andy only frowned and nodded. "I also hear that you handled things pretty well," Rico continued. "Thanks for that. Most guys...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 37

As soon as Andy put on his seatbelt, Elizabeth punched him – hard – in the arm. "Don't ever do that again!" she shouted. "I'm sorry for yelling at you," Andy said. "I was tense this morning and you were an added complication I didn't count on." "I wasn't talking about that," Elizabeth said. "And I'll thank you not to refer to me as a 'complication' again. I was talking about painting a huge fucking bull's-eye on your ass and parading down Main Street. You scared the shit...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 38

"Crap," Andy muttered. He was sitting in English class when his name blared over the loudspeaker to come to the office immediately. The teacher gestured for him to gather his belongings and leave. There were only a few minutes left in the period. He walked down the hallway wondering why he was being summoned. He thought it might have to do with him missing first period the day before. He hadn't really spelled that out to his mom and she might have flipped when the office contacted her at...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 40

Lupe Fuentes looked terrified when she walked into the guidance counselor's office. She saw a well-dressed Latina woman sitting at the desk – definitely not the 22-year-old woman the school district had hired directly out of college at the first of the year. "Come in, Lupe," Anita Lopez said with a smile. "I think you already know Andy and Elizabeth." Lupe saw Andy sitting along the wall and relaxed. She gave him a small wave and he smiled back at her. The girl from the car this...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 41

Lupe opened her water bottle and took a small sip as Anita situated herself in the chair again. "Would you like to continue, Lupe?" Anita asked. Lupe turned in her seat to look at Andy. He only gave her a small smile before she turned around. "OK," she said. "I think I was talking about the bus." "You were," Elizabeth said, patting Lupe on the arm gently. "The bus is filled with kids from different blocks – and different gangs – from our neighborhood," Lupe said in a firm...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 42

Elizabeth Pena found herself in the backseat of a car that smelled like stale weed and testosterone. The girl beside was the same height as Elizabeth, 5-feet-5, but she was at least 35 pounds lighter. The men in the front were large – bigger even than Andy and Paul. The car was a two-door and Elizabeth knew there was nothing she could do if Tomas and his unnamed companion decided to attack her. She had felt almost violated when Tomas had run his gaze down her torso to the gap between her...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 43

"Do you plan to sulk the rest of the day or would you like me to order up some dinner for later?" Evan asked through the closed doorway. "Screw you, Evan," Camille yelled back. "Well, if that's on the menu... ," Evan said, smiling. "Seriously, Girl, you had to know this was coming at some point. If you thought I was just going to play Mr. Good Chap and let the last 18 years go, you're daft. You're probably going to hear the same thing from Mum when she gets in Friday so I thought...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 44

Andy pulled into the student parking lot 15 minutes earlier than usual. The drive from the hotel had been far less congested than his normal route. If he had known, he would have slept later. Evan had been waiting up for him when he got to the hotel – ostensibly to make sure he was settled but also because he wanted to talk to Andy for a few minutes. Those few minutes had turned into almost two hours and it was almost 1 a.m. when Andy had gotten to bed. As it was, his back ached from lifting...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 47

Andy sat down in his seat and nodded to the physics teacher. He had successful avoided everybody that morning – except his mother and father, to whom he didn't mind talking. Regan had finished her study session late and had only had time to wish him a good night – and to tell him that she had something to tell him the next time they had more than three minutes to talk. He had timed his arrival until just before the warning bell and made a beeline for his physics class, staying away from...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 48

Regan walked across the campus to her last class before lunch. She had sent Andy a text about adding minutes to his phone. He had responded with a thanks as he raced between classes and promised to call her at lunch. She had 45 minutes until he could talk to him and she was anxious. Her classes that morning had been a bust. Her English instructor, a young woman in her mid 20s, had given her a nod but the lesson was boring. Her calculus professor had glared at her – and the lesson was still...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 49

Andy got out of his car and was surprised that no one came out of the house to greet him. The few times he'd arrived at the Riley household someone had greeted him in the driveway – alerted by the fact someone entered the security code, Andy suspected. This time, he walked to the door and rang the bell. It opened almost immediately and a thin, middle-aged Hispanic woman stood in front of him. "Mr. Andy," she said in heavily accented English. "Please come in. Mister and Missus are out...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 50

Andy got off the elevator and headed down the hallway to the Ambassador Suite. He hadn't seen his mother since the morning before because she had left for work earlier to make up the time she'd missed earlier in the week. Evan had been asleep when Andy departed so he hadn't seen him since the evening before when he informed him that the pre-prom dinner was a go. Evan had seemed elated to get the news. Regan had said that she was on the way but that Joy and Ruth wanted to drop their...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 51

"I'm sure you didn't plan to spend your evening entertaining an old woman," Anne said pleasantly. "I'm having fun learning about England," Joy said. "Your explanations about the differences in our culture make a lot more sense to me than our World Civilizations textbook." "It's the difference between theory and reality," Evan said with a shrug. "In theory, the world should be a loving, caring place. The social fabric should be woven so there is no war or famine or disease....

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 52

Regan was still stinging from some of Andy's accusations when they pulled into the miniature golf complex behind Chris' Toyota. If she were honest, she had little interest in this version of golf. She had played golf since she was 10 but she doubted those skills would translate to carpet. She had never played before but she had taken Andy's word that she would have fun. Now she was beginning to have her doubts. She saw Paul and Elizabeth standing out front and they waved when they...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 53

"This whole night just sucks!" Regan said as she wiped away tears. "Andy thinks I'm a fucking snob because I was nice to his family. Elizabeth thinks I'm a bitch because I don't worship the ground Lupe walks upon. You and Ruth got dragged down here to play fuckin' mini golf!" "I like mini golf," Joy said. "I think you would, too. Chris and Paul would enjoy watching Ruth bend over to putt with her buttons down. I wasn't worried about having fun. We do that wherever we are. Right...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 54

"Let's just go back to my house and hang out," Regan offered. "We can all just stay there tonight." Regan found herself enjoying the evening – almost in spite of herself. She was particularly happy that she had beaten Andy at miniature golf – although, to be fair, he was the least skilled person on the course and a seven-year-old with a plastic putter stood a good chance at besting him. As the group had moved away from the main building, they had joined up. As Paul had predicted, there...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 55

"We should probably stop at the hotel and let me grab my car," Andy pointed out when he'd explained to Regan that his mother wanted him at the hotel overnight. "You can just drive my car home tonight," she told him. "Then you three won't have a way to get around tomorrow," Andy noted. "We have other cars there," Regan said with a shrug. Of course you do, Andy thought. "In fact, if you want, we can look at them tonight and see if there is something you'd prefer to drive...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 56

"Are you ready?" Camille asked. She had her head perched on Evan's shoulder and she was gently running her hands across his smooth chest. "Not bloody likely," Evan said. "I'm not 19 anymore. It takes a bit of time to recharge the batteries." "Pity," Camille laughed. "They say women my age are hitting their prime. Maybe I'm going to have to pick up one of Andy's friends to keep up with me." "You might need two of his friends to keep up with you," Evan joked. "What's that...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 57

"This is lame," Joy muttered. She had been impressed when Regan and Andy had walked out of the house completely bare. The pair hadn't immediately jumped into the water, either. They had walked to a building and brought out seven towels, something no one else had considered. They put them on a lounger and walked down the stairs into the shallow part of the pool. The others had moved to deeper water and everyone was up to their neck. In fact, 20 minutes after Andy and Regan had joined the...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 58

Rico had been surprised to receive a late-night call from Mariel Pena. She didn't divulge much, only telling him that Lupe hadn't done anything wrong, but asked him to visit the house to talk to her husband after the women left for a shopping trip the next morning. As they'd done the night before, Rico and Tomas sat down the block in a nondescript sedan until the Penas drove away. Miguel opened the door as soon as they stepped onto the porch. He ushered them into the living room and sat...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 59

Andy stood off to the side with Regan as the first guests came into the banquet room. "Told you!" Regan said. "That's another bet you've lost." "I didn't bet you anything," Andy replied. He watched as Rita Riley and his mother exchanged hugs. "Ever! How can I lose if I didn't bet?" "It's an implied bet," Regan said, taking his arm and clutching it tightly. "I said I bet Mom would greet Camille like an old friend. You asked why I would think that. That meant you disagreed...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 60

The guests had all arrived with the exception of the Penas and Paul Manley. The only explanation anyone could offer came from Steve Manley, Paul's father, who said only that his son had told him they were running late. The dance started at 8 p.m. and Evan wanted to make sure the young women had plenty of time to get dressed without rushing, so he decided to have the food brought out. A few looked unhappy with the offerings — light offerings designed to allow the participants to continue to...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 61

The scene in the suite when the guys returned was something that would be burned into Andy's memory for decades, he was certain. There was no circular staircase for the young women to descend – and given the brevity of their dresses, Andy found that to be a particular shame. Instead they exited Anne and Camille's sleeping quarters at the back of the hallway in pairs – one from each room. Regan and Elizabeth came out first and walked side-by-side toward the adults and the...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 62

Abby Barnes had lived through what she considered to be the worst day of her young life. She had such high plans for the day when she awoke. She was going to spend the morning with Elizabeth Pena, the undisputed (if self-appointed) Queen of the School. Abby figured that she could play nice with the stuck-up snob for a little while, get an invitation to her table at the dance – and place herself as the frontrunner for the job once Elizabeth graduated. Abby knew how to make people like her,...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 63

"We definitely have to do this more often," Rita Riley said as she sat down at the table with her husband, Camille and Evan. The group had decided to go out on the town for the night and had wound up at a club featuring a one-hit wonder from their young adulthoods. The singer wasn't any better than they remembered her from the 1980s but they'd had fun anyway. "You know, I bought her CD for that one song and she hasn't even played it tonight," Camille groused. "I still have it on my...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 64

The next hour brought a parade of parents into the school. Leslie's mother had been called and she arrived before she headed for work. She saw her daughter sitting on a chair with Andy Drayton and two women in red dresses. Melinda Amos hustled over. Her daughter had been crying but she seemed to be OK — except for the ripped dress. "What happened?" Melinda asked urgently. "It was Brian," Leslie confessed. "He snuck booze into the school last week and left it in the locker room. You...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 65

"Oh, good, you waited," Regan said as she and Andy entered the suite. The rest of the group sat around, still dressed in their tuxedos and gowns – or mostly dressed in them. Joy had removed her bra and pushed her neckline down until the tops of her breasts were visible. "It was your idea," Elizabeth answered. "We didn't want to start without you." "What was her idea?" Paul wondered. "You'll see in a few minutes," Elizabeth told him. "Right now, I'm just happy to have my feet...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 66

Andy and Regan weren't surprised that they were the first ones back into the living room. "We'll give them 10 minutes and then go watch," she said with a wink as she took a seat on Andy's lap. Despite the fact that they had taken the edge off the other in the bedroom, Regan still reveled in the feeling of Andy's erection pushing through his silk boxers. She had put on the looser bloomer-type shorts at first – until she realized that the legs gaped open far enough that everyone would...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 67

The creaking of a floorboard brought Lupe from sleep to full alertness. She's learned to be a light sleeper when she was tasked with caring for her siblings so any little sound tended to awaken her. She sat up in bed. Her door was locked – the first time she'd ever lived in a house with locks that worked – but she knew that locks wouldn't stop a determined intruder. She had been expecting a late-night visit since Chuck had returned from the dance. He'd pulled his mother aside for a few...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 68

Andy kissed a slumbering Regan softly on the forehead before rolling out of bed. He watched her as he pulled on a pair of boxer briefs and the khaki slacks he'd planned to wear to the after-party the night before. His current wardrobe was severely lacking, he decided. Regan missed the comfort of the warm body beside her and patted the mattress where Andy had slept. Not finding him, she probed farther away and still came up empty. She opened her eyes and spotted him pulling on his...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 69

Regan was the last one to make her way to the breakfast table. She usually slept late on Saturdays and Sundays but that had come to an end when Andy Drayton entered her realm. Now it seemed she was going to bed later and getting up earlier on weekends than she did during the week. Regan had lain awake for awhile after Andy had drifted off. She had been peeved at him for throwing a wet blanket over a fun evening that she and the other females had planned so carefully. She had thought that he...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 70

Miguel Pena pulled out a chair to sit between his wife and Lupe at the restaurant where the family dined after Sunday services. He gave a slight smile to the females at the table before turning to his son. "I think you left a few details out of your story last night," he declared. His gaze made it obvious that he was less than pleased with his progeny. Mariel raised her eyebrows at her husband. Chuck had been amazingly pleasant all morning – something she really hadn't seen since he was...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 73

Regan looked nervous when she exited the bathroom wrapped only in a towel. She had told Andy that she wanted to shower alone because she needed to scrub all the sweat from her body. He suspected that the greasy cheeseburger she'd had for supper was playing hell on her system but he didn't say anything. He just agreed that she could shower by herself whenever she wanted. He offered a gentle smile and thought back to the song he'd learned in kindergarten – "Everybody Poops." Regan's...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 74

Andy closed his phone just before entering the Associated Wholesalers Group warehouse. The temperature was in the low 80s and he knew the building would be sweltering. He regretted that he had finished his "project" before heading home on Thursday. Lord only knew what mundane task awaited him. He took a deep breath and pushed through the doors, telling himself it was only for two more days (three at the most). He could deal with almost anything for eight to 12 hours. The foreman was...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 75

Andy found he wasn't surprised to see Robert Riley sitting in the hotel suite with Evan. "Grand," Evan said, arising. "We can be on our way now that you're here." "Our way?" Andy wondered as he put his backpack on a chair. "Well, we were hoping you'd go with us," Evan said, slightly abashed. "It's not to a golf course, is it?" Andy asked with a grimace. "That's tomorrow," Robert replied, laughing at Andy's expression. "We were going to do a bit of car...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 76

"Did I tell you?" Rita asked as Anne and Camille took in the landscaping around the house. For Camille, it was like a dream. The thought of living in a beautiful house in a nice neighborhood had been something she'd put away long before. "It certainly beats a home built 170 years ago," Anne said. "Wait until you see the inside," Rita said enthusiastically. "It's beautiful. It has a perfect room for Evan to set up an office and it has a finished apartment over the garage that would...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 77

Andy was chatting with Regan - who was waiting for the van to pick her up from the course - when the flashing lights appeared in his rearview mirror. He instantly looked at the speedometer. The cruise control was set to two miles above the posted speed. He didn't think that would draw police attention - particularly because several cars had zoomed past him as though he was sitting still over the past couple of miles. "I have to go," he said. "Why?" Regan wondered. "I'm being pulled...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 81

Regan sat down on the couch and snuggled up next to Andy as he perused the seemingly endless choices of movies on the satellite television. They had spent the evening doing nothing - and she had loved it. She had sat on Andy's lap while he fed her pizza. She had wound up wearing a lot of it but she hadn't minded. She started to simply remove her shirt - until Andy had mentioned how hot pizza sauce on bare skin might put a damper on the evening. After they ate, the pair sat in the salon...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 82

Paul put his hand on John's arm when the young man reached for the Pena's doorknob. "You always knock," he said. "But you've been here thousands of times," John pointed out. "I have," Paul confirmed. "That doesn't make this my home. It's about respect, Bro. It's always about respect. We knock on the door and wait for someone to acknowledge us before we enter. Once we get inside, we greet Mariel and Miguel - and even Chuck if he's here. This isn't just because it's...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 83

Regan groaned as she came to full alertness. She felt Andy kissing her shoulders as he cuddled up to her back. She pushed her butt back toward the erection she felt resting against it - just as she she'd done to initiate things the night before. She and Andy had made love one more time before falling asleep. The second time had been more sensual than the first - something Regan wasn't certain was possible. The couple had spent almost an hour kissing and touching each other. Eventually,...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 84

Camille and Evan sat on the couch planning their afternoon when Anne walked in from her bedroom and sat heavily on a chair. She carried her smart phone and she wore a frown on her usually pleasant face. "I fear I have shot my mouth off one too many times," she said as she looked at her son and his girlfriend. "I've been saying that for years," Evan said, laughing. "I'm being serious, Evander," Anne stated. The use of his full name caused Evan's eyebrows to rise - and Camille to...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 85

Andy and Regan walked around the corner on their way to the car. They weren't ready to leave. Andy probably wouldn't admit it to anyone but Regan, but he was having fun. He was looking at some of the things he wanted to come back later to see when Regan stopped. Because his arm was around her shoulders, Andy stopped, too. He looked at her to see what she'd found of interest and saw her looking straight forward, shaking her head. Andy followed her gaze - and found a host of people coming...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 87

Rita and Robert's escapade on the office desk was interrupted by the persistent buzzing of a cell phone. "I forgot to call Regan," Rita admitted with chagrin. Her husband reluctantly let her arise and watched as she tugged her shorts back up her legs. She wasn't about to talk to their daughter while she was naked, he decided. Robert took the opportunity to pull his boxers up from around his ankles. Rita was looking at her phone when it buzzed again. "Camille's called a dozen times,"...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 88

Joy put down the phone and turned to the rest of group clustered around her kitchen table. Noel was the only one of the group from the fair to depart for home. Joy wasn't sure if the young woman had decided that sitting at home and staring at a TV screen was more fun or if her parents had tugged on the leash. She decided it didn't matter either way. Everyone - even the girl's brothers - was happy that she was somewhere else. Chuck Pena had been amazingly pleasant throughout the afternoon...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 89

Andy pulled the car into the dock's parking lot and watched as Regan struggled to pull her jeans back over her waist. They were a little too tight for the action to be accomplished in the car. The lot was too well lit for her to do it outside. The car smelled like Regan's arousal because even after her orgasm, Andy had played with her during the trip across the bridge. What normally could be done in 15 minutes took more than an hour and Regan had enjoyed the trip a lot more than she should...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 90

Andy and Chris watched with rapt attention when Regan walked into the salon where they sat with book in front of them. She wore a short denim miniskirt and a white blouse open at the neck to show her emerald green bikini top. Her white sandals had a sole that make her about three inches taller than normal. "I need to borrow my boyfriend for a little while," she said, smiling at Chris. "Sure," Chris answered. He started to gather up his things. "Just make yourself at home here,"...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 91

Joy put her garment bag into the back of her Mitsubishi Spyder just as her father's Cadillac pulled into the drive. She gave a slight wave and jumped into the driver's seat before she had to talk to the man. She had the car in reverse when she noticed William hobbling toward the house. She almost put the car into drive and left him to his own devices before her mother's words from the morning before entered her brain. With a sigh, she turned back into the drive and got out. "Are you OK,...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 92

Regan sat with Joy going over classical literature at a table on the lower deck of the yacht. She wore a gold, strapless bikini with a pleated back that started just at the top of her butt crack and molded itself to her buns. Joy's bikini was bright red, with bra cups that dipped low and leg holes that rose high. Regan had made it a point to rise up on her knees as often as she could so Andy could see her shapely body if he chose to look - which he did as often as he caught movement in his...

3 years ago
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UnforgettableChapter 2 The Return of Winston

I've waited months before calling on Winston again. I tried purging my mind, my latest thoughts, my daydreams, and my soul. I replayed that night over and over again in my head. Why would I leave with a total stranger, was I crazy? Then the breakdown occurred, what if he was a killer, a rapist, then what? But the things he did to my body. I thought Winston would have forgotten me by now. I was almost too embarrassed to call him. Suppose I had to explain who and where he knew me from, how...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 93

"That's it!" Joy exclaimed. "My brain is full!" "Of crap," Regan and Ruth added in unison. They laughed and bumped fists at their accomplishment. Chris had departed to prepare for his evening concert - and Andy still hadn't returned - leaving the four young ladies alone on the yacht. Each had been working silently for the previous hour so they were clustered around the table on the foredeck. A mixture of suntan lotion scents pervaded the air but no one seemed to notice. "I feel...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 94

Andy's exam week turned out to be an effort in monotony. He had expected his Senior Finals to be far more exacting than the midterms he had taken in January. He had been wrong. Almost all of his teachers took the path of least resistance, providing an examination that even the worst student could have passed with a little bit of effort. Even his Advanced Placement classes - for which he received college credit - had offered no challenge. Both he and Elizabeth had finished their Calculus...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 95

"Sorry," Regan said, as she slipped her arm around Andy's waist. They stood outside of her house, looking down over the hill toward the tennis courts while the McKenzies sorted out their sleeping arrangements. "It's not your fault," Andy told her as he pulled her a little closer. "I'm glad to see them," Regan admitted. "But I think I'd have been happier if they'd have waited a week. All day long, I've been thinking up ways to rock your world tonight. I hadn't figured out where...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 96

Camille sat on the couch, her eyes scanning over the Kindle in her hands. She was reading the words but her mind was on other things. She had spent most of the previous hour on the phone - with Evan, with Robert, even with Regan and Rita. The one person she hadn't spoken to was her son. She was humiliated that everyone seemed to know what she'd done in the bedroom - and what she'd said to her son. But she was also perversely pleased that so many people had expressed concern for Andy - and...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 100

Andy sat in the passenger seat of Regan's car as she deftly slipped to the center of the three lanes in front of the Renaissance Hotel. Andy turned his head to peer at the spectacle in front of the building. "What is going on there?" he wondered, turning his head to look through the rearview window at the television crews setting up on the sidewalk outside of the hotel. "They're waiting for you," Regan informed him sadly. Andy's head jerked back in her direction and she took her...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 101

Regan lifted Andy's hand off her breast and lightly kissed his fingertips. When she didn't feel him stir, she gently ran her hand up the arm that was draped around her. She felt complete for the first time in a week but she knew they needed to get out of her bed. She had undressed in a frenzy when the couple had arrived back at her house. She had been thankful that none of the house staff had been about because she had been down to her bra and panties before she had reached her bedroom...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 102

The same town car that had driven Rita, Camille and Estrella during the day pulled up in front of The Vista, one of the most prominent social venues in the area. Andy waited for the driver to open the door before getting out and assisting Regan to the street. Regan wore a simple black cocktail dress with purple sequins. It was cut low enough to display just a hint of cleavage and stopped at mid-thigh. Her heels added three inches to her height and her legs glistened in black silk stockings....

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 103

"Good evening," Regan said from behind the lectern on the stage. She had been introduced as Rita Riley's daughter - and the representative from a corporation that donated a quarter of a million dollars to the foundation that was putting on the Cancer Survivors Day Benefit Gala. She glanced down the line where Andy still sat. She wished he was up there with her - so she decided he would be. "Before I convey my thoughts about the foundation, I want to introduce you to someone," she said....

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 104

Regan came awake and reached behind her only to find Andy gone. She heard water running in the shower and shifted slightly. She sat up with a frown. The night hadn't gone as she'd planned and she worried that Andy had grown tired of her antics. She had meant every word of her vow before they entered the boat. She was willing to anything Andy wanted to try. She had whiled away her time during the boring speeches at the gala by thinking about every sexual act two people could try that...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 105

Regan gave Andy a kiss on the cheek before darting into one of the many shops that surrounded the Renaissance Hotel. The rain had lessened so she had shucked her yellow slicker - giving it to Andy to carry with him. Andy watched Regan's butt as she hustled down the wet sidewalk - and noticed the taxi driver was doing the same. Regan turned and waved to Andy (or maybe the cab driver) just before she entered the store to purchase an umbrella. The poor weather meant there was no one camped out...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 106

"Your mother is either an idiot or a far better person than I am," Camille declared. "Because I was ready to strangle the little shit 10 minutes after I met her." Evan, Anne, Regan and Andy were seated in the suite after picking Camille up from work. Regan had just informed the group that her mother had taken Ashlyn to work with her for the afternoon. Now she laughed at Camille. "I'm not sure it's either," she said. "I ... I think she sees a little of herself in Ashlyn. Uncle Scott...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 107

The downstairs was empty - except for Robert Riley. Andy had thought the adults had departed while he was standing in the rain. "Is everything OK, Andy?" Robert asked, the concern clear in his voice. "Yeah," Andy said. "Are you positive?" Robert pressed. "You've been ... out of kilter for a few days now." "You're not kidding," Andy said. "I've had a lot on my mind and I haven't really had a chance to think things through." "The girls will be fine by themselves if you...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 108

Regan led the group up the stairs - making certain that Andy wasn't following anyone but her. He'd gotten enough glances between Ashlyn's legs for the night and she wouldn't put it past Tori to moon him. The girls were on the third floor and Regan's room was on the second. She directed Andy to the room along from hers - where Camille had slept the night before. "Seriously?" Tori asked, when she saw where Regan was putting Andy. "Aunt Rita told us this morning that they didn't care...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 109

Unsurprisingly, Chris Grant was the first person to show up at Regan's house. The prospect of spending the afternoon with girls in bikinis had him ready to leave his house at 9 a.m. Once the thermometer showed a temperature higher than 80, he was in his car and on his way. He figured that Ruth and Joy were already at Regan's house - and he was certain Andy was there even if they weren't. Thus, he was surprised to find himself alone with Regan's cousins when he arrived. "Andy needed...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 110

"Hey, Regan," Tori said as she walked out to the pool deck, "there is a guy on the phone for you." Regan was reclining on a deck chair and she looked over her sunglasses in confusion. Andy was next to her; Chris was in the water; Elizabeth was on the way back with John Manley. Paul Manley was working late to make up for being rained out the day before and Chuck was working with him of the evenings after school. That pretty much accounted for any guy who might have a reason to call...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 111

Andy drove around until his gas gauge neared empty. He found himself near his high school and only a few blocks from his old neighborhood. He knew driving a new vehicle through there would paint a target on his back so he pulled into a gas station near the school. He filled his tank (and goggled at the price) before going into the store to find something to eat. He nodded at the kid at the counter - a junior at Eisenhower. Andy didn't know the guy's name but he recognized the face. He...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 113

Regan felt a weight on her bed and turned away from her iPad. She had been looking through the pictures it held of the best month of her young life. "Why hasn't he called?" she asked her mother in a pleading voice. Rita ran a hand through her daughter's greasy hair and used a finger to push a tuft of it away from Regan's red and puffy eyes. "I don't know, Honey," Rita admitted sadly. It had been almost three days since the blow up and Regan had barely gotten out of bed for anything...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 114

Edward and Renee McKenzie had put their belongings into their rooms and returned downstairs without seeing any of their granddaughters. Regan's door was closed but she hadn't answered when her grandfather had knocked. Ashlyn and Tori could were in their rooms but Edward really wasn't interested in talking to them. Rita and Robert had been entertaining the Rileys when the McKenzies arrived so the pair headed upstairs after a short greeting. "Where is Regan?" Edward asked when he joined...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 115

Andy and Chris timed their arrival at C-B until almost everyone had been seated. Andy had tried twice to contact Regan - once after his ceremony ended and once the next morning - but the call went to voicemail each time. He didn't think what he had to say should be conveyed in a message so he'd simply hung up. He didn't realize that Regan's phone had lain uncharged since Thursday night. She couldn't get in contact with the only person she wanted to talk to so she hadn't even thought...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Sex Experience With My Senior Bhargavi

Hi, this is Rahul from Hyderabad. I joined an engineering college in Karnataka and this event happened during the first year of my engineering. The first few days of engineering were hell for my batch mates and me. We were ragged by seniors at college and the hostel. The men’s hostel was extremely harsh for students from Andhra. It was a difficult time but I kept my head down and studied well. I topped during the first internals and played cricket fairly well. Due to my performance, my seniors...

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Unforgettable Sex with the beautiful coworker

Dear babies, Rahul here encouraging everyone to return to my story. Before reading any further, I ask that you read through I apologize for keeping you all waiting so long. Lately, I’ve been extremely busy due to a few personal issues. Moving ahead, I’ll try my best to remain consistent. This story is based on a real incident that took place lately between a coworker and me. I will refer to her by the initial letter of her name, K, as she asked that I not use her full name. Our names are K...

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Unforgettable Sex Experience With My Senior Bhargavi 8211 Part 2

Thank you for all the love for part 1 of the story. Please read it here if you have not done so. Bhargavi ma’am took me to the washroom by holding my dick. She took a mug of lukewarm water and washed my dick first. Then she washed her hands with soap. She then used cold water to wash my dick again. This made my dick limp. Bhargavi then used a towel to wipe me. She was pissed at me, but she still had one of her breasts out of her slip. I could not stop staring at her breast. She slapped me again...

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A Horny Mom Wanting A Hump

Hi My name is Mohan 43 married, Since I was away from home and visit only 2 times a year I get sex only 3-4 times a year. This keeps me dissatisfied. Am telling you about a woman Seems 47. She was a mother of a 25 yr old Son and belonged to Mumbai. She had got married again as she lost her 1st husband early in her life. Now She has 2 kids from her 2nd Husband and stays in Bangalore. Her 2nd husband was a drunkard and did not look after the family much so she stopped giving him sex 8-10 yrs...

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Tables are turned

I had dressed casually for my trip to the spa, nothing fancy, plain soft cup bra, lace matching panties and a 4 inch beige sling backs, I had only lightly made up and put on a little perfume. With a loose fitting floral dress and my hair tied back I was ready for a treatment day.As I was about to leave the house two things happened that would change the scenario. The first was I received 2 separate bouquets. The first was plain red roses with a note saying plainly "I owe you, thanks" Alistair...

2 years ago
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Tables are turned

I had dressed casually for my trip to the spa, nothing fancy, plain soft cup bra, lace matching panties and a 4 inch beige sling backs, I had only lightly made up and put on a little perfume. With a loose fitting floral dress and my hair tied back I was ready for a treatment day.As I was about to leave the house two things happened that would change the scenario. The first was I received 2 separate bouquets. The first was plain red roses with a note saying plainly "I owe you, thanks" Alistair...

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TaBle sex

This was one of those typical saturday nights at my daughters house. They usually was some type of party going on. The three cihildren were at thie inlaws, so there wasn't anything to have to look out for. Her husband Tom, and their good friend Al. were the only ones here this night. This was one of those typical saturday nights at my daughters cihildren were at thie inlaws, so there wasn't anything to have to look out for. Her husband Tom, and their good friend Al,...

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Table 8 Helens Version

Table 8 – Helen’s Story My name is Helen and I came down from head office for the week to train the local staff. I arrived Monday morning and would be conducting training sessions all week and returning home on Friday evening. After the last session Monday a few of the staff suggested we should all go to a bar across from the office. Seeing as I was staying in a hotel by myself I thought this would be a good idea and help fill in some time before eating. At the bar were Jane, Sue, John and...

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Tables Turned Rod becomes Roxanne Part 2

The sun was shining and the cool breeze felt very strange on Roxanne's silk encased legs as her and Lucille stepped out of the car and started to walk into the shopping mall. She could hear the clicking of her heels on the pavement as they made their way to the entrance. This was something that a few weeks ago she would have never imagined would be happening to the newly christened Roxanne. But with Lucille's help she was now stepping into the mecca for women everywhere as so many...

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Delectable 4

It was an eventful afternoon. The urge to press her body against the glass in my office had been overwhelming. This creature was fascinating. She’s not a submissive even though she’s willing to do whatever I wish. Her moans, the heat of her body, the feel of her lips on me, and the incredible tightness of her is very dominant. We left my office and arrived at her apartment. It my first viewing of her side of life. It was a quaint little place several blocks away from the city. We spoke casually...

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Delectable 4

It was an eventful afternoon. The urge to press her body against the glass in my office had been overwhelming. This creature was fascinating. She's not a submissive even though she's willing to do whatever I wish. Her moans, the heat of her body, the feel of her lips on me, and the incredible tightness of her is very dominant. We left my office and arrived at her apartment. It my first viewing of her side of life. It was a quaint little place several blocks away from the city. We spoke casually...

Straight Sex
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Holiday Hump

Introduction: a great start to the holidays Holiday Hump Sometimes experiences happen in the most surprising ways and a young married hottie certainly surprised me by taking advantage of my sleeping erection. It all came about when a friends married daughter living overseas needed someone to look after her dog while she and her hubby along with their 2 kids went for a 2 week holiday. It just so happened that I had some holidays due but a lack of money to go anywhere too far, they offered me...

1 year ago
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Tables Turned

Paul and Nat invited Tina and I around for a BBQ and drinks which usually turns out to be a good night as they have a great hot tub at the back of their house. There's nothing like relaxing in the hot water with a few glassses of wine - and the girls always look very hot. Tina was going to be away in Athens with her work on the evening in question and i toyed with whether I should or shouldn't go. What the hell, I was only going to end up wanking on xnxx anyway so I agreed to go. It was...

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Tables that turned

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahh! Ah!" was all I managed to say. It was pain, but it was pleasurable. He knew I loved it. I felt him pull out and Bill climbed on top of me. He slaps me with his cock, smearing a bit of cum and whatever else onto my face. He then pushed his cock between my lips and frantically started to fuck me mouth. With his hands on the back of my head, he pulled me forward making it his dick go farther down my throat. I gagged but it didn't affect him. He continued to do it. As he...

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Tables Turned

Moist and supple lips lightly brush my shoulder as you snug the last silken knot around my wrists. Two long stylish ties bind my hands behind me to the oak dining room chair you have me sitting in. You got me butt-assed naked of course, and I’ve agreed to let you tie me up, tease me, dance for me.  I’d been thinking of you all day at the office and now…your near constant IM’s and sexy emails since mid-morning, flooding my laptop screen while snooping asshat co-workers kept trying to see, over...

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Tables Turned

"Insider trading is a naughty naughty thing young lady" the anonymous email read... "come to this address tomorrow morning at 8am, come alone, or every news station in eastern time zone will be breaking this at 9". She recalled how her mind was racing in those minutes that followed reading those words, surely an illegally recorded private conversation couldn't be used in court right? Even so the revelation of it alone would cost her immeasurably, her company's stock would plummet following the...

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“You know Margie, that hot new woman in my department?” said Bert. “The one who’s your boss?” said Winnie. “Not exactly,” said Bert. “She reports to my boss, too, but at a higher level, and sometimes I have to work for her on a project. But that’s the one. I have been lusting for her for six months, and I found out yesterday she was a lesbian.” If Winnie didn’t already know, she could have told from the tone of his voice that...

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Stable GirlChapter 2

It took a long time for the Henrietta sky to darken. Since there was no sign of Larry, Tamara figured the coast was clear by nine thirty. There were still no clouds. Tamara took off all of her clothes in her bedroom and walked down the stairs naked. She was soon out the back door and down the porch steps, standing nude in the night air, in between the house and the stables. The only light was provided by the full moon, which was almost directly overhead, even though it was early...

1 year ago
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Stable GirlChapter 3

Tamara moved onto her belly, propping her upper body up with her elbows so that her nipples grazed the ground. The horse's long yellow tail was flat on the floor of the forest, at that moment between Tamara's tits. She could feel the soft fur of Golden Flash's tail rubbing against her cleavage, making her feel womanly. She had the palms of her hands flat on the horse's loins, rubbing his lower belly on either side of his cock shaft. Every time she looked at the horse's humongous dong...

1 year ago
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Stable GirlChapter 4

Larry grabbed his sister's right wrist and pulled it back harshly over her head, tugging the elbow straight. "Please don't make it too tight," Tamara said in a tiny shaking voice that struck Larry as pitiful. "I will tie the fucking wires as tight as I fucking please!" Larry said, spitting on his bedroom floor. He pulled Tamara's wrist so that it was pressed against the bedpost at the head of Larry's bed. He tied the wire around her wrist and the wooden post at the same time,...

2 years ago
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Stable GirlChapter 5

Larry pulled his face out of his sister's cunt and rested his chin on her mound, looking at her between her breasts. "You really got off!" Larry said, with a proud smile on his face. Tamara thought that he spoke like a guy who had seen many girls get off in his day. His was the voice of experience. This only re-enforced Tamara's feeling that she enjoyed sex a lot more than other girls her own age. "I sure did!" Tamara said enthusiastically. She forced a smile. "I'll bet you that...

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Stable GirlChapter 6

Larry flipped back his head to get his long hair out of his eyes and began to fuck Tamara with a smooth steady motion. He was careful to use the entire length of his prick with each stroke--pulling almost all the way out of his baby sister's twat before easing his rod home. Tamara could feel him ramming repeatedly into what seemed like her deepest darkest core, each stab filling her with pleasure. She could feel her cunt walls gripping and pulling at the thick shaft of his prick each time...

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Stable GirlChapter 7

"YOU WHAT?" Larry screamed, his jaw dropping. "I think you heard me," Tamara said. She rose to a sitting position. "I think that is really wild!" Larry exclaimed loudly. He slapped himself in the forehead--his mind blown. "Do you realize how much money we could get for a film of something like that?" Larry asked his baby sister. She shook her head from side to side with a blank expression on her face. She didn't have the slightest idea what he was talking about. "How come you...

3 years ago
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Stable GirlChapter 8

Soon Tamara could feel the tip of the huge horse cock pressing against the back wall of her pussy, and she felt that flesh pull taut as Golden Flash rapidly managed to get all twelve inches of his meat inside the little girl's pussy. When he drew back with his awesome, lithe haunches, Tamara could feel her cunt flesh being tugged harshly outward. When the horse plunged back inside she could feel the spasms of her orgasm double in intensity. Larry got low to the ground so he could get a...

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