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Screwed Over an NIS StoryChapter 7

Wednesday Afternoon and Evening We got in the car. She said, "Warren, we need a better long term plan for a place to stay. You can't afford to pay for that room until we graduate and there is no need. Let's get an apartment. I can cook and we can have a place of our own. I think my father would be thrilled to help with the rent." "I have to admit that sounds good. You're right. My money won't last forever. We are going to be together." I pulled into a convenience store. "Be right...

1 year ago
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The Best Thousand Dollars I Ever SpentChapter 6

Neither woman had actually planned on the amorous activities that ended up taking place that evening. Julie had thought they’d just have a nice quiet night together before Brad had to leave and go back to the world of business. Jasmine just wanted to be with her father and liked both Julie and Josh, so she knew she’d have a good time. The women’s emotions, though, had been in overload because of the fact that Jasmine had found what Julie had found. And their emotions only spiraled higher and...

1 year ago
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Just My LuckChapter 12

For the next three months, all we did was work. After the first month, we were so busy that Nicole was going out on jobs as well. Poor Tammy had to stay home, but we did send her out when we had the designs finished to have her load the programs on the client's servers. I did have to add two more servers to handle all the small clients we had picked up. Our contract for no sex for two months came and went with no change in our arrangements; we were either too busy or too tired when we got...

3 months ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 222

Senior Computer Skills... Tech support: What kind of computer do you have? Customer: A white one... Tech support: Click on the 'my computer' icon to the left of the screen. Customer: Your left or my left? Customer: Hi, good afternoon, this is Martha, I can't print. Every time I try, it says 'can't find printer'. I've even lifted the printer and placed it in front of the monitor, but the computer still says he can't find it... Customer: My keyboard is not working...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 23

Knowing that Jack had run up against the typical stone wall of corruption, I suggested that he share his intel with the Judge and ask him about our guests. We could keep them on board, away from prying eyes, but eventually someone would leak our names and location, and then the same people who hired the killers to run over the sailboat would come and do the same to us. To protect our boat against becoming a sitting duck for our enemies we pointed the yacht north and headed for Scotland....

3 weeks ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 7

Unfortunately, summer was coming to an end. The next week, I called Lindsay over for a work out. As with previous visits, Cassie joined to watch Lindsay’s coaching. I did notice that with Cassie’s presence, Lindsay’s shit talking was much more subdued. The two girls were also constantly throwing sideways looks at each other in the mirrors. Lindsay and I completed my part of the workout and as with the last visit, I took my leave. I ran upstairs for a quick shower and then checked the...

1 year ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 8

Roger said, “You drink beer?” “That’s right. I like the taste and it’s a better deal financially. At one time, that was more important than it is now. When I played in college, we would have a beer after most games.” “Jar, I’m surprised you don’t have a steady guy or are married.” “That hasn’t and isn’t my interest. I like my independence and haven’t found a guy who can stay with me.” “What qualities does this super guy have?” “He was to be smart, a gentleman, physically able, have a...

3 weeks ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 226

These are compliments of Mikey Very Punny... I tried to catch some fog ... I mist. When chemists die they barium. Jokes about German sausage are the wurst. A soldier that survived salt spray, mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran. How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it. I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me. This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian restaurant but I never met herbivore. I'm reading a book about...

2 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 50

Marcus stared at the bundled sheets of paper before him uncertainly, leafing through them carefully, trying to makes sense of the coded squiggles he saw. "Ready?" Hope asked, slipping onto the stool behind her keyboard. "No," Marcus replied, instantly. Shawna shuffled through the papers herself, shaking her head silently at what she found. "What's up?" Hope asked. "I don't know what we're playing," he said, and Hope stared for moment. "That's what the sheet music's...

2 years ago
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CuffsChapter 8

A memory suddenly flashed to my consciousness. As a young boy, I had been wrestling one of the neighborhood kids. He was slightly bigger than me, but I was angrier, and somehow, I had overcome him. I had his arm pinned behind his back and my knee on his butt. He wasn’t going anywhere and I still had one hand free. After a few seconds, the other kids grabbed me and pulled me off. Later, we were best friends until high school when we drifted apart. The memory that suddenly came back to me was...

10 months ago
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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 27

It was 10 p.m. It was near the end of only the second full day after our arrival at Brooke. It seemed as if we'd been there for a month. Everybody was dog-tired and too full of tension to sleep. We had organized staggered sleeping schedules -- four hours on, four off -- but most of the people assigned sleeping time found themselves wide awake -- until it was time for them to stay awake for lookout duty, when a painful fatigue seemed to set in almost immediately. There had been no movement...

2 years ago
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Across Eternity Book 1Chapter 4 Medicine

The spring rains were dramatic, passionate, the lifeblood of Mother Nature as she fully awoke from her winter slumber and prepared for summer. Yet at the moment, the fury with which the enlarged drops fell was not appreciated, for they numbed Noah’s fingers as he gripped his sword and made him shiver as his clothes became worthless from the damp. It was also difficult to see, the drops splashing against his face and blurring his vision, but he kept his gaze focused on his enemies. He was out...

2 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 17 Back on Bangalore

Sally Hi I am Sally. While Tag and Sushi are back on Earth I have been given the job to fill you in on what is happening on Bangalore. Waush Shaua and I are in school and are working on the farm. Our farm is growing all the food needed for Bangalore. After Sushi and Tag left for Earth it was time for our first harvest. The corn was a real hit. I got all of the students at school to volunteer to help with harvest. Of course we had a corn feed when the harvest was finished. Waush Shaua and I...

2 years ago
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A Bikini for her BirthdayChapter 11 Juxtaposition

“So are we taking the sports car?” Zann asked after breakfast on Friday morning. I knew she meant my boy’s toy, which is pretty much restored at long last. It’s impractical but beautiful; very noisy, very fast, unreliable, uncomfortable and super stylish, in bright yellow. The sensible thing would be to take my main car, which wouldn’t go wrong and is still reasonably sporty. The client’s offices are over an hour’s drive away. But Zoe-Ann had had her makeup done by Amanda, her hair done in...

2 years ago
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JenniferChapter 13

Jennifer returned to her room and collapsed onto her bed. She knew her work in the office was caught up, and just said, “Fuck it.” Screwing Rocky would tire a team of Olympic athletes. The next several days passed quickly, with occasional fucks from Roger and Rocky, and shortly she noticed that it had been three weeks since she had arrived at the Lakehouse. It was that time of the month again, so that evening she dressed in skintight black denim jeans and a sequined black top that was half...

1 year ago
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Desperate MeasuresChapter 8

Gina felt warm, soft lips on her forehead as she awoke from a very restful sleep. "Good morning, Goddess!" Leslie was standing beside the bed, still beautifully nude and wearing a glowing smile. As Gina raised her head her nostrils were instantly filled with the scent of fresh brewed coffee. "I made coffee already." Leslie said, a little nervous. "I hope you don't mind." "Not at all." Gina smiled as she sat up and patted the bed. "Come here with me." Leslie climbed onto the...

1 year ago
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Surviving 3Chapter 17 It starts 889890 AD

Scott ordered Sigurd to come with them to Inveraray. He made ready to ride back immediately, expecting everyone else to follow suit. When they arrived back at the camp, the colonel and Scott's father sought him out. "Would you really have allowed your men to kill this Norseman and sink their ships, wouldn't that have been a little savage?" His father asked. "Dad, with respect, you don't know what you are dealing with here. The least sign of weakness and the Vikings would descend upon...

5 months ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 6

She came padding into the kitchen. I said, “Okay. First lesson is to wear shoes or at least socks. Nasty things can find feet and be very painful.” She blushed. “If your shoes are still too wet, let’s get you in a pair of socks.” She smiled. “Follow me.” We went into my bedroom and I pulled an older pair of athletic socks from a drawer and handed them to her. She sat on a chair in the room and pulled them on. They were “tube” socks so worked though she had smaller feet than I did. “Sam,...

1 year ago
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AftermathChapter 15

There was a little whispering at the door and Martha and Angus came into the still-littered kitchen. "Martha said you wanted to talk to me, sir." "Sir's unnecessary. But yes. Martha said you had mentioned marriage and that you wanted her to come with you to Tamworth to meet your parents." "Yes." He was very solemn. "Will they have a problem with Martha's colour?" "No, I've told them. I prefer to say 'mixed-race.' But no. It's not that unusual anymore. I read a survey by...

2 years ago
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Stranded DaddiesChapter 6

As soon as the girls were left alone, they faced each other. "Can you BELIEVE IT?" asked Denise, instantly excited. "I thought they were going to freak out!" sighed Cindy. "They HEARD us!" said Denise. "And they didn't even YELL at us!" "Didn't you hear them Neece?" asked Cindy, a look of wonder on her face. "They want to sleep with us too!" "I can't believe that!" said Denise, wonder in her voice. To her, she was just a kid. Uncle Dave was a big, strong man, whom she...

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The Good YearsChapter 6

I had spent three days at the Dover plant, mostly observing the employee attitudes and their morale. I didn't like any of what I was seeing. From top to bottom, employees were putting in their time, just going through the motions. Every department I looked at was being operated as if the results didn't really matter. There was no accountability for anyone. When I spoke to either Gus or Tony, they said all the right things, but they didn't seem to be following through on most of what they...

2 years ago
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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 5 NATO

I eyeballed Sandy Seaver two different ways. From the stands in The K and by tailing him. My first time in a baseball stadium. It was a revelation. An expensive revelation if I’d been paying for everything. Parking, tickets, food, beer. The little magazine that tells you ... um, baseball stuff. And, if I’d had little kids ... all those treats and souvenirs and whatever else they needed. I bet a family of four couldn’t get out of the park for under a couple of hundred bucks. But the scene...

1 year ago
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Under the KnifeChapter 1

It was a cold night in early March and the sun had set two hours earlier. I was walking toward the parking lot where I had parked my car. As I passed an alley I heard taunting voices. “So you like America?” one voice said. “I love America,” came the reply in an accented woman’s alto voice. “Then let’s hear you sing ... sing My Country ‘Tis of Thee.” “My country ‘tis of thee...” I approached the commotion and saw three skinhead youths menacing a petite Asian girl. “Hey, guys,” I said,...

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The Wardens WhoreChapter 3

Morning came far too early for Hannah. She had gotten very little sleep the previous night and she was still very tired and frazzled. But she got up and dressed anyway – she knew she had work to do that day and lack of sleep was not an excuse to miss it. She got ready and as soon as her cell block was called, she went to the cafeteria with the rest of the inmates and ate breakfast. After breakfast, she reported to the bathrooms for her work detail. It was time to clean the bathrooms again...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 34 Chaotic Days

My prediction that the next day would be hectic was proved earlier than I expected. A klaxon ringing in the bedroom woke me up. It felt like my head had just touched my pillow as the loud racous noise got all of my concubines to sit up. “What is that?” Constance complained. “AI? What is going on?” I asked. “A small fight has broken out in training room Sigma. The klaxon was being used to awaken all officers and senior enlisted,” The AI said calmly. “Were any of my crew involved in this...

1 year ago
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The DilemmaChapter 9 Gareth Chancelor Saturday

I was in the 2nd garage polishing my other car. This one is a 1948 Holden FX that my father restored. People tell me that the Holden FX was the first true Australian car, even though it was based on a Chevrolet design from the U.S. I gather it’s not as big as the U.S. Chevrolets of that era, but it has a very similar shape. Holdens were built in Australia and the Holden FX and its successors dominated Australian roads for many, many years. If you’re interested, the FX is a mid-sized 4 door...

9 months ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 118

It was while the group was milling around after the meeting that Adam remembered something he had wanted to ask people for a few days. "Do any of you guys know Sadie Strutt?" he asked. Adam got blank stares from some of the people and head shakes from the rest. "I think Katey has worked with her," Leslie said. "I'm sure Veronica has. Why?" "I have a class with her," Adam told them. "She walked with me to the library Wednesday. I had things scheduled on Thursday and Friday, and...

1 year ago
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Mate Swapping A First ExperienceChapter 6

Phil and Pam had found their recent mate swapping experiences for more erotic and sexy than they'd have ever imagined possible. They'd often sit over a meal and talk about which guy and which girl was the sexiest of those they'd swapped with and when there was a couple they mutually agreed were very sexy and enjoyable to swap with, they'd try to arrange another evening together. One couple both of them admitted they'd really enjoyed swapping with had been Sam and Lauren. Phil didn't...

3 months ago
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Banner YearChapter 23

The romance between Tessa and Vick took off like a rocket. Tessa was never one to dither when she wanted something, and she wanted Vick in the worst way. He, of course, did not have a chance. Not that he felt tricked or coerced in any way. Like a lot of the guys at school, Vick had been fascinated by Tessa, but because of her brains and her apparent relationship with Cal, he did not waste any time wishing for her. Finding out that she wanted him was just too good to be true. Just two weeks...

2 months ago
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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 22 The Thirteen Days Begin

Tuesday, October 16: Day 1 of the Formal Crisis James Bong brought me to awareness. It’s the first day of the crisis. You need your own strength intact, plus you need to motivate the clan. To my surprise, James climbed into my arms. It is wise, I believe, that I spend more time physically in your presence, and that of the clan. Please do not confuse yourself with a Bond villain with an effete white cat, for I am an honest orange tabby. “A well-fed one, as well. You want to be sure someone...

11 months ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 271 a New Glock

The families, of the kids involved, just wanted to hang their heads in shame. They had been given a second chance in America and their kids had almost blown it for them. It would take years for the community to change its opinion of the immigrants. Even I wasn't happy with the immigrants at that moment. It had been too hard to get the information. They had chosen to hang together, instead of becoming part of the community at large. It might be understandable, but that didn't mean I forgave...

2 years ago
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TalisChapter 3

I opened my eyes and felt exactly as I had before. I wiggled my fingers and toes, inventoried my parts and took a deep breath. I seemed the same physically, although I also knew that my DNA had been altered, and even now my body was adjusting to the life form that infected me. My memories were intact. I knew my name and recalled Christian clearly, aching with a deep urgency to be near him. I remembered my parents and the pain of losing them. The thoughts and memories that made Kelly Michaels...

1 year ago
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 15

"What do you mean ... who said?" Cassie asked. "Who said they had to be heroes?" "Crossroads," Cassie said. "A planet can decide who goes and who doesn't?" Said The One. The ceiling, even though he couldn't See anyone, decided that John, the ever tricky, had brought someone with him. He instructed: The Great War had destroyed the people and culture of Cassandra. An exchange of artificial viruses had turned men into weaklings with very low sex drives. Worse, their bodies...

3 years ago
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My Learned FriendChapter 6

It was obvious to me that Chrissie had relapsed into depression. Dr. Purvess had anticipated this could happen and told me to increase her medication if necessary. We did but she did not seem to improve. I did my best to show her that what had happened did not change my love for her. I knew that she would not want physical love for some time, but in all ways, I tried to show her that I still desired her holding her hand, kissing and holding her close when we were in bed together. She...

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Daddys Little GirlChapter 7

We headed back onto I-40. The next leg of the trip was always one of the longest and most boring. We would be heading to Joplin, Missouri, five hours away. After an hour of driving we reached Oklahoma City, there we switched to I-44 heading northeast. There is absolutely nothing of interest to look at on this stretch of the road. Billy and I talked about his plans for the future. He had received a full scholarship to the University of Arizona. He planned on entering their Geosciences...

4 months ago
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The LotteryChapter 18

Sally awoke the next morning when she felt someone gently shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw her brother standing over her. He looked down on his sister, watching as she came out of her sound sleep. Tom asked her, "How are you this morning?" Sally rubbed her eyes and rolled from her side to her back. "Kind of sore." The young girl sat up and stretched her arms over her head, groaning as her over-worked muscles strained. "I hope it is from exercising and not from last...

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Second ChanceChapter 70

We rejoined the men now comfortable in the living room. Everybody talked and laughed just like normal people, but I had the sense that they were waiting for another shoe to drop. My suspicion was confirmed when Judge Jones' phone rang, and after listening for just a second, he said, "Ok. Send him up." Turning to Mr. Bell, Judge Thorson, and the Secretary, he said, "Our update just arrived. My security detail is bringing him to us, now." Before I could voice my questions, Mr. Bell gave...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 18 The Families Story 02 ndash Love And Pain

October – Year 3 “What? Blossom what in the hell made you think of that after everything I said to you today?” “Because now I see your beautiful wives and two of your babies and I know that there is no way that you can fit me and my babies into your life.” “Paul, let me handle this.” Lynn spoke to her husband slowly, before moving towards Blossom. “Blossom. Do you love Paul?” “Yes. More than anything in the world.” “So when your babies are born, your plan is to give them up for...

2 months ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 2 The Metora

The staff in his hand was still alive, though it had never again burst into flames. Doc felt it vibrate with each step through the canyons of the Metéora, the fire of the Mediterranean sun beating on his back. He’d been back every summer since the war. Though the staff had never again called fire, Doc had found other uses for it and felt it resonate with the land around him. The goat track that locals called a road was as dusty as the foothills had been. A preternatural awareness of his...

8 months ago
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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 19

Oh, How I Love to Suck Cock! I woke up about two hours later with a craving desire to taste Bob's cock. I glanced down at my conspicuous nipples and giggled. "What's funny now angel eyes?" His rugged voice resonated around the small room and sent shivers up my spine. So he was awake too! I held the sheet up and showed them off. "They're lovely," he said reaching for them. "Wait!" I cried in alarm. "Let me see if Julia's come home." Leaping out of bed, I ran to the living...

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The Dog That Didnt BarkChapter 2

A few months later I ran into Barb. More accurately, she ran into me, her cart rammed mine as I exited the frozen food aisle. To make a long story a little shorter, we met, we dated, she got pregnant, and we got married. Betty and dad were not happy, but I was. I had always lusted after Barb and now she was mine. To keep what I did for the military a secret, I told Barb and everyone else that I worked with electronics in a factory. That was sort of true. You made things in a factory, and I...

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Sams YearChapter 18 Kununurra 2

Patrick flew back to Perth on Tuesday. Sam and Tessa slept in Boobook’s house. They walked about the town. They explored the Art Centre, meeting several painters. They spent many hours listening to Boobook’s stories. They visited the Kununurra Museum. On Thursday, Tessa went to Walkabout Souvenirs while Sam was talking to Boobook, where she bought a (used) copy of Bill Withers’ Frontier Dreaming 1997. Walkabout Souvenirs has a diverse souvenir and giftware range with many beautiful and...

2 years ago
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ON SUNDAY, Kate, Melody, and Lissa left for Oregon to pick up Kate’s siblings. Wendy and I would be alone for three days. We had a lot to work out in our relationship. I had a lot to work out. Wendy appeared blissful as she walked around the house with nothing on but her necklace and a smile whenever she was home. The talk had to be worked in between painting, Wendy’s classes, and a heaping helping of lovemaking. By nine o’clock on Sunday morning, the weather had warmed and cleared. I had a...

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Sunny CornerChapter 4

It was pouring down rain. The water in the streets was gutter to gutter. One thing for certain; we weren’t going prospecting. We probably weren’t going shopping either. I lied. A truly grey day. I got bored. The wire-wheeled ancient 1934 Ford Ute managed to splash across running boards deep streets and navigate intersections filled with floating debris and stranded cars and safely arrive at Dan Murphy’s. If I was still in the states, Murphy’s would be called “Murphy’s Beer Buffet...

6 months ago
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The LotteryChapter 27

Kim and Jack were still watching the new television when their mom called to them. "Someone is at the door," she yelled. Kim jumped up, ran to the front door and opened it. "Hi Megan," she said to her friend, "come in." The tall girl followed Kim into the house and up the stairs to her room. She led Megan through the bathroom that separated her room from the guestroom. "You can put your bag in here. Megan looked around the bedroom and set her bag on the floor near the bed. "This...

2 years ago
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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 7

I finished using my sick rad dragon shapeshifting powers to pull bullets and stitch up the holes on the last of the civilian gnomes who hadn’t gotten to cover in time, then flipped my cute butt over an overturned table, landing between two United Nations Marines. The UNMC was pretty swoll and rad and all sorts of cool words – and one of the reasons why was that the human race had, for years, wanted to put their people into bigger and bigger suits of armor to make them more swoll and rad with...

1 year ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 19

I awoke the next morning at my old school, Saints of God Christian Academy, underneath Adela Royce, with Becky and Chloe kissing my face repeatedly. Adela rode me with all of her skill, using her hips enthusiastically to take me further inside her sweet British cunny while my hands fondled her smooth, pale ass. When Matthew Phillips started rimming her, she giggled and squirmed, but rode me harder still. It was evident that it wasn’t entirely his idea, but he enjoyed it nonetheless, just as...

3 months ago
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Second ChanceChapter 35

Time is an angry mistress. My 'time' in this body far exceeded any of my other insertions, so whatever it was I was supposed to do hadn't happened, or the universe had finally forgot about me. I was good with the latter, and worried about the former. Waiting for some major event that required me to step in and do something wonderful was wearing on me. Each time I found myself involved in major happenings, be it weather events, tragedies, or personal things that would have gone unnoticed,...

4 months ago
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Dogging TalesChapter 5

Sunday morning and I walked to Victor’s and saw him waiting by his car. King was with him and he asked me if I was OK and recovered from yesterday? I replied of course, and asked him where we were off to today? “Well let’s see if Angela turns up and if she has her dog with her. I know a place about 30 minutes from here called Stanborough, near Milton Keynes. It’s a dogging area with secluded parking around a big lake” “Dogging area! What, you mean a place where people walk their...

2 years ago
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Ladies LodgeChapter 4

Jessica and Gwendoline leant over the brook, bathing their faces in the cold water. "Good of you to let us stop when you did, Harry" said Gwendoline loking around for a second. "That's OK. I couldn't get any pleasure watching you two, it was truly boring - you are too evenly matched. You could have gone on for hours and neither would have won" "Admit it, Gwen. It wasn't as bad as all that, was it?" said Jessica. "I mean we're not exactly fragile - either of us. When we go up to...

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Sheryls StoryChapter 4

From that night on, I changed. My re-introduction to men had been perfect. Scott had been the consummate lover. Now he was gone. In an attempt to make up for the loss, I began looking for quantity rather than quality. With it I began drinking more, no longer caring who had me, just so long as there was physical contact, and a pretence of caring. Joel's performance did improve, and we had many good times together. On my bed, the back lawn, his car or anywhere that seemed right at the time. I...

9 months ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 22 Goddess Accepted

Rebecca! The voice echoed around her from every direction, but the darkness would not release her as she followed. This was insane. The camp should be right here. It wasn’t here. She was lost. She should sit down right where she was and wait for rescue. Every child knew that. But someone kept calling her name just over there. If she could only call out in answer, help would come. But her throat was too dry, her lungs ached, and her heart pounded. She could not answer. So she kept...

1 year ago
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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 3 You Dont Leave Me

Four weeks after fucking his daughter, George's wife left him. It was just as he'd suspected. The 38-year-old woman had found a sugar-daddy, a man who worked with her sister who made oodles of money and was willing to lavish her with gifts. She'd been seeing him for months, and now he'd proposed. She wanted a divorce, right now. George was angry, sure. Especially at the way she had told him all this, so matter-of-factly, so coldly. But he had come to terms with his wife's adultery...

2 years ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 25 Dance with the Devil

A soft step on the gravel near Rebecca began to rouse her out of her sleep. She leaned back against the strong hand that lifted her hair to caress her neck. “Ah, Wes, you’re back,” she sighed. His lips irresistibly pressed against hers and she was locked in the embrace before she was fully awake. She opened her lips to accept the invitation of his tongue and their kiss rose in passion. How odd for Wesley to make such an open demonstration in the courtyard. He took her so much by surprise...

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The Way of WarChapter 10

The Ford staff car drew up in front of the imposing entrance to the Nile Palace Hotel. Three boys in smart uniforms with a red fez upon their heads descended upon the car. Bobby handed the keys to the car to one of them. “Have it cleaned and polished,” he said handing over a few Egyptian pounds. The officers made their way inside, moving to the reception desk. After booking in they were conducted to their rooms, followed by a boy carrying their canvas valises. Shaun’s room had a balcony...

1 year ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 28

My Sunday was spent getting ready for the upcoming week. I contemplated the Ellie situation while I got my laundry done. I decided I needed to hold off making a final judgment on how to proceed till I got more information. Though I would be shocked if this was the first time the teacher had done something like this, you don’t just start off with sexual blackmail. I got my reports put together so that they’d be ready to turn in. It suddenly occurred to me that the other time Ellie had been...

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Undercover RoseChapter 82

The show was really very good for me, as that sort of thing goes. I made several drawings on site and sold even more from stock. I never did get around to the images I had planned to have ready for the show. That was because I spent the time I should have been drawing getting laid instead. After the show Bobby Joe and his clan headed for home. Since I had no idea Bobby Joe's wife had such control on him, I had already paid for a second night in the motel. That being the case I decided to...

1 year ago
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The LotteryChapter 36

The next morning, Sally slowly came to life. She opened her eyes and saw her brother's penis, half erect only inches from her mouth. She moved her head a little and gently kissed the end of it. The uncontrolled twitching of the organ amused her as she licked at it. Remembering what Kim had said before she and Tom had gone to bed, she slipped out of the bed and covered him. Sally quietly left the room, crossed the hall and opened Kim's door. She went to the bed and gently shook her...

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Nathan and IrisChapter 4

Nathan stepped into his lab. He hung his black coat and hat on a hook, set down his stick and sat at his desk. It was Tuesday. Iris hadn't called. He knew she had his work and cell phone numbers, and he realized that he had never asked her for hers. He turned to his computer and searched for the city's public school system. Up came the school district's website. Elementary schools, middle schools ... high schools. He clicked on the link for high schools. Geez, how many high schools does...

1 year ago
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An Absence of TrustChapter 7 The Aftermath Howard

The air was warm and there was still some light in the sky as I stepped out of our home. I could feel the fresh breeze off the river as I walked toward the Common. I was breathing more normally now. The worst was over, I thought. I had said everything I wanted to say. I had held back everything I didn't want to say. I dangled hope in front of her, but with little room for negotiation. There was nothing pleasant or elevating about what I had just done. I had pummeled her with my words as...

1 year ago
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BusherChapter 18 Emily

It had been great fun having Dave and Eddie down staying with us during the series with Potomac. Now, far too quickly, they were on the road again. It was a quiet time for me. Work was winding down, and, in just another two weeks, I'd be giving up my summer internship and returning to school for the fall semester. The job had been routine -- a little disappointing, considering my expectations going in -- and I was happy enough to be leaving. I'd been doing a lot of thinking about my...

2 years ago
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Who Killed Jake MullettPart 2 The Addendum

As you know, Amy and I have always been best friends as far back as I can remember. We are closer than most sisters and we don't fight with each other. When we dated in high school, we both liked Ray. We both dated him but he chose Amy. I was kind of mad at first but I knew Amy really cared for him and she was my best friend. I wasn't in love with Ray but I really liked him. I hope that makes sense to you. I dated a number of other guys but none seemed as nice as Ray. I even went out with...

1 year ago
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Solutions IncorporatedChapter 6

Claudia openly stared at the elderly woman who had just entered the office. She was the poster child of misery. She had a split lip, a black eye, an arm in a sling, and walked holding her body to one side. It hurt just to look at her. Dismayed, Claudia asked, “What happened to you?” “I was attacked,” the woman answered. It was a more than an attack. She had been sexually assaulted after getting mugged. Claudia pointed to the door and said, “Go right in. Magus will take care of you.” The...

1 year ago
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Helpful HannahChapter 11

I picked up another girl the next night, and another the night after that. Knowing that I’d made my brother cum ... it was like it had lit a fire underneath me. I’d thought I was doing all I could beforehand, but now - just the thought of his hand pumping up and down his hard cock, getting off at the sight of me fucking another woman... I knew he’d gotten off at the porn we’d made together, and I hoped that he’d gotten off just thinking about what a dirty slut I was for him, but at the...

3 years ago
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Not This TimeChapter 2 Gone to Hell

When the first ray of the sun hit my eyes, I scooted over. When it hit me again, I scooted back into the wall. The next time I rolled over and faced the wall. Why didn’t I close the shades last night? Hell. I wasn’t even sure how I got to bed. I was so drunk. And now I was so hung over. I hugged the wall and tried to find a cool spot on my pillow to lay my head. You’d think in a hotel this expensive the bed would be a little farther from the wall so you could walk around it. The thought of...

2 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 34

Have you ever seen a cat sleep upside down ... flat on their back? I've seen kittens do it. I've seen kittens sleep upside down with their rear paws crossed, their front paws crossed and even both front and rear paws crossed. I've even stuck a lily of the valley stalk in crossed front paws, took a picture of it and won a contest for a funeral home. Doesn't She Look Natural? The picture just after the flash was cute, too. That kitten had shredded lily everywhere. When I showed the after...

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Healers TouchChapter 4

Charles gazed into the fire as he stroked the soft skin of the foal that was resting at his side. Occasionally he glanced down at the small creature. Across the fire, Kat was curled up with a blanket and in a deep slumber. The shadows under her eyes told their own story. She had fought quite the battle as she helped the zephti make it's entrance into the world. The foal made a questioning sound as it looked at Kat. "Relax, she is just sleeping," he reassured the colt. Since his people...

1 year ago
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Bridgets NightsChapter 7

The foursome gathered around me. I sat on the couch with Linda on one side and Sue on the other. Pat nestled in her husband's lap in the big chair facing us. I don't doubt that my eyes grew misty and far away. I wasn't seeing the room, but rather the soft rolling green hills and dales of Ireland. I knew that the faint traces that remained of my Irish accent grew stronger the longer I talked. I was born the eighth and final child to my parents, Michael and Mary O'Brien. Five brothers...

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Start Every Day With a SmileChapter 7

The next morning, Roman rides his hover bike to Lucy’s bungalow and knocks on the door. In an instant, she opens the door and flies into his arms. Her mouth covers his and her tongue invades his mouth. Lucy sighs and wiggles against him. He is immediately caught up in her anxiousness and returns her kiss while wrapping his arms around her tightly. “Good morning,” he says. “I guess you are feeling good missing me.” “Oh, Roman, I’m so happy to see you. I stayed busy enough while you were...

10 months ago
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ClaireChapter 2

“Why? So, you can laugh in my face. Since I’ve known you, all the best guys in school have asked you out. All the really popular guys. And you’ve turned them down. What chance has a nerd like me got, eh? I mean look at you. You’re sweet and kind and the most caring girl in school. And by far the most beautiful. What would you want with someone like me, huh? So let’s just forget I said anything. I’ve said what I wanted to. I’ve made a fool of myself, so now I’m just going home and locking...

1 year ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 43

Going through my morning routine, I wasn’t looking forward to work. There were two trucks to unload and it was supposed to be 92F with 100% percent humidity. When the first truck showed up at 8am, it was already 80F, but with the heat index it was 88F. The load of fertilizer and grass seed was going to be a pain in the ass as a few of the pallets had shifted and they would need to be re-stacked. Getting the first 3 pallets off was easy, I then started fixing the screwed-up pallets. The back...

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LongshotChapter 3

After a decade of daily travel Zuri and I were intimate with every bank and island of the river. Our bare feet had trod its thirty-kilometer circumference multiple times, leaving both of us aching to adventure farther. Finally yielding to our demands, Mother led us along an antispinward stream feeding the ringriver, heading towards the bow. The air was cool, carried on a low headwind that pushed constantly against my face, pebbling my skin with gooseflesh. Crisp, dry brown foliage snapped...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 171

Jenny and I did out secret task again Saturday and Sunday night. I noticed when I got dressed early that there was a several empty packs of Captains wafers crackers on the night stand on Jenny's side of the bed. Mark, Robert Bradberry and I flew out of the airport at 8 AM on Tuesday to Salem Regional airport. We had a 10 AM meeting with Mr. Tawes to design and give them a bid on a security system. After our meeting with Tri County we were flying to FSU to approve the temporary offices and...

9 months ago
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LongshotChapter 6

“You are homo liberas. You will never grow sick, never wither or fade.” Standing on the cliff face, skin gleaming in the mist of the waterfall that thundered over the lip of dark brown rock at our feet, the words of our mother had the cadence of a rite. It was the morning of our fourteenth birthday. We had arrived at the falls after walking most of the night, reaching the top just as the lightline began to glow into dawn. The higher elevation of the upper summerland plains dropped...

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GoddessChapter 10 Tuolumne Meadows

I TOOK OVER DRIVING AFTER lunch. Oscar wanted his turn, but in his post-frolic with Mrs. D and post-tuna sandwich stupor he didn't put up much of a fight. Hebe took shotgun, and Oscar tilted the vehicle a little as he settled into the right rear passenger seat. He turned to Persephone and kissed her. "Hey, Persephone." Persephone edged a little away from him, just enough to signal, "Don't touch." "Hey, yourself, big guy." Oscar got the message. It didn't stop him from looking...

2 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 31 Dark Intent

Calix opened his eyes, the soft hum of the sleep-trainer fading. He twisted up to a sitting position slightly annoyed. He’d been excited when he’d seen the ‘Faster Than Light’ topic but it wasn’t what he’d hoped. There were interesting parts, but it didn’t touch on the FTL theory or any details on how the Confederacy vessels effected FTL. The training had given hints and snippets but no hard data. He felt like he had been promised a steak dinner and someone had ground it into hamburger. It...

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Rubber Dicky I Love YouChapter 4

Brandy returned to her room. She was feeling what she now recognized was horniness. She hadn't wanted to ask her father to lick her or put his finger in her, but she needed something. As she finished pouring the latex into the mold she had just made her gaze fell to the two positive molds she already had. She picked up Bobby's and admired it's smooth texture. "I bet that would feel good going in and out of me." she thought. Brandy blinked. She'd never thought of having a penis inside...

6 months ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 7

"All right, all right," said Kevin relaxing on the sofa of his apartment. He had just listened to the entire tape documenting not only the first day when Eric and Tammy had met, but each day thereafter concluding with yesterday afternoon when Eric had again partaken of the housewife whose orgasms had grown more intense and more vocal. On the last tape the attractive young housewife was shouting "I'm cumming!" "Fuck me Eric, fuck me!" and "Breed me Eric! Knock up your little blonde...

3 months ago
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The MissionChapter 3

"Do you still miss them Sergeant Mick?" Kat asked. Katrinka was sitting next to me in the back of the Gamagoat sharing dinner. Kat had come to us a couple months ago, the day I found out that my wife and daughter had been killed in the bombing of Boston. It was also just before the best mission we had ever done, and we considered her to be a lucky charm. She had shown up in a tattered and torn blouse and skirt with ratty sandals on her feet. Now she had a full set of BDU's, to include...

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Gifted Book 3 IntentChapter 16 Solutions

So where was Vincent’s honeymoon? Would you believe that they went home? On one of their shopping expeditions a week before the wedding. Ulani found a small flock of eight Uno’s with fleece that shone like silver. The man selling them said that while their fleece was pretty, it was almost impossible to get it to form a thread. Plus, he didn’t have a boar to service them as the boar he’d purchased died on the trip here, and none of the ewes was pregnant. He’d tried two other boars that were...

11 months ago
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The British Sea WarChapter 7

HMS Tenacious Goes to War It had been a wet Autumn, and true to form, the heavens opened just as Lieutenant Commander Mike Smith DSO, the newly appointed Captain of the "T" Class submarine HMS Tenacious, was having his first coffee of the day, in the wardroom at the Royal Naval Barracks at Devonport. Once again, it had been a noisy night with another raid on the dockyard. All the warships that were in Devonport, had added their weight to the anti-aircraft barrage, but as usual it was...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 314

When I heard the knock at the rear door, I checked the security camera. Standing at my door were both Sylvia and Peter. I could also see his car parked in front of mine in the wide alley. He had obviously driven Sylvia into work. Since they had left work separately yesterday, there had to be a story in that. The time stamp on the computer set their arrival time ad 7:52. At least they were on time. I also noted that Sylvia had a plain brown bag, the kind mothers used to pack their kid's...

1 year ago
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The LotteryChapter 62

Marge woke up before the alarm sounded, climbed out of bed, and went into the bathroom. She was washing her hands when Don walked in and stood in front of the toilet. Marge reached for her husband's penis and held it as he urinated into the bowl, shaking it gently when he finished. "Is everyone still sleeping?" Marge asked, still holding his penis. "Yes, I think so," Don replied grinning. "Why do you ask?" "I thought I'd have a little breakfast." "You did huh... what did you...

1 year ago
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Whatever It TakesChapter 18

Bill Bowman had found us a pretty upscale motel for our indefinite stay in the Tampa-St. Petersburg area. The view of Tampa Bay was gorgeous, and the appointments in the room were half a dozen cuts above what I had been accustomed to during my stint with the American Association's Saints. I must admit that some of the hotels the Naranjeros had frequented on the road hadn't been half bad! While in Mexico, I had expected the usual Motel 6 - equivalents that I had known so well throughout my...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact Ghost of ParisChapter 8 Public Transportation

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 – Paris, Texas I had just made a pact with Astarte, giving her Darleen Cummins—the mayor's gorgeous, sixteen-year-old daughter—to possess for the night in exchange for unlimited sexual stamina, and now my pecker ached painfully. I had the worst case of blue balls I had ever felt in my life; I had to, needed to, find someone to stick my cock in and take the pressure off my nuts before they ruptured. I stumbled into the alley, leaving behind the parking lot...

4 months ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 82

Laura arrived at seven on the nose and found the delicious Camille wearing a white evening dress that dipped between her large jutting breasts, showing off her exquisite smooth upper chest and sculptured clavicles, as well as her beautiful golden neck. She was even more breathtaking than Laura remembered her from the restaurant. Her waist was tiny, and her soft brown Chinesey eyes alluring. Laura could feel her pulse accelerate. Camille let her in, then made a charming moue. "Rob got...

10 months ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 85

The time with Brandi almost seemed like a dream to Laura, for as soon as the airplane hit the ground in San Francisco, she was suddenly consumed by thoughts of Sholandra. What they had begun so excitedly had been quickly interrupted by Sholandra's period, brought on partly by their frantic fucking, and her own business trip, during which she and Brandi had again tried to fuck one another into the hospital. She got home to three answering machine messages from Sholandra. "God, I know...

6 months ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 192 More About Memories

Sunday, May 8, 2005 Sunday morning I got up to study as usual, remembering not to use a light blob to light my way. I started with some memory sharing tests, and found it even easier than the last time I'd tested it. It took no noticeable effort, either for the "retriever" or the "sender". (Sending memories was so easy now - requiring nothing more than being willing - that at this time we started referring to the two participants as the "retriever" and "owner". "Sender" wasn't...

3 years ago
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Mind Over MatterChapter 4

Peter was relaxing naked on the floor of an apartment he had never been in before this afternoon. He had one hand behind his head as a cussion and the other was gently fondling the firm ass of one of the naked girls lying next to him. He was wondering what was next now. He had found out how powerful and direct his abilities to control peoples minds could be and that the results could be very entertaining. However, apperently his subjects were aware that something was going on. While they...

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Crosswinds 2 Dark CurrentsChapter 5

10 YEARS AGO - Diana pressed her hopeful face against the window as she watched the driveway. She grew unsure of how long she sat in the same position in her room, curled in a ball on the window seat. “MOM!” Out of frustration, she bellowed. “I thought you said Jenny was coming over!” When she didn’t receive a response, Diana hopped off the seat and dashed through the door, ripping down the stairs, two-at-a-time before jumping down the last four. “MOM!” She screamed...

2 years ago
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Patrick and RachelChapter 3

My monthly visitor came just before Christmas. I called Pat to tell him. Then I spoke to my mother about the next week. "I know you're scared but I also know when it's over you will never have felt better in your life. Rachel. Dear Rachel. You and Pat have known each other all your lives. You've told people that you were together since you were three and four. Has Pat ever hurt you? Have you hurt him?" I shook my head. "Do you know this Japanese story?" A young man of Matsue was...

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Foster HomeChapter 5

It was Caryn's eighteenth birthday and Mike had a special celebration in mind. He had an engagement ring in a little black box that he planned to give her over dinner at Maxwell's, known for the romantic atmosphere as well as the fine food. When he had called to make the reservation, the maitre d' had offered a special dessert, one that the restaurant apparently made often. The ring would be in a special cradle on the dessert, made to look like a black velvet box, but it was actually...

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Zombie Leza10 Sleeping Like the Dead

Jefferson swatted a branch from his face. He and the other living men trailed Leza, but mainly for protection. Instead of leading her horde, she followed them like she did by her home. The zombies led and appeared to be the only ones aware of where they were going. The men understood they stood a better chance with Leza running interference if they screwed up, so they didn’t wander far, but their curiosity was piqued. It was early evening, and after marching for hours the dappled sunlight...

1 year ago
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Bless Me Father for I Have SinnedChapter 3 Fulfilment The end of a journey

In the months since Michael had moved in, Defor had grown from an adolescent puppy into a fully-grown tub of lard. His liking for doing nothing at all and then sleeping like he had run a marathon after, was taking a toll on his weight. Labrador's are not noted for there boundless energy, being more like a mobile fur rug most of the time, but Defor was a prize couch potato. The weight gain was beginning to cause some concern. Breathing for the dog had become laboured where fat restricted the...

10 months ago
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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 24

Thursday evening--Dee and Aaron. Rick, Frank, and Aaron stretched as they walked up the steps to the Sigma Lambda Tau house. It felt great to all three of the guys to be back at their campus home. Although it had been quite entertaining to enjoy the company of the three older women for whom they had been intended for their engagement, all three men felt they needed a break--even from sex--in order to get back into the normal swing of things here at Middlebury. Irina Mirkova met them and...

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MaquisChapter 8

Leicester. October the same year. When all the doors were finally locked, and all the staff ushered gently into the main hall, the chairman of the meeting stood up and tapped lightly with his wooden gavel on the table. The nearly three hundred representatives of the various Royal British Legion clubs for the whole of the East Midlands stopped their chatting and settled down. “Ladies and Gentlemen,” began Alan Glazer from the dais, “thank you all so very much for joining us here. I know it...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 334

The kids came into Jen's conference room ten minute later. Sylvia was proving to be very good at what she did. There were two Hart children, a son and a daughter. Since I never planned to see them again, I didn't save their names to memory. "We have decided to accept your offer to purchase the mill houses." The boy said. It was in his voice, even he didn't think much of the property. I had the conversion estimate for the houses in my hands. It had been submitted by 'His Laboring Few'...