A Planet Is TornChapter 15 free porn video

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Ben's excitement was dampened when the reality of Hannah's funeral intruded once more and also with thoughts of the millions of Wodenites who were now under the thrall of the Zytol.

He was still determined to try to use the situation to full advantage however, and he was already thinking about how that could be achieved.

A knock at his study door snapped him out of his thoughts and he answered.

"Come in, I'm decent."

Sarah laughed at his silly comment, as she entered the room and took a seat beside Ben on the sofa.

"I've been thinking," she said, "wouldn't it be a nice thing to have Hannah's funeral back at the caves? That's where all her children and grandchildren are after all. And besides, if we go too, all of the remaining original twins would then be back together."

Ben didn't even have to consider her suggestion, it made absolute sense.

"Of course, if I'd have been thinking properly I would have suggested it myself. Listen, you're not going to believe what I've just discovered," he added.

"What?" asked Sarah.

Ben proceeded to tell his twin about the stunning broadcast from the Woden Emperor and how shocked the crew of the WS Scout were.

"That's awful!" cried Sarah. "Surely there must still be some resistance on the planet? According to Simeone there are more than one hundred million people."

"No, the broadcast made it clear that all resistance was to end otherwise the Zytol were going to turn off the life support systems. Simeone keeps telling us that Wodenites are a peaceful civilisation at heart, but for so many to be conquered in only a few days does take some believing," mused Ben.

"What are they going to do now? The men on the space ship I mean, what will they do? Will they still try to kill all of us?" Sarah asked.

"That's what I've been sitting here thinking about. The message from the Emperor urged all of the Woden space ships to gather together and to develop their skills to the point where they could liberate their friends and families.

"It's clear that their ships are woeful — no armaments to speak of and pretty flimsy shields. Neither are Wodenites natural fighters and that's going to be a big problem for them. Their engineers might be able to come up with improvements to their ships, but how are they going to change their personalities so drastically?" asked Ben.

"I see what you mean, that does sound like a difficult thing to do. To change thousands of years of pacifism, something that's in your blood, that sounds almost nigh on impossible," agreed Sarah.

"But if you think about it, we have something that we could offer them. David and his tribe are already experts with weapons and the tactics of fighting. They could almost become like a training camp — we could send the Woden troops to him to toughen them up and to learn how to fight effectively.

"Thomas has already shown just how good he is an inventing things and improving what's already there. He could possibly make all the necessary design changes that will be required to make the Woden ships lethal weapons.

"As for the rest of us, it's clear that our tribe has got some outstanding leaders. The mix of our genes really has produced some outstanding individuals — readymade commanders. Strategic thinkers, decisive, but also mindful of their people's safety. What do you think?" Ben paused in his outpouring.

Sarah was shaking her head in amazement.

"You've got it all figured out, haven't you? You're going to speak to the Woden Captain and make him an offer he can't refuse. But, if all the Woden ships that are still at large come here, how would we cope with them?" asked Sarah.

"Easy. There's still a harvest ship orbiting our planet remember. I've checked it and the maintenance systems are all still running properly. The ship is almost full with every kind of resource you could imagine — enough to feed and equip a small army in fact!" said Ben with a chuckle.

Sarah could see that that would work.

"How are you going to approach the Captain? What if he's not interested in our help? He has been trying to kill us up until now after all."

"I'll just have to think of something that grabs his attention and makes it impossible for him to say no, won't I" grinned Ben.

"Getting back to the funeral, how are we going to set that up? Hannah's death is going to come as a major shock to all of the people at the caves. How do we handle that and make the necessary arrangements?"

"Perhaps it's time that I re-appeared at the caves in the flesh so to speak? I can break the news to them and find out how they feel about the burial being there. There's quite a bit of explaining to do — where Hannah went, how she got there, how she died — none of that is going to be easy to explain away."

"Why not fall back on the same assumption that Simeone jumped to? They've all seen the Woden troops being teleported now; we can just claim to have developed similar technology. After that, it's easy. We teleported Hannah to be with us and she tele-ported two of the Woden troops which resulted in a terrible accident," suggested Sarah.

"Do you think that'll work?"

"Of course it will. The Woden's have got tele-port machines so it shouldn't be too hard to convince everybody."

The water twins agreed that both of them would approach the caves rather than Ben go on his own. Sarah would deal with all of the arrangements for Hannah's burial while Ben would begin to discuss future plans with David and whoever had taken on Adam's role. There would be much to do if they were going to help liberate Woden.

"AI, alert the other officers that I want a command meeting in my state room in thirty minutes," said Captain Marlon.

"Affirmative, Captain," the Ai replied.

Marlon passed the thirty minutes away trying to gather his thoughts and get what he wanted to say straight in his head. The first of the officers, Hansa, arrived with five minutes to spare and the others followed quickly behind.

The Captain's state room was well appointed — even down to some quite exclusive and expensive art-work. In the past Marlon had used it to entertain dignitaries from other ships or from Fleet, whenever there was a routine inspection. It was unusual to have a need to use it for a meeting of his own officers, but somehow the gravity of the situation made the idea right.

As each officer entered, they replicated a drink for themselves and then took a seat at the ornate meeting table that filled one end of the room. Marlon let them get settled and exchange a few words with their neighbours before calling the meeting to order.

"Gentlemen, order please."

The murmured conversations in the room quickly died away and all eyes were on the Captain.

"You all heard the Emperor's message. I asked the AI to make a transcript available too - for the avoidance of any doubt and to ensure we've considered all of the details."

Marlon handed a small pile of papers to Lieutenant Beegs and he took a copy of the transcript before passing the gradually dwindling bundle onto the next man (or woman). The Captain gave them a few minutes to read the message again before speaking once more.

"Gentlemen, we need to decide on our next course of action. By my reckoning there should be at least one more scout class ship and numerous other seeders and harvesters out there somewhere. Do we seek them out or ask them to come to us?"

"To do what, Sir?" asked the most junior officer, Gaven.

"Haven't you read the Emperor's message, man? We need to prepare ourselves to free our planet and all of our friends and relatives! What else would we be thinking of doing?" Marlon demanded.

"But, Sir. The Zytol managed to subdue our whole planet in just a few days. What chance to do we have of achieving what the rest of Woden couldn't? We don't have the skills or the weapons to fight a war," Gaven spluttered nervously.

"Well, we'll just have to do what the Emperor suggested. We'll have to re-invent ourselves as well-armed, well-trained warriors. This meeting has been called so that we can discuss how to take the first steps on that journey — a journey that will end when Woden is free," replied Marlon firmly.

He could see that a number of the officers were shaking their heads, as if they silently agreed with Gaven.

Marlon thought the best thing to do to deal with the pessimism was to get them started on thinking about the necessary actions they were going to have to take.

"So, where do we start? Beegs, what about you? What do you think we should do first?" Marlon asked.

"I think we're orbiting round a perfectly good planet, a planet that we know could sustain us, and we should take it as our own. The task of building up our strength and training our men how to fight is going to take a very long time — even the Emperor says that in his message. I say we should wipe the savages from the face of the planet and colonise it. Send messages to any other ships to join us here too," offered Beegs.

Beegs had been one of the ones who had shaken his head in agreement with Gaven. The thought that one day they would be able to liberate Woden was beyond his imagination and the prospect of putting himself in harm's way was not one that he welcomed. Having only recently been caught in a cross-fire — involving real shots no less! — he was in no hurry to risk his hide again. His suggestion was pitched using the language he knew the Captain wanted to hear — but Beegs had no intention of re-training so that he could fight the Zytol. He hoped to convince the Captain to colonise the planet and then simply let time slip away until all thoughts of freeing Woden were forgotten.

Having been fired on by the resident savages, Beegs also liked the idea of getting rid of them before any colonisation took place. Who knows what dangers might have to be faced if the savages were left alive?

"That's a good start. Anyone else? Hansa, what about you?" asked Marlon.

"I was thinking, Sir. The harvesting ship is still in a stable orbit and I wonder whether any of the resources on it might be salvageable? If more ships do join us, resources could be very useful."

"Excellent, excellent! Okay, who's next?"

Having expertly engineered the start of the discussion, Marlon sat back with a smile and let his officers bounce ideas off of each other. There was virtually unanimous agreement with Beegs' idea of colonising the planet below and inviting other Woden ships to join them. Where there was disagreement was in relation to what to do with the current inhabitants.

"They've already attacked a Woden ship, so by definition they are the enemy!"

"Don't forget that the pilot of the WS Reaper is probably being held captive. We still need to rescue him."

"With the track record that these people have, I'm afraid the pilot is almost certainly already dead. I say we just zap them and be done with it. Why risk losing some of the crew by trying to take them on again?"

Marlon joined in the discussion at this point.

"It is our duty to try to rescue the pilot. What Gaven says is worthy of consideration however. We have access to the emergency escape shuttle, and we know the pilot used it. So, we should be able to gather some of the pilot's DNA from it. With that, we can use our scanners to carry out a personalised search to identify whether he is still alive and if so, where he's being held."

The Captain smiled smugly at what he considered was a superior idea and that was re-inforced by the other officers loudly acclaiming him for coming up with a solution.

With the issue of the pilot resolved for the time being, the officers turned their attention to what else needed to be done.

"The first thing we need to get the engineers working on is our defences. If the Zytol managed to take all of Woden in only a few days, then our existing technology must be sadly lacking."

"That's right. We need to be able to defend what we have before we can develop the kind of weapons to re-take Woden. We colonise the planet, set up strong defences and then build for the future. We also need to somehow start to gather intelligence about what the Zytol are up to. The safest way to do that would be to develop some kind of spy technology that can be controlled remotely."

"What about better weapons? Who knows where to start with that? We're going to need ships that can do real damage if we're going to have any hope of success. Does anyone know if any of our engineers are qualified for that?" asked Hansa.

To a man (and woman) the officers became uncomfortable even with the notion of developing weapons. Marlon could see the energy that had been built up in the room starting to dissipate and he acted quickly to try to rectify things.

"AI, have the profiles of all of our engineers delivered to my cabin. I'll review their histories personally to identify which ones might be able to help on this part of what we need to do."

With the nervy topic of weapons happily removed from the agenda, the officers threw themselves into generating ideas once more.

Ben and Sarah told Simeone that they were going to take a short trip to discuss Hannah's funeral arrangements and suggested that it might be a risk to take him along with them.

"Why? Where are you going?" he asked.

"We need to visit the two tribes that you've already had a run-in with. Hannah's tribe are the ones who captured you — you remember? When Adam tied you up and kicked you in the you-know-whats? David's tribe are the ones who accused you of being a blasphemer," answered Ben.

Simeone was in no great rush to meet with any of those people again until he was assured it would be safe.

"By all means then leave me here. Once you've met with them you can judge whether I'm going to be safe. Why you don't just have the funeral here though is beyond me."

"Simeone, you clearly think that the people born on this planet are all savages — we resent that! We feel emotions just like you do, feel pain, love and loss. The people at the caves are all descended from Hannah. They are her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren. They will want to pay their respects and have the chance to say one last goodbye. And don't forget, they're also your offspring so what does that make you?" snapped Sarah.

Simeone looked suitably abashed. He realised he had been starting to look down on the tribes and resolved to try to do better. The twins left him and wandered off into the bush not far from the great house.

It was the work of seconds for Ben to transport Sarah to a spot inside the treeline just beyond the lake in front of the caves. He followed her using the same method he had employed when he had first set foot in Aetherkraal. He closed his eyes, concentrated on the spot where he had deposited Sarah and then simply stepped forward.

When he opened his eyes he saw his twin standing beside him, a look of relief on her face.

"I still don't know how you do that and I'm always afraid that it won't work," she explained.

"It hasn't failed me yet. Come on, let's find out what kind of welcome we're going to get."

Security seemed to have been tightened around the caves — perhaps in response to the close call with the Woden troops — and the twins were stopped as soon as they emerged from the trees.

"Who are you and what is your business here?" demanded a man, a pulse rifle pointed straight at them.

"I'm Ben and this is Sarah. We've come to speak with Elizabeth and Thomas and if he's still here, David too," Ben answered.

"Oh yeah? Pull the other one. Now, tell me who you really are or you'll be in trouble!" demanded the man.

"No we really are Sarah and Ben," pressed Sarah. "We've been gone so long that probably only the other original twins will recognise us or remember us."

"The Ben and Sarah?" asked the man, a look of astonishment now spreading on his face.

"If by that you mean are we the Ben and Sarah from the original group of twins, then yes, we are The Ben and Sarah," said Ben, his irritation showing.

"Wait here until I get somebody who might recognise you and verify your claim," said the man, sticking to his duty despite the awe and respect that he could feel welling up inside himself.

It was more than twenty minutes before he returned, Elizabeth in his wake.

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Toettut had been terraformed three hundred years ago and served as a planetary resort for multiple species. Two thousand years had passed since humanity had had the first contact with an Alien species. Humans had to finally acknowledge that we were not alone in the Universe. All species were welcomed here and diplomatic liaisons were opened for commerce and cultural exchange on this far outpost. Intergalactic agreements sanctioned the opening Mega-City for a place of safety for all beings to...

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Planetary lottery

My name is Adam Ferguson, a 22 year old who has generally had a bad life and what I'm going through right now would have to be one of, if not, the toughest time in my life. I was broke and had nothing to go on due to me blowing my savings on a gamble. My career was young and I wanted to make a name for myself but to my bitter disappointment my gamble hadn't payed off and damaged the company's reputation. As a result of this, I'd been fired by my boss and was looked down upon by my colleagues....

Mind Control
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Planetary Resort Part II

Jean waited, anxious and trembling, for she did not know what her eccentric boss might be expecting from her in the ‘special room’. "Do not fear, Miss Rene," said Brick, pleasantly. "I really believe that you and I are going to get along splendidly. Do you have much experience in the escort service?" "Humans only," Jean admitted. "This is my first time off world and first time with an alien." "I see," he nodded and grinned. "I do hope that I satisfied you." "Oh you did," Jean...

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Planetary Agents 35 Tentacles of doom

CHAPTER 5 LAST EPISODE: The galaxy?s greatest scientist (and high-school teacher) is the next target of a nasty tentacle monster. Our girl spies are there to save him. So far, there?s been no monster, but other oddities have been occurring. Now, Caitlin gets to find out what it truly means to be a girl? Crystal helped me into the shower while Amber ran out for some quick ?feminine protection.? Since Crystal was feeling everything I felt, you?d think it would be a case of...

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Planetary Alignment Harem

As you slept a once in a millennium event occurred. The planets reached perfect alignment and as astronomers around the world observed it something totally unexpected happened. At the exact moment the planets reached their alignment in the instant it happened, the sun turned blue and yellow light poured out of it encompassing the entirety of the solar system. In an event that would be called the Light Spread by the scientific community for the rest of recorded human history. As quick as it...

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ButleredChapter 10

“If it suits you, miss, this morning would be admirable. I can ask Miss Frobisher to come along as a chaperone.” “Chaperone? For me? Or for you, Jeeves?” “Either, Miss Catherine. May I go and speak to her now?” “All right, then. Try to set it up for an hour from now. That will give me time to tidy my bedroom before you invade it.” I found my way to Miss Frobisher’s office, and tapped on the door. She answered it, and I said, “Miss F, I propose to use Miss Catherine’s telescope mounting...

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The CavemanChapter 51

Linda says she wishes for our ceremony, our wedding, to take place in religious house. “I want to do it up proud,” she tells me. “Just like most girls, I’ve always dreamed about walking down the aisle in a flowing white gown to meet my man at the altar. I know you don’t think a lot of religion, but the only place I can do that is church, so could we?” I say that it is not religion that troubles me. She has told me, and I have read, of the teachings of religion, and they seem to me very...

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Inner Demon

The dream was a familiar one, to Aurianna. A memory from before Matthias had fallen from grace. Before he sacrificed himself for her. The recollection haunted her for years, feeding her guilt. But it wasn’t all bad. Some parts of it were rather pleasant…With the sun beaming down on her eyes, Aurianna awoke, irritated. “Master?” she called as she sat up, rubbing her eyes, looking for him. Where was he? “Master?” she shouted a bit louder, standing now, stretching greatly. She walked a ways,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Submissive Incest Mind Control Chapter 2 Naughty Daughters Vibrating Punishment

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Naughty Daughter's Vibrating Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Eighteen-year-old Cindy sat with her twin sister, Mindy, in their father's office at the Institute of Apotheosis, the two of them watching the computer monitor with rapt attention. An excitement built inside of Cindy's pussy, a ball of heat that had her shivering. The new goddess, Bess Atwater, moaned and gasped as her father fucked her hard from behind,...

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KT LLC Ch 01

Author’s Note: After some consideration, I will am retitling this story. It is still part of the Sean and Sheila saga, but a new volume. Volume one ended with their first night together. As before, sex is secondary, so look elsewhere if you want a stroke Story. Try Kitty & Teddy, LLC Ch. 06A, which will also make the first chapter easier to follow. There is little sex in these chapters. Sorry. Chapter 1 — Changes Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: ‘Everyone knows about the wedding. Some of...

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Mud MagicChapter 9 Adrift

“You really need to work on your landing, Lishaka.” Chassari sat up and looked around. “And your aim.” They were in a narrow alley, the walls made from a rough stone. The air was heavy with the smell of salt and it was pleasantly warm, a stark contrast to the frosty elven woods they had left behind. From the mouth of the alley, Chassari could hear voices, talking animatedly. “Ow, ow, ow,” Lishaka muttered, rolling onto her back. Her face was blood-streaked and her skin an unhealthy shade of...

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The following day.I walked into a downtown bar and looked around as I enjoyed a nice cold beer, and my eyes fell upon a very hot chic sitting back to the side in a good place to watch all the action. our eyes met and she smiled, so I walked over and said hello .she was friendly and we chatted for some time . The chat started to get a bit sexual, and I liked it. After awhile she asks what my plans are for the rest of the evening weekend? I reply free as a bird. she tells me she would love to...

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BangBus Haylee Wynters Tiny Black Pussy for a Big Fat Burrito

This week we met a girl who was walking home from College a few days before Christmas. We stopped her to ask her some questions, but she was being a little bitchy. So I had to crank up the charm and bring down her defenses with a few Benjamin(s). After I started softening up, she finally gave me her name, it was Haylee. I asked her if she wanted to get in the bus to conduct more interviews but she said no, because well we looked suspect. So ok. I told her that since she didn’t want to get in...

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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 12

The beginning of school was awkward, and then it was ugly. Teddy had a girl named Bianca Zemedyev on her arm and the two were busy pushing the envelope on the school's rules against overt displays of sexuality. Perhaps they simply kicked it into high gear every time I was around. School itself was beginning to feel like a mistake. I didn't need to be here, and its value as a facade for my real intentions seemed to be fading fast. I told the cross country coach I wasn't going to come out...

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My First Anal Big Fat and All the Way In

This is about my first time as a submissive sissy with another crossdresser. This was also was also my first anal with a real cock...which happened to be 8+ inches long, thick and as I figured out later also on viagra.At that time I was cross dressing occasionally wearing stockings and knickers. I had sucked cock twiceand although I had played with toys I never had a real cock in me., it was something that was scary to me but at the same time I was craving it. I kept fantasizing about being...

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Cassie8217s Smoking Fetish

Cassie moved closer to John on the couch as they watched a movie they had rented. Unconsciously, he put his arm around her shoulders, not taking his eyes from the action on the screen. Having grown bored some minutes earlier, Cassie had decided to take control of the situation and get John’s mind away from the movie and on to her body, where it belonged. She shrugged off his arm, went to her purse, and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Light 100’s and a lighter. A smile of satisfaction...

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BlacksOnBlondes Armani Black 03212023

Business woman Armani Black arrives at her residential rental only to discover it has been double booked to a hot young black man, Damien, who is in town for a bachelor party. Now this is very problematic especially since she had to resort to this type of rental because with the convention in town all of the hotels were booked. The young man tells her he is going to take a nap and will be out all night anyway so she can have the bed later. Fair enough she figures. Later when she comes back from...

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Cinderella chapter 2

She slowly walked over to Mr. Tucker but before she could drop to her knees he stopped her and forced her to turn around before pushing her down to her hands and knees where James cock stood at attention waiting for the rest of his treatment. As she took him back into her mouth Mr. Tucker had kneeled down behind her and positioned his own erect penis to enter her. He pushed forward and she moaned loudly onto James cock and he jumped slightly at the unexpected vibrating sensation at the same...

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That PhraseSylviaChapter 2

Due to the lateness of the hour, my internal clock let me sleep till 7 that Saturday morning. I was as quiet as I could be as I left the house, picked up my car from the neighbors, went to the gym, showered there after my workout, stopped at a little diner, and went to the main branch of our bank which, unlike the branch near the house that only opened the drive throughs on Saturday mornings, was open until noon. I withdrew half of the amounts in both the savings and checking accounts and...

1 year ago
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DaftSex MILF

The Porn Dude has never been short of free porn streaming sites to enjoy and maybe blow a load in between fucking some hot women. That's right guys; your boy sees plenty of action. I guess these bitches love my dark humor, although having a big wiener certainly helps. Today I introduce another free porn streaming platform where all of you porn addicted fucks can let out your frustrations for lack of pussy. Going by the name of Daft Sex, this place offers the usual selection of streaming porn...

Mature Porn Sites
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The Island Chapter 2

We stepped quickly out into the humid night air, the sound of the surf wafted through the stillness. She wrapped her arms around mine as we walked, laying her head on my shoulder. Out onto the damp sand we strolled, watching the moon as it hung over the dark ocean. We paused, kicking our shoes off to feel the damp sand. ‘I love you,’ I whispered softly. The water lapped gently around our ankles as we paused. She turned slowly to me, her right arm slipping around my neck, our mouths met, full...

1 year ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 48

FRIDAY, June 10, 2016 Rachael woke up a few minutes early. She was making Bobby's favorite breakfast: French Toast. Grandpa was always up before her, and she helped him into his shirt while the oil was heating. Mom and Geoff were next down, and finally Bobby, whose nose led him into the kitchen. "French Toast," he said for a whoop. "But it isn't Sunday." "No," Rachael said with a smile. She then went over to her brother and engulfed him in a huge hug. "Happy Birthday, 10-year-old...

4 years ago
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Walked in on us

I was sent to my wife’s hometown to check on the site operations for the company I was working for. This was the second time I’ve been sent home. The first time I had a rendezvous with my mother-in-law where we ended up fucking and anal fucking in my hotel room. But that was not the reason I’m excited. If you remember, I also fucked my, then, barely legal sister-in-law, Tina. I should say that she seduced me with the birthday gift I got her and we ended up fucking in my basement office. So on...

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Dubai Men And My Wife

Hi everyone this is Virat. I like ISS very much and have read great stories in it. I guess that now you will be waiting for the start of the story so let’s go! I am Virat, age 27. I am not so good looking like other writers in the ISS but decent. I am 5 foot 9 inch and belong to a small family. I would like to tell you about my wife in this story. Her mane is Jincy a fairly good looking woman and wife of age 27 with 36 size breasts enough for me as I don’t see many with 42 size breasts...

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Mamato bhai ke Diye guud chodano 8211 3

Ami jakhon porer din sakale ghum thek uthlam to dekhlam je anek bela hoe geche. Ghore khoob radur ese geche. Ami amit buke matha rekhe sue achi aar amit aghore ghumoche. Amra dujanyee nengto sue achee. Tarpor ami kal ratreer sab katha mone pore gelo. Amit prothom bar amr guude dhokar agyee nijer pheda phele diyehilo. Tarp por amar khoob jordar choda chudi korechi prathome amit amake bichanate sue diye amar opor chore achcha kore amake chude chilo tar por amake amit gharer mejete char hathe paye...

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The Best Porn Games are arguably one of the only reasons for getting out of bed in the first place, but let’s be real: you don’t even have to drag your ass out from under the sheets to appreciate a fap-worthy RPG or titty-infused adventure game. In another life, before I was ThePornDude, I wasted countless hours of productive company time playing cartoon porn games and X-rated incremental clickers. These days, a bit of one-handed strategy or some adult dating sims are all in a day’s work. Hell,...

Free Sex Games
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ExxxtraSmall Chloe Temple The Masking Tape Muff

An extra small chick like Chloe Temple sometimes needs help doing physical labor. Like today, while she is moving, there is no way she can handle all those boxes by herself. Luckily, our stud is there to lend her a helping hand. He brings her boxes inside and soon, Chloe is showing off her own special box. He tapes her mouth and wrists before letting her lips free to suck his fat cock. Then, he eats her pussy while holding her up in mid air! She rides his thick prick and then he spurts hot jizz...


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