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Jokes and GigglesChapter 157

A group of friends used to get together on a regular basis, socialize, and play games. The lady of the house was to prepare the meal. When it came time for Al and Jean to be the hosts, Jean wanted to outdo all the others. She decided to have mushroom-smothered steak, but mushrooms are expensive. She then told her husband, "No mushrooms. They are too high." He said, "Why don't you go down in the pasture and pick some of those mushrooms? There are plenty in the creek bed." She said,...

7 months ago
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To Walk the ConstellationsChapter 4

In the chill of the barracks, there was warmth that could only be found in the embrace of another. Thale had learned that in the early days, when he had been brutalized by a training regime focused on determining his talents. He could still remember the day that everything changed. He had been a child - maybe twelve, thirteen cycles. The training master, a Knight by the name of Rentaro, had been putting the newest penitents through a device called the Grinder. The Grinder was less of a...

2 years ago
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Disappearing DreamsChapter 5

Stephanie had slept quite well that night. She was down for breakfast early Saturday morning, bright and cheery, and in a better mood than she had been in weeks. Everyone noticed the change. "My! My!" her mother commented. "Someone is in good spirits this morning. What's the occasion?" "Nothing special, Mom. I just slept well last night and really feel pretty good this morning." "How's this new boy you've been dating?" "He's fine, Mom. It was only our first date. He's smart,...

9 months ago
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Wired for Sound and Vision

I waited until they had all sat down at the table with their coffee before I called my wife’s cell. “It’s your father!” She touched the screen. “Hello dear, how are you this fine morning? I’ve got you on speaker so the girls can hear you too.” “Great, thank you, Cynthia. Actually, never been better. Good morning to you, Susan and Helen. Susan, will you please go collect the three envelopes just inside the apartment door?” My elder daughter looked mystified; even more so when she saw the...

5 months ago
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Linda and MeganChapter 4

"Boy, you sure do squirt a lot of stuff, Unka D," Linda said as we reclined in the chair. "And you taste a lot different than everyone else. It's kinda like the bread Mama makes when we have sketti. I think it's called garlic bread." "Well, I do eat a lot of garlic, so that's probably why you tasted that." "It tastes really good. But you squirt so much and the first squirt almost went down my throat without me swallowin' at all. It really came out strong." "That's probably...

1 year ago
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The Condo SwappersChapter 6

Ann Marshall strolled into the employment office and took a seat with the other applicants. The atmosphere appeared gloomy as sad and depressed looking people awaited their turn to be interviewed. She tried to look cheerful, hoping it would make her standout among the others, giving her a better chance to get a job. One by one, they took their turns with the interviewers. Some departed happy, successful in their attempt to gain employment, while others left, dejected. Finally it was her...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 1 DisplacementChapter 16

After making their way to the address in question they noticed that there was a light coming from what looked to be a cellar door. As they opened the door they saw there was a lantern lit by the door but the others close by it were out. But a few feet after those the rest were lit again. Marie said she was going first, and they followed her down a narrow passageway that seemed to go down for about two stories then leveled out. As they leveled out they realized that they were headed to a...

2 years ago
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Taylors Growing UpChapter 5

"Does Tommy know you've seen him?" "No way! I'm sure he has no idea." "That is pretty wild, Taylor. I mean, he's your brother, you know?" "I know. But I really wanted to see how a real guy played with it." "Holy shit, Taylor. You reallywatched Tommy jerk off? Tommy? You are too much!" "Yes, I really did. Now um ... can I see how you do it, Jack?" "Really?" "Yeah. Would you do that for me?" "Sure, I guess so." Jack took a step back, then brought his hand to his...

2 years ago
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Axiom Chapter 6

Rebirth. So oft talked about, so very celebrated in movies and literature. To be pushed again through that amnion and expectorated into life, refreshed and renewed. Was that what he was hoping for? That fateful night where seconds ticked by in acrid droplets that burned through the membranes of his memory. The one where his persona - that richly cerebral being, all logic and computations and calculations, cracked open like a chrysalis that ached to metamorphose. Rebirth? Was this rebirth,...

2 years ago
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Stuck on ChaosChapter 10

Liven Meaning: brighten up, cheer up, enliven, animate, raise someone’s spirits, perk up, spice up, make lively, wake up, invigorate, revive, refresh, vivify, galvanize, stimulate, stir up. get going. Me thinks I should have chosen another word ... except for stir up. All those other words found in a dictionary signify making things better ... except stir up. I’ve seen what happens when eggs are stirred up. Ain’t nobody going to make that right with the egg. I suppose make lively might be...

3 months ago
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CruisingChapter 7

We spent the day idling along. There were a few islands visible here and there, the Bahamas I think, and a couple of ships in the distance. I kicked back and relaxed. Over breakfast I'd gotten permission to stay out later than normal; I'd be 'dancing' at the club. I think 'last-night' nostalgia overtook my folks. When I asked, they readily agreed, and my heart sang. I'd be 'dancing' all right, the two-person tango. I made a point of going through the picture gallery. I found the one...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 9

Mankato's (Robert's) awakening: I awoke next to the woman who had rescued me. From the size of the Talent that I could feel and the amount of Magic energy surrounding her, one would assume that she was a woman of large proportions and stature. In fact, the woman next to me was short with large breasts and a slim but very female figure. In her sleep, her breasts rose and fell rhythmically, and I watched them joyfully for a considerable period of time. At last she awoke and sat up. "How...

1 year ago
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Hands of a HealerChapter 3 Learning to Heal

One of the patients that Grant had literally fallen in love with was a beautiful little nine year old named Melissa. She was strickened with cancer and was going through all the different treatments that her young body could withstand but she didn't let it get her down. She was always bubbling over with laughter, talking with all the other children and so full of life at every visit. It was hard to keep her in her bed as she always ran to greet him when he visited. A big hug and a kiss on...

2 years ago
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CatamountChapter 4

The darkness slowly receded and the oddly familiar jumble of conduits and beams coalesced into something real. Ross wondered briefly what it could be, and then it hit him. He was seeing the ceiling above his bunk aboard the Eudoxus. "What the hell?" he said aloud — well tried to say. It sounded more like 'uhangghh?' He groaned at the effort and sat up, fumbling in the dark for the squeeze bottle he usually kept on the table next to the bunk. His hand found it while his eyes were still...

1 month ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 16 The Visitors

Ryan summoned one of the four seat air cars and it had just landed when Amanda returned. Neona and Amanda took seats and the air car rose. When they were safely on deck, the air car returned to the ground for Ryan, Erika, and Summer. Neona gave Amanda a tour of the AC, which would not have taken as long, if Amanda had not asked numerous questions, but Neona laughed and answered each one. Amanda looked around her with wide-eyed pleasure and excitement. At last, Neona crawled on the bed and...

2 years ago
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The Palpable ProsecutorChapter 22

Jody said she’d work on getting the papers filed right away, but had no idea how long it would take the wheels of Columbia County government to turn, so she told Lacey to go home and just do what she normally did. Lacey was dead tired when she saw Bob waiting for her in the arrival’s area and dozed off while she was telling him what she and Jody had cooked up. She woke up as he half carried her into the brownstone, but then conked out, sleeping late the next morning, which was a...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 216

So I mashed in the Colonel's run. I put in 15pounds of corn and all the stalks I had left after I ground them. Then I added the yeast and let it begin to work off. For two weeks I made myself seen around town. I talked to a few people I knew and who could help me, if I decided to run for Sheriff if couldn't hurt to have their advice. The advice was all the same, try to turn your negatives into positives, admit to everything, and make a joke of it. The Colonel Martin Mash was working and it...

1 year ago
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Seduction of AmyChapter 15

John looked around the nightclub as he sat at the table waiting for Thomas and Amy to come back from the dance floor. He and Amy had been there many times and always enjoyed the service and the light dance music that the band played. Amy had thought it would be a good place for them to start their night. The soft music soothed John's nervousness. It had been a week since he had watched Thomas make love to his wife. It still seemed like a dream. Yet there they were, holding each other and...

2 years ago
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Of Honor and BetrayalChapter 6

The first two weeks of August 1260 were hectic as we made final preparations. Polish and Teutonic troops poured into the city, filling the temporary camps we had erected for them. Our ships would all be in port by August 15. The undercurrent of excitement had grown steadily and the sight of one particular ship in the harbor, escorted by five of our patrol boats brought nearly everyone to the harbor. Pope Alexander IV waved to the gathered throng from the deck of his ship, then debarked and...

1 month ago
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In FluxChapter 4

Joanie kept her word, there were no further incidents. After that night, everything went smoothly. So smoothly, in fact, that Mike began to wonder if there wasn’t something wrong, but he couldn’t see what it was. His attorney assured him the information he’d given her was valuable. It gave them leverage if Joanie decided to renege on the original agreement. She told him that her talks with Joanie’s attorney had gone well, but was quick to point out that many of her fellow lawyers liked to...

1 year ago
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Anxious Alicia Chapter 11

The next morning I was so tired, but I still managed to do my hair and makeup right. When I got to school I headed to the teachers’ lounge for a much needed coffee. Then one of the few male teachers Colin said, “I heard you sucked off a student.” “Ummmm yes, I did.” I said giving him a ‘stay away from me’ look. I never liked Colin, he was always leering at me. Then Diane came in. “What the Hell! I heard a teacher was naked, but you? Girl, I wish I had the guts to do what you are doing.” I...

6 months ago
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Diamonds in the RoughChapter 5

Curled up on the back porch eyes closed, Major enjoyed the warmth of the afternoon sun. Ears twitched at a very faint rustle, SNAP! In a flash the canine's long legs propelled him swiftly towards the huge silver maple, the squirrel wise to the dog's tricks quickly ascended the tree chittering at the hapless dog. Major his jaws snapping jumped up the tree and loudly protested the angry rodent's presence in 'his' domain. The squirrel climbed higher up into the branches. He looked down and...

9 months ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 6

A reconnaissance flyover toward Tallahassee produced a startling result. There was what appeared to be a new pyramidal spaceship under construction! Judging from its appearance in the recon photos, it was only about 10% complete. The wasps could be seen working on it oblivious to the presence of human soldiers less than 100 miles away. The question was immediately raised: should they try to stop construction on the pyramid or should they allow construction to continue in hope of capturing it...

7 months ago
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Granite GiantChapter 3 Now What

I had a sick feeling that I had made a very dumb move. I had thrown away twenty-two years of work and experience and loyalty in a fit of pique over a stupid comment from a stupid man. It didn't matter that I was right and justified, it was the consequences of my actions I had to answer for. I had two children ... well ... young adults ... for whom I was responsible. That and a mortgage and a number of other debts. How the hell was I going to pay for them? Should I eat crow and beg for my...

1 year ago
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AwakeningsChapter 3

The doctor was healing with the help of Natasha and a few others. The leader hadn't been pleased at all. It seemed now that with the loss of one of their top seers and eliminators, the leader was going to get personally involved. The doctor still couldn't believe that little shit Tahir; after all he had done for him. To turn on him like that, breaking his arms and legs, the leader walked in moments later. "I am sending someone there to take care of him. He may be powerful but I doubt he...

10 months ago
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Brother Cucks Brother or Does HeChapter 4 2008 Miami

I quickly settled into my new life in Miami. There was no choice. We had a million things to do and my partner and I each worked more than one hundred hours a week for the next six months. And we got lucky. Hey, we didn't become millionaires or anything overnight but within months we knew it was going to work. That it might take some time but we'd found a little Internet niche that could make us some money. And if we played our cards right, if we worked our tails off, that we just might...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 20 Meal Before Training

The next two days were spent playing games and being dragged to the bedroom. Some sleep was included, but somehow the girls managed to sleep in shifts and it seemed there was always someone awake who wanted to game or chat. Aine unsurprisingly did poorly in the games. At first I wondered if the others were deliberately trying to prevent her from winning, but in one game I noticed that Ashley and Miki were trying to subtly throw the match and give Aine the victory. Unfortunately, the red...

8 months ago
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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 17

Arrian sat outside his home, sitting on the front steps. It was a cold night three days before the tournament. He was feeling sad; he had agreed to give Sam her space, but it was hard for him. He did love her, but he couldn't give her what she wanted. Easier said than done. He had kept his wind checking on her during lunch hour, just to be sure she was okay. His wind! That idea still seemed a bit foreign to him. At times he couldn't believe he had powers, other times he was grateful for...

11 months ago
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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 25 Jonathon

Jackie was shaking in my arms. I let her go so we didn't get in trouble for violating the stupid PDA rules, rules that didn't make any sense to me. It was okay to fondle and touch someone in The Program, but no hugging or kissing? Go figure. "What are you talking about? Why would I be mad at you, Baby?" I said. Jackie furrowed her brow. "Because I asked if we could pick other people for relief." "Why would that make me mad? We agreed anything was okay as long as it was something...

7 months ago
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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 17 Militarymdashan Interlude

“Your bed’s a mess, Lingam. Get things straightened.” “What? Give me a break. It’s Saturday.” “No excuse. Everything needs to be in order so we can leave for the week. If Cap comes by for a surprise inspection, I don’t want my leave canceled.” Donnie Defoe stood ramrod straight in his uniform, like he did every morning at 0600. His shoes were shined, his bed was made, his locker was closed. Everything was perfect. His friend and roommate, Richard Lingam, was just the opposite. He’d live...

2 years ago
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Keeping My Sister in LineChapter 6

(As Told by Teddy Reddick) That night my father demonstrated how to inspect my sister. It wasn’t the complete inspection that he did to my mother, but I touched nipples, asshole, and pussy with my fingers. My sister had to lick my fingers clean between each attempt. I nearly jizzed my pants the moment her wet mouth engulfed my dirty finger, and I am pretty sure everyone noticed my stunned reaction. He explained and demonstrated how to use the essential whips, paddles, and floggers that were...

6 months ago
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An ClochnChapter 73

Sarah’s and Siobhan’s Clans watched the shuttle carrying the children and their visitors depart for Dóchas. The two clans walked back to Phoenix’s bridge sharing the observations they had made during the dinner with Blee, Winz, Maz, and Jar. Their visitors had shown no reluctance in talking about their families and what life was like in the Oreschre World. At the same time they were quite interested in what life was like in the Órarduine World which led to them making numerous...

2 years ago
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AllisonChapter 3

That afternoon she drove to the USC campus and met Charley Conrad who was waiting for her at the parking lot. As they walked towards the school he said, "Ali, you've already established a first: This is the first time since I've been here — and maybe the first time in history — a featured speaker arrived on time. In fact, precisely on time. Thank you for coming and for your courtesy to us by being so prompt." When he took her to a large lecture hall in the law school, she was surprised...

1 year ago
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Futas Wild PassionChapter 19 Futa Dates the Lesbian

I was so excited for my date with Wendy. Allie helped me choose my clothes. My sister-girlfriend was having fun choosing the perfect outfit for me to wear on my date with my “official” girlfriend. That amused my younger sister to no end. “This is perfect,” Allie had declared when she saw me wearing a pair of knee-high socks (Allie insisted on them), her favorite pair of panties I owned, a black skirt with pleats that fell around my thighs, and a maroon blouse that had a round neckline. I had...

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VeronicaChapter 16

Veronica moved her king's pawn to start with, and the old man responded in kind. So far so good, she thought, as she brought up her queen's pawn to be next to the other piece. What would he do now? Again, a reciprocal move. She felt the sweat begin to pour off her and her heart rate increase. "For heaven's sake, calm down, Veronica" she told herself. After all it was only a game and she didn't need the money anyway - not a resourceful girl like her. All day, this thought had been...

2 months ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 153

Monday did go smoothly with lots of odds and ends coming together. Patti did find 10 of the old manikins at the department store that had been closed for so many years. I sent the maintenance guys to pick them up. The owner wanted cash so I took it out of my pocket. There was no way with the accounting system in place here to get cash. If he would give the maintenance guys a receipt I could add it to the expense account for this project. The rest of the week and next week were going to be...

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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 32 Joy and Pain

The marquee had filled for the wedding. Dudley and Harry were standing before the wizard who would perform the ceremony. As the bride processed down the aisle on her Father's arm Luna was radiantly beautiful. Behind her came Petunia and the two matrons of honour Ginny and Hermione. As she reached Dudley's side he took her hand in his and gave her a reassuring smile. "You are truly beautiful" He whispered to her as she looked over at him and smiled, As he said this she felt his hand...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 4

His cock was buried as far as it would go into her hot, moist flesh. Lisa trembled in ecstasy at the thought of what her brutal, loving companion was going to do next. "Are you ready, my darling?" Vlad asked as he pushed away so their torsos were no longer touching except where they were sexually connected. Lisa nodded, breathing excitedly. Her eyes lit up at the blade that suddenly just seemed to appear in his hand. "You're the first man I've ever known who can do that," she...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 38 Another Addition to the Extended Family

November 11, 1990, Chicago, Illinois My wives and I were lying in bed early on Sunday morning. “Abbie asked me if she could have you on Sunday nights, you know, like Elyse has you on Tuesdays,” Jessica said. “What do you think?” “I think it’s up to you,” I said. “But I’m guessing that wouldn’t start until you get pregnant.” “Nobody gets you but me starting Friday. Well, Kara does, but you know what I mean!” “I do.” “As for Abbie, I think it’s OK, Tiger. Once we agreed she could be part...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 47 Out With the Old In With the New Part II

December 31, 1990, Chicago, Illinois I chuckled, “I’m glad you didn’t ask for that ‘up against the wall’, because I don’t have any Galliano!” “I’m impressed,” Leslie said. “Most people don’t know that one!” I mixed her drink, handed it to her, and then poured myself a couple of ounces of Maker’s Mark bourbon. We clinked our glasses together and each sipped from our glass. “Damn, this is good!” she said. “Top shelf vodka and freshly squeezed orange juice are a necessity. I can’t do much...

3 months ago
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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 3 Promotion

Dave made the rounds over the next three days as the opportunity presented itself for him to see every Circle member and affiliate. The question he asked was, ‘What do you think of Dale and Susan Harnett becoming Circle members?’ The response was uniform and enthusiastic, ‘Oh, yes. I’ve been treating them as though they were members, but certainly. They belong with us.’ When Dave had talked to everybody, he suggested to Dale that he and Susan stay over to the following Tuesday before...

1 year ago
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An ClochnChapter 79

It was the 22nd clock cycle of their trip when Lanoize’s Atewa Task Group and Dóchas exited FTL near Atewa 5th Fleet Headquarters. Sarah’s Clan listened as Captain Laonize on AHCD47 contacted System Control to identify the group. After an acknowledgment there was a delay of several minutes before they responded again, “AHCD47, our system indicates that you are not scheduled to arrive for another two days.” “That was our projected ETA. Is that a problem?” “Not that we are aware of, it is...

2 months ago
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Intended AttractionChapter 2

“Well that was a good decision on my part.” Hanna said, her voice smug and filled with satisfaction. She was laying on her stomach looking at me while kicking her heels idly in the air. Hanna still hadn’t bothered to put any clothes back on and I was enjoying all of the tanned and smooth skin on display. My guest seemed completely indifferent to her nudity - either in regards to modesty or to using the charms of her body to entice me - she didn’t care. We’d had sex and we’d both enjoyed it;...

1 year ago
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Into It Book 2Chapter 2

They followed us out trailed by a grinning Marianne. Both of them were shocked at the interior and even more so when they heard the motor's purr. On the way back, my father said, "Your grandfather never painted that truck to make a point with us. I'm sorry he died before we caught on. However, you can paint it now, Brad. We get it." I nodded. My grandfather had told me that I would know when to paint it. We returned to the den and talked for most of an hour. My parents took turns being...

11 months ago
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Martha Space MadamChapter 21 Madam

The first person to sleep in the New House of Joy was Martha about three weeks later. Until then she had spent most of her time working hard on getting it ready, while staying at Kate's house, usually alone. Interspersed in this were four heavenly nights spent in pure sexual frenzy with Hugo at his house, but she had never felt at home there. It had an odd feeling, almost like an hotel, where you could stay and you could eat and you could fuck as much as you like but it was never more than a...

6 months ago
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Its Not the Size That CountsChapter 5

I have always loved chocolate. It's probably my favorite food ever. I'm fairly sure that I could happily exist on nothing but chocolate, for weeks. I'd probably die young, but I'd die happy. Steven had figured this out early on in our relationship; I'd had chocolate cheese cake at dinner one evening, and just about had an orgasm in the restaurant while slowly savouring each bite. It had been a constant source of teasing since then; he would wonder out loud whether I was a chocosexual....

7 months ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 14 Frustration Creates Opportunities

"I know you guys are keeping the pain receptors turned off during my questioning, but are there any problems with maintaining the status quo? I ask because I am starting to feel some of the pain," Tim whispered to himself while he held a pillow over his own face in a mock effort to fall asleep. "All efforts to minimize, and even counteract, the effects of the enhanced interrogation techniques are within their limits, and all nanites are performing at optimum levels. If you are, in fact,...

2 years ago
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RebelChapter 59 Grace

It took me a while to figure out that the big, young woman with the long legs and wild hair was in charge of the place and that the man I mistook for the inn-keeper was just one of her employees. She was well past being sturdy, nearly six feet high in her thick-heeled boots and easily twelve stone. She wore plain, country clothes with no decoration and her full, firm body moved freely beneath them like some sort of caged animal. She had heavy thighs, wide hips and full breasts, a firm jaw and...

2 years ago
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Family SecretChapter 7

"But it's all right, darling," Vicky cooed, holding Kevin against her. "I w-w-was so excited, it just went off!" "Don't you see! If it hadn't happened like this, we'd never have known about that rubber." Vicky was lying on her side, facing her young lover. His cock was still frothing a little, the thick curds oozing from the slit in the tip of the condom. There were bright smears of jizz across her belly and thighs. She dipped a finger into one shining droplet and put it under her...

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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 5 Jumpin Jack Flash

NIS Day 2 – Afternoon - Medway High School 12:55pm, Tuesday, October, 30, 1979 I tucked my hands under my butt to help me physically resist the urge to push Tempe’s mouth deeper onto my cock as she suctioned it between her lips. Tempe’s long blonde hair semi-hid a close-up viewing of her mouth’s bobbing over my cockhead. However, any of the art students watching us knew exactly what my partner was doing to me on the art studio’s bed. “Tempe-Tempe! Oh! Gaawwdddd! Girl! ... You better pull...

4 months ago
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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 5

Elaine, Marla and Annalisa watched joyously as the inner doors to the gigantic vacuum chamber swung open to admit the very first spaceship ever to come from Earth. They had flown straight up for several miles in order to view this momentous first entry. It had been an easy flight in the null gravity above Northern Depot. Although the enormous space doors opened quite rapidly, the winged girls were so far away that the entrance seemed to be opening inch by laborious inch, creeping wider and...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 206

Shortly after Jeff entered the bridge, sat on the left command couch and became one with the Ship's vast mind, Arlene slipped into the second couch. After waiting a moment for her to settle in, "So, to what do I owe this honor?" Jeff sent to his daughter via the Ship's mind. "That's ... eerie," she responded in kind. "But much faster than speech," he returned. "Besides, a ship's Master and his Number One should be able to speak privately to each other, right?" "My sister-wives...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 48

Adam decided there was something about the bus that caused people to call him. For the third time in three days, his phone rang shortly after he sat down. This time it was Melody Schott. "I spoke with Karlie Chandler, Jenny Cinnamon," Melody said. "How does Saturday about 4 work for you?" "Fine, I think," Adam said. "Let me check with my social secretary. I sometimes don't know until the last minute what they have planned for me." He turned to Shelly as Melody laughed. "Can I...

1 year ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 11

The Monday early morning swimming practice session was shorter than the previous week's practices; the coach was fairly pleased with the team's performance on Friday so he had the team doing straight laps, skipping the drills. "I want you to work on endurance today," he told the team, "so stick with one stroke and do ten laps; then go to your next stroke. We'll do an hour of laps today. Later in the week we'll need to work on our early start problem," he told them. After practice,...

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Green Berets for the Sexual RevolutionChapter 2

At the club, Carol, with many gentle touches, stood. "Let's go to the dressing room so I can get changed for the street. Yes, you're welcome in the main dressing room, after I stick in my head and check to see everyone's either minimally decent, or simply won't mind if one of my friends sees them in whatever." We touched fingers and left the booth. She had us stop at Aimee's booth. "Aimee, I'm heading out for the night. You've got plenty of girls. We'll talk in the...

5 months ago
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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 1

Eliannai stepped up behind the Science Officer and gently wrapped her fingers around his arm. For a moment, they both gazed at the dying body of their captain, also the Science Officer’s life-mate. “Sibilius,” the dead Seeker whispered into his ear. Turning his head, Sibilius jerked back for an instant as he recognized the now deceased First Officer. “You’re dead!” he informed her, his voice sounding quite dramatic. “Only bodies die, Father,” Eliannai replied, bringing his ancient mind...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 224

Brenda stayed with Angel until the young woman had taken a quick shower, brushed her teeth and put on the pajamas the Matthews had left for her. "Wow, you look sexy in those," Brenda said with a grin. "Motherrrr," Angel said, drawing out the word, but she couldn't hold back a giggle. "Well, you do." A few minutes later, with Angel in bed, Brenda leaned over and kissed her daughter on the cheek, the young woman smiling up at her mother. "I feel like a little girl again with you...

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The DonaldsonsChapter 5

“Cousin Lily!” “Cousin Mike!” “Cousin Lily!” “Cousin Tripp!” “Cousin Lily?” Melinda said feeling faint. She had a feeling that she knew what the next subject of conversation was going to be. “Did I mention that it is a very large family,” Jim said feeling sick to his stomach. Smiling at Mike, Lily said, “When your girlfriend was trying to make a reservation here, I had to cancel a reservation to fit you in.” “Who did you cancel?” Mike asked out of general curiosity. “The Governor,”...

4 months ago
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Swms 5 Accidental IncestChapter 3 Truth or Consequences

"Alright, let's go." I said. The two of us headed up the stairs to the attic, to find out that it was finished like our rec-room. Instead of a couch there was a queen sized bed. There was a TV with an old VCR and a bookshelf lined with tapes with dates for labels. I walked over to the bookshelf to examine the tapes while Emma went to the bed to examine the nightstand. The nightstand had a photo album on it. The tapes were dated from 10 months before our birth up until just shortly after...

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DestinyChapter 15

When the night of the ball arrived, Dad had arranged for Tyler to drive them. He said that he planned to have drinks and wine with dinner. Since they wouldn't be out late, it wouldn't be much of an inconvenience for Tyler. From his description of it, I think Tyler considered it to be an honor. I decided to ride with them to the hotel and then let Tyler get up and retrieve them when the time came. I helped Mom get dressed in her new gown, elegant with side splits, and glorious cleavage. She...

6 months ago
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MY LAST OFFICIAL CLASSES of the term at SCU were Friday. My anatomy exam was coming up on Monday and reading on Tuesday. Since I’d just met with Clarice at the studio yesterday, we didn’t get together on Friday. Instead I met Rio for a couple of hours before class and we read each other’s final papers. She was really good at this. Lissa didn’t want to practice today because she wanted as much time with the boys as she could get before she took them back to Jack’s so she could get ready to...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 80 Three Exciting Weeks Part III

December, 1983, Chicago, Illinois Katy’s request was clear and I’d come too far now to deny her what she wanted. My room was too far away but the guest rooms were right next door. I let go of Katy and she stood up. I pressed the switch to turn off the water jets, then got up and helped her step out of the tub and led her to the guest room. We embraced and our lips met again. Katy broke the kiss and quickly lay on the bed. “I need you, Steve!” she hissed. She spread her legs, welcoming me...

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The OutsiderChapter 4

“We need to set aside some time to talk this evening,” Jenny told Brock Wednesday morning before school. Brock was instantly worried. He had been thinking the exact same thing. It was time for Jenny to know the truth. But maybe she already did. That would be terrible. He was also worried about how far his hands had roamed the night before. He and Jenny had been making out pretty heavily and before he could stop himself Brock had slid his hands up Jenny’s shirt and cupped her bra-clad...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 8

“A power drill?” Tanya asked, trying to twist her head around from her upside down hanging position. “Ooo, le kinky!” “I got the idea while watching an old Tri-d remake of ‘Body Double’. When the guy butchered his wife, I immediately thought of you.” “How sweet,” Tanya murmured. “And this net you had laid out for me to walk into? Where did that come from?” “Old Tarzan movie,” Frank replied, looking around for an outlet. “And how is this supposed to hold me?” Tanya wanted to know,...

9 months ago
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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 3 In a Family Way

Aaron and Shelby, assisted by Martin, had a baby girl – Linda Jean. She was born ten days after Susan delivered. This time the exchange in the hospital room went a little differently. The same group of obstetrical nurses were present after the birth. Sitting around in Shelby’s room were Aaron, Dave, and Martin. The nurses brought Linda Jean into the room and paused looking at the men. They recognized Dave. One said, “I don’t suppose you’re the father of this one, are you?” Dave and Aaron...

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The Pool GirlChapter 48

By the time we got back to the house, it was after 1 o’clock. I headed downstairs to work and Zahra went to the living room to watch television. It was after 4 when I finally finished work. Every day survey people were sending me new data that I had to update predictive models with. It seemed like they were trying to find out how many ways to ask me the same questions. Thinking dark thoughts I came upstairs to hear an angel screaming “WHY!!??!” I entered the living room to find Melissa...

5 months ago
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Wrong NumberChapter 3

It was Monday morning, and I had just parked in the lot at work when my phone rang. It was my son. “Hey.” “Hey Babe, want to talk?” “John, you’re an idiot.” I hung up and laughed. I guess he got over the embarrassment, and now he was going to tease me. I was proud of him. He called Laura yesterday and broke off their affair and did not involve me or use me as the reason he was ending it. I got three more calls from my son during the week. One to find out where his favorite shirt was and...

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The DecisionChapter 4 Linda

After Paul moved out of the apartment he called me every week asking me to forgive him and to take him back. I still loved him but I knew deep down that I could trust him again. He received the dissolution papers and at first said he was going to fight it. I told him if he did I would file for a divorce and list a number of his lovers, including Lisa, who I had talked to and who had told me the whole story on their plans to drug and seduce me so he could have sex with her. The phone went...

8 months ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas Wild DayChapter 3 Futarsquos First Wild Party

April 17th, 2047 “Now this sounds interesting,” Adelia Tash said. My interviewer leaned forward, her caramel face alight with curiosity. “What could have happened in your dorm room to so change your outlook on your futa-cock?” I shifted in my seat on the couch, glancing at the studio audience watching. I could feel the breathless anticipation buzzing through the air. I didn’t fight the smile growing on my lips as I felt their eagerness. Even now, almost thirty years later, I still drank in...

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Hiring a HousekeeperChapter 8

"Bill," Linda said in the most commanding tone he had heard from her since meeting her at the bus station. Bill didn't flinch outwardly but he steeled himself for the order to stop fondling her daughter and their fun and games were over. "Bring her down easy, because after a climax that hard she needs to be eased down," Linda said, completing her sentence. Bill's mouth dropped open as he looked at Linda. His fingers continued to stroke the little breast and nipple of her daughter as...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 230

How Moses Got the 10 Commandments God went to the Arabs and said, 'I have Commandments for you that will make your lives better.' The Arabs asked, 'What are Commandments?' And the Lord said, 'They are rules for living.' 'Can you give us an example?' 'Thou shall not kill.' 'Not kill? We're not interested... ' So He went to the Blacks and said, 'I have Commandments.' The Blacks wanted an example, and the Lord said, 'Honor thy Father and Mother.' 'Father? We don't...

2 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 18 Alex

The bus left from the Center at four AM. Shit, God ain't even up yet. But it'a a four hour drive to the meet and I only get to go 'cause Uncle Charles is all but paying for the swim team this year. As we pull off, I notice that there are only like six swimmers on the bus. I poke Peter. "Hey, what gives? Where's the rest of the team?" "Only the top two in each event are going this time." I had wondered why Beth didn't show up. I lean the seat back and try to sleep. I hate bus...

5 months ago
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CHRISTMAS DAY PASSED QUIETLY. Quiet if you could accept that I was sleeping with five to seven incredible, mostly-naked girls at night. And Christmas night Melody gave Bree a howling orgasm. Lissa and Kate kept me away from the action and Wendy seemed eager to assist them. The simple tiger-print scarf and lessening pain from her burns brought her into the family more than anything we could have done. I showed everyone the brochure that Clarice had given us and explained that we needed to...

2 years ago
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A Planet Is TornChapter 15

Ben's excitement was dampened when the reality of Hannah's funeral intruded once more and also with thoughts of the millions of Wodenites who were now under the thrall of the Zytol. He was still determined to try to use the situation to full advantage however, and he was already thinking about how that could be achieved. A knock at his study door snapped him out of his thoughts and he answered. "Come in, I'm decent." Sarah laughed at his silly comment, as she entered the room and...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 33

Show time "Everything is set with Viktor's connections? They've set up the website and the streaming video links, and there will be enough server capacity so it won't crash when it gets hit with a tsunami of connections?" Mike asked. "Oh, yes, no doubt. Viktor pulled out all the stops with his contact who owns a huge chunk of the network capacity in the U.S. Apparently the guy doesn't have a clue about what is going to hit the air, but Viktor's pulled a double whammy on the guy. He...

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Return from Sally IslandChapter 3

During the long flight back to Honolulu, there was ample time for conversation with Sally. However, I soon learned that she was a woman of few words. Well, no surprise there. She had spent the past twelve years of her life on a tiny island with only her parents for company. And for the past weeks, she had been all alone. But I wanted to talk. I had all sorts of ideas about what should come next in Sally Gervais' life. As a twenty-year-old, she didn't exactly need a guardian. Certainly not...

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Rich Guy 1Chapter 9

We reached an equilibrium after a week of strangeness. In reality, it was just an expansion of what we had already been doing. Though, now, I didn’t give a shit about schedules. Candace would come home on her late day to find Cassie bouncing on top of my cock while we sat on the couch in the living room and Cassie found Candace on her knees in the kitchen several times, happily slobbering on my cock. I had to restrain myself from inviting Cassie to join. I had little doubt that she would be...

1 year ago
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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 2

“You wish?” she said, as I saw a smile come to her face for the first time since this thing started. “Since you’ve left ‘shitforbrains, ‘ are you keeping his name or what?” I asked. She laughed so hard at my moniker for her ex, she had to pull over. “Yeah, for now – it’s a lot of trouble changing your name back, so I guess I’m Elizabeth Mendenhall for the short term. Thanks again for coming to get me, Ken – I owe you one!” “More than one, I think, sis!” I said. Back in Springfield, it...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 03Chapter 10

[Preservation – In Missouri] She pulled sideways and, as she stopped, I began to shoot. The lions not hit in our initial shots ran off quickly leaving the area clear. "Darryl, open the door." I then said, "Protection Force, come around the Bradley and enter with the Humvee's. Tractors, turn around, close up, and run inside. Pam, we will be last." As those in the tractors ran for the entrance, lions came out and Melissa and I cut them down. The lions quickly gave up the attack. We drove...

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College Collage FChapter 2 Study Dates

Marilyn Grant was walking to the movies the next week with Andy when he asked her about their English classes. They had different teachers, but the syllabus and texts were the same. They were in nearly the same place in the book. Andy asked for study hints. “I’ve talked to my History professor. He suggested that I could have got an A if I’d put more effort into my paper. Maybe so, but that quarter included the part of American history I really know about. I can’t be sure enough about my...

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Jasons TaleChapter 31 Our Second Ship

We ended up with about twenty prisoners, most of them wounded in one way or another. Their archers had killed two of ours, an archer and a deck seaman, as well as wounding a few more men. The Commander’s training was paying off, though, as none of his Guards or militia spearmen were wounded. One Guard had a sprain from tripping over a not-quite-dead-yet body and we had the usual rash of smashed thumbs and bruised arms and legs, but that was it. The pirates only had four captives, all women....

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Arlene and JeffChapter 263

Idaho Springs Bridget awoke with Courtney shaking her shoulder. For a few seconds, she couldn't remember where she was, but as consciousness fully returned, she felt Matt's hard body pressing against her back. The hallway light was on, and with the door open, there was sufficient light to see the grin on Courtney's face as she stood by the bed looking down at Bridget. "Come on," Courtney whispered, "let's get our bath out of the way before we wake our husband." The "our husband"...

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Delta OriginalChapter 3 Futura Utopia

Captain Allan Ubobo walked out of the large dwelling he called home. He was tall, being 195cm (6’ 5”), a lean muscular man with washboard abs and long, runners’ legs. He had deep, dark, penetrating eyes and short, tight curly black hair with no grey. The wider nostrils and slightly backward sloping forehead were from his aboriginal heritage, and he carried these features well as they blended with his Caucasian heritage. Many would consider him a handsome man in the prime of his life at...

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Another ChanceChapter 24

Sometimes you can't plan ... Murphy steps in and that's it. Generals know that plans do not survive first contact. I didn't know what I was going to do when I got home. I knew what I wasn't going to do ... I wasn't going to sail. Daddy would stop that in a hurry. "One hand for the ship and one hand for yourself. You have one for now and I'll be damned if I'll chance you again until the doctors say-so. Get my drift?" That's what he would say. And I would promise and then bitch...

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Mornings on HorsebackChapter 5

"What movie are we watching tonight?" I asked, knowing my parents would ask. "That new pirates movie." Mark was playing with my breast, laying on his left side facing me. "Mmmm ... Johnny Depp," I giggled, thinking about Chris. He was on his right side facing me, and playing with my other boob, since I was in the middle. "He's pretty cool." Chris smiled at me, and I was flat in my back, playing with their cocks. "So are you." Mark grinned at him. "You look like him too," I...

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Hiring a HousekeeperChapter 11

Bill cleared his throat before asking, "Are you ready, Hanna?" "Yes, sir, Mr. Bill," the preteen answered as she moved forward. Bill looked down at his lap and noticed how wet it was. His shorts were soaked. His cock was clearly outlined with the wet material. He was afraid to take them off. He knew that if he did and that little girl sat on his lap that he would fuck her. Bill wasn't ready for that. He didn't know if he would ever be. "Just a minute honey," Bill instructed. He...

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Murphy 1Chapter 6

Saturday was here, and I was excited. I needed to calm my ass down some, so I decided to go fishing one more time on Sylamore Creek. I walked upstream once again, loaded with plenty of beer, and bait, and my trusty Garcia spinning rig. I rounded the bend past where I was when I called Meghan, and she was in my mind like a warm feeling, as I placed my beer in the water to keep cool. I then baited up with a worm, and some fluorescent orange faux salmon eggs. I had left my phone in the camper...

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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 6

I was feeling surprisingly refreshed for having a restless night of sleep think of my plan. I guess being unconscious for three days will do that for you. Another shower was in order, sponge baths in the hospital will only go so far. It was in the middle of the shower, that my stomach grumbled. Breakfast was in order. After getting dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt, I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen noticing it was 10 in the morning. There were a couple of hours before the...

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Sex Lies and PCRChapter 2 You play you pay

The Christmas season was over and we had a cold spell all January. That pretty much kept me working indoors, i.e. in the lab and I was making excellent progress with my assigned project. I saw Max Rosenzweig regularly and nothing in his behavior indicated that he knew about Lillian and me. I was not planning to enlighten him. In early February Lillian had not called once. I resigned myself to the realization that our evening together had been a fluke, a one-night stand. I was very surprised...

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Banner YearChapter 22

The sudden appearance of the attackers had shocked Cal, just as it had the others. The sight of the gun brought back unavoidable images of Fasil in the back yard on THE DAY. It was fortunate for Cal that the gun-wielder wanted to talk as it gave Cal time to collect himself and remember his disciplines. First, the threat assessment. The gun was the only visible weapon, and a quick glance did not show any of the others with body positions indicating a weapon at hand. Cal would have bet,...

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AnythingChapter 4

“Oh, sorry!”, she blurted out apologetically. “It’s ok”, my friend replied softly. “That was incredible to watch.” The flatmate looked totally embarassed and tried to back out of the door. My friend spoke up. “Hey, you don’t need to go anywhere.” The flatmate paused and looked at her quizzically. “Come here and sit with us”, said my friend, gesturing to the other bed. The flatmate exchanged a glance with me briefly, but I was still a bit dazed. She slowly walked towards us and sat on...

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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 11 Back Door Man

NIS Day 4 – Late-Morning – 9th Grade Health Class, Medway High School 11:37am, Thursday, November 1, 1979 “It’s good to see that a few of you accepted my invitation to join us, today,” Mrs. Bumstead said to the four tenth grade girls who walked into this ninth grade health class and sat over near the windows. “When you said we could bring our lunches up here, it was a pretty easy decision to make, Mrs. B,” Cindy Baer replied as she fidgeted with her brown lunch sack. I knew three of the...

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A Planet Is TornChapter 18

When Ben awoke he quickly checked on how things were progressing at Aetherkraal. He had tasked a dozen drones to build the satellite — possibly overdoing things a little — in an effort to get it ready as soon as possible. It was a pleasant surprise to find that the entire thing was finished and ready to lift up into orbit. Ben carried out that task straight away and then returned to the great house to have a look at the images the satellite was already sending. The miniature communications...

7 months ago
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The SaviorsChapter 11 Orgy

They arose to face the new day rested and refreshed. As they sat around the fire eating more rabbit for breakfast Suzie said, "Guys I am not begrudging Kathy's sexual therapy, hell, I even gave her some myself, but in the meantime I have been forced to watch and be without. She stood up flipped up her skirt with one hand and pulled her panties to the side with the other. She pointed to herself and said. "This pussy needs some attention too. It needs at least one bone stuck in it and...

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Destinys RoadChapter 4

I went into the house, looked to the right, and saw Tina at the window. I smirked at her. "Get a good show?" She looked down sheepishly. "Sorry. I just hadn't seen you come home with anyone, before. I was curious. Is she your girlfriend?" That was an excellent question with an answer that was too complicated for me to understand, let alone try and to explain to someone else. "Um, I'm not quite sure. We are working on that." "She is a cheerleader, right?" "Yeah, or she was in...

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Turning PointsChapter 14

The next couple of days passed in a fog of despair. She moved about the house mechanically, eating virtually nothing. On Saturday afternoon she finally, somehow, found the inclination to bathe. She was just climbing out of the tub when she heard the doorbell. Wrapping herself in a heavy terry cloth robe, she answered the door. She opened it to find Mark and four of his companions at her front stoop. Kerri thought she recognized them from the funeral service. She hadn't appreciated their...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 4

We came in by the kitchen and my daughters said in unison, "Good evening, Miz Watson. We're glad you're here." May said, "Dad will take your sweater. He put a nice bottle of white wine in to chill. It should be cool now. Would you like a glass?" Laura blinked. "Yes, that would be fine." May said, "Very good. If you and Dad would be seated in the living room, I will bring you each a glass." Laura blinked again. She gave me her sweater and I led the way into the living room. We sat...