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1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 2

Charlie and I had to be up at six, in order to get to Heathrow for her eight o’clock check in. I wasn’t looking forward to saying goodbye, I really liked her, and I had a depressing feeling that I’d never see her again after today. “David,” Charlie said as we got off the train at terminal 3, “what’s wrong? You’re very quiet.” “I’m just sad that you’re leaving,” I replied. She stopped and turned to look at me. “No,” she said, “it’s more than that. You’re afraid that I won’t come back, that...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 3

“What do you think happened?” Aunt Mary asked. “I think Wolfgang and his cronies drugged and raped her,” I said, “though I don’t have any evidence. When I bent my head down to kiss Cal, I noticed the dilated pupils and blank stare, that’s often a sign of being under the influence, and it was exactly the same as she looked that night in Munich. Do you have the contact details for that detective who looked into the DVD?” “No,” she replied, “but I think your Dad does.” “I’ll go and get Dad to...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 5

I awoke early the next morning, tangled together with a very naked Cal. A very thin, emaciated naked Cal, looking every bit like an anorexic. I also had two relatively minor personal problems. The first was an incredible desire to pee. The other was a really raging erection. Steel like, one that was going to cause me a problem with the first problem if I didn’t solve it. I untangled myself from Cal as gently as I could, causing her to protest in her sleep at the severing of contact and...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 7

My next call was to Sarah Green, I tried her home number and just got the answerphone, I left a message and then tried her office number. Her secretary told me that she was with a client, but that she’d call me back within an hour, when she was finished. Which gave us an hour to kill before we were picked up to go to Cal’s counselling session. Cal came and curled herself up on my lap, resting her head on my shoulder. Without even thinking about it, I bent my head down and kissed the top of...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 8

As soon as we were back in the hotel room, I pulled out my phone, did a quick calculation and decided that Charlie, thrilled though she’d probably be to hear from me, probably would be less thrilled at five thirty am, and put it away again. “What’s wrong?” Cal asked. “Nothing,” I replied, “I was going to ring Charlie, but then I realised that it’s only five thirty over there, and I don’t think she’d be in a good mood being woken at that time.” “I know I wouldn’t,” she agreed. “I’ll try in...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 9

“I want you to bring her home,” Aunt Mary said. “What!” I exclaimed, incredulously, “but they’ll send her back to the hospital.” “David, I’ve recently realised what I think you have, too, that my daughter is nothing but a childish selfish, bitch with a huge sense of entitlement,” she said, “I actually don’t like my own child any more. What she needs is a huge shock to her world view. Bring her home.” “I think you’re wrong, and I’m sorry, I won’t bring her home yet,” I replied, “and before...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 10

“No!” Cal wailed, a long drawn out cry of anguish,” No, don’t, you mustn’t, I can’t.” “Cal,” I said softly, “what’s wrong? What is it?” “No, you mustn’t,” she repeated, “my boyfriend wouldn’t like it. I don’t want to. David, David, why aren’t you here.” “Cal,” I said gently, “Cal, what is it, It’s me David I’m here.” I sat up on the bed and gathered her into my arms, rocking, trying to soothe her. “Cal, it’s all right,” I said, soothingly, “it’s me, David, tell me what’s upset you,...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 11

The Dorothy Chandler Pavilion is a wonderful building, in its time it has been home to the Oscars, Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and the Los Angeles Opera. With over three thousand seats it is vast and has some of the best facilities in the world. A fact that was brought home to us when Jonas and Margarete led us through the stage door, where we were issued with visitor passes, and down to the dressing rooms, which were not only more luxuriously appointed than our nowhere near shabby...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 13

“Happy Birthday to you.” It was possibly the worst rendition of that song ever in the entire history of the human race. Not only was everybody (well, with one noticeable exception) a mile off key, but, even worse, everybody seemed to be a mile off a different key. But the thought was there, and they do say that it’s the thought that counts. I was sixteen. I could smoke if I wanted to (no thanks), legally ride a motor bike, drink beer, wine or cider with a table meal in a pub or restaurant,...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 14

I was surprised. I’d enjoyed the film, I even thought I looked good in it. Cal thought it was a great film and told me she even managed to separate me and the character I played. When the credits had finished, we walked out, and Cal announced a need for a pit stop. I hung around in the corridor to wait for her. I made two mistakes while I was out there. Firstly, I stood next to a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Greg Paradise, and secondly, I adopted the same casual pose leaning against the...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 16

My visit to Frankfurt was unremarkable. We landed just after eight thirty, I was out of the airport by nine, and a short taxi ride got me to the Hilton. Once checked in, I tried the TV, where the only English language channels were CNN and BBC World, so I opted to read. I’d brought Heinlein’s Stranger in a strange land with me, and opened it, then put it down and rang Cal to let her know I’d arrived. After I’d spent ten minutes talking like a pair of babies with Cal, I rang home and let the...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 18

I had a moment of panic when I heard the engaged tone from Cal’s mobile, but I wasn’t going to give in to it. This time while we’d been apart, we’d actually managed to speak to each other every day, and I knew now that Charlie was regularly in touch with both Cal and her mother. I’m sure I would have heard if anything bad had happened. I made my way back to the taxi rank and joined the queue. While I stood there, my phone rang, I took it out and saw from the caller ID that it was Cal. “Hi,”...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 19

It was just over three hours later when I was attacked at Munich airport. My attacker was a medium height, slim girl with red hair, who launched herself at me with a screech and wrapped her arms and legs around my neck and waist, covering my face with small kisses. “I assume that means you’re pleased to see me,” I said quietly when she slackened off a little. “Yes,” she agreed, “now are you going to kiss me, or do I have to strip naked, right here?” Much as I enjoyed the sight of Cal in...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 21

We woke early the following morning, and after having a quick shower, and getting dressed, we packed our backpacks and went down for breakfast. After checking out it was a short walk to the riverside where we boarded the first of two boats. This one would take us up the Rhine Gorge, past the Lorelei rock and to Koblenz, where the Mosel meets the Rhine, at the famous Deutsche Ecke . The boat had a running commentary, in German and English on the many attractive...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 22

The town was quiet, but then, it was Sunday morning and the shops weren’t open yet, apart from a couple of the small, local, shops, who weren’t covered by the Sunday opening regulations. The Blue Cup was closed, however, so I went to a different café, the Tartan Coffee Lounge on Commercial Street. I got myself a coffee and took a seat by the window, ready to watch whatever people were going by, thinking idly of the next two years of school. Our local education system is divided into three...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 23

When the five of us sat down to eat that night, it was unusual. Neither Jean nor Geoff joined us, and Cal and her Mum were absent as well. It was the first time for a long time that only people called Barker sat around our table. Unusually for our dinner table, we all ate relatively quietly, it felt as though there was something in the offing. After I finished clearing the table and loading the dishwasher, apparently despite my having been away working for most of the summer, my siblings...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 2

On Saturday morning I woke up early and went out for a run, I did a steady three miles, then showered and changed into my normal clothes. I then decided to go next door and see what my girlfriend had planned. I knew she had a voice class this morning, but I wanted to see if we could do something in the afternoon. When I walked in she and her Mum were sat at the kitchen table talking. “Good morning beautiful,” I announced my arrival. “Morning sweetie,” Cal replied. “Actually I meant your...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 3

As the applause died down, and the curtain closed after the seventh curtain call, I walked back to the boys’ dressing room to remove my make-up and get back into my own clothes. We’d had a good four nights, and I’d enjoyed playing Shylock. But it had been tiring. As I left the dressing room, Tom took hold of my arm and stopped me. “David, have you got a minute, there’s someone who’d like to meet you?” When we got out into the school hall, he took me over and introduced me to a small, round...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 4

Los Angeles On the morning of our LA trip, Cal and her Mum came round to see us off. Aunt Mary took me into the dining room, saying she had something to ask me. “Are you worried about being away from Cal this summer?” I wondered how she came to be so good at reading me. “Yes, I don’t know what leaving her here would do to us.” “Don’t be worried, she’ll still be here when you get back.” “I’m not worried about that, I’m worried that she’ll think I’m abandoning her.” “She won’t I promise...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 5

Disneyland and home. George picked me and dad up at 9:30 for the trip to Disneyland. He had his daughter with him, a cute fourteen year old blonde named Millicent. “Just call me Millie, everybody does,” she said as we were introduced, “except the ‘rents.” “And everybody calls me David, including the ‘rents,” I answered. She smiled at my little joke, and she had one of those smiles that light up wherever she is. Whether that was due to her natural disposition or a tribute to American...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 6

As I walked back to where I’d left the girls, my heart sank. Why did they have two boys sat with them, chatting away like old friends? I took a detour over to where Andy was fishing. “Caught anything?” I asked him, handing him his ice cream. “Not yet,” he replied. I gestured over to the girls. “Looks like Cal and Pip have,” I said. “Hmm,” he grunted, “what’s going on there? Want me to come back over with you?” “Nah, they probably just heard Cal singing in the club last night and are...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 7

It was after two am when we arrived home, all of us so shattered that all we could do was roll into bed and sleep. When I got up the following morning, Dad was on the phone to the insurance company about the attack on the caravan. After breakfast I decided that since Cal and I would have been spending the day together anyway, there was no need to change that plan, and walked next door and let myself in through the back door. The kitchen was empty, as were the other two downstairs rooms. I...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 8

I had a horrible sinking feeling as my Mum smiled at us. “What do you mean Aunt Pat?” Cal asked. “Well, it’s all right for you to kiss each other in front of her, but no wandering hands or anything.” “Mum, are you trying to tell us something?” “No, but you’re growing up. And I know you’ll feel things, want to do things.” “Oh, you mean like sex Mum?” I asked. She blushed, I swear, I made my mother blush. “David, your sister is present.” “It’s all right Mum, I know what sex is. I just...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 9

Our goodbyes that morning were tearful. Cal in floods of tears at leaving me and even I suffered a little from leaking eyes. I was sorry to be parted from her for two months, but knew that in the long run we’d both benefit from it. Slowly I walked back next door to our house, opened the door and walked in. “Did she get off all right?” my Dad asked as I walked in. I just nodded and headed for my room. Once there I sat on my bed, and for the first time in a long time, picked up my guitar....

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 10

I was up early on Saturday morning. I had to pack for a start. We’d decided, that is Mum had decided then told me, that I wouldn’t take a lot of stuff with me. A week’s worth of clothes, my phone, a couple of books and enough toiletries to last me the same week as the clothes. I could wash the clothes in James’ washer, and dry them either in his dryer or on the line in his back yard, anything I needed over what I took, it would be easier to buy over there. I didn’t take my laptop, again...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 11

People outside the entertainment industry seem to think that making films is all action and glamour. Actually, it’s mostly sitting around waiting for the next setup. In short, it’s boring. My first day in the studio, however, wasn’t boring. Peter picked me up at seven thirty, and ran me into the studio, and I spent the morning having costume fittings, make-up tests and generally getting ready for the shoot, followed after lunch, by a read through of the entire script with the rest of the...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 12

The next few weeks flew by, we worked a lot of weekends, and as a result managed to make up a week on the schedule. Eventually, on the Thursday of our sixth week of shooting, the director said the most welcome words I’d ever heard. “Ok, folks, that’s a wrap. Thank you all for your efforts.” We were done. I was finished and had a whole week free. I couldn’t decide whether to go home a week early or be a tourist in LA. I had dinner that night with James and his family, and broached the...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 13

My room at the hotel was comfortable, and the receptionist, Britte, spoke very good English, much better than my schoolboy German. She gave me a room on the quiet side of the hotel, away from the street. I thanked her took my key and went up to the third floor and found room 312. Being Tuesday, I decided that Cal would be in lectures or whatever until late afternoon, so decided on a nap, then I’d go and scout the best way to get from where I was to the student accommodation on Ismanninger...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 14

“Do you want to talk about it?” Dad asked as we pulled out of the station car park. “No,” I replied, “but I suppose I’m going to have to, aren’t I?” “Well at some point, and to some one,” he answered,” yes. Your Mum will want to know about it. Your sister is absolutely livid, but she switches between being angry at Cal and being angry at you. And Mary is just distraught.” “Aunt Mary is distraught? Why?” “Apparently she spoke to Cal last night and Cal confessed the whole thing to...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 15

I walked straight through the kitchen and started up the stairs when I got back home. As I reached the top, I heard my father speak. “Not now Pat, leave him be, for a while.” “I think I’d better get back round home,” Mary said, then I closed my bedroom door on them. I threw myself down on the bed and wept. I don’t know how long for, but it was a long time, and I wept myself to sleep. When I woke up someone had covered me in a blanket. That was a bit silly because it was a lovely warm...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 16

On Tuesday at school, I met up with Kathy at break time and asked if she’d like to go to the regular gang cinema outing with me on Friday. She said yes (of course) but reminded me that I’d have to ask her Dad but did say that she didn’t think it would be a problem. Which is why, at seven thirty that night I walked through the doors of the Roundhill Working Men’s club in Castleford, walked up to the bar, and stood next to the club chairman. “Evening young David,” he greeted me, “what are you...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 17

From James, I found out that Steve Parkin was one to watch out for, a shark. He was interested that Parkin had got my contact details from his office, and promised to look into that. Parkin’s normal method of operation was to contact a newcomer to the business, such as me, and promise the earth, tell them he couldn’t represent them to producers unless they were under contract to his agency, bind them to a long term, high percentage contract and them put them forward for the rubbish jobs that...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 18

I got Kathy safely back home, and said a long goodnight to her, mainly reassuring her that she had neither said nor done anything wrong, but I didn’t want to feel that I was pushing her further than she wanted to go. I stressed the wanted, rather than was willing, and arranged to see her at school on Monday morning. We parted with a long and sweet kiss. I said hello to the family when I arrived home myself, then went upstairs to do at least some of my weekend homework. The maths was easy,...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 19

It was Wednesday of the following week when Cal and I got together for our talk. I’d told Kathy about it at school on Monday, and she’d thought it was a good idea to clear the air. As we left school on Wednesday afternoon, Kathy pulled me aside before I started to walk home. “David,” she said, “about tonight.” “Yes?” I queried, apprehensively. “Good luck, I hope you can figure out some way forward,” she said, “much as I like you, you’re not happy at the moment are you.” “With you yes,” I...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 20

Cal didn’t come to school on Tuesday either, or Wednesday. It was on Wednesday that I got a call from the TV production company. I listened to what they were looking for, and the twenty five thousand pounds a week fee they were offering, and asked them to ring my Dad, since the final decision lay with my parents. As soon as I arrived home, I asked dad if they’d rung. They had, and they were couriering a script over for me to read. I was due in Manchester, at their offices on Saturday at...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 21

“That’s no problem,” Cal said, “I can walk home by myself, it’s only ten minutes. “Kathy and I will walk you home, then I’ll walk Kathy,” I said, “that makes sense.” “No it doesn’t,” Kathy insisted, “the sensible thing to do is for you and Cal to walk me home, then you and Cal walk home together.” “No seriously,” Cal said, “I’ll be perfectly fine on my own.” “That is not going to happen,” Kathy said, “the rule is girls don’t walk home alone. David, tell her.” “I just don’t want to be...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 22

I looked at Cal open-mouthed. Her. My brother. What the fuck was going on? “Cal,” I blurted out, “why?” Then I ran. I bolted for the door and was through it and off down the drive, running. I didn’t know where I was headed, I didn’t care where I was headed, I just ran. I ran for ten minutes, thirty, an hour I have no idea how far or how long I ran, then it stopped. I felt a sudden searing pain in my left side and the world went black. There was a light, bright, very bright, a long way...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 23

When Cal said she had something to tell me before we talked, my thoughts immediately sprang to what she might have done that she hadn’t already confessed to. “What is it?” I asked, my voice almost trembling with worry. “I got the STI report from the doctors, they did another test, and I’m clear on everything but one.” “They didn’t manage to get rid of the Gonorrhoea?” I asked. “No, that’s cleared up fine. No, David, they did a pregnancy test. It’s positive.” As she said it, her face...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 24

I didn’t have long to wait on Friday, Kathy called in on her way home from school. I was on my own in the house, since Alison was at school hockey practice, when I heard the doorbell. I got up from the chair I was sat in and went and opened it. “Hi,” she said, a huge smile on her face, “it’s nice to see you up and about.” “Thanks,” I replied, “it’s nice to BE up and about. What’s got you so happy?” “I had a weird conversation today at school,” she said. “With Cal by any chance?” I...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 25

Thursday evening was the time set for the teachers to come and preview the film, after first completing a non-disclosure agreement that the studio had faxed over, and I’d arranged to go and spend the evening at Kathy’s house. Strange how it had stopped being Mike’s house and was now Kathy’s house. We spent the evening watching TV with her family, until it was time for me to go. She came outside with me and we took our time saying goodnight. “Tomorrow night will be our last date night for a...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 26

It was my own fault. If I hadn’t given in to my sister the night before, I wouldn’t have found myself in the middle row of the family’s people carrier, sandwiched between Aunt Mary and my Mum. It was about the least comfortable seat in the car, since it was only half as wide as a standard seat, meaning three of us were crushed into two and a half spaces. But I was too tall for the two back seats, which didn’t really have any leg room, so there I was stuck. As usual Dad had Frank Sinatra on...

4 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 2

I had begun to get a little bit of a reputation at school. I had a "steady" boyfriend of sorts, no great love, just a lad who I was seeing at the time. I had come home this particular Friday after school and as usual had my tea, and went to my bedroom. Mum and dad were going out that night and were busy getting ready, I was in my room and my 2 other brothers were downstairs. I have one older brother Tony, and 2 other younger brothers. Mum and dad duly left at about 730 and they wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 27

I stared at the stern of the boat. There, in gold lettering, in a very nice cursive script, were painted the words ‘Lady Calista’. “Dad,” I whispered, “I can’t buy that.” “Why not?” he asked. “The name,” I said pointing. He laughed. “Well, if you like the boat and buy it, you can just change the name,” he said. “I can?” I asked, “but what message would that send to Cal?” “What message do you want to send to Cal, son?” he asked. “I don’t really know,” I answered, “why does it have to...

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Teen DaysChapter 3

I have already shared the 1st time I used my mums vibrator and how that got me started on my love of sex toys and of watching adult films, videos at the time and now DVDs. I have also told you of my first multi cock sucking session which included my elder brother Tony. After the incident with Tony and his 2 friends, my eagerness to suck more cock was truly fired up. At school I had already got a little bit of a reputation for being a girl who would on a date "put out" so to speak. I was...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 28

After I’d showered and changed, I made a few phone calls. The first was to my Dad. “Hi son,” he said when he answered, “how come you’re ringing my mobile and not the house phone?” “I wanted to make sure it was you who answered. I met my roommate last night,” I said. “I would have expected that,” he said, “what’s he like?” “Charlie’s all right, quite nice in fact,” I replied, “except that Charlie is short for Charlotte.” “Ah,” he said, “I can see how you wouldn’t want your mother to be...

4 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 5

I was approaching the shop, having changed/modified my school uniform quickly at home on the way. I was the only one in, so changing was easy, and I had made sure of packing a bag with jeans etc in for going home later. As I got near to the shop my stomach was churning with butterflies and also my fanny was feeling decidedly damp. As I turned the corner I noticed that the shutters were already down on the windows, an unusual thing at only 4 in the afternoon. As I got nearer, Mr R came out...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 29

I awoke early on Saturday morning, took a quick shower, dressed, then got my guitar out and made sure it was roughly tuned up right. Then I gathered together my practice amplifier, and a spare set of strings and went downstairs to get myself some breakfast. Dad was already up and dressed when I got down and was already busy preparing food for us all. I enjoyed Dad’s weekend breakfasts, they consisted of bacon, eggs, sausage, hash browns, black pudding, toast, mushrooms and orange juice. He...

1 year ago
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Teen DaysChapter 6

I stood still as Mr R gently fumbled with his thumbs inside my panties. His hands caressed my legs and now he was gently, expertly, moving his thumbs in circular motions against my wet, open, young pussy lips. He very gently began probing my cunt lips with the thumb on his right hand and then began to slide his thumb of his left hand alongside it... I was moaning quite heavily by now, and my legs had spread wider as I stood atop the step ladder and balanced with my right leg on one of the...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 30

I woke on Sunday to the sun streaming through my bedroom window, and the sound of Mum shouting me for breakfast. I climbed out of bed, went across to the bathroom and relieved myself and then, still dressed only in my sleep shorts went downstairs, where, as usual, my Dad had cooked our Sunday morning fry-up for breakfast. “What time are we setting off?” I asked as I began to shovel forkfuls of food into my mouth. “Well, it opens at ten,” Dad replied, “I thought we’d set off about ten...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 31

When I walked into the rehearsal room in time to eat on Tuesday everyone stopped talking and turned to look at me. “What?” I asked, “what have I done?” Without a word, Tony threw a newspaper onto the table, folded to show the showbusiness gossip page. It showed a close-up of me and Charlie, our heads very close together looking like we were about to devour each other. ‘Seventeen year old TV starlet in secret night club tryst with new man.’ “Well, I’ve never been described as a man...

3 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 9

I promised to tell the second part of the night I spent in London with Sanjit, Dillip and Ian. I have explained how we met and of the fun we had back in my hotel room. After our first session, we all got cleaned up, showered and dressed in bath robes. We ordered some wine and champagne from room service and settled down to chat and generally have a nice time. The guys admitted that when they saw me in the hotel bar in the afternoon that they thought I may be " A fun girl". I asked what...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 32

James rang just before six pm, to tell me that the company had agreed to what I’d asked for, but that Becky had refused to apologise to what she apparently called a spoilt brat. She had been replaced as line producer on the show, and the new guy would be with us the following morning. When he asked me if that was agreeable, I said yes, I was only making a point after all. Charlie and I went to the cinema that night, to the Odeon, and saw the trailer for Star Academy, it was a funny feeling,...

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Teen DaysChapter 10

Following on from my experiences with Tony my eldest brother.I wanted to add further details of the ongoing fun we had over the years. Whilst at home most of our fun was of the nature previously described. We would settle down with a porn video, and suck, lick and fondle each other, me normally in my school uniform, until we would both cum heavily.This was the pattern for a good year and a half or so. At the age of 20 Tony moved out of the house and began renting his own little flat. He was...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 33

Years of experience, plus the close proximity of Mum, Alison, Cal and Aunt Mary, have taught me one very valuable lesson. The girls are in charge. So when Kathy and Charlie told me to make myself scarce (or, as they put it, go find some trees to photograph), I went to find some trees to photograph. Actually I spent nearly an hour looking around for things to photograph, and found some good shots, or at least I thought them good. I took so many that I ran out of memory on the camera. When...

2 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 11

Once I had finished licking my vibrator clean Tony approached me. He got down onto his hands and knees in front of me and I parted my stocking encased legs wide. He then proceeded to give my wet cunny a good tongue lashing for several minutes. My darling older brother used his tongue well, getting it deep into my ever soaking cunt and his licking and nibbling also brought me to my first crashing orgasm, as he expertly licked my clit hard. I came off heavily on his face, coating his lips and...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 34

By the time I turned into our street I was breathless from running all the way from Kathy’s house. I stopped dead as I turned the corner. Outside our house and Cal’s two police cars and an ambulance were parked. The sight of them there, gave me my second wind and I sprinted the rest of the way, bursting through the front door and skidding to a halt in the living room. The sight I was confronted with in the living room horrified me. Cal was lying on the floor, apparently unconscious, being...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 35

I sat, alone, in the coffee bar in the entrance to the hospital, waiting for whoever was coming to pick me up. I had a coffee and a piece of cake in front of me, both untouched, and my head in my hands, supported by my elbows on the table. I’d been sat like that for about ten minutes when I felt, rather than saw, another person sit down opposite me. “David,” Aunt Mary said, softly, “I’m sorry. It looks like she has absolutely no memory of what happened in Germany. She seems to think that...

2 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 15

I thought I would share another experience form my younger days. This one relates to a fun time that I had with Tracey my best friend and a bouncer from a local bar. We were both 17 at the time, I know underage drinking ... shocking! We had been going to this local bar for a few weeks, with other girlfriends and also our then current boyfriends. On one of the girly nights out at the pub, one of the bouncers on the door got quite chatty with both me and Tracey.It was pretty obvious he...

3 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 16

Following on from the time with Ritchie the bouncer at a local bar. I thought I would tell everyone about the time he had fun with both Tracey and me together. After my alleyway quickie with him, I told Tracey the full details of what had happened. She was rather jealous and a little intrigued, especially when I told her how big his cock was! We continued to drink at the bar off and on for the next few weekends and sure enough he kept up the patter and chat. On one such occasion he invited...

2 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 17

I would meet the gas repairman (Neil) and also one of his work friends two weeks after my initial bit of fun with him. The repair had been a complete success, but on coming home one day I found him at home with my mum on the pretext that he had been checking out his work and carrying out his fatal safety inspections. Mum looked a little bit flustered, but to be honest I just thought he’d probably been chatting her up a bit more while he was carried out his work. I was to find out the truth...

1 year ago
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Teen neighbor new friend

Yesterday, I was at home working on my yard, when my next door neighbors daughter, Danielle, stopped by. I've have known her, and her parents for 18years now, and she has blossomed into a totally, hot girl. She told me her car was overheating, and could I look at it. She was dressed in short, shorts, that showed a little of those perfectly, tight, ass cheeks, and a loose, spaghetti strap, top. I was in my sweat shorts, and t-shirt. Like I said, she was now 18years old, 5'2", 100pounds, long,...

First Time
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Teen ass beauty

Note : This story is completely fictional! My daughter, Lisa, who just turned 18, two weeks ago, called me , right after I got home from work today, about 12 noon. Now she is absolutely gorgeous, standing 4'10" , 95 pounds, short brown hair, green eyes, perky 34b tits, that would give you a black eye if she hit you, tan all over, and one of the tightest, little , bubblebutts, I've ever seen. I'm 47, 6'1" , 185 pounds, married 19 years(Not getting much sex anymore!), and always looking to get my...

First Time
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Teen Trilogy Part One Emily

Dedicated to LUE! This is part of a trilogy, so this is only part of the story. Poor Emily. She was one of the most beautiful girls in the world. She had shoulder-length red dyed hair. It looked as if it was on fire; incredibly cute. Her breasts stuck out proud, their glorious B cup perfectly perportionate to her body. She wasn't too chubby around the stomach; perfectly fit. Her ass was not huge, but not inexistant. She looked perfect. She was also a great person. She was incredibly kind, and...

1 year ago
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Teen 3some in a pool

We'd just finishe school for the day, it was the middle of summer here in oz, so it was hot as hell. So Bridie and Cheryl came over for a swim. We went inside and dumped our bags on the floor. The girls sat down as I poured us all a drink to cool off. We sat and talked for about 10 minutes until we decided to go for a swim, the girls slipped off into seperate bathrooms to get changed and went to my bedroom to get into my board shorts. As I got changed I kept thinking to myself how awesome it...

Group Sex
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Courier Office Mein Kaam Karney Waali Ladki

Hello everyone. Main aapka dost Garry hajir hu aap sab ke liye ek nayi story lekar. Sab se pehle to aap sab se maafi mangta hu kyuki bohat lambe time se koi bhi story share nahi ki. So I hope jo story main ab post kar raha hu. Umeed karta hu aapko pasand aaye gi. Agar koi mujhse connect hona chahata hai ya koi bhi sawaal karna chahata hai to mujhe facebook pe add karey mera id Garry singh gkc hai. Aapko bohat easily id search karke mil jaayega So ab jayada bore na kartey huye story btata hu but...

4 years ago
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Salads Part 1? The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. You should be adult and wanting to read mature subject matter. Unlike some of my previous work, this is a fantasy that I might actually enjoy living out. Veronica exists, but her name has been changed to protect the nearly innocent, that is to say, me! As always, feedback is requested and may play a large part in deciding if this is a standalone story or the 1st in a series. Enjoy! I read somewhere that most cross...

4 years ago
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GT Tracy the PT and the Local Bad Lads

She had the most fantastic natural tits, not those silicon bags that flat-chested-fannies had inserted at great cost, to make them noticed. Tracey’s were what God gave her – she was at the front of the queue for sure! Hell they were gorgeous!! Every guy around knew Tracey’s boobs were worth a quiet wank! She also had long shapely legs, that seemed to go all the way up to her shoulders. Tracey was always so well presented and stylie as well. Fuck, she was gorgeous!! The thing was,...

1 year ago
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My First Landlady

It's almost all true, there are just a few changes to protect the guilty ;) =================================================================================== My First Landlady I’m celebrating my 54th birthday next week; is it an achievement? Does it really matter? Well no on both counts, but for those capable of basic mathematics it means I was born in 1955 and the world was a very different place. Nice girls didn’t do anything and even the bad girls didn’t do much, so whereas now we’re...

1 year ago
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I was renting an apartment from an old Polish lady . The apartment was quite big having two bedrooms one of which I used as an office . Mora , the landlady , was a widow around 70 years old and was quite a bit overweight . She had a huge ass and normally wore a house dress with out a bra her huge breasts hanging over her belly .. She was a very nice lady who spoke with a heavy accent . She pronounced my name reeekie . When I rented the apartment to me she told me that she didn’t mind if I...

2 years ago
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I was renting an apartment from an old Polish lady . The apartment was quite big having two bedrooms one of which I used as an office . Mora , the landlady , was a widow around 70 years old and was quite a bit overweight . She had a huge ass and normally wore a house dress with out a bra her huge breasts hanging over her belly .. She was a very nice lady who spoke with a heavy accent . She pronounced my name reeekie . When I rented the apartment to me she told me that she didn’t mind if I...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Landlady

Hello everyone. First of all, thank you for such an overwhelming response to my first story. It was really of a great help to decide to write further. Those folks haven’t read it yet can tap on my username and give it a shot. It was only because of you people that my very first story was a huge success and managed to make its way in “hot” category. For those who don’t know me here’s a brief introduction and then we will jump to the story. I am tarun goyal, 21 years old, currently residing in...

2 years ago
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Unplanned Sex With My Landlady

Hello friends.. My name is Vivaan and I’m an engineer from Allahabad, aged 26. The sex story I’m writing here revolves around my landlady when I was in college. There are few people who comes in our life’s whom we can friends with or we respect them due to their nature, behaviour and loving attitude.. She was one of them. A middle aged woman of age 38 approx who was a house wife and the landlord uncle was a government employee in bank. I was new to the state and in ma second year of engineering...

4 years ago
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The Landlady

I was at auntie’s house playing with her kid. Auntie was our landlady and she lived in a house just beside the pg. There was a small gate on the wall dividing the pg and her house. I had used that place to enter her compound. I was very fond of her two year old son and he liked me too. So whenever I get the chance, I used to go into her house and play with her son. She never seemed to mind and in fact used to ask me to come whenever I was free. She used to offer food or other beverages whenever...

3 years ago
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Quenching The Thirst Of My Landlady

I am A.N.Reddy form Hyderabad. I have been reading the stories in this website for the past 2 years and I liked most of them. I am 28 years old and height 175cms and 75 kgs in weight. My body athletic and I exercise regularly to stay fit. I stay in kukatpally in Hyderabad. The incident which i am going to narrate was a real one. It happened 5 years ago when i was studying my M.A, then i was 23. My parents stay in a near by town nagarjunasagar. Its 3 hours journey from Hyderabad. I got seat in...

3 years ago
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My Slutty Landlady

Hi all, let me start this joyride of fun and sensuality and burning desires by introducing myself. My whole life had been woven around sex right from my early days and I am going to narrate all those incidents to you in subsequent stories. This is about my lusty landlady who spent some of the most hot and wild sessions with me when I was staying at her home in Mumbai. I am a 30 year old man staying in Mumbai. The flat where I stayed belonged to a lady whose name is Indira , she is around 50...

2 years ago
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My landlady

Hi this is Ravi from Kolkata. I am a great fan of ISS. I have already submitted two stories in this site and received many mails. Thank to the readers. This time I am sending my story how I fucked my landlady. This happened 6 months ago. I had married and with my wife shifted to a new house with 2-bed room flat in the ground floor. This is a two-storied building and the land owned lives on the first floor. Our passage was one. We have to enter through the main gate and there we entered into our...

3 years ago
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My BBW Landlady

To say that I’m a nerd would be an understatement, but here I was a 27 year old male, in a government department and still Virgo intacto. Its not that the opportunity hadn’t presented itself, it’s just that I was too stupid to recognise it. Francis was a 39 year old divorcee who was my boss and my landlady as I stayed next to her garage. She was blond with green eyes, a big woman, she had big proportions except for her boobs which were a C cup at the most. She had an air of sexuality about her...

1 year ago
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Elsie pointer removed her knickers and felt her large cunt with her two fingers. She was aroused and wet and ready for sex. The coast was clear now her hubby had gone to work, she put the room key in her pocket and climbed the stairs to her student lodgers room. She opened the door and climed onto his bed positioning her enormous buttocks over his face. This sudden intrusion woke Brian up and he opened his eyes to see Elsie's big hairy cunt poised above his face. "Wake up you lazy cunt licker...

1 year ago
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My lovely landlady

Standing on my 32, I’m still living single and not that much eager to have a wife. I feel that I need to be more financially organized and then could think of marriage. I’m 5’-10” and smart well built guy. I work in an organization as Manager-Administration. Though I don’t have a wife but not passing a sexless life. I have sexual relationship with some girls and ladies particularly with my wonderful mid-aged (38) landlady whose husband works in UAE. She is a real sex bomb and perhaps would not...

3 years ago
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I ll Hold The Ladder

I’ll Hold The Ladder Mom wanted to put up the Christmas lights around the roof before Thanksgiving like we did when Dad was still alive. We had hardly had any cold weather let alone snow. Mom asked me to do it but I reminded her that I was slightly afraid of heights. She laughed. I told her, “I’ll hold the ladder.” She had me help her get several boxes out of the attic. They were full of strings of outdoor lights. There was more than enough to go around the entire roof, all of...

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I rsquo ll Hold The Ladder

Fbailey story I’ll Hold The LadderMom wanted to put up the Christmas lights around the roof before Thanksgiving like we did when Dad was still alive. We had hardly had any cold weather let alone snow. Mom asked me to do it but I reminded her that I was slightly afraid of heights. She laughed.I told her, “I’ll hold the ladder.”She had me help her get several boxes out of the attic. They were full of strings of outdoor lights. There was more than enough to go around the entire roof, all of the...

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The Return of Red Blade

This is the fourteenth story set in my Legacy Universe and like the others is a stand alone story. You don't have to have read any of the others to understand this one, but it might help to have read Glamour Girl and the Infiltrator. This story is shorter than any of the others in this universe and was originally intended to be a bit of a quickie inspired by the powers of a character from Glamour Girl, though it did end up a bit longer than originally intended. The Return of Red...

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Train Mein Anjani Ladki

Hello Guys!! Hope your are doing well & enjoying or looking best to get most of life! This is my first story in any porn site till date, I am fond of reading from 3-4 years from 2009 during my PG, from that day I almost read 100 of stories but never thought of doing something like writing, but today I just want to write one of my experience which happened to me in 2011 February, Presently I am staying in pune and recently back from Africa, It was my cousin marriage! Sorry but please excuse if...

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The Ladder

I live in a very quiet neighborhood in a small city. My former wife and I divorced a few years back and I never felt the need to re-marry. I have dated quite a bit and been asked over and over about marrying again but always tell them they are just jealous. The houses on both sides of me have married couples. One house had very young girls and the other has a boy and a girl that are in college. It is always interesting when Anna, the girl in college, comes home. She has always used my hot tub...

2 years ago
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The Ladder

I live in a very quiet neighborhood in a small city. My former wife and I divorced a few years back and I never felt the need to re-marry. I have dated quite a bit and been asked over and over about marrying again but always tell them they are just jealous. The houses on both sides of me have married couples. One house had very young girls and the other has a boy and a girl that are in college. It is always interesting when Anna, the girl in college, comes home. She has always used my hot...

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Slavery of Nina Williams and Sonya Blade

Slavery of Nina Williams & Sonya BladeBy Sonya Esperanto  [email protected]:  About two female characters from two different video games (Nina Williams is from Tekken and Sonya Blade is from Mortal Kombat),  who were sent on assignments to go to Iran and kill the crazy President but get captured instead.  They shall never return back to America and Ireland,  and will instead spend the rest of their lives as the very things they dreaded.  Both women ended up as a the...

1 year ago
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Cousin K Sath Luckily Bua K Ladki

Hello mera naam ankit rana hai meri id hai meri age 24 hai aur mai himachal mai palampur ka rehna wala hoo yeh story meri aur meri bua ki larki ki hai jis ka naam anita hai yeh tab ki baat hai jab uski badi didi lalita ki sadi thi, yani bua ki badi ladki. Uska fig to perfect nhi pata but boobs 34 k honge kamar 28-30 hogi. Mai apne land k size k bare mai bada chadha k nhi bolunga ki 9 inches ka hai 10 inch ka hai. Mera around 6 k karib hai tab mai first year mai tha aur wo bhi utne mai hi hogi...

4 years ago
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Red Blade

It’s Friday night and I get ready to go out. The night is young and the streets are mine. I’m ready to out on the warpath and make someone pay for a certain injustice that was done to a friend of mine. I’m gonna do something that’s very illegal and might cost me my life. It doesn’t matter what happens. It needs to be done in the name of justice and revenge. That’s what’s up. It wasn’t always like that, though. Oh, my bad. You must be wondering who I am. The name is Alfonso Brown. Little Fonzie...

3 years ago
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The Ladder

When I was a nerdy, unpopular high school junior, I was so taken by the unapproachable beauty of one of the senior cheerleaders, Erica, that I sometimes followed her home at a distance, admiring her long legs, bouncing breasts, and shoulder-length reddish blonde hair. I’d find excuses to walk through the gym during cheerleader practice, catching glimpses of her red uniform panties. I became obsessed with Erica, masturbating to my memories of her and to the greater pleasures I imagined. Finally,...

3 years ago
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Teeny lust for Big Black Dick

In my diary I can reveal that young teeny girls also enjoy a taste of Huge Black Dicks, well not just thinking it was my older lusting!I was for once genuinely going out with the girls and have a laugh night out, Oh yes a bit of teasing with fellas in town and my frustrated girlfriends. Nearly all of us are in boring marriages, all our hubbies past being able to please us!!! You all know my little thin cocked small hubby is useless in bed!So, I called to Sue our regular baby sitter to see if...

1 year ago
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Service SocietyChapter 5 The Gladiators

Dexter had suffered through having makeup applied, and was waiting in the green room for the show to start. He felt weird wearing makeup, and had to resist the temptation to remove it. It wasn’t easy. To say that he was nervous would be an understatement. The palms of his hands were sweating and he kept wiping them off on his pants. His stomach flipped each time someone had entered the ‘green room.’ He was convinced that the moment he stepped onto the stage that he would have to go to the...

3 years ago
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Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Introduction: Please rate according to the quality of the writing, not because you dont like cuckold stories Climbing the Corporate Ladder By Willing Wimp I spent the first ten years of my marriage thinking I was a good lover and provider and that my wife, Rachel, was satisfied with our relationship. In retrospect, I now realize that I took my beautiful Rachel for granted and didnt show her the appreciation she deserved. I was a moderately successful junior business executive. Rachel, in...

2 years ago
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Thirteen Names

Thirteen Names By Morpheus Kelly Bryce scowled as she looked at her clock, though her scowl slowly turned into a smirk. It was getting close to when she would have to get going to school, but she still had time. She would have just enough time... With that Kelly glanced around, then went to the corner of her bedroom where she had the materials stored. She had originally planned on doing this later, after she got home from school, but she couldn't resist. It was too...

2 years ago
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Ek anjani ladki

Hi, eik baar main bus main delhi se moradabad ja raha tha wo raat ka waqt tha main beech main eik khirki waali seat per baitha tha tabhi maine dekha ki eik ladki aur uski maa wahan bus main char rahi thi per us bus main kewal do hi seat khali thi jisme se eik mere paas aur dosri eik aurat ke paas khali thi.oski maa us aurat ke paas baith gayee aur wo ladki mere paas baith gayee. Tab maine us ladki ko dhyan se dekha to main use dekhta hi reh gayaa.wo eik 22 saal ki sunder aur achi figure wali...

4 years ago
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Bus Mein Mili Ek Sexy Ladki

Hello all. Ye 100% real story hai ek sexy ladki ki. Aur is story ko padh kar sari ladkiyon ki ungli unki choot jarur ragdegi. Mera naam Rahul hai. Age 26, from Lucknow. Ye baat pichle saal ki hai. Main Lucknow se Prayagraj ja raha tha interview ke liye. Main apni car se jane wala tha. Par shayad mera luck achha tha isliye mere mann mein aaya ac bus mein travel kiya jaye. To main bina confirm ticket ke bus station pahucha aur ek ac bus mein baith gaya. Us bus mein bohut kam log baithe the....

3 years ago
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Danish Man in Bangladesh

When I arrived at the airport all I saw was asses all over the place. Women in burkas and tight abayas that hugged their hips and luscious bums and tight salwar kameez bums just walking past me and around. I immediately wanted to take out my cannon EOD camera and shoot some Ultra HD asses! I was getting too excited about seeing so many women which I haven't seen even in India! I finally rented a taxi and went to my designated hotel. As I was riding through the streets of Dhaka, my eyes were...

4 years ago
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Climbing the Coporate Ladder

By Willing Wimp I spent the first ten years of my marriage thinking I was a good lover and provider and that my wife, Rachel, was satisfied with our relationship. In retrospect, I now realize that I took my beautiful Rachel for granted and didn't show her the appreciation she deserved. I was a moderately successful junior business executive. Rachel, in turn, was a very dutiful and supportive housewife, and a loving mother to our small children. She never complained, made me feel like a...

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