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aunty betty part 2

My name is Caroline. In the summer of 1979 I was a very beautiful tall blond girl of 17, staying with my 37 year old aunt Betty, also a tall striking beauty and her 19 year old daughter Amanda who was naturally stunning. I was on holidays at the time, being a senior student in a very strict and prestigious private girls school in England. Although generally well behaved, like all teenagers I had a somewhat rebellious streak. In the rigid atmosphere of a strict English girls school this did not...

2 years ago
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 17

Karonga, Malawi: Thursday 19th October 2017Five thirty a.m. and my iPhone’s alarm was trying to raise a weary traveler from his soft and comfy hotel bed. As the hot jets played over my body my mind wandered back over the last day’s events.After my late night call with Sue, I’d only had six hours sleep before I had to go forth to face the world and the failing project I was here to fix.As the water refreshed my body and helped me wake, I realized my body was physically shaking with that familiar...

1 year ago
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First Cum First Serve Second Helpings

The Shake It, Baby was almost spooky quiet when Ash and Nina entered through the push doors, hand in hand. A gentle jingling bell heralded their arrival. The mild tinkling startled a young woman with gorgeous blonde hair out of a daze, making her practically jump from her position at the counter. She smiled at the sight of the pair; her hands coming up from below the counter to fetch a pair of menus.“Welcome!” she said in a bubbly voice, then tapped the nametag on her left breast. “My name is...

2 years ago
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It Starts With A Tease

I’m sitting on the couch reading when she sits down next to me. The smell of her perfume ignites a stream of images in my head taking me back to the first time I saw her. I can taste the wine on her lips after our second date. The story I’m reading gets lost in the flood of sensations. My eyes continue to scan the lines of text trying to find the beat of the story again.She swings her legs onto the couch resting her back against the arm of the couch. She presses the bottom of her white-stocking...

1 year ago
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The Professional Woman Part Three Back In The Saddle

Things hadn't gone to plan. I expected there would be some delays, maybe a hiccup here and there, but  I was wrong, dead wrong. Nothing had gone right from the start. The building needed more work than we expected. The first day that we tried to turn on a tap, three pipes burst through the walls resulting in flooding on both floors. It took another three weeks to get some of the girls back on our roster. Then the electricity went out, the wiring in the walls needed to be redone. From there,...

4 months ago
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The Storm Shelter

“Honey!  We have to go right now!” Cynthia called out with an edge of panic in her voice.I was running through the house checking that all the windows and doors were tightly locked.  A strong gust of wind rattled the last rain-spattered window as I checked it.  Cynthia looked concerned when I eventually joined her in the car.  I quickly checked that she had packed the overnight bags and blankets before reversing out the garage.Hurricane Irma was scheduled to make landfall later that night.  It...

2 years ago
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A Housewifes Memoirs Part Two

My husband has been in Europe for the last month on business, so for me it's been a busy time here at home. I haven't been able to get back to my computer until now, although I've been pretty active in the bedroom.I've been with Ricky, Tom, Frank, Stan, Jack, Edyth, and Maurice. They were mostly ordinary clients, nothing special. Stan wanted to talk about his new business more than he wanted sex. Tom was from out of town and had the impression an escort would show him around town. I told him I...

1 year ago
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Lost and Found

 I was working in one of our ski resorts as a ski instructor.On Saturday afternoon I was required to help locate a young German woman who had become separated from her group while cross-country skiing. As a member of the Ski Patrol, we are frequently asked to search for and rescue people who had become lost or injured.The group leader briefed us on where the girl had been first noticed missing from her group.A small group of three patrol personnel were allocated an area where she may have been,...

2 years ago
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Seasons Beatings From Joanne

Katherine Wilson sat at the kitchen table staring at the clock on the wall. She was angry. Fuming in fact. She had struggled to cook the family a roast dinner with her broken right wrist and here she was, waiting for them to return from the football match. Her husband and son were late. Not unusual, but this time they were spectacularly late. Nearly two hours after they had promised to be home, they had still not arrived. She had called and texted them but had received no reply. She had sworn...

1 year ago
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Friends Watching Us Fuck With Kelly

It was the summer of 1976. School had been out for a couple of weeks and Kelly had her friends over for a sleepover. They had set up a big camping tent in the backyard and were planning to spend the night snacking, giggling and talking about boys.Kelly ran with a tight circle of friends: Yvonne, Becca, Donna, Debbie, and Linda. Yvonne and Becca couldn’t make that party as they had to work early the next day. Kelly was the first of the group to have a steady boyfriend and the first one that was...

1 year ago
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Second Chance

I had been visiting the nursing home ever since Dad was moved into it from his marital home, and it's been tragic watching a strong and vibrant personality, with a terrific sense of humour, slowly fade away in front of my eyes. In a twisted sort of a way, it reminded me of my own marriage and widowhood. You see my husband had died of cancer. Prostate cancer.They reckon all men will get it if they live long enough, but he hadn't. He was only fifty-six when he died. I nursed him at home for the...

4 months ago
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Holidays with Auntie Joan Part 2

A year had passed. My first year at University had been very successful. My scholastic achievements were excellent, and my social progress was just as good. Girls at Uni seemed to have different criteria for assessing boys, to girls at school. "Footie" prowess, gift of the gab, and rugged goodlooks, were replaced by scholastic success, cute good looks, and an "appreciation for the arts". I rode this new wave of popularity carefully, but earnestly, losing my virginity pleasantly, but quite...

5 months ago
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The Brothel at the End of the Universe pt 4

So the Dryth appear to be Time Lords, or maybe they raided Gallifrey and took the TARDIS with them. In any case, far as I can tell, their ship is much bigger on the inside than it has any right to be.Or maybe I’m just running in circles.Yep, I’m running. Yes, naked, with stuff dripping down my legs. Yes, I’m holding on to my boobs. No, it’s not a pretty sight. No, it doesn’t make a ton of sense in my head, but my body saw Bane’s glare and went RUN! RUN! RUN! … so here we are. Running.“You threw...

2 years ago
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Steve and Kyle Episode 4

STEVE AND KYLE – EPISODE 4byJason LandCHAPTER 10That Sunday morning, after breakfast Steve offered to drive Kyle back to the part of town where he lived; not of course to the actual house where Kyle lived, as he did not want anyone to see the two of them together. It was all Steve could do to restrain himself and keep his hands off Kyle as they sat there at breakfast together; Steve really did have the hots for his pupil and would have liked to have fucked him again there and then.But for once...

5 months ago
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ElevenDigit Pursuit

A bunch of old people nursing pints of Mild and a serious lack of viable pussy are the main reasons social clubs aren't my scene. That and the wall-to-wall excitement: bingo nights, bridge evenings, and discos compered by washed-up music teachers. But at the request of the latest IT client I was fleecing, and the prospect of cheap beer, I made an exception.Turns out that was a damn fine decision.The building itself seemed almost anachronistic alongside the steel-clad offices that had been...

1 year ago
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Kiss Me Lina

Katherine sat quietly, reflectively outside the cafe, at an al fresco table. It was a cool autumn day in October but it was still warm and bright enough to need no sweater and to wear her sunglasses. "Misty" was playing softly and unobtrusively in the background. She took a sip of her camomile tea and reflected upon the events of the day."Hi, Barkley. Get back here you wretch," interrupted her chain of thought as a pair of canine paws were laid upon her thigh. She glanced down at the eager pup,...

1 year ago
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The Other Side Of Desire

Half awake, desire slowly infuses my soul, the realisation of your warm nakedness nestled into me drives the urge. My cock, stirring feels the heat of your ass, the smoothness of your skin, as I slowly harden and awaken. Desire turns to need as the realisation of you fills me. I draw closer as I start the slow seduction of your desire.I kiss the back of your neck, softly, almost invisibly and your breathing alters, I watch in the dark as your body arouses slowly. More kisses to your neck,...

2 years ago
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Her Shy Sister Part 2

With his heart pounding in his chest, Vince waited for his knock to be answered. After what seemed like hours the door was partially open and Kathy was standing there staring at him. Kathy was not as stunning as her older sister but she was still very attractive. "Did you forget? Mandy's not home," she told him in a soft voice."I know. I came to see you," Vince managed to say.At his statement, Kathy's nipples became very prominent from under her loose-fitting scrub shirt. She blushed as she...

5 months ago
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Ancient Languages

I have a little bit of wisdom that I'd like to share. If you find yourself with the opportunity to become an expert on forgotten languages, skip it. You will spend the rest of your days locked in dusty rooms full of artifacts that you don't dare touch. You will spend more time trying to convince someone to pay for your expertise than you will spend using that knowledge.I don't suppose that bit of wisdom will help most of you. The one and only time in my life that I had the opportunity to pass...

2 years ago
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E006 Not just Emmas punishment

The next few days were horrible for Emma waiting for anything from the Professor. She had been brought to a new sense of being.  Somewhere she never would have dreamed of being at, and now she longed for more of it.  But strangely she realized a big part of her was longing to serve the Professor, bring him to where he needed to be. The longer she had to wait, the more she desired to be able to do this. And the time making Emma wait was hard on Donald too. He watched the video over and over and...

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E003 Hours later

Time became meaningless to Emma as she drifted in and out of sleep in her blind state.  Her body continued to crave to be touched; she felt herself lifting her torso up over and over, trying to reach for something that wasn’t there.  She moaned quietly in frustration. Donald had set a camera in the bedroom, out of sight, and with a filter for the darkness of the room.  He could hear and see Emma’s every move and action as he left her there. With a knowing smile and nod of his head as he...

1 year ago
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Light Up The Night

Summer had come around again which meant one thing: long hot sleepless nights alone. She didn’t mind that he went away during the summer months; she understood it and during the day when she was working she was able to focus her mind on other things. But as night fell and insomnia kicked in there was little she could do to distance herself from the longing of his hands on her body.Tonight was no different. Lying there, she desperately tried to fall asleep but instead of sleep all she got was...

3 months ago
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Dirty Tricks Chapter7

Previously in "Dirty Tricks"While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayoress's extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous. After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, they meet to discuss their predicament, only to have sex yet again.Heather and Sean eventually agree to let only Sean’s shady campaign manager,...

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A windfall for St Trinians

Our precocious and hugely talented Russian twins Nikka and Nina were about to start their second term in St Trinian's A-Grade Sixth form. In the Staff Room, few of us doubted that they were destined for great futures. I could see Nikka comfortably handling the job of UN Secretary General, whilst quieter Nina was probably going to be a merchant banker in the City of London, retiring to the Maldives at thirty.Just at that moment though, they were having to work all hours to raise funds for their...

2 years ago
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The Last Consort

Every generation looks to the past. Sometimes, it is a look back as far as childhood; when life was simple and others made decisions for you. Elders made sure your needs were met. Still others look back to what seemed to be a Golden Age, when all seemed right with the world.A wise lady summed it up by saying, “People knew their place and they stayed in it.”This story is from so far into the past that no one has any recollection of it. Sometimes, this age will intrude into a man’s dream. He will...

1 year ago
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Witness Protection Chapter 2

The days began to blend together and Missy and I established a workable and comfortable routine. She really was enjoyable company, not at all like the horror stories I had heard from others who had done similar work. In fact, it got to where we were almost like a married couple, we could anticipate what the other one was thinking or wanting without being told. I was thinking that if this was what witness protection was like, I would like to do more of it! For me, it was the closest thing to a...

2 years ago
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Break Up Sex

This is it. He watched Mel enter their apartment – now his apartment – for the final time, her long wavy blonde hair hanging in her face. She tucked the rogue strand behind her ear and leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen and watched him drum his fingertips against the Formica countertop.“All packed up,” she murmured. “Just came back to give you this,” she placed a single key on the table between them. Seeing the key on the table brought back the memory of when he had asked her to move...

1 year ago
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Heavenly Skye

Finally, college was virtually over with only finals and graduation remaining. My parents had visited and loaded most of my things in their truck. I had my bike and they would return for graduation and collect the last of my bits and pieces.I stood looking at the near empty room. Everything that had made this a personal dorm, including posters on the walls, had gone. But I had memories. The memories of where I’d met the love of my life, where I grew into who I am now. The room was where it all...

1 year ago
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I Watched My Wife Fuck Four Black Guys

My name is Terry and I have been happily married to my wife Susan for just over twenty years. We have three children, all in their teens. I am fifty-two and my wife is ten years younger than me. We have a very happy marriage but the one thing that has gone sour in the last few years is our sex life. I have to admit my sex drive is not what it used to be, and working very long hours and quite often being away from home means sex is not something that is on my mind as much as it was maybe ten...

1 year ago
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From Teen Bride to Hot Wife 5 Back To Reality Joe The Cuckold

Joe stands behind Caroline as she sits at the table writing. He lifts her long hair to one side to uncover the nape of her neck, kisses it gently before saying, "Tell me again, Caz. Tell me how his cock tasted.""I've an essay to finish," Caroline says, her pen moving quickly across the page."Please, Caz. It won't take long. I've got a hard-on just thinking about him having you like that."It's five nights since Caroline's visit to Dammartin Manor. This evening she's sat at home doing coursework...

2 months ago
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Just the Tip Part 1

It had been the worst fucking shift. Customers had been rude and mostly leaving shit tips. One asshole actually had the nerve to write on his receipt that my “big rack” had made him “forget his wallet” and he’d dashed without paying at all. Then, because the universe hates me apparently, one of the buttons on my shirt popped off and zinged across the room, rubbing in the fact that yes, I do in fact have a big huge stupid rack. To add insult to injury, I had already been trying to show them off...

2 years ago
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From Teen Bride to Hot Wife 4 Lady and Servants

"Why should I undress for you?" Caroline asks Lady Dammartin."Because that is what I wish," Lady Dammartin says. She turns to Old James and tells him, "Please ensure the girl complies."The servant moves towards Caroline who quickly holds up her arm like a policeman at a junction controlling traffic."I haven't finished talking!" she tells him.Her own commanding tone surprises her, and for a moment Old James hesitates. There is uncertainty in his eyes. He looks at Lady Dammartin for...

2 years ago
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Wild Storm Wild Tina

A blazing sun caressed ripe and ready cornfields. Rich yellow heated to a dusted tawny colour. Tall stalks flaunted their swelling seed to the sun's power. Silence enveloped the land.Nothing moved.Except for Peter Grover, and he loved it all. Loved the heat, the scorching fecund fields, the dry aroma of sun-toasted corn, the quiet, the solitude. No people. Ideal for a solitary young man. An official track lay two fields to the south, on his left. That was the joy of this walk along the boundary...

2 years ago
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An Arranged Marriage Part VII

I was sat drinking coffee in the kitchen while Sunita was upstairs getting dressed when the back door suddenly opened. A middle-aged Indian woman wearing a dark coloured Salwar and black Dupatta stepped inside stopping dead in her tracks when she saw me. I could see the resemblance immediately even through her look of surprise. It was Sunita’s mother.I wasn’t sure which of us was the most surprised. I had been miles away as I sipped my coffee reliving the events of the previous night and even...

3 years ago
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Our First Anniversary Part Three

That night, we had incredible sex and Amy loved that I licked her after Gary had filled her pussy with his warm, salty mixture. She asked me if I liked doing that and I informed her that I found it very hot indeed.“Maybe, when I watch you and Gary fuck, I can clean you after he has finished,” I told her.“Now that sounds like a good idea.”“You can bring him home whenever you like, Amy,” I smiled.“And spend the night with him?” Amy asked.“Of course; I liked seeing you in bed with him when I got...

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Cuckold or Twink Prt 3 There were Six in the Bed and the little One said

It's so easy to get ahead of myself, tell you juicy stuff before I need to. Such as when Frank began texting Ruth out of the blue on Saturday evening and asking her to be ready for him within the hour. When he arrived, he never bothered coming in to say hi. No, not Frank. He just honked his horn and waited. If she weren't out within a minute, he'd sound it again. Then it would be a blind panic, and she'd hurry down from our room and go directly out without so much of a word. She would be...

2 years ago
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My New Landlady

Tom had put an advert in a supermarket small ads board in his search for a rented room. Tom had graduated with a law degree six years ago. He had his practising certificate but had never used it as he had joined a large Auction House as a cataloger and general assistant. He had worked hard with this firm and had seen an opportunity for an Auctioneer at another large firm. He had got the job. He already had two properties which he had inherited. He had now rented out the property he had lived...

2 years ago
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Maid To Be His

Some marriage become more routine, doing the same thing every day. We humans, tend to fall into this boring, every day routine in our marriage. This was certainly true for me and my husband who disconnected himself from me, and our marriage, a little over  year ago.  It started with him working later hours at the office, or so I thought. I eventually wised up to the harsh fact he was meeting his younger secretary in different hotels while I was left taking care of the house, making sure the...

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Wrapping up after Sue Part 2

Julie and I had agreed that Marg and Cherie should move into the unit at the rear of our home so that we could become a family of four. It was rather an unusual situation or so we thought so we had all agreed to keep our arrangement a secret from the rest of the world. We were to present such that everyone could assume that this was a tenant-landlord arrangement.Our good friends Debbie and Gloria wished to have another child each. The options available to them were to register for IVF which...

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BrandyI was soaking wet when I woke and the sheets stuck to my body as I moved across the bed, trying to get up. The sun shone through the windows and it must have been ninety degrees inside.I opened the window and I gasped at the heat. The breeze felt like a hair dryer on my face.I went to the kitchen dressed in only panties and a halter top. Sweat ran down my back and my armpits. A drop of sweat ran down my forehead and onto my nose. I wiped it away and sighed.In the kitchen, I found my...

1 year ago
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The Nanny Part II

Megan stretched, blinking the crusts out of her eyes, and smiling sleepily at Austin. She had became his kids' nanny when his wife passed, and after one year, she became his new girlfriend. The last two years have been a test of emotions, and Megan was happy she let her heart fall for Austin, and his kids."Morning, Handsome," Megan whispered. "Morning, and Happy Birthday to you."Megan smiled, and replied, "You remembered.""Of course I did! How does it feel being twenty-one?" "Just another day....

2 years ago
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Fantasies Fulfilled Ch 02

Luke and Eva were pleased to hear from us again, and ecstatic to hear that we were considering taking them up on their generous offer. First, I had several questions to ask Luke, and so much ground to cover that an online chat session no longer sufficed. We exchange cellphone numbers and I called him directly.I stressed to him that I wanted to ensure that all four of us were on the same page, and that it would be easier if the two of us acted as the "spokesman" for each couple. He seemed to...

11 months ago
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Christmas at Home here with StepBrother David Chapter 6

I was first to arrive back home for Christmas Break on the Saturday afternoon before Christmas Day and David came in on the Monday in the late afternoon. I was getting a little worried, as was the mom, which we had not heard from him so when he walked in I thought she was going to cry. I jumped up and ran over to him grabbing him and almost knocking him over as he dropped all his baggage.Mom finally got a hug and David started to explain why he was so late getting home. He had taken two girls...

1 year ago
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Taken In Darkness

As she disembarked from the plane at JFK airport, Sara Manning couldn't help thinking how relaxed this flight had been compared with two years ago. Waiting to pass through security, she had time to focus on the reasons why that should be. First, she knew exactly what to expect, and what her duties would be. As head UK representative for one of the leading book publishing companies in the world, her last visit had given her confidence. The boss on this side of the Atlantic was the charming...

2 years ago
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Cardin Winchester A Tale of Control

Cardin stared at the small brown box on his hand. "Okay, pops, let's see what this is," He spoke to himself. Before he traveled to Beacon Academy, Cardin's father left him a gift, along with a strict order to open and use what was in that box just as he steps foot in the academy. He thought nothing of it at first, dismissing it as something his old man would give him for becoming eighteen. When he asked him about it before they both left the manor, his father just told him that it would "make...

1 year ago
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“Boring dreams? Fragmented dreams? No more, try Dreambox, where your inner dreams come alive”. The radio had boomed this for a long time, and my curiosity was intrigued. What is Dreambox? I walked down to the mall and after some shopping did I find that my favourite restaurant was closing, with a sign “Dreambox is coming”. Two months later Dreambox had opened, and I booked an appointment.

8 months ago
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RWBY unfortunate events

Remnant is an unfair place, filled with monsters of darkness and evil that hidden within. Luckily a group of huntresses like Team RWBY are here to protect the people while also trying to live their lives. Unfortunately, there are times where they had to face moments that will force to expose their body either for the good or enduring demeaning obstacle. Can they return back to their normal life after these unfortunate events?

2 years ago
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A Bird in the Hand

The war is finally over. The lady dressed in black bows her head as your King signs the last slip of paper, signing away her freedom and that of her people. Her proud features struggle to conceal signs of a broken spirit and she shakily rises to leave as she is dismissed. Yes, the war is over, and it is now time to celebrate your hard-fought victory. You grin as euphoria washes through the room filled with soldiers and nobles.

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Suzies fall

This story is now translated in English..... this was my first try..... the story " la vie de Suzie " is where you should go to read it in is much longer in French I intend to translate the whole story ... but you have to be very patient Thank you This is the story of Suzie, from her young age (18), until now. You will be able to navigate through the different episodes of her life (and also able to write some chapters of it) It's an ongoing story, there will be a lot of chapters...

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Lisas Pain and Pleasure

Lisa came out of her office and looked across the main area. She saw Petra at her desk and smiled as she made her way over to her. Although Lisa was the Department Manager and Petra an Assistant Manager in the Accounts Team, they were a secret item. Lisa was fifty-one-years-old and had worked at the Company for nearly fifteen-years and had been the Manager for the last seven-years. She was wearing her usual white short-sleeved blouse and dark blue skirt which she always felt made her look the...

8 months ago
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Sabrinas Embarrassing Schoolday

Sabrina Davis is a 18-year old high school student at North Lake High. Although she doesn’t know it yet, today is going to be very, very embarrassing for her. She won’t be forgetting today for a long time. Today will be full of nudity, humiliation, and much more for poor Sabrina. But where do we start? Edit 8/3/20: Thanks everyone for all the likes, comments, and views! The story is now public, anybody can add a chapter without my approval. Have fun!

7 months ago
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Breaking Jenny McRae How We Fucked Her Family

Main storyline: First of all, it is just a fantasy non-consensual erotica with a focus on seduction, uniforms, lesbians, lesbian incest, and slut training. I have downloaded most of the pictures from the internet with no real world relevance. I do not encourage any non-consensual actions against women. Sexual acts without consent is bad. It is just a kinky story. Also, I hope people who add chapters to his story could keep physical violence to a low-level minimum, it is more about corruption,...

2 years ago
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ENF Day for Laura

The day started as any other day for Laura. She woke up with her alarm ringing at 6 am. Laura lives in a small town in England near London, she enjoys reading, writing, drawing and taking long walks in the forest. However, she also has to work some days... Feel free to contribute with your ideas! P.S. I should give credit to some of sources of inspiration: Becky Romero's blog, "Fight with a Babysitter", "Mom's humiliating catfight" and "A nice evening ruined".

2 months ago
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Star Whores The Old Republic

The Galaxy at war! Striking from the Unknown Regions, a massive Sith Armada has struck at the Jedi and Republic base orbiting the original Sith Homeworld of Korriban. This Sith Armada is even more powerful than that of Darth’s Revan and Malak during the Jedi Civil War! The new Sith Empire has already conquered the Tingel Arm and have destroyed the Republic’s ship production over Sluis Van. The Senate is in a deadlock on what to do as the Republic’s Navy losses battle after battle! Planets are...

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das Leben des Vladimir Dunwich

Vladimir erwachte aus einem Traumlosen Schlaf. Er betrachtete die stuckverzierte Decke und fuhr sich durch seine schwarzen Haare. Er streckte sich kurz und schlug die Seiden Decke zurück. Der junge Oligarch schlief, wie jede Nacht nackt. Vladimir Dunwich war der Sohn eines reichen russischen Milliardärs. Seine Eltern waren beide Verstorben und so konnte er auf das immense Vermögen zugreifen. Er lebte mit seinen Angestellten in einem Anwesen in den Staaten und wurde trotz seiner 18 Jahre in der...

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A scuola

(Nota, la storia è pubblica e spero che chi la legge abbia voglia di espanderla, questa storia è incentrata su ballbusting e small penis humiliation ma se aggiungete un capitolo non è necessario che vengano entrambi coinvolti nella scrittura. Ovviamente anche se ambientato in un liceo i personaggi sono tutti maggiorenni. Niente ballbusting o SPH m/m) Sono al quarto anno di scuole superiori in una scuola principalmente frequentata da ragazze, io sono l'unico maschio della mia classe. Di certo...

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In The Night

The sun had set a couple of hours ago, giving you adequate darkness to remain unseen. The lights next door gave you just enough light to sneak into their backyard. Once those lights were off, the night became truly dark, and you could see nothing. You had prepared for this of course. Since moving into this neighborhood last month, you knew your neighbors next door would be your new sexual play things. They were too attractive and mysterious not to be. Those things turned you on. Andrea was a...

2 years ago
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Suburbs and SUVs

In Suburbs and SUVs, character creation is like that of D&D 5e (Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition for all of you uninitiated). However, in this story the DM (Dungeon Master) or GM (Game Master) acts like God, however they are not omniscient, and cannot see everything. Think of the DM as recieving the senses of the NPC's, so if a player does something in private, or where no NPC's can see, the DM won't be aware of it. All rolls are done on a player to player basis, therefore, if a player wants...

2 years ago
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Derek’s girlfriend was born with a rare genetic disorder. Derek’s Girlfriend, Julie was born with Race Switch Syndrome (R.S.S.), a condition that causes the mental and physical features of the individual to vary at will between the racial backgrounds present in there genetic makeup Julie was considered quite the anomaly in the medical community since the sheer odds of just one of the parent being a carrier was so low. But by some stroke of luck or misfortune, your girlfriend’s mother and father...

8 months ago
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That lucky bastardbitch

Example chapter: Sam ran as fast as he could through the empty dorm hall. He couldn't believe that the football team had stolen his towel and spare clothes while he was in the shower. He was lucky enough that no one was in the hall, but he could feel that his luck was going to run out. He knocked on the door of his best friend Sarah. She was sympathetic to his plights with the football team and her position on the cheerleader team meant she could get him some leeway. But there was only so much...

1 year ago
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Il taccuino

E' arrivato sulla Terra un taccuino in grado di cambiare la realtà. Qualunque cosa vi venga scritta altera il mondo reale. Puoi viaggiare nel tempo, cambiare i gusti sessuali delle persone, cambiare leggi e norme sociali. Chi sarà il fortunato che troverà questo taccuino? Come lo userà? Il proprietario sarà in grado di realizzare le sue fantasie nascoste semplicemente mettendole per iscritto. Avrà la possibilità di rivivere qualunque momento della sua vita, facendo in modo che le cose vadano...

8 months ago
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Jamie gets stretched

Meet Jamie. A curious, 20 year old, man. By a cursory glance, nothing remarkable stood out. He wasn't very smart or incisive. In fact he was borderline dimwitted. Small of stature, he stands at only about 5'7” and not a hint of muscle definition on him. He did have one thing to his advantage, though. He just didn't know it. He was wide-hipped and carried a fat bottom, that every girl secretly envied him for. To him it was natural and never once thought of it as a sexual organ to entice a lover....

2 years ago
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Jane Takes Flight

“Oh God Jane, you’re such a naughty slut.” Jane was being naughty and she knew it, edging him again so close to coming in her mouth he was actually pulsing before she pulled off. She held his rocklike pillar vertical from its base with her finger and thumb while watching his face. She blew against it as one might cool hot tea. This was all new to Jane but sure she wasn’t ready for him to come. His breathing mollified and Jane used the fingers of her other hand to gently stroke his balls, drawn...

7 months ago
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Schnitzeljagd ... war das nicht ein Spiel, das wir alle früher mal spielten? Mit ihm bekam das eine völlig neue Dimension. 'Bekleidungsordnung für heute: Shirt, kein BH, Radlerhosen, Slip, Sneakers und Füßlinge', las ich die Nachricht von ihm. Danach kamen komische Daten, die ich in die Navi-App meines Handys eingeben sollte. Das alles geschah, nachdem ich ihm schrieb, dass ich gleich eine Runde mit dem Mountainbike fahren wollte. Gehorsam, wie ich ja nun mal bin ;-) habe ich mich natürlich...

3 months ago
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Sexy Annie Is Hot Part Two

Dinner was different when Annie’s mother came home.  Jimmy, her stepfather was in an unusually happy mood.  Of course, Mary, Annie’s mother didn’t really notice.  When Annie came downstairs, she just acted like nothing had happened.  Except, both her and her stepfather knew that something indeed happened.Annie had made love to her stepfather behind her mother’s back.  Although, her mother was not really into lovemaking anymore.  This is what her stepfather had told her.  Annie really wondered...

3 weeks ago
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Grandpas Weakness

I’m going to tell you a story about McKenzie and me. I’m not proud of what we’ve done, but I certainly can’t stop it, either. Nor do I want to!McKenzie is my sixteen year old step-Granddaughter. Recently put in our care when her mother, my son's second wife, was declared unfit, she moved in with us. Her father, my only son travels, spending little, if any time, at home, so, by default, she was ours.For the most part, Mickey, as I’ve always called her, hasn’t been overly difficult, considering...

2 years ago
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Witaj w wiecie rozkoszy

Wyobraź sobie świat gdzie seksualność jest elementem codzienności. Ludzie nie wstydzą się swojej nagości, orientacji ani fetyszy. Seks można uprawiać w każdym miejscu, gdzie nimfomania i satyryzm to norma. Gdzie nie ma niechcianych ciąż ani chorób wenerycznych. A teraz wyobraź sobie że nasz świat łączy się z takim w niedalekiej przyszłości dzięki technologii przejść miedzywymiarowych. Prowadzi to do wymian technologii, zasobów a przede wszystkim: ludzi. Dzięki temu każdy człowiek który ma...

2 years ago
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Alles ist mglich

Es ist früh morgens, du liegst in deinem unglaublich gemütlichen Bett. Du blickst unter die Bettdecke um nachzusehen ob alles wie immer ist an deinem Körper.

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Lab of suits

In a hidden lab, there exist several experiments. This lab will appear in different fictional universes. The character will use the object on themselves or on others. The character cannot change genders but you can use a genderbent version of them such that they were male/female in the first place. There are several experimental devices in the lab for characters to use. 1:A machine to create skinsuit of whoevers dna is input into it. The skinsuit will have tube like structures at its vagina,...

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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter The Return of the Gaunt Family

Authors Note: This follows the Harry Potter books and movies, Please notify me of anything out of place as this story has been in draft mode (I may not have looked at it.) Book/Movie 1 and 2 will be alot of Character development, the odd teasing scene will appear. On to Book/movie 3 PoA is when most of the sexual scenes will happen. Will make a page so you can skip to a certain book once all of them are done. Btw its Philosopher's Stone not Sorcerer's stone, Sorry. Harry Potter and the...

2 years ago
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The Hopper Games

Chapter One: Stolen Identities You banged your fist one last time against the corrugated sheet of iron metal before you. Much like the result of all your previous attempts, the wretched surface refuses to yield to your touch, the cold steel leaving a numbing sensation down the edge of your pinky finger where it had made contact. Exasperated, you collapse to the floor, rolling your hair follicles into clumps as your vision darts around to the four identical solid sheets encompassing you which...

7 months ago
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Hotel Florida was the most renowned seven star hotel of Paris. Mr. White the owner of the hotel was becoming rich because of the aura of the hotel. Mr. White also had a big casino at the basement. He also had a big restaurant. He has recruited many waiters and waitresses from around the world because his restaurant was a popular place for tourists because of its intercontinental cuisine. Among Indian waitresses the most smart and enthusiastic waitress was Shraddha. She was also the most good...

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The Developers Room

It's 8pm, you're on your high school campus, and you're running for your life. You accidentally spilled water on the 3rd string quarterback's shoe. That was a mistake apparently punishable by death according to the crowd of jocks chasing you. Using up every last ounce of energy you had, you stealthily ducked into a construction site on campus. The jocks ran right past you. Convinced they were gone, you looked around the site a bit. You took notice of what appeared to be a faint glow coming from...

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Futa Island

This story is designed to be played as an interactive erotic adventure. For the best reading experience, please select the 'start game' button over on the right of the screen --> Futa Island was considered a myth for decades, a tall tale whispered amongst tipsy sailors in the dark corners of port taverns. The rumors spoke of a hidden island filled with an almost amazonian race of well endowed, futanari woman who's impressive stature's were only eclipsed by their insatiable lusts. Some would...

2 years ago
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Taking care of shoplifters

My name is Ted. I own a small clothing-store. I’m 40. Business is good. There’s only one problem. Shoplifters. Of course they cost me money, but that’s not the big problem. They make me mad. I’ve tried everything; calling the police, forcing them to stand outside the shop with a sign saying “I’m a thief – I stole from this shop” and other things, but nothing seems to work. Almost all the shoplifters are women or should I say girls, because they’re almost all young too. Today business is slow....

6 months ago
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Happy to be Used Pt 5

I was walking gingerly in my heels and panties from the assault my ass had just received. While it likely looked like I was just trying to be more effeminate, my ass hurt so bad it was the only way I could walk.When I reached the front of the store I saw Sir talking to an older man who was behind the counter with him. The man appeared to be in his early sixties.  I looked at him and Sir and then opened the gate to walk behind the counter. I strutted towards them all the time realizing the older...

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A Second Chance

The time had come. An entire lifetime of years blurred together in the span of a few minutes as you lay fading away on your death bed. Your breaths came short and labored, as if an insurmountable weight remained perched upon your chest. What was once vibrant skin had turned gray and gaunt, cursed by the leather of your elder years. Surrounding you was your family, at least those who wanted to be with you in your final moments. Your spouse sat closest, clutching your emaciated hand in theirs,...

1 year ago
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Getting Dana Pregnant

At twenty-one, masturbating was no new venture for Ryan. Neither was jerking off to his target. Before him, on his laptop, a picture of a bikini clad twenty-two year old with red hair meeting her shoulders showed before him. The woman in question? His older sister Dana, who he had jerked off to since he was 14. It had all started at her birthday party where his friends egged him about having such a hot sister. That night, their words fresh on his mind, Ryan gave in and jerked off to Dana for...

5 months ago
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In 2038 scientists discovered that all humans are bisexual, and anyone who claims to be straight or gay has an internal hatred of the gender they say they're not attracted to. So the government sent up Reorienting Centers, and when a person turns 18 they have to take a test on sexual orientation, if they are a 0, 1, 5, or 6 on the Kinsey scale, then they are sent to a center. This is Corio City, the capital and largest city. The main center is located right here. Twin sisters Mary and Alexa...

3 years ago
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New School Leader

Dan is new at East West College. He had just graduated high school, and was excited to take over this place as he did his High School. He had an extremely magic item, and it basically gave him the power to be god. His watch around his wrist allowed him to take control of any individual, and make them his. He liked to use this power for his own benefit, even though he could be a superhero if he wanted too. His favorite thing to do was to fuck hot chicks with it. If he saw a hot girl hanging out...

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My Best Friend Has A Crush On me

(There is still some grammar mistakes I have been working my butt off to fix. This was one of my first stories, and if you check my newer chapters there is no mistakes so sorry I’m trying to fix them) I was in college and I was walking down the hallway, and Laura a girl who I was friends with, walked up to me. She then gave me a hug. I then gave her a hug. As I did this it felt like she pushed her tits into my chest, and I then started to wonder why she would do something like that. It kinda...

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The Scooby gang

It was one of the rare times for the Scooby gang everyone was separated valma was off in Florida for some extra schooling. Dafiny was on a trip with her family in France. It was just Fred, Shaggy, and Scooby. Fred wanted to have someone to come with him because his family is sending him to his uncles place after they found some sex toys in his room. So it’s just shaggy Fred and Scooby on the road to Fred’s creepy uncles. Fred tells the others that they are almost there.

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The Popular Girl

As beautiful and "hot" Peyton was she had never been modest about any of her blessings and always carried a haughty attitude. She had come from rich parents and had never had to work for anything in her life. She was already committed to play division 1 soccer and was the captain of the cheerleading and varsity soccer team. plus was dating the star player on the boys team But perhaps her most overlooked and fatal flaw was her knack to bully various girls in high school as she would easily fall...

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Gods of Sin

Comments are appreciated and answered. Have fun! I am in the process of redoing the old artwork (I mean, they are a few years old), so if you have already read the story, please check out the image gallery if you want to see them. "Are the preparations complete?" "Yes mother." "Hmpf. We'll see about that." The tall beauty of a woman stepped towards the ritual area with slow, graceful strides. She wore a long elegant dress, intricate and rich with detail; yet it was cut in such a way to be...

5 months ago
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Missing Persons

Rodger wondered for a long time about his brother, a trip to some off shore isle of fun and tom-foolery and he never returned home. Rodger had to wait until he was of age, and when he had saved enough money, he too booked bus fare and went looking for his long-lost brother. The sunny Gulf of Mexico and a rust bucket of a ferry boat delivered him to the island amusement park. As the boat arrived and before the vacationers could disembark, Rodger stood peering down on crated donkeys, cattle,...

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Fire Emblem Three Houses Infinite Possibilities

Author's Note: The following erotica may contain basic spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I'll try my best not to ruin the story, but with great horniness comes even greater responsibility or whatever the quote is. White clouds, once more "I can't believe we did it!" You find yourself greeted by an enthusiastic voice as the fairy-like goddess Sothis who rushes down to meet you. Despite being capable of flying her excitement has her feet grounded and running towards you with glee. For the...

2 years ago
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Absolutely Anything

When you sit on the couch watching whatever craps playing on the tv a loud bang comes from outside and a blue light fills the room. You Look out the window to see smoke pouring from the centre of the garden. You go to investigate. After putting on your shoes, coat and grabbing your flash light you walk outside. You cough when the smoke hits you but you push through it until you see a little black box with a red liquid pouring from the top. “What the...” you say You kneel before this mystery...

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Liz is subjected to a second Judicial Caning 2

Elizabeth Mary Wilkins, normally called “Liz” had been subjected to twelve strokes of the cane by a Court imposed Judicial Punishment at the Correctional Discipline Center for Women on a Tuesday four weeks ago.This Discipline Center was close to her home.Her bare bottom had been caned by a Punishment Officer who she only knew as “Miss”, whilst she was nude and strapped to a caning horse. Liz was attracted to this woman. She also felt that the Punishment Officer may have been interested in her....

8 months ago
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Stepdads surprise weekend

Mom was going out of town for the weekend with some of her girlfriends from work. My stepdad, who I call dad, was going to be home alone. I decided to surprise him with my own version of a girls weekend. I got on the phone and called Bree, Peni, and Tonya who live close to dad and started my planning. I told them I wanted to have a red heel party for daddy on Saturday. I told them make sure they show up in slutty red outfits with red heels. Red is dad's favorite color in sexy clothes. They all...

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Erotic Experiments

Please help me to continue this project I don't have enough time to actively write stories, if you like the idea consider adding your own story path. You are standing in front of a modern high rise building, you are nervous about what you might have to do, the advertisement you saw earlier only stated that they are looking for a man who is willing to spend one week with the researchers and also might have to have sex with different women. The lobby of the building is gigantic and looks oddly...

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Swallowing the Prize Ch 02

Anthony stood hesitantly and fidgeted with his hands. Rochelle rose from her chair and dropped to her knees in front of him. She looked at her husband, as if giving him one last chance to back down. He simply nodded and smiled. Then she looked up at Anthony."You have to take it out for me," she said.Anthony looked at Aaron, who instinctively looked away. Although they had seen each other naked before, this was different than the locker room way back in the day. He reached down, unzipped his...

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Taking Turns with My Cock

It was a Friday night, and I was hanging out with my girlfriend, Jessica, and her friend Britney. The three of us had been drinking vodka together for several hours in the living room of my apartment. They had been talking about Britney's breakup with her boyfriend for about an hour, and I was getting extremely bored and sleepy."I'm getting tired. I think I'm going to go pass out," I said."Okay, Baby. Goodnight," Jessica said."Goodnight," Britney chimed in.They both quickly turned their...

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Jason Curtis always considered himself a good Christian man. He was a staunch Republican who always went to church on Sunday's and followed the bible. He was a stalwart defender of the 'sanctity of marriage', opposing gay marriage and gay rights at every opportunity. He was outraged when gay marriage was approved and supported Kim Davis' actions. He was also very handsome, hitting on women any chance he got and bedding them. That all changed when he ran into.... him. He was at a tavern having a...

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Do Whatever the Fuck You Want to Anne

Anne was sitting in a locked room. The room had a completely covered glass roof, and it being a bright, hot, summer day, Anne was frightened, hiding in corner. Today, the sun wasn't the only thing against her. Alright! I honestly want you to read my previous story about Anne, "Anne's Forest Shop", just so you guys know a bit about her, and what she can do. And now for the not fun part. The rules... Who am I kidding?! There are no rules! Just make sure that you leave Anne in a state good enough...

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famous by any means

Holly looked at her bank balance, she was being told by everyone to get a job, but she didn't want to work as she said "A princess like me shouldn't have to work, i'm gonna be famous" of course this just annoyed everyone around her, "why can't some actress job come along" she said, as she mopped around her house, then she noticed an add, Actress required 18+ only, no experience required, she smiled and giggled and quickly applied, she was shocked at the quick acceptance for an interview she...

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Airtight Goth MILF

If you are looking for a story about romantic sex in which the heroine has one breathless orgasm after another then pass on. This is not the tale for you are looking for. If you are looking to me to tell you to follow in my path, I certainly won't. I have spent far too much of my life telling other people how to live their lives by living them the way that I was living my own to make that mistake. I am not looking for your approval, your sympathy or your understanding.This is a story about sex....